--- /dev/null
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "browser/ui/gtk/menu_gtk.h"
+#include <map>
+#include "base/bind.h"
+#include "base/i18n/rtl.h"
+#include "base/logging.h"
+#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
+#include "base/stl_util.h"
+#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
+#include "browser/ui/gtk/event_utils.h"
+#include "browser/ui/gtk/gtk_custom_menu.h"
+#include "browser/ui/gtk/gtk_custom_menu_item.h"
+#include "browser/ui/gtk/gtk_util.h"
+#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkBitmap.h"
+#include "ui/base/accelerators/menu_label_accelerator_util_linux.h"
+#include "ui/base/accelerators/platform_accelerator_gtk.h"
+#include "ui/base/models/button_menu_item_model.h"
+#include "ui/base/models/menu_model.h"
+#include "ui/base/window_open_disposition.h"
+#include "ui/gfx/gtk_util.h"
+#include "ui/gfx/image/image.h"
+bool MenuGtk::block_activation_ = false;
+namespace {
+// Sets the ID of a menu item.
+void SetMenuItemID(GtkWidget* menu_item, int menu_id) {
+ DCHECK_GE(menu_id, 0);
+ // Add 1 to the menu_id to avoid setting zero (null) to "menu-id".
+ g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(menu_item), "menu-id",
+ GINT_TO_POINTER(menu_id + 1));
+// Gets the ID of a menu item.
+// Returns true if the menu item has an ID.
+bool GetMenuItemID(GtkWidget* menu_item, int* menu_id) {
+ gpointer id_ptr = g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(menu_item), "menu-id");
+ if (id_ptr != NULL) {
+ *menu_id = GPOINTER_TO_INT(id_ptr) - 1;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ui::MenuModel* ModelForMenuItem(GtkMenuItem* menu_item) {
+ return reinterpret_cast<ui::MenuModel*>(
+ g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(menu_item), "model"));
+void SetUpButtonShowHandler(GtkWidget* button,
+ ui::ButtonMenuItemModel* model,
+ int index) {
+ g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(button), "button-model",
+ model);
+ g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(button), "button-model-id",
+ GINT_TO_POINTER(index));
+void OnSubmenuShowButtonImage(GtkWidget* widget, GtkButton* button) {
+ MenuGtk::Delegate* delegate = reinterpret_cast<MenuGtk::Delegate*>(
+ g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(button), "menu-gtk-delegate"));
+ int icon_idr = GPOINTER_TO_INT(g_object_get_data(
+ G_OBJECT(button), "button-image-idr"));
+ GtkIconSet* icon_set = delegate->GetIconSetForId(icon_idr);
+ if (icon_set) {
+ gtk_button_set_image(
+ button, gtk_image_new_from_icon_set(icon_set,
+ }
+void SetupImageIcon(GtkWidget* button,
+ GtkWidget* menu,
+ int icon_idr,
+ MenuGtk::Delegate* menu_gtk_delegate) {
+ g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(button), "button-image-idr",
+ GINT_TO_POINTER(icon_idr));
+ g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(button), "menu-gtk-delegate",
+ menu_gtk_delegate);
+ g_signal_connect(menu, "show", G_CALLBACK(OnSubmenuShowButtonImage), button);
+// Popup menus may get squished if they open up too close to the bottom of the
+// screen. This function takes the size of the screen, the size of the menu,
+// an optional widget, the Y position of the mouse click, and adjusts the popup
+// menu's Y position to make it fit if it's possible to do so.
+// Returns the new Y position of the popup menu.
+int CalculateMenuYPosition(const GdkRectangle* screen_rect,
+ const GtkRequisition* menu_req,
+ GtkWidget* widget, const int y) {
+ CHECK(screen_rect);
+ CHECK(menu_req);
+ // If the menu would run off the bottom of the screen, and there is enough
+ // screen space upwards to accommodate the menu, then pop upwards. If there
+ // is a widget, then also move the anchor point to the top of the widget
+ // rather than the bottom.
+ const int screen_top = screen_rect->y;
+ const int screen_bottom = screen_rect->y + screen_rect->height;
+ const int menu_bottom = y + menu_req->height;
+ int alternate_y = y - menu_req->height;
+ if (widget) {
+ GtkAllocation allocation;
+ gtk_widget_get_allocation(widget, &allocation);
+ alternate_y -= allocation.height;
+ }
+ if (menu_bottom >= screen_bottom && alternate_y >= screen_top)
+ return alternate_y;
+ return y;
+} // namespace
+bool MenuGtk::Delegate::AlwaysShowIconForCmd(int command_id) const {
+ return false;
+GtkIconSet* MenuGtk::Delegate::GetIconSetForId(int idr) { return NULL; }
+GtkWidget* MenuGtk::Delegate::GetDefaultImageForLabel(
+ const std::string& label) {
+ const char* stock = NULL;
+ if (label == "New")
+ stock = GTK_STOCK_NEW;
+ else if (label == "Close")
+ stock = GTK_STOCK_CLOSE;
+ else if (label == "Save As")
+ stock = GTK_STOCK_SAVE_AS;
+ else if (label == "Save")
+ stock = GTK_STOCK_SAVE;
+ else if (label == "Copy")
+ stock = GTK_STOCK_COPY;
+ else if (label == "Cut")
+ stock = GTK_STOCK_CUT;
+ else if (label == "Paste")
+ stock = GTK_STOCK_PASTE;
+ else if (label == "Delete")
+ else if (label == "Undo")
+ stock = GTK_STOCK_UNDO;
+ else if (label == "Redo")
+ stock = GTK_STOCK_REDO;
+ else if (label == "Search" || label == "Find")
+ stock = GTK_STOCK_FIND;
+ else if (label == "Select All")
+ else if (label == "Clear")
+ else if (label == "Back")
+ stock = GTK_STOCK_GO_BACK;
+ else if (label == "Forward")
+ else if (label == "Reload" || label == "Refresh")
+ else if (label == "Print")
+ stock = GTK_STOCK_PRINT;
+ else if (label == "About")
+ stock = GTK_STOCK_ABOUT;
+ else if (label == "Quit")
+ stock = GTK_STOCK_QUIT;
+ else if (label == "Help")
+ stock = GTK_STOCK_HELP;
+ return stock ? gtk_image_new_from_stock(stock, GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU) : NULL;
+GtkWidget* MenuGtk::Delegate::GetImageForCommandId(int command_id) const {
+ return NULL;
+MenuGtk::MenuGtk(MenuGtk::Delegate* delegate,
+ ui::MenuModel* model)
+ : delegate_(delegate),
+ model_(model),
+ dummy_accel_group_(gtk_accel_group_new()),
+ menu_(gtk_custom_menu_new()),
+ weak_factory_(this) {
+ DCHECK(model);
+ g_object_ref_sink(menu_);
+ ConnectSignalHandlers();
+ BuildMenuFromModel();
+MenuGtk::~MenuGtk() {
+ Cancel();
+ gtk_widget_destroy(menu_);
+ g_object_unref(menu_);
+ g_object_unref(dummy_accel_group_);
+void MenuGtk::ConnectSignalHandlers() {
+ // We connect afterwards because OnMenuShow calls SetMenuItemInfo, which may
+ // take a long time or even start a nested message loop.
+ g_signal_connect(menu_, "show", G_CALLBACK(OnMenuShowThunk), this);
+ g_signal_connect(menu_, "hide", G_CALLBACK(OnMenuHiddenThunk), this);
+ GtkWidget* toplevel_window = gtk_widget_get_toplevel(menu_);
+ signal_.Connect(toplevel_window, "focus-out-event",
+ G_CALLBACK(OnMenuFocusOutThunk), this);
+GtkWidget* MenuGtk::AppendMenuItemWithLabel(int command_id,
+ const std::string& label) {
+ std::string converted_label = ui::ConvertAcceleratorsFromWindowsStyle(label);
+ GtkWidget* menu_item = BuildMenuItemWithLabel(converted_label, command_id);
+ return AppendMenuItem(command_id, menu_item);
+GtkWidget* MenuGtk::AppendMenuItemWithIcon(int command_id,
+ const std::string& label,
+ const gfx::Image& icon) {
+ std::string converted_label = ui::ConvertAcceleratorsFromWindowsStyle(label);
+ GtkWidget* menu_item = BuildMenuItemWithImage(converted_label, icon);
+ return AppendMenuItem(command_id, menu_item);
+GtkWidget* MenuGtk::AppendCheckMenuItemWithLabel(int command_id,
+ const std::string& label) {
+ std::string converted_label = ui::ConvertAcceleratorsFromWindowsStyle(label);
+ GtkWidget* menu_item =
+ gtk_check_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic(converted_label.c_str());
+ return AppendMenuItem(command_id, menu_item);
+GtkWidget* MenuGtk::AppendSeparator() {
+ GtkWidget* menu_item = gtk_separator_menu_item_new();
+ gtk_widget_show(menu_item);
+ gtk_menu_shell_append(GTK_MENU_SHELL(menu_), menu_item);
+ return menu_item;
+GtkWidget* MenuGtk::InsertSeparator(int position) {
+ GtkWidget* menu_item = gtk_separator_menu_item_new();
+ gtk_widget_show(menu_item);
+ gtk_menu_shell_insert(GTK_MENU_SHELL(menu_), menu_item, position);
+ return menu_item;
+GtkWidget* MenuGtk::AppendMenuItem(int command_id, GtkWidget* menu_item) {
+ if (delegate_ && delegate_->AlwaysShowIconForCmd(command_id) &&
+ GTK_IS_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM(menu_item))
+ gtk_util::SetAlwaysShowImage(menu_item);
+ return AppendMenuItemToMenu(command_id, NULL, menu_item, menu_, true);
+GtkWidget* MenuGtk::InsertMenuItem(int command_id, GtkWidget* menu_item,
+ int position) {
+ if (delegate_ && delegate_->AlwaysShowIconForCmd(command_id) &&
+ GTK_IS_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM(menu_item))
+ gtk_util::SetAlwaysShowImage(menu_item);
+ return InsertMenuItemToMenu(command_id, NULL, menu_item, menu_, position,
+ true);
+GtkWidget* MenuGtk::AppendMenuItemToMenu(int index,
+ ui::MenuModel* model,
+ GtkWidget* menu_item,
+ GtkWidget* menu,
+ bool connect_to_activate) {
+ int children_count = g_list_length(GTK_MENU_SHELL(menu)->children);
+ return InsertMenuItemToMenu(index, model, menu_item, menu,
+ children_count, connect_to_activate);
+GtkWidget* MenuGtk::InsertMenuItemToMenu(int index,
+ ui::MenuModel* model,
+ GtkWidget* menu_item,
+ GtkWidget* menu,
+ int position,
+ bool connect_to_activate) {
+ SetMenuItemID(menu_item, index);
+ // Native menu items do their own thing, so only selectively listen for the
+ // activate signal.
+ if (connect_to_activate) {
+ g_signal_connect(menu_item, "activate",
+ G_CALLBACK(OnMenuItemActivatedThunk), this);
+ }
+ // AppendMenuItemToMenu is used both internally when we control menu creation
+ // from a model (where the model can choose to hide certain menu items), and
+ // with immediate commands which don't provide the option.
+ if (model) {
+ if (model->IsVisibleAt(index))
+ gtk_widget_show(menu_item);
+ } else {
+ gtk_widget_show(menu_item);
+ }
+ gtk_menu_shell_insert(GTK_MENU_SHELL(menu), menu_item, position);
+ return menu_item;
+void MenuGtk::PopupForWidget(GtkWidget* widget, int button,
+ guint32 event_time) {
+ gtk_menu_popup(GTK_MENU(menu_), NULL, NULL,
+ WidgetMenuPositionFunc,
+ widget,
+ button, event_time);
+void MenuGtk::PopupAsContext(const gfx::Point& point, guint32 event_time) {
+ // gtk_menu_popup doesn't like the "const" qualifier on point.
+ gfx::Point nonconst_point(point);
+ gtk_menu_popup(GTK_MENU(menu_), NULL, NULL,
+ PointMenuPositionFunc, &nonconst_point,
+ 3, event_time);
+void MenuGtk::PopupAsContextForStatusIcon(guint32 event_time, guint32 button,
+ GtkStatusIcon* icon) {
+ gtk_menu_popup(GTK_MENU(menu_), NULL, NULL, gtk_status_icon_position_menu,
+ icon, button, event_time);
+void MenuGtk::PopupAsFromKeyEvent(GtkWidget* widget) {
+ PopupForWidget(widget, 0, gtk_get_current_event_time());
+ gtk_menu_shell_select_first(GTK_MENU_SHELL(menu_), FALSE);
+void MenuGtk::Cancel() {
+ gtk_menu_popdown(GTK_MENU(menu_));
+void MenuGtk::UpdateMenu() {
+ gtk_container_foreach(GTK_CONTAINER(menu_), SetMenuItemInfo, this);
+GtkWidget* MenuGtk::BuildMenuItemWithImage(const std::string& label,
+ GtkWidget* image) {
+ GtkWidget* menu_item =
+ gtk_image_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic(label.c_str());
+ gtk_image_menu_item_set_image(GTK_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM(menu_item), image);
+ return menu_item;
+GtkWidget* MenuGtk::BuildMenuItemWithImage(const std::string& label,
+ const gfx::Image& icon) {
+ GtkWidget* menu_item = BuildMenuItemWithImage(label,
+ gtk_image_new_from_pixbuf(icon.ToGdkPixbuf()));
+ return menu_item;
+GtkWidget* MenuGtk::BuildMenuItemWithLabel(const std::string& label,
+ int command_id) {
+ GtkWidget* img =
+ delegate_ ? delegate_->GetImageForCommandId(command_id) :
+ MenuGtk::Delegate::GetDefaultImageForLabel(label);
+ return img ? BuildMenuItemWithImage(label, img) :
+ gtk_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic(label.c_str());
+void MenuGtk::BuildMenuFromModel() {
+ BuildSubmenuFromModel(model_, menu_);
+void MenuGtk::BuildSubmenuFromModel(ui::MenuModel* model, GtkWidget* menu) {
+ std::map<int, GtkWidget*> radio_groups;
+ GtkWidget* menu_item = NULL;
+ for (int i = 0; i < model->GetItemCount(); ++i) {
+ gfx::Image icon;
+ std::string label = ui::ConvertAcceleratorsFromWindowsStyle(
+ base::UTF16ToUTF8(model->GetLabelAt(i)));
+ bool connect_to_activate = true;
+ switch (model->GetTypeAt(i)) {
+ case ui::MenuModel::TYPE_SEPARATOR:
+ menu_item = gtk_separator_menu_item_new();
+ break;
+ case ui::MenuModel::TYPE_CHECK:
+ menu_item = gtk_check_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic(label.c_str());
+ break;
+ case ui::MenuModel::TYPE_RADIO: {
+ std::map<int, GtkWidget*>::iterator iter =
+ radio_groups.find(model->GetGroupIdAt(i));
+ if (iter == radio_groups.end()) {
+ menu_item = gtk_radio_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic(
+ NULL, label.c_str());
+ radio_groups[model->GetGroupIdAt(i)] = menu_item;
+ } else {
+ menu_item = gtk_radio_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic_from_widget(
+ GTK_RADIO_MENU_ITEM(iter->second), label.c_str());
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case ui::MenuModel::TYPE_BUTTON_ITEM: {
+ ui::ButtonMenuItemModel* button_menu_item_model =
+ model->GetButtonMenuItemAt(i);
+ menu_item = BuildButtonMenuItem(button_menu_item_model, menu);
+ connect_to_activate = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ case ui::MenuModel::TYPE_SUBMENU:
+ case ui::MenuModel::TYPE_COMMAND: {
+ int command_id = model->GetCommandIdAt(i);
+ if (model->GetIconAt(i, &icon))
+ menu_item = BuildMenuItemWithImage(label, icon);
+ else
+ menu_item = BuildMenuItemWithLabel(label, command_id);
+ if (delegate_ && delegate_->AlwaysShowIconForCmd(command_id) &&
+ GTK_IS_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM(menu_item)) {
+ gtk_util::SetAlwaysShowImage(menu_item);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ }
+ if (model->GetTypeAt(i) == ui::MenuModel::TYPE_SUBMENU) {
+ GtkWidget* submenu = gtk_menu_new();
+ g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(submenu), "menu-item", menu_item);
+ ui::MenuModel* submenu_model = model->GetSubmenuModelAt(i);
+ g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(menu_item), "submenu-model", submenu_model);
+ gtk_menu_item_set_submenu(GTK_MENU_ITEM(menu_item), submenu);
+ // We will populate the submenu on demand when shown.
+ g_signal_connect(submenu, "show", G_CALLBACK(OnSubMenuShowThunk), this);
+ g_signal_connect(submenu, "hide", G_CALLBACK(OnSubMenuHiddenThunk), this);
+ connect_to_activate = false;
+ }
+ ui::Accelerator accelerator;
+ if (model->GetAcceleratorAt(i, &accelerator)) {
+ gtk_widget_add_accelerator(menu_item,
+ "activate",
+ dummy_accel_group_,
+ ui::GetGdkKeyCodeForAccelerator(accelerator),
+ ui::GetGdkModifierForAccelerator(accelerator),
+ }
+ g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(menu_item), "model", model);
+ AppendMenuItemToMenu(i, model, menu_item, menu, connect_to_activate);
+ menu_item = NULL;
+ }
+GtkWidget* MenuGtk::BuildButtonMenuItem(ui::ButtonMenuItemModel* model,
+ GtkWidget* menu) {
+ GtkWidget* menu_item = gtk_custom_menu_item_new(
+ ui::RemoveWindowsStyleAccelerators(
+ base::UTF16ToUTF8(model->label())).c_str());
+ // Set up the callback to the model for when it is clicked.
+ g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(menu_item), "button-model", model);
+ g_signal_connect(menu_item, "button-pushed",
+ G_CALLBACK(OnMenuButtonPressedThunk), this);
+ g_signal_connect(menu_item, "try-button-pushed",
+ G_CALLBACK(OnMenuTryButtonPressedThunk), this);
+ GtkSizeGroup* group = NULL;
+ for (int i = 0; i < model->GetItemCount(); ++i) {
+ GtkWidget* button = NULL;
+ switch (model->GetTypeAt(i)) {
+ case ui::ButtonMenuItemModel::TYPE_SPACE: {
+ gtk_custom_menu_item_add_space(GTK_CUSTOM_MENU_ITEM(menu_item));
+ break;
+ }
+ case ui::ButtonMenuItemModel::TYPE_BUTTON: {
+ button = gtk_custom_menu_item_add_button(
+ GTK_CUSTOM_MENU_ITEM(menu_item),
+ model->GetCommandIdAt(i));
+ int icon_idr;
+ if (model->GetIconAt(i, &icon_idr)) {
+ SetupImageIcon(button, menu, icon_idr, delegate_);
+ } else {
+ gtk_button_set_label(
+ GTK_BUTTON(button),
+ ui::RemoveWindowsStyleAccelerators(
+ base::UTF16ToUTF8(model->GetLabelAt(i))).c_str());
+ }
+ SetUpButtonShowHandler(button, model, i);
+ break;
+ }
+ case ui::ButtonMenuItemModel::TYPE_BUTTON_LABEL: {
+ button = gtk_custom_menu_item_add_button_label(
+ GTK_CUSTOM_MENU_ITEM(menu_item),
+ model->GetCommandIdAt(i));
+ gtk_button_set_label(
+ GTK_BUTTON(button),
+ ui::RemoveWindowsStyleAccelerators(
+ base::UTF16ToUTF8(model->GetLabelAt(i))).c_str());
+ SetUpButtonShowHandler(button, model, i);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (button && model->PartOfGroup(i)) {
+ if (!group)
+ group = gtk_size_group_new(GTK_SIZE_GROUP_HORIZONTAL);
+ gtk_size_group_add_widget(group, button);
+ }
+ }
+ if (group)
+ g_object_unref(group);
+ return menu_item;
+void MenuGtk::OnMenuItemActivated(GtkWidget* menu_item) {
+ if (block_activation_)
+ return;
+ ui::MenuModel* model = ModelForMenuItem(GTK_MENU_ITEM(menu_item));
+ if (!model) {
+ // There won't be a model for "native" submenus like the "Input Methods"
+ // context menu. We don't need to handle activation messages for submenus
+ // anyway, so we can just return here.
+ DCHECK(gtk_menu_item_get_submenu(GTK_MENU_ITEM(menu_item)));
+ return;
+ }
+ // The activate signal is sent to radio items as they get deselected;
+ // ignore it in this case.
+ if (GTK_IS_RADIO_MENU_ITEM(menu_item) &&
+ !gtk_check_menu_item_get_active(GTK_CHECK_MENU_ITEM(menu_item))) {
+ return;
+ }
+ int id;
+ if (!GetMenuItemID(menu_item, &id))
+ return;
+ // The menu item can still be activated by hotkeys even if it is disabled.
+ if (model->IsEnabledAt(id))
+ ExecuteCommand(model, id);
+void MenuGtk::OnMenuButtonPressed(GtkWidget* menu_item, int command_id) {
+ ui::ButtonMenuItemModel* model =
+ reinterpret_cast<ui::ButtonMenuItemModel*>(
+ g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(menu_item), "button-model"));
+ if (model && model->IsCommandIdEnabled(command_id)) {
+ if (delegate_)
+ delegate_->CommandWillBeExecuted();
+ model->ActivatedCommand(command_id);
+ }
+gboolean MenuGtk::OnMenuTryButtonPressed(GtkWidget* menu_item,
+ int command_id) {
+ gboolean pressed = FALSE;
+ ui::ButtonMenuItemModel* model =
+ reinterpret_cast<ui::ButtonMenuItemModel*>(
+ g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(menu_item), "button-model"));
+ if (model &&
+ model->IsCommandIdEnabled(command_id) &&
+ !model->DoesCommandIdDismissMenu(command_id)) {
+ if (delegate_)
+ delegate_->CommandWillBeExecuted();
+ model->ActivatedCommand(command_id);
+ pressed = TRUE;
+ }
+ return pressed;
+// static
+void MenuGtk::WidgetMenuPositionFunc(GtkMenu* menu,
+ int* x,
+ int* y,
+ gboolean* push_in,
+ void* void_widget) {
+ GtkWidget* widget = GTK_WIDGET(void_widget);
+ GtkRequisition menu_req;
+ gtk_widget_size_request(GTK_WIDGET(menu), &menu_req);
+ gdk_window_get_origin(gtk_widget_get_window(widget), x, y);
+ GdkScreen *screen = gtk_widget_get_screen(widget);
+ gint monitor = gdk_screen_get_monitor_at_point(screen, *x, *y);
+ GdkRectangle screen_rect;
+ gdk_screen_get_monitor_geometry(screen, monitor,
+ &screen_rect);
+ GtkAllocation allocation;
+ gtk_widget_get_allocation(widget, &allocation);
+ if (!gtk_widget_get_has_window(widget)) {
+ *x += allocation.x;
+ *y += allocation.y;
+ }
+ *y += allocation.height;
+ bool start_align =
+ !!g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(widget), "left-align-popup");
+ if (base::i18n::IsRTL())
+ start_align = !start_align;
+ if (!start_align)
+ *x += allocation.width - menu_req.width;
+ *y = CalculateMenuYPosition(&screen_rect, &menu_req, widget, *y);
+ *push_in = FALSE;
+// static
+void MenuGtk::PointMenuPositionFunc(GtkMenu* menu,
+ int* x,
+ int* y,
+ gboolean* push_in,
+ gpointer userdata) {
+ *push_in = TRUE;
+ gfx::Point* point = reinterpret_cast<gfx::Point*>(userdata);
+ *x = point->x();
+ *y = point->y();
+ GtkRequisition menu_req;
+ gtk_widget_size_request(GTK_WIDGET(menu), &menu_req);
+ GdkScreen* screen;
+ gdk_display_get_pointer(gdk_display_get_default(), &screen, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ gint monitor = gdk_screen_get_monitor_at_point(screen, *x, *y);
+ GdkRectangle screen_rect;
+ gdk_screen_get_monitor_geometry(screen, monitor, &screen_rect);
+ *y = CalculateMenuYPosition(&screen_rect, &menu_req, NULL, *y);
+void MenuGtk::ExecuteCommand(ui::MenuModel* model, int id) {
+ if (delegate_)
+ delegate_->CommandWillBeExecuted();
+ GdkEvent* event = gtk_get_current_event();
+ int event_flags = 0;
+ if (event && event->type == GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE)
+ event_flags = event_utils::EventFlagsFromGdkState(event->button.state);
+ model->ActivatedAt(id, event_flags);
+ if (event)
+ gdk_event_free(event);
+void MenuGtk::OnMenuShow(GtkWidget* widget) {
+ model_->MenuWillShow();
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(
+ FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&MenuGtk::UpdateMenu, weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr()));
+void MenuGtk::OnMenuHidden(GtkWidget* widget) {
+ if (delegate_)
+ delegate_->StoppedShowing();
+ model_->MenuClosed();
+gboolean MenuGtk::OnMenuFocusOut(GtkWidget* widget, GdkEventFocus* event) {
+ gtk_widget_hide(menu_);
+ return TRUE;
+void MenuGtk::OnSubMenuShow(GtkWidget* submenu) {
+ GtkWidget* menu_item = static_cast<GtkWidget*>(
+ g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(submenu), "menu-item"));
+ // TODO(mdm): Figure out why this can sometimes be NULL. See bug 131974.
+ CHECK(menu_item);
+ // Notify the submenu model that the menu will be shown.
+ ui::MenuModel* submenu_model = static_cast<ui::MenuModel*>(
+ g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(menu_item), "submenu-model"));
+ // We're extra cautious here, and bail out if the submenu model is NULL. In
+ // some cases we clear it out from a parent menu; we shouldn't ever show the
+ // menu after that, but we play it safe since we're dealing with wacky
+ // injected libraries that toy with our menus. (See comments below.)
+ if (!submenu_model)
+ return;
+ // If the submenu is already built, then return right away. This means we
+ // recently showed this submenu, and have not yet processed the fact that it
+ // was hidden before being shown again.
+ if (g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(submenu), "submenu-built"))
+ return;
+ g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(submenu), "submenu-built", GINT_TO_POINTER(1));
+ submenu_model->MenuWillShow();
+ // Actually build the submenu and attach it to the parent menu item.
+ BuildSubmenuFromModel(submenu_model, submenu);
+ gtk_menu_item_set_submenu(GTK_MENU_ITEM(menu_item), submenu);
+ // Update all the menu item info in the newly-generated menu.
+ gtk_container_foreach(GTK_CONTAINER(submenu), SetMenuItemInfo, this);
+void MenuGtk::OnSubMenuHidden(GtkWidget* submenu) {
+ // Increase the reference count of the old submenu, and schedule it to be
+ // deleted later. We get this hide notification before we've processed menu
+ // activations, so if we were to delete the submenu now, we might lose the
+ // activation. This also lets us reuse the menu if it is shown again before
+ // it gets deleted; in that case, OnSubMenuHiddenCallback() just decrements
+ // the reference count again. Note that the delay is just an optimization; we
+ // could use PostTask() and this would still work correctly.
+ g_object_ref(G_OBJECT(submenu));
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->PostDelayedTask(
+ base::Bind(&MenuGtk::OnSubMenuHiddenCallback, submenu),
+ base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(2));
+namespace {
+// Remove all descendant submenu-model data pointers.
+void RemoveSubMenuModels(GtkWidget* menu_item, void* unused) {
+ if (!GTK_IS_MENU_ITEM(menu_item))
+ return;
+ g_object_steal_data(G_OBJECT(menu_item), "submenu-model");
+ GtkWidget* submenu = gtk_menu_item_get_submenu(GTK_MENU_ITEM(menu_item));
+ if (submenu)
+ gtk_container_foreach(GTK_CONTAINER(submenu), RemoveSubMenuModels, NULL);
+} // namespace
+// static
+void MenuGtk::OnSubMenuHiddenCallback(GtkWidget* submenu) {
+ if (!gtk_widget_get_visible(submenu)) {
+ // Remove all the children of this menu, clearing out their submenu-model
+ // pointers in case they have pending calls to OnSubMenuHiddenCallback().
+ // (Normally that won't happen: we'd have hidden them first, and so they'd
+ // have already been deleted. But in some cases [e.g. on Ubuntu 12.04],
+ // GTK menu operations may be hooked to allow external applications to
+ // mirror the menu structure, and the hooks may show and hide menus in
+ // order to trigger exactly the kind of dynamic menu building we're doing.
+ // The result is that we see show and hide events in strange orders.)
+ GList* children = gtk_container_get_children(GTK_CONTAINER(submenu));
+ for (GList* child = children; child; child = g_list_next(child)) {
+ RemoveSubMenuModels(GTK_WIDGET(child->data), NULL);
+ gtk_container_remove(GTK_CONTAINER(submenu), GTK_WIDGET(child->data));
+ }
+ g_list_free(children);
+ // Clear out the bit that says the menu is built.
+ // We'll rebuild it next time it is shown.
+ g_object_steal_data(G_OBJECT(submenu), "submenu-built");
+ // Notify the submenu model that the menu has been hidden. This may cause
+ // it to delete descendant submenu models, which is why we cleared those
+ // pointers out above.
+ GtkWidget* menu_item = static_cast<GtkWidget*>(
+ g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(submenu), "menu-item"));
+ // TODO(mdm): Figure out why this can sometimes be NULL. See bug 124110.
+ CHECK(menu_item);
+ ui::MenuModel* submenu_model = static_cast<ui::MenuModel*>(
+ g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(menu_item), "submenu-model"));
+ if (submenu_model)
+ submenu_model->MenuClosed();
+ }
+ // Remove the reference we grabbed in OnSubMenuHidden() above.
+ g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(submenu));
+// static
+void MenuGtk::SetButtonItemInfo(GtkWidget* button, gpointer userdata) {
+ ui::ButtonMenuItemModel* model =
+ reinterpret_cast<ui::ButtonMenuItemModel*>(
+ g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(button), "button-model"));
+ int index = GPOINTER_TO_INT(g_object_get_data(
+ G_OBJECT(button), "button-model-id"));
+ if (model->IsItemDynamicAt(index)) {
+ std::string label = ui::ConvertAcceleratorsFromWindowsStyle(
+ base::UTF16ToUTF8(model->GetLabelAt(index)));
+ gtk_button_set_label(GTK_BUTTON(button), label.c_str());
+ }
+ gtk_widget_set_sensitive(GTK_WIDGET(button), model->IsEnabledAt(index));
+// static
+void MenuGtk::SetMenuItemInfo(GtkWidget* widget, gpointer userdata) {
+ // We need to explicitly handle this case because otherwise we'll ask the
+ // menu delegate about something with an invalid id.
+ return;
+ }
+ int id;
+ if (!GetMenuItemID(widget, &id))
+ return;
+ ui::MenuModel* model = ModelForMenuItem(GTK_MENU_ITEM(widget));
+ if (!model) {
+ // If we're not providing the sub menu, then there's no model. For
+ // example, the IME submenu doesn't have a model.
+ return;
+ }
+ if (GTK_IS_CHECK_MENU_ITEM(widget)) {
+ GtkCheckMenuItem* item = GTK_CHECK_MENU_ITEM(widget);
+ // gtk_check_menu_item_set_active() will send the activate signal. Touching
+ // the underlying "active" property will also call the "activate" handler
+ // for this menu item. So we prevent the "activate" handler from
+ // being called while we set the checkbox.
+ // Why not use one of the glib signal-blocking functions? Because when we
+ // toggle a radio button, it will deactivate one of the other radio buttons,
+ // which we don't have a pointer to.
+ // Wny not make this a member variable? Because "menu" is a pointer to the
+ // root of the MenuGtk and we want to disable *all* MenuGtks, including
+ // submenus.
+ block_activation_ = true;
+ gtk_check_menu_item_set_active(item, model->IsItemCheckedAt(id));
+ block_activation_ = false;
+ }
+ if (GTK_IS_CUSTOM_MENU_ITEM(widget)) {
+ // Iterate across all the buttons to update their visible properties.
+ gtk_custom_menu_item_foreach_button(GTK_CUSTOM_MENU_ITEM(widget),
+ SetButtonItemInfo,
+ userdata);
+ }
+ if (GTK_IS_MENU_ITEM(widget)) {
+ gtk_widget_set_sensitive(widget, model->IsEnabledAt(id));
+ if (model->IsVisibleAt(id)) {
+ // Update the menu item label if it is dynamic.
+ if (model->IsItemDynamicAt(id)) {
+ std::string label = ui::ConvertAcceleratorsFromWindowsStyle(
+ base::UTF16ToUTF8(model->GetLabelAt(id)));
+ gtk_menu_item_set_label(GTK_MENU_ITEM(widget), label.c_str());
+ if (GTK_IS_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM(widget)) {
+ gfx::Image icon;
+ if (model->GetIconAt(id, &icon)) {
+ gtk_image_menu_item_set_image(GTK_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM(widget),
+ gtk_image_new_from_pixbuf(
+ icon.ToGdkPixbuf()));
+ } else {
+ gtk_image_menu_item_set_image(GTK_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM(widget), NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ gtk_widget_show(widget);
+ } else {
+ gtk_widget_hide(widget);
+ }
+ GtkWidget* submenu = gtk_menu_item_get_submenu(GTK_MENU_ITEM(widget));
+ if (submenu) {
+ gtk_container_foreach(GTK_CONTAINER(submenu), &SetMenuItemInfo,
+ userdata);
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
+#include "ui/base/gtk/gtk_signal.h"
+#include "ui/base/gtk/gtk_signal_registrar.h"
+#include "ui/gfx/point.h"
+namespace gfx {
+class Image;
+namespace ui {
+class ButtonMenuItemModel;
+class MenuModel;
+class MenuGtk {
+ public:
+ // Delegate class that lets another class control the status of the menu.
+ class Delegate {
+ public:
+ virtual ~Delegate() {}
+ // Called before a command is executed. This exists for the case where a
+ // model is handling the actual execution of commands, but the delegate
+ // still needs to know that some command got executed. This is called before
+ // and not after the command is executed because its execution may delete
+ // the menu and/or the delegate.
+ virtual void CommandWillBeExecuted() {}
+ // Called when the menu stops showing. This will be called before
+ // ExecuteCommand if the user clicks an item, but will also be called when
+ // the user clicks away from the menu.
+ virtual void StoppedShowing() {}
+ // Return true if we should override the "gtk-menu-images" system setting
+ // when showing image menu items for this menu.
+ virtual bool AlwaysShowIconForCmd(int command_id) const;
+ // Returns a tinted image used in button in a menu.
+ virtual GtkIconSet* GetIconSetForId(int idr);
+ // Returns an icon for the menu item, if available.
+ virtual GtkWidget* GetImageForCommandId(int command_id) const;
+ static GtkWidget* GetDefaultImageForLabel(const std::string& label);
+ };
+ MenuGtk(MenuGtk::Delegate* delegate, ui::MenuModel* model);
+ virtual ~MenuGtk();
+ // Initialize GTK signal handlers.
+ void ConnectSignalHandlers();
+ // These methods are used to build the menu dynamically. The return value
+ // is the new menu item.
+ GtkWidget* AppendMenuItemWithLabel(int command_id, const std::string& label);
+ GtkWidget* AppendMenuItemWithIcon(int command_id, const std::string& label,
+ const gfx::Image& icon);
+ GtkWidget* AppendCheckMenuItemWithLabel(int command_id,
+ const std::string& label);
+ GtkWidget* AppendSeparator();
+ GtkWidget* InsertSeparator(int position);
+ GtkWidget* AppendMenuItem(int command_id, GtkWidget* menu_item);
+ GtkWidget* InsertMenuItem(int command_id, GtkWidget* menu_item, int position);
+ GtkWidget* AppendMenuItemToMenu(int index,
+ ui::MenuModel* model,
+ GtkWidget* menu_item,
+ GtkWidget* menu,
+ bool connect_to_activate);
+ GtkWidget* InsertMenuItemToMenu(int index,
+ ui::MenuModel* model,
+ GtkWidget* menu_item,
+ GtkWidget* menu,
+ int position,
+ bool connect_to_activate);
+ // Displays the menu near a widget, as if the widget were a menu bar.
+ // Example: the wrench menu button.
+ // |button| is the mouse button that brought up the menu.
+ // |event_time| is the time from the GdkEvent.
+ void PopupForWidget(GtkWidget* widget, int button, guint32 event_time);
+ // Displays the menu as a context menu, i.e. at the cursor location.
+ // It is implicit that it was brought up using the right mouse button.
+ // |point| is the point where to put the menu.
+ // |event_time| is the time of the event that triggered the menu's display.
+ void PopupAsContext(const gfx::Point& point, guint32 event_time);
+ // Displays the menu as a context menu for the passed status icon.
+ void PopupAsContextForStatusIcon(guint32 event_time, guint32 button,
+ GtkStatusIcon* icon);
+ // Displays the menu following a keyboard event (such as selecting |widget|
+ // and pressing "enter").
+ void PopupAsFromKeyEvent(GtkWidget* widget);
+ // Closes the menu.
+ void Cancel();
+ // Repositions the menu to be right under the button. Alignment is set as
+ // object data on |void_widget| with the tag "left_align". If "left_align"
+ // is true, it aligns the left side of the menu with the left side of the
+ // button. Otherwise it aligns the right side of the menu with the right side
+ // of the button. Public since some menus have odd requirements that don't
+ // belong in a public class.
+ static void WidgetMenuPositionFunc(GtkMenu* menu,
+ int* x,
+ int* y,
+ gboolean* push_in,
+ void* void_widget);
+ // Positions the menu to appear at the gfx::Point represented by |userdata|.
+ static void PointMenuPositionFunc(GtkMenu* menu,
+ int* x,
+ int* y,
+ gboolean* push_in,
+ gpointer userdata);
+ GtkWidget* widget() const { return menu_; }
+ // Updates all the enabled/checked states and the dynamic labels.
+ void UpdateMenu();
+ private:
+ // Builds a GtkImageMenuItem.
+ GtkWidget* BuildMenuItemWithImage(const std::string& label,
+ const gfx::Image& icon);
+ GtkWidget* BuildMenuItemWithImage(const std::string& label,
+ GtkWidget* image);
+ GtkWidget* BuildMenuItemWithLabel(const std::string& label,
+ int command_id);
+ // A function that creates a GtkMenu from |model_|.
+ void BuildMenuFromModel();
+ // Implementation of the above; called recursively.
+ void BuildSubmenuFromModel(ui::MenuModel* model, GtkWidget* menu);
+ // Builds a menu item with buttons in it from the data in the model.
+ GtkWidget* BuildButtonMenuItem(ui::ButtonMenuItemModel* model,
+ GtkWidget* menu);
+ void ExecuteCommand(ui::MenuModel* model, int id);
+ // Callback for when a menu item is clicked.
+ CHROMEGTK_CALLBACK_0(MenuGtk, void, OnMenuItemActivated);
+ // Called when one of the buttons is pressed.
+ CHROMEGTK_CALLBACK_1(MenuGtk, void, OnMenuButtonPressed, int);
+ // Called to maybe activate a button if that button isn't supposed to dismiss
+ // the menu.
+ CHROMEGTK_CALLBACK_1(MenuGtk, gboolean, OnMenuTryButtonPressed, int);
+ // Updates all the menu items' state.
+ CHROMEGTK_CALLBACK_0(MenuGtk, void, OnMenuShow);
+ // Sets the activating widget back to a normal appearance.
+ CHROMEGTK_CALLBACK_0(MenuGtk, void, OnMenuHidden);
+ // Focus out event handler for the menu.
+ CHROMEGTK_CALLBACK_1(MenuGtk, gboolean, OnMenuFocusOut, GdkEventFocus*);
+ // Handles building dynamic submenus on demand when they are shown.
+ CHROMEGTK_CALLBACK_0(MenuGtk, void, OnSubMenuShow);
+ // Handles trearing down dynamic submenus when they have been closed.
+ CHROMEGTK_CALLBACK_0(MenuGtk, void, OnSubMenuHidden);
+ // Scheduled by OnSubMenuHidden() to avoid deleting submenus when hidden
+ // before pending activations within them are delivered.
+ static void OnSubMenuHiddenCallback(GtkWidget* submenu);
+ // Sets the enable/disabled state and dynamic labels on our menu items.
+ static void SetButtonItemInfo(GtkWidget* button, gpointer userdata);
+ // Sets the check mark, enabled/disabled state and dynamic labels on our menu
+ // items.
+ static void SetMenuItemInfo(GtkWidget* widget, void* raw_menu);
+ // Queries this object about the menu state.
+ MenuGtk::Delegate* delegate_;
+ // If non-NULL, the MenuModel that we use to populate and control the GTK
+ // menu (overriding the delegate as a controller).
+ ui::MenuModel* model_;
+ // For some menu items, we want to show the accelerator, but not actually
+ // explicitly handle it. To this end we connect those menu items' accelerators
+ // to this group, but don't attach this group to any top level window.
+ GtkAccelGroup* dummy_accel_group_;
+ // gtk_menu_popup() does not appear to take ownership of popup menus, so
+ // MenuGtk explicitly manages the lifetime of the menu.
+ GtkWidget* menu_;
+ // True when we should ignore "activate" signals. Used to prevent
+ // menu items from getting activated when we are setting up the
+ // menu.
+ static bool block_activation_;
+ ui::GtkSignalRegistrar signal_;
+ base::WeakPtrFactory<MenuGtk> weak_factory_;