* root node can change during insertions, this is required to
* keep the tree balanced
- * @return if no insertion happened, the found element
- * if a insertion happened, then either key or NULL is returned (which it is
- * depends on the tree state and the implemenattion, you should make no
- * asumtations that its one or the other in code)
+ * @return If no insertion happened, the found element.
+ * If an insertion happened, then either key or NULL is returned (which one
+ * it is depends on the tree state and the implementation, you should make
+ * no assumptions that it's one or the other in the code).
void *av_tree_insert(struct AVTreeNode **rootp, void *key, int (*cmp)(void *key, const void *b));
void av_tree_destroy(struct AVTreeNode *t);