import email
import os
import subprocess
+from gbp.command_wrappers import Command
class NoChangeLogError(Exception):
"""No changelog found"""
Get sections in the changelog
return list(self.sections_iter)
+ @staticmethod
+ def spawn_dch(msg=[], author=None, email=None, newversion=False, version=None,
+ release=False, distribution=None, dch_options=[]):
+ """
+ Spawn dch
+ @param author: committers name
+ @type author: C{str}
+ @param email: committers email
+ @type email: C{str}
+ @param newversion: start a new version
+ @type newversion: C{bool}
+ @param version: the verion to use
+ @type version: C{str}
+ @param release: finalize changelog for releaze
+ @type release: C{bool}
+ @param distribution: distribution to use
+ @type distribution: C{str}
+ @param dch_options: options passed verbatim to dch
+ @type dch_options: C{list}
+ """
+ env = {}
+ args = ['--no-auto-nmu']
+ if newversion:
+ if version:
+ try:
+ args.append(version['increment'])
+ except KeyError:
+ args.append('--newversion=%s' % version['version'])
+ else:
+ args.append('-i')
+ elif release:
+ args.extend(["--release", "--no-force-save-on-release"])
+ msg = None
+ if author and email:
+ env = {'DEBFULLNAME': author, 'DEBEMAIL': email}
+ if distribution:
+ args.append("--distribution=%s" % distribution)
+ args.extend(dch_options)
+ args.append('--')
+ if msg:
+ args.append('[[[insert-git-dch-commit-message-here]]]')
+ else:
+ args.append('')
+ dch = Command('dch', args, extra_env=env)
+ if msg:
+ old_cl = open("debian/changelog", "r")
+ new_cl = open("debian/changelog.bak", "w")
+ for line in old_cl:
+ if line == " * [[[insert-git-dch-commit-message-here]]]\n":
+ print >> new_cl, " * " + msg[0]
+ for line in msg[1:]:
+ print >> new_cl, " " + line
+ else:
+ print >> new_cl, line,
+ os.rename("debian/changelog.bak", "debian/changelog")
+ def add_entry(self, msg, author=None, email=None, dch_options=[]):
+ """Add a single changelog entry
+ @param msg: log message to add
+ @type msg: C{str}
+ @param author: name of the author of the log message
+ @type author: C{str}
+ @param email: email of the author of the log message
+ @type email: C{str}
+ @param dch_options: options passed verbatim to dch
+ @type dch_options: C{list}
+ """
+ self.spawn_dch(msg=msg, author=author, email=email, dch_options=dch_options)
+ def add_section(self, msg, distribution, author=None, email=None,
+ version={}, dch_options=[]):
+ """Add a new section to the changelog
+ @param msg: log message to add
+ @type msg: C{str}
+ @param distribution: distribution to set for the new changelog entry
+ @type distribution: C{str}
+ @param author: name of the author of the log message
+ @type author: C{str}
+ @param email: email of the author of the log message
+ @type email: C{str}
+ @param version: version to set for the new changelog entry
+ @param version: C{dict}
+ @param dch_options: options passed verbatim to dch
+ @type dch_options: C{list}
+ """
+ self.spawn_dch(msg=msg, newversion=True, version=version, author=author,
+ email=email, distribution=distribution, dch_options=dch_options)
snapshot_re = re.compile("\s*\*\* SNAPSHOT build @(?P<commit>[a-z0-9]+)\s+\*\*")
-def system(cmd):
- try:
- gbpc.Command(cmd, shell=True)()
- except gbpc.CommandExecFailed:
- raise GbpError
-def spawn_dch(msg=[], author=None, email=None, newversion=False, version=None,
- release=False, distribution=None, dch_options=''):
- """
- Spawn dch
- @param author: committers name
- @param email: committers email
- @param newversion: start a new version
- @param version: the verion to use
- @param release: finalize changelog for releaze
- @param distribution: distribution to use
- @param dch_options: options passed verbatim to dch
- """
- distopt = ""
- versionopt = ""
- env = ""
- if newversion:
- if version:
- try:
- versionopt = version['increment']
- except KeyError:
- versionopt = '--newversion=%s' % version['version']
- else:
- versionopt = '-i'
- elif release:
- versionopt = "--release --no-force-save-on-release"
- msg = None
- if author and email:
- env = """DEBFULLNAME="%s" DEBEMAIL="%s" """ % (author, email)
- if distribution:
- distopt = "--distribution=%s" % distribution
- cmd = '%(env)s dch --no-auto-nmu %(distopt)s %(versionopt)s %(dch_options)s ' % locals()
- if msg:
- cmd += '-- "[[[insert-git-dch-commit-message-here]]]"'
- else:
- cmd += '-- ""'
- system(cmd)
- if msg:
- old_cl = open("debian/changelog", "r")
- new_cl = open("debian/changelog.bak", "w")
- for line in old_cl:
- if line == " * [[[insert-git-dch-commit-message-here]]]\n":
- print >> new_cl, " * " + msg[0]
- for line in msg[1:]:
- print >> new_cl, " " + line
- else:
- print >> new_cl, line,
- os.rename("debian/changelog.bak", "debian/changelog")
-def add_changelog_entry(msg, author, email, dch_options):
- """Add a single changelog entry"""
- spawn_dch(msg=msg, author=author, email=email, dch_options=dch_options)
def guess_version_from_upstream(repo, upstream_tag_format, cp):
Guess the version based on the latest version on the upstream branch
return None
-def add_changelog_section(msg, distribution, repo, options, cp,
- author=None, email=None, version={}, dch_options=''):
- """Add a new section to the changelog"""
- if not version and not cp.is_native():
- v = guess_version_from_upstream(repo, options.upstream_tag, cp)
- if v:
- version['version'] = v
- spawn_dch(msg=msg, newversion=True, version=version, author=author,
- email=email, distribution=distribution, dch_options=dch_options)
def get_author_email(repo, use_git_config):
"""Get author and email from git configuration"""
author = email = None
creating the changelog
author, email = get_author_email(repo, git_author)
- spawn_dch(msg='', author=author, email=email, dch_options=dch_options)
+ ChangeLog.spawn_dch(msg='', author=author, email=email, dch_options=dch_options)
def snapshot_version(version):
if snapshot:
cp['MangledVersion'] = release
mangle_changelog(changelog, cp)
- spawn_dch(release=True, author=author, email=email, dch_options=dch_options)
+ cp.spawn_dch(release=True, author=author, email=email, dch_options=dch_options)
def do_snapshot(changelog, repo, next_snapshot):
if options.since and
parser.error("'--since' and '--auto' are incompatible options")
+ dch_options = []
if options.multimaint_merge:
- dch_options = "--multimaint-merge"
+ dch_options.append("--multimaint-merge")
- dch_options = "--nomultimaint-merge"
+ dch_options.append("--nomultimaint-merge")
if options.multimaint:
- dch_options += " --multimaint"
+ dch_options.append("--multimaint")
- dch_options += " --nomultimaint"
+ dch_options.append("--nomultimaint")
return dch_options
add_section = False
+ if add_section and not version_change and not cp.is_native():
+ # Get version from upstream if none provided
+ v = guess_version_from_upstream(repo, options.upstream_tag, cp)
+ if v:
+ version_change['version'] = v
i = 0
for c in commits:
i += 1
if add_section:
# Add a section containing just this message (we can't
# add an empty section with dch)
- add_changelog_section(distribution="UNRELEASED", msg=commit_msg,
- version=version_change,
- author=commit_author,
- email=commit_email,
- dch_options=dch_options,
- repo=repo,
- options=options,
- cp=cp)
+ cp.add_section(distribution="UNRELEASED", msg=commit_msg,
+ version=version_change,
+ author=commit_author,
+ email=commit_email,
+ dch_options=dch_options)
# Adding a section only needs to happen once.
add_section = False
- add_changelog_entry(commit_msg, commit_author, commit_email, dch_options)
+ cp.add_entry(commit_msg, commit_author, commit_email, dch_options)
# Show a message if there were no commits (not even ignored
if add_section:
# If we end up here, then there were no commits to include,
# so we put a dummy message in the new section.
- add_changelog_section(distribution="UNRELEASED", msg=["UNRELEASED"],
- version=version_change,
- dch_options=dch_options,
- repo=repo,
- options=options,
- cp=cp)
+ cp.add_section(distribution="UNRELEASED", msg=["UNRELEASED"],
+ version=version_change,
+ dch_options=dch_options)
fixup_trailer(repo, git_author=options.git_author,
repo.commit_files([changelog], msg)"Changelog has been committed for version %s" % version)
- except (GbpError, GitRepositoryError, NoChangeLogError) as err:
+ except (gbpc.CommandExecFailed, GbpError, GitRepositoryError, NoChangeLogError) as err:
if len(err.__str__()):
ret = 1
>>> cl.sections[1].version
+def test_add_section():
+ """
+ Test if we can add a section to an existant changelog
+ Methods tested:
+ - L{gbp.deb.changelog.ChangeLog.__init__}
+ - L{gbp.deb.changelog.ChangeLog._parse}
+ - L{gbp.deb.changelog.ChangeLog.add_section}
+ - L{gbp.deb.changelog.ChangeLog.spawn_dch}
+ >>> import os
+ >>> import tempfile
+ >>> import shutil
+ >>> import gbp.deb.changelog
+ >>> olddir = os.path.abspath(os.path.curdir)
+ >>> testdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='gbp-test-changelog-')
+ >>> testdebdir = os.path.join(testdir, 'debian')
+ >>> testclname = os.path.join(testdebdir, "changelog")
+ >>> os.mkdir(testdebdir)
+ >>> clh = open(os.path.join(testdebdir, "changelog"), "w")
+ >>> clh.write(cl_debian)
+ >>> clh.close()
+ >>> os.chdir(testdir)
+ >>> os.path.abspath(os.path.curdir) == testdir
+ True
+ >>> cl = gbp.deb.changelog.ChangeLog(filename=testclname)
+ >>> cl.add_section(msg=["Test add section"], distribution=None, author="Debian Maintainer", email="")
+ >>> cl = gbp.deb.changelog.ChangeLog(filename=testclname)
+ >>> cl.version
+ '0.5.33'
+ >>> cl.debian_version
+ '0.5.33'
+ >>> cl['Distribution']
+ >>> 'Test add section' in cl['Changes']
+ True
+ >>> os.chdir(olddir)
+ >>> os.path.abspath(os.path.curdir) == olddir
+ True
+ >>> shutil.rmtree(testdir, ignore_errors=True)
+ """
+def test_add_entry():
+ """
+ Test if we can add an entry to an existant changelog
+ Methods tested:
+ - L{gbp.deb.changelog.ChangeLog.__init__}
+ - L{gbp.deb.changelog.ChangeLog._parse}
+ - L{gbp.deb.changelog.ChangeLog.add_entry}
+ - L{gbp.deb.changelog.ChangeLog.spawn_dch}
+ >>> import os
+ >>> import tempfile
+ >>> import shutil
+ >>> import gbp.deb.changelog
+ >>> olddir = os.path.abspath(os.path.curdir)
+ >>> testdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='gbp-test-changelog-')
+ >>> testdebdir = os.path.join(testdir, 'debian')
+ >>> testclname = os.path.join(testdebdir, "changelog")
+ >>> os.mkdir(testdebdir)
+ >>> clh = open(os.path.join(testdebdir, "changelog"), "w")
+ >>> clh.write(cl_debian)
+ >>> clh.close()
+ >>> os.chdir(testdir)
+ >>> os.path.abspath(os.path.curdir) == testdir
+ True
+ >>> cl = gbp.deb.changelog.ChangeLog(filename=testclname)
+ >>> cl.add_section(msg=["Test add section"], distribution=None, author="Debian Maintainer", email="")
+ >>> cl.add_entry(msg=["Test add entry"], author="Debian Maintainer", email="")
+ >>> cl = gbp.deb.changelog.ChangeLog(filename=testclname)
+ >>> cl.version
+ '0.5.33'
+ >>> cl.debian_version
+ '0.5.33'
+ >>> cl['Distribution']
+ >>> 'Test add entry' in cl['Changes']
+ True
+ >>> os.chdir(olddir)
+ >>> os.path.abspath(os.path.curdir) == olddir
+ True
+ >>> shutil.rmtree(testdir, ignore_errors=True)
+ """