DiffsPath = os.path.join(NewDir, DiffsSummaryFileName)
PatchedSourceDirPath = os.path.join(Dir, PatchedSourceDirName)
Opts = CmpRuns.CmpOptions(DiffsPath, "", PatchedSourceDirPath)
- # Discard everything coming out of stdout
- # (CmpRun produces a lot of them).
- OLD_STDOUT = sys.stdout
- sys.stdout = SATestUtils.Discarder()
# Scan the results, delete empty plist files.
NumDiffs, ReportsInRef, ReportsInNew = \
CmpRuns.dumpScanBuildResultsDiff(RefDir, NewDir, Opts, False)
- sys.stdout = OLD_STDOUT
if (NumDiffs > 0):
- print "Warning: %r differences in diagnostics. See %s" % \
- (NumDiffs, DiffsPath,)
+ print "Warning: %s differences in diagnostics." % NumDiffs
if Strictness >= 2 and NumDiffs > 0:
print "Error: Diffs found in strict mode (2)."
TestsPassed = False
-class Discarder(object):
- """
- Auxiliary object to discard stdout.
- """
- def write(self, text):
- pass # do nothing
def isCommentCSVLine(Entries):
Treat CSV lines starting with a '#' as a comment.