--- /dev/null
+This document outlines how to express each TensorFlow operation on top of _loco_
+**CAUTION** All the python examples below are written in Python 3 with TensorFlow v1.13.
+**DISCLAIMER** _loco_ does not support named values, but all the below _loco_ examples assign "name" to each value to make it easy to read.
+### Placeholder
+**Placeholder** in _TensorFlow_ corresponds to **Pull** in _loco_.
+import tensorflow as tf
+input = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[3, 4], name='input')
+API reference: [tf.placeholder](https://www.tensorflow.org/versions/r1.13/api_docs/python/tf)
+node {
+ name: "input"
+ op: "Placeholder"
+ attr {
+ key: "dtype"
+ value { type: DT_FLOAT }
+ }
+ attr {
+ key: "shape"
+ value {
+ shape {
+ dim { size: 3 }
+ dim { size: 4 }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+%input = Pull(dtype: FLOAT32, shape: [3, 4])