* Remove all bindings
authorJohn (J5) Palmieri <johnp@redhat.com>
Fri, 14 Jul 2006 16:20:12 +0000 (16:20 +0000)
committerJohn (J5) Palmieri <johnp@redhat.com>
Fri, 14 Jul 2006 16:20:12 +0000 (16:20 +0000)
328 files changed:
dbus-glib-1.pc.in [deleted file]
dbus/dbus-glib-lowlevel.h [deleted file]
dbus/dbus-glib.h [deleted file]
dbus/make-dbus-glib-error-enum.sh [deleted file]
gcj/.cvsignore [deleted file]
gcj/Makefile.am [deleted file]
gcj/TestMessage.java [deleted file]
gcj/org/.cvsignore [deleted file]
gcj/org/Makefile.am [deleted file]
gcj/org/freedesktop/.cvsignore [deleted file]
gcj/org/freedesktop/Makefile.am [deleted file]
gcj/org/freedesktop/dbus/.cvsignore [deleted file]
gcj/org/freedesktop/dbus/Makefile.am [deleted file]
gcj/org/freedesktop/dbus/Message.java [deleted file]
gcj/org/freedesktop/dbus/natMessage.cc [deleted file]
glib/Makefile.am [deleted file]
glib/dbus-binding-tool-glib.c [deleted file]
glib/dbus-binding-tool-glib.h [deleted file]
glib/dbus-gidl.c [deleted file]
glib/dbus-gidl.h [deleted file]
glib/dbus-glib-tool.c [deleted file]
glib/dbus-glib-tool.h [deleted file]
glib/dbus-glib.c [deleted file]
glib/dbus-gloader-expat.c [deleted file]
glib/dbus-gmain.c [deleted file]
glib/dbus-gmarshal.c [deleted file]
glib/dbus-gmarshal.h [deleted file]
glib/dbus-gmarshal.list [deleted file]
glib/dbus-gobject.c [deleted file]
glib/dbus-gobject.h [deleted file]
glib/dbus-gparser.c [deleted file]
glib/dbus-gparser.h [deleted file]
glib/dbus-gproxy.c [deleted file]
glib/dbus-gsignature.c [deleted file]
glib/dbus-gsignature.h [deleted file]
glib/dbus-gtest-main.c [deleted file]
glib/dbus-gtest.c [deleted file]
glib/dbus-gtest.h [deleted file]
glib/dbus-gthread.c [deleted file]
glib/dbus-gtool-test.h [deleted file]
glib/dbus-gtype-specialized.c [deleted file]
glib/dbus-gtype-specialized.h [deleted file]
glib/dbus-gutils.c [deleted file]
glib/dbus-gutils.h [deleted file]
glib/dbus-gvalue-utils.c [deleted file]
glib/dbus-gvalue-utils.h [deleted file]
glib/dbus-gvalue.c [deleted file]
glib/dbus-gvalue.h [deleted file]
glib/examples/.cvsignore [deleted file]
glib/examples/Makefile.am [deleted file]
glib/examples/example-client.c [deleted file]
glib/examples/example-service.c [deleted file]
glib/examples/example-service.xml [deleted file]
glib/examples/example-signal-emitter.c [deleted file]
glib/examples/example-signal-emitter.xml [deleted file]
glib/examples/example-signal-recipient.c [deleted file]
glib/examples/statemachine/.cvsignore [deleted file]
glib/examples/statemachine/Makefile.am [deleted file]
glib/examples/statemachine/sm-marshal.list [deleted file]
glib/examples/statemachine/statemachine-client.c [deleted file]
glib/examples/statemachine/statemachine-server.c [deleted file]
glib/examples/statemachine/statemachine-server.h [deleted file]
glib/examples/statemachine/statemachine-server.xml [deleted file]
glib/examples/statemachine/statemachine.c [deleted file]
glib/examples/statemachine/statemachine.h [deleted file]
glib/examples/statemachine/statemachine.xml [deleted file]
glib/make-dbus-glib-error-switch.sh [deleted file]
mono/.cvsignore [deleted file]
mono/Arguments.cs [deleted file]
mono/AssemblyInfo.cs.in [deleted file]
mono/Bus.cs [deleted file]
mono/BusDriver.cs [deleted file]
mono/Connection.cs [deleted file]
mono/DBusException.cs [deleted file]
mono/DBusType/Array.cs [deleted file]
mono/DBusType/Boolean.cs [deleted file]
mono/DBusType/Byte.cs [deleted file]
mono/DBusType/Dict.cs [deleted file]
mono/DBusType/Double.cs [deleted file]
mono/DBusType/IDBusType.cs [deleted file]
mono/DBusType/Int16.cs [deleted file]
mono/DBusType/Int32.cs [deleted file]
mono/DBusType/Int64.cs [deleted file]
mono/DBusType/ObjectPath.cs [deleted file]
mono/DBusType/String.cs [deleted file]
mono/DBusType/UInt16.cs [deleted file]
mono/DBusType/UInt32.cs [deleted file]
mono/DBusType/UInt64.cs [deleted file]
mono/Error.cs [deleted file]
mono/ErrorMessage.cs [deleted file]
mono/Handler.cs [deleted file]
mono/InterfaceAttribute.cs [deleted file]
mono/InterfaceProxy.cs [deleted file]
mono/Introspector.cs [deleted file]
mono/Makefile.am [deleted file]
mono/Message.cs [deleted file]
mono/MethodAttribute.cs [deleted file]
mono/MethodCall.cs [deleted file]
mono/MethodReturn.cs [deleted file]
mono/ProxyBuilder.cs [deleted file]
mono/README [deleted file]
mono/Server.cs [deleted file]
mono/Service.cs [deleted file]
mono/Signal.cs [deleted file]
mono/SignalAttribute.cs [deleted file]
mono/TODO [deleted file]
mono/Test.cs [deleted file]
mono/dbus-sharp.dll.config.in [deleted file]
mono/dbus-sharp.snk [deleted file]
mono/doc/.cvsignore [deleted file]
mono/doc/Makefile.am [deleted file]
mono/doc/dbus-sharp-docs.source [deleted file]
mono/doc/en/DBus.DBusType.xml [deleted file]
mono/doc/en/DBus.DBusType/Array.xml [deleted file]
mono/doc/en/DBus.DBusType/Boolean.xml [deleted file]
mono/doc/en/DBus.DBusType/Byte.xml [deleted file]
mono/doc/en/DBus.DBusType/Custom.xml [deleted file]
mono/doc/en/DBus.DBusType/Dict.xml [deleted file]
mono/doc/en/DBus.DBusType/Double.xml [deleted file]
mono/doc/en/DBus.DBusType/IDBusType.xml [deleted file]
mono/doc/en/DBus.DBusType/Int32.xml [deleted file]
mono/doc/en/DBus.DBusType/Int64.xml [deleted file]
mono/doc/en/DBus.DBusType/Nil.xml [deleted file]
mono/doc/en/DBus.DBusType/ObjectPath.xml [deleted file]
mono/doc/en/DBus.DBusType/String.xml [deleted file]
mono/doc/en/DBus.DBusType/UInt32.xml [deleted file]
mono/doc/en/DBus.DBusType/UInt64.xml [deleted file]
mono/doc/en/DBus.xml [deleted file]
mono/doc/en/DBus/Arguments.xml [deleted file]
mono/doc/en/DBus/Bus.xml [deleted file]
mono/doc/en/DBus/Connection.xml [deleted file]
mono/doc/en/DBus/Custom.xml [deleted file]
mono/doc/en/DBus/DBusException.xml [deleted file]
mono/doc/en/DBus/ErrorMessage.xml [deleted file]
mono/doc/en/DBus/InterfaceAttribute.xml [deleted file]
mono/doc/en/DBus/Message.xml [deleted file]
mono/doc/en/DBus/MessageType.xml [deleted file]
mono/doc/en/DBus/MethodAttribute.xml [deleted file]
mono/doc/en/DBus/MethodCall.xml [deleted file]
mono/doc/en/DBus/MethodReturn.xml [deleted file]
mono/doc/en/DBus/Server.xml [deleted file]
mono/doc/en/DBus/Service.xml [deleted file]
mono/doc/en/DBus/Signal.xml [deleted file]
mono/doc/en/DBus/SignalAttribute.xml [deleted file]
mono/doc/en/DBus/SignalCalledHandler.xml [deleted file]
mono/example/.cvsignore [deleted file]
mono/example/BusListener.cs [deleted file]
mono/example/EchoClient.cs [deleted file]
mono/example/EchoServer.cs [deleted file]
mono/example/Echoer.cs [deleted file]
mono/example/Makefile.am [deleted file]
python/.cvsignore [deleted file]
python/Makefile.am [deleted file]
python/__init__.py [deleted file]
python/_dbus.py [deleted file]
python/_util.py [deleted file]
python/dbus.pth [deleted file]
python/dbus_bindings.pxd.in [deleted file]
python/dbus_bindings.pyx [deleted file]
python/dbus_glib_bindings.pyx [deleted file]
python/dbus_h_wrapper.h [deleted file]
python/decorators.py [deleted file]
python/examples/.cvsignore [deleted file]
python/examples/Makefile.am [deleted file]
python/examples/example-client.py [deleted file]
python/examples/example-service.py [deleted file]
python/examples/example-signal-emitter.py [deleted file]
python/examples/example-signal-recipient.py [deleted file]
python/examples/gconf-proxy-client.py [deleted file]
python/examples/gconf-proxy-service.py [deleted file]
python/examples/gconf-proxy-service2.py [deleted file]
python/examples/list-system-services.py [deleted file]
python/exceptions.py [deleted file]
python/extract.py [deleted file]
python/glib.py [deleted file]
python/introspect_parser.py [deleted file]
python/matchrules.py [deleted file]
python/proxies.py [deleted file]
python/service.py [deleted file]
python/types.py [deleted file]
qt/.cvsignore [deleted file]
qt/Doxyfile [deleted file]
qt/Makefile.am [deleted file]
qt/README [deleted file]
qt/dbus/Makefile.am [deleted file]
qt/dbus/qdbus.h [deleted file]
qt/dbus/qdbusabstractadaptor.h [deleted file]
qt/dbus/qdbusabstractadaptor_p.h [deleted file]
qt/dbus/qdbusabstractinterface.h [deleted file]
qt/dbus/qdbusabstractinterface_p.h [deleted file]
qt/dbus/qdbusbus.h [deleted file]
qt/dbus/qdbusconnection.h [deleted file]
qt/dbus/qdbusconnection_p.h [deleted file]
qt/dbus/qdbuserror.h [deleted file]
qt/dbus/qdbusinterface.h [deleted file]
qt/dbus/qdbusinterface_p.h [deleted file]
qt/dbus/qdbusintrospection_p.h [deleted file]
qt/dbus/qdbusmacros.h [deleted file]
qt/dbus/qdbusmarshall_p.h [deleted file]
qt/dbus/qdbusmessage.h [deleted file]
qt/dbus/qdbusmessage_p.h [deleted file]
qt/dbus/qdbusmetaobject_p.h [deleted file]
qt/dbus/qdbusreply.h [deleted file]
qt/dbus/qdbusserver.h [deleted file]
qt/dbus/qdbustype_p.h [deleted file]
qt/dbus/qdbustypehelper_p.h [deleted file]
qt/dbus/qdbusutil.h [deleted file]
qt/dbus/qdbusxmlparser_p.h [deleted file]
qt/examples/.cvsignore [deleted file]
qt/examples/Makefile.am [deleted file]
qt/examples/chat.cpp [deleted file]
qt/examples/chat.h [deleted file]
qt/examples/chatadaptor.cpp [deleted file]
qt/examples/chatadaptor.h [deleted file]
qt/examples/chatmainwindow.ui [deleted file]
qt/examples/chatsetnickname.ui [deleted file]
qt/examples/com.trolltech.ChatInterface.xml [deleted file]
qt/examples/complexping.cpp [deleted file]
qt/examples/complexping.h [deleted file]
qt/examples/complexpong.cpp [deleted file]
qt/examples/complexpong.h [deleted file]
qt/examples/hello.cpp [deleted file]
qt/examples/listnames.cpp [deleted file]
qt/examples/ping-common.h [deleted file]
qt/examples/ping.cpp [deleted file]
qt/examples/pong.cpp [deleted file]
qt/examples/pong.h [deleted file]
qt/qt-dbus.qdocconf [deleted file]
qt/qt.tag [deleted file]
qt/src/.cvsignore [deleted file]
qt/src/Makefile.am [deleted file]
qt/src/qdbus.h [deleted file]
qt/src/qdbusabstractadaptor.cpp [deleted file]
qt/src/qdbusabstractadaptor.h [deleted file]
qt/src/qdbusabstractadaptor_p.h [deleted file]
qt/src/qdbusabstractinterface.cpp [deleted file]
qt/src/qdbusabstractinterface.h [deleted file]
qt/src/qdbusabstractinterface_p.h [deleted file]
qt/src/qdbusbus.cpp [deleted file]
qt/src/qdbusbus.h [deleted file]
qt/src/qdbusconnection.cpp [deleted file]
qt/src/qdbusconnection.h [deleted file]
qt/src/qdbusconnection_p.h [deleted file]
qt/src/qdbuserror.cpp [deleted file]
qt/src/qdbuserror.h [deleted file]
qt/src/qdbusintegrator.cpp [deleted file]
qt/src/qdbusinterface.cpp [deleted file]
qt/src/qdbusinterface.h [deleted file]
qt/src/qdbusinterface_p.h [deleted file]
qt/src/qdbusinternalfilters.cpp [deleted file]
qt/src/qdbusintrospection.cpp [deleted file]
qt/src/qdbusintrospection_p.h [deleted file]
qt/src/qdbusmacros.h [deleted file]
qt/src/qdbusmarshall.cpp [deleted file]
qt/src/qdbusmarshall_p.h [deleted file]
qt/src/qdbusmessage.cpp [deleted file]
qt/src/qdbusmessage.h [deleted file]
qt/src/qdbusmessage_p.h [deleted file]
qt/src/qdbusmetaobject.cpp [deleted file]
qt/src/qdbusmetaobject_p.h [deleted file]
qt/src/qdbusmisc.cpp [deleted file]
qt/src/qdbusreply.h [deleted file]
qt/src/qdbusserver.cpp [deleted file]
qt/src/qdbusserver.h [deleted file]
qt/src/qdbusthread.cpp [deleted file]
qt/src/qdbustype.cpp [deleted file]
qt/src/qdbustype_p.h [deleted file]
qt/src/qdbustypehelper_p.h [deleted file]
qt/src/qdbusutil.cpp [deleted file]
qt/src/qdbusutil.h [deleted file]
qt/src/qdbusxmlgenerator.cpp [deleted file]
qt/src/qdbusxmlparser.cpp [deleted file]
qt/src/qdbusxmlparser_p.h [deleted file]
qt/tools/.cvsignore [deleted file]
qt/tools/Makefile.am [deleted file]
qt/tools/dbus.cpp [deleted file]
qt/tools/dbuscpp2xml.cpp [deleted file]
qt/tools/dbusidl2cpp.cpp [deleted file]
qt3/.cvsignore [deleted file]
qt3/Makefile.am [deleted file]
qt3/connection.cpp [deleted file]
qt3/connection.h [deleted file]
qt3/dbus-qt.h [deleted file]
qt3/dbus-qthread.cpp [deleted file]
qt3/integrator.cpp [deleted file]
qt3/integrator.h [deleted file]
qt3/message.cpp [deleted file]
qt3/message.h [deleted file]
qt3/server.cpp [deleted file]
qt3/server.h [deleted file]
test/data/valid-service-files/debug-glib.service.in [deleted file]
test/data/valid-service-files/debug-python.service.in [deleted file]
test/glib/Makefile.am [deleted file]
test/glib/my-object-marshal.list [deleted file]
test/glib/run-test.sh [deleted file]
test/glib/test-dbus-glib.c [deleted file]
test/glib/test-profile.c [deleted file]
test/glib/test-service-glib.c [deleted file]
test/glib/test-service-glib.xml [deleted file]
test/glib/test-thread-client.c [deleted file]
test/glib/test-thread-server.c [deleted file]
test/glib/test-thread.h [deleted file]
test/python/.cvsignore [deleted file]
test/python/Makefile.am [deleted file]
test/python/run-test.sh [deleted file]
test/python/test-client.py [deleted file]
test/python/test-service.py [deleted file]
test/qt/.cvsignore [deleted file]
test/qt/Makefile.am [deleted file]
test/qt/common.h [deleted file]
test/qt/qpong.cpp [deleted file]
test/qt/tst_hal.cpp [deleted file]
test/qt/tst_headertest.cpp [deleted file]
test/qt/tst_qdbusabstractadaptor.cpp [deleted file]
test/qt/tst_qdbusconnection.cpp [deleted file]
test/qt/tst_qdbusinterface.cpp [deleted file]
test/qt/tst_qdbusmarshall.cpp [deleted file]
test/qt/tst_qdbusxmlparser.cpp [deleted file]
tools/dbus-names-model.c [deleted file]
tools/dbus-names-model.h [deleted file]
tools/dbus-tree-view.c [deleted file]
tools/dbus-tree-view.h [deleted file]

index 88ed6de..7701e90 100644 (file)
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ WARN_LOGFILE           =
 # configuration options related to the input files
-INPUT                  = dbus glib
+INPUT                  = dbus
 FILE_PATTERNS          = *.c *.h
 RECURSIVE              = YES
 #EXCLUDE                = test
index 816d653..118cbee 100644 (file)
@@ -1,56 +1,15 @@
-    GLIB_SUBDIR=glib
-    GLIB_PC=dbus-glib-1.pc
-   QT_SUBDIR=qt
-   QT_PC=dbus-qt4-1.pc
-if HAVE_QT3
-   QT3_SUBDIR=qt3
-   GCJ_SUBDIR=gcj
-   MONO_SUBDIR=mono
-   MONO_PC=dbus-sharp.pc
-   PYTHON_SUBDIR=python
-## really we should require gcj/mcs/python also but since they are 
-## annoying to install, we don't for now
-       if test -z "$(QT_SUBDIR)" || test -z "$(GLIB_SUBDIR)" ; then            \
-               echo "You have to build with Qt and GLib to make dist" ;        \
-       fi 
-DIST_SUBDIRS=dbus bus doc glib qt qt3 gcj mono python tools test
+SUBDIRS=dbus bus doc tools test
+DIST_SUBDIRS=dbus bus doc tools test
 pkgconfigdir = $(libdir)/pkgconfig
-pkgconfig_DATA = dbus-1.pc $(GLIB_PC) $(QT_PC) $(MONO_PC)
+pkgconfig_DATA = dbus-1.pc 
 DISTCLEANFILES =               \
-       dbus-1.pc               \
-       $(GLIB_PC)              \
-       $(QT_PC)                \
-       $(MONO_PC)
+       dbus-1.pc
 EXTRA_DIST =                   \
        HACKING                 \
-       dbus-1.pc.in            \
-       dbus-glib-1.pc.in       \
-       dbus-qt4-1.pc.in        \
-       dbus-sharp.pc.in
+       dbus-1.pc.in
 all-local: Doxyfile
@@ -61,7 +20,7 @@ clean-gcov:
        find -name "*.bbg" -o -name "*.bb" | xargs rm || true
+GCOV_DIRS=dbus bus
 ## .PHONY so it always rebuilds it
 .PHONY: coverage-report.txt
index 8158801..0bc65f6 100644 (file)
@@ -46,13 +46,6 @@ AC_PROG_CXX
-AC_ARG_ENABLE(qt, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-qt],[enable Qt-friendly client library]),enable_qt=$enableval,enable_qt=auto)
-AC_ARG_ENABLE(qt-debug, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-qt-debug],[enable Qt-friendly client library, linked to debug Qt libraries]),enable_qt_debug=$enableval,enable_qt_debug=no)
-AC_ARG_WITH(qt_moc, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-qt-moc=<path>],[moc for Qt]))
-AC_ARG_ENABLE(qt3, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-qt3],[enable Qt3-friendly client library]),enable_qt3=$enableval,enable_qt3=auto)
-AC_ARG_WITH(qt3_moc, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-qt3-moc=<path>],[moc for Qt3]))
-AC_ARG_ENABLE(glib, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-glib],[enable GLib-friendly client library]),enable_glib=$enableval,enable_glib=auto)
-AC_ARG_ENABLE(gtk, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-gtk],[enable GTK-requiring executables]),enable_gtk=$enableval,enable_gtk=auto)
 AC_ARG_ENABLE(tests, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-tests],[enable unit test code]),enable_tests=$enableval,enable_tests=$USE_MAINTAINER_MODE)
 AC_ARG_ENABLE(ansi, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-ansi],[enable -ansi -pedantic gcc flags]),enable_ansi=$enableval,enable_ansi=no)
 AC_ARG_ENABLE(verbose-mode, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-verbose-mode],[support verbose debug mode]),enable_verbose_mode=$enableval,enable_verbose_mode=$USE_MAINTAINER_MODE)
@@ -62,10 +55,6 @@ AC_ARG_ENABLE(xml-docs, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-xml-docs],[build XML documentat
 AC_ARG_ENABLE(doxygen-docs, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-doxygen-docs],[build DOXYGEN documentation (requires Doxygen)]),enable_doxygen_docs=$enableval,enable_doxygen_docs=auto)
 AC_ARG_ENABLE(gcov, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-gcov],[compile with coverage profiling instrumentation (gcc only)]),enable_gcov=$enableval,enable_gcov=no)
 AC_ARG_ENABLE(abstract-sockets, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-abstract-sockets],[use abstract socket namespace (linux only)]),enable_abstract_sockets=$enableval,enable_abstract_sockets=auto)
-AC_ARG_ENABLE(gcj, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-gcj],[build gcj bindings]),enable_gcj=$enableval,enable_gcj=no)
-AC_ARG_ENABLE(mono, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-mono],[build mono bindings]),enable_mono=$enableval,enable_mono=no)
-AC_ARG_ENABLE(mono_docs, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-mono-docs],[build mono docs]),enable_mono_docs=$enableval,enable_mono_docs=no)
-AC_ARG_ENABLE(python, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-python],[build python bindings]),enable_python=$enableval,enable_python=auto)
 AC_ARG_ENABLE(selinux, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-selinux],[build with SELinux support]),enable_selinux=$enableval,enable_selinux=auto)
 AC_ARG_ENABLE(dnotify, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-dnotify],[build with dnotify support (linux only)]),enable_dnotify=$enableval,enable_dnotify=auto)
 AC_ARG_ENABLE(console-owner-file, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-console-owner-file],[enable console owner file]),enable_console_owner_file=$enableval,enable_console_owner_file=auto)
@@ -190,142 +179,8 @@ else
-#### can't use AM_PROG_GCJ since it fails fatally if no gcj found
-AC_CHECK_PROGS(GCJ, gcj, gcj)
-if test -z "$GCJ" ; then
-     have_gcj=no
-     # Needs to be here so libtool wont get confused
-     have_gcj=yes
-     if test "x${GCJFLAGS-unset}" = xunset; then
-        GCJFLAGS="-g -O2 -Wall"
-     fi
-if test x$enable_gcj = xauto ; then
-    if test x$have_gcj = xno ; then
-        enable_gcj=no
-    else
-        enable_gcj=yes
-    fi
-if test x$enable_gcj = xyes; then
-    if test x$have_gcj = xno ; then
-       AC_MSG_ERROR([Building gcj explicitly required, but gcj not found])
-    else 
-        AC_CHECK_PROGS(JAR, gcj-jar fastjar jar)
-    fi
-AM_CONDITIONAL(DBUS_USE_GCJ, test x$enable_gcj = xyes)
-#### Look for mono
-PKG_CHECK_MODULES(MONO_DEPENDENCY, mono >= $MONO_REQUIRED_VERSION, have_mono=true, have_mono=false)
-if test "x$enable_mono" = "xyes"; then
-       if test "x$have_mono" = "xfalse"; then
-               AC_MSG_ERROR([Mono was not found])
-       fi
-if test "x$have_mono" = "xtrue"; then
-       if test `uname -s` = "Darwin"; then
-               AC_PATH_PROG(RUNTIME, mint, no)
-               AC_PATH_PROG(CSC, mcs, no)
-               LIB_PREFIX=
-               LIB_SUFFIX=.dylib
-       else
-               AC_PATH_PROG(RUNTIME, mono, no)
-               AC_PATH_PROG(CSC, mcs, no)
-               LIB_PREFIX=.so
-               LIB_SUFFIX=
-       fi
-       AC_PATH_PROG(CSC, csc.exe, no)
-       RUNTIME=
-       LIB_PREFIX=
-       LIB_SUFFIX=.dylib
-if test x$enable_mono = xyes; then
-    if test x$have_mcs = xno ; then
-       AC_MSG_ERROR([Building Mono bindings explicitly required, but mcs compiler not found])
-    fi
-    ### Test for GACUTIL
-    AC_PATH_PROG(GACUTIL, gacutil, no)
-    if test "x$GACUTIL" = "xno" ; then
-        AC_MSG_ERROR([No gacutil tool found])
-    fi
-if test x$enable_mono = xauto ; then
-    if test x$CSC = xno ; then
-        enable_mono=no
-    else
-       ### Test for GACUTIL
-       AC_PATH_PROG(GACUTIL, gacutil, no)
-       if test "x$GACUTIL" = "xno" ; then
-          enable_mono=no
-       else
-          enable_mono=yes
-       fi
-    fi
-AM_CONDITIONAL(DBUS_USE_CSC, test x$enable_mono = xyes)
-#### Look for monodoc
-PKG_CHECK_MODULES(MONODOC_DEPENDENCY, monodoc >= $MONODOC_REQUIRED_VERSION, have_monodoc=yes, have_monodoc=no)
-if test x$enable_mono_docs = xyes; then
-    if test x$have_monodoc = xno ; then
-       AC_MSG_ERROR([Building Mono docs explicitly required, but monodoc not found])
-    else
-        AC_PATH_PROG(MONODOC, monodoc, no)
-        if test x$MONODOC = xno; then
-           AC_MSG_ERROR([Building Mono docs explicitly required, but monodoc not found])       
-       fi
-    fi
-if test x$enable_mono_docs = xauto ; then
-    if test x$have_monodoc = xno ; then
-        enable_mono_docs=no
-       MONODOC=
-    else
-        AC_PATH_PROG(MONODOC, monodoc, no)
-        if test x$MONODOC = xno; then
-           enable_mono_docs=no
-           MONODOC=
-       else
-          enable_mono_docs=yes
-        fi
-    fi
-AM_CONDITIONAL(ENABLE_MONODOC, test "x$enable_mono_docs" = "xyes")
 # let ourselves use our own unstable API
@@ -885,230 +740,6 @@ DBUS_TEST_LIBS=
-# Glib detection
-PKG_CHECK_MODULES(DBUS_GLIB, gobject-2.0 >= 2.4, have_glib=yes, have_glib=no)
-PKG_CHECK_MODULES(DBUS_GLIB_THREADS, gthread-2.0 >= 2.4, have_glib_threads=yes, have_glib_threads=no)
-if test x$have_glib = xno ; then
-    AC_MSG_WARN([GLib development libraries not found])
-if test x$enable_glib = xyes; then
-    if test x$have_glib = xno; then
-       AC_MSG_ERROR([GLib explicitly required, and GLib development libraries not found])
-    fi
-if test x$enable_glib = xno; then
-   have_glib=no;
-AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_GLIB, test x$have_glib = xyes)
-AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_GLIB_THREADS, test x$have_glib_threads = xyes)
-if test x$have_glib = xyes; then
-   GLIB_GENMARSHAL=`$PKG_CONFIG --variable=glib_genmarshal glib-2.0`
-   GLIB_GENMARSHAL=glib-not-enabled-so-there-is-no-genmarshal
-dnl GLib flags
-# GTK detection
-if test x$have_glib = xno ; then
-    AC_MSG_WARN([Can't use GTK+ since GLib not enabled])
-    have_gtk=no
-    PKG_CHECK_MODULES(DBUS_GTK, gtk+-2.0 >= 2.4, have_gtk=yes, have_gtk=no)
-    PKG_CHECK_MODULES(DBUS_GTK_THREADS, gtk+-2.0 >= 2.4 gthread-2.0, have_gtk_threads=yes, have_gtk_threads=no)
-if test x$have_gtk = xno ; then
-    AC_MSG_WARN([GTK+ development libraries not found])
-if test x$enable_gtk = xyes; then
-    if test x$have_gtk = xno; then
-       AC_MSG_ERROR([GTK+ explicitly required, and GTK+ development libraries not found])
-    fi
-if test x$enable_gtk = xno; then
-   have_gtk=no;
-AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_GTK, test x$have_gtk = xyes)
-dnl Gtk flags
-dnl Qt3 detection
-if test -z "$with_qt3_moc" ; then
-  AC_PATH_PROG(QT3_MOC, moc, no)
-  QT3_MOC=$with_qt3_moc
-AC_MSG_CHECKING([for qglobal.h])
-if test -n "$QTDIR" -a -f "$QTDIR/include/qglobal.h"; then
-    have_qt3=yes
-    DBUS_QT3_CXXFLAGS="-I$QTDIR/include"
-    for dir in "${prefix}/include/qt" "/usr/include/qt-3.1" "/usr/include/qt3" "/usr/include/qt" "/usr/lib/qt/include" "/usr/lib/qt-3.1/include"; do
-        if test -f "$dir/qglobal.h"; then
-            have_qt3=yes
-            DBUS_QT3_CXXFLAGS="-I$dir"
-            DBUS_QT3_LIBS="-L$QTDIR/lib -lqt-mt"
-       fi
-    done
-if test x$have_qt3 = xyes; then
-   AC_MSG_RESULT([found])
-   AC_MSG_RESULT([not found])
-if test x$have_qt3 = xno; then
-    AC_MSG_WARN([Qt3 development libraries not found])
-if test x$enable_qt3 = xyes; then
-    if test x$have_qt3 = xno; then
-       AC_MSG_ERROR([Qt3 integration explicitly required, and Qt3 libraries not found])
-    fi
-if test x$enable_qt3 = xno; then
-   have_qt3=no;
-AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_QT3, test x$have_qt3 = xyes)
-dnl Qt3 flags
-dnl Qt4 detection
-AC_MSG_CHECKING([if we want to link to Qt debugging libraries])
-if test x$enable_qt_debug = xyes; then
-    qt_suffix=_debug
-    AC_MSG_RESULT([debug])
-    AC_MSG_RESULT([release])
-if test x$enable_qt = xno; then
-   have_qt=no
-   have_qt_gui=no
-   have_qtest=no
-   QT_CORE=QtCore$qt_suffix
-   QT_XML=QtXml$qt_suffix
-   QT_GUI=QtGui$qt_suffix
-   QT_TESTLIB=QtTest$qt_suffix
-   min_qt_version=4.1.3
-                     [$QT_CORE >= $min_qt_version $QT_XML >= $min_qt_version], 
-                     have_qt=yes, 
-                     have_qt=no)
-dnl Check for moc too
-if test x$have_qt = xyes ; then
-    AC_MSG_CHECKING([for moc])
-    if test -z "$with_qt_moc" ; then
-        QT_MOC=`$PKG_CONFIG --variable=exec_prefix $QT_CORE`
-        QT_MOC=${QT_MOC}/bin/moc
-    else
-        QT_MOC=$with_qt_moc
-    fi
-    if test -x "$QT_MOC"; then
-        AC_MSG_RESULT([found, $QT_MOC])
-    else
-        AC_MSG_RESULT([not found])
-        AC_MSG_WARN([moc not found; disabling Qt])
-        have_qt=no
-    fi
-if test x$have_qt = xno ; then
-    if test x$enable_qt = xyes; then
-           AC_MSG_ERROR([Qt integration explicitly required, and Qt libraries not found])
-    fi
-    have_qt=no
-    dnl Qt4 flags
-    dnl QTestLib detection
-                     [$QT_TESTLIB >= 4.1.0], 
-                      have_qtest=yes, 
-                      have_qtest=no)
-    if test x$have_qtest = xno ; then
-        AC_MSG_WARN([Qt Unit Test library not found])
-    fi
-    if test x$have_qt = xno; then
-        have_qtest=no
-    fi
-    dnl QtGui detection
-    PKG_CHECK_MODULES([DBUS_QT_GUI], [$QT_GUI >= $min_qt_version],
-                     have_qt_gui=yes,
-                     have_qt_gui=no)
-    if test x$have_qt_gui = xyes ; then
-        AC_MSG_CHECKING([for uic])
-       QT_UIC=`$PKG_CONFIG --variable=exec_prefix $QT_GUI`/bin/uic
-       if test -x "$QT_UIC" ; then
-           AC_MSG_RESULT([found, $QT_UIC])
-       else
-           AC_MSG_RESULT([not found, disabling Qt Gui])
-           have_qt_gui=no
-       fi
-    fi
-AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_QT, test x$have_qt = xyes)
-AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_QT_GUI, test x$have_qt_gui = xyes)
-AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_QTESTLIB, test x$have_qtest = xyes)
 ### X11 detection
@@ -1343,8 +974,6 @@ AC_SUBST(TEST_$1)
 TEST_PATH(SERVICE_DIR, data/valid-service-files)
 TEST_PATH(SHELL_SERVICE_BINARY, test-shell-service)
-TEST_PATH(GLIB_SERVICE_BINARY, glib/test-service-glib)
-TEST_PATH(PYTHON_SERVICE_BINARY, python/test-service.py)
 TEST_PATH(SLEEP_FOREVER_BINARY, test-sleep-forever)
@@ -1377,51 +1006,6 @@ fi
 AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(DBUS_SESSION_SOCKET_DIR, "$DBUS_SESSION_SOCKET_DIR", [Where per-session bus puts its sockets])
-# Detect if we can build Python bindings (need python, python headers, and pyrex)
-if test x$enable_python = xno; then
-    have_python=no
-    have_python_version=2.4
-    AC_MSG_NOTICE([Checking to see if we can build Python bindings])
-    have_python=no
-    if test -z "$PYTHON" ; then
-        AC_MSG_WARN([Python not found])
-    else
-        AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether $PYTHON version >= $have_python_version])
-        AM_PYTHON_CHECK_VERSION([$PYTHON], [$have_python_version],
-                              [have_python_version="yes"],
-                              [have_python_version="too old"])
-        AC_MSG_RESULT($have_python_version)
-        AC_CHECK_PROGS(PYREX, pyrexc)
-        if test -z "$PYREX" ; then
-            have_pyrex=no
-        else
-            have_pyrex=yes
-        fi
-        AM_CHECK_PYTHON_HEADERS(have_python_headers=yes,have_python_headers=no)
-       if test x$have_pyrex = xyes -a x$have_python_headers = xyes -a "x$have_python_version" = xyes ; then
-           have_python=yes
-        fi
-    fi
-    if test x$have_python = xno ; then
-        if test x$enable_python = xyes ; then
-            AC_MSG_ERROR([Building python explicitly requested, but can't build python bindings because either Pyrex, Python headers or a suitable Python version was not found])
-        else
-            AC_MSG_WARN([Couldn't find either Pyrex, the Python headers or a suitable version of Python, not building Python bindings])
-        fi
-    fi               
-AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_PYTHON, test x$have_python = xyes)
@@ -1432,49 +1016,21 @@ bus/rc.messagebus
-### FIXME it's bizarre that have_qt and have_glib are used
+### FIXME it's bizarre that have_qt 
 ### instead of enable_ - should fix things so that enable 
 ### is always whether it's enabled, and have is always whether 
 ### it was found.
@@ -1502,26 +1058,6 @@ echo "
         Doxygen:                  ${DOXYGEN}
         xmlto:                    ${XMLTO}"
-if test x$enable_gcj = xyes ; then
-echo \
-"        gcj:                    ${GCJ}
-       gcjflags:                 ${GCJFLAGS}
-       jar:                      ${JAR}"
-echo \
-"        gcj:                      (not enabled)"
-if test x$enable_mono = xyes ; then
-echo \
-"        csc:                    ${CSC}
-echo \
-"        csc:                      (not enabled)
 echo "
         Maintainer mode:          ${USE_MAINTAINER_MODE}
         gcc coverage profiling:   ${enable_gcov}
@@ -1529,14 +1065,8 @@ echo "
         Building verbose mode:    ${enable_verbose_mode}
         Building assertions:      ${enable_asserts}
         Building checks:          ${enable_checks}
-        Building Qt4 bindings:    ${have_qt}
-        Building Qt3 bindings:    ${have_qt3}
-        Building GLib bindings:   ${have_glib}
-        Building Python bindings: ${have_python}
         Building SELinux support: ${have_selinux}
         Building dnotify support: ${have_dnotify}
-       Building Mono bindings:   ${enable_mono}
-       Building Mono docs:       ${enable_mono_docs}
         Building GTK+ tools:      ${have_gtk}
         Building X11 code:        ${enable_x11}
         Building Doxygen docs:    ${enable_doxygen_docs}
diff --git a/dbus-glib-1.pc.in b/dbus-glib-1.pc.in
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 9633f87..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-Name: dbus-glib
-Description: GLib integration for the free desktop message bus
-Version: @VERSION@
-Requires: dbus-1 glib-2.0
-Libs: -L${libdir} -ldbus-glib-1
index 74657ee..5ceb89d 100644 (file)
@@ -1,20 +1,6 @@
-DBUS_GLIB_BUILT_INCLUDES=                      \
-       dbus-glib-error-enum.h
-GLIB_INCLUDES=                                 \
-       dbus-glib.h                             \
-       dbus-glib-lowlevel.h                    \
-dbus-glib-error-enum.h: dbus-protocol.h make-dbus-glib-error-enum.sh
-       $(srcdir)/make-dbus-glib-error-enum.sh $(srcdir)/dbus-protocol.h $@
@@ -35,8 +21,7 @@ dbusinclude_HEADERS=                          \
        dbus-shared.h                           \
        dbus-signature.h                        \
        dbus-threads.h                          \
-       dbus-types.h                            \
-       $(GLIB_INCLUDES)
+       dbus-types.h
 dbusarchinclude_HEADERS=                       \
@@ -158,9 +143,8 @@ libdbus_convenience_la_SOURCES=                     \
-EXTRA_DIST=dbus-arch-deps.h.in make-dbus-glib-error-enum.sh
 ## this library is the same as libdbus, but exports all the symbols
 ## and is only used for static linking within the dbus package.
diff --git a/dbus/dbus-glib-lowlevel.h b/dbus/dbus-glib-lowlevel.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index cb015cc..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu" -*- */
-/* dbus-glib-lowlevel.h GLib integration details that require dbus/dbus.h
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2002, 2003  CodeFactory AB
- * Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Red Hat, Inc.
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- * 
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- * 
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *
- */
-#include <dbus/dbus-glib.h>
-#include <dbus/dbus.h>
-void dbus_set_g_error (GError   **gerror,
-                       DBusError *derror);
-#define DBUS_TYPE_CONNECTION      (dbus_connection_get_g_type ())
-#define DBUS_TYPE_MESSAGE         (dbus_message_get_g_type ())
-#define DBUS_TYPE_PENDING_CALL    (dbus_pending_call_get_g_type ())
-GType dbus_connection_get_g_type   (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-GType dbus_message_get_g_type      (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-GType dbus_pending_call_get_g_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-void            dbus_connection_setup_with_g_main (DBusConnection  *connection,
-                                                   GMainContext    *context);
-void            dbus_server_setup_with_g_main     (DBusServer      *server,
-                                                   GMainContext    *context);
-void dbus_g_proxy_send (DBusGProxy    *proxy,
-                        DBusMessage   *message,
-                        dbus_uint32_t *client_serial);
-DBusConnection*  dbus_g_connection_get_connection (DBusGConnection *gconnection);
-DBusMessage*     dbus_g_message_get_message       (DBusGMessage    *gmessage);
-/* dbus_g_pending_call_get_pending_call() deliberately skipped for now;
- * not sure it makes sense to use any of the DBusPendingCall functions
- * on the wrapped pending call (once we have the right exported
- * g-functions anyhow)
- */
-gchar*            dbus_g_method_get_sender    (DBusGMethodInvocation *context);
-DBusMessage*      dbus_g_method_get_reply     (DBusGMethodInvocation *context);
-void              dbus_g_method_send_reply    (DBusGMethodInvocation *context, 
-                                               DBusMessage *reply);
-#endif /* DBUS_GLIB_LOWLEVEL_H */
diff --git a/dbus/dbus-glib.h b/dbus/dbus-glib.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 1c31925..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,256 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu" -*- */
-/* dbus-glib.h GLib integration
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2002, 2003  CodeFactory AB
- * Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Red Hat, Inc.
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- * 
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- * 
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *
- */
-#ifndef DBUS_GLIB_H
-#define DBUS_GLIB_H
-#include <glib-object.h>
-#include <dbus/dbus-shared.h>
- * Convert to DBusConnection with dbus_g_connection_get_connection() in dbus-glib-lowlevel.h
- */
-typedef struct _DBusGConnection DBusGConnection;
- * Convert to DBusMessage with dbus_g_message_get_message() in dbus-glib-lowlevel.h
- */
-typedef struct _DBusGMessage DBusGMessage;
-#define DBUS_TYPE_G_CONNECTION   (dbus_g_connection_get_g_type ())
-#define DBUS_TYPE_G_MESSAGE      (dbus_g_message_get_g_type ())
-GType dbus_g_connection_get_g_type   (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-GType dbus_g_message_get_g_type      (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-DBusGConnection*  dbus_g_connection_ref          (DBusGConnection        *connection);
-void              dbus_g_connection_unref        (DBusGConnection        *connection);
-DBusGMessage*     dbus_g_message_ref             (DBusGMessage           *message);
-void              dbus_g_message_unref           (DBusGMessage           *message);
-void              dbus_g_connection_flush        (DBusGConnection        *connection);
-GQuark dbus_g_error_quark (void);
-#define DBUS_GERROR dbus_g_error_quark ()
-typedef enum
-#include <dbus/dbus-glib-error-enum.h>    
-} DBusGError;
-gboolean         dbus_g_error_has_name    (GError      *error,
-                                          const char  *name);
-const char *     dbus_g_error_get_name    (GError      *error);
-void             dbus_g_thread_init (void);
-DBusGConnection* dbus_g_connection_open (const gchar  *address,
-                                         GError      **error);
-DBusGConnection* dbus_g_bus_get         (DBusBusType   type,
-                                         GError      **error);
-typedef struct _DBusGObjectInfo DBusGObjectInfo;
-typedef struct _DBusGMethodInfo DBusGMethodInfo;
- * Object typically generated by dbus-binding-tool that
- * stores a mapping from introspection data to a
- * function pointer for a C method to be invoked.
- */
-struct _DBusGMethodInfo
-  GCallback                 function;    /**< C method to invoke */
-  GClosureMarshal           marshaller;  /**< Marshaller to invoke method */
-  int                       data_offset; /**< Offset into the introspection data */
- * Introspection data for a GObject, normally autogenerated by
- * a tool such as dbus-binding-tool.
- */
-struct _DBusGObjectInfo
-  int   format_version;         /**< Allows us to change the rest of this struct
-                                 *   by adding DBusGObjectInfo2, DBusGObjectInfo3, etc.
-                                 */
-  const DBusGMethodInfo *method_infos; /**< Array of method pointers */
-  int   n_method_infos;                /**< Length of the infos array */
-  const char *data;             /**< Introspection data */
-  const char *exported_signals;  /**< Exported signals */
-  const char *exported_properties;  /**< Exported properties */
-void       dbus_g_object_type_install_info     (GType                 object_type,
-                                                const DBusGObjectInfo *info);
-void       dbus_g_error_domain_register        (GQuark                domain,
-                                               const char *          default_iface,
-                                               GType                 code_enum);
-void       dbus_g_connection_register_g_object (DBusGConnection       *connection,
-                                               const char            *at_path,
-                                               GObject               *object);
-GObject *  dbus_g_connection_lookup_g_object   (DBusGConnection       *connection,
-                                               const char            *at_path);
-#include "glib/dbus-gtype-specialized.h"
-#include <dbus/dbus-gtype-specialized.h>
-/* definitions for some basic array types */
-#define DBUS_TYPE_G_BOOLEAN_ARRAY  (dbus_g_type_get_collection ("GArray", G_TYPE_BOOLEAN))
-#define DBUS_TYPE_G_UCHAR_ARRAY    (dbus_g_type_get_collection ("GArray", G_TYPE_UCHAR))
-#define DBUS_TYPE_G_UINT_ARRAY     (dbus_g_type_get_collection ("GArray", G_TYPE_UINT))
-#define DBUS_TYPE_G_INT_ARRAY      (dbus_g_type_get_collection ("GArray", G_TYPE_INT))
-#define DBUS_TYPE_G_UINT64_ARRAY   (dbus_g_type_get_collection ("GArray", G_TYPE_UINT64))
-#define DBUS_TYPE_G_INT64_ARRAY    (dbus_g_type_get_collection ("GArray", G_TYPE_INT64))
-#define DBUS_TYPE_G_OBJECT_ARRAY   (dbus_g_type_get_collection ("GPtrArray", G_TYPE_OBJECT))
-#define DBUS_TYPE_G_STRING_STRING_HASHTABLE (dbus_g_type_get_map ("GHashTable", G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_STRING))
-GType        dbus_g_object_path_get_g_type         (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-#define DBUS_TYPE_G_OBJECT_PATH (dbus_g_object_path_get_g_type ())
-void         dbus_g_object_register_marshaller      (GClosureMarshal  marshaller,
-                                                    GType            rettype,
-                                                    ...);
-void         dbus_g_object_register_marshaller_array(GClosureMarshal  marshaller,
-                                                    GType            rettype,
-                                                    guint            n_types,
-                                                    const GType*     types);
-typedef struct _DBusGProxy       DBusGProxy;
-typedef struct _DBusGProxyClass  DBusGProxyClass;
-#define DBUS_TYPE_G_PROXY              (dbus_g_proxy_get_type ())
-#define DBUS_G_PROXY(object)           (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((object), DBUS_TYPE_G_PROXY, DBusGProxy))
-#define DBUS_G_PROXY_CLASS(klass)      (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), DBUS_TYPE_G_PROXY, DBusGProxyClass))
-#define DBUS_IS_G_PROXY(object)        (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((object), DBUS_TYPE_G_PROXY))
-struct _DBusGProxy
-  GObject parent;
-struct _DBusGProxyClass
-  GObjectClass parent_class;  /**< Parent class */
-typedef struct _DBusGProxyCall DBusGProxyCall;
-typedef void (* DBusGProxyCallNotify) (DBusGProxy       *proxy,
-                                      DBusGProxyCall   *call_id,
-                                      void             *user_data);
-GType             dbus_g_proxy_get_type              (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-DBusGProxy*       dbus_g_proxy_new_for_name          (DBusGConnection   *connection,
-                                                      const char        *name,
-                                                      const char        *path,
-                                                      const char        *interface);
-DBusGProxy*       dbus_g_proxy_new_for_name_owner    (DBusGConnection   *connection,
-                                                      const char        *name,
-                                                      const char        *path,
-                                                      const char        *interface,
-                                                      GError           **error);
-DBusGProxy*       dbus_g_proxy_new_from_proxy        (DBusGProxy        *proxy,
-                                                      const char        *interface,
-                                                      const char        *path_name);
-DBusGProxy*       dbus_g_proxy_new_for_peer          (DBusGConnection   *connection,
-                                                      const char        *path_name,
-                                                      const char        *interface_name);
-void              dbus_g_proxy_set_interface         (DBusGProxy        *proxy,
-                                                     const char        *interface_name);
-void              dbus_g_proxy_add_signal            (DBusGProxy        *proxy,
-                                                     const char        *signal_name,
-                                                     GType              first_type, 
-                                                     ...);
-void              dbus_g_proxy_connect_signal        (DBusGProxy        *proxy,
-                                                      const char        *signal_name,
-                                                      GCallback          handler,
-                                                      void              *data,
-                                                      GClosureNotify     free_data_func);
-void              dbus_g_proxy_disconnect_signal     (DBusGProxy        *proxy,
-                                                      const char        *signal_name,
-                                                      GCallback          handler,
-                                                      void              *data);
-gboolean          dbus_g_proxy_call                  (DBusGProxy        *proxy,
-                                                     const char        *method,
-                                                     GError           **error,
-                                                     GType              first_arg_type,
-                                                     ...);
-void              dbus_g_proxy_call_no_reply         (DBusGProxy        *proxy,
-                                                      const char        *method,
-                                                      GType              first_arg_type,
-                                                      ...);
-DBusGProxyCall *  dbus_g_proxy_begin_call            (DBusGProxy        *proxy,
-                                                      const char        *method,
-                                                     DBusGProxyCallNotify notify,
-                                                     gpointer           data,
-                                                     GDestroyNotify     destroy,
-                                                      GType              first_arg_type,
-                                                      ...);
-gboolean          dbus_g_proxy_end_call              (DBusGProxy        *proxy,
-                                                      DBusGProxyCall    *call,
-                                                      GError           **error,
-                                                      GType              first_arg_type,
-                                                      ...);
-void              dbus_g_proxy_cancel_call           (DBusGProxy        *proxy,
-                                                      DBusGProxyCall    *call);
-const char*       dbus_g_proxy_get_path              (DBusGProxy        *proxy);
-const char*       dbus_g_proxy_get_bus_name          (DBusGProxy        *proxy);
-const char*       dbus_g_proxy_get_interface         (DBusGProxy        *proxy);
-typedef struct _DBusGMethodInvocation DBusGMethodInvocation;
-void              dbus_g_method_return               (DBusGMethodInvocation *context, ...);
-void              dbus_g_method_return_error         (DBusGMethodInvocation *context, GError *error);
-/* Probably possible to replace this with a closure */
-typedef struct {
-  GCallback cb;
-  gpointer userdata;
-} DBusGAsyncData;
-#endif /* DBUS_GLIB_H */
diff --git a/dbus/make-dbus-glib-error-enum.sh b/dbus/make-dbus-glib-error-enum.sh
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 55362de..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-    echo $1 1>&2
-    /bin/rm $DEST.tmp
-    exit 1
-cat $SRC | grep '#define DBUS_ERROR' | sed -e 's/#define //g' | \
-  sed -e 's/".*//g' | sed -e 's/DBUS_ERROR/DBUS_GERROR/g' | sed -e 's/ *$/,/g' > $DEST.tmp
-if ! test -s $DEST.tmp ; then
-    die "$DEST.tmp is empty, something went wrong, see any preceding error message"
-echo "#ifndef DBUS_INSIDE_DBUS_GLIB_H" >> $DEST.tmp
-echo '#error "' "$DEST" 'may only be included by dbus-glib.h"' >> $DEST.tmp
-echo "#endif" >> $DEST.tmp
-mv $DEST.tmp $DEST || die "could not move $DEST.tmp to $DEST"
diff --git a/gcj/.cvsignore b/gcj/.cvsignore
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 3e5eeed..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/gcj/Makefile.am b/gcj/Makefile.am
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 5ee26b9..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-       -@rm -f dbus-1.jar
-       find org -type d -o -type f -name '*.class' | \
-       sed -e '/\/\./d' | \
-       $(JAR) cfM0E@ $@
-jardir = $(datadir)/java
-jar_DATA = dbus-1.jar
-noinst_PROGRAMS = test-message
-test_message_SOURCES = TestMessage.java
-test_message_LDFLAGS = --main=TestMessage
-test_message_LDADD = $(top_builddir)/gcj/org/freedesktop/dbus/libdbus-gcj-1.la
diff --git a/gcj/TestMessage.java b/gcj/TestMessage.java
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 6e17eaa..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-import org.freedesktop.dbus.Message;
-public class TestMessage {
-    public static void main (String[] args) {
-       Message msg = new Message ("test", "bla");
-    }
diff --git a/gcj/org/.cvsignore b/gcj/org/.cvsignore
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 22a4e72..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/gcj/org/Makefile.am b/gcj/org/Makefile.am
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index a3e2122..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/gcj/org/freedesktop/.cvsignore b/gcj/org/freedesktop/.cvsignore
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 282522d..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/gcj/org/freedesktop/Makefile.am b/gcj/org/freedesktop/Makefile.am
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index ee8f397..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/gcj/org/freedesktop/dbus/.cvsignore b/gcj/org/freedesktop/dbus/.cvsignore
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 1744d8c..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/gcj/org/freedesktop/dbus/Makefile.am b/gcj/org/freedesktop/dbus/Makefile.am
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index a6aaf81..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-INCLUDES=                                              \
-       -I$(top_srcdir)                                 \
-       -I$(top_builddir)/gcj/org/freedesktop/dbus      \
-GCJH = gcjh
-lib_LTLIBRARIES = libdbus-gcj-1.la
-MOSTLYCLEANFILES = $(generated_headers) $(java_class_files)
-java_sources =                                 \
-       Message.java
-native_sources =                       \
-       natMessage.cc
-generated_headers = $(java_sources:.java=.h)
-java_class_files = $(java_sources:.java=.class)
-native_object_files = $(native_sources:.cc=.lo)
-java_object_files = $(java_sources:.java=.lo)
-       $(GCJH) $(basename $<)
-       $(GCJ) -C $< -d ../../..
-       $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(CXX) $(INCLUDES) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o '$@' '$<'
-       $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(GCJ) $(INCLUDES) $(GCJ_FLAGS) -c -o '$@' '$<'
-libdbus_gcj_1_la_SOURCES =
-libdbus_gcj_1_la_DEPENDENCIES =        \
-       $(generated_headers)            \
-       $(native_object_files)          \
-       $(java_object_files)            \
-       $(java_class_files)
-libdbus_gcj_1_la_LDFLAGS = -no-undefined
-libdbus_gcj_1_la_LIBADD =              \
-       $(native_object_files)          \
-       $(java_object_files)
-EXTRA_libdbus_gcj_1_la_SOURCES =       \
-       $(native_sources)               \
-       $(java_sources)
-libdbus_gcj_1_la_LINK = $(LIBTOOL) --tag=GCJ --mode=link $(GCJ) -L$(here) $(JC1FLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@
diff --git a/gcj/org/freedesktop/dbus/Message.java b/gcj/org/freedesktop/dbus/Message.java
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index ede8b3a..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-package org.freedesktop.dbus;
-import gnu.gcj.RawData;
-public class Message {
-    private RawData message;
-    public Message (String name, String destService) {
-       this.message = dbus_message_new (name, destService);
-    }
-    private static native RawData dbus_message_new (String name, String destService);
diff --git a/gcj/org/freedesktop/dbus/natMessage.cc b/gcj/org/freedesktop/dbus/natMessage.cc
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index d8b1903..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-// This file was created by `gcjh -stubs'. -*- c++ -*-
-// This file is intended to give you a head start on implementing native
-// methods using CNI.
-// Be aware: running `gcjh -stubs ' once more for this class may
-// overwrite any edits you have made to this file.
-#include <Message.h>
-#include <gcj/cni.h>
-#include <java/lang/UnsupportedOperationException.h>
-#include <dbus/dbus.h>
-::gnu::gcj::RawData *
-org::freedesktop::dbus::Message::dbus_message_new (::java::lang::String *, ::java::lang::String *)
-  throw new ::java::lang::UnsupportedOperationException (JvNewStringLatin1 ("org::freedesktop::dbus::Message::dbus_message_new (::java::lang::String *, ::java::lang::String *) not implemented"));
diff --git a/glib/Makefile.am b/glib/Makefile.am
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index f87145e..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-SUBDIRS = . examples
-dbus-glib-error-switch.h: $(top_srcdir)/dbus/dbus-protocol.h make-dbus-glib-error-switch.sh
-       $(LIBTOOL) --mode=execute $(srcdir)/make-dbus-glib-error-switch.sh $(top_srcdir)/dbus/dbus-protocol.h $@
-BUILT_SOURCES = dbus-glib-error-switch.h
-       dbus-gtype-specialized.c                \
-       dbus-gutils.c                           \
-       dbus-gutils.h                           \
-       dbus-gsignature.c                       \
-       dbus-gsignature.h                       \
-       dbus-gvalue.h                           \
-       dbus-gvalue-utils.c                     \
-       dbus-gvalue-utils.h
-libdbus_glib_1_la_SOURCES =                    \
-       dbus-glib-error-switch.h                \
-       dbus-glib.c                             \
-       dbus-gmain.c                            \
-       dbus-gmarshal.c                         \
-       dbus-gmarshal.h                         \
-       dbus-gobject.c                          \
-       dbus-gobject.h                          \
-       dbus-gproxy.c                           \
-       dbus-gtest.c                            \
-       dbus-gtest.h                            \
-       dbus-gvalue.c                           \
-       dbus-gvalue.h                           \
-       dbus-gthread.c                          \
-libdbus_glib_HEADERS =                  \
-       dbus-gtype-specialized.h
-libdbus_glibdir = $(includedir)/dbus-1.0/dbus
-libdbus_glib_1_la_LIBADD= $(top_builddir)/dbus/libdbus-1.la $(DBUS_GLIB_LIBS)
-## don't export symbols that start with "_" (we use this 
-## convention for internal symbols)
-libdbus_glib_1_la_LDFLAGS= -export-symbols-regex "^[^_].*" -version-info $(LT_CURRENT):$(LT_REVISION):$(LT_AGE) -no-undefined
-# convenience lib used here and by dbus-viewer
-libdbus_gtool_la_SOURCES = $(DBUS_GLIB_INTERNALS) \
-       dbus-gidl.c                             \
-       dbus-gidl.h                             \
-       dbus-gloader-expat.c                    \
-       dbus-gparser.c                          \
-       dbus-gparser.h
-libdbus_gtool_la_LIBADD = libdbus-glib-1.la
-dbus_binding_tool_SOURCES =                    \
-       dbus-binding-tool-glib.h                \
-       dbus-binding-tool-glib.c                \
-       dbus-glib-tool.h                        \
-       dbus-glib-tool.c
-dbus_binding_tool_LDADD= libdbus-gtool.la $(DBUS_GLIB_LIBS) -lexpat
-## we just rebuilt these manually and check them into cvs; easier than
-## convincing automake/make to do this properly
-       @GLIB_GENMARSHAL@ --prefix=_dbus_g_marshal dbus-gmarshal.list --header > dbus-gmarshal.h && \
-       echo '#include "dbus-gmarshal.h"' > dbus-gmarshal.c &&                                      \
-        @GLIB_GENMARSHAL@ --prefix=_dbus_g_marshal dbus-gmarshal.list --body >> dbus-gmarshal.c
-EXTRA_DIST=dbus-gmarshal.list make-dbus-glib-error-switch.sh
-## we use noinst_PROGRAMS not check_PROGRAMS for TESTS so that we
-## build even when not doing "make check"
-noinst_PROGRAMS= $(TESTS)
-## note that TESTS has special meaning (stuff to use in make check)
-## so if adding tests not to be run in make check, don't add them to 
-TESTS_ENVIRONMENT=DBUS_TEST_DATA=$(top_builddir)/test/data DBUS_TEST_HOMEDIR=$(top_builddir)/dbus
-## FIXME we aren't running dbus-glib-tool --self-test
-dbus_glib_test_SOURCES=                        \
-       dbus-gtest-main.c
-dbus_glib_test_LDADD= $(top_builddir)/glib/libdbus-glib-1.la
-### not building tests
diff --git a/glib/dbus-binding-tool-glib.c b/glib/dbus-binding-tool-glib.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 1386e3f..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1625 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu" -*- */
-/* dbus-binding-tool-glib.c: Output C glue
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005 Red Hat, Inc.
- * Copyright (C) 2005 Nokia
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include "dbus/dbus-glib.h"
-#include "dbus-gidl.h"
-#include "dbus-gparser.h"
-#include "dbus-gutils.h"
-#include "dbus-gtype-specialized.h"
-#include "dbus-gsignature.h"
-#include "dbus-gvalue-utils.h"
-#include "dbus-glib-tool.h"
-#include "dbus-binding-tool-glib.h"
-#include <glib/gi18n.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#define MARSHAL_PREFIX "dbus_glib_marshal_"
-typedef struct
-  gboolean ignore_unsupported;
-  const char* prefix;
-  GIOChannel *channel;
-  GError **error;
-  GHashTable *generated;
-  GString *blob;
-  GString *signal_blob;
-  GString *property_blob;
-  guint count;
-} DBusBindingToolCData;
-static gboolean gather_marshallers (BaseInfo *base, DBusBindingToolCData *data, GError **error);
-static gboolean generate_glue (BaseInfo *base, DBusBindingToolCData *data, GError **error);
-static gboolean generate_client_glue (BaseInfo *base, DBusBindingToolCData *data, GError **error);
-static const char *
-dbus_g_type_get_marshal_name (GType gtype)
-  switch (G_TYPE_FUNDAMENTAL (gtype))
-    {
-    case G_TYPE_NONE:
-      return "NONE";
-    case G_TYPE_BOOLEAN:
-      return "BOOLEAN";
-    case G_TYPE_UCHAR:
-      return "UCHAR";
-    case G_TYPE_INT:
-      return "INT";
-    case G_TYPE_UINT:
-      return "UINT";
-    case G_TYPE_INT64:
-      return "INT64";
-    case G_TYPE_UINT64:
-      return "UINT64";
-    case G_TYPE_DOUBLE:
-      return "DOUBLE";
-    case G_TYPE_STRING:
-      return "STRING";
-    case G_TYPE_POINTER:
-      return "POINTER";
-    case G_TYPE_BOXED:
-      return "BOXED";
-    case G_TYPE_OBJECT:
-      return "OBJECT";
-    default:
-      return NULL;
-    }
-/* This entire function is kind of...ugh. */
-static const char *
-dbus_g_type_get_c_name (GType gtype)
-  GType subtype;
-  if (dbus_g_type_is_struct (gtype))
-    {
-      return "GValueArray";
-    }
-  if (dbus_g_type_is_collection (gtype))
-    {
-      subtype = dbus_g_type_get_collection_specialization(gtype);
-      if (_dbus_g_type_is_fixed (subtype))
-        return "GArray";
-      else
-        return "GPtrArray";
-    }
-  if (dbus_g_type_is_map (gtype))
-    return "GHashTable";
-  if (g_type_is_a (gtype, G_TYPE_STRING))
-    return "char *";
-  /* This one is even more hacky...we get an extra *
-   * because G_TYPE_STRV is a G_TYPE_BOXED
-   */
-  if (g_type_is_a (gtype, G_TYPE_STRV))
-    return "char *";
-  if (g_type_is_a (gtype, DBUS_TYPE_G_OBJECT_PATH))
-    return "char";
-  return g_type_name (gtype);
-static gboolean
-compute_gsignature (MethodInfo *method, GType *rettype, GArray **params, GError **error)
-  GSList *elt;
-  GType retval_type;
-  GArray *ret;
-  gboolean is_async;
-  const char *arg_type;
-  gboolean retval_signals_error;
-  is_async = method_info_get_annotation (method, DBUS_GLIB_ANNOTATION_ASYNC) != NULL;
-  retval_signals_error = FALSE;
-  ret = g_array_new (TRUE, TRUE, sizeof (GType));
-  if (is_async)
-    retval_type = G_TYPE_NONE;
-  else
-    {
-      gboolean found_retval;
-      /* Look for return value */
-      found_retval = FALSE;
-      for (elt = method_info_get_args (method); elt; elt = elt->next)
-       {
-         ArgInfo *arg = elt->data;
-         const char *returnval_annotation;
-         returnval_annotation = arg_info_get_annotation (arg, DBUS_GLIB_ANNOTATION_RETURNVAL);
-         if (returnval_annotation != NULL)
-           {
-             arg_type = arg_info_get_type (arg);
-             retval_type = _dbus_gtype_from_signature (arg_type, FALSE);
-             if (retval_type == G_TYPE_INVALID)
-               goto invalid_type;
-             found_retval = TRUE;
-             if (!strcmp (returnval_annotation, "error"))
-               retval_signals_error = TRUE;
-             break;
-           }
-       }
-      if (!found_retval)
-       {
-         retval_type = G_TYPE_BOOLEAN;
-         retval_signals_error = TRUE;
-       }
-    }
-  *rettype = retval_type;
-  /* Handle all input arguments */
-  for (elt = method_info_get_args (method); elt; elt = elt->next)
-    {
-      ArgInfo *arg = elt->data;
-      if (arg_info_get_direction (arg) == ARG_IN)
-       {
-         GType gtype;
-         arg_type = arg_info_get_type (arg);
-         gtype = _dbus_gtype_from_signature (arg_type, FALSE);
-         if (gtype == G_TYPE_INVALID)
-           goto invalid_type;
-         g_array_append_val (ret, gtype);
-       }
-    }
-  if (!is_async)
-    {
-      /* Append pointer for each out arg storage */
-      for (elt = method_info_get_args (method); elt; elt = elt->next)
-       {
-         ArgInfo *arg = elt->data;
-         /* Skip return value */
-         if (arg_info_get_annotation (arg, DBUS_GLIB_ANNOTATION_RETURNVAL) != NULL)
-           continue;
-         if (arg_info_get_direction (arg) == ARG_OUT)
-           {
-             GType gtype;
-             arg_type = arg_info_get_type (arg);
-             gtype = _dbus_gtype_from_signature (arg_type, FALSE);
-             if (gtype == G_TYPE_INVALID)
-               goto invalid_type;
-             /* We actually just need a pointer for the return value
-                storage */
-             gtype = G_TYPE_POINTER;
-             g_array_append_val (ret, gtype);
-           }
-       }
-      if (retval_signals_error)
-       {
-         /* Final GError parameter */
-         GType gtype = G_TYPE_POINTER;
-         g_array_append_val (ret, gtype);
-       }
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      /* Context pointer */
-      GType gtype = G_TYPE_POINTER;
-      g_array_append_val (ret, gtype);
-    }
-  *params = ret;
-  return TRUE;
- invalid_type:
-  g_set_error (error,
-              _("Unsupported conversion from D-BUS type %s to glib-genmarshal type"),
-              arg_type);
-  return FALSE;
-static char *
-compute_marshaller (MethodInfo *method, GError **error)
-  GArray *signature;
-  GType rettype;
-  const char *marshal_name;
-  GString *ret;
-  guint i;
-  if (!compute_gsignature (method, &rettype, &signature, error))
-    return NULL;
-  ret = g_string_new ("");
-  marshal_name = dbus_g_type_get_marshal_name (rettype);
-  g_assert (marshal_name != NULL);
-  g_string_append (ret, marshal_name);
-  g_string_append_c (ret, ':');
-  for (i = 0; i < signature->len; i++)
-    {
-      marshal_name = dbus_g_type_get_marshal_name (g_array_index (signature, GType, i));
-      g_assert (marshal_name != NULL);
-      g_string_append (ret, marshal_name);
-      if (i < signature->len - 1)
-       g_string_append_c (ret, ',');
-    }
-  if (signature->len == 0)
-    {
-      marshal_name = dbus_g_type_get_marshal_name (G_TYPE_NONE);
-      g_assert (marshal_name != NULL);
-      g_string_append (ret, marshal_name);
-    }
-  g_array_free (signature, TRUE);
-  return g_string_free (ret, FALSE);
-static char *
-compute_marshaller_name (MethodInfo *method, const char *prefix, GError **error)
-  GString *ret;
-  GArray *signature;
-  GType rettype;
-  const char *marshal_name;
-  guint i;
-  if (!compute_gsignature (method, &rettype, &signature, error))
-    return NULL;
-  ret = g_string_new (MARSHAL_PREFIX);
-  g_string_append (ret, prefix);
-  g_string_append_c (ret, '_');
-  marshal_name = dbus_g_type_get_marshal_name (rettype);
-  g_assert (marshal_name != NULL);
-  g_string_append (ret, marshal_name);
-  g_string_append (ret, "__");
-  for (i = 0; i < signature->len; i++)
-    {
-      marshal_name = dbus_g_type_get_marshal_name (g_array_index (signature, GType, i));
-      g_assert (marshal_name != NULL);
-      g_string_append (ret, marshal_name);
-      if (i < signature->len - 1)
-       g_string_append_c (ret, '_');
-    }
-  if (signature->len == 0)
-    {
-      marshal_name = dbus_g_type_get_marshal_name (G_TYPE_NONE);
-      g_assert (marshal_name != NULL);
-      g_string_append (ret, marshal_name);
-    }
-  g_array_free (signature, TRUE);
-  return g_string_free (ret, FALSE);
-static gboolean
-gather_marshallers_list (GSList *list, DBusBindingToolCData *data, GError **error)
-  GSList *tmp;
-  tmp = list;
-  while (tmp != NULL)
-    {
-      if (!gather_marshallers (tmp->data, data, error))
-       return FALSE;
-      tmp = tmp->next;
-    }
-  return TRUE;
-static gboolean
-gather_marshallers (BaseInfo *base, DBusBindingToolCData *data, GError **error)
-  if (base_info_get_type (base) == INFO_TYPE_NODE)
-    {
-      if (!gather_marshallers_list (node_info_get_nodes ((NodeInfo *) base),
-                                   data, error))
-       return FALSE;
-      if (!gather_marshallers_list (node_info_get_interfaces ((NodeInfo *) base),
-                                   data, error))
-       return FALSE;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      InterfaceInfo *interface;
-      GSList *methods;
-      GSList *tmp;
-      const char *interface_c_name;
-      interface = (InterfaceInfo *) base;
-      interface_c_name = interface_info_get_annotation (interface, DBUS_GLIB_ANNOTATION_C_SYMBOL);
-      if (interface_c_name == NULL)
-        {
-         if (!data->prefix)
-           return TRUE;
-        }
-      methods = interface_info_get_methods (interface);
-      /* Generate the necessary marshallers for the methods. */
-      for (tmp = methods; tmp != NULL; tmp = g_slist_next (tmp))
-        {
-          MethodInfo *method;
-          char *marshaller_name;
-          method = (MethodInfo *) tmp->data;
-          marshaller_name = compute_marshaller (method, error);
-         if (!marshaller_name)
-           return FALSE;
-         if (g_hash_table_lookup (data->generated, marshaller_name))
-           {
-             g_free (marshaller_name);
-             continue;
-           }
-         g_hash_table_insert (data->generated, marshaller_name, NULL);
-        }
-    }
-  return TRUE;
-static gboolean
-generate_glue_list (GSList *list, DBusBindingToolCData *data, GError **error)
-  GSList *tmp;
-  tmp = list;
-  while (tmp != NULL)
-    {
-      if (!generate_glue (tmp->data, data, error))
-       return FALSE;
-      tmp = tmp->next;
-    }
-  return TRUE;
-#define WRITE_OR_LOSE(x) do { gsize bytes_written; if (!g_io_channel_write_chars (channel, x, -1, &bytes_written, error)) goto io_lose; } while (0)
-static gboolean
-write_printf_to_iochannel (const char *fmt, GIOChannel *channel, GError **error, ...)
-  char *str;
-  va_list args;
-  GIOStatus status;
-  gsize written;
-  gboolean ret;
-  va_start (args, error);
-  str = g_strdup_vprintf (fmt, args);
-  if ((status = g_io_channel_write_chars (channel, str, -1, &written, error)) == G_IO_STATUS_NORMAL)
-    ret = TRUE;
-  else
-    ret = FALSE;
-  g_free (str);
-  va_end (args);
-  return ret;
-static gboolean
-write_quoted_string (GIOChannel *channel, GString *string, GError **error)
-  guint i;
-  WRITE_OR_LOSE ("\"");
-  for (i = 0; i < string->len; i++)
-    {
-      if (string->str[i] != '\0')
-       {
-         if (!g_io_channel_write_chars (channel, string->str + i, 1, NULL, error))
-           return FALSE;
-       }
-      else
-       {
-         if (!g_io_channel_write_chars (channel, "\\0", -1, NULL, error))
-           return FALSE;
-       }
-    }
-  WRITE_OR_LOSE ("\\0\"");
-  return TRUE;
- io_lose:
-  return FALSE;
-static gboolean
-generate_glue (BaseInfo *base, DBusBindingToolCData *data, GError **error)
-  if (base_info_get_type (base) == INFO_TYPE_NODE)
-    {
-      GString *object_introspection_data_blob;
-      GIOChannel *channel;
-      channel = data->channel;
-      object_introspection_data_blob = g_string_new_len ("", 0);
-      data->blob = object_introspection_data_blob;
-      data->count = 0;
-      data->signal_blob = g_string_new_len ("", 0);
-      data->property_blob = g_string_new_len ("", 0);
-      if (!write_printf_to_iochannel ("static const DBusGMethodInfo dbus_glib_%s_methods[] = {\n", channel, error, data->prefix))
-       goto io_lose;
-      if (!generate_glue_list (node_info_get_nodes ((NodeInfo *) base),
-                              data, error))
-       return FALSE;
-      if (!generate_glue_list (node_info_get_interfaces ((NodeInfo *) base),
-                              data, error))
-       return FALSE;
-      WRITE_OR_LOSE ("};\n\n");
-      /* Information about the object. */
-      if (!write_printf_to_iochannel ("const DBusGObjectInfo dbus_glib_%s_object_info = {\n",
-                                     channel, error, data->prefix))
-       goto io_lose;
-      WRITE_OR_LOSE ("  0,\n");
-      if (!write_printf_to_iochannel ("  dbus_glib_%s_methods,\n", channel, error, data->prefix))
-       goto io_lose;
-      if (!write_printf_to_iochannel ("  %d,\n", channel, error, data->count))
-       goto io_lose;
-      if (!write_quoted_string (channel, object_introspection_data_blob, error))
-       goto io_lose;
-      WRITE_OR_LOSE (",\n");
-      if (!write_quoted_string (channel, data->signal_blob, error))
-       goto io_lose;
-      WRITE_OR_LOSE (",\n");
-      if (!write_quoted_string (channel, data->property_blob, error))
-       goto io_lose;
-      WRITE_OR_LOSE ("\n};\n\n");
-      g_string_free (object_introspection_data_blob, TRUE);
-      g_string_free (data->signal_blob, TRUE);
-      g_string_free (data->property_blob, TRUE);
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      GIOChannel *channel;
-      InterfaceInfo *interface;
-      GSList *methods;
-      GSList *signals;
-      GSList *properties;
-      GSList *tmp;
-      const char *interface_c_name;
-      GString *object_introspection_data_blob;
-      channel = data->channel;
-      object_introspection_data_blob = data->blob;
-      interface = (InterfaceInfo *) base;
-      interface_c_name = interface_info_get_annotation (interface, DBUS_GLIB_ANNOTATION_C_SYMBOL);
-      if (interface_c_name == NULL)
-        {
-         if (data->prefix == NULL)
-           return TRUE;
-         interface_c_name = data->prefix;
-        }
-      methods = interface_info_get_methods (interface);
-      /* Table of marshalled methods. */
-      for (tmp = methods; tmp != NULL; tmp = g_slist_next (tmp))
-        {
-          MethodInfo *method;
-          char *marshaller_name;
-         char *method_c_name;
-          gboolean async = FALSE;
-         GSList *args;
-         gboolean found_retval = FALSE;
-          method = (MethodInfo *) tmp->data;
-         method_c_name = g_strdup (method_info_get_annotation (method, DBUS_GLIB_ANNOTATION_C_SYMBOL));
-          if (method_c_name == NULL)
-           {
-             char *method_name_uscored;
-             method_name_uscored = _dbus_gutils_wincaps_to_uscore (method_info_get_name (method));
-              method_c_name = g_strdup_printf ("%s_%s",
-                                              interface_c_name,
-                                              method_name_uscored);
-             g_free (method_name_uscored);
-            }
-          if (!write_printf_to_iochannel ("  { (GCallback) %s, ", channel, error,
-                                         method_c_name))
-           goto io_lose;
-          marshaller_name = compute_marshaller_name (method, data->prefix, error);
-         if (!marshaller_name)
-           goto io_lose;
-          if (!write_printf_to_iochannel ("%s, %d },\n", channel, error,
-                                         marshaller_name,
-                                         object_introspection_data_blob->len))
-           {
-             g_free (marshaller_name);
-             goto io_lose;
-           }
-          if (method_info_get_annotation (method, DBUS_GLIB_ANNOTATION_ASYNC) != NULL)
-            async = TRUE;
-         /* Object method data blob format:
-          * <iface>\0<name>\0(<argname>\0<argdirection>\0<argtype>\0)*\0
-          */
-         g_string_append (object_introspection_data_blob, interface_info_get_name (interface));
-         g_string_append_c (object_introspection_data_blob, '\0');
-         g_string_append (object_introspection_data_blob, method_info_get_name (method));
-         g_string_append_c (object_introspection_data_blob, '\0');
-         g_string_append_c (object_introspection_data_blob, async ? 'A' : 'S');
-         g_string_append_c (object_introspection_data_blob, '\0');
-         for (args = method_info_get_args (method); args; args = args->next)
-           {
-             ArgInfo *arg;
-             char direction;
-             const char *returnval_annotation;
-             arg = args->data;
-             g_string_append (object_introspection_data_blob, arg_info_get_name (arg));
-             g_string_append_c (object_introspection_data_blob, '\0');
-             switch (arg_info_get_direction (arg))
-               {
-               case ARG_IN:
-                 direction = 'I';
-                 break;
-               case ARG_OUT:
-                 direction = 'O';
-                 break;
-               case ARG_INVALID:
-                default:
-                  g_assert_not_reached ();
-                  direction = 0; /* silence gcc */
-                 break;
-               }
-             g_string_append_c (object_introspection_data_blob, direction);
-             g_string_append_c (object_introspection_data_blob, '\0');
-             if (arg_info_get_annotation (arg, DBUS_GLIB_ANNOTATION_CONST) != NULL)
-               {
-                 if (arg_info_get_direction (arg) == ARG_IN)
-                   {
-                     g_set_error (error,
-                                  DBUS_BINDING_TOOL_ERROR,
-                                  DBUS_BINDING_TOOL_ERROR_INVALID_ANNOTATION,
-                                  "Input argument \"%s\" cannot have const annotation in method \"%s\" of interface \"%s\"\n",
-                                  arg_info_get_name (arg),
-                                  method_info_get_name (method),
-                                  interface_info_get_name (interface));
-                     return FALSE;
-                   }
-                 g_string_append_c (object_introspection_data_blob, 'C');
-                 g_string_append_c (object_introspection_data_blob, '\0');
-               }
-             else if (arg_info_get_direction (arg) == ARG_OUT)
-               {
-                 g_string_append_c (object_introspection_data_blob, 'F');
-                 g_string_append_c (object_introspection_data_blob, '\0');
-               }
-             returnval_annotation = arg_info_get_annotation (arg, DBUS_GLIB_ANNOTATION_RETURNVAL);
-             if (returnval_annotation != NULL)
-               {
-                 GType gtype;
-                 if (found_retval)
-                   {
-                     g_set_error (error,
-                                  DBUS_BINDING_TOOL_ERROR,
-                                  DBUS_BINDING_TOOL_ERROR_INVALID_ANNOTATION,
-                                  "Multiple arguments with return value annotation in method \"%s\" of interface \"%s\"\n",
-                                  method_info_get_name (method),
-                                  interface_info_get_name (interface));
-                     return FALSE;
-                   }
-                 found_retval = TRUE;
-                 if (arg_info_get_direction (arg) == ARG_IN)
-                   {
-                     g_set_error (error,
-                                  DBUS_BINDING_TOOL_ERROR,
-                                  DBUS_BINDING_TOOL_ERROR_INVALID_ANNOTATION,
-                                  "Input argument \"%s\" cannot have return value annotation in method \"%s\" of interface \"%s\"\n",
-                                  arg_info_get_name (arg),
-                                  method_info_get_name (method),
-                                  interface_info_get_name (interface));
-                     return FALSE;
-                   }
-                 if (!strcmp ("", returnval_annotation))
-                   g_string_append_c (object_introspection_data_blob, 'R');
-                 else if (!strcmp ("error", returnval_annotation))
-                   {
-                     gtype = _dbus_gtype_from_signature (arg_info_get_type (arg), TRUE);
-                     if (!_dbus_gtype_can_signal_error (gtype))
-                       {
-                         g_set_error (error,
-                                      DBUS_BINDING_TOOL_ERROR,
-                                      DBUS_BINDING_TOOL_ERROR_INVALID_ANNOTATION,
-                                      "Output argument \"%s\" cannot signal error with type \"%s\" in method \"%s\" of interface \"%s\"\n",
-                                      arg_info_get_name (arg),
-                                      g_type_name (gtype),
-                                      method_info_get_name (method),
-                                      interface_info_get_name (interface));
-                         return FALSE;
-                       }
-                     g_string_append_c (object_introspection_data_blob, 'E');
-                   }
-                 else
-                   {
-                     g_set_error (error,
-                                  DBUS_BINDING_TOOL_ERROR,
-                                  DBUS_BINDING_TOOL_ERROR_INVALID_ANNOTATION,
-                                  "Invalid ReturnVal annotation for argument \"%s\" in method \"%s\" of interface \"%s\"\n",
-                                  arg_info_get_name (arg),
-                                  method_info_get_name (method),
-                                  interface_info_get_name (interface));
-                     return FALSE;
-                   }
-                 g_string_append_c (object_introspection_data_blob, '\0');
-               }
-             else if (arg_info_get_direction (arg) == ARG_OUT)
-               {
-                 g_string_append_c (object_introspection_data_blob, 'N');
-                 g_string_append_c (object_introspection_data_blob, '\0');
-               }
-             g_string_append (object_introspection_data_blob, arg_info_get_type (arg));
-             g_string_append_c (object_introspection_data_blob, '\0');
-           }
-         g_string_append_c (object_introspection_data_blob, '\0');
-          data->count++;
-        }
-      signals = interface_info_get_signals (interface);
-      for (tmp = signals; tmp != NULL; tmp = g_slist_next (tmp))
-        {
-          SignalInfo *sig;
-         sig = tmp->data;
-         g_string_append (data->signal_blob, interface_info_get_name (interface));
-         g_string_append_c (data->signal_blob, '\0');
-         g_string_append (data->signal_blob, signal_info_get_name (sig));
-         g_string_append_c (data->signal_blob, '\0');
-       }
-      properties = interface_info_get_properties (interface);
-      for (tmp = properties; tmp != NULL; tmp = g_slist_next (tmp))
-        {
-          PropertyInfo *prop;
-         prop = tmp->data;
-         g_string_append (data->property_blob, interface_info_get_name (interface));
-         g_string_append_c (data->property_blob, '\0');
-         g_string_append (data->property_blob, property_info_get_name (prop));
-         g_string_append_c (data->property_blob, '\0');
-       }
-    }
-  return TRUE;
- io_lose:
-  return FALSE;
-static void
-write_marshaller (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data)
-  DBusBindingToolCData *data;
-  const char *marshaller;
-  gsize bytes_written;
-  data = user_data;
-  marshaller = key;
-  if (data->error && *data->error)
-    return;
-  if (g_io_channel_write_chars (data->channel, marshaller, -1, &bytes_written, data->error) == G_IO_STATUS_NORMAL)
-    g_io_channel_write_chars (data->channel, "\n", -1, &bytes_written, data->error);
-dbus_binding_tool_output_glib_server (BaseInfo *info, GIOChannel *channel, const char *prefix, GError **error)
-  gboolean ret;
-  GPtrArray *argv;
-  gint child_stdout;
-  GIOChannel *genmarshal_stdout;
-  GPid child_pid;
-  DBusBindingToolCData data;
-  char *tempfile_name;
-  gint tempfile_fd;
-  GIOStatus iostatus;
-  char buf[4096];
-  gsize bytes_read, bytes_written;
-  memset (&data, 0, sizeof (data));
-  dbus_g_type_specialized_init ();
-  _dbus_g_type_specialized_builtins_init ();
-  data.prefix = prefix;
-  data.generated = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, (GDestroyNotify) g_free, NULL);
-  data.error = error;
-  genmarshal_stdout = NULL;
-  tempfile_name = NULL;
-  if (!gather_marshallers (info, &data, error))
-    goto io_lose;
-  tempfile_fd = g_file_open_tmp ("dbus-binding-tool-c-marshallers.XXXXXX",
-                                &tempfile_name, error);
-  if (tempfile_fd < 0)
-    goto io_lose;
-  data.channel = g_io_channel_unix_new (tempfile_fd);
-  if (!g_io_channel_set_encoding (data.channel, NULL, error))
-    goto io_lose;
-  g_hash_table_foreach (data.generated, write_marshaller, &data); 
-  if (error && *error != NULL)
-    {
-      ret = FALSE;
-      g_io_channel_close (data.channel);
-      g_io_channel_unref (data.channel);
-      goto io_lose;
-    }
-  g_io_channel_close (data.channel);
-  g_io_channel_unref (data.channel);
-  /* Now spawn glib-genmarshal to insert all our required marshallers */
-  argv = g_ptr_array_new ();
-  g_ptr_array_add (argv, "glib-genmarshal");
-  g_ptr_array_add (argv, "--header");
-  g_ptr_array_add (argv, "--body");
-  g_ptr_array_add (argv, g_strdup_printf ("--prefix=%s%s", MARSHAL_PREFIX, prefix));
-  g_ptr_array_add (argv, tempfile_name);
-  g_ptr_array_add (argv, NULL);
-  if (!g_spawn_async_with_pipes (NULL, (char**)argv->pdata, NULL,
-                                G_SPAWN_SEARCH_PATH,
-                                NULL, NULL,
-                                &child_pid,
-                                NULL,
-                                &child_stdout, NULL, error))
-    {
-      g_ptr_array_free (argv, TRUE);
-      goto io_lose;
-    }
-  g_ptr_array_free (argv, TRUE);
-  genmarshal_stdout = g_io_channel_unix_new (child_stdout);
-  if (!g_io_channel_set_encoding (genmarshal_stdout, NULL, error))
-    goto io_lose;
-  WRITE_OR_LOSE ("/* Generated by dbus-binding-tool; do not edit! */\n\n");
-  while ((iostatus = g_io_channel_read_chars (genmarshal_stdout, buf, sizeof (buf),
-                                             &bytes_read, error)) == G_IO_STATUS_NORMAL)
-    if (g_io_channel_write_chars (channel, buf, bytes_read, &bytes_written, error) != G_IO_STATUS_NORMAL)
-      goto io_lose;
-  if (iostatus != G_IO_STATUS_EOF)
-    goto io_lose;
-  g_io_channel_close (genmarshal_stdout);
-  WRITE_OR_LOSE ("#include <dbus/dbus-glib.h>\n");
-  data.channel = channel;
-  g_io_channel_ref (data.channel);
-  if (!generate_glue (info, &data, error))
-    goto io_lose;
-  ret = TRUE;
- cleanup:
-  if (tempfile_name)
-    unlink (tempfile_name);
-  g_free (tempfile_name);
-  if (genmarshal_stdout)
-    g_io_channel_unref (genmarshal_stdout);
-  if (data.channel)
-    g_io_channel_unref (data.channel);
-  g_hash_table_destroy (data.generated);
-  return ret;
- io_lose:
-  ret = FALSE;
-  goto cleanup;
-static char *
-iface_to_c_prefix (const char *iface)
-  char **components;
-  char **component;
-  GString *ret;
-  gboolean first;
-  components = g_strsplit (iface, ".", 0);
-  first = TRUE;
-  ret = g_string_new ("");
-  for (component = components; *component; component++)
-    {
-      if (!first)
-       g_string_append_c (ret, '_');
-      else
-       first = FALSE;
-      g_string_append (ret, *component);
-    }
-  g_strfreev (components);
-  return g_string_free (ret, FALSE);
-static char *
-compute_client_method_name (const char *iface_prefix, MethodInfo *method)
-  char *method_name_uscored, *ret;
-  method_name_uscored = _dbus_gutils_wincaps_to_uscore (method_info_get_name (method));
-  ret = g_strdup_printf ("%s_%s", iface_prefix, method_name_uscored);
-  g_free (method_name_uscored);
-  return ret;
-static gboolean
-write_formal_parameters (InterfaceInfo *iface, MethodInfo *method, GIOChannel *channel, GError **error)
-  GSList *args;
-  for (args = method_info_get_args (method); args; args = args->next)
-    {
-      ArgInfo *arg;
-      const char *type_str;
-      const char *type_suffix;
-      GType gtype;
-      int direction;
-      arg = args->data;
-      WRITE_OR_LOSE (", ");
-      direction = arg_info_get_direction (arg);
-      gtype = _dbus_gtype_from_signature (arg_info_get_type (arg), TRUE);
-      if (gtype == G_TYPE_INVALID)
-       {
-         g_set_error (error,
-                      DBUS_BINDING_TOOL_ERROR,
-                      _("Unsupported conversion from D-BUS type signature \"%s\" to glib C type in method \"%s\" of interface \"%s\""),
-                      arg_info_get_type (arg),
-                      method_info_get_name (method),
-                      interface_info_get_name (iface));
-         return FALSE;
-       }
-      type_str = dbus_g_type_get_c_name (gtype);
-      g_assert (type_str);
-      /* Variants are special...*/
-      if (gtype == G_TYPE_VALUE)
-       {
-         if (direction == ARG_IN)
-           type_suffix = "*";
-         else
-           type_suffix = "";
-       }
-      else if ((g_type_is_a (gtype, G_TYPE_BOXED)
-             || g_type_is_a (gtype, G_TYPE_OBJECT)
-          || g_type_is_a (gtype, G_TYPE_POINTER)))
-       type_suffix = "*";
-      else
-       type_suffix = "";
-      switch (direction)
-       {
-       case ARG_IN:
-         if (!write_printf_to_iochannel ("const %s%s IN_%s", channel, error,
-                                         type_str,
-                                         type_suffix,
-                                         arg_info_get_name (arg)))
-           goto io_lose;
-         break;
-       case ARG_OUT:
-         if (!write_printf_to_iochannel ("%s%s* OUT_%s", channel, error,
-                                         type_str,
-                                         type_suffix,
-                                         arg_info_get_name (arg)))
-           goto io_lose;
-         break;
-       case ARG_INVALID:
-         break;
-       }
-    }
-  return TRUE;
- io_lose:
-  return FALSE;
-   case G_TYPE_ ## NAME: \
-     return g_strdup ("G_TYPE_" #NAME);
-#define MAP_KNOWN(NAME) \
-    if (gtype == NAME) \
-      return g_strdup (#NAME)
-static char *
-dbus_g_type_get_lookup_function (GType gtype)
-  char *type_lookup;
-  switch (gtype)
-    {
-    }
-  if (dbus_g_type_is_collection (gtype))
-    {
-      GType elt_gtype;
-      char *sublookup;
-      elt_gtype = dbus_g_type_get_collection_specialization (gtype);
-      sublookup = dbus_g_type_get_lookup_function (elt_gtype);
-      g_assert (sublookup);
-      if (_dbus_g_type_is_fixed (elt_gtype))
-        {
-          type_lookup = g_strdup_printf ("dbus_g_type_get_collection "
-              "(\"GArray\", %s)", sublookup);
-        }
-      else
-        {
-          type_lookup = g_strdup_printf ("dbus_g_type_get_collection "
-              "(\"GPtrArray\", %s)", sublookup);
-        }
-      g_free (sublookup);
-      return type_lookup;
-    }
-  else if (dbus_g_type_is_map (gtype))
-    {
-      GType key_gtype;
-      char *key_lookup;
-      GType value_gtype;
-      char *value_lookup;
-      key_gtype = dbus_g_type_get_map_key_specialization (gtype);
-      value_gtype = dbus_g_type_get_map_value_specialization (gtype);
-      key_lookup = dbus_g_type_get_lookup_function (key_gtype);
-      g_assert (key_lookup);
-      value_lookup = dbus_g_type_get_lookup_function (value_gtype);
-      g_assert (value_lookup);
-      type_lookup = g_strdup_printf ("dbus_g_type_get_map (\"GHashTable\", %s, %s)",
-                                    key_lookup, value_lookup);
-      g_free (key_lookup);
-      g_free (value_lookup);
-      return type_lookup;
-    }
-  else if (dbus_g_type_is_struct (gtype))
-    {
-      GType value_gtype;
-      GString *string;
-      char *value_lookup = NULL;
-      guint size, i;
-      string = g_string_new ("dbus_g_type_get_struct (\"GValueArray\"");
-      size = dbus_g_type_get_struct_size (gtype);
-      for (i=0; i < size; i++)
-        {
-          value_gtype = dbus_g_type_get_struct_member_type(gtype, i);
-          value_lookup = dbus_g_type_get_lookup_function (value_gtype);
-          g_assert (value_lookup);
-          g_string_append_printf (string, ", %s", value_lookup);
-          g_free (value_lookup);
-        }
-      g_string_append (string, ", G_TYPE_INVALID)");
-      return g_string_free (string, FALSE);
-    }
-  return NULL;
-#undef MAP_KNOWN
-static gboolean
-write_args_for_direction (InterfaceInfo *iface, MethodInfo *method, GIOChannel *channel, int direction, GError **error)
-  GSList *args;
-  for (args = method_info_get_args (method); args; args = args->next)
-    {
-      ArgInfo *arg;
-      GType gtype;
-      char *type_lookup;
-      arg = args->data;
-      if (direction != arg_info_get_direction (arg))
-       continue;
-      gtype = _dbus_gtype_from_signature (arg_info_get_type (arg), TRUE);
-      g_assert (gtype != G_TYPE_INVALID);
-      type_lookup = dbus_g_type_get_lookup_function (gtype);
-      g_assert (type_lookup != NULL);
-      switch (direction)
-       {
-       case ARG_IN:
-         if (!write_printf_to_iochannel ("%s, IN_%s, ", channel, error,
-                                         type_lookup,
-                                         arg_info_get_name (arg)))
-           goto io_lose;
-         break;
-       case ARG_OUT:
-         if (!write_printf_to_iochannel ("%s, OUT_%s, ", channel, error,
-                                         type_lookup,
-                                         arg_info_get_name (arg)))
-           goto io_lose;
-         break;
-       case ARG_INVALID:
-         break;
-       }
-      g_free (type_lookup);
-    }
-  return TRUE;
- io_lose:
-  return FALSE;
-static gboolean
-check_supported_parameters (MethodInfo *method)
-  GSList *args;
-  for (args = method_info_get_args (method); args; args = args->next)
-    {
-      ArgInfo *arg;
-      GType gtype;
-      arg = args->data;
-      gtype = _dbus_gtype_from_signature (arg_info_get_type (arg), TRUE);
-      if (gtype == G_TYPE_INVALID)
-       return FALSE;
-    }
-  return TRUE;
-static gboolean
-write_untyped_out_args (InterfaceInfo *iface, MethodInfo *method, GIOChannel *channel, GError **error)
-  GSList *args;
-  for (args = method_info_get_args (method); args; args = args->next)
-    {
-      ArgInfo *arg;
-      arg = args->data;
-      if (arg_info_get_direction (arg) != ARG_OUT)
-        continue;
-      if (!write_printf_to_iochannel ("OUT_%s, ", channel, error,
-                                      arg_info_get_name (arg)))
-        goto io_lose;
-     }
-   return TRUE;
- io_lose:
-  return FALSE;
-static gboolean
-write_formal_declarations_for_direction (InterfaceInfo *iface, MethodInfo *method, GIOChannel *channel, const int direction, GError **error)
- {
-   GSList *args;
-   for (args = method_info_get_args (method); args; args = args->next)
-     {
-       ArgInfo *arg;
-      GType gtype;
-      const char *type_str, *type_suffix;
-      int dir;
-       arg = args->data;
-      dir = arg_info_get_direction (arg);
-      gtype = _dbus_gtype_from_signature (arg_info_get_type (arg), TRUE);
-      type_str = dbus_g_type_get_c_name (gtype);
-      if (!type_str)
-       {
-         g_set_error (error,
-                      DBUS_BINDING_TOOL_ERROR,
-                      _("Unsupported conversion from D-BUS type signature \"%s\" to glib C type in method \"%s\" of interface \"%s\""),
-                      arg_info_get_type (arg),
-                      method_info_get_name (method),
-                      interface_info_get_name (iface));
-         return FALSE;
-       }
-      /* Variants are special...*/
-      if (gtype == G_TYPE_VALUE)
-       {
-         if (direction == ARG_IN)
-           type_suffix = "*";
-         else
-           type_suffix = "";
-       }
-      else if ((g_type_is_a (gtype, G_TYPE_BOXED)
-             || g_type_is_a (gtype, G_TYPE_OBJECT)
-          || g_type_is_a (gtype, G_TYPE_POINTER)))
-       type_suffix = "*";
-      else
-       type_suffix = "";
-      if (direction != dir)
-        continue;
-          switch (dir)
-       {
-       case ARG_IN:
-         if (!write_printf_to_iochannel ("  %s%s IN_%s;\n", channel, error,
-                                         type_str, type_suffix,
-                                         arg_info_get_name (arg)))
-           goto io_lose;
-         break;
-       case ARG_OUT:
-         if (!write_printf_to_iochannel ("  %s%s OUT_%s;\n", channel, error,
-                                         type_str, type_suffix,
-                                         arg_info_get_name (arg)))
-           goto io_lose;
-         break;
-       case ARG_INVALID:
-         break;
-       }
-     }
-   return TRUE;
- io_lose:
-  return FALSE;
- }
-static gboolean
-write_formal_parameters_for_direction (InterfaceInfo *iface, MethodInfo *method, int dir, GIOChannel *channel, GError **error)
-  GSList *args;
-  for (args = method_info_get_args (method); args; args = args->next)
-    {
-      ArgInfo *arg;
-      const char *type_str;
-      const char *type_suffix;
-      GType gtype;
-      int direction;
-      arg = args->data;
-      direction = arg_info_get_direction (arg);
-      if (dir != direction) continue;
-      WRITE_OR_LOSE (", ");
-      gtype = _dbus_gtype_from_signature (arg_info_get_type (arg), TRUE);
-      type_str = dbus_g_type_get_c_name (gtype);
-      /* Variants are special...*/
-      if (gtype == G_TYPE_VALUE)
-       {
-         if (direction == ARG_IN)
-           type_suffix = "*";
-         else
-           type_suffix = "";
-       }
-      else if ((g_type_is_a (gtype, G_TYPE_BOXED)
-             || g_type_is_a (gtype, G_TYPE_OBJECT)
-          || g_type_is_a (gtype, G_TYPE_POINTER)))
-       type_suffix = "*";
-      else
-       type_suffix = "";
-      if (!type_str)
-       {
-         g_set_error (error,
-                      DBUS_BINDING_TOOL_ERROR,
-                      _("Unsupported conversion from D-BUS type signature \"%s\" to glib C type in method \"%s\" of interface \"%s\""),
-                      arg_info_get_type (arg),
-                      method_info_get_name (method),
-                      interface_info_get_name (iface));
-         return FALSE;
-       }
-       switch (direction)
-       {
-       case ARG_IN:
-         if (!write_printf_to_iochannel ("const %s%s IN_%s", channel, error,
-                                         type_str,
-                                         type_suffix,
-                                         arg_info_get_name (arg)))
-           goto io_lose;
-         break;
-       case ARG_OUT:
-         if (!write_printf_to_iochannel ("%s%s* OUT_%s", channel, error,
-                                         type_str,
-                                         type_suffix,
-                                         arg_info_get_name (arg)))
-           goto io_lose;
-         break;
-       case ARG_INVALID:
-         break;
-       }
-    }
-  return TRUE;
- io_lose:
-  return FALSE;
-static gboolean
-write_typed_args_for_direction (InterfaceInfo *iface, MethodInfo *method, GIOChannel *channel, const int direction, GError **error)
- {
-  GSList *args;
-  for (args = method_info_get_args (method); args; args = args->next)
-    {
-      ArgInfo *arg;
-      int dir;
-      GType gtype;
-      const char *type_lookup;
-      arg = args->data;
-      dir = arg_info_get_direction (arg);
-      if (dir != direction)
-        continue;
-      gtype = _dbus_gtype_from_signature (arg_info_get_type (arg), TRUE);
-      type_lookup = dbus_g_type_get_lookup_function (gtype);
-      if (!write_printf_to_iochannel ("%s, &%s_%s, ", channel, error, type_lookup, direction == ARG_IN ? "IN" : "OUT", arg_info_get_name (arg)))
-          goto io_lose;
-    }
-  return TRUE;
- io_lose:
-  return FALSE;
-static gboolean
-write_async_method_client (GIOChannel *channel, InterfaceInfo *interface, MethodInfo *method, GError **error)
-  char *method_name, *iface_prefix;
-  const char *interface_c_name;
-  iface_prefix = iface_to_c_prefix (interface_info_get_name (interface));
-  interface_c_name = interface_info_get_annotation (interface, DBUS_GLIB_ANNOTATION_CLIENT_C_SYMBOL);
-  if (interface_c_name == NULL)
-    {
-      interface_c_name = (const char *) iface_prefix;
-    }
-  method_name = g_strdup (method_info_get_annotation (method, DBUS_GLIB_ANNOTATION_CLIENT_C_SYMBOL));
-  if (method_name == NULL)
-    {
-      method_name = compute_client_method_name (interface_c_name, method);
-    }
-  g_free(iface_prefix);
-  /* Write the typedef for the client callback */
-  if (!write_printf_to_iochannel ("typedef void (*%s_reply) (DBusGProxy *proxy, ", channel, error, method_name))
-    goto io_lose;
-  {
-    GSList *args;
-    for (args = method_info_get_args (method); args; args = args->next)
-      {
-       ArgInfo *arg;
-       const char *type_suffix, *type_str;
-       GType gtype;
-       arg = args->data;
-       if (arg_info_get_direction (arg) != ARG_OUT)
-         continue;
-       gtype = _dbus_gtype_from_signature (arg_info_get_type (arg), TRUE);
-       if (gtype != G_TYPE_VALUE && (g_type_is_a (gtype, G_TYPE_BOXED)
-            || g_type_is_a (gtype, G_TYPE_OBJECT)
-            || g_type_is_a (gtype, G_TYPE_POINTER)))
-         type_suffix = "*";
-       else
-         type_suffix = "";
-       type_str = dbus_g_type_get_c_name (_dbus_gtype_from_signature (arg_info_get_type (arg), TRUE));
-       if (!write_printf_to_iochannel ("%s %sOUT_%s, ", channel, error, type_str, type_suffix, arg_info_get_name (arg)))
-         goto io_lose;
-      }
-  }
-  WRITE_OR_LOSE ("GError *error, gpointer userdata);\n\n");
-  /* Write the callback when the call returns */
-  WRITE_OR_LOSE ("static void\n");
-  if (!write_printf_to_iochannel ("%s_async_callback (DBusGProxy *proxy, DBusGProxyCall *call, void *user_data)\n", channel, error, method_name))
-    goto io_lose;
-  WRITE_OR_LOSE ("{\n");
-  WRITE_OR_LOSE ("  DBusGAsyncData *data = user_data;\n  GError *error = NULL;\n");
-  if (!write_formal_declarations_for_direction (interface, method, channel, ARG_OUT, error))
-    goto io_lose;
-  /* TODO: handle return boolean of end_call */
-  WRITE_OR_LOSE ("  dbus_g_proxy_end_call (proxy, call, &error, ");
-  if (!write_typed_args_for_direction (interface, method, channel, ARG_OUT, error))
-    goto io_lose;
-  if (!write_printf_to_iochannel ("  (*(%s_reply)data->cb) (proxy, ", channel, error, method_name))
-    goto io_lose;
-  if (!write_untyped_out_args (interface, method, channel, error))
-    goto io_lose;
-  WRITE_OR_LOSE ("error, data->userdata);\n");
-  WRITE_OR_LOSE ("  return;\n}\n\n");
-  /* Write the main wrapper function */
-  WRITE_OR_LOSE ("static\n#ifdef G_HAVE_INLINE\ninline\n#endif\nDBusGProxyCall*\n");
-  if (!write_printf_to_iochannel ("%s_async (DBusGProxy *proxy", channel, error,
-                                  method_name))
-    goto io_lose;
-  if (!write_formal_parameters_for_direction (interface, method, ARG_IN, channel, error))
-    goto io_lose;
-  if (!write_printf_to_iochannel (", %s_reply callback, gpointer userdata)\n\n", channel, error, method_name))
-    goto io_lose;
-  WRITE_OR_LOSE ("{\n");
-  WRITE_OR_LOSE ("  DBusGAsyncData *stuff;\n  stuff = g_new (DBusGAsyncData, 1);\n  stuff->cb = G_CALLBACK (callback);\n  stuff->userdata = userdata;\n");
-  if (!write_printf_to_iochannel ("  return dbus_g_proxy_begin_call (proxy, \"%s\", %s_async_callback, stuff, g_free, ", channel, error, method_info_get_name (method), method_name))
-    goto io_lose;
-  if (!write_args_for_direction (interface, method, channel, ARG_IN, error))
-    goto io_lose;
-  g_free (method_name);
-  return TRUE;
- io_lose:
-  g_free (method_name);
-  return FALSE;
- }
-static gboolean
-generate_client_glue_list (GSList *list, DBusBindingToolCData *data, GError **error)
-  GSList *tmp;
-  tmp = list;
-  while (tmp != NULL)
-    {
-      if (!generate_client_glue (tmp->data, data, error))
-       return FALSE;
-      tmp = tmp->next;
-    }
-  return TRUE;
-static gboolean
-generate_client_glue (BaseInfo *base, DBusBindingToolCData *data, GError **error)
-  if (base_info_get_type (base) == INFO_TYPE_NODE)
-    {
-      if (!generate_client_glue_list (node_info_get_nodes ((NodeInfo *) base),
-                                     data, error))
-       return FALSE;
-      if (!generate_client_glue_list (node_info_get_interfaces ((NodeInfo *) base),
-                                     data, error))
-       return FALSE;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      GIOChannel *channel;
-      InterfaceInfo *interface;
-      GSList *methods;
-      GSList *tmp;
-      char *iface_prefix;
-      const char *interface_c_name;
-      channel = data->channel;
-      interface = (InterfaceInfo *) base;
-      methods = interface_info_get_methods (interface);
-      iface_prefix = iface_to_c_prefix (interface_info_get_name (interface));
-      interface_c_name = interface_info_get_annotation (interface, DBUS_GLIB_ANNOTATION_CLIENT_C_SYMBOL);
-      if (interface_c_name == NULL)
-      {
-          interface_c_name = (const char *) iface_prefix;
-      }
-      if (!write_printf_to_iochannel ("#ifndef DBUS_GLIB_CLIENT_WRAPPERS_%s\n"
-                                     "#define DBUS_GLIB_CLIENT_WRAPPERS_%s\n\n",
-                                     channel, error,
-                                     iface_prefix, iface_prefix))
-       {
-         g_free (iface_prefix);
-         goto io_lose;
-       }
-      for (tmp = methods; tmp != NULL; tmp = g_slist_next (tmp))
-        {
-         MethodInfo *method;
-         char *method_c_name;
-         gboolean is_noreply;
-          method = (MethodInfo *) tmp->data;
-         method_c_name = g_strdup (method_info_get_annotation (method, DBUS_GLIB_ANNOTATION_CLIENT_C_SYMBOL));
-          if (method_c_name == NULL)
-           {
-              method_c_name = compute_client_method_name (interface_c_name, method);
-            }
-         is_noreply = method_info_get_annotation (method, DBUS_GLIB_ANNOTATION_NOREPLY) != NULL;
-         if (data->ignore_unsupported && !check_supported_parameters (method))
-           {
-             g_warning ("Ignoring unsupported signature in method \"%s\" of interface \"%s\"\n",
-                        method_info_get_name (method),
-                        interface_info_get_name (interface));
-             continue;
-           }
-         WRITE_OR_LOSE ("static\n#ifdef G_HAVE_INLINE\ninline\n#endif\ngboolean\n");
-         if (!write_printf_to_iochannel ("%s (DBusGProxy *proxy", channel, error,
-                                         method_c_name))
-           goto io_lose;
-         g_free (method_c_name);
-         if (!write_formal_parameters (interface, method, channel, error))
-           goto io_lose;
-         WRITE_OR_LOSE (", GError **error)\n\n");
-         WRITE_OR_LOSE ("{\n");
-         if (is_noreply) {
-           if (!write_printf_to_iochannel ("  dbus_g_proxy_call_no_reply (proxy, \"%s\", ", channel, error,
-                                           method_info_get_name (method)))
-             goto io_lose;
-           if (!write_args_for_direction (interface, method, channel, ARG_IN, error))
-             goto io_lose;
-           WRITE_OR_LOSE ("G_TYPE_INVALID, ");
-           if (!write_args_for_direction (interface, method, channel, ARG_OUT, error))
-             goto io_lose;
-           WRITE_OR_LOSE ("G_TYPE_INVALID);\n");
-           WRITE_OR_LOSE ("  return TRUE;\n}\n\n");
-         } else {
-           if (!write_printf_to_iochannel ("  return dbus_g_proxy_call (proxy, \"%s\", ", channel, error,
-                                           method_info_get_name (method)))
-             goto io_lose;
-           WRITE_OR_LOSE ("error, ");
-           if (!write_args_for_direction (interface, method, channel, ARG_IN, error))
-             goto io_lose;
-           WRITE_OR_LOSE ("G_TYPE_INVALID, ");
-           if (!write_args_for_direction (interface, method, channel, ARG_OUT, error))
-             goto io_lose;
-           WRITE_OR_LOSE ("G_TYPE_INVALID);\n}\n\n");
-         }
-         write_async_method_client (channel, interface, method, error);
-       }
-      if (!write_printf_to_iochannel ("#endif /* defined DBUS_GLIB_CLIENT_WRAPPERS_%s */\n\n", channel, error, iface_prefix))
-       {
-         g_free (iface_prefix);
-         goto io_lose;
-       }
-      g_free (iface_prefix);
-    }
-  return TRUE;
- io_lose:
-  return FALSE;
-dbus_binding_tool_output_glib_client (BaseInfo *info, GIOChannel *channel, gboolean ignore_unsupported, GError **error)
-  DBusBindingToolCData data;
-  gboolean ret;
-  memset (&data, 0, sizeof (data));
-  data.channel = channel;
-  data.ignore_unsupported = ignore_unsupported;
-  dbus_g_type_specialized_init ();
-  _dbus_g_type_specialized_builtins_init ();
-  WRITE_OR_LOSE ("/* Generated by dbus-binding-tool; do not edit! */\n\n");
-  WRITE_OR_LOSE ("#include <glib/gtypes.h>\n");
-  WRITE_OR_LOSE ("#include <glib/gerror.h>\n");
-  WRITE_OR_LOSE ("#include <dbus/dbus-glib.h>\n\n");
-  ret = generate_client_glue (info, &data, error);
-  if (!ret)
-    goto io_lose;
-  return ret;
- io_lose:
-  return FALSE;
diff --git a/glib/dbus-binding-tool-glib.h b/glib/dbus-binding-tool-glib.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 7a2f0e9..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu" -*- */
-/* dbus-binding-tool-output-glib.h prototypes for glib output
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2005  Red Hat, Inc.
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- * 
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it bwill be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- * 
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *
- */
-#define DBUS_GLIB_ANNOTATION_C_SYMBOL "org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.CSymbol"
-#define DBUS_GLIB_ANNOTATION_CLIENT_C_SYMBOL "org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.ClientCSymbol"
-#define DBUS_GLIB_ANNOTATION_ASYNC "org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async"
-#define DBUS_GLIB_ANNOTATION_CONST "org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Const"
-#define DBUS_GLIB_ANNOTATION_RETURNVAL "org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.ReturnVal"
-#define DBUS_GLIB_ANNOTATION_NOREPLY "org.freedesktop.DBus.Method.NoReply"
-gboolean dbus_binding_tool_output_glib_client (BaseInfo *info, GIOChannel *channel, gboolean ignore_unsupported, GError **error);
-gboolean dbus_binding_tool_output_glib_server (BaseInfo *info, GIOChannel *channel, const char *prefix, GError **error);
diff --git a/glib/dbus-gidl.c b/glib/dbus-gidl.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 619e25f..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,788 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu" -*- */
-/* dbus-gidl.c data structure describing an interface, to be generated from IDL
- *             or something
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2003, 2005  Red Hat, Inc.
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *
- */
-#include "dbus-gidl.h"
-struct BaseInfo
-  unsigned int refcount : 28;
-  unsigned int type     : 4;
-  char *name;
-struct NodeInfo
-  BaseInfo base;
-  GSList *interfaces;
-  GSList *nodes;
-struct InterfaceInfo
-  BaseInfo base;
-  GHashTable *annotations;
-  /* Since we have BaseInfo now these could be one list */
-  GSList *methods;
-  GSList *signals;
-  GSList *properties;
-struct MethodInfo
-  BaseInfo base;
-  GHashTable *annotations;
-  GSList *args;
-struct SignalInfo
-  BaseInfo base;
-  GSList *args;
-struct PropertyInfo
-  BaseInfo base;
-  char *type;
-  PropertyAccessFlags access;
-struct ArgInfo
-  BaseInfo base;
-  char *type;
-  ArgDirection direction;
-  GHashTable *annotations;
-static void
-get_hash_key (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer data)
-  GSList **list = data;
-  *list = g_slist_prepend (*list, key);
-static GSList *
-get_hash_keys (GHashTable *table)
-  GSList *ret = NULL;
-  g_hash_table_foreach (table, get_hash_key, &ret);
-  return ret;
-BaseInfo *
-base_info_ref (BaseInfo *info)
-  g_return_val_if_fail (info != NULL, NULL);
-  g_return_val_if_fail (info->refcount > 0, NULL);
-  info->refcount += 1;
-  return info;
-static void
-base_info_free (void *ptr)
-  BaseInfo *info;
-  info = ptr;
-  g_free (info->name);
-  g_free (info);
-base_info_unref (BaseInfo *info)
-  g_return_if_fail (info != NULL);
-  g_return_if_fail (info->refcount > 0);
-  /* This is sort of bizarre, BaseInfo was tacked on later */
-  switch (info->type)
-    {
-    case INFO_TYPE_NODE:
-      node_info_unref ((NodeInfo*) info);
-      break;
-      interface_info_unref ((InterfaceInfo*) info);
-      break;
-      signal_info_unref ((SignalInfo*) info);
-      break;
-      method_info_unref ((MethodInfo*) info);
-      break;
-      property_info_unref ((PropertyInfo*) info);
-      break;
-    case INFO_TYPE_ARG:
-      arg_info_unref ((ArgInfo*) info);
-      break;
-    }
-base_info_get_type (BaseInfo      *info)
-  return info->type;
-const char*
-base_info_get_name (BaseInfo *info)
-  return info->name;
-base_info_set_name (BaseInfo      *info,
-                    const char    *name)
-  char *old;
-  old = info->name;
-  info->name = g_strdup (name);
-  g_free (old);
-base_info_get_gtype (void)
-  static GType our_type = 0;
-  if (our_type == 0)
-    our_type = g_boxed_type_register_static ("BaseInfo",
-                                             (GBoxedCopyFunc) base_info_ref,
-                                             (GBoxedFreeFunc) base_info_unref);
-  return our_type;
-static void
-free_interface_list (GSList **interfaces_p)
-  GSList *tmp;
-  tmp = *interfaces_p;
-  while (tmp != NULL)
-    {
-      interface_info_unref (tmp->data);
-      tmp = tmp->next;
-    }
-  g_slist_free (*interfaces_p);
-  *interfaces_p = NULL;
-static void
-free_node_list (GSList **nodes_p)
-  GSList *tmp;
-  tmp = *nodes_p;
-  while (tmp != NULL)
-    {
-      node_info_unref (tmp->data);
-      tmp = tmp->next;
-    }
-  g_slist_free (*nodes_p);
-  *nodes_p = NULL;
-static void
-free_method_list (GSList **methods_p)
-  GSList *tmp;
-  tmp = *methods_p;
-  while (tmp != NULL)
-    {
-      method_info_unref (tmp->data);
-      tmp = tmp->next;
-    }
-  g_slist_free (*methods_p);
-  *methods_p = NULL;
-static void
-free_signal_list (GSList **signals_p)
-  GSList *tmp;
-  tmp = *signals_p;
-  while (tmp != NULL)
-    {
-      signal_info_unref (tmp->data);
-      tmp = tmp->next;
-    }
-  g_slist_free (*signals_p);
-  *signals_p = NULL;
-static void
-free_property_list (GSList **props_p)
-  GSList *tmp;
-  tmp = *props_p;
-  while (tmp != NULL)
-    {
-      property_info_unref (tmp->data);
-      tmp = tmp->next;
-    }
-  g_slist_free (*props_p);
-  *props_p = NULL;
-node_info_new (const char *name)
-  NodeInfo *info;
-  /* name can be NULL */
-  info = g_new0 (NodeInfo, 1);
-  info->base.refcount = 1;
-  info->base.name = g_strdup (name);
-  info->base.type = INFO_TYPE_NODE;
-  return info;
-NodeInfo *
-node_info_ref (NodeInfo *info)
-  info->base.refcount += 1;
-  return info;
-node_info_unref (NodeInfo *info)
-  info->base.refcount -= 1;
-  if (info->base.refcount == 0)
-    {
-      free_interface_list (&info->interfaces);
-      free_node_list (&info->nodes);
-      base_info_free (info);
-    }
-const char*
-node_info_get_name (NodeInfo *info)
-  return info->base.name;
-node_info_get_interfaces (NodeInfo *info)
-  return info->interfaces;
-node_info_add_interface (NodeInfo *info,
-                         InterfaceInfo    *interface)
-  interface_info_ref (interface);
-  info->interfaces = g_slist_append (info->interfaces, interface);
-node_info_get_nodes (NodeInfo *info)
-  return info->nodes;
-node_info_add_node (NodeInfo *info,
-                    NodeInfo *node)
-  node_info_ref (node);
-  info->nodes = g_slist_append (info->nodes, node);
-node_info_replace_node (NodeInfo            *info,
-                        NodeInfo            *old_child,
-                        NodeInfo            *new_child)
-  GSList *link;
-  node_info_ref (new_child); /* before unref old_child in case they are the same */
-  link = g_slist_find (info->nodes, old_child);
-  g_assert (link != NULL);
-  node_info_unref (old_child);
-  link->data = new_child;
-interface_info_new (const char *name)
-  InterfaceInfo *info;
-  info = g_new0 (InterfaceInfo, 1);
-  info->base.refcount = 1;
-  info->base.name = g_strdup (name);
-  info->base.type = INFO_TYPE_INTERFACE;
-  info->annotations = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal,
-                                            (GDestroyNotify) g_free,
-                                            (GDestroyNotify) g_free);
-  return info;
-InterfaceInfo *
-interface_info_ref (InterfaceInfo *info)
-  info->base.refcount += 1;
-  return info;
-interface_info_unref (InterfaceInfo *info)
-  info->base.refcount -= 1;
-  if (info->base.refcount == 0)
-    {
-      g_hash_table_destroy (info->annotations);
-      free_method_list (&info->methods);
-      free_signal_list (&info->signals);
-      free_property_list (&info->properties);
-      base_info_free (info);
-    }
-const char*
-interface_info_get_name (InterfaceInfo *info)
-  return info->base.name;
-GSList *
-interface_info_get_annotations (InterfaceInfo *info)
-  return get_hash_keys (info->annotations);
-const char*
-interface_info_get_annotation (InterfaceInfo *info,
-                              const char    *name)
-  return g_hash_table_lookup (info->annotations, name);
-interface_info_get_methods (InterfaceInfo *info)
-  return info->methods;
-interface_info_get_signals (InterfaceInfo *info)
-  return info->signals;
-interface_info_get_properties (InterfaceInfo *info)
-  return info->properties;
-interface_info_add_annotation (InterfaceInfo *info,
-                              const char    *name,
-                              const char    *value)
-  g_hash_table_insert (info->annotations,
-                      g_strdup (name),
-                      g_strdup (value));
-interface_info_add_method (InterfaceInfo *info,
-                           MethodInfo    *method)
-  method_info_ref (method);
-  info->methods = g_slist_append (info->methods, method);
-interface_info_add_signal (InterfaceInfo *info,
-                           SignalInfo    *signal)
-  signal_info_ref (signal);
-  info->signals = g_slist_append (info->signals, signal);
-interface_info_add_property (InterfaceInfo *info,
-                             PropertyInfo  *property)
-  property_info_ref (property);
-  info->properties = g_slist_append (info->properties, property);
-static void
-free_arg_list (GSList **args_p)
-  GSList *tmp;
-  tmp = *args_p;
-  while (tmp != NULL)
-    {
-      ArgInfo *ai = tmp->data;
-      g_assert (ai->base.type == INFO_TYPE_ARG);
-      arg_info_unref (tmp->data);
-      tmp = tmp->next;
-    }
-  g_slist_free (*args_p);
-  *args_p = NULL;
-method_info_new (const char *name)
-  MethodInfo *info;
-  info = g_new0 (MethodInfo, 1);
-  info->base.refcount = 1;
-  info->base.name = g_strdup (name);
-  info->base.type = INFO_TYPE_METHOD;
-  info->annotations = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal,
-                                         (GDestroyNotify) g_free,
-                                         (GDestroyNotify) g_free);
-  return info;
-MethodInfo *
-method_info_ref (MethodInfo *info)
-  info->base.refcount += 1;
-  return info;
-method_info_unref (MethodInfo *info)
-  info->base.refcount -= 1;
-  if (info->base.refcount == 0)
-    {
-      g_hash_table_destroy (info->annotations);
-      free_arg_list (&info->args);
-      base_info_free (info);
-    }
-const char*
-method_info_get_name (MethodInfo *info)
-  return info->base.name;
-GSList *
-method_info_get_annotations (MethodInfo *info)
-  return get_hash_keys (info->annotations);
-const char*
-method_info_get_annotation (MethodInfo *info,
-                           const char *name)
-  return g_hash_table_lookup (info->annotations, name);
-method_info_get_args (MethodInfo *info)
-  return info->args;
-method_info_get_n_args (MethodInfo *info)
-  return g_slist_length (info->args);
-static int
-args_sort_by_direction (const void *a,
-                        const void *b)
-  const ArgInfo *arg_a = a;
-  const ArgInfo *arg_b = b;
-  if (arg_a->direction == arg_b->direction)
-    return 0;
-  else if (arg_a->direction == ARG_IN)
-    return -1; /* in is less than out */
-  else
-    return 1;
-method_info_add_annotation (MethodInfo  *info,
-                           const char  *name,
-                           const char  *value)
-  g_hash_table_insert (info->annotations,
-                      g_strdup (name),
-                      g_strdup (value));
-method_info_add_arg (MethodInfo    *info,
-                     ArgInfo       *arg)
-  arg_info_ref (arg);
-  info->args = g_slist_append (info->args, arg);
-  /* Keep "in" args sorted before "out" and otherwise maintain
-   * stable order (g_slist_sort is stable, at least in sufficiently
-   * new glib)
-   */
-  info->args = g_slist_sort (info->args, args_sort_by_direction);
-signal_info_new (const char *name)
-  SignalInfo *info;
-  info = g_new0 (SignalInfo, 1);
-  info->base.refcount = 1;
-  info->base.name = g_strdup (name);
-  info->base.type = INFO_TYPE_SIGNAL;
-  return info;
-SignalInfo *
-signal_info_ref (SignalInfo *info)
-  info->base.refcount += 1;
-  return info;
-signal_info_unref (SignalInfo *info)
-  info->base.refcount -= 1;
-  if (info->base.refcount == 0)
-    {
-      free_arg_list (&info->args);
-      base_info_free (info);
-    }
-const char*
-signal_info_get_name (SignalInfo *info)
-  return info->base.name;
-signal_info_get_args (SignalInfo *info)
-  return info->args;
-signal_info_get_n_args (SignalInfo *info)
-  return g_slist_length (info->args);
-signal_info_add_arg (SignalInfo    *info,
-                     ArgInfo       *arg)
-  g_assert (arg->direction == ARG_OUT);
-  arg_info_ref (arg);
-  info->args = g_slist_append (info->args, arg);
-  /* signal args don't need sorting since only "out" is allowed */
-property_info_new (const char          *name,
-                   const char          *type,
-                   PropertyAccessFlags  access)
-  PropertyInfo *info;
-  info = g_new0 (PropertyInfo, 1);
-  info->base.refcount = 1;
-  info->base.name = g_strdup (name);
-  info->base.type = INFO_TYPE_PROPERTY;
-  info->type = g_strdup (type);
-  info->access = access;
-  return info;
-property_info_ref (PropertyInfo *info)
-  info->base.refcount += 1;
-  return info;
-property_info_unref (PropertyInfo *info)
-  info->base.refcount -= 1;
-  if (info->base.refcount == 0)
-    {
-      g_free (info->type);
-      base_info_free (info);
-    }
-const char*
-property_info_get_name (PropertyInfo *info)
-  return info->base.name;
-const char *
-property_info_get_type (PropertyInfo *info)
-  return info->type;
-property_info_get_access (PropertyInfo *info)
-  return info->access;
-arg_info_new (const char  *name,
-              ArgDirection direction,
-              const char  *type)
-  ArgInfo *info;
-  info = g_new0 (ArgInfo, 1);
-  info->base.refcount = 1;
-  info->base.type = INFO_TYPE_ARG;
-  /* name can be NULL */
-  info->base.name = g_strdup (name);
-  info->direction = direction;
-  info->type = g_strdup (type);
-  info->annotations = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal,
-                                            (GDestroyNotify) g_free,
-                                            (GDestroyNotify) g_free);
-  return info;
-ArgInfo *
-arg_info_ref (ArgInfo *info)
-  info->base.refcount += 1;
-  return info;
-arg_info_unref (ArgInfo *info)
-  info->base.refcount -= 1;
-  if (info->base.refcount == 0)
-    {
-      g_hash_table_destroy (info->annotations);
-      g_free (info->type);
-      base_info_free (info);
-    }
-const char*
-arg_info_get_name (ArgInfo *info)
-  return info->base.name;
-const char *
-arg_info_get_type (ArgInfo *info)
-  return info->type;
-arg_info_get_direction (ArgInfo *info)
-  return info->direction;
-arg_info_get_annotations (ArgInfo *info)
-  return get_hash_keys (info->annotations);
-const char*
-arg_info_get_annotation (ArgInfo    *info,
-                        const char *annotation)
-  return g_hash_table_lookup (info->annotations, annotation);
-arg_info_add_annotation (ArgInfo             *info,
-                        const char          *name,
-                        const char          *value)
-  g_hash_table_insert (info->annotations,
-                      g_strdup (name),
-                      g_strdup (value));
- * @ingroup DBusGIDL
- * Unit test for GLib IDL internals
- * @returns #TRUE on success.
- */
-_dbus_gidl_test (void)
-  return TRUE;
-#endif /* DBUS_BUILD_TESTS */
diff --git a/glib/dbus-gidl.h b/glib/dbus-gidl.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 53bab67..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu" -*- */
-/* dbus-gidl.h data structure describing an interface, to be generated from IDL
- *             or something
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2003  Red Hat, Inc.
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- * 
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- * 
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *
- */
-#ifndef DBUS_GLIB_IDL_H
-#define DBUS_GLIB_IDL_H
-#include <dbus/dbus.h>
-#include <glib-object.h>
-typedef struct BaseInfo      BaseInfo;
-typedef struct NodeInfo      NodeInfo;
-typedef struct InterfaceInfo InterfaceInfo;
-typedef struct MethodInfo    MethodInfo;
-typedef struct SignalInfo    SignalInfo;
-typedef struct PropertyInfo  PropertyInfo;
-typedef struct ArgInfo       ArgInfo;
-typedef enum
-  ARG_INVALID = -1,
-  ARG_IN,
-} ArgDirection;
-typedef enum
-  PROPERTY_READ  = 1 << 0,
-  PROPERTY_WRITE = 1 << 1
-} PropertyAccessFlags;
-typedef enum
-} InfoType;
-BaseInfo*      base_info_ref              (BaseInfo      *info);
-void           base_info_unref            (BaseInfo      *info);
-InfoType       base_info_get_type         (BaseInfo      *info);
-const char*    base_info_get_name         (BaseInfo      *info);
-void           base_info_set_name         (BaseInfo      *info,
-                                           const char    *name);
-GType          base_info_get_gtype        (void);
-#define        BASE_INFO_TYPE             (base_info_get_gtype ())
-NodeInfo*           node_info_new                 (const char          *name);
-NodeInfo*           node_info_ref                 (NodeInfo            *info);
-void                node_info_unref               (NodeInfo            *info);
-const char*         node_info_get_name            (NodeInfo            *info);
-GSList*             node_info_get_interfaces      (NodeInfo            *info);
-GSList*             node_info_get_nodes           (NodeInfo            *info);
-void                node_info_add_interface       (NodeInfo            *info,
-                                                   InterfaceInfo       *interface);
-void                node_info_add_node            (NodeInfo            *info,
-                                                   NodeInfo            *child);
-void                node_info_replace_node        (NodeInfo            *info,
-                                                   NodeInfo            *old_child,
-                                                   NodeInfo            *new_child);
-InterfaceInfo*      interface_info_new            (const char          *name);
-InterfaceInfo*      interface_info_ref            (InterfaceInfo       *info);
-void                interface_info_unref          (InterfaceInfo       *info);
-const char*         interface_info_get_name       (InterfaceInfo       *info);
-GSList*             interface_info_get_annotations(InterfaceInfo       *info);
-const char*         interface_info_get_annotation (InterfaceInfo*info,
-                                                  const char         *annotation);
-GSList*             interface_info_get_methods    (InterfaceInfo       *info);
-GSList*             interface_info_get_signals    (InterfaceInfo       *info);
-GSList*             interface_info_get_properties (InterfaceInfo       *info);
-void                interface_info_add_annotation (InterfaceInfo      *info,
-                                                  const char         *name,
-                                                  const char         *value);
-void                interface_info_add_method     (InterfaceInfo       *info,
-                                                   MethodInfo          *method);
-void                interface_info_add_signal     (InterfaceInfo       *info,
-                                                   SignalInfo          *signal);
-void                interface_info_add_property   (InterfaceInfo       *info,
-                                                   PropertyInfo        *property);
-MethodInfo*         method_info_new               (const char          *name); 
-MethodInfo*         method_info_ref               (MethodInfo          *info);
-void                method_info_unref             (MethodInfo          *info);
-const char*         method_info_get_name          (MethodInfo          *info);
-GSList*             method_info_get_annotations   (MethodInfo          *info);
-const char*         method_info_get_annotation    (MethodInfo          *info,
-                                                  const char          *annotation);
-void                method_info_add_annotation    (MethodInfo          *info,
-                                                  const char          *name,
-                                                  const char          *value);
-GSList*             method_info_get_args          (MethodInfo          *info);
-void                method_info_add_arg           (MethodInfo          *info,
-                                                   ArgInfo             *arg);
-int                 method_info_get_n_args        (MethodInfo          *info);
-SignalInfo*         signal_info_new               (const char          *name);
-SignalInfo*         signal_info_ref               (SignalInfo          *info);
-void                signal_info_unref             (SignalInfo          *info);
-const char*         signal_info_get_name          (SignalInfo          *info);
-GSList*             signal_info_get_args          (SignalInfo          *info);
-void                signal_info_add_arg           (SignalInfo          *info,
-                                                   ArgInfo             *arg);
-int                 signal_info_get_n_args        (SignalInfo          *info);
-PropertyInfo*       property_info_new             (const char          *name,
-                                                   const char          *type,
-                                                   PropertyAccessFlags  access);
-PropertyInfo*       property_info_ref             (PropertyInfo        *info);
-void                property_info_unref           (PropertyInfo        *info);
-const char*         property_info_get_name        (PropertyInfo        *info);
-const char*         property_info_get_type        (PropertyInfo        *info);
-PropertyAccessFlags property_info_get_access      (PropertyInfo        *info);
-ArgInfo*            arg_info_new                  (const char          *name,
-                                                   ArgDirection         direction,
-                                                   const char          *type);
-ArgInfo*            arg_info_ref                  (ArgInfo             *info);
-void                arg_info_unref                (ArgInfo             *info);
-const char*         arg_info_get_name             (ArgInfo             *info);
-const char*         arg_info_get_type             (ArgInfo             *info);
-ArgDirection        arg_info_get_direction        (ArgInfo             *info);
-GSList*             arg_info_get_annotations      (ArgInfo             *info);
-const char*         arg_info_get_annotation       (ArgInfo             *info,
-                                                  const char          *annotation);
-void                arg_info_add_annotation       (ArgInfo             *info,
-                                                  const char          *name,
-                                                  const char          *value);
-#endif /* DBUS_GLIB_IDL_H */
diff --git a/glib/dbus-glib-tool.c b/glib/dbus-glib-tool.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 37152eb..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,489 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu" -*- */
-/* dbus-glib-tool.c Tool used by apps using glib bindings
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Red Hat, Inc.
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include "dbus-gidl.h"
-#include "dbus-gparser.h"
-#include "dbus-gutils.h"
-#include "dbus-glib-tool.h"
-#include "dbus-binding-tool-glib.h"
-#include <locale.h>
-#include <libintl.h>
-#define _(x) dgettext (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, x)
-#define N_(x) x
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <time.h>
-static void run_all_tests (const char *test_data_dir);
-typedef enum {
-} DBusBindingOutputMode;
-static void
-indent (int depth)
-  depth *= 2; /* 2-space indent */
-  while (depth > 0)
-    {
-      putc (' ', stdout);
-      --depth;
-    }
-static void pretty_print (BaseInfo *base,
-                          int       depth);
-static void
-pretty_print_list (GSList *list,
-                   int     depth)
-  GSList *tmp;
-  tmp = list;
-  while (tmp != NULL)
-    {
-      pretty_print (tmp->data, depth);
-      tmp = tmp->next;
-    }
-static void
-pretty_print (BaseInfo *base,
-              int       depth)
-  InfoType t;
-  const char *name;
-  t = base_info_get_type (base);
-  name = base_info_get_name (base);
-  indent (depth);
-  switch (t)
-    {
-    case INFO_TYPE_NODE:
-      {
-        NodeInfo *n = (NodeInfo*) base;
-        if (name == NULL)
-          printf (_("<anonymous node> {\n"));
-        else
-          printf (_("node \"%s\" {\n"), name);
-        pretty_print_list (node_info_get_interfaces (n), depth + 1);
-        pretty_print_list (node_info_get_nodes (n), depth + 1);
-        indent (depth);
-        printf ("}\n");
-      }
-      break;
-      {
-        InterfaceInfo *i = (InterfaceInfo*) base;
-       GSList *annotations, *elt;
-        g_assert (name != NULL);
-        printf (_("interface \"%s\" {\n"), name);
-       annotations = interface_info_get_annotations (i);
-       for (elt = annotations; elt; elt = elt->next)
-         {
-           const char *name = elt->data;
-           const char *value = interface_info_get_annotation (i, name);
-           printf (_(" (binding \"%s\": \"%s\") "),
-                   name, value);
-         }
-       g_slist_free (annotations);
-        pretty_print_list (interface_info_get_methods (i), depth + 1);
-        pretty_print_list (interface_info_get_signals (i), depth + 1);
-        pretty_print_list (interface_info_get_properties (i), depth + 1);
-        indent (depth);
-        printf ("}\n");
-      }
-      break;
-      {
-        MethodInfo *m = (MethodInfo*) base;
-       GSList *annotations, *elt;
-        g_assert (name != NULL);
-       annotations = method_info_get_annotations (m);
-        printf (_("method \"%s\""), name);
-       for (elt = annotations; elt; elt = elt->next)
-         {
-           const char *name = elt->data;
-           const char *value = method_info_get_annotation (m, name);
-           printf (_(" (annotation \"%s\": \"%s\") "),
-                   name, value);
-         }
-       g_slist_free (annotations);
-        pretty_print_list (method_info_get_args (m), depth + 1);
-        indent (depth);
-        printf (")\n");
-      }
-      break;
-      {
-        SignalInfo *s = (SignalInfo*) base;
-        g_assert (name != NULL);
-        printf (_("signal \"%s\" (\n"), name);
-        pretty_print_list (signal_info_get_args (s), depth + 1);
-        indent (depth);
-        printf (")\n");
-      }
-      break;
-      {
-        PropertyInfo *a = (PropertyInfo*) base;
-        const char *pt = property_info_get_type (a);
-        PropertyAccessFlags acc = property_info_get_access (a);
-        printf ("%s%s %s",
-                acc & PROPERTY_READ ? "read" : "",
-                acc & PROPERTY_WRITE ? "write" : "",
-                pt);
-        if (name)
-          printf (" %s\n", name);
-        else
-          printf ("\n");
-      }
-      break;
-    case INFO_TYPE_ARG:
-      {
-        ArgInfo *a = (ArgInfo*) base;
-        const char *at = arg_info_get_type (a);
-        ArgDirection d = arg_info_get_direction (a);
-        printf ("%s %s",
-                d == ARG_IN ? "in" : "out",
-                at);
-        if (name)
-          printf (" %s\n", name);
-        else
-          printf ("\n");
-      }
-      break;
-    }
-dbus_binding_tool_error_quark (void)
-  static GQuark quark = 0;
-  if (!quark)
-    quark = g_quark_from_static_string ("dbus_binding_tool_error");
-  return quark;
-static void lose (const char *fmt, ...) G_GNUC_NORETURN G_GNUC_PRINTF (1, 2);
-static void lose_gerror (const char *prefix, GError *error) G_GNUC_NORETURN;
-static void
-lose (const char *str, ...)
-  va_list args;
-  va_start (args, str);
-  vfprintf (stderr, str, args);
-  fputc ('\n', stderr);
-  va_end (args);
-  exit (1);
-static void
-lose_gerror (const char *prefix, GError *error) 
-  lose ("%s: %s", prefix, error->message);
-static void
-usage (int ecode)
-  fprintf (stderr, "dbus-binding-tool [--version] [--help] --mode=[pretty|glib-server|glib-client] [--ignore-unsupported] [--force] [--output=FILE] [--prefix=SYMBOL_PREFIX]\n");
-  exit (ecode);
-static void
-version (void)
-  printf ("D-BUS Binding Tool %s\n"
-          "Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Red Hat, Inc.\n"
-          "This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.\n"
-          "There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.\n",
-          VERSION);
-  exit (0);
-main (int argc, char **argv)
-  const char *output_file;
-  const char *prefix;
-  char *output_file_tmp;
-  int i;
-  GSList *files;
-  DBusBindingOutputMode outputmode;
-  gboolean end_of_args;
-  GSList *tmp;
-  GIOChannel *channel;
-  GError *error;
-  time_t newest_src;
-  struct stat srcbuf;
-  struct stat targetbuf;
-  gboolean force;
-  gboolean ignore_unsupported;
-  setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
-  bind_textdomain_codeset (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "UTF-8");
-  textdomain (GETTEXT_PACKAGE); 
-  g_type_init ();
-  end_of_args = FALSE;
-  files = NULL;
-  output_file = NULL;
-  prefix = "";
-  ignore_unsupported = FALSE;
-  force = FALSE;
-  i = 1;
-  while (i < argc)
-    {
-      const char *arg = argv[i];
-      if (!end_of_args)
-        {
-          if (strcmp (arg, "--help") == 0 ||
-              strcmp (arg, "-h") == 0 ||
-              strcmp (arg, "-?") == 0)
-            usage (0);
-          else if (strcmp (arg, "--version") == 0)
-            version ();
-          else if (strcmp (arg, "--force") == 0)
-            force = TRUE;
-          else if (strcmp (arg, "--self-test") == 0)
-            run_all_tests (NULL);
-#endif /* DBUS_BUILD_TESTS */
-          else if (strncmp (arg, "--mode=", 7) == 0)
-            {
-             const char *mode = arg + 7;
-             if (!strcmp (mode, "pretty"))
-               outputmode = DBUS_BINDING_OUTPUT_PRETTY;
-             else if (!strcmp (mode, "glib-server"))
-               outputmode = DBUS_BINDING_OUTPUT_GLIB_SERVER;
-             else if (!strcmp (mode, "glib-client"))
-               outputmode = DBUS_BINDING_OUTPUT_GLIB_CLIENT;
-             else
-               usage (1);
-           }
-          else if (strcmp (arg, "--ignore-unsupported") == 0)
-            ignore_unsupported = TRUE;
-         else if (strncmp (arg, "--output=", 9) == 0)
-           {
-             output_file = arg + 9;
-           }
-          else if (strncmp (arg, "--prefix=", 9) == 0)
-            {
-              prefix = arg + 9;
-            }
-          else if (arg[0] == '-' &&
-                   arg[1] == '-' &&
-                   arg[2] == '\0')
-            end_of_args = TRUE;
-          else if (arg[0] == '-')
-            {
-              usage (1);
-            }
-          else
-            {
-              files = g_slist_prepend (files, (char*) arg);
-            }
-        }
-      else
-        files = g_slist_prepend (files, (char*) arg);
-      ++i;
-    }
-  error = NULL;
-  files = g_slist_reverse (files);
-  if (output_file && !force)
-    {
-      newest_src = 0;
-      for (tmp = files; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->next)
-       {
-         const char *filename;
-         filename = tmp->data;
-         if (stat (filename, &srcbuf) < 0)
-           lose ("Couldn't stat %s: %s", filename, g_strerror (errno));
-         if (srcbuf.st_mtime > newest_src)
-           newest_src = srcbuf.st_mtime;
-       }
-      if (stat (output_file, &targetbuf) > 0
-         && targetbuf.st_mtime >= newest_src)
-       exit (0);
-    }
-  if (output_file)
-    {
-      output_file_tmp = g_strconcat (output_file, ".tmp", NULL);
-      if (!(channel = g_io_channel_new_file (output_file_tmp, "w", &error)))
-       lose_gerror (_("Couldn't open temporary file"), error);
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      channel = g_io_channel_unix_new (fileno (stdout));
-      output_file_tmp = NULL; /* silence gcc */
-    }
-  if (!g_io_channel_set_encoding (channel, NULL, &error))
-    lose_gerror (_("Couldn't set channel encoding to NULL"), error);
-  for (tmp = files; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->next)
-    {
-      NodeInfo *node;
-      GError *error;
-      const char *filename;
-      filename = tmp->data;
-      error = NULL;
-      node = description_load_from_file (filename,
-                                         &error);
-      if (node == NULL)
-        {
-         lose_gerror (_("Unable to load \"%s\""), error);
-        }
-      else
-       {
-         switch (outputmode)
-           {
-             pretty_print ((BaseInfo*) node, 0);
-             break;
-             if (!dbus_binding_tool_output_glib_server ((BaseInfo *) node, channel, prefix, &error))
-               lose_gerror (_("Compilation failed"), error);
-             break;
-             if (!dbus_binding_tool_output_glib_client ((BaseInfo *) node, channel, ignore_unsupported, &error))
-               lose_gerror (_("Compilation failed"), error);
-             break;
-           case DBUS_BINDING_OUTPUT_NONE:
-             break;
-           }
-       }
-      if (node)
-        node_info_unref (node);
-    }
-  if (g_io_channel_shutdown (channel, TRUE, &error) != G_IO_STATUS_NORMAL)
-    lose_gerror (_("Failed to shutdown IO channel"), error);
-  g_io_channel_unref (channel);
-  if (output_file)
-    {
-      if (rename (output_file_tmp, output_file) < 0)
-       lose ("Failed to rename %s to %s: %s", output_file_tmp, output_file,
-             g_strerror (errno));
-      g_free (output_file_tmp);
-    }
-  return 0;
-static void
-test_die (const char *failure)
-  lose ("Unit test failed: %s", failure);
- * @ingroup DBusGTool
- * Unit test for GLib utility tool
- * @returns #TRUE on success.
- */
-static gboolean
-_dbus_gtool_test (const char *test_data_dir)
-  return TRUE;
-static void
-run_all_tests (const char *test_data_dir)
-  if (test_data_dir == NULL)
-    test_data_dir = g_getenv ("DBUS_TEST_DATA");
-  if (test_data_dir != NULL)
-    printf ("Test data in %s\n", test_data_dir);
-  else
-    printf ("No test data!\n");
-  printf ("%s: running binding tests\n", "dbus-binding-tool");
-  if (!_dbus_gtool_test (test_data_dir))
-    test_die ("gtool");
-  printf ("%s: completed successfully\n", "dbus-binding-tool");
-#endif /* DBUS_BUILD_TESTS */
diff --git a/glib/dbus-glib-tool.h b/glib/dbus-glib-tool.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 0c61de7..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu" -*- */
-/* dbus-glib-tool.h: Definitions used internally by binding tool
- *             
- * Copyright (C) 2005  Red Hat, Inc.
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- * 
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- * 
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *
- */
-#include <glib/gquark.h>
-typedef enum
-} DBusBindingToolError;
-#define DBUS_BINDING_TOOL_ERROR dbus_binding_tool_error_quark ()
-GQuark dbus_binding_tool_error_quark (void);
diff --git a/glib/dbus-glib.c b/glib/dbus-glib.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 332c313..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,304 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu" -*- */
-/* dbus-glib.c General GLib binding stuff
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2004 Red Hat, Inc.
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- * 
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- * 
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <dbus/dbus-glib.h>
-#include <dbus/dbus-glib-lowlevel.h>
-#include "dbus-gtest.h"
-#include "dbus-gutils.h"
-#include "dbus-gobject.h"
-#include <string.h>
-#include <libintl.h>
-#define _(x) dgettext (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, x)
-#define N_(x) x
- * @addtogroup DBusGLib
- * @{
- */
- * Blocks until outgoing calls and signal emissions have been sent.
- * 
- * @param connection the connection to flush
- */
-dbus_g_connection_flush (DBusGConnection *connection)
-  dbus_connection_flush (DBUS_CONNECTION_FROM_G_CONNECTION (connection));
- * Increment refcount on a #DBusGConnection
- * 
- * @param gconnection the connection to ref
- * @returns the connection that was ref'd
- */
-dbus_g_connection_ref (DBusGConnection *gconnection)
-  DBusConnection *c;
-  dbus_connection_ref (c);
-  return gconnection;
- * Decrement refcount on a #DBusGConnection
- * 
- * @param gconnection the connection to unref
- */
-dbus_g_connection_unref (DBusGConnection *gconnection)
-  DBusConnection *c;
-  dbus_connection_unref (c);
- * Increment refcount on a #DBusGMessage
- * 
- * @param gmessage the message to ref
- * @returns the message that was ref'd
- */
-dbus_g_message_ref (DBusGMessage *gmessage)
-  DBusMessage *c;
-  c = DBUS_MESSAGE_FROM_G_MESSAGE (gmessage);
-  dbus_message_ref (c);
-  return gmessage;
- * Decrement refcount on a #DBusGMessage
- * 
- * @param gmessage the message to unref
- */
-dbus_g_message_unref (DBusGMessage *gmessage)
-  DBusMessage *c;
-  c = DBUS_MESSAGE_FROM_G_MESSAGE (gmessage);
-  dbus_message_unref (c);
- * The implementation of DBUS_GERROR error domain. See documentation
- * for GError in GLib reference manual.
- *
- * @returns the error domain quark for use with GError
- */
-dbus_g_error_quark (void)
-  static GQuark quark = 0;
-  if (quark == 0)
-    quark = g_quark_from_static_string ("g-exec-error-quark");
-  return quark;
- * Determine whether D-BUS error name for a remote exception matches
- * the given name.  This function is intended to be invoked on a
- * GError returned from an invocation of a remote method, e.g. via
- * dbus_g_proxy_end_call.  It will silently return FALSE for errors
- * which are not remote D-BUS exceptions (i.e. with a domain other
- * than DBUS_GERROR or a code other than
- *
- * @param error the GError given from the remote method
- * @param name the D-BUS error name
- * @param msg the D-BUS error detailed message
- * @returns TRUE iff the remote error has the given name
- */
-dbus_g_error_has_name (GError *error, const char *name)
-  g_return_val_if_fail (error != NULL, FALSE);
-  if (error->domain != DBUS_GERROR
-      || error->code != DBUS_GERROR_REMOTE_EXCEPTION)
-    return FALSE;
-  return !strcmp (dbus_g_error_get_name (error), name);
- * Return the D-BUS name for a remote exception.
- * This function may only be invoked on a GError returned from an
- * invocation of a remote method, e.g. via dbus_g_proxy_end_call.
- * Moreover, you must ensure that the error's domain is DBUS_GERROR,
- *
- * @param error the GError given from the remote method
- * @param name the D-BUS error name
- * @param msg the D-BUS error detailed message
- * @returns the D-BUS error name
- */
-const char *
-dbus_g_error_get_name (GError *error)
-  g_return_val_if_fail (error != NULL, NULL);
-  g_return_val_if_fail (error->domain == DBUS_GERROR, NULL);
-  g_return_val_if_fail (error->code == DBUS_GERROR_REMOTE_EXCEPTION, NULL);
-  return error->message + strlen (error->message) + 1;
- * Get the GLib type ID for a DBusConnection boxed type.
- *
- * @returns GLib type
- */
-dbus_connection_get_g_type (void)
-  static GType our_type = 0;
-  if (our_type == 0)
-    our_type = g_boxed_type_register_static ("DBusConnection",
-                                             (GBoxedCopyFunc) dbus_connection_ref,
-                                             (GBoxedFreeFunc) dbus_connection_unref);
-  return our_type;
- * Get the GLib type ID for a DBusMessage boxed type.
- *
- * @returns GLib type
- */
-dbus_message_get_g_type (void)
-  static GType our_type = 0;
-  if (our_type == 0)
-    our_type = g_boxed_type_register_static ("DBusMessage",
-                                             (GBoxedCopyFunc) dbus_message_ref,
-                                             (GBoxedFreeFunc) dbus_message_unref);
-  return our_type;
- * Get the GLib type ID for a DBusGConnection boxed type.
- *
- * @returns GLib type
- */
-dbus_g_connection_get_g_type (void)
-  static GType our_type = 0;
-  if (our_type == 0)
-    our_type = g_boxed_type_register_static ("DBusGConnection",
-                                             (GBoxedCopyFunc) dbus_g_connection_ref,
-                                             (GBoxedFreeFunc) dbus_g_connection_unref);
-  return our_type;
- * Get the GLib type ID for a DBusGMessage boxed type.
- *
- * @returns GLib type
- */
-dbus_g_message_get_g_type (void)
-  static GType our_type = 0;
-  if (our_type == 0)
-    our_type = g_boxed_type_register_static ("DBusGMessage",
-                                             (GBoxedCopyFunc) dbus_g_message_ref,
-                                             (GBoxedFreeFunc) dbus_g_message_unref);
-  return our_type;
- * Get the DBusConnection corresponding to this DBusGConnection.
- * The return value does not have its refcount incremented.
- *
- * @returns DBusConnection 
- */
-dbus_g_connection_get_connection (DBusGConnection *gconnection)
-  return DBUS_CONNECTION_FROM_G_CONNECTION (gconnection);
- * Get the DBusMessage corresponding to this DBusGMessage.
- * The return value does not have its refcount incremented.
- *
- * @returns DBusMessage 
- */
-dbus_g_message_get_message (DBusGMessage *gmessage)
-  return DBUS_MESSAGE_FROM_G_MESSAGE (gmessage);
-/** @} */ /* end of public API */
- * @ingroup DBusGLibInternals
- * Unit test for general glib stuff
- * @returns #TRUE on success.
- */
-_dbus_glib_test (const char *test_data_dir)
-  DBusError err;
-  GError *gerror = NULL;
-  dbus_error_init (&err);
-  dbus_set_error_const (&err, DBUS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY, "Out of memory!");
-  dbus_set_g_error (&gerror, &err);
-  g_assert (gerror != NULL);
-  g_assert (gerror->domain == DBUS_GERROR);
-  g_assert (gerror->code == DBUS_GERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-  g_assert (!strcmp (gerror->message, "Out of memory!"));
-  dbus_error_init (&err);
-  g_clear_error (&gerror);
-  return TRUE;
-#endif /* DBUS_BUILD_TESTS */
diff --git a/glib/dbus-gloader-expat.c b/glib/dbus-gloader-expat.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 609f316..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu" -*- */
-/* dbus-gloader-expat.c  expat XML loader
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2003 Red Hat, Inc.
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *
- */
-#include "dbus-gparser.h"
-#include <expat.h>
-#include <string.h>
-static void*
-expat_g_malloc (size_t sz)
-  return g_malloc (sz);
-static void*
-expat_g_realloc (void *mem, size_t sz)
-  return g_realloc (mem, sz);
-static XML_Memory_Handling_Suite memsuite =
-  expat_g_malloc,
-  expat_g_realloc,
-  g_free
- * Context for Expat parser for introspection data.
- */
-typedef struct
-  Parser *parser;       /**< The parser for the introspection data */
-  const char *filename; /**< The filename being loaded */
-  GString *content;     /**< The content of the current element */
-  GError **error;       /**< Error return location */
-  gboolean failed;      /**< True if parse has failed */
-} ExpatParseContext;
-static dbus_bool_t
-process_content (ExpatParseContext *context)
-  if (context->failed)
-    return FALSE;
-  if (context->content->len > 0)
-    {
-      if (!parser_content (context->parser,
-                           context->content->str,
-                           context->content->len,
-                           context->error))
-        {
-          context->failed = TRUE;
-          return FALSE;
-        }
-      g_string_set_size (context->content, 0);
-    }
-  return TRUE;
-static void
-expat_StartElementHandler (void            *userData,
-                           const XML_Char  *name,
-                           const XML_Char **atts)
-  ExpatParseContext *context = userData;
-  int i;
-  char **names;
-  char **values;
-  /* Expat seems to suck and can't abort the parse if we
-   * throw an error. Expat 2.0 is supposed to fix this.
-   */
-  if (context->failed)
-    return;
-  if (!process_content (context))
-    return;
-  /* "atts" is key, value, key, value, NULL */
-  for (i = 0; atts[i] != NULL; ++i)
-    ; /* nothing */
-  g_assert (i % 2 == 0);
-  names = g_new0 (char *, i / 2 + 1);
-  values = g_new0 (char *, i / 2 + 1);
-  i = 0;
-  while (atts[i] != NULL)
-    {
-      g_assert (i % 2 == 0);
-      names [i / 2] = (char*) atts[i];
-      values[i / 2] = (char*) atts[i+1];
-      i += 2;
-    }
-  if (!parser_start_element (context->parser,
-                             name,
-                             (const char **) names,
-                             (const char **) values,
-                             context->error))
-    {
-      g_free (names);
-      g_free (values);
-      context->failed = TRUE;
-      return;
-    }
-  g_free (names);
-  g_free (values);
-static void
-expat_EndElementHandler (void           *userData,
-                         const XML_Char *name)
-  ExpatParseContext *context = userData;
-  if (!process_content (context))
-    return;
-  if (!parser_end_element (context->parser,
-                           name,
-                           context->error))
-    {
-      context->failed = TRUE;
-      return;
-    }
-/* s is not 0 terminated. */
-static void
-expat_CharacterDataHandler (void           *userData,
-                            const XML_Char *s,
-                            int             len)
-  ExpatParseContext *context = userData;
-  if (context->failed)
-    return;
-  g_string_append_len (context->content,
-                       s, len);
-description_load_from_file (const char       *filename,
-                            GError          **error)
-  char *contents;
-  gsize len;
-  NodeInfo *nodes;
-  contents = NULL;
-  if (!g_file_get_contents (filename, &contents, &len, error))
-    return NULL;
-  nodes = description_load_from_string (contents, len, error);
-  g_free (contents);
-  return nodes;
-description_load_from_string (const char  *str,
-                              int          len,
-                              GError     **error)
-  XML_Parser expat;
-  ExpatParseContext context;
-  NodeInfo *nodes;
-  g_return_val_if_fail (error == NULL || *error == NULL, NULL);
-  if (len < 0)
-    len = strlen (str);
-  expat = NULL;
-  context.parser = NULL;
-  context.error = error;
-  context.failed = FALSE;
-  expat = XML_ParserCreate_MM ("UTF-8", &memsuite, NULL);
-  if (expat == NULL)
-    g_error ("No memory to create XML parser\n");
-  context.parser = parser_new ();
-  context.content = g_string_new (NULL);
-  XML_SetUserData (expat, &context);
-  XML_SetElementHandler (expat,
-                         expat_StartElementHandler,
-                         expat_EndElementHandler);
-  XML_SetCharacterDataHandler (expat,
-                               expat_CharacterDataHandler);
-  if (!XML_Parse (expat, str, len, TRUE))
-    {
-      if (context.error != NULL &&
-          *context.error == NULL)
-        {
-            enum XML_Error e;
-            e = XML_GetErrorCode (expat);
-            if (e == XML_ERROR_NO_MEMORY)
-              g_error ("Not enough memory to parse XML document");
-            else
-              g_set_error (error,
-                           G_MARKUP_ERROR,
-                           G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE,
-                           "Error in D-BUS description XML, line %d, column %d: %s\n",
-                           XML_GetCurrentLineNumber (expat),
-                           XML_GetCurrentColumnNumber (expat),
-                           XML_ErrorString (e));
-        }
-        goto failed;
-    }
-  if (context.failed)
-    goto failed;
-  if (!parser_finished (context.parser, error))
-    goto failed;
-  XML_ParserFree (expat);
-  g_string_free (context.content, TRUE);
-  g_return_val_if_fail (error == NULL || *error == NULL, NULL);
-  nodes = parser_get_nodes (context.parser);
-  node_info_ref (nodes);
-  parser_unref (context.parser);
-  return nodes;
- failed:
-  g_return_val_if_fail (error == NULL || *error != NULL, NULL);
-  g_string_free (context.content, TRUE);
-  if (expat)
-    XML_ParserFree (expat);
-  if (context.parser)
-    parser_unref (context.parser);
-  return NULL;
diff --git a/glib/dbus-gmain.c b/glib/dbus-gmain.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 54f868d..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,814 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu" -*- */
-/* dbus-gmain.c GLib main loop integration
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 CodeFactory AB
- * Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc.
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- * 
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- * 
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <dbus/dbus-glib.h>
-#include <dbus/dbus-glib-lowlevel.h>
-#include "dbus-gtest.h"
-#include "dbus-gutils.h"
-#include "dbus-gvalue.h"
-#include "dbus-gobject.h"
-#include "dbus-gvalue-utils.h"
-#include "dbus-gsignature.h"
-#include <string.h>
-#include <libintl.h>
-#define _(x) dgettext (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, x)
-#define N_(x) x
- * @defgroup DBusGLib GLib bindings
- * @brief API for using D-BUS with GLib
- *
- * libdbus proper is a low-level API, these GLib bindings wrap libdbus
- * with a much higher-level approach. The higher level approach is
- * possible because GLib defines a main loop, an object/type system,
- * and an out-of-memory handling policy (it exits the program).
- * See http://www.gtk.org for GLib information.
- *
- * To manipulate remote objects, use #DBusGProxy.
- */
- * @defgroup DBusGLibInternals GLib bindings implementation details
- * @ingroup  DBusInternals
- * @brief Implementation details of GLib bindings
- *
- * @{
- */
- * A GSource subclass for dispatching DBusConnection messages.
- * We need this on top of the IO handlers, because sometimes
- * there are messages to dispatch queued up but no IO pending.
- */
-typedef struct
-  GSource source; /**< the parent GSource */
-  DBusConnection *connection; /**< the connection to dispatch */
-} DBusGMessageQueue;
-static gboolean message_queue_prepare  (GSource     *source,
-                                        gint        *timeout);
-static gboolean message_queue_check    (GSource     *source);
-static gboolean message_queue_dispatch (GSource     *source,
-                                        GSourceFunc  callback,
-                                        gpointer     user_data);
-static const GSourceFuncs message_queue_funcs = {
-  message_queue_prepare,
-  message_queue_check,
-  message_queue_dispatch,
-static gboolean
-message_queue_prepare (GSource *source,
-                       gint    *timeout)
-  DBusConnection *connection = ((DBusGMessageQueue *)source)->connection;
-  *timeout = -1;
-  return (dbus_connection_get_dispatch_status (connection) == DBUS_DISPATCH_DATA_REMAINS);  
-static gboolean
-message_queue_check (GSource *source)
-  return FALSE;
-static gboolean
-message_queue_dispatch (GSource     *source,
-                        GSourceFunc  callback,
-                        gpointer     user_data)
-  DBusConnection *connection = ((DBusGMessageQueue *)source)->connection;
-  dbus_connection_ref (connection);
-  /* Only dispatch once - we don't want to starve other GSource */
-  dbus_connection_dispatch (connection);
-  dbus_connection_unref (connection);
-  return TRUE;
-typedef struct
-  GMainContext *context;      /**< the main context */
-  GSList *ios;                /**< all IOHandler */
-  GSList *timeouts;           /**< all TimeoutHandler */
-  DBusConnection *connection; /**< NULL if this is really for a server not a connection */
-  GSource *message_queue_source; /**< DBusGMessageQueue */
-} ConnectionSetup;
-typedef struct
-  ConnectionSetup *cs;
-  GSource *source;
-  DBusWatch *watch;
-} IOHandler;
-typedef struct
-  ConnectionSetup *cs;
-  GSource *source;
-  DBusTimeout *timeout;
-} TimeoutHandler;
-static dbus_int32_t connection_slot = -1;
-static dbus_int32_t server_slot = -1;
-static ConnectionSetup*
-connection_setup_new (GMainContext   *context,
-                      DBusConnection *connection)
-  ConnectionSetup *cs;
-  cs = g_new0 (ConnectionSetup, 1);
-  g_assert (context != NULL);
-  cs->context = context;
-  g_main_context_ref (cs->context);  
-  if (connection)
-    {
-      cs->connection = connection;
-      cs->message_queue_source = g_source_new (&message_queue_funcs,
-                                               sizeof (DBusGMessageQueue));
-      ((DBusGMessageQueue*)cs->message_queue_source)->connection = connection;
-      g_source_attach (cs->message_queue_source, cs->context);
-    }
-  return cs;
-static void
-io_handler_source_finalized (gpointer data)
-  IOHandler *handler;
-  handler = data;
-  if (handler->watch)
-    dbus_watch_set_data (handler->watch, NULL, NULL);
-  g_free (handler);
-static void
-io_handler_destroy_source (void *data)
-  IOHandler *handler;
-  handler = data;
-  if (handler->source)
-    {
-      GSource *source = handler->source;
-      handler->source = NULL;
-      handler->cs->ios = g_slist_remove (handler->cs->ios, handler);
-      g_source_destroy (source);
-      g_source_unref (source);
-    }
-static void
-io_handler_watch_freed (void *data)
-  IOHandler *handler;
-  handler = data;
-  handler->watch = NULL;
-  io_handler_destroy_source (handler);
-static gboolean
-io_handler_dispatch (GIOChannel   *source,
-                     GIOCondition  condition,
-                     gpointer      data)
-  IOHandler *handler;
-  guint dbus_condition = 0;
-  DBusConnection *connection;
-  handler = data;
-  connection = handler->cs->connection;
-  if (connection)
-    dbus_connection_ref (connection);
-  if (condition & G_IO_IN)
-    dbus_condition |= DBUS_WATCH_READABLE;
-  if (condition & G_IO_OUT)
-    dbus_condition |= DBUS_WATCH_WRITABLE;
-  if (condition & G_IO_ERR)
-    dbus_condition |= DBUS_WATCH_ERROR;
-  if (condition & G_IO_HUP)
-    dbus_condition |= DBUS_WATCH_HANGUP;
-  /* Note that we don't touch the handler after this, because
-   * dbus may have disabled the watch and thus killed the
-   * handler.
-   */
-  dbus_watch_handle (handler->watch, dbus_condition);
-  handler = NULL;
-  if (connection)
-    dbus_connection_unref (connection);
-  return TRUE;
-static void
-connection_setup_add_watch (ConnectionSetup *cs,
-                            DBusWatch       *watch)
-  guint flags;
-  GIOCondition condition;
-  GIOChannel *channel;
-  IOHandler *handler;
-  if (!dbus_watch_get_enabled (watch))
-    return;
-  g_assert (dbus_watch_get_data (watch) == NULL);
-  flags = dbus_watch_get_flags (watch);
-  condition = G_IO_ERR | G_IO_HUP;
-  if (flags & DBUS_WATCH_READABLE)
-    condition |= G_IO_IN;
-  if (flags & DBUS_WATCH_WRITABLE)
-    condition |= G_IO_OUT;
-  handler = g_new0 (IOHandler, 1);
-  handler->cs = cs;
-  handler->watch = watch;
-  channel = g_io_channel_unix_new (dbus_watch_get_fd (watch));
-  handler->source = g_io_create_watch (channel, condition);
-  g_source_set_callback (handler->source, (GSourceFunc) io_handler_dispatch, handler,
-                         io_handler_source_finalized);
-  g_source_attach (handler->source, cs->context);
-  cs->ios = g_slist_prepend (cs->ios, handler);
-  dbus_watch_set_data (watch, handler, io_handler_watch_freed);
-  g_io_channel_unref (channel);
-static void
-connection_setup_remove_watch (ConnectionSetup *cs,
-                               DBusWatch       *watch)
-  IOHandler *handler;
-  handler = dbus_watch_get_data (watch);
-  if (handler == NULL)
-    return;
-  io_handler_destroy_source (handler);
-static void
-timeout_handler_source_finalized (gpointer data)
-  TimeoutHandler *handler;
-  handler = data;
-  if (handler->timeout)
-    dbus_timeout_set_data (handler->timeout, NULL, NULL);
-  g_free (handler);
-static void
-timeout_handler_destroy_source (void *data)
-  TimeoutHandler *handler;
-  handler = data;
-  if (handler->source)
-    {
-      GSource *source = handler->source;
-      handler->source = NULL;
-      handler->cs->timeouts = g_slist_remove (handler->cs->timeouts, handler);
-      g_source_destroy (source);
-      g_source_unref (source);
-    }
-static void
-timeout_handler_timeout_freed (void *data)
-  TimeoutHandler *handler;
-  handler = data;
-  handler->timeout = NULL;
-  timeout_handler_destroy_source (handler);
-static gboolean
-timeout_handler_dispatch (gpointer      data)
-  TimeoutHandler *handler;
-  handler = data;
-  dbus_timeout_handle (handler->timeout);
-  return TRUE;
-static void
-connection_setup_add_timeout (ConnectionSetup *cs,
-                              DBusTimeout     *timeout)
-  TimeoutHandler *handler;
-  if (!dbus_timeout_get_enabled (timeout))
-    return;
-  g_assert (dbus_timeout_get_data (timeout) == NULL);
-  handler = g_new0 (TimeoutHandler, 1);
-  handler->cs = cs;
-  handler->timeout = timeout;
-  handler->source = g_timeout_source_new (dbus_timeout_get_interval (timeout));
-  g_source_set_callback (handler->source, timeout_handler_dispatch, handler,
-                         timeout_handler_source_finalized);
-  g_source_attach (handler->source, handler->cs->context);
-  cs->timeouts = g_slist_prepend (cs->timeouts, handler);
-  dbus_timeout_set_data (timeout, handler, timeout_handler_timeout_freed);
-static void
-connection_setup_remove_timeout (ConnectionSetup *cs,
-                                 DBusTimeout       *timeout)
-  TimeoutHandler *handler;
-  handler = dbus_timeout_get_data (timeout);
-  if (handler == NULL)
-    return;
-  timeout_handler_destroy_source (handler);
-static void
-connection_setup_free (ConnectionSetup *cs)
-  while (cs->ios)
-    io_handler_destroy_source (cs->ios->data);
-  while (cs->timeouts)
-    timeout_handler_destroy_source (cs->timeouts->data);
-  if (cs->message_queue_source)
-    {
-      GSource *source;
-      source = cs->message_queue_source;
-      cs->message_queue_source = NULL;
-      g_source_destroy (source);
-      g_source_unref (source);
-    }
-  g_main_context_unref (cs->context);
-  g_free (cs);
-static dbus_bool_t
-add_watch (DBusWatch *watch,
-          gpointer   data)
-  ConnectionSetup *cs;
-  cs = data;
-  connection_setup_add_watch (cs, watch);
-  return TRUE;
-static void
-remove_watch (DBusWatch *watch,
-             gpointer   data)
-  ConnectionSetup *cs;
-  cs = data;
-  connection_setup_remove_watch (cs, watch);
-static void
-watch_toggled (DBusWatch *watch,
-               void      *data)
-  /* Because we just exit on OOM, enable/disable is
-   * no different from add/remove
-   */
-  if (dbus_watch_get_enabled (watch))
-    add_watch (watch, data);
-  else
-    remove_watch (watch, data);
-static dbus_bool_t
-add_timeout (DBusTimeout *timeout,
-            void        *data)
-  ConnectionSetup *cs;
-  cs = data;
-  if (!dbus_timeout_get_enabled (timeout))
-    return TRUE;
-  connection_setup_add_timeout (cs, timeout);
-  return TRUE;
-static void
-remove_timeout (DBusTimeout *timeout,
-               void        *data)
-  ConnectionSetup *cs;
-  cs = data;
-  connection_setup_remove_timeout (cs, timeout);
-static void
-timeout_toggled (DBusTimeout *timeout,
-                 void        *data)
-  /* Because we just exit on OOM, enable/disable is
-   * no different from add/remove
-   */
-  if (dbus_timeout_get_enabled (timeout))
-    add_timeout (timeout, data);
-  else
-    remove_timeout (timeout, data);
-static void
-wakeup_main (void *data)
-  ConnectionSetup *cs = data;
-  g_main_context_wakeup (cs->context);
-/* Move to a new context */
-static ConnectionSetup*
-connection_setup_new_from_old (GMainContext    *context,
-                               ConnectionSetup *old)
-  GSList *tmp;
-  ConnectionSetup *cs;
-  g_assert (old->context != context);
-  cs = connection_setup_new (context, old->connection);
-  tmp = old->ios;
-  while (tmp != NULL)
-    {
-      IOHandler *handler = tmp->data;
-      connection_setup_add_watch (cs, handler->watch);
-      tmp = tmp->next;
-    }
-  tmp = old->timeouts;
-  while (tmp != NULL)
-    {
-      TimeoutHandler *handler = tmp->data;
-      connection_setup_add_timeout (cs, handler->timeout);
-      tmp = tmp->next;
-    }
-  return cs;
-/** @} */ /* End of GLib bindings internals */
-/** @addtogroup DBusGLib
- * @{
- */
- * Sets the watch and timeout functions of a #DBusConnection
- * to integrate the connection with the GLib main loop.
- * Pass in #NULL for the #GMainContext unless you're
- * doing something specialized.
- *
- * If called twice for the same context, does nothing the second
- * time. If called once with context A and once with context B,
- * context B replaces context A as the context monitoring the
- * connection.
- *
- * @param connection the connection
- * @param context the #GMainContext or #NULL for default context
- */
-dbus_connection_setup_with_g_main (DBusConnection *connection,
-                                  GMainContext   *context)
-  ConnectionSetup *old_setup;
-  ConnectionSetup *cs;
-  /* FIXME we never free the slot, so its refcount just keeps growing,
-   * which is kind of broken.
-   */
-  dbus_connection_allocate_data_slot (&connection_slot);
-  if (connection_slot < 0)
-    goto nomem;
-  if (context == NULL)
-    context = g_main_context_default ();
-  cs = NULL;
-  old_setup = dbus_connection_get_data (connection, connection_slot);
-  if (old_setup != NULL)
-    {
-      if (old_setup->context == context)
-        return; /* nothing to do */
-      cs = connection_setup_new_from_old (context, old_setup);
-      /* Nuke the old setup */
-      dbus_connection_set_data (connection, connection_slot, NULL, NULL);
-      old_setup = NULL;
-    }
-  if (cs == NULL)
-    cs = connection_setup_new (context, connection);
-  if (!dbus_connection_set_data (connection, connection_slot, cs,
-                                 (DBusFreeFunction)connection_setup_free))
-    goto nomem;
-  if (!dbus_connection_set_watch_functions (connection,
-                                            add_watch,
-                                            remove_watch,
-                                            watch_toggled,
-                                            cs, NULL))
-    goto nomem;
-  if (!dbus_connection_set_timeout_functions (connection,
-                                              add_timeout,
-                                              remove_timeout,
-                                              timeout_toggled,
-                                              cs, NULL))
-    goto nomem;
-  dbus_connection_set_wakeup_main_function (connection,
-                                           wakeup_main,
-                                           cs, NULL);
-  return;
- nomem:
-  g_error ("Not enough memory to set up DBusConnection for use with GLib");
- * Sets the watch and timeout functions of a #DBusServer
- * to integrate the server with the GLib main loop.
- * In most cases the context argument should be #NULL.
- *
- * If called twice for the same context, does nothing the second
- * time. If called once with context A and once with context B,
- * context B replaces context A as the context monitoring the
- * connection.
- *
- * @param server the server
- * @param context the #GMainContext or #NULL for default
- */
-dbus_server_setup_with_g_main (DBusServer   *server,
-                               GMainContext *context)
-  ConnectionSetup *old_setup;
-  ConnectionSetup *cs;
-  /* FIXME we never free the slot, so its refcount just keeps growing,
-   * which is kind of broken.
-   */
-  dbus_server_allocate_data_slot (&server_slot);
-  if (server_slot < 0)
-    goto nomem;
-  if (context == NULL)
-    context = g_main_context_default ();
-  cs = NULL;
-  old_setup = dbus_server_get_data (server, server_slot);
-  if (old_setup != NULL)
-    {
-      if (old_setup->context == context)
-        return; /* nothing to do */
-      cs = connection_setup_new_from_old (context, old_setup);
-      /* Nuke the old setup */
-      dbus_server_set_data (server, server_slot, NULL, NULL);
-      old_setup = NULL;
-    }
-  if (cs == NULL)
-    cs = connection_setup_new (context, NULL);
-  if (!dbus_server_set_data (server, server_slot, cs,
-                             (DBusFreeFunction)connection_setup_free))
-    goto nomem;
-  if (!dbus_server_set_watch_functions (server,
-                                        add_watch,
-                                        remove_watch,
-                                        watch_toggled,
-                                        cs, NULL))
-    goto nomem;
-  if (!dbus_server_set_timeout_functions (server,
-                                          add_timeout,
-                                          remove_timeout,
-                                          timeout_toggled,
-                                          cs, NULL))
-    goto nomem;
-  return;
- nomem:
-  g_error ("Not enough memory to set up DBusServer for use with GLib");
- * Returns a connection to the given address.
- *
- * (Internally, calls dbus_connection_open() then calls
- * dbus_connection_setup_with_g_main() on the result.)
- *
- * @param address address of the connection to open
- * @param error address where an error can be returned.
- * @returns a DBusConnection
- */
-dbus_g_connection_open (const gchar  *address,
-                        GError      **error)
-  DBusConnection *connection;
-  DBusError derror;
-  g_return_val_if_fail (error == NULL || *error == NULL, NULL);
-  _dbus_g_value_types_init ();
-  dbus_error_init (&derror);
-  connection = dbus_connection_open (address, &derror);
-  if (connection == NULL)
-    {
-      dbus_set_g_error (error, &derror);
-      dbus_error_free (&derror);
-      return NULL;
-    }
-  /* does nothing if it's already been done */
-  dbus_connection_setup_with_g_main (connection, NULL);
- * Returns a connection to the given bus. The connection is a global variable
- * shared with other callers of this function.
- * 
- * (Internally, calls dbus_bus_get() then calls
- * dbus_connection_setup_with_g_main() on the result.)
- *
- * @param type bus type
- * @param error address where an error can be returned.
- * @returns a DBusConnection
- */
-dbus_g_bus_get (DBusBusType     type,
-                GError        **error)
-  DBusConnection *connection;
-  DBusError derror;
-  g_return_val_if_fail (error == NULL || *error == NULL, NULL);
-  _dbus_g_value_types_init ();
-  dbus_error_init (&derror);
-  connection = dbus_bus_get (type, &derror);
-  if (connection == NULL)
-    {
-      dbus_set_g_error (error, &derror);
-      dbus_error_free (&derror);
-      return NULL;
-    }
-  /* does nothing if it's already been done */
-  dbus_connection_setup_with_g_main (connection, NULL);
-/** @} */ /* end of public API */
- * @ingroup DBusGLibInternals
- * Unit test for GLib main loop integration
- * @returns #TRUE on success.
- */
-_dbus_gmain_test (const char *test_data_dir)
-  GType type;
-  GType rectype;
-  g_type_init ();
-  _dbus_g_value_types_init ();
-  rectype = dbus_g_type_get_collection ("GArray", G_TYPE_UINT);
-  g_assert (rectype != G_TYPE_INVALID);
-  g_assert (!strcmp (g_type_name (rectype), "GArray_guint_"));
-  type = _dbus_gtype_from_signature ("au", TRUE);
-  g_assert (type == rectype);
-  rectype = dbus_g_type_get_map ("GHashTable", G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_STRING);
-  g_assert (rectype != G_TYPE_INVALID);
-  g_assert (!strcmp (g_type_name (rectype), "GHashTable_gchararray+gchararray_"));
-  type = _dbus_gtype_from_signature ("a{ss}", TRUE);
-  g_assert (type == rectype);
-  type = _dbus_gtype_from_signature ("o", FALSE);
-  g_assert (type == DBUS_TYPE_G_OBJECT_PATH);
-  type = _dbus_gtype_from_signature ("o", TRUE);
-  g_assert (type == DBUS_TYPE_G_OBJECT_PATH);
-  return TRUE;
-#endif /* DBUS_BUILD_TESTS */
diff --git a/glib/dbus-gmarshal.c b/glib/dbus-gmarshal.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 13e98b1..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-#include "dbus-gmarshal.h"
-#include       <glib-object.h>
-#define g_marshal_value_peek_boolean(v)  g_value_get_boolean (v)
-#define g_marshal_value_peek_char(v)     g_value_get_char (v)
-#define g_marshal_value_peek_uchar(v)    g_value_get_uchar (v)
-#define g_marshal_value_peek_int(v)      g_value_get_int (v)
-#define g_marshal_value_peek_uint(v)     g_value_get_uint (v)
-#define g_marshal_value_peek_long(v)     g_value_get_long (v)
-#define g_marshal_value_peek_ulong(v)    g_value_get_ulong (v)
-#define g_marshal_value_peek_int64(v)    g_value_get_int64 (v)
-#define g_marshal_value_peek_uint64(v)   g_value_get_uint64 (v)
-#define g_marshal_value_peek_enum(v)     g_value_get_enum (v)
-#define g_marshal_value_peek_flags(v)    g_value_get_flags (v)
-#define g_marshal_value_peek_float(v)    g_value_get_float (v)
-#define g_marshal_value_peek_double(v)   g_value_get_double (v)
-#define g_marshal_value_peek_string(v)   (char*) g_value_get_string (v)
-#define g_marshal_value_peek_param(v)    g_value_get_param (v)
-#define g_marshal_value_peek_boxed(v)    g_value_get_boxed (v)
-#define g_marshal_value_peek_pointer(v)  g_value_get_pointer (v)
-#define g_marshal_value_peek_object(v)   g_value_get_object (v)
-#else /* !G_ENABLE_DEBUG */
-/* WARNING: This code accesses GValues directly, which is UNSUPPORTED API.
- *          Do not access GValues directly in your code. Instead, use the
- *          g_value_get_*() functions
- */
-#define g_marshal_value_peek_boolean(v)  (v)->data[0].v_int
-#define g_marshal_value_peek_char(v)     (v)->data[0].v_int
-#define g_marshal_value_peek_uchar(v)    (v)->data[0].v_uint
-#define g_marshal_value_peek_int(v)      (v)->data[0].v_int
-#define g_marshal_value_peek_uint(v)     (v)->data[0].v_uint
-#define g_marshal_value_peek_long(v)     (v)->data[0].v_long
-#define g_marshal_value_peek_ulong(v)    (v)->data[0].v_ulong
-#define g_marshal_value_peek_int64(v)    (v)->data[0].v_int64
-#define g_marshal_value_peek_uint64(v)   (v)->data[0].v_uint64
-#define g_marshal_value_peek_enum(v)     (v)->data[0].v_long
-#define g_marshal_value_peek_flags(v)    (v)->data[0].v_ulong
-#define g_marshal_value_peek_float(v)    (v)->data[0].v_float
-#define g_marshal_value_peek_double(v)   (v)->data[0].v_double
-#define g_marshal_value_peek_string(v)   (v)->data[0].v_pointer
-#define g_marshal_value_peek_param(v)    (v)->data[0].v_pointer
-#define g_marshal_value_peek_boxed(v)    (v)->data[0].v_pointer
-#define g_marshal_value_peek_pointer(v)  (v)->data[0].v_pointer
-#define g_marshal_value_peek_object(v)   (v)->data[0].v_pointer
-#endif /* !G_ENABLE_DEBUG */
-/* NONE:STRING,STRING,STRING (dbus-gmarshal.list:1) */
-_dbus_g_marshal_VOID__STRING_STRING_STRING (GClosure     *closure,
-                                            GValue       *return_value,
-                                            guint         n_param_values,
-                                            const GValue *param_values,
-                                            gpointer      invocation_hint,
-                                            gpointer      marshal_data)
-  typedef void (*GMarshalFunc_VOID__STRING_STRING_STRING) (gpointer     data1,
-                                                           gpointer     arg_1,
-                                                           gpointer     arg_2,
-                                                           gpointer     arg_3,
-                                                           gpointer     data2);
-  register GMarshalFunc_VOID__STRING_STRING_STRING callback;
-  register GCClosure *cc = (GCClosure*) closure;
-  register gpointer data1, data2;
-  g_return_if_fail (n_param_values == 4);
-  if (G_CCLOSURE_SWAP_DATA (closure))
-    {
-      data1 = closure->data;
-      data2 = g_value_peek_pointer (param_values + 0);
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      data1 = g_value_peek_pointer (param_values + 0);
-      data2 = closure->data;
-    }
-  callback = (GMarshalFunc_VOID__STRING_STRING_STRING) (marshal_data ? marshal_data : cc->callback);
-  callback (data1,
-            g_marshal_value_peek_string (param_values + 1),
-            g_marshal_value_peek_string (param_values + 2),
-            g_marshal_value_peek_string (param_values + 3),
-            data2);
diff --git a/glib/dbus-gmarshal.h b/glib/dbus-gmarshal.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 2cdb3d7..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef ___dbus_g_marshal_MARSHAL_H__
-#define ___dbus_g_marshal_MARSHAL_H__
-#include       <glib-object.h>
-/* NONE:STRING,STRING,STRING (dbus-gmarshal.list:1) */
-extern void _dbus_g_marshal_VOID__STRING_STRING_STRING (GClosure     *closure,
-                                                        GValue       *return_value,
-                                                        guint         n_param_values,
-                                                        const GValue *param_values,
-                                                        gpointer      invocation_hint,
-                                                        gpointer      marshal_data);
-#define _dbus_g_marshal_NONE__STRING_STRING_STRING     _dbus_g_marshal_VOID__STRING_STRING_STRING
-#endif /* ___dbus_g_marshal_MARSHAL_H__ */
diff --git a/glib/dbus-gmarshal.list b/glib/dbus-gmarshal.list
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 12974e2..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/glib/dbus-gobject.c b/glib/dbus-gobject.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 1427a34..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2217 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu" -*- */
-/* dbus-gobject.c Exporting a GObject remotely
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005 Red Hat, Inc.
- * Copyright (C) 2005 Nokia
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <gobject/gvaluecollector.h>
-#include <dbus/dbus-glib.h>
-#include <dbus/dbus-glib-lowlevel.h>
-#include "dbus-gtest.h"
-#include "dbus-gutils.h"
-#include "dbus-gobject.h"
-#include "dbus-gsignature.h"
-#include "dbus-gvalue.h"
-#include "dbus-gmarshal.h"
-#include "dbus-gvalue-utils.h"
-#include <string.h>
- * @addtogroup DBusGLibInternals
- * @{
- */
-typedef struct
-  char *default_iface;
-  GType code_enum;
-} DBusGErrorInfo;
-static GStaticRWLock globals_lock = G_STATIC_RW_LOCK_INIT;
-static GHashTable *marshal_table = NULL;
-static GData *error_metadata = NULL;
-static char*
-uscore_to_wincaps (const char *uscore)
-  const char *p;
-  GString *str;
-  gboolean last_was_uscore;
-  last_was_uscore = TRUE;
-  str = g_string_new (NULL);
-  p = uscore;
-  while (*p)
-    {
-      if (*p == '-' || *p == '_')
-        {
-          last_was_uscore = TRUE;
-        }
-      else
-        {
-          if (last_was_uscore)
-            {
-              g_string_append_c (str, g_ascii_toupper (*p));
-              last_was_uscore = FALSE;
-            }
-          else
-            g_string_append_c (str, *p);
-        }
-      ++p;
-    }
-  return g_string_free (str, FALSE);
-static const char *
-string_table_next (const char *table)
-  return (table + (strlen (table) + 1));
-static const char *
-string_table_lookup (const char *table, int index)
-  const char *ret;
-  ret = table;
-  while (index--)
-    ret = string_table_next (ret);
-  return ret;
-static const char *
-get_method_data (const DBusGObjectInfo *object,
-                const DBusGMethodInfo *method)
-  return object->data + method->data_offset;
-static char *
-object_error_domain_prefix_from_object_info (const DBusGObjectInfo *info)
-  /* FIXME */
-  return NULL;
-static char *
-object_error_code_from_object_info (const DBusGObjectInfo *info, GQuark domain, gint code)
-  /* FIXME */
-  return NULL;
-static const char *
-method_interface_from_object_info (const DBusGObjectInfo *object,
-                             const DBusGMethodInfo *method)
-  return string_table_lookup (get_method_data (object, method), 0);
-static const char *
-method_name_from_object_info (const DBusGObjectInfo *object,
-                             const DBusGMethodInfo *method)
-  return string_table_lookup (get_method_data (object, method), 1);
-static const char *
-method_arg_info_from_object_info (const DBusGObjectInfo *object,
-                                 const DBusGMethodInfo *method)
-  return string_table_lookup (get_method_data (object, method), 3);/*RB was 2*/
-typedef enum
-} RetvalType;
-static const char *
-arg_iterate (const char    *data,
-            const char   **name,
-            gboolean      *in,
-            gboolean      *constval,
-            RetvalType    *retval,
-            const char   **type)
-  gboolean inarg;
-  if (name)
-    *name = data;
-  data = string_table_next (data);
-  switch (*data)
-    {
-    case 'I':
-      inarg = TRUE;
-      break;
-    case 'O':
-      inarg = FALSE;
-      break;
-    default:
-      g_warning ("invalid arg direction '%c'", *data);
-      inarg = FALSE;
-      break;
-    }
-  if (in)
-    *in = inarg;
-  if (!inarg)
-    {
-      data = string_table_next (data);
-      switch (*data)
-       {
-       case 'F':
-         if (constval)
-           *constval = FALSE;
-         break;
-       case 'C':
-         if (constval)
-           *constval = TRUE;
-         break;
-       default:
-         g_warning ("invalid arg const value '%c'", *data);
-         break;
-       }
-      data = string_table_next (data);
-      switch (*data)
-       {
-       case 'N':
-         if (retval)
-           *retval = RETVAL_NONE;
-         break;
-       case 'E':
-         if (retval)
-           *retval = RETVAL_ERROR;
-         break;
-       case 'R':
-         if (retval)
-           *retval = RETVAL_NOERROR;
-         break;
-       default:
-         g_warning ("invalid arg ret value '%c'", *data);
-         break;
-       }
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      if (constval)
-       *constval = FALSE;
-      if (retval)
-       *retval = FALSE;
-    }
-  data = string_table_next (data);
-  if (type)
-    *type = data;
-  return string_table_next (data);
-static char *
-method_dir_signature_from_object_info (const DBusGObjectInfo *object,
-                                      const DBusGMethodInfo *method,
-                                      gboolean               in)
-  const char *arg;
-  GString *ret;
-  arg = method_arg_info_from_object_info (object, method);
-  ret = g_string_new (NULL);
-  while (*arg)
-    {
-      const char *name;
-      gboolean arg_in;
-      const char *type;
-      arg = arg_iterate (arg, &name, &arg_in, NULL, NULL, &type);
-      if (arg_in == in)
-       g_string_append (ret, type);
-    }
-  return g_string_free (ret, FALSE);
-static char *
-method_input_signature_from_object_info (const DBusGObjectInfo *object,
-                                        const DBusGMethodInfo *method)
-  return method_dir_signature_from_object_info (object, method, TRUE);
-static char *
-method_output_signature_from_object_info (const DBusGObjectInfo *object,
-                                         const DBusGMethodInfo *method)
-  return method_dir_signature_from_object_info (object, method, FALSE);
-static const char *
-propsig_iterate (const char *data, const char **iface, const char **name)
-  *iface = data;
-  data = string_table_next (data);
-  *name = data;
-  return string_table_next (data);
-static GQuark
-dbus_g_object_type_dbus_metadata_quark (void)
-  static GQuark quark;
-  if (!quark)
-    quark = g_quark_from_static_string ("DBusGObjectTypeDBusMetadataQuark");
-  return quark;
-static const DBusGObjectInfo *
-lookup_object_info (GObject *object)
-  const DBusGObjectInfo *ret;
-  GType classtype;
-  ret = NULL;
-  for (classtype = G_TYPE_FROM_INSTANCE (object); classtype != 0; classtype = g_type_parent (classtype))
-    {
-      const DBusGObjectInfo *info;
-      info = g_type_get_qdata (classtype, dbus_g_object_type_dbus_metadata_quark ()); 
-      if (info != NULL && info->format_version >= 0)
-       {
-         ret = info;
-         break;
-       }
-    }
-  return ret;
-static void
-gobject_unregister_function (DBusConnection  *connection,
-                             void            *user_data)
-  GObject *object;
-  object = G_OBJECT (user_data);
-  /* FIXME */
-typedef struct
-  GString *xml;
-  GType gtype;
-  const DBusGObjectInfo *object_info;
-} DBusGLibWriteIterfaceData;
-typedef struct
-  GSList *methods;
-  GSList *signals;
-  GSList *properties;
-} DBusGLibWriteInterfaceValues;
-static void
-write_interface (gpointer key, gpointer val, gpointer user_data)
-  const char *name;
-  GSList *methods;
-  GSList *signals;
-  GSList *properties;
-  GString *xml;
-  const DBusGObjectInfo *object_info;
-  DBusGLibWriteIterfaceData *data;
-  DBusGLibWriteInterfaceValues *values;
-  name = key;
-  values = val;
-  methods = values->methods;
-  signals = values->signals;
-  properties = values->properties;
-  data = user_data;
-  xml = data->xml;
-  object_info = data->object_info;
-  g_string_append_printf (xml, "  <interface name=\"%s\">\n", name);
-  /* FIXME: recurse to parent types ? */
-  for (; methods; methods = methods->next)
-    {
-      DBusGMethodInfo *method;
-      const char *args;
-      method = methods->data;
-      g_string_append_printf (xml, "    <method name=\"%s\">\n",
-                             method_name_from_object_info (object_info, method));
-      args = method_arg_info_from_object_info (object_info, method);
-      while (*args)
-       {
-         const char *name;
-         gboolean arg_in;
-         const char *type;
-         args = arg_iterate (args, &name, &arg_in, NULL, NULL, &type);
-         /* FIXME - handle container types */
-         g_string_append_printf (xml, "      <arg name=\"%s\" type=\"%s\" direction=\"%s\"/>\n",
-                                 name, type, arg_in ? "in" : "out");
-       }
-      g_string_append (xml, "    </method>\n");
-    }
-  g_slist_free (values->methods);
-  for (; signals; signals = signals->next)
-    {
-      guint id;
-      guint arg;
-      const char *signame;
-      GSignalQuery query;
-      char *s;
-      signame = signals->data;
-      s = _dbus_gutils_wincaps_to_uscore (signame);
-      id = g_signal_lookup (s, data->gtype);
-      g_assert (id != 0);
-      g_signal_query (id, &query);
-      g_assert (query.return_type == G_TYPE_NONE);
-      g_string_append_printf (xml, "    <signal name=\"%s\">\n", signame);
-      for (arg = 0; arg < query.n_params; arg++)
-       {
-         char *dbus_type = _dbus_gtype_to_signature (query.param_types[arg]);
-         g_assert (dbus_type != NULL);
-          g_string_append (xml, "      <arg type=\"");
-          g_string_append (xml, dbus_type);
-          g_string_append (xml, "\"/>\n");
-         g_free (dbus_type);
-       }
-      g_string_append (xml, "    </signal>\n");
-      g_free (s);
-    }
-  g_slist_free (values->signals);
-  for (; properties; properties = properties->next)
-    {
-      const char *propname;
-      GParamSpec *spec;
-      char *dbus_type;
-      gboolean can_set;
-      gboolean can_get;
-      char *s;
-      propname = properties->data;
-      spec = NULL;
-      s = _dbus_gutils_wincaps_to_uscore (spec->name);
-      spec = g_object_class_find_property (g_type_class_peek (data->gtype), s);
-      g_assert (spec != NULL);
-      g_free (s);
-      dbus_type = _dbus_gtype_to_signature (G_PARAM_SPEC_VALUE_TYPE (spec));
-      g_assert (dbus_type != NULL);
-      can_set = ((spec->flags & G_PARAM_WRITABLE) != 0 &&
-                (spec->flags & G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY) == 0);
-      can_get = (spec->flags & G_PARAM_READABLE) != 0;
-      if (can_set || can_get)
-       {
-         g_string_append_printf (xml, "    <property name=\"%s\" ", propname);
-         g_string_append (xml, "type=\"");
-         g_string_append (xml, dbus_type);
-         g_string_append (xml, "\" access=\"");
-         if (can_set && can_get)
-           g_string_append (xml, "readwrite");
-         else if (can_get)
-           g_string_append (xml, "read");
-         else
-           {
-             g_assert (can_set);
-             g_string_append (xml, "write");
-           }
-         g_string_append (xml, "\"/>\n");
-       }
-      g_free (dbus_type);
-      g_free (s);
-      g_string_append (xml, "    </property>\n");
-    }
-  g_slist_free (values->properties);
-  g_free (values);
-  g_string_append (xml, "  </interface>\n");
-static DBusGLibWriteInterfaceValues *
-lookup_values (GHashTable *interfaces, const char *method_interface)
-  DBusGLibWriteInterfaceValues *values;
-  if ((values = g_hash_table_lookup (interfaces, (gpointer) method_interface)) == NULL)
-    {
-      values = g_new0 (DBusGLibWriteInterfaceValues, 1);
-      g_hash_table_insert (interfaces, (gpointer) method_interface, values);
-    }
-  return values;
-static void
-introspect_interfaces (GObject *object, GString *xml)
-  const DBusGObjectInfo *info;
-  DBusGLibWriteIterfaceData data;
-  int i;
-  GHashTable *interfaces;
-  DBusGLibWriteInterfaceValues *values;
-  const char *propsig;
-  info = lookup_object_info (object);
-  g_assert (info != NULL);
-  /* Gather a list of all interfaces, indexed into their methods */
-  interfaces = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal);
-  for (i = 0; i < info->n_method_infos; i++)
-    {
-      const char *method_name;
-      const char *method_interface;
-      const char *method_args;
-      const DBusGMethodInfo *method;
-      method = &(info->method_infos[i]);
-      method_interface = method_interface_from_object_info (info, method);
-      method_name = method_name_from_object_info (info, method);
-      method_args = method_arg_info_from_object_info (info, method);
-      values = lookup_values (interfaces, method_interface);
-      values->methods = g_slist_prepend (values->methods, (gpointer) method);
-    }
-  propsig = info->exported_signals;
-  while (*propsig)
-    {
-      const char *iface;
-      const char *signame;
-      propsig = propsig_iterate (propsig, &iface, &signame);
-      values = lookup_values (interfaces, iface);
-      values->signals = g_slist_prepend (values->signals, (gpointer) signame);
-    }
-  propsig = info->exported_properties;
-  while (*propsig)
-    {
-      const char *iface;
-      const char *propname;
-      propsig = propsig_iterate (propsig, &iface, &propname);
-      values = lookup_values (interfaces, iface);
-      values->properties = g_slist_prepend (values->properties, (gpointer) propname);
-    }
-  memset (&data, 0, sizeof (data));
-  data.xml = xml;
-  data.gtype = G_TYPE_FROM_INSTANCE (object);
-  data.object_info = info;
-  g_hash_table_foreach (interfaces, write_interface, &data);
-  g_hash_table_destroy (interfaces);
-static DBusHandlerResult
-handle_introspect (DBusConnection *connection,
-                   DBusMessage    *message,
-                   GObject        *object)
-  GString *xml;
-  unsigned int i;
-  DBusMessage *ret;
-  char **children;
-  if (!dbus_connection_list_registered (connection, 
-                                        dbus_message_get_path (message),
-                                        &children))
-    g_error ("Out of memory");
-  xml = g_string_new (NULL);
-  g_string_append (xml, DBUS_INTROSPECT_1_0_XML_DOCTYPE_DECL_NODE);
-  g_string_append (xml, "<node>\n");
-  /* We are introspectable, though I guess that was pretty obvious */
-  g_string_append_printf (xml, "  <interface name=\"%s\">\n", DBUS_INTERFACE_INTROSPECTABLE);
-  g_string_append (xml, "    <method name=\"Introspect\">\n");
-  g_string_append_printf (xml, "      <arg name=\"data\" direction=\"out\" type=\"%s\"/>\n", DBUS_TYPE_STRING_AS_STRING);
-  g_string_append (xml, "    </method>\n");
-  g_string_append (xml, "  </interface>\n");
-  /* We support get/set properties */
-  g_string_append_printf (xml, "  <interface name=\"%s\">\n", DBUS_INTERFACE_PROPERTIES);
-  g_string_append (xml, "    <method name=\"Get\">\n");
-  g_string_append_printf (xml, "      <arg name=\"interface\" direction=\"in\" type=\"%s\"/>\n", DBUS_TYPE_STRING_AS_STRING);
-  g_string_append_printf (xml, "      <arg name=\"propname\" direction=\"in\" type=\"%s\"/>\n", DBUS_TYPE_STRING_AS_STRING);
-  g_string_append_printf (xml, "      <arg name=\"value\" direction=\"out\" type=\"%s\"/>\n", DBUS_TYPE_VARIANT_AS_STRING);
-  g_string_append (xml, "    </method>\n");
-  g_string_append (xml, "    <method name=\"Set\">\n");
-  g_string_append_printf (xml, "      <arg name=\"interface\" direction=\"in\" type=\"%s\"/>\n", DBUS_TYPE_STRING_AS_STRING);
-  g_string_append_printf (xml, "      <arg name=\"propname\" direction=\"in\" type=\"%s\"/>\n", DBUS_TYPE_STRING_AS_STRING);
-  g_string_append_printf (xml, "      <arg name=\"value\" direction=\"in\" type=\"%s\"/>\n", DBUS_TYPE_VARIANT_AS_STRING);
-  g_string_append (xml, "    </method>\n");
-  g_string_append (xml, "  </interface>\n");
-  introspect_interfaces (object, xml);
-  /* Append child nodes */
-  for (i = 0; children[i]; i++)
-      g_string_append_printf (xml, "  <node name=\"%s\"/>\n",
-                              children[i]);
-  /* Close the XML, and send it to the requesting app */
-  g_string_append (xml, "</node>\n");
-  ret = dbus_message_new_method_return (message);
-  if (ret == NULL)
-    g_error ("Out of memory");
-  dbus_message_append_args (ret,
-                            DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &xml->str,
-                            DBUS_TYPE_INVALID);
-  dbus_connection_send (connection, ret, NULL);
-  dbus_message_unref (ret);
-  g_string_free (xml, TRUE);
-  dbus_free_string_array (children);
-static DBusMessage*
-set_object_property (DBusConnection  *connection,
-                     DBusMessage     *message,
-                     DBusMessageIter *iter,
-                     GObject         *object,
-                     GParamSpec      *pspec)
-  GValue value = { 0, };
-  DBusMessage *ret;
-  DBusMessageIter sub;
-  DBusGValueMarshalCtx context;
-  dbus_message_iter_recurse (iter, &sub);
-  context.gconnection = DBUS_G_CONNECTION_FROM_CONNECTION (connection);
-  context.proxy = NULL;
-  g_value_init (&value, pspec->value_type);
-  if (_dbus_gvalue_demarshal (&context, &sub, &value, NULL))
-    {
-      g_object_set_property (object,
-                             pspec->name,
-                             &value);
-      g_value_unset (&value);
-      ret = dbus_message_new_method_return (message);
-      if (ret == NULL)
-        g_error ("out of memory");
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      ret = dbus_message_new_error (message,
-                                    DBUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS,
-                                    "Argument's D-BUS type can't be converted to a GType");
-      if (ret == NULL)
-        g_error ("out of memory");
-    }
-  return ret;
-static DBusMessage*
-get_object_property (DBusConnection *connection,
-                     DBusMessage    *message,
-                     GObject        *object,
-                     GParamSpec     *pspec)
-  GType value_gtype;
-  GValue value = {0, };
-  gchar *variant_sig;
-  DBusMessage *ret;
-  DBusMessageIter iter, subiter;
-  ret = dbus_message_new_method_return (message);
-  if (ret == NULL)
-    g_error ("out of memory");
-  g_value_init (&value, pspec->value_type);
-  g_object_get_property (object, pspec->name, &value);
-  variant_sig = _dbus_gvalue_to_signature (&value);
-  if (variant_sig == NULL)
-    {
-      value_gtype = G_VALUE_TYPE (&value);
-      g_warning ("Cannot marshal type \"%s\" in variant", g_type_name (value_gtype));
-      g_value_unset (&value);
-      return ret;
-    }
-  dbus_message_iter_init_append (ret, &iter);
-  if (!dbus_message_iter_open_container (&iter,
-                                        DBUS_TYPE_VARIANT,
-                                        variant_sig,
-                                        &subiter))
-    {
-      g_free (variant_sig);
-      g_value_unset (&value);
-      return ret;
-    }
-  if (!_dbus_gvalue_marshal (&subiter, &value))
-    {
-      dbus_message_unref (ret);
-      ret = dbus_message_new_error (message,
-                                    DBUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_METHOD,
-                                    "Can't convert GType of object property to a D-BUS type");
-    }
-  dbus_message_iter_close_container (&iter, &subiter);
-  g_value_unset (&value);
-  g_free (variant_sig);
-  return ret;
-static gboolean
-lookup_object_and_method (GObject      *object,
-                         DBusMessage  *message,
-                         const DBusGObjectInfo **object_ret,
-                         const DBusGMethodInfo **method_ret)
-  const char *interface;
-  const char *member;
-  const char *signature;
-  gboolean ret;
-  const DBusGObjectInfo *info;
-  int i;
-  interface = dbus_message_get_interface (message);
-  member = dbus_message_get_member (message);
-  signature = dbus_message_get_signature (message);
-  ret = FALSE;
-  info = lookup_object_info (object);
-  *object_ret = info;
-  for (i = 0; i < info->n_method_infos; i++)
-    {
-      const char *expected_member;
-      const char *expected_interface;
-      char *expected_signature;
-      const DBusGMethodInfo *method;
-      method = &(info->method_infos[i]);
-      /* Check method interface/name and input signature */ 
-      expected_interface = method_interface_from_object_info (*object_ret, method);
-      expected_member = method_name_from_object_info (*object_ret, method);
-      expected_signature = method_input_signature_from_object_info (*object_ret, method);
-      if ((interface == NULL
-          || strcmp (expected_interface, interface) == 0)
-         && strcmp (expected_member, member) == 0
-         && strcmp (expected_signature, signature) == 0)
-       {
-         g_free (expected_signature);
-         *method_ret = method;
-         return TRUE;
-       }
-      g_free (expected_signature);
-    }
-  return ret;
-static char *
-gerror_domaincode_to_dbus_error_name (const DBusGObjectInfo *object_info,
-                                     const char *msg_interface,
-                                     GQuark domain, gint code)
-  const char *domain_str;
-  const char *code_str;
-  GString *dbus_error_name;
-  domain_str = object_error_domain_prefix_from_object_info (object_info);
-  code_str = object_error_code_from_object_info (object_info, domain, code);
-  if (!domain_str || !code_str)
-    {
-      DBusGErrorInfo *info;
-      g_static_rw_lock_reader_lock (&globals_lock);
-      if (error_metadata != NULL)
-       info = g_datalist_id_get_data (&error_metadata, domain);
-      else
-       info = NULL;
-      g_static_rw_lock_reader_unlock (&globals_lock);
-      if (info)
-       {
-         GEnumValue *value;
-         GEnumClass *klass;
-         klass = g_type_class_ref (info->code_enum);
-         value = g_enum_get_value (klass, code);
-         g_type_class_unref (klass);
-         domain_str = info->default_iface;
-         code_str = value->value_nick;
-       }
-    }
-  if (!domain_str)
-    domain_str = msg_interface;
-  if (!domain_str || !code_str)
-    {
-      /* If we can't map it sensibly, make up an error name */
-      char *domain_from_quark;
-      dbus_error_name = g_string_new ("org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.UnmappedError.");
-      domain_from_quark = uscore_to_wincaps (g_quark_to_string (domain));
-      g_string_append (dbus_error_name, domain_from_quark);
-      g_free (domain_from_quark);
-      g_string_append_printf (dbus_error_name, ".Code%d", code);
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      dbus_error_name = g_string_new (domain_str);
-      g_string_append_c (dbus_error_name, '.');
-      g_string_append (dbus_error_name, code_str);
-    }
-  return g_string_free (dbus_error_name, FALSE);
-static DBusMessage *
-gerror_to_dbus_error_message (const DBusGObjectInfo *object_info,
-                             DBusMessage     *message,
-                             GError          *error)
-  DBusMessage *reply;
-  if (!error)
-    {
-      char *error_msg;
-      error_msg = g_strdup_printf ("Method invoked for %s returned FALSE but did not set error", dbus_message_get_member (message));
-      reply = dbus_message_new_error (message, "org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.ErrorError", error_msg);
-      g_free (error_msg);
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      if (error->domain == DBUS_GERROR)
-       reply = dbus_message_new_error (message,
-                                       dbus_g_error_get_name (error),
-                                       error->message);
-      else
-       {
-         char *error_name;
-         error_name = gerror_domaincode_to_dbus_error_name (object_info,
-                                                            dbus_message_get_interface (message),
-                                                            error->domain, error->code);
-         reply = dbus_message_new_error (message, error_name, error->message);
-         g_free (error_name); 
-       }
-    }
-  return reply;
- * The context of an asynchronous method call.  See dbus_g_method_return() and
- * dbus_g_method_return_error().
- */
-struct _DBusGMethodInvocation {
-  DBusGConnection *connection; /**< The connection */
-  DBusGMessage *message; /**< The message which generated the method call */
-  const DBusGObjectInfo *object; /**< The object the method was called on */
-  const DBusGMethodInfo *method; /**< The method called */
-static DBusHandlerResult
-invoke_object_method (GObject         *object,
-                     const DBusGObjectInfo *object_info,
-                     const DBusGMethodInfo *method,
-                     DBusConnection  *connection,
-                     DBusMessage     *message)
-  gboolean had_error, call_only;
-  GError *gerror;
-  GValueArray *value_array;
-  GValue return_value = {0,};
-  GClosure closure;
-  char *in_signature;
-  GArray *out_param_values = NULL;
-  GValueArray *out_param_gvalues = NULL;
-  int out_param_count;
-  int out_param_pos, out_param_gvalue_pos;
-  DBusHandlerResult result;
-  DBusMessage *reply;
-  gboolean have_retval;
-  gboolean retval_signals_error;
-  gboolean retval_is_synthetic;
-  gboolean retval_is_constant;
-  const char *arg_metadata;
-  gerror = NULL;
-  /* Determine whether or not this method should be invoked in a new
-     thread
-   */
-  if (strcmp (string_table_lookup (get_method_data (object_info, method), 2), "A") == 0)
-    call_only = TRUE;
-  else
-    call_only = FALSE;
-  have_retval = FALSE;
-  retval_signals_error = FALSE;
-  retval_is_synthetic = FALSE;
-  retval_is_constant = FALSE;
-  /* This is evil.  We do this to work around the fact that
-   * the generated glib marshallers check a flag in the closure object
-   * which we don't care about.  We don't need/want to create
-   * a new closure for each invocation.
-   */
-  memset (&closure, 0, sizeof (closure));
-  in_signature = method_input_signature_from_object_info (object_info, method); 
-  /* Convert method IN parameters to GValueArray */
-  {
-    GArray *types_array;
-    guint n_params;
-    const GType *types;
-    DBusGValueMarshalCtx context;
-    GError *error = NULL;
-    context.gconnection = DBUS_G_CONNECTION_FROM_CONNECTION (connection);
-    context.proxy = NULL;
-    types_array = _dbus_gtypes_from_arg_signature (in_signature, FALSE);
-    n_params = types_array->len;
-    types = (const GType*) types_array->data;
-    value_array = _dbus_gvalue_demarshal_message (&context, message, n_params, types, &error);
-    if (value_array == NULL)
-      {
-       g_free (in_signature); 
-       g_array_free (types_array, TRUE);
-       reply = dbus_message_new_error (message, "org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.ErrorError", error->message);
-       dbus_connection_send (connection, reply, NULL);
-       dbus_message_unref (reply);
-       g_error_free (error);
-      }
-    g_array_free (types_array, TRUE);
-  }
-  /* Prepend object as first argument */ 
-  g_value_array_prepend (value_array, NULL);
-  g_value_init (g_value_array_get_nth (value_array, 0), G_TYPE_OBJECT);
-  g_value_set_object (g_value_array_get_nth (value_array, 0), object);
-  if (call_only)
-    {
-      GValue context_value = {0,};
-      DBusGMethodInvocation *context;
-      context = g_new (DBusGMethodInvocation, 1);
-      context->connection = dbus_g_connection_ref (DBUS_G_CONNECTION_FROM_CONNECTION (connection));
-      context->message = dbus_g_message_ref (DBUS_G_MESSAGE_FROM_MESSAGE (message));
-      context->object = object_info;
-      context->method = method;
-      g_value_init (&context_value, G_TYPE_POINTER);
-      g_value_set_pointer (&context_value, context);
-      g_value_array_append (value_array, &context_value);
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      RetvalType retval;
-      gboolean arg_in;
-      gboolean arg_const;
-      const char *argsig;
-      arg_metadata = method_arg_info_from_object_info (object_info, method);
-      /* Count number of output parameters, and look for a return value */
-      out_param_count = 0;
-      while (*arg_metadata)
-       {
-         arg_metadata = arg_iterate (arg_metadata, NULL, &arg_in, &arg_const, &retval, &argsig);
-         if (arg_in)
-           continue;
-         if (retval != RETVAL_NONE)
-           {
-             DBusSignatureIter tmp_sigiter;
-             /* This is the function return value */
-             g_assert (!have_retval);
-             have_retval = TRUE;
-             retval_is_synthetic = FALSE;
-             switch (retval)
-               {
-               case RETVAL_NONE:
-                 g_assert_not_reached ();
-                 break;
-               case RETVAL_NOERROR:
-                 retval_signals_error = FALSE;
-                 break;
-               case RETVAL_ERROR:
-                 retval_signals_error = TRUE;
-                 break;
-               }
-             retval_is_constant = arg_const;
-             /* Initialize our return GValue with the specified type */
-             dbus_signature_iter_init (&tmp_sigiter, argsig);
-             g_value_init (&return_value, _dbus_gtype_from_signature_iter (&tmp_sigiter, FALSE));
-           }
-         else
-           {
-             /* It's a regular output value */
-             out_param_count++;
-           }
-       }
-      /* For compatibility, if we haven't found a return value, we assume
-       * the function returns a gboolean for signalling an error
-       * (and therefore also takes a GError).  We also note that it
-       * is a "synthetic" return value; i.e. we aren't going to be
-       * sending it over the bus, it's just to signal an error.
-       */
-      if (!have_retval)
-       {
-         have_retval = TRUE;
-         retval_is_synthetic = TRUE;
-         retval_signals_error = TRUE;
-         g_value_init (&return_value, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN);
-       }
-      /* Create an array to store the actual values of OUT parameters
-       * (other than the real function return, if any).  Then, create
-       * a GValue boxed POINTER to each of those values, and append to
-       * the invocation, so the method can return the OUT parameters.
-       */
-      out_param_values = g_array_sized_new (FALSE, TRUE, sizeof (GTypeCValue), out_param_count);
-      /* We have a special array of GValues for toplevel GValue return
-       * types.
-       */
-      out_param_gvalues = g_value_array_new (out_param_count);
-      out_param_pos = 0;
-      out_param_gvalue_pos = 0;
-      /* Reset argument metadata pointer */
-      arg_metadata = method_arg_info_from_object_info (object_info, method);
-      /* Iterate over output arguments again, this time allocating space for
-       * them as appopriate.
-       */
-      while (*arg_metadata)
-       {
-         GValue value = {0, };
-         GTypeCValue storage;
-         DBusSignatureIter tmp_sigiter;
-         GType current_gtype;
-         arg_metadata = arg_iterate (arg_metadata, NULL, &arg_in, NULL, &retval, &argsig);
-         /* Skip over input arguments and the return value, if any */
-         if (arg_in || retval != RETVAL_NONE)
-           continue;
-         dbus_signature_iter_init (&tmp_sigiter, argsig);
-         current_gtype = _dbus_gtype_from_signature_iter (&tmp_sigiter, FALSE);
-         g_value_init (&value, G_TYPE_POINTER);
-         /* We special case variants to make method invocation a bit nicer */
-         if (current_gtype != G_TYPE_VALUE)
-           {
-             memset (&storage, 0, sizeof (storage));
-             g_array_append_val (out_param_values, storage);
-             g_value_set_pointer (&value, &(g_array_index (out_param_values, GTypeCValue, out_param_pos)));
-             out_param_pos++;
-           }
-         else
-           {
-             g_value_array_append (out_param_gvalues, NULL);
-             g_value_set_pointer (&value, out_param_gvalues->values + out_param_gvalue_pos);
-             out_param_gvalue_pos++;
-           }
-         g_value_array_append (value_array, &value);
-       }
-    }
-  /* Append GError as final argument if necessary */
-  if (retval_signals_error)
-    {
-      g_assert (have_retval);
-      g_value_array_append (value_array, NULL);
-      g_value_init (g_value_array_get_nth (value_array, value_array->n_values - 1), G_TYPE_POINTER);
-      g_value_set_pointer (g_value_array_get_nth (value_array, value_array->n_values - 1), &gerror);
-    }
-  /* Actually invoke method */
-  method->marshaller (&closure, have_retval ? &return_value : NULL,
-                     value_array->n_values,
-                     value_array->values,
-                     NULL, method->function);
-  if (call_only)
-    {
-      goto done;
-    }
-  if (retval_signals_error)
-    had_error = _dbus_gvalue_signals_error (&return_value);
-  else
-    had_error = FALSE;
-  if (!had_error)
-    {
-      DBusMessageIter iter;
-      reply = dbus_message_new_method_return (message);
-      if (reply == NULL)
-       goto nomem;
-      /* Append output arguments to reply */
-      dbus_message_iter_init_append (reply, &iter);
-      /* First, append the return value, unless it's synthetic */
-      if (have_retval && !retval_is_synthetic)
-       {
-         if (!_dbus_gvalue_marshal (&iter, &return_value))
-           goto nomem;
-         if (!retval_is_constant)
-           g_value_unset (&return_value);
-       }
-      /* Grab the argument metadata and iterate over it */
-      arg_metadata = method_arg_info_from_object_info (object_info, method);
-      /* Now append any remaining return values */
-      out_param_pos = 0;
-      out_param_gvalue_pos = 0;
-      while (*arg_metadata)
-       {
-         GValue gvalue = {0, };
-         const char *arg_name;
-         gboolean arg_in;
-         gboolean constval;
-         RetvalType retval;
-         const char *arg_signature;
-         DBusSignatureIter argsigiter;
-         do
-           {
-             /* Iterate over only output values; skip over input
-                arguments and the return value */
-             arg_metadata = arg_iterate (arg_metadata, &arg_name, &arg_in, &constval, &retval, &arg_signature);
-           }
-         while ((arg_in || retval != RETVAL_NONE) && *arg_metadata);
-         /* If the last argument we saw was input or the return
-          * value, we must be done iterating over output arguments.
-          */
-         if (arg_in || retval != RETVAL_NONE)
-           break;
-         dbus_signature_iter_init (&argsigiter, arg_signature);
-         g_value_init (&gvalue, _dbus_gtype_from_signature_iter (&argsigiter, FALSE));
-         if (G_VALUE_TYPE (&gvalue) != G_TYPE_VALUE)
-           {
-             if (!_dbus_gvalue_take (&gvalue,
-                                    &(g_array_index (out_param_values, GTypeCValue, out_param_pos))))
-               g_assert_not_reached ();
-             out_param_pos++;
-           }
-         else
-           {
-             g_value_set_static_boxed (&gvalue, out_param_gvalues->values + out_param_gvalue_pos);
-             out_param_gvalue_pos++;
-           }
-         if (!_dbus_gvalue_marshal (&iter, &gvalue))
-           goto nomem;
-         /* Here we actually free the allocated value; we
-          * took ownership of it with _dbus_gvalue_take, unless
-          * an annotation has specified this value as constant.
-          */
-         if (!constval)
-           g_value_unset (&gvalue);
-       }
-    }
-  else
-    reply = gerror_to_dbus_error_message (object_info, message, gerror);
-  if (reply)
-    {
-      dbus_connection_send (connection, reply, NULL);
-      dbus_message_unref (reply);
-    }
- done:
-  g_free (in_signature);
-  if (!call_only)
-    {
-      g_array_free (out_param_values, TRUE);
-      g_value_array_free (out_param_gvalues);
-    }
-  g_value_array_free (value_array);
-  return result;
- nomem:
-  goto done;
-static DBusHandlerResult
-gobject_message_function (DBusConnection  *connection,
-                          DBusMessage     *message,
-                          void            *user_data)
-  GParamSpec *pspec;
-  GObject *object;
-  gboolean setter;
-  gboolean getter;
-  char *s;
-  const char *wincaps_propname;
-  /* const char *wincaps_propiface; */
-  DBusMessageIter iter;
-  const DBusGMethodInfo *method;
-  const DBusGObjectInfo *object_info;
-  object = G_OBJECT (user_data);
-  if (dbus_message_is_method_call (message,
-                                   DBUS_INTERFACE_INTROSPECTABLE,
-                                   "Introspect"))
-    return handle_introspect (connection, message, object);
-  /* Try the metainfo, which lets us invoke methods */
-  if (lookup_object_and_method (object, message, &object_info, &method))
-    return invoke_object_method (object, object_info, method, connection, message);
-  /* If no metainfo, we can still do properties and signals
-   * via standard GLib introspection
-   */
-  getter = FALSE;
-  setter = FALSE;
-  if (dbus_message_is_method_call (message,
-                                   DBUS_INTERFACE_PROPERTIES,
-                                   "Get"))
-    getter = TRUE;
-  else if (dbus_message_is_method_call (message,
-                                        DBUS_INTERFACE_PROPERTIES,
-                                        "Set"))
-    setter = TRUE;
-  if (!(setter || getter))
-  dbus_message_iter_init (message, &iter);
-  if (dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type (&iter) != DBUS_TYPE_STRING)
-    {
-      g_warning ("Property get or set does not have an interface string as first arg\n");
-    }
-  /* We never use the interface name; if we did, we'd need to
-   * remember that it can be empty string for "pick one for me"
-   */
-  /* dbus_message_iter_get_basic (&iter, &wincaps_propiface); */
-  dbus_message_iter_next (&iter);
-  if (dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type (&iter) != DBUS_TYPE_STRING)
-    {
-      g_warning ("Property get or set does not have a property name string as second arg\n");
-    }
-  dbus_message_iter_get_basic (&iter, &wincaps_propname);
-  dbus_message_iter_next (&iter);
-  s = _dbus_gutils_wincaps_to_uscore (wincaps_propname);
-  pspec = g_object_class_find_property (G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (object),
-                                        s);
-  g_free (s);
-  if (pspec != NULL)
-    {
-      DBusMessage *ret;
-      if (setter)
-        {
-          if (dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type (&iter) != DBUS_TYPE_VARIANT)
-            {
-              g_warning ("Property set does not have a variant value as third arg\n");
-            }
-          ret = set_object_property (connection, message, &iter,
-                                     object, pspec);
-          dbus_message_iter_next (&iter);
-        }
-      else if (getter)
-        {
-          ret = get_object_property (connection, message,
-                                     object, pspec);
-        }
-      else
-        {
-          g_assert_not_reached ();
-          ret = NULL;
-        }
-      g_assert (ret != NULL);
-      if (dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type (&iter) != DBUS_TYPE_INVALID)
-        g_warning ("Property get or set had too many arguments\n");
-      dbus_connection_send (connection, ret, NULL);
-      dbus_message_unref (ret);
-    }
-static const DBusObjectPathVTable gobject_dbus_vtable = {
-  gobject_unregister_function,
-  gobject_message_function,
-typedef struct {
-  GClosure         closure;
-  DBusGConnection *connection;
-  GObject         *object;
-  const char      *signame;
-  const char      *sigiface;
-} DBusGSignalClosure;
-static GClosure *
-dbus_g_signal_closure_new (DBusGConnection *connection,
-                          GObject         *object,
-                          const char      *signame,
-                          const char      *sigiface)
-  DBusGSignalClosure *closure;
-  closure = (DBusGSignalClosure*) g_closure_new_simple (sizeof (DBusGSignalClosure), NULL);
-  closure->connection = dbus_g_connection_ref (connection);
-  closure->object = object;
-  closure->signame = signame;
-  closure->sigiface = sigiface;
-  return (GClosure*) closure;
-static void
-dbus_g_signal_closure_finalize (gpointer data,
-                               GClosure *closure)
-  DBusGSignalClosure *sigclosure = (DBusGSignalClosure *) closure;
-  dbus_g_connection_unref (sigclosure->connection);
-static void
-signal_emitter_marshaller (GClosure        *closure,
-                          GValue          *retval,
-                          guint            n_param_values,
-                          const GValue    *param_values,
-                          gpointer         invocation_hint,
-                          gpointer         marshal_data)
-  DBusGSignalClosure *sigclosure;
-  DBusMessage *signal;
-  DBusMessageIter iter;
-  guint i;
-  const char *path;
-  sigclosure = (DBusGSignalClosure *) closure;
-  g_assert (retval == NULL);
-  path = _dbus_gobject_get_path (sigclosure->object);
-  g_assert (path != NULL);
-  signal = dbus_message_new_signal (path,
-                                   sigclosure->sigiface,
-                                   sigclosure->signame);
-  if (!signal)
-    {
-      g_error ("out of memory");
-      return;
-    }
-  dbus_message_iter_init_append (signal, &iter);
-  /* First argument is the object itself, and we can't marshall that */
-  for (i = 1; i < n_param_values; i++)
-    {
-      if (!_dbus_gvalue_marshal (&iter,
-                               (GValue *) (&(param_values[i]))))
-       {
-         g_warning ("failed to marshal parameter %d for signal %s",
-                    i, sigclosure->signame);
-         goto out;
-       }
-    }
-  dbus_connection_send (DBUS_CONNECTION_FROM_G_CONNECTION (sigclosure->connection),
-                       signal, NULL);
- out:
-  dbus_message_unref (signal);
-static void
-export_signals (DBusGConnection *connection, const DBusGObjectInfo *info, GObject *object)
-  GType gtype;
-  const char *sigdata;
-  const char *iface;
-  const char *signame;
-  gtype = G_TYPE_FROM_INSTANCE (object);
-  sigdata = info->exported_signals;
-  while (*sigdata != '\0')
-    {
-      guint id;
-      GSignalQuery query;
-      GClosure *closure;
-      char *s;
-      sigdata = propsig_iterate (sigdata, &iface, &signame);
-      s = _dbus_gutils_wincaps_to_uscore (signame);
-      id = g_signal_lookup (s, gtype);
-      if (id == 0)
-       {
-         g_warning ("signal \"%s\" (from \"%s\") exported but not found in object class \"%s\"",
-                    s, signame, g_type_name (gtype));
-         g_free (s);
-         continue;
-       }
-      g_signal_query (id, &query);
-      if (query.return_type != G_TYPE_NONE)
-       {
-         g_warning ("Not exporting signal \"%s\" for object class \"%s\" as it has a return type \"%s\"",
-                    s, g_type_name (gtype), g_type_name (query.return_type));
-         g_free (s);
-         continue; /* FIXME: these could be listed as methods ? */
-       }
-      closure = dbus_g_signal_closure_new (connection, object, signame, (char*) iface);
-      g_closure_set_marshal (closure, signal_emitter_marshaller);
-      g_signal_connect_closure_by_id (object,
-                                     id,
-                                     0,
-                                     closure,
-                                     FALSE);
-      g_closure_add_finalize_notifier (closure, NULL,
-                                      dbus_g_signal_closure_finalize);
-      g_free (s);
-    }
-#include "dbus-glib-error-switch.h"
-dbus_set_g_error (GError    **gerror,
-                 DBusError  *error)
-  int code;
-  code = dbus_error_to_gerror_code (error->name);
-    g_set_error (gerror, DBUS_GERROR,
-                code,
-                "%s",
-                error->message);
-  else
-    g_set_error (gerror, DBUS_GERROR,
-                code,
-                "%s%c%s",
-                error->message ? error->message : "",
-                '\0',
-                error->name);
-static void
-dbus_g_error_info_free (gpointer p)
-  DBusGErrorInfo *info;
-  info = p;
-  g_free (info->default_iface);
-  g_free (info);
-/** @} */ /* end of internals */
- * @addtogroup DBusGLib
- * @{
- */
- * Install introspection information about the given object GType
- * sufficient to allow methods on the object to be invoked by name.
- * The introspection information is normally generated by
- * dbus-glib-tool, then this function is called in the
- * class_init() for the object class.
- *
- * Once introspection information has been installed, instances of the
- * object registered with dbus_g_connection_register_g_object() can have
- * their methods invoked remotely.
- *
- * @param object_type GType for the object
- * @param info introspection data generated by dbus-glib-tool
- */
-dbus_g_object_type_install_info (GType                  object_type,
-                                const DBusGObjectInfo *info)
-  g_return_if_fail (G_TYPE_IS_CLASSED (object_type));
-  _dbus_g_value_types_init ();
-  g_type_set_qdata (object_type,
-                   dbus_g_object_type_dbus_metadata_quark (),
-                   (gpointer) info);
- * Register a GError domain and set of codes with D-BUS.  You must
- * have created a GEnum for the error codes.  This function will not
- * be needed with an introspection-capable GLib.
- *
- * @param domain the GError domain 
- * @param default_iface the D-BUS interface used for error values by default, or #NULL
- * @param code_enum a GType for a GEnum of the error codes
- */
-dbus_g_error_domain_register (GQuark                domain,
-                             const char           *default_iface,
-                             GType                 code_enum)
-  DBusGErrorInfo *info;
-  g_return_if_fail (g_quark_to_string (domain) != NULL);
-  g_return_if_fail (code_enum != G_TYPE_INVALID);
-  g_return_if_fail (G_TYPE_FUNDAMENTAL (code_enum) == G_TYPE_ENUM);
-  g_static_rw_lock_writer_lock (&globals_lock);
-  if (error_metadata == NULL)
-    g_datalist_init (&error_metadata);
-  info = g_datalist_id_get_data (&error_metadata, domain);
-  if (info != NULL)
-    {
-      g_warning ("Metadata for error domain \"%s\" already registered\n",
-                g_quark_to_string (domain));
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      info = g_new0 (DBusGErrorInfo, 1);
-      info->default_iface = g_strdup (default_iface);
-      info->code_enum = code_enum;
-      g_datalist_id_set_data_full (&error_metadata,
-                                  domain,
-                                  info,
-                                  dbus_g_error_info_free);
-    }
-  g_static_rw_lock_writer_unlock (&globals_lock);
-static void
-unregister_gobject (DBusGConnection *connection, GObject *dead)
-  char *path;
-  path = g_object_steal_data (dead, "dbus_glib_object_path");
-  dbus_connection_unregister_object_path (DBUS_CONNECTION_FROM_G_CONNECTION (connection), path);
-  g_free (path);
- * Registers a GObject at the given path. Properties, methods, and signals
- * of the object can then be accessed remotely. Methods are only available
- * if method introspection data has been added to the object's class
- * with g_object_class_install_info().
- *
- * The registration will be cancelled if either the DBusConnection or
- * the GObject gets finalized.
- *
- * @param connection the D-BUS connection
- * @param at_path the path where the object will live (the object's name)
- * @param object the object
- */
-dbus_g_connection_register_g_object (DBusGConnection       *connection,
-                                     const char            *at_path,
-                                     GObject               *object)
-  const DBusGObjectInfo *info;
-  g_return_if_fail (connection != NULL);
-  g_return_if_fail (at_path != NULL);
-  g_return_if_fail (G_IS_OBJECT (object));
-  info = lookup_object_info (object);
-  if (info == NULL)
-    {
-      g_warning ("No introspection data registered for object class \"%s\"",
-                g_type_name (G_TYPE_FROM_INSTANCE (object)));
-      return;
-    }
-  if (!dbus_connection_register_object_path (DBUS_CONNECTION_FROM_G_CONNECTION (connection),
-                                             at_path,
-                                             &gobject_dbus_vtable,
-                                             object))
-    {
-      g_error ("Failed to register GObject with DBusConnection");
-      return;
-    }
-  export_signals (connection, info, object);
-  g_object_set_data (object, "dbus_glib_object_path", g_strdup (at_path));
-  g_object_weak_ref (object, (GWeakNotify)unregister_gobject, connection);
-GObject *
-dbus_g_connection_lookup_g_object (DBusGConnection       *connection,
-                                  const char            *at_path)
-  gpointer ret;
-  if (!dbus_connection_get_object_path_data (DBUS_CONNECTION_FROM_G_CONNECTION (connection), at_path, &ret))
-    return NULL;
-  return ret;
-typedef struct {
-  GType    rettype;
-  guint    n_params;
-  GType   *params;
-} DBusGFuncSignature;
-static guint
-funcsig_hash (gconstpointer key)
-  const DBusGFuncSignature *sig = key;
-  GType *types;
-  guint ret;
-  guint i;
-  ret = sig->rettype;
-  types = sig->params;
-  for (i = 0; i < sig->n_params; i++)
-    {
-      ret += (int) (*types);
-      types++;
-    }
-  return ret;
-static gboolean
-funcsig_equal (gconstpointer aval,
-              gconstpointer bval)
-  const DBusGFuncSignature *a = aval;
-  const DBusGFuncSignature *b = bval;
-  const GType *atypes;
-  const GType *btypes;
-  guint i;
-  if (a->rettype != b->rettype
-      || a->n_params != b->n_params)
-    return FALSE;
-  atypes = a->params;
-  btypes = b->params;
-  for (i = 0; i < a->n_params; i++)
-    {
-      if (*btypes != *atypes)
-       return FALSE;
-      atypes++;
-      btypes++;
-    }
-  return TRUE;
-_dbus_gobject_lookup_marshaller (GType        rettype,
-                                guint        n_params,
-                                const GType *param_types)
-  GClosureMarshal ret;
-  DBusGFuncSignature sig;
-  GType *params;
-  guint i;
-  /* Convert to fundamental types */
-  rettype = G_TYPE_FUNDAMENTAL (rettype);
-  params = g_new (GType, n_params);
-  for (i = 0; i < n_params; i++)
-    params[i] = G_TYPE_FUNDAMENTAL (param_types[i]);
-  sig.rettype = rettype;
-  sig.n_params = n_params;
-  sig.params = params;
-  g_static_rw_lock_reader_lock (&globals_lock);
-  if (marshal_table)
-    ret = g_hash_table_lookup (marshal_table, &sig);
-  else
-    ret = NULL;
-  g_static_rw_lock_reader_unlock (&globals_lock);
-  if (ret == NULL)
-    {
-      if (rettype == G_TYPE_NONE)
-       {
-         if (n_params == 0)
-           ret = g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID;
-         else if (n_params == 1)
-           {
-             switch (params[0])
-               {
-               case G_TYPE_BOOLEAN:
-                 ret = g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__BOOLEAN;
-                 break;
-               case G_TYPE_UCHAR:
-                 ret = g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__UCHAR;
-                 break;
-               case G_TYPE_INT:
-                 ret = g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__INT;
-                 break;
-               case G_TYPE_UINT:
-                 ret = g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__UINT;
-                 break;
-               case G_TYPE_DOUBLE:
-                 ret = g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__DOUBLE;
-                 break;
-               case G_TYPE_STRING:
-                 ret = g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__STRING;
-                 break;
-               case G_TYPE_BOXED:
-                 ret = g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__BOXED;
-                 break;
-               }
-           }
-         else if (n_params == 3
-                  && params[0] == G_TYPE_STRING
-                  && params[1] == G_TYPE_STRING
-                  && params[2] == G_TYPE_STRING)
-           {
-             ret = _dbus_g_marshal_NONE__STRING_STRING_STRING;
-           }
-       }
-    }
-  g_free (params);
-  return ret;
- * Register a GClosureMarshal to be used for signal invocations,
- * giving its return type and a list of parameter types,
- * followed by G_TYPE_INVALID.
- * This function will not be needed once GLib includes libffi.
- *
- * @param marshaller a GClosureMarshal to be used for invocation
- * @param rettype a GType for the return type of the function
- * @param ... The parameter GTypes, followed by G_TYPE_INVALID
- */
-dbus_g_object_register_marshaller (GClosureMarshal  marshaller,
-                                  GType            rettype,
-                                  ...)
-  va_list args;
-  GArray *types;
-  GType gtype;
-  va_start (args, rettype);
-  types = g_array_new (TRUE, TRUE, sizeof (GType));
-  while ((gtype = va_arg (args, GType)) != G_TYPE_INVALID)
-    g_array_append_val (types, gtype);
-  dbus_g_object_register_marshaller_array (marshaller, rettype,
-                                          types->len, (GType*) types->data);
-  g_array_free (types, TRUE);
-  va_end (args);
- * Register a GClosureMarshal to be used for signal invocations.
- * See also #dbus_g_object_register_marshaller
- *
- * @param marshaller a GClosureMarshal to be used for invocation
- * @param rettype a GType for the return type of the function
- * @param n_types number of function parameters
- * @param types a C array of GTypes values
- */
-dbus_g_object_register_marshaller_array (GClosureMarshal  marshaller,
-                                        GType            rettype,
-                                        guint            n_types,
-                                        const GType*     types)
-  DBusGFuncSignature *sig;
-  guint i;
-  g_static_rw_lock_writer_lock (&globals_lock);
-  if (marshal_table == NULL)
-    marshal_table = g_hash_table_new_full (funcsig_hash,
-                                          funcsig_equal,
-                                          g_free,
-                                          NULL);
-  sig = g_new0 (DBusGFuncSignature, 1);
-  sig->rettype = G_TYPE_FUNDAMENTAL (rettype);
-  sig->n_params = n_types;
-  sig->params = g_new (GType, n_types);
-  for (i = 0; i < n_types; i++)
-    sig->params[i] = G_TYPE_FUNDAMENTAL (types[i]);
-  g_hash_table_insert (marshal_table, sig, marshaller);
-  g_static_rw_lock_writer_unlock (&globals_lock);
- * Get the sender of a message so we can send a
- * "reply" later (i.e. send a message directly
- * to a service which invoked the method at a 
- * later time).
- *
- * @param context the method context
- *
- * @return the unique name of teh sender
- */
-gchar *
-dbus_g_method_get_sender (DBusGMethodInvocation *context)
-  const gchar *sender;
-  sender = dbus_message_get_sender (dbus_g_message_get_message (context->message));
-  if (sender == NULL)
-    return NULL;
-  return strdup (sender);
- * Get the reply message to append reply values
- * Used as a sidedoor when you can't generate dbus values
- * of the correct type due to glib binding limitations
- *
- * @param context the method context
- */
-DBusMessage *
-dbus_g_method_get_reply (DBusGMethodInvocation *context)
-  return dbus_message_new_method_return (dbus_g_message_get_message (context->message));
- * Send a manually created reply message
- * Used as a sidedoor when you can't generate dbus values
- * of the correct type due to glib binding limitations
- *
- * @param context the method context
- * @param reply the reply message, will be unreffed
- */
-dbus_g_method_send_reply (DBusGMethodInvocation *context, DBusMessage *reply)
-  dbus_connection_send (dbus_g_connection_get_connection (context->connection), reply, NULL);
-  dbus_message_unref (reply);
-  dbus_g_connection_unref (context->connection);
-  dbus_g_message_unref (context->message);
-  g_free (context);
- * Send a return message for a given method invocation, with arguments.
- * This function also frees the sending context.
- *
- * @param context the method context
- */
-dbus_g_method_return (DBusGMethodInvocation *context, ...)
-  DBusMessage *reply;
-  DBusMessageIter iter;
-  va_list args;
-  char *out_sig;
-  GArray *argsig;
-  guint i;
-  reply = dbus_message_new_method_return (dbus_g_message_get_message (context->message));
-  out_sig = method_output_signature_from_object_info (context->object, context->method);
-  argsig = _dbus_gtypes_from_arg_signature (out_sig, FALSE);
-  dbus_message_iter_init_append (reply, &iter);
-  va_start (args, context);
-  for (i = 0; i < argsig->len; i++)
-    {
-      GValue value = {0,};
-      char *error;
-      g_value_init (&value, g_array_index (argsig, GType, i));
-      error = NULL;
-      G_VALUE_COLLECT (&value, args, G_VALUE_NOCOPY_CONTENTS, &error);
-      if (error)
-       {
-         g_warning(error);
-         g_free (error);
-       }
-      _dbus_gvalue_marshal (&iter, &value);
-    }
-  va_end (args);
-  dbus_connection_send (dbus_g_connection_get_connection (context->connection), reply, NULL);
-  dbus_message_unref (reply);
-  dbus_g_connection_unref (context->connection);
-  dbus_g_message_unref (context->message);
-  g_free (context);
-  g_free (out_sig);
-  g_array_free (argsig, TRUE);
- * Send a error message for a given method invocation.
- * This function also frees the sending context.
- *
- * @param context the method context
- * @param error the error to send.
- */
-dbus_g_method_return_error (DBusGMethodInvocation *context, GError *error)
-  DBusMessage *reply;
-  reply = gerror_to_dbus_error_message (context->object, dbus_g_message_get_message (context->message), error);
-  dbus_connection_send (dbus_g_connection_get_connection (context->connection), reply, NULL);
-  dbus_message_unref (reply);
-  g_free (context);
-/** @} */ /* end of public API */
-const char * _dbus_gobject_get_path (GObject *obj)
-  return g_object_get_data (obj, "dbus_glib_object_path");
-#include <stdlib.h>
-static void
-_dummy_function (void)
-/* Data structures copied from one generated by current dbus-binding-tool;
- * we need to support this layout forever
- */
-static const DBusGMethodInfo dbus_glib_internal_test_methods[] = {
-  { (GCallback) _dummy_function, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID, 0 },
-  { (GCallback) _dummy_function, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID, 49 },
-  { (GCallback) _dummy_function, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID, 117 },
-  { (GCallback) _dummy_function, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID, 191 },
-  { (GCallback) _dummy_function, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID, 270 },
-  { (GCallback) _dummy_function, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID, 320 },
-  { (GCallback) _dummy_function, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID, 391 },
-  { (GCallback) _dummy_function, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID, 495 },
-  { (GCallback) _dummy_function, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID, 623 },
-  { (GCallback) _dummy_function, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID, 693 },
-  { (GCallback) _dummy_function, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID, 765 },
-  { (GCallback) _dummy_function, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID, 838 },
-  { (GCallback) _dummy_function, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID, 911 },
-  { (GCallback) _dummy_function, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID, 988 },
-  { (GCallback) _dummy_function, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID, 1064 },
-  { (GCallback) _dummy_function, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID, 1140 },
-  { (GCallback) _dummy_function, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID, 1204 },
-  { (GCallback) _dummy_function, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID, 1278 },
-  { (GCallback) _dummy_function, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID, 1347 },
-  { (GCallback) _dummy_function, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID, 1408 },
-  { (GCallback) _dummy_function, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID, 1460 },
-  { (GCallback) _dummy_function, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID, 1533 },
-  { (GCallback) _dummy_function, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID, 1588 },
-  { (GCallback) _dummy_function, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID, 1647 },
-  { (GCallback) _dummy_function, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID, 1730 },
-  { (GCallback) _dummy_function, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID, 1784 },
-  { (GCallback) _dummy_function, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID, 1833 },
-  { (GCallback) _dummy_function, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID, 1895 },
-  { (GCallback) _dummy_function, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID, 1947 },
-  { (GCallback) _dummy_function, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID, 1999 },
-const DBusGObjectInfo dbus_glib_internal_test_object_info = {
-  0,
-  dbus_glib_internal_test_methods,
-  30,
- * @ingroup DBusGLibInternals
- * Unit test for GLib GObject integration ("skeletons")
- * @returns #TRUE on success.
- */
-_dbus_gobject_test (const char *test_data_dir)
-  int i;
-  const char *arg;
-  const char *arg_name;
-  gboolean arg_in;
-  gboolean constval;
-  RetvalType retval;
-  const char *arg_signature;
-  const char *sigdata;
-  const char *iface;
-  const char *signame;
-  static struct { const char *wincaps; const char *uscore; } name_pairs[] = {
-    { "SetFoo", "set_foo" },
-    { "Foo", "foo" },
-    { "GetFooBar", "get_foo_bar" },
-    { "Hello", "hello" }
-    /* Impossible-to-handle cases */
-    /* { "FrobateUIHandler", "frobate_ui_handler" } */
-  };
-  /* Test lookup in our hardcoded object info; if these tests fail
-   * then it likely means you changed the generated object info in an
-   * incompatible way and broke the lookup functions.  In that case
-   * you need to bump the version and use a new structure instead. */
-  /* DoNothing */
-  arg = method_arg_info_from_object_info (&dbus_glib_internal_test_object_info,
-                                         &(dbus_glib_internal_test_methods[0]));
-  g_assert (*arg == '\0');
-  /* Increment */
-  arg = method_arg_info_from_object_info (&dbus_glib_internal_test_object_info,
-                                         &(dbus_glib_internal_test_methods[1]));
-  g_assert (*arg != '\0');
-  arg = arg_iterate (arg, &arg_name, &arg_in, &constval, &retval, &arg_signature);
-  g_assert (!strcmp (arg_name, "x"));
-  g_assert (arg_in == TRUE);
-  g_assert (!strcmp (arg_signature, "u"));
-  g_assert (*arg != '\0');
-  arg = arg_iterate (arg, &arg_name, &arg_in, &constval, &retval, &arg_signature);
-  g_assert (arg_in == FALSE);
-  g_assert (retval == RETVAL_NONE);
-  g_assert (!strcmp (arg_signature, "u"));
-  g_assert (*arg == '\0');
-  /* IncrementRetval */
-  arg = method_arg_info_from_object_info (&dbus_glib_internal_test_object_info,
-                                         &(dbus_glib_internal_test_methods[2]));
-  g_assert (*arg != '\0');
-  arg = arg_iterate (arg, &arg_name, &arg_in, &constval, &retval, &arg_signature);
-  g_assert (!strcmp (arg_name, "x"));
-  g_assert (arg_in == TRUE);
-  g_assert (!strcmp (arg_signature, "u"));
-  g_assert (*arg != '\0');
-  arg = arg_iterate (arg, &arg_name, &arg_in, &constval, &retval, &arg_signature);
-  g_assert (retval == RETVAL_NOERROR);
-  g_assert (arg_in == FALSE);
-  g_assert (!strcmp (arg_signature, "u"));
-  g_assert (*arg == '\0');
-  /* IncrementRetvalError */
-  arg = method_arg_info_from_object_info (&dbus_glib_internal_test_object_info,
-                                         &(dbus_glib_internal_test_methods[3]));
-  g_assert (*arg != '\0');
-  arg = arg_iterate (arg, &arg_name, &arg_in, &constval, &retval, &arg_signature);
-  g_assert (!strcmp (arg_name, "x"));
-  g_assert (arg_in == TRUE);
-  g_assert (!strcmp (arg_signature, "u"));
-  g_assert (*arg != '\0');
-  arg = arg_iterate (arg, &arg_name, &arg_in, &constval, &retval, &arg_signature);
-  g_assert (retval == RETVAL_ERROR);
-  g_assert (arg_in == FALSE);
-  g_assert (!strcmp (arg_signature, "u"));
-  g_assert (*arg == '\0');
-  /* Stringify */
-  arg = method_arg_info_from_object_info (&dbus_glib_internal_test_object_info,
-                                         &(dbus_glib_internal_test_methods[8]));
-  g_assert (*arg != '\0');
-  arg = arg_iterate (arg, &arg_name, &arg_in, &constval, &retval, &arg_signature);
-  g_assert (!strcmp (arg_name, "val"));
-  g_assert (arg_in == TRUE);
-  g_assert (!strcmp (arg_signature, "v"));
-  g_assert (*arg != '\0');
-  arg = arg_iterate (arg, &arg_name, &arg_in, &constval, &retval, &arg_signature);
-  g_assert (retval == RETVAL_NONE);
-  g_assert (arg_in == FALSE);
-  g_assert (!strcmp (arg_signature, "s"));
-  g_assert (*arg == '\0');
-  sigdata = dbus_glib_internal_test_object_info.exported_signals;
-  g_assert (*sigdata != '\0');
-  sigdata = propsig_iterate (sigdata, &iface, &signame);
-  g_assert (!strcmp (iface, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Tests.MyObject"));
-  g_assert (!strcmp (signame, "Frobnicate"));
-  g_assert (*sigdata != '\0');
-  sigdata = propsig_iterate (sigdata, &iface, &signame);
-  g_assert (!strcmp (iface, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Tests.FooObject"));
-  g_assert (!strcmp (signame, "Sig0"));
-  g_assert (*sigdata != '\0');
-  sigdata = propsig_iterate (sigdata, &iface, &signame);
-  g_assert (!strcmp (iface, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Tests.FooObject"));
-  g_assert (!strcmp (signame, "Sig1"));
-  g_assert (*sigdata != '\0');
-  sigdata = propsig_iterate (sigdata, &iface, &signame);
-  g_assert (!strcmp (iface, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Tests.FooObject"));
-  g_assert (!strcmp (signame, "Sig2"));
-  g_assert (*sigdata == '\0');
-  i = 0;
-  while (i < (int) G_N_ELEMENTS (name_pairs))
-    {
-      char *uscore;
-      char *wincaps;
-      uscore = _dbus_gutils_wincaps_to_uscore (name_pairs[i].wincaps);
-      wincaps = uscore_to_wincaps (name_pairs[i].uscore);
-      if (strcmp (uscore, name_pairs[i].uscore) != 0)
-        {
-          g_printerr ("\"%s\" should have been converted to \"%s\" not \"%s\"\n",
-                      name_pairs[i].wincaps, name_pairs[i].uscore,
-                      uscore);
-          exit (1);
-        }
-      if (strcmp (wincaps, name_pairs[i].wincaps) != 0)
-        {
-          g_printerr ("\"%s\" should have been converted to \"%s\" not \"%s\"\n",
-                      name_pairs[i].uscore, name_pairs[i].wincaps,
-                      wincaps);
-          exit (1);
-        }
-      g_free (uscore);
-      g_free (wincaps);
-      ++i;
-    }
-  return TRUE;
-#endif /* DBUS_BUILD_TESTS */
diff --git a/glib/dbus-gobject.h b/glib/dbus-gobject.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index fcc38cd..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu" -*- */
-/* dbus-gobject.h: common functions used to map between D-BUS and GObject
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2005  Red Hat, Inc.
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- * 
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- * 
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *
- */
-#include <dbus/dbus.h>
-#include <dbus/dbus-signature.h>
-#include <glib.h>
-#include "dbus/dbus-glib.h"
-const char *       _dbus_gobject_get_path (GObject *obj);
-GClosureMarshal    _dbus_gobject_lookup_marshaller (GType        rettype,
-                                                   guint        n_params,
-                                                   const GType *param_types);
diff --git a/glib/dbus-gparser.c b/glib/dbus-gparser.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index f296f96..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,881 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu" -*- */
-/* dbus-gparser.c parse DBus description files
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2003, 2005  Red Hat, Inc.
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- * 
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- * 
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *
- */
-#include "dbus-gparser.h"
-#include "dbus/dbus-glib-lowlevel.h"
-#include "dbus-gidl.h"
-#include "dbus-gobject.h"
-#include "dbus/dbus-signature.h"
-#include <string.h>
-#include <libintl.h>
-#define _(x) gettext ((x))
-#define N_(x) x
-#define ELEMENT_IS(name) (strcmp (element_name, (name)) == 0)
-typedef struct
-  const char  *name;
-  const char **retloc;
-} LocateAttr;
-static gboolean
-locate_attributes (const char  *element_name,
-                   const char **attribute_names,
-                   const char **attribute_values,
-                   GError     **error,
-                   const char  *first_attribute_name,
-                   const char **first_attribute_retloc,
-                   ...)
-  va_list args;
-  const char *name;
-  const char **retloc;
-  int n_attrs;
-#define MAX_ATTRS 24
-  LocateAttr attrs[MAX_ATTRS];
-  gboolean retval;
-  int i;
-  g_return_val_if_fail (first_attribute_name != NULL, FALSE);
-  g_return_val_if_fail (first_attribute_retloc != NULL, FALSE);
-  retval = TRUE;
-  n_attrs = 1;
-  attrs[0].name = first_attribute_name;
-  attrs[0].retloc = first_attribute_retloc;
-  *first_attribute_retloc = NULL;
-  va_start (args, first_attribute_retloc);
-  name = va_arg (args, const char*);
-  retloc = va_arg (args, const char**);
-  while (name != NULL)
-    {
-      g_return_val_if_fail (retloc != NULL, FALSE);
-      g_assert (n_attrs < MAX_ATTRS);
-      attrs[n_attrs].name = name;
-      attrs[n_attrs].retloc = retloc;
-      n_attrs += 1;
-      *retloc = NULL;      
-      name = va_arg (args, const char*);
-      retloc = va_arg (args, const char**);
-    }
-  va_end (args);
-  if (!retval)
-    return retval;
-  i = 0;
-  while (attribute_names[i])
-    {
-      int j;
-      gboolean found;
-      found = FALSE;
-      j = 0;
-      while (j < n_attrs)
-        {
-          if (strcmp (attrs[j].name, attribute_names[i]) == 0)
-            {
-              retloc = attrs[j].retloc;
-              if (*retloc != NULL)
-                {
-                  g_set_error (error,
-                               G_MARKUP_ERROR,
-                               G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE,
-                               _("Attribute \"%s\" repeated twice on the same <%s> element"),
-                               attrs[j].name, element_name);
-                  retval = FALSE;
-                  goto out;
-                }
-              *retloc = attribute_values[i];
-              found = TRUE;
-            }
-          ++j;
-        }
-      if (!found)
-        {
-          g_set_error (error,
-                       G_MARKUP_ERROR,
-                       G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE,
-                       _("Attribute \"%s\" is invalid on <%s> element in this context"),
-                       attribute_names[i], element_name);
-          retval = FALSE;
-          goto out;
-        }
-      ++i;
-    }
- out:
-  return retval;
-#if 0
-static gboolean
-check_no_attributes (const char  *element_name,
-                     const char **attribute_names,
-                     const char **attribute_values,
-                     GError     **error)
-  if (attribute_names[0] != NULL)
-    {
-      g_set_error (error,
-                   G_MARKUP_ERROR,
-                   G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE,
-                   _("Attribute \"%s\" is invalid on <%s> element in this context"),
-                   attribute_names[0], element_name);
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  return TRUE;
-struct Parser
-  int refcount;
-  NodeInfo *result; /* Filled in when we pop the last node */
-  GSList *node_stack;
-  InterfaceInfo *interface;
-  MethodInfo *method;
-  SignalInfo *signal;
-  PropertyInfo *property;
-  ArgInfo *arg;
-  gboolean in_annotation;
-parser_new (void)
-  Parser *parser;
-  parser = g_new0 (Parser, 1);
-  parser->refcount = 1;
-  return parser;
-Parser *
-parser_ref (Parser *parser)
-  parser->refcount += 1;
-  return parser;
-parser_unref (Parser *parser)
-  parser->refcount -= 1;
-  if (parser->refcount == 0)
-    {
-      if (parser->result)
-        node_info_unref (parser->result);
-      g_free (parser);
-    }
-parser_check_doctype (Parser      *parser,
-                      const char  *doctype,
-                      GError     **error)
-  g_return_val_if_fail (error == NULL || *error == NULL, FALSE);
-  if (strcmp (doctype, "node") != 0)
-    {
-      g_set_error (error,
-                   G_MARKUP_ERROR,
-                   G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE,
-                   "D-BUS description file has the wrong document type %s, use node or interface",
-                   doctype);
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  else
-    return TRUE;
-static gboolean
-parse_node (Parser      *parser,
-            const char  *element_name,
-            const char **attribute_names,
-            const char **attribute_values,
-            GError     **error)
-  const char *name;
-  NodeInfo *node;
-  if (parser->interface ||
-      parser->method ||
-      parser->signal ||
-      parser->property ||
-      parser->arg ||
-      parser->in_annotation)
-    {
-      g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR,
-                   G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE,
-                   _("Can't put <%s> element here"),
-                   element_name);
-      return FALSE;      
-    }
-  name = NULL;
-  if (!locate_attributes (element_name, attribute_names,
-                          attribute_values, error,
-                          "name", &name,
-                          NULL))
-    return FALSE;
-  /* Only the root node can have no name */
-  if (parser->node_stack != NULL && name == NULL)
-    {
-      g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR,
-                   G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE,
-                   _("\"%s\" attribute required on <%s> element "),
-                   "name", element_name);
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  /* Root element name must be absolute */
-  if (parser->node_stack == NULL && name && *name != '/')
-    {
-      g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR,
-                   G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE,
-                   _("\"%s\" attribute on <%s> element must be an absolute object path, \"%s\" not OK"),
-                   "name", element_name, name);
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  /* Other element names must not be absolute */
-  if (parser->node_stack != NULL && name && *name == '/')
-    {
-      g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR,
-                   G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE,
-                   _("\"%s\" attribute on <%s> element must not be an absolute object path, \"%s\" starts with /"),
-                   "name", element_name, name);
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  node = node_info_new (name);
-  if (parser->node_stack != NULL)
-    {
-      node_info_add_node (parser->node_stack->data,
-                          node);
-    }
-  parser->node_stack = g_slist_prepend (parser->node_stack,
-                                        node);
-  return TRUE;
-static gboolean
-parse_interface (Parser      *parser,
-                 const char  *element_name,
-                 const char **attribute_names,
-                 const char **attribute_values,
-                 GError     **error)
-  const char *name;
-  InterfaceInfo *iface;
-  NodeInfo *top;
-  if (parser->interface ||
-      parser->method ||
-      parser->signal ||
-      parser->property ||
-      parser->arg ||
-      parser->in_annotation ||
-      (parser->node_stack == NULL))
-    {
-      g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR,
-                   G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE,
-                   _("Can't put <%s> element here"),
-                   element_name);
-      return FALSE;      
-    }
-  name = NULL;
-  if (!locate_attributes (element_name, attribute_names,
-                          attribute_values, error,
-                          "name", &name,
-                          NULL))
-    return FALSE;
-  if (name == NULL)
-    {
-      g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR,
-                   G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE,
-                   _("\"%s\" attribute required on <%s> element "),
-                   "name", element_name);
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  top = parser->node_stack->data;
-  iface = interface_info_new (name);
-  node_info_add_interface (top, iface);
-  interface_info_unref (iface);
-  parser->interface = iface;
-  return TRUE;
-static gboolean
-parse_method (Parser      *parser,
-              const char  *element_name,
-              const char **attribute_names,
-              const char **attribute_values,
-              GError     **error)
-  const char *name;
-  MethodInfo *method;
-  if (parser->interface == NULL ||
-      parser->node_stack == NULL ||
-      parser->method ||
-      parser->signal ||
-      parser->property ||
-      parser->in_annotation ||
-      parser->arg)
-    {
-      g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR,
-                   G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE,
-                   _("Can't put <%s> element here"),
-                   element_name);
-      return FALSE;      
-    }
-  name = NULL;
-  if (!locate_attributes (element_name, attribute_names,
-                          attribute_values, error,
-                          "name", &name,
-                          NULL))
-    return FALSE;
-  if (name == NULL)
-    {
-      g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR,
-                   G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE,
-                   _("\"%s\" attribute required on <%s> element "),
-                   "name", element_name);
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  method = method_info_new (name);
-  interface_info_add_method (parser->interface, method);
-  method_info_unref (method);
-  parser->method = method;
-  return TRUE;
-static gboolean
-parse_signal (Parser      *parser,
-              const char  *element_name,
-              const char **attribute_names,
-              const char **attribute_values,
-              GError     **error)
-  const char *name;
-  SignalInfo *signal;
-  if (parser->interface == NULL ||
-      parser->node_stack == NULL ||
-      parser->signal ||
-      parser->method ||
-      parser->property ||
-      parser->in_annotation ||
-      parser->arg)
-    {
-      g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR,
-                   G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE,
-                   _("Can't put <%s> element here"),
-                   element_name);
-      return FALSE;      
-    }
-  name = NULL;
-  if (!locate_attributes (element_name, attribute_names,
-                          attribute_values, error,
-                          "name", &name,
-                          NULL))
-    return FALSE;
-  if (name == NULL)
-    {
-      g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR,
-                   G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE,
-                   _("\"%s\" attribute required on <%s> element "),
-                   "name", element_name);
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  signal = signal_info_new (name);
-  interface_info_add_signal (parser->interface, signal);
-  signal_info_unref (signal);
-  parser->signal = signal;
-  return TRUE;
-static gboolean
-validate_signature (const char *str,
-                   const char *element_name,
-                   GError    **error)
-  DBusError derror;
-  dbus_error_init (&derror);
-  if (!dbus_signature_validate (str, &derror))
-    {
-      dbus_set_g_error (error, &derror);
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  return TRUE;
-static gboolean
-parse_property (Parser      *parser,
-                const char  *element_name,
-                const char **attribute_names,
-                const char **attribute_values,
-                GError     **error)
-  const char *name;
-  const char *access;
-  const char *type;
-  PropertyInfo *property;
-  PropertyAccessFlags access_flags;
-  if (parser->interface == NULL ||
-      parser->node_stack == NULL ||
-      parser->signal ||
-      parser->method ||
-      parser->property ||
-      parser->in_annotation ||
-      parser->arg)
-    {
-      g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR,
-                   G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE,
-                   _("Can't put <%s> element here"),
-                   element_name);
-      return FALSE;      
-    }
-  name = NULL;
-  if (!locate_attributes (element_name, attribute_names,
-                          attribute_values, error,
-                          "name", &name,
-                          "access", &access,
-                          "type", &type,
-                          NULL))
-    return FALSE;
-  if (name == NULL)
-    {
-      g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR,
-                   G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE,
-                   _("\"%s\" attribute required on <%s> element "),
-                   "name", element_name);
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  if (access == NULL)
-    {
-      g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR,
-                   G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE,
-                   _("\"%s\" attribute required on <%s> element "),
-                   "access", element_name);
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  if (type == NULL)
-    {
-      g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR,
-                   G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE,
-                   _("\"%s\" attribute required on <%s> element "),
-                   "type", element_name);
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  if (!validate_signature (type, element_name, error))
-    return FALSE;
-  access_flags = 0;
-  if (strcmp (access, "readwrite") == 0)
-    access_flags = PROPERTY_READ | PROPERTY_WRITE;
-  else if (strcmp (access, "read") == 0)
-    access_flags = PROPERTY_READ;
-  else if (strcmp (access, "write") == 0)
-    access_flags = PROPERTY_WRITE;
-  else
-    {
-      g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR,
-                   G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE,
-                   _("access=\"%s\" must have value readwrite, read, or write on %s\n"),
-                   access, element_name);
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  property = property_info_new (name, type, access_flags);
-  interface_info_add_property (parser->interface, property);
-  property_info_unref (property);
-  parser->property = property;
-  return TRUE;
-static gboolean
-parse_arg (Parser      *parser,
-           const char  *element_name,
-           const char **attribute_names,
-           const char **attribute_values,
-           GError     **error)
-  const char *name;
-  const char *type;
-  const char *direction;
-  ArgDirection dir;
-  ArgInfo *arg;
-  char *generated_name;
-  if (!(parser->method || parser->signal) ||
-      parser->node_stack == NULL ||
-      parser->property ||
-      parser->in_annotation ||
-      parser->arg)
-    {
-      g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR,
-                   G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE,
-                   _("Can't put <%s> element here"),
-                   element_name);
-      return FALSE;      
-    }
-  name = NULL;
-  if (!locate_attributes (element_name, attribute_names,
-                          attribute_values, error,
-                          "name", &name,
-                          "type", &type,
-                          "direction", &direction,
-                          NULL))
-    return FALSE;
-  /* name can be null for args */
-  if (type == NULL)
-    {
-      g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR,
-                   G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE,
-                   _("\"%s\" attribute required on <%s> element "),
-                   "type", element_name);
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  if (direction == NULL)
-    {
-      /* methods default to in, signal to out */
-      if (parser->method)
-        direction = "in";
-      else if (parser->signal)
-        direction = "out";
-      else
-        g_assert_not_reached ();
-    }
-  dir = ARG_INVALID;
-  if (strcmp (direction, "in") == 0)
-    dir = ARG_IN;
-  else if (strcmp (direction, "out") == 0)
-    dir = ARG_OUT;
-  if (dir == ARG_INVALID ||
-      (parser->signal && dir == ARG_IN))
-    {
-      if (parser->signal)
-        g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR,
-                     G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE,
-                     _("Signals must have direction=\"out\" (just omit the direction attribute)"));
-      else
-        g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR,
-                     G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE,
-                     _("\"%s\" attribute on <%s> has value \"in\" or \"out\""),
-                     "direction", element_name);
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  if (!validate_signature (type, element_name, error))
-    return FALSE;
-  generated_name = NULL;
-  if (name == NULL)
-    generated_name = g_strdup_printf ("arg%d",
-                                      parser->method ?
-                                      method_info_get_n_args (parser->method) :
-                                      signal_info_get_n_args (parser->signal));
-  arg = arg_info_new (name ? name : generated_name, dir, type);
-  if (parser->method)
-    method_info_add_arg (parser->method, arg);
-  else if (parser->signal)
-    signal_info_add_arg (parser->signal, arg);
-  else
-    g_assert_not_reached ();
-  g_free (generated_name);
-  arg_info_unref (arg);
-  parser->arg = arg;
-  return TRUE;
-static gboolean
-parse_annotation (Parser      *parser,
-                 const char  *element_name,
-                 const char **attribute_names,
-                 const char **attribute_values,
-                 GError     **error)
-  const char *name;
-  const char *value;
-  if (!(parser->method || parser->interface || parser->arg) || 
-      parser->node_stack == NULL ||
-      parser->signal ||
-      parser->property ||
-      parser->in_annotation)
-    {
-      g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR,
-                   G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE,
-                   _("Can't put <%s> element here"),
-                   element_name);
-      return FALSE;      
-    }
-  name = NULL;
-  if (!locate_attributes (element_name, attribute_names,
-                          attribute_values, error,
-                          "name", &name,
-                          "value", &value,
-                          NULL))
-    return FALSE;
-  if (name == NULL)
-    {
-      g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR,
-                   G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE,
-                   _("\"%s\" attribute required on <%s> element "),
-                   "name", element_name);
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  if (value == NULL)
-    {
-      g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR,
-                   G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE,
-                   _("\"%s\" attribute required on <%s> element "),
-                   "value", element_name);
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  if (parser->arg)
-    arg_info_add_annotation (parser->arg, name, value);
-  else if (parser->method)
-    method_info_add_annotation (parser->method, name, value);
-  else if (parser->interface)
-    interface_info_add_annotation (parser->interface, name, value);
-  else
-    g_assert_not_reached ();
-  parser->in_annotation = TRUE;
-  return TRUE;
-parser_start_element (Parser      *parser,
-                      const char  *element_name,
-                      const char **attribute_names,
-                      const char **attribute_values,
-                      GError     **error)
-  g_return_val_if_fail (error == NULL || *error == NULL, FALSE);
-  if (ELEMENT_IS ("node"))
-    {
-      if (!parse_node (parser, element_name, attribute_names,
-                       attribute_values, error))
-        return FALSE;
-    }
-  else if (ELEMENT_IS ("interface"))
-    {
-      if (!parse_interface (parser, element_name, attribute_names,
-                            attribute_values, error))
-        return FALSE;
-    }
-  else if (ELEMENT_IS ("method"))
-    {
-      if (!parse_method (parser, element_name, attribute_names,
-                         attribute_values, error))
-        return FALSE;
-    }
-  else if (ELEMENT_IS ("signal"))
-    {
-      if (!parse_signal (parser, element_name, attribute_names,
-                         attribute_values, error))
-        return FALSE;
-    }
-  else if (ELEMENT_IS ("property"))
-    {
-      if (!parse_property (parser, element_name, attribute_names,
-                           attribute_values, error))
-        return FALSE;
-    }
-  else if (ELEMENT_IS ("arg"))
-    {
-      if (!parse_arg (parser, element_name, attribute_names,
-                      attribute_values, error))
-        return FALSE;
-    }
-  else if (ELEMENT_IS ("annotation"))
-    {
-      if (!parse_annotation (parser, element_name, attribute_names,
-                            attribute_values, error))
-        return FALSE;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR,
-                   G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE,
-                   _("Element <%s> not recognized"),
-                   element_name);
-    }
-  return TRUE;
-parser_end_element (Parser      *parser,
-                    const char  *element_name,
-                    GError     **error)
-  g_return_val_if_fail (error == NULL || *error == NULL, FALSE);
-  if (ELEMENT_IS ("interface"))
-    {
-      parser->interface = NULL;
-    }
-  else if (ELEMENT_IS ("method"))
-    {
-      parser->method = NULL;
-    }
-  else if (ELEMENT_IS ("signal"))
-    {
-      parser->signal = NULL;
-    }
-  else if (ELEMENT_IS ("property"))
-    {
-      parser->property = NULL;
-    }
-  else if (ELEMENT_IS ("arg"))
-    {
-      parser->arg = NULL;
-    }
-  else if (ELEMENT_IS ("annotation"))
-    {
-      parser->in_annotation = FALSE;
-    }
-  else if (ELEMENT_IS ("node"))
-    {
-      NodeInfo *top;
-      g_assert (parser->node_stack != NULL);
-      top = parser->node_stack->data;
-      parser->node_stack = g_slist_remove (parser->node_stack,
-                                           top);
-      if (parser->node_stack == NULL)
-        parser->result = top; /* We are done, store the result */      
-    }
-  else
-    g_assert_not_reached (); /* should have had an error on start_element */
-  return TRUE;
-parser_content (Parser      *parser,
-                const char  *content,
-                int          len,
-                GError     **error)
-  g_return_val_if_fail (error == NULL || *error == NULL, FALSE);
-  /* FIXME check that it's all whitespace */
-  return TRUE;
-parser_finished (Parser      *parser,
-                 GError     **error)
-  g_return_val_if_fail (error == NULL || *error == NULL, FALSE);
-  return TRUE;
-parser_get_nodes (Parser *parser)
-  return parser->result;
diff --git a/glib/dbus-gparser.h b/glib/dbus-gparser.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index d1b0aa0..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu" -*- */
-/* dbus-gparser.h parse DBus description files
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2003  Red Hat, Inc.
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- * 
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- * 
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *
- */
-#include <dbus/dbus.h>
-#include <glib.h>
-#include "dbus-gidl.h"
-typedef struct Parser Parser;
-Parser*  parser_new           (void);
-Parser*  parser_ref           (Parser      *parser);
-void     parser_unref         (Parser      *parser);
-gboolean parser_check_doctype (Parser      *parser,
-                               const char  *doctype,
-                               GError     **error);
-gboolean parser_start_element (Parser      *parser,
-                               const char  *element_name,
-                               const char **attribute_names,
-                               const char **attribute_values,
-                               GError     **error);
-gboolean parser_end_element   (Parser      *parser,
-                               const char  *element_name,
-                               GError     **error);
-gboolean parser_content       (Parser      *parser,
-                               const char  *content,
-                               int          len,
-                               GError     **error);
-gboolean parser_finished      (Parser      *parser,
-                               GError     **error);
-NodeInfo* description_load_from_file   (const char  *filename,
-                                        GError     **error);
-NodeInfo* description_load_from_string (const char  *str,
-                                        int          len,
-                                        GError     **error);
-NodeInfo* parser_get_nodes (Parser *parser);
-#endif /* DBUS_GLIB_GPARSER_H */
diff --git a/glib/dbus-gproxy.c b/glib/dbus-gproxy.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index e424311..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2748 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu" -*- */
-/* dbus-gproxy.c Proxy for remote objects
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005 Red Hat, Inc.
- * Copyright (C) 2005 Nokia
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- * 
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- * 
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *
- */
-#include <dbus/dbus-glib.h>
-#include <dbus/dbus-glib-lowlevel.h>
-#include <dbus/dbus-signature.h>
-#include "dbus-gutils.h"
-#include "dbus-gsignature.h"
-#include "dbus-gvalue.h"
-#include "dbus-gvalue-utils.h"
-#include "dbus-gobject.h"
-#include <string.h>
-#include <glib/gi18n.h>
-#include <gobject/gvaluecollector.h>
- * @addtogroup DBusGLibInternals
- *
- * @{
- */
- * DBusGProxyManager typedef
- */
-typedef struct _DBusGProxyManager DBusGProxyManager;
-typedef struct _DBusGProxyPrivate DBusGProxyPrivate;
- * Internals of DBusGProxy
- */
-struct _DBusGProxyPrivate
-  DBusGProxyManager *manager; /**< Proxy manager */
-  char *name;                 /**< Name messages go to or NULL */
-  char *path;                 /**< Path messages go to or NULL */
-  char *interface;            /**< Interface messages go to or NULL */
-  DBusGProxyCall *name_call;  /**< Pending call id to retrieve name owner */
-  guint for_owner : 1;        /**< Whether or not this proxy is for a name owner */
-  guint associated : 1;       /**< Whether or not this proxy is associated (for name proxies) */
-  /* FIXME: make threadsafe? */
-  guint call_id_counter;      /**< Integer counter for pending calls */
-  GData *signal_signatures;   /**< D-BUS signatures for each signal */
-  GHashTable *pending_calls;  /**< Calls made on this proxy which have not yet returned */
-static void dbus_g_proxy_init               (DBusGProxy      *proxy);
-static void dbus_g_proxy_class_init         (DBusGProxyClass *klass);
-static GObject *dbus_g_proxy_constructor    (GType                  type,
-                                            guint                  n_construct_properties,
-                                            GObjectConstructParam *construct_properties);
-static void     dbus_g_proxy_set_property       (GObject               *object,
-                                                guint                  prop_id,
-                                                const GValue          *value,
-                                                GParamSpec            *pspec);
-static void     dbus_g_proxy_get_property       (GObject               *object,
-                                                guint                  prop_id,
-                                                GValue                *value,
-                                                GParamSpec            *pspec);
-static void dbus_g_proxy_finalize           (GObject         *object);
-static void dbus_g_proxy_dispose            (GObject         *object);
-static void dbus_g_proxy_destroy            (DBusGProxy      *proxy);
-static void dbus_g_proxy_emit_remote_signal (DBusGProxy      *proxy,
-                                             DBusMessage     *message);
-static DBusGProxyCall *manager_begin_bus_call (DBusGProxyManager    *manager,
-                                              const char          *method,
-                                              DBusGProxyCallNotify notify,
-                                              gpointer             data,
-                                              GDestroyNotify       destroy,
-                                              GType                first_arg_type,
-                                              ...);
-static guint dbus_g_proxy_begin_call_internal (DBusGProxy          *proxy,
-                                              const char          *method,
-                                              DBusGProxyCallNotify notify,
-                                              gpointer             data,
-                                              GDestroyNotify       destroy,
-                                              GValueArray         *args);
-static gboolean dbus_g_proxy_end_call_internal (DBusGProxy        *proxy,
-                                               guint              call_id,
-                                               GError           **error,
-                                               GType              first_arg_type,
-                                               va_list            args);
- * A list of proxies with a given name+path+interface, used to
- * route incoming signals.
- */
-typedef struct
-  GSList *proxies; /**< The list of proxies */
-  char name[4]; /**< name (empty string for none), nul byte,
-                 *   path, nul byte,
-                 *   interface, nul byte
-                 */
-} DBusGProxyList;
- * DBusGProxyManager's primary task is to route signals to the proxies
- * those signals are emitted on. In order to do this it also has to
- * track the owners of the names proxies are bound to.
- */
-struct _DBusGProxyManager
-  GStaticMutex lock; /**< Thread lock */
-  int refcount;      /**< Reference count */
-  DBusConnection *connection; /**< Connection we're associated with. */
-  DBusGProxy *bus_proxy; /**< Special internal proxy used to talk to the bus */
-  GHashTable *proxy_lists; /**< Hash used to route incoming signals
-                            *   and iterate over proxies
-                            */
-  GHashTable *owner_names; /**< Hash to keep track of mapping from
-                           *   base name -> [name,name,...] for proxies which
-                           *   are for names.
-                           */
-  GSList *unassociated_proxies;     /**< List of name proxies for which
-                                    *   there was no result for
-                                    *   GetNameOwner
-                                    */
-static DBusGProxyManager *dbus_g_proxy_manager_ref    (DBusGProxyManager *manager);
-static DBusHandlerResult  dbus_g_proxy_manager_filter (DBusConnection    *connection,
-                                                       DBusMessage       *message,
-                                                       void              *user_data);
-/** Lock the DBusGProxyManager */
-#define LOCK_MANAGER(mgr)   (g_static_mutex_lock (&(mgr)->lock))
-/** Unlock the DBusGProxyManager */
-#define UNLOCK_MANAGER(mgr) (g_static_mutex_unlock (&(mgr)->lock))
-static int g_proxy_manager_slot = -1;
-/* Lock controlling get/set manager as data on each connection */
-static GStaticMutex connection_g_proxy_lock = G_STATIC_MUTEX_INIT;
-static DBusGProxyManager*
-dbus_g_proxy_manager_get (DBusConnection *connection)
-  DBusGProxyManager *manager;
-  dbus_connection_allocate_data_slot (&g_proxy_manager_slot);
-  if (g_proxy_manager_slot < 0)
-    g_error ("out of memory");
-  g_static_mutex_lock (&connection_g_proxy_lock);
-  manager = dbus_connection_get_data (connection, g_proxy_manager_slot);
-  if (manager != NULL)
-    {
-      dbus_connection_free_data_slot (&g_proxy_manager_slot);
-      dbus_g_proxy_manager_ref (manager);
-      g_static_mutex_unlock (&connection_g_proxy_lock);
-      return manager;
-    }
-  manager = g_new0 (DBusGProxyManager, 1);
-  manager->refcount = 1;
-  manager->connection = connection;
-  g_static_mutex_init (&manager->lock);
-  /* Proxy managers keep the connection alive, which means that
-   * DBusGProxy indirectly does. To free a connection you have to free
-   * all the proxies referring to it.
-   */
-  dbus_connection_ref (manager->connection);
-  dbus_connection_set_data (connection, g_proxy_manager_slot,
-                            manager, NULL);
-  dbus_connection_add_filter (connection, dbus_g_proxy_manager_filter,
-                              manager, NULL);
-  g_static_mutex_unlock (&connection_g_proxy_lock);
-  return manager;
-static DBusGProxyManager * 
-dbus_g_proxy_manager_ref (DBusGProxyManager *manager)
-  g_assert (manager != NULL);
-  g_assert (manager->refcount > 0);
-  LOCK_MANAGER (manager);
-  manager->refcount += 1;
-  UNLOCK_MANAGER (manager);
-  return manager;
-static void
-dbus_g_proxy_manager_unref (DBusGProxyManager *manager)
-  g_assert (manager != NULL);
-  g_assert (manager->refcount > 0);
-  LOCK_MANAGER (manager);
-  manager->refcount -= 1;
-  if (manager->refcount == 0)
-    {
-      UNLOCK_MANAGER (manager);
-      if (manager->bus_proxy)
-       g_object_unref (manager->bus_proxy);
-      if (manager->proxy_lists)
-        {
-          /* can't have any proxies left since they hold
-           * a reference to the proxy manager.
-           */
-          g_assert (g_hash_table_size (manager->proxy_lists) == 0);
-          g_hash_table_destroy (manager->proxy_lists);
-          manager->proxy_lists = NULL;
-        }
-      if (manager->owner_names)
-       {
-         /* Since we destroyed all proxies, none can be tracking
-          * name owners
-          */
-          g_assert (g_hash_table_size (manager->owner_names) == 0);
-         g_hash_table_destroy (manager->owner_names);
-         manager->owner_names = NULL;
-       }
-      g_assert (manager->unassociated_proxies == NULL);
-      g_static_mutex_free (&manager->lock);
-      g_static_mutex_lock (&connection_g_proxy_lock);
-      dbus_connection_remove_filter (manager->connection, dbus_g_proxy_manager_filter,
-                                     manager);
-      dbus_connection_set_data (manager->connection,
-                                g_proxy_manager_slot,
-                                NULL, NULL);
-      g_static_mutex_unlock (&connection_g_proxy_lock);
-      dbus_connection_unref (manager->connection);
-      g_free (manager);
-      dbus_connection_free_data_slot (&g_proxy_manager_slot);
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      UNLOCK_MANAGER (manager);
-    }
-static guint
-tristring_hash (gconstpointer key)
-  const char *p = key;
-  guint h = *p;
-  if (h)
-    {
-      for (p += 1; *p != '\0'; p++)
-        h = (h << 5) - h + *p;
-    }
-  /* skip nul and do the next substring */
-  for (p += 1; *p != '\0'; p++)
-    h = (h << 5) - h + *p;
-  /* skip nul again and another substring */
-  for (p += 1; *p != '\0'; p++)
-    h = (h << 5) - h + *p;
-  return h;
-static gboolean
-strequal_len (const char *a,
-              const char *b,
-              size_t     *lenp)
-  size_t a_len;
-  size_t b_len;
-  a_len = strlen (a);
-  b_len = strlen (b);
-  if (a_len != b_len)
-    return FALSE;
-  if (memcmp (a, b, a_len) != 0)
-    return FALSE;
-  *lenp = a_len;
-  return TRUE;
-static gboolean
-tristring_equal (gconstpointer  a,
-                 gconstpointer  b)
-  const char *ap = a;
-  const char *bp = b;
-  size_t len;
-  if (!strequal_len (ap, bp, &len))
-    return FALSE;
-  ap += len + 1;
-  bp += len + 1;
-  if (!strequal_len (ap, bp, &len))
-    return FALSE;
-  ap += len + 1;
-  bp += len + 1;
-  if (strcmp (ap, bp) != 0)
-    return FALSE;
-  return TRUE;
-static char*
-tristring_alloc_from_strings (size_t      padding_before,
-                              const char *name,
-                              const char *path,
-                              const char *interface)
-  size_t name_len, iface_len, path_len, len;
-  char *tri;
-  if (name)
-    name_len = strlen (name);
-  else
-    name_len = 0;
-  path_len = strlen (path);
-  iface_len = strlen (interface);
-  tri = g_malloc (padding_before + name_len + path_len + iface_len + 3);
-  len = padding_before;
-  if (name)
-    memcpy (&tri[len], name, name_len);
-  len += name_len;
-  tri[len] = '\0';
-  len += 1;
-  g_assert (len == (padding_before + name_len + 1));
-  memcpy (&tri[len], path, path_len);
-  len += path_len;
-  tri[len] = '\0';
-  len += 1;
-  g_assert (len == (padding_before + name_len + path_len + 2));
-  memcpy (&tri[len], interface, iface_len);
-  len += iface_len;
-  tri[len] = '\0';
-  len += 1;
-  g_assert (len == (padding_before + name_len + path_len + iface_len + 3));
-  return tri;
-static char*
-tristring_from_proxy (DBusGProxy *proxy)
-  DBusGProxyPrivate *priv = DBUS_G_PROXY_GET_PRIVATE(proxy);
-  return tristring_alloc_from_strings (0,
-                                       priv->name,
-                                       priv->path,
-                                       priv->interface);
-static char*
-tristring_from_message (DBusMessage *message)
-  const char *path;
-  const char *interface;
-  path = dbus_message_get_path (message);
-  interface = dbus_message_get_interface (message);
-  g_assert (path);
-  g_assert (interface);
-  return tristring_alloc_from_strings (0,
-                                       dbus_message_get_sender (message),
-                                       path, interface);
-static DBusGProxyList*
-g_proxy_list_new (DBusGProxy *first_proxy)
-  DBusGProxyList *list;
-  DBusGProxyPrivate *priv = DBUS_G_PROXY_GET_PRIVATE(first_proxy);
-  list = (void*) tristring_alloc_from_strings (G_STRUCT_OFFSET (DBusGProxyList, name),
-                                               priv->name,
-                                               priv->path,
-                                               priv->interface);
-  list->proxies = NULL;
-  return list;
-static void
-g_proxy_list_free (DBusGProxyList *list)
-  /* we don't hold a reference to the proxies in the list,
-   * as they ref the GProxyManager
-   */
-  g_slist_free (list->proxies);  
-  g_free (list);
-static char*
-g_proxy_get_match_rule (DBusGProxy *proxy)
-  DBusGProxyPrivate *priv = DBUS_G_PROXY_GET_PRIVATE(proxy);
-  /* FIXME Escaping is required here */
-  if (priv->name)
-    return g_strdup_printf ("type='signal',sender='%s',path='%s',interface='%s'",
-                            priv->name, priv->path, priv->interface);
-  else
-    return g_strdup_printf ("type='signal',path='%s',interface='%s'",
-                            priv->path, priv->interface);
-typedef struct
-  char *name;
-  guint refcount;
-} DBusGProxyNameOwnerInfo;
-static gint
-find_name_in_info (gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b)
-  const DBusGProxyNameOwnerInfo *info = a;
-  const char *name = b;
-  return strcmp (info->name, name);
-typedef struct
-  const char *name;
-  const char *owner;
-  DBusGProxyNameOwnerInfo *info;
-} DBusGProxyNameOwnerForeachData;
-static void
-name_owner_foreach (gpointer key, gpointer val, gpointer data)
-  const char *owner;
-  DBusGProxyNameOwnerForeachData *foreach_data;
-  GSList *names;
-  GSList *link;
-  owner = key;
-  names = val;
-  foreach_data = data;
-  if (foreach_data->owner != NULL)
-    return;
-  g_assert (foreach_data->info == NULL);
-  link = g_slist_find_custom (names, foreach_data->name, find_name_in_info);
-  if (link)
-    {
-      foreach_data->owner = owner;
-      foreach_data->info = link->data;
-    }
-static gboolean
-dbus_g_proxy_manager_lookup_name_owner (DBusGProxyManager        *manager,
-                                       const char               *name,
-                                       DBusGProxyNameOwnerInfo **info,
-                                       const char              **owner)
-  DBusGProxyNameOwnerForeachData foreach_data;
-  foreach_data.name = name;
-  foreach_data.owner = NULL;
-  foreach_data.info = NULL;
-  g_hash_table_foreach (manager->owner_names, name_owner_foreach, &foreach_data);
-  *info = foreach_data.info;
-  *owner = foreach_data.owner;
-  return *info != NULL;
-static void
-insert_nameinfo (DBusGProxyManager       *manager,
-                const char              *owner,
-                DBusGProxyNameOwnerInfo *info)
-  GSList *names;
-  gboolean insert;
-  names = g_hash_table_lookup (manager->owner_names, owner);
-  /* Only need to g_hash_table_insert the first time */
-  insert = (names == NULL);
-  names = g_slist_append (names, info); 
-  if (insert)
-    g_hash_table_insert (manager->owner_names, g_strdup (owner), names);
-static void
-dbus_g_proxy_manager_monitor_name_owner (DBusGProxyManager  *manager,
-                                        const char         *owner,
-                                        const char         *name)
-  GSList *names;
-  GSList *link;
-  DBusGProxyNameOwnerInfo *nameinfo;
-  names = g_hash_table_lookup (manager->owner_names, owner);
-  link = g_slist_find_custom (names, name, find_name_in_info);
-  if (!link)
-    {
-      nameinfo = g_new0 (DBusGProxyNameOwnerInfo, 1);
-      nameinfo->name = g_strdup (name);
-      nameinfo->refcount = 1;
-      insert_nameinfo (manager, owner, nameinfo);
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      nameinfo = link->data;
-      nameinfo->refcount++;
-    }
-static void
-dbus_g_proxy_manager_unmonitor_name_owner (DBusGProxyManager  *manager,
-                                          const char         *name)
-  DBusGProxyNameOwnerInfo *info;
-  const char *owner;
-  gboolean ret;
-  ret = dbus_g_proxy_manager_lookup_name_owner (manager, name, &info, &owner);
-  g_assert (ret);
-  g_assert (info != NULL);
-  g_assert (owner != NULL);
-  info->refcount--;
-  if (info->refcount == 0)
-    {
-      GSList *names;
-      GSList *link;
-      names = g_hash_table_lookup (manager->owner_names, owner);
-      link = g_slist_find_custom (names, name, find_name_in_info);
-      names = g_slist_delete_link (names, link);
-      if (names != NULL)
-       g_hash_table_insert (manager->owner_names, g_strdup (owner), names);
-      else
-       g_hash_table_remove (manager->owner_names, owner);
-      g_free (info->name);
-      g_free (info);
-    }
-typedef struct
-  const char *name;
-  GSList *destroyed;
-} DBusGProxyUnassociateData;
-static void
-unassociate_proxies (gpointer key, gpointer val, gpointer user_data)
-  DBusGProxyList *list;
-  const char *name;
-  GSList *tmp;
-  DBusGProxyUnassociateData *data;
-  list = val;
-  data = user_data;
-  name = data->name;
-  for (tmp = list->proxies; tmp; tmp = tmp->next)
-    {
-      DBusGProxy *proxy = DBUS_G_PROXY (tmp->data);
-      DBusGProxyPrivate *priv = DBUS_G_PROXY_GET_PRIVATE(proxy);
-      DBusGProxyManager *manager;
-      manager = priv->manager;
-      if (!strcmp (priv->name, name))
-       {
-         if (!priv->for_owner)
-           {
-             g_assert (priv->associated);
-             g_assert (priv->name_call == NULL);
-             priv->associated = FALSE;
-             manager->unassociated_proxies = g_slist_prepend (manager->unassociated_proxies, proxy);
-           }
-         else
-           {
-             data->destroyed = g_slist_prepend (data->destroyed, proxy);
-           }
-       }
-    }
-static void
-dbus_g_proxy_manager_replace_name_owner (DBusGProxyManager  *manager,
-                                        const char         *name,
-                                        const char         *prev_owner,
-                                        const char         *new_owner)
-  GSList *names;
-  if (prev_owner[0] == '\0')
-    {
-      GSList *tmp;
-      GSList *removed;
-      /* We have a new service, look at unassociated proxies */
-      removed = NULL;
-      for (tmp = manager->unassociated_proxies; tmp ; tmp = tmp->next)
-       {
-         DBusGProxy *proxy = tmp->data;
-         DBusGProxyPrivate *priv = DBUS_G_PROXY_GET_PRIVATE(proxy);
-         if (!strcmp (priv->name, name))
-           {
-             removed = g_slist_prepend (removed, tmp);
-             dbus_g_proxy_manager_monitor_name_owner (manager, new_owner, name);
-             priv->associated = TRUE;
-           }
-       }
-      for (tmp = removed; tmp; tmp = tmp->next)
-       manager->unassociated_proxies = g_slist_delete_link (manager->unassociated_proxies, tmp->data);
-      g_slist_free (removed);
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      DBusGProxyNameOwnerInfo *info;
-      GSList *link;
-      /* Name owner changed or deleted */ 
-      names = g_hash_table_lookup (manager->owner_names, prev_owner);
-      link = g_slist_find_custom (names, name, find_name_in_info);
-      info = NULL;
-      if (link != NULL)
-       {
-         info = link->data;
-         names = g_slist_delete_link (names, link);
-         if (names == NULL)
-           g_hash_table_remove (manager->owner_names, prev_owner);
-       }
-      if (new_owner[0] == '\0')
-       {
-         DBusGProxyUnassociateData data;
-         GSList *tmp;
-         data.name = name;
-         data.destroyed = NULL;
-         /* A service went away, we need to unassociate proxies */
-         g_hash_table_foreach (manager->proxy_lists,
-                               unassociate_proxies, &data);
-         UNLOCK_MANAGER (manager);
-         for (tmp = data.destroyed; tmp; tmp = tmp->next)
-           dbus_g_proxy_destroy (tmp->data);
-         g_slist_free (data.destroyed);
-         LOCK_MANAGER (manager);
-       }
-      else
-       {
-         insert_nameinfo (manager, new_owner, info);
-       }
-    }
-static void
-got_name_owner_cb (DBusGProxy       *bus_proxy,
-                  DBusGProxyCall   *call,
-                  void             *user_data)
-  DBusGProxy *proxy = user_data;
-  DBusGProxyPrivate *priv = DBUS_G_PROXY_GET_PRIVATE(proxy);
-  GError *error;
-  char *owner;
-  error = NULL;
-  owner = NULL;
-  LOCK_MANAGER (priv->manager);
-  if (!dbus_g_proxy_end_call (bus_proxy, call, &error,
-                             G_TYPE_STRING, &owner,
-                             G_TYPE_INVALID))
-    {
-      if (error->domain == DBUS_GERROR && error->code == DBUS_GERROR_NAME_HAS_NO_OWNER)
-       {
-         priv->manager->unassociated_proxies = g_slist_prepend (priv->manager->unassociated_proxies, proxy);
-       }
-      else
-       g_warning ("Couldn't get name owner (%s): %s",
-                  dbus_g_error_get_name (error),
-                  error->message);
-      g_clear_error (&error);
-      goto out;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      dbus_g_proxy_manager_monitor_name_owner (priv->manager, owner, priv->name);
-      priv->associated = TRUE;
-    }
- out:
-  priv->name_call = NULL;
-  UNLOCK_MANAGER (priv->manager);
-  g_free (owner);
-static char *
-get_name_owner (DBusConnection     *connection,
-               const char         *name,
-               GError            **error)
-  DBusError derror;
-  DBusMessage *request, *reply;
-  char *base_name;
-  dbus_error_init (&derror);
-  base_name = NULL;
-  reply = NULL;
-  request = dbus_message_new_method_call (DBUS_SERVICE_DBUS,
-                                         DBUS_PATH_DBUS,
-                                         DBUS_INTERFACE_DBUS,
-                                         "GetNameOwner");
-  if (request == NULL)
-    g_error ("Out of memory");
-  if (!dbus_message_append_args (request, 
-                                DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &name, 
-                                DBUS_TYPE_INVALID))
-    g_error ("Out of memory");
-  reply =
-    dbus_connection_send_with_reply_and_block (connection,
-                                               request,
-                                               2000, &derror);
-  if (reply == NULL)
-    goto error;
-  if (dbus_set_error_from_message (&derror, reply))
-    goto error;
-  if (!dbus_message_get_args (reply, &derror, 
-                             DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &base_name, 
-                             DBUS_TYPE_INVALID))
-    goto error;
-  base_name = g_strdup (base_name);
-  goto out;
- error:
-  g_assert (dbus_error_is_set (&derror));
-  dbus_set_g_error (error, &derror);
-  dbus_error_free (&derror);
- out:
-  if (request)
-    dbus_message_unref (request);
-  if (reply)
-    dbus_message_unref (reply);
-  return base_name;
-static void
-dbus_g_proxy_manager_register (DBusGProxyManager *manager,
-                               DBusGProxy        *proxy)
-  DBusGProxyList *list;
-  DBusGProxyPrivate *priv = DBUS_G_PROXY_GET_PRIVATE(proxy);
-  LOCK_MANAGER (manager);
-  if (manager->proxy_lists == NULL)
-    {
-      g_assert (manager->owner_names == NULL);
-      list = NULL;
-      manager->proxy_lists = g_hash_table_new_full (tristring_hash,
-                                                    tristring_equal,
-                                                    NULL,
-                                                    (GFreeFunc) g_proxy_list_free);
-      manager->owner_names = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash,
-                                                    g_str_equal,
-                                                    g_free,
-                                                    NULL);
-      /* FIXME - for now we listen for all NameOwnerChanged; once
-       * Anders' detail patch lands we should add individual rules
-       */
-      dbus_bus_add_match (manager->connection,
-                          "type='signal',sender='" DBUS_SERVICE_DBUS
-                         "',path='" DBUS_PATH_DBUS
-                         "',interface='" DBUS_INTERFACE_DBUS
-                         "',member='NameOwnerChanged'",
-                         NULL);
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      char *tri;
-      tri = tristring_from_proxy (proxy);
-      list = g_hash_table_lookup (manager->proxy_lists, tri);
-      g_free (tri);
-    }
-  if (list == NULL)
-    {
-      list = g_proxy_list_new (proxy);
-      g_hash_table_replace (manager->proxy_lists,
-                            list->name, list);
-    }
-  if (list->proxies == NULL)
-    {
-      /* We have to add the match rule to the server,
-       * but FIXME only if the server is a message bus,
-       * not if it's a peer.
-       */
-      char *rule;
-      rule = g_proxy_get_match_rule (proxy);
-      /* We don't check for errors; it's not like anyone would handle them,
-       * and we don't want a round trip here.
-       */
-      dbus_bus_add_match (manager->connection,
-                          rule, NULL);
-      g_free (rule);
-    }
-  g_assert (g_slist_find (list->proxies, proxy) == NULL);
-  list->proxies = g_slist_prepend (list->proxies, proxy);
-  if (!priv->for_owner)
-    {
-      const char *owner;
-      DBusGProxyNameOwnerInfo *info;
-      if (!dbus_g_proxy_manager_lookup_name_owner (manager, priv->name, &info, &owner))
-       {
-         priv->name_call = manager_begin_bus_call (manager, "GetNameOwner",
-                                                    got_name_owner_cb,
-                                                    proxy, NULL,
-                                                    G_TYPE_STRING,
-                                                    priv->name, 
-                                                    G_TYPE_INVALID);
-         priv->associated = FALSE;
-       }
-      else
-       {
-         info->refcount++;
-         priv->associated = TRUE;
-       }
-    }
-  UNLOCK_MANAGER (manager);
-static void
-dbus_g_proxy_manager_unregister (DBusGProxyManager *manager,
-                                DBusGProxy        *proxy)
-  DBusGProxyList *list;
-  DBusGProxyPrivate *priv = DBUS_G_PROXY_GET_PRIVATE(proxy);
-  char *tri;
-  LOCK_MANAGER (manager);
-  if (manager->proxy_lists == NULL)
-    {
-      g_warning ("Trying to unregister a proxy but there aren't any registered");
-      return;
-    }
-  tri = tristring_from_proxy (proxy);
-  list = g_hash_table_lookup (manager->proxy_lists, tri);
-  if (list == NULL)
-    {
-      g_warning ("Trying to unregister a proxy but it isn't registered");
-      return;
-    }
-  g_assert (g_slist_find (list->proxies, proxy) != NULL);
-  list->proxies = g_slist_remove (list->proxies, proxy);
-  g_assert (g_slist_find (list->proxies, proxy) == NULL);
-  if (!priv->for_owner)
-    {
-      if (!priv->associated)
-       {
-         GSList *link;
-         if (priv->name_call != 0)
-           {
-             dbus_g_proxy_cancel_call (manager->bus_proxy, priv->name_call);
-             priv->name_call = 0;
-           }
-         else
-           {
-             link = g_slist_find (manager->unassociated_proxies, proxy);
-             g_assert (link != NULL);
-             manager->unassociated_proxies = g_slist_delete_link (manager->unassociated_proxies, link);
-           }
-       }
-      else
-       {
-         g_assert (priv->name_call == 0);
-         dbus_g_proxy_manager_unmonitor_name_owner (manager, priv->name);
-       }
-    }
-  if (list->proxies == NULL)
-    {
-      char *rule;
-      g_hash_table_remove (manager->proxy_lists,
-                           tri);
-      list = NULL;
-      rule = g_proxy_get_match_rule (proxy);
-      dbus_bus_remove_match (manager->connection,
-                             rule, NULL);
-      g_free (rule);
-    }
-  if (g_hash_table_size (manager->proxy_lists) == 0)
-    {
-      g_hash_table_destroy (manager->proxy_lists);
-      manager->proxy_lists = NULL;
-    }
-  g_free (tri);
-  UNLOCK_MANAGER (manager);
-static void
-list_proxies_foreach (gpointer key,
-                      gpointer value,
-                      gpointer user_data)
-  DBusGProxyList *list;
-  GSList **ret;
-  GSList *tmp;
-  list = value;
-  ret = user_data;
-  tmp = list->proxies;
-  while (tmp != NULL)
-    {
-      DBusGProxy *proxy = DBUS_G_PROXY (tmp->data);
-      g_object_ref (proxy);
-      *ret = g_slist_prepend (*ret, proxy);
-      tmp = tmp->next;
-    }
-static GSList*
-dbus_g_proxy_manager_list_all (DBusGProxyManager *manager)
-  GSList *ret;
-  ret = NULL;
-  if (manager->proxy_lists)
-    {
-      g_hash_table_foreach (manager->proxy_lists,
-                            list_proxies_foreach,
-                            &ret);
-    }
-  return ret;
-static DBusHandlerResult
-dbus_g_proxy_manager_filter (DBusConnection    *connection,
-                             DBusMessage       *message,
-                             void              *user_data)
-  DBusGProxyManager *manager;
-  if (dbus_message_get_type (message) != DBUS_MESSAGE_TYPE_SIGNAL)
-  manager = user_data;
-  dbus_g_proxy_manager_ref (manager);
-  LOCK_MANAGER (manager);
-  if (dbus_message_is_signal (message,
-                              DBUS_INTERFACE_LOCAL,
-                              "Disconnected"))
-    {
-      /* Destroy all the proxies, quite possibly resulting in unreferencing
-       * the proxy manager and the connection as well.
-       */
-      GSList *all;
-      GSList *tmp;
-      all = dbus_g_proxy_manager_list_all (manager);
-      tmp = all;
-      while (tmp != NULL)
-        {
-          DBusGProxy *proxy;
-          proxy = DBUS_G_PROXY (tmp->data);
-          UNLOCK_MANAGER (manager);
-          dbus_g_proxy_destroy (proxy);
-          g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (proxy));
-          LOCK_MANAGER (manager);
-          tmp = tmp->next;
-        }
-      g_slist_free (all);
-      if (manager->proxy_lists != NULL)
-        g_warning ("Disconnection emitted \"destroy\" on all DBusGProxy, but somehow new proxies were created in response to one of those destroy signals. This will cause a memory leak.");
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      char *tri;
-      GSList *full_list;
-      GSList *owned_names;
-      GSList *tmp;
-      const char *sender;
-      /* First we handle NameOwnerChanged internally */
-      if (dbus_message_is_signal (message,
-                                 DBUS_INTERFACE_DBUS,
-                                 "NameOwnerChanged"))
-       {
-         const char *name;
-         const char *prev_owner;
-         const char *new_owner;
-         DBusError derr;
-         dbus_error_init (&derr);
-         if (!dbus_message_get_args (message,
-                                     &derr,
-                                     DBUS_TYPE_STRING,
-                                     &name,
-                                     DBUS_TYPE_STRING,
-                                     &prev_owner,
-                                     DBUS_TYPE_STRING,
-                                     &new_owner,
-                                     DBUS_TYPE_INVALID))
-           {
-             /* Ignore this error */
-             dbus_error_free (&derr);
-           }
-         else if (manager->owner_names != NULL)
-           {
-             dbus_g_proxy_manager_replace_name_owner (manager, name, prev_owner, new_owner);
-           }
-       }
-      sender = dbus_message_get_sender (message);
-      /* dbus spec requires these, libdbus validates */
-      g_assert (sender != NULL);
-      g_assert (dbus_message_get_path (message) != NULL);
-      g_assert (dbus_message_get_interface (message) != NULL);
-      g_assert (dbus_message_get_member (message) != NULL);
-      tri = tristring_from_message (message);
-      if (manager->proxy_lists)
-       {
-         DBusGProxyList *owner_list;
-         owner_list = g_hash_table_lookup (manager->proxy_lists, tri);
-         if (owner_list)
-           full_list = g_slist_copy (owner_list->proxies);
-         else
-           full_list = NULL;
-       }
-      else
-       full_list = NULL;
-      g_free (tri);
-      if (manager->owner_names)
-       {
-         owned_names = g_hash_table_lookup (manager->owner_names, sender);
-         for (tmp = owned_names; tmp; tmp = tmp->next)
-           {
-             DBusGProxyList *owner_list;
-             DBusGProxyNameOwnerInfo *nameinfo;
-             nameinfo = tmp->data;
-             g_assert (nameinfo->refcount > 0);
-             tri = tristring_alloc_from_strings (0, nameinfo->name,
-                                                 dbus_message_get_path (message),
-                                                 dbus_message_get_interface (message));
-             owner_list = g_hash_table_lookup (manager->proxy_lists, tri);
-             if (owner_list != NULL)
-               full_list = g_slist_concat (full_list, g_slist_copy (owner_list->proxies));
-             g_free (tri);
-           }
-       }
-#if 0
-      g_print ("proxy got %s,%s,%s = list %p\n",
-               tri,
-               tri + strlen (tri) + 1,
-               tri + strlen (tri) + 1 + strlen (tri + strlen (tri) + 1) + 1,
-               list);
-      /* Emit the signal */
-      g_slist_foreach (full_list, (GFunc) g_object_ref, NULL);
-      for (tmp = full_list; tmp; tmp = tmp->next)
-       {
-         DBusGProxy *proxy;
-         proxy = DBUS_G_PROXY (tmp->data);
-         UNLOCK_MANAGER (manager);
-         dbus_g_proxy_emit_remote_signal (proxy, message);
-         g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (proxy));
-         LOCK_MANAGER (manager);
-       }
-      g_slist_free (full_list);
-    }
-  UNLOCK_MANAGER (manager);
-  dbus_g_proxy_manager_unref (manager);
-  /* "Handling" signals doesn't make sense, they are for everyone
-   * who cares
-   */
-/*      ---------- DBusGProxy --------------   */
-#define DBUS_G_PROXY_DESTROYED(proxy)  (DBUS_G_PROXY_GET_PRIVATE(proxy)->manager == NULL)
-static void
-marshal_dbus_message_to_g_marshaller (GClosure     *closure,
-                                      GValue       *return_value,
-                                      guint         n_param_values,
-                                      const GValue *param_values,
-                                      gpointer      invocation_hint,
-                                      gpointer      marshal_data);
-  PROP_0,
-static void *parent_class;
-static guint signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 };
-static void
-dbus_g_proxy_init (DBusGProxy *proxy)
-  DBusGProxyPrivate *priv = DBUS_G_PROXY_GET_PRIVATE(proxy);
-  g_datalist_init (&priv->signal_signatures);
-  priv->pending_calls = g_hash_table_new_full (NULL, NULL, NULL,
-                               (GDestroyNotify) dbus_pending_call_unref);
-  priv->name_call = 0;
-  priv->associated = FALSE;
-static GObject *
-dbus_g_proxy_constructor (GType                  type,
-                         guint                  n_construct_properties,
-                         GObjectConstructParam *construct_properties)
-  DBusGProxy *proxy;
-  DBusGProxyClass *klass;
-  GObjectClass *parent_class;
-  DBusGProxyPrivate *priv;
-  klass = DBUS_G_PROXY_CLASS (g_type_class_peek (DBUS_TYPE_G_PROXY));
-  parent_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (g_type_class_peek_parent (klass));
-  proxy = DBUS_G_PROXY (parent_class->constructor (type, n_construct_properties,
-                                                   construct_properties));
-  priv = DBUS_G_PROXY_GET_PRIVATE (proxy);
-  /* if these assertions fail, a deriving class has not set our required
-   * parameters - our own public constructors do return_if_fail checks
-   * on these parameters being provided. unfortunately we can't assert
-   * for manager because it's allowed to be NULL when tha mangager is
-   * setting up a bus proxy for its own calls */
-  g_assert (priv->name != NULL);
-  g_assert (priv->path != NULL);
-  g_assert (priv->interface != NULL);
-  if (priv->manager != NULL)
-    {
-      dbus_g_proxy_manager_register (priv->manager, proxy);
-    }
-  return G_OBJECT (proxy);
-static void
-dbus_g_proxy_class_init (DBusGProxyClass *klass)
-  GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
-  parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);
-  g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (DBusGProxyPrivate));
-  object_class->set_property = dbus_g_proxy_set_property;
-  object_class->get_property = dbus_g_proxy_get_property;
-  g_object_class_install_property (object_class,
-                                  PROP_NAME,
-                                  g_param_spec_string ("name",
-                                                       "name",
-                                                       "name",
-                                                       NULL,
-                                                       G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY));
-  g_object_class_install_property (object_class,
-                                  PROP_PATH,
-                                  g_param_spec_string ("path",
-                                                       "path",
-                                                       "path",
-                                                       NULL,
-                                                       G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY));
-  g_object_class_install_property (object_class,
-                                  PROP_INTERFACE,
-                                  g_param_spec_string ("interface",
-                                                       "interface",
-                                                       "interface",
-                                                       NULL,
-                                                       G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY));
-  g_object_class_install_property (object_class,
-                                  PROP_CONNECTION,
-                                  g_param_spec_boxed ("connection",
-                                                       "connection",
-                                                       "connection",
-                                                       DBUS_TYPE_G_CONNECTION,
-                                                       G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY));
-  object_class->finalize = dbus_g_proxy_finalize;
-  object_class->dispose = dbus_g_proxy_dispose;
-  object_class->constructor = dbus_g_proxy_constructor;
-  signals[DESTROY] =
-    g_signal_new ("destroy",
-                 G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE (object_class),
-                  0,
-                 NULL, NULL,
-                  g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,
-                 G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
-  signals[RECEIVED] =
-    g_signal_new ("received",
-                 G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE (object_class),
-                  0,
-                  NULL, NULL,
-                  marshal_dbus_message_to_g_marshaller,
-static void
-cancel_pending_call (gpointer key, gpointer val, gpointer data)
-  DBusGProxyCall *call = key;
-  DBusGProxy *proxy = data;
-  dbus_g_proxy_cancel_call (proxy, call);
-static void
-dbus_g_proxy_dispose (GObject *object)
-  DBusGProxy *proxy = DBUS_G_PROXY (object);
-  DBusGProxyPrivate *priv = DBUS_G_PROXY_GET_PRIVATE(proxy);
-  if (priv->pending_calls == NULL) 
-    {
-      return;
-    }
-  /* Cancel outgoing pending calls */
-  g_hash_table_foreach (priv->pending_calls, cancel_pending_call, proxy);
-  g_hash_table_destroy (priv->pending_calls);
-  priv->pending_calls = NULL;
-  if (priv->manager && proxy != priv->manager->bus_proxy)
-    {
-      dbus_g_proxy_manager_unregister (priv->manager, proxy);
-      dbus_g_proxy_manager_unref (priv->manager);
-    }
-  priv->manager = NULL;
-  g_datalist_clear (&priv->signal_signatures);
-  g_signal_emit (object, signals[DESTROY], 0);
-  G_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->dispose (object);
-static void
-dbus_g_proxy_finalize (GObject *object)
-  DBusGProxy *proxy = DBUS_G_PROXY (object);
-  DBusGProxyPrivate *priv = DBUS_G_PROXY_GET_PRIVATE(proxy);
-  g_return_if_fail (DBUS_G_PROXY_DESTROYED (proxy));
-  g_free (priv->name);
-  g_free (priv->path);
-  g_free (priv->interface);
-  G_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->finalize (object);
-static void
-dbus_g_proxy_destroy (DBusGProxy *proxy)
-  /* FIXME do we need the GTK_IN_DESTRUCTION style flag
-   * from GtkObject?
-   */
-  g_object_run_dispose (G_OBJECT (proxy));
-static void
-dbus_g_proxy_set_property (GObject *object,
-                          guint prop_id,
-                          const GValue *value,
-                          GParamSpec *pspec)
-  DBusGProxy *proxy = DBUS_G_PROXY (object);
-  DBusGProxyPrivate *priv = DBUS_G_PROXY_GET_PRIVATE(proxy);
-  DBusGConnection *connection;
-  switch (prop_id)
-    {
-    case PROP_NAME:
-      priv->name = g_strdup (g_value_get_string (value));
-      priv->for_owner = (priv->name[0] == ':');
-      break;
-    case PROP_PATH:
-      priv->path = g_strdup (g_value_get_string (value));
-      break;
-      priv->interface = g_strdup (g_value_get_string (value));
-      break;
-      connection = g_value_get_boxed (value);
-      if (connection != NULL)
-        {
-          priv->manager = dbus_g_proxy_manager_get (DBUS_CONNECTION_FROM_G_CONNECTION (connection));
-        }
-      break;
-    default:
-      G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);
-      break;
-    }
-static void 
-dbus_g_proxy_get_property (GObject *object,
-                          guint prop_id,
-                          GValue *value,
-                          GParamSpec *pspec)
-  DBusGProxy *proxy = DBUS_G_PROXY (object);
-  DBusGProxyPrivate *priv = DBUS_G_PROXY_GET_PRIVATE(proxy);
-  switch (prop_id)
-    {
-    case PROP_NAME:
-      g_value_set_string (value, priv->name);
-      break;
-    case PROP_PATH:
-      g_value_set_string (value, priv->path);
-      break;
-      g_value_set_string (value, priv->interface);
-      break;
-      g_value_set_boxed (value, DBUS_G_CONNECTION_FROM_CONNECTION(priv->manager->connection));
-      break;
-    default:
-      G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);
-      break;
-    }
-/* this is to avoid people using g_signal_connect() directly,
- * to avoid confusion with local signal names, and because
- * of the horribly broken current setup (signals are added
- * globally to all proxies)
- */
-static char*
-create_signal_name (const char *interface,
-                    const char *signal)
-  GString *str;
-  char *p;
-  str = g_string_new (interface);
-  g_string_append (str, "-");
-  g_string_append (str, signal);
-  /* GLib will silently barf on '.' in signal names */
-  p = str->str;
-  while (*p)
-    {
-      if (*p == '.')
-        *p = '-';
-      ++p;
-    }
-  return g_string_free (str, FALSE);
-static void
-marshal_dbus_message_to_g_marshaller (GClosure     *closure,
-                                      GValue       *return_value,
-                                      guint         n_param_values,
-                                      const GValue *param_values,
-                                      gpointer      invocation_hint,
-                                      gpointer      marshal_data)
-  /* Incoming here we have three params, the instance (Proxy), the
-   * DBusMessage, the signature. We want to convert that to an
-   * expanded GValue array, then call an appropriate normal GLib
-   * marshaller.
-   */
-  GValueArray *value_array;
-  GSignalCMarshaller c_marshaller;
-  DBusGProxy *proxy;
-  DBusMessage *message;
-  GArray *gsignature;
-  const GType *types;
-  DBusGProxyPrivate *priv;
-  g_assert (n_param_values == 3);
-  proxy = g_value_get_object (&param_values[0]);
-  message = g_value_get_boxed (&param_values[1]);
-  gsignature = g_value_get_pointer (&param_values[2]);
-  g_return_if_fail (DBUS_IS_G_PROXY (proxy));
-  g_return_if_fail (message != NULL);
-  g_return_if_fail (gsignature != NULL);
-  priv = DBUS_G_PROXY_GET_PRIVATE(proxy);
-  c_marshaller = _dbus_gobject_lookup_marshaller (G_TYPE_NONE, gsignature->len,
-                                                 (GType*) gsignature->data);
-  g_return_if_fail (c_marshaller != NULL);
-  {
-    DBusGValueMarshalCtx context;
-    context.gconnection = DBUS_G_CONNECTION_FROM_CONNECTION (priv->manager->connection);
-    context.proxy = proxy;
-    types = (const GType*) gsignature->data;
-    value_array = _dbus_gvalue_demarshal_message (&context, message,
-                                                gsignature->len, types, NULL);
-  }
-  if (value_array == NULL)
-    return;
-  g_value_array_prepend (value_array, NULL);
-  g_value_init (g_value_array_get_nth (value_array, 0), G_TYPE_FROM_INSTANCE (proxy));
-  g_value_set_instance (g_value_array_get_nth (value_array, 0), proxy);
-  (* c_marshaller) (closure, return_value, value_array->n_values,
-                   value_array->values, invocation_hint, marshal_data);
-  g_value_array_free (value_array);
-static void
-dbus_g_proxy_emit_remote_signal (DBusGProxy  *proxy,
-                                 DBusMessage *message)
-  const char *interface;
-  const char *signal;
-  char *name;
-  GQuark q;
-  DBusGProxyPrivate *priv = DBUS_G_PROXY_GET_PRIVATE(proxy);
-  GArray *msg_gsignature = NULL;
-  g_return_if_fail (!DBUS_G_PROXY_DESTROYED (proxy));
-  interface = dbus_message_get_interface (message);
-  signal = dbus_message_get_member (message);
-  g_assert (interface != NULL);
-  g_assert (signal != NULL);
-  name = create_signal_name (interface, signal);
-  /* If the quark isn't preexisting, there's no way there
-   * are any handlers connected. We don't want to create
-   * extra quarks for every possible signal.
-   */
-  q = g_quark_try_string (name);
-  if (q != 0)
-    {
-      GArray *gsignature;
-      guint i;
-      gsignature = g_datalist_id_get_data (&priv->signal_signatures, q);
-      if (gsignature == NULL)
-       goto out;
-      msg_gsignature = _dbus_gtypes_from_arg_signature (dbus_message_get_signature (message),
-                                                      TRUE);
-      for (i = 0; i < gsignature->len; i++)
-       {
-         if (msg_gsignature->len == i
-             || g_array_index (gsignature, GType, i) != g_array_index (msg_gsignature, GType, i))
-           goto mismatch;
-       }
-      if (msg_gsignature->len != i)
-       goto mismatch;
-      g_signal_emit (proxy,
-                    signals[RECEIVED],
-                    q,
-                    message,
-                    msg_gsignature);
-    }
- out:
-  g_free (name);
-  if (msg_gsignature)
-    g_array_free (msg_gsignature, TRUE);
-  return;
- mismatch:
-#if 0
-  /* Don't spew on remote errors */
-  g_warning ("Unexpected message signature '%s' for signal '%s'\n",
-            dbus_message_get_signature (message),
-            name);
-  goto out;
-typedef struct
-  DBusGProxy *proxy;
-  guint call_id;
-  DBusGProxyCallNotify func;
-  void *data;
-  GDestroyNotify free_data_func;
-} GPendingNotifyClosure;
-static void
-d_pending_call_notify (DBusPendingCall *dcall,
-                       void            *data)
-  GPendingNotifyClosure *closure = data;
-  (* closure->func) (closure->proxy, DBUS_G_PROXY_ID_TO_CALL (closure->call_id), closure->data);
-static void
-d_pending_call_free (void *data)
-  GPendingNotifyClosure *closure = data;
-  if (closure->free_data_func)
-    (* closure->free_data_func) (closure->data);
-  g_free (closure);
-do { \
-  GType valtype; \
-  int i = 0; \
-  VALARRAY = g_value_array_new (6); \
-  valtype = FIRST_ARG_TYPE; \
-  while (valtype != G_TYPE_INVALID) \
-    { \
-      const char *collect_err; \
-      GValue *val; \
-      g_value_array_append (VALARRAY, NULL); \
-      val = g_value_array_get_nth (VALARRAY, i); \
-      g_value_init (val, valtype); \
-      collect_err = NULL; \
-      G_VALUE_COLLECT (val, ARGS, G_VALUE_NOCOPY_CONTENTS, &collect_err); \
-      valtype = va_arg (ARGS, GType); \
-      i++; \
-    } \
-} while (0)
-DBusGProxyCall *
-manager_begin_bus_call (DBusGProxyManager    *manager,
-                       const char           *method,
-                       DBusGProxyCallNotify  notify,
-                       gpointer              user_data,
-                       GDestroyNotify        destroy,
-                       GType                 first_arg_type,
-                       ...)
-  DBusGProxyCall *call;
-  DBusGProxyPrivate *priv;
-  va_list args;
-  GValueArray *arg_values;
-  va_start (args, first_arg_type);
-  if (!manager->bus_proxy)
-    {
-      manager->bus_proxy = g_object_new (DBUS_TYPE_G_PROXY,
-                                        "name", DBUS_SERVICE_DBUS,
-                                        "path", DBUS_PATH_DBUS,
-                                        "interface", DBUS_INTERFACE_DBUS,
-                                        NULL);
-      priv = DBUS_G_PROXY_GET_PRIVATE(manager->bus_proxy);
-      priv->manager = manager;
-    }
-  DBUS_G_VALUE_ARRAY_COLLECT_ALL (arg_values, first_arg_type, args);
-  call = DBUS_G_PROXY_ID_TO_CALL (dbus_g_proxy_begin_call_internal (manager->bus_proxy, method, notify, user_data, destroy, arg_values));
-  g_value_array_free (arg_values);
-  va_end (args);
-  return call;
-/** @} End of DBusGLibInternals */
-/** @addtogroup DBusGLib
- * @{
- */
- * Standard GObject get_type() function for DBusGProxy.
- *
- * @returns type ID for DBusGProxy class
- */
-dbus_g_proxy_get_type (void)
-  static GType object_type = 0;
-  if (!object_type)
-    {
-      static const GTypeInfo object_info =
-        {
-          sizeof (DBusGProxyClass),
-          (GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
-          (GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
-          (GClassInitFunc) dbus_g_proxy_class_init,
-          NULL,           /* class_finalize */
-          NULL,           /* class_data */
-          sizeof (DBusGProxy),
-          0,              /* n_preallocs */
-          (GInstanceInitFunc) dbus_g_proxy_init,
-        };
-      object_type = g_type_register_static (G_TYPE_OBJECT,
-                                            "DBusGProxy",
-                                            &object_info, 0);
-    }
-  return object_type;
-static DBusGProxy*
-dbus_g_proxy_new (DBusGConnection *connection,
-                  const char      *name,
-                  const char      *path_name,
-                  const char      *interface_name)
-  DBusGProxy *proxy;
-  g_assert (connection != NULL);
-  proxy = g_object_new (DBUS_TYPE_G_PROXY, 
-                        "name", name, 
-                        "path", path_name, 
-                        "interface", interface_name, 
-                        "connection", connection, NULL);
-  return proxy;
- * Creates a new proxy for a remote interface exported by a connection
- * on a message bus. Method calls and signal connections over this
- * proxy will go to the name owner; the name's owner is expected to
- * support the given interface name. THE NAME OWNER MAY CHANGE OVER
- * TIME, for example between two different method calls, unless the
- * name is a unique name. If you need a fixed owner, you need to
- * request the current owner and bind a proxy to its unique name
- * rather than to the generic name; see
- * dbus_g_proxy_new_for_name_owner().
- *
- * A name-associated proxy only makes sense with a message bus, not
- * for app-to-app direct dbus connections.
- *
- * This proxy will only emit the "destroy" signal if the
- * #DBusConnection is disconnected, the proxy has no remaining
- * references, or the name is a unique name and its owner
- * disappears. If a well-known name changes owner, the proxy will
- * still be alive.
- *
- * @param connection the connection to the remote bus
- * @param name any name on the message bus
- * @param path_name name of the object instance to call methods on
- * @param interface_name name of the interface to call methods on
- * @returns new proxy object
- */
-dbus_g_proxy_new_for_name (DBusGConnection *connection,
-                           const char      *name,
-                           const char      *path_name,
-                           const char      *interface_name)
-  g_return_val_if_fail (connection != NULL, NULL);
-  g_return_val_if_fail (name != NULL, NULL);
-  g_return_val_if_fail (path_name != NULL, NULL);
-  g_return_val_if_fail (interface_name != NULL, NULL);
-  return dbus_g_proxy_new (connection, name,
-                          path_name, interface_name);
- * Similar to dbus_g_proxy_new_for_name(), but makes a round-trip
- * request to the message bus to get the current name owner, then
- * binds the proxy to the unique name of the current owner, rather
- * than to the well-known name. As a result, the name owner will
- * not change over time, and the proxy will emit the "destroy" signal
- * when the owner disappears from the message bus.
- *
- * An example of the difference between dbus_g_proxy_new_for_name()
- * and dbus_g_proxy_new_for_name_owner(): if you provide the well-known name
- * "org.freedesktop.Database" dbus_g_proxy_new_for_name() remains bound
- * to that name as it changes owner. dbus_g_proxy_new_for_name_owner()
- * will fail if the name has no owner. If the name has an owner,
- * dbus_g_proxy_new_for_name_owner() will bind to the unique name
- * of that owner rather than the generic name.
- * 
- * @param connection the connection to the remote bus
- * @param name any name on the message bus
- * @param path_name name of the object inside the service to call methods on
- * @param interface_name name of the interface to call methods on
- * @param error return location for an error
- * @returns new proxy object, or #NULL on error
- */
-dbus_g_proxy_new_for_name_owner (DBusGConnection          *connection,
-                                 const char               *name,
-                                 const char               *path_name,
-                                 const char               *interface_name,
-                                 GError                  **error)
-  DBusGProxy *proxy;
-  char *unique_name;
-  g_return_val_if_fail (connection != NULL, NULL);
-  g_return_val_if_fail (name != NULL, NULL);
-  g_return_val_if_fail (path_name != NULL, NULL);
-  g_return_val_if_fail (interface_name != NULL, NULL);
-  if (!(unique_name = get_name_owner (DBUS_CONNECTION_FROM_G_CONNECTION (connection), name, error)))
-    return NULL;
-  proxy = dbus_g_proxy_new (connection, unique_name,
-                           path_name, interface_name);
-  g_free (unique_name);
-  return proxy;
- * Creates a proxy using an existing proxy as a template, substituting
- * the specified interface and path.  Either or both may be NULL.
- *
- * @param proxy the proxy to use as a template
- * @param path of the object inside the peer to call methods on
- * @param interface name of the interface to call methods on
- * @returns new proxy object
- * 
- */
-dbus_g_proxy_new_from_proxy (DBusGProxy        *proxy,
-                            const char        *interface,
-                            const char        *path)
-  DBusGProxyPrivate *priv;
-  g_return_val_if_fail (proxy != NULL, NULL);
-  priv = DBUS_G_PROXY_GET_PRIVATE(proxy);
-  if (interface == NULL)
-    interface = priv->interface;
-  if (path == NULL)
-    path = priv->path;
-  return dbus_g_proxy_new (DBUS_G_CONNECTION_FROM_CONNECTION (priv->manager->connection),
-                          priv->name,
-                          path, interface);
- * Creates a proxy for an object in peer application (one
- * we're directly connected to). That is, this function is
- * intended for use when there's no message bus involved,
- * we're doing a simple 1-to-1 communication between two
- * applications.
- *
- *
- * @param connection the connection to the peer
- * @param path_name name of the object inside the peer to call methods on
- * @param interface_name name of the interface to call methods on
- * @returns new proxy object
- * 
- */
-dbus_g_proxy_new_for_peer (DBusGConnection          *connection,
-                           const char               *path_name,
-                           const char               *interface_name)
-  DBusGProxy *proxy;
-  g_return_val_if_fail (connection != NULL, NULL);
-  g_return_val_if_fail (path_name != NULL, NULL);
-  g_return_val_if_fail (interface_name != NULL, NULL);
-  proxy = dbus_g_proxy_new (connection, NULL,
-                            path_name, interface_name);
-  return proxy;
- * Gets the bus name a proxy is bound to (may be #NULL in some cases).
- * If you created the proxy with dbus_g_proxy_new_for_name(), then
- * the name you passed to that will be returned.
- * If you created it with dbus_g_proxy_new_for_name_owner(), then the
- * unique connection name will be returned. If you created it
- * with dbus_g_proxy_new_for_peer() then #NULL will be returned.
- *
- * @param proxy the proxy
- * @returns the bus name the proxy sends messages to
- */
-const char*
-dbus_g_proxy_get_bus_name (DBusGProxy        *proxy)
-  DBusGProxyPrivate *priv;
-  g_return_val_if_fail (DBUS_IS_G_PROXY (proxy), NULL);
-  g_return_val_if_fail (!DBUS_G_PROXY_DESTROYED (proxy), NULL);
-  priv = DBUS_G_PROXY_GET_PRIVATE(proxy);
-  return priv->name;
- * Gets the object interface proxy is bound to (may be #NULL in some cases).
- *
- * @param proxy the proxy
- * @returns an object interface 
- */
-const char*
-dbus_g_proxy_get_interface (DBusGProxy        *proxy)
-  DBusGProxyPrivate *priv;
-  g_return_val_if_fail (DBUS_IS_G_PROXY (proxy), NULL);
-  g_return_val_if_fail (!DBUS_G_PROXY_DESTROYED (proxy), NULL);
-  priv = DBUS_G_PROXY_GET_PRIVATE(proxy);
-  return priv->interface;
- * Sets the object interface proxy is bound to
- *
- * @param proxy the proxy
- * @param interface_name an object interface 
- */
-dbus_g_proxy_set_interface (DBusGProxy        *proxy,
-                           const char        *interface_name)
-  DBusGProxyPrivate *priv = DBUS_G_PROXY_GET_PRIVATE(proxy);
-  /* FIXME - need to unregister when we switch interface for now
-   * later should support idea of unset interface
-   */
-  dbus_g_proxy_manager_unregister (priv->manager, proxy);
-  g_free (priv->interface);
-  priv->interface = g_strdup (interface_name);
-  dbus_g_proxy_manager_register (priv->manager, proxy);
- * Gets the path this proxy is bound to
- *
- * @param proxy the proxy
- * @returns an object path
- */
-const char*
-dbus_g_proxy_get_path (DBusGProxy        *proxy)
-  DBusGProxyPrivate *priv;
-  g_return_val_if_fail (DBUS_IS_G_PROXY (proxy), NULL);
-  g_return_val_if_fail (!DBUS_G_PROXY_DESTROYED (proxy), NULL);
-  priv = DBUS_G_PROXY_GET_PRIVATE(proxy);
-  return priv->path;
-static DBusMessage *
-dbus_g_proxy_marshal_args_to_message (DBusGProxy  *proxy,
-                                     const char  *method,
-                                     GValueArray *args)
-  DBusMessage *message;
-  DBusMessageIter msgiter;
-  guint i;
-  DBusGProxyPrivate *priv = DBUS_G_PROXY_GET_PRIVATE(proxy);
-  message = dbus_message_new_method_call (priv->name,
-                                          priv->path,
-                                          priv->interface,
-                                          method);
-  if (message == NULL)
-    goto oom;
-  dbus_message_iter_init_append (message, &msgiter);
-  for (i = 0; i < args->n_values; i++)
-    {
-      GValue *gvalue;
-      gvalue = g_value_array_get_nth (args, i);
-      if (!_dbus_gvalue_marshal (&msgiter, gvalue))
-       g_assert_not_reached ();
-    }
-  return message;
- oom:
-  return NULL;
-static guint
-dbus_g_proxy_begin_call_internal (DBusGProxy          *proxy,
-                                 const char          *method,
-                                 DBusGProxyCallNotify notify,
-                                 gpointer             user_data,
-                                 GDestroyNotify       destroy,
-                                 GValueArray         *args)
-  DBusMessage *message;
-  DBusPendingCall *pending;
-  GPendingNotifyClosure *closure;
-  guint call_id;
-  DBusGProxyPrivate *priv = DBUS_G_PROXY_GET_PRIVATE(proxy);
-  pending = NULL;
-  message = dbus_g_proxy_marshal_args_to_message (proxy, method, args);
-  if (!message)
-    goto oom;
-  if (!dbus_connection_send_with_reply (priv->manager->connection,
-                                        message,
-                                        &pending,
-                                        -1))
-    goto oom;
-  dbus_message_unref (message);
-  g_assert (pending != NULL);
-  call_id = ++priv->call_id_counter;
-  if (notify != NULL)
-    {
-      closure = g_new (GPendingNotifyClosure, 1);
-      closure->proxy = proxy; /* No need to ref as the lifecycle is tied to proxy */
-      closure->call_id = call_id;
-      closure->func = notify;
-      closure->data = user_data;
-      closure->free_data_func = destroy;
-      dbus_pending_call_set_notify (pending, d_pending_call_notify,
-                                   closure,
-                                   d_pending_call_free);
-    }
-  g_hash_table_insert (priv->pending_calls, GUINT_TO_POINTER (call_id), pending);
-  return call_id;
- oom:
-  g_error ("Out of memory");
-  return 0;
-static gboolean
-dbus_g_proxy_end_call_internal (DBusGProxy        *proxy,
-                               guint              call_id,
-                               GError           **error,
-                               GType              first_arg_type,
-                               va_list            args)
-  DBusMessage *reply;
-  DBusMessageIter msgiter;
-  DBusError derror;
-  va_list args_unwind;
-  guint over;
-  int n_retvals_processed;
-  gboolean ret;
-  GType valtype;
-  DBusPendingCall *pending;
-  DBusGProxyPrivate *priv = DBUS_G_PROXY_GET_PRIVATE(proxy);
-  reply = NULL;
-  ret = FALSE;
-  n_retvals_processed = 0;
-  over = 0;
-  pending = g_hash_table_lookup (priv->pending_calls, GUINT_TO_POINTER (call_id));
-  dbus_pending_call_block (pending);
-  reply = dbus_pending_call_steal_reply (pending);
-  g_assert (reply != NULL);
-  dbus_error_init (&derror);
-  switch (dbus_message_get_type (reply))
-    {
-      dbus_message_iter_init (reply, &msgiter);
-      valtype = first_arg_type;
-      while (valtype != G_TYPE_INVALID)
-       {
-         int arg_type;
-         gpointer return_storage;
-         GValue gvalue = { 0, };
-         DBusGValueMarshalCtx context;
-         context.gconnection = DBUS_G_CONNECTION_FROM_CONNECTION (priv->manager->connection);
-         context.proxy = proxy;
-         arg_type = dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type (&msgiter);
-         if (arg_type == DBUS_TYPE_INVALID)
-           {
-             g_set_error (error, DBUS_GERROR,
-                          DBUS_GERROR_INVALID_ARGS,
-                          _("Too few arguments in reply"));
-             goto out;
-           }
-         return_storage = va_arg (args, gpointer);
-         if (return_storage == NULL)
-           goto next;
-         /* We handle variants specially; the caller is expected
-          * to have already allocated storage for them.
-          */
-         if (arg_type == DBUS_TYPE_VARIANT
-             && g_type_is_a (valtype, G_TYPE_VALUE))
-           {
-             if (!_dbus_gvalue_demarshal_variant (&context, &msgiter, (GValue*) return_storage, NULL))
-               {
-                 g_set_error (error,
-                              DBUS_GERROR,
-                              DBUS_GERROR_INVALID_ARGS,
-                              _("Couldn't convert argument, expected \"%s\""),
-                              g_type_name (valtype));
-                 goto out;
-               }
-           }
-         else
-           {
-             g_value_init (&gvalue, valtype);
-             if (!_dbus_gvalue_demarshal (&context, &msgiter, &gvalue, error))
-               goto out;
-             /* Anything that can be demarshaled must be storable */
-             if (!_dbus_gvalue_store (&gvalue, (gpointer*) return_storage))
-               g_assert_not_reached ();
-             /* Ownership of the value passes to the client, don't unset */
-           }
-       next:
-         n_retvals_processed++;
-         dbus_message_iter_next (&msgiter);
-         valtype = va_arg (args, GType);
-       }
-      while (dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type (&msgiter) != DBUS_TYPE_INVALID)
-       {
-         over++;
-         dbus_message_iter_next (&msgiter);
-       }
-      if (over > 0)
-       {
-         g_set_error (error, DBUS_GERROR,
-                      DBUS_GERROR_INVALID_ARGS,
-                      _("Too many arguments in reply; expected %d, got %d"),
-                      n_retvals_processed, over);
-         goto out;
-       }
-      break;
-      dbus_set_error_from_message (&derror, reply);
-      dbus_set_g_error (error, &derror);
-      dbus_error_free (&derror);
-      goto out;
-      break;
-    default:
-      dbus_set_error (&derror, DBUS_ERROR_FAILED,
-                      "Reply was neither a method return nor an exception");
-      dbus_set_g_error (error, &derror);
-      dbus_error_free (&derror);
-      goto out;
-      break;
-    }
-  ret = TRUE;
- out:
-  va_end (args);
-  if (ret == FALSE)
-    {
-      int i;
-      for (i = 0; i < n_retvals_processed; i++)
-       {
-         gpointer retval;
-         retval = va_arg (args_unwind, gpointer);
-         g_free (retval);
-       }
-    }
-  va_end (args_unwind);
-  g_hash_table_remove (priv->pending_calls, GUINT_TO_POINTER (call_id));
-  if (reply)
-    dbus_message_unref (reply);
-  return ret;
- * Asynchronously invokes a method on a remote interface. The method
- * call will not be sent over the wire until the application returns
- * to the main loop, or blocks in dbus_connection_flush() to write out
- * pending data.  The call will be completed after a timeout, or when
- * a reply is received.  When the call returns, the callback specified
- * will be invoked; you can then collect the results of the call
- * (which may be an error, or a reply), use dbus_g_proxy_end_call().
- *
- * @todo this particular function shouldn't die on out of memory,
- * since you should be able to do a call with large arguments.
- * 
- * @param proxy a proxy for a remote interface
- * @param method the name of the method to invoke
- * @param notify callback to be invoked when method returns
- * @param user_data user data passed to callback
- * @param destroy function called to destroy user_data
- * @param first_arg_type type of the first argument
- *
- * @returns call identifier
- *  */
-DBusGProxyCall *
-dbus_g_proxy_begin_call (DBusGProxy          *proxy,
-                        const char          *method,
-                        DBusGProxyCallNotify notify,
-                        gpointer             user_data,
-                        GDestroyNotify       destroy,
-                        GType                first_arg_type,
-                        ...)
-  guint call_id;
-  va_list args;
-  GValueArray *arg_values;
-  g_return_val_if_fail (DBUS_IS_G_PROXY (proxy), FALSE);
-  g_return_val_if_fail (!DBUS_G_PROXY_DESTROYED (proxy), FALSE);
-  va_start (args, first_arg_type);
-  DBUS_G_VALUE_ARRAY_COLLECT_ALL (arg_values, first_arg_type, args);
-  call_id = dbus_g_proxy_begin_call_internal (proxy, method, notify, user_data, destroy, arg_values);
-  g_value_array_free (arg_values);
-  va_end (args);
-  return DBUS_G_PROXY_ID_TO_CALL (call_id);
- * Collects the results of a method call. The method call was normally
- * initiated with dbus_g_proxy_end_call(). You may use this function
- * outside of the callback given to dbus_g_proxy_begin_call; in that
- * case this function will block if the results haven't yet been
- * received.
- *
- * If the call results in an error, the error is set as normal for
- * GError and the function returns #FALSE.
- *
- * Otherwise, the "out" parameters and return value of the
- * method are stored in the provided varargs list.
- * The list should be terminated with G_TYPE_INVALID.
- *
- * @param proxy a proxy for a remote interface
- * @param call the pending call ID from dbus_g_proxy_begin_call()
- * @param error return location for an error
- * @param first_arg_type type of first "out" argument
- * @returns #FALSE if an error is set
- */
-dbus_g_proxy_end_call (DBusGProxy          *proxy,
-                       DBusGProxyCall      *call,
-                       GError             **error,
-                       GType                first_arg_type,
-                       ...)
-  gboolean ret;
-  va_list args;
-  va_start (args, first_arg_type);
-  ret = dbus_g_proxy_end_call_internal (proxy, GPOINTER_TO_UINT (call), error, first_arg_type, args);
-  va_end (args);
-  return ret;
- * Function for synchronously invoking a method and receiving reply
- * values.  This function is equivalent to dbus_g_proxy_begin_call
- * followed by dbus_g_proxy_end_call.  All of the input arguments are
- * specified first, followed by G_TYPE_INVALID, followed by all of the
- * output values, followed by a second G_TYPE_INVALID.  Note that  
- * this means you must always specify G_TYPE_INVALID twice.
- *
- * @param proxy a proxy for a remote interface
- * @param method method to invoke
- * @param error return location for an error
- * @param first_arg_type type of first "in" argument
- * @returns #FALSE if an error is set, TRUE otherwise
- */
-dbus_g_proxy_call (DBusGProxy        *proxy,
-                  const char        *method,
-                  GError           **error,
-                  GType              first_arg_type,
-                  ...)
-  gboolean ret;
-  guint call_id;
-  va_list args;
-  GValueArray *in_args;
-  g_return_val_if_fail (DBUS_IS_G_PROXY (proxy), FALSE);
-  g_return_val_if_fail (!DBUS_G_PROXY_DESTROYED (proxy), FALSE);
-  va_start (args, first_arg_type);
-  DBUS_G_VALUE_ARRAY_COLLECT_ALL (in_args, first_arg_type, args);
-  call_id = dbus_g_proxy_begin_call_internal (proxy, method, NULL, NULL, NULL, in_args);
-  g_value_array_free (in_args);
-  first_arg_type = va_arg (args, GType);
-  ret = dbus_g_proxy_end_call_internal (proxy, call_id, error, first_arg_type, args);
-  va_end (args);
-  return ret;
- * Sends a method call message as with dbus_g_proxy_begin_call(), but
- * does not ask for a reply or allow you to receive one.
- *
- * @todo this particular function shouldn't die on out of memory,
- * since you should be able to do a call with large arguments.
- * 
- * @param proxy a proxy for a remote interface
- * @param method the name of the method to invoke
- * @param first_arg_type type of the first argument
- */
-dbus_g_proxy_call_no_reply (DBusGProxy               *proxy,
-                           const char               *method,
-                           GType                     first_arg_type,
-                           ...)
-  DBusMessage *message;
-  va_list args;
-  GValueArray *in_args;
-  DBusGProxyPrivate *priv;
-  g_return_if_fail (DBUS_IS_G_PROXY (proxy));
-  g_return_if_fail (!DBUS_G_PROXY_DESTROYED (proxy));
-  priv = DBUS_G_PROXY_GET_PRIVATE(proxy);
-  va_start (args, first_arg_type);
-  DBUS_G_VALUE_ARRAY_COLLECT_ALL (in_args, first_arg_type, args);
-  message = dbus_g_proxy_marshal_args_to_message (proxy, method, in_args);
-  g_value_array_free (in_args);
-  va_end (args);
-  if (!message)
-    goto oom;
-  dbus_message_set_no_reply (message, TRUE);
-  if (!dbus_connection_send (priv->manager->connection,
-                             message,
-                             NULL))
-    goto oom;
-  dbus_message_unref (message);
-  return;
- oom:
-  g_error ("Out of memory");
- * Cancels a pending method call. The method call was normally
- * initiated with dbus_g_proxy_begin_call().  This function
- * may not be used on pending calls that have already been
- * ended with dbus_g_proxy_end_call.
- *
- * @param proxy a proxy for a remote interface
- * @param call the pending call ID from dbus_g_proxy_begin_call()
- */
-dbus_g_proxy_cancel_call (DBusGProxy        *proxy,
-                         DBusGProxyCall    *call)
-  guint call_id;
-  DBusPendingCall *pending;
-  DBusGProxyPrivate *priv;
-  g_return_if_fail (DBUS_IS_G_PROXY (proxy));
-  g_return_if_fail (!DBUS_G_PROXY_DESTROYED (proxy));
-  priv = DBUS_G_PROXY_GET_PRIVATE(proxy);
-  call_id = DBUS_G_PROXY_CALL_TO_ID (call);
-  pending = g_hash_table_lookup (priv->pending_calls, GUINT_TO_POINTER (call_id));
-  g_return_if_fail (pending != NULL);
-  dbus_pending_call_cancel (pending);
-  g_hash_table_remove (priv->pending_calls, GUINT_TO_POINTER (call_id));
- * Sends a message to the interface we're proxying for.  Does not
- * block or wait for a reply. The message is only actually written out
- * when you return to the main loop or block in
- * dbus_connection_flush().
- *
- * The message is modified to be addressed to the target interface.
- * That is, a destination name field or whatever is needed will be
- * added to the message. The basic point of this function is to add
- * the necessary header fields, otherwise it's equivalent to
- * dbus_connection_send().
- *
- * This function adds a reference to the message, so the caller
- * still owns its original reference.
- * 
- * @param proxy a proxy for a remote interface
- * @param message the message to address and send
- * @param client_serial return location for message's serial, or #NULL */
-dbus_g_proxy_send (DBusGProxy          *proxy,
-                   DBusMessage         *message,
-                   dbus_uint32_t       *client_serial)
-  DBusGProxyPrivate *priv;
-  g_return_if_fail (DBUS_IS_G_PROXY (proxy));
-  g_return_if_fail (!DBUS_G_PROXY_DESTROYED (proxy));
-  priv = DBUS_G_PROXY_GET_PRIVATE(proxy);
-  if (priv->name)
-    {
-      if (!dbus_message_set_destination (message, priv->name))
-        g_error ("Out of memory");
-    }
-  if (priv->path)
-    {
-      if (!dbus_message_set_path (message, priv->path))
-        g_error ("Out of memory");
-    }
-  if (priv->interface)
-    {
-      if (!dbus_message_set_interface (message, priv->interface))
-        g_error ("Out of memory");
-    }
-  if (!dbus_connection_send (priv->manager->connection, message, client_serial))
-    g_error ("Out of memory\n");
-static void
-array_free_all (gpointer array)
-  g_array_free (array, TRUE);
- * Specifies the argument signature of a signal;.only necessary
- * if the remote object does not support introspection.  The arguments
- * specified are the GLib types expected.
- *
- * @param proxy the proxy for a remote interface
- * @param signal_name the name of the signal
- * @param first_type the first argument type, or G_TYPE_INVALID if none
- */
-dbus_g_proxy_add_signal  (DBusGProxy        *proxy,
-                          const char        *signal_name,
-                         GType              first_type,
-                          ...)
-  GQuark q;
-  char *name;
-  GArray *gtypesig;
-  GType gtype;
-  va_list args;
-  DBusGProxyPrivate *priv;
-  g_return_if_fail (DBUS_IS_G_PROXY (proxy));
-  g_return_if_fail (!DBUS_G_PROXY_DESTROYED (proxy));
-  g_return_if_fail (signal_name != NULL);
-  priv = DBUS_G_PROXY_GET_PRIVATE(proxy);
-  name = create_signal_name (priv->interface, signal_name);
-  q = g_quark_from_string (name);
-  g_return_if_fail (g_datalist_id_get_data (&priv->signal_signatures, q) == NULL);
-  gtypesig = g_array_new (FALSE, TRUE, sizeof (GType));
-  va_start (args, first_type);
-  gtype = first_type;
-  while (gtype != G_TYPE_INVALID)
-    {
-      g_array_append_val (gtypesig, gtype);
-      gtype = va_arg (args, GType);
-    }
-  va_end (args);
-  if (_dbus_gobject_lookup_marshaller (G_TYPE_NONE, gtypesig->len, (const GType*) gtypesig->data) == NULL)
-    g_warning ("No marshaller for signature of signal '%s'", signal_name);
-  g_datalist_id_set_data_full (&priv->signal_signatures,
-                               q, gtypesig,
-                               array_free_all);
-  g_free (name);
- * Connect a signal handler to a proxy for a remote interface.  When
- * the remote interface emits the specified signal, the proxy will
- * emit a corresponding GLib signal.
- *
- * @param proxy a proxy for a remote interface
- * @param signal_name the DBus signal name to listen for
- * @param handler the handler to connect
- * @param data data to pass to handler
- * @param free_data_func callback function to destroy data
- */
-dbus_g_proxy_connect_signal (DBusGProxy             *proxy,
-                             const char             *signal_name,
-                             GCallback               handler,
-                             void                   *data,
-                             GClosureNotify          free_data_func)
-  char *name;
-  GClosure *closure;
-  GQuark q;
-  DBusGProxyPrivate *priv;
-  g_return_if_fail (DBUS_IS_G_PROXY (proxy));
-  g_return_if_fail (!DBUS_G_PROXY_DESTROYED (proxy));
-  g_return_if_fail (signal_name != NULL);
-  g_return_if_fail (handler != NULL);
-  priv = DBUS_G_PROXY_GET_PRIVATE(proxy);
-  name = create_signal_name (priv->interface, signal_name);
-  q = g_quark_try_string (name);
-  if (q == 0 || g_datalist_id_get_data (&priv->signal_signatures, q) == NULL)
-    {
-      g_warning ("Must add the signal '%s' with dbus_g_proxy_add_signal() prior to connecting to it\n", name);
-      g_free (name);
-      return;
-    }
-  closure = g_cclosure_new (G_CALLBACK (handler), data, free_data_func);
-  g_signal_connect_closure_by_id (G_OBJECT (proxy),
-                                  signals[RECEIVED],
-                                  q,
-                                  closure, FALSE);
-  g_free (name);
- * Disconnect all signal handlers from a proxy that match the given
- * criteria.
- *
- * @param proxy a proxy for a remote interface
- * @param signal_name the DBus signal name to disconnect
- * @param handler the handler to disconnect
- * @param data the data that was registered with handler
- */
-dbus_g_proxy_disconnect_signal (DBusGProxy             *proxy,
-                                const char             *signal_name,
-                                GCallback               handler,
-                                void                   *data)
-  char *name;
-  GQuark q;
-  DBusGProxyPrivate *priv;
-  g_return_if_fail (DBUS_IS_G_PROXY (proxy));
-  g_return_if_fail (!DBUS_G_PROXY_DESTROYED (proxy));
-  g_return_if_fail (signal_name != NULL);
-  g_return_if_fail (handler != NULL);
-  priv = DBUS_G_PROXY_GET_PRIVATE(proxy);
-  name = create_signal_name (priv->interface, signal_name);
-  q = g_quark_try_string (name);
-  if (q != 0)
-    {
-      g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched (G_OBJECT (proxy),
-                                            G_SIGNAL_MATCH_DETAIL |
-                                            G_SIGNAL_MATCH_FUNC   |
-                                            G_SIGNAL_MATCH_DATA,
-                                            signals[RECEIVED],
-                                            q,
-                                            NULL,
-                                            G_CALLBACK (handler), data);
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      g_warning ("Attempt to disconnect from signal '%s' which is not registered\n",
-                 name);
-    }
-  g_free (name);
-/** @} End of DBusGLib public */
- * @ingroup DBusGLibInternals
- * Unit test for GLib proxy functions
- * @returns #TRUE on success.
- */
-_dbus_g_proxy_test (void)
-  return TRUE;
-#endif /* DBUS_BUILD_TESTS */
diff --git a/glib/dbus-gsignature.c b/glib/dbus-gsignature.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 5df959d..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu" -*- */
-/* dbus-gsignature.c Mapping from dbus type signatures to GType
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc.
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- * 
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- * 
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *
- */
-#include "config.h"
-#include "dbus-gtest.h"
-#include "dbus-gsignature.h"
-#include "dbus-gvalue-utils.h"
-#include <string.h>
-#include <glib.h>
-#define MAP_BASIC(d_t, g_t)                     \
-    case DBUS_TYPE_##d_t:                       \
-      return G_TYPE_##g_t;
-static GType
-typecode_to_gtype (int type)
-  switch (type)
-    {
-      MAP_BASIC (BYTE,    UCHAR);
-      MAP_BASIC (INT16,   INT);
-      MAP_BASIC (INT32,   INT);
-      MAP_BASIC (UINT16,  UINT);
-      MAP_BASIC (UINT32,  UINT);
-      MAP_BASIC (INT64,   INT64);
-      MAP_BASIC (UINT64,  UINT64);
-    default:
-      return G_TYPE_INVALID;
-    }
-#undef MAP_BASIC
-static gboolean
-dbus_typecode_maps_to_basic (int typecode)
-  return typecode_to_gtype (typecode) != G_TYPE_INVALID;
-_dbus_gtype_from_basic_typecode (int typecode)
-  g_assert (dbus_type_is_basic (typecode));
-  g_assert (dbus_typecode_maps_to_basic (typecode));
-  return typecode_to_gtype (typecode);
-static GType
-signature_iter_to_g_type_dict (const DBusSignatureIter *subiter, gboolean is_client)
-  DBusSignatureIter iter;
-  GType key_gtype;
-  GType value_gtype;
-  g_assert (dbus_signature_iter_get_current_type (subiter) == DBUS_TYPE_DICT_ENTRY);
-  dbus_signature_iter_recurse (subiter, &iter);
-  key_gtype = _dbus_gtype_from_signature_iter (&iter, is_client); 
-  if (key_gtype == G_TYPE_INVALID)
-    return G_TYPE_INVALID;
-  dbus_signature_iter_next (&iter);
-  value_gtype = _dbus_gtype_from_signature_iter (&iter, is_client);
-  if (value_gtype == G_TYPE_INVALID)
-    return G_TYPE_INVALID;
-  if (!_dbus_gtype_is_valid_hash_key (key_gtype)
-      || !_dbus_gtype_is_valid_hash_value (value_gtype))
-    /* Later we need to return DBUS_TYPE_G_VALUE */
-    return G_TYPE_INVALID; 
-  return dbus_g_type_get_map ("GHashTable", key_gtype, value_gtype);
-static GType
-signature_iter_to_g_type_array (DBusSignatureIter *iter, gboolean is_client)
-  GType elt_gtype;
-  elt_gtype = _dbus_gtype_from_signature_iter (iter, is_client);
-  if (elt_gtype == G_TYPE_INVALID)
-    return G_TYPE_INVALID;
-  if (elt_gtype == G_TYPE_OBJECT)
-  if (elt_gtype == G_TYPE_STRING)
-    return G_TYPE_STRV;
-  if (_dbus_g_type_is_fixed (elt_gtype))
-    return dbus_g_type_get_collection ("GArray", elt_gtype);
-  else if (g_type_is_a (elt_gtype, G_TYPE_OBJECT)
-          || g_type_is_a (elt_gtype, G_TYPE_BOXED))
-    return dbus_g_type_get_collection ("GPtrArray", elt_gtype);
-  /* Later we need to return DBUS_TYPE_G_VALUE */
-  return G_TYPE_INVALID; 
-static GType
-signature_iter_to_g_type_struct (DBusSignatureIter *iter, gboolean is_client)
-  GArray *types;
-  GType ret;
-  types = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (GType));
-  do
-    {
-      GType curtype;
-      curtype = _dbus_gtype_from_signature_iter (iter, is_client);
-      g_array_append_val (types, curtype);
-    }
-  while (dbus_signature_iter_next (iter));
-  ret = dbus_g_type_get_structv ("GValueArray", types->len, (GType*) types->data);
-  g_array_free (types, TRUE);
-  return ret;
-_dbus_gtype_from_signature_iter (DBusSignatureIter *iter, gboolean is_client)
-  int current_type;
-  current_type = dbus_signature_iter_get_current_type (iter);
-  /* TODO: handle type 0? */
-  if (dbus_typecode_maps_to_basic (current_type))
-    return _dbus_gtype_from_basic_typecode (current_type);
-  else if (current_type == DBUS_TYPE_OBJECT_PATH)
-  else
-    {
-      DBusSignatureIter subiter;
-      g_assert (dbus_type_is_container (current_type));
-      if (current_type == DBUS_TYPE_VARIANT)
-       return G_TYPE_VALUE;
-      dbus_signature_iter_recurse (iter, &subiter);
-      if (current_type == DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY)
-       {
-         int elt_type = dbus_signature_iter_get_current_type (&subiter);
-         if (elt_type == DBUS_TYPE_DICT_ENTRY)
-           return signature_iter_to_g_type_dict (&subiter, is_client);
-         else 
-           return signature_iter_to_g_type_array (&subiter, is_client);
-       }
-      else if (current_type == DBUS_TYPE_STRUCT)
-        {
-          return signature_iter_to_g_type_struct (&subiter, is_client);
-        }
-      else
-       {
-         g_assert_not_reached ();
-         return G_TYPE_INVALID;
-       }
-    }
-_dbus_gtype_from_signature (const char *signature, gboolean is_client)
-  DBusSignatureIter iter;
-  dbus_signature_iter_init (&iter, signature);
-  return _dbus_gtype_from_signature_iter (&iter, is_client);
-GArray *
-_dbus_gtypes_from_arg_signature (const char *argsig, gboolean is_client)
-  GArray *ret;
-  int current_type;
-  DBusSignatureIter sigiter;
-  ret = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (GType));
-  dbus_signature_iter_init (&sigiter, argsig);
-  while ((current_type = dbus_signature_iter_get_current_type (&sigiter)) != DBUS_TYPE_INVALID)
-    {
-      GType curtype;
-      curtype = _dbus_gtype_from_signature_iter (&sigiter, is_client);
-      g_array_append_val (ret, curtype);
-      dbus_signature_iter_next (&sigiter);
-    }
-  return ret;
diff --git a/glib/dbus-gsignature.h b/glib/dbus-gsignature.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 08757e1..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-#include <dbus/dbus.h>
-#include <dbus/dbus-signature.h>
-#include <glib.h>
-GType          _dbus_gtype_from_basic_typecode (int typecode);
-GType          _dbus_gtype_from_signature      (const char              *signature,
-                                              gboolean                 is_client);
-GType          _dbus_gtype_from_signature_iter (DBusSignatureIter       *sigiter,
-                                              gboolean                 is_client);
-GArray *       _dbus_gtypes_from_arg_signature (const char              *signature,
-                                               gboolean                 is_client);
diff --git a/glib/dbus-gtest-main.c b/glib/dbus-gtest-main.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index c23c5c1..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu" -*- */
-/* dbus-gtest-main.c  Program to run all libdbus-glib tests
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2003  Red Hat Inc.
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- * 
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- * 
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include "dbus-gtest.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <locale.h>
-main (int    argc,
-      char **argv)
-  const char *test_data_dir;
-  setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
-  if (argc > 1)
-    test_data_dir = argv[1];
-  else
-    test_data_dir = NULL;
-  dbus_glib_internal_do_not_use_run_tests (test_data_dir);
-  return 0;
diff --git a/glib/dbus-gtest.c b/glib/dbus-gtest.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index e5c2e8b..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu" -*- */
-/* dbus-test.c  Program to run all tests
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2002, 2003  Red Hat Inc.
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- * 
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- * 
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include "dbus-gtest.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <glib.h>
-static void
-die (const char *failure)
-  fprintf (stderr, "Unit test failed: %s\n", failure);
-  exit (1);
-#endif /* DBUS_BUILD_TESTS */
- * An exported symbol to be run in order to execute
- * unit tests. Should not be used by
- * any app other than our test app, this symbol
- * won't exist in some builds of the library.
- * (with --enable-tests=no)
- *
- * @param test_data_dir the directory with test data (test/data normally)
- */
-dbus_glib_internal_do_not_use_run_tests (const char *test_data_dir)
-  if (test_data_dir == NULL)
-    test_data_dir = g_getenv ("DBUS_TEST_DATA");
-  if (test_data_dir != NULL)
-    printf ("Test data in %s\n", test_data_dir);
-  else
-    printf ("No test data!\n");
-  g_type_init ();
-  printf ("%s: running GValue util tests\n", "dbus-glib-test");
-  if (!_dbus_gvalue_utils_test (test_data_dir))
-    die ("gvalue utils");
-  printf ("%s: running GValue tests\n", "dbus-glib-test");
-  if (!_dbus_gvalue_test (test_data_dir))
-    die ("gvalue utils");
-  printf ("%s: running glib tests\n", "dbus-glib-test");
-  if (!_dbus_glib_test (test_data_dir))
-    die ("glib");
-  printf ("%s: running utils tests\n", "dbus-glib-test");
-  if (!_dbus_gutils_test (test_data_dir))
-    die ("gutils");
-  printf ("%s: running mainloop integration tests\n", "dbus-glib-test");
-  if (!_dbus_gmain_test (test_data_dir))
-    die ("gmain");
-  printf ("%s: running GObject tests\n", "dbus-glib-test");
-  if (!_dbus_gobject_test (test_data_dir))
-    die ("gobject");
-  printf ("%s: completed successfully\n", "dbus-glib-test");
-  printf ("Not compiled with unit tests, not running any\n");
diff --git a/glib/dbus-gtest.h b/glib/dbus-gtest.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 75633ea..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu" -*- */
-/* dbus-gtest.h  Declarations of test functions.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2003  Red Hat Inc.
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- * 
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- * 
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *
- */
-#include <dbus/dbus-glib.h>
-gboolean _dbus_gmain_test   (const char *test_data_dir);
-gboolean _dbus_gobject_test (const char *test_data_dir);
-gboolean _dbus_gutils_test  (const char *test_data_dir);
-gboolean _dbus_glib_test    (const char *test_data_dir);
-gboolean _dbus_gvalue_test  (const char *test_data_dir);
-gboolean _dbus_gvalue_utils_test    (const char *test_data_dir);
-void dbus_glib_internal_do_not_use_run_tests (const char *test_data_dir);
-#endif /* DBUS_GLIB_TEST_H */
diff --git a/glib/dbus-gthread.c b/glib/dbus-gthread.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 1b925cd..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu" -*- */
-/* dbus-gthread.c  GThread integration
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2002  CodeFactory AB
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- * 
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- * 
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *
- */
-/* #define G_DEBUG_LOCKS 1 */
-#include <glib.h>
-#include <dbus/dbus.h>
-#include <dbus/dbus-glib.h>
-#include <dbus/dbus-glib-lowlevel.h>
-/** @addtogroup DBusGLibInternals
- * @{
- */
-static DBusMutex * dbus_gmutex_new        (void);
-static void        dbus_gmutex_free       (DBusMutex   *mutex);
-static dbus_bool_t dbus_gmutex_lock       (DBusMutex   *mutex);
-static dbus_bool_t dbus_gmutex_unlock     (DBusMutex   *mutex);
-static DBusCondVar* dbus_gcondvar_new          (void);
-static void         dbus_gcondvar_free         (DBusCondVar *cond);
-static void         dbus_gcondvar_wait         (DBusCondVar *cond,
-                                               DBusMutex   *mutex);
-static dbus_bool_t  dbus_gcondvar_wait_timeout (DBusCondVar *cond,
-                                               DBusMutex   *mutex,
-                                               int          timeout_msec);
-static void         dbus_gcondvar_wake_one     (DBusCondVar *cond);
-static void         dbus_gcondvar_wake_all     (DBusCondVar *cond);
-static const DBusThreadFunctions functions =
-  dbus_gmutex_new,
-  dbus_gmutex_free,
-  dbus_gmutex_lock,
-  dbus_gmutex_unlock,
-  dbus_gcondvar_new,
-  dbus_gcondvar_free,
-  dbus_gcondvar_wait,
-  dbus_gcondvar_wait_timeout,
-  dbus_gcondvar_wake_one,
-  dbus_gcondvar_wake_all
-static DBusMutex *
-dbus_gmutex_new (void)
-  GMutex *mutex;
-  mutex = g_mutex_new ();
-  return (DBusMutex *)mutex;
-static void
-dbus_gmutex_free (DBusMutex *mutex)
-  g_mutex_free ((GMutex *)mutex);
-static dbus_bool_t
-dbus_gmutex_lock (DBusMutex *mutex)
-  g_mutex_lock ((GMutex *)mutex);
-  return TRUE;
-static dbus_bool_t
-dbus_gmutex_unlock (DBusMutex *mutex)
-  g_mutex_unlock ((GMutex *)mutex);
-  return TRUE;
-static DBusCondVar*
-dbus_gcondvar_new (void)
-  return (DBusCondVar*)g_cond_new ();
-static void
-dbus_gcondvar_free (DBusCondVar *cond)
-  g_cond_free ((GCond *)cond);
-static void
-dbus_gcondvar_wait (DBusCondVar *cond,
-                   DBusMutex   *mutex)
-  g_cond_wait ((GCond *)cond, (GMutex *)mutex);
-static dbus_bool_t
-dbus_gcondvar_wait_timeout (DBusCondVar *cond,
-                           DBusMutex   *mutex,
-                           int         timeout_msec)
-  GTimeVal now;
-  g_get_current_time (&now);
-  now.tv_sec += timeout_msec / 1000;
-  now.tv_usec += (timeout_msec % 1000) * 1000;
-  if (now.tv_usec > G_USEC_PER_SEC)
-    {
-      now.tv_sec += 1;
-      now.tv_usec -= G_USEC_PER_SEC;
-    }
-  return g_cond_timed_wait ((GCond *)cond, (GMutex *)mutex, &now);
-static void
-dbus_gcondvar_wake_one (DBusCondVar *cond)
-  g_cond_signal ((GCond *)cond);
-static void
-dbus_gcondvar_wake_all (DBusCondVar *cond)
-  g_cond_broadcast ((GCond *)cond);
-/** @} End of internals */
-/** @addtogroup DBusGLib
- * @{
- */
- * Initializes the D-BUS thread system to use
- * GLib threads. This function may only be called
- * once and must be called prior to calling any
- * other function in the D-BUS API.
- */
-dbus_g_thread_init (void)
-  if (!g_thread_supported ())
-    g_error ("g_thread_init() must be called before dbus_threads_init()");
-  dbus_threads_init (&functions);
-/** @} end of public API */
diff --git a/glib/dbus-gtool-test.h b/glib/dbus-gtool-test.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 971264e..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu" -*- */
-/* dbus-gtool-test.h  Declarations of test functions for dbus-glib-tool.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2003  Red Hat Inc.
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- * 
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- * 
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *
- */
-#include <dbus/dbus-glib.h>
-gboolean _dbus_gtool_test (const char *test_data_dir);
-#endif /* DBUS_GLIB_TEST_H */
diff --git a/glib/dbus-gtype-specialized.c b/glib/dbus-gtype-specialized.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 3e39c49..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,778 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu" -*- */
-/* dbus-gtype-specialized.c: Non-DBus-specific functions for specialized GTypes
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc.
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- * 
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- * 
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *
- */
-#include "dbus-gtype-specialized.h"
-#include <glib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <gobject/gvaluecollector.h>
-typedef enum {
-} DBusGTypeSpecializedType;
-typedef struct {
-  DBusGTypeSpecializedType type;
-  const DBusGTypeSpecializedVtable     *vtable;
-} DBusGTypeSpecializedContainer;
-typedef struct {
-  guint num_types;
-  GType *types;
-  const DBusGTypeSpecializedContainer     *klass;
-} DBusGTypeSpecializedData;
-static GHashTable /* char * -> data* */ *specialized_containers;
-static GQuark
-specialized_type_data_quark ()
-  static GQuark quark;
-  if (!quark)
-    quark = g_quark_from_static_string ("DBusGTypeSpecializedData");
-  return quark;
-dbus_g_type_specialized_init (void)
-  specialized_containers = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, NULL);
-static gboolean
-specialized_types_is_initialized (void)
-  return specialized_containers != NULL;
-static DBusGTypeSpecializedData *
-lookup_specialization_data (GType type)
-  return g_type_get_qdata (type, specialized_type_data_quark ());
-/* Copied from gboxed.c */
-static void
-proxy_value_init (GValue *value)
-  value->data[0].v_pointer = NULL;
-/* Adapted from gboxed.c */
-static void
-proxy_value_free (GValue *value)
-  if (value->data[0].v_pointer && !(value->data[1].v_uint & G_VALUE_NOCOPY_CONTENTS))
-    {
-      DBusGTypeSpecializedData *data;
-      GType type;
-      type = G_VALUE_TYPE (value);
-      data = lookup_specialization_data (type);
-      g_assert (data != NULL);
-      if (data->klass->vtable->free_func)
-        {
-          data->klass->vtable->free_func (type, value->data[0].v_pointer);
-        }
-      else
-        {
-          g_assert (data->klass->vtable->simple_free_func != NULL);
-          data->klass->vtable->simple_free_func (value->data[0].v_pointer);
-        }
-    }
-/* Adapted from gboxed.c */
-static void
-proxy_value_copy (const GValue *src_value,
-                 GValue       *dest_value)
-  if (src_value->data[0].v_pointer)
-    {
-      DBusGTypeSpecializedData *data;
-      GType type;
-      type = G_VALUE_TYPE (src_value);
-      data = lookup_specialization_data (type);
-      g_assert (data != NULL);
-      dest_value->data[0].v_pointer = data->klass->vtable->copy_func (type, src_value->data[0].v_pointer);
-    }
-  else
-    dest_value->data[0].v_pointer = src_value->data[0].v_pointer;
-/* Copied from gboxed.c */
-static gpointer
-proxy_value_peek_pointer (const GValue *value)
-  return value->data[0].v_pointer;
-/* Adapted from gboxed.c */
-static gchar*
-proxy_collect_value (GValue      *value,
-                    guint        n_collect_values,
-                    GTypeCValue *collect_values,
-                    guint        collect_flags)
-  DBusGTypeSpecializedData *data;
-  GType type;
-  type = G_VALUE_TYPE (value);
-  data = lookup_specialization_data (type);
-  if (!collect_values[0].v_pointer)
-    value->data[0].v_pointer = NULL;
-  else
-    {
-      if (collect_flags & G_VALUE_NOCOPY_CONTENTS)
-       {
-         value->data[0].v_pointer = collect_values[0].v_pointer;
-         value->data[1].v_uint = G_VALUE_NOCOPY_CONTENTS;
-       }
-      else
-        {
-         value->data[0].v_pointer = data->klass->vtable->copy_func (type, collect_values[0].v_pointer);
-        }
-    }
-  return NULL;
-/* Adapted from gboxed.c */
-static gchar*
-proxy_lcopy_value (const GValue *value,
-                  guint         n_collect_values,
-                  GTypeCValue  *collect_values,
-                  guint         collect_flags)
-  gpointer *boxed_p = collect_values[0].v_pointer;
-  if (!boxed_p)
-    return g_strdup_printf ("value location for `%s' passed as NULL", G_VALUE_TYPE_NAME (value));
-  if (!value->data[0].v_pointer)
-    *boxed_p = NULL;
-  else if (collect_flags & G_VALUE_NOCOPY_CONTENTS)
-    *boxed_p = value->data[0].v_pointer;
-  else
-    {
-      DBusGTypeSpecializedData *data;
-      GType type;
-      type = G_VALUE_TYPE (value);
-      data = lookup_specialization_data (type);
-      *boxed_p = data->klass->vtable->copy_func (type, value->data[0].v_pointer);
-    }
-  return NULL;
-static char *
-build_specialization_name (const char *prefix, guint num_types, GType *types)
-  GString *fullname;
-  guint i;
-  fullname = g_string_new (prefix);
-  g_string_append_c (fullname, '_');
-  for (i=0; i < num_types; i++)
-    {
-      if (i!=0)
-        g_string_append_c (fullname, '+');
-      g_string_append (fullname, g_type_name (types[i]));
-    }
-  g_string_append_c (fullname, '_');
-  return g_string_free (fullname, FALSE);
-static void
-register_container (const char                         *name,
-                   DBusGTypeSpecializedType            type,
-                   const DBusGTypeSpecializedVtable   *vtable)
-  DBusGTypeSpecializedContainer *klass;
-  klass = g_new0 (DBusGTypeSpecializedContainer, 1);
-  klass->type = type;
-  klass->vtable = vtable;
-  g_hash_table_insert (specialized_containers, g_strdup (name), klass);
-dbus_g_type_register_collection (const char                                   *name,
-                                const DBusGTypeSpecializedCollectionVtable   *vtable,
-                                guint                                         flags)
-  g_return_if_fail (specialized_types_is_initialized ());
-  register_container (name, DBUS_G_SPECTYPE_COLLECTION, (const DBusGTypeSpecializedVtable*) vtable);
-dbus_g_type_register_map (const char                            *name,
-                         const DBusGTypeSpecializedMapVtable   *vtable,
-                         guint                                  flags)
-  g_return_if_fail (specialized_types_is_initialized ());
-  register_container (name, DBUS_G_SPECTYPE_MAP, (const DBusGTypeSpecializedVtable*) vtable);
-dbus_g_type_register_struct (const char                             *name,
-                            const DBusGTypeSpecializedStructVtable *vtable,
-                            guint                                   flags)
-  g_return_if_fail (specialized_types_is_initialized ());
-  register_container (name, DBUS_G_SPECTYPE_STRUCT, (const DBusGTypeSpecializedVtable*) vtable);
-const DBusGTypeSpecializedMapVtable* dbus_g_type_map_peek_vtable (GType map_type)
-  DBusGTypeSpecializedData *data;
-  g_return_val_if_fail (dbus_g_type_is_map(map_type), NULL);
-  data = lookup_specialization_data (map_type);
-  g_assert (data != NULL);
-  return (DBusGTypeSpecializedMapVtable *)(data->klass->vtable);
-const DBusGTypeSpecializedCollectionVtable* dbus_g_type_collection_peek_vtable (GType collection_type)
-  DBusGTypeSpecializedData *data;
-  g_return_val_if_fail (dbus_g_type_is_collection(collection_type), NULL);
-  data = lookup_specialization_data (collection_type);
-  g_assert (data != NULL);
-  return (DBusGTypeSpecializedCollectionVtable *)(data->klass->vtable);
-const DBusGTypeSpecializedStructVtable* dbus_g_type_struct_peek_vtable (GType struct_type)
-  DBusGTypeSpecializedData *data;
-  g_return_val_if_fail (dbus_g_type_is_struct (struct_type), NULL);
-  data = lookup_specialization_data (struct_type);
-  g_assert (data != NULL);
-  return (DBusGTypeSpecializedStructVtable *)(data->klass->vtable);
-static GType
-register_specialized_instance (const DBusGTypeSpecializedContainer   *klass,
-                              char                                  *name,
-                              guint                                  num_types,
-                              GType                                 *types)
-  GType ret;
-  static const GTypeValueTable vtable =
-    {
-      proxy_value_init,
-      proxy_value_free,
-      proxy_value_copy,
-      proxy_value_peek_pointer,
-      "p",
-      proxy_collect_value,
-      "p",
-      proxy_lcopy_value,
-    };
-  static const GTypeInfo derived_info =
-    {
-      0,               /* class_size */
-      NULL,            /* base_init */
-      NULL,            /* base_finalize */
-      NULL,            /* class_init */
-      NULL,            /* class_finalize */
-      NULL,            /* class_data */
-      0,               /* instance_size */
-      0,               /* n_preallocs */
-      NULL,            /* instance_init */
-      &vtable,         /* value_table */
-    };
-  ret = g_type_register_static (G_TYPE_BOXED, name, &derived_info, 0);
-  /* install proxy functions upon successfull registration */
-  if (ret != G_TYPE_INVALID)
-    {
-      DBusGTypeSpecializedData *data;
-      data = g_new0 (DBusGTypeSpecializedData, 1);
-      data->num_types = num_types;
-      data->types = g_memdup (types, sizeof (GType) * num_types);
-      data->klass = klass;
-      g_type_set_qdata (ret, specialized_type_data_quark (), data);
-    }
-  return ret;
-static GType
-lookup_or_register_specialized (const char  *container,
-                               guint        num_types,
-                               GType       *types)
-  GType ret;
-  char *name;
-  const DBusGTypeSpecializedContainer *klass;
-  g_return_val_if_fail (specialized_types_is_initialized (), G_TYPE_INVALID);
-  klass = g_hash_table_lookup (specialized_containers, container);
-  g_return_val_if_fail (klass != NULL, G_TYPE_INVALID);
-  name = build_specialization_name (container, num_types, types);
-  ret = g_type_from_name (name);
-  if (ret == G_TYPE_INVALID)
-    {
-      /* Take ownership of name */
-      ret = register_specialized_instance (klass, name,
-                                          num_types,
-                                          types);
-    }
-  else
-    g_free (name);
-  return ret;
-dbus_g_type_get_collection (const char *container,
-                           GType       specialization)
-  return lookup_or_register_specialized (container, 1, &specialization);
-dbus_g_type_get_map (const char   *container,
-                    GType         key_specialization,
-                    GType         value_specialization)
-  GType types[2] = {key_specialization, value_specialization};
-  return lookup_or_register_specialized (container, 2, types);
-dbus_g_type_get_structv (const char   *container,
-                        guint         num_items,
-                        GType        *types)
-  return lookup_or_register_specialized (container, num_items, types);
-dbus_g_type_get_struct (const char *container,
-                        GType first_type,
-                        ...)
-  GArray *types;
-  GType curtype, ret;
-  va_list args;
-  va_start (args, first_type);
-  types = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (GType));
-  curtype = first_type;
-  while (curtype != G_TYPE_INVALID)
-    {
-      g_array_append_val (types, curtype);
-      curtype = va_arg (args, GType);
-    }
-  va_end (args);
-  ret = lookup_or_register_specialized (container, types->len,
-      (GType *) types->data);
-  g_array_free (types, TRUE);
-  return ret;
-dbus_g_type_is_collection (GType gtype)
-  DBusGTypeSpecializedData *data;
-  data = lookup_specialization_data (gtype);
-  if (data == NULL)
-    return FALSE;
-  return data->klass->type == DBUS_G_SPECTYPE_COLLECTION;
-dbus_g_type_is_map (GType gtype)
-  DBusGTypeSpecializedData *data;
-  data = lookup_specialization_data (gtype);
-  if (data == NULL)
-    return FALSE;
-  return data->klass->type == DBUS_G_SPECTYPE_MAP;
-dbus_g_type_is_struct (GType gtype)
-  DBusGTypeSpecializedData *data;
-  data = lookup_specialization_data (gtype);
-  if (data == NULL)
-    return FALSE;
-  return data->klass->type == DBUS_G_SPECTYPE_STRUCT;
-static GType
-get_specialization_index (GType gtype, guint i)
-  DBusGTypeSpecializedData *data;
-  data = lookup_specialization_data (gtype);
-  if (i < data->num_types)
-    return data->types[i];
-  else
-    return G_TYPE_INVALID;
-dbus_g_type_get_collection_specialization (GType gtype)
-  g_return_val_if_fail (dbus_g_type_is_collection (gtype), G_TYPE_INVALID);
-  return get_specialization_index (gtype, 0);
-dbus_g_type_get_map_key_specialization (GType gtype)
-  g_return_val_if_fail (dbus_g_type_is_map (gtype), G_TYPE_INVALID);
-  return get_specialization_index (gtype, 0);
-dbus_g_type_get_map_value_specialization (GType gtype)
-  g_return_val_if_fail (dbus_g_type_is_map (gtype), G_TYPE_INVALID);
-  return get_specialization_index (gtype, 1);
-dbus_g_type_get_struct_member_type (GType gtype, guint index)
-  g_return_val_if_fail (dbus_g_type_is_struct (gtype), G_TYPE_INVALID);
-  return get_specialization_index (gtype, index);
-dbus_g_type_get_struct_size (GType gtype)
-  DBusGTypeSpecializedData *data;
-  g_return_val_if_fail (dbus_g_type_is_struct (gtype), G_TYPE_INVALID);
-  data = lookup_specialization_data (gtype);
-  return data->num_types;
-dbus_g_type_specialized_construct (GType type)
-  DBusGTypeSpecializedData *data;
-  g_return_val_if_fail (specialized_types_is_initialized (), FALSE);
-  data = lookup_specialization_data (type);
-  g_return_val_if_fail (data != NULL, FALSE);
-  return data->klass->vtable->constructor (type);
-dbus_g_type_collection_get_fixed (GValue   *value,
-                                 gpointer *data_ret,
-                                 guint    *len_ret)
-  DBusGTypeSpecializedData *data;
-  GType gtype;
-  g_return_val_if_fail (specialized_types_is_initialized (), FALSE);
-  g_return_val_if_fail (G_VALUE_HOLDS_BOXED (value), FALSE);
-  gtype = G_VALUE_TYPE (value);
-  data = lookup_specialization_data (gtype);
-  g_return_val_if_fail (data != NULL, FALSE);
-  return ((DBusGTypeSpecializedCollectionVtable *) (data->klass->vtable))->fixed_accessor (gtype,
-                                                                                          g_value_get_boxed (value),
-                                                                                          data_ret, len_ret);
-dbus_g_type_collection_value_iterate (const GValue                           *value,
-                                     DBusGTypeSpecializedCollectionIterator  iterator,
-                                     gpointer                                user_data)
-  DBusGTypeSpecializedData *data;
-  GType gtype;
-  g_return_if_fail (specialized_types_is_initialized ());
-  g_return_if_fail (G_VALUE_HOLDS_BOXED (value));
-  gtype = G_VALUE_TYPE (value);
-  data = lookup_specialization_data (gtype);
-  g_return_if_fail (data != NULL);
-  ((DBusGTypeSpecializedCollectionVtable *) data->klass->vtable)->iterator (gtype,
-                                                                           g_value_get_boxed (value),
-                                                                           iterator, user_data);
-typedef struct {
-  GValue *val;
-  GType specialization_type;
-  DBusGTypeSpecializedData *specdata;
-} DBusGTypeSpecializedAppendContextReal;
-dbus_g_type_specialized_init_append (GValue *value, DBusGTypeSpecializedAppendContext *ctx)
-  DBusGTypeSpecializedAppendContextReal *realctx = (DBusGTypeSpecializedAppendContextReal *) ctx;
-  GType gtype;
-  DBusGTypeSpecializedData *specdata;
-  g_return_if_fail (specialized_types_is_initialized ());
-  g_return_if_fail (G_VALUE_HOLDS_BOXED (value));
-  gtype = G_VALUE_TYPE (value);
-  specdata = lookup_specialization_data (gtype);
-  g_return_if_fail (specdata != NULL);
-  g_return_if_fail (specdata->num_types != 0);
-  realctx->val = value;
-  realctx->specialization_type = specdata->types[0];
-  realctx->specdata = specdata;
-dbus_g_type_specialized_collection_append (DBusGTypeSpecializedAppendContext *ctx,
-                                          GValue                            *elt)
-  DBusGTypeSpecializedAppendContextReal *realctx = (DBusGTypeSpecializedAppendContextReal *) ctx;
-  ((DBusGTypeSpecializedCollectionVtable *) realctx->specdata->klass->vtable)->append_func (ctx, elt);
-dbus_g_type_specialized_collection_end_append (DBusGTypeSpecializedAppendContext *ctx)
-  DBusGTypeSpecializedAppendContextReal *realctx = (DBusGTypeSpecializedAppendContextReal *) ctx;
-  if (((DBusGTypeSpecializedCollectionVtable *) realctx->specdata->klass->vtable)->end_append_func != NULL)
-    ((DBusGTypeSpecializedCollectionVtable *) realctx->specdata->klass->vtable)->end_append_func (ctx);
-dbus_g_type_specialized_map_append (DBusGTypeSpecializedAppendContext *ctx,
-                                   GValue                            *key,
-                                   GValue                            *val)
-  DBusGTypeSpecializedAppendContextReal *realctx = (DBusGTypeSpecializedAppendContextReal *) ctx;
-  ((DBusGTypeSpecializedMapVtable *) realctx->specdata->klass->vtable)->append_func (ctx, key, val);
-dbus_g_type_map_value_iterate (const GValue                           *value,
-                              DBusGTypeSpecializedMapIterator         iterator,
-                              gpointer                                user_data)
-  DBusGTypeSpecializedData *data;
-  GType gtype;
-  g_return_if_fail (specialized_types_is_initialized ());
-  g_return_if_fail (G_VALUE_HOLDS_BOXED (value));
-  gtype = G_VALUE_TYPE (value);
-  data = lookup_specialization_data (gtype);
-  g_return_if_fail (data != NULL);
-  ((DBusGTypeSpecializedMapVtable *) data->klass->vtable)->iterator (gtype,
-                                                                    g_value_get_boxed (value),
-                                                                    iterator, user_data);
-dbus_g_type_struct_get_member (const GValue *value,
-                              guint         index,
-                              GValue       *dest)
-  DBusGTypeSpecializedData *data;
-  GType gtype;
-  g_return_val_if_fail (specialized_types_is_initialized (), FALSE);
-  g_return_val_if_fail (G_VALUE_HOLDS_BOXED (value), FALSE);
-  gtype = G_VALUE_TYPE (value);
-  data = lookup_specialization_data (gtype);
-  g_return_val_if_fail (data != NULL, FALSE);
-  return ((DBusGTypeSpecializedStructVtable *) (data->klass->vtable))->get_member(gtype,
-                                                                                          g_value_get_boxed (value),
-                                                                                          index, dest);
-dbus_g_type_struct_set_member (GValue       *value,
-                              guint         index,
-                              const GValue *src)
-  DBusGTypeSpecializedData *data;
-  GType gtype;
-  g_return_val_if_fail (specialized_types_is_initialized (), FALSE);
-  g_return_val_if_fail (G_VALUE_HOLDS_BOXED (value), FALSE);
-  gtype = G_VALUE_TYPE (value);
-  data = lookup_specialization_data (gtype);
-  g_return_val_if_fail (data != NULL, FALSE);
-  return ((DBusGTypeSpecializedStructVtable *) (data->klass->vtable))->set_member(gtype,
-                                                                                          g_value_get_boxed (value),
-                                                                                          index, src);
- * dbus_g_type_struct_get:
- * @value: a GValue containing a DBusGTypeStruct type
- * @member: struct member to get
- * @...: location in which to return the value of this member,
- *       followed optionally by more member/return locations pairs, followed by
- *       by G_MAXUINT
- *
- * Collects the selected values of this struct into the return locations
- * provided.
- *
- * Returns: FALSE on failure
- */
-dbus_g_type_struct_get                   (const GValue *value,
-                                          guint first_member,
-                                          ...)
-  va_list var_args;
-  GType type;
-  guint size,i;
-  gchar *error;
-  GValue val = {0,};
-  g_return_val_if_fail (dbus_g_type_is_struct (G_VALUE_TYPE (value)), FALSE);
-  va_start (var_args, first_member);
-  size = dbus_g_type_get_struct_size (G_VALUE_TYPE (value));
-  i = first_member;
-  while (i != G_MAXUINT)
-    {
-      if (i >= size)
-        goto error;
-      type = dbus_g_type_get_struct_member_type (G_VALUE_TYPE (value),i);
-      g_value_init (&val, type);
-      dbus_g_type_struct_get_member (value, i, &val);
-      G_VALUE_LCOPY (&val, var_args, 0, &error);
-      if (error)
-        {
-          g_warning ("%s, %s", G_STRFUNC, error);
-          g_free (error);
-          g_value_unset (&val);
-          goto error;
-        }
-      g_value_unset (&val);
-      i = va_arg (var_args, guint);
-    }
-  va_end (var_args);
-  return TRUE;
-  va_end (var_args);
-  return FALSE;
- * dbus_g_type_struct_set:
- * @value: a GValue containing a DBusGTypeStruct type
- * @member: struct member to set
- * @...: value for the first member, followed optionally by
- *       more member/value pairs, followed by G_MAXUINT
- *
- * Sets the selected members of the struct in @value.
- *
- * Returns: FALSE on failure
- */
-dbus_g_type_struct_set                   (GValue *value,
-                                          guint first_member,
-                                          ...)
-  va_list var_args;
-  GType type;
-  guint size,i;
-  gchar *error;
-  GValue val = {0,};
-  g_return_val_if_fail (dbus_g_type_is_struct (G_VALUE_TYPE (value)), FALSE);
-  va_start (var_args, first_member);
-  size = dbus_g_type_get_struct_size (G_VALUE_TYPE (value));
-  i = first_member;
-  while (i != G_MAXUINT)
-    {
-      if (i >= size)
-        goto error;
-      type = dbus_g_type_get_struct_member_type (G_VALUE_TYPE (value),i);
-      g_value_init (&val, type);
-      G_VALUE_COLLECT (&val, var_args, 0, &error);
-      if (error)
-        {
-          g_warning ("%s, %s", G_STRFUNC, error);
-          g_free (error);
-          g_value_unset (&val);
-          goto error;
-        }
-      dbus_g_type_struct_set_member (value, i, &val);
-      g_value_unset (&val);
-      i = va_arg (var_args, guint);
-    }
-  va_end (var_args);
-  return TRUE;
-  va_end (var_args);
-  return FALSE;
diff --git a/glib/dbus-gtype-specialized.h b/glib/dbus-gtype-specialized.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 1d26009..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu" -*- */
-/* dbus-gtype-specialized.h: Non-DBus-specific functions for specialized GTypes
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc.
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- * 
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- * 
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *
- */
-#include <glib.h>
-#include <glib-object.h>
-GType          dbus_g_type_get_collection                   (const char *container,
-                                                            GType       specialization);
-GType          dbus_g_type_get_map                          (const char *container,
-                                                            GType       key_specialization,
-                                                            GType       value_specialization);
-GType          dbus_g_type_get_structv                      (const char *container,
-                                                            guint       num_items,
-                                                            GType      *types);
-GType          dbus_g_type_get_struct                       (const char *container,
-                                                             GType       first_type,
-                                                             ...);
-gboolean       dbus_g_type_is_collection                    (GType       gtype);
-gboolean       dbus_g_type_is_map                           (GType       gtype);
-gboolean       dbus_g_type_is_struct                        (GType       gtype);
-GType          dbus_g_type_get_collection_specialization    (GType       gtype);
-GType          dbus_g_type_get_map_key_specialization       (GType       gtype);
-GType          dbus_g_type_get_map_value_specialization     (GType       gtype);
-GType          dbus_g_type_get_struct_member_type           (GType       gtype,
-                                                             guint       index);
-guint          dbus_g_type_get_struct_size                  (GType       gtype);
-typedef void   (*DBusGTypeSpecializedCollectionIterator)    (const GValue *val,
-                                                            gpointer      user_data);
-typedef void   (*DBusGTypeSpecializedMapIterator)           (const GValue *key_val,
-                                                            const GValue *value_val,
-                                                            gpointer      user_data);
-gpointer       dbus_g_type_specialized_construct            (GType type);
-typedef struct {
-  /* public */
-  GValue *val;
-  GType specialization_type;
-  /* padding */
-  gpointer b;
-  guint c;
-  gpointer d;
-} DBusGTypeSpecializedAppendContext;
-void           dbus_g_type_specialized_init_append             (GValue *val, DBusGTypeSpecializedAppendContext *ctx);
-void           dbus_g_type_specialized_collection_append       (DBusGTypeSpecializedAppendContext *ctx, GValue *elt);
-void           dbus_g_type_specialized_collection_end_append   (DBusGTypeSpecializedAppendContext *ctx);
-void           dbus_g_type_specialized_map_append              (DBusGTypeSpecializedAppendContext *ctx,
-                                                               GValue                            *key,
-                                                               GValue                            *val);
-gboolean       dbus_g_type_collection_get_fixed             (GValue                                 *value,
-                                                            gpointer                               *data,
-                                                            guint                                  *len);
-void           dbus_g_type_collection_value_iterate         (const GValue                           *value,
-                                                            DBusGTypeSpecializedCollectionIterator  iterator,
-                                                            gpointer                                user_data);
-void           dbus_g_type_map_value_iterate                (const GValue                           *value,
-                                                            DBusGTypeSpecializedMapIterator         iterator,
-                                                            gpointer                                user_data);
-gboolean       dbus_g_type_struct_get_member            (const GValue *value,
-                                                         guint index,
-                                                         GValue *dest);
-gboolean       dbus_g_type_struct_set_member            (GValue *value,
-                                                         guint index,
-                                                         const GValue *src);
-gboolean       dbus_g_type_struct_get                   (const GValue *value,
-                                                         guint member,
-                                                         ...);
-gboolean       dbus_g_type_struct_set                   (GValue *value,
-                                                         guint member,
-                                                         ...);
-typedef gpointer (*DBusGTypeSpecializedConstructor)     (GType type);
-typedef void     (*DBusGTypeSpecializedFreeFunc)        (GType type, gpointer val);
-typedef gpointer (*DBusGTypeSpecializedCopyFunc)        (GType type, gpointer src);
-typedef struct {
-  DBusGTypeSpecializedConstructor    constructor;
-  DBusGTypeSpecializedFreeFunc       free_func;
-  DBusGTypeSpecializedCopyFunc       copy_func;
-  GDestroyNotify                     simple_free_func; /* for type-independent freeing if possible */
-  gpointer                           padding2;
-  gpointer                           padding3;
-} DBusGTypeSpecializedVtable;
-typedef gboolean (*DBusGTypeSpecializedCollectionFixedAccessorFunc) (GType type, gpointer instance, gpointer *values, guint *len);
-typedef void     (*DBusGTypeSpecializedCollectionIteratorFunc)      (GType type, gpointer instance, DBusGTypeSpecializedCollectionIterator iterator, gpointer user_data);
-typedef void     (*DBusGTypeSpecializedCollectionAppendFunc)        (DBusGTypeSpecializedAppendContext *ctx, GValue *val);
-typedef void     (*DBusGTypeSpecializedCollectionEndAppendFunc)     (DBusGTypeSpecializedAppendContext *ctx);
-typedef struct {
-  DBusGTypeSpecializedVtable                        base_vtable;
-  DBusGTypeSpecializedCollectionFixedAccessorFunc   fixed_accessor;
-  DBusGTypeSpecializedCollectionIteratorFunc        iterator;
-  DBusGTypeSpecializedCollectionAppendFunc          append_func;
-  DBusGTypeSpecializedCollectionEndAppendFunc       end_append_func;
-} DBusGTypeSpecializedCollectionVtable;
-typedef void (*DBusGTypeSpecializedMapIteratorFunc) (GType type, gpointer instance, DBusGTypeSpecializedMapIterator iterator, gpointer user_data);
-typedef void (*DBusGTypeSpecializedMapAppendFunc)   (DBusGTypeSpecializedAppendContext *ctx, GValue *key, GValue *val);
-typedef struct {
-  DBusGTypeSpecializedVtable                        base_vtable;
-  DBusGTypeSpecializedMapIteratorFunc               iterator;
-  DBusGTypeSpecializedMapAppendFunc                 append_func;
-} DBusGTypeSpecializedMapVtable;
-typedef gboolean (*DBusGTypeSpecializedStructGetMember) (GType type, gpointer instance, guint member, GValue *ret_value);
-typedef gboolean (*DBusGTypeSpecializedStructSetMember) (GType type, gpointer instance, guint member, const GValue *new_value);
-typedef struct {
-  DBusGTypeSpecializedVtable                        base_vtable;
-  DBusGTypeSpecializedStructGetMember               get_member;
-  DBusGTypeSpecializedStructSetMember               set_member;
-} DBusGTypeSpecializedStructVtable;
-void           dbus_g_type_specialized_init           (void);
-void           dbus_g_type_register_collection        (const char                                   *name,
-                                                      const DBusGTypeSpecializedCollectionVtable   *vtable,
-                                                      guint                                         flags);
-void           dbus_g_type_register_map               (const char                                   *name,
-                                                      const DBusGTypeSpecializedMapVtable          *vtable,
-                                                      guint                                         flags);
-const DBusGTypeSpecializedMapVtable* dbus_g_type_map_peek_vtable (GType map_type);
-const DBusGTypeSpecializedCollectionVtable* dbus_g_type_collection_peek_vtable (GType collection_type);
-void           dbus_g_type_register_struct             (const char                                   *name,
-                                                      const DBusGTypeSpecializedStructVtable        *vtable,
-                                                      guint                                          flags);
-const DBusGTypeSpecializedMapVtable* dbus_g_type_map_peek_vtable (GType map_type);
-const DBusGTypeSpecializedCollectionVtable* dbus_g_type_collection_peek_vtable (GType collection_type);
-const DBusGTypeSpecializedStructVtable* dbus_g_type_struct_peek_vtable (GType struct_type);
diff --git a/glib/dbus-gutils.c b/glib/dbus-gutils.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index ea7a1df..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu" -*- */
-/* dbus-gutils.c Utils shared between convenience lib and installed lib
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2003  Red Hat, Inc.
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include "dbus-gutils.h"
-#include "dbus-gtest.h"
-#include <string.h>
-_dbus_gutils_split_path (const char *path)
-  int len;
-  char **split;
-  int n_components;
-  int i, j, comp;
-  len = strlen (path);
-  n_components = 0;
-  if (path[1] != '\0') /* if not "/" */
-    {
-      i = 0;
-      while (i < len)
-        {
-          if (path[i] == '/')
-            n_components += 1;
-          ++i;
-        }
-    }
-  split = g_new0 (char*, n_components + 1);
-  comp = 0;
-  if (n_components == 0)
-    i = 1;
-  else
-    i = 0;
-  while (comp < n_components)
-    {
-      if (path[i] == '/')
-        ++i;
-      j = i;
-      while (j < len && path[j] != '/')
-        ++j;
-      /* Now [i, j) is the path component */
-      g_assert (i < j);
-      g_assert (path[i] != '/');
-      g_assert (j == len || path[j] == '/');
-      split[comp] = g_strndup (&path[i], j - i + 1);
-      split[comp][j-i] = '\0';
-      ++comp;
-      i = j;
-    }
-  g_assert (i == len);
-  return split;
-_dbus_gutils_wincaps_to_uscore (const char *caps)
-  const char *p;
-  GString *str;
-  str = g_string_new (NULL);
-  p = caps;
-  while (*p)
-    {
-      if (g_ascii_isupper (*p))
-        {
-          if (str->len > 0 &&
-              (str->len < 2 || str->str[str->len-2] != '_'))
-            g_string_append_c (str, '_');
-          g_string_append_c (str, g_ascii_tolower (*p));
-        }
-      else
-        {
-          g_string_append_c (str, *p);
-        }
-      ++p;
-    }
-  return g_string_free (str, FALSE);
- * @ingroup DBusGLibInternals
- * Unit test for GLib utils internals
- * @returns #TRUE on success.
- */
-_dbus_gutils_test (const char *test_data_dir)
-  return TRUE;
-#endif /* DBUS_BUILD_TESTS */
diff --git a/glib/dbus-gutils.h b/glib/dbus-gutils.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 874028c..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu" -*- */
-/* dbus-gutils.h Utils shared between convenience lib and installed lib
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2003  Red Hat, Inc.
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *
- */
-#include <dbus/dbus.h>
-#include <glib-object.h>
-char      **_dbus_gutils_split_path     (const char *path);
-char       *_dbus_gutils_wincaps_to_uscore (const char *uscore);
-/* These munge the pointer to enforce that a plain cast won't work,
- * accessor functions must be used; i.e. to ensure the ABI
- * reflects our encapsulation.
- */
-#define _DBUS_POINTER_SHIFT(p)   ((void*) (((char*)p) + sizeof (void*)))
-#define _DBUS_POINTER_UNSHIFT(p) ((void*) (((char*)p) - sizeof (void*)))
-#define DBUS_MESSAGE_FROM_G_MESSAGE(x)           ((DBusMessage*) _DBUS_POINTER_UNSHIFT(x))
-#define DBUS_G_MESSAGE_FROM_MESSAGE(x)           ((DBusGMessage*) _DBUS_POINTER_SHIFT(x))
-#endif /* DBUS_GLIB_UTILS_H */
diff --git a/glib/dbus-gvalue-utils.c b/glib/dbus-gvalue-utils.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 89ff16d..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1439 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu" -*- */
-/* dbus-gvalue-utils.c: Non-DBus-specific functions related to GType/GValue 
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc.
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- * 
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- * 
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include "dbus/dbus-glib.h"
-#include "dbus-gvalue-utils.h"
-#include "dbus-gtest.h"
-#include <glib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <gobject/gvaluecollector.h>
-static guint
-fixed_type_get_size (GType type)
-  switch (type)
-    {
-    case G_TYPE_CHAR:
-    case G_TYPE_UCHAR:
-      return sizeof (gchar);
-    case G_TYPE_BOOLEAN:
-      return sizeof (gboolean);
-    case G_TYPE_LONG:
-    case G_TYPE_ULONG:
-      return sizeof (glong);
-    case G_TYPE_INT:
-    case G_TYPE_UINT:
-      return sizeof (gint);
-    case G_TYPE_INT64:
-    case G_TYPE_UINT64:
-      return sizeof (gint64);
-    case G_TYPE_FLOAT:
-      return sizeof (gfloat);
-    case G_TYPE_DOUBLE:
-      return sizeof (gdouble);
-    default:
-      return 0;
-    }
-_dbus_g_type_is_fixed (GType type)
-  return fixed_type_get_size (type) > 0;
-_dbus_g_type_fixed_get_size (GType type)
-  g_assert (_dbus_g_type_is_fixed (type));
-  return fixed_type_get_size (type);
-_dbus_gvalue_store (GValue          *value,
-                  gpointer        storage)
-  /* FIXME - can we use the GValue lcopy_value method
-   * to do this in a cleaner way?
-   */
-  switch (g_type_fundamental (G_VALUE_TYPE (value)))
-    {
-    case G_TYPE_CHAR:
-      *((gchar *) storage) = g_value_get_char (value);
-      return TRUE;
-    case G_TYPE_UCHAR:
-      *((guchar *) storage) = g_value_get_uchar (value);
-      return TRUE;
-    case G_TYPE_BOOLEAN:
-      *((gboolean *) storage) = g_value_get_boolean (value);
-      return TRUE;
-    case G_TYPE_LONG:
-      *((glong *) storage) = g_value_get_long (value);
-      return TRUE;
-    case G_TYPE_ULONG:
-      *((gulong *) storage) = g_value_get_ulong (value);
-      return TRUE;
-    case G_TYPE_INT:
-      *((gint *) storage) = g_value_get_int (value);
-      return TRUE;
-    case G_TYPE_UINT:
-      *((guint *) storage) = g_value_get_uint (value);
-      return TRUE;
-    case G_TYPE_INT64:
-      *((gint64 *) storage) = g_value_get_int64 (value);
-      return TRUE;
-    case G_TYPE_UINT64:
-      *((guint64 *) storage) = g_value_get_uint64 (value);
-      return TRUE;
-    case G_TYPE_DOUBLE:
-      *((gdouble *) storage) = g_value_get_double (value);
-      return TRUE;
-    case G_TYPE_STRING:
-      *((gchar **) storage) = (char*) g_value_get_string (value);
-      return TRUE;
-    case G_TYPE_OBJECT:
-      *((gpointer *) storage) = g_value_get_object (value);
-      return TRUE;
-    case G_TYPE_BOXED:
-      *((gpointer *) storage) = g_value_get_boxed (value);
-      return TRUE;
-    default:
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-_dbus_gvalue_set_from_pointer (GValue          *value,
-                             gconstpointer    storage)
-  /* FIXME - is there a better way to do this? */
-  switch (g_type_fundamental (G_VALUE_TYPE (value)))
-    {
-    case G_TYPE_CHAR:
-      g_value_set_char (value, *((gchar *) storage));
-      return TRUE;
-    case G_TYPE_UCHAR:
-      g_value_set_uchar (value, *((guchar *) storage));
-      return TRUE;
-    case G_TYPE_BOOLEAN:
-      g_value_set_boolean (value, *((gboolean *) storage));
-      return TRUE;
-    case G_TYPE_LONG:
-      g_value_set_long (value, *((glong *) storage));
-      return TRUE;
-    case G_TYPE_ULONG:
-      g_value_set_ulong (value, *((gulong *) storage));
-      return TRUE;
-    case G_TYPE_INT:
-      g_value_set_int (value, *((gint *) storage));
-      return TRUE;
-    case G_TYPE_UINT:
-      g_value_set_uint (value, *((guint *) storage));
-      return TRUE;
-    case G_TYPE_INT64:
-      g_value_set_int64 (value, *((gint64 *) storage));
-      return TRUE;
-    case G_TYPE_UINT64:
-      g_value_set_uint64 (value, *((guint64 *) storage));
-      return TRUE;
-    case G_TYPE_DOUBLE:
-      g_value_set_double (value, *((gdouble *) storage));
-      return TRUE;
-    case G_TYPE_STRING:
-      g_value_set_string (value, *((gchar **) storage));
-      return TRUE;
-    case G_TYPE_OBJECT:
-      g_value_set_object (value, *((gpointer *) storage));
-      return TRUE;
-    case G_TYPE_BOXED:
-      g_value_set_boxed (value, *((gpointer *) storage));
-      return TRUE;
-    default:
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-_dbus_gvalue_take (GValue          *value,
-                 GTypeCValue     *cvalue)
-  GType g_type;
-  GTypeValueTable *value_table;
-  char *error_msg;
-  g_type = G_VALUE_TYPE (value);
-  value_table = g_type_value_table_peek (g_type);
-  error_msg = value_table->collect_value (value, 1, cvalue, G_VALUE_NOCOPY_CONTENTS);
-  if (error_msg)
-    {
-      g_warning ("%s: %s", G_STRLOC, error_msg);
-      g_free (error_msg);
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  /* Clear the NOCOPY_CONTENTS flag; we want to take ownership
-   * of the value.
-   */
-  value->data[1].v_uint &= ~(G_VALUE_NOCOPY_CONTENTS);
-  return TRUE;
-_dbus_gtype_can_signal_error (GType gtype)
-  switch (gtype)
-    {
-    case G_TYPE_BOOLEAN:
-    case G_TYPE_INT:
-    case G_TYPE_UINT:
-    case G_TYPE_STRING:
-    case G_TYPE_BOXED:
-    case G_TYPE_OBJECT:
-      return TRUE;
-    default:
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-_dbus_gvalue_signals_error (const GValue *value)
-  /* Hardcoded rules for return value semantics for certain
-   * types.  Perhaps in the future we'd want an annotation
-   * specifying which return values are errors, but in
-   * reality people will probably just use boolean and
-   * boxed, and there the semantics are pretty standard.
-   */
-  switch (G_TYPE_FUNDAMENTAL (G_VALUE_TYPE (value)))
-    {
-    case G_TYPE_BOOLEAN:
-      return (g_value_get_boolean (value) == FALSE);
-      break;
-    case G_TYPE_INT:
-      return (g_value_get_int (value) < 0);
-      break;
-    case G_TYPE_UINT:
-      return (g_value_get_uint (value) == 0);
-      break;
-    case G_TYPE_STRING:
-      return (g_value_get_string (value) == NULL);
-      break;
-    case G_TYPE_BOXED:
-      return (g_value_get_boxed (value) == NULL);
-      break;
-    case G_TYPE_OBJECT:
-      return (g_value_get_boxed (value) == NULL);
-      break;
-    default:
-      g_assert_not_reached ();
-    }
-static gboolean
-hash_func_from_gtype (GType gtype, GHashFunc *func)
-  switch (gtype)
-    {
-    case G_TYPE_CHAR:
-    case G_TYPE_UCHAR:
-    case G_TYPE_BOOLEAN:
-    case G_TYPE_INT:
-    case G_TYPE_UINT:
-      *func = NULL;
-      return TRUE;
-    case G_TYPE_STRING:
-      *func = g_str_hash;
-      return TRUE;
-    default:
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-static void
-unset_and_free_g_value (gpointer val)
-  GValue *value = val;
-  g_value_unset (value);
-  g_free (value);
-static gboolean
-hash_free_from_gtype (GType gtype, GDestroyNotify *func)
-  switch (gtype)
-    {
-    case G_TYPE_CHAR:
-    case G_TYPE_UCHAR:
-    case G_TYPE_BOOLEAN:
-    case G_TYPE_INT:
-    case G_TYPE_UINT:
-      *func = NULL;
-      return TRUE;
-    case G_TYPE_DOUBLE:
-    case G_TYPE_STRING:
-      *func = g_free;
-      return TRUE;
-    default:
-      if (gtype == G_TYPE_VALUE)
-       {
-         *func = unset_and_free_g_value;
-         return TRUE;
-       }
-      else if (gtype == G_TYPE_VALUE_ARRAY)
-        {
-          *func = (GDestroyNotify) g_value_array_free;
-          return TRUE;
-        }
-      else if (dbus_g_type_is_collection (gtype))
-        {
-          const DBusGTypeSpecializedCollectionVtable* vtable;
-          vtable = dbus_g_type_collection_peek_vtable (gtype);
-          if (vtable->base_vtable.simple_free_func)
-            {
-              *func = vtable->base_vtable.simple_free_func;
-              return TRUE;
-            }
-        }
-      else if (dbus_g_type_is_map (gtype))
-        {
-          const DBusGTypeSpecializedMapVtable* vtable;
-          vtable = dbus_g_type_map_peek_vtable (gtype);
-          if (vtable->base_vtable.simple_free_func)
-            {
-              *func = vtable->base_vtable.simple_free_func;
-              return TRUE;
-            }
-        }
-      else if (dbus_g_type_is_struct (gtype))
-        {
-          const DBusGTypeSpecializedStructVtable *vtable;
-          vtable = dbus_g_type_struct_peek_vtable (gtype);
-          if (vtable->base_vtable.simple_free_func)
-            {
-              *func = vtable->base_vtable.simple_free_func;
-              return TRUE;
-            }
-        }
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-_dbus_gtype_is_valid_hash_key (GType type)
-  GHashFunc func;
-  return hash_func_from_gtype (type, &func);
-_dbus_gtype_is_valid_hash_value (GType type)
-  GDestroyNotify func;
-  return hash_free_from_gtype (type, &func);
-_dbus_g_hash_func_from_gtype (GType gtype)
-  GHashFunc func;
-  gboolean ret;
-  ret = hash_func_from_gtype (gtype, &func);
-  g_assert (ret != FALSE);
-  return func;
-_dbus_g_hash_equal_from_gtype (GType gtype)
-  g_assert (_dbus_gtype_is_valid_hash_key (gtype));
-  switch (gtype)
-    {
-    case G_TYPE_CHAR:
-    case G_TYPE_UCHAR:
-    case G_TYPE_BOOLEAN:
-    case G_TYPE_INT:
-    case G_TYPE_UINT:
-      return NULL;
-    case G_TYPE_STRING:
-      return g_str_equal;
-    default:
-      g_assert_not_reached ();
-      return NULL;
-    }
-_dbus_g_hash_free_from_gtype (GType gtype)
-  GDestroyNotify func;
-  gboolean ret;
-  ret = hash_free_from_gtype (gtype, &func);
-  g_assert (ret != FALSE);
-  return func;
-static void gvalue_take_ptrarray_value (GValue *value, gpointer instance);
-static void
-gvalue_take_hash_value (GValue *value, gpointer instance)
-  switch (g_type_fundamental (G_VALUE_TYPE (value)))
-    {
-    case G_TYPE_CHAR:
-      g_value_set_char (value, (gchar) GPOINTER_TO_INT (instance));
-      break;
-    case G_TYPE_UCHAR:
-      g_value_set_uchar (value, (guchar) GPOINTER_TO_UINT (instance));
-      break;
-    case G_TYPE_BOOLEAN:
-      g_value_set_boolean (value, (gboolean) GPOINTER_TO_UINT (instance));
-      break;
-    case G_TYPE_INT:
-      g_value_set_int (value, GPOINTER_TO_INT (instance));
-      break;
-    case G_TYPE_UINT:
-      g_value_set_uint (value, GPOINTER_TO_UINT (instance));
-      break;
-    case G_TYPE_DOUBLE:
-      g_value_set_double (value, *(gdouble *) instance);
-      break;
-    default:
-      gvalue_take_ptrarray_value (value, instance);
-      break;
-    }
-static gpointer ptrarray_value_from_gvalue (const GValue *value);
-static gpointer
-hash_value_from_gvalue (GValue *value)
-  switch (g_type_fundamental (G_VALUE_TYPE (value)))
-    {
-    case G_TYPE_CHAR:
-      return GINT_TO_POINTER ((int) g_value_get_char (value));
-      break;
-    case G_TYPE_UCHAR:
-      return GUINT_TO_POINTER ((guint) g_value_get_uchar (value));
-      break;
-    case G_TYPE_BOOLEAN:
-      return GUINT_TO_POINTER ((guint) g_value_get_boolean (value));
-      break;
-    case G_TYPE_INT:
-      return GINT_TO_POINTER (g_value_get_int (value));
-      break;
-    case G_TYPE_UINT:
-      return GUINT_TO_POINTER (g_value_get_uint (value));
-      break;
-    case G_TYPE_DOUBLE:
-      {
-        gdouble *p = (gdouble *) g_malloc0 (sizeof (gdouble));
-        *p = g_value_get_double (value);
-        return (gpointer) p;
-      }
-      break;
-    default:
-      return ptrarray_value_from_gvalue (value);
-      break;
-    }
-struct DBusGHashTableValueForeachData
-  DBusGTypeSpecializedMapIterator func;
-  GType key_type;
-  GType value_type;
-  gpointer data;
-static void
-hashtable_foreach_with_values (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data)
-  GValue key_val = {0, };
-  GValue value_val = {0, };
-  struct DBusGHashTableValueForeachData *data = user_data;
-  g_value_init (&key_val, data->key_type);
-  g_value_init (&value_val, data->value_type);
-  gvalue_take_hash_value (&key_val, key);
-  gvalue_take_hash_value (&value_val, value);
-  data->func (&key_val, &value_val, data->data);
-static void
-hashtable_iterator (GType                           hash_type,
-                   gpointer                        instance,
-                   DBusGTypeSpecializedMapIterator iterator,
-                   gpointer                        user_data)
-  struct DBusGHashTableValueForeachData data;
-  GType key_gtype;
-  GType value_gtype;
-  key_gtype = dbus_g_type_get_map_key_specialization (hash_type);
-  value_gtype = dbus_g_type_get_map_value_specialization (hash_type);
-  data.func = iterator;
-  data.key_type = key_gtype;
-  data.value_type = value_gtype;
-  data.data = user_data;
-  g_hash_table_foreach (instance, hashtable_foreach_with_values, &data);
-_dbus_g_hash_table_insert_steal_values (GHashTable *table,
-                                      GValue     *key_val,
-                                      GValue     *value_val)
-  gpointer key, val;
-  key = hash_value_from_gvalue (key_val);
-  val = hash_value_from_gvalue (value_val);
-  g_hash_table_insert (table, key, val);
-static void
-hashtable_append (DBusGTypeSpecializedAppendContext *ctx,
-                 GValue                            *key,
-                 GValue                            *val)
-  GHashTable *table;
-  table = g_value_get_boxed (ctx->val);
-  _dbus_g_hash_table_insert_steal_values (table, key, val);
-static gpointer
-hashtable_constructor (GType type)
-  GHashTable *ret;
-  GType key_gtype;
-  GType value_gtype;
-  key_gtype = dbus_g_type_get_map_key_specialization (type);
-  value_gtype = dbus_g_type_get_map_value_specialization (type);
-  ret = g_hash_table_new_full (_dbus_g_hash_func_from_gtype (key_gtype),
-                              _dbus_g_hash_equal_from_gtype (key_gtype),
-                              _dbus_g_hash_free_from_gtype (key_gtype),
-                              _dbus_g_hash_free_from_gtype (value_gtype));
-  return ret;
-static void
-hashtable_insert_values (GHashTable       *table,
-                        const GValue     *key_val,
-                        const GValue     *value_val)
-  GValue key_copy = {0, };
-  GValue value_copy = {0, };
-  g_value_init (&key_copy, G_VALUE_TYPE (key_val));
-  g_value_copy (key_val, &key_copy);
-  g_value_init (&value_copy, G_VALUE_TYPE (value_val));
-  g_value_copy (value_val, &value_copy);
-  _dbus_g_hash_table_insert_steal_values (table, &key_copy, &value_copy);
-static void
-hashtable_foreach_copy (const GValue *key, const GValue *val, gpointer data)
-  hashtable_insert_values ((GHashTable *) data, key, val);
-static gpointer
-hashtable_copy (GType type, gpointer src)
-  GHashTable *ghash;
-  GHashTable *ret;
-  GValue hashval = {0,};
-  ghash = src;
-  ret = hashtable_constructor (type);
-  g_value_init (&hashval, type);
-  g_value_set_static_boxed (&hashval, ghash); 
-  dbus_g_type_map_value_iterate (&hashval, hashtable_foreach_copy, ret);
-  return ret;
-static void
-hashtable_simple_free (gpointer val)
-  g_hash_table_destroy (val);
-static gpointer
-valuearray_constructor (GType type)
-  GValueArray *ret;
-  guint size = dbus_g_type_get_struct_size (type);
-  guint i;
-  ret = g_value_array_new (size);
-  for (i=0; i < size; i++)
-    {
-      GValue val = {0,};
-      g_value_init (&val, dbus_g_type_get_struct_member_type (type, i));
-      g_value_array_append(ret, &val);
-    }
-  return (gpointer)ret;
-static gpointer
-valuearray_copy (GType type, gpointer src)
-  return g_value_array_copy ((GValueArray*) src);
-static void
-valuearray_simple_free (gpointer val)
-  g_value_array_free (val);
-static gboolean
-valuearray_get_member (GType type, gpointer instance,
-                       guint member, GValue *ret)
-  GValueArray *va = (GValueArray*) instance;
-  const GValue *val;
-  if (member < dbus_g_type_get_struct_size (type))
-    {
-      val = g_value_array_get_nth (va, member);
-      g_value_copy (val, ret);
-      return TRUE;
-    }
-  else
-    return FALSE;
-static gboolean
-valuearray_set_member (GType type, gpointer instance,
-                       guint member, const GValue *member_type)
-  GValueArray *va = (GValueArray*) instance;
-  GValue *vp;
-  if (member < dbus_g_type_get_struct_size (type))
-    {
-      vp = g_value_array_get_nth (va, member);
-      g_value_copy (member_type, vp);
-      return TRUE;
-    }
-  else
-    return FALSE;
-static gpointer
-array_constructor (GType type)
-  GArray *array;
-  guint elt_size;
-  GType elt_type;
-  gboolean zero_terminated;
-  gboolean clear;
-  elt_type = dbus_g_type_get_collection_specialization (type);
-  g_assert (elt_type != G_TYPE_INVALID);
-  elt_size = _dbus_g_type_fixed_get_size (elt_type);
-  /* These are "safe" defaults */ 
-  zero_terminated = TRUE; /* ((struct _DBusGRealArray*) garray)->zero_terminated; */
-  clear = TRUE; /* ((struct _DBusGRealArray*) garray)->clear; */
-  array = g_array_new (zero_terminated, clear, elt_size);
-  return array;
-static gpointer
-array_copy (GType type, gpointer src)
-  GArray *garray;
-  GArray *new;
-  garray = src;
-  new = array_constructor (type);
-  g_array_append_vals (new, garray->data, garray->len);
-  return new;
-static void
-array_simple_free (gpointer val)
-  GArray *array;
-  array = val;
-  g_array_free (array, TRUE);
-static gboolean
-array_fixed_accessor (GType type, gpointer instance, gpointer *values, guint *len)
-  GType elt_type;
-  GArray *array = instance;
-  elt_type = dbus_g_type_get_collection_specialization (type);
-  if (!_dbus_g_type_is_fixed (elt_type))
-    return FALSE;
-  *values = array->data;
-  *len = array->len;
-  return TRUE;
-static gpointer
-ptrarray_constructor (GType type)
-  /* Later we should determine a destructor, need g_ptr_array_destroy */
-  return g_ptr_array_new ();
-static void
-gvalue_take_ptrarray_value (GValue *value, gpointer instance)
-  switch (g_type_fundamental (G_VALUE_TYPE (value)))
-    {
-    case G_TYPE_STRING:
-      g_value_take_string (value, instance);
-      break;
-    case G_TYPE_BOXED:
-      g_value_take_boxed (value, instance);
-      break;
-    case G_TYPE_OBJECT:
-      g_value_take_object (value, instance);
-      break;
-    default:
-      g_assert_not_reached ();
-      break;
-    }
-static gpointer
-ptrarray_value_from_gvalue (const GValue *value)
-  GValue tmp = {0, };
-  /* if the NOCOPY flag is set, then value was created via set_static and hence
-   * is not owned by us. in order to preserve the "take" semantics that the API
-   * has in general (which avoids copying in the common case), we must copy any
-   * static values so that we can indiscriminately free the entire collection
-   * later. */
-  if (value->data[1].v_uint & G_VALUE_NOCOPY_CONTENTS)
-    {
-      g_value_init (&tmp, G_VALUE_TYPE (value));
-      g_value_copy (value, &tmp);
-      value = &tmp;
-    }
-  switch (g_type_fundamental (G_VALUE_TYPE (value)))
-    {
-    case G_TYPE_STRING:
-      return (gpointer) g_value_get_string (value);
-      break;
-    case G_TYPE_BOXED:
-      return g_value_get_boxed (value);
-      break;
-    case G_TYPE_OBJECT:
-      return g_value_get_object (value);
-      break;
-    default:
-      g_assert_not_reached ();
-      return NULL;
-    }
-static void
-ptrarray_iterator (GType                                   ptrarray_type,
-                  gpointer                                instance,
-                  DBusGTypeSpecializedCollectionIterator  iterator,
-                  gpointer                                user_data)
-  GPtrArray *ptrarray;
-  GType elt_gtype;
-  guint i;
-  ptrarray = instance;
-  elt_gtype = dbus_g_type_get_collection_specialization (ptrarray_type);
-  for (i = 0; i < ptrarray->len; i++)
-    {
-      GValue val = {0, };
-      g_value_init (&val, elt_gtype);
-      gvalue_take_ptrarray_value (&val, g_ptr_array_index (ptrarray, i));
-      iterator (&val, user_data);
-    }
-static void
-ptrarray_copy_elt (const GValue *val, gpointer user_data)
-  GPtrArray *dest = user_data;
-  GValue val_copy = {0, };
-  g_value_init (&val_copy, G_VALUE_TYPE (val));
-  g_value_copy (val, &val_copy);
-  g_ptr_array_add (dest, ptrarray_value_from_gvalue (&val_copy));
-static gpointer
-ptrarray_copy (GType type, gpointer src)
-  GPtrArray *new;
-  GValue array_val = {0, };
-  g_value_init (&array_val, type);
-  g_value_set_static_boxed (&array_val, src);
-  new = ptrarray_constructor (type);
-  dbus_g_type_collection_value_iterate (&array_val, ptrarray_copy_elt, new);
-  return new;
-static void
-ptrarray_append (DBusGTypeSpecializedAppendContext *ctx, GValue *value)
-  GPtrArray *array;
-  array = g_value_get_boxed (ctx->val);
-  g_ptr_array_add (array, ptrarray_value_from_gvalue (value));
-static void
-ptrarray_free (GType type, gpointer val)
-  GPtrArray *array;
-  GValue elt_val = {0, };
-  GType elt_gtype;
-  unsigned int i;
-  array = val;
-  elt_gtype = dbus_g_type_get_collection_specialization (type);
-  for (i = 0; i < array->len; i++)
-    {
-      g_value_init (&elt_val, elt_gtype);
-      gvalue_take_ptrarray_value (&elt_val, g_ptr_array_index (array, i));
-      g_value_unset (&elt_val);
-    }
-  g_ptr_array_free (array, TRUE);
-static gpointer
-slist_constructor (GType type)
-  return NULL;
-static void
-slist_iterator (GType                                   list_type,
-               gpointer                                instance,
-               DBusGTypeSpecializedCollectionIterator  iterator,
-               gpointer                                user_data)
-  GSList *slist;
-  GType elt_gtype;
-  slist = instance;
-  elt_gtype = dbus_g_type_get_collection_specialization (list_type);
-  for (slist = instance; slist != NULL; slist = slist->next)
-    {
-      GValue val = {0, };
-      g_value_init (&val, elt_gtype);
-      gvalue_take_ptrarray_value (&val, slist->data);
-      iterator (&val, user_data);
-    }
-static void
-slist_copy_elt (const GValue *val, gpointer user_data)
-  GSList **dest = user_data;
-  GValue val_copy = {0, };
-  g_value_init (&val_copy, G_VALUE_TYPE (val));
-  g_value_copy (val, &val_copy);
-  *dest = g_slist_append (*dest, ptrarray_value_from_gvalue (&val_copy));
-static gpointer
-slist_copy (GType type, gpointer src)
-  GSList *new;
-  GValue slist_val = {0, };
-  g_value_init (&slist_val, type);
-  g_value_set_static_boxed (&slist_val, src);
-  new = slist_constructor (type);
-  dbus_g_type_collection_value_iterate (&slist_val, slist_copy_elt, &new);
-  return new;
-static void
-slist_append (DBusGTypeSpecializedAppendContext *ctx, GValue *value)
-  GSList *list;
-  list = g_value_get_boxed (ctx->val);
-  list = g_slist_prepend (list, ptrarray_value_from_gvalue (value));
-  g_value_set_static_boxed (ctx->val, list);
-static void
-slist_end_append (DBusGTypeSpecializedAppendContext *ctx)
-  GSList *list;
-  /* if you append multiple times to the slist, this will reverse the existing
-   * elements... we need an init_append function */
-  list = g_value_get_boxed (ctx->val);
-  list = g_slist_reverse (list);
-  g_value_take_boxed (ctx->val, list);
-static void
-slist_free (GType type, gpointer val)
-  GSList *list;
-  GType elt_gtype;
-  list = val;
-  elt_gtype = dbus_g_type_get_collection_specialization (type);
-  while (list != NULL)
-    {
-      GValue elt_val = {0, };
-      g_value_init (&elt_val, elt_gtype);
-      gvalue_take_ptrarray_value (&elt_val, list->data);
-      g_value_unset (&elt_val);
-      list = g_slist_next(list);
-    }
-  list=val;
-  g_slist_free (list);
-_dbus_g_type_specialized_builtins_init (void)
-  /* types with a simple_free function can be freed at run-time without
-   * the destroy function needing to know the type, so they can be
-   * stored in hash tables */
-  static const DBusGTypeSpecializedCollectionVtable array_vtable = {
-    {
-      array_constructor,
-      NULL,
-      array_copy,
-      array_simple_free,
-      NULL,
-      NULL,
-    },
-    array_fixed_accessor,
-    NULL,
-    NULL,
-    NULL
-  };
-  static const DBusGTypeSpecializedCollectionVtable ptrarray_vtable = {
-    {
-      ptrarray_constructor,
-      ptrarray_free,
-      ptrarray_copy,
-      NULL,
-      NULL,
-      NULL,
-    },
-    NULL,
-    ptrarray_iterator,
-    ptrarray_append,
-    NULL,
-  };
-  static const DBusGTypeSpecializedCollectionVtable slist_vtable = {
-    {
-      slist_constructor,
-      slist_free,
-      slist_copy,
-      NULL,
-      NULL,
-      NULL,
-    },
-    NULL,
-    slist_iterator,
-    slist_append,
-    slist_end_append,
-  };
-  static const DBusGTypeSpecializedMapVtable hashtable_vtable = {
-    {
-      hashtable_constructor,
-      NULL,
-      hashtable_copy,
-      hashtable_simple_free,
-      NULL,
-      NULL
-    },
-    hashtable_iterator,
-    hashtable_append
-  };
-  static const DBusGTypeSpecializedStructVtable valuearray_vtable = {
-    {
-      valuearray_constructor,
-      NULL,
-      valuearray_copy,
-      valuearray_simple_free,
-      NULL,
-      NULL
-    },
-    valuearray_get_member,
-    valuearray_set_member
-  };
-  dbus_g_type_register_collection ("GSList", &slist_vtable, 0);
-  dbus_g_type_register_collection ("GArray", &array_vtable, 0);
-  dbus_g_type_register_collection ("GPtrArray", &ptrarray_vtable, 0);
-  dbus_g_type_register_map ("GHashTable", &hashtable_vtable, 0);
-  dbus_g_type_register_struct ("GValueArray", &valuearray_vtable, 0);
-typedef struct
-  gboolean seen_foo;
-  gboolean seen_baz;
-} TestSpecializedHashData;
-static void
-test_specialized_hash (const GValue *key, const GValue *val, gpointer user_data)
-  TestSpecializedHashData *data = user_data;
-  g_assert (G_VALUE_HOLDS_STRING (key));
-  g_assert (G_VALUE_HOLDS_STRING (val));
-  if (!strcmp (g_value_get_string (key), "foo"))
-    {
-      data->seen_foo = TRUE;
-      g_assert (!strcmp (g_value_get_string (val), "bar"));
-    }
-  else if (!strcmp (g_value_get_string (key), "baz"))
-    {
-      data->seen_baz = TRUE;
-      g_assert (!strcmp (g_value_get_string (val), "moo"));
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      g_assert_not_reached ();
-    }
-static void
-test_specialized_hash_2 (const GValue *key, const GValue *val, gpointer user_data)
-  TestSpecializedHashData *data = user_data;
-  const GValue *realval;
-  g_assert (G_VALUE_HOLDS_STRING (key));
-  g_assert (G_VALUE_TYPE (val) == G_TYPE_VALUE);
-  realval = g_value_get_boxed (val);
-  if (!strcmp (g_value_get_string (key), "foo"))
-    {
-      data->seen_foo = TRUE;
-      g_assert (G_VALUE_HOLDS_UINT (realval));
-      g_assert (g_value_get_uint (realval) == 20);
-    }
-  else if (!strcmp (g_value_get_string (key), "baz"))
-    {
-      data->seen_baz = TRUE;
-      g_assert (G_VALUE_HOLDS_STRING (realval));
-      g_assert (!strcmp ("bar", g_value_get_string (realval)));
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      g_assert_not_reached ();
-    }
-_dbus_gvalue_utils_test (const char *datadir)
-  GType type;
-  dbus_g_type_specialized_init ();
- _dbus_g_type_specialized_builtins_init ();
-  type = dbus_g_type_get_collection ("GArray", G_TYPE_UINT);
-  g_assert (dbus_g_type_is_collection (type));
-  g_assert (dbus_g_type_get_collection_specialization (type) == G_TYPE_UINT);
-  {
-    GArray *instance;
-    instance = dbus_g_type_specialized_construct (type);
-    g_assert (instance->len == 0);
-    g_array_free (instance, TRUE);
-  }
-  type = dbus_g_type_get_map ("GHashTable", G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_STRING);
-  g_assert (dbus_g_type_is_map (type));
-  g_assert (dbus_g_type_get_map_key_specialization (type) == G_TYPE_STRING);
-  g_assert (dbus_g_type_get_map_value_specialization (type) == G_TYPE_STRING);
-  {
-    GHashTable *instance;
-    GValue val = { 0, };
-    TestSpecializedHashData hashdata;
-    instance = dbus_g_type_specialized_construct (type);
-    g_assert (g_hash_table_size (instance) == 0);
-    g_hash_table_insert (instance, g_strdup ("foo"), g_strdup ("bar"));
-    g_hash_table_insert (instance, g_strdup ("baz"), g_strdup ("moo"));
-    g_assert (g_hash_table_size (instance) == 2);
-    g_value_init (&val, type);
-    g_value_set_boxed_take_ownership (&val, instance);
-    hashdata.seen_foo = FALSE;
-    hashdata.seen_baz = FALSE;
-    dbus_g_type_map_value_iterate (&val,
-                                  test_specialized_hash, 
-                                  &hashdata);
-    g_assert (hashdata.seen_foo);
-    g_assert (hashdata.seen_baz);
-    g_value_unset (&val);
-  }
-  type = dbus_g_type_get_map ("GHashTable", G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_VALUE);
-  g_assert (dbus_g_type_is_map (type));
-  g_assert (dbus_g_type_get_map_key_specialization (type) == G_TYPE_STRING);
-  g_assert (dbus_g_type_get_map_value_specialization (type) == G_TYPE_VALUE);
-  {
-    GHashTable *instance;
-    GValue val = { 0, };
-    TestSpecializedHashData hashdata;
-    DBusGTypeSpecializedAppendContext ctx;
-    GValue *eltval;
-    instance = dbus_g_type_specialized_construct (type);
-    g_value_init (&val, type);
-    g_value_set_boxed_take_ownership (&val, instance);
-    dbus_g_type_specialized_init_append (&val, &ctx);
-    {
-      GValue keyval = { 0, };
-      GValue valval = { 0, };
-      g_value_init (&keyval, G_TYPE_STRING);
-      g_value_set_string (&keyval, "foo"); 
-      g_value_init (&valval, G_TYPE_VALUE);
-      eltval = g_new0 (GValue, 1);
-      g_value_init (eltval, G_TYPE_UINT);
-      g_value_set_uint (eltval, 20);
-      g_value_set_boxed_take_ownership (&valval, eltval);
-      dbus_g_type_specialized_map_append (&ctx, &keyval, &valval);
-    }
-    {
-      GValue keyval = { 0, };
-      GValue valval = { 0, };
-      g_value_init (&keyval, G_TYPE_STRING);
-      g_value_set_string (&keyval, "baz"); 
-      g_value_init (&valval, G_TYPE_VALUE);
-      eltval = g_new0 (GValue, 1);
-      g_value_init (eltval, G_TYPE_STRING);
-      g_value_set_string (eltval, "bar");
-      g_value_set_boxed_take_ownership (&valval, eltval);
-      dbus_g_type_specialized_map_append (&ctx, &keyval, &valval);
-    }
-    hashdata.seen_foo = FALSE;
-    hashdata.seen_baz = FALSE;
-    dbus_g_type_map_value_iterate (&val,
-                                  test_specialized_hash_2, 
-                                  &hashdata);
-    g_assert (hashdata.seen_foo);
-    g_assert (hashdata.seen_baz);
-    g_value_unset (&val);
-  }
-  type = dbus_g_type_get_collection ("GSList", G_TYPE_OBJECT);
-  g_assert (dbus_g_type_is_collection (type));
-  g_assert (dbus_g_type_get_collection_specialization (type) == G_TYPE_OBJECT);
-  {
-    GSList *instance, *tmp, *copy;
-    GValue val = {0, };
-    GValue copyval = {0, };
-    DBusGTypeSpecializedAppendContext ctx;
-    GObject *objects[3];
-    int i;
-    instance = dbus_g_type_specialized_construct (type);
-    g_assert (instance == NULL);
-    g_value_init (&val, type);
-    g_value_take_boxed (&val, instance);
-    dbus_g_type_specialized_init_append (&val, &ctx);
-    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
-      {
-        GValue eltval = { 0, };
-        GObject *obj = g_object_new (G_TYPE_OBJECT, NULL);
-        g_assert (obj != NULL);
-        objects[i] = obj;
-        g_object_add_weak_pointer (obj, (gpointer) (objects + i));
-        g_value_init (&eltval, G_TYPE_OBJECT);
-        g_value_take_object (&eltval, obj);
-        dbus_g_type_specialized_collection_append (&ctx, &eltval);
-      }
-    dbus_g_type_specialized_collection_end_append (&ctx);
-    instance = g_value_get_boxed (&val);
-    g_assert (g_slist_length (instance) == 3);
-    for (tmp = instance; tmp; tmp = tmp->next)
-      {
-        GObject *obj = tmp->data;
-        g_assert (G_IS_OBJECT (obj));
-        g_assert (obj->ref_count == 1);
-      }
-    g_value_init (&copyval, type);
-    g_value_copy (&val, &copyval);
-    copy = g_value_get_boxed (&copyval);
-    g_assert (g_slist_length (copy) == 3);
-    for (tmp = copy; tmp; tmp = tmp->next)
-      {
-        GObject *obj = tmp->data;
-        g_assert (G_IS_OBJECT (obj));
-        g_assert (obj->ref_count == 2);
-      }
-    g_value_unset (&copyval);
-    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
-      {
-        g_assert (objects[i] != NULL);
-      }
-    for (tmp = instance; tmp; tmp = tmp->next)
-      {
-        GObject *obj = tmp->data;
-        g_assert (G_IS_OBJECT (obj));
-        g_assert (obj->ref_count == 1);
-      }
-    g_value_unset (&val);
-    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
-      {
-        g_assert (objects[i] == NULL);
-      }
-  }
-  type = dbus_g_type_get_collection ("GPtrArray", G_TYPE_STRING);
-  g_assert (dbus_g_type_is_collection (type));
-  g_assert (dbus_g_type_get_collection_specialization (type) == G_TYPE_STRING);
-  {
-    GPtrArray *instance;
-    DBusGTypeSpecializedAppendContext ctx;
-    GValue val = {0, };
-    GValue eltval = {0, };
-    instance = dbus_g_type_specialized_construct (type);
-    g_assert (instance->len == 0);
-    g_value_init (&val, type);
-    g_value_set_boxed_take_ownership (&val, instance);
-    dbus_g_type_specialized_init_append (&val, &ctx);
-    g_value_init (&eltval, G_TYPE_STRING);
-    g_value_set_static_string (&eltval, "foo");
-    dbus_g_type_specialized_collection_append (&ctx, &eltval);
-    g_value_reset (&eltval);
-    g_value_set_static_string (&eltval, "bar");
-    dbus_g_type_specialized_collection_append (&ctx, &eltval);
-    g_value_reset (&eltval);
-    g_value_set_static_string (&eltval, "baz");
-    dbus_g_type_specialized_collection_append (&ctx, &eltval);
-    dbus_g_type_specialized_collection_end_append (&ctx);
-    g_assert (instance->len == 3);
-    g_assert (!strcmp ("foo", g_ptr_array_index (instance, 0)));
-    g_assert (!strcmp ("bar", g_ptr_array_index (instance, 1)));
-    g_assert (!strcmp ("baz", g_ptr_array_index (instance, 2)));
-    g_value_unset (&val);
-  }
-  type = dbus_g_type_get_struct ("GValueArray", G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_UINT, DBUS_TYPE_G_OBJECT_PATH, G_TYPE_INVALID);
-  g_assert (dbus_g_type_is_struct (type));
-  g_assert (dbus_g_type_get_struct_size (type) == 3);
-  g_assert (dbus_g_type_get_struct_member_type (type, 0) == G_TYPE_STRING);
-  g_assert (dbus_g_type_get_struct_member_type (type, 1) == G_TYPE_UINT);
-  g_assert (dbus_g_type_get_struct_member_type (type, 2) == DBUS_TYPE_G_OBJECT_PATH);
-  {
-    GValueArray *instance;
-    GValue val = {0, };
-    GValue memval = {0, };
-    instance = dbus_g_type_specialized_construct (type);
-    g_assert (instance->n_values == 3);
-    g_value_init (&val, type);
-    g_value_set_boxed_take_ownership (&val, instance);
-    g_value_init (&memval, G_TYPE_STRING);
-    g_value_set_static_string (&memval, "foo");
-    dbus_g_type_struct_set_member (&val, 0, &memval);
-    g_value_unset (&memval);
-    g_value_init (&memval, G_TYPE_UINT);
-    g_value_set_uint (&memval, 42);
-    dbus_g_type_struct_set_member (&val, 1, &memval);
-    g_value_unset (&memval);
-    g_value_init (&memval, DBUS_TYPE_G_OBJECT_PATH);
-    g_value_set_static_boxed (&memval, "/bar/moo/foo/baz");
-    dbus_g_type_struct_set_member (&val, 2, &memval);
-    g_value_unset (&memval);
-    g_assert (instance->n_values == 3);
-    g_value_init (&memval, G_TYPE_STRING);
-    dbus_g_type_struct_get_member (&val, 0, &memval);
-    g_assert (0 == strcmp (g_value_get_string (&memval), "foo"));
-    g_value_unset (&memval);
-    g_value_init (&memval, G_TYPE_UINT);
-    dbus_g_type_struct_get_member (&val, 1, &memval);
-    g_assert (g_value_get_uint (&memval) == 42);
-    g_value_unset (&memval);
-    g_value_init (&memval, DBUS_TYPE_G_OBJECT_PATH);
-    dbus_g_type_struct_get_member (&val, 2, &memval);
-    g_assert (0 == strcmp ((gchar*) g_value_get_boxed (&memval),
-                           "/bar/moo/foo/baz"));
-    g_value_unset (&memval);
-    g_value_unset (&val);
-  }
-  type = dbus_g_type_get_struct ("GValueArray", G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_UINT, DBUS_TYPE_G_OBJECT_PATH, G_TYPE_INVALID);
-  g_assert (dbus_g_type_is_struct (type));
-  g_assert (dbus_g_type_get_struct_size (type) == 3);
-  g_assert (dbus_g_type_get_struct_member_type (type, 0) == G_TYPE_STRING);
-  g_assert (dbus_g_type_get_struct_member_type (type, 1) == G_TYPE_UINT);
-  g_assert (dbus_g_type_get_struct_member_type (type, 2) == DBUS_TYPE_G_OBJECT_PATH);
-  {
-    GValueArray *instance;
-    GValue val = {0, };
-    instance = dbus_g_type_specialized_construct (type);
-    g_assert (instance->n_values == 3);
-    g_value_init (&val, type);
-    g_value_set_boxed_take_ownership (&val, instance);
-    dbus_g_type_struct_set (&val,
-                            0,"foo",
-                            1, 42,
-                            2, "/bar/moo/foo/baz",
-                            G_MAXUINT);
-    g_assert (instance->n_values == 3);
-    {
-      gchar *string;
-      guint intval;
-      gchar *path;
-      dbus_g_type_struct_get (&val,
-                              0, &string,
-                              1, &intval,
-                              2, &path,
-                              G_MAXUINT);
-      g_assert (0 == strcmp (string, "foo"));
-      g_assert (intval == 42);
-      g_assert (0 == strcmp (path, "/bar/moo/foo/baz"));
-    }
-    g_value_unset (&val);
-  }
-  return TRUE;
-#endif /* DBUS_BUILD_TESTS */
diff --git a/glib/dbus-gvalue-utils.h b/glib/dbus-gvalue-utils.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index cba3b61..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu" -*- */
-/* dbus-gvalue-utils.h: Non-DBus-specific functions related to GType/GValue
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc.
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- * 
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- * 
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *
- */
-#include <glib.h>
-#include <glib-object.h>
-void           _dbus_g_type_specialized_builtins_init (void);
-gboolean       _dbus_g_type_is_fixed                  (GType gtype); 
-guint          _dbus_g_type_fixed_get_size            (GType gtype); 
-gboolean       _dbus_gvalue_set_from_pointer          (GValue *value,
-                                                     gconstpointer storage);
-typedef void (*DBusGHashValueForeachFunc) (GValue * key, GValue *val, gpointer data);
-void           _dbus_g_hash_table_value_foreach       (GHashTable                *table,
-                                                     GType                      hash_type,
-                                                     DBusGHashValueForeachFunc  func,
-                                                     gpointer                   data);
-void           _dbus_g_hash_table_insert_values       (GHashTable                *table,
-                                                     GValue                    *key_val,
-                                                     GValue                    *value_val);
-void           _dbus_g_hash_table_insert_steal_values (GHashTable *table,
-                                                     GValue     *key_val,
-                                                     GValue     *value_val);
-gboolean       _dbus_gtype_is_valid_hash_key          (GType type);
-gboolean       _dbus_gtype_is_valid_hash_value        (GType type);
-GHashFunc      _dbus_g_hash_func_from_gtype           (GType gtype);
-GEqualFunc     _dbus_g_hash_equal_from_gtype          (GType gtype);
-GDestroyNotify _dbus_g_hash_free_from_gtype           (GType gtype);
-gboolean       _dbus_gvalue_store                     (GValue          *value,
-                                                     gpointer         storage);
-gboolean       _dbus_gvalue_take                      (GValue          *value,
-                                                     GTypeCValue     *cvalue);
-gboolean       _dbus_gtype_can_signal_error          (GType                    gtype);
-gboolean       _dbus_gvalue_signals_error            (const GValue            *value);
diff --git a/glib/dbus-gvalue.c b/glib/dbus-gvalue.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index b81b4a6..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1854 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu" -*- */
-/* dbus-gvalue.c GValue to-from DBusMessageIter
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2004 Ximian, Inc.
- * Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc.
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- * 
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- * 
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *
- */
-#include "config.h"
-#include "dbus-gtest.h"
-#include "dbus-gvalue.h"
-#include "dbus-gsignature.h"
-#include "dbus-gobject.h"
-#include "dbus-gvalue-utils.h"
-#include "dbus/dbus-glib.h"
-#include <string.h>
-#include <glib.h>
-#include <glib/gi18n.h>
-#include "dbus/dbus-signature.h"
-static gboolean demarshal_static_variant (DBusGValueMarshalCtx    *context,
-                                         DBusMessageIter         *iter,
-                                         GValue                  *value,
-                                         GError                 **error);
-static gboolean marshal_basic                   (DBusMessageIter           *iter,
-                                                const GValue              *value);
-static gboolean demarshal_basic                 (DBusGValueMarshalCtx      *context,
-                                                DBusMessageIter           *iter,
-                                                GValue                    *value,
-                                                GError                   **error);
-static gboolean marshal_strv                    (DBusMessageIter           *iter,
-                                                const GValue              *value);
-static gboolean demarshal_strv                  (DBusGValueMarshalCtx      *context,
-                                                DBusMessageIter           *iter,
-                                                GValue                    *value,
-                                                GError                   **error);
-static gboolean marshal_valuearray              (DBusMessageIter           *iter,
-                                                const GValue              *value);
-static gboolean demarshal_valuearray            (DBusGValueMarshalCtx      *context,
-                                                DBusMessageIter           *iter,
-                                                GValue                    *value,
-                                                GError                   **error);
-static gboolean marshal_variant                 (DBusMessageIter           *iter,
-                                                const GValue              *value);
-static gboolean demarshal_variant               (DBusGValueMarshalCtx      *context,
-                                                DBusMessageIter           *iter,
-                                                GValue                    *value,
-                                                GError                   **error);
-static gboolean marshal_proxy                   (DBusMessageIter           *iter,
-                                                const GValue             *value);
-static gboolean demarshal_proxy                 (DBusGValueMarshalCtx      *context,
-                                                DBusMessageIter           *iter,
-                                                GValue                    *value,
-                                                GError                   **error);
-static gboolean marshal_object_path             (DBusMessageIter           *iter,
-                                                const GValue             *value);
-static gboolean demarshal_object_path           (DBusGValueMarshalCtx      *context,
-                                                DBusMessageIter           *iter,
-                                                GValue                    *value,
-                                                GError                   **error);
-static gboolean marshal_object                  (DBusMessageIter           *iter,
-                                                const GValue              *value);
-static gboolean demarshal_object                (DBusGValueMarshalCtx      *context,
-                                                DBusMessageIter           *iter,
-                                                GValue                    *value,
-                                                GError                   **error);
-static gboolean marshal_map                     (DBusMessageIter           *iter,
-                                                const GValue              *value);
-static gboolean demarshal_map                   (DBusGValueMarshalCtx      *context,
-                                                DBusMessageIter           *iter,
-                                                GValue                    *value,
-                                                GError                   **error);
-static gboolean marshal_collection              (DBusMessageIter           *iter,
-                                                const GValue              *value);
-static gboolean marshal_collection_ptrarray     (DBusMessageIter           *iter,
-                                                const GValue              *value);
-static gboolean marshal_collection_array        (DBusMessageIter           *iter,
-                                                const GValue              *value);
-static gboolean demarshal_collection            (DBusGValueMarshalCtx      *context,
-                                                DBusMessageIter           *iter,
-                                                GValue                    *value,
-                                                GError                   **error);
-static gboolean demarshal_collection_ptrarray   (DBusGValueMarshalCtx      *context,
-                                                DBusMessageIter           *iter,
-                                                GValue                    *value,
-                                                GError                   **error);
-static gboolean demarshal_collection_array      (DBusGValueMarshalCtx      *context,
-                                                DBusMessageIter           *iter,
-                                                GValue                    *value,
-                                                GError                   **error);
-static gboolean marshal_struct                  (DBusMessageIter           *iter,
-                                                const GValue              *value);
-static gboolean demarshal_struct                (DBusGValueMarshalCtx      *context,
-                                                DBusMessageIter           *iter,
-                                                GValue                    *value,
-                                                GError                   **error);
-typedef gboolean (*DBusGValueMarshalFunc)       (DBusMessageIter           *iter,
-                                                const GValue              *value);
-typedef gboolean (*DBusGValueDemarshalFunc)     (DBusGValueMarshalCtx      *context,
-                                                DBusMessageIter           *iter,
-                                                GValue                    *value,
-                                                GError                   **error);
-typedef struct {
-  DBusGValueMarshalFunc       marshaller;
-  DBusGValueDemarshalFunc     demarshaller;
-} DBusGTypeMarshalVtable;
-typedef struct {
-  const char                       *sig;
-  const DBusGTypeMarshalVtable     *vtable;
-} DBusGTypeMarshalData;
-static GQuark
-dbus_g_type_metadata_data_quark ()
-  static GQuark quark;
-  if (!quark)
-    quark = g_quark_from_static_string ("DBusGTypeMetaData");
-  return quark;
-static void
-set_type_metadata (GType type, const DBusGTypeMarshalData *data)
-  g_type_set_qdata (type, dbus_g_type_metadata_data_quark (), (gpointer) data);
-static void
-register_basic (int typecode, const DBusGTypeMarshalData *typedata)
-  set_type_metadata (_dbus_gtype_from_basic_typecode (typecode), typedata);
-_dbus_g_value_types_init (void)
-  static gboolean types_initialized;
-  static const DBusGTypeMarshalVtable basic_vtable = {
-    marshal_basic,
-    demarshal_basic
-  };
-  if (types_initialized)
-    return;
-  dbus_g_type_specialized_init ();
-  _dbus_g_type_specialized_builtins_init ();
-  /* Register basic types */
-  {
-    static const DBusGTypeMarshalData typedata = {
-      &basic_vtable,
-    };
-    register_basic (DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN, &typedata);
-  }
-  {
-    static const DBusGTypeMarshalData typedata = {
-      &basic_vtable,
-    };
-    register_basic (DBUS_TYPE_BYTE, &typedata);
-  }
-  {
-    static const DBusGTypeMarshalData typedata = {
-      &basic_vtable,
-    };
-    register_basic (DBUS_TYPE_INT16, &typedata);
-  }
-  {
-    static const DBusGTypeMarshalData typedata = {
-      &basic_vtable,
-    };
-    register_basic (DBUS_TYPE_UINT16, &typedata);
-  }
-  {
-    static const DBusGTypeMarshalData typedata = {
-      &basic_vtable,
-    };
-    register_basic (DBUS_TYPE_UINT32, &typedata);
-  }
-  {
-    static const DBusGTypeMarshalData typedata = {
-      &basic_vtable,
-    };
-    register_basic (DBUS_TYPE_INT32, &typedata);
-  }
-  {
-    static const DBusGTypeMarshalData typedata = {
-      &basic_vtable,
-    };
-    register_basic (DBUS_TYPE_UINT64, &typedata);
-  }
-  {
-    static const DBusGTypeMarshalData typedata = {
-      &basic_vtable,
-    };
-    register_basic (DBUS_TYPE_INT64, &typedata);
-  }
-  {
-    static const DBusGTypeMarshalData typedata = {
-      &basic_vtable,
-    };
-    register_basic (DBUS_TYPE_DOUBLE, &typedata);
-  }
-  {
-    static const DBusGTypeMarshalData typedata = {
-      &basic_vtable,
-    };
-    register_basic (DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &typedata);
-  }
-  /* fundamental GTypes that don't map 1:1 with D-BUS types */
-  {
-    static const DBusGTypeMarshalData typedata = {
-      &basic_vtable,
-    };
-    set_type_metadata (G_TYPE_CHAR, &typedata);
-  }
-  {
-    static const DBusGTypeMarshalData typedata = {
-      &basic_vtable,
-    };
-    set_type_metadata (G_TYPE_LONG, &typedata);
-  }
-  {
-    static const DBusGTypeMarshalData typedata = {
-      &basic_vtable,
-    };
-    set_type_metadata (G_TYPE_ULONG, &typedata);
-  }
-  {
-    static const DBusGTypeMarshalData typedata = {
-      &basic_vtable,
-    };
-    set_type_metadata (G_TYPE_FLOAT, &typedata);
-  }
-  /* Register complex types with builtin GType mappings */
-  {
-    static const DBusGTypeMarshalVtable vtable = {
-      marshal_variant,
-      demarshal_variant
-    };
-    static const DBusGTypeMarshalData typedata = {
-      &vtable
-    };
-    set_type_metadata (G_TYPE_VALUE, &typedata);
-  };
-  {
-    static const DBusGTypeMarshalVtable vtable = {
-      marshal_strv,
-      demarshal_strv
-    };
-    static const DBusGTypeMarshalData typedata = {
-      &vtable
-    };
-    set_type_metadata (G_TYPE_STRV, &typedata);
-  };
-  /* Register some types specific to the D-BUS GLib bindings */
-  {
-    static const DBusGTypeMarshalVtable vtable = {
-      marshal_proxy,
-      demarshal_proxy
-    };
-    static const DBusGTypeMarshalData typedata = {
-      &vtable
-    };
-    set_type_metadata (DBUS_TYPE_G_PROXY, &typedata);
-  }
-  {
-    static const DBusGTypeMarshalVtable vtable = {
-      marshal_object_path,
-      demarshal_object_path
-    };
-    static const DBusGTypeMarshalData typedata = {
-      &vtable
-    };
-    set_type_metadata (DBUS_TYPE_G_OBJECT_PATH, &typedata);
-  }
-  {
-    static const DBusGTypeMarshalVtable vtable = {
-      marshal_object,
-      demarshal_object
-    };
-    static const DBusGTypeMarshalData typedata = {
-      &vtable
-    };
-    set_type_metadata (G_TYPE_OBJECT, &typedata);
-  }
-  types_initialized = TRUE;
- * Get the GLib type ID for a DBusGObjectPath boxed type.
- *
- * @returns GLib type
- */
-dbus_g_object_path_get_g_type (void)
-  static GType type_id = 0;
-  if (!type_id)
-    type_id = g_boxed_type_register_static ("DBusGObjectPath",
-                                           (GBoxedCopyFunc) g_strdup,
-                                           (GBoxedFreeFunc) g_free);
-  return type_id;
-char *
-_dbus_gtype_to_signature (GType gtype)
-  char *ret;
-  DBusGTypeMarshalData *typedata;
-  if (dbus_g_type_is_collection (gtype))
-    {
-      GType elt_gtype;
-      char *subsig;
-      elt_gtype = dbus_g_type_get_collection_specialization (gtype);
-      subsig = _dbus_gtype_to_signature (elt_gtype);
-      ret = g_strconcat (DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY_AS_STRING, subsig, NULL);
-      g_free (subsig);
-    }
-  else if (dbus_g_type_is_map (gtype))
-    {
-      GType key_gtype;
-      GType val_gtype;
-      char *key_subsig;
-      char *val_subsig;
-      key_gtype = dbus_g_type_get_map_key_specialization (gtype);
-      val_gtype = dbus_g_type_get_map_value_specialization (gtype);
-      key_subsig = _dbus_gtype_to_signature (key_gtype);
-      val_subsig = _dbus_gtype_to_signature (val_gtype);
-      g_free (key_subsig);
-      g_free (val_subsig);
-    }
-  else if (dbus_g_type_is_struct (gtype))
-    {
-      guint i, size;
-      GString *sig;
-      size = dbus_g_type_get_struct_size (gtype);
-      sig = g_string_sized_new (size+2); /*some sensible starting size*/
-      g_string_assign (sig, DBUS_STRUCT_BEGIN_CHAR_AS_STRING);
-      for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
-        {
-          gchar *subsig;
-          subsig = _dbus_gtype_to_signature (
-              dbus_g_type_get_struct_member_type (gtype, i));
-          g_string_append (sig, subsig);
-          g_free (subsig);
-        }
-      g_string_append (sig, DBUS_STRUCT_END_CHAR_AS_STRING);
-      ret = g_string_free (sig, FALSE);
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      typedata = g_type_get_qdata (gtype, dbus_g_type_metadata_data_quark ());
-      if (typedata == NULL)
-       return NULL;
-      ret = g_strdup (typedata->sig);
-    }
-  return ret;
-char *
-_dbus_gvalue_to_signature (const GValue *val)
-  GType gtype;
-  gtype = G_VALUE_TYPE (val);
-  if (g_type_is_a (gtype, G_TYPE_VALUE_ARRAY))
-    {
-      GString *str;
-      guint i;
-      GValueArray *array;
-      array = g_value_get_boxed (val);
-      str = g_string_new (DBUS_STRUCT_BEGIN_CHAR_AS_STRING);
-      for (i = 0; i < array->n_values; i++)
-       {
-         char *sig;
-         sig = _dbus_gvalue_to_signature (g_value_array_get_nth (array, i));
-         g_string_append (str, sig);
-         g_free (sig);
-       }
-      g_string_append (str, DBUS_STRUCT_END_CHAR_AS_STRING);
-      return g_string_free (str, FALSE);
-    }
-  else
-    return _dbus_gtype_to_signature (gtype);
-static gboolean
-demarshal_basic (DBusGValueMarshalCtx      *context,
-                DBusMessageIter           *iter,
-                GValue                    *value,
-                GError                   **error)
-  int current_type;
-  current_type = dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type (iter);
-  g_assert (dbus_type_is_basic (current_type));
-  switch (current_type)
-    {
-      {
-       dbus_bool_t bool;
-       dbus_message_iter_get_basic (iter, &bool);
-       g_value_set_boolean (value, bool);
-       return TRUE;
-      }
-    case DBUS_TYPE_BYTE:
-      {
-       unsigned char byte;
-       dbus_message_iter_get_basic (iter, &byte);
-       g_value_set_uchar (value, byte);
-       return TRUE;
-      }
-    case DBUS_TYPE_INT32:
-      {
-       dbus_int32_t intval;
-       dbus_message_iter_get_basic (iter, &intval);
-       g_value_set_int (value, intval);
-       return TRUE;
-      }
-    case DBUS_TYPE_UINT32:
-      {
-       dbus_uint32_t intval;
-       dbus_message_iter_get_basic (iter, &intval);
-       g_value_set_uint (value, intval);
-       return TRUE;
-      }
-    case DBUS_TYPE_INT64:
-      {
-       dbus_int64_t intval;
-       dbus_message_iter_get_basic (iter, &intval);
-       g_value_set_int64 (value, intval);
-       return TRUE;
-      }
-    case DBUS_TYPE_UINT64:
-      {
-       dbus_uint64_t intval;
-       dbus_message_iter_get_basic (iter, &intval);
-       g_value_set_uint64 (value, intval);
-       return TRUE;
-      }
-      {
-       double dval;
-       dbus_message_iter_get_basic (iter, &dval);
-       g_value_set_double (value, dval);
-       return TRUE;
-      }
-    case DBUS_TYPE_INT16:
-      {
-        dbus_int16_t v;
-        dbus_message_iter_get_basic (iter, &v);
-        g_value_set_int (value, v);
-       return TRUE;
-      }
-    case DBUS_TYPE_UINT16:
-      {
-        dbus_uint16_t v;
-        dbus_message_iter_get_basic (iter, &v);
-        g_value_set_uint (value, v);
-       return TRUE;
-      }
-      {
-        const char *s;
-        dbus_message_iter_get_basic (iter, &s);
-       g_value_set_string (value, s);
-       return TRUE;
-      }
-    default:
-      g_assert_not_reached ();
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-static gboolean
-demarshal_static_variant (DBusGValueMarshalCtx    *context,
-                         DBusMessageIter         *iter,
-                         GValue                  *value,
-                         GError                 **error)
-  char *sig;
-  int current_type;
-  DBusMessageIter subiter;
-  GType variant_type;
-  current_type = dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type (iter);
-  dbus_message_iter_recurse (iter, &subiter);
-  sig = dbus_message_iter_get_signature (&subiter);
-  variant_type = _dbus_gtype_from_signature (sig, context->proxy != NULL);
-  if (variant_type != G_TYPE_INVALID)
-    {
-      g_value_init (value, variant_type);
-      if (!_dbus_gvalue_demarshal (context, &subiter, value, error))
-       {
-         dbus_free (sig);
-         return FALSE;
-       }
-    }
-  dbus_free (sig);
-  return TRUE;
-static gboolean
-demarshal_variant (DBusGValueMarshalCtx    *context,
-                  DBusMessageIter         *iter,
-                  GValue                  *value,
-                  GError                 **error)
-  GValue *variant_val;
-  variant_val = g_new0 (GValue, 1);
-  if (!demarshal_static_variant (context, iter, variant_val, error))
-    return FALSE;
-  g_value_set_boxed_take_ownership (value, variant_val);
-  return TRUE;
-static gboolean
-demarshal_proxy (DBusGValueMarshalCtx    *context,
-                DBusMessageIter         *iter,
-                GValue                  *value,
-                GError                 **error)
-  DBusGProxy *new_proxy;
-  const char *objpath;
-  int current_type;
-  current_type = dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type (iter);
-  if (current_type != DBUS_TYPE_OBJECT_PATH)
-    {
-      g_set_error (error,
-                  DBUS_GERROR,
-                  DBUS_GERROR_INVALID_ARGS,
-                  _("Expected D-BUS object path, got type code \'%c\'"), (guchar) current_type);
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  g_assert (context->proxy != NULL);
-  dbus_message_iter_get_basic (iter, &objpath);
-  new_proxy = dbus_g_proxy_new_from_proxy (context->proxy, NULL, objpath);
-  g_value_set_object_take_ownership (value, new_proxy);
-  return TRUE;
-static gboolean
-demarshal_object_path (DBusGValueMarshalCtx    *context,
-                      DBusMessageIter         *iter,
-                      GValue                  *value,
-                      GError                 **error)
-  const char *objpath;
-  int current_type;
-  current_type = dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type (iter);
-  if (current_type != DBUS_TYPE_OBJECT_PATH)
-    {
-      g_set_error (error,
-                  DBUS_GERROR,
-                  DBUS_GERROR_INVALID_ARGS,
-                  _("Expected D-BUS object path, got type code \'%c\'"), (guchar) current_type);
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  dbus_message_iter_get_basic (iter, &objpath);
-  g_value_set_boxed_take_ownership (value, g_strdup (objpath));
-  return TRUE;
-static gboolean
-demarshal_object (DBusGValueMarshalCtx    *context,
-                 DBusMessageIter         *iter,
-                 GValue                  *value,
-                 GError                 **error)
-  const char *objpath;
-  int current_type;
-  GObject *obj;
-  current_type = dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type (iter);
-  if (current_type != DBUS_TYPE_OBJECT_PATH)
-    {
-      g_set_error (error,
-                  DBUS_GERROR,
-                  DBUS_GERROR_INVALID_ARGS,
-                  _("Expected D-BUS object path, got type code \'%c\'"), (guchar) current_type);
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  g_assert (context->proxy == NULL);
-  dbus_message_iter_get_basic (iter, &objpath);
-  obj = dbus_g_connection_lookup_g_object (context->gconnection, objpath);
-  if (obj == NULL)
-    {
-      g_set_error (error,
-                  DBUS_GERROR,
-                  DBUS_GERROR_INVALID_ARGS,
-                  _("Unregistered object at path '%s'"),
-                  objpath);
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  g_value_set_object (value, obj);
-  return TRUE;
-static gboolean
-demarshal_strv (DBusGValueMarshalCtx    *context,
-               DBusMessageIter         *iter,
-               GValue                  *value,
-               GError                 **error)
-  DBusMessageIter subiter;
-  int current_type;
-  char **ret;
-  int len;
-  int i;
-  current_type = dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type (iter);
-  if (current_type != DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY)
-    {
-      g_set_error (error,
-                  DBUS_GERROR,
-                  DBUS_GERROR_INVALID_ARGS,
-                  _("Expected D-BUS array, got type code \'%c\'"), (guchar) current_type);
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  dbus_message_iter_recurse (iter, &subiter);
-  current_type = dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type (&subiter);
-  if (current_type != DBUS_TYPE_INVALID
-      && current_type != DBUS_TYPE_STRING)
-    {
-      g_set_error (error,
-                  DBUS_GERROR,
-                  DBUS_GERROR_INVALID_ARGS,
-                  _("Expected D-BUS string, got type code \'%c\'"), (guchar) current_type);
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  len = dbus_message_iter_get_array_len (&subiter);
-  g_assert (len >= 0);
-  ret = g_malloc (sizeof (char *) * (len + 1));
-  i = 0;
-  while ((current_type = dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type (&subiter)) != DBUS_TYPE_INVALID)
-    {
-      g_assert (i < len);
-      g_assert (current_type == DBUS_TYPE_STRING);
-      dbus_message_iter_get_basic (&subiter, &(ret[i]));
-      ret[i] = g_strdup (ret[i]);
-      dbus_message_iter_next (&subiter);
-      i++;
-    }
-  ret[i] = NULL; 
-  g_value_set_boxed_take_ownership (value, ret);
-  return TRUE;
-static gboolean
-demarshal_valuearray (DBusGValueMarshalCtx    *context,
-                     DBusMessageIter         *iter,
-                     GValue                  *value,
-                     GError                 **error)
-  int current_type;
-  GValueArray *ret;
-  DBusMessageIter subiter;
-  current_type = dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type (iter);
-  if (current_type != DBUS_TYPE_STRUCT)
-    {
-      g_set_error (error,
-                  DBUS_GERROR,
-                  DBUS_GERROR_INVALID_ARGS,
-                  _("Expected D-BUS struct, got type code \'%c\'"), (guchar) current_type);
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  dbus_message_iter_recurse (iter, &subiter);
-  ret = g_value_array_new (12);
-  while ((current_type = dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type (&subiter)) != DBUS_TYPE_INVALID)
-    {
-      GValue *val;
-      GType elt_type; 
-      char *current_sig;
-      g_value_array_append (ret, NULL);
-      val = g_value_array_get_nth (ret, ret->n_values - 1);
-      current_sig = dbus_message_iter_get_signature (&subiter);
-      elt_type = _dbus_gtype_from_signature (current_sig, TRUE);
-      dbus_free (current_sig);
-      if (elt_type == G_TYPE_INVALID)
-       {
-         g_value_array_free (ret);
-         g_set_error (error,
-                      DBUS_GERROR,
-                      DBUS_GERROR_INVALID_ARGS,
-                      _("Couldn't demarshal argument with signature \"%s\""), current_sig);
-         return FALSE;
-       }
-      g_value_init (val, elt_type);
-      if (!_dbus_gvalue_demarshal (context, &subiter, val, error))
-       {
-         g_value_array_free (ret);
-         return FALSE;
-       }
-      dbus_message_iter_next (&subiter);
-    }
-  g_value_set_boxed_take_ownership (value, ret);
-  return TRUE;
-static gboolean
-demarshal_map (DBusGValueMarshalCtx    *context,
-              DBusMessageIter         *iter,
-              GValue                  *value,
-              GError                 **error)
-  GType gtype;
-  DBusMessageIter subiter;
-  int current_type;
-  gpointer ret;
-  GType key_gtype;
-  GType value_gtype;
-  DBusGTypeSpecializedAppendContext appendctx;
-  current_type = dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type (iter);
-  if (current_type != DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY)
-    {
-      g_set_error (error,
-                  DBUS_GERROR,
-                  DBUS_GERROR_INVALID_ARGS,
-                  _("Expected D-BUS array, got type code \'%c\'"), (guchar) current_type);
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  gtype = G_VALUE_TYPE (value);
-  dbus_message_iter_recurse (iter, &subiter);
-  current_type = dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type (&subiter);
-  if (current_type != DBUS_TYPE_INVALID
-      && current_type != DBUS_TYPE_DICT_ENTRY)
-    {
-      g_set_error (error,
-                  DBUS_GERROR,
-                  DBUS_GERROR_INVALID_ARGS,
-                  _("Expected D-BUS dict entry, got type code \'%c\'"), (guchar) current_type);
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  key_gtype = dbus_g_type_get_map_key_specialization (gtype);
-  value_gtype = dbus_g_type_get_map_value_specialization (gtype);
-  ret = dbus_g_type_specialized_construct (gtype);
-  g_value_set_boxed_take_ownership (value, ret);
-  dbus_g_type_specialized_init_append (value, &appendctx);
-  while ((current_type = dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type (&subiter)) != DBUS_TYPE_INVALID)
-    {
-      DBusMessageIter entry_iter;
-      GValue key_value = {0,};
-      GValue value_value = {0,};
-      current_type = dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type (&subiter);
-      g_assert (current_type == DBUS_TYPE_DICT_ENTRY);
-      dbus_message_iter_recurse (&subiter, &entry_iter);
-      g_value_init (&key_value, key_gtype);
-      if (!_dbus_gvalue_demarshal (context,
-                                 &entry_iter,
-                                 &key_value,
-                                 error))
-       return FALSE;
-      dbus_message_iter_next (&entry_iter);
-      g_value_init (&value_value, value_gtype);
-      if (!_dbus_gvalue_demarshal (context,
-                                 &entry_iter,
-                                 &value_value,
-                                 error))
-       return FALSE;
-      dbus_g_type_specialized_map_append (&appendctx, &key_value, &value_value);
-      /* Ownership of values passes to map, don't unset */
-      dbus_message_iter_next (&subiter);
-    }
-  return TRUE;
-static gboolean
-demarshal_struct (DBusGValueMarshalCtx    *context,
-                  DBusMessageIter         *iter,
-                  GValue                  *value,
-                  GError                 **error)
-  int current_type;
-  DBusMessageIter subiter;
-  guint i, size;
-  GValue val = {0,};
-  GType elt_type;
-  current_type = dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type (iter);
-  if (current_type != DBUS_TYPE_STRUCT)
-    {
-      g_set_error (error,
-                   DBUS_GERROR,
-                   DBUS_GERROR_INVALID_ARGS,
-                   _("Expected D-BUS struct, got type code \'%c\'"), (guchar) current_type);
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  dbus_message_iter_recurse (iter, &subiter);
-  g_value_set_boxed_take_ownership (value,
-    dbus_g_type_specialized_construct (G_VALUE_TYPE (value)));
-  size = dbus_g_type_get_struct_size (G_VALUE_TYPE (value));
-  for (i=0; i < size; i++)
-    {
-      elt_type = dbus_g_type_get_struct_member_type (G_VALUE_TYPE(value), i);
-      if (elt_type == G_TYPE_INVALID)
-        {
-          g_value_unset (value);
-          g_set_error (error,
-                       DBUS_GERROR,
-                       DBUS_GERROR_INVALID_ARGS,
-                       _("Couldn't demarshal argument, "
-                         "struct type %s has no member %d"),
-                       g_type_name (G_VALUE_TYPE(value)), i);
-          return FALSE;
-        }
-      g_value_init (&val, elt_type);
-      if (!_dbus_gvalue_demarshal (context, &subiter, &val, error))
-        {
-          g_value_unset (&val);
-          g_value_unset (value);
-          return FALSE;
-        }
-      if (!dbus_g_type_struct_set_member (value, i, &val))
-        {
-          g_value_unset (&val);
-          g_value_unset (value);
-          return FALSE;
-        }
-      dbus_message_iter_next (&subiter);
-      g_value_unset (&val);
-    }
-  g_assert (dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type (&subiter) == DBUS_TYPE_INVALID);
-  return TRUE;
-static DBusGValueDemarshalFunc
-get_type_demarshaller (GType type)
-  DBusGTypeMarshalData *typedata;
-  typedata = g_type_get_qdata (type, dbus_g_type_metadata_data_quark ());
-  if (typedata == NULL)
-    {
-      if (g_type_is_a (type, G_TYPE_VALUE_ARRAY))
-       return demarshal_valuearray;
-      if (dbus_g_type_is_collection (type))
-       return demarshal_collection;
-      if (dbus_g_type_is_map (type))
-       return demarshal_map;
-      if (dbus_g_type_is_struct (type))
-        return demarshal_struct;
-      g_warning ("No demarshaller registered for type \"%s\"", g_type_name (type));
-      return NULL;
-    }
-  g_assert (typedata->vtable);
-  return typedata->vtable->demarshaller;
-static gboolean
-demarshal_collection (DBusGValueMarshalCtx    *context,
-                     DBusMessageIter         *iter,
-                     GValue                  *value,
-                     GError                 **error)
-  GType coltype;
-  GType subtype;
-  coltype = G_VALUE_TYPE (value);
-  subtype = dbus_g_type_get_collection_specialization (coltype);
-  if (_dbus_g_type_is_fixed (subtype))
-    return demarshal_collection_array (context, iter, value, error);
-  else
-    return demarshal_collection_ptrarray (context, iter, value, error);
-static gboolean
-demarshal_collection_ptrarray (DBusGValueMarshalCtx    *context,
-                              DBusMessageIter         *iter,
-                              GValue                  *value,
-                              GError                 **error)
-  GType coltype;
-  GType subtype;
-  gpointer instance;
-  DBusGTypeSpecializedAppendContext ctx;
-  DBusGValueDemarshalFunc demarshaller;
-  DBusMessageIter subiter;
-  int current_type;
-  current_type = dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type (iter);
-  if (current_type != DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY)
-    {
-      g_set_error (error,
-                  DBUS_GERROR,
-                  DBUS_GERROR_INVALID_ARGS,
-                  _("Expected D-BUS array, got type code \'%c\'"), (guchar) current_type);
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  dbus_message_iter_recurse (iter, &subiter);
-  coltype = G_VALUE_TYPE (value);
-  subtype = dbus_g_type_get_collection_specialization (coltype);
-  demarshaller = get_type_demarshaller (subtype);
-  if (!demarshaller)
-    {
-      g_set_error (error,
-                  DBUS_GERROR,
-                  DBUS_GERROR_INVALID_ARGS,
-                  _("No demarshaller registered for type \"%s\" of collection \"%s\""),
-                  g_type_name (coltype),
-                  g_type_name (subtype));
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  instance = dbus_g_type_specialized_construct (coltype);
-  g_value_set_boxed_take_ownership (value, instance);
-  dbus_g_type_specialized_init_append (value, &ctx);
-  while ((current_type = dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type (&subiter)) != DBUS_TYPE_INVALID)
-    {
-      GValue eltval = {0, };
-      g_value_init (&eltval, subtype);
-      if (!demarshaller (context, &subiter, &eltval, error))
-       {
-         dbus_g_type_specialized_collection_end_append (&ctx);
-         g_value_unset (value);
-         return FALSE;
-       }
-      dbus_g_type_specialized_collection_append (&ctx, &eltval);
-      dbus_message_iter_next (&subiter);
-    }
-  dbus_g_type_specialized_collection_end_append (&ctx);
-  return TRUE;
-static gboolean
-demarshal_collection_array (DBusGValueMarshalCtx    *context,
-                           DBusMessageIter         *iter,
-                           GValue                  *value,
-                           GError                 **error)
-  DBusMessageIter subiter;
-  GArray *ret;
-  GType elt_gtype;
-  int elt_size;
-  void *msgarray;
-  int msgarray_len;
-  dbus_message_iter_recurse (iter, &subiter);
-  elt_gtype = dbus_g_type_get_collection_specialization (G_VALUE_TYPE (value));
-  g_assert (elt_gtype != G_TYPE_INVALID);
-  g_assert (_dbus_g_type_is_fixed (elt_gtype));
-  elt_size = _dbus_g_type_fixed_get_size (elt_gtype);
-  ret = g_array_new (FALSE, TRUE, elt_size);
-  msgarray = NULL;
-  dbus_message_iter_get_fixed_array (&subiter,
-                                    &msgarray,
-                                    &msgarray_len);
-  g_assert (msgarray != NULL || msgarray_len == 0);
-  if (msgarray_len)
-    g_array_append_vals (ret, msgarray, (guint) msgarray_len);
-  g_value_set_boxed_take_ownership (value, ret);
-  return TRUE;
-_dbus_gvalue_demarshal (DBusGValueMarshalCtx    *context,
-                      DBusMessageIter         *iter,
-                      GValue                  *value,
-                      GError                 **error)
-  GType gtype;
-  DBusGValueDemarshalFunc demarshaller;
-  gtype = G_VALUE_TYPE (value);
-  demarshaller = get_type_demarshaller (gtype);
-  if (demarshaller == NULL)
-    {
-      g_set_error (error,
-                  DBUS_GERROR,
-                  DBUS_GERROR_INVALID_ARGS,
-                  _("No demarshaller registered for type \"%s\""),
-                  g_type_name (gtype));
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  return demarshaller (context, iter, value, error);
-_dbus_gvalue_demarshal_variant (DBusGValueMarshalCtx    *context,
-                              DBusMessageIter         *iter,
-                              GValue                  *value,
-                              GError                 **error)
-  return demarshal_static_variant (context, iter, value, error);
-GValueArray *
-_dbus_gvalue_demarshal_message  (DBusGValueMarshalCtx    *context,
-                               DBusMessage             *message,
-                               guint                    n_types,
-                               const GType             *types,
-                               GError                 **error)
-  GValueArray *ret;
-  DBusMessageIter iter;
-  int current_type;
-  guint index;
-  ret = g_value_array_new (6);  /* 6 is a typical maximum for arguments */
-  dbus_message_iter_init (message, &iter);
-  index = 0;
-  while ((current_type = dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type (&iter)) != DBUS_TYPE_INVALID)
-    {
-      GValue *value;
-      GType gtype;
-      if (index >= n_types)
-       {
-         g_set_error (error, DBUS_GERROR,
-                      DBUS_GERROR_INVALID_ARGS,
-                      _("Too many arguments in message"));
-         goto lose;
-       }
-      g_value_array_append (ret, NULL);
-      value = g_value_array_get_nth (ret, index);
-      gtype = types[index]; 
-      g_value_init (value, gtype);
-      if (!_dbus_gvalue_demarshal (context, &iter, value, error))
-       goto lose;
-      dbus_message_iter_next (&iter);
-      index++;
-    }
-  if (index < n_types)
-    {
-      g_set_error (error, DBUS_GERROR,
-                  DBUS_GERROR_INVALID_ARGS,
-                  _("Too few arguments in message"));
-      goto lose;
-    }
-  return ret;
- lose:
-  g_value_array_free (ret);
-  return NULL;
-static gboolean
-marshal_basic (DBusMessageIter *iter, const GValue *value)
-  GType value_type;
-  value_type = G_VALUE_TYPE (value);
-  switch (value_type)
-    {
-    case G_TYPE_CHAR:
-      {
-        char b = g_value_get_char (value);
-        if (!dbus_message_iter_append_basic (iter,
-                                             DBUS_TYPE_BYTE,
-                                             &b))
-          goto nomem;
-      }
-      return TRUE;
-    case G_TYPE_UCHAR:
-      {
-        unsigned char b = g_value_get_uchar (value);
-        if (!dbus_message_iter_append_basic (iter,
-                                             DBUS_TYPE_BYTE,
-                                             &b))
-          goto nomem;
-      }
-      return TRUE;
-    case G_TYPE_BOOLEAN:
-      {
-        dbus_bool_t b = g_value_get_boolean (value);
-        if (!dbus_message_iter_append_basic (iter,
-                                             DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN,
-                                             &b))
-          goto nomem;
-      }
-      return TRUE;
-    case G_TYPE_INT:
-      {
-        dbus_int32_t v = g_value_get_int (value);
-        if (!dbus_message_iter_append_basic (iter,
-                                             DBUS_TYPE_INT32,
-                                             &v))
-          goto nomem;
-      }
-      return TRUE;
-    case G_TYPE_UINT:
-      {
-        dbus_uint32_t v = g_value_get_uint (value);
-        if (!dbus_message_iter_append_basic (iter,
-                                             DBUS_TYPE_UINT32,
-                                             &v))
-          goto nomem;
-      }
-      return TRUE;
-    case G_TYPE_LONG:
-      {
-        dbus_int32_t v = g_value_get_long (value);
-        if (!dbus_message_iter_append_basic (iter,
-                                             DBUS_TYPE_INT32,
-                                             &v))
-          goto nomem;
-      }
-      return TRUE;
-    case G_TYPE_ULONG:
-      {
-        dbus_uint32_t v = g_value_get_ulong (value);
-        if (!dbus_message_iter_append_basic (iter,
-                                             DBUS_TYPE_UINT32,
-                                             &v))
-          goto nomem;
-      }
-      return TRUE;
-    case G_TYPE_INT64:
-      {
-        gint64 v = g_value_get_int64 (value);
-        if (!dbus_message_iter_append_basic (iter,
-                                             DBUS_TYPE_INT64,
-                                             &v))
-          goto nomem;
-      }
-      return TRUE;
-    case G_TYPE_UINT64:
-      {
-        guint64 v = g_value_get_uint64 (value);
-        if (!dbus_message_iter_append_basic (iter,
-                                             DBUS_TYPE_UINT64,
-                                             &v))
-          goto nomem;
-      }
-      return TRUE;
-    case G_TYPE_FLOAT:
-      {
-        double v = g_value_get_float (value);
-        if (!dbus_message_iter_append_basic (iter,
-                                             DBUS_TYPE_DOUBLE,
-                                             &v))
-          goto nomem;
-      }
-      return TRUE;
-    case G_TYPE_DOUBLE:
-      {
-        double v = g_value_get_double (value);
-        if (!dbus_message_iter_append_basic (iter,
-                                             DBUS_TYPE_DOUBLE,
-                                             &v))
-          goto nomem;
-      }
-      return TRUE;
-    case G_TYPE_STRING:
-      /* FIXME, the GValue string may not be valid UTF-8 */
-      {
-        const char *v = g_value_get_string (value);
-       if (!v)
-         v = "";
-        if (!dbus_message_iter_append_basic (iter,
-                                             DBUS_TYPE_STRING,
-                                             &v))
-          goto nomem;
-      }
-      return TRUE;
-    default:
-      {
-       g_assert_not_reached ();
-       return FALSE;
-      }
-    }
- nomem:
-  g_error ("no memory");
-  return FALSE;
-static gboolean
-marshal_strv (DBusMessageIter   *iter,
-             const GValue       *value)
-  DBusMessageIter subiter;
-  char **array;
-  char **elt;
-  gboolean ret = FALSE;
-  g_assert (G_VALUE_TYPE (value) == g_strv_get_type ());
-  array = g_value_get_boxed (value);
-  if (!dbus_message_iter_open_container (iter,
-                                        DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY,
-                                        "s",
-                                        &subiter))
-    goto out;
-  for (elt = array; *elt; elt++)
-    {
-      if (!dbus_message_iter_append_basic (&subiter,
-                                          DBUS_TYPE_STRING,
-                                          elt))
-       goto out;
-    }
-  if (!dbus_message_iter_close_container (iter, &subiter))
-    goto out;
-  ret = TRUE;
- out:
-  return ret;
-static gboolean
-marshal_valuearray (DBusMessageIter   *iter,
-                   const GValue       *value)
-  GValueArray *array;
-  guint i;
-  DBusMessageIter subiter;
-  g_assert (G_VALUE_TYPE (value) == G_TYPE_VALUE_ARRAY);
-  array = g_value_get_boxed (value);
-  if (!dbus_message_iter_open_container (iter,
-                                        DBUS_TYPE_STRUCT,
-                                        NULL,
-                                        &subiter))
-    goto oom;
-  for (i = 0; i < array->n_values; i++)
-    {
-      if (!_dbus_gvalue_marshal (&subiter, g_value_array_get_nth (array, i)))
-       return FALSE;
-    }
-  if (!dbus_message_iter_close_container (iter, &subiter))
-    goto oom;
-  return TRUE;
- oom:
-  g_error ("out of memory");
-  return FALSE;
-static gboolean
-marshal_proxy (DBusMessageIter         *iter,
-              const GValue            *value)
-  const char *path;
-  DBusGProxy *proxy;
-  g_assert (G_VALUE_TYPE (value) == dbus_g_proxy_get_type ());
-  proxy = g_value_get_object (value);
-  path = dbus_g_proxy_get_path (proxy);
-  if (!dbus_message_iter_append_basic (iter,
-                                      DBUS_TYPE_OBJECT_PATH,
-                                      &path))
-    return FALSE;
-  return TRUE;
-static gboolean
-marshal_object_path (DBusMessageIter         *iter,
-                    const GValue            *value)
-  const char *path;
-  g_assert (G_VALUE_TYPE (value) == DBUS_TYPE_G_OBJECT_PATH);
-  path = (const char*) g_value_get_boxed (value);
-  if (!dbus_message_iter_append_basic (iter,
-                                      DBUS_TYPE_OBJECT_PATH,
-                                      &path))
-    return FALSE;
-  return TRUE;
-static gboolean
-marshal_object (DBusMessageIter         *iter,
-               const GValue            *value)
-  const char *path;
-  GObject *obj;
-  obj = g_value_get_object (value);
-  path = _dbus_gobject_get_path (obj);
-  if (path == NULL)
-    /* FIXME should throw error */
-    return FALSE;
-  if (!dbus_message_iter_append_basic (iter,
-                                      DBUS_TYPE_OBJECT_PATH,
-                                      &path))
-    return FALSE;
-  return TRUE;
-struct DBusGLibHashMarshalData
-  const char *entry_sig;
-  DBusMessageIter *iter;
-  gboolean err;
-static void
-marshal_map_entry (const GValue *key,
-                  const GValue *value,
-                  gpointer data)
-  struct DBusGLibHashMarshalData *hashdata = data;
-  DBusMessageIter subiter;
-  if (hashdata->err)
-    return;
-  if (!dbus_message_iter_open_container (hashdata->iter,
-                                        DBUS_TYPE_DICT_ENTRY,
-                                        NULL,
-                                        &subiter))
-    goto lose;
-  if (!_dbus_gvalue_marshal (&subiter, key))
-    goto lose;
-  if (!_dbus_gvalue_marshal (&subiter, value))
-    goto lose;
-  if (!dbus_message_iter_close_container (hashdata->iter, &subiter))
-    goto lose;
-  return;
- lose:
-  hashdata->err = TRUE;
-static gboolean
-marshal_map (DBusMessageIter   *iter,
-            const GValue      *value)
-  GType gtype;
-  DBusMessageIter arr_iter;
-  gboolean ret;
-  struct DBusGLibHashMarshalData hashdata;
-  char *key_sig;
-  char *value_sig;
-  GType key_type;
-  GType value_type;
-  char *entry_sig;
-  char *array_sig;
-  gtype = G_VALUE_TYPE (value);
-  ret = FALSE;
-  key_type = dbus_g_type_get_map_key_specialization (gtype);
-  g_assert (_dbus_gtype_is_valid_hash_key (key_type));
-  value_type = dbus_g_type_get_map_value_specialization (gtype);
-  g_assert (_dbus_gtype_is_valid_hash_value (value_type));
-  key_sig = _dbus_gtype_to_signature (key_type);
-  if (!key_sig)
-    {
-      g_warning ("Cannot marshal type \"%s\" in map\n", g_type_name (key_type));
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  value_sig = _dbus_gtype_to_signature (value_type);
-  if (!value_sig)
-    {
-      g_free (key_sig);
-      g_warning ("Cannot marshal type \"%s\" in map\n", g_type_name (value_type));
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  entry_sig = g_strdup_printf ("%s%s", key_sig, value_sig);
-  g_free (key_sig);
-  g_free (value_sig);
-  array_sig = g_strdup_printf ("%c%s%c",
-                              DBUS_DICT_ENTRY_BEGIN_CHAR,
-                              entry_sig,
-                              DBUS_DICT_ENTRY_END_CHAR);
-  if (!dbus_message_iter_open_container (iter,
-                                        DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY,
-                                        array_sig,
-                                        &arr_iter))
-    goto lose;
-  hashdata.iter = &arr_iter;
-  hashdata.err = FALSE;
-  hashdata.entry_sig = entry_sig;
-  dbus_g_type_map_value_iterate (value,
-                                marshal_map_entry,
-                                &hashdata);
-  if (!dbus_message_iter_close_container (iter, &arr_iter))
-    goto lose;
- out:
-  g_free (entry_sig);
-  g_free (array_sig);
-  return !hashdata.err;
- lose:
-  hashdata.err = TRUE;
-  goto out;
-static gboolean
-marshal_struct (DBusMessageIter   *iter,
-                const GValue      *value)
-  GType gtype;
-  DBusMessageIter subiter;
-  gboolean ret;
-  guint size, i;
-  GValue val = {0,};
-  gtype = G_VALUE_TYPE (value);
-  ret = FALSE;
-  size = dbus_g_type_get_struct_size (gtype);
-  if (!dbus_message_iter_open_container (iter,
-                                         DBUS_TYPE_STRUCT,
-                                         NULL,
-                                         &subiter))
-    goto oom;
-  for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
-    {
-      g_value_init (&val, dbus_g_type_get_struct_member_type
-          (G_VALUE_TYPE(value), i));
-      if (!dbus_g_type_struct_get_member (value, i, &val))
-        return FALSE;
-      if (!_dbus_gvalue_marshal (&subiter, &val))
-        return FALSE;
-      g_value_unset(&val);
-    }
-  if (!dbus_message_iter_close_container (iter, &subiter))
-    goto oom;
-  return TRUE;
- oom:
-  g_error ("out of memory");
-  return FALSE;
-static gboolean
-marshal_variant (DBusMessageIter          *iter,
-                const GValue             *value)
-  GType value_gtype;
-  DBusMessageIter subiter;
-  char *variant_sig;
-  GValue *real_value;
-  gboolean ret = FALSE;
-  real_value = g_value_get_boxed (value);
-  value_gtype = G_VALUE_TYPE (real_value);
-  variant_sig = _dbus_gvalue_to_signature (real_value);
-  if (variant_sig == NULL)
-    {
-      g_warning ("Cannot marshal type \"%s\" in variant", g_type_name (value_gtype));
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  if (!dbus_message_iter_open_container (iter,
-                                        DBUS_TYPE_VARIANT,
-                                        variant_sig,
-                                        &subiter))
-    goto out;
-  if (!_dbus_gvalue_marshal (&subiter, real_value))
-    goto out;
-  if (!dbus_message_iter_close_container (iter, &subiter))
-    goto out;
-  ret = TRUE;
- out:
-  g_free (variant_sig);
-  return ret;
-static DBusGValueMarshalFunc
-get_type_marshaller (GType type)
-  DBusGTypeMarshalData *typedata;
-  typedata = g_type_get_qdata (type, dbus_g_type_metadata_data_quark ());
-  if (typedata == NULL)
-    {
-      if (g_type_is_a (type, G_TYPE_VALUE_ARRAY))
-       return marshal_valuearray;
-      if (dbus_g_type_is_collection (type))
-       return marshal_collection;
-      if (dbus_g_type_is_map (type))
-       return marshal_map;
-      if (dbus_g_type_is_struct (type))
-       return marshal_struct;
-      g_warning ("No marshaller registered for type \"%s\"", g_type_name (type));
-      return NULL;
-    }
-  g_assert (typedata->vtable);
-  return typedata->vtable->marshaller;
-typedef struct
-  DBusMessageIter *iter;
-  DBusGValueMarshalFunc marshaller;
-  gboolean err;
-} DBusGValueCollectionMarshalData;
-static void
-collection_marshal_iterator (const GValue *eltval,
-                            gpointer      user_data)
-  DBusGValueCollectionMarshalData *data = user_data;
-  if (data->err)
-    return;
-  if (!data->marshaller (data->iter, eltval))
-    data->err = TRUE;
-static gboolean
-marshal_collection (DBusMessageIter         *iter,
-                   const GValue            *value)
-  GType coltype;
-  GType subtype;
-  coltype = G_VALUE_TYPE (value);
-  subtype = dbus_g_type_get_collection_specialization (coltype);
-  if (_dbus_g_type_is_fixed (subtype))
-    return marshal_collection_array (iter, value);
-  else
-    return marshal_collection_ptrarray (iter, value);
-static gboolean
-marshal_collection_ptrarray (DBusMessageIter         *iter,
-                            const GValue            *value)
-  GType coltype;
-  GType elt_gtype;
-  DBusGValueCollectionMarshalData data;
-  DBusMessageIter subiter;
-  char *elt_sig;
-  coltype = G_VALUE_TYPE (value);
-  elt_gtype = dbus_g_type_get_collection_specialization (coltype);
-  data.marshaller = get_type_marshaller (elt_gtype);
-  if (!data.marshaller)
-    return FALSE;
-  elt_sig = _dbus_gtype_to_signature (elt_gtype);
-  if (!elt_sig)
-    {
-      g_warning ("Cannot marshal type \"%s\" in collection\n", g_type_name (elt_gtype));
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  if (!dbus_message_iter_open_container (iter,
-                                        DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY,
-                                        elt_sig,
-                                        &subiter))
-    goto oom;
-  g_free (elt_sig);
-  data.iter = &subiter;
-  data.err = FALSE;
-  dbus_g_type_collection_value_iterate (value,
-                                       collection_marshal_iterator,
-                                       &data);
-  if (!dbus_message_iter_close_container (iter, &subiter))
-    goto oom;
-  return !data.err;
- oom:
-  g_error ("out of memory");
-  return FALSE;
-static gboolean
-marshal_collection_array (DBusMessageIter   *iter,
-                         const GValue      *value)
-  GType elt_gtype;
-  DBusMessageIter subiter;
-  GArray *array;
-  guint elt_size;
-  char *subsignature_str;
-  elt_gtype = dbus_g_type_get_collection_specialization (G_VALUE_TYPE (value));
-  g_assert (_dbus_g_type_is_fixed (elt_gtype));
-  subsignature_str = _dbus_gtype_to_signature (elt_gtype);
-  if (!subsignature_str)
-    {
-      g_warning ("Cannot marshal type \"%s\" in collection\n", g_type_name (elt_gtype));
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  elt_size = _dbus_g_type_fixed_get_size (elt_gtype);
-  array = g_value_get_boxed (value);
-  if (!dbus_message_iter_open_container (iter,
-                                        DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY,
-                                        subsignature_str,
-                                        &subiter))
-    goto oom;
-  /* TODO - This assumes that basic values are the same size
-   * is this always true?  If it is we can probably avoid
-   * a lot of the overhead in _marshal_basic_instance...
-   */
-  if (!dbus_message_iter_append_fixed_array (&subiter,
-                                            subsignature_str[0],
-                                            &(array->data),
-                                            array->len))
-    goto oom;
-  if (!dbus_message_iter_close_container (iter, &subiter))
-    goto oom;
-  g_free (subsignature_str);
-  return TRUE;
- oom:
-  g_error ("out of memory");
-  return FALSE;
-_dbus_gvalue_marshal (DBusMessageIter         *iter,
-                    const GValue       *value)
-  GType gtype;
-  DBusGValueMarshalFunc marshaller;
-  gtype = G_VALUE_TYPE (value);
-  marshaller = get_type_marshaller (gtype);
-  if (marshaller == NULL)
-    return FALSE;
-  return marshaller (iter, value);
-static void
-assert_type_maps_to (GType gtype, const char *expected_sig)
-  char *sig;
-  sig = _dbus_gtype_to_signature (gtype);
-  g_assert (sig != NULL);
-  g_assert (!strcmp (expected_sig, sig));
-  g_free (sig);
-static void
-assert_signature_maps_to (const char *sig, GType expected_gtype)
-  g_assert (_dbus_gtype_from_signature (sig, TRUE) == expected_gtype);
-static void
-assert_bidirectional_mapping (GType gtype, const char *expected_sig)
-  assert_type_maps_to (gtype, expected_sig);
-  assert_signature_maps_to (expected_sig, gtype);
- * @ingroup DBusGLibInternals
- * Unit test for general glib stuff
- * @returns #TRUE on success.
- */
-_dbus_gvalue_test (const char *test_data_dir)
-  _dbus_g_value_types_init ();
-  assert_bidirectional_mapping (G_TYPE_STRING, DBUS_TYPE_STRING_AS_STRING);
-  assert_bidirectional_mapping (G_TYPE_UCHAR, DBUS_TYPE_BYTE_AS_STRING);
-  assert_bidirectional_mapping (G_TYPE_UINT, DBUS_TYPE_UINT32_AS_STRING);
-  assert_bidirectional_mapping (dbus_g_type_get_map ("GHashTable", G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_VALUE),
-  assert_bidirectional_mapping (dbus_g_type_get_collection ("GPtrArray", DBUS_TYPE_G_OBJECT_PATH),
-  assert_bidirectional_mapping (dbus_g_type_get_collection ("GArray", G_TYPE_INT),
-                               DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY_AS_STRING DBUS_TYPE_INT32_AS_STRING);
-  assert_bidirectional_mapping (dbus_g_type_get_struct ("GValueArray", G_TYPE_INT, G_TYPE_STRING, DBUS_TYPE_G_OBJECT_PATH, G_TYPE_INVALID),
-  return TRUE;
-#endif /* DBUS_BUILD_TESTS */
diff --git a/glib/dbus-gvalue.h b/glib/dbus-gvalue.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 1bfd719..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-#include <dbus/dbus.h>
-#include <dbus/dbus-signature.h>
-#include <glib.h>
-#include <glib-object.h>
-#include "dbus/dbus-glib.h"
-typedef struct {
-  DBusGConnection    *gconnection;
-  DBusGProxy         *proxy;
-} DBusGValueMarshalCtx;
-void           _dbus_g_value_types_init        (void);
-char *         _dbus_gtype_to_signature        (GType                    type);
-char *         _dbus_gvalue_to_signature       (const GValue            *val);
-gboolean       _dbus_gvalue_demarshal          (DBusGValueMarshalCtx    *context,
-                                              DBusMessageIter         *iter,
-                                              GValue                  *value,
-                                              GError                 **error);
-gboolean       _dbus_gvalue_demarshal_variant  (DBusGValueMarshalCtx    *context,
-                                              DBusMessageIter         *iter,
-                                              GValue                  *value,
-                                              GError                 **error);
-GValueArray *  _dbus_gvalue_demarshal_message  (DBusGValueMarshalCtx    *context,
-                                              DBusMessage             *message,
-                                              guint                    n_params,
-                                              const GType             *types, 
-                                              GError                 **error);
-gboolean       _dbus_gvalue_marshal            (DBusMessageIter         *iter,
-                                              const GValue            *value);
-#endif /* DBUS_GOBJECT_VALUE_H */
diff --git a/glib/examples/.cvsignore b/glib/examples/.cvsignore
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index fc6a063..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/glib/examples/Makefile.am b/glib/examples/Makefile.am
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 34b9cb8..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-SUBDIRS = . statemachine
-## Makefile.am bits for sample client/server pair
-noinst_PROGRAMS= example-client example-service 
-example_client_SOURCES= example-client.c
-example_client_LDADD= $(top_builddir)/glib/libdbus-glib-1.la
-example_service_SOURCES= example-service.c
-example_service_LDADD= $(top_builddir)/glib/libdbus-glib-1.la
-BUILT_SOURCES = example-service-glue.h
-example-service-glue.h: example-service.xml
-       $(LIBTOOL) --mode=execute $(top_builddir)/glib/dbus-binding-tool --prefix=some_object --mode=glib-server --output=example-service-glue.h $(srcdir)/example-service.xml
-## Makefile.am bits for another client/server pair
-noinst_PROGRAMS += example-signal-recipient example-signal-emitter
-example_signal_recipient_SOURCES= example-signal-recipient.c
-example_signal_recipient_LDADD= $(top_builddir)/glib/libdbus-glib-1.la
-example_signal_emitter_SOURCES= example-signal-emitter.c
-example_signal_emitter_LDADD= $(top_builddir)/glib/libdbus-glib-1.la
-BUILT_SOURCES += example-signal-emitter-glue.h
-example-signal-emitter-glue.h: example-signal-emitter.xml
-       $(LIBTOOL) --mode=execute $(top_builddir)/glib/dbus-binding-tool --prefix=test_object --mode=glib-server --output=example-signal-emitter-glue.h $(srcdir)/example-signal-emitter.xml
-EXTRA_DIST = example-service.xml example-signal-emitter.xml 
diff --git a/glib/examples/example-client.c b/glib/examples/example-client.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index dac1f82..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-#include <dbus/dbus-glib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-static void lose (const char *fmt, ...) G_GNUC_NORETURN G_GNUC_PRINTF (1, 2);
-static void lose_gerror (const char *prefix, GError *error) G_GNUC_NORETURN;
-static void
-lose (const char *str, ...)
-  va_list args;
-  va_start (args, str);
-  vfprintf (stderr, str, args);
-  fputc ('\n', stderr);
-  va_end (args);
-  exit (1);
-static void
-lose_gerror (const char *prefix, GError *error) 
-  lose ("%s: %s", prefix, error->message);
-static void
-print_hash_value (gpointer key, gpointer val, gpointer data)
-  printf ("%s -> %s\n", (char *) key, (char *) val);
-main (int argc, char **argv)
-  DBusGConnection *bus;
-  DBusGProxy *remote_object;
-  DBusGProxy *remote_object_introspectable;
-  GError *error = NULL;
-  char **reply_list;
-  char **reply_ptr;
-  GValueArray *hello_reply_struct;
-  GHashTable *hello_reply_dict;
-  char *introspect_data;
-  guint i;
-  g_type_init ();
-  {
-    GLogLevelFlags fatal_mask;
-    fatal_mask = g_log_set_always_fatal (G_LOG_FATAL_MASK);
-    g_log_set_always_fatal (fatal_mask);
-  }
-  bus = dbus_g_bus_get (DBUS_BUS_SESSION, &error);
-  if (!bus)
-    lose_gerror ("Couldn't connect to session bus", error);
-  remote_object = dbus_g_proxy_new_for_name (bus,
-                                            "org.designfu.SampleService",
-                                            "/SomeObject",
-                                            "org.designfu.SampleInterface");
-  if (!dbus_g_proxy_call (remote_object, "HelloWorld", &error,
-                         G_TYPE_STRING, "Hello from example-client.c!", G_TYPE_INVALID,
-                         G_TYPE_STRV, &reply_list, G_TYPE_INVALID))
-    lose_gerror ("Failed to complete HelloWorld", error);
-  if (!dbus_g_proxy_call (remote_object, "GetTuple", &error,
-                         G_TYPE_INVALID,
-                         G_TYPE_VALUE_ARRAY, &hello_reply_struct, G_TYPE_INVALID))
-    lose_gerror ("Failed to complete GetTuple", error);
-  if (!dbus_g_proxy_call (remote_object, "GetDict", &error,
-                         G_TYPE_INVALID,
-                         DBUS_TYPE_G_STRING_STRING_HASHTABLE, &hello_reply_dict, G_TYPE_INVALID))
-    lose_gerror ("Failed to complete GetDict", error);
-  printf ("reply_list: ");
-  for (reply_ptr = reply_list; *reply_ptr; reply_ptr++)
-    printf ("\"%s\" ", *reply_ptr);
-  printf ("\n");
-  g_strfreev (reply_list);
-  for (i = 0; i < hello_reply_struct->n_values; i++)
-    {
-      GValue strval = { 0, };
-      g_value_init (&strval, G_TYPE_STRING);
-      if (!g_value_transform (g_value_array_get_nth (hello_reply_struct, i), &strval))
-       g_value_set_static_string (&strval, "(couldn't transform to string)");
-      g_print ("%s: %s\n", g_type_name (G_VALUE_TYPE (g_value_array_get_nth (hello_reply_struct, i))),
-              g_value_get_string (&strval));
-    }
-  g_value_array_free (hello_reply_struct);
-  printf ("\n");
-  g_hash_table_foreach (hello_reply_dict, print_hash_value, NULL);
-  g_hash_table_destroy (hello_reply_dict);
-  remote_object_introspectable = dbus_g_proxy_new_for_name (bus,
-                                                           "org.designfu.SampleService",
-                                                           "/SomeObject",
-                                                           "org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable");
-  if (!dbus_g_proxy_call (remote_object_introspectable, "Introspect", &error,
-                         G_TYPE_INVALID,
-                         G_TYPE_STRING, &introspect_data, G_TYPE_INVALID))
-    lose_gerror ("Failed to complete Introspect", error);
-  printf ("%s", introspect_data);
-  g_free (introspect_data);
-  g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (remote_object_introspectable));
-  g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (remote_object));
-  exit(0);
diff --git a/glib/examples/example-service.c b/glib/examples/example-service.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index a66855c..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-#include <dbus/dbus-glib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-static void lose (const char *fmt, ...) G_GNUC_NORETURN G_GNUC_PRINTF (1, 2);
-static void lose_gerror (const char *prefix, GError *error) G_GNUC_NORETURN;
-static void
-lose (const char *str, ...)
-  va_list args;
-  va_start (args, str);
-  vfprintf (stderr, str, args);
-  fputc ('\n', stderr);
-  va_end (args);
-  exit (1);
-static void
-lose_gerror (const char *prefix, GError *error) 
-  lose ("%s: %s", prefix, error->message);
-typedef struct SomeObject SomeObject;
-typedef struct SomeObjectClass SomeObjectClass;
-GType some_object_get_type (void);
-struct SomeObject
-  GObject parent;
-struct SomeObjectClass
-  GObjectClass parent;
-#define SOME_TYPE_OBJECT              (some_object_get_type ())
-#define SOME_OBJECT(object)           (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((object), SOME_TYPE_OBJECT, SomeObject))
-#define SOME_OBJECT_CLASS(klass)      (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), SOME_TYPE_OBJECT, SomeObjectClass))
-#define SOME_IS_OBJECT(object)        (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((object), SOME_TYPE_OBJECT))
-G_DEFINE_TYPE(SomeObject, some_object, G_TYPE_OBJECT)
-gboolean some_object_hello_world (SomeObject *obj, const char *hello_message, char ***ret, GError **error);
-gboolean some_object_get_tuple (SomeObject *obj, GValueArray **ret, GError **error);
-gboolean some_object_get_dict (SomeObject *obj, GHashTable **ret, GError **error);
-#include "example-service-glue.h"
-static void
-some_object_init (SomeObject *obj)
-static void
-some_object_class_init (SomeObjectClass *klass)
-some_object_hello_world (SomeObject *obj, const char *hello_message, char ***ret, GError **error)
-  printf ("%s\n", hello_message);
-  *ret = g_new (char *, 3);
-  (*ret)[0] = g_strdup ("Hello");
-  (*ret)[1] = g_strdup (" from example-service.c");
-  (*ret)[2] = NULL;
-  return TRUE;
-some_object_get_tuple (SomeObject *obj, GValueArray **ret, GError **error)
-  *ret = g_value_array_new (6);
-  g_value_array_prepend (*ret, NULL);
-  g_value_init (g_value_array_get_nth (*ret, 0), G_TYPE_STRING);
-  g_value_set_string (g_value_array_get_nth (*ret, 0), "hello");
-  g_value_array_prepend (*ret, NULL);
-  g_value_init (g_value_array_get_nth (*ret, 0), G_TYPE_UINT);
-  g_value_set_uint (g_value_array_get_nth (*ret, 0), 42);
-  return TRUE;
-some_object_get_dict (SomeObject *obj, GHashTable **ret, GError **error)
-  *ret = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal);
-  g_hash_table_insert (*ret, "first", "Hello Dict");
-  g_hash_table_insert (*ret, "second", " from example-service.c");
-  return TRUE;
-main (int argc, char **argv)
-  DBusGConnection *bus;
-  DBusGProxy *bus_proxy;
-  GError *error = NULL;
-  SomeObject *obj;
-  GMainLoop *mainloop;
-  guint request_name_result;
-  g_type_init ();
-  {
-    GLogLevelFlags fatal_mask;
-    fatal_mask = g_log_set_always_fatal (G_LOG_FATAL_MASK);
-    g_log_set_always_fatal (fatal_mask);
-  }
-  dbus_g_object_type_install_info (SOME_TYPE_OBJECT, &dbus_glib_some_object_object_info);
-  mainloop = g_main_loop_new (NULL, FALSE);
-  bus = dbus_g_bus_get (DBUS_BUS_SESSION, &error);
-  if (!bus)
-    lose_gerror ("Couldn't connect to session bus", error);
-  bus_proxy = dbus_g_proxy_new_for_name (bus, "org.freedesktop.DBus",
-                                        "/org/freedesktop/DBus",
-                                        "org.freedesktop.DBus");
-  if (!dbus_g_proxy_call (bus_proxy, "RequestName", &error,
-                         G_TYPE_STRING, "org.designfu.SampleService",
-                         G_TYPE_UINT, 0,
-                         G_TYPE_INVALID,
-                         G_TYPE_UINT, &request_name_result,
-                         G_TYPE_INVALID))
-    lose_gerror ("Failed to acquire org.designfu.SampleService", error);
-  obj = g_object_new (SOME_TYPE_OBJECT, NULL);
-  dbus_g_connection_register_g_object (bus, "/SomeObject", G_OBJECT (obj));
-  printf ("service running\n");
-  g_main_loop_run (mainloop);
-  exit (0);
diff --git a/glib/examples/example-service.xml b/glib/examples/example-service.xml
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 9c39bb0..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
-<node name="/">
-  <interface name="org.designfu.SampleInterface">
-    <method name="HelloWorld">
-      <arg type="s"/>
-      <arg type="as" direction="out"/>
-    </method>
-    <method name="GetTuple">
-      <arg type="(ss)" direction="out" />
-    </method>
-    <method name="GetDict">
-      <arg type="a{ss}" direction="out"/>
-    </method>
-  </interface>
diff --git a/glib/examples/example-signal-emitter.c b/glib/examples/example-signal-emitter.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index c60865d..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-#include <dbus/dbus-glib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-static void lose (const char *fmt, ...) G_GNUC_NORETURN G_GNUC_PRINTF (1, 2);
-static void lose_gerror (const char *prefix, GError *error) G_GNUC_NORETURN;
-static void
-lose (const char *str, ...)
-  va_list args;
-  va_start (args, str);
-  vfprintf (stderr, str, args);
-  fputc ('\n', stderr);
-  va_end (args);
-  exit (1);
-static void
-lose_gerror (const char *prefix, GError *error) 
-  lose ("%s: %s", prefix, error->message);
-typedef struct TestObject TestObject;
-typedef struct TestObjectClass TestObjectClass;
-GType test_object_get_type (void);
-struct TestObject
-  GObject parent;
-struct TestObjectClass
-  GObjectClass parent;
-static guint signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 };
-#define TEST_TYPE_OBJECT              (test_object_get_type ())
-#define TEST_OBJECT(object)           (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((object), TEST_TYPE_OBJECT, TestObject))
-#define TEST_OBJECT_CLASS(klass)      (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), TEST_TYPE_OBJECT, TestObjectClass))
-#define TEST_IS_OBJECT(object)        (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((object), TEST_TYPE_OBJECT))
-G_DEFINE_TYPE(TestObject, test_object, G_TYPE_OBJECT)
-gboolean test_object_emit_hello_signal (TestObject *obj, GError **error);
-#include "example-signal-emitter-glue.h"
-static void
-test_object_init (TestObject *obj)
-static void
-test_object_class_init (TestObjectClass *klass)
-  signals[HELLO_SIGNAL] =
-    g_signal_new ("hello_signal",
-                 G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE (klass),
-                  0,
-                  NULL, NULL,
-                  g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__STRING,
-                  G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_STRING);
-test_object_emit_hello_signal (TestObject *obj, GError **error)
-  g_signal_emit (obj, signals[HELLO_SIGNAL], 0, "Hello");
-  return TRUE;
-main (int argc, char **argv)
-  DBusGConnection *bus;
-  DBusGProxy *bus_proxy;
-  GError *error = NULL;
-  TestObject *obj;
-  GMainLoop *mainloop;
-  guint request_name_result;
-  g_type_init ();
-  dbus_g_object_type_install_info (TEST_TYPE_OBJECT, &dbus_glib_test_object_object_info);
-  mainloop = g_main_loop_new (NULL, FALSE);
-  bus = dbus_g_bus_get (DBUS_BUS_SESSION, &error);
-  if (!bus)
-    lose_gerror ("Couldn't connect to session bus", error);
-  bus_proxy = dbus_g_proxy_new_for_name (bus, "org.freedesktop.DBus",
-                                        "/org/freedesktop/DBus",
-                                        "org.freedesktop.DBus");
-  if (!dbus_g_proxy_call (bus_proxy, "RequestName", &error,
-                         G_TYPE_STRING, "org.designfu.TestService",
-                         G_TYPE_UINT, 0,
-                         G_TYPE_INVALID,
-                         G_TYPE_UINT, &request_name_result,
-                         G_TYPE_INVALID))
-    lose_gerror ("Failed to acquire org.designfu.TestService", error);
-  obj = g_object_new (TEST_TYPE_OBJECT, NULL);
-  dbus_g_connection_register_g_object (bus, "/org/designfu/TestService/object", G_OBJECT (obj));
-  printf ("test service running\n");
-  g_main_loop_run (mainloop);
-  exit (0);
diff --git a/glib/examples/example-signal-emitter.xml b/glib/examples/example-signal-emitter.xml
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index ae178e3..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
-<node name="/">
-  <interface name="org.designfu.TestService">
-    <method name="emitHelloSignal">
-    </method>
-    <!-- Mark the signal as exported -->
-    <signal name="HelloSignal"/>
-  </interface>
diff --git a/glib/examples/example-signal-recipient.c b/glib/examples/example-signal-recipient.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 86ba4c7..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-#include <dbus/dbus-glib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-static void lose (const char *fmt, ...) G_GNUC_NORETURN G_GNUC_PRINTF (1, 2);
-static void lose_gerror (const char *prefix, GError *error) G_GNUC_NORETURN;
-static void
-lose (const char *str, ...)
-  va_list args;
-  va_start (args, str);
-  vfprintf (stderr, str, args);
-  fputc ('\n', stderr);
-  va_end (args);
-  exit (1);
-static void
-lose_gerror (const char *prefix, GError *error) 
-  lose ("%s: %s", prefix, error->message);
-static gboolean
-emit_signal (gpointer arg)
-  DBusGProxy *proxy = arg;
-  dbus_g_proxy_call_no_reply (proxy, "emitHelloSignal", G_TYPE_INVALID);
-  return TRUE;
-static void
-hello_signal_handler (DBusGProxy *proxy, const char *hello_string, gpointer user_data)
-  printf ("Received signal and it says: %s\n", hello_string);
-main (int argc, char **argv)
-  DBusGConnection *bus;
-  DBusGProxy *remote_object;
-  GError *error = NULL;
-  GMainLoop *mainloop;
-  g_type_init ();
-  mainloop = g_main_loop_new (NULL, FALSE);
-  bus = dbus_g_bus_get (DBUS_BUS_SESSION, &error);
-  if (!bus)
-    lose_gerror ("Couldn't connect to session bus", error);
-  /* We use _for_name_owner in order to track this particular service
-   * instance, which lets us receive signals.
-   */
-  remote_object = dbus_g_proxy_new_for_name (bus,
-                                            "org.designfu.TestService",
-                                            "/org/designfu/TestService/object",
-                                            "org.designfu.TestService");
-  if (!remote_object)
-    lose_gerror ("Failed to get name owner", error);
-   *
-   * Note because this signal's signature is VOID__STRING, we do not
-   * need to register a marshaller, since there is a builtin one.
-   * However for other signatures, you must generate a marshaller,
-   * then call dbus_g_object_register_marshaller.  It would look like
-   * this:
-   * 
-   * dbus_g_object_register_marshaller (g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__STRING, G_TYPE_NONE, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_INVALID);
-   *
-   */
-  /* Tell DBus what the type signature of the signal callback is; this
-   * allows us to sanity-check incoming messages before invoking the
-   * callback.  You need to do this once for each proxy you create,
-   * not every time you want to connect to the signal.
-   */
-  dbus_g_proxy_add_signal (remote_object, "HelloSignal", G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_INVALID);
-  /* Actually connect to the signal.  Note you can call
-   * dbus_g_proxy_connect_signal multiple times for one invocation of
-   * dbus_g_proxy_add_signal.
-   */
-  dbus_g_proxy_connect_signal (remote_object, "HelloSignal", G_CALLBACK (hello_signal_handler),
-                              NULL, NULL);
-  g_timeout_add (2000, emit_signal, remote_object);
-  g_main_loop_run (mainloop);
-  exit (0);
diff --git a/glib/examples/statemachine/.cvsignore b/glib/examples/statemachine/.cvsignore
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 6bf7421..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/glib/examples/statemachine/Makefile.am b/glib/examples/statemachine/Makefile.am
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 0fea83e..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-## Makefile.am bits for sample client/server pair
-noinst_PROGRAMS= statemachine-server
-noinst_PROGRAMS += statemachine-client
-EXTRA_DIST = statemachine.h statemachine-server.h sm-marshal.list statemachine-server.xml statemachine.xml
-statemachine_server_SOURCES= statemachine-server.c sm-marshal.c statemachine.c
-statemachine_server_LDADD= $(top_builddir)/glib/libdbus-glib-1.la
-statemachine_client_SOURCES= statemachine-client.c sm-marshal.c statemachine.h
-statemachine_client_LDADD= $(top_builddir)/glib/libdbus-glib-1.la $(DBUS_GTK_THREADS_LIBS)
-BUILT_SOURCES = statemachine-server-glue.h statemachine-glue.h
-statemachine-server-glue.h: statemachine-server.xml
-       $(LIBTOOL) --mode=execute $(top_builddir)/glib/dbus-binding-tool --prefix=sm_server --mode=glib-server --output=$@ $<
-statemachine-glue.h: statemachine.xml
-       $(LIBTOOL) --mode=execute $(top_builddir)/glib/dbus-binding-tool --prefix=sm_object --mode=glib-server --output=$@ $<
-sm-marshal.c: Makefile sm-marshal.list
-       @GLIB_GENMARSHAL@ --prefix=sm_marshal $(srcdir)/sm-marshal.list --header --body > $@.tmp && mv $@.tmp $@
-sm-marshal.h: Makefile sm-marshal.list
-       @GLIB_GENMARSHAL@ --prefix=sm_marshal $(srcdir)/sm-marshal.list --header > $@.tmp && mv $@.tmp $@
-BUILT_SOURCES += sm-marshal.c sm-marshal.h
diff --git a/glib/examples/statemachine/sm-marshal.list b/glib/examples/statemachine/sm-marshal.list
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index e72aa4b..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/glib/examples/statemachine/statemachine-client.c b/glib/examples/statemachine/statemachine-client.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 88b2184..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,662 +0,0 @@
-#include <dbus/dbus-glib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <gtk/gtk.h>
-#include <glib/gi18n.h>
-#include "sm-marshal.h"
-static void lose (const char *fmt, ...) G_GNUC_NORETURN G_GNUC_PRINTF (1, 2);
-static void lose_gerror (const char *prefix, GError *error) G_GNUC_NORETURN;
-static void
-lose (const char *str, ...)
-  va_list args;
-  GtkWidget *dialog;
-  char *text;
-  va_start (args, str);
-  text = g_strdup_vprintf (str, args);
-  va_end (args);
-  dialog = gtk_message_dialog_new (NULL,
-                                  GTK_DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT,
-                                  GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR,
-                                  GTK_BUTTONS_CLOSE,
-                                  "%s",
-                                  text);
-  gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog));
-  g_free (text);
-  exit (1);
-static void
-lose_gerror (const char *prefix, GError *error) 
-  GtkWidget *dialog;
-  dialog = gtk_message_dialog_new (NULL,
-                                  GTK_DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT,
-                                  GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR,
-                                  GTK_BUTTONS_CLOSE,
-                                  "%s",
-                                  prefix);
-  gtk_message_dialog_format_secondary_text (GTK_MESSAGE_DIALOG (dialog),
-                                           "%s",
-                                           error->message);
-  gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog));
-  exit (1);
-typedef struct
-  char *name;
-  char *state;
-  gdouble progress;
-  DBusGProxy *proxy;
-  DBusGProxyCall *get_progress_call;
-} MachineInfo;
-typedef struct
-  GtkWindow *window;
-  GtkWidget *view;
-  GtkTreeModel *store;
-  DBusGConnection *bus;
-  DBusGProxy *server_proxy;
-  GSList *pending_creation_calls;
-  DBusGProxyCall *get_machines_call;
-} ClientState;
-static gboolean
-proxy_to_iter (GtkTreeModel *model, DBusGProxy *proxy, GtkTreeIter *iter)
-  if (!gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first (model, iter))
-    return FALSE;
-  do {
-    MachineInfo *info;
-    gtk_tree_model_get (model, iter, 0, &info, -1);
-    if (info->proxy == proxy)
-      return TRUE;
-  } while (gtk_tree_model_iter_next (model, iter));
-  return FALSE;
-static void
-signal_row_change (ClientState *state, GtkTreeIter *iter)
-  GtkTreePath *path;
-  path = gtk_tree_model_get_path (state->store, iter);
-  gtk_tree_model_row_changed (state->store, path, iter);
-  gtk_tree_path_free (path);
-static void
-get_machine_info_cb (DBusGProxy *proxy,
-                    DBusGProxyCall *call,
-                    gpointer data)
-  GtkTreeIter iter;
-  ClientState *state = data;
-  GError *error = NULL;
-  char *name, *statename;
-  MachineInfo *info;
-  if (!dbus_g_proxy_end_call (proxy, call, &error,
-                             G_TYPE_STRING, &name,
-                             G_TYPE_STRING, &statename,
-                             G_TYPE_INVALID))
-    lose_gerror ("Couldn't complete GetInfo", error);
-  if (!proxy_to_iter (state->store, proxy, &iter))
-    g_assert_not_reached ();
-  gtk_tree_model_get (state->store, &iter, 0, &info, -1);
-  g_free (info->name);
-  info->name = name;
-  g_free (info->state);
-  info->state = statename;
-  signal_row_change (state, &iter);
-static void
-set_proxy_acquisition_progress (ClientState *state,
-                               DBusGProxy *proxy,
-                               double progress)
-  MachineInfo *info;
-  GtkTreeIter iter;
-  if (!proxy_to_iter (state->store, proxy, &iter))
-    g_assert_not_reached ();
-  gtk_tree_model_get (state->store, &iter, 0, &info, -1);
-  /* Ignore machines in unknown state */
-  if (!info->state)
-    return;
-  if (strcmp (info->state, "Acquired"))
-    lose ("Got AcquisitionProgress signal in bad state %s",
-         info->state);
-  g_print ("Got acquisition progress change for %p (%s) to %f\n", proxy, info->name ? info->name : "(unknown)", progress);
-  info->progress = progress;
-  signal_row_change (state, &iter);
-static void
-proxy_acquisition_changed_cb (DBusGProxy *proxy,
-                             double progress,
-                             gpointer user_data)
-  set_proxy_acquisition_progress (user_data, proxy, progress);
-static void
-get_acquiring_progress_cb (DBusGProxy *proxy,
-                          DBusGProxyCall *call,
-                          gpointer user_data)
-  GError *error = NULL;
-  MachineInfo *info;
-  GtkTreeIter iter;
-  ClientState *state = user_data;
-  gdouble progress;
-  if (!proxy_to_iter (state->store, proxy, &iter))
-    g_assert_not_reached ();
-  gtk_tree_model_get (state->store, &iter, 0, &info, -1);
-  g_assert (info->get_progress_call == call);
-  if (!dbus_g_proxy_end_call (proxy, call, &error,
-                             G_TYPE_DOUBLE, &progress, G_TYPE_INVALID))
-    lose_gerror ("Failed to complete GetAcquiringProgress call", error);
-  info->get_progress_call = NULL;
-  set_proxy_acquisition_progress (state, proxy, progress);
-static void
-proxy_state_changed_cb (DBusGProxy *proxy,
-                       const char *statename,
-                       gpointer user_data)
-  MachineInfo *info;
-  GtkTreeIter iter;
-  ClientState *state = user_data;
-  if (!proxy_to_iter (state->store, proxy, &iter))
-    g_assert_not_reached ();
-  gtk_tree_model_get (state->store, &iter, 0, &info, -1);
-  g_print ("Got state change for %p (%s) to %s\n", proxy, info->name ? info->name : "(unknown)", statename);
-  g_free (info->state);
-  info->state = g_strdup (statename);
-  if (!strcmp (info->state, "Acquired"))
-    {
-      g_print ("Starting GetAcquiringProgress call for %p\n", info->proxy);
-      if (info->get_progress_call != NULL)
-       {
-         dbus_g_proxy_cancel_call (info->proxy, info->get_progress_call);
-         info->get_progress_call = NULL;
-       }
-      info->get_progress_call = 
-       dbus_g_proxy_begin_call (info->proxy, "GetAcquiringProgress",
-                                get_acquiring_progress_cb,
-                                state, NULL,
-                                G_TYPE_INVALID);
-    }
-  else
-    info->progress = 0.0;
-  signal_row_change (state, &iter);
-static void
-add_machine (ClientState *state,
-            const char *name,
-            const char *mstate,             
-            const char *path)
-  MachineInfo *info;
-  GtkTreeIter iter;
-  info = g_new0 (MachineInfo, 1);
-  info->name = g_strdup (name);
-  info->state = g_strdup (mstate);
-  info->progress = 0.0;
-  info->proxy = dbus_g_proxy_new_for_name (state->bus,
-                                          "com.example.StateServer",
-                                          path,
-                                          "com.example.StateMachine");
-  if (!info->state)
-    {
-      g_print ("Starting GetInfo call for %p\n", info->proxy);
-      dbus_g_proxy_begin_call (info->proxy, "GetInfo",
-                              get_machine_info_cb,
-                              state, NULL,
-                              G_TYPE_INVALID);
-    }
-  /* Watch for state changes */
-  dbus_g_proxy_add_signal (info->proxy, "StateChanged",
-                          G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_INVALID);
-  dbus_g_proxy_connect_signal (info->proxy,
-                              "StateChanged", 
-                              G_CALLBACK (proxy_state_changed_cb),
-                              state,
-                              NULL);
-  dbus_g_proxy_add_signal (info->proxy, "AcquisitionProgress",
-                          G_TYPE_DOUBLE, G_TYPE_INVALID);
-  dbus_g_proxy_connect_signal (info->proxy,
-                              "AcquisitionProgress", 
-                              G_CALLBACK (proxy_acquisition_changed_cb),
-                              state,
-                              NULL);
-  gtk_list_store_prepend (GTK_LIST_STORE (state->store), &iter);
-  gtk_list_store_set (GTK_LIST_STORE (state->store), &iter, 0, info, -1);
-static void
-machine_created_cb (DBusGProxy *proxy,
-                   const char *name,
-                   const char *path,
-                   gpointer data)
-  ClientState *state = data;
-  add_machine (state, name, NULL, path);
-static void
-server_destroyed_cb (DBusGProxy *proxy, gpointer data)
-  g_print ("Server terminated!\n");
-  GtkWidget *dialog;
-  dialog = gtk_message_dialog_new (NULL,
-                                  GTK_DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT,
-                                  GTK_MESSAGE_INFO,
-                                  GTK_BUTTONS_CLOSE,
-                                  "State Machine server has exited");
-  gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog));
-  exit (1);
-static void
-window_destroyed_cb (GtkWidget *window, gpointer data)
-  gtk_main_quit ();
-static void
-create_machine_completed_cb (DBusGProxy *proxy, DBusGProxyCall *call, gpointer data)
-  GError *error = NULL;
-  ClientState *state = data;
-  if (!dbus_g_proxy_end_call (proxy, call, &error, G_TYPE_INVALID))
-    {
-      /* Ignore NameInUse errors */
-      if (dbus_g_error_has_name (error, "com.example.StateServer.NameInUse"))
-       ;
-      else
-       lose_gerror ("Failed to create new state machine", error);
-    }
-  g_print ("machine created successfully\n");
-  state->pending_creation_calls = g_slist_remove (state->pending_creation_calls, call);
-static void
-send_create_machine (ClientState *state)
-  DBusGProxyCall *call;
-  char *name;
-  gint n_children;
-  n_children = gtk_tree_model_iter_n_children (state->store, NULL);
-  name = g_strdup_printf ("machine%d", n_children);
-  g_print ("Invoking CreateMachine(%s)\n", name);
-  call = dbus_g_proxy_begin_call (state->server_proxy, "CreateMachine",
-                                 create_machine_completed_cb,
-                                 state, NULL,
-                                 G_TYPE_STRING, name, G_TYPE_INVALID);
-  g_free (name);
-  state->pending_creation_calls = g_slist_prepend (state->pending_creation_calls, call);
-static void
-do_a_state_change (ClientState *state)
-  gint index;
-  GtkTreeIter iter;
-  gint n_children;
-  MachineInfo *info;
-  n_children = gtk_tree_model_iter_n_children (state->store, NULL);
-  if (n_children == 0)
-    {
-      g_print ("No machines yet, not doing a state switch\n");
-      return;
-    }
-  index = g_random_int_range (0, n_children);
-  gtk_tree_model_iter_nth_child (state->store, &iter, NULL, index);
-  gtk_tree_model_get (state->store, &iter, 0, &info, -1);
-  if (!info->state)
-    {
-      g_print ("Machine not yet in known state, skipping state switch\n");
-      return;
-    }
-  if (!strcmp (info->state, "Shutdown"))
-    {
-      g_print ("Sending Start request to machine %s\n", info->name);
-      dbus_g_proxy_call_no_reply (info->proxy, "Start", G_TYPE_INVALID);
-    }
-  else if (!strcmp (info->state, "Loading"))
-    {
-      g_print ("Sending Reacquire request to machine %s\n", info->name);
-      dbus_g_proxy_call_no_reply (info->proxy, "Reacquire", G_TYPE_INVALID);
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      g_print ("Sending Shutdown request to machine %s\n", info->name);
-      dbus_g_proxy_call_no_reply (info->proxy, "Shutdown", G_TYPE_INVALID);
-    }
-static gboolean
-do_something_random_2 (gpointer data)
-  ClientState *state = data;
-  do_a_state_change (state);
-  g_timeout_add (g_random_int_range (2000, 5000), do_something_random_2, state);
-  return FALSE;
-static gboolean
-do_something_random (gpointer data)
-  ClientState *state = data;
-  gint n_children;
-  switch (g_random_int_range (0, 3))
-    {
-    case 0:
-      send_create_machine (state);
-      break;
-    case 1:
-    case 2:
-      do_a_state_change (state);
-      break;
-    default:
-      g_assert_not_reached ();
-    }
-  n_children = gtk_tree_model_iter_n_children (state->store, NULL);
-  if (n_children >= 5)
-    {
-      g_print ("MAX children reached, switching to state changes only\n");
-      g_timeout_add (g_random_int_range (500, 3000), do_something_random_2, state);
-    }
-  else
-    g_timeout_add (g_random_int_range (500, 3000), do_something_random, state);
-  return FALSE;
-static void 
-set_cell_name (GtkTreeViewColumn *tree_column,
-              GtkCellRenderer   *cell,
-              GtkTreeModel      *tree_model,
-              GtkTreeIter       *iter,
-              gpointer           data)
-  MachineInfo *info;
-  gtk_tree_model_get (tree_model, iter, 0, &info, -1);
-  g_object_set (cell, "text", info->name ? info->name : "", NULL);
-static gint
-sort_by_name (GtkTreeModel *model,
-             GtkTreeIter  *a,
-             GtkTreeIter  *b,
-             gpointer      user_data)
-  MachineInfo *info_a, *info_b;
-  gtk_tree_model_get (model, a, 0, &info_a, -1);
-  gtk_tree_model_get (model, b, 0, &info_b, -1);
-  return strcmp (info_a->name ? info_a->name : "", 
-                info_b ? info_b->name : "");
-static void 
-set_cell_state (GtkTreeViewColumn *tree_column,
-              GtkCellRenderer   *cell,
-              GtkTreeModel      *tree_model,
-              GtkTreeIter       *iter,
-              gpointer           data)
-  MachineInfo *info;
-  gtk_tree_model_get (tree_model, iter, 0, &info, -1);
-  g_object_set (cell, "text", info->state ? info->state : "", NULL);
-static gint
-sort_by_state (GtkTreeModel *model,
-              GtkTreeIter  *a,
-              GtkTreeIter  *b,
-              gpointer      user_data)
-  MachineInfo *info_a, *info_b;
-  gtk_tree_model_get (model, a, 0, &info_a, -1);
-  gtk_tree_model_get (model, b, 0, &info_b, -1);
-  return strcmp (info_a->state ? info_a->state : "", 
-                info_b ? info_b->state : "");
-static void 
-set_cell_progress (GtkTreeViewColumn *tree_column,
-                  GtkCellRenderer   *cell,
-                  GtkTreeModel      *tree_model,
-                  GtkTreeIter       *iter,
-                  gpointer           data)
-  MachineInfo *info;
-  gtk_tree_model_get (tree_model, iter, 0, &info, -1);
-  g_object_set (cell, "value", (int) (info->progress * 100), NULL);
-static gint
-sort_by_progress (GtkTreeModel *model,
-                 GtkTreeIter  *a,
-                 GtkTreeIter  *b,
-                 gpointer      user_data)
-  MachineInfo *info_a, *info_b;
-  gtk_tree_model_get (model, a, 0, &info_a, -1);
-  gtk_tree_model_get (model, b, 0, &info_b, -1);
-  return info_a->progress > info_b->progress ? 1 : -1;
-static void
-get_machines_cb (DBusGProxy *proxy, DBusGProxyCall *call, gpointer data)
-  GError *error = NULL;
-  ClientState *state = data;
-  GPtrArray *objs;
-  guint i;
-  GtkWidget *scrolledwin;
-  GtkTreeViewColumn *col;
-  GtkCellRenderer *rend;
-  g_assert (call == state->get_machines_call);
-  if (!dbus_g_proxy_end_call (proxy, call, &error,
-                             dbus_g_type_get_collection ("GPtrArray", DBUS_TYPE_G_OBJECT_PATH),
-                             &objs,
-                             G_TYPE_INVALID))
-    lose_gerror ("Failed to get current machine list", error);
-  gtk_container_remove (GTK_CONTAINER (state->window),
-                       gtk_bin_get_child (GTK_BIN (state->window)));
-  scrolledwin = gtk_scrolled_window_new (NULL, NULL);
-  gtk_widget_show (scrolledwin);
-  state->store = GTK_TREE_MODEL (gtk_list_store_new (1, G_TYPE_POINTER));
-  state->view = gtk_tree_view_new_with_model (GTK_TREE_MODEL (state->store));  
-  gtk_widget_show (state->view);
-  gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (scrolledwin), state->view);
-  gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (state->window), scrolledwin);
-  rend = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new ();
-  col = gtk_tree_view_column_new_with_attributes (_("Name"), 
-                                                 rend, 
-                                                 NULL);
-  gtk_tree_view_column_set_cell_data_func (col, rend, set_cell_name, NULL, NULL);
-  gtk_tree_view_column_set_resizable (col, TRUE);
-  gtk_tree_sortable_set_sort_func (GTK_TREE_SORTABLE (state->store), 
-                                  0, sort_by_name, NULL, NULL);
-  gtk_tree_view_column_set_sort_column_id (col, 0);
-  gtk_tree_view_append_column (GTK_TREE_VIEW (state->view), col);
-  rend = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new ();
-  col = gtk_tree_view_column_new_with_attributes (_("State"), 
-                                                 rend, 
-                                                 NULL);
-  gtk_tree_view_column_set_cell_data_func (col, rend, set_cell_state, NULL, NULL);
-  gtk_tree_view_column_set_resizable (col, TRUE);
-  gtk_tree_sortable_set_sort_func (GTK_TREE_SORTABLE (state->store), 
-                                  0, sort_by_state, NULL, NULL);
-  gtk_tree_view_column_set_sort_column_id (col, 0);
-  gtk_tree_view_append_column (GTK_TREE_VIEW (state->view), col);
-  rend = gtk_cell_renderer_progress_new ();
-  col = gtk_tree_view_column_new_with_attributes (_("Progress"), 
-                                                 rend, 
-                                                 NULL);
-  gtk_tree_view_column_set_cell_data_func (col, rend, set_cell_progress, NULL, NULL);
-  gtk_tree_view_column_set_resizable (col, TRUE);
-  gtk_tree_sortable_set_sort_func (GTK_TREE_SORTABLE (state->store), 
-                                  0, sort_by_progress, NULL, NULL);
-  gtk_tree_view_column_set_sort_column_id (col, 0);
-  gtk_tree_view_append_column (GTK_TREE_VIEW (state->view), col);
-  for (i = 0; i < objs->len; i++)
-    {
-      add_machine (state, NULL, NULL, g_ptr_array_index (objs, i));
-      g_free (g_ptr_array_index (objs, i));
-    }
-  g_ptr_array_free (objs, TRUE);
-  g_idle_add (do_something_random, state);
-main (int argc, char **argv)
-  DBusGConnection *bus;
-  DBusGProxy *server;
-  GError *error = NULL;
-  ClientState state;
-  GtkWidget *label;
-  gtk_init (&argc, &argv);
-  g_log_set_always_fatal (G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING | G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL);
-  state.window = GTK_WINDOW (gtk_window_new (GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL));
-  gtk_window_set_resizable (GTK_WINDOW (state.window), TRUE);
-  g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (state.window), "destroy",
-                   G_CALLBACK (window_destroyed_cb),
-                   &state);
-  gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (state.window), _("D-BUS State Machine Demo"));
-  gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (state.window), 320, 240);
-  label = gtk_label_new ("");
-  gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (label), "<b>Loading...</b>");
-  gtk_widget_show (label);
-  gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (state.window), label); 
-  bus = dbus_g_bus_get (DBUS_BUS_SESSION, &error);
-  if (!bus)
-    lose_gerror ("Couldn't connect to session bus", error);
-  state.bus = bus;
-  server = dbus_g_proxy_new_for_name_owner (bus,
-                                           "com.example.StateServer",
-                                           "/com/example/StateServer",
-                                           "com.example.StateMachineServer",
-                                           &error);
-  if (!server)
-    lose_gerror ("Couldn't find \"com.example.StateServer\"", error);
-  state.server_proxy = server;
-  g_signal_connect (server, "destroy",
-                   G_CALLBACK (server_destroyed_cb),
-                   &state);
-  dbus_g_object_register_marshaller (sm_marshal_VOID__STRING_BOXED,
-                                    G_TYPE_NONE, G_TYPE_STRING,
-                                    DBUS_TYPE_G_OBJECT_PATH);
-  dbus_g_proxy_add_signal (server, "MachineCreated", G_TYPE_STRING, DBUS_TYPE_G_OBJECT_PATH, G_TYPE_INVALID);
-  dbus_g_proxy_connect_signal (server, "MachineCreated",
-                              G_CALLBACK (machine_created_cb),
-                              &state, NULL);
-  state.get_machines_call = dbus_g_proxy_begin_call (server, "GetMachines",
-                                                    get_machines_cb, &state, NULL,
-                                                    G_TYPE_INVALID);
-  gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (state.window));
-  gtk_main ();
-  g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (server));
-  exit(0);
diff --git a/glib/examples/statemachine/statemachine-server.c b/glib/examples/statemachine/statemachine-server.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index cc9ca4b..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
-#include <dbus/dbus-glib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "statemachine.h"
-#include "sm-marshal.h"
-#include "statemachine-server.h"
-  PROP_O,
-static guint sm_server_signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 };
-static void     sm_server_set_property       (GObject               *object,
-                                             guint                  prop_id,
-                                             const GValue          *value,
-                                             GParamSpec            *pspec);
-static void     sm_server_get_property       (GObject               *object,
-                                             guint                  prop_id,
-                                             GValue                *value,
-                                             GParamSpec            *pspec);
-G_DEFINE_TYPE(SMServer, sm_server, G_TYPE_OBJECT)
-#include "statemachine-server-glue.h"
-#include "statemachine-glue.h"
-static void
-sm_server_init (SMServer *obj)
-  obj->machines = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, g_object_unref);
-static void
-sm_server_class_init (SMServerClass *klass)
-  GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
-  object_class->set_property = sm_server_set_property;
-  object_class->get_property = sm_server_get_property;
-  g_object_class_install_property (object_class,
-                                  PROP_BUS,
-                                  g_param_spec_boxed ("bus",
-                                                      "bus",
-                                                      "bus",
-                                                      DBUS_TYPE_G_CONNECTION,
-                                                      G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY));
-  sm_server_signals[MACHINE_CREATED] =
-    g_signal_new ("machine-created",
-                 G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE (klass),
-                  0,
-                  NULL, NULL,
-                  sm_marshal_VOID__STRING_BOXED,
-static void
-sm_server_set_property (GObject *object,
-                       guint prop_id,
-                       const GValue *value,
-                       GParamSpec *pspec)
-  SMServer *server = SM_SERVER (object);
-  switch (prop_id)
-    {
-    case PROP_BUS:
-      server->bus = g_value_get_boxed (value);
-      break;
-    default:
-      G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);
-      break;
-    }
-static void 
-sm_server_get_property (GObject *object,
-                       guint prop_id,
-                       GValue *value,
-                       GParamSpec *pspec)
-  SMServer *server = SM_SERVER (object);
-  switch (prop_id)
-    {
-    case PROP_BUS:
-      g_value_set_boxed (value, server->bus);
-      break;
-    default:
-      G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);
-      break;
-    }
-static void
-machine_state_changed_cb (SMObject *obj, const char *state, gpointer data)
-  char *name;
-  g_object_get (obj, "name", &name, NULL);
-  g_print ("Machine %s switching to state %s\n", name, state);
-  g_free (name);
-static void
-machine_acquisition_changed_cb (SMObject *obj, gdouble progress, gpointer data)
-  char *name;
-  g_object_get (obj, "name", &name, NULL);
-  g_print ("Machine %s got progress %f\n", name, progress);
-  g_free (name);
-sm_server_create_machine (SMServer *server, const char *name, GError **error)
-  SMObject *machine;
-  char *path;
-  machine = g_hash_table_lookup (server->machines, name);
-  if (machine != NULL)
-    {
-      g_set_error (error,
-                  SM_ERROR,
-                  SM_ERROR_NAME_IN_USE,
-                  "Statemachine name \"%s\" is already in use",
-                  name);
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  machine = g_object_new (SM_TYPE_OBJECT, "name", name, NULL);
-  path = g_strdup_printf ("/com/example/StateMachines/%s", name);
-  dbus_g_connection_register_g_object (server->bus, path, G_OBJECT (machine));
-  g_hash_table_insert (server->machines, g_strdup (name), machine);
-  g_print ("Created state machine with name %s at %s\n", name, path);
-  g_signal_connect_object (machine, "state-changed",
-                          G_CALLBACK (machine_state_changed_cb),
-                          NULL, 0);
-  g_signal_connect_object (machine, "acquisition-progress",
-                          G_CALLBACK (machine_acquisition_changed_cb),
-                          NULL, 0);
-  g_signal_emit (server, sm_server_signals[MACHINE_CREATED], 0, name, path);
-  return TRUE;
-static void
-add_machine_to_ptr_array (gpointer key, gpointer val, gpointer data)
-  const char *name = key;
-  /* SMObject *sm = val; */
-  GPtrArray *ptrarray = data;
-  g_ptr_array_add (ptrarray, g_strdup_printf ("/com/example/StateMachines/%s",
-                                             name));
-sm_server_get_machines (SMServer *server, GPtrArray **machines, GError **error)
-  *machines = g_ptr_array_new ();
-  g_hash_table_foreach (server->machines, add_machine_to_ptr_array, *machines);
-  return TRUE;
-main (int argc, char **argv)
-  DBusGConnection *bus;
-  DBusGProxy *bus_proxy;
-  GError *error = NULL;
-  SMServer *server;
-  GMainLoop *mainloop;
-  guint request_name_result;
-  g_type_init ();
-  dbus_g_object_type_install_info (SM_TYPE_SERVER, &dbus_glib_sm_server_object_info);
-  dbus_g_object_type_install_info (SM_TYPE_OBJECT, &dbus_glib_sm_object_object_info);
-  dbus_g_error_domain_register (SM_ERROR, NULL, SM_TYPE_ERROR);
-  mainloop = g_main_loop_new (NULL, FALSE);
-  bus = dbus_g_bus_get (DBUS_BUS_SESSION, &error);
-  if (!bus)
-    g_critical ("Couldn't connect to session bus: %s\n", error->message);
-  bus_proxy = dbus_g_proxy_new_for_name (bus, "org.freedesktop.DBus",
-                                        "/org/freedesktop/DBus",
-                                        "org.freedesktop.DBus");
-  if (!dbus_g_proxy_call (bus_proxy, "RequestName", &error,
-                         G_TYPE_STRING, "com.example.StateServer",
-                         G_TYPE_UINT, 0,
-                         G_TYPE_INVALID,
-                         G_TYPE_UINT, &request_name_result,
-                         G_TYPE_INVALID))
-    g_critical ("Couldn't acquire com.example.StateServer: %s\n", error->message);
-  server = g_object_new (SM_TYPE_SERVER, "bus", bus, NULL);
-  dbus_g_connection_register_g_object (bus, "/com/example/StateServer", G_OBJECT (server));
-  g_print ("StateMachine server initialized\n");
-  g_main_loop_run (mainloop);
-  exit (0);
diff --git a/glib/examples/statemachine/statemachine-server.h b/glib/examples/statemachine/statemachine-server.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 360be3a..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _SM_SERVER_H
-#define _SM_SERVER_H
-#include "statemachine.h"
-#include <dbus/dbus-glib.h>
-typedef struct SMServer SMServer;
-typedef struct SMServerClass SMServerClass;
-struct SMServer
-  GObject parent;
-  /* Private */
-  DBusGConnection *bus;
-  GHashTable *machines;
-struct SMServerClass
-  GObjectClass parent;
-#define SM_TYPE_SERVER              (sm_server_get_type ())
-#define SM_SERVER(object)           (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((object), SM_TYPE_SERVER, SMServer))
-#define SM_SERVER_CLASS(klass)      (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), SM_TYPE_SERVER, SMServerClass))
-#define SM_IS_SERVER(object)        (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((object), SM_TYPE_SERVER))
-GType sm_server_get_type (void);
-gboolean sm_server_create_machine (SMServer *server, const char *name, GError **error);
-gboolean sm_server_get_machines (SMServer *server, GPtrArray **machines, GError **error);
diff --git a/glib/examples/statemachine/statemachine-server.xml b/glib/examples/statemachine/statemachine-server.xml
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index fe9caaf..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
-<node name="/">
-  <interface name="com.example.StateMachineServer">
-    <method name="CreateMachine">
-      <arg type="s" name="name" direction="in"/>
-    </method>
-    <method name="GetMachines">
-      <arg type="ao" direction="out"/>
-    </method>
-    <signal name="MachineCreated"/>
-  </interface>
diff --git a/glib/examples/statemachine/statemachine.c b/glib/examples/statemachine/statemachine.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index c94e294..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,353 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "statemachine.h"
-static void clear_pending_tasks (SMObject *object);
-static void state_change (SMObject *object, SMObjectState new_state);
-static void sm_object_set_property (GObject *object,
-                                   guint prop_id,
-                                   const GValue *value,
-                                   GParamSpec *pspec);
-static void sm_object_get_property (GObject *object,
-                                   guint prop_id,
-                                   GValue *value,
-                                   GParamSpec *pspec);
-  PROP_0,
-static guint sm_object_signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 };
-G_DEFINE_TYPE(SMObject, sm_object, G_TYPE_OBJECT)
-static void
-sm_object_init (SMObject *obj)
-static void
-sm_object_class_init (SMObjectClass *klass)
-  GObjectClass *object_class;
-  object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
-  object_class->set_property = sm_object_set_property;
-  object_class->get_property = sm_object_get_property;
-  g_object_class_install_property (object_class,
-                                  PROP_NAME,
-                                  g_param_spec_string ("name",
-                                                       "name",
-                                                       "name",
-                                                       NULL,
-                                                       G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY));
-  sm_object_signals[STATE_CHANGED] =
-    g_signal_new ("state-changed",
-                 G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE (klass),
-                  0,
-                  NULL, NULL,
-                  g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__STRING,
-                  G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_STRING);
-  sm_object_signals[ACQUISITION_PROGRESS] =
-    g_signal_new ("acquisition-progress",
-                 G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE (klass),
-                  0,
-                  NULL, NULL,
-                  g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__DOUBLE,
-                  G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_DOUBLE);
-  sm_object_signals[ACQUISITION_FAILED] =
-    g_signal_new ("acquisition-failed",
-                 G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE (klass),
-                  0,
-                  NULL, NULL,
-                  g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,
-                  G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
-/* This should really be standard. */
-#define ENUM_ENTRY(NAME, DESC) { NAME, "" #NAME "", DESC }
-sm_error_quark (void)
-  static GQuark ret = 0;
-  if (!ret)
-    ret = g_quark_from_static_string ("SMObjectErrorQuark");
-  return ret;
-sm_object_state_get_type (void)
-  static GType etype = 0;
-  if (etype == 0)
-    {
-      static const GEnumValue values[] =
-       {
-         { 0, 0, 0 }
-       };
-      etype = g_enum_register_static ("SMObjectState", values);
-    }
-  return etype;
-sm_error_get_type (void)
-  static GType etype = 0;
-  if (etype == 0)
-    {
-      static const GEnumValue values[] =
-       {
-         ENUM_ENTRY (SM_ERROR_INVALID_STATE, "InvalidState"),
-         ENUM_ENTRY (SM_ERROR_NAME_IN_USE, "NameInUse"),
-         { 0, 0, 0 }
-       };
-      g_assert (SM_NUM_ERRORS == G_N_ELEMENTS (values) - 1);
-      etype = g_enum_register_static ("SMError", values);
-    }
-  return etype;
-static void
-sm_object_set_property (GObject *object,
-                       guint prop_id,
-                       const GValue *value,
-                       GParamSpec *pspec)
-  SMObject *sm = SM_OBJECT (object);
-  switch (prop_id)
-    {
-    case PROP_NAME:
-      sm->name = g_strdup (g_value_get_string (value));
-      break;
-    default:
-      G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);
-      break;
-    }
-static void 
-sm_object_get_property (GObject *object,
-                       guint prop_id,
-                       GValue *value,
-                       GParamSpec *pspec)
-  SMObject *sm= SM_OBJECT (object);
-  switch (prop_id)
-    {
-    case PROP_NAME:
-      g_value_set_string (value, sm->name);
-      break;
-    default:
-      G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);
-      break;
-    }
-static const char *
-state_to_string (SMObjectState state)
-  GEnumValue *value;
-  GEnumClass *prop_class;
-  const char *ret;
-  prop_class = g_type_class_ref (SM_TYPE_OBJECT_STATE);
-  value = g_enum_get_value (prop_class, state);
-  ret = value->value_nick;
-  g_type_class_unref (prop_class);
-  return ret;
-static void
-queue_task (SMObject *object, guint delay, GSourceFunc func)
-  guint id;
-  id = g_timeout_add (delay, func, object);
-  object->pending_tasks = g_slist_prepend (object->pending_tasks, GUINT_TO_POINTER (id));
-static gboolean
-idle_state_change (gpointer data)
-  SMObject *object = data;
-  g_print ("doing idle state change for %s to %s\n",
-          object->name, state_to_string (object->requested_state));
-  state_change (object, object->requested_state);
-  return FALSE;
-static gboolean
-idle_further_acquire (gpointer data)
-  SMObject *object = data;
-  g_print ("doing idle acquisition for machine %s\n", object->name);
-  object->acquisition_progress += g_random_double_range (0.20, 0.7);
-  if (object->acquisition_progress > 1.0)
-    {
-      object->acquisition_progress = 1.0;
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      g_signal_emit (object, sm_object_signals[ACQUISITION_PROGRESS], 0, object->acquisition_progress);
-      return TRUE;
-    }
-static void
-clear_pending_tasks (SMObject *object)
-  GSList *tmp;
-  for (tmp = object->pending_tasks; tmp; tmp = tmp->next)
-    g_source_remove (GPOINTER_TO_UINT (tmp->data));
-  g_slist_free (object->pending_tasks);
-  object->pending_tasks = NULL;
-static void
-state_change (SMObject *object, SMObjectState new_state)
-  g_signal_emit (object, sm_object_signals[STATE_CHANGED], 0,
-                state_to_string (new_state));
-  clear_pending_tasks (object);
-  if (new_state == SM_OBJECT_STATE_ACQUIRED)
-    {
-      object->acquisition_progress = 0.0;
-      queue_task (object, 1000, idle_further_acquire);
-    }
-  else if (new_state == SM_OBJECT_STATE_INITIALIZED)
-    {
-      if (g_random_int_range (0, 2) == 0)
-       {
-         object->requested_state = SM_OBJECT_STATE_ACQUIRED;
-         queue_task (object, 3000, idle_state_change);
-       }
-    }
-  object->state = new_state;
-sm_object_get_info (SMObject *object, char **name, char **state, GError **error)
-  *name= g_strdup (object->name);
-  *state = g_strdup (state_to_string (object->state));
-  return TRUE;
-sm_object_start (SMObject *object, GError **error)
-  if (object->state != SM_OBJECT_STATE_SHUTDOWN)
-    {
-      g_set_error (error,
-                  SM_ERROR,
-                  SM_ERROR_INVALID_STATE,
-                  "%s",
-                  "Can't start from non-shutdown state");
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  state_change (object, SM_OBJECT_STATE_INITIALIZED);
-  return TRUE;
-sm_object_shutdown (SMObject *object, GError **error)
-  if (object->state == SM_OBJECT_STATE_SHUTDOWN)
-    {
-      g_set_error (error,
-                  SM_ERROR,
-                  SM_ERROR_INVALID_STATE,
-                  "%s",
-                  "Can't shutdown from shutdown state");
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  state_change (object, SM_OBJECT_STATE_SHUTDOWN);
-  return TRUE;
-sm_object_reinitialize (SMObject *object, GError **error)
-  if (object->state != SM_OBJECT_STATE_ACQUIRED
-      && object->state != SM_OBJECT_STATE_OPERATING)
-    {
-      g_set_error (error,
-                  SM_ERROR,
-                  SM_ERROR_INVALID_STATE,
-                  "Can't reinitialize from state %d",
-                  object->state);
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  state_change (object, SM_OBJECT_STATE_INITIALIZED);
-  return TRUE;
-sm_object_reacquire (SMObject *object, GError **error)
-  if (object->state == SM_OBJECT_STATE_ACQUIRED)
-    {
-      g_set_error (error,
-                  SM_ERROR,
-                  SM_ERROR_INVALID_STATE,
-                  "Can't reacquire from state %d",
-                  object->state);
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  state_change (object, SM_OBJECT_STATE_ACQUIRED);
-  return TRUE;
-sm_object_get_acquiring_progress (SMObject *object, gdouble *out, GError **error)
-  if (object->state != SM_OBJECT_STATE_ACQUIRED)
-    {
-      g_set_error (error,
-                  SM_ERROR,
-                  SM_ERROR_INVALID_STATE,
-                  "Can't get progress from state %d",
-                  object->state);
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  *out = object->acquisition_progress;
-  return TRUE;
diff --git a/glib/examples/statemachine/statemachine.h b/glib/examples/statemachine/statemachine.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index ac6047b..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _SM_OBJECT_H
-#define _SM_OBJECT_H
-#include <glib.h>
-#include <glib-object.h>
-GQuark sm_error_quark (void);
-#define SM_ERROR (sm_error_quark ())
-typedef enum
-} SMError;
-GType sm_error_get_type (void);
-#define SM_TYPE_ERROR (sm_error_get_type ())
-typedef enum
-} SMObjectState;
-GType sm_object_state_get_type (void);
-#define SM_TYPE_OBJECT_STATE (sm_object_state_get_type ())
-typedef struct SMObject SMObject;
-typedef struct SMObjectClass SMObjectClass;
-struct SMObject
-  GObject parent;
-  /* Private */
-  char *name;
-  SMObjectState state;
-  double acquisition_progress;
-  GSList /* guint */ *pending_tasks;
-  SMObjectState requested_state;
-struct SMObjectClass
-  GObjectClass parent;
-#define SM_TYPE_OBJECT              (sm_object_get_type ())
-#define SM_OBJECT(object)           (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((object), SM_TYPE_OBJECT, SMObject))
-#define SM_OBJECT_CLASS(klass)      (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), SM_TYPE_OBJECT, SMObjectClass))
-#define SM_IS_OBJECT(object)        (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((object), SM_TYPE_OBJECT))
-GType sm_object_get_type (void);
-gboolean sm_object_get_info (SMObject *object, char **name, char **state, GError **error);
-gboolean sm_object_start (SMObject *object, GError **error);
-gboolean sm_object_shutdown (SMObject *object, GError **error);
-gboolean sm_object_reinitialize (SMObject *object, GError **error);
-gboolean sm_object_reacquire (SMObject *object, GError **error);
-gboolean sm_object_get_acquiring_progress (SMObject *object, gdouble *out, GError **error);
diff --git a/glib/examples/statemachine/statemachine.xml b/glib/examples/statemachine/statemachine.xml
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index c375ef1..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
-<node name="/">
-  <interface name="com.example.StateMachine">
-    <method name="GetInfo">
-      <arg type="s" name="name" direction="out"/>
-      <arg type="s" name="state" direction="out"/>
-    </method>
-    <method name="Start">
-    </method>
-    <method name="Shutdown">
-    </method>
-    <method name="Reinitialize">
-    </method>
-    <method name="Reacquire">
-    </method>
-    <method name="GetAcquiringProgress">
-      <arg type="d" direction="out"/>
-    </method>
-    <!-- Mark the signals as exported -->
-    <signal name="StateChanged"/>
-    <signal name="AcquisitionFailed"/>
-    <signal name="AcquisitionProgress"/>
-  </interface>
diff --git a/glib/make-dbus-glib-error-switch.sh b/glib/make-dbus-glib-error-switch.sh
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 602cf99..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-    echo $1 1>&2
-    /bin/rm $DEST.tmp
-    exit 1
-echo 'static gint' > $DEST.tmp
-echo 'dbus_error_to_gerror_code (const char *derr)' >> $DEST.tmp
-echo '{' >> $DEST.tmp
-echo '  if (0) ; ' >> $DEST.tmp
-cat $SRC | grep '#define DBUS_ERROR' | sed -e 's/#define //g' | \
-  sed -e 's/".*//g' | \
-   (while read line; do \
-     echo '  else if (!strcmp (derr, ' "$line" ' )) '; \
-     echo '    return ' `echo $line | sed -e 's/DBUS_ERROR/DBUS_GERROR/g'` ';'; \
-    done; \
-   ) >> $DEST.tmp
-echo '  else' >> $DEST.tmp
-echo '    return DBUS_GERROR_REMOTE_EXCEPTION;' >> $DEST.tmp
-echo '}' >> $DEST.tmp
-mv $DEST.tmp $DEST || die "could not move $DEST.tmp to $DEST"
diff --git a/mono/.cvsignore b/mono/.cvsignore
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 52cab4d..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/mono/Arguments.cs b/mono/Arguments.cs
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 25f89da..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,327 +0,0 @@
-using System;
-using System.Collections;
-using System.Reflection;
-using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
-namespace DBus
-  // Holds the arguments of a message. Provides methods for appending
-  // arguments and to assist in matching .NET types with D-BUS types.
-       public class Arguments : IEnumerable, IDisposable
-  {
-    // Must follow sizeof(DBusMessageIter)
-    internal static readonly int DBusMessageIterSize = Marshal.SizeOf (typeof(_DBusMessageIter));
-    private static Hashtable dbusTypes = null;
-    private Message message;
-    private IntPtr appenderIter;
-    private IEnumerator enumerator = null;
-    internal Arguments (Message message)
-    {
-      this.appenderIter = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(DBusMessageIterSize);
-      this.message = message;
-    }
-    private void Dispose (bool disposing)
-    {
-      Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(appenderIter);
-    }
-    public void Dispose ()
-    {
-      Dispose (true);
-      GC.SuppressFinalize (this);
-    }
-    ~Arguments()
-    {
-      Dispose (false);
-    }
-    // Checks the suitability of a D-BUS type for supporting a .NET
-    // type.
-    public static bool Suits(Type dbusType, Type type) 
-    {
-      object [] pars = new object[1];
-      pars[0] = type;
-      return (bool) dbusType.InvokeMember("Suits", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, null, pars, null);
-    }
-    // Find a suitable match for the given .NET type or throw an
-    // exception if one can't be found.
-    public static Type MatchType(Type type) 
-    {      
-      foreach(Type dbusType in DBusTypes.Values) {
-       if (Suits(dbusType, type)) {
-         return dbusType;
-       }
-      }
-      throw new ApplicationException("No suitable DBUS type found for type '" + type + "'");
-    }
-    // The D-BUS types.
-    public static Hashtable DBusTypes {
-      get 
-       {
-         if (dbusTypes == null) {
-           dbusTypes = new Hashtable();
-           foreach (Type type in Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(DBusType.IDBusType)).GetTypes()) {
-             if (type != typeof(DBusType.IDBusType) && typeof(DBusType.IDBusType).IsAssignableFrom(type)) {
-               dbusTypes.Add(GetCode(type), type);
-             }
-           }
-         }
-         return dbusTypes;
-       }
-    }
-    // Append an argument
-    public void Append(DBusType.IDBusType dbusType)
-    {
-      dbusType.Append(appenderIter);
-    }
-    // Append an argument of the specified type
-    private void AppendType(Type type, object val)
-    {
-      object [] pars = new Object[2];
-      pars[0] = val;
-      pars[1] = message.Service;
-      DBusType.IDBusType dbusType = (DBusType.IDBusType) Activator.CreateInstance(MatchType(type), pars);
-      Append(dbusType);
-    }
-    // Append the results of a method call
-    public void AppendResults(MethodInfo method, object retVal, object [] parameters) 
-    {
-      InitAppending();
-      if (method.ReturnType != typeof(void)) {
-       AppendType(method.ReturnType, retVal);
-      }
-      for (int i = 0; i < method.GetParameters().Length; i++) {
-       ParameterInfo par = method.GetParameters()[i];
-       if (par.IsOut || par.ParameterType.ToString().EndsWith("&")) {
-         // It's an OUT or INOUT parameter.
-         AppendType(par.ParameterType.UnderlyingSystemType, parameters[i]);
-       }
-      }
-    }
-    // Get the parameters
-    public object[] GetParameters(MethodInfo method) 
-    {
-      ParameterInfo[] pars = method.GetParameters();
-      ArrayList paramList = new ArrayList();
-      enumerator = GetEnumerator();
-      foreach (ParameterInfo par in pars) {
-       if (!par.IsOut) {
-         // It's an IN or INOUT paramter.
-         enumerator.MoveNext();
-         DBusType.IDBusType dbusType = (DBusType.IDBusType) enumerator.Current;
-         paramList.Add(dbusType.Get(par.ParameterType));
-       } else {
-         // It's an OUT so just create a parameter for it
-         object var = null;
-         paramList.Add(var);
-       }
-      }
-      return paramList.ToArray();
-    }
-    // Parse the IN & REF parameters to a method and return the types in a list.
-    public static object[] ParseInParameters(MethodInfo method)
-    {
-      ArrayList types = new ArrayList();
-      ParameterInfo[] pars = method.GetParameters();
-      foreach (ParameterInfo par in pars) {
-       if (!par.IsOut) {
-         types.Add(MatchType(par.ParameterType));
-       }
-      }
-      return types.ToArray();
-    }
-    // Parse the OUT & REF parameters to a method and return the types in a list.
-    public static object[] ParseOutParameters(MethodInfo method)
-    {
-      ArrayList types = new ArrayList();
-      ParameterInfo[] pars = method.GetParameters();
-      foreach (ParameterInfo par in pars) {
-       if (par.IsOut || par.ParameterType.ToString().EndsWith("&")) {
-         types.Add(MatchType(par.ParameterType));
-       }
-      }
-      return types.ToArray();
-    }
-    // Get the appropriate constructor for a D-BUS type
-    public static ConstructorInfo GetDBusTypeConstructor(Type dbusType, Type type) 
-    {
-      Type constructorType;
-      if (type.IsArray)
-        constructorType = typeof (System.Array);
-      else if (type.IsEnum)
-        constructorType = Enum.GetUnderlyingType (type);
-      else
-        constructorType = type.UnderlyingSystemType;
-      ConstructorInfo constructor = dbusType.GetConstructor(new Type[] {constructorType, typeof(Service)});
-      if (constructor == null)
-       throw new ArgumentException("There is no valid constructor for '" + dbusType + "' from type '" + type + "'");
-      return constructor;
-    }
-    // Get the type code for a given D-BUS type
-    public static char GetCode(Type dbusType) 
-    {
-      return (char) dbusType.InvokeMember("Code", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.GetField, null, null, null);
-    }
-    // Get the type code for a given D-BUS type as a string
-    public static string GetCodeAsString (Type dbusType)
-    {
-      return GetCode (dbusType).ToString ();
-    }
-    // Get a complete method signature
-    public override string ToString() 
-    {
-      IntPtr iter = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(DBusMessageIterSize);
-      string key = "";
-      // Iterate through the parameters getting the type codes to a string
-      bool notEmpty = dbus_message_iter_init(message.RawMessage, iter);
-      if (notEmpty) {
-       do {
-         char code = (char) dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(iter);
-         if (code == '\0')
-           return key;
-         key += code;
-       } while (dbus_message_iter_next(iter));
-      }
-      Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(iter);
-      return key;
-    }
-    // Move to the next parameter
-    public DBusType.IDBusType GetNext() 
-    {
-      enumerator.MoveNext();
-      return (DBusType.IDBusType) enumerator.Current;
-    }
-    // Begin appending
-    public void InitAppending() 
-    {
-      dbus_message_iter_init_append(message.RawMessage, appenderIter);
-    }
-    // Get the enumerator
-    public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
-    {
-      return new ArgumentsEnumerator(this);
-    }
-    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]
-    private class _DBusMessageIter
-    {
-       IntPtr dummy1;
-       IntPtr dummy2;
-       int    dummy3;
-       int    dummy4;
-       int    dummy5;
-       int    dummy6;
-       int    dummy7;
-       int    dummy8;
-       int    dummy9;
-       int    dummy10;
-       int    dummy11;
-       int    pad1;
-       int    pad2;
-       IntPtr pad3;
-   }
-    private class ArgumentsEnumerator : IEnumerator
-    {
-      private Arguments arguments;
-      private bool started = false;
-      private bool notEmpty = false;
-      private IntPtr iter = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Arguments.DBusMessageIterSize);
-      public ArgumentsEnumerator(Arguments arguments)
-      {
-       this.arguments = arguments;
-       Reset();
-      }
-      ~ArgumentsEnumerator()
-      {
-       Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(iter);
-      }
-      public bool MoveNext()
-      {
-       if (started) {
-         return dbus_message_iter_next(iter);
-       } else {
-         started = true;
-         return notEmpty;
-       }
-      }
-      public void Reset()
-      {
-       notEmpty = dbus_message_iter_init(arguments.message.RawMessage, iter);
-       started = false;
-      }
-      public object Current
-      {
-       get
-         {
-           object [] pars = new Object[2];
-           pars[0] = iter;
-           pars[1] = arguments.message.Service;
-           Type type = (Type) DBusTypes[(char) dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(iter)];
-           DBusType.IDBusType dbusType = (DBusType.IDBusType) Activator.CreateInstance(type, pars);
-           return dbusType;
-         }
-      }
-    }
-    [DllImport("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static void dbus_message_iter_init_append(IntPtr rawMessage, IntPtr iter);
-    [DllImport("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static bool dbus_message_iter_has_next(IntPtr iter);
-    [DllImport("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static bool dbus_message_iter_next(IntPtr iter);
-    [DllImport("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static bool dbus_message_iter_init(IntPtr rawMessage, IntPtr iter);
-    [DllImport("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static int dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(IntPtr iter);
-  }
diff --git a/mono/AssemblyInfo.cs.in b/mono/AssemblyInfo.cs.in
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index ae23189..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-using System.Reflection;
-using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
diff --git a/mono/Bus.cs b/mono/Bus.cs
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 05cf24c..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-namespace DBus
-  using System;
-  using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
-  using System.Diagnostics;
-  public class Bus
-  {
-    // Keep in sync with C
-    private enum BusType 
-    {
-      Session = 0,
-      System = 1,
-      Activation = 2
-    }
-    // Don't allow instantiation
-    private Bus () { }
-    public static Connection GetSessionBus() 
-    {
-      return GetBus(BusType.Session);
-    }
-    public static Connection GetSystemBus()
-    {
-      return GetBus(BusType.System);
-    }
-    private static Connection GetBus(BusType busType) 
-    {
-      Error error = new Error();
-      error.Init();
-      IntPtr rawConnection = dbus_bus_get((int) busType, ref error);
-      if (rawConnection != IntPtr.Zero) {
-       Connection connection = Connection.Wrap(rawConnection);
-       connection.SetupWithMain();
-       dbus_connection_unref(rawConnection);
-       return connection;
-      } else {
-       throw new DBusException(error);
-      }
-    }
-    [DllImport ("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static IntPtr dbus_bus_get (int which, ref Error error);
-    [DllImport ("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static void dbus_connection_unref (IntPtr ptr);
-  }
diff --git a/mono/BusDriver.cs b/mono/BusDriver.cs
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 4e9b7af..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-namespace DBus
-  using System;
-  public delegate void NameOwnerChangedHandler (string name,
-                                               string oldOwner,
-                                               string newOwner);
-  [Interface ("org.freedesktop.DBus")]
-  public abstract class BusDriver
-  {
-    [Method]
-    public abstract string[] ListNames ();
-    [Method]
-    public abstract string GetNameOwner (string name);
-    [Method]
-    public abstract UInt32 GetConnectionUnixUser (string connectionName);
-    [Signal]
-    public virtual event NameOwnerChangedHandler NameOwnerChanged;
-    static public BusDriver New (Connection connection)
-    {
-      Service service;
-      service = Service.Get (connection, "org.freedesktop.DBus");
-      BusDriver driver;
-      driver = (BusDriver) service.GetObject (typeof (BusDriver), "/org/freedesktop/DBus");
-      return driver;
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/mono/Connection.cs b/mono/Connection.cs
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 5413c1c..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,354 +0,0 @@
-namespace DBus 
-  using System;
-  using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
-  using System.Diagnostics;
-  using System.Reflection;
-  using System.IO;
-  using System.Collections;
-  public delegate int DBusHandleMessageFunction (IntPtr rawConnection,
-                                                IntPtr rawMessage,
-                                                IntPtr userData);
-  internal delegate void DBusObjectPathUnregisterFunction(IntPtr rawConnection,
-                                                         IntPtr userData);
-  internal delegate int DBusObjectPathMessageFunction(IntPtr rawConnection,
-                                                     IntPtr rawMessage,
-                                                     IntPtr userData);
-  [StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential)]
-  internal struct DBusObjectPathVTable
-  {
-    public DBusObjectPathUnregisterFunction unregisterFunction;
-    public DBusObjectPathMessageFunction messageFunction;
-    public IntPtr padding1;
-    public IntPtr padding2;
-    public IntPtr padding3;
-    public IntPtr padding4;
-    public DBusObjectPathVTable(DBusObjectPathUnregisterFunction unregisterFunction,
-                               DBusObjectPathMessageFunction messageFunction) 
-    {
-      this.unregisterFunction = unregisterFunction;
-      this.messageFunction = messageFunction;
-      this.padding1 = IntPtr.Zero;
-      this.padding2 = IntPtr.Zero;
-      this.padding3 = IntPtr.Zero;
-      this.padding4 = IntPtr.Zero;
-    }
-  }
-  public class Connection : IDisposable
-  {
-    /// <summary>
-    /// A pointer to the underlying Connection structure
-    /// </summary>
-    private IntPtr rawConnection;
-    /// <summary>
-    /// The current slot number
-    /// </summary>
-    private static int slot = -1;
-    private int timeout = -1;
-    private ArrayList filters = new ArrayList ();      // of DBusHandleMessageFunction
-    private ArrayList matches = new ArrayList ();      // of string
-    private Hashtable object_paths = new Hashtable (); // key: string  value: DBusObjectPathVTable
-    internal Connection(IntPtr rawConnection)
-    {
-      RawConnection = rawConnection;
-    }
-    public Connection(string address)
-    {
-      // the assignment bumps the refcount
-      Error error = new Error();
-      error.Init();
-      RawConnection = dbus_connection_open(address, ref error);
-      if (RawConnection != IntPtr.Zero) {
-       dbus_connection_unref(RawConnection);
-      } else {
-       throw new DBusException(error);
-      }
-      SetupWithMain();
-    }
-    public void Dispose() 
-    {
-      Dispose(true);
-      GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
-    }
-    public void Dispose (bool disposing) 
-    {
-      if (disposing && RawConnection != IntPtr.Zero) 
-       {
-         dbus_connection_disconnect(rawConnection);
-         RawConnection = IntPtr.Zero; // free the native object
-       }
-    }
-    public void Flush()
-    {
-      dbus_connection_flush(RawConnection);
-    }
-    public void SetupWithMain() 
-    {      
-      dbus_connection_setup_with_g_main(RawConnection, IntPtr.Zero);
-    }
-    ~Connection () 
-    {
-      Dispose (false);
-    }
-    internal static Connection Wrap(IntPtr rawConnection) 
-    {
-      if (slot > -1) {
-       // Maybe we already have a Connection object associated with
-       // this rawConnection then return it
-       IntPtr rawThis = dbus_connection_get_data (rawConnection, slot);
-       if (rawThis != IntPtr.Zero && ((GCHandle)rawThis).Target == typeof(DBus.Connection)) {
-         return (DBus.Connection) ((GCHandle)rawThis).Target;
-       }
-      }
-      // If it doesn't exist then create a new connection around it
-      return new Connection(rawConnection);
-    }
-    public void AddFilter (DBusHandleMessageFunction func)
-    {
-      if (!dbus_connection_add_filter (RawConnection,
-                                      func,
-                                      IntPtr.Zero,
-                                      IntPtr.Zero))
-        throw new OutOfMemoryException ();
-      this.filters.Add (func);
-    }
-    public void RemoveFilter (DBusHandleMessageFunction func)
-    {
-      dbus_connection_remove_filter (RawConnection, func, IntPtr.Zero);
-      this.filters.Remove (func);
-    }
-    public void AddMatch (string match_rule)
-    {
-      dbus_bus_add_match (RawConnection, match_rule, IntPtr.Zero);
-      this.matches.Add (match_rule);
-    }
-    public void RemoveMatch (string match_rule)
-    {
-      dbus_bus_remove_match (RawConnection, match_rule, IntPtr.Zero);
-      this.matches.Remove (match_rule);
-    }
-    internal void RegisterObjectPath (string path, DBusObjectPathVTable vtable)
-    {
-      if (!dbus_connection_register_object_path (RawConnection, path, ref vtable, IntPtr.Zero))
-        throw new OutOfMemoryException ();
-      this.object_paths[path] = vtable;
-    }
-    internal void UnregisterObjectPath (string path)
-    {
-      dbus_connection_unregister_object_path (RawConnection, path);
-      this.object_paths.Remove (path);
-    }
-    public string UniqueName
-    {
-      get
-       {
-         return Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi (dbus_bus_get_unique_name (RawConnection));
-       }
-    }
-    public int Timeout
-    {
-      get
-       {
-         return this.timeout;
-       }
-      set
-       {
-         this.timeout = value;
-       }
-    }
-    private int Slot
-    {
-      get 
-       {
-         if (slot == -1) 
-           {
-             // We need to initialize the slot
-             if (!dbus_connection_allocate_data_slot (ref slot))
-               throw new OutOfMemoryException ();
-             Debug.Assert (slot >= 0);
-           }
-         return slot;
-       }
-    }
-    internal IntPtr RawConnection 
-    {
-      get 
-       {
-         return rawConnection;
-       }
-      set 
-       {
-         if (value == rawConnection)
-           return;
-         if (rawConnection != IntPtr.Zero) 
-           {
-              // Remove our callbacks from this connection
-              foreach (DBusHandleMessageFunction func in this.filters)
-                dbus_connection_remove_filter (rawConnection, func, IntPtr.Zero);
-              foreach (string match_rule in this.matches)
-                dbus_bus_remove_match (rawConnection, match_rule, IntPtr.Zero);
-              foreach (string path in this.object_paths.Keys)
-                dbus_connection_unregister_object_path (rawConnection, path);
-             // Get the reference to this
-             IntPtr rawThis = dbus_connection_get_data (rawConnection, Slot);
-             Debug.Assert (rawThis != IntPtr.Zero);
-             // Blank over the reference
-             dbus_connection_set_data (rawConnection, Slot, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
-             // Free the reference
-             ((GCHandle) rawThis).Free();
-             // Unref the connection
-             dbus_connection_unref(rawConnection);
-           }
-         this.rawConnection = value;
-         if (rawConnection != IntPtr.Zero) 
-           {
-             GCHandle rawThis;
-             dbus_connection_ref (rawConnection);
-             // We store a weak reference to the C# object on the C object
-             rawThis = GCHandle.Alloc (this, GCHandleType.WeakTrackResurrection);
-             dbus_connection_set_data(rawConnection, Slot, (IntPtr) rawThis, IntPtr.Zero);
-              // Add the callbacks to this new connection
-              foreach (DBusHandleMessageFunction func in this.filters)
-                dbus_connection_add_filter (rawConnection, func, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
-              foreach (string match_rule in this.matches)
-                dbus_bus_add_match (rawConnection, match_rule, IntPtr.Zero);
-              foreach (string path in this.object_paths.Keys) {
-                DBusObjectPathVTable vtable = (DBusObjectPathVTable) this.object_paths[path];
-                dbus_connection_register_object_path (rawConnection, path, ref vtable, IntPtr.Zero);
-             }
-           }
-         else
-           {
-             this.filters.Clear ();
-              this.matches.Clear ();
-             this.object_paths.Clear ();
-           }
-       }
-    }
-    [DllImport("dbus-glib-1")]
-    private extern static void dbus_connection_setup_with_g_main(IntPtr rawConnection,
-                                                            IntPtr rawContext);
-    [DllImport ("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static IntPtr dbus_connection_open (string address, ref Error error);
-    [DllImport ("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static void dbus_connection_unref (IntPtr ptr);
-    [DllImport ("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static void dbus_connection_ref (IntPtr ptr);
-    [DllImport ("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static bool dbus_connection_allocate_data_slot (ref int slot);
-    [DllImport ("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static void dbus_connection_free_data_slot (ref int slot);
-    [DllImport ("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static bool dbus_connection_set_data (IntPtr ptr,
-                                                        int    slot,
-                                                        IntPtr data,
-                                                        IntPtr free_data_func);
-    [DllImport ("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static void dbus_connection_flush (IntPtr  ptr);
-    [DllImport ("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static IntPtr dbus_connection_get_data (IntPtr ptr,
-                                                          int    slot);
-    [DllImport ("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static void dbus_connection_disconnect (IntPtr ptr);
-    [DllImport ("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static IntPtr dbus_bus_get_unique_name (IntPtr ptr);
-    [DllImport("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static bool dbus_connection_add_filter(IntPtr rawConnection,
-                                                         DBusHandleMessageFunction filter,
-                                                         IntPtr userData,
-                                                         IntPtr freeData);
-    [DllImport("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static void dbus_connection_remove_filter(IntPtr rawConnection,
-                                                            DBusHandleMessageFunction filter,
-                                                            IntPtr userData);
-    [DllImport("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static void dbus_bus_add_match(IntPtr rawConnection,
-                                                 string rule,
-                                                 IntPtr erro);
-    [DllImport("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static void dbus_bus_remove_match(IntPtr rawConnection,
-                                                    string rule,
-                                                    IntPtr erro);
-    [DllImport ("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static bool dbus_connection_register_object_path (IntPtr rawConnection,
-                                                                    string path,
-                                                                    ref DBusObjectPathVTable vTable,
-                                                                    IntPtr userData);
-    [DllImport ("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static void dbus_connection_unregister_object_path (IntPtr rawConnection,
-                                                                      string path);
-  }
diff --git a/mono/DBusException.cs b/mono/DBusException.cs
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 5c912cc..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-namespace DBus
-  using System;
-  using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
-  public class DBusException : ApplicationException 
-  {
-    internal DBusException (Error error) : base (error.Message) { 
-      error.Free();
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/mono/DBusType/Array.cs b/mono/DBusType/Array.cs
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 3279b5a..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-using System;
-using System.Collections;
-using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
-using System.Reflection.Emit;
-using DBus;
-namespace DBus.DBusType
-  /// <summary>
-  /// Array.
-  /// </summary>
-  public class Array : IDBusType
-  {
-    public const char Code = 'a';
-    private System.Array val;
-    private ArrayList elements;
-    private Type elementType;
-    private Service service = null;
-    private Array()
-    {
-    }
-    public Array(System.Array val, Service service) 
-    {
-      this.val = val;
-      this.elementType = Arguments.MatchType(val.GetType().GetElementType());
-      this.service = service;
-    }
-    public Array(IntPtr iter, Service service)
-    {
-      this.service = service;
-      IntPtr arrayIter = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Arguments.DBusMessageIterSize);
-      int elementTypeCode = dbus_message_iter_get_element_type (iter);
-      dbus_message_iter_recurse (iter, arrayIter);
-      this.elementType = (Type) Arguments.DBusTypes [(char) elementTypeCode];
-      elements = new ArrayList ();
-      if (dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type (arrayIter) != 0) {
-        do {
-          object [] pars = new Object[2];
-         pars[0] = arrayIter;
-         pars[1] = service;
-         DBusType.IDBusType dbusType = (DBusType.IDBusType) Activator.CreateInstance(elementType, pars);
-         elements.Add(dbusType);
-        } while (dbus_message_iter_next(arrayIter));
-      }      
-      Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(arrayIter);
-    }
-    public string GetElementCodeAsString ()
-    {
-      string ret = System.String.Empty;
-      Type t = val.GetType ().GetElementType ();
-      while (true) {
-        ret += Arguments.GetCodeAsString (Arguments.MatchType(t));
-        if (t.IsArray)
-          t = t.GetElementType ();
-        else
-          break;
-      }
-      return ret; 
-    }
-    public void Append(IntPtr iter)
-    {
-      IntPtr arrayIter = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem (Arguments.DBusMessageIterSize);
-      if (!dbus_message_iter_open_container (iter,
-                                            (int) Code, GetElementCodeAsString(),
-                                            arrayIter)) {
-       throw new ApplicationException("Failed to append array argument: " + val);
-      }
-      foreach (object element in this.val) {
-       object [] pars = new Object[2];
-       pars[0] = element;
-       pars[1] = this.service;
-       DBusType.IDBusType dbusType = (DBusType.IDBusType) Activator.CreateInstance(elementType, pars);
-       dbusType.Append(arrayIter);
-      }
-      if (!dbus_message_iter_close_container (iter, arrayIter)) {
-       throw new ApplicationException ("Failed to append array argument: " + val);
-      }
-      Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem (arrayIter);
-    }    
-    public static bool Suits(System.Type type) 
-    {
-      Type type2 = type.GetElementType ();
-      if (type.IsArray || (type2 != null && type2.IsArray)) {
-       return true;
-      }
-      return false;
-    }
-    public static void EmitMarshalIn(ILGenerator generator, Type type)
-    {
-      if (type.IsByRef) {
-       generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldind_Ref);
-      }
-    }
-    public static void EmitMarshalOut(ILGenerator generator, Type type, bool isReturn) 
-    {
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Castclass, type);
-      if (!isReturn) {
-       generator.Emit(OpCodes.Stind_Ref);
-      }
-    }
-    public object Get() 
-    {
-      throw new ArgumentException("Cannot call Get on an Array without specifying type.");
-    }
-    public object Get(System.Type type)
-    {
-      if (type.IsArray)
-       type = type.GetElementType ();
-      if (Arguments.Suits(elementType, type.UnderlyingSystemType)) {
-       this.val = System.Array.CreateInstance(type.UnderlyingSystemType, elements.Count);
-       int i = 0;
-       foreach (DBusType.IDBusType element in elements) {
-         this.val.SetValue(element.Get(type.UnderlyingSystemType), i++);
-       }       
-      } else {
-       throw new ArgumentException("Cannot cast DBus.Type.Array to type '" + type.ToString() + "'");
-      }
-       return this.val;
-    }    
-    [DllImport("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static bool dbus_message_iter_open_container (IntPtr iter,
-                                                                int containerType,
-                                                                string elementType,
-                                                                IntPtr subIter);
-    [DllImport("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static bool dbus_message_iter_close_container (IntPtr iter,
-                                                                 IntPtr subIter);
-    [DllImport("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static int dbus_message_iter_get_element_type(IntPtr iter);
-    [DllImport("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static int dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(IntPtr iter);
-    [DllImport("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static void dbus_message_iter_recurse(IntPtr iter, IntPtr subIter);
-    [DllImport("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static bool dbus_message_iter_next(IntPtr iter);
-    [DllImport("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static bool dbus_message_iter_has_next (IntPtr iter);
-  }
diff --git a/mono/DBusType/Boolean.cs b/mono/DBusType/Boolean.cs
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index c561f0c..0000000
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@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-using System;
-using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
-using System.Reflection.Emit;
-using DBus;
-namespace DBus.DBusType
-  /// <summary>
-  /// Boolean
-  /// </summary>
-  public class Boolean : IDBusType
-  {
-    public const char Code = 'b';
-    private System.Boolean val;
-    private Boolean()
-    {
-    }
-    public Boolean(System.Boolean val, Service service) 
-    {
-      this.val = val;
-    }
-    public Boolean(IntPtr iter, Service service)
-    {
-      dbus_message_iter_get_basic (iter, out this.val);
-    }
-    public void Append(IntPtr iter)
-    {
-      if (!dbus_message_iter_append_basic (iter, (int) Code, ref val))
-       throw new ApplicationException("Failed to append BOOLEAN argument:" + val);
-    }
-    public static bool Suits(System.Type type) 
-    {
-      switch (type.ToString()) {
-      case "System.Boolean":
-      case "System.Boolean&":
-       return true;
-      }
-      return false;
-    }
-    public static void EmitMarshalIn(ILGenerator generator, Type type)
-    {
-      if (type.IsByRef) {
-       generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldind_I1);
-      }
-    }
-    public static void EmitMarshalOut(ILGenerator generator, Type type, bool isReturn) 
-    {
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Unbox, type);
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldind_I1);
-      if (!isReturn) {
-       generator.Emit(OpCodes.Stind_I1);
-      }
-    }
-    public object Get() 
-    {
-      return this.val;
-    }
-    public object Get(System.Type type)
-    {
-      switch (type.ToString()) {
-      case "System.Boolean":
-      case "System.Boolean&":
-       return this.val;
-      default:
-       throw new ArgumentException("Cannot cast DBus.Type.Boolean to type '" + type.ToString() + "'");
-      }
-    }
-    [DllImport("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static void dbus_message_iter_get_basic (IntPtr iter, out bool value);
-    [DllImport("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static bool dbus_message_iter_append_basic (IntPtr iter, int type, ref bool value);
-  }
diff --git a/mono/DBusType/Byte.cs b/mono/DBusType/Byte.cs
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 958f683..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-using System;
-using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
-using System.Reflection.Emit;
-using DBus;
-namespace DBus.DBusType
-  /// <summary>
-  /// Byte
-  /// </summary>
-  public class Byte : IDBusType
-  {
-    public const char Code = 'y';
-    private System.Byte val;
-    private Byte()
-    {
-    }
-    public Byte(System.Byte val, Service service) 
-    {
-      this.val = val;
-    }
-    public Byte(System.Char val, Service service) 
-    {
-      this.val = (byte) val;
-    }
-    public Byte(IntPtr iter, Service service)
-    {
-      dbus_message_iter_get_basic (iter, out this.val);
-      }
-    public void Append(IntPtr iter)
-    {
-      if (!dbus_message_iter_append_basic (iter, (int) Code, ref val))
-       throw new ApplicationException("Failed to append BYTE argument:" + val);
-    }
-    public static bool Suits(System.Type type) 
-    {
-      if (type.IsEnum && Enum.GetUnderlyingType (type) == typeof(System.Byte)) {
-       return true;
-      }
-      switch (type.ToString()) {
-      case "System.Byte":
-      case "System.Byte&":
-      case "System.Char":
-      case "System.Char&":
-       return true;
-      }
-      return false;
-    }
-    public static void EmitMarshalIn(ILGenerator generator, Type type)
-    {
-      if (type.IsByRef) {
-       generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldind_U1);
-      }
-    }
-    public static void EmitMarshalOut(ILGenerator generator, Type type, bool isReturn) 
-    {
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Unbox, type);
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldind_U1);
-      if (!isReturn) {
-       generator.Emit(OpCodes.Stind_I1);
-      }
-    }
-    public object Get() 
-    {
-      return this.val;
-    }
-    public object Get(System.Type type)
-    {
-      if (type.IsEnum) {
-       return Enum.ToObject(type, this.val);
-      }
-      switch (type.ToString()) {
-      case "System.Byte":
-      case "System.Byte&":
-       return this.val;
-      case "System.Char":
-      case "System.Char&":
-       char charVal = (char) this.val;
-       return charVal;
-      default:
-       throw new ArgumentException("Cannot cast DBus.Type.Byte to type '" + type.ToString() + "'");
-      }
-    }
-    [DllImport("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static void dbus_message_iter_get_basic (IntPtr iter, out byte value);
-    [DllImport("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static bool dbus_message_iter_append_basic (IntPtr iter, int type, ref byte value);
-  }
diff --git a/mono/DBusType/Dict.cs b/mono/DBusType/Dict.cs
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 660cac5..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-using System;
-using System.Collections;
-using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
-using System.Reflection.Emit;
-using DBus;
-namespace DBus.DBusType
-  /// <summary>
-  /// Dict.
-  /// </summary>
-  public class Dict : IDBusType
-  {
-    public const char Code = 'm';
-    private Hashtable val;
-    private Dict()
-    {
-    }
-    public Dict(IDictionary val, Service service)
-    {
-      this.val = new Hashtable();
-      foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in val) {
-       this.val.Add(entry.Key, entry.Value);
-      }
-    }
-    public Dict(IntPtr iter, Service service)
-    {
-      IntPtr dictIter = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Arguments.DBusMessageIterSize);
-      bool notEmpty = dbus_message_iter_init_dict_iterator(iter, dictIter);
-      this.val = new Hashtable();
-      if (notEmpty) {
-       do {
-         string key = dbus_message_iter_get_dict_key(dictIter);
-         // Get the argument type and get the value
-         Type elementType = (Type) DBus.Arguments.DBusTypes[(char) dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(dictIter)];
-         object [] pars = new Object[2];
-         pars[0] = dictIter;
-         pars[1] = service;
-         DBusType.IDBusType dbusType = (DBusType.IDBusType) Activator.CreateInstance(elementType, pars);
-         this.val.Add(key, dbusType);
-       } while (dbus_message_iter_next(dictIter));
-      }
-      Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(dictIter);
-    }
-    public void Append(IntPtr iter)
-    {
-      IntPtr dictIter = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Arguments.DBusMessageIterSize);
-      if (!dbus_message_iter_append_dict(iter,
-                                        dictIter)) {
-       throw new ApplicationException("Failed to append DICT argument:" + val);
-      }
-      foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in this.val) {
-       if (!dbus_message_iter_append_dict_key(dictIter, (string) entry.Key)) {
-         throw new ApplicationException("Failed to append DICT key:" + entry.Key);
-       }
-       // Get the element type
-       Type elementType = Arguments.MatchType(entry.Value.GetType());
-       object [] pars = new Object[1];
-       pars[0] = entry.Value;
-       DBusType.IDBusType dbusType = (DBusType.IDBusType) Activator.CreateInstance(elementType, pars);
-       dbusType.Append(dictIter);
-      }
-      Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(dictIter);
-    }    
-    public static bool Suits(System.Type type) 
-    {
-      if (typeof(IDictionary).IsAssignableFrom(type)) {
-       return true;
-      }
-      return false;
-    }
-    public static void EmitMarshalIn(ILGenerator generator, Type type)
-    {
-      if (type.IsByRef) {
-       generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldind_Ref);
-      }
-    }
-    public static void EmitMarshalOut(ILGenerator generator, Type type, bool isReturn) 
-    {
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Castclass, type);
-      if (!isReturn) {
-       generator.Emit(OpCodes.Stind_Ref);
-      }
-    }
-    public object Get() 
-    {
-      return Get(typeof(Hashtable));
-    }
-    public object Get(System.Type type)
-    {
-      IDictionary retVal;
-      if (Suits(type)) {
-       retVal = (IDictionary) Activator.CreateInstance(type, new object[0]);
-       foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in this.val) {
-         retVal.Add(entry.Key, ((IDBusType) entry.Value).Get());
-       }
-      } else {
-       throw new ArgumentException("Cannot cast DBus.Type.Dict to type '" + type.ToString() + "'");
-      }
-      return retVal;
-    }    
-    [DllImport("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static bool dbus_message_iter_init_dict_iterator(IntPtr iter,
-                                                                   IntPtr dictIter);
-    [DllImport("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static bool dbus_message_iter_append_dict(IntPtr iter, 
-                                                            IntPtr dictIter);
-    [DllImport("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static bool dbus_message_iter_has_next(IntPtr iter);
-    [DllImport("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static bool dbus_message_iter_next(IntPtr iter);
-    [DllImport("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static string dbus_message_iter_get_dict_key (IntPtr dictIter);  
-    [DllImport("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static bool dbus_message_iter_append_dict_key (IntPtr dictIter,
-                                                                 string value);
-    [DllImport("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static int dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(IntPtr iter);
-  }
diff --git a/mono/DBusType/Double.cs b/mono/DBusType/Double.cs
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index c8975cd..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-using System;
-using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
-using System.Reflection.Emit;
-using DBus;
-namespace DBus.DBusType
-  /// <summary>
-  /// IEEE 754 double
-  /// </summary>
-  public class Double : IDBusType
-  {
-    public const char Code = 'd';
-    private System.Double val;
-    private Double()
-    {
-    }
-    public Double(System.Double val, Service service) 
-    {
-      this.val = val;
-    }
-    public Double(IntPtr iter, Service service)
-    {
-      dbus_message_iter_get_basic (iter, out this.val);
-    }
-    public void Append(IntPtr iter)
-    {
-      if (!dbus_message_iter_append_basic (iter, (int) Code, ref val))
-       throw new ApplicationException("Failed to append DOUBLE argument:" + val);
-    }
-    public static bool Suits(System.Type type) 
-    {
-      switch (type.ToString()) {
-      case "System.Double":
-      case "System.Double&":
-       return true;
-      }
-      return false;
-    }
-    public static void EmitMarshalIn(ILGenerator generator, Type type)
-    {
-      if (type.IsByRef) {
-       generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldind_R8);
-      }
-    }
-    public static void EmitMarshalOut(ILGenerator generator, Type type, bool isReturn) 
-    {
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Unbox, type);
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldind_R8);
-      if (!isReturn) {
-       generator.Emit(OpCodes.Stind_R8);
-      }
-    }
-    public object Get() 
-    {
-      return this.val;
-    }
-    public object Get(System.Type type)
-    {
-      switch (type.ToString()) {
-      case "System.Double":
-      case "System.Double&":
-       return this.val;
-      default:
-       throw new ArgumentException("Cannot cast DBus.Type.Double to type '" + type.ToString() + "'");
-      }
-    }
-    [DllImport("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static void dbus_message_iter_get_basic (IntPtr iter, out double value);
-    [DllImport("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static bool dbus_message_iter_append_basic (IntPtr iter, int type, ref double value);
-  }
diff --git a/mono/DBusType/IDBusType.cs b/mono/DBusType/IDBusType.cs
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 447c820..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-using System;
-namespace DBus.DBusType
-  /// <summary>
-  /// Base class for DBusTypes
-  /// </summary>
-  public interface IDBusType
-  {
-    object Get();
-    object Get(System.Type type);  
-    void Append(IntPtr iter);
-  }
diff --git a/mono/DBusType/Int16.cs b/mono/DBusType/Int16.cs
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index cd99e19..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-using System;
-using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
-using System.Reflection.Emit;
-using DBus;
-namespace DBus.DBusType
-  /// <summary>
-  /// 16-bit integer.
-  /// </summary>
-  public class Int16 : IDBusType
-  {
-    public const char Code = 'n';
-    private System.Int16 val;
-    private Int16()
-    {
-    }
-    public Int16(System.Int16 val, Service service) 
-    {
-      this.val = val;
-    }
-    public Int16(IntPtr iter, Service service)
-    {
-      dbus_message_iter_get_basic (iter, out this.val);
-    }
-    public void Append(IntPtr iter)
-    {
-      if (!dbus_message_iter_append_basic (iter, (int) Code, ref val))
-       throw new ApplicationException("Failed to append INT16 argument:" + val);
-    }
-    public static bool Suits(System.Type type) 
-    {
-      if (type.IsEnum && Enum.GetUnderlyingType (type) == typeof(System.Int16)) {
-       return true;
-      }
-      switch (type.ToString()) {
-      case "System.Int16":
-      case "System.Int16&":
-       return true;      }
-      return false;
-    }
-    public static void EmitMarshalIn(ILGenerator generator, Type type)
-    {
-      if (type.IsByRef) {
-       generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldind_I2);
-      }
-    }
-    public static void EmitMarshalOut(ILGenerator generator, Type type, bool isReturn) 
-    {
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Unbox, type);
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldind_I2);
-      if (!isReturn) {
-       generator.Emit(OpCodes.Stind_I2);
-      }
-    }
-    public object Get() 
-    {
-      return this.val;
-    }
-    public object Get(System.Type type)
-    {
-      if (type.IsEnum) {
-       return Enum.ToObject(type, this.val);
-      }
-      switch (type.ToString()) {
-      case "System.Int16":
-      case "System.Int16&":
-       return this.val;
-      default:
-       throw new ArgumentException("Cannot cast DBus.Type.Int16 to type '" + type.ToString() + "'");
-      }
-    }    
-    [DllImport("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static void dbus_message_iter_get_basic (IntPtr iter, out System.Int16 value);
-    [DllImport("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static bool dbus_message_iter_append_basic (IntPtr iter, int type, ref System.Int16 value);
-  }
diff --git a/mono/DBusType/Int32.cs b/mono/DBusType/Int32.cs
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 868d433..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-using System;
-using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
-using System.Reflection.Emit;
-using DBus;
-namespace DBus.DBusType
-  /// <summary>
-  /// 32-bit integer.
-  /// </summary>
-  public class Int32 : IDBusType
-  {
-    public const char Code = 'i';
-    private System.Int32 val;
-    private Int32()
-    {
-    }
-    public Int32(System.Int32 val, Service service) 
-    {
-      this.val = val;
-    }
-    public Int32(IntPtr iter, Service service)
-    {
-      dbus_message_iter_get_basic (iter, out this.val);
-    }
-    public void Append(IntPtr iter)
-    {
-      if (!dbus_message_iter_append_basic (iter, (int) Code, ref val))
-       throw new ApplicationException("Failed to append INT32 argument:" + val);
-    }
-    public static bool Suits(System.Type type) 
-    {
-      if (type.IsEnum && Enum.GetUnderlyingType (type) == typeof(System.Int32)) {
-       return true;
-      }
-      switch (type.ToString()) {
-      case "System.Int32":
-      case "System.Int32&":
-       return true;      }
-      return false;
-    }
-    public static void EmitMarshalIn(ILGenerator generator, Type type)
-    {
-      if (type.IsByRef) {
-       generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldind_I4);
-      }
-    }
-    public static void EmitMarshalOut(ILGenerator generator, Type type, bool isReturn) 
-    {
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Unbox, type);
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldind_I4);
-      if (!isReturn) {
-       generator.Emit(OpCodes.Stind_I4);
-      }
-    }
-    public object Get() 
-    {
-      return this.val;
-    }
-    public object Get(System.Type type)
-    {
-      if (type.IsEnum) {
-       return Enum.ToObject(type, this.val);
-      }
-      switch (type.ToString()) {
-      case "System.Int32":
-      case "System.Int32&":
-       return this.val;
-      default:
-       throw new ArgumentException("Cannot cast DBus.Type.Int32 to type '" + type.ToString() + "'");
-      }
-    }    
-    [DllImport("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static void dbus_message_iter_get_basic (IntPtr iter, out System.Int32 value);
-    [DllImport("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static bool dbus_message_iter_append_basic (IntPtr iter, int type, ref System.Int32 value);
-  }
diff --git a/mono/DBusType/Int64.cs b/mono/DBusType/Int64.cs
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 47c066b..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-using System;
-using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
-using System.Reflection.Emit;
-using DBus;
-namespace DBus.DBusType
-  /// <summary>
-  /// 64-bit integer.
-  /// </summary>
-  public class Int64 : IDBusType
-  {
-    public const char Code = 'x';
-    private System.Int64 val;
-    private Int64()
-    {
-    }
-    public Int64(System.Int64 val, Service service) 
-    {
-      this.val = val;
-    }
-    public Int64(IntPtr iter, Service service)
-    {
-      dbus_message_iter_get_basic (iter, out this.val);
-    }
-    public void Append(IntPtr iter)
-    {
-           if (!dbus_message_iter_append_basic (iter, (int) Code, ref val))
-       throw new ApplicationException("Failed to append INT64 argument:" + val);
-    }
-    public static bool Suits(System.Type type) 
-    {
-      if (type.IsEnum && Enum.GetUnderlyingType (type) == typeof(System.Int64)) {
-       return true;
-      }
-      switch (type.ToString()) {
-      case "System.Int64":
-      case "System.Int64&":
-       return true;
-      }
-      return false;
-    }
-    public static void EmitMarshalIn(ILGenerator generator, Type type)
-    {
-      if (type.IsByRef) {
-       generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldind_I8);
-      }
-    }
-    public static void EmitMarshalOut(ILGenerator generator, Type type, bool isReturn) 
-    {
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Unbox, type);
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldind_I8);
-      if (!isReturn) {
-       generator.Emit(OpCodes.Stind_I8);
-      }
-    }
-    public object Get() 
-    {
-      return this.val;
-    }
-    public object Get(System.Type type)
-    {
-      if (type.IsEnum) {
-       return Enum.ToObject(type, this.val);
-      }
-      switch (type.ToString()) {
-      case "System.Int64":
-      case "System.Int64&":
-       return this.val;
-      default:
-       throw new ArgumentException("Cannot cast DBus.Type.Int64 to type '" + type.ToString() + "'");
-      }
-    }    
-    [DllImport("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static void dbus_message_iter_get_basic (IntPtr iter, out System.Int64 value);
-    [DllImport("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static bool dbus_message_iter_append_basic (IntPtr iter, int type, ref System.Int64 value);
-  }
diff --git a/mono/DBusType/ObjectPath.cs b/mono/DBusType/ObjectPath.cs
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 4f064d5..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-using System;
-using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
-using System.Reflection.Emit;
-using DBus;
-namespace DBus.DBusType
-  /// <summary>
-  /// An object path.
-  /// </summary>
-  public class ObjectPath : IDBusType
-  {
-    public const char Code = 'o';
-    private string path = null;
-    private object val = null;
-    private Service service = null;
-    private ObjectPath()
-    {
-    }
-    public ObjectPath(object val, Service service) 
-    {
-      this.val = val;
-      this.service = service;
-    }
-    public ObjectPath(IntPtr iter, Service service)
-    {
-      IntPtr raw;
-      dbus_message_iter_get_basic (iter, out raw);
-      this.path = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi (raw);
-      this.service = service;
-    }
-    private string Path
-    {
-      get {
-       if (this.path == null && this.val != null) {
-         Handler handler = this.service.GetHandler(this.val);
-         this.path = handler.Path;
-       }
-       return this.path;
-      }
-    }
-    public void Append(IntPtr iter) 
-    {
-      IntPtr marshalVal = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi (Path);
-      bool success = dbus_message_iter_append_basic (iter, (int) Code, ref marshalVal);
-      Marshal.FreeHGlobal (marshalVal);
-      if (!success)
-       throw new ApplicationException("Failed to append OBJECT_PATH argument:" + val);
-    }
-    public static bool Suits(System.Type type) 
-    {
-      object[] attributes = type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(InterfaceAttribute), false);
-      if (attributes.Length == 1) {
-       return true;
-      } else {
-       return false;
-      }
-    }
-    public static void EmitMarshalIn(ILGenerator generator, Type type)
-    {
-      if (type.IsByRef) {
-       generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldind_Ref);
-      }
-    }
-    public static void EmitMarshalOut(ILGenerator generator, Type type, bool isReturn) 
-    {
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Castclass, type);
-      if (!isReturn) {
-       generator.Emit(OpCodes.Stind_Ref);
-      }
-    }
-    public object Get() 
-    {
-      throw new ArgumentException("Cannot call Get on an ObjectPath without specifying type.");
-    }
-    public object Get(System.Type type)
-    {
-      try {
-       return this.service.GetObject(type, Path);
-      } catch(Exception ex) {
-       throw new ArgumentException("Cannot cast object pointed to by Object Path to type '" + type.ToString() + "': " + ex);
-      }
-    }
-    [DllImport("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static void dbus_message_iter_get_basic (IntPtr iter, out IntPtr path);
-    [DllImport("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static bool dbus_message_iter_append_basic (IntPtr iter, int type, ref IntPtr path);
-  }
diff --git a/mono/DBusType/String.cs b/mono/DBusType/String.cs
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 3b619cf..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-using System;
-using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
-using System.Reflection.Emit;
-using DBus;
-namespace DBus.DBusType
-  /// <summary>
-  /// A string.
-  /// </summary>
-  public class String : IDBusType
-  {
-    public const char Code = 's';
-    private string val;
-    private String()
-    {
-    }
-    public String(string val, Service service) 
-    {
-      this.val = val;
-    }
-    public String(IntPtr iter, Service service)
-    {
-      IntPtr raw;
-      dbus_message_iter_get_basic (iter, out raw);
-      this.val = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi (raw);
-    }
-    public void Append(IntPtr iter) 
-    {
-      IntPtr marshalVal = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi (val);
-      bool success = dbus_message_iter_append_basic (iter, (int) Code, ref marshalVal);
-      Marshal.FreeHGlobal (marshalVal);
-      if (!success)
-       throw new ApplicationException("Failed to append STRING argument:" + val);
-    }
-    public static bool Suits(System.Type type) 
-    {
-      switch (type.ToString()) {
-      case "System.String":
-      case "System.String&":
-       return true;
-      }
-      return false;
-    }
-    public static void EmitMarshalIn(ILGenerator generator, Type type)
-    {
-      if (type.IsByRef) {
-       generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldind_Ref);
-      }
-    }
-    public static void EmitMarshalOut(ILGenerator generator, Type type, bool isReturn) 
-    {
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Castclass, type);
-      if (!isReturn) {
-       generator.Emit(OpCodes.Stind_Ref);
-      }
-    }
-    public object Get() 
-    {
-      return this.val;
-    }
-    public object Get(System.Type type)
-    {
-      switch (type.ToString()) 
-       {
-       case "System.String":
-       case "System.String&":
-         return this.val;
-       default:
-         throw new ArgumentException("Cannot cast DBus.Type.String to type '" + type.ToString() + "'");
-       }
-    }    
-    [DllImport("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static void dbus_message_iter_get_basic (IntPtr iter, out IntPtr value);
-    [DllImport("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static bool dbus_message_iter_append_basic (IntPtr iter, int type, ref IntPtr value);
-  }
diff --git a/mono/DBusType/UInt16.cs b/mono/DBusType/UInt16.cs
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 7313287..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-using System;
-using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
-using System.Reflection.Emit;
-using DBus;
-namespace DBus.DBusType
-  /// <summary>
-  /// 16-bit integer.
-  /// </summary>
-  public class UInt16 : IDBusType
-  {
-    public const char Code = 'q';
-    private System.UInt16 val;
-    private UInt16()
-    {
-    }
-    public UInt16(System.UInt16 val, Service service) 
-    {
-      this.val = val;
-    }
-    public UInt16(IntPtr iter, Service service)
-    {
-      dbus_message_iter_get_basic (iter, out this.val);
-    }
-    public void Append(IntPtr iter)
-    {
-      if (!dbus_message_iter_append_basic (iter, (int) Code, ref val))
-       throw new ApplicationException("Failed to append INT16 argument:" + val);
-    }
-    public static bool Suits(System.Type type) 
-    {
-      if (type.IsEnum && Enum.GetUnderlyingType (type) == typeof(System.UInt16)) {
-       return true;
-      }
-      switch (type.ToString()) {
-      case "System.UInt16":
-      case "System.UInt16&":
-       return true;      }
-      return false;
-    }
-    public static void EmitMarshalIn(ILGenerator generator, Type type)
-    {
-      if (type.IsByRef) {
-       generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldind_U2);
-      }
-    }
-    public static void EmitMarshalOut(ILGenerator generator, Type type, bool isReturn) 
-    {
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Unbox, type);
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldind_U2);
-      if (!isReturn) {
-       generator.Emit(OpCodes.Stind_I2);
-      }
-    }
-    public object Get() 
-    {
-      return this.val;
-    }
-    public object Get(System.Type type)
-    {
-      if (type.IsEnum) {
-       return Enum.ToObject(type, this.val);
-      }
-      switch (type.ToString()) {
-      case "System.UInt16":
-      case "System.UInt16&":
-       return this.val;
-      default:
-       throw new ArgumentException("Cannot cast DBus.Type.UInt16 to type '" + type.ToString() + "'");
-      }
-    }    
-    [DllImport("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static void dbus_message_iter_get_basic (IntPtr iter, out System.UInt16 value);
-    [DllImport("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static bool dbus_message_iter_append_basic (IntPtr iter, int type, ref System.UInt16 value);
-  }
diff --git a/mono/DBusType/UInt32.cs b/mono/DBusType/UInt32.cs
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 5bb3121..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-using System;
-using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
-using System.Reflection.Emit;
-using DBus;
-namespace DBus.DBusType
-  /// <summary>
-  /// 32-bit unsigned integer.
-  /// </summary>
-  public class UInt32 : IDBusType
-  {
-    public const char Code = 'u';
-    private System.UInt32 val;
-    private UInt32()
-    {
-    }
-    public UInt32(System.UInt32 val, Service service) 
-    {
-      this.val = val;
-    }
-    public UInt32(IntPtr iter, Service service)
-    {
-      dbus_message_iter_get_basic (iter, out this.val);
-    }
-    public void Append(IntPtr iter)
-    {
-      if (!dbus_message_iter_append_basic (iter, (int) Code, ref val))
-       throw new ApplicationException("Failed to append UINT32 argument:" + val);
-    }
-    public static bool Suits(System.Type type) 
-    {
-      if (type.IsEnum && Enum.GetUnderlyingType (type) == typeof(System.UInt32)) {
-       return true;
-      }
-      switch (type.ToString()) {
-      case "System.UInt32":
-      case "System.UInt32&":
-       return true;
-      }
-      return false;
-    }
-    public static void EmitMarshalIn(ILGenerator generator, Type type)
-    {
-      if (type.IsByRef) {
-       generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldind_U4);
-      }
-    }
-    public static void EmitMarshalOut(ILGenerator generator, Type type, bool isReturn) 
-    {
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Unbox, type);
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldind_U4);
-      if (!isReturn) {
-       generator.Emit(OpCodes.Stind_I4);
-      }
-    }
-    public object Get() 
-    {
-      return this.val;
-    }
-    public object Get(System.Type type)
-    {
-      if (type.IsEnum) {
-       return Enum.ToObject(type, this.val);
-      }
-      switch (type.ToString()) 
-       {
-       case "System.UInt32":
-       case "System.UInt32&":
-         return this.val;
-       default:
-         throw new ArgumentException("Cannot cast DBus.Type.UInt32 to type '" + type.ToString() + "'");
-       }
-    }    
-    [DllImport("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static void dbus_message_iter_get_basic (IntPtr iter, out System.UInt32 value);
-    [DllImport("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static bool dbus_message_iter_append_basic (IntPtr iter, int type, ref System.UInt32 value);
-  }
diff --git a/mono/DBusType/UInt64.cs b/mono/DBusType/UInt64.cs
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index ef689f2..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-using System;
-using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
-using System.Reflection.Emit;
-using DBus;
-namespace DBus.DBusType
-  /// <summary>
-  /// 64-bit unsigned integer.
-  /// </summary>
-  public class UInt64 : IDBusType
-  {
-    public const char Code = 't';
-    private System.UInt64 val;
-    private UInt64()
-    {
-    }
-    public UInt64(System.UInt64 val, Service service) 
-    {
-      this.val = val;
-    }
-    public UInt64(IntPtr iter, Service service)
-    {
-      dbus_message_iter_get_basic (iter, out this.val);
-    }
-    public void Append(IntPtr iter)
-    {
-      if (!dbus_message_iter_append_basic (iter, (int) Code, ref val))
-       throw new ApplicationException("Failed to append UINT64 argument:" + val);
-    }
-    public static bool Suits(System.Type type) 
-    {
-      if (type.IsEnum && Enum.GetUnderlyingType (type) == typeof(System.UInt64)) {
-       return true;
-      }
-      switch (type.ToString()) {
-      case "System.UInt64":
-      case "System.UInt64&":
-       return true;
-      }
-      return false;
-    }
-    public static void EmitMarshalIn(ILGenerator generator, Type type)
-    {
-      if (type.IsByRef) {
-       generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldind_I8);
-      }
-    }
-    public static void EmitMarshalOut(ILGenerator generator, Type type, bool isReturn) 
-    {
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Unbox, type);
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldind_I8);
-      if (!isReturn) {
-       generator.Emit(OpCodes.Stind_I8);
-      }
-    }
-    public object Get() 
-    {
-      return this.val;
-    }
-    public object Get(System.Type type)
-    {
-      if (type.IsEnum) {
-       return Enum.ToObject(type, this.val);
-      }
-      switch (type.ToString()) 
-       {
-       case "System.UInt64":
-       case "System.UInt64&":
-         return this.val;
-       default:
-         throw new ArgumentException("Cannot cast DBus.Type.UInt64 to type '" + type.ToString() + "'");
-       }
-    }    
-    [DllImport("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static void dbus_message_iter_get_basic (IntPtr iter, out System.UInt64 value);
-    [DllImport("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static bool dbus_message_iter_append_basic (IntPtr iter, int type, ref System.UInt64 value);
-  }
diff --git a/mono/Error.cs b/mono/Error.cs
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index d89a013..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-namespace DBus 
-  using System;
-  using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
-  using System.Diagnostics;
-  // FIXME add code to verify that size of DBus.Error
-  // matches the C code.
-  [StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential)]
-  internal struct Error
-  {
-    internal IntPtr name;
-    internal IntPtr message;
-    private int dummies;
-    private IntPtr padding1;
-    public void Init() 
-    {
-      dbus_error_init(ref this);
-    }
-    public void Free() 
-    {
-      dbus_error_free(ref this);
-    }
-    public string Message
-    {
-      get
-       {
-         return System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(message);
-       }
-    }
-    public string Name
-    {
-      get
-       {
-         return System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(name);
-       }
-    }
-    public bool IsSet
-    {
-      get
-       {
-         return (name != IntPtr.Zero);
-       }
-    }
-    [DllImport ("dbus-1", EntryPoint="dbus_error_init")]
-    private extern static void dbus_error_init (ref Error error);
-    [DllImport ("dbus-1", EntryPoint="dbus_error_free")]
-    private extern static void dbus_error_free (ref Error error);
-  }
diff --git a/mono/ErrorMessage.cs b/mono/ErrorMessage.cs
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 773a05b..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-namespace DBus
-  using System;
-  using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
-  using System.Diagnostics;
-  public class ErrorMessage : Message
-  {    
-    public ErrorMessage() : base(MessageType.Error)
-    {  
-    }
-    internal ErrorMessage(IntPtr rawMessage, Service service) : base(rawMessage, service)
-    {
-    }
-    public ErrorMessage(Service service) : base(MessageType.Error, service) 
-    {
-    }
-    public new string Name
-    {
-      get {
-       if (this.name == null) {
-         this.name = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(dbus_message_get_error_name(RawMessage));
-       }
-       return this.name;
-      }
-      set {
-       if (value != this.name) {
-         dbus_message_set_error_name(RawMessage, value);
-         this.name = value;
-       }
-      }
-    }
-    [DllImport("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static bool dbus_message_set_error_name(IntPtr rawMessage, string name);
-    [DllImport("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static IntPtr dbus_message_get_error_name(IntPtr rawMessage);
-  }
diff --git a/mono/Handler.cs b/mono/Handler.cs
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 87092f9..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-namespace DBus
-  using System;
-  using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
-  using System.Diagnostics;
-  using System.Reflection;
-  using System.Collections;
-  internal enum Result 
-  {
-    Handled = 0,
-    NotYetHandled = 1,
-    NeedMemory = 2
-  }
-  internal class Handler
-  {
-    private string path = null;
-    private Introspector introspector = null;
-    private object handledObject = null;
-    private DBusObjectPathVTable vTable;
-    private Connection connection;
-    private Service service;
-    // We need to hold extra references to these callbacks so that they don't
-    // get garbage collected before they are called back into from unmanaged
-    // code.
-    private DBusObjectPathUnregisterFunction unregister_func;
-    private DBusObjectPathMessageFunction message_func;
-    public Handler(object handledObject, 
-                  string path, 
-                  Service service)
-    {
-      Service = service;
-      Connection = service.Connection;
-      HandledObject = handledObject;
-      this.path = path;
-      // Create the vTable and register the path
-      this.unregister_func = new DBusObjectPathUnregisterFunction (Unregister_Called);
-      this.message_func = new DBusObjectPathMessageFunction (Message_Called);
-      vTable = new DBusObjectPathVTable (this.unregister_func, this.message_func);
-      Connection.RegisterObjectPath (Path, vTable);
-      RegisterSignalHandlers();
-    }
-    private void RegisterSignalHandlers()
-    {
-      ProxyBuilder proxyBuilder = new ProxyBuilder(Service, HandledObject.GetType(), Path);
-      foreach (DictionaryEntry interfaceEntry in this.introspector.InterfaceProxies) {
-       InterfaceProxy interfaceProxy = (InterfaceProxy) interfaceEntry.Value;
-       foreach (DictionaryEntry signalEntry in interfaceProxy.Signals) {
-         EventInfo eventE = (EventInfo) signalEntry.Value;
-         Delegate del = Delegate.CreateDelegate(eventE.EventHandlerType, proxyBuilder.GetSignalProxy(), "Proxy_" + eventE.Name);
-         eventE.AddEventHandler(HandledObject, del);
-       }
-      }
-    }
-    public object HandledObject 
-    {
-      get {
-       return this.handledObject;
-      }
-      set {
-       this.handledObject = value;
-       // Register the methods
-       this.introspector = Introspector.GetIntrospector(value.GetType());        
-      }
-    }
-    public void Unregister_Called(IntPtr rawConnection, 
-                                 IntPtr userData)
-    {
-      if (service != null) {
-       service.UnregisterObject(HandledObject);
-      }
-      path = null;
-    }
-    private int Message_Called(IntPtr rawConnection, 
-                              IntPtr rawMessage, 
-                              IntPtr userData) 
-    {
-      Message message = Message.Wrap(rawMessage, Service);
-      Result res = Result.NotYetHandled;
-      switch (message.Type) {
-      case Message.MessageType.MethodCall:
-        res = HandleMethod ((MethodCall) message);
-       break;
-      case Message.MessageType.Signal:
-       // We're not interested in signals here because we're the ones
-       // that generate them!
-       break;
-      }
-      message.Dispose ();
-      return (int) res;
-    }
-    private Result HandleMethod(MethodCall methodCall)
-    {
-      methodCall.Service = service;
-      InterfaceProxy interfaceProxy = this.introspector.GetInterface(methodCall.InterfaceName);
-      if (interfaceProxy == null || !interfaceProxy.HasMethod(methodCall.Key)) {
-       // No such interface here.
-       return Result.NotYetHandled;
-      }
-      MethodInfo method = interfaceProxy.GetMethod(methodCall.Key);
-      Message.Push (methodCall);
-      // Now call the method. FIXME: Error handling
-      object [] args = methodCall.Arguments.GetParameters(method);
-      object retVal = method.Invoke(this.handledObject, args);
-      Message.Pop ();
-      // Create the reply and send it
-      MethodReturn methodReturn = new MethodReturn(methodCall);
-      methodReturn.Arguments.AppendResults(method, retVal, args);
-      methodReturn.Send();
-      return Result.Handled;
-    }
-    internal string Path 
-    {
-      get 
-       {
-         return path;
-       }
-    }
-    internal Connection Connection 
-    {
-      get
-       {
-         return connection;
-       }
-      set 
-       {
-         this.connection = value;
-       }
-    }
-    public Service Service
-    {
-      get
-       {
-         return service;
-       }
-      set 
-       {
-         this.service = value;
-       }
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/mono/InterfaceAttribute.cs b/mono/InterfaceAttribute.cs
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 2a6e9bb..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-using System;
-namespace DBus
-  [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple=false, Inherited=true)]
-  public class InterfaceAttribute : Attribute 
-  {
-    private string interfaceName;
-    public InterfaceAttribute(string interfaceName) 
-    {
-      this.interfaceName = interfaceName;
-    }
-    public string InterfaceName
-    {
-      get
-       {
-         return this.interfaceName;
-       }
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/mono/InterfaceProxy.cs b/mono/InterfaceProxy.cs
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 5069773..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-namespace DBus
-  using System;
-  using System.Collections;
-  using System.Reflection;
-  internal class InterfaceProxy
-  {
-    private static Hashtable interfaceProxies = new Hashtable();
-    private Hashtable methods = null;
-    private Hashtable signals = null;
-    private string interfaceName;
-    private InterfaceProxy(Type type) 
-    {
-      object[] attributes = type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(InterfaceAttribute), true);
-      InterfaceAttribute interfaceAttribute = (InterfaceAttribute) attributes[0];
-      this.interfaceName = interfaceAttribute.InterfaceName;
-      AddMethods(type);
-      AddSignals(type);
-    }
-    // Add all the events with Signal attributes
-    private void AddSignals(Type type)
-    {
-      this.signals = new Hashtable();
-      foreach (EventInfo signal in type.GetEvents(BindingFlags.Public |
-                                                 BindingFlags.Instance |
-                                                 BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly)) {
-       object[] attributes = signal.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(SignalAttribute), false);
-       if (attributes.GetLength(0) > 0) {
-         MethodInfo invoke = signal.EventHandlerType.GetMethod("Invoke");
-         signals.Add(signal.Name + " " + GetSignature(invoke), signal);
-       }
-      }      
-    }
-    // Add all the methods with Method attributes
-    private void AddMethods(Type type)
-    {
-      this.methods = new Hashtable();
-      foreach (MethodInfo method in type.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Public | 
-                                                   BindingFlags.Instance | 
-                                                   BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly)) {
-       object[] attributes = method.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(MethodAttribute), false);
-       if (attributes.GetLength(0) > 0) {
-         methods.Add(method.Name + " " + GetSignature(method), method);
-       }
-      }
-    }
-    public static InterfaceProxy GetInterface(Type type) 
-    {
-      if (!interfaceProxies.Contains(type)) {
-       interfaceProxies[type] = new InterfaceProxy(type);
-      }
-      return (InterfaceProxy) interfaceProxies[type];
-    }
-    public bool HasMethod(string key) 
-    {
-      return this.Methods.Contains(key);
-    }
-    public bool HasSignal(string key)
-    {
-      return this.Signals.Contains(key);
-    }
-    public EventInfo GetSignal(string key)
-    {
-      return (EventInfo) this.Signals[key];
-    }
-    public MethodInfo GetMethod(string key)
-    {
-      return (MethodInfo) this.Methods[key];
-    }
-    public static string GetSignature(MethodInfo method) 
-    {
-      ParameterInfo[] pars = method.GetParameters();
-      string key = "";
-      foreach (ParameterInfo par in pars) {
-       if (!par.IsOut) {
-         Type dbusType = Arguments.MatchType(par.ParameterType);
-         key += Arguments.GetCode(dbusType);
-       }
-      }
-      return key;
-    }
-    public Hashtable Methods
-    {
-      get {
-       return this.methods;
-      }
-    }
-    public Hashtable Signals
-    {
-      get {
-       return this.signals;
-      }
-    }
-    public string InterfaceName
-    {
-      get {
-       return this.interfaceName;
-      }
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/mono/Introspector.cs b/mono/Introspector.cs
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 8e97abc..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-namespace DBus 
-  using System;
-  using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
-  using System.Diagnostics;
-  using System.Collections;
-  using System.Reflection;
-  internal class Introspector
-  {
-    private Type type;
-    private static Hashtable introspectors = new Hashtable();
-    private Hashtable interfaceProxies = null;
-    public static Introspector GetIntrospector(Type type) 
-    {
-      if (!introspectors.Contains(type)) {
-       introspectors[type] = new Introspector(type);
-      }
-      return (Introspector) introspectors[type];
-    }
-    private Introspector(Type type) 
-    {
-      interfaceProxies = new Hashtable();
-      AddType(type);
-      this.type = type;
-    }
-    private void AddType(Type type) 
-    {
-      if (type == typeof(object)) {
-       // Base case
-       return;
-      }
-      object[] attributes = type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(InterfaceAttribute), false);
-      if (attributes.Length >= 1) {
-       // This is a D-BUS interface so add it to the hashtable
-       InterfaceProxy interfaceProxy = InterfaceProxy.GetInterface(type);
-       interfaceProxies.Add(interfaceProxy.InterfaceName, interfaceProxy);
-      }
-      AddType(type.BaseType);
-    }
-    public InterfaceProxy GetInterface(string interfaceName) {
-      if (interfaceProxies.Contains(interfaceName)) {
-       return (InterfaceProxy) interfaceProxies[interfaceName];
-      } else {
-       return null;
-      }
-    }
-    public Hashtable InterfaceProxies
-    {
-      get {
-       return this.interfaceProxies;
-      }
-    }
-    public ConstructorInfo Constructor
-    {
-      get {
-       ConstructorInfo ret = this.type.GetConstructor(new Type[0]);
-       if (ret != null) {
-         return ret;
-       } else {
-         return typeof(object).GetConstructor(new Type[0]);
-       }
-      }
-    }
-    public override string ToString()
-    {
-      return this.type.ToString();
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/mono/Makefile.am b/mono/Makefile.am
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 239a386..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-SUBDIRS=. doc example
-DBUS_SHARP_FILES=                              \
-       $(srcdir)/Arguments.cs                  \
-       $(srcdir)/Bus.cs                        \
-       $(srcdir)/BusDriver.cs                  \
-       $(srcdir)/Connection.cs                 \
-       $(srcdir)/DBusException.cs              \
-       $(srcdir)/Error.cs                      \
-       $(srcdir)/ErrorMessage.cs               \
-       $(srcdir)/Handler.cs                    \
-       $(srcdir)/InterfaceAttribute.cs         \
-       $(srcdir)/InterfaceProxy.cs             \
-       $(srcdir)/Introspector.cs               \
-       $(srcdir)/Message.cs                    \
-       $(srcdir)/MethodAttribute.cs            \
-       $(srcdir)/MethodCall.cs                 \
-       $(srcdir)/MethodReturn.cs               \
-       $(srcdir)/ProxyBuilder.cs               \
-       $(srcdir)/Server.cs                     \
-       $(srcdir)/Service.cs                    \
-       $(srcdir)/Signal.cs                     \
-       $(srcdir)/SignalAttribute.cs            \
-       $(srcdir)/DBusType/IDBusType.cs         \
-       $(srcdir)/DBusType/Array.cs             \
-       $(srcdir)/DBusType/Boolean.cs           \
-       $(srcdir)/DBusType/Byte.cs              \
-       $(srcdir)/DBusType/Double.cs            \
-       $(srcdir)/DBusType/Int16.cs             \
-       $(srcdir)/DBusType/Int32.cs             \
-       $(srcdir)/DBusType/Int64.cs             \
-       $(srcdir)/DBusType/ObjectPath.cs        \
-       $(srcdir)/DBusType/String.cs            \
-       $(srcdir)/DBusType/UInt16.cs            \
-       $(srcdir)/DBusType/UInt32.cs            \
-       $(srcdir)/DBusType/UInt64.cs
-all-am: $(TARGET)
-dbus-sharp.dll: $(DBUS_SHARP_FILES)
-       $(CSC) --debug --unsafe --target library -o dbus-sharp.dll $(DBUS_SHARP_FILES) AssemblyInfo.cs
-test-dbus-sharp.exe: $(TEST_DBUS_SHARP_FILES)
-       $(CSC) --debug --unsafe --target exe -L . -r dbus-sharp.dll -pkg:gtk-sharp -o test-dbus-sharp.exe $(TEST_DBUS_SHARP_FILES)
-       rm -f $(TARGET) $(TARGET).mdb $(NOINST_EXES) $(NOINST_EXES:%=%.mdb)
-       @if test -n '$(TARGET)'; then                       \
-         echo "$(GACUTIL) /i $(ASSEMBLY) /f /package dbus-sharp /gacdir $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)";    \
-         $(GACUTIL) /i $(ASSEMBLY) /f /package dbus-sharp /gacdir $(libdir) /root $(DESTDIR)$(libdir) || exit 1; \
-       fi
-       @if test -n '$(TARGET)'; then                       \
-         echo "$(GACUTIL) /u $(ASSEMBLY_NAME) /package dbus-sharp /gacdir $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)";  \
-         $(GACUTIL) /u $(ASSEMBLY_NAME) /package dbus-sharp /gacdir $(libdir) /root $(DESTDIR)$(libdir) || exit 1;   \
-       fi
-EXTRA_DIST=                    \
-       $(DBUS_SHARP_FILES)     \
-       AssemblyInfo.cs.in      \
-       $(ASSEMBLY).config.in   \
-       dbus-sharp.snk
diff --git a/mono/Message.cs b/mono/Message.cs
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index f9556b5..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,437 +0,0 @@
-namespace DBus 
-  using System;
-  using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
-  using System.Diagnostics;
-  using System.Collections;
-  public class Message : IDisposable
-  {
-    private static Stack stack = new Stack ();
-    static public Message Current {
-      get 
-       {
-         return stack.Count > 0 ? (Message) stack.Peek () : null;
-       }
-    }
-    static internal void Push (Message message)
-    {
-      stack.Push (message);
-    }
-    static internal void Pop ()
-    {
-      stack.Pop ();
-    }
-    /// <summary>
-    /// A pointer to the underlying Message structure
-    /// </summary>
-    private IntPtr rawMessage;
-    /// <summary>
-    /// The current slot number
-    /// </summary>
-    private static int slot = -1;
-    // Keep in sync with C
-    public enum MessageType 
-    {
-      Invalid = 0,
-      MethodCall = 1,
-      MethodReturn = 2,
-      Error = 3,
-      Signal = 4
-    }
-    private Arguments arguments = null;
-    protected Service service = null;
-    protected string pathName = null;
-    protected string interfaceName = null;
-    protected string name = null;    
-    private string key= null;
-    protected Message()
-    {
-      // An empty constructor for the sake of sub-classes which know how to construct theirselves.
-    }
-    protected Message(IntPtr rawMessage, Service service)
-    {
-      RawMessage = rawMessage;
-      this.service = service;
-    }
-    protected Message(MessageType messageType) 
-    {
-      // the assignment bumps the refcount
-      RawMessage = dbus_message_new((int) messageType);
-      if (RawMessage == IntPtr.Zero) {
-       throw new OutOfMemoryException();
-      }
-      dbus_message_unref(RawMessage);
-    }
-    protected Message(MessageType messageType, Service service) : this(messageType) 
-    {
-      this.service = service;
-    }
-    public void Dispose() 
-    {
-      Dispose(true);
-      GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
-    }
-    public void Dispose (bool disposing) 
-    {
-      if (disposing) {
-        if (this.arguments != null)
-         this.arguments.Dispose ();
-      }
-      RawMessage = IntPtr.Zero; // free the native object
-    }     
-    ~Message() 
-    {
-      Dispose (false);
-    }
-    public static Message Wrap(IntPtr rawMessage, Service service) 
-    {
-      if (slot > -1) {
-       // If we already have a Message object associated with this rawMessage then return it
-       IntPtr rawThis = dbus_message_get_data(rawMessage, slot);
-       if (rawThis != IntPtr.Zero && ((GCHandle)rawThis).Target == typeof(DBus.Message))
-         return (DBus.Message) ((GCHandle)rawThis).Target;
-      } 
-      // If it doesn't exist then create a new Message around it
-      Message message = null;
-      MessageType messageType = (MessageType) dbus_message_get_type(rawMessage);
-      switch (messageType) {
-      case MessageType.Signal:
-       message = new Signal(rawMessage, service);
-       break;
-      case MessageType.MethodCall:
-       message = new MethodCall(rawMessage, service);
-       break;
-      case MessageType.MethodReturn:
-       message = new MethodReturn(rawMessage, service);
-       break;
-      case MessageType.Error:
-       message = new ErrorMessage(rawMessage, service);
-       break;
-      default:
-       throw new ApplicationException("Unknown message type to wrap: " + messageType);
-      }
-      return message;
-    }
-    internal IntPtr RawMessage 
-    {
-      get 
-       {
-         return rawMessage;
-       }
-      set 
-       {
-         if (value == rawMessage) 
-           return;
-         if (rawMessage != IntPtr.Zero) 
-           {
-             // Get the reference to this
-             IntPtr rawThis = dbus_message_get_data(rawMessage, Slot);
-             Debug.Assert (rawThis != IntPtr.Zero);
-             // Blank over the reference
-             dbus_message_set_data(rawMessage, Slot, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
-             // Free the reference
-             ((GCHandle) rawThis).Free();
-             // Unref the connection
-             dbus_message_unref(rawMessage);
-           }
-         this.rawMessage = value;
-         if (rawMessage != IntPtr.Zero) 
-           {
-             GCHandle rawThis;
-             dbus_message_ref(rawMessage);
-             // We store a weak reference to the C# object on the C object
-             rawThis = GCHandle.Alloc(this, GCHandleType.WeakTrackResurrection);
-             dbus_message_set_data(rawMessage, Slot, (IntPtr) rawThis, IntPtr.Zero);
-           }
-       }
-    }
-    public void Send(ref int serial) 
-    {
-      if (!dbus_connection_send (Service.Connection.RawConnection, RawMessage, ref serial))
-       throw new OutOfMemoryException ();
-      Service.Connection.Flush();
-    }
-    public void Send() 
-    {
-      int ignored = 0;
-      Send(ref ignored);
-    }
-    public void SendWithReply() 
-    {
-      IntPtr rawPendingCall = IntPtr.Zero;
-      if (!dbus_connection_send_with_reply (Service.Connection.RawConnection, RawMessage, rawPendingCall, Service.Connection.Timeout))
-       throw new OutOfMemoryException();
-    }
-    public MethodReturn SendWithReplyAndBlock()
-    {
-      Error error = new Error();
-      error.Init();
-      IntPtr rawMessage = dbus_connection_send_with_reply_and_block(Service.Connection.RawConnection, 
-                                                                   RawMessage, 
-                                                                   Service.Connection.Timeout, 
-                                                                   ref error);
-      if (rawMessage != IntPtr.Zero) {
-       MethodReturn methodReturn = new MethodReturn(rawMessage, Service);
-       // Ownership of a ref is passed onto us from
-       // dbus_connection_send_with_reply_and_block().  It gets reffed as
-       // a result of being passed into the MethodReturn ctor, so unref
-       // the extra one here.
-       dbus_message_unref (rawMessage);
-       return methodReturn;
-      } else {
-       throw new DBusException(error);
-      }
-    }
-    public MessageType Type
-    {
-      get 
-       {
-         return (MessageType) dbus_message_get_type(RawMessage);
-       }
-    }
-    public Service Service
-    {
-      set 
-       {
-         if (this.service != null && (value.Name != this.service.Name)) {
-           if (!dbus_message_set_destination(RawMessage, value.Name)) {
-             throw new OutOfMemoryException();
-           }
-         }
-         this.service = value;
-       }
-      get 
-       {
-         return this.service;
-       }
-    }
-    protected virtual string PathName
-    {
-      set 
-       {
-         if (value != this.pathName) 
-           {
-             if (!dbus_message_set_path(RawMessage, value)) {
-               throw new OutOfMemoryException();
-             }
-             this.pathName = value;
-           }
-       }
-      get 
-       {
-         if (this.pathName == null) {
-           this.pathName = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(dbus_message_get_path(RawMessage));
-         }
-         return this.pathName;
-       }
-    }
-    protected virtual string InterfaceName
-    {
-      set 
-       {
-         if (value != this.interfaceName)
-           {
-             dbus_message_set_interface (RawMessage, value);
-             this.interfaceName = value;
-           }
-       }
-      get 
-       {
-         if (this.interfaceName == null) {
-           this.interfaceName = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(dbus_message_get_interface(RawMessage));
-         }
-         return this.interfaceName;
-       }
-    }
-    protected virtual string Name
-    {
-      set {
-       if (value != this.name) {
-         dbus_message_set_member(RawMessage, value);
-         this.name = value;
-       }
-      }
-      get {
-       if (this.name == null) {
-         this.name = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(dbus_message_get_member(RawMessage));
-       }
-       return this.name;
-      }
-    }
-    public string Key
-    {
-      get {
-       if (this.key == null) {
-         this.key = Name + " " + Arguments;
-       }
-       return this.key;
-      }
-    }
-    public Arguments Arguments
-    {
-      get 
-       {
-         if (this.arguments == null) {
-           this.arguments = new Arguments(this);
-         }
-         return this.arguments;
-       }
-    }
-    public string Sender 
-    {
-      get
-       {
-         return Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(dbus_message_get_sender(RawMessage));
-       }
-    }
-    public string Destination
-    {
-      get
-       {
-         return Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(dbus_message_get_destination(RawMessage));
-       }
-    }
-    protected int Slot
-    {
-      get 
-       {
-         if (slot == -1) 
-           {
-             // We need to initialize the slot
-             if (!dbus_message_allocate_data_slot (ref slot))
-               throw new OutOfMemoryException ();
-             Debug.Assert (slot >= 0);
-           }
-         return slot;
-       }
-    }
-    [DllImport ("dbus-1", EntryPoint="dbus_message_new")]
-    protected extern static IntPtr dbus_message_new (int messageType);
-    [DllImport ("dbus-1", EntryPoint="dbus_message_unref")]
-    protected extern static void dbus_message_unref (IntPtr ptr);
-    [DllImport ("dbus-1", EntryPoint="dbus_message_ref")]
-    protected extern static void dbus_message_ref (IntPtr ptr);
-    [DllImport ("dbus-1", EntryPoint="dbus_message_allocate_data_slot")]
-    protected extern static bool dbus_message_allocate_data_slot (ref int slot);
-    [DllImport ("dbus-1", EntryPoint="dbus_message_free_data_slot")]
-    protected extern static void dbus_message_free_data_slot (ref int slot);
-    [DllImport ("dbus-1", EntryPoint="dbus_message_set_data")]
-    protected extern static bool dbus_message_set_data (IntPtr ptr,
-                                                       int    slot,
-                                                       IntPtr data,
-                                                       IntPtr free_data_func);
-    [DllImport ("dbus-1", EntryPoint="dbus_message_get_data")]
-    protected extern static IntPtr dbus_message_get_data (IntPtr ptr,
-                                                         int    slot);
-    [DllImport ("dbus-1", EntryPoint="dbus_connection_send")]
-    private extern static bool dbus_connection_send (IntPtr  ptr,
-                                                    IntPtr  message,
-                                                    ref int client_serial);
-    [DllImport ("dbus-1", EntryPoint="dbus_connection_send_with_reply")]
-    private extern static bool dbus_connection_send_with_reply (IntPtr rawConnection, IntPtr rawMessage, IntPtr rawPendingCall, int timeout);
-    [DllImport ("dbus-1", EntryPoint="dbus_connection_send_with_reply_and_block")]
-    private extern static IntPtr dbus_connection_send_with_reply_and_block (IntPtr rawConnection, IntPtr  message, int timeout, ref Error error);
-    [DllImport("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static int dbus_message_get_type(IntPtr rawMessage);
-    [DllImport("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static bool dbus_message_set_path(IntPtr rawMessage, string pathName);
-    [DllImport("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static IntPtr dbus_message_get_path(IntPtr rawMessage);
-    [DllImport("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static bool dbus_message_set_interface (IntPtr rawMessage, string interfaceName);
-    [DllImport("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static IntPtr dbus_message_get_interface(IntPtr rawMessage);
-    [DllImport("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static bool dbus_message_set_member(IntPtr rawMessage, string name);
-    [DllImport("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static IntPtr dbus_message_get_member(IntPtr rawMessage);
-    [DllImport("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static bool dbus_message_set_destination(IntPtr rawMessage, string serviceName);
-    [DllImport("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static IntPtr dbus_message_get_destination(IntPtr rawMessage);
-    [DllImport("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static IntPtr dbus_message_get_sender(IntPtr rawMessage);
-  }
diff --git a/mono/MethodAttribute.cs b/mono/MethodAttribute.cs
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index db5da24..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-using System;
-namespace DBus
-  [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple=false, Inherited=true)]
-  public class MethodAttribute : Attribute 
-  {
-    public MethodAttribute() 
-    {
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/mono/MethodCall.cs b/mono/MethodCall.cs
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index ab7a4a3..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-namespace DBus
-  using System;
-  using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
-  using System.Diagnostics;
-  public class MethodCall : Message
-  {
-    public MethodCall() : base(MessageType.MethodCall)
-    {
-    }
-    internal MethodCall(IntPtr rawMessage, Service service) : base(rawMessage, service)
-    {
-    }
-    public MethodCall(Service service) : base(MessageType.MethodCall, service)
-    {
-    }
-    public MethodCall(Service service, string pathName, string interfaceName, string name)
-    {
-      this.service = service;
-      RawMessage = dbus_message_new_method_call(service.Name, pathName, interfaceName, name);
-      if (RawMessage == IntPtr.Zero) {
-       throw new OutOfMemoryException();
-      }
-      this.pathName = pathName;
-      this.interfaceName = interfaceName;
-      this.name = name;
-      dbus_message_unref(RawMessage);
-    }
-    public new string PathName
-    {
-      get
-       {
-         return base.PathName;
-       }
-      set
-       {
-         base.PathName = value;
-       }
-    }
-    public new string InterfaceName
-    {
-      get
-       {
-         return base.InterfaceName;
-       }
-      set
-       {
-         base.InterfaceName = value;
-       }
-    }
-    public new string Name
-    {
-      get
-       {
-         return base.Name;
-       }
-      set
-       {
-         base.Name = value;
-       }
-    }
-    [DllImport("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static IntPtr dbus_message_new_method_call(string serviceName, string pathName, string interfaceName, string name);
-  }
diff --git a/mono/MethodReturn.cs b/mono/MethodReturn.cs
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 1e7731d..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-namespace DBus
-  using System;
-  using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
-  using System.Diagnostics;
-  public class MethodReturn : Message
-  {
-    private MethodReturn() : base(MessageType.MethodReturn)
-    {
-    }    
-    internal MethodReturn(IntPtr rawMessage, Service service) : base(rawMessage, service)
-    {
-    }
-    public MethodReturn(MethodCall methodCall)
-    {
-      this.service = methodCall.Service;
-      RawMessage = dbus_message_new_method_return(methodCall.RawMessage);
-      if (RawMessage == IntPtr.Zero) {
-       throw new OutOfMemoryException();
-      }
-      dbus_message_unref(RawMessage);
-    }
-    public new string PathName
-    {
-      get
-       {
-         return base.PathName;
-       }
-    }
-    public new string InterfaceName
-    {
-      get
-       {
-         return base.InterfaceName;
-       }
-    }
-    public new string Name
-    {
-      get
-       {
-         return base.Name;
-       }
-    }
-    [DllImport("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static IntPtr dbus_message_new_method_return(IntPtr rawMessage);
-  }
diff --git a/mono/ProxyBuilder.cs b/mono/ProxyBuilder.cs
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 7a3de95..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,608 +0,0 @@
-namespace DBus
-  using System;
-  using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
-  using System.Diagnostics;
-  using System.Collections;
-  using System.Threading;
-  using System.Reflection;
-  using System.Reflection.Emit;
-  internal class ProxyBuilder
-  {
-    private Service service= null;
-    private string pathName = null;
-    private Type type = null;
-    private Introspector introspector = null;
-    private static MethodInfo Service_NameMI = typeof(Service).GetMethod("get_Name", 
-                                                                           new Type[0]);
-    private static MethodInfo Service_ConnectionMI = typeof(Service).GetMethod("get_Connection",
-                                                                                 new Type[0]);
-    private static MethodInfo Service_AddSignalCalledMI = typeof(Service).GetMethod("add_SignalCalled",
-                                                                                   new Type[] {typeof(Service.SignalCalledHandler)});
-    private static MethodInfo Service_RemoveSignalCalledMI = typeof(Service).GetMethod("remove_SignalCalled",
-                                                                                   new Type[] {typeof(Service.SignalCalledHandler)});                                                                              
-    private static MethodInfo Signal_PathNameMI = typeof(Signal).GetMethod("get_PathName",
-                                                                          new Type[0]);
-    private static MethodInfo Message_ArgumentsMI = typeof(Message).GetMethod("get_Arguments",
-                                                                                new Type[0]);
-    private static MethodInfo Message_KeyMI = typeof(Message).GetMethod("get_Key",
-                                                                       new Type[0]);
-    private static MethodInfo Arguments_InitAppendingMI = typeof(Arguments).GetMethod("InitAppending",
-                                                                                         new Type[0]);
-    private static MethodInfo Arguments_AppendMI = typeof(Arguments).GetMethod("Append",
-                                                                                 new Type[] {typeof(DBusType.IDBusType)});
-    private static MethodInfo Message_SendWithReplyAndBlockMI = typeof(Message).GetMethod("SendWithReplyAndBlock",
-                                                                                            new Type[0]);
-    private static MethodInfo Message_SendMI = typeof(Message).GetMethod("Send",
-                                                                        new Type[0]);
-    private static MethodInfo Message_DisposeMI = typeof(Message).GetMethod("Dispose",
-                                                                           new Type[0]);
-    private static MethodInfo Arguments_GetEnumeratorMI = typeof(Arguments).GetMethod("GetEnumerator",
-                                                                                         new Type[0]);
-    private static MethodInfo IEnumerator_MoveNextMI = typeof(System.Collections.IEnumerator).GetMethod("MoveNext",
-                                                                                                       new Type[0]);
-    private static MethodInfo IEnumerator_CurrentMI = typeof(System.Collections.IEnumerator).GetMethod("get_Current",
-                                                                                                      new Type[0]);
-    private static MethodInfo Type_GetTypeFromHandleMI = typeof(System.Type).GetMethod("GetTypeFromHandle",
-                                                                                      new Type[] {typeof(System.RuntimeTypeHandle)});
-    private static MethodInfo IDBusType_GetMI = typeof(DBusType.IDBusType).GetMethod("Get",
-                                                                                    new Type[] {typeof(System.Type)});
-    private static ConstructorInfo MethodCall_C = typeof(MethodCall).GetConstructor(new Type[] {typeof(Service),
-                                                                                               typeof(string),
-                                                                                               typeof(string),
-                                                                                               typeof(string)});
-    private static ConstructorInfo Signal_C = typeof(Signal).GetConstructor(new Type[] {typeof(Service),
-                                                                                       typeof(string),
-                                                                                       typeof(string),
-                                                                                       typeof(string)});
-    private static ConstructorInfo Service_SignalCalledHandlerC = typeof(Service.SignalCalledHandler).GetConstructor(new Type[] {typeof(object),
-                                                                                                                                typeof(System.IntPtr)});
-    private static MethodInfo String_opEqualityMI = typeof(System.String).GetMethod("op_Equality",
-                                                                                   new Type[] {typeof(string),
-                                                                                               typeof(string)});                                                                                                            
-    private static MethodInfo MulticastDelegate_opInequalityMI = typeof(System.MulticastDelegate).GetMethod("op_Inequality",
-                                                                                   new Type[] {typeof(System.MulticastDelegate),
-                                                                                               typeof(System.MulticastDelegate)});
-    public ProxyBuilder(Service service, Type type, string pathName)
-    {
-      this.service = service;
-      this.pathName = pathName;
-      this.type = type;
-      this.introspector = Introspector.GetIntrospector(type);
-    }
-    private MethodInfo BuildSignalCalled(ref TypeBuilder typeB, FieldInfo serviceF, FieldInfo pathF)
-    {
-      Type[] parTypes = {typeof(Signal)};
-      MethodBuilder methodBuilder = typeB.DefineMethod("Service_SignalCalled",
-                                                      MethodAttributes.Private |
-                                                      MethodAttributes.HideBySig,
-                                                      typeof(void),
-                                                      parTypes);
-      ILGenerator generator = methodBuilder.GetILGenerator();
-      LocalBuilder enumeratorL = generator.DeclareLocal(typeof(System.Collections.IEnumerator));
-      enumeratorL.SetLocalSymInfo("enumerator");
-      Label wrongPath = generator.DefineLabel();
-      //generator.EmitWriteLine("if (signal.PathName == pathName) {");
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_1);
-      generator.EmitCall(OpCodes.Callvirt, Signal_PathNameMI, null);
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0);
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, pathF);
-      generator.EmitCall(OpCodes.Call, String_opEqualityMI, null);
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Brfalse, wrongPath);
-      int localOffset = 1;
-      foreach (DictionaryEntry interfaceEntry in this.introspector.InterfaceProxies) {
-       InterfaceProxy interfaceProxy = (InterfaceProxy) interfaceEntry.Value;
-       foreach (DictionaryEntry signalEntry in interfaceProxy.Signals) {
-         EventInfo eventE = (EventInfo) signalEntry.Value;
-         // This is really cheeky since we need to grab the event as a private field.
-         FieldInfo eventF = this.type.GetField(eventE.Name,
-                                               BindingFlags.NonPublic|
-                                               BindingFlags.Instance);
-         MethodInfo eventHandler_InvokeMI = eventE.EventHandlerType.GetMethod("Invoke");
-         ParameterInfo[] pars = eventHandler_InvokeMI.GetParameters();
-         parTypes = new Type[pars.Length];
-         for (int parN = 0; parN < pars.Length; parN++) {
-           parTypes[parN] = pars[parN].ParameterType;
-           LocalBuilder parmL = generator.DeclareLocal(parTypes[parN]);
-           parmL.SetLocalSymInfo(pars[parN].Name);
-         }
-         Label skip = generator.DefineLabel();      
-         //generator.EmitWriteLine("  if (SelectedIndexChanged != null) {");
-         generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0);
-         generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, eventF);
-         generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldnull);
-         generator.EmitCall(OpCodes.Call, MulticastDelegate_opInequalityMI, null);
-         generator.Emit(OpCodes.Brfalse, skip);
-         //generator.EmitWriteLine("    if (signal.Key == 'la i')");
-         generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_1);
-         generator.EmitCall(OpCodes.Callvirt, Message_KeyMI, null);
-         generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, eventE.Name + " " + InterfaceProxy.GetSignature(eventHandler_InvokeMI));
-         generator.EmitCall(OpCodes.Call, String_opEqualityMI, null);
-         generator.Emit(OpCodes.Brfalse, skip);
-         //generator.EmitWriteLine("IEnumerator enumerator = signal.Arguments.GetEnumerator()");
-         generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_1);
-         generator.EmitCall(OpCodes.Callvirt, Message_ArgumentsMI, null);
-         generator.EmitCall(OpCodes.Callvirt, Arguments_GetEnumeratorMI, null);
-         generator.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc_0);
-         for (int parN = 0; parN < pars.Length; parN++) {
-           ParameterInfo par = pars[parN];
-           if (!par.IsOut) {
-             EmitSignalIn(generator, par.ParameterType, parN + localOffset, serviceF);
-           }
-         }
-         //generator.EmitWriteLine("    SelectedIndexChanged(selectedIndex)");
-         generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0);
-         generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, eventF);
-         for (int parN = 0; parN < pars.Length; parN++) {
-           generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_S, parN + localOffset);
-         }
-         generator.EmitCall(OpCodes.Callvirt, eventHandler_InvokeMI, null);
-         generator.MarkLabel(skip);
-         //generator.EmitWriteLine("  }");
-         localOffset += pars.Length;
-       }
-      }
-      generator.MarkLabel(wrongPath);
-      //generator.EmitWriteLine("}");
-      //generator.EmitWriteLine("return");
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ret);
-      return methodBuilder;
-    }
-    private void BuildSignalHandler(EventInfo eventE, 
-                                   InterfaceProxy interfaceProxy,
-                                   ref TypeBuilder typeB, 
-                                   FieldInfo serviceF,
-                                   FieldInfo pathF)
-    {
-      MethodInfo eventHandler_InvokeMI = eventE.EventHandlerType.GetMethod("Invoke");
-      ParameterInfo[] pars = eventHandler_InvokeMI.GetParameters();
-      Type[] parTypes = new Type[pars.Length];
-      for (int parN = 0; parN < pars.Length; parN++) {
-       parTypes[parN] = pars[parN].ParameterType;
-      }
-      // Generate the code
-      MethodBuilder methodBuilder = typeB.DefineMethod("Proxy_" + eventE.Name, 
-                                                      MethodAttributes.Public |
-                                                      MethodAttributes.HideBySig |
-                                                      MethodAttributes.Virtual, 
-                                                      typeof(void),
-                                                      parTypes);
-      ILGenerator generator = methodBuilder.GetILGenerator();
-      for (int parN = 0; parN < pars.Length; parN++) {
-       methodBuilder.DefineParameter(parN + 1, pars[parN].Attributes, pars[parN].Name);
-      }
-      // Generate the locals
-      LocalBuilder methodCallL = generator.DeclareLocal(typeof(MethodCall));
-      methodCallL.SetLocalSymInfo("signal");
-      //generator.EmitWriteLine("Signal signal = new Signal(...)");
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldsfld, serviceF);
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0);
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, pathF);
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, interfaceProxy.InterfaceName);
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, eventE.Name);
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, Signal_C);
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc_0);
-      //generator.EmitWriteLine("signal.Arguments.InitAppending()");
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_0);
-      generator.EmitCall(OpCodes.Callvirt, Message_ArgumentsMI, null);
-      generator.EmitCall(OpCodes.Callvirt, Arguments_InitAppendingMI, null);
-      for (int parN = 0; parN < pars.Length; parN++) {
-       ParameterInfo par = pars[parN];
-       if (!par.IsOut) {
-         EmitIn(generator, par.ParameterType, parN, serviceF);
-       }
-      }
-      //generator.EmitWriteLine("signal.Send()");
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_0);
-      generator.EmitCall(OpCodes.Callvirt, Message_SendMI, null); 
-      //generator.EmitWriteLine("signal.Dispose()");
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_0);
-      generator.EmitCall(OpCodes.Callvirt, Message_DisposeMI, null);
-      //generator.EmitWriteLine("return");
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ret);
-    }
-    private void BuildMethod(MethodInfo method, 
-                            InterfaceProxy interfaceProxy,
-                            ref TypeBuilder typeB, 
-                            FieldInfo serviceF,
-                            FieldInfo pathF)
-    {
-      ParameterInfo[] pars = method.GetParameters();
-      Type[] parTypes = new Type[pars.Length];
-      for (int parN = 0; parN < pars.Length; parN++) {
-       parTypes[parN] = pars[parN].ParameterType;
-      }
-      // Generate the code
-      MethodBuilder methodBuilder = typeB.DefineMethod(method.Name, 
-                                                      MethodAttributes.Public |
-                                                      MethodAttributes.HideBySig |
-                                                      MethodAttributes.Virtual, 
-                                                      method.ReturnType, 
-                                                      parTypes);
-      ILGenerator generator = methodBuilder.GetILGenerator();
-      for (int parN = 0; parN < pars.Length; parN++) {
-       methodBuilder.DefineParameter(parN + 1, pars[parN].Attributes, pars[parN].Name);
-      }
-      // Generate the locals
-      LocalBuilder methodCallL = generator.DeclareLocal(typeof(MethodCall));
-      methodCallL.SetLocalSymInfo("methodCall");
-      LocalBuilder replyL = generator.DeclareLocal(typeof(MethodReturn));
-      replyL.SetLocalSymInfo("reply");
-      LocalBuilder enumeratorL = generator.DeclareLocal(typeof(System.Collections.IEnumerator));
-      enumeratorL.SetLocalSymInfo("enumerator");
-      if (method.ReturnType != typeof(void)) {
-       LocalBuilder retvalL = generator.DeclareLocal(method.ReturnType);
-       retvalL.SetLocalSymInfo("retval");
-      }
-      //generator.EmitWriteLine("MethodCall methodCall = new MethodCall(...)");
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldsfld, serviceF);
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0);
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, pathF);
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, interfaceProxy.InterfaceName);
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, method.Name);
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, MethodCall_C);
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc_0);
-      //generator.EmitWriteLine("methodCall.Arguments.InitAppending()");
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_0);
-      generator.EmitCall(OpCodes.Callvirt, Message_ArgumentsMI, null);
-      generator.EmitCall(OpCodes.Callvirt, Arguments_InitAppendingMI, null);
-      for (int parN = 0; parN < pars.Length; parN++) {
-       ParameterInfo par = pars[parN];
-       if (!par.IsOut) {
-         EmitIn(generator, par.ParameterType, parN, serviceF);
-       }
-      }
-      //generator.EmitWriteLine("MethodReturn reply = methodCall.SendWithReplyAndBlock()");
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_0);
-      generator.EmitCall(OpCodes.Callvirt, Message_SendWithReplyAndBlockMI, null);      
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc_1);
-      //generator.EmitWriteLine("IEnumerator enumeartor = reply.Arguments.GetEnumerator()");
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_1);
-      generator.EmitCall(OpCodes.Callvirt, Message_ArgumentsMI, null);
-      generator.EmitCall(OpCodes.Callvirt, Arguments_GetEnumeratorMI, null);
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc_2);
-      // handle the return value
-      if (method.ReturnType != typeof(void)) {
-       EmitOut(generator, method.ReturnType, 0);
-      }
-      for (int parN = 0; parN < pars.Length; parN++) {
-       ParameterInfo par = pars[parN];
-       if (par.IsOut || par.ParameterType.ToString().EndsWith("&")) {
-         EmitOut(generator, par.ParameterType, parN);
-       }
-      }
-      // Clean up after ourselves
-      //generator.EmitWriteLine("methodCall.Dispose()");
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_0);
-      generator.EmitCall(OpCodes.Callvirt, Message_DisposeMI, null);
-      //generator.EmitWriteLine("reply.Dispose()");
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_1);
-      generator.EmitCall(OpCodes.Callvirt, Message_DisposeMI, null);
-      if (method.ReturnType != typeof(void)) {
-       generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_3);
-      }
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ret);
-      // Generate the method
-      typeB.DefineMethodOverride(methodBuilder, method);
-    }
-    private void EmitSignalIn(ILGenerator generator, Type parType, int parN, FieldInfo serviceF)
-    {
-       //generator.EmitWriteLine("enumerator.MoveNext()");
-       generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_0);
-       generator.EmitCall(OpCodes.Callvirt, IEnumerator_MoveNextMI, null);
-       Type outParType = Arguments.MatchType(parType);
-       //generator.EmitWriteLine("int selectedIndex = (int) ((DBusType.IDBusType) enumerator.Current).Get(typeof(int))");
-       generator.Emit(OpCodes.Pop);
-       generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_0);
-       generator.EmitCall(OpCodes.Callvirt, IEnumerator_CurrentMI, null);
-       generator.Emit(OpCodes.Castclass, typeof(DBusType.IDBusType));
-       generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldtoken, parType);
-       generator.EmitCall(OpCodes.Call, Type_GetTypeFromHandleMI, null);
-       generator.EmitCall(OpCodes.Callvirt, IDBusType_GetMI, null);
-       // Call the DBusType EmitMarshalOut to make it emit itself
-       object[] pars = new object[] {generator, parType, true};
-       outParType.InvokeMember("EmitMarshalOut", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, null, pars, null);
-       generator.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc_S, parN);
-    }
-    private void EmitIn(ILGenerator generator, Type parType, int parN, FieldInfo serviceF)
-    {
-      Type inParType = Arguments.MatchType(parType);
-      //generator.EmitWriteLine("methodCall.Arguments.Append(...)");
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_0);
-      generator.EmitCall(OpCodes.Callvirt, Message_ArgumentsMI, null);
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_S, parN + 1);
-      // Call the DBusType EmitMarshalIn to make it emit itself
-      object[] pars = new object[] {generator, parType};
-      inParType.InvokeMember("EmitMarshalIn", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, null, pars, null);
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldsfld, serviceF);
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, Arguments.GetDBusTypeConstructor(inParType, parType));
-      generator.EmitCall(OpCodes.Callvirt, Arguments_AppendMI, null);
-    }
-    private void EmitOut(ILGenerator generator, Type parType, int parN)
-    {
-      Type outParType = Arguments.MatchType(parType);
-      //generator.EmitWriteLine("enumerator.MoveNext()");
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_2);
-      generator.EmitCall(OpCodes.Callvirt, IEnumerator_MoveNextMI, null);
-      //generator.EmitWriteLine("return (" + parType + ") ((DBusType.IDBusType) enumerator.Current).Get(typeof(" + parType + "))");
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Pop);
-      if (parN > 0) {
-       generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_S, parN + 1);
-      }
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_2);
-      generator.EmitCall(OpCodes.Callvirt, IEnumerator_CurrentMI, null);
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Castclass, typeof(DBusType.IDBusType));
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldtoken, parType);
-      generator.EmitCall(OpCodes.Call, Type_GetTypeFromHandleMI, null);
-      generator.EmitCall(OpCodes.Callvirt, IDBusType_GetMI, null);
-      // Call the DBusType EmitMarshalOut to make it emit itself
-      object[] pars = new object[] {generator, parType, parN == 0};
-      outParType.InvokeMember("EmitMarshalOut", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, null, pars, null);
-      if (parN == 0) {
-       generator.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc_3);
-      }
-    }
-    public void BuildConstructor(ref TypeBuilder typeB, FieldInfo serviceF, FieldInfo pathF, MethodInfo signalCalledMI, FieldInfo deleF)
-    {
-      Type[] pars = {typeof(Service), typeof(string)};
-      ConstructorBuilder constructor = typeB.DefineConstructor(MethodAttributes.RTSpecialName | 
-                                                              MethodAttributes.Public,
-                                                              CallingConventions.Standard, pars);
-      ILGenerator generator = constructor.GetILGenerator();
-      LocalBuilder handlerL = generator.DeclareLocal (typeof (Service.SignalCalledHandler));
-      handlerL.SetLocalSymInfo ("handler");
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0);
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Call, this.introspector.Constructor);
-      //generator.EmitWriteLine("service = myService");
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_1);
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Stsfld, serviceF);
-      //generator.EmitWriteLine("this.pathName = pathName");
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0);
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_2);
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Stfld, pathF);
-      //generator.EmitWriteLine("handler = new Service.SignalCalledHandler(Service_SignalCalled)");      
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_1);
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0);
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldftn, signalCalledMI);
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, Service_SignalCalledHandlerC);
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc_0);
-      //generator.EmitWriteLine("this.delegate_created = handler");
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0);
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_0);
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Stfld, deleF);
-      //generator.EmitWriteLine("myService.SignalCalled += handler");
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_0);
-      generator.EmitCall(OpCodes.Callvirt, Service_AddSignalCalledMI, null);
-      //generator.EmitWriteLine("return");
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ret);
-    }
-    public void BuildSignalConstructor(ref TypeBuilder typeB, FieldInfo serviceF, FieldInfo pathF)
-    {
-      Type[] pars = {typeof(Service), typeof(string)};
-      ConstructorBuilder constructor = typeB.DefineConstructor(MethodAttributes.RTSpecialName | 
-                                                              MethodAttributes.Public,
-                                                              CallingConventions.Standard, pars);
-      ILGenerator generator = constructor.GetILGenerator();
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0);
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Call, this.introspector.Constructor);
-      //generator.EmitWriteLine("service = myService");
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_1);
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Stsfld, serviceF);
-      //generator.EmitWriteLine("this.pathName = pathName");
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0);
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_2);
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Stfld, pathF);
-      //generator.EmitWriteLine("return");
-      generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ret);
-    }
-    public void BuildFinalizer (TypeBuilder tb, FieldInfo serviceF, FieldInfo deleF)
-    {
-       // Note that this is a *HORRIBLE* example of how to build a finalizer
-       // It doesn't use the try/finally to chain to Object::Finalize. However,
-       // because that is always going to be a nop, lets just ignore that here.
-       // If you are trying to find the right code, look at what mcs does ;-).
-       MethodBuilder mb = tb.DefineMethod("Finalize",
-                                         MethodAttributes.Family |
-                                         MethodAttributes.HideBySig |
-                                         MethodAttributes.Virtual, 
-                                         typeof (void), 
-                                         new Type [0]);
-       ILGenerator generator = mb.GetILGenerator();
-       //generator.EmitWriteLine("this.service.SignalCalled -= this.delegate_created");
-       generator.Emit (OpCodes.Ldarg_0);
-       generator.Emit (OpCodes.Ldfld, serviceF);
-       generator.Emit (OpCodes.Ldarg_0);
-       generator.Emit (OpCodes.Ldfld, deleF);
-       generator.EmitCall (OpCodes.Callvirt, Service_RemoveSignalCalledMI, null);
-       generator.Emit (OpCodes.Ret);
-    }
-    public object GetSignalProxy()
-    {
-      Type proxyType = Service.ProxyAssembly.GetType(ObjectName + ".SignalProxy");
-      if (proxyType == null) {
-       // Build the type
-       TypeBuilder typeB = Service.Module.DefineType(ObjectName + ".SignalProxy", 
-                                                     TypeAttributes.Public, 
-                                                     this.type);
-       FieldBuilder serviceF = typeB.DefineField("service", 
-                                                 typeof(Service), 
-                                                 FieldAttributes.Private | 
-                                                 FieldAttributes.Static);
-       FieldBuilder pathF = typeB.DefineField("pathName", 
-                                              typeof(string), 
-                                              FieldAttributes.Private);
-       BuildSignalConstructor(ref typeB, serviceF, pathF);
-       // Build the signal handlers
-       foreach (DictionaryEntry interfaceEntry in this.introspector.InterfaceProxies) {
-         InterfaceProxy interfaceProxy = (InterfaceProxy) interfaceEntry.Value;
-         foreach (DictionaryEntry signalEntry in interfaceProxy.Signals) {
-           EventInfo eventE = (EventInfo) signalEntry.Value;
-           BuildSignalHandler(eventE, interfaceProxy, ref typeB, serviceF, pathF);
-         }
-       }
-       proxyType = typeB.CreateType();
-       // Uncomment the following line to produce a DLL of the
-       // constructed assembly which can then be examined using
-       // monodis. Note that in order for this to work you should copy
-       // the client assembly as a dll file so that monodis can pick it
-       // up.
-       //Service.ProxyAssembly.Save("proxy.dll");
-      }
-      Type [] parTypes = new Type[] {typeof(Service), typeof(string)};
-      object [] pars = new object[] {Service, pathName};
-      ConstructorInfo constructor = proxyType.GetConstructor(parTypes);
-      object instance = constructor.Invoke(pars);
-      return instance;
-    }
-    public object GetProxy() 
-    { 
-      Type proxyType = Service.ProxyAssembly.GetType(ObjectName + ".Proxy");
-      if (proxyType == null) {
-       // Build the type
-       TypeBuilder typeB = Service.Module.DefineType(ObjectName + ".Proxy", TypeAttributes.Public, this.type);
-       FieldBuilder serviceF = typeB.DefineField("service", 
-                                                 typeof(Service), 
-                                                 FieldAttributes.Private | 
-                                                 FieldAttributes.Static);
-       FieldBuilder pathF = typeB.DefineField("pathName", 
-                                              typeof(string), 
-                                              FieldAttributes.Private);
-       FieldBuilder deleF = typeB.DefineField("delegate_created", 
-                                              typeof(Service.SignalCalledHandler), 
-                                              FieldAttributes.Private);
-       BuildFinalizer (typeB, serviceF, deleF);
-       MethodInfo signalCalledMI = BuildSignalCalled(ref typeB, serviceF, pathF);
-       BuildConstructor(ref typeB, serviceF, pathF, signalCalledMI, deleF);
-       // Build the methods
-       foreach (DictionaryEntry interfaceEntry in this.introspector.InterfaceProxies) {
-         InterfaceProxy interfaceProxy = (InterfaceProxy) interfaceEntry.Value;
-         foreach (DictionaryEntry methodEntry in interfaceProxy.Methods) {
-           MethodInfo method = (MethodInfo) methodEntry.Value;
-           BuildMethod(method, interfaceProxy, ref typeB, serviceF, pathF);
-         }
-       }
-       proxyType = typeB.CreateType();
-       // Uncomment the following line to produce a DLL of the
-       // constructed assembly which can then be examined using
-       // monodis. Note that in order for this to work you should copy
-       // the client assembly as a dll file so that monodis can pick it
-       // up.
-       //Service.ProxyAssembly.Save(Service.Name + ".proxy.dll");
-      }
-      Type [] parTypes = new Type[] {typeof(Service), typeof(string)};
-      object [] pars = new object[] {Service, pathName};
-      ConstructorInfo constructor = proxyType.GetConstructor(parTypes);
-      object instance = constructor.Invoke(pars);
-      return instance;
-    }
-    private Service Service
-    {
-      get {
-       return this.service;
-      }
-    }
-    private string ObjectName
-    {
-      get {
-       return this.introspector.ToString();
-      }
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/mono/README b/mono/README
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 2d1b08b..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-D-BUS Mono Bindings
-These bindings are a 'thick' wrapper around the D-BUS API. For now
-they rely on the main loop provided by the GLib bindings but this
-dependancy will be removed in the near future.
-The wrapper serves two main functions: firstly, it has the know-how to
-introspect live objects passed to it by a server and service requests
-to those objects via the D-BUS. Secondly, it can create a proxy for
-clients who can pretend they are making calls to the regular
-objects. This latter piece of magic is implemented using
-Reflection.Emit to create an assembly on-the-fly containing
-sub-classes of the classes the client thinks it's really using. These
-sub-classes simply marshal each method's parameters off to the D-BUS,
-demarshal the results and return them to the client as if nothing
-A server do should something like this:
-       namespace Foo
-       {
-       using System;
-       using DBus;
-       using Gtk;
-       public class MyServer
-       {
-       public static int Main(string [] args)
-       {
-               Application.Init();
-1              Connection connection = Bus.GetSessionBus();
-2              Service service = new Service(connection, "org.foo");
-3              MyObject myObject = new MyObject();
-4              service.RegisterObject(myObject, "/org/foo/MyObject");
-               Application.Run();
-               return 0;
-       }
-       }
-       }
-In line 1 we get a connection to the session bus. Then, in line 2 we
-create a service which will listen for requests to org.foo to
-service. In line 3 we create a MyObject object and register it with an
-object path in line 4. It's almost that simple. All that's missing is
-to mark MyObject in such a way that dbus-sharp knows how to export
-it. This is done using the attributes, Interface and Method,
-as in the following example:
-       namespace Foo
-       {
-       using System;
-       using DBus;
-       [Interface("org.foo.MyObject")]
-       public class MyObject
-       {
-       [Method]
-       public virtual string Echo(string message)
-       {
-               return "Reply: " + message;
-       }
-       }
-       }
-Note that the Methods should also be declared virtual in order for
-the client to use same class declaration.
-Now for the client:
-       namespace Foo
-       {
-       using System;
-       using DBus;
-       public class MyClient
-       {
-       public static int Main(string [] args)
-       {
-1              Connection connection = Bus.GetSessionBus();
-2              Service service = Service.Get(connection, "org.foo");
-3              MyObject myObject = (MyObject) 
-                  service.GetObject(typeof(MyObject), "/org/foo/MyObject");
-4              System.Console.WriteLine(testObject.Echo("Hello world!"));
-               return 0;
-       }
-       }
-       }
-Here we start off the same by getting a connection to the session
-bus. This time though, in line 2, we get the existing service rather
-than creating it. In line 3, we ask the service to get the object
-"/org/foo/MyObject" as registered by the server and that return it as
-a MyObject. Once obtained we can use it like any normal object as in
-line 4. This supposes, of course, that you've just written MyObject
-and happen to have it readily available. If that were not the case,
-for example if you wanted to call a method on one of the well-known
-services, then you will need to write a stub class, like the MyObject
-class above, which has the method calls you need correctly defined but
-needn't actually have any implementation.
-Working Example
-The example directory contains a working example similar to that
-described above. It uses the session bus so first run dbus-launch and
-then export DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS, as displayed by dbus-launch, to
-two terminals, one to run the server and one for the client. Then,
-start the server in one terminal, the client in the other and cross
-your fingers.
diff --git a/mono/Server.cs b/mono/Server.cs
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index e39b7ca..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-namespace DBus
-  using System;
-  using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
-  using System.Diagnostics;
-  public class Server
-  {
-    private IntPtr rawServer;
-    /// <summary>
-    /// The current slot number
-    /// </summary>
-    private static int slot = -1;
-    private string address = null;
-    private Server(IntPtr rawServer)
-    {
-      RawServer = rawServer;
-    }
-    public Server(string address)
-    {
-      Error error = new Error();
-      error.Init();
-      RawServer = dbus_server_listen(address, ref error);
-      if (RawServer != IntPtr.Zero){
-       dbus_server_unref(RawServer);
-      } else {
-       throw new DBusException(error);
-      }
-    }
-    ~Server()
-    {
-      if (RawServer != IntPtr.Zero) {
-       dbus_server_unref(rawServer);
-      }
-      RawServer = IntPtr.Zero;
-    }
-    public string Address 
-    {
-      get
-       {
-         if (address == null) {
-           address = dbus_server_get_address(rawServer);
-         }
-         return address;
-       }
-    }
-    private int Slot
-    {
-      get 
-       {
-         if (slot == -1) 
-           {
-             // We need to initialize the slot
-             if (!dbus_server_allocate_data_slot (ref slot))
-               throw new OutOfMemoryException ();
-             Debug.Assert (slot >= 0);
-           }
-         return slot;
-       }
-    }
-    internal IntPtr RawServer 
-    {
-      get 
-       {
-         return rawServer;
-       }
-      set 
-       {
-         if (value == rawServer)
-           return;
-         if (rawServer != IntPtr.Zero) 
-           {
-             // Get the reference to this
-             IntPtr rawThis = dbus_server_get_data (rawServer, Slot);
-             Debug.Assert (rawThis != IntPtr.Zero);
-             // Blank over the reference
-             dbus_server_set_data (rawServer, Slot, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
-             // Free the reference
-             ((GCHandle) rawThis).Free();
-             // Unref the connection
-             dbus_server_unref(rawServer);
-           }
-         this.rawServer = value;
-         if (rawServer != IntPtr.Zero) 
-           {
-             GCHandle rawThis;
-             dbus_server_ref (rawServer);
-             // We store a weak reference to the C# object on the C object
-             rawThis = GCHandle.Alloc (this, GCHandleType.WeakTrackResurrection);
-             dbus_server_set_data(rawServer, Slot, (IntPtr) rawThis, IntPtr.Zero);
-           }
-       }
-    }
-    [DllImport ("dbus-1", EntryPoint="dbus_server_listen")]
-    private extern static IntPtr dbus_server_listen(string address, ref Error error);
-    [DllImport ("dbus-1", EntryPoint="dbus_server_unref")]
-    private extern static IntPtr dbus_server_unref(IntPtr rawServer);
-    [DllImport ("dbus-1", EntryPoint="dbus_server_ref")]
-    private extern static void dbus_server_ref(IntPtr rawServer);
-    [DllImport ("dbus-1", EntryPoint="dbus_server_disconnect")]
-    private extern static void dbus_server_disconnect(IntPtr rawServer);
-    [DllImport ("dbus-1", EntryPoint="dbus_server_get_address")]
-    private extern static string dbus_server_get_address(IntPtr rawServer);
-    [DllImport ("dbus-1", EntryPoint="dbus_server_set_data")]
-    private extern static bool dbus_server_set_data(IntPtr rawServer,
-                                                   int slot,
-                                                   IntPtr data,
-                                                   IntPtr freeDataFunc);
-    [DllImport ("dbus-1", EntryPoint="dbus_server_get_data")]
-    private extern static IntPtr dbus_server_get_data(IntPtr rawServer,
-                                                     int slot);
-    [DllImport ("dbus-1", EntryPoint="dbus_server_allocate_data_slot")]
-    private extern static bool dbus_server_allocate_data_slot (ref int slot);
-    [DllImport ("dbus-1", EntryPoint="dbus_server_free_data_slot")]
-    private extern static void dbus_server_free_data_slot (ref int slot);
-  }
diff --git a/mono/Service.cs b/mono/Service.cs
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 40703a5..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-namespace DBus
-  using System;
-  using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
-  using System.Diagnostics;
-  using System.Collections;
-  using System.Threading;
-  using System.Reflection;
-  using System.Reflection.Emit;
-  public class Service
-  {
-    private Connection connection;
-    private string name;
-    private bool local = false;
-    private Hashtable registeredHandlers = new Hashtable();
-    private DBusHandleMessageFunction filterCalled;
-    public delegate void SignalCalledHandler(Signal signal);
-    public event SignalCalledHandler SignalCalled;
-    private static AssemblyBuilder proxyAssembly;
-    private ModuleBuilder module = null;
-    // Add a match for signals. FIXME: Can we filter the service?
-    private const string MatchRule = "type='signal'";
-    internal Service(string name, Connection connection)
-    {
-      this.name = name;
-      this.connection = connection;
-      AddFilter();
-    }
-    public Service(Connection connection, string name)
-    {
-      Error error = new Error();
-      error.Init();
-      // This isn't used for now
-      uint flags = 0;
-      if (dbus_bus_request_name (connection.RawConnection, name, flags, ref error) == -1) {
-       throw new DBusException(error);
-      }
-      this.connection = connection;
-      this.name = name;
-      this.local = true;
-    }
-    public static bool HasOwner(Connection connection, string name)
-    {
-      Error error = new Error();
-      error.Init();
-      if (dbus_bus_name_has_owner(connection.RawConnection, 
-                                 name, 
-                                 ref error)) {
-       return true;
-      } else {
-       if (error.IsSet) {
-         throw new DBusException(error);
-       }
-       return false;
-      }
-    }
-    public static Service Get(Connection connection, string name)
-    {
-      if (HasOwner(connection, name)) {
-       return new Service(name, connection);
-      } else {
-       throw new ApplicationException("Name '" + name + "' does not exist.");
-      }
-    }
-    public void UnregisterObject(object handledObject) 
-    {
-      registeredHandlers.Remove(handledObject);
-    }
-    public void RegisterObject(object handledObject, 
-                              string pathName) 
-    {
-      Handler handler = new Handler(handledObject, pathName, this);
-      registeredHandlers.Add(handledObject, handler);
-    }
-    internal Handler GetHandler(object handledObject) 
-    {
-      if (!registeredHandlers.Contains(handledObject)) {
-       throw new ArgumentException("No handler registered for object: " + handledObject);
-      }
-      return (Handler) registeredHandlers[handledObject];
-    }
-    public object GetObject(Type type, string pathName)
-    {
-      ProxyBuilder builder = new ProxyBuilder(this, type, pathName);
-      object proxy = builder.GetProxy();
-      return proxy;
-    }
-    private void AddFilter() 
-    {
-      // Setup the filter function
-      this.filterCalled = new DBusHandleMessageFunction(Service_FilterCalled);
-      Connection.AddFilter (this.filterCalled);
-      // Add a match for signals. FIXME: Can we filter the service?
-      Connection.AddMatch ("type='signal'");
-    }
-    private int Service_FilterCalled(IntPtr rawConnection,
-                                   IntPtr rawMessage,
-                                   IntPtr userData) 
-    {
-      Message message = Message.Wrap(rawMessage, this);
-      if (message.Type == Message.MessageType.Signal) {
-       // We're only interested in signals
-       Signal signal = (Signal) message;
-       if (SignalCalled != null) {
-         Message.Push (message);
-         SignalCalled(signal);
-         Message.Pop ();
-       }
-      }
-      message.Dispose ();
-      return (int) Result.NotYetHandled;
-    }
-    public string Name
-    {
-      get
-       {
-         return this.name;
-       }
-    }
-    public Connection Connection 
-    {
-      get
-       {
-         return connection;
-       }
-      set 
-       {
-         this.connection = value;
-       }
-    }
-    internal AssemblyBuilder ProxyAssembly
-    {
-      get {
-       if (proxyAssembly == null){
-         AssemblyName assemblyName = new AssemblyName();
-         assemblyName.Name = "DBusProxy";
-         proxyAssembly = Thread.GetDomain().DefineDynamicAssembly(assemblyName, 
-                                                                  AssemblyBuilderAccess.RunAndSave);
-       }
-       return proxyAssembly;
-      }
-    }
-    internal ModuleBuilder Module
-    {
-      get {
-       if (this.module == null) {
-         this.module = ProxyAssembly.DefineDynamicModule(Name, Name + ".proxy.dll", true);
-       }
-       return this.module;
-      }
-    }
-    [DllImport("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static int dbus_bus_request_name(IntPtr rawConnection, 
-                                                   string serviceName, 
-                                                   uint flags, ref Error error);
-    [DllImport("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static bool dbus_bus_name_has_owner(IntPtr rawConnection, 
-                                                      string serviceName, 
-                                                      ref Error error);    
-  }
diff --git a/mono/Signal.cs b/mono/Signal.cs
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 10191f9..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-namespace DBus
-  using System;
-  using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
-  using System.Diagnostics;
-  public class Signal : Message
-  {    
-    public Signal() : base(MessageType.Signal)
-    {  
-    }
-    internal Signal(IntPtr rawMessage, Service service) : base(rawMessage, service)
-    {
-    }
-    public Signal(Service service) : base(MessageType.Signal, service) 
-    {
-    }
-    public Signal(Service service, string pathName, string interfaceName, string name)
-    {
-      this.service = service;
-      RawMessage = dbus_message_new_signal(pathName, interfaceName, name);
-      if (RawMessage == IntPtr.Zero) {
-       throw new OutOfMemoryException();
-      }
-      this.pathName = pathName;
-      this.interfaceName = interfaceName;
-      this.name = name;
-      dbus_message_unref(RawMessage);
-    }
-    public new string PathName
-    {
-      get
-       {
-         return base.PathName;
-       }
-      set
-       {
-         base.PathName = value;
-       }
-    }
-    public new string InterfaceName
-    {
-      get
-       {
-         return base.InterfaceName;
-       }
-      set
-       {
-         base.InterfaceName = value;
-       }
-    }
-    public new string Name
-    {
-      get
-       {
-         return base.Name;
-       }
-      set
-       {
-         base.Name = value;
-       }
-    }
-    [DllImport("dbus-1")]
-    private extern static IntPtr dbus_message_new_signal(string pathName, string interfaceName, string name);
-  }
diff --git a/mono/SignalAttribute.cs b/mono/SignalAttribute.cs
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 4835444..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-using System;
-namespace DBus
-  [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Event, AllowMultiple=false, Inherited=true)]  public class SignalAttribute : Attribute
-  {
-    public SignalAttribute()
-    {
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/mono/TODO b/mono/TODO
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index e44c2a9..0000000
--- a/mono/TODO
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-- Clean up memory leakages. Call _unref functions etc.
-- Convert strings to/from UTF-8
-- Implement own main loop. The current implementation depends on the
-  GLib mainloop.
-- Get test working. Probably a threading issue.
diff --git a/mono/Test.cs b/mono/Test.cs
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index cb482cb..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-using System;
-using System.Threading;
-using DBus;
-using Gtk;
-namespace DBus.Test
-  public class Test
-  {
-    public static Service service = null;
-    public static Connection connection = null;
-    public static int Main(string [] args)
-    {
-      TestServer testServer = new TestServer();
-      Thread serverThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(testServer.StartServer));
-      serverThread.Start();
-      connection = Bus.GetSessionBus();
-      service = Service.Get(connection, "org.freedesktop.Test");
-      Thread.Sleep (1000);
-      TestObject testObject = (TestObject) service.GetObject(typeof(TestObject), "/org/freedesktop/Test/TestObject");
-      Console.WriteLine ("Got object [{0}]", testObject);
-      System.Console.WriteLine(testObject.Test1("Hello"));
-      Console.WriteLine ("Got object [{0}]", testObject);
-      //RunTests(testObject);
-      return 0;
-    }
-    public static void RunTests(TestObject testObject) 
-    {
-      System.Console.WriteLine(testObject.Test1("Hello"));
-    }
-  }
-  public class TestServer
-  {
-    public Connection connection;
-    public Service service;
-    public TestServer()
-    {
-      Application.Init();
-      System.Console.WriteLine("Starting server...");
-      connection = Bus.GetSessionBus();
-      service = new Service(connection, "org.freedesktop.Test");
-      TestObject testObject = new TestObject();
-      service.RegisterObject(testObject, "/org/freedesktop/Test/TestObject");
-      System.Console.WriteLine("Foo!");
-    }
-    public void StartServer()
-    {
-      Application.Run();
-    }
-  }
-  [Interface("org.freedesktop.Test.TestObject")]
-  public class TestObject
-  {
-    [Method]
-    public virtual int Test1(string x)
-    {
-      System.Console.WriteLine("Called: " + x);
-      return 5;
-    }
-  }    
diff --git a/mono/dbus-sharp.dll.config.in b/mono/dbus-sharp.dll.config.in
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 2c6d570..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-  <dllmap dll="dbus-1" target="libdbus-1@LIB_PREFIX@.@LT_CURRENT@@LIB_SUFFIX@"/>
-  <dllmap dll="dbus-glib-1" target="libdbus-glib-1@LIB_PREFIX@.@LT_CURRENT@@LIB_SUFFIX@"/>
diff --git a/mono/dbus-sharp.snk b/mono/dbus-sharp.snk
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index b28b393..0000000
Binary files a/mono/dbus-sharp.snk and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/mono/doc/.cvsignore b/mono/doc/.cvsignore
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 731c207..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/mono/doc/Makefile.am b/mono/doc/Makefile.am
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 7f87c25..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-TARGETS = dbus-sharp-docs.zip dbus-sharp-docs.tree dbus-sharp-docs.source
-DOCDIR = `$(MONODOC) --get-sourcesdir`
-       install -d -m 755 $(DESTDIR)/`monodoc --get-sourcesdir`
-       install -m 644 $(srcdir)/dbus-sharp-docs.source $(DESTDIR)/`monodoc --get-sourcesdir`
-       install -m 644 dbus-sharp-docs.tree $(DESTDIR)/`monodoc --get-sourcesdir`
-       install -m 644 dbus-sharp-docs.zip $(DESTDIR)/`monodoc --get-sourcesdir`
-       rm -f $(DESTDIR)/`monodoc --get-sourcesdir`/dbus-sharp-docs.source
-       rm -f $(DESTDIR)/`monodoc --get-sourcesdir`/dbus-sharp-docs.tree
-       rm -f $(DESTDIR)/`monodoc --get-sourcesdir`/dbus-sharp-docs.zip
-DOCDIR = $(datadir)
-noinst_DATA = $(TARGETS)
-ASSEMBLER = $(MONODOC) --assemble
-UPDATER = $(MONODOC) --update
-dbus-sharp-docs.zip: dbus-sharp-docs.tree
-dbus-sharp-docs.tree: $(srcdir)/en/*/*.xml $(srcdir)/en/*.xml
-       $(ASSEMBLER) --ecma $(srcdir)/en -o dbus-sharp-docs
-               $(UPDATER) ../dbus-sharp.dll -o ./en -f
-CLEANFILES = dbus-sharp-docs.zip dbus-sharp-docs.tree
-EXTRA_DIST = dbus-sharp-docs.source
-EXTRA_DIST += dbus-sharp-docs.tree dbus-sharp-docs.zip
-       mkdir -p $(distdir)/en
-       cp $(srcdir)/en/*.xml $(distdir)/en/
-       mkdir -p $(distdir)/en/DBus
-       cp $(srcdir)/en/DBus/*.xml $(distdir)/en/DBus/
-       mkdir -p $(distdir)/en/DBus.DBusType
-       cp $(srcdir)/en/DBus.DBusType/*.xml $(distdir)/en/DBus.DBusType/
diff --git a/mono/doc/dbus-sharp-docs.source b/mono/doc/dbus-sharp-docs.source
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 4bf4c4a..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-  <source provider="ecma" basefile="dbus-sharp-docs" path="various" />
diff --git a/mono/doc/en/DBus.DBusType.xml b/mono/doc/en/DBus.DBusType.xml
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 72e0125..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-<Namespace Name="DBus" FullName="DBus" FullNameSP="DBus" Maintainer="Mono">
-  <Docs>
-    <summary>Types for the D-BUS binding for .NET.</summary>
-    <remarks>
-      <para>
-         Types used by the D-BUS library.
-      </para>
-    </remarks>
-  </Docs>
diff --git a/mono/doc/en/DBus.DBusType/Array.xml b/mono/doc/en/DBus.DBusType/Array.xml
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index f5e0e87..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-<Type Name="Array" FullName="DBus.DBusType.Array">
-  <TypeSignature Language="C#" Value="public class Array : IDBusType" Maintainer="auto" />
-  <AssemblyInfo>
-    <AssemblyName>dbus-sharp</AssemblyName>
-    <AssemblyPublicKey>
-    </AssemblyPublicKey>
-    <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
-    <AssemblyCulture>neutral</AssemblyCulture>
-    <Attributes />
-  </AssemblyInfo>
-  <ThreadSafetyStatement>Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the <link location="node:gtk-sharp/programming/threads">Gtk# Thread Programming</link> for details.</ThreadSafetyStatement>
-  <Docs>
-    <summary>To be added</summary>
-    <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-  </Docs>
-  <Base>
-    <BaseTypeName>System.Object</BaseTypeName>
-  </Base>
-  <Interfaces>
-    <Interface>
-      <InterfaceName>DBus.DBusType.IDBusType</InterfaceName>
-    </Interface>
-  </Interfaces>
-  <Attributes />
-  <Members>
-    <Member MemberName="Code">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static char Code;" />
-      <MemberType>Field</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Char</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Suits">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static bool Suits (Type type);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Boolean</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="type" Type="System.Type" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="type">a <see cref="T:System.Type" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="EmitMarshalIn">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static void EmitMarshalIn (System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator generator, Type type);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="generator" Type="System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator" />
-        <Parameter Name="type" Type="System.Type" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="generator">a <see cref="T:System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator" /></param>
-        <param name="type">a <see cref="T:System.Type" /></param>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="EmitMarshalOut">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static void EmitMarshalOut (System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator generator, Type type, bool isReturn);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="generator" Type="System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator" />
-        <Parameter Name="type" Type="System.Type" />
-        <Parameter Name="isReturn" Type="System.Boolean" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="generator">a <see cref="T:System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator" /></param>
-        <param name="type">a <see cref="T:System.Type" /></param>
-        <param name="isReturn">a <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /></param>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Append">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public virtual void Append (IntPtr iter);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="iter" Type="System.IntPtr" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="iter">a <see cref="T:System.IntPtr" /></param>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Get">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public virtual object Get ();" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Object</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters />
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.Object" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Get">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public virtual object Get (Type type);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Object</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="type" Type="System.Type" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="type">a <see cref="T:System.Type" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.Object" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName=".ctor">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public Array (Array val, DBus.Service service);" />
-      <MemberType>Constructor</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue />
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="val" Type="System.Array" />
-        <Parameter Name="service" Type="DBus.Service" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="val">a <see cref="T:System.Array" /></param>
-        <param name="service">a <see cref="T:DBus.Service" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:DBus.DBusType.Array" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName=".ctor">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public Array (IntPtr iter, DBus.Service service);" />
-      <MemberType>Constructor</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue />
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="iter" Type="System.IntPtr" />
-        <Parameter Name="service" Type="DBus.Service" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="iter">a <see cref="T:System.IntPtr" /></param>
-        <param name="service">a <see cref="T:DBus.Service" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:DBus.DBusType.Array" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-  </Members>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mono/doc/en/DBus.DBusType/Boolean.xml b/mono/doc/en/DBus.DBusType/Boolean.xml
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 34ed0e1..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-<Type Name="Boolean" FullName="DBus.DBusType.Boolean">
-  <TypeSignature Language="C#" Value="public class Boolean : IDBusType" Maintainer="auto" />
-  <AssemblyInfo>
-    <AssemblyName>dbus-sharp</AssemblyName>
-    <AssemblyPublicKey>
-    </AssemblyPublicKey>
-    <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
-    <AssemblyCulture>neutral</AssemblyCulture>
-    <Attributes />
-  </AssemblyInfo>
-  <ThreadSafetyStatement>Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the <link location="node:gtk-sharp/programming/threads">Gtk# Thread Programming</link> for details.</ThreadSafetyStatement>
-  <Docs>
-    <summary>To be added</summary>
-    <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-  </Docs>
-  <Base>
-    <BaseTypeName>System.Object</BaseTypeName>
-  </Base>
-  <Interfaces>
-    <Interface>
-      <InterfaceName>DBus.DBusType.IDBusType</InterfaceName>
-    </Interface>
-  </Interfaces>
-  <Attributes />
-  <Members>
-    <Member MemberName="Code">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static char Code;" />
-      <MemberType>Field</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Char</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Suits">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static bool Suits (Type type);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Boolean</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="type" Type="System.Type" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="type">a <see cref="T:System.Type" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="EmitMarshalIn">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static void EmitMarshalIn (System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator generator, Type type);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="generator" Type="System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator" />
-        <Parameter Name="type" Type="System.Type" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="generator">a <see cref="T:System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator" /></param>
-        <param name="type">a <see cref="T:System.Type" /></param>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="EmitMarshalOut">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static void EmitMarshalOut (System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator generator, Type type, bool isReturn);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="generator" Type="System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator" />
-        <Parameter Name="type" Type="System.Type" />
-        <Parameter Name="isReturn" Type="System.Boolean" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="generator">a <see cref="T:System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator" /></param>
-        <param name="type">a <see cref="T:System.Type" /></param>
-        <param name="isReturn">a <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /></param>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Append">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public virtual void Append (IntPtr iter);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="iter" Type="System.IntPtr" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="iter">a <see cref="T:System.IntPtr" /></param>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Get">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public virtual object Get ();" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Object</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters />
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.Object" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Get">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public virtual object Get (Type type);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Object</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="type" Type="System.Type" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="type">a <see cref="T:System.Type" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.Object" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName=".ctor">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public Boolean (bool val, DBus.Service service);" />
-      <MemberType>Constructor</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue />
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="val" Type="System.Boolean" />
-        <Parameter Name="service" Type="DBus.Service" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="val">a <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /></param>
-        <param name="service">a <see cref="T:DBus.Service" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:DBus.DBusType.Boolean" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName=".ctor">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public Boolean (IntPtr iter, DBus.Service service);" />
-      <MemberType>Constructor</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue />
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="iter" Type="System.IntPtr" />
-        <Parameter Name="service" Type="DBus.Service" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="iter">a <see cref="T:System.IntPtr" /></param>
-        <param name="service">a <see cref="T:DBus.Service" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:DBus.DBusType.Boolean" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-  </Members>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mono/doc/en/DBus.DBusType/Byte.xml b/mono/doc/en/DBus.DBusType/Byte.xml
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 0f094f9..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
-<Type Name="Byte" FullName="DBus.DBusType.Byte">
-  <TypeSignature Language="C#" Value="public class Byte : IDBusType" Maintainer="auto" />
-  <AssemblyInfo>
-    <AssemblyName>dbus-sharp</AssemblyName>
-    <AssemblyPublicKey>
-    </AssemblyPublicKey>
-    <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
-    <AssemblyCulture>neutral</AssemblyCulture>
-    <Attributes />
-  </AssemblyInfo>
-  <ThreadSafetyStatement>Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the <link location="node:gtk-sharp/programming/threads">Gtk# Thread Programming</link> for details.</ThreadSafetyStatement>
-  <Docs>
-    <summary>To be added</summary>
-    <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-  </Docs>
-  <Base>
-    <BaseTypeName>System.Object</BaseTypeName>
-  </Base>
-  <Interfaces>
-    <Interface>
-      <InterfaceName>DBus.DBusType.IDBusType</InterfaceName>
-    </Interface>
-  </Interfaces>
-  <Attributes />
-  <Members>
-    <Member MemberName="Code">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static char Code;" />
-      <MemberType>Field</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Char</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Suits">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static bool Suits (Type type);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Boolean</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="type" Type="System.Type" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="type">a <see cref="T:System.Type" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="EmitMarshalIn">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static void EmitMarshalIn (System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator generator, Type type);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="generator" Type="System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator" />
-        <Parameter Name="type" Type="System.Type" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="generator">a <see cref="T:System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator" /></param>
-        <param name="type">a <see cref="T:System.Type" /></param>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="EmitMarshalOut">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static void EmitMarshalOut (System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator generator, Type type, bool isReturn);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="generator" Type="System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator" />
-        <Parameter Name="type" Type="System.Type" />
-        <Parameter Name="isReturn" Type="System.Boolean" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="generator">a <see cref="T:System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator" /></param>
-        <param name="type">a <see cref="T:System.Type" /></param>
-        <param name="isReturn">a <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /></param>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Append">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public virtual void Append (IntPtr iter);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="iter" Type="System.IntPtr" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="iter">a <see cref="T:System.IntPtr" /></param>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Get">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public virtual object Get ();" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Object</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters />
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.Object" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Get">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public virtual object Get (Type type);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Object</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="type" Type="System.Type" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="type">a <see cref="T:System.Type" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.Object" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName=".ctor">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public Byte (byte val, DBus.Service service);" />
-      <MemberType>Constructor</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue />
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="val" Type="System.Byte" />
-        <Parameter Name="service" Type="DBus.Service" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="val">a <see cref="T:System.Byte" /></param>
-        <param name="service">a <see cref="T:DBus.Service" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:DBus.DBusType.Byte" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName=".ctor">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public Byte (char val, DBus.Service service);" />
-      <MemberType>Constructor</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue />
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="val" Type="System.Char" />
-        <Parameter Name="service" Type="DBus.Service" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="val">a <see cref="T:System.Char" /></param>
-        <param name="service">a <see cref="T:DBus.Service" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:DBus.DBusType.Byte" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName=".ctor">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public Byte (IntPtr iter, DBus.Service service);" />
-      <MemberType>Constructor</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue />
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="iter" Type="System.IntPtr" />
-        <Parameter Name="service" Type="DBus.Service" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="iter">a <see cref="T:System.IntPtr" /></param>
-        <param name="service">a <see cref="T:DBus.Service" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:DBus.DBusType.Byte" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-  </Members>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mono/doc/en/DBus.DBusType/Custom.xml b/mono/doc/en/DBus.DBusType/Custom.xml
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index d4ac9fb..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-<Type Name="Custom" FullName="DBus.DBusType.Custom">
-  <TypeSignature Language="C#" Value="public class Custom : IDBusType" Maintainer="auto" />
-  <AssemblyInfo>
-    <AssemblyName>dbus-sharp</AssemblyName>
-    <AssemblyPublicKey>
-    </AssemblyPublicKey>
-    <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
-    <AssemblyCulture>neutral</AssemblyCulture>
-    <Attributes />
-  </AssemblyInfo>
-  <ThreadSafetyStatement>Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the <link location="node:gtk-sharp/programming/threads">Gtk# Thread Programming</link> for details.</ThreadSafetyStatement>
-  <Docs>
-    <summary>To be added</summary>
-    <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-  </Docs>
-  <Base>
-    <BaseTypeName>System.Object</BaseTypeName>
-  </Base>
-  <Interfaces>
-    <Interface>
-      <InterfaceName>DBus.DBusType.IDBusType</InterfaceName>
-    </Interface>
-  </Interfaces>
-  <Attributes />
-  <Members>
-    <Member MemberName="Code">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static char Code;" />
-      <MemberType>Field</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Char</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Suits">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static bool Suits (Type type);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Boolean</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="type" Type="System.Type" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="type">a <see cref="T:System.Type" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="EmitMarshalIn">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static void EmitMarshalIn (System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator generator, Type type);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="generator" Type="System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator" />
-        <Parameter Name="type" Type="System.Type" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="generator">a <see cref="T:System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator" /></param>
-        <param name="type">a <see cref="T:System.Type" /></param>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="EmitMarshalOut">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static void EmitMarshalOut (System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator generator, Type type, bool isReturn);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="generator" Type="System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator" />
-        <Parameter Name="type" Type="System.Type" />
-        <Parameter Name="isReturn" Type="System.Boolean" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="generator">a <see cref="T:System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator" /></param>
-        <param name="type">a <see cref="T:System.Type" /></param>
-        <param name="isReturn">a <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /></param>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Append">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public virtual void Append (IntPtr iter);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="iter" Type="System.IntPtr" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="iter">a <see cref="T:System.IntPtr" /></param>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Get">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public virtual object Get ();" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Object</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters />
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.Object" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Get">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public virtual object Get (Type type);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Object</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="type" Type="System.Type" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="type">a <see cref="T:System.Type" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.Object" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName=".ctor">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public Custom (DBus.Custom val, DBus.Service service);" />
-      <MemberType>Constructor</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue />
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="val" Type="DBus.Custom" />
-        <Parameter Name="service" Type="DBus.Service" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="val">a <see cref="T:DBus.Custom" /></param>
-        <param name="service">a <see cref="T:DBus.Service" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:DBus.DBusType.Custom" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName=".ctor">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public Custom (IntPtr iter, DBus.Service service);" />
-      <MemberType>Constructor</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue />
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="iter" Type="System.IntPtr" />
-        <Parameter Name="service" Type="DBus.Service" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="iter">a <see cref="T:System.IntPtr" /></param>
-        <param name="service">a <see cref="T:DBus.Service" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:DBus.DBusType.Custom" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-  </Members>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mono/doc/en/DBus.DBusType/Dict.xml b/mono/doc/en/DBus.DBusType/Dict.xml
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 8e80ea0..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-<Type Name="Dict" FullName="DBus.DBusType.Dict">
-  <TypeSignature Language="C#" Value="public class Dict : IDBusType" Maintainer="auto" />
-  <AssemblyInfo>
-    <AssemblyName>dbus-sharp</AssemblyName>
-    <AssemblyPublicKey>
-    </AssemblyPublicKey>
-    <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
-    <AssemblyCulture>neutral</AssemblyCulture>
-    <Attributes />
-  </AssemblyInfo>
-  <ThreadSafetyStatement>Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the <link location="node:gtk-sharp/programming/threads">Gtk# Thread Programming</link> for details.</ThreadSafetyStatement>
-  <Docs>
-    <summary>To be added</summary>
-    <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-  </Docs>
-  <Base>
-    <BaseTypeName>System.Object</BaseTypeName>
-  </Base>
-  <Interfaces>
-    <Interface>
-      <InterfaceName>DBus.DBusType.IDBusType</InterfaceName>
-    </Interface>
-  </Interfaces>
-  <Attributes />
-  <Members>
-    <Member MemberName="Code">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static char Code;" />
-      <MemberType>Field</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Char</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Suits">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static bool Suits (Type type);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Boolean</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="type" Type="System.Type" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="type">a <see cref="T:System.Type" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="EmitMarshalIn">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static void EmitMarshalIn (System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator generator, Type type);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="generator" Type="System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator" />
-        <Parameter Name="type" Type="System.Type" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="generator">a <see cref="T:System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator" /></param>
-        <param name="type">a <see cref="T:System.Type" /></param>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="EmitMarshalOut">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static void EmitMarshalOut (System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator generator, Type type, bool isReturn);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="generator" Type="System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator" />
-        <Parameter Name="type" Type="System.Type" />
-        <Parameter Name="isReturn" Type="System.Boolean" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="generator">a <see cref="T:System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator" /></param>
-        <param name="type">a <see cref="T:System.Type" /></param>
-        <param name="isReturn">a <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /></param>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Append">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public virtual void Append (IntPtr iter);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="iter" Type="System.IntPtr" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="iter">a <see cref="T:System.IntPtr" /></param>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Get">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public virtual object Get ();" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Object</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters />
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.Object" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Get">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public virtual object Get (Type type);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Object</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="type" Type="System.Type" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="type">a <see cref="T:System.Type" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.Object" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName=".ctor">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public Dict (System.Collections.IDictionary val, DBus.Service service);" />
-      <MemberType>Constructor</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue />
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="val" Type="System.Collections.IDictionary" />
-        <Parameter Name="service" Type="DBus.Service" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="val">a <see cref="T:System.Collections.IDictionary" /></param>
-        <param name="service">a <see cref="T:DBus.Service" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:DBus.DBusType.Dict" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName=".ctor">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public Dict (IntPtr iter, DBus.Service service);" />
-      <MemberType>Constructor</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue />
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="iter" Type="System.IntPtr" />
-        <Parameter Name="service" Type="DBus.Service" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="iter">a <see cref="T:System.IntPtr" /></param>
-        <param name="service">a <see cref="T:DBus.Service" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:DBus.DBusType.Dict" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-  </Members>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mono/doc/en/DBus.DBusType/Double.xml b/mono/doc/en/DBus.DBusType/Double.xml
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 86709fc..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-<Type Name="Double" FullName="DBus.DBusType.Double">
-  <TypeSignature Language="C#" Value="public class Double : IDBusType" Maintainer="auto" />
-  <AssemblyInfo>
-    <AssemblyName>dbus-sharp</AssemblyName>
-    <AssemblyPublicKey>
-    </AssemblyPublicKey>
-    <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
-    <AssemblyCulture>neutral</AssemblyCulture>
-    <Attributes />
-  </AssemblyInfo>
-  <ThreadSafetyStatement>Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the <link location="node:gtk-sharp/programming/threads">Gtk# Thread Programming</link> for details.</ThreadSafetyStatement>
-  <Docs>
-    <summary>To be added</summary>
-    <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-  </Docs>
-  <Base>
-    <BaseTypeName>System.Object</BaseTypeName>
-  </Base>
-  <Interfaces>
-    <Interface>
-      <InterfaceName>DBus.DBusType.IDBusType</InterfaceName>
-    </Interface>
-  </Interfaces>
-  <Attributes />
-  <Members>
-    <Member MemberName="Code">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static char Code;" />
-      <MemberType>Field</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Char</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Suits">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static bool Suits (Type type);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Boolean</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="type" Type="System.Type" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="type">a <see cref="T:System.Type" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="EmitMarshalIn">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static void EmitMarshalIn (System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator generator, Type type);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="generator" Type="System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator" />
-        <Parameter Name="type" Type="System.Type" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="generator">a <see cref="T:System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator" /></param>
-        <param name="type">a <see cref="T:System.Type" /></param>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="EmitMarshalOut">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static void EmitMarshalOut (System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator generator, Type type, bool isReturn);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="generator" Type="System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator" />
-        <Parameter Name="type" Type="System.Type" />
-        <Parameter Name="isReturn" Type="System.Boolean" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="generator">a <see cref="T:System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator" /></param>
-        <param name="type">a <see cref="T:System.Type" /></param>
-        <param name="isReturn">a <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /></param>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Append">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public virtual void Append (IntPtr iter);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="iter" Type="System.IntPtr" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="iter">a <see cref="T:System.IntPtr" /></param>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Get">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public virtual object Get ();" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Object</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters />
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.Object" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Get">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public virtual object Get (Type type);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Object</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="type" Type="System.Type" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="type">a <see cref="T:System.Type" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.Object" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName=".ctor">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public Double (double val, DBus.Service service);" />
-      <MemberType>Constructor</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue />
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="val" Type="System.Double" />
-        <Parameter Name="service" Type="DBus.Service" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="val">a <see cref="T:System.Double" /></param>
-        <param name="service">a <see cref="T:DBus.Service" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:DBus.DBusType.Double" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName=".ctor">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public Double (IntPtr iter, DBus.Service service);" />
-      <MemberType>Constructor</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue />
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="iter" Type="System.IntPtr" />
-        <Parameter Name="service" Type="DBus.Service" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="iter">a <see cref="T:System.IntPtr" /></param>
-        <param name="service">a <see cref="T:DBus.Service" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:DBus.DBusType.Double" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-  </Members>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mono/doc/en/DBus.DBusType/IDBusType.xml b/mono/doc/en/DBus.DBusType/IDBusType.xml
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 9cf7e67..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-<Type Name="IDBusType" FullName="DBus.DBusType.IDBusType">
-  <TypeSignature Language="C#" Value="public abstract interface IDBusType" Maintainer="auto" />
-  <AssemblyInfo>
-    <AssemblyName>dbus-sharp</AssemblyName>
-    <AssemblyPublicKey>
-    </AssemblyPublicKey>
-    <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
-    <AssemblyCulture>neutral</AssemblyCulture>
-    <Attributes />
-  </AssemblyInfo>
-  <ThreadSafetyStatement>Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the <link location="node:gtk-sharp/programming/threads">Gtk# Thread Programming</link> for details.</ThreadSafetyStatement>
-  <Docs>
-    <summary>To be added</summary>
-    <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-  </Docs>
-  <Base />
-  <Interfaces />
-  <Attributes />
-  <Members>
-    <Member MemberName="Get">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public virtual object Get ();" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Object</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters />
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.Object" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Get">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public virtual object Get (Type type);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Object</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="type" Type="System.Type" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="type">a <see cref="T:System.Type" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.Object" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Append">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public virtual void Append (IntPtr iter);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="iter" Type="System.IntPtr" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="iter">a <see cref="T:System.IntPtr" /></param>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-  </Members>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mono/doc/en/DBus.DBusType/Int32.xml b/mono/doc/en/DBus.DBusType/Int32.xml
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 6a06139..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-<Type Name="Int32" FullName="DBus.DBusType.Int32">
-  <TypeSignature Language="C#" Value="public class Int32 : IDBusType" Maintainer="auto" />
-  <AssemblyInfo>
-    <AssemblyName>dbus-sharp</AssemblyName>
-    <AssemblyPublicKey>
-    </AssemblyPublicKey>
-    <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
-    <AssemblyCulture>neutral</AssemblyCulture>
-    <Attributes />
-  </AssemblyInfo>
-  <ThreadSafetyStatement>Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the <link location="node:gtk-sharp/programming/threads">Gtk# Thread Programming</link> for details.</ThreadSafetyStatement>
-  <Docs>
-    <summary>To be added</summary>
-    <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-  </Docs>
-  <Base>
-    <BaseTypeName>System.Object</BaseTypeName>
-  </Base>
-  <Interfaces>
-    <Interface>
-      <InterfaceName>DBus.DBusType.IDBusType</InterfaceName>
-    </Interface>
-  </Interfaces>
-  <Attributes />
-  <Members>
-    <Member MemberName="Code">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static char Code;" />
-      <MemberType>Field</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Char</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Suits">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static bool Suits (Type type);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Boolean</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="type" Type="System.Type" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="type">a <see cref="T:System.Type" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="EmitMarshalIn">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static void EmitMarshalIn (System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator generator, Type type);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="generator" Type="System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator" />
-        <Parameter Name="type" Type="System.Type" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="generator">a <see cref="T:System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator" /></param>
-        <param name="type">a <see cref="T:System.Type" /></param>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="EmitMarshalOut">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static void EmitMarshalOut (System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator generator, Type type, bool isReturn);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="generator" Type="System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator" />
-        <Parameter Name="type" Type="System.Type" />
-        <Parameter Name="isReturn" Type="System.Boolean" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="generator">a <see cref="T:System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator" /></param>
-        <param name="type">a <see cref="T:System.Type" /></param>
-        <param name="isReturn">a <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /></param>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Append">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public virtual void Append (IntPtr iter);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="iter" Type="System.IntPtr" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="iter">a <see cref="T:System.IntPtr" /></param>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Get">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public virtual object Get ();" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Object</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters />
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.Object" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Get">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public virtual object Get (Type type);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Object</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="type" Type="System.Type" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="type">a <see cref="T:System.Type" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.Object" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName=".ctor">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public Int32 (int val, DBus.Service service);" />
-      <MemberType>Constructor</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue />
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="val" Type="System.Int32" />
-        <Parameter Name="service" Type="DBus.Service" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="val">a <see cref="T:System.Int32" /></param>
-        <param name="service">a <see cref="T:DBus.Service" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:DBus.DBusType.Int32" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName=".ctor">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public Int32 (IntPtr iter, DBus.Service service);" />
-      <MemberType>Constructor</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue />
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="iter" Type="System.IntPtr" />
-        <Parameter Name="service" Type="DBus.Service" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="iter">a <see cref="T:System.IntPtr" /></param>
-        <param name="service">a <see cref="T:DBus.Service" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:DBus.DBusType.Int32" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-  </Members>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mono/doc/en/DBus.DBusType/Int64.xml b/mono/doc/en/DBus.DBusType/Int64.xml
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index c2356c3..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-<Type Name="Int64" FullName="DBus.DBusType.Int64">
-  <TypeSignature Language="C#" Value="public class Int64 : IDBusType" Maintainer="auto" />
-  <AssemblyInfo>
-    <AssemblyName>dbus-sharp</AssemblyName>
-    <AssemblyPublicKey>
-    </AssemblyPublicKey>
-    <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
-    <AssemblyCulture>neutral</AssemblyCulture>
-    <Attributes />
-  </AssemblyInfo>
-  <ThreadSafetyStatement>Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the <link location="node:gtk-sharp/programming/threads">Gtk# Thread Programming</link> for details.</ThreadSafetyStatement>
-  <Docs>
-    <summary>To be added</summary>
-    <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-  </Docs>
-  <Base>
-    <BaseTypeName>System.Object</BaseTypeName>
-  </Base>
-  <Interfaces>
-    <Interface>
-      <InterfaceName>DBus.DBusType.IDBusType</InterfaceName>
-    </Interface>
-  </Interfaces>
-  <Attributes />
-  <Members>
-    <Member MemberName="Code">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static char Code;" />
-      <MemberType>Field</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Char</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Suits">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static bool Suits (Type type);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Boolean</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="type" Type="System.Type" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="type">a <see cref="T:System.Type" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="EmitMarshalIn">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static void EmitMarshalIn (System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator generator, Type type);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="generator" Type="System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator" />
-        <Parameter Name="type" Type="System.Type" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="generator">a <see cref="T:System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator" /></param>
-        <param name="type">a <see cref="T:System.Type" /></param>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="EmitMarshalOut">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static void EmitMarshalOut (System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator generator, Type type, bool isReturn);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="generator" Type="System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator" />
-        <Parameter Name="type" Type="System.Type" />
-        <Parameter Name="isReturn" Type="System.Boolean" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="generator">a <see cref="T:System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator" /></param>
-        <param name="type">a <see cref="T:System.Type" /></param>
-        <param name="isReturn">a <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /></param>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Append">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public virtual void Append (IntPtr iter);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="iter" Type="System.IntPtr" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="iter">a <see cref="T:System.IntPtr" /></param>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Get">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public virtual object Get ();" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Object</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters />
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.Object" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Get">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public virtual object Get (Type type);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Object</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="type" Type="System.Type" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="type">a <see cref="T:System.Type" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.Object" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName=".ctor">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public Int64 (long val, DBus.Service service);" />
-      <MemberType>Constructor</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue />
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="val" Type="System.Int64" />
-        <Parameter Name="service" Type="DBus.Service" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="val">a <see cref="T:System.Int64" /></param>
-        <param name="service">a <see cref="T:DBus.Service" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:DBus.DBusType.Int64" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName=".ctor">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public Int64 (IntPtr iter, DBus.Service service);" />
-      <MemberType>Constructor</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue />
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="iter" Type="System.IntPtr" />
-        <Parameter Name="service" Type="DBus.Service" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="iter">a <see cref="T:System.IntPtr" /></param>
-        <param name="service">a <see cref="T:DBus.Service" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:DBus.DBusType.Int64" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-  </Members>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mono/doc/en/DBus.DBusType/Nil.xml b/mono/doc/en/DBus.DBusType/Nil.xml
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 6f758ad..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-<Type Name="Nil" FullName="DBus.DBusType.Nil">
-  <TypeSignature Language="C#" Value="public class Nil : IDBusType" Maintainer="auto" />
-  <AssemblyInfo>
-    <AssemblyName>dbus-sharp</AssemblyName>
-    <AssemblyPublicKey>
-    </AssemblyPublicKey>
-    <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
-    <AssemblyCulture>neutral</AssemblyCulture>
-    <Attributes />
-  </AssemblyInfo>
-  <ThreadSafetyStatement>Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the <link location="node:gtk-sharp/programming/threads">Gtk# Thread Programming</link> for details.</ThreadSafetyStatement>
-  <Docs>
-    <summary>To be added</summary>
-    <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-  </Docs>
-  <Base>
-    <BaseTypeName>System.Object</BaseTypeName>
-  </Base>
-  <Interfaces>
-    <Interface>
-      <InterfaceName>DBus.DBusType.IDBusType</InterfaceName>
-    </Interface>
-  </Interfaces>
-  <Attributes />
-  <Members>
-    <Member MemberName="Code">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static char Code;" />
-      <MemberType>Field</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Char</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Suits">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static bool Suits (Type type);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Boolean</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="type" Type="System.Type" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="type">a <see cref="T:System.Type" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="EmitMarshalIn">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static void EmitMarshalIn (System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator generator, Type type);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="generator" Type="System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator" />
-        <Parameter Name="type" Type="System.Type" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="generator">a <see cref="T:System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator" /></param>
-        <param name="type">a <see cref="T:System.Type" /></param>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="EmitMarshalOut">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static void EmitMarshalOut (System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator generator, Type type, bool isReturn);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="generator" Type="System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator" />
-        <Parameter Name="type" Type="System.Type" />
-        <Parameter Name="isReturn" Type="System.Boolean" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="generator">a <see cref="T:System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator" /></param>
-        <param name="type">a <see cref="T:System.Type" /></param>
-        <param name="isReturn">a <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /></param>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Append">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public virtual void Append (IntPtr iter);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="iter" Type="System.IntPtr" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="iter">a <see cref="T:System.IntPtr" /></param>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Get">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public virtual object Get ();" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Object</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters />
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.Object" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Get">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public virtual object Get (Type type);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Object</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="type" Type="System.Type" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="type">a <see cref="T:System.Type" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.Object" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName=".ctor">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public Nil (object nil, DBus.Service service);" />
-      <MemberType>Constructor</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue />
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="nil" Type="System.Object" />
-        <Parameter Name="service" Type="DBus.Service" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="nil">a <see cref="T:System.Object" /></param>
-        <param name="service">a <see cref="T:DBus.Service" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:DBus.DBusType.Nil" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName=".ctor">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public Nil (IntPtr iter, DBus.Service service);" />
-      <MemberType>Constructor</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue />
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="iter" Type="System.IntPtr" />
-        <Parameter Name="service" Type="DBus.Service" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="iter">a <see cref="T:System.IntPtr" /></param>
-        <param name="service">a <see cref="T:DBus.Service" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:DBus.DBusType.Nil" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-  </Members>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mono/doc/en/DBus.DBusType/ObjectPath.xml b/mono/doc/en/DBus.DBusType/ObjectPath.xml
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 26aa4a9..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-<Type Name="ObjectPath" FullName="DBus.DBusType.ObjectPath">
-  <TypeSignature Language="C#" Value="public class ObjectPath : IDBusType" Maintainer="auto" />
-  <AssemblyInfo>
-    <AssemblyName>dbus-sharp</AssemblyName>
-    <AssemblyPublicKey>
-    </AssemblyPublicKey>
-    <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
-    <AssemblyCulture>neutral</AssemblyCulture>
-    <Attributes />
-  </AssemblyInfo>
-  <ThreadSafetyStatement>Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the <link location="node:gtk-sharp/programming/threads">Gtk# Thread Programming</link> for details.</ThreadSafetyStatement>
-  <Docs>
-    <summary>To be added</summary>
-    <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-  </Docs>
-  <Base>
-    <BaseTypeName>System.Object</BaseTypeName>
-  </Base>
-  <Interfaces>
-    <Interface>
-      <InterfaceName>DBus.DBusType.IDBusType</InterfaceName>
-    </Interface>
-  </Interfaces>
-  <Attributes />
-  <Members>
-    <Member MemberName="Code">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static char Code;" />
-      <MemberType>Field</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Char</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Suits">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static bool Suits (Type type);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Boolean</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="type" Type="System.Type" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="type">a <see cref="T:System.Type" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="EmitMarshalIn">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static void EmitMarshalIn (System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator generator, Type type);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="generator" Type="System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator" />
-        <Parameter Name="type" Type="System.Type" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="generator">a <see cref="T:System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator" /></param>
-        <param name="type">a <see cref="T:System.Type" /></param>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="EmitMarshalOut">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static void EmitMarshalOut (System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator generator, Type type, bool isReturn);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="generator" Type="System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator" />
-        <Parameter Name="type" Type="System.Type" />
-        <Parameter Name="isReturn" Type="System.Boolean" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="generator">a <see cref="T:System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator" /></param>
-        <param name="type">a <see cref="T:System.Type" /></param>
-        <param name="isReturn">a <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /></param>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Append">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public virtual void Append (IntPtr iter);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="iter" Type="System.IntPtr" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="iter">a <see cref="T:System.IntPtr" /></param>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Get">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public virtual object Get ();" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Object</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters />
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.Object" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Get">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public virtual object Get (Type type);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Object</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="type" Type="System.Type" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="type">a <see cref="T:System.Type" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.Object" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName=".ctor">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public ObjectPath (object val, DBus.Service service);" />
-      <MemberType>Constructor</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue />
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="val" Type="System.Object" />
-        <Parameter Name="service" Type="DBus.Service" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="val">a <see cref="T:System.Object" /></param>
-        <param name="service">a <see cref="T:DBus.Service" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:DBus.DBusType.ObjectPath" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName=".ctor">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public ObjectPath (IntPtr iter, DBus.Service service);" />
-      <MemberType>Constructor</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue />
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="iter" Type="System.IntPtr" />
-        <Parameter Name="service" Type="DBus.Service" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="iter">a <see cref="T:System.IntPtr" /></param>
-        <param name="service">a <see cref="T:DBus.Service" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:DBus.DBusType.ObjectPath" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-  </Members>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mono/doc/en/DBus.DBusType/String.xml b/mono/doc/en/DBus.DBusType/String.xml
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 2902e73..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-<Type Name="String" FullName="DBus.DBusType.String">
-  <TypeSignature Language="C#" Value="public class String : IDBusType" Maintainer="auto" />
-  <AssemblyInfo>
-    <AssemblyName>dbus-sharp</AssemblyName>
-    <AssemblyPublicKey>
-    </AssemblyPublicKey>
-    <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
-    <AssemblyCulture>neutral</AssemblyCulture>
-    <Attributes />
-  </AssemblyInfo>
-  <ThreadSafetyStatement>Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the <link location="node:gtk-sharp/programming/threads">Gtk# Thread Programming</link> for details.</ThreadSafetyStatement>
-  <Docs>
-    <summary>To be added</summary>
-    <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-  </Docs>
-  <Base>
-    <BaseTypeName>System.Object</BaseTypeName>
-  </Base>
-  <Interfaces>
-    <Interface>
-      <InterfaceName>DBus.DBusType.IDBusType</InterfaceName>
-    </Interface>
-  </Interfaces>
-  <Attributes />
-  <Members>
-    <Member MemberName="Code">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static char Code;" />
-      <MemberType>Field</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Char</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Suits">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static bool Suits (Type type);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Boolean</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="type" Type="System.Type" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="type">a <see cref="T:System.Type" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="EmitMarshalIn">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static void EmitMarshalIn (System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator generator, Type type);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="generator" Type="System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator" />
-        <Parameter Name="type" Type="System.Type" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="generator">a <see cref="T:System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator" /></param>
-        <param name="type">a <see cref="T:System.Type" /></param>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="EmitMarshalOut">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static void EmitMarshalOut (System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator generator, Type type, bool isReturn);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="generator" Type="System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator" />
-        <Parameter Name="type" Type="System.Type" />
-        <Parameter Name="isReturn" Type="System.Boolean" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="generator">a <see cref="T:System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator" /></param>
-        <param name="type">a <see cref="T:System.Type" /></param>
-        <param name="isReturn">a <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /></param>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Append">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public virtual void Append (IntPtr iter);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="iter" Type="System.IntPtr" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="iter">a <see cref="T:System.IntPtr" /></param>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Get">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public virtual object Get ();" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Object</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters />
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.Object" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Get">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public virtual object Get (Type type);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Object</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="type" Type="System.Type" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="type">a <see cref="T:System.Type" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.Object" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName=".ctor">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public String (string val, DBus.Service service);" />
-      <MemberType>Constructor</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue />
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="val" Type="System.String" />
-        <Parameter Name="service" Type="DBus.Service" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="val">a <see cref="T:System.String" /></param>
-        <param name="service">a <see cref="T:DBus.Service" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:DBus.DBusType.String" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName=".ctor">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public String (IntPtr iter, DBus.Service service);" />
-      <MemberType>Constructor</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue />
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="iter" Type="System.IntPtr" />
-        <Parameter Name="service" Type="DBus.Service" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="iter">a <see cref="T:System.IntPtr" /></param>
-        <param name="service">a <see cref="T:DBus.Service" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:DBus.DBusType.String" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-  </Members>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mono/doc/en/DBus.DBusType/UInt32.xml b/mono/doc/en/DBus.DBusType/UInt32.xml
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 378aede..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-<Type Name="UInt32" FullName="DBus.DBusType.UInt32">
-  <TypeSignature Language="C#" Value="public class UInt32 : IDBusType" Maintainer="auto" />
-  <AssemblyInfo>
-    <AssemblyName>dbus-sharp</AssemblyName>
-    <AssemblyPublicKey>
-    </AssemblyPublicKey>
-    <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
-    <AssemblyCulture>neutral</AssemblyCulture>
-    <Attributes />
-  </AssemblyInfo>
-  <ThreadSafetyStatement>Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the <link location="node:gtk-sharp/programming/threads">Gtk# Thread Programming</link> for details.</ThreadSafetyStatement>
-  <Docs>
-    <summary>To be added</summary>
-    <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-  </Docs>
-  <Base>
-    <BaseTypeName>System.Object</BaseTypeName>
-  </Base>
-  <Interfaces>
-    <Interface>
-      <InterfaceName>DBus.DBusType.IDBusType</InterfaceName>
-    </Interface>
-  </Interfaces>
-  <Attributes />
-  <Members>
-    <Member MemberName="Code">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static char Code;" />
-      <MemberType>Field</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Char</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Suits">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static bool Suits (Type type);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Boolean</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="type" Type="System.Type" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="type">a <see cref="T:System.Type" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="EmitMarshalIn">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static void EmitMarshalIn (System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator generator, Type type);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="generator" Type="System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator" />
-        <Parameter Name="type" Type="System.Type" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="generator">a <see cref="T:System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator" /></param>
-        <param name="type">a <see cref="T:System.Type" /></param>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="EmitMarshalOut">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static void EmitMarshalOut (System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator generator, Type type, bool isReturn);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="generator" Type="System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator" />
-        <Parameter Name="type" Type="System.Type" />
-        <Parameter Name="isReturn" Type="System.Boolean" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="generator">a <see cref="T:System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator" /></param>
-        <param name="type">a <see cref="T:System.Type" /></param>
-        <param name="isReturn">a <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /></param>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Append">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public virtual void Append (IntPtr iter);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="iter" Type="System.IntPtr" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="iter">a <see cref="T:System.IntPtr" /></param>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Get">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public virtual object Get ();" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Object</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters />
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.Object" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Get">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public virtual object Get (Type type);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Object</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="type" Type="System.Type" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="type">a <see cref="T:System.Type" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.Object" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName=".ctor">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public UInt32 (uint val, DBus.Service service);" />
-      <MemberType>Constructor</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue />
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="val" Type="System.UInt32" />
-        <Parameter Name="service" Type="DBus.Service" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="val">a <see cref="T:System.UInt32" /></param>
-        <param name="service">a <see cref="T:DBus.Service" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:DBus.DBusType.UInt32" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName=".ctor">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public UInt32 (IntPtr iter, DBus.Service service);" />
-      <MemberType>Constructor</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue />
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="iter" Type="System.IntPtr" />
-        <Parameter Name="service" Type="DBus.Service" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="iter">a <see cref="T:System.IntPtr" /></param>
-        <param name="service">a <see cref="T:DBus.Service" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:DBus.DBusType.UInt32" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-  </Members>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mono/doc/en/DBus.DBusType/UInt64.xml b/mono/doc/en/DBus.DBusType/UInt64.xml
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 01832dc..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-<Type Name="UInt64" FullName="DBus.DBusType.UInt64">
-  <TypeSignature Language="C#" Value="public class UInt64 : IDBusType" Maintainer="auto" />
-  <AssemblyInfo>
-    <AssemblyName>dbus-sharp</AssemblyName>
-    <AssemblyPublicKey>
-    </AssemblyPublicKey>
-    <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
-    <AssemblyCulture>neutral</AssemblyCulture>
-    <Attributes />
-  </AssemblyInfo>
-  <ThreadSafetyStatement>Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the <link location="node:gtk-sharp/programming/threads">Gtk# Thread Programming</link> for details.</ThreadSafetyStatement>
-  <Docs>
-    <summary>To be added</summary>
-    <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-  </Docs>
-  <Base>
-    <BaseTypeName>System.Object</BaseTypeName>
-  </Base>
-  <Interfaces>
-    <Interface>
-      <InterfaceName>DBus.DBusType.IDBusType</InterfaceName>
-    </Interface>
-  </Interfaces>
-  <Attributes />
-  <Members>
-    <Member MemberName="Code">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static char Code;" />
-      <MemberType>Field</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Char</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Suits">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static bool Suits (Type type);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Boolean</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="type" Type="System.Type" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="type">a <see cref="T:System.Type" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="EmitMarshalIn">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static void EmitMarshalIn (System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator generator, Type type);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="generator" Type="System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator" />
-        <Parameter Name="type" Type="System.Type" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="generator">a <see cref="T:System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator" /></param>
-        <param name="type">a <see cref="T:System.Type" /></param>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="EmitMarshalOut">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static void EmitMarshalOut (System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator generator, Type type, bool isReturn);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="generator" Type="System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator" />
-        <Parameter Name="type" Type="System.Type" />
-        <Parameter Name="isReturn" Type="System.Boolean" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="generator">a <see cref="T:System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator" /></param>
-        <param name="type">a <see cref="T:System.Type" /></param>
-        <param name="isReturn">a <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /></param>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Append">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public virtual void Append (IntPtr iter);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="iter" Type="System.IntPtr" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="iter">a <see cref="T:System.IntPtr" /></param>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Get">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public virtual object Get ();" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Object</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters />
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.Object" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Get">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public virtual object Get (Type type);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Object</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="type" Type="System.Type" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="type">a <see cref="T:System.Type" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.Object" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName=".ctor">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public UInt64 (ulong val, DBus.Service service);" />
-      <MemberType>Constructor</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue />
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="val" Type="System.UInt64" />
-        <Parameter Name="service" Type="DBus.Service" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="val">a <see cref="T:System.UInt64" /></param>
-        <param name="service">a <see cref="T:DBus.Service" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:DBus.DBusType.UInt64" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName=".ctor">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public UInt64 (IntPtr iter, DBus.Service service);" />
-      <MemberType>Constructor</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue />
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="iter" Type="System.IntPtr" />
-        <Parameter Name="service" Type="DBus.Service" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="iter">a <see cref="T:System.IntPtr" /></param>
-        <param name="service">a <see cref="T:DBus.Service" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:DBus.DBusType.UInt64" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-  </Members>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mono/doc/en/DBus.xml b/mono/doc/en/DBus.xml
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 9d27801..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-<Namespace Name="DBus" FullName="DBus" FullNameSP="DBus" Maintainer="Mono">
-  <Docs>
-    <summary>D-BUS binding for .NET.</summary>
-    <remarks>
-      <para>
-        D-BUS is a message bus system, a simple way for applications
-        to talk to one another.
-      </para>
-      <para>
-         The message bus daemon forms the hub of a wheel. Each spoke
-         of the wheel is a one-to-one connection to an application
-         using libdbus. An application sends a message to the bus
-         daemon over its spoke, and the bus daemon forwards the
-         message to other connected applications as appropriate. Think
-         of the daemon as a router.
-      </para>
-      <para>
-         The bus daemon has multiple instances on a typical
-         computer. The first instance is a machine-global singleton,
-         that is, a system daemon similar to sendmail or Apache. This
-         instance has heavy security restrictions on what messages it
-         will accept, and is used for systemwide communication. The
-         other instances are created one per user login session. These
-         instances allow applications in the user's session to
-         communicate with one another.
-      </para>
-      <para>
-         The systemwide and per-user daemons are separate. Normal
-         within-session IPC does not involve the systemwide message
-         bus process and vice versa.
-      </para>
-    </remarks>
-  </Docs>
diff --git a/mono/doc/en/DBus/Arguments.xml b/mono/doc/en/DBus/Arguments.xml
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 31cc414..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
-<Type Name="Arguments" FullName="DBus.Arguments">
-  <TypeSignature Language="C#" Value="public class Arguments : IEnumerable" Maintainer="auto" />
-  <AssemblyInfo>
-    <AssemblyName>dbus-sharp</AssemblyName>
-    <AssemblyPublicKey>
-    </AssemblyPublicKey>
-    <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
-    <AssemblyCulture>neutral</AssemblyCulture>
-    <Attributes />
-  </AssemblyInfo>
-  <ThreadSafetyStatement>Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the <link location="node:gtk-sharp/programming/threads">Gtk# Thread Programming</link> for details.</ThreadSafetyStatement>
-  <Docs>
-    <summary>To be added</summary>
-    <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-  </Docs>
-  <Base>
-    <BaseTypeName>System.Object</BaseTypeName>
-  </Base>
-  <Interfaces>
-    <Interface>
-      <InterfaceName>System.Collections.IEnumerable</InterfaceName>
-    </Interface>
-  </Interfaces>
-  <Attributes />
-  <Members>
-    <Member MemberName="Suits">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static bool Suits (Type dbusType, Type type);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Boolean</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="dbusType" Type="System.Type" />
-        <Parameter Name="type" Type="System.Type" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="dbusType">a <see cref="T:System.Type" /></param>
-        <param name="type">a <see cref="T:System.Type" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="MatchType">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static Type MatchType (Type type);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Type</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="type" Type="System.Type" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="type">a <see cref="T:System.Type" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.Type" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="ParseInParameters">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static object [] ParseInParameters (System.Reflection.MethodInfo method);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Object[]</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="method" Type="System.Reflection.MethodInfo" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="method">a <see cref="T:System.Reflection.MethodInfo" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.Object[]" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="ParseOutParameters">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static object [] ParseOutParameters (System.Reflection.MethodInfo method);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Object[]</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="method" Type="System.Reflection.MethodInfo" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="method">a <see cref="T:System.Reflection.MethodInfo" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.Object[]" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="GetDBusTypeConstructor">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo GetDBusTypeConstructor (Type dbusType, Type type);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="dbusType" Type="System.Type" />
-        <Parameter Name="type" Type="System.Type" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="dbusType">a <see cref="T:System.Type" /></param>
-        <param name="type">a <see cref="T:System.Type" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="GetCode">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static char GetCode (Type dbusType);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Char</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="dbusType" Type="System.Type" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="dbusType">a <see cref="T:System.Type" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.Char" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Finalize">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="protected override void Finalize ();" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters />
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Append">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public void Append (DBus.DBusType.IDBusType dbusType);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="dbusType" Type="DBus.DBusType.IDBusType" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="dbusType">a <see cref="T:DBus.DBusType.IDBusType" /></param>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="AppendResults">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public void AppendResults (System.Reflection.MethodInfo method, object retVal, object [] parameters);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="method" Type="System.Reflection.MethodInfo" />
-        <Parameter Name="retVal" Type="System.Object" />
-        <Parameter Name="parameters" Type="System.Object[]" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="method">a <see cref="T:System.Reflection.MethodInfo" /></param>
-        <param name="retVal">a <see cref="T:System.Object" /></param>
-        <param name="parameters">a <see cref="T:System.Object" /></param>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="GetParameters">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public object [] GetParameters (System.Reflection.MethodInfo method);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Object[]</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="method" Type="System.Reflection.MethodInfo" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="method">a <see cref="T:System.Reflection.MethodInfo" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.Object[]" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="ToString">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public override string ToString ();" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.String</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters />
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.String" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="GetNext">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public DBus.DBusType.IDBusType GetNext ();" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>DBus.DBusType.IDBusType</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters />
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:DBus.DBusType.IDBusType" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="InitAppending">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public void InitAppending ();" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters />
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="GetEnumerator">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public virtual System.Collections.IEnumerator GetEnumerator ();" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Collections.IEnumerator</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters />
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.Collections.IEnumerator" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="DBusTypes">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static System.Collections.Hashtable DBusTypes { get; };" />
-      <MemberType>Property</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Collections.Hashtable</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters />
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.Collections.Hashtable" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-  </Members>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mono/doc/en/DBus/Bus.xml b/mono/doc/en/DBus/Bus.xml
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index b4469a1..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-<Type Name="Bus" FullName="DBus.Bus">
-  <TypeSignature Language="C#" Value="public class Bus" Maintainer="auto" />
-  <AssemblyInfo>
-    <AssemblyName>dbus-sharp</AssemblyName>
-    <AssemblyPublicKey>
-    </AssemblyPublicKey>
-    <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
-    <AssemblyCulture>neutral</AssemblyCulture>
-    <Attributes />
-  </AssemblyInfo>
-  <ThreadSafetyStatement>Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the <link location="node:gtk-sharp/programming/threads">Gtk# Thread Programming</link> for details.</ThreadSafetyStatement>
-  <Docs>
-    <summary>To be added</summary>
-    <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-  </Docs>
-  <Base>
-    <BaseTypeName>System.Object</BaseTypeName>
-  </Base>
-  <Interfaces />
-  <Attributes />
-  <Members>
-    <Member MemberName="GetSessionBus">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static DBus.Connection GetSessionBus ();" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>DBus.Connection</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters />
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:DBus.Connection" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="GetSystemBus">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static DBus.Connection GetSystemBus ();" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>DBus.Connection</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters />
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:DBus.Connection" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName=".ctor">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public Bus ();" />
-      <MemberType>Constructor</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue />
-      <Parameters />
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:DBus.Bus" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-  </Members>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mono/doc/en/DBus/Connection.xml b/mono/doc/en/DBus/Connection.xml
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 149468e..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-<Type Name="Connection" FullName="DBus.Connection">
-  <TypeSignature Language="C#" Value="public class Connection" Maintainer="auto" />
-  <AssemblyInfo>
-    <AssemblyName>dbus-sharp</AssemblyName>
-    <AssemblyPublicKey>
-    </AssemblyPublicKey>
-    <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
-    <AssemblyCulture>neutral</AssemblyCulture>
-    <Attributes />
-  </AssemblyInfo>
-  <ThreadSafetyStatement>Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the <link location="node:gtk-sharp/programming/threads">Gtk# Thread Programming</link> for details.</ThreadSafetyStatement>
-  <Docs>
-    <summary>To be added</summary>
-    <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-  </Docs>
-  <Base>
-    <BaseTypeName>System.Object</BaseTypeName>
-  </Base>
-  <Interfaces />
-  <Attributes />
-  <Members>
-    <Member MemberName="Flush">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public void Flush ();" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters />
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="SetupWithMain">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public void SetupWithMain ();" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters />
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Finalize">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="protected override void Finalize ();" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters />
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName=".ctor">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public Connection (string address);" />
-      <MemberType>Constructor</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue />
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="address" Type="System.String" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="address">a <see cref="T:System.String" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:DBus.Connection" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Timeout">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public int Timeout { set; get; };" />
-      <MemberType>Property</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Int32</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters />
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.Int32" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-  </Members>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mono/doc/en/DBus/Custom.xml b/mono/doc/en/DBus/Custom.xml
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index fa09aa5..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-<Type Name="Custom" FullName="DBus.Custom">
-  <TypeSignature Language="C#" Value="public sealed struct Custom" Maintainer="auto" />
-  <AssemblyInfo>
-    <AssemblyName>dbus-sharp</AssemblyName>
-    <AssemblyPublicKey>
-    </AssemblyPublicKey>
-    <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
-    <AssemblyCulture>neutral</AssemblyCulture>
-    <Attributes />
-  </AssemblyInfo>
-  <ThreadSafetyStatement>Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the <link location="node:gtk-sharp/programming/threads">Gtk# Thread Programming</link> for details.</ThreadSafetyStatement>
-  <Docs>
-    <summary>To be added</summary>
-    <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-  </Docs>
-  <Base>
-    <BaseTypeName>System.ValueType</BaseTypeName>
-  </Base>
-  <Interfaces />
-  <Attributes />
-  <Members>
-    <Member MemberName="Name">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public string Name;" />
-      <MemberType>Field</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.String</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Data">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public byte [] Data;" />
-      <MemberType>Field</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Byte[]</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName=".ctor">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public Custom (string name, byte [] data);" />
-      <MemberType>Constructor</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue />
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="name" Type="System.String" />
-        <Parameter Name="data" Type="System.Byte[]" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="name">a <see cref="T:System.String" /></param>
-        <param name="data">a <see cref="T:System.Byte" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:DBus.Custom" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-  </Members>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mono/doc/en/DBus/DBusException.xml b/mono/doc/en/DBus/DBusException.xml
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 388f179..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-<Type Name="DBusException" FullName="DBus.DBusException">
-  <TypeSignature Language="C#" Value="public class DBusException : System.ApplicationException, ISerializable" Maintainer="auto" />
-  <AssemblyInfo>
-    <AssemblyName>dbus-sharp</AssemblyName>
-    <AssemblyPublicKey>
-    </AssemblyPublicKey>
-    <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
-    <AssemblyCulture>neutral</AssemblyCulture>
-    <Attributes />
-  </AssemblyInfo>
-  <ThreadSafetyStatement>Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the <link location="node:gtk-sharp/programming/threads">Gtk# Thread Programming</link> for details.</ThreadSafetyStatement>
-  <Docs>
-    <summary>To be added</summary>
-    <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-  </Docs>
-  <Base>
-    <BaseTypeName>System.ApplicationException</BaseTypeName>
-  </Base>
-  <Interfaces>
-    <Interface>
-      <InterfaceName>System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable</InterfaceName>
-    </Interface>
-  </Interfaces>
-  <Attributes />
-  <Members />
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mono/doc/en/DBus/ErrorMessage.xml b/mono/doc/en/DBus/ErrorMessage.xml
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 47060c9..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-<Type Name="ErrorMessage" FullName="DBus.ErrorMessage">
-  <TypeSignature Language="C#" Value="public class ErrorMessage : DBus.Message" Maintainer="auto" />
-  <AssemblyInfo>
-    <AssemblyName>dbus-sharp</AssemblyName>
-    <AssemblyPublicKey>
-    </AssemblyPublicKey>
-    <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
-    <AssemblyCulture>neutral</AssemblyCulture>
-    <Attributes />
-  </AssemblyInfo>
-  <ThreadSafetyStatement>Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the <link location="node:gtk-sharp/programming/threads">Gtk# Thread Programming</link> for details.</ThreadSafetyStatement>
-  <Docs>
-    <summary>To be added</summary>
-    <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-  </Docs>
-  <Base>
-    <BaseTypeName>DBus.Message</BaseTypeName>
-  </Base>
-  <Interfaces />
-  <Attributes />
-  <Members>
-    <Member MemberName=".ctor">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public ErrorMessage ();" />
-      <MemberType>Constructor</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue />
-      <Parameters />
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:DBus.ErrorMessage" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName=".ctor">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public ErrorMessage (DBus.Service service);" />
-      <MemberType>Constructor</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue />
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="service" Type="DBus.Service" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="service">a <see cref="T:DBus.Service" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:DBus.ErrorMessage" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Name">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public string Name { set; get; };" />
-      <MemberType>Property</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.String</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters />
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.String" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-  </Members>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mono/doc/en/DBus/InterfaceAttribute.xml b/mono/doc/en/DBus/InterfaceAttribute.xml
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index ced4e15..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-<Type Name="InterfaceAttribute" FullName="DBus.InterfaceAttribute">
-  <TypeSignature Language="C#" Value="public class InterfaceAttribute : System.Attribute" Maintainer="auto" />
-  <AssemblyInfo>
-    <AssemblyName>dbus-sharp</AssemblyName>
-    <AssemblyPublicKey>
-    </AssemblyPublicKey>
-    <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
-    <AssemblyCulture>neutral</AssemblyCulture>
-    <Attributes />
-  </AssemblyInfo>
-  <ThreadSafetyStatement>Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the <link location="node:gtk-sharp/programming/threads">Gtk# Thread Programming</link> for details.</ThreadSafetyStatement>
-  <Docs>
-    <summary>To be added</summary>
-    <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-  </Docs>
-  <Base>
-    <BaseTypeName>System.Attribute</BaseTypeName>
-  </Base>
-  <Interfaces />
-  <Attributes>
-    <Attribute>
-      <AttributeName>System.AttributeUsageAttribute</AttributeName>
-    </Attribute>
-  </Attributes>
-  <Members>
-    <Member MemberName=".ctor">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public InterfaceAttribute (string interfaceName);" />
-      <MemberType>Constructor</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue />
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="interfaceName" Type="System.String" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="interfaceName">a <see cref="T:System.String" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:DBus.InterfaceAttribute" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="InterfaceName">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public string InterfaceName { get; };" />
-      <MemberType>Property</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.String</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters />
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.String" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-  </Members>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mono/doc/en/DBus/Message.xml b/mono/doc/en/DBus/Message.xml
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 4d28c34..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,431 +0,0 @@
-<Type Name="Message" FullName="DBus.Message">
-  <TypeSignature Language="C#" Value="public class Message" Maintainer="auto" />
-  <AssemblyInfo>
-    <AssemblyName>dbus-sharp</AssemblyName>
-    <AssemblyPublicKey>
-    </AssemblyPublicKey>
-    <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
-    <AssemblyCulture>neutral</AssemblyCulture>
-    <Attributes />
-  </AssemblyInfo>
-  <ThreadSafetyStatement>Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the <link location="node:gtk-sharp/programming/threads">Gtk# Thread Programming</link> for details.</ThreadSafetyStatement>
-  <Docs>
-    <summary>To be added</summary>
-    <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-  </Docs>
-  <Base>
-    <BaseTypeName>System.Object</BaseTypeName>
-  </Base>
-  <Interfaces />
-  <Attributes />
-  <Members>
-    <Member MemberName="service">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="protected DBus.Service service;" />
-      <MemberType>Field</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>DBus.Service</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="pathName">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="protected string pathName;" />
-      <MemberType>Field</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.String</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="interfaceName">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="protected string interfaceName;" />
-      <MemberType>Field</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.String</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="name">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="protected string name;" />
-      <MemberType>Field</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.String</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Wrap">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static DBus.Message Wrap (IntPtr rawMessage, DBus.Service service);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>DBus.Message</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="rawMessage" Type="System.IntPtr" />
-        <Parameter Name="service" Type="DBus.Service" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="rawMessage">a <see cref="T:System.IntPtr" /></param>
-        <param name="service">a <see cref="T:DBus.Service" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:DBus.Message" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="dbus_message_new">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="protected static IntPtr dbus_message_new (int messageType);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.IntPtr</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="messageType" Type="System.Int32" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="messageType">a <see cref="T:System.Int32" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.IntPtr" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="dbus_message_unref">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="protected static void dbus_message_unref (IntPtr ptr);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="ptr" Type="System.IntPtr" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="ptr">a <see cref="T:System.IntPtr" /></param>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="dbus_message_ref">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="protected static void dbus_message_ref (IntPtr ptr);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="ptr" Type="System.IntPtr" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="ptr">a <see cref="T:System.IntPtr" /></param>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="dbus_message_allocate_data_slot">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="protected static bool dbus_message_allocate_data_slot (ref int slot);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Boolean</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="slot" Type="System.Int32&amp;" RefType="ref" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="slot">a <see cref="T:System.Int32" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="dbus_message_free_data_slot">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="protected static void dbus_message_free_data_slot (ref int slot);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="slot" Type="System.Int32&amp;" RefType="ref" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="slot">a <see cref="T:System.Int32" /></param>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="dbus_message_set_data">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="protected static bool dbus_message_set_data (IntPtr ptr, int slot, IntPtr data, IntPtr free_data_func);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Boolean</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="ptr" Type="System.IntPtr" />
-        <Parameter Name="slot" Type="System.Int32" />
-        <Parameter Name="data" Type="System.IntPtr" />
-        <Parameter Name="free_data_func" Type="System.IntPtr" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="ptr">a <see cref="T:System.IntPtr" /></param>
-        <param name="slot">a <see cref="T:System.Int32" /></param>
-        <param name="data">a <see cref="T:System.IntPtr" /></param>
-        <param name="free_data_func">a <see cref="T:System.IntPtr" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="dbus_message_get_data">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="protected static IntPtr dbus_message_get_data (IntPtr ptr, int slot);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.IntPtr</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="ptr" Type="System.IntPtr" />
-        <Parameter Name="slot" Type="System.Int32" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="ptr">a <see cref="T:System.IntPtr" /></param>
-        <param name="slot">a <see cref="T:System.Int32" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.IntPtr" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Finalize">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="protected override void Finalize ();" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters />
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Send">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public void Send (ref int serial);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="serial" Type="System.Int32&amp;" RefType="ref" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="serial">a <see cref="T:System.Int32" /></param>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Send">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public void Send ();" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters />
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="SendWithReply">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public void SendWithReply ();" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters />
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="SendWithReplyAndBlock">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public DBus.MethodReturn SendWithReplyAndBlock ();" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>DBus.MethodReturn</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters />
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:DBus.MethodReturn" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName=".ctor">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="protected Message ();" />
-      <MemberType>Constructor</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue />
-      <Parameters />
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:DBus.Message" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName=".ctor">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="protected Message (IntPtr rawMessage, DBus.Service service);" />
-      <MemberType>Constructor</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue />
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="rawMessage" Type="System.IntPtr" />
-        <Parameter Name="service" Type="DBus.Service" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="rawMessage">a <see cref="T:System.IntPtr" /></param>
-        <param name="service">a <see cref="T:DBus.Service" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:DBus.Message" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName=".ctor">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="protected Message (DBus.Message+MessageType messageType);" />
-      <MemberType>Constructor</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue />
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="messageType" Type="DBus.Message+MessageType" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="messageType">a <see cref="T:System.Int32" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:DBus.Message" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName=".ctor">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="protected Message (DBus.Message+MessageType messageType, DBus.Service service);" />
-      <MemberType>Constructor</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue />
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="messageType" Type="DBus.Message+MessageType" />
-        <Parameter Name="service" Type="DBus.Service" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="messageType">a <see cref="T:System.Int32" /></param>
-        <param name="service">a <see cref="T:DBus.Service" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:DBus.Message" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Type">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public DBus.Message+MessageType Type { get; };" />
-      <MemberType>Property</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>DBus.Message+MessageType</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters />
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:DBus.Message+MessageType" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Service">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public DBus.Service Service { set; get; };" />
-      <MemberType>Property</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>DBus.Service</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters />
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:DBus.Service" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="PathName">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="protected virtual string PathName { set; get; };" />
-      <MemberType>Property</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.String</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.String" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="InterfaceName">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="protected virtual string InterfaceName { set; get; };" />
-      <MemberType>Property</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.String</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.String" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Name">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="protected virtual string Name { set; get; };" />
-      <MemberType>Property</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.String</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.String" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Key">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public string Key { get; };" />
-      <MemberType>Property</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.String</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters />
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.String" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Arguments">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public DBus.Arguments Arguments { get; };" />
-      <MemberType>Property</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>DBus.Arguments</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters />
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:DBus.Arguments" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Slot">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="protected int Slot { get; };" />
-      <MemberType>Property</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Int32</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.Int32" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-  </Members>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mono/doc/en/DBus/MessageType.xml b/mono/doc/en/DBus/MessageType.xml
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 33e06c7..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-<Type Name="MessageType" FullName="DBus.Message+MessageType">
-  <TypeSignature Language="C#" Value="public enum MessageType" Maintainer="auto" />
-  <AssemblyInfo>
-    <AssemblyName>dbus-sharp</AssemblyName>
-    <AssemblyPublicKey>
-    </AssemblyPublicKey>
-    <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
-    <AssemblyCulture>neutral</AssemblyCulture>
-    <Attributes />
-  </AssemblyInfo>
-  <ThreadSafetyStatement>Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the <link location="node:gtk-sharp/programming/threads">Gtk# Thread Programming</link> for details.</ThreadSafetyStatement>
-  <Docs>
-    <summary>To be added</summary>
-    <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-  </Docs>
-  <Base>
-    <BaseTypeName>System.Enum</BaseTypeName>
-  </Base>
-  <Interfaces>
-    <Interface>
-      <InterfaceName>System.IComparable</InterfaceName>
-    </Interface>
-    <Interface>
-      <InterfaceName>System.IConvertible</InterfaceName>
-    </Interface>
-    <Interface>
-      <InterfaceName>System.IFormattable</InterfaceName>
-    </Interface>
-  </Interfaces>
-  <Attributes />
-  <Members>
-    <Member MemberName="Invalid">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="Invalid" />
-      <MemberType>Field</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>DBus.Message+MessageType</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="MethodCall">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="MethodCall" />
-      <MemberType>Field</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>DBus.Message+MessageType</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="MethodReturn">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="MethodReturn" />
-      <MemberType>Field</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>DBus.Message+MessageType</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Error">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="Error" />
-      <MemberType>Field</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>DBus.Message+MessageType</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Signal">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="Signal" />
-      <MemberType>Field</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>DBus.Message+MessageType</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="value__">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="value__" />
-      <MemberType>Field</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Int32</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-  </Members>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mono/doc/en/DBus/MethodAttribute.xml b/mono/doc/en/DBus/MethodAttribute.xml
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 8f6b775..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-<Type Name="MethodAttribute" FullName="DBus.MethodAttribute">
-  <TypeSignature Language="C#" Value="public class MethodAttribute : System.Attribute" Maintainer="auto" />
-  <AssemblyInfo>
-    <AssemblyName>dbus-sharp</AssemblyName>
-    <AssemblyPublicKey>
-    </AssemblyPublicKey>
-    <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
-    <AssemblyCulture>neutral</AssemblyCulture>
-    <Attributes />
-  </AssemblyInfo>
-  <ThreadSafetyStatement>Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the <link location="node:gtk-sharp/programming/threads">Gtk# Thread Programming</link> for details.</ThreadSafetyStatement>
-  <Docs>
-    <summary>To be added</summary>
-    <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-  </Docs>
-  <Base>
-    <BaseTypeName>System.Attribute</BaseTypeName>
-  </Base>
-  <Interfaces />
-  <Attributes>
-    <Attribute>
-      <AttributeName>System.AttributeUsageAttribute</AttributeName>
-    </Attribute>
-  </Attributes>
-  <Members>
-    <Member MemberName=".ctor">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public MethodAttribute ();" />
-      <MemberType>Constructor</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue />
-      <Parameters />
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:DBus.MethodAttribute" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-  </Members>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mono/doc/en/DBus/MethodCall.xml b/mono/doc/en/DBus/MethodCall.xml
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 06dc2e2..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-<Type Name="MethodCall" FullName="DBus.MethodCall">
-  <TypeSignature Language="C#" Value="public class MethodCall : DBus.Message" Maintainer="auto" />
-  <AssemblyInfo>
-    <AssemblyName>dbus-sharp</AssemblyName>
-    <AssemblyPublicKey>
-    </AssemblyPublicKey>
-    <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
-    <AssemblyCulture>neutral</AssemblyCulture>
-    <Attributes />
-  </AssemblyInfo>
-  <ThreadSafetyStatement>Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the <link location="node:gtk-sharp/programming/threads">Gtk# Thread Programming</link> for details.</ThreadSafetyStatement>
-  <Docs>
-    <summary>To be added</summary>
-    <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-  </Docs>
-  <Base>
-    <BaseTypeName>DBus.Message</BaseTypeName>
-  </Base>
-  <Interfaces />
-  <Attributes />
-  <Members>
-    <Member MemberName=".ctor">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public MethodCall ();" />
-      <MemberType>Constructor</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue />
-      <Parameters />
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:DBus.MethodCall" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName=".ctor">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public MethodCall (DBus.Service service);" />
-      <MemberType>Constructor</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue />
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="service" Type="DBus.Service" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="service">a <see cref="T:DBus.Service" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:DBus.MethodCall" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName=".ctor">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public MethodCall (DBus.Service service, string pathName, string interfaceName, string name);" />
-      <MemberType>Constructor</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue />
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="service" Type="DBus.Service" />
-        <Parameter Name="pathName" Type="System.String" />
-        <Parameter Name="interfaceName" Type="System.String" />
-        <Parameter Name="name" Type="System.String" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="service">a <see cref="T:DBus.Service" /></param>
-        <param name="pathName">a <see cref="T:System.String" /></param>
-        <param name="interfaceName">a <see cref="T:System.String" /></param>
-        <param name="name">a <see cref="T:System.String" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:DBus.MethodCall" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="PathName">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public string PathName { set; get; };" />
-      <MemberType>Property</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.String</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters />
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.String" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="InterfaceName">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public string InterfaceName { set; get; };" />
-      <MemberType>Property</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.String</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters />
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.String" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Name">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public string Name { set; get; };" />
-      <MemberType>Property</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.String</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters />
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.String" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-  </Members>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mono/doc/en/DBus/MethodReturn.xml b/mono/doc/en/DBus/MethodReturn.xml
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 641a07c..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-<Type Name="MethodReturn" FullName="DBus.MethodReturn">
-  <TypeSignature Language="C#" Value="public class MethodReturn : DBus.Message" Maintainer="auto" />
-  <AssemblyInfo>
-    <AssemblyName>dbus-sharp</AssemblyName>
-    <AssemblyPublicKey>
-    </AssemblyPublicKey>
-    <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
-    <AssemblyCulture>neutral</AssemblyCulture>
-    <Attributes />
-  </AssemblyInfo>
-  <ThreadSafetyStatement>Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the <link location="node:gtk-sharp/programming/threads">Gtk# Thread Programming</link> for details.</ThreadSafetyStatement>
-  <Docs>
-    <summary>To be added</summary>
-    <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-  </Docs>
-  <Base>
-    <BaseTypeName>DBus.Message</BaseTypeName>
-  </Base>
-  <Interfaces />
-  <Attributes />
-  <Members>
-    <Member MemberName=".ctor">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public MethodReturn (DBus.MethodCall methodCall);" />
-      <MemberType>Constructor</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue />
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="methodCall" Type="DBus.MethodCall" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="methodCall">a <see cref="T:DBus.MethodCall" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:DBus.MethodReturn" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="PathName">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public string PathName { get; };" />
-      <MemberType>Property</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.String</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters />
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.String" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="InterfaceName">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public string InterfaceName { get; };" />
-      <MemberType>Property</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.String</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters />
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.String" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Name">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public string Name { get; };" />
-      <MemberType>Property</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.String</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters />
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.String" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-  </Members>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mono/doc/en/DBus/Server.xml b/mono/doc/en/DBus/Server.xml
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 8e51d02..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-<Type Name="Server" FullName="DBus.Server">
-  <TypeSignature Language="C#" Value="public class Server" Maintainer="auto" />
-  <AssemblyInfo>
-    <AssemblyName>dbus-sharp</AssemblyName>
-    <AssemblyPublicKey>
-    </AssemblyPublicKey>
-    <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
-    <AssemblyCulture>neutral</AssemblyCulture>
-    <Attributes />
-  </AssemblyInfo>
-  <ThreadSafetyStatement>Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the <link location="node:gtk-sharp/programming/threads">Gtk# Thread Programming</link> for details.</ThreadSafetyStatement>
-  <Docs>
-    <summary>To be added</summary>
-    <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-  </Docs>
-  <Base>
-    <BaseTypeName>System.Object</BaseTypeName>
-  </Base>
-  <Interfaces />
-  <Attributes />
-  <Members>
-    <Member MemberName="Finalize">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="protected override void Finalize ();" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters />
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName=".ctor">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public Server (string address);" />
-      <MemberType>Constructor</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue />
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="address" Type="System.String" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="address">a <see cref="T:System.String" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:DBus.Server" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Address">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public string Address { get; };" />
-      <MemberType>Property</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.String</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters />
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.String" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-  </Members>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mono/doc/en/DBus/Service.xml b/mono/doc/en/DBus/Service.xml
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 7aecb37..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-<Type Name="Service" FullName="DBus.Service">
-  <TypeSignature Language="C#" Value="public class Service" Maintainer="auto" />
-  <AssemblyInfo>
-    <AssemblyName>dbus-sharp</AssemblyName>
-    <AssemblyPublicKey>
-    </AssemblyPublicKey>
-    <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
-    <AssemblyCulture>neutral</AssemblyCulture>
-    <Attributes />
-  </AssemblyInfo>
-  <ThreadSafetyStatement>Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the <link location="node:gtk-sharp/programming/threads">Gtk# Thread Programming</link> for details.</ThreadSafetyStatement>
-  <Docs>
-    <summary>To be added</summary>
-    <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-  </Docs>
-  <Base>
-    <BaseTypeName>System.Object</BaseTypeName>
-  </Base>
-  <Interfaces />
-  <Attributes />
-  <Members>
-    <Member MemberName="Exists">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static bool Exists (DBus.Connection connection, string name);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Boolean</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="connection" Type="DBus.Connection" />
-        <Parameter Name="name" Type="System.String" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="connection">a <see cref="T:DBus.Connection" /></param>
-        <param name="name">a <see cref="T:System.String" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Get">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static DBus.Service Get (DBus.Connection connection, string name);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>DBus.Service</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="connection" Type="DBus.Connection" />
-        <Parameter Name="name" Type="System.String" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="connection">a <see cref="T:DBus.Connection" /></param>
-        <param name="name">a <see cref="T:System.String" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:DBus.Service" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="RegisterObject">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public void RegisterObject (object handledObject, string pathName);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="handledObject" Type="System.Object" />
-        <Parameter Name="pathName" Type="System.String" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="handledObject">a <see cref="T:System.Object" /></param>
-        <param name="pathName">a <see cref="T:System.String" /></param>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="GetObject">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public object GetObject (Type type, string pathName);" />
-      <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.Object</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="type" Type="System.Type" />
-        <Parameter Name="pathName" Type="System.String" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="type">a <see cref="T:System.Type" /></param>
-        <param name="pathName">a <see cref="T:System.String" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.Object" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName=".ctor">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public Service (DBus.Connection connection, string name);" />
-      <MemberType>Constructor</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue />
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="connection" Type="DBus.Connection" />
-        <Parameter Name="name" Type="System.String" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="connection">a <see cref="T:DBus.Connection" /></param>
-        <param name="name">a <see cref="T:System.String" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:DBus.Service" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Name">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public string Name { get; };" />
-      <MemberType>Property</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.String</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters />
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.String" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Connection">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public DBus.Connection Connection { set; get; };" />
-      <MemberType>Property</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>DBus.Connection</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters />
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:DBus.Connection" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="SignalCalled">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public event DBus.Service+SignalCalledHandler SignalCalled;" />
-      <MemberType>Event</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>DBus.Service+SignalCalledHandler</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters />
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-  </Members>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mono/doc/en/DBus/Signal.xml b/mono/doc/en/DBus/Signal.xml
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 2d0f85c..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-<Type Name="Signal" FullName="DBus.Signal">
-  <TypeSignature Language="C#" Value="public class Signal : DBus.Message" Maintainer="auto" />
-  <AssemblyInfo>
-    <AssemblyName>dbus-sharp</AssemblyName>
-    <AssemblyPublicKey>
-    </AssemblyPublicKey>
-    <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
-    <AssemblyCulture>neutral</AssemblyCulture>
-    <Attributes />
-  </AssemblyInfo>
-  <ThreadSafetyStatement>Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the <link location="node:gtk-sharp/programming/threads">Gtk# Thread Programming</link> for details.</ThreadSafetyStatement>
-  <Docs>
-    <summary>To be added</summary>
-    <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-  </Docs>
-  <Base>
-    <BaseTypeName>DBus.Message</BaseTypeName>
-  </Base>
-  <Interfaces />
-  <Attributes />
-  <Members>
-    <Member MemberName=".ctor">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public Signal ();" />
-      <MemberType>Constructor</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue />
-      <Parameters />
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:DBus.Signal" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName=".ctor">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public Signal (DBus.Service service);" />
-      <MemberType>Constructor</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue />
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="service" Type="DBus.Service" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="service">a <see cref="T:DBus.Service" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:DBus.Signal" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName=".ctor">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public Signal (DBus.Service service, string pathName, string interfaceName, string name);" />
-      <MemberType>Constructor</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue />
-      <Parameters>
-        <Parameter Name="service" Type="DBus.Service" />
-        <Parameter Name="pathName" Type="System.String" />
-        <Parameter Name="interfaceName" Type="System.String" />
-        <Parameter Name="name" Type="System.String" />
-      </Parameters>
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <param name="service">a <see cref="T:DBus.Service" /></param>
-        <param name="pathName">a <see cref="T:System.String" /></param>
-        <param name="interfaceName">a <see cref="T:System.String" /></param>
-        <param name="name">a <see cref="T:System.String" /></param>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:DBus.Signal" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="PathName">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public string PathName { set; get; };" />
-      <MemberType>Property</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.String</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters />
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.String" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="InterfaceName">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public string InterfaceName { set; get; };" />
-      <MemberType>Property</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.String</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters />
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.String" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-    <Member MemberName="Name">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public string Name { set; get; };" />
-      <MemberType>Property</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue>
-        <ReturnType>System.String</ReturnType>
-      </ReturnValue>
-      <Parameters />
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:System.String" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-  </Members>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mono/doc/en/DBus/SignalAttribute.xml b/mono/doc/en/DBus/SignalAttribute.xml
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 25ba5c5..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-<Type Name="SignalAttribute" FullName="DBus.SignalAttribute">
-  <TypeSignature Language="C#" Value="public class SignalAttribute : System.Attribute" Maintainer="auto" />
-  <AssemblyInfo>
-    <AssemblyName>dbus-sharp</AssemblyName>
-    <AssemblyPublicKey>
-    </AssemblyPublicKey>
-    <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
-    <AssemblyCulture>neutral</AssemblyCulture>
-    <Attributes />
-  </AssemblyInfo>
-  <ThreadSafetyStatement>Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the <link location="node:gtk-sharp/programming/threads">Gtk# Thread Programming</link> for details.</ThreadSafetyStatement>
-  <Docs>
-    <summary>To be added</summary>
-    <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-  </Docs>
-  <Base>
-    <BaseTypeName>System.Attribute</BaseTypeName>
-  </Base>
-  <Interfaces />
-  <Attributes>
-    <Attribute>
-      <AttributeName>System.AttributeUsageAttribute</AttributeName>
-    </Attribute>
-  </Attributes>
-  <Members>
-    <Member MemberName=".ctor">
-      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public SignalAttribute ();" />
-      <MemberType>Constructor</MemberType>
-      <ReturnValue />
-      <Parameters />
-      <Docs>
-        <summary>To be added</summary>
-        <returns>a <see cref="T:DBus.SignalAttribute" /></returns>
-        <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-      </Docs>
-    </Member>
-  </Members>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mono/doc/en/DBus/SignalCalledHandler.xml b/mono/doc/en/DBus/SignalCalledHandler.xml
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 5ee8b3b..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-<Type Name="SignalCalledHandler" FullName="DBus.Service+SignalCalledHandler">
-  <TypeSignature Language="C#" Value="public sealed delegate void SignalCalledHandler (DBus.Signal signal);" Maintainer="auto" />
-  <AssemblyInfo>
-    <AssemblyName>dbus-sharp</AssemblyName>
-    <AssemblyPublicKey>
-    </AssemblyPublicKey>
-    <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
-    <AssemblyCulture>neutral</AssemblyCulture>
-    <Attributes />
-  </AssemblyInfo>
-  <ThreadSafetyStatement>Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the <link location="node:gtk-sharp/programming/threads">Gtk# Thread Programming</link> for details.</ThreadSafetyStatement>
-  <Docs>
-    <summary>To be added</summary>
-    <remarks>To be added</remarks>
-  </Docs>
-  <Base>
-    <BaseTypeName>System.Delegate</BaseTypeName>
-  </Base>
-  <Interfaces>
-    <Interface>
-      <InterfaceName>System.ICloneable</InterfaceName>
-    </Interface>
-    <Interface>
-      <InterfaceName>System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable</InterfaceName>
-    </Interface>
-  </Interfaces>
-  <Attributes />
-  <Members />
-  <ReturnValue>
-    <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
-  </ReturnValue>
-  <Parameters>
-    <Parameter Name="signal" Type="DBus.Signal" />
-  </Parameters>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mono/example/.cvsignore b/mono/example/.cvsignore
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index fb4e561..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/mono/example/BusListener.cs b/mono/example/BusListener.cs
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index d999360..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-namespace Foo
-       using System;
-       using DBus;
-       using Gtk;
-       public class BusListener
-       {
-               static void OnNameOwnerChanged (string name,
-                                               string oldOwner,
-                                               string newOwner)
-               {
-                       if (oldOwner == "")
-                               Console.WriteLine ("{0} created by {1}",
-                                                  name, newOwner);
-                       else if (newOwner == "")
-                               Console.WriteLine ("{0} released by {1}", 
-                                                  name, oldOwner);
-                       else
-                               Console.WriteLine ("{0} transfered from {1} to {2}",
-                                                  name, oldOwner, newOwner);
-               }
-               public static int Main (string [] args)
-               {
-                       Application.Init ();
-                       Connection connection;
-                       connection = Bus.GetSessionBus ();
-                       BusDriver driver = BusDriver.New (connection);
-                       driver.NameOwnerChanged += new NameOwnerChangedHandler (OnNameOwnerChanged);
-                       Console.WriteLine ("Listening for name owner changes...");
-                       Application.Run ();
-                       return 0;
-               }
-       }
diff --git a/mono/example/EchoClient.cs b/mono/example/EchoClient.cs
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index dc20771..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-namespace Foo
-  using System;
-  using DBus;
-  public class EchoClient
-  {
-    public static int Main(string [] args)
-    {
-      Connection connection = Bus.GetSessionBus();
-      Service service = Service.Get(connection, "org.freedesktop.Test");
-      Echoer echoer = (Echoer) 
-       service.GetObject(typeof(Echoer), "/org/freedesktop/Test/Echoer");
-      System.Console.WriteLine(echoer.Echo("Hello world!"));
-      return 0;
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/mono/example/EchoServer.cs b/mono/example/EchoServer.cs
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 243a273..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-namespace Foo
-  using System;
-  using DBus;
-  using Gtk;
-  public class EchoServer
-  {
-    public static int Main(string [] args)
-    {
-      Application.Init();
-      Connection connection = Bus.GetSessionBus();
-      Service service = new Service(connection, "org.freedesktop.Test");
-      Echoer echoer = new Echoer();
-      service.RegisterObject(echoer, "/org/freedesktop/Test/Echoer");
-      Application.Run();
-      return 0;
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/mono/example/Echoer.cs b/mono/example/Echoer.cs
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index bc5a843..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-namespace Foo
-  using System;
-  using DBus;
-  [Interface("org.freedesktop.Test.Echoer")]
-  public class Echoer
-  {
-    [Method]
-    public virtual string Echo(string message)
-    {
-      System.Console.WriteLine("I received: " + message);
-      return "Reply: " + message;
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/mono/example/Makefile.am b/mono/example/Makefile.am
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 9a8ed68..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-NOINST_EXES=echo-server.exe echo-client.exe bus-listener.exe
-all: $(NOINST_EXES)
-echo-server.exe: EchoServer.cs Echoer.cs
-       $(CSC) --debug --target exe -L .. -r:../dbus-sharp.dll -pkg:gtk-sharp -o echo-server.exe $(srcdir)/EchoServer.cs $(srcdir)/Echoer.cs
-echo-client.exe: EchoClient.cs Echoer.cs
-       $(CSC) --debug --target exe -L .. -r:../dbus-sharp.dll -o echo-client.exe $(srcdir)/EchoClient.cs $(srcdir)/Echoer.cs
-bus-listener.exe: BusListener.cs
-       $(CSC) --debug --target exe -L .. -r:../dbus-sharp.dll -pkg:gtk-sharp -o bus-listener.exe $(srcdir)/BusListener.cs
-       rm -f $(NOINST_EXES) $(NOINST_EXES:%=%.mdb)
-install: all
-EXTRA_DIST=EchoServer.cs EchoClient.cs Echoer.cs BusListener.cs
diff --git a/python/.cvsignore b/python/.cvsignore
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index cce7eea..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/python/Makefile.am b/python/Makefile.am
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index ea261cb..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-INCLUDES=-I$(srcdir)/$(top_builddir) -I$(srcdir)/$(top_builddir)/dbus $(DBUS_CLIENT_CFLAGS) $(PYTHON_INCLUDES) -DDBUS_COMPILATION=1
-dbusmoduledir = $(pyexecdir)
-dbusmodule_PYTHON = dbus.pth
-dbusdir = $(pyexecdir)/dbus
-dbus_PYTHON =          \
-       __init__.py     \
-       _dbus.py        \
-       decorators.py   \
-       exceptions.py   \
-       service.py      \
-       proxies.py      \
-       _util.py        \
-       types.py        \
-       matchrules.py   \
-       glib.py         \
-       introspect_parser.py
-dbusbindingsdir = $(pyexecdir)/dbus
-dbusbindings_LTLIBRARIES = dbus_bindings.la dbus_glib_bindings.la
-dbus_bindings_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoid-version -fPIC -export-symbols-regex initdbus_bindings
-dbus_bindings_la_LIBADD = $(top_builddir)/dbus/libdbus-1.la
-nodist_dbus_bindings_la_SOURCES = dbus_bindings.c
-dbus_glib_bindings_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoid-version -fPIC -export-symbols-regex initdbus_glib_bindings 
-dbus_glib_bindings_la_LIBADD = $(top_builddir)/dbus/libdbus-1.la $(top_builddir)/glib/libdbus-glib-1.la
-dbus_glib_bindings_la_CFLAGS = $(DBUS_GLIB_CFLAGS) $(DBUS_GLIB_TOOL_CFLAGS)
-nodist_dbus_glib_bindings_la_SOURCES = dbus_glib_bindings.c
-EXTRA_DIST =                   \
-       dbus_h_wrapper.h        \
-       dbus_bindings.pyx       \
-       dbus_glib_bindings.pyx  \
-       dbus_bindings.pxd.in    \
-       extract.py
-CLEANFILES =                   \
-       dbus_bindings.pxd       \
-       dbus_bindings.c         \
-       dbus_glib_bindings.c    
-dbus_bindings.pxd: $(srcdir)/dbus_bindings.pxd.in $(srcdir)/extract.py
-       -$(PYTHON) $(srcdir)/extract.py $(srcdir)/dbus_bindings.pxd.in -I$(srcdir)/$(top_builddir)  -I$(srcdir) > $@.tmp && mv $@.tmp $@
-dbus_bindings.c: $(srcdir)/dbus_bindings.pyx dbus_bindings.pxd 
-       pyrexc $(srcdir)/dbus_bindings.pyx -I. -o ./dbus_bindings.c
-dbus_glib_bindings.c: $(srcdir)/dbus_glib_bindings.pyx dbus_bindings.pxd 
-       pyrexc $(srcdir)/dbus_glib_bindings.pyx  -I. -o ./dbus_glib_bindings.c
diff --git a/python/__init__.py b/python/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 7d93783..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-from _dbus import *
-from types import *
-version = (0, 51, 0)
-_dbus_main_loop_setup_function = None
diff --git a/python/_dbus.py b/python/_dbus.py
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 7e17d9f..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,308 +0,0 @@
-"""Module for high-level communication over the FreeDesktop.org Bus (DBus)
-DBus allows you to share and access remote objects between processes
-running on the desktop, and also to access system services (such as
-the print spool).
-To use DBus, first get a Bus object, which provides a connection to one
-of a few standard dbus-daemon instances that might be running. From the
-Bus you can get a RemoteService. A service is provided by an application or
-process connected to the Bus, and represents a set of objects. Once you
-have a RemoteService you can get a RemoteObject that implements a specific interface
-(an interface is just a standard group of member functions). Then you can call
-those member functions directly.
-You can think of a complete method call as looking something like:
-Bus:SESSION -> Service:org.gnome.Evolution -> Object:/org/gnome/Evolution/Inbox -> Interface: org.gnome.Evolution.MailFolder -> Method: Forward('message1', 'seth@gnome.org')
-This communicates over the SESSION Bus to the org.gnome.Evolution process to call the
-Forward method of the /org/gnome/Evolution/Inbox object (which provides the
-org.gnome.Evolution.MailFolder interface) with two string arguments.
-For example, the dbus-daemon itself provides a service and some objects:
-# Get a connection to the desktop-wide SESSION bus
-bus = dbus.Bus(dbus.Bus.TYPE_SESSION)
-# Get the service provided by the dbus-daemon named org.freedesktop.DBus
-dbus_service = bus.get_service('org.freedesktop.DBus')
-# Get a reference to the desktop bus' standard object, denoted
-# by the path /org/freedesktop/DBus. The object /org/freedesktop/DBus
-# implements the 'org.freedesktop.DBus' interface
-dbus_object = dbus_service.get_object('/org/freedesktop/DBus',
-                                       'org.freedesktop.DBus')
-# One of the member functions in the org.freedesktop.DBus interface
-# is ListServices(), which provides a list of all the other services
-# registered on this bus. Call it, and print the list.
-import dbus
-import dbus_bindings
-import weakref
-from proxies import *
-from exceptions import *
-from matchrules import *
-class Bus(object):
-    """A connection to a DBus daemon.
-    One of three possible standard buses, the SESSION, SYSTEM,
-    or STARTER bus
-    """
-    TYPE_SESSION    = dbus_bindings.BUS_SESSION
-    TYPE_SYSTEM     = dbus_bindings.BUS_SYSTEM
-    TYPE_STARTER = dbus_bindings.BUS_STARTER
-    """bus_type=[Bus.TYPE_SESSION | Bus.TYPE_SYSTEM | Bus.TYPE_STARTER]
-    """
-    ProxyObjectClass = ProxyObject
-    _shared_instances = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()
-    def __new__(cls, bus_type=TYPE_SESSION, use_default_mainloop=True, private=False):
-        if (not private and bus_type in cls._shared_instances):
-            return cls._shared_instances[bus_type]
-        # this is a bit odd, but we create instances of the subtypes
-        # so we can return the shared instances if someone tries to
-        # construct one of them (otherwise we'd eg try and return an
-        # instance of Bus from __new__ in SessionBus). why are there
-        # three ways to construct this class? we just don't know.
-        if bus_type == cls.TYPE_SESSION:
-            subclass = SessionBus
-        elif bus_type == cls.TYPE_SYSTEM:
-            subclass = SystemBus
-        elif bus_type == cls.TYPE_STARTER:
-            subclass = StarterBus
-        else:
-            raise ValueError('invalid bus_type %s' % bus_type)
-        bus = object.__new__(subclass)
-        bus._bus_type = bus_type
-        bus._bus_names = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()
-        bus._match_rule_tree = SignalMatchTree()
-        # FIXME: if you get a starter and a system/session bus connection
-        # in the same process, it's the same underlying connection that
-        # is returned by bus_get, but we initialise it twice
-        bus._connection = dbus_bindings.bus_get(bus_type, private)
-        bus._connection.add_filter(bus._signal_func)
-        if use_default_mainloop:
-            func = getattr(dbus, "_dbus_mainloop_setup_function", None)
-            if func:
-                func(bus)
-        if not private:
-            cls._shared_instances[bus_type] = bus
-        return bus
-    def __init__(self, *args, **keywords):
-        # do nothing here because this can get called multiple times on the
-        # same object if __new__ returns a shared instance
-        pass
-    def close(self):
-        self._connection.close()
-    def get_connection(self):
-        return self._connection
-    def get_session(private=False):
-        """Static method that returns the session bus"""
-        return SessionBus(private=private)
-    get_session = staticmethod(get_session)
-    def get_system(private=False):
-        """Static method that returns the system bus"""
-        return SystemBus(private=private)
-    get_system = staticmethod(get_system)
-    def get_starter(private=False):
-        """Static method that returns the starter bus"""
-        return StarterBus(private=private)
-    get_starter = staticmethod(get_starter)
-    def get_object(self, named_service, object_path):
-        """Get a proxy object to call over the bus"""
-        return self.ProxyObjectClass(self, named_service, object_path)
-    def _create_args_dict(self, keywords):
-        args_dict = None 
-        for (key, value) in keywords.iteritems():
-            if key.startswith('arg'):
-                try:
-                    snum = key[3:]
-                    num = int(snum)
-                    if not args_dict:
-                        args_dict = {}
-                    args_dict[num] = value
-                except ValueError:
-                    raise TypeError("Invalid arg index %s"%snum)
-            elif key in ("sender_keyword", "path_keyword"):
-                pass
-            else:
-                raise TypeError("Unknown keyword %s"%(key)) 
-        return args_dict    
-    def add_signal_receiver(self, handler_function, 
-                                  signal_name=None,
-                                  dbus_interface=None,
-                                  named_service=None,
-                                  path=None,
-                                  **keywords):
-        args_dict = self._create_args_dict(keywords)
-        if (named_service and named_service[0] != ':'):
-            bus_object = self.get_object('org.freedesktop.DBus', '/org/freedesktop/DBus')
-            named_service = bus_object.GetNameOwner(named_service, dbus_interface='org.freedesktop.DBus')
-        match_rule = SignalMatchRule(signal_name, dbus_interface, named_service, path)
-        for kw in ("sender_keyword", "path_keyword"):
-            if kw in keywords:
-                setattr(match_rule, kw, keywords[kw])
-            else:
-                setattr(match_rule, kw, None)
-        if args_dict:
-            match_rule.add_args_match(args_dict)
-        match_rule.add_handler(handler_function)
-        self._match_rule_tree.add(match_rule)
-        dbus_bindings.bus_add_match(self._connection, repr(match_rule))
-    def remove_signal_receiver(self, handler_function, 
-                               signal_name=None,
-                               dbus_interface=None,
-                               named_service=None,
-                               path=None,
-                               **keywords):
-        args_dict = self._create_args_dict(keywords)
-        if (named_service and named_service[0] != ':'):
-            bus_object = self.get_object('org.freedesktop.DBus', '/org/freedesktop/DBus')
-            named_service = bus_object.GetNameOwner(named_service, dbus_interface='org.freedesktop.DBus')
-        match_rule = SignalMatchRule(signal_name, dbus_interface, named_service, path)
-        if (args_dict):
-            match_rule.add_args_match(args_dict)
-        if (handler_function):
-            match_rule.add_handler(handler_function)
-        self._match_rule_tree.remove(match_rule)
-        #TODO we leak match rules in the lower level bindings.  We need to ref count them
-    def get_unix_user(self, named_service):
-        """Get the unix user for the given named_service on this Bus"""
-        return dbus_bindings.bus_get_unix_user(self._connection, named_service)
-    def _signal_func(self, connection, message):
-        if (message.get_type() != dbus_bindings.MESSAGE_TYPE_SIGNAL):
-            return dbus_bindings.HANDLER_RESULT_NOT_YET_HANDLED
-        dbus_interface      = message.get_interface()
-        named_service       = message.get_sender()
-        path                = message.get_path()
-        signal_name         = message.get_member()
-        match_rule = SignalMatchRule(signal_name, dbus_interface, named_service, path)
-        self._match_rule_tree.exec_matches(match_rule, message)
-    def start_service_by_name(self, named_service):
-        return dbus_bindings.bus_start_service_by_name(self._connection, named_service)
-    def __repr__(self):
-        if self._bus_type == self.TYPE_SESSION:
-            name = 'SESSION'
-        elif self._bus_type == self.TYPE_SYSTEM:
-            name = 'SYSTEM'
-        elif self._bus_type == self.TYPE_STARTER:
-            name = 'STARTER'
-        else:
-            assert False, 'Unable to represent unknown bus type.'
-        return '<dbus.Bus on %s at %#x>' % (name, id(self))
-    __str__ = __repr__
-class SystemBus(Bus):
-    """The system-wide message bus
-    """
-    def __new__(cls, use_default_mainloop=True, private=False):
-        return Bus.__new__(cls, Bus.TYPE_SYSTEM, use_default_mainloop, private)
-class SessionBus(Bus):
-    """The session (current login) message bus
-    """
-    def __new__(cls, use_default_mainloop=True, private=False):
-        return Bus.__new__(cls, Bus.TYPE_SESSION, use_default_mainloop, private)
-class StarterBus(Bus):
-    """The bus that activated this process (if
-    this process was launched by DBus activation)
-    """
-    def __new__(cls, use_default_mainloop=True, private=False):
-        return Bus.__new__(cls, Bus.TYPE_STARTER, use_default_mainloop, private)
-class Interface:
-    """An interface into a remote object
-    An Interface can be used to wrap ProxyObjects
-    so that calls can be routed to their correct
-    dbus interface
-    """
-    def __init__(self, object, dbus_interface):
-        self._obj = object
-        self._dbus_interface = dbus_interface
-    def connect_to_signal(self, signal_name, handler_function, dbus_interface = None, **keywords):
-        if not dbus_interface:
-            dbus_interface = self._dbus_interface
-        self._obj.connect_to_signal(signal_name, handler_function, dbus_interface, **keywords)
-    def __getattr__(self, member, **keywords):
-        if (keywords.has_key('dbus_interface')):
-            _dbus_interface = keywords['dbus_interface']
-        else:
-            _dbus_interface = self._dbus_interface
-        if member == '__call__':
-            return object.__call__
-        else:
-            ret = self._obj.__getattr__(member, dbus_interface=_dbus_interface)
-            return ret
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return '<Interface %r implementing %r at %#x>'%(
-        self._obj, self._dbus_interface, id(self))
-    __str__ = __repr__
diff --git a/python/_util.py b/python/_util.py
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index c254178..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-import re
-from exceptions import ValidationException
-def _validate_interface_or_name(value):
-    elements = value.split('.')
-    if len(elements) <= 1:
-        raise ValidationException("%s must contain at least two elements seperated by a period ('.')"%(value))
-    validate = re.compile('[A-Za-z][\w_]*')
-    for element in elements:
-        if not validate.match(element):
-            raise ValidationException("Element %s of %s has invalid characters"%(element ,value))
diff --git a/python/dbus.pth b/python/dbus.pth
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index e2182f1..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/python/dbus_bindings.pxd.in b/python/dbus_bindings.pxd.in
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index f170720..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-#include "dbus_h_wrapper.h"
-cdef class Connection:
-    cdef DBusConnection *conn
-    cdef __cinit__(self, address, DBusConnection *_conn)
-    cdef _set_conn(self, DBusConnection *conn)
-    cdef DBusConnection *_get_conn(self)
diff --git a/python/dbus_bindings.pyx b/python/dbus_bindings.pyx
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index c29dea2..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1849 +0,0 @@
-# -*- Mode: Python -*-
-# jdahlin is the most coolest and awesomest person in the world
-# and wrote all the good parts of this code. all the bad parts
-# where python conditionals have a ( ) around them, thus violating
-# PEP-8 were written by the lame wannabe python programmer seth
-#FIXME: find memory leaks that I am sure exist
-cdef extern from "sys/types.h":
-    ctypedef size_t
-    ctypedef __int64_t
-    ctypedef __uint64_t
-cdef extern from "stdlib.h":
-    cdef void *malloc(size_t size)
-    cdef void free(void *ptr)
-    cdef void *calloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size)
-cdef extern from "Python.h":
-    void Py_XINCREF (object)
-    void Py_XDECREF (object)
-    object PyString_FromStringAndSize(char *, int)
-    ctypedef void *PyGILState_STATE
-    void PyErr_Clear()
-    PyGILState_STATE PyGILState_Ensure()
-    void PyGILState_Release(PyGILState_STATE)
-ctypedef struct DBusError:
-    char *name
-    char *message
-    unsigned int dummy1 
-    unsigned int dummy2
-    unsigned int dummy3
-    unsigned int dummy4
-    unsigned int dummy5
-    void *padding1
-ctypedef struct DBusMessageIter:
-    void *dummy1
-    void *dummy2
-    dbus_uint32_t dummy3
-    int dummy4
-    int dummy5
-    int dummy6
-    int dummy7
-    int dummy8
-    int dummy9
-    int dummy10
-    int dummy11
-    int pad1
-    int pad2
-    void *pad3
-ctypedef struct DBusObjectPathVTable:
-  DBusObjectPathUnregisterFunction   unregister_function
-  DBusObjectPathMessageFunction      message_function
-  void (* dbus_internal_pad1) (void *)
-  void (* dbus_internal_pad2) (void *)
-  void (* dbus_internal_pad3) (void *)
-  void (* dbus_internal_pad4) (void *)
-class DBusException(Exception):
-    pass
-class ConnectionError(Exception):
-    pass
-class ObjectPath(str):
-    def __init__(self, value):
-        str.__init__(self, value)
-class ByteArray(str):
-    def __init__(self, value):
-        str.__init__(self, value)
-class SignatureIter(object):
-    def __init__(self, string):
-        object.__init__(self)
-        self.remaining = string
-    def next(self):
-        if self.remaining == '':
-            raise StopIteration
-        signature = self.remaining
-        block_depth = 0
-        block_type = None
-        end = len(signature)
-        for marker in range(0, end):
-            cur_sig = ord(signature[marker])
-            if cur_sig == TYPE_ARRAY:
-                pass
-            elif cur_sig == DICT_ENTRY_BEGIN or cur_sig == STRUCT_BEGIN:
-                if block_type == None:
-                    block_type = cur_sig
-                if block_type == cur_sig:
-                    block_depth = block_depth + 1
-            elif cur_sig == DICT_ENTRY_END:
-                if block_type == DICT_ENTRY_BEGIN:
-                    block_depth = block_depth - 1
-                if block_depth == 0:
-                    end = marker
-                    break
-            elif cur_sig == STRUCT_END:
-                if block_type == STRUCT_BEGIN:
-                    block_depth = block_depth - 1
-                if block_depth == 0:
-                    end = marker
-                    break
-            else:
-                if block_depth == 0:
-                    end = marker
-                    break
-        end = end + 1
-        self.remaining = signature[end:]
-        return Signature(signature[0:end])
-class Signature(str):
-    """An iterable method signature. Iterating gives the signature of each
-    argument in turn."""
-    def __init__(self, value):
-        return str.__init__(self, value)
-    def __iter__(self):
-        return SignatureIter(self)
-class VariantSignature(object):
-    """A fake method signature which when iterated, is an endless stream
-    of variants (handy with zip()). It has no string representation."""
-    def __iter__(self):
-        return self
-    def next(self):
-        return 'v'
-class Byte(int):
-    def __init__(self, value):
-        int.__init__(self, value)
-class Boolean(int):
-    def __init__(self, value):
-        int.__init__(self, value)
-class Int16(int):
-    def __init__(self, value):
-        int.__init__(self, value)
-class UInt16(int):
-    def __init__(self, value):
-        if value < 0:
-            raise TypeError('Unsigned integers must not have a negitive value') 
-        int.__init__(self, value)
-class Int32(int):
-    def __init__(self, value):
-        int.__init__(self, value)
-class UInt32(long):
-    def __init__(self, value):
-        if value < 0:
-            raise TypeError('Unsigned integers must not have a negitive value') 
-        long.__init__(self, value)
-class Int64(long):
-    def __init__(self, value):
-        long.__init__(self, value)
-class UInt64(long):
-    def __init__(self, value):
-        if value < 0:
-            raise TypeError('Unsigned integers must not have a negitive value') 
-        long.__init__(self, value)
-class Double(float):
-    def __init__(self, value):
-        float.__init__(self, value)
-class String(unicode):
-    def __init__(self, value):
-        unicode.__init__(self, value)
-class Array(list):
-    def __init__(self, value, type=None, signature=None):
-        if signature and type:
-            raise TypeError('Can not mix type and signature arguments in a D-BUS Array')
-        self.type = type
-        self.signature = signature
-        list.__init__(self, value)
-class Variant:
-    def __init__(self, value, type=None, signature=None):
-        self.value = value
-        if signature and type:
-            raise TypeError('Can not mix type and signature arguments in a D-BUS Variant')
-        self.type = type
-        self.signature = signature
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return repr(self.value)
-    def __str__(self):
-        return str(self.value)
-class Struct(tuple):
-    def __init__(self, value):
-        tuple.__init__(self, value)
-class Dictionary(dict):
-    def __init__(self, value, key_type=None, value_type=None, signature=None):
-        if key_type and not value_type:
-             raise TypeError('When specifying a key_type you must also have a value_type in a D-BUS Dictionary')
-        elif value_type and not key_type:
-             raise TypeError('When specifying a value_type you must also have a key_type in a D-BUS Dictionary')
-        elif key_type and signature:
-              raise TypeError('Can not mix type arguments with signature arguments in a D-BUS Dictionary')
-        self.key_type = key_type
-        self.value_type = value_type
-        self.signature = signature
-        dict.__init__(self, value)
-#forward delcerations
-cdef class Message
-cdef class PendingCall
-cdef class Watch
-cdef class MessageIter
-cdef void _GIL_safe_cunregister_function_handler (DBusConnection *connection,
-                                                  void *user_data):
-    cdef Connection conn
-    tup = <object>user_data
-    assert (type(tup) == tuple)    
-    function = tup[1]
-    conn = Connection()
-    conn.__cinit__(None, connection)
-    args = (conn)
-    function(*args)
-    Py_XDECREF(tup) 
-cdef void cunregister_function_handler (DBusConnection *connection,
-                                        void *user_data):
-    cdef PyGILState_STATE gil
-    gil = PyGILState_Ensure()
-    try:
-        _GIL_safe_cunregister_function_handler (connection, user_data);
-    finally:
-        PyGILState_Release(gil)
-cdef DBusHandlerResult _GIL_safe_cmessage_function_handler ( 
-                                                  DBusConnection *connection,
-                                                  DBusMessage *msg,
-                                                  void *user_data):
-    cdef Connection conn
-    cdef Message message
-    tup = <object>user_data
-    assert (type(tup) == tuple)
-    function = tup[0]
-    message = EmptyMessage()
-    #we don't own the message so we need to ref it
-    dbus_message_ref(msg)
-    message._set_msg(msg)
-    conn = Connection()
-    conn.__cinit__(None, connection)
-    args = (conn,
-            message)
-    retval = function(*args)
-    if (retval == None):
-    return retval
-cdef DBusHandlerResult cmessage_function_handler (DBusConnection *connection,
-                                                  DBusMessage *msg,
-                                                  void *user_data):
-    cdef PyGILState_STATE gil
-    gil = PyGILState_Ensure()
-    try:
-        return _GIL_safe_cmessage_function_handler (connection, msg, user_data);
-    finally:
-        PyGILState_Release(gil)
-cdef class Connection:
-    def __init__(self, address=None, Connection _conn=None):
-        cdef DBusConnection *c_conn
-        cdef char *c_address
-        c_conn=NULL
-        self.conn = NULL
-        if (_conn != None):
-            c_conn = _conn.conn
-        if (address != None or _conn != None):
-            self.__cinit__(c_address, c_conn)
-    # hack to be able to pass in a c pointer to the constructor
-    # while still alowing python programs to create a Connection object
-    cdef __cinit__(self, address, DBusConnection *_conn):
-        cdef DBusError error
-        dbus_error_init(&error)
-        if _conn != NULL:
-            self.conn = _conn
-            dbus_connection_ref(self.conn)
-        else:
-            self.conn = dbus_connection_open(address,
-                                         &error)
-            if dbus_error_is_set(&error):
-                errormsg = error.message
-                dbus_error_free (&error)
-                raise DBusException, errormsg
-    def __dealloc__(self):
-        if self.conn != NULL:
-            dbus_connection_unref(self.conn)
-    cdef _set_conn(self, DBusConnection *conn):
-        self.conn = conn
-    cdef DBusConnection *_get_conn(self):
-        return self.conn
-    def get_unique_name(self):
-        return bus_get_unique_name(self)
-    def close(self):
-        dbus_connection_close(self.conn)
-    def get_is_connected(self):
-        return dbus_connection_get_is_connected(self.conn)
-    def get_is_authenticated(self):
-        return dbus_connection_get_is_authenticated(self.conn)
-    def flush(self):
-        dbus_connection_flush(self.conn)
-    def borrow_message(self):
-        cdef Message m
-        m = EmptyMessage()
-        m._set_msg(dbus_connection_borrow_message(self.conn))
-        return m
-    def return_message(self, Message message):
-        cdef DBusMessage *msg
-        msg = message._get_msg()
-        dbus_connection_return_message(self.conn, msg)
-    def steal_borrowed_message(self, Message message):
-        cdef DBusMessage *msg
-        msg = message._get_msg()
-        dbus_connection_steal_borrowed_message(self.conn,
-                                               msg)
-    def pop_message(self):
-        cdef DBusMessage *msg
-        cdef Message m
-        msg = dbus_connection_pop_message(self.conn)
-        if msg != NULL:
-            m = EmptyMessage()
-            m._set_msg(msg)
-        else:
-            m = None
-        return m        
-    def get_dispatch_status(self):
-        return dbus_connection_get_dispatch_status(self.conn)
-    def dispatch(self):
-        return dbus_connection_dispatch(self.conn)
-    def send(self, Message message):
-        #cdef dbus_uint32_t client_serial
-        #if type(message) != Message:
-        #    raise TypeError
-        cdef DBusMessage *msg
-        msg = message._get_msg()
-        retval = dbus_connection_send(self.conn,
-                                      msg,
-                                      NULL)
-        return retval
-    def send_with_reply_handlers(self, Message message, timeout_milliseconds, reply_handler, error_handler):
-        retval = False
-        try:
-            (retval, pending_call) = self.send_with_reply(message, timeout_milliseconds)
-            if pending_call:
-                pending_call.set_notify(reply_handler, error_handler)
-        except Exception, e:
-            error_handler(e)
-        return (retval, pending_call)
-    def send_with_reply(self, Message message, timeout_milliseconds):
-        cdef dbus_bool_t retval
-        cdef DBusPendingCall *cpending_call
-        cdef DBusMessage *msg
-        cdef PendingCall pending_call
-        cpending_call = NULL
-        msg = message._get_msg()
-        retval = dbus_connection_send_with_reply(self.conn,
-                                                 msg,
-                                                 &cpending_call,
-                                                 timeout_milliseconds)
-        if (cpending_call != NULL):
-            pending_call = PendingCall()
-            pending_call.__cinit__(cpending_call)
-        else:
-            pending_call = None
-        return (retval, pending_call)
-    def send_with_reply_and_block(self, Message message,
-                                  timeout_milliseconds=-1):
-        cdef DBusMessage * retval
-        cdef DBusError error
-        cdef DBusMessage *msg
-        cdef Message m
-        dbus_error_init(&error)
-        msg = message._get_msg()
-        retval = dbus_connection_send_with_reply_and_block(
-            self.conn,
-            msg,
-            timeout_milliseconds,
-            &error)
-        if dbus_error_is_set(&error):
-            errormsg = error.message
-            dbus_error_free (&error)
-            raise DBusException, errormsg
-        assert(retval != NULL)
-        m = EmptyMessage()
-        m._set_msg(retval)
-        return m
-    def set_watch_functions(self, add_function, remove_function, data):
-        pass
-    def set_timeout_functions(self, add_function, remove_function, data):
-        pass
-    def set_wakeup_main_function(self, wakeup_main_function, data):
-        pass
-    # FIXME: set_dispatch_status_function, get_unix_user, set_unix_user_function
-    def add_filter(self, filter_function):
-        user_data = (filter_function,)
-        Py_XINCREF(user_data)
-        return dbus_connection_add_filter(self.conn,
-                                          cmessage_function_handler,
-                                          <void*>user_data,
-                                          NULL)
-    #FIXME: remove_filter
-    #       this is pretty tricky, we want to only remove the filter
-    #       if we truly have no more calls to our message_function_handler...ugh
-    def set_data(self, slot, data):
-        pass
-    def get_data(self, slot):
-        pass
-    def set_max_message_size(self, size):
-        dbus_connection_set_max_message_size(self.conn, size)
-    def get_max_message_size(self):
-        return dbus_connection_get_max_message_size(self.conn)
-    def set_max_received_size(self, size):
-        dbus_connection_set_max_received_size(self.conn, size)
-    def get_max_received_size(self):
-        return dbus_connection_get_max_received_size(self.conn)
-    def get_outgoing_size(self):
-        return dbus_connection_get_outgoing_size(self.conn)    
-    # preallocate_send, free_preallocated_send, send_preallocated
-    def register_object_path(self, path, unregister_cb, message_cb):
-        cdef DBusObjectPathVTable cvtable
-        cvtable.unregister_function = cunregister_function_handler 
-        cvtable.message_function    = cmessage_function_handler
-        user_data = (message_cb, unregister_cb)
-        Py_XINCREF(user_data)
-        return dbus_connection_register_object_path(self.conn, path, &cvtable,
-                                                    <void*>user_data) 
-    def register_fallback(self, path, unregister_cb, message_cb):
-        cdef DBusObjectPathVTable cvtable
-        cvtable.unregister_function = cunregister_function_handler 
-        cvtable.message_function    = cmessage_function_handler
-        user_data = (message_cb, unregister_cb)
-        Py_XINCREF(user_data)
-        return dbus_connection_register_fallback(self.conn, path, &cvtable,
-                                                 <void*>user_data) 
-    #FIXME: unregister_object_path , see problems with remove_filter
-    def list_registered (self, parent_path):
-        cdef char **cchild_entries
-        cdef dbus_bool_t retval
-        retval = dbus_connection_list_registered(self.conn, parent_path, &cchild_entries)
-        if (not retval):
-            #FIXME: raise out of memory exception?
-            return None
-        i = 0
-        child_entries = []
-        while (cchild_entries[i] != NULL):
-            child_entries.append(cchild_entries[i])
-            i = i + 1
-        dbus_free_string_array(cchild_entries)
-        return child_entries
-cdef void _GIL_safe_pending_call_notification (DBusPendingCall *pending_call, 
-                                               void *user_data):
-    cdef DBusMessage *dbus_message
-    cdef Message message
-    (reply_handler, error_handler) = <object>user_data
-    dbus_message = dbus_pending_call_steal_reply(pending_call)
-    message = EmptyMessage()
-    message._set_msg(dbus_message)
-    type = message.get_type()
-        args = message.get_args_list()
-        reply_handler(*args)
-    elif type == MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR:
-        args = message.get_args_list()
-        if len(args) > 0:
-            error_handler(DBusException(args[0]))
-        else:
-            error_handler(DBusException(""))
-    else:
-        error_handler(DBusException('Unexpected Message Type: ' + message.type_to_name(type)))
-    dbus_pending_call_unref(pending_call)
-    Py_XDECREF(<object>user_data)
-cdef void _pending_call_notification(DBusPendingCall *pending_call, 
-                                     void *user_data):
-    cdef PyGILState_STATE gil
-    gil = PyGILState_Ensure()
-    try:
-        _GIL_safe_pending_call_notification (pending_call, user_data);
-    finally:
-        PyGILState_Release(gil)
-cdef void _pending_call_free_user_data(void *data):
-    call_tuple = <object>data
-    Py_XDECREF(call_tuple)
-cdef class PendingCall:
-    cdef DBusPendingCall *pending_call
-    def __init__(self, PendingCall _pending_call=None):
-        self.pending_call = NULL
-        if (_pending_call != None):
-            self.__cinit__(_pending_call.pending_call)
-    cdef void __cinit__(self, DBusPendingCall *_pending_call):
-        self.pending_call = _pending_call
-        dbus_pending_call_ref(self.pending_call)
-    def __dealloc__(self):
-        if self.pending_call != NULL:
-            dbus_pending_call_unref(self.pending_call)
-    cdef DBusPendingCall *_get_pending_call(self):
-        return self.pending_call
-    def cancel(self):
-        dbus_pending_call_cancel(self.pending_call)
-    def get_completed(self):
-        return dbus_pending_call_get_completed(self.pending_call)
-    def get_reply(self):
-        cdef Message message
-        message = EmptyMessage()
-        message._set_msg(dbus_pending_call_steal_reply(self.pending_call))
-        return message
-    def block(self):
-        dbus_pending_call_block(self.pending_call)
-    def set_notify(self, reply_handler, error_handler):
-        user_data = (reply_handler, error_handler)
-        Py_XINCREF(user_data)
-        dbus_pending_call_ref(self.pending_call)
-        dbus_pending_call_set_notify(self.pending_call, _pending_call_notification, 
-                                     <void *>user_data, _pending_call_free_user_data)
-cdef class Watch:
-    cdef DBusWatch* watch
-    def __init__(self):
-        pass
-    cdef __cinit__(self, DBusWatch *cwatch):
-        self.watch = cwatch
-    def get_fd(self):
-        return dbus_watch_get_fd(self.watch)
-    # FIXME: not picked up correctly by extract.py
-    #def get_flags(self):
-    #    return dbus_watch_get_flags(self.watch)
-    def handle(self, flags):
-        return dbus_watch_handle(self.watch, flags)
-    def get_enabled(self):
-        return dbus_watch_get_enabled(self.watch)
-cdef class MessageIter:
-    cdef DBusMessageIter *iter
-    cdef DBusMessageIter real_iter
-    cdef dbus_uint32_t level
-    def __init__(self, level=0):
-        self.iter = &self.real_iter
-        self.level = level
-        if(self.level > 32):
-            raise TypeError, 'Type recurion is too deep' 
-    cdef __cinit__(self, DBusMessageIter *iter):
-        self.real_iter = iter[0]
-    cdef DBusMessageIter *_get_iter(self):
-        return self.iter
-    def has_next(self):
-        return dbus_message_iter_has_next(self.iter)
-    def next(self):
-        return dbus_message_iter_next(self.iter)
-    def get(self, arg_type=None):
-        if(arg_type == None):
-            arg_type = self.get_arg_type()
-        if arg_type == TYPE_INVALID:
-            raise TypeError, 'Invalid arg type in MessageIter'
-        elif arg_type == TYPE_STRING:
-            retval = self.get_string()
-        elif arg_type == TYPE_INT16:
-            retval = self.get_int16()
-        elif arg_type == TYPE_UINT16:
-            retval = self.get_uint16()
-        elif arg_type == TYPE_INT32:
-            retval = self.get_int32()
-        elif arg_type == TYPE_UINT32:
-            retval = self.get_uint32()
-        elif arg_type == TYPE_INT64:
-            retval = self.get_int64()
-        elif arg_type == TYPE_UINT64:
-            retval = self.get_uint64()
-        elif arg_type == TYPE_DOUBLE:
-            retval = self.get_double()
-        elif arg_type == TYPE_BYTE:
-            retval = self.get_byte()
-        elif arg_type == TYPE_BOOLEAN:
-            retval = self.get_boolean()
-        elif arg_type == TYPE_SIGNATURE:
-            retval = self.get_signature()
-        elif arg_type == TYPE_ARRAY:
-            array_type = self.get_element_type()
-            if array_type == TYPE_DICT_ENTRY:
-                retval = self.get_dict()
-            else:
-                retval = self.get_array(array_type)
-        elif arg_type == TYPE_OBJECT_PATH:
-            retval = self.get_object_path()
-        elif arg_type == TYPE_STRUCT:
-            retval = self.get_struct()
-        elif arg_type == TYPE_VARIANT:
-            retval = self.get_variant()
-        elif arg_type == TYPE_DICT_ENTRY:
-            raise TypeError, 'Dictionary Entries can only appear as part of an array container'
-        else:
-            raise TypeError, 'Unknown arg type %d in MessageIter' % (arg_type)
-        return retval
-    def get_arg_type(self):
-        return dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(self.iter)
-    def get_element_type(self):
-        return dbus_message_iter_get_element_type(self.iter)
-    def get_byte(self):
-        cdef unsigned char c_val
-        dbus_message_iter_get_basic(self.iter, <unsigned char *>&c_val)
-        return c_val
-    def get_boolean(self):
-        cdef dbus_bool_t c_val
-        dbus_message_iter_get_basic(self.iter, <dbus_bool_t *>&c_val)
-        if c_val:
-            return True
-        else:
-            return False 
-    def get_signature(self):
-        signature_string = self.get_string()
-        return Signature(signature_string)
-    def get_int16(self):
-        cdef dbus_int16_t c_val
-        dbus_message_iter_get_basic(self.iter, <dbus_int16_t *>&c_val)
-        return c_val
-    def get_uint16(self):
-        cdef dbus_uint16_t c_val
-        dbus_message_iter_get_basic(self.iter, <dbus_uint16_t *>&c_val)
-        return c_val
-    def get_int32(self):
-        cdef dbus_int32_t c_val
-        dbus_message_iter_get_basic(self.iter, <dbus_int32_t *>&c_val)
-        return c_val
-    def get_uint32(self):
-        cdef dbus_uint32_t c_val
-        dbus_message_iter_get_basic(self.iter, <dbus_uint32_t *>&c_val)
-        return c_val
-    def get_int64(self):
-        cdef dbus_int64_t c_val
-        dbus_message_iter_get_basic(self.iter, <dbus_int64_t *>&c_val)
-        return c_val
-    def get_uint64(self):
-        cdef dbus_uint64_t c_val
-        dbus_message_iter_get_basic(self.iter, <dbus_uint64_t *>&c_val)
-        return c_val
-    def get_double(self):
-        cdef double c_val
-        dbus_message_iter_get_basic(self.iter, <double *>&c_val)
-        return c_val
-    def get_string(self):
-        cdef char *c_str
-        dbus_message_iter_get_basic(self.iter, <char **>&c_str)
-        ret = c_str.decode('utf8')
-        return ret
-    def get_object_path(self):
-        object_path_string = self.get_string()
-        return ObjectPath(object_path_string)
-    def get_dict(self):
-        cdef DBusMessageIter c_dict_iter
-        cdef MessageIter dict_iter
-        level = self.level + 1
-        dbus_message_iter_recurse(self.iter, <DBusMessageIter *>&c_dict_iter)
-        dict_iter = MessageIter(level)
-        dict_iter.__cinit__(&c_dict_iter)
-        python_dict = {}
-        cur_arg_type = dict_iter.get_arg_type()
-        while cur_arg_type == TYPE_DICT_ENTRY:
-            if cur_arg_type != TYPE_DICT_ENTRY:
-                raise TypeError, "Dictionary elements must be of type TYPE_DICT_ENTRY '%s != %s'" % (TYPE_DICT_ENTRY, cur_arg_type)
-            dict_entry = dict_iter.get_struct()
-            if len(dict_entry) != 2:
-                raise TypeError, "Dictionary entries must be structs of two elements.  This entry had %i elements.'" % (len(dict_entry))
-            python_dict[dict_entry[0]] = dict_entry[1]
-            dict_iter.next()
-            cur_arg_type = dict_iter.get_arg_type()
-        return python_dict
-    def get_array(self, type):
-        cdef DBusMessageIter c_array_iter
-        cdef MessageIter array_iter
-        level = self.level + 1
-        dbus_message_iter_recurse(self.iter, <DBusMessageIter *>&c_array_iter)
-        array_iter = MessageIter(level)
-        array_iter.__cinit__(&c_array_iter)
-        python_list = []
-        cur_arg_type = array_iter.get_arg_type()
-        while cur_arg_type != TYPE_INVALID:
-            if cur_arg_type != type:
-                raise TypeError, "Array elements must be of the same type '%s != %s'" % (type, cur_arg_type)
-            value = array_iter.get(type)
-            python_list.append(value)
-            array_iter.next()
-            cur_arg_type = array_iter.get_arg_type()
-        return python_list
-    def get_variant(self):
-        cdef DBusMessageIter c_var_iter
-        cdef MessageIter var_iter
-        level = self.level + 1
-        dbus_message_iter_recurse(self.iter, <DBusMessageIter *>&c_var_iter)
-        var_iter = MessageIter(level)
-        var_iter.__cinit__(&c_var_iter)
-        return var_iter.get() 
-    def get_struct(self):
-        cdef DBusMessageIter c_struct_iter
-        cdef MessageIter struct_iter
-        level = self.level + 1
-        dbus_message_iter_recurse(self.iter, <DBusMessageIter *>&c_struct_iter)
-        struct_iter = MessageIter(level)
-        struct_iter.__cinit__(&c_struct_iter)
-        python_list = []
-        while struct_iter.get_arg_type() != TYPE_INVALID:
-            value = struct_iter.get()
-            python_list.append(value)
-            struct_iter.next()
-        return tuple(python_list)
-    def python_value_to_dbus_sig(self, value, level = 0):
-        if(level > 32):
-            raise TypeError, 'Type recurion is too deep' 
-        level = level + 1
-        ptype = type(value)
-        ret = ""
-        if ptype == bool:
-            ret = TYPE_BOOLEAN
-            ret = str(chr(ret))
-        elif ptype == int:
-            ret = TYPE_INT32
-            ret = str(chr(ret))
-        elif ptype == long:
-            ret = TYPE_INT64
-            ret = str(chr(ret))
-        elif (ptype == str or ptype == unicode):
-            ret = TYPE_STRING
-            ret = str(chr(ret))
-        elif ptype == float:
-            ret = TYPE_DOUBLE
-            ret = str(chr(ret))
-        elif ptype == dict:
-            dict_list = value.items()
-            key, value = dict_list[0]
-            ret = str(chr(TYPE_ARRAY)) + str(chr(DICT_ENTRY_BEGIN))
-            ret = ret + self.python_value_to_dbus_sig(key, level)
-            ret = ret + self.python_value_to_dbus_sig(value, level)
-            ret = ret + str(chr(DICT_ENTRY_END))
-        elif ptype == tuple:
-            ret = str(chr(STRUCT_BEGIN))
-            for item in value:
-                ret = ret + self.python_value_to_dbus_sig(item, level)
-            ret = ret + str(chr(STRUCT_END))
-        elif ptype == list:
-            ret = str(chr(TYPE_ARRAY))
-            ret = ret + self.python_value_to_dbus_sig(value[0], level)
-        elif isinstance(value, ObjectPath) or value == ObjectPath:
-            ret = TYPE_OBJECT_PATH
-            ret = str(chr(ret))
-        elif isinstance(value, ByteArray) or value == ByteArray:
-            ret = str(chr(TYPE_ARRAY)) + str(chr(TYPE_BYTE))
-        elif isinstance(value, Signature) or value == Signature:
-            ret = TYPE_SIGNATURE
-            ret = str(chr(ret))
-        elif isinstance(value, Byte) or value == Byte:
-            ret = TYPE_BYTE
-            ret = str(chr(ret))
-        elif isinstance(value, Boolean) or value == Boolean:
-            ret = TYPE_BOOLEAN
-            ret = str(chr(ret))
-        elif isinstance(value, Int16) or value == Int16:
-            ret = TYPE_INT16
-            ret = str(chr(ret))
-        elif isinstance(value, UInt16) or value == UInt16:
-            ret = TYPE_UINT16
-            ret = str(chr(ret))
-        elif isinstance(value, Int32) or value == Int32:
-            ret = TYPE_INT32
-            ret = str(chr(ret))
-        elif isinstance(value, UInt32) or value == UInt32:
-            ret = TYPE_UINT32
-            ret = str(chr(ret))
-        elif isinstance(value, Int64) or value == Int64:
-            ret = TYPE_INT64
-            ret = str(chr(ret))
-        elif isinstance(value, UInt64) or value == UInt64:
-            ret = TYPE_UINT64
-            ret = str(chr(ret))
-        elif isinstance(value, Double) or value == Double:
-            ret = TYPE_DOUBLE
-            ret = str(chr(ret))
-        elif isinstance(value, String) or value == String:
-            ret = TYPE_STRING
-            ret = str(chr(ret))
-        elif isinstance(value, Array):
-            ret = str(chr(TYPE_ARRAY))
-            if value.type == None:
-                if value.signature:
-                    ret = ret + value.signature
-                else:
-                    ret = ret + self.python_value_to_dbus_sig(value[0], level)
-            else:
-                ret = ret + self.python_value_to_dbus_sig(value.type, level)
-        elif isinstance(value, Struct) or value == Struct:
-            ret = str(chr(STRUCT_BEGIN))
-            for item in value:
-                ret = ret + self.python_value_to_dbus_sig(item, level)
-            ret = ret + str(chr(STRUCT_END))
-        elif isinstance(value, Dictionary):
-            ret = str(chr(TYPE_ARRAY)) + str(chr(DICT_ENTRY_BEGIN))
-            if value.key_type and value.value_type:
-                ret = ret + self.python_value_to_dbus_sig(value.key_type, level)
-                ret = ret + self.python_value_to_dbus_sig(value.value_type, level)
-            elif value.signature:
-                ret = ret + value.signature
-            else:
-                dict_list = value.items()
-                key, val = dict_list[0]
-                ret = ret + self.python_value_to_dbus_sig(key, level)
-                ret = ret + self.python_value_to_dbus_sig(val, level)
-            ret = ret + str(chr(DICT_ENTRY_END))
-        elif isinstance(value, Variant) or value == Variant:
-            ret = ret + str(chr(TYPE_VARIANT))
-        else:
-            raise TypeError, "Argument of unknown type '%s'" % (ptype)
-        return ret
-    def append_strict(self, value, sig):
-        if sig == TYPE_INVALID or sig == None:
-            raise TypeError, 'Invalid arg type sent to append_strict'
-        sig_type = ord(sig[0])
-        if sig_type == TYPE_STRING:
-            retval = self.append_string(value)
-        elif sig_type == TYPE_INT16:
-            retval = self.append_int16(value)
-        elif sig_type == TYPE_UINT16:
-            retval = self.append_uint16(value)
-        elif sig_type == TYPE_INT32:
-            retval = self.append_int32(value)
-        elif sig_type == TYPE_UINT32:
-            retval = self.append_uint32(value)
-        elif sig_type == TYPE_INT64:
-            retval = self.append_int64(value)
-        elif sig_type == TYPE_UINT64:
-            retval = self.append_uint64(value)
-        elif sig_type == TYPE_DOUBLE:
-            retval = self.append_double(value)
-        elif sig_type == TYPE_BYTE:
-            retval = self.append_byte(value)
-        elif sig_type == TYPE_BOOLEAN:
-            retval = self.append_boolean(value)
-        elif sig_type == TYPE_SIGNATURE:
-            retval = self.append_signature(value)
-        elif sig_type == TYPE_ARRAY:
-            if len(sig) < 2:
-                raise TypeError, "Invalid array signature in append_strict.  Arrays must be followed by a type."
-            array_type = ord(sig[1])            
-            if array_type == DICT_ENTRY_BEGIN:
-                if ord(sig[-1]) != DICT_ENTRY_END:
-                    raise TypeError, "Invalid dict entry in append_strict.  No termination in signature %s."%(sig)
-                tmp_sig = sig[2:-1]
-                retval = self.append_dict(Dictionary(value, signature=tmp_sig))
-            else:
-                tmp_sig = sig[1:]
-                retval = self.append_array(Array(value, signature=tmp_sig))
-        elif sig_type == TYPE_OBJECT_PATH:
-            retval = self.append_object_path(value)
-        elif sig_type == STRUCT_BEGIN:
-            if ord(sig[-1]) != STRUCT_END:
-                raise TypeError, "Invalid struct entry in append_strict. No termination in signature %s." % (sig)
-            tmp_sig = sig[1:-1]
-            retval = self.append_struct(value, signature = tmp_sig)
-        elif sig_type == TYPE_VARIANT:
-            if isinstance(value, Variant):
-                retval = self.append_variant(value)
-            else:
-                retval = self.append_variant(Variant(value))
-        elif sig_type == DICT_ENTRY_BEGIN:
-            raise TypeError, "Signiture is invalid in append_strict. A dict entry must be part of an array." 
-        else:
-            raise TypeError, "Argument of unknown type '%s' in append_strict" % (sig)
-        return retval
-    def append(self, value):
-        value_type = type(value)
-        if value_type == bool:
-            retval = self.append_boolean(value)
-        elif value_type == int:
-            retval = self.append_int32(value)
-        elif value_type == long:
-            retval = self.append_int64(value)
-        elif (value_type == str or value_type == unicode):
-            retval = self.append_string(value)
-        elif value_type == float:
-            retval = self.append_double(value)
-        elif value_type == dict:
-            retval = self.append_dict(value)
-        elif value_type == tuple:
-            retval = self.append_struct(value)
-        elif value_type == list:
-             retval = self.append_array(value)
-        #elif value_type == None.__class__:
-        #    retval = self.append_nil()
-        elif isinstance(value, ObjectPath):
-            retval = self.append_object_path(value)
-        elif isinstance(value, ByteArray):
-            retval = self.append_array(value)
-        elif isinstance(value, Signature):
-            retval = self.append_signature(value)
-        elif isinstance(value, Byte):
-            retval = self.append_byte(value)
-        elif isinstance(value, Boolean):
-            retval = self.append_boolean(value)
-        elif isinstance(value, Int16):
-            retval = self.append_int16(value)
-        elif isinstance(value, UInt16):
-            retval = self.append_uint16(value)
-        elif isinstance(value, Int32):
-            retval = self.append_int32(value)
-        elif isinstance(value, UInt32):
-            retval = self.append_uint32(value)
-        elif isinstance(value, Int64):
-            retval = self.append_int64(value)
-        elif isinstance(value, UInt64):
-            retval = self.append_uint64(value)
-        elif isinstance(value, Double):
-            retval = self.append_double(value)
-        elif isinstance(value, String):
-            retval = self.append_string(value)
-        elif isinstance(value, Array):
-            retval = self.append_array(value)
-        elif isinstance(value, Struct):
-            retval = self.append_struct(value)
-        elif isinstance(value, Dictionary):
-            retval = self.append_dict(value)
-        elif isinstance(value, Variant):
-            retval = self.append_variant(value)
-        else:
-            raise TypeError, "Argument of unknown type '%s'" % (value_type)
-        return retval
-    def append_boolean(self, value):
-        cdef dbus_bool_t c_value
-        c_value = value
-        return dbus_message_iter_append_basic(self.iter, TYPE_BOOLEAN, <dbus_bool_t *>&c_value)
-    def append_byte(self, value):
-        cdef char b
-        if type(value) == str and len(value) == 1:
-                b = ord(value)
-        elif type(value) == Byte:
-                b = value
-        else:
-            raise TypeError
-        return dbus_message_iter_append_basic(self.iter, TYPE_BYTE, <char *>&b)
-    def append_int16(self, value):
-        cdef dbus_int16_t c_value
-        c_value = value
-        return dbus_message_iter_append_basic(self.iter, TYPE_INT16, <dbus_int16_t *>&c_value)
-    def append_uint16(self, value):
-        cdef dbus_uint16_t c_value
-        c_value = value
-        return dbus_message_iter_append_basic(self.iter, TYPE_UINT16, <dbus_uint16_t *>&c_value)
-    def append_int32(self, value):
-        cdef dbus_int32_t c_value
-        c_value = value
-        return dbus_message_iter_append_basic(self.iter, TYPE_INT32, <dbus_int32_t *>&c_value)
-    def append_uint32(self, value):
-        cdef dbus_uint32_t c_value
-        c_value = value
-        return dbus_message_iter_append_basic(self.iter, TYPE_UINT32, <dbus_uint32_t *>&c_value)
-    def append_int64(self, value):
-        cdef dbus_int64_t c_value
-        c_value = value
-        return dbus_message_iter_append_basic(self.iter, TYPE_INT64, <dbus_int64_t *>&c_value)
-    def append_uint64(self, value):
-        cdef dbus_uint64_t c_value
-        c_value = value
-        return dbus_message_iter_append_basic(self.iter, TYPE_UINT64, <dbus_uint64_t *>&c_value)
-    def append_double(self, value):
-        cdef double c_value
-        c_value = value
-        return dbus_message_iter_append_basic(self.iter, TYPE_DOUBLE, <double *>&c_value)
-    def append_string(self, value):
-        cdef char *c_value
-        tmp = value.encode('utf8')
-        c_value = tmp
-        return dbus_message_iter_append_basic(self.iter, TYPE_STRING, <char **>&c_value)
-    def append_object_path(self, value):
-        cdef char *c_value
-        c_value = value
-        return dbus_message_iter_append_basic(self.iter, TYPE_OBJECT_PATH, <char **>&c_value)
-    def append_signature(self, value):
-        cdef char *c_value
-        c_value = value
-        return dbus_message_iter_append_basic(self.iter, TYPE_SIGNATURE, <char **>&c_value)
-    def append_dict(self, python_dict):
-        cdef DBusMessageIter c_dict_iter, c_dict_entry_iter
-        cdef MessageIter dict_iter, dict_entry_iter
-        level = self.level + 1
-        key = None
-        value = None
-        sig = str(chr(DICT_ENTRY_BEGIN))
-        if isinstance(python_dict, Dictionary):
-            key = python_dict.key_type
-            value = python_dict.value_type
-            signature = python_dict.signature
-        dict_list = python_dict.items()
-        if signature:
-            sig = sig + signature
-        else: 
-            if not (key and value):
-                key, value = dict_list[0]
-            sig = sig + self.python_value_to_dbus_sig(key)
-            sig = sig + self.python_value_to_dbus_sig(value)
-        sig = sig + str(chr(DICT_ENTRY_END))
-        dbus_message_iter_open_container(self.iter, TYPE_ARRAY, sig, <DBusMessageIter *>&c_dict_iter)
-        dict_iter = MessageIter(level)
-        dict_iter.__cinit__(&c_dict_iter)
-        for key, value in dict_list:
-            dbus_message_iter_open_container(dict_iter.iter, TYPE_DICT_ENTRY, sig, <DBusMessageIter *>&c_dict_entry_iter)
-            dict_entry_iter = MessageIter(level)
-            dict_entry_iter.__cinit__(&c_dict_entry_iter)
-            if signature:
-                signature_iter = iter(Signature(signature))
-                tmp_sig = signature_iter.next()
-                if not dict_entry_iter.append_strict(key, tmp_sig):
-                    dbus_message_iter_close_container(dict_iter.iter, dict_entry_iter.iter)
-                    dbus_message_iter_close_container(self.iter, dict_iter.iter)
-                    return False
-                tmp_sig = signature_iter.next()
-                if not dict_entry_iter.append_strict(value, tmp_sig):
-                    dbus_message_iter_close_container(dict_iter.iter, dict_entry_iter.iter)
-                    dbus_message_iter_close_container(self.iter, dict_iter.iter)
-                    return False
-            else:
-                if not dict_entry_iter.append(key):
-                    dbus_message_iter_close_container(dict_iter.iter, dict_entry_iter.iter)
-                    dbus_message_iter_close_container(self.iter, dict_iter.iter)
-                    return False
-                if not dict_entry_iter.append(value):
-                    dbus_message_iter_close_container(dict_iter.iter, dict_entry_iter.iter)
-                    dbus_message_iter_close_container(self.iter, dict_iter.iter)
-                    return False
-            dbus_message_iter_close_container(dict_iter.iter, dict_entry_iter.iter)
-        dbus_message_iter_close_container(self.iter, dict_iter.iter)
-        return True
-    def append_struct(self, python_struct, signature = None):
-        cdef DBusMessageIter c_struct_iter
-        cdef MessageIter struct_iter
-        level = self.level + 1
-        dbus_message_iter_open_container(self.iter, TYPE_STRUCT, NULL, <DBusMessageIter *>&c_struct_iter)
-        struct_iter = MessageIter(level)
-        struct_iter.__cinit__(&c_struct_iter)
-        signature_iter = iter(Signature(signature))
-        for item in python_struct:
-            if signature:
-                sig = signature_iter.next()
-                if sig == '':
-                    dbus_message_iter_close_container(self.iter, struct_iter.iter)
-                    return False
-                if not struct_iter.append_strict(item, sig):
-                    dbus_message_iter_close_container(self.iter, struct_iter.iter)
-                    return False
-            else:
-                if not struct_iter.append(item):
-                    dbus_message_iter_close_container(self.iter, struct_iter.iter)
-                    return False
-        dbus_message_iter_close_container(self.iter, struct_iter.iter)
-        return True
-    def append_array(self, python_list):
-        cdef DBusMessageIter c_array_iter
-        cdef MessageIter array_iter
-        level = self.level + 1
-        sig = None
-        if isinstance(python_list, Array):
-            if python_list.type:
-                sig = self.python_value_to_dbus_sig(python_list.type)
-            elif python_list.signature:
-                sig = python_list.signature
-            else:
-                sig = self.python_value_to_dbus_sig(python_list[0])
-        else:
-            sig = self.python_value_to_dbus_sig(python_list[0])
-        dbus_message_iter_open_container(self.iter, TYPE_ARRAY, sig, <DBusMessageIter *>&c_array_iter)
-        array_iter = MessageIter(level)
-        array_iter.__cinit__(&c_array_iter)
-        length = len(python_list)
-        for item in python_list:
-            if not array_iter.append_strict(item, sig):
-                dbus_message_iter_close_container(self.iter, array_iter.iter)
-                return False
-        dbus_message_iter_close_container(self.iter, array_iter.iter)
-        return True
-    def append_variant(self, value):
-        cdef DBusMessageIter c_variant_iter
-        cdef MessageIter variant_iter
-        level = self.level + 1
-        if value.signature:
-            sig = value.signature
-        elif value.type:
-            sig = self.python_value_to_dbus_sig(value.type)
-        else:
-            sig = self.python_value_to_dbus_sig(value.value)
-        dbus_message_iter_open_container(self.iter, TYPE_VARIANT, sig, <DBusMessageIter *>&c_variant_iter)
-        variant_iter = MessageIter(level)
-        variant_iter.__cinit__(&c_variant_iter)
-        if not variant_iter.append(value.value):
-            dbus_message_iter_close_container(self.iter, variant_iter.iter)
-            return False
-        dbus_message_iter_close_container(self.iter, variant_iter.iter)
-        return True
-    def __str__(self):
-        cdef DBusMessageIter c_array_iter
-        cdef MessageIter array_iter
-        value_at_iter = True
-        retval = ""
-        while (value_at_iter):
-            type = self.get_arg_type()
-            if type == TYPE_INVALID:
-                break
-            elif type == TYPE_STRING:
-                str = iter.get_string()
-                arg = 'string:%s\n' % (str)
-            elif type == TYPE_OBJECT_PATH:
-                path = iter.get_object_path()
-                arg = 'object_path:%s\n' % (path)
-            elif type == TYPE_INT16:
-                num = iter.get_int16()
-                arg = 'int16:%d\n' % (num)
-            elif type == TYPE_UINT16:
-                num = iter.get_uint16()
-                arg = 'uint16:%u\n' % (num)
-            elif type == TYPE_INT32:
-                num = iter.get_int32()
-                arg = 'int32:%d\n' % (num)
-            elif type == TYPE_UINT32:
-                num = iter.get_uint32()
-                arg = 'uint32:%u\n' % (num)
-            elif type == TYPE_INT64:
-                num = iter.get_int64()
-                arg = 'int64:%d\n' % (num)
-            elif type == TYPE_UINT64:
-                num = iter.get_uint64()
-                arg = 'uint64:%u\n' % (num)
-            elif type == TYPE_DOUBLE:
-                num = iter.get_double()
-                arg = 'double:%f\n' % (num)
-            elif type == TYPE_BYTE:
-                num = iter.get_byte()
-                arg = 'byte:%x(%s)\n' % (num, str(chr(num)))
-            elif type == TYPE_BOOLEAN:
-                bool = iter.get_boolean()
-                if (bool):
-                    str = "true"
-                else:
-                    str = "false"
-                arg = 'boolean:%s\n' % (str)
-            elif type == TYPE_ARRAY:
-                dbus_message_iter_recurse(self.iter, <DBusMessageIter *>&c_array_iter)
-                array_iter = MessageIter(self.level + 1)
-                array_iter.__cinit__(&c_array_iter)
-                if array_iter.has_next():
-                    arg = 'array [' + str(array_iter) + ']'
-                else:
-                    arg = 'array []'
-            else:
-                arg = '(unknown arg type %d)\n' % type
-            retval = retval + arg
-            value_at_iter = self.next()
-        return retval
-(TYPE_INVALID, TYPE_BYTE, TYPE_BOOLEAN, TYPE_INT16, TYPE_UINT16, TYPE_INT32, TYPE_UINT32, TYPE_INT64, TYPE_UINT64, TYPE_DOUBLE, TYPE_STRING, TYPE_OBJECT_PATH, TYPE_SIGNATURE, TYPE_ARRAY, TYPE_STRUCT, STRUCT_BEGIN, STRUCT_END, TYPE_VARIANT, TYPE_DICT_ENTRY, DICT_ENTRY_BEGIN, DICT_ENTRY_END) = (0, ord('y'), ord('b'), ord('n'), ord('q'), ord('i'), ord('u'), ord('x'), ord('t'), ord('d'), ord('s'), ord('o'), ord('g'), ord('a'), ord('r'), ord('('), ord(')'), ord('v'), ord('e'), ord('{'), ord('}'))
-cdef class Message:
-    cdef DBusMessage *msg
-    def __init__(self, message_type=MESSAGE_TYPE_INVALID,
-                 service=None, path=None, dbus_interface=None, method=None,
-                 Message method_call=None,
-                 name=None,
-                 Message reply_to=None, error_name=None, error_message=None,
-                 _create=1):
-        self.msg = NULL
-        cdef char *cservice
-        cdef char *ciface
-        cdef DBusMessage *cmsg
-        ciface = NULL
-        if (dbus_interface != None):
-            ciface = dbus_interface
-        cservice = NULL
-        if (service != None):
-            cservice = service
-        if _create:
-            if message_type == MESSAGE_TYPE_METHOD_CALL:
-                self.msg = dbus_message_new_method_call(cservice, path, ciface, method)
-            elif message_type == MESSAGE_TYPE_METHOD_RETURN:
-                cmsg = method_call._get_msg()
-                self.msg = dbus_message_new_method_return(cmsg)
-            elif message_type == MESSAGE_TYPE_SIGNAL:
-                self.msg = dbus_message_new_signal(path, ciface, name)
-            elif message_type == MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR:
-                cmsg = reply_to._get_msg()
-                self.msg = dbus_message_new_error(cmsg, error_name, error_message)
-    def __dealloc__(self):
-        if self.msg != NULL:
-            dbus_message_unref(self.msg)
-    def type_to_name(self, type):
-        if type == MESSAGE_TYPE_SIGNAL:
-            return "signal"
-        elif type == MESSAGE_TYPE_METHOD_CALL:
-            return "method call"
-        elif type == MESSAGE_TYPE_METHOD_RETURN:
-            return "method return"
-        elif type == MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR:
-            return "error"
-        else:
-            return "(unknown message type)"
-    def __str__(self):
-        message_type = self.get_type()
-        sender = self.get_sender()
-        if sender == None:
-            sender = "(no sender)"
-        if (message_type == MESSAGE_TYPE_METHOD_CALL) or (message_type == MESSAGE_TYPE_SIGNAL):
-            retval = '%s interface=%s; member=%s; sender=%s' % (self.type_to_name(message_type),
-                                                                self.get_interface(),
-                                                                self.get_member(),
-                                                                sender)
-        elif message_type == MESSAGE_TYPE_METHOD_RETURN:
-            retval = '%s sender=%s' % (self.type_to_name(message_type),
-                                        sender)
-        elif message_type == MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR:
-            retval = '%s name=%s; sender=%s' % (self.type_to_name(message_type),
-                                                self.get_error_name(),
-                                                sender)
-        else:
-            retval = "Message of unknown type %d" % (message_type)
-        # FIXME: should really use self.convert_to_tuple() here
-        iter = self.get_iter()
-        retval = retval + "\n" + str(iter) 
-        return retval
-    cdef _set_msg(self, DBusMessage *msg):
-        self.msg = msg
-    cdef DBusMessage *_get_msg(self):
-        return self.msg
-    def get_iter(self, append=False):
-        cdef DBusMessageIter iter
-        cdef MessageIter message_iter
-        cdef DBusMessage *msg
-        msg = self._get_msg()
-        if append:
-            dbus_message_iter_init_append(msg, &iter)
-        else:
-            dbus_message_iter_init(msg, &iter)
-        message_iter = MessageIter(0)
-        message_iter.__cinit__(&iter)
-        return message_iter
-    def get_args_list(self):
-        retval = [ ]
-        iter = self.get_iter()
-        try:
-            retval.append(iter.get())
-        except TypeError, e:
-            return [ ]
-        value_at_iter = iter.next()
-        while (value_at_iter):
-            retval.append(iter.get())
-            value_at_iter = iter.next()        
-        return retval
-    # FIXME: implement dbus_message_copy?
-    def get_type(self):
-        return dbus_message_get_type(self.msg)
-    def set_path(self, object_path):
-        return dbus_message_set_path(self.msg, object_path)
-    def get_path(self):
-        return dbus_message_get_path(self.msg)
-    def set_interface(self, interface):
-        return dbus_message_set_interface(self.msg, interface)
-    def get_interface(self):
-        return dbus_message_get_interface(self.msg)    
-    def set_member(self, member):
-        return dbus_message_set_member(self.msg, member)
-    def get_member(self):
-        return dbus_message_get_member(self.msg)
-    def set_error_name(self, name):
-        return dbus_message_set_error_name(self.msg, name)
-    def get_error_name(self):
-        return dbus_message_get_error_name(self.msg)
-    def set_destination(self, destination):
-        return dbus_message_set_destination(self.msg, destination)
-    def get_destination(self):
-        return dbus_message_get_destination(self.msg)
-    def set_sender(self, sender):
-        return dbus_message_set_sender(self.msg, sender)
-    def get_sender(self):
-        cdef char *sender
-        sender = dbus_message_get_sender(self.msg)
-        if (sender == NULL):
-            return None
-        else:
-            return sender
-    def set_no_reply(self, no_reply):
-        dbus_message_set_no_reply(self.msg, no_reply)
-    def get_no_reply(self):
-        return dbus_message_get_no_reply(self.msg)
-    def is_method_call(self, interface, method):
-        return dbus_message_is_method_call(self.msg, interface, method)
-    def is_signal(self, interface, signal_name):
-        return dbus_message_is_signal(self.msg, interface, signal_name)
-    def is_error(self, error_name):
-        return dbus_message_is_error(self.msg, error_name)
-    def has_destination(self, service):
-        return dbus_message_has_destination(self.msg, service)
-    def has_sender(self, service):
-        return dbus_message_has_sender(self.msg, service)
-    def get_serial(self):
-        return dbus_message_get_serial(self.msg)
-    def set_reply_serial(self, reply_serial):
-        return dbus_message_set_reply_serial(self.msg, reply_serial)
-    def get_reply_serial(self):
-        return dbus_message_get_reply_serial(self.msg)    
-    #FIXME: dbus_message_get_path_decomposed
-    # FIXME: all the different dbus_message_*args* methods
-class Signal(Message):
-    def __init__(self, spath, sinterface, sname):
-        Message.__init__(self, MESSAGE_TYPE_SIGNAL, path=spath, dbus_interface=sinterface, name=sname)
-class EmptyMessage(Message):
-    def __init__(self):
-        Message.__init__(self, _create=False)
-class MethodCall(Message):
-    def __init__(self, mpath, minterface, mmethod):
-        Message.__init__(self, MESSAGE_TYPE_METHOD_CALL, path=mpath, dbus_interface=minterface, method=mmethod)
-class MethodReturn(Message):
-    def __init__(self, method_call):
-        Message.__init__(self, MESSAGE_TYPE_METHOD_RETURN, method_call=method_call)
-class Error(Message):
-    def __init__(self, reply_to, error_name, error_message):
-        Message.__init__(self, MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR, reply_to=reply_to, error_name=error_name, error_message=error_message)
-cdef class Server:
-    cdef DBusServer *server
-    def __init__(self, address):
-        cdef DBusError error
-        dbus_error_init(&error)
-        self.server = dbus_server_listen(address,
-                                         &error)
-        if dbus_error_is_set(&error):
-            errormsg = error.message
-            dbus_error_free (&error)
-            raise DBusException, errormsg
-    def disconnect(self):
-        dbus_server_disconnect(self.server)
-    def get_is_connected(self):
-        return dbus_server_get_is_connected(self.server)
-#    def set_new_connection_function(self, function, data):
-#        dbus_server_set_new_connection_function(self.conn, function,
-#                                                data, NULL)
-#    def set_watch_functions(self, add_function, remove_function, data):
-#        dbus_server_set_watch_functions(self.server,
-#                                        add_function, remove_function,
-#                                        data, NULL)
-#    def set_timeout_functions(self, add_function, remove_function, data):
-#        dbus_server_set_timeout_functions(self.server,
-#                                          add_function, remove_function,
-#                                          data, NULL)
-#    def handle_watch(self, watch, condition):
-#        dbus_server_handle_watch(self.conn, watch, condition)
-def bus_get (bus_type, private=False):
-    cdef DBusError error
-    cdef Connection conn
-    cdef DBusConnection *connection
-    dbus_error_init(&error)
-    if private:
-        connection = dbus_bus_get_private(bus_type,
-                                          &error)
-    else:
-        connection = dbus_bus_get(bus_type,
-                                  &error)
-    if dbus_error_is_set(&error):
-        errormsg = error.message
-        dbus_error_free(&error)
-        raise DBusException, errormsg 
-    conn = Connection()
-    conn.__cinit__(None, connection)
-    return conn 
-def bus_get_unique_name(Connection connection):
-    cdef DBusConnection *conn
-    conn = connection._get_conn()
-    return dbus_bus_get_unique_name(conn)
-def bus_get_unix_user(Connection connection, service_name):
-    cdef DBusError error
-    dbus_error_init(&error)
-    cdef int retval
-    cdef DBusConnection *conn
-    conn = connection._get_conn()
-    retval = dbus_bus_get_unix_user(conn, service_name, &error)
-    if dbus_error_is_set(&error):
-        errormsg = error.message
-        dbus_error_free(&error)
-        raise DBusException, errormsg 
-    return retval
-# these are defines, not enums, so they aren't auto generated
-def bus_start_service_by_name(Connection connection, service_name, flags=0):
-    cdef DBusError error
-    dbus_error_init(&error)
-    cdef dbus_bool_t retval
-    cdef dbus_uint32_t results
-    cdef DBusConnection *conn
-    conn = connection._get_conn()
-    retval = dbus_bus_start_service_by_name(conn, service_name, flags, &results, &error)
-    if dbus_error_is_set(&error):
-        errormsg = error.message
-        dbus_error_free(&error)
-        raise DBusException, errormsg
-    return (retval, results) 
-def bus_register(Connection connection):
-    cdef DBusError error
-    dbus_error_init(&error)
-    cdef dbus_bool_t retval
-    cdef DBusConnection *conn
-    conn = connection._get_conn()
-    retval = dbus_bus_register(conn,
-                               &error)
-    if dbus_error_is_set(&error):
-        msg = error.message
-        dbus_error_free(&error)
-        raise DBusException, errormsg 
-    return retval
-NAME_FLAG_DO_NOT_QUEUE         = 0x4
-def bus_request_name(Connection connection, service_name, flags=0):
-    cdef DBusError error
-    dbus_error_init(&error)
-    cdef int retval
-    cdef DBusConnection *conn
-    conn = connection._get_conn()
-    retval = dbus_bus_request_name(conn,
-                                   service_name,
-                                   flags,
-                                   &error)
-    if dbus_error_is_set(&error):
-        errormsg = error.message
-        dbus_error_free(&error)
-        raise DBusException, errormsg
-    return retval
-def bus_release_name(Connection connection, service_name):
-    cdef DBusError error
-    dbus_error_init(&error)
-    cdef int retval
-    cdef DBusConnection *conn
-    conn = connection._get_conn()
-    retval = dbus_bus_release_name(conn,
-                                   service_name,
-                                   &error)
-    if dbus_error_is_set(&error):
-        errormsg = error.message
-        dbus_error_free(&error)
-        raise DBusException, errormsg
-    return retval
-def bus_name_has_owner(Connection connection, service_name):
-    cdef DBusError error
-    dbus_error_init(&error)
-    cdef dbus_bool_t retval
-    cdef DBusConnection *conn
-    conn = connection._get_conn()
-    retval = dbus_bus_name_has_owner(conn,
-                                     service_name,
-                                     &error)
-    if dbus_error_is_set(&error):
-        errormsg = error.message
-        dbus_error_free(&error)
-        raise DBusException, errormsg
-    return retval
-def bus_add_match(Connection connection, rule):
-    cdef DBusError error
-    cdef DBusConnection *conn
-    dbus_error_init(&error)
-    conn = connection._get_conn()
-    dbus_bus_add_match (conn, rule, &error)
-    if dbus_error_is_set(&error):
-        errormsg = error.message
-        dbus_error_free(&error)
-        raise DBusException, errormsg
-def bus_remove_match(Connection connection, rule):
-    cdef DBusError error
-    cdef DBusConnection *conn
-    dbus_error_init(&error)
-    conn = connection._get_conn()
-    dbus_bus_remove_match (conn, rule, &error)
-    if dbus_error_is_set(&error):
-        errormsg = error.message
-        dbus_error_free(&error)
-        raise DBusException, errormsg
diff --git a/python/dbus_glib_bindings.pyx b/python/dbus_glib_bindings.pyx
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 3e2e33b..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-cimport dbus_bindings
-import dbus_bindings
-cdef extern from "dbus-glib.h":
-    ctypedef struct GMainContext
-    cdef void dbus_g_thread_init ()
-cdef extern from "dbus-glib-lowlevel.h":
-    cdef void dbus_connection_setup_with_g_main (dbus_bindings.DBusConnection *connection,
-                                                 GMainContext   *context)
-def setup_with_g_main(conn):
-   cdef dbus_bindings.Connection connection
-   connection = conn
-   dbus_connection_setup_with_g_main(connection._get_conn(), NULL)
-def gthreads_init ():
-    dbus_g_thread_init ()
diff --git a/python/dbus_h_wrapper.h b/python/dbus_h_wrapper.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 2e218c8..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-#include <dbus/dbus.h>
diff --git a/python/decorators.py b/python/decorators.py
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index c9bc17f..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-import _util
-import inspect
-import dbus_bindings
-def method(dbus_interface, in_signature=None, out_signature=None, async_callbacks=None, sender_keyword=None):
-    _util._validate_interface_or_name(dbus_interface)
-    def decorator(func):
-        args = inspect.getargspec(func)[0]
-        args.pop(0)
-        if async_callbacks:
-            if type(async_callbacks) != tuple:
-                raise TypeError('async_callbacks must be a tuple of (keyword for return callback, keyword for error callback)')
-            if len(async_callbacks) != 2:
-                raise ValueError('async_callbacks must be a tuple of (keyword for return callback, keyword for error callback)')
-            args.remove(async_callbacks[0])
-            args.remove(async_callbacks[1])
-        if sender_keyword:
-            args.remove(sender_keyword)
-        if in_signature:
-            in_sig = tuple(dbus_bindings.Signature(in_signature))
-            if len(in_sig) > len(args):
-                raise ValueError, 'input signature is longer than the number of arguments taken'
-            elif len(in_sig) < len(args):
-                raise ValueError, 'input signature is shorter than the number of arguments taken'
-        func._dbus_is_method = True
-        func._dbus_async_callbacks = async_callbacks
-        func._dbus_interface = dbus_interface
-        func._dbus_in_signature = in_signature
-        func._dbus_out_signature = out_signature
-        func._dbus_sender_keyword = sender_keyword
-        func._dbus_args = args
-        return func
-    return decorator
-def signal(dbus_interface, signature=None):
-    _util._validate_interface_or_name(dbus_interface)
-    def decorator(func):
-        def emit_signal(self, *args, **keywords):
-            func(self, *args, **keywords)
-            message = dbus_bindings.Signal(self._object_path, dbus_interface, func.__name__)
-            iter = message.get_iter(True)
-            if emit_signal._dbus_signature:
-                signature = tuple(dbus_bindings.Signature(emit_signal._dbus_signature))
-                for (arg, sig) in zip(args, signature):
-                    iter.append_strict(arg, sig)
-            else:
-                for arg in args:
-                    iter.append(arg)
-            self._connection.send(message)
-        args = inspect.getargspec(func)[0]
-        args.pop(0)
-        if signature:
-            sig = tuple(dbus_bindings.Signature(signature))
-            if len(sig) > len(args):
-                raise ValueError, 'signal signature is longer than the number of arguments provided'
-            elif len(sig) < len(args):
-                raise ValueError, 'signal signature is shorter than the number of arguments provided'
-        emit_signal.__name__ = func.__name__
-        emit_signal.__doc__ = func.__doc__
-        emit_signal._dbus_is_signal = True
-        emit_signal._dbus_interface = dbus_interface
-        emit_signal._dbus_signature = signature
-        emit_signal._dbus_args = args
-        return emit_signal
-    return decorator
-def explicitly_pass_message(func):
-    func._dbus_pass_message = True
-    return func
diff --git a/python/examples/.cvsignore b/python/examples/.cvsignore
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 282522d..0000000
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@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
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deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index f7a1b22..0000000
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@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-EXTRA_DIST =                           \
-       example-service.py              \
-       example-client.py               \
-       example-signal-emitter.py       \
-       example-signal-recipient.py     \
-       gconf-proxy-client.py           \
-       gconf-proxy-service.py          \
-       gconf-proxy-service2.py         \
-       list-system-services.py         \
-       $(NULL)
diff --git a/python/examples/example-client.py b/python/examples/example-client.py
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 3d170bd..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import dbus
-bus = dbus.SessionBus()
-remote_object = bus.get_object("org.designfu.SampleService", "/SomeObject")
-iface = dbus.Interface(remote_object, "org.designfu.SampleInterface")
-hello_reply_list = remote_object.HelloWorld("Hello from example-client.py!", dbus_interface = "org.designfu.SampleInterface")
-hello_reply_tuple = iface.GetTuple()
-hello_reply_dict = iface.GetDict()
-print (hello_reply_list)
-print str(hello_reply_tuple)
-print str(hello_reply_dict)
-print remote_object.Introspect(dbus_interface="org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable")
diff --git a/python/examples/example-service.py b/python/examples/example-service.py
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index cb25d20..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import dbus
-import dbus.service
-import dbus.glib
-import gobject
-class SomeObject(dbus.service.Object):
-    def __init__(self, bus_name, object_path="/SomeObject"):
-        dbus.service.Object.__init__(self, bus_name, object_path)
-    @dbus.service.method("org.designfu.SampleInterface")
-    def HelloWorld(self, hello_message):
-        print (str(hello_message))
-        return ["Hello", " from example-service.py"]
-    @dbus.service.method("org.designfu.SampleInterface")
-    def GetTuple(self):
-        return ("Hello Tuple", " from example-service.py")
-    @dbus.service.method("org.designfu.SampleInterface")
-    def GetDict(self):
-        return {"first": "Hello Dict", "second": " from example-service.py"}
-session_bus = dbus.SessionBus()
-name = dbus.service.BusName("org.designfu.SampleService", bus=session_bus)
-object = SomeObject(name)
-mainloop = gobject.MainLoop()
diff --git a/python/examples/example-signal-emitter.py b/python/examples/example-signal-emitter.py
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 02eff89..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import dbus
-import dbus.service
-import dbus.glib
-import gobject
-class TestObject(dbus.service.Object):
-    def __init__(self, bus_name, object_path='/org/designfu/TestService/object'):
-        dbus.service.Object.__init__(self, bus_name, object_path)
-    @dbus.service.signal('org.designfu.TestService')
-    def HelloSignal(self, message):
-        # The signal is emitted when this method exits
-        # You can have code here if you wish
-        pass
-    @dbus.service.method('org.designfu.TestService')
-    def emitHelloSignal(self):
-        #you emit signals by calling the signal's skeleton method
-        self.HelloSignal('Hello')
-        return 'Signal emitted'
-session_bus = dbus.SessionBus()
-name = dbus.service.BusName('org.designfu.TestService', bus=session_bus)
-object = TestObject(name)
-loop = gobject.MainLoop()
diff --git a/python/examples/example-signal-recipient.py b/python/examples/example-signal-recipient.py
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index a06d494..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import dbus
-import dbus.decorators
-import dbus.glib
-import gobject
-def handle_reply(msg):
-    print msg
-def handle_error(e):
-    print str(e)
-def emit_signal():
-   #call the emitHelloSignal method 
-   object.emitHelloSignal(dbus_interface="org.designfu.TestService")
-                          #reply_handler = handle_reply, error_handler = handle_error)
-   return True
-bus = dbus.SessionBus()
-object  = bus.get_object("org.designfu.TestService","/org/designfu/TestService/object")
-def hello_signal_handler(hello_string):
-    print ("Received signal and it says: " + hello_string)
-def catchall_signal_handler(*args, **keywords):
-    #The dbus.handler directive passes in the special __dbus_message__ variable
-    dbus_message = keywords["dbus_message"]
-    print "Caught signal " + dbus_message.get_member()
-    for arg in args:
-        print "        " + str(arg)
-def catchall_hello_signals_handler(hello_string):
-    print ("Received a hello signal and it says ") + hello_string
-def catchall_testservice_interface_handler(hello_string, dbus_message):
-    print "org.designfu.TestService interface says " + hello_string + " when it sent signal " + dbus_message.get_member()
-object.connect_to_signal("HelloSignal", hello_signal_handler, dbus_interface="org.designfu.TestService", arg0="Hello")
-#lets make a catchall
-bus.add_signal_receiver(catchall_hello_signals_handler, dbus_interface = "org.designfu.TestService", signal_name = "HelloSignal")
-bus.add_signal_receiver(catchall_testservice_interface_handler, dbus_interface = "org.designfu.TestService")
-gobject.timeout_add(2000, emit_signal)
-# Tell the remote object to emit the signal
-loop = gobject.MainLoop()
diff --git a/python/examples/gconf-proxy-client.py b/python/examples/gconf-proxy-client.py
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index f763e3f..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import dbus
-gconf_key = "/desktop/gnome/file_views/icon_theme"
-bus = dbus.SessionBus()
-gconf_service = bus.get_service("org.gnome.GConf")
-gconf_key_object = gconf_service.get_object("/org/gnome/GConf" + gconf_key, "org.gnome.GConf")
-value = gconf_key_object.getString()
-print ("Value of GConf key %s is %s" % (gconf_key, value))
diff --git a/python/examples/gconf-proxy-service.py b/python/examples/gconf-proxy-service.py
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index a899cf2..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-#FIXME: Doesn't work with the new bindings
-import dbus
-import gobject
-import gconf
-class GConfService(dbus.Service):
-    def __init__(self):
-        dbus.Service.__init__(self, "org.gnome.GConf", dbus.SessionBus())
-        gconf_object_tree = self.GConfObjectTree(self)
-    class GConfObjectTree(dbus.ObjectTree):
-        def __init__(self, service):
-            dbus.ObjectTree.__init__(self, "/org/gnome/GConf", service, dbus_methods=[ self.getString, self.setString, self.getInt, self.setInt ])
-            self.client = gconf.client_get_default()
-        def getString(self, message, object_path):
-            print ("getString called on GConf key %s" % (object_path))
-            return self.client.get_string(object_path)
-        def setString(self, message, object_path, new_value):
-            print ("setString called on GConf key %s" % (object_path))            
-            self.client.set_string(object_path, new_value)
-        def getInt(self, message, object_path):
-            print ("getInt called on GConf key %s" % (object_path))
-            return self.client.get_int(object_path)
-        def setInt(self, message, object_path, new_value):
-            print ("setInt called on GConf key %s" % (object_path))
-            self.client.set_int(object_path, new_value)
-gconf_service = GConfService()
-print ("GConf Proxy service started.")
-print ("Run 'gconf-proxy-client.py' to fetch a GConf key through the proxy...")
-mainloop = gobject.MainLoop()
diff --git a/python/examples/gconf-proxy-service2.py b/python/examples/gconf-proxy-service2.py
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 5731ab2..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-#FIXME: doesn't work with the new bindings
-import dbus
-import gobject
-import gconf
-class GConfService(dbus.Service):
-    def __init__(self):
-        dbus.Service.__init__(self, "org.gnome.GConf", dbus.SessionBus())
-        gconf_object_tree = self.GConfObjectTree(self)
-    class GConfObjectTree(dbus.ObjectTree):
-        def __init__(self, service):
-            dbus.ObjectTree.__init__(self, "/org/gnome/GConf", service)
-            self.client = gconf.client_get_default()
-        def object_method_called(self, message, object_path, method_name, argument_list):
-            print ("Method %s called on GConf key %s" % (method_name, object_path))
-            if "getString" == method_name:
-                return self.client.get_string(object_path)
-            elif "setString" == method_name:
-                self.client.set_int(object_path, argument_list[0])
-            elif "getInt" == method_name:
-                return self.client.get_int(object_path)                
-            elif "setInt" == method_name:
-                self.client.set_int(object_path, argument_list[0])
-gconf_service = GConfService()
-print ("GConf Proxy service started.")
-print ("Run 'gconf-proxy-client.py' to fetch a GConf key through the proxy...")
-mainloop = gobject.MainLoop()
diff --git a/python/examples/list-system-services.py b/python/examples/list-system-services.py
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 4cad871..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-"""Lists services on the system bus
-import dbus
-# Get a connection to the SYSTEM bus
-bus = dbus.SystemBus()
-# Get a reference to the desktop bus' standard object, denoted
-# by the path /org/freedesktop/DBus. 
-dbus_object = bus.get_object('org.freedesktop.DBus', '/org/freedesktop/DBus')
-# The object /org/freedesktop/DBus
-# implements the 'org.freedesktop.DBus' interface
-dbus_iface = dbus.Interface(dbus_object, 'org.freedesktop.DBus')
-# One of the member functions in the org.freedesktop.DBus interface
-# is ListServices(), which provides a list of all the other services
-# registered on this bus. Call it, and print the list.
-print dbus_object.ListNames()
diff --git a/python/exceptions.py b/python/exceptions.py
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 2b01b96..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-import dbus_bindings
-DBusException = dbus_bindings.DBusException
-ConnectionError = dbus_bindings.ConnectionError
-class MissingErrorHandlerException(DBusException):
-    def __init__(self):
-        DBusException.__init__(self, "error_handler not defined: if you define a reply_handler you must also define an error_handler")
-class MissingReplyHandlerException(DBusException):
-    def __init__(self):
-        DBusException.__init__(self, "reply_handler not defined: if you define an error_handler you must also define a reply_handler")
-class ValidationException(DBusException):
-    def __init__(self, msg=''):
-        DBusException.__init__(self, "Error validating string: %s"%msg)
-class IntrospectionParserException(DBusException):
-    def __init__(self, msg=''):
-        DBusException.__init__(self, "Error parsing introspect data: %s"%msg)
-class UnknownMethodException(DBusException):
-    def __init__(self, method):
-        DBusException.__init__(self, "Unknown method: %s"%method)
-class NameExistsException(DBusException):
-    def __init__(self, name):
-        DBusException.__init__(self, "Bus name already exists: %s"%name)
diff --git a/python/extract.py b/python/extract.py
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 3cdb975..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,234 +0,0 @@
-import commands
-import re
-import string
-import sys
-def clean_func(buf):
-    buf = strip_comments(buf)
-    pat = re.compile(r"""\\\n""", re.MULTILINE) 
-    buf = pat.sub('',buf)
-    pat = re.compile(r"""^[#].*?$""", re.MULTILINE) 
-    buf = pat.sub('',buf)
-    pat = re.compile(r"""^(typedef|struct|enum)(\s|.|\n)*?;\s*""", re.MULTILINE) 
-    buf = pat.sub('',buf)
-    pat = re.compile(r"""\s+""", re.MULTILINE) 
-    buf = pat.sub(' ',buf)
-    pat = re.compile(r""";\s*""", re.MULTILINE) 
-    buf = pat.sub('\n',buf)
-    buf = buf.lstrip()
-    #pat=re.compile(r'\s+([*|&]+)\s*(\w+)')
-    pat = re.compile(r' \s+ ([*|&]+) \s* (\w+)',re.VERBOSE)
-    buf = pat.sub(r'\1 \2', buf)
-    pat = re.compile(r'\s+ (\w+) \[ \s* \]',re.VERBOSE)
-    buf = pat.sub(r'[] \1', buf)
-#    buf = string.replace(buf, 'G_CONST_RETURN ', 'const-')
-    buf = string.replace(buf, 'const ', '')
-    return buf
-def strip_comments(buf):
-    parts = []
-    lastpos = 0
-    while 1:
-        pos = string.find(buf, '/*', lastpos)
-        if pos >= 0:
-            parts.append(buf[lastpos:pos])
-            pos = string.find(buf, '*/', pos)
-            if pos >= 0:
-                lastpos = pos + 2
-            else:
-                break
-        else:
-            parts.append(buf[lastpos:])
-            break
-    return string.join(parts, '')
-def find_enums(buf):
-    enums = []    
-    buf = strip_comments(buf)
-    buf = re.sub('\n', ' ', buf)
-    enum_pat = re.compile(r'enum\s*{([^}]*)}\s*([A-Z][A-Za-z]*)(\s|;)')
-    splitter = re.compile(r'\s*,\s', re.MULTILINE)
-    pos = 0
-    while pos < len(buf):
-        m = enum_pat.search(buf, pos)
-        if not m: break
-        name = m.group(2)
-        vals = m.group(1)
-        isflags = string.find(vals, '<<') >= 0
-        entries = []
-        for val in splitter.split(vals):
-            if not string.strip(val): continue
-            entries.append(string.split(val)[0])
-        enums.append((name, isflags, entries))
-        pos = m.end()
-    return enums
-#typedef unsigned int   dbus_bool_t;
-#typedef struct {
-# }
-#typedef struct FooStruct FooStruct;
-# typedef void (* DBusAddWatchFunction)      (DBusWatch      *watch,
-#                                          void           *data);
-def find_typedefs(buf):
-    typedefs = []
-    buf = re.sub('\n', ' ', strip_comments(buf))
-    typedef_pat = re.compile(
-        r"""typedef\s*(?P<type>\w*)
-            \s*
-            ([(]\s*\*\s*(?P<callback>[\w* ]*)[)]|{([^}]*)}|)
-            \s*
-            (?P<args1>[(](?P<args2>[\s\w*,_]*)[)]|[\w ]*)""",
-        re.MULTILINE | re.VERBOSE)
-    pat = re.compile(r"""\s+""", re.MULTILINE) 
-    pos = 0
-    while pos < len(buf):
-        m = typedef_pat.search(buf, pos)
-        if not m:
-            break
-        if m.group('type') == 'enum':
-            pos = m.end()
-            continue
-        if m.group('args2') != None:
-            args = pat.sub(' ', m.group('args2'))
-            current = '%s (* %s) (%s)' % (m.group('type'),
-                                          m.group('callback'),
-                                          args)
-        else:
-            current = '%s %s' % (m.group('type'), m.group('args1'))
-        typedefs.append(current)
-        pos = m.end()
-    return typedefs
-proto_pat = re.compile(r"""
-(?P<ret>(-|\w|\&|\*|\s)+\s*)      # return type
-\s+                            # skip whitespace
-(?P<func>\w+)\s*[(]  # match the function name until the opening (
-(?P<args>.*?)[)]               # group the function arguments
-arg_split_pat = re.compile("\s*,\s*")
-def find_functions(buf):
-    functions = []
-    buf = clean_func(buf)
-    buf = string.split(buf,'\n')
-    for p in buf:
-        if len(p) == 0:
-            continue
-        m = proto_pat.match(p)
-        if m == None:
-            continue
-        func = m.group('func')
-        ret = m.group('ret')
-        args = m.group('args')
-        args = arg_split_pat.split(args)
-#        for i in range(len(args)):
-#            spaces = string.count(args[i], ' ')
-#            if spaces > 1:
-#                args[i] = string.replace(args[i], ' ', '-', spaces - 1)
-        functions.append((func, ret, args))
-    return functions
-class Writer:
-    def __init__(self, filename, enums, typedefs, functions):
-        if not (enums or typedefs or functions):
-            return
-        print 'cdef extern from "%s":' % filename
-        self.output_enums(enums)
-        self.output_typedefs(typedefs)
-        self.output_functions(functions)        
-        print '    pass'
-        print
-    def output_enums(self, enums):
-        for enum in enums:
-            print '    ctypedef enum %s:' % enum[0]
-            if enum[1] == 0:
-                for item in enum[2]:
-                    print '        %s' % item
-            else:
-                i = 0
-                for item in enum[2]:
-                    print '        %s' % item                    
-#                    print '        %s = 1 << %d' % (item, i)
-                    i += 1
-            print
-    def output_typedefs(self, typedefs):
-        for typedef in typedefs:
-            if typedef.find('va_list') != -1:
-                continue
-            parts = typedef.split()
-            if parts[0] == 'struct':
-                if parts[-2] == parts[-1]:
-                    parts = parts[:-1]
-                print '    ctypedef %s' % ' '.join(parts)
-            else:
-                print '    ctypedef %s' % typedef
-    def output_functions(self, functions):
-        for func, ret, args in functions:
-            if func[0] == '_':
-                continue
-            str = ', '.join(args)
-            if str.find('...') != -1:
-                continue
-            if str.find('va_list') != -1:
-                continue
-            if str.strip() == 'void':
-                continue
-            print '    %-20s %s (%s)' % (ret, func, str)
-def do_buffer(name, buffer):
-    functions = find_functions(buffer)
-    typedefs = find_typedefs(buffer)
-    enums = find_enums(buffer)
-    Writer(name, enums, typedefs, functions)
-def do_header(filename, name=None):
-    if name == None:
-        name = filename
-    buffer = ""
-    for line in open(filename).readlines():
-        if line[0] == '#':
-            continue
-        buffer += line
-    print '# -- %s -- ' % filename
-    do_buffer(name, buffer)
-filename = sys.argv[1]
-if filename.endswith('.h'):
-    do_header(filename)
-    raise SystemExit
-cppflags = ""
-for flag in sys.argv[2:]:
-    cppflags = cppflags + " " + flag
-fd = open(filename)
-for line in fd.readlines():
-    if line.startswith('#include'):
-        filename = line.split(' ')[1][1:-2]
-        command = "echo '%s'|cpp %s" % (line, cppflags)
-        sys.stderr.write('running %s' % (command))
-        output = commands.getoutput(command)
-        do_buffer(filename, output)
-    else:
-        print line[:-1]
diff --git a/python/glib.py b/python/glib.py
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index e1c3d9c..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-import dbus
-import dbus_glib_bindings
-def _setup_with_g_main(conn):
-    dbus_glib_bindings.setup_with_g_main(conn._connection)
-_dbus_gthreads_initialized = False
-def threads_init():
-    global _dbus_gthreads_initialized
-    if not _dbus_gthreads_initialized:
-        dbus_glib_bindings.gthreads_init()
-        _dbus_gthreads_initialized = True
-def init_threads():
-    threads_init()
-setattr(dbus, "_dbus_mainloop_setup_function", _setup_with_g_main)
diff --git a/python/introspect_parser.py b/python/introspect_parser.py
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 47c9806..0000000
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@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-import libxml2
-import cStringIO
-import exceptions
-def process_introspection_data(data):
-    method_map = {}
-    stream = cStringIO.StringIO(data.encode('utf-8'))
-    input_source = libxml2.inputBuffer(stream)
-    reader = input_source.newTextReader("urn:introspect")
-    ret = reader.Read()
-    current_iface = None
-    current_method = None
-    current_sigstr = ''
-    while ret == 1:
-        name = reader.LocalName()
-        if reader.NodeType() == XMLREADER_START_ELEMENT_NODE_TYPE:
-            if (not current_iface and not current_method and name == 'interface'):
-                current_iface = reader.GetAttribute('name')
-            elif (current_iface and not current_method and name == 'method'):
-                current_method = reader.GetAttribute('name')
-                if reader.IsEmptyElement():
-                    method_map[current_iface + '.' + current_method] = ''
-                    current_method = None
-                    current_sigstr = ''
-            elif (current_iface and current_method and name == 'arg'):
-                direction = reader.GetAttribute('direction')
-                if not direction or direction == 'in':
-                    current_sigstr = current_sigstr + reader.GetAttribute('type')
-        elif reader.NodeType() == XMLREADER_END_ELEMENT_NODE_TYPE:
-            if (current_iface and not current_method and name == 'interface'):
-                current_iface = None
-            if (current_iface and current_method and name == 'method'):
-                method_map[current_iface + '.' + current_method] = current_sigstr
-                current_method = None
-                current_sigstr = ''
-        ret = reader.Read()
-    if ret != 0:
-        raise exceptions.IntrospectionParserException(data)
-    return method_map
diff --git a/python/matchrules.py b/python/matchrules.py
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 023a5b7..0000000
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@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
-from exceptions import DBusException
-class SignalMatchNode:
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.wildcard = None
-        self.finite = {}
-        self.rules = []
-    def add(self, key, leaf=None):
-        node = None
-        if key:
-            if self.finite.has_key(key):
-                node = self.finite[key]
-            else:
-                node = SignalMatchNode()
-                self.finite[key]  = node
-        else:
-            if self.wildcard:
-                node = self.wildcard
-            else:
-                node = SignalMatchNode()
-                self.wildcard = node
-        node.rules.append(leaf)
-        return node
-    def get_matches(self, key):
-        result = []
-        if self.wildcard:
-            result.append(self.wildcard)
-        if self.finite.has_key(key):
-            result.append(self.finite[key])
-        return result
-    def get_match(self, key):
-        if key:
-           if self.finite.has_key(key):
-               return self.finite[key]
-           else:
-               return None
-        return self.wildcard
-    def has_children(self):
-        if self.wildcard or len(self.finite.iterkeys()) > 0:
-            return True
-        return False
-    def remove_child(self, child, key=None):
-        if self.wildcard == child:
-            self.wildcard = None
-        elif self.finite.has_key(key):
-            del self.finite[key]
-class SignalMatchTree:
-    """This class creates an ordered tree of SignalMatchRules
-        to speed searchs.  Left branches are wildcard elements
-        and all other branches are concreet elements.
-    """
-    def __init__(self):
-        self._tree = SignalMatchNode()
-    def add(self, rule):
-        interface = self._tree.add(rule.sender)
-        signal = interface.add(rule.dbus_interface)
-        path = signal.add(rule.signal_name)
-        path.add(rule.path, leaf=rule)
-    def exec_matches(self, match_rule, message):
-        args = message.get_args_list()
-        sender_matches = self._tree.get_matches(match_rule.sender)
-        for sender_node in sender_matches:
-            interface_matches = sender_node.get_matches(match_rule.dbus_interface)
-            for interface_node in interface_matches:
-                signal_matches = interface_node.get_matches(match_rule.signal_name)
-                for signal_node in signal_matches:
-                    path_matches = signal_node.get_matches(match_rule.path)
-                    for path_node in path_matches:
-                        if(path_node.rules):
-                            for rule in path_node.rules:
-                                if (rule.match_args_from_list(args)):
-                                    rule.execute(message, args)
-    def remove(self, rule):
-        try:
-            sender = self._tree.get_match(rule.sender)
-            interface = sender.get_match(rule.dbus_interface)
-            signal = interface.get_match(rule.signal_name)
-            path = signal.get_match(rule.path)
-            rule_matches = []
-            for _rule in path.rules:
-                if _rule.is_match(rule):
-                    rule_matches.append(_rule)
-            for _rule in rule_matches:
-                path.rules.remove(_rule)
-            #clean up tree
-            if len(path.rules) == 0:
-                signal.remove_child(path, key = rule.path)
-                if not signal.has_children():
-                    interface.remove_child(signal, key = rule.signal_name)
-                    if not interface.has_children():
-                        sender.remove_child(interface, key = rule.dbus_interface)
-                        if not sender.has_children():
-                            self._tree.remove_child(sender, key = rule.sender)
-        except:
-            raise DBusException ("Trying to remove unkown rule: %s"%str(rule))
-class SignalMatchRule:
-    """This class represents a dbus rule used to filter signals.
-        When a rule matches a filter, the signal is propagated to the handler_funtions
-    """
-    def __init__(self, signal_name, dbus_interface, sender, path):
-        self.handler_functions = []
-        self.signal_name = signal_name
-        self.dbus_interface = dbus_interface
-        self.sender = sender
-        self.path = path
-        self.args = None
-    def add_args_match(self, args):
-        self.args = args
-    def execute(self, message, args=None):
-        keywords = {}
-        if self.sender_keyword is not None:
-            keywords[self.sender_keyword] = message.get_sender()
-        if self.path_keyword is not None:
-            keywords[self.path_keyword] = message.get_path()
-        # optimization just in case we already extracted the args
-        if not args:
-           args = message.get_args_list()
-        for handler in self.handler_functions:
-            if getattr(handler, "_dbus_pass_message", False):
-                keywords["dbus_message"] = message
-            if len(keywords) == 0:
-                handler(*args)
-            else:
-                handler(*args, **keywords)
-    def add_handler(self, handler):
-        self.handler_functions.append(handler)
-    #matches only those arguments listed by self
-    def match_args_from_list(self, args_list):
-        if not self.args:
-            return True
-        last_index = len(args_list) - 1
-        for (index, value) in self.args.iteritems():
-            if index > last_index:
-                return False
-            if not (args_list[index] == value):
-                return False
-        return True
-    #does exact matching
-    def match_args_from_rule(self, rule):
-        if self.args == rule.args:
-            return True
-        if self.args == None or rule.args == None:
-            return False
-        my_args_list = self.args.items()
-        match_args_list = rule.args.iterms()
-        if len(my_args_list) != len(match_args_list):
-            return False
-        for (key, value) in my_args_list:
-            if rule.args.get(key) != value:
-                return False
-        return True
-    def is_match(self, rule):
-        if (self.signal_name == rule.signal_name and
-            self.dbus_interface == rule.dbus_interface and
-            self.sender == rule.sender and
-            self.path == rule.path and
-            self.match_args_from_rule(rule)):
-                if rule.handler_functions == []:
-                    return True
-                _funcs_copy_a = self.handler_functions[0:]
-                _funcs_copy_b = rule.handler_functions[0:]
-                _funcs_copy_a.sort()
-                _funcs_copy_b.sort()
-                return _funcs_copy_a == _funcs_copy_b
-        return False
-    def __repr__(self):
-        """Returns a custom representation of this DBusMatchRule that can
-            be used with dbus_bindings
-        """
-        repr = "type='signal'"
-        if (self.dbus_interface):
-            repr = repr + ",interface='%s'" % (self.dbus_interface)
-        if (self.sender):     
-            repr = repr + ",sender='%s'" % (self.sender)
-        if (self.path):
-            repr = repr + ",path='%s'" % (self.path)
-        if (self.signal_name):
-            repr = repr + ",member='%s'" % (self.signal_name)
-        if (self.args):
-            my_args_list = self.args.items()
-            my_args_list.sort()
-            for (index, value) in my_args_list:
-                repr = repr + ",arg%i='%s'" % (index, value)
-        return repr
diff --git a/python/proxies.py b/python/proxies.py
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 80e9ac2..0000000
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@@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
-import dbus_bindings
-import introspect_parser
-import sys
-from exceptions import MissingReplyHandlerException, MissingErrorHandlerException, IntrospectionParserException
-class DeferedMethod:
-    """A DeferedMethod
-    This is returned instead of ProxyMethod when we are defering DBus calls
-    while waiting for introspection data to be returned
-    """
-    def __init__(self, proxy_method):
-        self._proxy_method = proxy_method
-        self._method_name  = proxy_method._method_name
-    def __call__(self, *args, **keywords):
-        reply_handler = None
-        if keywords.has_key('reply_handler'):
-            reply_handler = keywords['reply_handler']
-        #block for now even on async
-        # FIXME: put ret in async queue in future if we have a reply handler
-        self._proxy_method._proxy._pending_introspect.block()
-        ret = self._proxy_method (*args, **keywords)
-        return ret
-class ProxyMethod:
-    """A proxy Method.
-    Typically a member of a ProxyObject. Calls to the
-    method produce messages that travel over the Bus and are routed
-    to a specific named Service.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, proxy, connection, named_service, object_path, method_name, iface):
-        self._proxy          = proxy
-        self._connection     = connection
-        self._named_service  = named_service
-        self._object_path    = object_path
-        self._method_name    = method_name
-        self._dbus_interface = iface
-    def __call__(self, *args, **keywords):
-        timeout = -1
-        if keywords.has_key('timeout'):
-            timeout = keywords['timeout']
-        reply_handler = None
-        if keywords.has_key('reply_handler'):
-            reply_handler = keywords['reply_handler']
-        error_handler = None
-        if keywords.has_key('error_handler'):
-            error_handler = keywords['error_handler']            
-        ignore_reply = False
-        if keywords.has_key('ignore_reply'):
-            ignore_reply = keywords['ignore_reply']
-        if not(reply_handler and error_handler):
-            if reply_handler:
-                raise MissingErrorHandlerException()
-            elif error_handler:
-                raise MissingReplyHandlerException()
-        dbus_interface = self._dbus_interface 
-        if keywords.has_key('dbus_interface'):
-            dbus_interface = keywords['dbus_interface']
-        tmp_iface = ''
-        if dbus_interface:
-           tmp_iface = dbus_interface + '.'
-        key = tmp_iface + self._method_name
-        introspect_sig = None
-        if self._proxy._introspect_method_map.has_key (key):
-            introspect_sig = self._proxy._introspect_method_map[key]
-        message = dbus_bindings.MethodCall(self._object_path, dbus_interface, self._method_name)
-        message.set_destination(self._named_service)
-        # Add the arguments to the function
-        iter = message.get_iter(True)
-        if introspect_sig:
-            for (arg, sig) in zip(args, dbus_bindings.Signature(introspect_sig)):
-                iter.append_strict(arg, sig)
-        else:
-            for arg in args:
-                iter.append(arg)
-        if ignore_reply:
-            result = self._connection.send(message)
-            args_tuple = (result,)
-        elif reply_handler:
-            result = self._connection.send_with_reply_handlers(message, timeout, reply_handler, error_handler)
-            args_tuple = result
-        else:
-            reply_message = self._connection.send_with_reply_and_block(message, timeout)
-            args_tuple = reply_message.get_args_list()
-        if len(args_tuple) == 0:
-            return
-        elif len(args_tuple) == 1:
-            return args_tuple[0]
-        else:
-            return args_tuple
-class ProxyObject:
-    """A proxy to the remote Object.
-    A ProxyObject is provided by the Bus. ProxyObjects
-    have member functions, and can be called like normal Python objects.
-    """
-    ProxyMethodClass = ProxyMethod
-    DeferedMethodClass = DeferedMethod
-    def __init__(self, bus, named_service, object_path, introspect=True):
-        self._bus           = bus
-        self._named_service = named_service
-        self._object_path   = object_path
-        #PendingCall object for Introspect call
-        self._pending_introspect = None
-        #queue of async calls waiting on the Introspect to return 
-        self._pending_introspect_queue = []
-        #dictionary mapping method names to their input signatures
-        self._introspect_method_map = {}
-        if not introspect:
-            self._introspect_state = self.INTROSPECT_STATE_DONT_INTROSPECT
-        else:
-            self._introspect_state = self.INTROSPECT_STATE_INTROSPECT_IN_PROGRESS
-            (result, self._pending_introspect) = self._Introspect()
-    def connect_to_signal(self, signal_name, handler_function, dbus_interface=None, **keywords):
-        self._bus.add_signal_receiver(handler_function,
-                                      signal_name=signal_name,
-                                      dbus_interface=dbus_interface,
-                                      named_service=self._named_service,
-                                      path=self._object_path,
-                                      **keywords)
-    def _Introspect(self):
-        message = dbus_bindings.MethodCall(self._object_path, 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable', 'Introspect')
-        message.set_destination(self._named_service)
-        result = self._bus.get_connection().send_with_reply_handlers(message, -1, 
-                                                                     self._introspect_reply_handler, 
-                                                                     self._introspect_error_handler)
-        return result   
-    def _introspect_execute_queue(self): 
-        for call in self._pending_introspect_queue:
-            (member, iface, args, keywords) = call
-            introspect_sig = None
-            tmp_iface = ''
-            if iface:
-                tmp_iface = iface + '.'
-            key = tmp_iface + '.' + member
-            if self._introspect_method_map.has_key (key):
-                introspect_sig = self._introspect_method_map[key]
-            call_object = self.ProxyMethodClass(self._bus.get_connection(),
-                                                self._named_service,
-                                                self._object_path, 
-                                                iface, 
-                                                member,
-                                                introspect_sig)
-            call_object(args, keywords)
-    def _introspect_reply_handler(self, data):
-        try:
-            self._introspect_method_map = introspect_parser.process_introspection_data(data)
-        except IntrospectionParserException, e:
-            self._introspect_error_handler(e)
-            return
-        self._introspect_state = self.INTROSPECT_STATE_INTROSPECT_DONE
-        #self._introspect_execute_queue()
-    def _introspect_error_handler(self, error):
-        self._introspect_state = self.INTROSPECT_STATE_DONT_INTROSPECT
-        self._introspect_execute_queue()
-        sys.stderr.write("Introspect error: " + str(error) + "\n")
-    def __getattr__(self, member, dbus_interface=None):
-        if member == '__call__':
-            return object.__call__
-        elif member.startswith('__') and member.endswith('__'):
-            raise AttributeError(member)
-        else:
-            ret = self.ProxyMethodClass(self, self._bus.get_connection(),
-                                        self._named_service,
-                                        self._object_path, member, 
-                                        dbus_interface)
-            if self._introspect_state == self.INTROSPECT_STATE_INTROSPECT_IN_PROGRESS:
-                ret = self.DeferedMethodClass(ret)
-            return ret
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return '<ProxyObject wrapping %s %s %s at %#x>'%(
-            self._bus, self._named_service, self._object_path , id(self))
-    __str__ = __repr__
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deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 9148a35..0000000
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@@ -1,370 +0,0 @@
-import dbus_bindings
-import _dbus
-import operator
-import traceback
-from exceptions import NameExistsException
-from exceptions import UnknownMethodException
-from decorators import method
-from decorators import signal
-class BusName(object):
-    """A base class for exporting your own Named Services across the Bus
-    """
-    def __new__(cls, name, bus=None):
-        # get default bus
-        if bus == None:
-            bus = _dbus.Bus()
-        # see if this name is already defined, return it if so
-        if name in bus._bus_names:
-            return bus._bus_names[name]
-        # otherwise register the name
-        retval = dbus_bindings.bus_request_name(bus.get_connection(), name)
-        # TODO: more intelligent tracking of bus name states?
-        if retval == dbus_bindings.REQUEST_NAME_REPLY_PRIMARY_OWNER:
-            pass
-        elif retval == dbus_bindings.REQUEST_NAME_REPLY_IN_QUEUE:
-            # queueing can happen by default, maybe we should
-            # track this better or let the user know if they're
-            # queued or not?
-            pass
-        elif retval == dbus_bindings.REQUEST_NAME_REPLY_EXISTS:
-            raise NameExistsException(name)
-        elif retval == dbus_bindings.REQUEST_NAME_REPLY_ALREADY_OWNER:
-            # if this is a shared bus which is being used by someone
-            # else in this process, this can happen legitimately
-            pass
-        else:
-            raise RuntimeError('requesting bus name %s returned unexpected value %s' % (name, retval))
-        # and create the object
-        bus_name = object.__new__(cls)
-        bus_name._bus = bus
-        bus_name._name = name
-        # cache instance
-        bus._bus_names[name] = bus_name
-        return bus_name
-    # do nothing because this is called whether or not the bus name
-    # object was retrieved from the cache or created new
-    def __init__(self, *args, **keywords):
-        pass
-    # we can delete the low-level name here because these objects
-    # are guaranteed to exist only once for each bus name
-    def __del__(self):
-        dbus_bindings.bus_release_name(self._bus.get_connection(), self._name)
-        pass
-    def get_bus(self):
-        """Get the Bus this Service is on"""
-        return self._bus
-    def get_name(self):
-        """Get the name of this service"""
-        return self._name
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return '<dbus.service.BusName %s on %r at %#x>' % (self._name, self._bus, id(self))
-    __str__ = __repr__
-def _method_lookup(self, method_name, dbus_interface):
-    """Walks the Python MRO of the given class to find the method to invoke.
-    Returns two methods, the one to call, and the one it inherits from which
-    defines its D-Bus interface name, signature, and attributes.
-    """
-    parent_method = None
-    candidate_class = None
-    successful = False
-    # split up the cases when we do and don't have an interface because the
-    # latter is much simpler
-    if dbus_interface:
-        # search through the class hierarchy in python MRO order
-        for cls in self.__class__.__mro__:
-            # if we haven't got a candidate class yet, and we find a class with a
-            # suitably named member, save this as a candidate class
-            if (not candidate_class and method_name in cls.__dict__):
-                if ("_dbus_is_method" in cls.__dict__[method_name].__dict__
-                    and "_dbus_interface" in cls.__dict__[method_name].__dict__):
-                    # however if it is annotated for a different interface
-                    # than we are looking for, it cannot be a candidate
-                    if cls.__dict__[method_name]._dbus_interface == dbus_interface:
-                        candidate_class = cls
-                        parent_method = cls.__dict__[method_name]
-                        successful = True
-                        break
-                    else:
-                        pass
-                else:
-                    candidate_class = cls
-            # if we have a candidate class, carry on checking this and all
-            # superclasses for a method annoated as a dbus method
-            # on the correct interface
-            if (candidate_class and method_name in cls.__dict__
-                and "_dbus_is_method" in cls.__dict__[method_name].__dict__
-                and "_dbus_interface" in cls.__dict__[method_name].__dict__
-                and cls.__dict__[method_name]._dbus_interface == dbus_interface):
-                # the candidate class has a dbus method on the correct interface,
-                # or overrides a method that is, success!
-                parent_method = cls.__dict__[method_name]
-                successful = True
-                break
-    else:
-        # simpler version of above
-        for cls in self.__class__.__mro__:
-            if (not candidate_class and method_name in cls.__dict__):
-                candidate_class = cls
-            if (candidate_class and method_name in cls.__dict__
-                and "_dbus_is_method" in cls.__dict__[method_name].__dict__):
-                parent_method = cls.__dict__[method_name]
-                successful = True
-                break
-    if successful:
-        return (candidate_class.__dict__[method_name], parent_method)
-    else:
-        if dbus_interface:
-            raise UnknownMethodException('%s is not a valid method of interface %s' % (method_name, dbus_interface))
-        else:
-            raise UnknownMethodException('%s is not a valid method' % method_name)
-def _method_reply_return(connection, message, method_name, signature, *retval):
-    reply = dbus_bindings.MethodReturn(message)
-    iter = reply.get_iter(append=True)
-    # do strict adding if an output signature was provided
-    if signature:
-        if len(signature) > len(retval):
-            raise TypeError('output signature %s is longer than the number of values returned by %s' %
-                (signature, method_name))
-        elif len(retval) > len(signature):
-            raise TypeError('output signature %s is shorter than the number of values returned by %s' %
-                (signature, method_name))
-        else:
-            for (value, sig) in zip(retval, signature):
-                iter.append_strict(value, sig)
-    # no signature, try and guess the return type by inspection
-    else:
-        for value in retval:
-            iter.append(value)
-    connection.send(reply)
-def _method_reply_error(connection, message, exception):
-    if '_dbus_error_name' in exception.__dict__:
-        name = exception._dbus_error_name
-    elif exception.__module__ == '__main__':
-        name = 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Python.%s' % exception.__class__.__name__
-    else:
-        name = 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Python.%s.%s' % (exception.__module__, exception.__class__.__name__)
-    contents = traceback.format_exc()
-    reply = dbus_bindings.Error(message, name, contents)
-    connection.send(reply)
-class InterfaceType(type):
-    def __init__(cls, name, bases, dct):
-        # these attributes are shared between all instances of the Interface
-        # object, so this has to be a dictionary that maps class names to
-        # the per-class introspection/interface data
-        class_table = getattr(cls, '_dbus_class_table', {})
-        cls._dbus_class_table = class_table
-        interface_table = class_table[cls.__module__ + '.' + name] = {}
-        # merge all the name -> method tables for all the interfaces
-        # implemented by our base classes into our own
-        for b in bases:
-            base_name = b.__module__ + '.' + b.__name__
-            if getattr(b, '_dbus_class_table', False):
-                for (interface, method_table) in class_table[base_name].iteritems():
-                    our_method_table = interface_table.setdefault(interface, {})
-                    our_method_table.update(method_table)
-        # add in all the name -> method entries for our own methods/signals
-        for func in dct.values():
-            if getattr(func, '_dbus_interface', False):
-                method_table = interface_table.setdefault(func._dbus_interface, {})
-                method_table[func.__name__] = func
-        super(InterfaceType, cls).__init__(name, bases, dct)
-    # methods are different to signals, so we have two functions... :)
-    def _reflect_on_method(cls, func):
-        args = func._dbus_args
-        if func._dbus_in_signature:
-            # convert signature into a tuple so length refers to number of
-            # types, not number of characters. the length is checked by
-            # the decorator to make sure it matches the length of args.
-            in_sig = tuple(dbus_bindings.Signature(func._dbus_in_signature))
-        else:
-            # magic iterator which returns as many v's as we need
-            in_sig = dbus_bindings.VariantSignature()
-        if func._dbus_out_signature:
-            out_sig = dbus_bindings.Signature(func._dbus_out_signature)
-        else:
-            # its tempting to default to dbus_bindings.Signature('v'), but
-            # for methods that return nothing, providing incorrect
-            # introspection data is worse than providing none at all
-            out_sig = []
-        reflection_data = '    <method name="%s">\n' % (func.__name__)
-        for pair in zip(in_sig, args):
-            reflection_data += '      <arg direction="in"  type="%s" name="%s" />\n' % pair
-        for type in out_sig:
-            reflection_data += '      <arg direction="out" type="%s" />\n' % type
-        reflection_data += '    </method>\n'
-        return reflection_data
-    def _reflect_on_signal(cls, func):
-        args = func._dbus_args
-        if func._dbus_signature:
-            # convert signature into a tuple so length refers to number of
-            # types, not number of characters
-            sig = tuple(dbus_bindings.Signature(func._dbus_signature))
-        else:
-            # magic iterator which returns as many v's as we need
-            sig = dbus_bindings.VariantSignature()
-        reflection_data = '    <signal name="%s">\n' % (func.__name__)
-        for pair in zip(sig, args):
-            reflection_data = reflection_data + '      <arg type="%s" name="%s" />\n' % pair
-        reflection_data = reflection_data + '    </signal>\n'
-        return reflection_data
-class Interface(object):
-    __metaclass__ = InterfaceType
-class Object(Interface):
-    """A base class for exporting your own Objects across the Bus.
-    Just inherit from Object and provide a list of methods to share
-    across the Bus
-    """
-    def __init__(self, bus_name, object_path):
-        self._object_path = object_path
-        self._name = bus_name 
-        self._bus = bus_name.get_bus()
-        self._connection = self._bus.get_connection()
-        self._connection.register_object_path(object_path, self._unregister_cb, self._message_cb)
-    def _unregister_cb(self, connection):
-        print ("Unregister")
-    def _message_cb(self, connection, message):
-        try:
-            # lookup candidate method and parent method
-            method_name = message.get_member()
-            interface_name = message.get_interface()
-            (candidate_method, parent_method) = _method_lookup(self, method_name, interface_name)
-            # set up method call parameters
-            args = message.get_args_list()
-            keywords = {}
-            # iterate signature into list of complete types
-            if parent_method._dbus_out_signature:
-                signature = tuple(dbus_bindings.Signature(parent_method._dbus_out_signature))
-            else:
-                signature = None
-            # set up async callback functions
-            if parent_method._dbus_async_callbacks:
-                (return_callback, error_callback) = parent_method._dbus_async_callbacks
-                keywords[return_callback] = lambda *retval: _method_reply_return(connection, message, method_name, signature, *retval)
-                keywords[error_callback] = lambda exception: _method_reply_error(connection, message, exception)
-            # include the sender if desired
-            if parent_method._dbus_sender_keyword:
-                keywords[parent_method._dbus_sender_keyword] = message.get_sender()
-            # call method
-            retval = candidate_method(self, *args, **keywords)
-            # we're done - the method has got callback functions to reply with
-            if parent_method._dbus_async_callbacks:
-                return
-            # otherwise we send the return values in a reply. if we have a
-            # signature, use it to turn the return value into a tuple as
-            # appropriate
-            if parent_method._dbus_out_signature:
-                # if we have zero or one return values we want make a tuple
-                # for the _method_reply_return function, otherwise we need
-                # to check we're passing it a sequence
-                if len(signature) == 0:
-                    if retval == None:
-                        retval = ()
-                    else:
-                        raise TypeError('%s has an empty output signature but did not return None' %
-                            method_name)
-                elif len(signature) == 1:
-                    retval = (retval,)
-                else:
-                    if operator.isSequenceType(retval):
-                        # multi-value signature, multi-value return... proceed unchanged
-                        pass
-                    else:
-                        raise TypeError('%s has multiple output values in signature %s but did not return a sequence' %
-                            (method_name, signature))
-            # no signature, so just turn the return into a tuple and send it as normal
-            else:
-                signature = None
-                if retval == None:
-                    retval = ()
-                else:
-                    retval = (retval,)
-            _method_reply_return(connection, message, method_name, signature, *retval)
-        except Exception, exception:
-            # send error reply
-            _method_reply_error(connection, message, exception)
-    @method('org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable', in_signature='', out_signature='s')
-    def Introspect(self):
-        reflection_data = '<!DOCTYPE node PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Object Introspection 1.0//EN" "http://www.freedesktop.org/standards/dbus/1.0/introspect.dtd">\n'
-        reflection_data += '<node name="%s">\n' % (self._object_path)
-        interfaces = self._dbus_class_table[self.__class__.__module__ + '.' + self.__class__.__name__]
-        for (name, funcs) in interfaces.iteritems():
-            reflection_data += '  <interface name="%s">\n' % (name)
-            for func in funcs.values():
-                if getattr(func, '_dbus_is_method', False):
-                    reflection_data += self.__class__._reflect_on_method(func)
-                elif getattr(func, '_dbus_is_signal', False):
-                    reflection_data += self.__class__._reflect_on_signal(func)
-            reflection_data += '  </interface>\n'
-        reflection_data += '</node>\n'
-        return reflection_data
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return '<dbus.service.Object %s on %r at %#x>' % (self._object_path, self._name, id(self))
-    __str__ = __repr__
diff --git a/python/types.py b/python/types.py
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index f3d348c..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-import dbus_bindings
-ObjectPath = dbus_bindings.ObjectPath
-ByteArray = dbus_bindings.ByteArray
-Signature = dbus_bindings.Signature
-Byte = dbus_bindings.Byte
-Boolean = dbus_bindings.Boolean
-Int16 = dbus_bindings.Int16
-UInt16 = dbus_bindings.UInt16
-Int32 = dbus_bindings.Int32
-UInt32 = dbus_bindings.UInt32
-Int64 = dbus_bindings.Int64
-UInt64 = dbus_bindings.UInt64
-Double = dbus_bindings.Double
-String = dbus_bindings.String
-Array = dbus_bindings.Array
-Struct = dbus_bindings.Struct
-Dictionary = dbus_bindings.Dictionary
-Variant = dbus_bindings.Variant
diff --git a/qt/.cvsignore b/qt/.cvsignore
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index f6454f2..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/qt/Doxyfile b/qt/Doxyfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index a57ca5c..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1261 +0,0 @@
-# Doxyfile 1.4.6
-# This file describes the settings to be used by the documentation system
-# doxygen (www.doxygen.org) for a project
-# All text after a hash (#) is considered a comment and will be ignored
-# The format is:
-#       TAG = value [value, ...]
-# For lists items can also be appended using:
-#       TAG += value [value, ...]
-# Values that contain spaces should be placed between quotes (" ")
-# Project related configuration options
-# The PROJECT_NAME tag is a single word (or a sequence of words surrounded 
-# by quotes) that should identify the project.
-PROJECT_NAME           = QtDBus
-# The PROJECT_NUMBER tag can be used to enter a project or revision number. 
-# This could be handy for archiving the generated documentation or 
-# if some version control system is used.
-PROJECT_NUMBER         = 0.62
-# The OUTPUT_DIRECTORY tag is used to specify the (relative or absolute) 
-# base path where the generated documentation will be put. 
-# If a relative path is entered, it will be relative to the location 
-# where doxygen was started. If left blank the current directory will be used.
-OUTPUT_DIRECTORY       = doc/api
-# If the CREATE_SUBDIRS tag is set to YES, then doxygen will create 
-# 4096 sub-directories (in 2 levels) under the output directory of each output 
-# format and will distribute the generated files over these directories. 
-# Enabling this option can be useful when feeding doxygen a huge amount of 
-# source files, where putting all generated files in the same directory would 
-# otherwise cause performance problems for the file system.
-# The OUTPUT_LANGUAGE tag is used to specify the language in which all 
-# documentation generated by doxygen is written. Doxygen will use this 
-# information to generate all constant output in the proper language. 
-# The default language is English, other supported languages are: 
-# Brazilian, Catalan, Chinese, Chinese-Traditional, Croatian, Czech, Danish, 
-# Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, 
-# Japanese-en (Japanese with English messages), Korean, Korean-en, Norwegian, 
-# Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovene, Spanish, 
-# Swedish, and Ukrainian.
-OUTPUT_LANGUAGE        = English
-# This tag can be used to specify the encoding used in the generated output. 
-# The encoding is not always determined by the language that is chosen, 
-# but also whether or not the output is meant for Windows or non-Windows users. 
-# In case there is a difference, setting the USE_WINDOWS_ENCODING tag to YES 
-# forces the Windows encoding (this is the default for the Windows binary), 
-# whereas setting the tag to NO uses a Unix-style encoding (the default for 
-# all platforms other than Windows).
-# If the BRIEF_MEMBER_DESC tag is set to YES (the default) Doxygen will 
-# include brief member descriptions after the members that are listed in 
-# the file and class documentation (similar to JavaDoc). 
-# Set to NO to disable this.
-# If the REPEAT_BRIEF tag is set to YES (the default) Doxygen will prepend 
-# the brief description of a member or function before the detailed description. 
-# Note: if both HIDE_UNDOC_MEMBERS and BRIEF_MEMBER_DESC are set to NO, the 
-# brief descriptions will be completely suppressed.
-REPEAT_BRIEF           = YES
-# This tag implements a quasi-intelligent brief description abbreviator 
-# that is used to form the text in various listings. Each string 
-# in this list, if found as the leading text of the brief description, will be 
-# stripped from the text and the result after processing the whole list, is 
-# used as the annotated text. Otherwise, the brief description is used as-is. 
-# If left blank, the following values are used ("$name" is automatically 
-# replaced with the name of the entity): "The $name class" "The $name widget" 
-# "The $name file" "is" "provides" "specifies" "contains" 
-# "represents" "a" "an" "the"
-# If the ALWAYS_DETAILED_SEC and REPEAT_BRIEF tags are both set to YES then 
-# Doxygen will generate a detailed section even if there is only a brief 
-# description.
-# If the INLINE_INHERITED_MEMB tag is set to YES, doxygen will show all 
-# inherited members of a class in the documentation of that class as if those 
-# members were ordinary class members. Constructors, destructors and assignment 
-# operators of the base classes will not be shown.
-# If the FULL_PATH_NAMES tag is set to YES then Doxygen will prepend the full 
-# path before files name in the file list and in the header files. If set 
-# to NO the shortest path that makes the file name unique will be used.
-# If the FULL_PATH_NAMES tag is set to YES then the STRIP_FROM_PATH tag 
-# can be used to strip a user-defined part of the path. Stripping is 
-# only done if one of the specified strings matches the left-hand part of 
-# the path. The tag can be used to show relative paths in the file list. 
-# If left blank the directory from which doxygen is run is used as the 
-# path to strip.
-STRIP_FROM_PATH        = 
-# The STRIP_FROM_INC_PATH tag can be used to strip a user-defined part of 
-# the path mentioned in the documentation of a class, which tells 
-# the reader which header file to include in order to use a class. 
-# If left blank only the name of the header file containing the class 
-# definition is used. Otherwise one should specify the include paths that 
-# are normally passed to the compiler using the -I flag.
-# If the SHORT_NAMES tag is set to YES, doxygen will generate much shorter 
-# (but less readable) file names. This can be useful is your file systems 
-# doesn't support long names like on DOS, Mac, or CD-ROM.
-SHORT_NAMES            = NO
-# If the JAVADOC_AUTOBRIEF tag is set to YES then Doxygen 
-# will interpret the first line (until the first dot) of a JavaDoc-style 
-# comment as the brief description. If set to NO, the JavaDoc 
-# comments will behave just like the Qt-style comments (thus requiring an 
-# explicit @brief command for a brief description.
-# The MULTILINE_CPP_IS_BRIEF tag can be set to YES to make Doxygen 
-# treat a multi-line C++ special comment block (i.e. a block of //! or /// 
-# comments) as a brief description. This used to be the default behaviour. 
-# The new default is to treat a multi-line C++ comment block as a detailed 
-# description. Set this tag to YES if you prefer the old behaviour instead.
-# If the DETAILS_AT_TOP tag is set to YES then Doxygen 
-# will output the detailed description near the top, like JavaDoc.
-# If set to NO, the detailed description appears after the member 
-# documentation.
-DETAILS_AT_TOP         = NO
-# If the INHERIT_DOCS tag is set to YES (the default) then an undocumented 
-# member inherits the documentation from any documented member that it 
-# re-implements.
-INHERIT_DOCS           = YES
-# If the SEPARATE_MEMBER_PAGES tag is set to YES, then doxygen will produce 
-# a new page for each member. If set to NO, the documentation of a member will 
-# be part of the file/class/namespace that contains it.
-# The TAB_SIZE tag can be used to set the number of spaces in a tab. 
-# Doxygen uses this value to replace tabs by spaces in code fragments.
-TAB_SIZE               = 8
-# This tag can be used to specify a number of aliases that acts 
-# as commands in the documentation. An alias has the form "name=value". 
-# For example adding "sideeffect=\par Side Effects:\n" will allow you to 
-# put the command \sideeffect (or @sideeffect) in the documentation, which 
-# will result in a user-defined paragraph with heading "Side Effects:". 
-# You can put \n's in the value part of an alias to insert newlines.
-ALIASES                = "value=\li \a"
-# Set the OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C tag to YES if your project consists of C 
-# sources only. Doxygen will then generate output that is more tailored for C. 
-# For instance, some of the names that are used will be different. The list 
-# of all members will be omitted, etc.
-# Set the OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_JAVA tag to YES if your project consists of Java 
-# sources only. Doxygen will then generate output that is more tailored for Java. 
-# For instance, namespaces will be presented as packages, qualified scopes 
-# will look different, etc.
-# If you use STL classes (i.e. std::string, std::vector, etc.) but do not want to 
-# include (a tag file for) the STL sources as input, then you should 
-# set this tag to YES in order to let doxygen match functions declarations and 
-# definitions whose arguments contain STL classes (e.g. func(std::string); v.s. 
-# func(std::string) {}). This also make the inheritance and collaboration 
-# diagrams that involve STL classes more complete and accurate.
-# If member grouping is used in the documentation and the DISTRIBUTE_GROUP_DOC 
-# tag is set to YES, then doxygen will reuse the documentation of the first 
-# member in the group (if any) for the other members of the group. By default 
-# all members of a group must be documented explicitly.
-# Set the SUBGROUPING tag to YES (the default) to allow class member groups of 
-# the same type (for instance a group of public functions) to be put as a 
-# subgroup of that type (e.g. under the Public Functions section). Set it to 
-# NO to prevent subgrouping. Alternatively, this can be done per class using 
-# the \nosubgrouping command.
-SUBGROUPING            = YES
-# Build related configuration options
-# If the EXTRACT_ALL tag is set to YES doxygen will assume all entities in 
-# documentation are documented, even if no documentation was available. 
-# Private class members and static file members will be hidden unless 
-# the EXTRACT_PRIVATE and EXTRACT_STATIC tags are set to YES
-EXTRACT_ALL            = NO
-# If the EXTRACT_PRIVATE tag is set to YES all private members of a class 
-# will be included in the documentation.
-# If the EXTRACT_STATIC tag is set to YES all static members of a file 
-# will be included in the documentation.
-# If the EXTRACT_LOCAL_CLASSES tag is set to YES classes (and structs) 
-# defined locally in source files will be included in the documentation. 
-# If set to NO only classes defined in header files are included.
-# This flag is only useful for Objective-C code. When set to YES local 
-# methods, which are defined in the implementation section but not in 
-# the interface are included in the documentation. 
-# If set to NO (the default) only methods in the interface are included.
-# If the HIDE_UNDOC_MEMBERS tag is set to YES, Doxygen will hide all 
-# undocumented members of documented classes, files or namespaces. 
-# If set to NO (the default) these members will be included in the 
-# various overviews, but no documentation section is generated. 
-# This option has no effect if EXTRACT_ALL is enabled.
-# If the HIDE_UNDOC_CLASSES tag is set to YES, Doxygen will hide all 
-# undocumented classes that are normally visible in the class hierarchy. 
-# If set to NO (the default) these classes will be included in the various 
-# overviews. This option has no effect if EXTRACT_ALL is enabled.
-# If the HIDE_FRIEND_COMPOUNDS tag is set to YES, Doxygen will hide all 
-# friend (class|struct|union) declarations. 
-# If set to NO (the default) these declarations will be included in the 
-# documentation.
-# If the HIDE_IN_BODY_DOCS tag is set to YES, Doxygen will hide any 
-# documentation blocks found inside the body of a function. 
-# If set to NO (the default) these blocks will be appended to the 
-# function's detailed documentation block.
-# The INTERNAL_DOCS tag determines if documentation 
-# that is typed after a \internal command is included. If the tag is set 
-# to NO (the default) then the documentation will be excluded. 
-# Set it to YES to include the internal documentation.
-# If the CASE_SENSE_NAMES tag is set to NO then Doxygen will only generate 
-# file names in lower-case letters. If set to YES upper-case letters are also 
-# allowed. This is useful if you have classes or files whose names only differ 
-# in case and if your file system supports case sensitive file names. Windows 
-# and Mac users are advised to set this option to NO.
-# If the HIDE_SCOPE_NAMES tag is set to NO (the default) then Doxygen 
-# will show members with their full class and namespace scopes in the 
-# documentation. If set to YES the scope will be hidden.
-# If the SHOW_INCLUDE_FILES tag is set to YES (the default) then Doxygen 
-# will put a list of the files that are included by a file in the documentation 
-# of that file.
-# If the INLINE_INFO tag is set to YES (the default) then a tag [inline] 
-# is inserted in the documentation for inline members.
-INLINE_INFO            = YES
-# If the SORT_MEMBER_DOCS tag is set to YES (the default) then doxygen 
-# will sort the (detailed) documentation of file and class members 
-# alphabetically by member name. If set to NO the members will appear in 
-# declaration order.
-# If the SORT_BRIEF_DOCS tag is set to YES then doxygen will sort the 
-# brief documentation of file, namespace and class members alphabetically 
-# by member name. If set to NO (the default) the members will appear in 
-# declaration order.
-# If the SORT_BY_SCOPE_NAME tag is set to YES, the class list will be 
-# sorted by fully-qualified names, including namespaces. If set to 
-# NO (the default), the class list will be sorted only by class name, 
-# not including the namespace part. 
-# Note: This option is not very useful if HIDE_SCOPE_NAMES is set to YES.
-# Note: This option applies only to the class list, not to the 
-# alphabetical list.
-# The GENERATE_TODOLIST tag can be used to enable (YES) or 
-# disable (NO) the todo list. This list is created by putting \todo 
-# commands in the documentation.
-# The GENERATE_TESTLIST tag can be used to enable (YES) or 
-# disable (NO) the test list. This list is created by putting \test 
-# commands in the documentation.
-# The GENERATE_BUGLIST tag can be used to enable (YES) or 
-# disable (NO) the bug list. This list is created by putting \bug 
-# commands in the documentation.
-# The GENERATE_DEPRECATEDLIST tag can be used to enable (YES) or 
-# disable (NO) the deprecated list. This list is created by putting 
-# \deprecated commands in the documentation.
-# The ENABLED_SECTIONS tag can be used to enable conditional 
-# documentation sections, marked by \if sectionname ... \endif.
-# The MAX_INITIALIZER_LINES tag determines the maximum number of lines 
-# the initial value of a variable or define consists of for it to appear in 
-# the documentation. If the initializer consists of more lines than specified 
-# here it will be hidden. Use a value of 0 to hide initializers completely. 
-# The appearance of the initializer of individual variables and defines in the 
-# documentation can be controlled using \showinitializer or \hideinitializer 
-# command in the documentation regardless of this setting.
-# Set the SHOW_USED_FILES tag to NO to disable the list of files generated 
-# at the bottom of the documentation of classes and structs. If set to YES the 
-# list will mention the files that were used to generate the documentation.
-# If the sources in your project are distributed over multiple directories 
-# then setting the SHOW_DIRECTORIES tag to YES will show the directory hierarchy 
-# in the documentation. The default is NO.
-# The FILE_VERSION_FILTER tag can be used to specify a program or script that 
-# doxygen should invoke to get the current version for each file (typically from the 
-# version control system). Doxygen will invoke the program by executing (via 
-# popen()) the command <command> <input-file>, where <command> is the value of 
-# the FILE_VERSION_FILTER tag, and <input-file> is the name of an input file 
-# provided by doxygen. Whatever the program writes to standard output 
-# is used as the file version. See the manual for examples.
-# configuration options related to warning and progress messages
-# The QUIET tag can be used to turn on/off the messages that are generated 
-# by doxygen. Possible values are YES and NO. If left blank NO is used.
-QUIET                  = YES
-# The WARNINGS tag can be used to turn on/off the warning messages that are 
-# generated by doxygen. Possible values are YES and NO. If left blank 
-# NO is used.
-WARNINGS               = YES
-# If WARN_IF_UNDOCUMENTED is set to YES, then doxygen will generate warnings 
-# for undocumented members. If EXTRACT_ALL is set to YES then this flag will 
-# automatically be disabled.
-# If WARN_IF_DOC_ERROR is set to YES, doxygen will generate warnings for 
-# potential errors in the documentation, such as not documenting some 
-# parameters in a documented function, or documenting parameters that 
-# don't exist or using markup commands wrongly.
-# This WARN_NO_PARAMDOC option can be abled to get warnings for 
-# functions that are documented, but have no documentation for their parameters 
-# or return value. If set to NO (the default) doxygen will only warn about 
-# wrong or incomplete parameter documentation, but not about the absence of 
-# documentation.
-# The WARN_FORMAT tag determines the format of the warning messages that 
-# doxygen can produce. The string should contain the $file, $line, and $text 
-# tags, which will be replaced by the file and line number from which the 
-# warning originated and the warning text. Optionally the format may contain 
-# $version, which will be replaced by the version of the file (if it could 
-# be obtained via FILE_VERSION_FILTER)
-WARN_FORMAT            = 
-# The WARN_LOGFILE tag can be used to specify a file to which warning 
-# and error messages should be written. If left blank the output is written 
-# to stderr.
-WARN_LOGFILE           = 
-# configuration options related to the input files
-# The INPUT tag can be used to specify the files and/or directories that contain 
-# documented source files. You may enter file names like "myfile.cpp" or 
-# directories like "/usr/src/myproject". Separate the files or directories 
-# with spaces.
-INPUT                  = src
-# If the value of the INPUT tag contains directories, you can use the 
-# FILE_PATTERNS tag to specify one or more wildcard pattern (like *.cpp 
-# and *.h) to filter out the source-files in the directories. If left 
-# blank the following patterns are tested: 
-# *.c *.cc *.cxx *.cpp *.c++ *.java *.ii *.ixx *.ipp *.i++ *.inl *.h *.hh *.hxx 
-# *.hpp *.h++ *.idl *.odl *.cs *.php *.php3 *.inc *.m *.mm *.py
-FILE_PATTERNS          = *.cpp \
-                         *.h
-# The RECURSIVE tag can be used to turn specify whether or not subdirectories 
-# should be searched for input files as well. Possible values are YES and NO. 
-# If left blank NO is used.
-RECURSIVE              = NO
-# The EXCLUDE tag can be used to specify files and/or directories that should 
-# excluded from the INPUT source files. This way you can easily exclude a 
-# subdirectory from a directory tree whose root is specified with the INPUT tag.
-EXCLUDE                = ./selftests
-# The EXCLUDE_SYMLINKS tag can be used select whether or not files or 
-# directories that are symbolic links (a Unix filesystem feature) are excluded 
-# from the input.
-# If the value of the INPUT tag contains directories, you can use the 
-# EXCLUDE_PATTERNS tag to specify one or more wildcard patterns to exclude 
-# certain files from those directories. Note that the wildcards are matched 
-# against the file with absolute path, so to exclude all test directories 
-# for example use the pattern */test/*
-EXCLUDE_PATTERNS       = Makefile.* \
-                         ChangeLog \
-                         CHANGES \
-                         CHANGES.* \
-                         README \
-                         README.* \
-                         *.png \
-                         AUTHORS \
-                         DESIGN \
-                         DESIGN.* \
-                         *.desktop \
-                         DESKTOP* \
-                         COMMENTS \
-                         HOWTO \
-                         magic \
-                         NOTES \
-                         TODO \
-                         THANKS
-# The EXAMPLE_PATH tag can be used to specify one or more files or 
-# directories that contain example code fragments that are included (see 
-# the \include command).
-EXAMPLE_PATH           = examples
-# If the value of the EXAMPLE_PATH tag contains directories, you can use the 
-# EXAMPLE_PATTERNS tag to specify one or more wildcard pattern (like *.cpp 
-# and *.h) to filter out the source-files in the directories. If left 
-# blank all files are included.
-# If the EXAMPLE_RECURSIVE tag is set to YES then subdirectories will be 
-# searched for input files to be used with the \include or \dontinclude 
-# commands irrespective of the value of the RECURSIVE tag. 
-# Possible values are YES and NO. If left blank NO is used.
-# The IMAGE_PATH tag can be used to specify one or more files or 
-# directories that contain image that are included in the documentation (see 
-# the \image command).
-IMAGE_PATH             = 
-# The INPUT_FILTER tag can be used to specify a program that doxygen should 
-# invoke to filter for each input file. Doxygen will invoke the filter program 
-# by executing (via popen()) the command <filter> <input-file>, where <filter> 
-# is the value of the INPUT_FILTER tag, and <input-file> is the name of an 
-# input file. Doxygen will then use the output that the filter program writes 
-# to standard output.  If FILTER_PATTERNS is specified, this tag will be 
-# ignored.
-INPUT_FILTER           = 
-# The FILTER_PATTERNS tag can be used to specify filters on a per file pattern 
-# basis.  Doxygen will compare the file name with each pattern and apply the 
-# filter if there is a match.  The filters are a list of the form: 
-# pattern=filter (like *.cpp=my_cpp_filter). See INPUT_FILTER for further 
-# info on how filters are used. If FILTER_PATTERNS is empty, INPUT_FILTER 
-# is applied to all files.
-# If the FILTER_SOURCE_FILES tag is set to YES, the input filter (if set using 
-# INPUT_FILTER) will be used to filter the input files when producing source 
-# files to browse (i.e. when SOURCE_BROWSER is set to YES).
-# configuration options related to source browsing
-# If the SOURCE_BROWSER tag is set to YES then a list of source files will 
-# be generated. Documented entities will be cross-referenced with these sources. 
-# Note: To get rid of all source code in the generated output, make sure also 
-# Setting the INLINE_SOURCES tag to YES will include the body 
-# of functions and classes directly in the documentation.
-# Setting the STRIP_CODE_COMMENTS tag to YES (the default) will instruct 
-# doxygen to hide any special comment blocks from generated source code 
-# fragments. Normal C and C++ comments will always remain visible.
-# If the REFERENCED_BY_RELATION tag is set to YES (the default) 
-# then for each documented function all documented 
-# functions referencing it will be listed.
-# If the REFERENCES_RELATION tag is set to YES (the default) 
-# then for each documented function all documented entities 
-# called/used by that function will be listed.
-# If the USE_HTAGS tag is set to YES then the references to source code 
-# will point to the HTML generated by the htags(1) tool instead of doxygen 
-# built-in source browser. The htags tool is part of GNU's global source 
-# tagging system (see http://www.gnu.org/software/global/global.html). You 
-# will need version 4.8.6 or higher.
-USE_HTAGS              = NO
-# If the VERBATIM_HEADERS tag is set to YES (the default) then Doxygen 
-# will generate a verbatim copy of the header file for each class for 
-# which an include is specified. Set to NO to disable this.
-# configuration options related to the alphabetical class index
-# If the ALPHABETICAL_INDEX tag is set to YES, an alphabetical index 
-# of all compounds will be generated. Enable this if the project 
-# contains a lot of classes, structs, unions or interfaces.
-# If the alphabetical index is enabled (see ALPHABETICAL_INDEX) then 
-# the COLS_IN_ALPHA_INDEX tag can be used to specify the number of columns 
-# in which this list will be split (can be a number in the range [1..20])
-# In case all classes in a project start with a common prefix, all 
-# classes will be put under the same header in the alphabetical index. 
-# The IGNORE_PREFIX tag can be used to specify one or more prefixes that 
-# should be ignored while generating the index headers.
-IGNORE_PREFIX          = QDBus
-# configuration options related to the HTML output
-# If the GENERATE_HTML tag is set to YES (the default) Doxygen will 
-# generate HTML output.
-# The HTML_OUTPUT tag is used to specify where the HTML docs will be put. 
-# If a relative path is entered the value of OUTPUT_DIRECTORY will be 
-# put in front of it. If left blank `html' will be used as the default path.
-HTML_OUTPUT            = 
-# The HTML_FILE_EXTENSION tag can be used to specify the file extension for 
-# each generated HTML page (for example: .htm,.php,.asp). If it is left blank 
-# doxygen will generate files with .html extension.
-# The HTML_HEADER tag can be used to specify a personal HTML header for 
-# each generated HTML page. If it is left blank doxygen will generate a 
-# standard header.
-HTML_HEADER            = 
-# The HTML_FOOTER tag can be used to specify a personal HTML footer for 
-# each generated HTML page. If it is left blank doxygen will generate a 
-# standard footer.
-HTML_FOOTER            = 
-# The HTML_STYLESHEET tag can be used to specify a user-defined cascading 
-# style sheet that is used by each HTML page. It can be used to 
-# fine-tune the look of the HTML output. If the tag is left blank doxygen 
-# will generate a default style sheet. Note that doxygen will try to copy 
-# the style sheet file to the HTML output directory, so don't put your own 
-# stylesheet in the HTML output directory as well, or it will be erased!
-# If the HTML_ALIGN_MEMBERS tag is set to YES, the members of classes, 
-# files or namespaces will be aligned in HTML using tables. If set to 
-# NO a bullet list will be used.
-# If the GENERATE_HTMLHELP tag is set to YES, additional index files 
-# will be generated that can be used as input for tools like the 
-# Microsoft HTML help workshop to generate a compressed HTML help file (.chm) 
-# of the generated HTML documentation.
-# If the GENERATE_HTMLHELP tag is set to YES, the CHM_FILE tag can 
-# be used to specify the file name of the resulting .chm file. You 
-# can add a path in front of the file if the result should not be 
-# written to the html output directory.
-CHM_FILE               = 
-# If the GENERATE_HTMLHELP tag is set to YES, the HHC_LOCATION tag can 
-# be used to specify the location (absolute path including file name) of 
-# the HTML help compiler (hhc.exe). If non-empty doxygen will try to run 
-# the HTML help compiler on the generated index.hhp.
-HHC_LOCATION           = 
-# If the GENERATE_HTMLHELP tag is set to YES, the GENERATE_CHI flag 
-# controls if a separate .chi index file is generated (YES) or that 
-# it should be included in the master .chm file (NO).
-GENERATE_CHI           = NO
-# If the GENERATE_HTMLHELP tag is set to YES, the BINARY_TOC flag 
-# controls whether a binary table of contents is generated (YES) or a 
-# normal table of contents (NO) in the .chm file.
-BINARY_TOC             = NO
-# The TOC_EXPAND flag can be set to YES to add extra items for group members 
-# to the contents of the HTML help documentation and to the tree view.
-TOC_EXPAND             = NO
-# The DISABLE_INDEX tag can be used to turn on/off the condensed index at 
-# top of each HTML page. The value NO (the default) enables the index and 
-# the value YES disables it.
-DISABLE_INDEX          = NO
-# This tag can be used to set the number of enum values (range [1..20]) 
-# that doxygen will group on one line in the generated HTML documentation.
-# If the GENERATE_TREEVIEW tag is set to YES, a side panel will be
-# generated containing a tree-like index structure (just like the one that 
-# is generated for HTML Help). For this to work a browser that supports 
-# JavaScript, DHTML, CSS and frames is required (for instance Mozilla 1.0+, 
-# Netscape 6.0+, Internet explorer 5.0+, or Konqueror). Windows users are 
-# probably better off using the HTML help feature.
-# If the treeview is enabled (see GENERATE_TREEVIEW) then this tag can be 
-# used to set the initial width (in pixels) of the frame in which the tree 
-# is shown.
-TREEVIEW_WIDTH         = 250
-# configuration options related to the LaTeX output
-# If the GENERATE_LATEX tag is set to YES (the default) Doxygen will 
-# generate Latex output.
-# The LATEX_OUTPUT tag is used to specify where the LaTeX docs will be put. 
-# If a relative path is entered the value of OUTPUT_DIRECTORY will be 
-# put in front of it. If left blank `latex' will be used as the default path.
-LATEX_OUTPUT           = 
-# The LATEX_CMD_NAME tag can be used to specify the LaTeX command name to be 
-# invoked. If left blank `latex' will be used as the default command name.
-LATEX_CMD_NAME         = latex
-# The MAKEINDEX_CMD_NAME tag can be used to specify the command name to 
-# generate index for LaTeX. If left blank `makeindex' will be used as the 
-# default command name.
-MAKEINDEX_CMD_NAME     = makeindex
-# If the COMPACT_LATEX tag is set to YES Doxygen generates more compact 
-# LaTeX documents. This may be useful for small projects and may help to 
-# save some trees in general.
-COMPACT_LATEX          = NO
-# The PAPER_TYPE tag can be used to set the paper type that is used 
-# by the printer. Possible values are: a4, a4wide, letter, legal and 
-# executive. If left blank a4wide will be used.
-PAPER_TYPE             = a4wide
-# The EXTRA_PACKAGES tag can be to specify one or more names of LaTeX 
-# packages that should be included in the LaTeX output.
-EXTRA_PACKAGES         = 
-# The LATEX_HEADER tag can be used to specify a personal LaTeX header for 
-# the generated latex document. The header should contain everything until 
-# the first chapter. If it is left blank doxygen will generate a 
-# standard header. Notice: only use this tag if you know what you are doing!
-LATEX_HEADER           = 
-# If the PDF_HYPERLINKS tag is set to YES, the LaTeX that is generated 
-# is prepared for conversion to pdf (using ps2pdf). The pdf file will 
-# contain links (just like the HTML output) instead of page references 
-# This makes the output suitable for online browsing using a pdf viewer.
-# If the USE_PDFLATEX tag is set to YES, pdflatex will be used instead of 
-# plain latex in the generated Makefile. Set this option to YES to get a 
-# higher quality PDF documentation.
-USE_PDFLATEX           = NO
-# If the LATEX_BATCHMODE tag is set to YES, doxygen will add the \\batchmode. 
-# command to the generated LaTeX files. This will instruct LaTeX to keep 
-# running if errors occur, instead of asking the user for help. 
-# This option is also used when generating formulas in HTML.
-# If LATEX_HIDE_INDICES is set to YES then doxygen will not 
-# include the index chapters (such as File Index, Compound Index, etc.) 
-# in the output.
-# configuration options related to the RTF output
-# If the GENERATE_RTF tag is set to YES Doxygen will generate RTF output 
-# The RTF output is optimized for Word 97 and may not look very pretty with 
-# other RTF readers or editors.
-GENERATE_RTF           = NO
-# The RTF_OUTPUT tag is used to specify where the RTF docs will be put. 
-# If a relative path is entered the value of OUTPUT_DIRECTORY will be 
-# put in front of it. If left blank `rtf' will be used as the default path.
-RTF_OUTPUT             = 
-# If the COMPACT_RTF tag is set to YES Doxygen generates more compact 
-# RTF documents. This may be useful for small projects and may help to 
-# save some trees in general.
-COMPACT_RTF            = NO
-# If the RTF_HYPERLINKS tag is set to YES, the RTF that is generated 
-# will contain hyperlink fields. The RTF file will 
-# contain links (just like the HTML output) instead of page references. 
-# This makes the output suitable for online browsing using WORD or other 
-# programs which support those fields. 
-# Note: wordpad (write) and others do not support links.
-# Load stylesheet definitions from file. Syntax is similar to doxygen's 
-# config file, i.e. a series of assignments. You only have to provide 
-# replacements, missing definitions are set to their default value.
-# Set optional variables used in the generation of an rtf document. 
-# Syntax is similar to doxygen's config file.
-# configuration options related to the man page output
-# If the GENERATE_MAN tag is set to YES (the default) Doxygen will 
-# generate man pages
-GENERATE_MAN           = NO
-# The MAN_OUTPUT tag is used to specify where the man pages will be put. 
-# If a relative path is entered the value of OUTPUT_DIRECTORY will be 
-# put in front of it. If left blank `man' will be used as the default path.
-MAN_OUTPUT             = man
-# The MAN_EXTENSION tag determines the extension that is added to 
-# the generated man pages (default is the subroutine's section .3)
-MAN_EXTENSION          = .3dbus
-# If the MAN_LINKS tag is set to YES and Doxygen generates man output, 
-# then it will generate one additional man file for each entity 
-# documented in the real man page(s). These additional files 
-# only source the real man page, but without them the man command 
-# would be unable to find the correct page. The default is NO.
-MAN_LINKS              = YES
-# configuration options related to the XML output
-# If the GENERATE_XML tag is set to YES Doxygen will 
-# generate an XML file that captures the structure of 
-# the code including all documentation.
-GENERATE_XML           = NO
-# The XML_OUTPUT tag is used to specify where the XML pages will be put. 
-# If a relative path is entered the value of OUTPUT_DIRECTORY will be 
-# put in front of it. If left blank `xml' will be used as the default path.
-XML_OUTPUT             = xml
-# The XML_SCHEMA tag can be used to specify an XML schema, 
-# which can be used by a validating XML parser to check the 
-# syntax of the XML files.
-XML_SCHEMA             = 
-# The XML_DTD tag can be used to specify an XML DTD, 
-# which can be used by a validating XML parser to check the 
-# syntax of the XML files.
-XML_DTD                = 
-# If the XML_PROGRAMLISTING tag is set to YES Doxygen will 
-# dump the program listings (including syntax highlighting 
-# and cross-referencing information) to the XML output. Note that 
-# enabling this will significantly increase the size of the XML output.
-# configuration options for the AutoGen Definitions output
-# If the GENERATE_AUTOGEN_DEF tag is set to YES Doxygen will 
-# generate an AutoGen Definitions (see autogen.sf.net) file 
-# that captures the structure of the code including all 
-# documentation. Note that this feature is still experimental 
-# and incomplete at the moment.
-# configuration options related to the Perl module output
-# If the GENERATE_PERLMOD tag is set to YES Doxygen will 
-# generate a Perl module file that captures the structure of 
-# the code including all documentation. Note that this 
-# feature is still experimental and incomplete at the 
-# moment.
-# If the PERLMOD_LATEX tag is set to YES Doxygen will generate 
-# the necessary Makefile rules, Perl scripts and LaTeX code to be able 
-# to generate PDF and DVI output from the Perl module output.
-PERLMOD_LATEX          = NO
-# If the PERLMOD_PRETTY tag is set to YES the Perl module output will be 
-# nicely formatted so it can be parsed by a human reader.  This is useful 
-# if you want to understand what is going on.  On the other hand, if this 
-# tag is set to NO the size of the Perl module output will be much smaller 
-# and Perl will parse it just the same.
-# The names of the make variables in the generated doxyrules.make file 
-# are prefixed with the string contained in PERLMOD_MAKEVAR_PREFIX. 
-# This is useful so different doxyrules.make files included by the same 
-# Makefile don't overwrite each other's variables.
-# Configuration options related to the preprocessor   
-# If the ENABLE_PREPROCESSING tag is set to YES (the default) Doxygen will 
-# evaluate all C-preprocessor directives found in the sources and include 
-# files.
-# If the MACRO_EXPANSION tag is set to YES Doxygen will expand all macro 
-# names in the source code. If set to NO (the default) only conditional 
-# compilation will be performed. Macro expansion can be done in a controlled 
-# way by setting EXPAND_ONLY_PREDEF to YES.
-# If the EXPAND_ONLY_PREDEF and MACRO_EXPANSION tags are both set to YES 
-# then the macro expansion is limited to the macros specified with the 
-# If the SEARCH_INCLUDES tag is set to YES (the default) the includes files 
-# in the INCLUDE_PATH (see below) will be search if a #include is found.
-# The INCLUDE_PATH tag can be used to specify one or more directories that 
-# contain include files that are not input files but should be processed by 
-# the preprocessor.
-INCLUDE_PATH           = 
-# You can use the INCLUDE_FILE_PATTERNS tag to specify one or more wildcard 
-# patterns (like *.h and *.hpp) to filter out the header-files in the 
-# directories. If left blank, the patterns specified with FILE_PATTERNS will 
-# be used.
-# The PREDEFINED tag can be used to specify one or more macro names that 
-# are defined before the preprocessor is started (similar to the -D option of 
-# gcc). The argument of the tag is a list of macros of the form: name 
-# or name=definition (no spaces). If the definition and the = are 
-# omitted =1 is assumed. To prevent a macro definition from being 
-# undefined via #undef or recursively expanded use the := operator 
-# instead of the = operator.
-                         DBUS_END_DECLS= \
-                         DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_THIS \
-                         _DBUS_DEFINE_GLOBAL_LOCK(name)= \
-                         _DBUS_GNUC_PRINTF(from,to)= \
-                        Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(flags,theenum)= \
-                        Q_QDOC
-# If the MACRO_EXPANSION and EXPAND_ONLY_PREDEF tags are set to YES then 
-# this tag can be used to specify a list of macro names that should be expanded. 
-# The macro definition that is found in the sources will be used. 
-# Use the PREDEFINED tag if you want to use a different macro definition.
-# If the SKIP_FUNCTION_MACROS tag is set to YES (the default) then 
-# doxygen's preprocessor will remove all function-like macros that are alone 
-# on a line, have an all uppercase name, and do not end with a semicolon. Such 
-# function macros are typically used for boiler-plate code, and will confuse 
-# the parser if not removed.
-# Configuration::additions related to external references   
-# The TAGFILES option can be used to specify one or more tagfiles. 
-# Optionally an initial location of the external documentation 
-# can be added for each tagfile. The format of a tag file without 
-# this location is as follows: 
-#   TAGFILES = file1 file2 ... 
-# Adding location for the tag files is done as follows: 
-#   TAGFILES = file1=loc1 "file2 = loc2" ... 
-# where "loc1" and "loc2" can be relative or absolute paths or 
-# URLs. If a location is present for each tag, the installdox tool 
-# does not have to be run to correct the links.
-# Note that each tag file must have a unique name
-# (where the name does NOT include the path)
-# If a tag file is not located in the directory in which doxygen 
-# is run, you must also specify the path to the tagfile here.
-TAGFILES               = ./qt.tag=http://doc.trolltech.com/4.1
-# When a file name is specified after GENERATE_TAGFILE, doxygen will create 
-# a tag file that is based on the input files it reads.
-# If the ALLEXTERNALS tag is set to YES all external classes will be listed 
-# in the class index. If set to NO only the inherited external classes 
-# will be listed.
-ALLEXTERNALS           = NO
-# If the EXTERNAL_GROUPS tag is set to YES all external groups will be listed 
-# in the modules index. If set to NO, only the current project's groups will 
-# be listed.
-# The PERL_PATH should be the absolute path and name of the perl script 
-# interpreter (i.e. the result of `which perl').
-PERL_PATH              = 
-# Configuration options related to the dot tool   
-# If the CLASS_DIAGRAMS tag is set to YES (the default) Doxygen will 
-# generate a inheritance diagram (in HTML, RTF and LaTeX) for classes with base 
-# or super classes. Setting the tag to NO turns the diagrams off. Note that 
-# this option is superseded by the HAVE_DOT option below. This is only a 
-# fallback. It is recommended to install and use dot, since it yields more 
-# powerful graphs.
-# If set to YES, the inheritance and collaboration graphs will hide 
-# inheritance and usage relations if the target is undocumented 
-# or is not a class.
-# If you set the HAVE_DOT tag to YES then doxygen will assume the dot tool is 
-# available from the path. This tool is part of Graphviz, a graph visualization 
-# toolkit from AT&T and Lucent Bell Labs. The other options in this section 
-# have no effect if this option is set to NO (the default)
-HAVE_DOT               = NO
-# If the CLASS_GRAPH and HAVE_DOT tags are set to YES then doxygen 
-# will generate a graph for each documented class showing the direct and 
-# indirect inheritance relations. Setting this tag to YES will force the 
-# the CLASS_DIAGRAMS tag to NO.
-CLASS_GRAPH            = YES
-# If the COLLABORATION_GRAPH and HAVE_DOT tags are set to YES then doxygen 
-# will generate a graph for each documented class showing the direct and 
-# indirect implementation dependencies (inheritance, containment, and 
-# class references variables) of the class with other documented classes.
-# If the GROUP_GRAPHS and HAVE_DOT tags are set to YES then doxygen 
-# will generate a graph for groups, showing the direct groups dependencies
-GROUP_GRAPHS           = YES
-# If the UML_LOOK tag is set to YES doxygen will generate inheritance and 
-# collaboration diagrams in a style similar to the OMG's Unified Modeling 
-# Language.
-UML_LOOK               = NO
-# If set to YES, the inheritance and collaboration graphs will show the 
-# relations between templates and their instances.
-# tags are set to YES then doxygen will generate a graph for each documented 
-# file showing the direct and indirect include dependencies of the file with 
-# other documented files.
-# HAVE_DOT tags are set to YES then doxygen will generate a graph for each 
-# documented header file showing the documented files that directly or 
-# indirectly include this file.
-# If the CALL_GRAPH and HAVE_DOT tags are set to YES then doxygen will 
-# generate a call dependency graph for every global function or class method. 
-# Note that enabling this option will significantly increase the time of a run. 
-# So in most cases it will be better to enable call graphs for selected 
-# functions only using the \callgraph command.
-CALL_GRAPH             = NO
-# If the GRAPHICAL_HIERARCHY and HAVE_DOT tags are set to YES then doxygen 
-# will graphical hierarchy of all classes instead of a textual one.
-# then doxygen will show the dependencies a directory has on other directories 
-# in a graphical way. The dependency relations are determined by the #include
-# relations between the files in the directories.
-# The DOT_IMAGE_FORMAT tag can be used to set the image format of the images 
-# generated by dot. Possible values are png, jpg, or gif
-# If left blank png will be used.
-DOT_IMAGE_FORMAT       = png
-# The tag DOT_PATH can be used to specify the path where the dot tool can be 
-# found. If left blank, it is assumed the dot tool can be found in the path.
-DOT_PATH               = 
-# The DOTFILE_DIRS tag can be used to specify one or more directories that 
-# contain dot files that are included in the documentation (see the 
-# \dotfile command).
-DOTFILE_DIRS           = 
-# The MAX_DOT_GRAPH_WIDTH tag can be used to set the maximum allowed width 
-# (in pixels) of the graphs generated by dot. If a graph becomes larger than 
-# this value, doxygen will try to truncate the graph, so that it fits within 
-# the specified constraint. Beware that most browsers cannot cope with very 
-# large images.
-# The MAX_DOT_GRAPH_HEIGHT tag can be used to set the maximum allows height 
-# (in pixels) of the graphs generated by dot. If a graph becomes larger than 
-# this value, doxygen will try to truncate the graph, so that it fits within 
-# the specified constraint. Beware that most browsers cannot cope with very 
-# large images.
-# The MAX_DOT_GRAPH_DEPTH tag can be used to set the maximum depth of the 
-# graphs generated by dot. A depth value of 3 means that only nodes reachable 
-# from the root by following a path via at most 3 edges will be shown. Nodes 
-# that lay further from the root node will be omitted. Note that setting this 
-# option to 1 or 2 may greatly reduce the computation time needed for large 
-# code bases. Also note that a graph may be further truncated if the graph's 
-# image dimensions are not sufficient to fit the graph (see MAX_DOT_GRAPH_WIDTH 
-# and MAX_DOT_GRAPH_HEIGHT). If 0 is used for the depth value (the default), 
-# the graph is not depth-constrained.
-# Set the DOT_TRANSPARENT tag to YES to generate images with a transparent 
-# background. This is disabled by default, which results in a white background. 
-# Warning: Depending on the platform used, enabling this option may lead to 
-# badly anti-aliased labels on the edges of a graph (i.e. they become hard to 
-# read).
-# Set the DOT_MULTI_TARGETS tag to YES allow dot to generate multiple output 
-# files in one run (i.e. multiple -o and -T options on the command line). This 
-# makes dot run faster, but since only newer versions of dot (>1.8.10) 
-# support this, this feature is disabled by default.
-# If the GENERATE_LEGEND tag is set to YES (the default) Doxygen will 
-# generate a legend page explaining the meaning of the various boxes and 
-# arrows in the dot generated graphs.
-# If the DOT_CLEANUP tag is set to YES (the default) Doxygen will 
-# remove the intermediate dot files that are used to generate 
-# the various graphs.
-DOT_CLEANUP            = YES
-# Configuration::additions related to the search engine   
-# The SEARCHENGINE tag specifies whether or not a search engine should be 
-# used. If set to NO the values of all tags below this one will be ignored.
-SEARCHENGINE           = NO
diff --git a/qt/Makefile.am b/qt/Makefile.am
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 83d3d9f..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-DIST_SUBDIRS = dbus src tools examples
-QT_SUBDIRS = src tools examples
-EXTRA_DIST = qt-dbus.qdocconf
diff --git a/qt/README b/qt/README
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index efa2799..0000000
--- a/qt/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-These are the Qt4 D-Bus bindings.
-They are being maintained by Trolltech AS. As we are currently
-considering placing this code in a future version of Qt, we would like
-to ask any contributors to contact us before submitting code to this
-For more information, please contact 
-    Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@trolltech.com>
diff --git a/qt/dbus/Makefile.am b/qt/dbus/Makefile.am
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 071234d..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-EXTRA_DIST = qdbusabstractadaptor.h \
-             qdbusabstractadaptor_p.h \
-             qdbusabstractinterface.h \
-             qdbusabstractinterface_p.h \
-             qdbusbus.h \
-             qdbusconnection.h \
-             qdbusconnection_p.h \
-             qdbuserror.h \
-             qdbus.h \
-             qdbusinterface.h \
-             qdbusinterface_p.h \
-             qdbusintrospection_p.h \
-             qdbusmacros.h \
-             qdbusmarshall_p.h \
-             qdbusmessage.h \
-             qdbusmessage_p.h \
-             qdbusmetaobject_p.h \
-             qdbusreply.h \
-             qdbusserver.h \
-             qdbustypehelper_p.h \
-             qdbustype_p.h \
-             qdbusutil.h \
-             qdbusxmlparser_p.h
diff --git a/qt/dbus/qdbus.h b/qt/dbus/qdbus.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 9fbc27a..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-#include "../src/qdbus.h"
diff --git a/qt/dbus/qdbusabstractadaptor.h b/qt/dbus/qdbusabstractadaptor.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 94cc3a2..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-#include "../src/qdbusabstractadaptor.h"
diff --git a/qt/dbus/qdbusabstractadaptor_p.h b/qt/dbus/qdbusabstractadaptor_p.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index d55bef3..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-#include "../src/qdbusabstractadaptor_p.h"
diff --git a/qt/dbus/qdbusabstractinterface.h b/qt/dbus/qdbusabstractinterface.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index e7ab181..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-#include "../src/qdbusabstractinterface.h"
diff --git a/qt/dbus/qdbusabstractinterface_p.h b/qt/dbus/qdbusabstractinterface_p.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 5f6e7d5..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-#include "../src/qdbusabstractinterface_p.h"
diff --git a/qt/dbus/qdbusbus.h b/qt/dbus/qdbusbus.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index eb849ac..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-#include "../src/qdbusbus.h"
diff --git a/qt/dbus/qdbusconnection.h b/qt/dbus/qdbusconnection.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 99ac323..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-#include "../src/qdbusconnection.h"
diff --git a/qt/dbus/qdbusconnection_p.h b/qt/dbus/qdbusconnection_p.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index aaabb23..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-#include "../src/qdbusconnection_p.h"
diff --git a/qt/dbus/qdbuserror.h b/qt/dbus/qdbuserror.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 680395a..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-#include "../src/qdbuserror.h"
diff --git a/qt/dbus/qdbusinterface.h b/qt/dbus/qdbusinterface.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index c7024c8..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-#include "../src/qdbusinterface.h"
diff --git a/qt/dbus/qdbusinterface_p.h b/qt/dbus/qdbusinterface_p.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 9538448..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-#include "../src/qdbusinterface_p.h"
diff --git a/qt/dbus/qdbusintrospection_p.h b/qt/dbus/qdbusintrospection_p.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 210ed1e..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-#include "../src/qdbusintrospection_p.h"
diff --git a/qt/dbus/qdbusmacros.h b/qt/dbus/qdbusmacros.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index dcd725e..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-#include "../src/qdbusmacros.h"
diff --git a/qt/dbus/qdbusmarshall_p.h b/qt/dbus/qdbusmarshall_p.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 1e91185..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-#include "../src/qdbusmarshall_p.h"
diff --git a/qt/dbus/qdbusmessage.h b/qt/dbus/qdbusmessage.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index e993c1f..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-#include "../src/qdbusmessage.h"
diff --git a/qt/dbus/qdbusmessage_p.h b/qt/dbus/qdbusmessage_p.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 2b94201..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-#include "../src/qdbusmessage_p.h"
diff --git a/qt/dbus/qdbusmetaobject_p.h b/qt/dbus/qdbusmetaobject_p.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 37a6e30..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-#include "../src/qdbusmetaobject_p.h"
diff --git a/qt/dbus/qdbusreply.h b/qt/dbus/qdbusreply.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 8c87a71..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-#include "../src/qdbusreply.h"
diff --git a/qt/dbus/qdbusserver.h b/qt/dbus/qdbusserver.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index a8ca4ed..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-#include "../src/qdbusserver.h"
diff --git a/qt/dbus/qdbustype_p.h b/qt/dbus/qdbustype_p.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 1f94601..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-#include "../src/qdbustype_p.h"
diff --git a/qt/dbus/qdbustypehelper_p.h b/qt/dbus/qdbustypehelper_p.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 1e3c342..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-#include "../src/qdbustypehelper_p.h"
diff --git a/qt/dbus/qdbusutil.h b/qt/dbus/qdbusutil.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 1b9dbd0..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-#include "../src/qdbusutil.h"
diff --git a/qt/dbus/qdbusxmlparser_p.h b/qt/dbus/qdbusxmlparser_p.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index f3e1100..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-#include "../src/qdbusxmlparser_p.h"
diff --git a/qt/examples/.cvsignore b/qt/examples/.cvsignore
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index f6454f2..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/qt/examples/Makefile.am b/qt/examples/Makefile.am
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 0d4c6eb..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-LDADD = ../src/libdbus-qt4-1.la
-dist_chat_SOURCES = chat.cpp chat.h chatadaptor.cpp
-nodist_chat_SOURCES = chatinterface.cpp
-chat.o: ui_chatmainwindow.h ui_chatsetnickname.h chatinterface.h chatadaptor.h chat.moc chatadaptor.moc
-ui_chatmainwindow.h: chatmainwindow.ui
-ui_chatsetnickname.h: chatsetnickname.ui
-chatinterface.cpp chatinterface.h: com.trolltech.ChatInterface.xml
-       ../tools/dbusidl2cpp -m -p chatinterface $?
-       $(QT_MOC) -o chatinterface.moc chatinterface.h
-noinst_PROGRAMS = hello listnames ping pong complexping complexpong $(CHAT)
-hello_SOURCES = hello.cpp
-listnames_SOURCES = listnames.cpp
-ping_SOURCES = ping.cpp
-pong_SOURCES = pong.cpp pong.h
-pong.o: pong.moc
-complexping_SOURCES = complexping.cpp complexping.h
-complexpong_SOURCES = complexpong.cpp complexpong.h
-complexpong.o: complexpong.moc
-complexping.o: complexping.moc
-EXTRA_DIST = ping-common.h chatmainwindow.ui chatsetnickname.ui com.trolltech.ChatInterface.xml chatadaptor.h
-CLEANFILES = chat.moc chatadaptor.moc complexping.moc complexpong.moc pong.moc \
-       chatinterface.cpp chatinterface.h chatinterface.moc \
-       ui_chatmainwindow.h ui_chatsetnickname.h
-%.moc: %.h
-       $(QT_MOC) $< > $@
-ui_%.h: %.ui
-       $(QT_UIC) -o $@ $?
diff --git a/qt/examples/chat.cpp b/qt/examples/chat.cpp
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 86ff873..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*-
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
- *    Author: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@trolltech.com>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- */
-#include "chat.h"
-#include <QtGui/QApplication>
-#include <QtGui/QMessageBox>
-#include "chatadaptor.h"
-#include "chatinterface.h"
-    : m_nickname(QLatin1String("nickname"))
-    setupUi(this);
-    sendButton->setEnabled(false);
-    connect(messageLineEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)),
-            this, SLOT(textChangedSlot(QString)));
-    connect(sendButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(sendClickedSlot()));
-    connect(actionChangeNickname, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(changeNickname()));
-    connect(actionAboutQt, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(aboutQt()));
-    connect(qApp, SIGNAL(lastWindowClosed()), this, SLOT(exiting()));
-    // add our D-Bus interface and connect to D-Bus
-    new ChatInterfaceAdaptor(this);
-    QDBus::systemBus().registerObject("/", this);
-    com::trolltech::ChatInterface *iface;
-    iface = QDBus::systemBus().findInterface<com::trolltech::ChatInterface>(QString(), QString());
-    connect(iface, SIGNAL(message(QString,QString)), this, SLOT(messageSlot(QString,QString)));
-    connect(iface, SIGNAL(action(QString,QString)), this, SLOT(actionSlot(QString,QString)));
-    NicknameDialog dialog;
-    dialog.cancelButton->setVisible(false);
-    dialog.exec();
-    m_nickname = dialog.nickname->text().trimmed();
-    emit action(m_nickname, QLatin1String("joins the chat"));
-void ChatMainWindow::rebuildHistory()
-    QString history = m_messages.join( QLatin1String("\n" ) );
-    chatHistory->setPlainText(history);
-void ChatMainWindow::messageSlot(const QString &nickname, const QString &text)
-    QString msg( QLatin1String("<%1> %2") );
-    msg = msg.arg(nickname, text);
-    m_messages.append(msg);
-    if (m_messages.count() > 100)
-        m_messages.removeFirst();
-    rebuildHistory();
-void ChatMainWindow::actionSlot(const QString &nickname, const QString &text)
-    QString msg( QLatin1String("* %1 %2") );
-    msg = msg.arg(nickname, text);
-    m_messages.append(msg);
-    if (m_messages.count() > 100)
-        m_messages.removeFirst();
-    rebuildHistory();
-void ChatMainWindow::textChangedSlot(const QString &newText)
-    sendButton->setEnabled(!newText.isEmpty());
-void ChatMainWindow::sendClickedSlot()
-    emit message(m_nickname, messageLineEdit->text());
-    messageLineEdit->setText(QString());
-void ChatMainWindow::changeNickname()
-    NicknameDialog dialog(this);
-    if (dialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) {
-        QString old = m_nickname;
-        m_nickname = dialog.nickname->text().trimmed();
-        emit action(old, QString("is now known as %1").arg(m_nickname));
-    }
-void ChatMainWindow::aboutQt()
-    QMessageBox::aboutQt(this);
-void ChatMainWindow::exiting()
-    emit action(m_nickname, QLatin1String("leaves the chat"));
-NicknameDialog::NicknameDialog(QWidget *parent)
-    : QDialog(parent)
-    setupUi(this);
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
-    QApplication app(argc, argv);
-    ChatMainWindow chat;
-    chat.show();
-    return app.exec();
-#include "chat.moc"
diff --git a/qt/examples/chat.h b/qt/examples/chat.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index b0e50a3..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*-
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
- *    Author: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@trolltech.com>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- */
-#ifndef CHAT_H
-#define CHAT_H
-#include <QtCore/QStringList>
-#include <dbus/qdbus.h>
-#include "ui_chatmainwindow.h"
-#include "ui_chatsetnickname.h"
-class ChatMainWindow: public QMainWindow, Ui::ChatMainWindow
-    QString m_nickname;
-    QStringList m_messages;
-    ChatMainWindow();
-    ~ChatMainWindow();
-    void rebuildHistory();
-    void message(const QString &nickname, const QString &text);
-    void action(const QString &nickname, const QString &text);
-private slots:
-    void messageSlot(const QString &nickname, const QString &text);
-    void actionSlot(const QString &nickname, const QString &text);
-    void textChangedSlot(const QString &newText);
-    void sendClickedSlot();
-    void changeNickname();
-    void aboutQt();
-    void exiting();
-class NicknameDialog: public QDialog, public Ui::NicknameDialog
-    NicknameDialog(QWidget *parent = 0);
diff --git a/qt/examples/chatadaptor.cpp b/qt/examples/chatadaptor.cpp
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 525b9aa..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
- * This file was generated by dbusidl2cpp version 0.3
- * when processing input file /home/tjmaciei/src/kde4/playground/libs/qt-dbus/examples/com.trolltech.ChatInterface.xml
- *
- * dbusidl2cpp is Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
- *
- * This is an auto-generated file.
- */
-#include "chatadaptor.h"
-#include <QtCore/QMetaObject>
-#include <QtCore/QByteArray>
-#include <QtCore/QList>
-#include <QtCore/QMap>
-#include <QtCore/QString>
-#include <QtCore/QStringList>
-#include <QtCore/QVariant>
- * Implementation of adaptor class ChatInterfaceAdaptor
- */
-ChatInterfaceAdaptor::ChatInterfaceAdaptor(QObject *parent)
-   : QDBusAbstractAdaptor(parent)
-    // constructor
-    setAutoRelaySignals(true);
-    // destructor
-#include "chatadaptor.moc"
diff --git a/qt/examples/chatadaptor.h b/qt/examples/chatadaptor.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index cbec012..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
- * This file was generated by dbusidl2cpp version 0.3
- * when processing input file /home/tjmaciei/src/kde4/playground/libs/qt-dbus/examples/com.trolltech.ChatInterface.xml
- *
- * dbusidl2cpp is Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
- *
- * This is an auto-generated file.
- */
-#ifndef CHATADAPTOR_H_88051142890130
-#define CHATADAPTOR_H_88051142890130
-#include <QtCore/QObject>
-#include <dbus/qdbus.h>
-class QByteArray;
-template<class T> class QList;
-template<class Key, class Value> class QMap;
-class QString;
-class QStringList;
-class QVariant;
- * Adaptor class for interface com.trolltech.ChatInterface
- */
-class ChatInterfaceAdaptor: public QDBusAbstractAdaptor
-    Q_CLASSINFO("D-Bus Interface", "com.trolltech.ChatInterface")
-    ChatInterfaceAdaptor(QObject *parent);
-    virtual ~ChatInterfaceAdaptor();
-public: // PROPERTIES
-public slots: // METHODS
-signals: // SIGNALS
-    void action(const QString &nickname, const QString &text);
-    void message(const QString &nickname, const QString &text);
diff --git a/qt/examples/chatmainwindow.ui b/qt/examples/chatmainwindow.ui
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 0e4461c..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
-<ui version="4.0" >
- <author></author>
- <comment></comment>
- <exportmacro></exportmacro>
- <class>ChatMainWindow</class>
- <widget class="QMainWindow" name="ChatMainWindow" >
-  <property name="geometry" >
-   <rect>
-    <x>0</x>
-    <y>0</y>
-    <width>800</width>
-    <height>600</height>
-   </rect>
-  </property>
-  <property name="windowTitle" >
-   <string>QtDBus Chat</string>
-  </property>
-  <widget class="QWidget" name="centralwidget" >
-   <layout class="QHBoxLayout" >
-    <property name="margin" >
-     <number>9</number>
-    </property>
-    <property name="spacing" >
-     <number>6</number>
-    </property>
-    <item>
-     <layout class="QVBoxLayout" >
-      <property name="margin" >
-       <number>0</number>
-      </property>
-      <property name="spacing" >
-       <number>6</number>
-      </property>
-      <item>
-       <widget class="QTextBrowser" name="chatHistory" >
-        <property name="acceptDrops" >
-         <bool>false</bool>
-        </property>
-        <property name="toolTip" >
-         <string>Messages sent and received from other users</string>
-        </property>
-        <property name="acceptRichText" >
-         <bool>true</bool>
-        </property>
-       </widget>
-      </item>
-      <item>
-       <layout class="QHBoxLayout" >
-        <property name="margin" >
-         <number>0</number>
-        </property>
-        <property name="spacing" >
-         <number>6</number>
-        </property>
-        <item>
-         <widget class="QLabel" name="label" >
-          <property name="text" >
-           <string>Message:</string>
-          </property>
-          <property name="buddy" >
-           <cstring>messageLineEdit</cstring>
-          </property>
-         </widget>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-         <widget class="QLineEdit" name="messageLineEdit" />
-        </item>
-        <item>
-         <widget class="QPushButton" name="sendButton" >
-          <property name="sizePolicy" >
-           <sizepolicy>
-            <hsizetype>1</hsizetype>
-            <vsizetype>0</vsizetype>
-            <horstretch>0</horstretch>
-            <verstretch>0</verstretch>
-           </sizepolicy>
-          </property>
-          <property name="toolTip" >
-           <string>Sends a message to other people</string>
-          </property>
-          <property name="whatsThis" >
-           <string/>
-          </property>
-          <property name="text" >
-           <string>Send</string>
-          </property>
-         </widget>
-        </item>
-       </layout>
-      </item>
-     </layout>
-    </item>
-   </layout>
-  </widget>
-  <widget class="QMenuBar" name="menubar" >
-   <property name="geometry" >
-    <rect>
-     <x>0</x>
-     <y>0</y>
-     <width>800</width>
-     <height>31</height>
-    </rect>
-   </property>
-   <widget class="QMenu" name="menuQuit" >
-    <property name="title" >
-     <string>Help</string>
-    </property>
-    <addaction name="actionAboutQt" />
-   </widget>
-   <widget class="QMenu" name="menuFile" >
-    <property name="title" >
-     <string>File</string>
-    </property>
-    <addaction name="actionChangeNickname" />
-    <addaction name="separator" />
-    <addaction name="actionQuit" />
-   </widget>
-   <addaction name="menuFile" />
-   <addaction name="menuQuit" />
-  </widget>
-  <widget class="QStatusBar" name="statusbar" />
-  <action name="actionQuit" >
-   <property name="text" >
-    <string>Quit</string>
-   </property>
-   <property name="shortcut" >
-    <string>Ctrl+Q</string>
-   </property>
-  </action>
-  <action name="actionAboutQt" >
-   <property name="icon" >
-    <iconset/>
-   </property>
-   <property name="text" >
-    <string>About Qt...</string>
-   </property>
-  </action>
-  <action name="actionChangeNickname" >
-   <property name="text" >
-    <string>Change nickname...</string>
-   </property>
-   <property name="shortcut" >
-    <string>Ctrl+N</string>
-   </property>
-  </action>
- </widget>
- <pixmapfunction></pixmapfunction>
- <tabstops>
-  <tabstop>chatHistory</tabstop>
-  <tabstop>messageLineEdit</tabstop>
-  <tabstop>sendButton</tabstop>
- </tabstops>
- <resources/>
- <connections>
-  <connection>
-   <sender>messageLineEdit</sender>
-   <signal>returnPressed()</signal>
-   <receiver>sendButton</receiver>
-   <slot>animateClick()</slot>
-   <hints>
-    <hint type="sourcelabel" >
-     <x>299</x>
-     <y>554</y>
-    </hint>
-    <hint type="destinationlabel" >
-     <x>744</x>
-     <y>551</y>
-    </hint>
-   </hints>
-  </connection>
-  <connection>
-   <sender>actionQuit</sender>
-   <signal>triggered(bool)</signal>
-   <receiver>ChatMainWindow</receiver>
-   <slot>close()</slot>
-   <hints>
-    <hint type="sourcelabel" >
-     <x>-1</x>
-     <y>-1</y>
-    </hint>
-    <hint type="destinationlabel" >
-     <x>399</x>
-     <y>299</y>
-    </hint>
-   </hints>
-  </connection>
- </connections>
diff --git a/qt/examples/chatsetnickname.ui b/qt/examples/chatsetnickname.ui
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index fb9894e..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-<ui version="4.0" >
- <author></author>
- <comment></comment>
- <exportmacro></exportmacro>
- <class>NicknameDialog</class>
- <widget class="QDialog" name="NicknameDialog" >
-  <property name="geometry" >
-   <rect>
-    <x>0</x>
-    <y>0</y>
-    <width>396</width>
-    <height>105</height>
-   </rect>
-  </property>
-  <property name="sizePolicy" >
-   <sizepolicy>
-    <hsizetype>1</hsizetype>
-    <vsizetype>1</vsizetype>
-    <horstretch>0</horstretch>
-    <verstretch>0</verstretch>
-   </sizepolicy>
-  </property>
-  <property name="windowTitle" >
-   <string>Set nickname</string>
-  </property>
-  <layout class="QVBoxLayout" >
-   <property name="margin" >
-    <number>9</number>
-   </property>
-   <property name="spacing" >
-    <number>6</number>
-   </property>
-   <item>
-    <layout class="QVBoxLayout" >
-     <property name="margin" >
-      <number>0</number>
-     </property>
-     <property name="spacing" >
-      <number>6</number>
-     </property>
-     <item>
-      <widget class="QLabel" name="label" >
-       <property name="sizePolicy" >
-        <sizepolicy>
-         <hsizetype>1</hsizetype>
-         <vsizetype>1</vsizetype>
-         <horstretch>0</horstretch>
-         <verstretch>0</verstretch>
-        </sizepolicy>
-       </property>
-       <property name="text" >
-        <string>New nickname:</string>
-       </property>
-      </widget>
-     </item>
-     <item>
-      <widget class="QLineEdit" name="nickname" />
-     </item>
-    </layout>
-   </item>
-   <item>
-    <layout class="QHBoxLayout" >
-     <property name="margin" >
-      <number>0</number>
-     </property>
-     <property name="spacing" >
-      <number>6</number>
-     </property>
-     <item>
-      <spacer>
-       <property name="orientation" >
-        <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
-       </property>
-       <property name="sizeHint" >
-        <size>
-         <width>131</width>
-         <height>31</height>
-        </size>
-       </property>
-      </spacer>
-     </item>
-     <item>
-      <widget class="QPushButton" name="okButton" >
-       <property name="text" >
-        <string>OK</string>
-       </property>
-      </widget>
-     </item>
-     <item>
-      <widget class="QPushButton" name="cancelButton" >
-       <property name="text" >
-        <string>Cancel</string>
-       </property>
-      </widget>
-     </item>
-     <item>
-      <spacer>
-       <property name="orientation" >
-        <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
-       </property>
-       <property name="sizeHint" >
-        <size>
-         <width>40</width>
-         <height>20</height>
-        </size>
-       </property>
-      </spacer>
-     </item>
-    </layout>
-   </item>
-  </layout>
- </widget>
- <pixmapfunction></pixmapfunction>
- <resources/>
- <connections>
-  <connection>
-   <sender>okButton</sender>
-   <signal>clicked()</signal>
-   <receiver>NicknameDialog</receiver>
-   <slot>accept()</slot>
-   <hints>
-    <hint type="sourcelabel" >
-     <x>278</x>
-     <y>253</y>
-    </hint>
-    <hint type="destinationlabel" >
-     <x>96</x>
-     <y>254</y>
-    </hint>
-   </hints>
-  </connection>
-  <connection>
-   <sender>cancelButton</sender>
-   <signal>clicked()</signal>
-   <receiver>NicknameDialog</receiver>
-   <slot>reject()</slot>
-   <hints>
-    <hint type="sourcelabel" >
-     <x>369</x>
-     <y>253</y>
-    </hint>
-    <hint type="destinationlabel" >
-     <x>179</x>
-     <y>282</y>
-    </hint>
-   </hints>
-  </connection>
- </connections>
diff --git a/qt/examples/com.trolltech.ChatInterface.xml b/qt/examples/com.trolltech.ChatInterface.xml
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 666a9e3..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE node PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Object Introspection 1.0//EN"
-  <interface name="com.trolltech.ChatInterface">
-    <signal name="message">
-      <arg name="nickname" type="s" direction="out"/>
-      <arg name="text" type="s" direction="out"/>
-    </signal>
-    <signal name="action">
-      <arg name="nickname" type="s" direction="out"/>
-      <arg name="text" type="s" direction="out"/>
-    </signal>
-  </interface>
diff --git a/qt/examples/complexping.cpp b/qt/examples/complexping.cpp
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index b977edf..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*-
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
- *    Author: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@trolltech.com>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <dbus/qdbus.h>
-#include <QtCore/QCoreApplication>
-#include <QtCore/QFile>
-#include <QtCore/QDebug>
-#include <QtCore/QProcess>
-#include "ping-common.h"
-#include "complexping.h"
-void Ping::start(const QString &name, const QString &oldValue, const QString &newValue)
-    Q_UNUSED(oldValue);
-    if (name != SERVICE_NAME || newValue.isEmpty())
-        return;
-    // open stdin for reading
-    qstdin.open(stdin, QIODevice::ReadOnly);
-    // find our remote
-    iface = QDBus::sessionBus().findInterface(SERVICE_NAME, "/");
-    if (!iface) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "%s\n",
-                qPrintable(QDBus::sessionBus().lastError().message()));
-        QCoreApplication::instance()->quit();
-    }
-    connect(iface, SIGNAL(aboutToQuit()), QCoreApplication::instance(), SLOT(quit()));
-    while (true) {
-        qDebug() << "Ready";
-        QString line = QString::fromLocal8Bit(qstdin.readLine()).trimmed();
-        if (line.isEmpty()) {
-            iface->call("quit");
-            return;
-        } else if (line == "value") {
-            QVariant reply = iface->property("value");
-            if (!reply.isNull())
-                qDebug() << "value =" << reply.toString();
-        } else if (line.startsWith("value=")) {
-            iface->setProperty("value", line.mid(6));            
-        } else {
-            QDBusReply<QVariant> reply = iface->call("query", line);
-            if (reply.isSuccess())
-                qDebug() << "Reply was:" << reply.value();
-        }
-        if (iface->lastError().isValid())
-            fprintf(stderr, "Call failed: %s\n", qPrintable(iface->lastError().message()));
-    }
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
-    QCoreApplication app(argc, argv);
-    Ping ping;
-    ping.connect(QDBus::sessionBus().busService(),
-                 SIGNAL(nameOwnerChanged(QString,QString,QString)),
-                 SLOT(start(QString,QString,QString)));
-    QProcess pong;
-    pong.start("./complexpong");
-    app.exec();
-#include "complexping.moc"
diff --git a/qt/examples/complexping.h b/qt/examples/complexping.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 4332ef8..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*-
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
- *    Author: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@trolltech.com>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- */
-#include <QtCore/QObject>
-class Ping: public QObject
-public slots:
-    void start(const QString &, const QString &, const QString &);
-    QFile qstdin;
-    QDBusInterface *iface;
diff --git a/qt/examples/complexpong.cpp b/qt/examples/complexpong.cpp
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index ff76740..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*-
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
- *    Author: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@trolltech.com>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <dbus/qdbus.h>
-#include <QtCore/QCoreApplication>
-#include <QtCore/QTimer>
-#include "ping-common.h"
-#include "complexpong.h"
-// the property
-QString Pong::value() const
-    return m_value;
-void Pong::setValue(const QString &newValue)
-    m_value = newValue;
-void Pong::quit()
-    QTimer::singleShot(0, QCoreApplication::instance(), SLOT(quit()));
-QVariant Pong::query(const QString &query)
-    QString q = query.toLower();
-    if (q == "hello")
-        return "World";
-    if (q == "ping")
-        return "Pong";
-    if (q == "the answer to life, the universe and everything")
-        return 42;
-    if (q.indexOf("unladen swallow") != -1) {
-        if (q.indexOf("european") != -1)
-            return 11.0;
-        return QByteArray("african or european?");
-    }
-    return "Sorry, I don't know the answer";
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
-    QCoreApplication app(argc, argv);
-    QDBusBusService *bus = QDBus::sessionBus().busService();
-    QObject obj;
-    Pong *pong = new Pong(&obj);
-    pong->connect(&app, SIGNAL(aboutToQuit()), SIGNAL(aboutToQuit()));
-    pong->setProperty("value", "initial value");
-    QDBus::sessionBus().registerObject("/", &obj);
-    if (bus->requestName(SERVICE_NAME, QDBusBusService::AllowReplacingName) !=
-        QDBusBusService::PrimaryOwnerReply)
-        exit(1);
-    app.exec();
-    return 0;
-#include "complexpong.moc"
diff --git a/qt/examples/complexpong.h b/qt/examples/complexpong.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index c6ad2db..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*-
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
- *    Author: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@trolltech.com>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- */
-#include <QtCore/QObject>
-class Pong: public QDBusAbstractAdaptor
-    Q_CLASSINFO("D-Bus Interface", "com.trolltech.QtDBus.ComplexPong.Pong")
-    Q_PROPERTY(QString value READ value WRITE setValue)
-    QString m_value;
-    QString value() const;
-    void setValue(const QString &newValue);
-    Pong(QObject *obj) : QDBusAbstractAdaptor(obj)
-    { }
-    void aboutToQuit();
-public slots:
-    QVariant query(const QString &query);
-    Q_ASYNC void quit();
diff --git a/qt/examples/hello.cpp b/qt/examples/hello.cpp
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index a287bcb..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*-
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
- *    Author: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@trolltech.com>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <dbus/qdbus.h>
-#include <QtCore/QCoreApplication>
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
-    QCoreApplication app(argc, argv);
-    printf("Hello, World\n");
-    return 0;
diff --git a/qt/examples/listnames.cpp b/qt/examples/listnames.cpp
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 27703f5..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*-
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
- *    Author: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@trolltech.com>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- */
-#include <dbus/qdbus.h>
-#include <QtCore/QCoreApplication>
-#include <QtCore/QDebug>
-#include <QtCore/QStringList>
-void method1()
-    QDBusReply<QStringList> reply = QDBus::sessionBus().busService()->listNames();
-    if (reply.isError()) {
-        qDebug() << "Error:" << reply.error().message();
-        exit(1);
-    }
-    foreach (QString name, reply.value())
-        qDebug() << name;
-void method2()
-    QDBusInterface *dbus_iface;
-    QDBusConnection &bus = QDBus::sessionBus();
-    dbus_iface = bus.findInterface("org.freedesktop.DBus", "/org/freedesktop/DBus",
-                                   "org.freedesktop.DBus");
-    qDebug() << dbus_iface->call("ListNames").first();
-void method3()
-    qDebug() << QDBus::sessionBus().busService()->listNames().value();
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
-    QCoreApplication app(argc, argv);
-    method1();
-    method2();
-    method3();
-    return 0;
diff --git a/qt/examples/ping-common.h b/qt/examples/ping-common.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 1870275..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*-
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
- *    Author: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@trolltech.com>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- */
-#define SERVICE_NAME            "com.trolltech.QtDBus.PingExample"
diff --git a/qt/examples/ping.cpp b/qt/examples/ping.cpp
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index ffa53a4..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*-
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
- *    Author: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@trolltech.com>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <dbus/qdbus.h>
-#include <QtCore/QCoreApplication>
-#include "ping-common.h"
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
-    QCoreApplication app(argc, argv);
-    QDBusInterface *iface = QDBus::sessionBus().findInterface(SERVICE_NAME, "/");
-    if (iface) {
-        QDBusReply<QString> reply = iface->call("ping", argc > 1 ? argv[1] : "");
-        if (reply.isSuccess()) {
-            printf("Reply was: %s\n", qPrintable(reply.value()));
-            return 0;
-        }
-        fprintf(stderr, "Call failed: %s\n", qPrintable(reply.error().message()));
-        return 1;
-    }
-    fprintf(stderr, "%s\n",
-            qPrintable(QDBus::sessionBus().lastError().message()));
-    return 1;
diff --git a/qt/examples/pong.cpp b/qt/examples/pong.cpp
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index b85f1f0..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*-
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
- *    Author: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@trolltech.com>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <dbus/qdbus.h>
-#include <QtCore/QCoreApplication>
-#include <QtCore/QTimer>
-#include "ping-common.h"
-#include "pong.h"
-QString Pong::ping(const QString &arg)
-    QTimer::singleShot(0, QCoreApplication::instance(), SLOT(quit()));
-    return QString("ping(\"%1\") got called").arg(arg);
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
-    QCoreApplication app(argc, argv);
-    QDBusBusService *bus = QDBus::sessionBus().busService();
-    if (bus->requestName(SERVICE_NAME, QDBusBusService::AllowReplacingName) !=
-        QDBusBusService::PrimaryOwnerReply)
-        exit(1);
-    Pong pong;
-    QDBus::sessionBus().registerObject("/", &pong, QDBusConnection::ExportSlots);
-    app.exec();
-    return 0;
-#include "pong.moc"
diff --git a/qt/examples/pong.h b/qt/examples/pong.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index de89598..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*-
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
- *    Author: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@trolltech.com>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- */
-#ifndef PONG_H
-#define PONG_H
-#include <QtCore/QObject>
-class Pong: public QObject
-public slots:
-    Q_SCRIPTABLE QString ping(const QString &arg);
diff --git a/qt/qt-dbus.qdocconf b/qt/qt-dbus.qdocconf
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index db9fcd6..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-project                 = QtDBus
-description             = QtDBus Reference Documentation
-url                     = http://developer.kde.org/~thiago/QtDBus
-indexes                        = $QTDIR/doc/html/qt.index
-outputdir              = ../doc/api/html
-language                = Cpp
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-                         QDBUS_EXPORT \
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-                          "<td class=\"postheader\" valign=\"center\">" \
-                          "<a href=\"index.html\">" \
-                          "<font color=\"#004faf\">Home</font></a>&nbsp;&middot;" \
-                          " <a href=\"classes.html\">" \
-                          "<font color=\"#004faf\">Classes</font></a>&nbsp;&middot;" \
-                          " <a href=\"namespaces.html\">" \
-                          "<font color=\"#004faf\">Namespaces</font></a>" \
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-                          "<td width=\"40%\" align=\"center\">&nbsp;</td>\n" \
-                          "<td width=\"30%\" align=\"right\"><div align=\"right\">QtDBus \\version</div></td>\n" \
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-      <name>Q3Accel</name>
-      <anchor>Q3Accel</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3Accel</name>
-      <anchor>Q3Accel-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * watch, QObject * parent, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>activated</name>
-      <anchor>activated</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>activatedAmbiguously</name>
-      <anchor>activatedAmbiguously</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>connectItem</name>
-      <anchor>connectItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id, const QObject * receiver, const char * member )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>disconnectItem</name>
-      <anchor>disconnectItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id, const QObject * receiver, const char * member )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>findKey</name>
-      <anchor>findKey</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QKeySequence &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertItem</name>
-      <anchor>insertItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QKeySequence &amp; key, int id = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>isEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isItemEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>isItemEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>key</name>
-      <anchor>key</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeItem</name>
-      <anchor>removeItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>setEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setItemEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>setItemEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id, bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setWhatsThis</name>
-      <anchor>setWhatsThis</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id, const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>shortcutKey</name>
-      <anchor>shortcutKey</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; str )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>whatsThis</name>
-      <anchor>whatsThis</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>keyToString</name>
-      <anchor>keyToString</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QKeySequence k )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>stringToKey</name>
-      <anchor>stringToKey</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; s )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3ActionGroup</name>
-    <filename>q3actiongroup.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ActionGroup</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ActionGroup</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ActionGroup</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ActionGroup-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent, const char * name, bool exclusive )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>activated</name>
-      <anchor>activated</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3Action * action )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>add</name>
-      <anchor>add</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3Action * action )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addSeparator</name>
-      <anchor>addSeparator</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addTo</name>
-      <anchor>addTo</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * w )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addedTo</name>
-      <anchor>addedTo</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * actionWidget, QWidget * container, Q3Action * a )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addedTo</name>
-      <anchor>addedTo-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, Q3PopupMenu * menu, Q3Action * a )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insert</name>
-      <anchor>insert</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3Action * action )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selected</name>
-      <anchor>selected</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3Action * action )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3Action</name>
-    <filename>q3action.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3Action</name>
-      <anchor>Q3Action</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3Action</name>
-      <anchor>Q3Action-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; menuText, QKeySequence accel, QObject * parent, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3Action</name>
-      <anchor>Q3Action-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QIcon &amp; icon, const QString &amp; menuText, QKeySequence accel, QObject * parent, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3Action</name>
-      <anchor>Q3Action-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text, const QIcon &amp; icon, const QString &amp; menuText, QKeySequence accel, QObject * parent, const char * name = 0, bool toggle = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3Action</name>
-      <anchor>Q3Action-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text, const QString &amp; menuText, QKeySequence accel, QObject * parent, const char * name = 0, bool toggle = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3Action</name>
-      <anchor>Q3Action-6</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent, const char * name, bool toggle )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>activate</name>
-      <anchor>activate</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>activated</name>
-      <anchor>activated</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addTo</name>
-      <anchor>addTo</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * w )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addedTo</name>
-      <anchor>addedTo</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * actionWidget, QWidget * container )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addedTo</name>
-      <anchor>addedTo-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, Q3PopupMenu * menu )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeFrom</name>
-      <anchor>removeFrom</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * w )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDisabled</name>
-      <anchor>setDisabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool disable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toggle</name>
-      <anchor>toggle</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toggled</name>
-      <anchor>toggled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool on )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3AsciiCache</name>
-    <filename>q3asciicache.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3AsciiCache</name>
-      <anchor>Q3AsciiCache-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int maxCost = 100, int size = 17, bool caseSensitive = true, bool copyKeys = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>find</name>
-      <anchor>find</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * k, bool ref = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insert</name>
-      <anchor>insert</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * k, const type * d, int c = 1, int p = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEmpty</name>
-      <anchor>isEmpty</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>maxCost</name>
-      <anchor>maxCost</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>remove</name>
-      <anchor>remove</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * k )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setMaxCost</name>
-      <anchor>setMaxCost</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int m )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>size</name>
-      <anchor>size</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>statistics</name>
-      <anchor>statistics</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>take</name>
-      <anchor>take</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * k )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>totalCost</name>
-      <anchor>totalCost</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator[]</name>
-      <anchor>operator-5b-5d</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * k )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3AsciiCacheIterator</name>
-    <filename>q3asciicacheiterator.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3AsciiCacheIterator</name>
-      <anchor>Q3AsciiCacheIterator</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3AsciiCache&lt;type&gt; &amp; cache )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3AsciiCacheIterator</name>
-      <anchor>Q3AsciiCacheIterator-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3AsciiCacheIterator&lt;type&gt; &amp; ci )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>atFirst</name>
-      <anchor>atFirst</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>atLast</name>
-      <anchor>atLast</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>current</name>
-      <anchor>current</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentKey</name>
-      <anchor>currentKey</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEmpty</name>
-      <anchor>isEmpty</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toFirst</name>
-      <anchor>toFirst</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toLast</name>
-      <anchor>toLast</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator</name>
-      <anchor>operator-type--2a</anchor>
-      <arglist> type *()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator()</name>
-      <anchor>operator-28-29</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator++</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-2b</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint jump )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator--</name>
-      <anchor>operator--</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator-=</name>
-      <anchor>operator--eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint jump )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3AsciiCacheIterator&lt;type&gt; &amp; ci )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3AsciiDict</name>
-    <filename>q3asciidict.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3AsciiDict</name>
-      <anchor>Q3AsciiDict</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int size = 17, bool caseSensitive = true, bool copyKeys = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3AsciiDict</name>
-      <anchor>Q3AsciiDict-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3AsciiDict&lt;type&gt; &amp; dict )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>find</name>
-      <anchor>find</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insert</name>
-      <anchor>insert</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * key, const type * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEmpty</name>
-      <anchor>isEmpty</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>read</name>
-      <anchor>read</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDataStream &amp; s, Q3PtrCollection::Item &amp; item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>remove</name>
-      <anchor>remove</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>replace</name>
-      <anchor>replace</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * key, const type * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resize</name>
-      <anchor>resize</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint newsize )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>size</name>
-      <anchor>size</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>statistics</name>
-      <anchor>statistics</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>take</name>
-      <anchor>take</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>write</name>
-      <anchor>write</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDataStream &amp; s, Q3PtrCollection::Item item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3AsciiDict&lt;type&gt; &amp; dict )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator[]</name>
-      <anchor>operator-5b-5d</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3AsciiDictIterator</name>
-    <filename>q3asciidictiterator.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3AsciiDictIterator</name>
-      <anchor>Q3AsciiDictIterator</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3AsciiDict&lt;type&gt; &amp; dict )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>current</name>
-      <anchor>current</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentKey</name>
-      <anchor>currentKey</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEmpty</name>
-      <anchor>isEmpty</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toFirst</name>
-      <anchor>toFirst</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator</name>
-      <anchor>operator-type--2a</anchor>
-      <arglist> type *()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator()</name>
-      <anchor>operator-28-29</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator++</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-2b</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint jump )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3ButtonGroup</name>
-    <filename>q3buttongroup.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ButtonGroup</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ButtonGroup</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ButtonGroup</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ButtonGroup-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; title, QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ButtonGroup</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ButtonGroup-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int strips, Qt::Orientation orientation, QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ButtonGroup</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ButtonGroup-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int strips, Qt::Orientation orientation, const QString &amp; title, QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clicked</name>
-      <anchor>clicked</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>find</name>
-      <anchor>find</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>id</name>
-      <anchor>id</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QAbstractButton * button )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insert</name>
-      <anchor>insert</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QAbstractButton * button, int id = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pressed</name>
-      <anchor>pressed</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>released</name>
-      <anchor>released</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>remove</name>
-      <anchor>remove</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QAbstractButton * button )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selected</name>
-      <anchor>selected</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3Button</name>
-    <filename>q3button.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3Button</name>
-      <anchor>Q3Button</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawButton</name>
-      <anchor>drawButton</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter * painter )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawButtonLabel</name>
-      <anchor>drawButtonLabel</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter * painter )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>paintEvent</name>
-      <anchor>paintEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPaintEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3Cache</name>
-    <filename>q3cache.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3Cache</name>
-      <anchor>Q3Cache-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int maxCost = 100, int size = 17, bool caseSensitive = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>find</name>
-      <anchor>find</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; k, bool ref = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insert</name>
-      <anchor>insert</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; k, const type * d, int c = 1, int p = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEmpty</name>
-      <anchor>isEmpty</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>maxCost</name>
-      <anchor>maxCost</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>remove</name>
-      <anchor>remove</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; k )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setMaxCost</name>
-      <anchor>setMaxCost</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int m )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>size</name>
-      <anchor>size</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>statistics</name>
-      <anchor>statistics</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>take</name>
-      <anchor>take</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; k )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>totalCost</name>
-      <anchor>totalCost</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator[]</name>
-      <anchor>operator-5b-5d</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; k )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3CacheIterator</name>
-    <filename>q3cacheiterator.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3CacheIterator</name>
-      <anchor>Q3CacheIterator</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3Cache&lt;type&gt; &amp; cache )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3CacheIterator</name>
-      <anchor>Q3CacheIterator-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3CacheIterator&lt;type&gt; &amp; ci )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>atFirst</name>
-      <anchor>atFirst</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>atLast</name>
-      <anchor>atLast</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>current</name>
-      <anchor>current</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentKey</name>
-      <anchor>currentKey</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEmpty</name>
-      <anchor>isEmpty</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toFirst</name>
-      <anchor>toFirst</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toLast</name>
-      <anchor>toLast</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator</name>
-      <anchor>operator-type--2a</anchor>
-      <arglist> type *()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator()</name>
-      <anchor>operator-28-29</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator++</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-2b</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint jump )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator--</name>
-      <anchor>operator--</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator-=</name>
-      <anchor>operator--eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint jump )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3CacheIterator&lt;type&gt; &amp; ci )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3CanvasEllipse</name>
-    <filename>q3canvasellipse.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3CanvasEllipse</name>
-      <anchor>Q3CanvasEllipse</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3Canvas * canvas )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3CanvasEllipse</name>
-      <anchor>Q3CanvasEllipse-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int width, int height, Q3Canvas * canvas )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3CanvasEllipse</name>
-      <anchor>Q3CanvasEllipse-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int width, int height, int startangle, int angle, Q3Canvas * canvas )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>angleLength</name>
-      <anchor>angleLength</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>angleStart</name>
-      <anchor>angleStart</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawShape</name>
-      <anchor>drawShape</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter &amp; p )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>height</name>
-      <anchor>height</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rtti</name>
-      <anchor>rtti</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAngles</name>
-      <anchor>setAngles</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int start, int length )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSize</name>
-      <anchor>setSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int width, int height )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>width</name>
-      <anchor>width</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3Canvas</name>
-    <filename>q3canvas.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3Canvas</name>
-      <anchor>Q3Canvas</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3Canvas</name>
-      <anchor>Q3Canvas-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int w, int h )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3Canvas</name>
-      <anchor>Q3Canvas-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPixmap p, int h, int v, int tilewidth, int tileheight )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>advance</name>
-      <anchor>advance</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>allItems</name>
-      <anchor>allItems</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>backgroundColor</name>
-      <anchor>backgroundColor</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>backgroundPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>backgroundPixmap</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>chunkSize</name>
-      <anchor>chunkSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>collisions</name>
-      <anchor>collisions</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; p )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>collisions</name>
-      <anchor>collisions-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; r )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>collisions</name>
-      <anchor>collisions-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3PointArray &amp; chunklist, const Q3CanvasItem * item, bool exact )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawArea</name>
-      <anchor>drawArea</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; clip, QPainter * painter, bool dbuf = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawBackground</name>
-      <anchor>drawBackground</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter &amp; painter, const QRect &amp; clip )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawForeground</name>
-      <anchor>drawForeground</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter &amp; painter, const QRect &amp; clip )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>height</name>
-      <anchor>height</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>onCanvas</name>
-      <anchor>onCanvas</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>onCanvas</name>
-      <anchor>onCanvas-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; p )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rect</name>
-      <anchor>rect</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resize</name>
-      <anchor>resize</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int w, int h )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resized</name>
-      <anchor>resized</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>retune</name>
-      <anchor>retune</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int chunksze, int mxclusters = 100 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAdvancePeriod</name>
-      <anchor>setAdvancePeriod</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int ms )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAllChanged</name>
-      <anchor>setAllChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setBackgroundColor</name>
-      <anchor>setBackgroundColor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QColor &amp; c )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setBackgroundPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>setBackgroundPixmap</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPixmap &amp; p )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setChanged</name>
-      <anchor>setChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; area )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDoubleBuffering</name>
-      <anchor>setDoubleBuffering</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool y )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTile</name>
-      <anchor>setTile</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y, int tilenum )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTiles</name>
-      <anchor>setTiles</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPixmap p, int h, int v, int tilewidth, int tileheight )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setUnchanged</name>
-      <anchor>setUnchanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; area )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setUpdatePeriod</name>
-      <anchor>setUpdatePeriod</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int ms )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>size</name>
-      <anchor>size</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>tile</name>
-      <anchor>tile</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>tileHeight</name>
-      <anchor>tileHeight</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>tileWidth</name>
-      <anchor>tileWidth</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>tilesHorizontally</name>
-      <anchor>tilesHorizontally</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>tilesVertically</name>
-      <anchor>tilesVertically</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>update</name>
-      <anchor>update</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>validChunk</name>
-      <anchor>validChunk</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>validChunk</name>
-      <anchor>validChunk-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; p )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>width</name>
-      <anchor>width</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3CanvasItem</name>
-    <filename>q3canvasitem.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>RttiValues</name>
-      <anchor>RttiValues-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3CanvasItem</name>
-      <anchor>Q3CanvasItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3Canvas * canvas )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>advance</name>
-      <anchor>advance</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int phase )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>animated</name>
-      <anchor>animated</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>boundingRect</name>
-      <anchor>boundingRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>boundingRectAdvanced</name>
-      <anchor>boundingRectAdvanced</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>canvas</name>
-      <anchor>canvas</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>collidesWith</name>
-      <anchor>collidesWith</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3CanvasItem * other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>collisions</name>
-      <anchor>collisions</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool exact )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>draw</name>
-      <anchor>draw</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter &amp; painter )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hide</name>
-      <anchor>hide</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isActive</name>
-      <anchor>isActive</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>isEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isSelected</name>
-      <anchor>isSelected</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isVisible</name>
-      <anchor>isVisible</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>move</name>
-      <anchor>move</anchor>
-      <arglist>( double x, double y )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>moveBy</name>
-      <anchor>moveBy</anchor>
-      <arglist>( double dx, double dy )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rtti</name>
-      <anchor>rtti</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setActive</name>
-      <anchor>setActive</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool yes )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAnimated</name>
-      <anchor>setAnimated</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool y )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCanvas</name>
-      <anchor>setCanvas</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3Canvas * c )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>setEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool yes )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSelected</name>
-      <anchor>setSelected</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool yes )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setVelocity</name>
-      <anchor>setVelocity</anchor>
-      <arglist>( double vx, double vy )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setVisible</name>
-      <anchor>setVisible</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool yes )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setX</name>
-      <anchor>setX</anchor>
-      <arglist>( double x )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setXVelocity</name>
-      <anchor>setXVelocity</anchor>
-      <arglist>( double vx )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setY</name>
-      <anchor>setY</anchor>
-      <arglist>( double y )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setYVelocity</name>
-      <anchor>setYVelocity</anchor>
-      <arglist>( double vy )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setZ</name>
-      <anchor>setZ</anchor>
-      <arglist>( double z )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>show</name>
-      <anchor>show</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>update</name>
-      <anchor>update</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>x</name>
-      <anchor>x</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>xVelocity</name>
-      <anchor>xVelocity</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>y</name>
-      <anchor>y</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>yVelocity</name>
-      <anchor>yVelocity</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>z</name>
-      <anchor>z</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3CanvasItemList</name>
-    <filename>q3canvasitemlist.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3CanvasItemList &amp; l )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>active</name>
-      <anchor>active</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>enabled</name>
-      <anchor>enabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selected</name>
-      <anchor>selected</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>visible</name>
-      <anchor>visible</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3CanvasLine</name>
-    <filename>q3canvasline.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3CanvasLine</name>
-      <anchor>Q3CanvasLine</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3Canvas * canvas )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>endPoint</name>
-      <anchor>endPoint</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rtti</name>
-      <anchor>rtti</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPoints</name>
-      <anchor>setPoints</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int xa, int ya, int xb, int yb )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>startPoint</name>
-      <anchor>startPoint</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3CanvasPixmapArray</name>
-    <filename>q3canvaspixmaparray.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3CanvasPixmapArray</name>
-      <anchor>Q3CanvasPixmapArray</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3CanvasPixmapArray</name>
-      <anchor>Q3CanvasPixmapArray-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; datafilenamepattern, int fc = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3CanvasPixmapArray</name>
-      <anchor>Q3CanvasPixmapArray-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ValueList&lt;QPixmap&gt; list, Q3PointArray hotspots = Q3PointArray()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>image</name>
-      <anchor>image</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isValid</name>
-      <anchor>isValid</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>readCollisionMasks</name>
-      <anchor>readCollisionMasks</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; filename )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>readPixmaps</name>
-      <anchor>readPixmaps</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; filenamepattern, int fc = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setImage</name>
-      <anchor>setImage</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i, Q3CanvasPixmap * p )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3CanvasPixmapArray</name>
-      <anchor>Q3CanvasPixmapArray-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3PtrList&lt;QPixmap&gt; list, Q3PtrList&lt;QPoint&gt; hotspots )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3CanvasPixmap</name>
-    <filename>q3canvaspixmap.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3CanvasPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>Q3CanvasPixmap</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; datafilename )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3CanvasPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>Q3CanvasPixmap-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QImage &amp; image )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3CanvasPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>Q3CanvasPixmap-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPixmap &amp; pm, const QPoint &amp; offset )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>offsetX</name>
-      <anchor>offsetX</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>offsetY</name>
-      <anchor>offsetY</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setOffset</name>
-      <anchor>setOffset</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3CanvasPolygonalItem</name>
-    <filename>q3canvaspolygonalitem.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3CanvasPolygonalItem</name>
-      <anchor>Q3CanvasPolygonalItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3Canvas * canvas )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>areaPoints</name>
-      <anchor>areaPoints</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>areaPointsAdvanced</name>
-      <anchor>areaPointsAdvanced</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>boundingRect</name>
-      <anchor>boundingRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>brush</name>
-      <anchor>brush</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>draw</name>
-      <anchor>draw</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter &amp; p )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawShape</name>
-      <anchor>drawShape</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter &amp; p )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>invalidate</name>
-      <anchor>invalidate</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isValid</name>
-      <anchor>isValid</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pen</name>
-      <anchor>pen</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rtti</name>
-      <anchor>rtti</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setBrush</name>
-      <anchor>setBrush</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QBrush b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPen</name>
-      <anchor>setPen</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPen p )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setWinding</name>
-      <anchor>setWinding</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>winding</name>
-      <anchor>winding</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3CanvasPolygon</name>
-    <filename>q3canvaspolygon.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3CanvasPolygon</name>
-      <anchor>Q3CanvasPolygon</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3Canvas * canvas )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>areaPoints</name>
-      <anchor>areaPoints</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawShape</name>
-      <anchor>drawShape</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter &amp; p )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>points</name>
-      <anchor>points</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rtti</name>
-      <anchor>rtti</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPoints</name>
-      <anchor>setPoints</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3PointArray pa )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3CanvasRectangle</name>
-    <filename>q3canvasrectangle.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3CanvasRectangle</name>
-      <anchor>Q3CanvasRectangle</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3Canvas * canvas )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3CanvasRectangle</name>
-      <anchor>Q3CanvasRectangle-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; r, Q3Canvas * canvas )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3CanvasRectangle</name>
-      <anchor>Q3CanvasRectangle-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y, int width, int height, Q3Canvas * canvas )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>chunks</name>
-      <anchor>chunks</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawShape</name>
-      <anchor>drawShape</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter &amp; p )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>height</name>
-      <anchor>height</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rect</name>
-      <anchor>rect</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rtti</name>
-      <anchor>rtti</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSize</name>
-      <anchor>setSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int width, int height )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>size</name>
-      <anchor>size</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>width</name>
-      <anchor>width</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3CanvasSpline</name>
-    <filename>q3canvasspline.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3CanvasSpline</name>
-      <anchor>Q3CanvasSpline</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3Canvas * canvas )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>closed</name>
-      <anchor>closed</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>controlPoints</name>
-      <anchor>controlPoints</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rtti</name>
-      <anchor>rtti</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setControlPoints</name>
-      <anchor>setControlPoints</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3PointArray ctrl, bool close = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3CanvasSprite</name>
-    <filename>q3canvassprite.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>FrameAnimationType</name>
-      <anchor>FrameAnimationType-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3CanvasSprite</name>
-      <anchor>Q3CanvasSprite</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3CanvasPixmapArray * a, Q3Canvas * canvas )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>advance</name>
-      <anchor>advance</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int phase )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bottomEdge</name>
-      <anchor>bottomEdge</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bottomEdge</name>
-      <anchor>bottomEdge-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int ny )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>boundingRect</name>
-      <anchor>boundingRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>draw</name>
-      <anchor>draw</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter &amp; painter )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>frame</name>
-      <anchor>frame</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>frameCount</name>
-      <anchor>frameCount</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>height</name>
-      <anchor>height</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>image</name>
-      <anchor>image</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>image</name>
-      <anchor>image-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int f )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>imageAdvanced</name>
-      <anchor>imageAdvanced</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>leftEdge</name>
-      <anchor>leftEdge</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>leftEdge</name>
-      <anchor>leftEdge-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int nx )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>move</name>
-      <anchor>move</anchor>
-      <arglist>( double x, double y )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>move</name>
-      <anchor>move-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( double nx, double ny, int nf )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rightEdge</name>
-      <anchor>rightEdge</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rightEdge</name>
-      <anchor>rightEdge-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int nx )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rtti</name>
-      <anchor>rtti</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFrame</name>
-      <anchor>setFrame</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int f )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFrameAnimation</name>
-      <anchor>setFrameAnimation</anchor>
-      <arglist>( FrameAnimationType type = Cycle, int step = 1, int state = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSequence</name>
-      <anchor>setSequence</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3CanvasPixmapArray * a )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>topEdge</name>
-      <anchor>topEdge</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>topEdge</name>
-      <anchor>topEdge-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int ny )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>width</name>
-      <anchor>width</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3CanvasText</name>
-    <filename>q3canvastext.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3CanvasText</name>
-      <anchor>Q3CanvasText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3Canvas * canvas )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3CanvasText</name>
-      <anchor>Q3CanvasText-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; t, Q3Canvas * canvas )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3CanvasText</name>
-      <anchor>Q3CanvasText-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; t, QFont f, Q3Canvas * canvas )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>boundingRect</name>
-      <anchor>boundingRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>color</name>
-      <anchor>color</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>draw</name>
-      <anchor>draw</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter &amp; painter )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>font</name>
-      <anchor>font</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rtti</name>
-      <anchor>rtti</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setColor</name>
-      <anchor>setColor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QColor &amp; c )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFont</name>
-      <anchor>setFont</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QFont &amp; f )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setText</name>
-      <anchor>setText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; t )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTextFlags</name>
-      <anchor>setTextFlags</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int f )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>text</name>
-      <anchor>text</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>textFlags</name>
-      <anchor>textFlags</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3CanvasView</name>
-    <filename>q3canvasview.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3CanvasView</name>
-      <anchor>Q3CanvasView</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3CanvasView</name>
-      <anchor>Q3CanvasView-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3Canvas * canvas, QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>canvas</name>
-      <anchor>canvas</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawContents</name>
-      <anchor>drawContents</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter * p, int cx, int cy, int cw, int ch )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>inverseWorldMatrix</name>
-      <anchor>inverseWorldMatrix</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCanvas</name>
-      <anchor>setCanvas</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3Canvas * canvas )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setWorldMatrix</name>
-      <anchor>setWorldMatrix</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QMatrix &amp; wm )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sizeHint</name>
-      <anchor>sizeHint</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>worldMatrix</name>
-      <anchor>worldMatrix</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3CheckListItem</name>
-    <filename>q3checklistitem.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>ToggleState</name>
-      <anchor>ToggleState-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Type</name>
-      <anchor>Type-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3CheckListItem</name>
-      <anchor>Q3CheckListItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3CheckListItem * parent, const QString &amp; text, Type tt = RadioButtonController )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3CheckListItem</name>
-      <anchor>Q3CheckListItem-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3CheckListItem * parent, Q3ListViewItem * after, const QString &amp; text, Type tt = RadioButtonController )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3CheckListItem</name>
-      <anchor>Q3CheckListItem-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListViewItem * parent, const QString &amp; text, Type tt = RadioButtonController )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3CheckListItem</name>
-      <anchor>Q3CheckListItem-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListViewItem * parent, Q3ListViewItem * after, const QString &amp; text, Type tt = RadioButtonController )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3CheckListItem</name>
-      <anchor>Q3CheckListItem-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListView * parent, const QString &amp; text, Type tt = RadioButtonController )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3CheckListItem</name>
-      <anchor>Q3CheckListItem-6</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListView * parent, Q3ListViewItem * after, const QString &amp; text, Type tt = RadioButtonController )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3CheckListItem</name>
-      <anchor>Q3CheckListItem-7</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListViewItem * parent, const QString &amp; text, const QPixmap &amp; p )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3CheckListItem</name>
-      <anchor>Q3CheckListItem-8</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListView * parent, const QString &amp; text, const QPixmap &amp; p )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>activate</name>
-      <anchor>activate</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isOn</name>
-      <anchor>isOn</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isTristate</name>
-      <anchor>isTristate</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>paintCell</name>
-      <anchor>paintCell</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter * p, const QColorGroup &amp; cg, int column, int width, int align )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>paintFocus</name>
-      <anchor>paintFocus</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter * p, const QColorGroup &amp; cg, const QRect &amp; r )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rtti</name>
-      <anchor>rtti</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setOn</name>
-      <anchor>setOn</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setState</name>
-      <anchor>setState</anchor>
-      <arglist>( ToggleState s )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTristate</name>
-      <anchor>setTristate</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>state</name>
-      <anchor>state</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>stateChange</name>
-      <anchor>stateChange</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>text</name>
-      <anchor>text</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>turnOffChild</name>
-      <anchor>turnOffChild</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>type</name>
-      <anchor>type</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3CheckTableItem</name>
-    <filename>q3checktableitem.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3CheckTableItem</name>
-      <anchor>Q3CheckTableItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3Table * table, const QString &amp; txt )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isChecked</name>
-      <anchor>isChecked</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rtti</name>
-      <anchor>rtti</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setChecked</name>
-      <anchor>setChecked</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3ColorDrag</name>
-    <filename>q3colordrag.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ColorDrag</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ColorDrag</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QColor &amp; col, QWidget * dragsource = 0, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ColorDrag</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ColorDrag-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * dragsource = 0, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>canDecode</name>
-      <anchor>canDecode</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QMimeSource * source )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>decode</name>
-      <anchor>decode</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QMimeSource * source, QColor &amp; color )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setColor</name>
-      <anchor>setColor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QColor &amp; color )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3ComboBox</name>
-    <filename>q3combobox.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Policy</name>
-      <anchor>Policy-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ComboBox</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ComboBox</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ComboBox</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ComboBox-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool rw, QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>activated</name>
-      <anchor>activated</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>activated</name>
-      <anchor>activated-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; string )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>autoResize</name>
-      <anchor>autoResize</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>changeItem</name>
-      <anchor>changeItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; t, int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>changeItem</name>
-      <anchor>changeItem-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPixmap &amp; im, int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>changeItem</name>
-      <anchor>changeItem-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPixmap &amp; im, const QString &amp; t, int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clearEdit</name>
-      <anchor>clearEdit</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clearValidator</name>
-      <anchor>clearValidator</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hide</name>
-      <anchor>hide</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>highlighted</name>
-      <anchor>highlighted</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>highlighted</name>
-      <anchor>highlighted-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; string )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertItem</name>
-      <anchor>insertItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; t, int index = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertItem</name>
-      <anchor>insertItem-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPixmap &amp; pixmap, int index = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertItem</name>
-      <anchor>insertItem-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPixmap &amp; pixmap, const QString &amp; text, int index = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertStrList</name>
-      <anchor>insertStrList</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char ** strings, int numStrings = -1, int index = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertStrList</name>
-      <anchor>insertStrList-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3StrList &amp; list, int index = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertStrList</name>
-      <anchor>insertStrList-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3StrList * list, int index = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertStringList</name>
-      <anchor>insertStringList</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStringList &amp; list, int index = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lineEdit</name>
-      <anchor>lineEdit</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>listBox</name>
-      <anchor>listBox</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pixmap</name>
-      <anchor>pixmap</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>popup</name>
-      <anchor>popup</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeItem</name>
-      <anchor>removeItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAutoResize</name>
-      <anchor>setAutoResize</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setEditText</name>
-      <anchor>setEditText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; newText )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>setEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFont</name>
-      <anchor>setFont</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QFont &amp; font )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setLineEdit</name>
-      <anchor>setLineEdit</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QLineEdit * edit )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setListBox</name>
-      <anchor>setListBox</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListBox * newListBox )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPalette</name>
-      <anchor>setPalette</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPalette &amp; palette )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setValidator</name>
-      <anchor>setValidator</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QValidator * v )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>text</name>
-      <anchor>text</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>textChanged</name>
-      <anchor>textChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; string )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>updateMask</name>
-      <anchor>updateMask</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>validator</name>
-      <anchor>validator</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3ComboTableItem</name>
-    <filename>q3combotableitem.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ComboTableItem</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ComboTableItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3Table * table, const QStringList &amp; list, bool editable = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentItem</name>
-      <anchor>currentItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentText</name>
-      <anchor>currentText</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEditable</name>
-      <anchor>isEditable</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rtti</name>
-      <anchor>rtti</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCurrentItem</name>
-      <anchor>setCurrentItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCurrentItem</name>
-      <anchor>setCurrentItem-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; s )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setEditable</name>
-      <anchor>setEditable</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setStringList</name>
-      <anchor>setStringList</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStringList &amp; l )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>text</name>
-      <anchor>text</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3CString</name>
-    <filename>q3cstring.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3CString</name>
-      <anchor>Q3CString</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3CString</name>
-      <anchor>Q3CString-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3CString</name>
-      <anchor>Q3CString-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3CString &amp; s )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3CString</name>
-      <anchor>Q3CString-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; ba )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3CString</name>
-      <anchor>Q3CString-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * str )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3CString</name>
-      <anchor>Q3CString-6</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * str, uint maxsize )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>append</name>
-      <anchor>append</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * str )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>copy</name>
-      <anchor>copy</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>leftJustify</name>
-      <anchor>leftJustify</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint width, char fill = &apos; &apos;, bool truncate = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lower</name>
-      <anchor>lower</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rightJustify</name>
-      <anchor>rightJustify</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint width, char fill = &apos; &apos;, bool truncate = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setExpand</name>
-      <anchor>setExpand</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint index, char c )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setNum</name>
-      <anchor>setNum</anchor>
-      <arglist>( double n, char f = &apos;g&apos;, int prec = 6 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setNum</name>
-      <anchor>setNum-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( long n )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setNum</name>
-      <anchor>setNum-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( ulong n )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setNum</name>
-      <anchor>setNum-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int n )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setNum</name>
-      <anchor>setNum-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint n )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setNum</name>
-      <anchor>setNum-6</anchor>
-      <arglist>( short n )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setNum</name>
-      <anchor>setNum-7</anchor>
-      <arglist>( ushort n )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setNum</name>
-      <anchor>setNum-8</anchor>
-      <arglist>( float n, char f = &apos;g&apos;, int prec = 6 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setStr</name>
-      <anchor>setStr</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * str )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>simplifyWhiteSpace</name>
-      <anchor>simplifyWhiteSpace</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sprintf</name>
-      <anchor>sprintf</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * format, ... )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>stripWhiteSpace</name>
-      <anchor>stripWhiteSpace</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toDouble</name>
-      <anchor>toDouble</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool * ok = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toFloat</name>
-      <anchor>toFloat</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool * ok = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toInt</name>
-      <anchor>toInt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool * ok = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toLong</name>
-      <anchor>toLong</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool * ok = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toShort</name>
-      <anchor>toShort</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool * ok = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toUInt</name>
-      <anchor>toUInt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool * ok = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toULong</name>
-      <anchor>toULong</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool * ok = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toUShort</name>
-      <anchor>toUShort</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool * ok = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>upper</name>
-      <anchor>upper</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3CString &amp; s )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; ba )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * str )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3DataBrowser</name>
-    <filename>q3databrowser.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Boundary</name>
-      <anchor>Boundary-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3DataBrowser</name>
-      <anchor>Q3DataBrowser</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0, Qt::WFlags fl = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>beforeDelete</name>
-      <anchor>beforeDelete</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QSqlRecord * buf )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>beforeInsert</name>
-      <anchor>beforeInsert</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QSqlRecord * buf )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>beforeUpdate</name>
-      <anchor>beforeUpdate</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QSqlRecord * buf )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>boundary</name>
-      <anchor>boundary</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clearValues</name>
-      <anchor>clearValues</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Confirm</name>
-      <anchor>confirmCancel</anchor>
-      <arglist> Q3DataBrowser::confirmCancel( QSql::Op m )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Confirm</name>
-      <anchor>confirmEdit</anchor>
-      <arglist> Q3DataBrowser::confirmEdit( QSql::Op m )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentChanged</name>
-      <anchor>currentChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSqlRecord * record )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentEdited</name>
-      <anchor>currentEdited</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cursorChanged</name>
-      <anchor>cursorChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3SqlCursor::Mode mode )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>del</name>
-      <anchor>del</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>deleteCurrent</name>
-      <anchor>deleteCurrent</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>first</name>
-      <anchor>first</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>firstRecordAvailable</name>
-      <anchor>firstRecordAvailable</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool available )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>form</name>
-      <anchor>form</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>handleError</name>
-      <anchor>handleError</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSqlError &amp; error )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insert</name>
-      <anchor>insert</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertCurrent</name>
-      <anchor>insertCurrent</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>last</name>
-      <anchor>last</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lastRecordAvailable</name>
-      <anchor>lastRecordAvailable</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool available )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>next</name>
-      <anchor>next</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>nextRecordAvailable</name>
-      <anchor>nextRecordAvailable</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool available )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>prev</name>
-      <anchor>prev</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>prevRecordAvailable</name>
-      <anchor>prevRecordAvailable</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool available )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>primeDelete</name>
-      <anchor>primeDelete</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QSqlRecord * buf )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>primeInsert</name>
-      <anchor>primeInsert</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QSqlRecord * buf )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>primeUpdate</name>
-      <anchor>primeUpdate</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QSqlRecord * buf )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>readFields</name>
-      <anchor>readFields</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>refresh</name>
-      <anchor>refresh</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>seek</name>
-      <anchor>seek</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i, bool relative = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setForm</name>
-      <anchor>setForm</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3SqlForm * form )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSqlCursor</name>
-      <anchor>setSqlCursor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3SqlCursor * cursor, bool autoDelete = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sqlCursor</name>
-      <anchor>sqlCursor</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>update</name>
-      <anchor>update</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>updateBoundary</name>
-      <anchor>updateBoundary</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>updateCurrent</name>
-      <anchor>updateCurrent</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>writeFields</name>
-      <anchor>writeFields</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3DataTable</name>
-    <filename>q3datatable.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Refresh</name>
-      <anchor>Refresh-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>DateFormat</name>
-      <anchor>dateFormat-prop</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3DataTable</name>
-      <anchor>Q3DataTable</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3DataTable</name>
-      <anchor>Q3DataTable-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3SqlCursor * cursor, bool autoPopulate = false, QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addColumn</name>
-      <anchor>addColumn</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fieldName, const QString &amp; label = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>adjustColumn</name>
-      <anchor>adjustColumn</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int col )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>autoDelete</name>
-      <anchor>autoDelete</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>beforeDelete</name>
-      <anchor>beforeDelete</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QSqlRecord * buf )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>beforeInsert</name>
-      <anchor>beforeInsert</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QSqlRecord * buf )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>beforeUpdate</name>
-      <anchor>beforeUpdate</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QSqlRecord * buf )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>beginInsert</name>
-      <anchor>beginInsert</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>beginUpdate</name>
-      <anchor>beginUpdate</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int col, bool replace )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Confirm</name>
-      <anchor>confirmCancel</anchor>
-      <arglist> Q3DataTable::confirmCancel( QSql::Op m )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Confirm</name>
-      <anchor>confirmEdit</anchor>
-      <arglist> Q3DataTable::confirmEdit( QSql::Op m )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentChanged</name>
-      <anchor>currentChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QSqlRecord * record )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentRecord</name>
-      <anchor>currentRecord</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cursorChanged</name>
-      <anchor>cursorChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QSql::Op mode )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>deleteCurrent</name>
-      <anchor>deleteCurrent</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fieldAlignment</name>
-      <anchor>fieldAlignment</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSqlField * field )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>find</name>
-      <anchor>find</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; str, bool caseSensitive, bool backwards )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>handleError</name>
-      <anchor>handleError</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSqlError &amp; e )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>indexOf</name>
-      <anchor>indexOf</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertCurrent</name>
-      <anchor>insertCurrent</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>installEditorFactory</name>
-      <anchor>installEditorFactory</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3SqlEditorFactory * f )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>installPropertyMap</name>
-      <anchor>installPropertyMap</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3SqlPropertyMap * m )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>paintField</name>
-      <anchor>paintField</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter * p, const QSqlField * field, const QRect &amp; cr, bool selected )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>primeDelete</name>
-      <anchor>primeDelete</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QSqlRecord * buf )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>primeInsert</name>
-      <anchor>primeInsert</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QSqlRecord * buf )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>primeUpdate</name>
-      <anchor>primeUpdate</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QSqlRecord * buf )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>refresh</name>
-      <anchor>refresh</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Refresh mode )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>refresh</name>
-      <anchor>refresh-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeColumn</name>
-      <anchor>removeColumn</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int col )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>repaintCell</name>
-      <anchor>repaintCell</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int col )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>reset</name>
-      <anchor>reset</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAutoDelete</name>
-      <anchor>setAutoDelete</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setColumn</name>
-      <anchor>setColumn</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint col, const QString &amp; fieldName, const QString &amp; label = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setColumnWidth</name>
-      <anchor>setColumnWidth</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int col, int w )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSize</name>
-      <anchor>setSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3SqlCursor * sql )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSqlCursor</name>
-      <anchor>setSqlCursor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3SqlCursor * cursor = 0, bool autoPopulate = false, bool autoDelete = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sortAscending</name>
-      <anchor>sortAscending</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int col )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sortColumn</name>
-      <anchor>sortColumn</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int col, bool ascending = true, bool wholeRows = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sortDescending</name>
-      <anchor>sortDescending</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int col )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sqlCursor</name>
-      <anchor>sqlCursor</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>text</name>
-      <anchor>text</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int col )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>updateCurrent</name>
-      <anchor>updateCurrent</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>value</name>
-      <anchor>value</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int col )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3DataView</name>
-    <filename>q3dataview.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3DataView</name>
-      <anchor>Q3DataView</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0, Qt::WFlags fl = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clearValues</name>
-      <anchor>clearValues</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>form</name>
-      <anchor>form</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>readFields</name>
-      <anchor>readFields</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>record</name>
-      <anchor>record</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>refresh</name>
-      <anchor>refresh</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QSqlRecord * buf )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setForm</name>
-      <anchor>setForm</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3SqlForm * form )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRecord</name>
-      <anchor>setRecord</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QSqlRecord * record )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>writeFields</name>
-      <anchor>writeFields</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3DateEdit</name>
-    <filename>q3dateedit.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Order</name>
-      <anchor>Order-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3DateEdit</name>
-      <anchor>Q3DateEdit</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3DateEdit</name>
-      <anchor>Q3DateEdit-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDate &amp; date, QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fix</name>
-      <anchor>fix</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sectionFormattedText</name>
-      <anchor>sectionFormattedText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int sec )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>separator</name>
-      <anchor>separator</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDay</name>
-      <anchor>setDay</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int day )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setMonth</name>
-      <anchor>setMonth</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int month )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRange</name>
-      <anchor>setRange</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDate &amp; min, const QDate &amp; max )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSeparator</name>
-      <anchor>setSeparator</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; s )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setYear</name>
-      <anchor>setYear</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int year )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>updateButtons</name>
-      <anchor>updateButtons</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>valueChanged</name>
-      <anchor>valueChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDate &amp; date )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3DateTimeEditBase</name>
-    <filename>q3datetimeeditbase.html</filename>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3DateTimeEdit</name>
-    <filename>q3datetimeedit.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3DateTimeEdit</name>
-      <anchor>Q3DateTimeEdit</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3DateTimeEdit</name>
-      <anchor>Q3DateTimeEdit-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDateTime &amp; datetime, QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>autoAdvance</name>
-      <anchor>autoAdvance</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dateEdit</name>
-      <anchor>dateEdit</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAutoAdvance</name>
-      <anchor>setAutoAdvance</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool advance )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>timeEdit</name>
-      <anchor>timeEdit</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>valueChanged</name>
-      <anchor>valueChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDateTime &amp; datetime )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3DeepCopy</name>
-    <filename>q3deepcopy.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3DeepCopy</name>
-      <anchor>Q3DeepCopy</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3DeepCopy</name>
-      <anchor>Q3DeepCopy-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; t )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator</name>
-      <anchor>operator-T</anchor>
-      <arglist> T()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; t )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3Dict</name>
-    <filename>q3dict.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3Dict</name>
-      <anchor>Q3Dict</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int size = 17, bool caseSensitive = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3Dict</name>
-      <anchor>Q3Dict-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3Dict&lt;type&gt; &amp; dict )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>find</name>
-      <anchor>find</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insert</name>
-      <anchor>insert</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key, const type * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEmpty</name>
-      <anchor>isEmpty</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>read</name>
-      <anchor>read</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDataStream &amp; s, Q3PtrCollection::Item &amp; item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>remove</name>
-      <anchor>remove</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>replace</name>
-      <anchor>replace</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key, const type * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resize</name>
-      <anchor>resize</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint newsize )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>size</name>
-      <anchor>size</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>statistics</name>
-      <anchor>statistics</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>take</name>
-      <anchor>take</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>write</name>
-      <anchor>write</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDataStream &amp; s, Q3PtrCollection::Item item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3Dict&lt;type&gt; &amp; dict )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator[]</name>
-      <anchor>operator-5b-5d</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3DictIterator</name>
-    <filename>q3dictiterator.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3DictIterator</name>
-      <anchor>Q3DictIterator</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3Dict&lt;type&gt; &amp; dict )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>current</name>
-      <anchor>current</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentKey</name>
-      <anchor>currentKey</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEmpty</name>
-      <anchor>isEmpty</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toFirst</name>
-      <anchor>toFirst</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator</name>
-      <anchor>operator-type--2a</anchor>
-      <arglist> type *()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator()</name>
-      <anchor>operator-28-29</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator++</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-2b</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3Dns</name>
-    <filename>q3dns.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>RecordType</name>
-      <anchor>RecordType-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3Dns</name>
-      <anchor>Q3Dns</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3Dns</name>
-      <anchor>Q3Dns-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; label, RecordType rr = A )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3Dns</name>
-      <anchor>Q3Dns-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QHostAddress &amp; address, RecordType rr = Ptr )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addresses</name>
-      <anchor>addresses</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>canonicalName</name>
-      <anchor>canonicalName</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hostNames</name>
-      <anchor>hostNames</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isWorking</name>
-      <anchor>isWorking</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>label</name>
-      <anchor>label</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mailServers</name>
-      <anchor>mailServers</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>qualifiedNames</name>
-      <anchor>qualifiedNames</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>recordType</name>
-      <anchor>recordType</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resultsReady</name>
-      <anchor>resultsReady</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>servers</name>
-      <anchor>servers</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setLabel</name>
-      <anchor>setLabel</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; label )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setLabel</name>
-      <anchor>setLabel-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QHostAddress &amp; address )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRecordType</name>
-      <anchor>setRecordType</anchor>
-      <arglist>( RecordType rr = A )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>texts</name>
-      <anchor>texts</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3DockArea</name>
-    <filename>q3dockarea.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>HandlePosition</name>
-      <anchor>HandlePosition-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Orientation</name>
-      <anchor>orientation-prop</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3DockArea</name>
-      <anchor>Q3DockArea</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::Orientation o, HandlePosition h = Normal, QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dockWindowList</name>
-      <anchor>dockWindowList</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasDockWindow</name>
-      <anchor>hasDockWindow</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3DockWindow * w, int * index = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isDockWindowAccepted</name>
-      <anchor>isDockWindowAccepted</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3DockWindow * dw )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lineUp</name>
-      <anchor>lineUp</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool keepNewLines )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>moveDockWindow</name>
-      <anchor>moveDockWindow</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3DockWindow * w, int index = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>moveDockWindow</name>
-      <anchor>moveDockWindow-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3DockWindow * w, const QPoint &amp; p, const QRect &amp; r, bool swap )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeDockWindow</name>
-      <anchor>removeDockWindow</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3DockWindow * w, bool makeFloating, bool swap, bool fixNewLines = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAcceptDockWindow</name>
-      <anchor>setAcceptDockWindow</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3DockWindow * dw, bool accept )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3DockWindow</name>
-    <filename>q3dockwindow.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>CloseMode</name>
-      <anchor>CloseMode-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Place</name>
-      <anchor>Place-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3DockWindow</name>
-      <anchor>Q3DockWindow</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Place p = InDock, QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3DockWindow</name>
-      <anchor>Q3DockWindow-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, const char * name = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>area</name>
-      <anchor>area</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>boxLayout</name>
-      <anchor>boxLayout</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dock</name>
-      <anchor>dock</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fixedExtent</name>
-      <anchor>fixedExtent</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isCloseEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>isCloseEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isHorizontalStretchable</name>
-      <anchor>isHorizontalStretchable</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isVerticalStretchable</name>
-      <anchor>isVerticalStretchable</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Orientation</name>
-      <anchor>orientation</anchor>
-      <arglist> Q3DockWindow::orientation()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>orientationChanged</name>
-      <anchor>orientationChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::Orientation o )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>placeChanged</name>
-      <anchor>placeChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3DockWindow::Place p )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFixedExtentHeight</name>
-      <anchor>setFixedExtentHeight</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int h )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFixedExtentWidth</name>
-      <anchor>setFixedExtentWidth</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int w )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setHorizontalStretchable</name>
-      <anchor>setHorizontalStretchable</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setOrientation</name>
-      <anchor>setOrientation</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::Orientation o )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setVerticalStretchable</name>
-      <anchor>setVerticalStretchable</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setWidget</name>
-      <anchor>setWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * w )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>undock</name>
-      <anchor>undock</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>undock</name>
-      <anchor>undock-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>visibilityChanged</name>
-      <anchor>visibilityChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool visible )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>widget</name>
-      <anchor>widget</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>windowTitle</name>
-      <anchor>windowTitle</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3DragObject</name>
-    <filename>q3dragobject.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>DragMode</name>
-      <anchor>DragMode-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3DragObject</name>
-      <anchor>Q3DragObject</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * dragSource = 0, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drag</name>
-      <anchor>drag</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drag</name>
-      <anchor>drag-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( DragMode mode )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dragCopy</name>
-      <anchor>dragCopy</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dragLink</name>
-      <anchor>dragLink</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dragMove</name>
-      <anchor>dragMove</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pixmap</name>
-      <anchor>pixmap</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pixmapHotSpot</name>
-      <anchor>pixmapHotSpot</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>setPixmap</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPixmap pm, const QPoint &amp; hotspot )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>setPixmap-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPixmap pm )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>source</name>
-      <anchor>source</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>target</name>
-      <anchor>target</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3DropSite</name>
-    <filename>q3dropsite.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3DropSite</name>
-      <anchor>Q3DropSite</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * self )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3EditorFactory</name>
-    <filename>q3editorfactory.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3EditorFactory</name>
-      <anchor>Q3EditorFactory</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>createEditor</name>
-      <anchor>createEditor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, const QVariant &amp; v )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>defaultFactory</name>
-      <anchor>defaultFactory</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>installDefaultFactory</name>
-      <anchor>installDefaultFactory</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3EditorFactory * factory )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3FileDialog</name>
-    <filename>q3filedialog.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Mode</name>
-      <anchor>Mode-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>PreviewMode</name>
-      <anchor>PreviewMode-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>ViewMode</name>
-      <anchor>ViewMode-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3FileDialog</name>
-      <anchor>Q3FileDialog</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; dirName, const QString &amp; filter = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3FileDialog</name>
-      <anchor>Q3FileDialog-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0, bool modal = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addFilter</name>
-      <anchor>addFilter</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; filter )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addLeftWidget</name>
-      <anchor>addLeftWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * w )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addRightWidget</name>
-      <anchor>addRightWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * w )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addToolButton</name>
-      <anchor>addToolButton</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QAbstractButton * b, bool separator = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addWidgets</name>
-      <anchor>addWidgets</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QLabel * l, QWidget * w, QPushButton * b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dir</name>
-      <anchor>dir</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dirEntered</name>
-      <anchor>dirEntered</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; directory )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fileHighlighted</name>
-      <anchor>fileHighlighted</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; file )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fileSelected</name>
-      <anchor>fileSelected</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; file )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>filesSelected</name>
-      <anchor>filesSelected</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStringList &amp; files )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>filterSelected</name>
-      <anchor>filterSelected</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; filter )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>getExistingDirectory</name>
-      <anchor>getExistingDirectory</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; dir = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>getOpenFileName</name>
-      <anchor>getOpenFileName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; startWith = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>getOpenFileNames</name>
-      <anchor>getOpenFileNames</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; filter = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>getSaveFileName</name>
-      <anchor>getSaveFileName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; startWith = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>iconProvider</name>
-      <anchor>iconProvider</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rereadDir</name>
-      <anchor>rereadDir</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resortDir</name>
-      <anchor>resortDir</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selectAll</name>
-      <anchor>selectAll</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setContentsPreview</name>
-      <anchor>setContentsPreview</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * w, Q3FilePreview * preview )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDir</name>
-      <anchor>setDir</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDir &amp; dir )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDir</name>
-      <anchor>setDir-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; pathstr )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFilter</name>
-      <anchor>setFilter</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; newFilter )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFilters</name>
-      <anchor>setFilters</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; filters )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFilters</name>
-      <anchor>setFilters-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char ** types )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFilters</name>
-      <anchor>setFilters-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStringList &amp; types )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setIconProvider</name>
-      <anchor>setIconProvider</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3FileIconProvider * provider )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setInfoPreview</name>
-      <anchor>setInfoPreview</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * w, Q3FilePreview * preview )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSelectedFilter</name>
-      <anchor>setSelectedFilter</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; mask )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSelectedFilter</name>
-      <anchor>setSelectedFilter-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int n )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSelection</name>
-      <anchor>setSelection</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; filename )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setUrl</name>
-      <anchor>setUrl</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3UrlOperator &amp; url )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>url</name>
-      <anchor>url</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3FileIconProvider</name>
-    <filename>q3fileiconprovider.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3FileIconProvider</name>
-      <anchor>Q3FileIconProvider</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pixmap</name>
-      <anchor>pixmap</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QFileInfo &amp; info )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3FilePreview</name>
-    <filename>q3filepreview.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3FilePreview</name>
-      <anchor>Q3FilePreview</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>previewUrl</name>
-      <anchor>previewUrl</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3Url &amp; url )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3Frame</name>
-    <filename>q3frame.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3Frame</name>
-      <anchor>Q3Frame</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, const char * name = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawContents</name>
-      <anchor>drawContents</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter * painter )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawFrame</name>
-      <anchor>drawFrame</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter * p )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>frameChanged</name>
-      <anchor>frameChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>frameWidth</name>
-      <anchor>frameWidth</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>paintEvent</name>
-      <anchor>paintEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPaintEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resizeEvent</name>
-      <anchor>resizeEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QResizeEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3Ftp</name>
-    <filename>q3ftp.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Command</name>
-      <anchor>Command-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Error</name>
-      <anchor>Error-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>State</name>
-      <anchor>State-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3Ftp</name>
-      <anchor>Q3Ftp</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3Ftp</name>
-      <anchor>Q3Ftp-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>abort</name>
-      <anchor>abort</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bytesAvailable</name>
-      <anchor>bytesAvailable</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cd</name>
-      <anchor>cd</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; dir )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clearPendingCommands</name>
-      <anchor>clearPendingCommands</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>close</name>
-      <anchor>close</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>commandFinished</name>
-      <anchor>commandFinished</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id, bool error )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>commandStarted</name>
-      <anchor>commandStarted</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>connectToHost</name>
-      <anchor>connectToHost</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; host, Q_UINT16 port = 21 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentCommand</name>
-      <anchor>currentCommand</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentDevice</name>
-      <anchor>currentDevice</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentId</name>
-      <anchor>currentId</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dataTransferProgress</name>
-      <anchor>dataTransferProgress</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int done, int total )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>done</name>
-      <anchor>done</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool error )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>error</name>
-      <anchor>error</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>errorString</name>
-      <anchor>errorString</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>get</name>
-      <anchor>get</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; file, QIODevice * dev = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasPendingCommands</name>
-      <anchor>hasPendingCommands</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>list</name>
-      <anchor>list</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; dir = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>listInfo</name>
-      <anchor>listInfo</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QUrlInfo &amp; i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>login</name>
-      <anchor>login</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; user = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mkdir</name>
-      <anchor>mkdir</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; dir )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>put</name>
-      <anchor>put</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QIODevice * dev, const QString &amp; file )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>put</name>
-      <anchor>put-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; data, const QString &amp; file )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rawCommand</name>
-      <anchor>rawCommand</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; command )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rawCommandReply</name>
-      <anchor>rawCommandReply</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int replyCode, const QString &amp; detail )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>readAll</name>
-      <anchor>readAll</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>readBlock</name>
-      <anchor>readBlock</anchor>
-      <arglist>( char * data, Q_ULONG maxlen )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>readyRead</name>
-      <anchor>readyRead</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>remove</name>
-      <anchor>remove</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; file )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rename</name>
-      <anchor>rename</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; oldname, const QString &amp; newname )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rmdir</name>
-      <anchor>rmdir</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; dir )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>state</name>
-      <anchor>state</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>stateChanged</name>
-      <anchor>stateChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int state )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3Grid</name>
-    <filename>q3grid.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3Grid</name>
-      <anchor>Q3Grid</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int n, QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3Grid</name>
-      <anchor>Q3Grid-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int n, Qt::Orientation orient, QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSpacing</name>
-      <anchor>setSpacing</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int space )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3GridView</name>
-    <filename>q3gridview.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3GridView</name>
-      <anchor>Q3GridView</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cellGeometry</name>
-      <anchor>cellGeometry</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cellRect</name>
-      <anchor>cellRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>columnAt</name>
-      <anchor>columnAt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dimensionChange</name>
-      <anchor>dimensionChange</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int oldNumRows, int oldNumCols )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ensureCellVisible</name>
-      <anchor>ensureCellVisible</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>gridSize</name>
-      <anchor>gridSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>paintCell</name>
-      <anchor>paintCell</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter * p, int row, int col )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>paintEmptyArea</name>
-      <anchor>paintEmptyArea</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter * p, int cx, int cy, int cw, int ch )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>repaintCell</name>
-      <anchor>repaintCell</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int column, bool erase = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rowAt</name>
-      <anchor>rowAt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int y )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>updateCell</name>
-      <anchor>updateCell</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3GroupBox</name>
-    <filename>q3groupbox.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Orientation</name>
-      <anchor>orientation-prop</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3GroupBox</name>
-      <anchor>Q3GroupBox</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3GroupBox</name>
-      <anchor>Q3GroupBox-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; title, QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3GroupBox</name>
-      <anchor>Q3GroupBox-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int strips, Qt::Orientation orientation, QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3GroupBox</name>
-      <anchor>Q3GroupBox-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int strips, Qt::Orientation orientation, const QString &amp; title, QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addSpace</name>
-      <anchor>addSpace</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insideMargin</name>
-      <anchor>insideMargin</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insideSpacing</name>
-      <anchor>insideSpacing</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setColumnLayout</name>
-      <anchor>setColumnLayout</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int strips, Qt::Orientation direction )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setInsideMargin</name>
-      <anchor>setInsideMargin</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int m )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setInsideSpacing</name>
-      <anchor>setInsideSpacing</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int s )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3HBox</name>
-    <filename>q3hbox.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3HBox</name>
-      <anchor>Q3HBox</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3HBox</name>
-      <anchor>Q3HBox-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool horizontal, QWidget * parent, const char * name, Qt::WFlags f = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSpacing</name>
-      <anchor>setSpacing</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int space )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setStretchFactor</name>
-      <anchor>setStretchFactor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * w, int stretch )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3HButtonGroup</name>
-    <filename>q3hbuttongroup.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3HButtonGroup</name>
-      <anchor>Q3HButtonGroup</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3HButtonGroup</name>
-      <anchor>Q3HButtonGroup-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; title, QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3Header</name>
-    <filename>q3header.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Orientation</name>
-      <anchor>orientation-prop</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3Header</name>
-      <anchor>Q3Header</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3Header</name>
-      <anchor>Q3Header-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int n, QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addLabel</name>
-      <anchor>addLabel</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; s, int size = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addLabel</name>
-      <anchor>addLabel-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QIcon &amp; icon, const QString &amp; s, int size = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>adjustHeaderSize</name>
-      <anchor>adjustHeaderSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cellAt</name>
-      <anchor>cellAt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cellPos</name>
-      <anchor>cellPos</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cellSize</name>
-      <anchor>cellSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clicked</name>
-      <anchor>clicked</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int section )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>headerWidth</name>
-      <anchor>headerWidth</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>iconSet</name>
-      <anchor>iconSet</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int section )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>indexChange</name>
-      <anchor>indexChange</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int section, int fromIndex, int toIndex )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isClickEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>isClickEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int section = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isResizeEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>isResizeEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int section = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>label</name>
-      <anchor>label</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int section )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mapToActual</name>
-      <anchor>mapToActual</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int l )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mapToIndex</name>
-      <anchor>mapToIndex</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int section )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mapToLogical</name>
-      <anchor>mapToLogical</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int a )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mapToSection</name>
-      <anchor>mapToSection</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>moveCell</name>
-      <anchor>moveCell</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int fromIdx, int toIdx )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>moveSection</name>
-      <anchor>moveSection</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int section, int toIndex )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>moved</name>
-      <anchor>moved</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int fromIndex, int toIndex )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>paintSection</name>
-      <anchor>paintSection</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter * p, int index, const QRect &amp; fr )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>paintSectionLabel</name>
-      <anchor>paintSectionLabel</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter * p, int index, const QRect &amp; fr )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pressed</name>
-      <anchor>pressed</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int section )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>released</name>
-      <anchor>released</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int section )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeLabel</name>
-      <anchor>removeLabel</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int section )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resizeSection</name>
-      <anchor>resizeSection</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int section, int s )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sRect</name>
-      <anchor>sRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sectionAt</name>
-      <anchor>sectionAt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sectionClicked</name>
-      <anchor>sectionClicked</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sectionHandleDoubleClicked</name>
-      <anchor>sectionHandleDoubleClicked</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int section )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sectionPos</name>
-      <anchor>sectionPos</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int section )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sectionRect</name>
-      <anchor>sectionRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int section )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sectionSize</name>
-      <anchor>sectionSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int section )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCellSize</name>
-      <anchor>setCellSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int section, int s )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setClickEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>setClickEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool enable, int section = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setLabel</name>
-      <anchor>setLabel</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int section, const QString &amp; s, int size = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setLabel</name>
-      <anchor>setLabel-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int section, const QIcon &amp; icon, const QString &amp; s, int size = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setResizeEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>setResizeEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool enable, int section = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSortIndicator</name>
-      <anchor>setSortIndicator</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int section, Qt::SortOrder order )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSortIndicator</name>
-      <anchor>setSortIndicator-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int section, bool ascending = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sizeChange</name>
-      <anchor>sizeChange</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int section, int oldSize, int newSize )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>SortOrder</name>
-      <anchor>sortIndicatorOrder</anchor>
-      <arglist> Q3Header::sortIndicatorOrder()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sortIndicatorSection</name>
-      <anchor>sortIndicatorSection</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3HttpHeader</name>
-    <filename>q3httpheader.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3HttpHeader</name>
-      <anchor>Q3HttpHeader</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3HttpHeader</name>
-      <anchor>Q3HttpHeader-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3HttpHeader &amp; header )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3HttpHeader</name>
-      <anchor>Q3HttpHeader-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; str )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contentLength</name>
-      <anchor>contentLength</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contentType</name>
-      <anchor>contentType</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasContentLength</name>
-      <anchor>hasContentLength</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasContentType</name>
-      <anchor>hasContentType</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasKey</name>
-      <anchor>hasKey</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isValid</name>
-      <anchor>isValid</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>keys</name>
-      <anchor>keys</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>majorVersion</name>
-      <anchor>majorVersion</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>minorVersion</name>
-      <anchor>minorVersion</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeValue</name>
-      <anchor>removeValue</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setContentLength</name>
-      <anchor>setContentLength</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int len )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setContentType</name>
-      <anchor>setContentType</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; type )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setValue</name>
-      <anchor>setValue</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key, const QString &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toString</name>
-      <anchor>toString</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>value</name>
-      <anchor>value</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3HttpHeader &amp; h )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3Http</name>
-    <filename>q3http.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Error</name>
-      <anchor>Error-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>State</name>
-      <anchor>State-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3Http</name>
-      <anchor>Q3Http</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3Http</name>
-      <anchor>Q3Http-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3Http</name>
-      <anchor>Q3Http-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; hostname, Q_UINT16 port = 80, QObject * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>abort</name>
-      <anchor>abort</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bytesAvailable</name>
-      <anchor>bytesAvailable</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clearPendingRequests</name>
-      <anchor>clearPendingRequests</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>closeConnection</name>
-      <anchor>closeConnection</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentDestinationDevice</name>
-      <anchor>currentDestinationDevice</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentId</name>
-      <anchor>currentId</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentRequest</name>
-      <anchor>currentRequest</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentSourceDevice</name>
-      <anchor>currentSourceDevice</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dataReadProgress</name>
-      <anchor>dataReadProgress</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int done, int total )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dataSendProgress</name>
-      <anchor>dataSendProgress</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int done, int total )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>done</name>
-      <anchor>done</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool error )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>error</name>
-      <anchor>error</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>errorString</name>
-      <anchor>errorString</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>get</name>
-      <anchor>get</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; path, QIODevice * to = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasPendingRequests</name>
-      <anchor>hasPendingRequests</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>head</name>
-      <anchor>head</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; path )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>post</name>
-      <anchor>post</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; path, QIODevice * data, QIODevice * to = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>post</name>
-      <anchor>post-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; path, const QByteArray &amp; data, QIODevice * to = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>readAll</name>
-      <anchor>readAll</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>readBlock</name>
-      <anchor>readBlock</anchor>
-      <arglist>( char * data, Q_ULONG maxlen )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>readyRead</name>
-      <anchor>readyRead</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3HttpResponseHeader &amp; resp )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>request</name>
-      <anchor>request</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3HttpRequestHeader &amp; header, QIODevice * data = 0, QIODevice * to = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>request</name>
-      <anchor>request-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3HttpRequestHeader &amp; header, const QByteArray &amp; data, QIODevice * to = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>requestFinished</name>
-      <anchor>requestFinished</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id, bool error )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>requestStarted</name>
-      <anchor>requestStarted</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>responseHeaderReceived</name>
-      <anchor>responseHeaderReceived</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3HttpResponseHeader &amp; resp )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setHost</name>
-      <anchor>setHost</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; hostname, Q_UINT16 port = 80 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>state</name>
-      <anchor>state</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>stateChanged</name>
-      <anchor>stateChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int state )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3HttpRequestHeader</name>
-    <filename>q3httprequestheader.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3HttpRequestHeader</name>
-      <anchor>Q3HttpRequestHeader</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3HttpRequestHeader</name>
-      <anchor>Q3HttpRequestHeader-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; method, const QString &amp; path, int majorVer = 1, int minorVer = 1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3HttpRequestHeader</name>
-      <anchor>Q3HttpRequestHeader-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3HttpRequestHeader &amp; header )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3HttpRequestHeader</name>
-      <anchor>Q3HttpRequestHeader-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; str )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>majorVersion</name>
-      <anchor>majorVersion</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>method</name>
-      <anchor>method</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>minorVersion</name>
-      <anchor>minorVersion</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>path</name>
-      <anchor>path</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRequest</name>
-      <anchor>setRequest</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; method, const QString &amp; path, int majorVer = 1, int minorVer = 1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3HttpResponseHeader</name>
-    <filename>q3httpresponseheader.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3HttpResponseHeader</name>
-      <anchor>Q3HttpResponseHeader-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3HttpResponseHeader</name>
-      <anchor>Q3HttpResponseHeader-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3HttpResponseHeader &amp; header )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>majorVersion</name>
-      <anchor>majorVersion</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>minorVersion</name>
-      <anchor>minorVersion</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>reasonPhrase</name>
-      <anchor>reasonPhrase</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>statusCode</name>
-      <anchor>statusCode</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3IconDrag</name>
-    <filename>q3icondrag.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3IconDrag</name>
-      <anchor>Q3IconDrag</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * dragSource, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>append</name>
-      <anchor>append</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3IconDragItem &amp; i, const QRect &amp; pr, const QRect &amp; tr )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>canDecode</name>
-      <anchor>canDecode</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QMimeSource * e )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>encodedData</name>
-      <anchor>encodedData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * mime )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3IconDragItem</name>
-    <filename>q3icondragitem.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3IconDragItem</name>
-      <anchor>Q3IconDragItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>data</name>
-      <anchor>data</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setData</name>
-      <anchor>setData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; d )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3IconView</name>
-    <filename>q3iconview.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Arrangement</name>
-      <anchor>Arrangement-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ComparisonFlags</name>
-      <anchor>ComparisonFlags-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>ItemTextPos</name>
-      <anchor>ItemTextPos-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>ResizeMode</name>
-      <anchor>ResizeMode-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>SelectionMode</name>
-      <anchor>SelectionMode-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>StringComparisonMode</name>
-      <anchor>StringComparisonMode-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3IconView</name>
-      <anchor>Q3IconView</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>adjustItems</name>
-      <anchor>adjustItems</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>arrangeItemsInGrid</name>
-      <anchor>arrangeItemsInGrid</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSize &amp; grid, bool update = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>arrangeItemsInGrid</name>
-      <anchor>arrangeItemsInGrid-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool update = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clearSelection</name>
-      <anchor>clearSelection</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clicked</name>
-      <anchor>clicked</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3IconViewItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clicked</name>
-      <anchor>clicked-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3IconViewItem * item, const QPoint &amp; pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contextMenuRequested</name>
-      <anchor>contextMenuRequested</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3IconViewItem * item, const QPoint &amp; pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentChanged</name>
-      <anchor>currentChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3IconViewItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentItem</name>
-      <anchor>currentItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>doAutoScroll</name>
-      <anchor>doAutoScroll</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>doubleClicked</name>
-      <anchor>doubleClicked</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3IconViewItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dragObject</name>
-      <anchor>dragObject</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawBackground</name>
-      <anchor>drawBackground</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter * p, const QRect &amp; r )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawRubber</name>
-      <anchor>drawRubber</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter * p )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dropped</name>
-      <anchor>dropped</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDropEvent * e, const Q3ValueList&lt;Q3IconDragItem&gt; &amp; lst )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>emitSelectionChanged</name>
-      <anchor>emitSelectionChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3IconViewItem * i = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ensureItemVisible</name>
-      <anchor>ensureItemVisible</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3IconViewItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>findFirstVisibleItem</name>
-      <anchor>findFirstVisibleItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; r )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>findItem</name>
-      <anchor>findItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>findItem</name>
-      <anchor>findItem-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text, ComparisonFlags compare = BeginsWith | Qt::CaseSensitive )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>findLastVisibleItem</name>
-      <anchor>findLastVisibleItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; r )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>firstItem</name>
-      <anchor>firstItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>index</name>
-      <anchor>index</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3IconViewItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertInGrid</name>
-      <anchor>insertInGrid</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3IconViewItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertItem</name>
-      <anchor>insertItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3IconViewItem * item, Q3IconViewItem * after = 0L )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>invertSelection</name>
-      <anchor>invertSelection</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isRenaming</name>
-      <anchor>isRenaming</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemRenamed</name>
-      <anchor>itemRenamed</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3IconViewItem * item, const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemRenamed</name>
-      <anchor>itemRenamed-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3IconViewItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lastItem</name>
-      <anchor>lastItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>makeRowLayout</name>
-      <anchor>makeRowLayout</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3IconViewItem * begin, int &amp; y, bool &amp; changed )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mouseButtonClicked</name>
-      <anchor>mouseButtonClicked</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int button, Q3IconViewItem * item, const QPoint &amp; pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mouseButtonPressed</name>
-      <anchor>mouseButtonPressed</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int button, Q3IconViewItem * item, const QPoint &amp; pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>moved</name>
-      <anchor>moved</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>onItem</name>
-      <anchor>onItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3IconViewItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>onViewport</name>
-      <anchor>onViewport</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pressed</name>
-      <anchor>pressed</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3IconViewItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pressed</name>
-      <anchor>pressed-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3IconViewItem * item, const QPoint &amp; pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>repaintItem</name>
-      <anchor>repaintItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3IconViewItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>repaintSelectedItems</name>
-      <anchor>repaintSelectedItems</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>returnPressed</name>
-      <anchor>returnPressed</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3IconViewItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rightButtonClicked</name>
-      <anchor>rightButtonClicked</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3IconViewItem * item, const QPoint &amp; pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rightButtonPressed</name>
-      <anchor>rightButtonPressed</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3IconViewItem * item, const QPoint &amp; pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selectAll</name>
-      <anchor>selectAll</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool select )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selectionChanged</name>
-      <anchor>selectionChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selectionChanged</name>
-      <anchor>selectionChanged-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3IconViewItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCurrentItem</name>
-      <anchor>setCurrentItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3IconViewItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSelected</name>
-      <anchor>setSelected</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3IconViewItem * item, bool s, bool cb = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSorting</name>
-      <anchor>setSorting</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool sort, bool ascending = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>slotUpdate</name>
-      <anchor>slotUpdate</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sort</name>
-      <anchor>sort</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool ascending = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>startDrag</name>
-      <anchor>startDrag</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>takeItem</name>
-      <anchor>takeItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3IconViewItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3IconViewItem</name>
-    <filename>q3iconviewitem.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3IconViewItem</name>
-      <anchor>Q3IconViewItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3IconView * parent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3IconViewItem</name>
-      <anchor>Q3IconViewItem-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3IconView * parent, Q3IconViewItem * after )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3IconViewItem</name>
-      <anchor>Q3IconViewItem-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3IconView * parent, const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3IconViewItem</name>
-      <anchor>Q3IconViewItem-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3IconView * parent, Q3IconViewItem * after, const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3IconViewItem</name>
-      <anchor>Q3IconViewItem-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3IconView * parent, const QString &amp; text, const QPixmap &amp; icon )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3IconViewItem</name>
-      <anchor>Q3IconViewItem-6</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3IconView * parent, Q3IconViewItem * after, const QString &amp; text, const QPixmap &amp; icon )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3IconViewItem</name>
-      <anchor>Q3IconViewItem-7</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3IconView * parent, const QString &amp; text, const QPicture &amp; picture )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3IconViewItem</name>
-      <anchor>Q3IconViewItem-8</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3IconView * parent, Q3IconViewItem * after, const QString &amp; text, const QPicture &amp; picture )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>acceptDrop</name>
-      <anchor>acceptDrop</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QMimeSource * mime )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>calcRect</name>
-      <anchor>calcRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text_ = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>compare</name>
-      <anchor>compare</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3IconViewItem * i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contains</name>
-      <anchor>contains</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; pnt )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dragEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>dragEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dragEntered</name>
-      <anchor>dragEntered</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dragLeft</name>
-      <anchor>dragLeft</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dropEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>dropEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dropped</name>
-      <anchor>dropped</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDropEvent * e, const Q3ValueList&lt;Q3IconDragItem&gt; &amp; lst )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>height</name>
-      <anchor>height</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>iconView</name>
-      <anchor>iconView</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>index</name>
-      <anchor>index</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>intersects</name>
-      <anchor>intersects</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; r )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isSelectable</name>
-      <anchor>isSelectable</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isSelected</name>
-      <anchor>isSelected</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>key</name>
-      <anchor>key</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>move</name>
-      <anchor>move</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>move</name>
-      <anchor>move-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; pnt )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>moveBy</name>
-      <anchor>moveBy</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int dx, int dy )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>moveBy</name>
-      <anchor>moveBy-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; pnt )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>nextItem</name>
-      <anchor>nextItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>paintFocus</name>
-      <anchor>paintFocus</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter * p, const QColorGroup &amp; cg )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>paintItem</name>
-      <anchor>paintItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter * p, const QColorGroup &amp; cg )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>picture</name>
-      <anchor>picture</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pixmap</name>
-      <anchor>pixmap</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pixmapRect</name>
-      <anchor>pixmapRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool relative = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pos</name>
-      <anchor>pos</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>prevItem</name>
-      <anchor>prevItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rect</name>
-      <anchor>rect</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeRenameBox</name>
-      <anchor>removeRenameBox</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rename</name>
-      <anchor>rename</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>renameEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>renameEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>repaint</name>
-      <anchor>repaint</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rtti</name>
-      <anchor>rtti</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDragEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>setDragEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool allow )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDropEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>setDropEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool allow )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setItemRect</name>
-      <anchor>setItemRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; r )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setKey</name>
-      <anchor>setKey</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; k )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPicture</name>
-      <anchor>setPicture</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPicture &amp; icon )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>setPixmap</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPixmap &amp; icon )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>setPixmap-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPixmap &amp; icon, bool recalc, bool redraw = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPixmapRect</name>
-      <anchor>setPixmapRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; r )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRenameEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>setRenameEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool allow )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSelectable</name>
-      <anchor>setSelectable</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSelected</name>
-      <anchor>setSelected</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool s, bool cb )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSelected</name>
-      <anchor>setSelected-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool s )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setText</name>
-      <anchor>setText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setText</name>
-      <anchor>setText-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text, bool recalc, bool redraw = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTextRect</name>
-      <anchor>setTextRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; r )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>size</name>
-      <anchor>size</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>text</name>
-      <anchor>text</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>textRect</name>
-      <anchor>textRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool relative = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>width</name>
-      <anchor>width</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>x</name>
-      <anchor>x</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>y</name>
-      <anchor>y</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3ImageDrag</name>
-    <filename>q3imagedrag.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ImageDrag</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ImageDrag</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QImage image, QWidget * dragSource = 0, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ImageDrag</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ImageDrag-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * dragSource = 0, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>canDecode</name>
-      <anchor>canDecode</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QMimeSource * source )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>decode</name>
-      <anchor>decode</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QMimeSource * source, QImage &amp; image )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>decode</name>
-      <anchor>decode-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QMimeSource * source, QPixmap &amp; pixmap )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setImage</name>
-      <anchor>setImage</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QImage image )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3IntCache</name>
-    <filename>q3intcache.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3IntCache</name>
-      <anchor>Q3IntCache-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int maxCost = 100, int size = 17 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>find</name>
-      <anchor>find</anchor>
-      <arglist>( long k, bool ref = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insert</name>
-      <anchor>insert</anchor>
-      <arglist>( long k, const type * d, int c = 1, int p = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEmpty</name>
-      <anchor>isEmpty</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>maxCost</name>
-      <anchor>maxCost</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>remove</name>
-      <anchor>remove</anchor>
-      <arglist>( long k )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setMaxCost</name>
-      <anchor>setMaxCost</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int m )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>size</name>
-      <anchor>size</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>statistics</name>
-      <anchor>statistics</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>take</name>
-      <anchor>take</anchor>
-      <arglist>( long k )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>totalCost</name>
-      <anchor>totalCost</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator[]</name>
-      <anchor>operator-5b-5d</anchor>
-      <arglist>( long k )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3IntCacheIterator</name>
-    <filename>q3intcacheiterator.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3IntCacheIterator</name>
-      <anchor>Q3IntCacheIterator</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3IntCache&lt;type&gt; &amp; cache )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3IntCacheIterator</name>
-      <anchor>Q3IntCacheIterator-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3IntCacheIterator&lt;type&gt; &amp; ci )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>atFirst</name>
-      <anchor>atFirst</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>atLast</name>
-      <anchor>atLast</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>current</name>
-      <anchor>current</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentKey</name>
-      <anchor>currentKey</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEmpty</name>
-      <anchor>isEmpty</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toFirst</name>
-      <anchor>toFirst</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toLast</name>
-      <anchor>toLast</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator</name>
-      <anchor>operator-type--2a</anchor>
-      <arglist> type *()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator()</name>
-      <anchor>operator-28-29</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator++</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-2b</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint jump )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator--</name>
-      <anchor>operator--</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator-=</name>
-      <anchor>operator--eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint jump )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3IntCacheIterator&lt;type&gt; &amp; ci )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3IntDict</name>
-    <filename>q3intdict.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3IntDict</name>
-      <anchor>Q3IntDict</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int size = 17 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3IntDict</name>
-      <anchor>Q3IntDict-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3IntDict&lt;type&gt; &amp; dict )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>find</name>
-      <anchor>find</anchor>
-      <arglist>( long key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insert</name>
-      <anchor>insert</anchor>
-      <arglist>( long key, const type * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEmpty</name>
-      <anchor>isEmpty</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>read</name>
-      <anchor>read</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDataStream &amp; s, Q3PtrCollection::Item &amp; item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>remove</name>
-      <anchor>remove</anchor>
-      <arglist>( long key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>replace</name>
-      <anchor>replace</anchor>
-      <arglist>( long key, const type * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resize</name>
-      <anchor>resize</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint newsize )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>size</name>
-      <anchor>size</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>statistics</name>
-      <anchor>statistics</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>take</name>
-      <anchor>take</anchor>
-      <arglist>( long key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>write</name>
-      <anchor>write</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDataStream &amp; s, Q3PtrCollection::Item item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3IntDict&lt;type&gt; &amp; dict )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator[]</name>
-      <anchor>operator-5b-5d</anchor>
-      <arglist>( long key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3IntDictIterator</name>
-    <filename>q3intdictiterator.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3IntDictIterator</name>
-      <anchor>Q3IntDictIterator</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3IntDict&lt;type&gt; &amp; dict )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>current</name>
-      <anchor>current</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentKey</name>
-      <anchor>currentKey</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEmpty</name>
-      <anchor>isEmpty</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toFirst</name>
-      <anchor>toFirst</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator</name>
-      <anchor>operator-type--2a</anchor>
-      <arglist> type *()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator()</name>
-      <anchor>operator-28-29</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator++</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-2b</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint jump )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3ListBox</name>
-    <filename>q3listbox.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ComparisonFlags</name>
-      <anchor>ComparisonFlags-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>LayoutMode</name>
-      <anchor>LayoutMode-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>SelectionMode</name>
-      <anchor>SelectionMode-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>StringComparisonMode</name>
-      <anchor>StringComparisonMode-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ListBox</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ListBox</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>autoBottomScrollBar</name>
-      <anchor>autoBottomScrollBar</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>autoScroll</name>
-      <anchor>autoScroll</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>autoScrollBar</name>
-      <anchor>autoScrollBar</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>autoUpdate</name>
-      <anchor>autoUpdate</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bottomScrollBar</name>
-      <anchor>bottomScrollBar</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cellHeight</name>
-      <anchor>cellHeight</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cellHeight</name>
-      <anchor>cellHeight-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cellWidth</name>
-      <anchor>cellWidth</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cellWidth</name>
-      <anchor>cellWidth-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>centerCurrentItem</name>
-      <anchor>centerCurrentItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>changeItem</name>
-      <anchor>changeItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3ListBoxItem * lbi, int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>changeItem</name>
-      <anchor>changeItem-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text, int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>changeItem</name>
-      <anchor>changeItem-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPixmap &amp; pixmap, int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>changeItem</name>
-      <anchor>changeItem-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPixmap &amp; pixmap, const QString &amp; text, int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clearSelection</name>
-      <anchor>clearSelection</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clicked</name>
-      <anchor>clicked</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListBoxItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clicked</name>
-      <anchor>clicked-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListBoxItem * item, const QPoint &amp; pnt )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contextMenuRequested</name>
-      <anchor>contextMenuRequested</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListBoxItem * item, const QPoint &amp; pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentChanged</name>
-      <anchor>currentChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListBoxItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>doLayout</name>
-      <anchor>doLayout</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>doubleClicked</name>
-      <anchor>doubleClicked</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListBoxItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dragSelect</name>
-      <anchor>dragSelect</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ensureCurrentVisible</name>
-      <anchor>ensureCurrentVisible</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>findItem</name>
-      <anchor>findItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text, ComparisonFlags compare = BeginsWith )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>findItem</name>
-      <anchor>findItem-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int yPos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>firstItem</name>
-      <anchor>firstItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>highlighted</name>
-      <anchor>highlighted</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>highlighted</name>
-      <anchor>highlighted-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListBoxItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>highlighted</name>
-      <anchor>highlighted-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>inSort</name>
-      <anchor>inSort</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3ListBoxItem * lbi )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>inSort</name>
-      <anchor>inSort-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>index</name>
-      <anchor>index</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3ListBoxItem * lbi )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertItem</name>
-      <anchor>insertItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3ListBoxItem * lbi, int index = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertItem</name>
-      <anchor>insertItem-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3ListBoxItem * lbi, const Q3ListBoxItem * after )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertItem</name>
-      <anchor>insertItem-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text, int index = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertItem</name>
-      <anchor>insertItem-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPixmap &amp; pixmap, int index = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertItem</name>
-      <anchor>insertItem-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPixmap &amp; pixmap, const QString &amp; text, int index = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertStrList</name>
-      <anchor>insertStrList</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char ** strings, int numStrings = -1, int index = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertStringList</name>
-      <anchor>insertStringList</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStringList &amp; list, int index = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>invertSelection</name>
-      <anchor>invertSelection</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isRubberSelecting</name>
-      <anchor>isRubberSelecting</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isSelected</name>
-      <anchor>isSelected</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isSelected</name>
-      <anchor>isSelected-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3ListBoxItem * i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>item</name>
-      <anchor>item</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemAt</name>
-      <anchor>itemAt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; p )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemHeight</name>
-      <anchor>itemHeight</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemRect</name>
-      <anchor>itemRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListBoxItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemVisible</name>
-      <anchor>itemVisible</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemVisible</name>
-      <anchor>itemVisible-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3ListBoxItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>maxItemWidth</name>
-      <anchor>maxItemWidth</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mouseButtonClicked</name>
-      <anchor>mouseButtonClicked</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int button, Q3ListBoxItem * item, const QPoint &amp; pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mouseButtonPressed</name>
-      <anchor>mouseButtonPressed</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int button, Q3ListBoxItem * item, const QPoint &amp; pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>numCols</name>
-      <anchor>numCols</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>onItem</name>
-      <anchor>onItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListBoxItem * i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>onViewport</name>
-      <anchor>onViewport</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>paintCell</name>
-      <anchor>paintCell</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter * p, int row, int col )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pixmap</name>
-      <anchor>pixmap</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pressed</name>
-      <anchor>pressed</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListBoxItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pressed</name>
-      <anchor>pressed-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListBoxItem * item, const QPoint &amp; pnt )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeItem</name>
-      <anchor>removeItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>returnPressed</name>
-      <anchor>returnPressed</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListBoxItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rightButtonClicked</name>
-      <anchor>rightButtonClicked</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListBoxItem * item, const QPoint &amp; point )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rightButtonPressed</name>
-      <anchor>rightButtonPressed</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListBoxItem * item, const QPoint &amp; point )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>scrollBar</name>
-      <anchor>scrollBar</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selectAll</name>
-      <anchor>selectAll</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool select )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selected</name>
-      <anchor>selected</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selected</name>
-      <anchor>selected-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListBoxItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selected</name>
-      <anchor>selected-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selectedItem</name>
-      <anchor>selectedItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selectionChanged</name>
-      <anchor>selectionChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selectionChanged</name>
-      <anchor>selectionChanged-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListBoxItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAutoBottomScrollBar</name>
-      <anchor>setAutoBottomScrollBar</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAutoScroll</name>
-      <anchor>setAutoScroll</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAutoScrollBar</name>
-      <anchor>setAutoScrollBar</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAutoUpdate</name>
-      <anchor>setAutoUpdate</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setBottomItem</name>
-      <anchor>setBottomItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setBottomScrollBar</name>
-      <anchor>setBottomScrollBar</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDragSelect</name>
-      <anchor>setDragSelect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFixedVisibleLines</name>
-      <anchor>setFixedVisibleLines</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int lines )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setScrollBar</name>
-      <anchor>setScrollBar</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSelected</name>
-      <anchor>setSelected</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListBoxItem * item, bool select )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSelected</name>
-      <anchor>setSelected-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, bool select )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSmoothScrolling</name>
-      <anchor>setSmoothScrolling</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>smoothScrolling</name>
-      <anchor>smoothScrolling</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sort</name>
-      <anchor>sort</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool ascending = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>takeItem</name>
-      <anchor>takeItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3ListBoxItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>text</name>
-      <anchor>text</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toggleCurrentItem</name>
-      <anchor>toggleCurrentItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>totalHeight</name>
-      <anchor>totalHeight</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>totalWidth</name>
-      <anchor>totalWidth</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>triggerUpdate</name>
-      <anchor>triggerUpdate</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool doLayout )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>updateCellWidth</name>
-      <anchor>updateCellWidth</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>updateItem</name>
-      <anchor>updateItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>updateItem</name>
-      <anchor>updateItem-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListBoxItem * i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3ListBoxItem</name>
-    <filename>q3listboxitem.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ListBoxItem</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ListBoxItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListBox * listbox = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ListBoxItem</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ListBoxItem-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListBox * listbox, Q3ListBoxItem * after )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>current</name>
-      <anchor>current</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>height</name>
-      <anchor>height</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3ListBox * lb )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isCurrent</name>
-      <anchor>isCurrent</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isSelectable</name>
-      <anchor>isSelectable</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isSelected</name>
-      <anchor>isSelected</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>listBox</name>
-      <anchor>listBox</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>next</name>
-      <anchor>next</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>paint</name>
-      <anchor>paint</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter * p )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pixmap</name>
-      <anchor>pixmap</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>prev</name>
-      <anchor>prev</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rtti</name>
-      <anchor>rtti</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selected</name>
-      <anchor>selected</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCustomHighlighting</name>
-      <anchor>setCustomHighlighting</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSelectable</name>
-      <anchor>setSelectable</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setText</name>
-      <anchor>setText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>text</name>
-      <anchor>text</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>width</name>
-      <anchor>width</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3ListBox * lb )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3ListBoxPixmap</name>
-    <filename>q3listboxpixmap.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ListBoxPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ListBoxPixmap</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListBox * listbox, const QPixmap &amp; pixmap )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ListBoxPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ListBoxPixmap-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPixmap &amp; pixmap )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ListBoxPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ListBoxPixmap-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListBox * listbox, const QPixmap &amp; pixmap, Q3ListBoxItem * after )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ListBoxPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ListBoxPixmap-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListBox * listbox, const QPixmap &amp; pix, const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ListBoxPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ListBoxPixmap-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPixmap &amp; pix, const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ListBoxPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ListBoxPixmap-6</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListBox * listbox, const QPixmap &amp; pix, const QString &amp; text, Q3ListBoxItem * after )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>height</name>
-      <anchor>height</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3ListBox * lb )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>paint</name>
-      <anchor>paint</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter * painter )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pixmap</name>
-      <anchor>pixmap</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>width</name>
-      <anchor>width</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3ListBox * lb )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3ListBoxText</name>
-    <filename>q3listboxtext.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ListBoxText</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ListBoxText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListBox * listbox, const QString &amp; text = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ListBoxText</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ListBoxText-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ListBoxText</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ListBoxText-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListBox * listbox, const QString &amp; text, Q3ListBoxItem * after )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>height</name>
-      <anchor>height</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3ListBox * lb )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>paint</name>
-      <anchor>paint</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter * painter )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>width</name>
-      <anchor>width</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3ListBox * lb )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3ListView</name>
-    <filename>q3listview.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ComparisonFlags</name>
-      <anchor>ComparisonFlags-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>RenameAction</name>
-      <anchor>RenameAction-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>ResizeMode</name>
-      <anchor>ResizeMode-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>SelectionMode</name>
-      <anchor>SelectionMode-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>StringComparisonMode</name>
-      <anchor>StringComparisonMode-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>WidthMode</name>
-      <anchor>WidthMode-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ListView</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ListView</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addColumn</name>
-      <anchor>addColumn</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; label, int width = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addColumn</name>
-      <anchor>addColumn-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QIcon &amp; icon, const QString &amp; label, int width = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>adjustColumn</name>
-      <anchor>adjustColumn</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int col )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clearSelection</name>
-      <anchor>clearSelection</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clicked</name>
-      <anchor>clicked</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListViewItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clicked</name>
-      <anchor>clicked-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListViewItem * item, const QPoint &amp; pnt, int c )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>collapsed</name>
-      <anchor>collapsed</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListViewItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>columnAlignment</name>
-      <anchor>columnAlignment</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>columnText</name>
-      <anchor>columnText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int c )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>columnWidth</name>
-      <anchor>columnWidth</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int c )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>columnWidthMode</name>
-      <anchor>columnWidthMode</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int c )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contentsMouseDoubleClickEvent</name>
-      <anchor>contentsMouseDoubleClickEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QMouseEvent * e )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contentsMouseMoveEvent</name>
-      <anchor>contentsMouseMoveEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QMouseEvent * e )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contentsMousePressEvent</name>
-      <anchor>contentsMousePressEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QMouseEvent * e )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contentsMouseReleaseEvent</name>
-      <anchor>contentsMouseReleaseEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QMouseEvent * e )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contextMenuRequested</name>
-      <anchor>contextMenuRequested</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListViewItem * item, const QPoint &amp; pos, int col )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentChanged</name>
-      <anchor>currentChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListViewItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentItem</name>
-      <anchor>currentItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>doAutoScroll</name>
-      <anchor>doAutoScroll</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>doubleClicked</name>
-      <anchor>doubleClicked</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListViewItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>doubleClicked</name>
-      <anchor>doubleClicked-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListViewItem * item, const QPoint &amp; point, int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dragObject</name>
-      <anchor>dragObject</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawContentsOffset</name>
-      <anchor>drawContentsOffset</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter * p, int ox, int oy, int cx, int cy, int cw, int ch )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dropped</name>
-      <anchor>dropped</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDropEvent * e )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ensureItemVisible</name>
-      <anchor>ensureItemVisible</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3ListViewItem * i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>eventFilter</name>
-      <anchor>eventFilter</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * o, QEvent * e )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>expanded</name>
-      <anchor>expanded</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListViewItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>findItem</name>
-      <anchor>findItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text, int column, ComparisonFlags compare = ExactMatch | Qt::CaseSensitive )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>firstChild</name>
-      <anchor>firstChild</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>header</name>
-      <anchor>header</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hideColumn</name>
-      <anchor>hideColumn</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertItem</name>
-      <anchor>insertItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListViewItem * i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>invertSelection</name>
-      <anchor>invertSelection</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isOpen</name>
-      <anchor>isOpen</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3ListViewItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isRenaming</name>
-      <anchor>isRenaming</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isSelected</name>
-      <anchor>isSelected</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3ListViewItem * i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemAt</name>
-      <anchor>itemAt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; viewPos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemPos</name>
-      <anchor>itemPos</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3ListViewItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemRect</name>
-      <anchor>itemRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3ListViewItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemRenamed</name>
-      <anchor>itemRenamed</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListViewItem * item, int col, const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemRenamed</name>
-      <anchor>itemRenamed-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListViewItem * item, int col )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lastItem</name>
-      <anchor>lastItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mouseButtonClicked</name>
-      <anchor>mouseButtonClicked</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int button, Q3ListViewItem * item, const QPoint &amp; pos, int c )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mouseButtonPressed</name>
-      <anchor>mouseButtonPressed</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int button, Q3ListViewItem * item, const QPoint &amp; pos, int c )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>onItem</name>
-      <anchor>onItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListViewItem * i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>onViewport</name>
-      <anchor>onViewport</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>paintEmptyArea</name>
-      <anchor>paintEmptyArea</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter * p, const QRect &amp; rect )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pressed</name>
-      <anchor>pressed</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListViewItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pressed</name>
-      <anchor>pressed-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListViewItem * item, const QPoint &amp; pnt, int c )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeColumn</name>
-      <anchor>removeColumn</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeItem</name>
-      <anchor>removeItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListViewItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>repaintItem</name>
-      <anchor>repaintItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3ListViewItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resizeEvent</name>
-      <anchor>resizeEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QResizeEvent * e )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>returnPressed</name>
-      <anchor>returnPressed</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListViewItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rightButtonClicked</name>
-      <anchor>rightButtonClicked</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListViewItem * item, const QPoint &amp; point, int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rightButtonPressed</name>
-      <anchor>rightButtonPressed</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListViewItem * item, const QPoint &amp; point, int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selectAll</name>
-      <anchor>selectAll</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool select )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selectedItem</name>
-      <anchor>selectedItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selectionChanged</name>
-      <anchor>selectionChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selectionChanged</name>
-      <anchor>selectionChanged-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListViewItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setColumnAlignment</name>
-      <anchor>setColumnAlignment</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column, int align )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setColumnText</name>
-      <anchor>setColumnText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column, const QString &amp; label )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setColumnText</name>
-      <anchor>setColumnText-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column, const QIcon &amp; icon, const QString &amp; label )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setColumnWidth</name>
-      <anchor>setColumnWidth</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column, int w )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setColumnWidthMode</name>
-      <anchor>setColumnWidthMode</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int c, WidthMode mode )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCurrentItem</name>
-      <anchor>setCurrentItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListViewItem * i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setOpen</name>
-      <anchor>setOpen</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListViewItem * item, bool open )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSelected</name>
-      <anchor>setSelected</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListViewItem * item, bool selected )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSelectionAnchor</name>
-      <anchor>setSelectionAnchor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListViewItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSortColumn</name>
-      <anchor>setSortColumn</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSortOrder</name>
-      <anchor>setSortOrder</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::SortOrder order )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSorting</name>
-      <anchor>setSorting</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column, bool ascending = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sort</name>
-      <anchor>sort</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sortColumn</name>
-      <anchor>sortColumn</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>SortOrder</name>
-      <anchor>sortOrder</anchor>
-      <arglist> Q3ListView::sortOrder()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>spacePressed</name>
-      <anchor>spacePressed</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListViewItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>startDrag</name>
-      <anchor>startDrag</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>takeItem</name>
-      <anchor>takeItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListViewItem * i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>triggerUpdate</name>
-      <anchor>triggerUpdate</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>updateContents</name>
-      <anchor>updateContents</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3ListViewItem</name>
-    <filename>q3listviewitem.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ListViewItem</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ListViewItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListView * parent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ListViewItem</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ListViewItem-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListViewItem * parent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ListViewItem</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ListViewItem-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListView * parent, Q3ListViewItem * after )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ListViewItem</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ListViewItem-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListViewItem * parent, Q3ListViewItem * after )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ListViewItem</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ListViewItem-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListView * parent, const QString &amp; label1, const QString &amp; label2 = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ListViewItem</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ListViewItem-6</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListViewItem * parent, const QString &amp; label1, const QString &amp; label2 = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ListViewItem</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ListViewItem-7</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListView * parent, Q3ListViewItem * after, const QString &amp; label1, const QString &amp; label2 = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ListViewItem</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ListViewItem-8</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListViewItem * parent, Q3ListViewItem * after, const QString &amp; label1, const QString &amp; label2 = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>acceptDrop</name>
-      <anchor>acceptDrop</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QMimeSource * mime )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>activate</name>
-      <anchor>activate</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>activatedPos</name>
-      <anchor>activatedPos</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPoint &amp; pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cancelRename</name>
-      <anchor>cancelRename</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int col )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>childCount</name>
-      <anchor>childCount</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>compare</name>
-      <anchor>compare</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListViewItem * i, int col, bool ascending )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>depth</name>
-      <anchor>depth</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dragEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>dragEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dragEntered</name>
-      <anchor>dragEntered</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dragLeft</name>
-      <anchor>dragLeft</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dropEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>dropEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dropped</name>
-      <anchor>dropped</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDropEvent * e )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>enforceSortOrder</name>
-      <anchor>enforceSortOrder</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>firstChild</name>
-      <anchor>firstChild</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>height</name>
-      <anchor>height</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertItem</name>
-      <anchor>insertItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListViewItem * newChild )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>invalidateHeight</name>
-      <anchor>invalidateHeight</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>isEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isExpandable</name>
-      <anchor>isExpandable</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isOpen</name>
-      <anchor>isOpen</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isSelectable</name>
-      <anchor>isSelectable</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isSelected</name>
-      <anchor>isSelected</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isVisible</name>
-      <anchor>isVisible</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemAbove</name>
-      <anchor>itemAbove</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemBelow</name>
-      <anchor>itemBelow</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemPos</name>
-      <anchor>itemPos</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>key</name>
-      <anchor>key</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column, bool ascending )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>listView</name>
-      <anchor>listView</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>moveItem</name>
-      <anchor>moveItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListViewItem * after )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>multiLinesEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>multiLinesEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>nextSibling</name>
-      <anchor>nextSibling</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>okRename</name>
-      <anchor>okRename</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int col )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>paintBranches</name>
-      <anchor>paintBranches</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter * p, const QColorGroup &amp; cg, int w, int y, int h )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>paintCell</name>
-      <anchor>paintCell</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter * painter, const QColorGroup &amp; cg, int column, int width, int align )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>paintFocus</name>
-      <anchor>paintFocus</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter * p, const QColorGroup &amp; cg, const QRect &amp; r )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>parent</name>
-      <anchor>parent</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pixmap</name>
-      <anchor>pixmap</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeItem</name>
-      <anchor>removeItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListViewItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>renameEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>renameEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int col )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>repaint</name>
-      <anchor>repaint</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rtti</name>
-      <anchor>rtti</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDragEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>setDragEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool allow )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDropEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>setDropEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool allow )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>setEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setExpandable</name>
-      <anchor>setExpandable</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setHeight</name>
-      <anchor>setHeight</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int height )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setMultiLinesEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>setMultiLinesEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setOpen</name>
-      <anchor>setOpen</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool o )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>setPixmap</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column, const QPixmap &amp; pm )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRenameEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>setRenameEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int col, bool b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSelectable</name>
-      <anchor>setSelectable</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSelected</name>
-      <anchor>setSelected</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool s )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setText</name>
-      <anchor>setText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column, const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setVisible</name>
-      <anchor>setVisible</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setup</name>
-      <anchor>setup</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sort</name>
-      <anchor>sort</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sortChildItems</name>
-      <anchor>sortChildItems</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column, bool ascending )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>startRename</name>
-      <anchor>startRename</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int col )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>takeItem</name>
-      <anchor>takeItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListViewItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>text</name>
-      <anchor>text</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>totalHeight</name>
-      <anchor>totalHeight</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>width</name>
-      <anchor>width</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QFontMetrics &amp; fm, const Q3ListView * lv, int c )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>widthChanged</name>
-      <anchor>widthChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int c = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3ListViewItemIterator</name>
-    <filename>q3listviewitemiterator.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>IteratorFlag</name>
-      <anchor>IteratorFlag-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ListViewItemIterator</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ListViewItemIterator</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ListViewItemIterator</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ListViewItemIterator-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListViewItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ListViewItemIterator</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ListViewItemIterator-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListViewItem * item, int iteratorFlags )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ListViewItemIterator</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ListViewItemIterator-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3ListViewItemIterator &amp; it )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ListViewItemIterator</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ListViewItemIterator-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListView * lv )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ListViewItemIterator</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ListViewItemIterator-6</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ListView * lv, int iteratorFlags )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>current</name>
-      <anchor>current</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator*</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2a</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator++</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-2b</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator++</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-2b-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int j )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator--</name>
-      <anchor>operator--</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator--</name>
-      <anchor>operator---2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator-=</name>
-      <anchor>operator--eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int j )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3ListViewItemIterator &amp; it )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3LocalFs</name>
-    <filename>q3localfs.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3LocalFs</name>
-      <anchor>Q3LocalFs</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3MainWindow</name>
-    <filename>q3mainwindow.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>DockWindows</name>
-      <anchor>DockWindows-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3MainWindow</name>
-      <anchor>Q3MainWindow</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0, Qt::WFlags f = Qt::WType_TopLevel )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addDockWindow</name>
-      <anchor>addDockWindow</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3DockWindow * dockWindow, Qt::Dock edge = Qt::DockTop, bool newLine = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addDockWindow</name>
-      <anchor>addDockWindow-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3DockWindow * dockWindow, const QString &amp; label, Qt::Dock edge = Qt::DockTop, bool newLine = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addToolBar</name>
-      <anchor>addToolBar</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3DockWindow * dockWindow, Qt::Dock position = Qt::DockTop, bool newLine = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addToolBar</name>
-      <anchor>addToolBar-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3DockWindow * dockWindow, const QString &amp; label, Qt::Dock position = Qt::DockTop, bool newLine = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>appropriate</name>
-      <anchor>appropriate</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3DockWindow * dw )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bottomDock</name>
-      <anchor>bottomDock</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>centralWidget</name>
-      <anchor>centralWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>childEvent</name>
-      <anchor>childEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QChildEvent * e )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>createDockWindowMenu</name>
-      <anchor>createDockWindowMenu</anchor>
-      <arglist>( DockWindows dockWindows = AllDockWindows )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>customize</name>
-      <anchor>customize</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dockWindowPositionChanged</name>
-      <anchor>dockWindowPositionChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3DockWindow * dockWindow )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dockWindows</name>
-      <anchor>dockWindows</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::Dock dock )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dockWindows</name>
-      <anchor>dockWindows-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>getLocation</name>
-      <anchor>getLocation</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3DockWindow * dw, Qt::Dock &amp; dock, int &amp; index, bool &amp; nl, int &amp; extraOffset )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasDockWindow</name>
-      <anchor>hasDockWindow</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3DockWindow * dw )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isCustomizable</name>
-      <anchor>isCustomizable</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isDockEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>isDockEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::Dock dock )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isDockEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>isDockEnabled-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3DockArea * area )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isDockEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>isDockEnabled-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3DockWindow * dw, Q3DockArea * area )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isDockEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>isDockEnabled-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3DockWindow * tb, Qt::Dock dock )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isDockMenuEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>isDockMenuEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>leftDock</name>
-      <anchor>leftDock</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lineUpDockWindows</name>
-      <anchor>lineUpDockWindows</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool keepNewLines = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lineUpToolBars</name>
-      <anchor>lineUpToolBars</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool keepNewLines = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>menuAboutToShow</name>
-      <anchor>menuAboutToShow</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>menuBar</name>
-      <anchor>menuBar</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>moveDockWindow</name>
-      <anchor>moveDockWindow</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3DockWindow * dockWindow, Qt::Dock edge = Qt::DockTop )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>moveDockWindow</name>
-      <anchor>moveDockWindow-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3DockWindow * dockWindow, Qt::Dock edge, bool nl, int index, int extraOffset = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>moveToolBar</name>
-      <anchor>moveToolBar</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3DockWindow * dockWindow, Qt::Dock position = Qt::DockTop )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>moveToolBar</name>
-      <anchor>moveToolBar-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3DockWindow * dockWindow, Qt::Dock position, bool nl, int index, int extraOffset = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pixmapSizeChanged</name>
-      <anchor>pixmapSizeChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeDockWindow</name>
-      <anchor>removeDockWindow</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3DockWindow * dockWindow )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeToolBar</name>
-      <anchor>removeToolBar</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3DockWindow * dockWindow )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rightDock</name>
-      <anchor>rightDock</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAppropriate</name>
-      <anchor>setAppropriate</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3DockWindow * dw, bool a )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCentralWidget</name>
-      <anchor>setCentralWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * w )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDockEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>setDockEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::Dock dock, bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDockEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>setDockEnabled-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3DockWindow * dw, Qt::Dock dock, bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDockMenuEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>setDockMenuEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setToolBarsMovable</name>
-      <anchor>setToolBarsMovable</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setUpLayout</name>
-      <anchor>setUpLayout</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>showDockMenu</name>
-      <anchor>showDockMenu</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; globalPos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>statusBar</name>
-      <anchor>statusBar</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toolBarPositionChanged</name>
-      <anchor>toolBarPositionChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ToolBar * toolbar )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toolBars</name>
-      <anchor>toolBars</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::Dock dock )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toolBarsMovable</name>
-      <anchor>toolBarsMovable</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>topDock</name>
-      <anchor>topDock</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>usesTextLabelChanged</name>
-      <anchor>usesTextLabelChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>whatsThis</name>
-      <anchor>whatsThis</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3MemArray</name>
-    <filename>q3memarray.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ConstIterator</name>
-      <anchor>ConstIterator-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Iterator</name>
-      <anchor>Iterator-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3MemArray</name>
-      <anchor>Q3MemArray</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int arg1, int arg2 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3MemArray</name>
-      <anchor>Q3MemArray-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3MemArray</name>
-      <anchor>Q3MemArray-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3MemArray</name>
-      <anchor>Q3MemArray-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3MemArray&lt;type&gt; &amp; a )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3MemArray</name>
-      <anchor>Q3MemArray-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QVector&lt;type&gt; &amp; vector )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>assign</name>
-      <anchor>assign</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3MemArray&lt;type&gt; &amp; a )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>assign</name>
-      <anchor>assign-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const type * data, uint size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>at</name>
-      <anchor>at</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>begin</name>
-      <anchor>begin</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>begin</name>
-      <anchor>begin-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bsearch</name>
-      <anchor>bsearch</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const type &amp; v )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contains</name>
-      <anchor>contains</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const type &amp; v )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>copy</name>
-      <anchor>copy</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>data</name>
-      <anchor>data</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>detach</name>
-      <anchor>detach</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>duplicate</name>
-      <anchor>duplicate</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3MemArray&lt;type&gt; &amp; a )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>duplicate</name>
-      <anchor>duplicate-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const type * data, uint size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>end</name>
-      <anchor>end</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>end</name>
-      <anchor>end-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fill</name>
-      <anchor>fill</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const type &amp; v, int size = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>find</name>
-      <anchor>find</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const type &amp; v, uint index = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEmpty</name>
-      <anchor>isEmpty</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isNull</name>
-      <anchor>isNull</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>nrefs</name>
-      <anchor>nrefs</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resetRawData</name>
-      <anchor>resetRawData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const type * data, uint size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resize</name>
-      <anchor>resize</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint size, Optimization optim )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resize</name>
-      <anchor>resize-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRawData</name>
-      <anchor>setRawData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const type * data, uint size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>size</name>
-      <anchor>size</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sort</name>
-      <anchor>sort</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>truncate</name>
-      <anchor>truncate</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator</name>
-      <anchor>operator-QVector-lttype-gt</anchor>
-      <arglist> QVector&lt;type&gt;()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator</name>
-      <anchor>operator-const-type--2a</anchor>
-      <arglist> const type *()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3MemArray&lt;type&gt; &amp; a )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3MemArray&lt;type&gt; &amp; a )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3MemArray&lt;type&gt; &amp; a )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator[]</name>
-      <anchor>operator-5b-5d</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3MimeSourceFactory</name>
-    <filename>q3mimesourcefactory.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3MimeSourceFactory</name>
-      <anchor>Q3MimeSourceFactory</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addFactory</name>
-      <anchor>addFactory</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3MimeSourceFactory * f )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addFilePath</name>
-      <anchor>addFilePath</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; p )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>data</name>
-      <anchor>data</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; abs_name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>data</name>
-      <anchor>data-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; abs_or_rel_name, const QString &amp; context )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>defaultFactory</name>
-      <anchor>defaultFactory</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>filePath</name>
-      <anchor>filePath</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>makeAbsolute</name>
-      <anchor>makeAbsolute</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; abs_or_rel_name, const QString &amp; context )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeFactory</name>
-      <anchor>removeFactory</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3MimeSourceFactory * f )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setData</name>
-      <anchor>setData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; abs_name, QMimeSource * data )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDefaultFactory</name>
-      <anchor>setDefaultFactory</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3MimeSourceFactory * factory )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setExtensionType</name>
-      <anchor>setExtensionType</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; ext, const char * mimetype )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFilePath</name>
-      <anchor>setFilePath</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStringList &amp; path )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFilePath</name>
-      <anchor>setFilePath-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; path )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setImage</name>
-      <anchor>setImage</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; abs_name, const QImage &amp; image )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>setPixmap</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; abs_name, const QPixmap &amp; pixmap )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setText</name>
-      <anchor>setText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; abs_name, const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>takeDefaultFactory</name>
-      <anchor>takeDefaultFactory</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3MultiLineEdit</name>
-    <filename>q3multilineedit.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Alignment</name>
-      <anchor>alignment-prop</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3MultiLineEdit</name>
-      <anchor>Q3MultiLineEdit</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>autoUpdate</name>
-      <anchor>autoUpdate</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>backspace</name>
-      <anchor>backspace</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cursorDown</name>
-      <anchor>cursorDown</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool mark = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cursorLeft</name>
-      <anchor>cursorLeft</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool mark = false, bool wrap = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cursorPoint</name>
-      <anchor>cursorPoint</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cursorRight</name>
-      <anchor>cursorRight</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool mark = false, bool wrap = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cursorUp</name>
-      <anchor>cursorUp</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool mark = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cursorWordBackward</name>
-      <anchor>cursorWordBackward</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool mark )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cursorWordForward</name>
-      <anchor>cursorWordForward</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool mark )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>deselect</name>
-      <anchor>deselect</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>end</name>
-      <anchor>end</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool mark = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>getMarkedRegion</name>
-      <anchor>getMarkedRegion</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int * line1, int * col1, int * line2, int * col2 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasMarkedText</name>
-      <anchor>hasMarkedText</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>home</name>
-      <anchor>home</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool mark = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertAndMark</name>
-      <anchor>insertAndMark</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; str, bool mark )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertAt</name>
-      <anchor>insertAt-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; s, int line, int col, bool mark )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertLine</name>
-      <anchor>insertLine</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; txt, int line = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>killLine</name>
-      <anchor>killLine</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lineLength</name>
-      <anchor>lineLength</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>markedText</name>
-      <anchor>markedText</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>maxLines</name>
-      <anchor>maxLines</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>newLine</name>
-      <anchor>newLine</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pageDown</name>
-      <anchor>pageDown</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool mark = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pageUp</name>
-      <anchor>pageUp</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool mark = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeLine</name>
-      <anchor>removeLine</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int paragraph )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCursorPosition</name>
-      <anchor>setCursorPosition-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int line, int col, bool mark )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setMaxLines</name>
-      <anchor>setMaxLines</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int max )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>textLine</name>
-      <anchor>textLine</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int line )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>totalHeight</name>
-      <anchor>totalHeight</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>totalWidth</name>
-      <anchor>totalWidth</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3NetworkOperation</name>
-    <filename>q3networkoperation.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3NetworkOperation</name>
-      <anchor>Q3NetworkOperation</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3NetworkProtocol::Operation operation, const QString &amp; arg0, const QString &amp; arg1, const QString &amp; arg2 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3NetworkOperation</name>
-      <anchor>Q3NetworkOperation-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3NetworkProtocol::Operation operation, const QByteArray &amp; arg0, const QByteArray &amp; arg1, const QByteArray &amp; arg2 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>arg</name>
-      <anchor>arg</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int num )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>errorCode</name>
-      <anchor>errorCode</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>free</name>
-      <anchor>free</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Operation</name>
-      <anchor>operation</anchor>
-      <arglist> Q3NetworkOperation::operation()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>protocolDetail</name>
-      <anchor>protocolDetail</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rawArg</name>
-      <anchor>rawArg</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int num )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setArg</name>
-      <anchor>setArg</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int num, const QString &amp; arg )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setErrorCode</name>
-      <anchor>setErrorCode</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int ec )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setProtocolDetail</name>
-      <anchor>setProtocolDetail</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; detail )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRawArg</name>
-      <anchor>setRawArg</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int num, const QByteArray &amp; arg )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setState</name>
-      <anchor>setState</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3NetworkProtocol::State state )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>State</name>
-      <anchor>state</anchor>
-      <arglist> Q3NetworkOperation::state()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3NetworkProtocol</name>
-    <filename>q3networkprotocol.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>ConnectionState</name>
-      <anchor>ConnectionState-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Error</name>
-      <anchor>Error-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Operation</name>
-      <anchor>Operation-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>State</name>
-      <anchor>State-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3NetworkProtocol</name>
-      <anchor>Q3NetworkProtocol</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addOperation</name>
-      <anchor>addOperation</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3NetworkOperation * op )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>autoDelete</name>
-      <anchor>autoDelete</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>checkConnection</name>
-      <anchor>checkConnection</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3NetworkOperation * op )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clearOperationQueue</name>
-      <anchor>clearOperationQueue</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>connectionStateChanged</name>
-      <anchor>connectionStateChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int state, const QString &amp; data )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>createdDirectory</name>
-      <anchor>createdDirectory</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QUrlInfo &amp; i, Q3NetworkOperation * op )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>data</name>
-      <anchor>data</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; data, Q3NetworkOperation * op )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dataTransferProgress</name>
-      <anchor>dataTransferProgress</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int bytesDone, int bytesTotal, Q3NetworkOperation * op )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>finished</name>
-      <anchor>finished</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3NetworkOperation * op )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>getNetworkProtocol</name>
-      <anchor>getNetworkProtocol</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; protocol )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasOnlyLocalFileSystem</name>
-      <anchor>hasOnlyLocalFileSystem</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemChanged</name>
-      <anchor>itemChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3NetworkOperation * op )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>newChild</name>
-      <anchor>newChild</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QUrlInfo &amp; i, Q3NetworkOperation * op )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>newChildren</name>
-      <anchor>newChildren</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3ValueList&lt;QUrlInfo&gt; &amp; i, Q3NetworkOperation * op )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operationGet</name>
-      <anchor>operationGet</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3NetworkOperation * op )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operationInProgress</name>
-      <anchor>operationInProgress</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operationListChildren</name>
-      <anchor>operationListChildren</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3NetworkOperation * op )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operationMkDir</name>
-      <anchor>operationMkDir</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3NetworkOperation * op )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operationPut</name>
-      <anchor>operationPut</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3NetworkOperation * op )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operationRemove</name>
-      <anchor>operationRemove</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3NetworkOperation * op )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operationRename</name>
-      <anchor>operationRename</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3NetworkOperation * op )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>registerNetworkProtocol</name>
-      <anchor>registerNetworkProtocol</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; protocol, Q3NetworkProtocolFactoryBase * protocolFactory )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removed</name>
-      <anchor>removed</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3NetworkOperation * op )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAutoDelete</name>
-      <anchor>setAutoDelete</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool b, int i = 10000 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setUrl</name>
-      <anchor>setUrl</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3UrlOperator * u )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>start</name>
-      <anchor>start</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3NetworkOperation * op )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>stop</name>
-      <anchor>stop</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>supportedOperations</name>
-      <anchor>supportedOperations</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>url</name>
-      <anchor>url</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3PaintDeviceMetrics</name>
-    <filename>q3paintdevicemetrics.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3PaintDeviceMetrics</name>
-      <anchor>Q3PaintDeviceMetrics</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPaintDevice * pd )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>depth</name>
-      <anchor>depth</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>height</name>
-      <anchor>height</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>heightMM</name>
-      <anchor>heightMM</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>logicalDpiX</name>
-      <anchor>logicalDpiX</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>logicalDpiY</name>
-      <anchor>logicalDpiY</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>numColors</name>
-      <anchor>numColors</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>width</name>
-      <anchor>width</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>widthMM</name>
-      <anchor>widthMM</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3Painter</name>
-    <filename>q3painter.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3Painter</name>
-      <anchor>Q3Painter</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3Painter</name>
-      <anchor>Q3Painter-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPaintDevice * pdev )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawArc</name>
-      <anchor>drawArc</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; r, int a, int alen )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawArc</name>
-      <anchor>drawArc-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y, int w, int h, int startAngle, int spanAngle )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawChord</name>
-      <anchor>drawChord</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; r, int a, int alen )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawChord</name>
-      <anchor>drawChord-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y, int w, int h, int startAngle, int spanAngle )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawEllipse</name>
-      <anchor>drawEllipse</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; r )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawEllipse</name>
-      <anchor>drawEllipse-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y, int width, int height )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawPie</name>
-      <anchor>drawPie</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; r, int a, int alen )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawPie</name>
-      <anchor>drawPie-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y, int w, int h, int startAngle, int spanAngle )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawRect</name>
-      <anchor>drawRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; r )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawRect</name>
-      <anchor>drawRect-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y, int w, int h )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawRoundRect</name>
-      <anchor>drawRoundRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; r, int xrnd = 25, int yrnd = 25 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawRoundRect</name>
-      <anchor>drawRoundRect-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y, int w, int h, int xrnd = 25, int yrnd = 25 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3Picture</name>
-    <filename>q3picture.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3Picture</name>
-      <anchor>Q3Picture</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3Picture</name>
-      <anchor>Q3Picture-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPicture &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>load</name>
-      <anchor>load</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QIODevice * device, const char * format = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>load</name>
-      <anchor>load-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fileName, const char * format = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>save</name>
-      <anchor>save</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QIODevice * device, const char * format = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>save</name>
-      <anchor>save-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fileName, const char * format = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3PointArray</name>
-    <filename>q3pointarray.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3PointArray</name>
-      <anchor>Q3PointArray</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3PointArray</name>
-      <anchor>Q3PointArray-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; r, bool closed = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3PointArray</name>
-      <anchor>Q3PointArray-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPolygon &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>copy</name>
-      <anchor>copy</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cubicBezier</name>
-      <anchor>cubicBezier</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isNull</name>
-      <anchor>isNull</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>makeArc</name>
-      <anchor>makeArc</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y, int w, int h, int a1, int a2 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>makeArc</name>
-      <anchor>makeArc-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y, int w, int h, int a1, int a2, const QMatrix &amp; xf )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>makeEllipse</name>
-      <anchor>makeEllipse</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y, int w, int h )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3PopupMenu</name>
-    <filename>q3popupmenu.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3PopupMenu</name>
-      <anchor>Q3PopupMenu</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>exec</name>
-      <anchor>exec</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>exec</name>
-      <anchor>exec-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; pos, int indexAtPoint = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3Process</name>
-    <filename>q3process.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Communication</name>
-      <anchor>Communication-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3Process</name>
-      <anchor>Q3Process</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3Process</name>
-      <anchor>Q3Process-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; arg0, QObject * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3Process</name>
-      <anchor>Q3Process-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStringList &amp; args, QObject * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addArgument</name>
-      <anchor>addArgument</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; arg )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>arguments</name>
-      <anchor>arguments</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>canReadLineStderr</name>
-      <anchor>canReadLineStderr</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>canReadLineStdout</name>
-      <anchor>canReadLineStdout</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clearArguments</name>
-      <anchor>clearArguments</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>closeStdin</name>
-      <anchor>closeStdin</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>communication</name>
-      <anchor>communication</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>exitStatus</name>
-      <anchor>exitStatus</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isRunning</name>
-      <anchor>isRunning</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>kill</name>
-      <anchor>kill</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>launch</name>
-      <anchor>launch</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; buf, QStringList * env = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>launch</name>
-      <anchor>launch-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; buf, QStringList * env = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>launchFinished</name>
-      <anchor>launchFinished</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>normalExit</name>
-      <anchor>normalExit</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>processExited</name>
-      <anchor>processExited</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>processIdentifier</name>
-      <anchor>processIdentifier</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>readLineStderr</name>
-      <anchor>readLineStderr</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>readLineStdout</name>
-      <anchor>readLineStdout</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>readStderr</name>
-      <anchor>readStderr</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>readStdout</name>
-      <anchor>readStdout</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>readyReadStderr</name>
-      <anchor>readyReadStderr</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>readyReadStdout</name>
-      <anchor>readyReadStdout</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setArguments</name>
-      <anchor>setArguments</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStringList &amp; args )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCommunication</name>
-      <anchor>setCommunication</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int commFlags )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setWorkingDirectory</name>
-      <anchor>setWorkingDirectory</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDir &amp; dir )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>start</name>
-      <anchor>start</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QStringList * env = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>tryTerminate</name>
-      <anchor>tryTerminate</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>workingDirectory</name>
-      <anchor>workingDirectory</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>writeToStdin</name>
-      <anchor>writeToStdin</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; buf )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>writeToStdin</name>
-      <anchor>writeToStdin-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; buf )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>wroteToStdin</name>
-      <anchor>wroteToStdin</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3ProgressBar</name>
-    <filename>q3progressbar.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ProgressBar</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ProgressBar-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ProgressBar</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ProgressBar-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int totalSteps, QWidget * parent = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>reset</name>
-      <anchor>reset</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setIndicator</name>
-      <anchor>setIndicator</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QString &amp; indicator, int progress, int totalSteps )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ProgressBar</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ProgressBar</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, const char * name, Qt::WFlags f = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ProgressBar</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ProgressBar-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int totalSteps, QWidget * parent, const char * name, Qt::WFlags f = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3ProgressDialog</name>
-    <filename>q3progressdialog.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ProgressDialog</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ProgressDialog-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * creator = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ProgressDialog</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ProgressDialog-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; labelText, const QString &amp; cancelButtonText, int totalSteps, QWidget * creator = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cancel</name>
-      <anchor>cancel</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>canceled</name>
-      <anchor>canceled</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>forceShow</name>
-      <anchor>forceShow</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>reset</name>
-      <anchor>reset</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setBar</name>
-      <anchor>setBar</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ProgressBar * bar )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCancelButton</name>
-      <anchor>setCancelButton</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPushButton * cancelButton )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCancelButtonText</name>
-      <anchor>setCancelButtonText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; cancelButtonText )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setLabel</name>
-      <anchor>setLabel</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QLabel * label )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sizeHint</name>
-      <anchor>sizeHint</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ProgressDialog</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ProgressDialog</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * creator, const char * name, bool modal = false, Qt::WFlags f = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ProgressDialog</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ProgressDialog-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; labelText, const QString &amp; cancelButtonText, int totalSteps, QWidget * creator = 0, const char * name = 0, bool modal = false, Qt::WFlags f = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3PtrCollection</name>
-    <filename>q3ptrcollection.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Item</name>
-      <anchor>Item-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3PtrCollection</name>
-      <anchor>Q3PtrCollection</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3PtrCollection</name>
-      <anchor>Q3PtrCollection-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3PtrCollection &amp; source )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>autoDelete</name>
-      <anchor>autoDelete</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>deleteItem</name>
-      <anchor>deleteItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Item d )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>newItem</name>
-      <anchor>newItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Item d )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAutoDelete</name>
-      <anchor>setAutoDelete</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3PtrDict</name>
-    <filename>q3ptrdict.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3PtrDict</name>
-      <anchor>Q3PtrDict</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int size = 17 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3PtrDict</name>
-      <anchor>Q3PtrDict-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3PtrDict&lt;type&gt; &amp; dict )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>find</name>
-      <anchor>find</anchor>
-      <arglist>( void * key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insert</name>
-      <anchor>insert</anchor>
-      <arglist>( void * key, const type * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEmpty</name>
-      <anchor>isEmpty</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>read</name>
-      <anchor>read</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDataStream &amp; s, Q3PtrCollection::Item &amp; item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>remove</name>
-      <anchor>remove</anchor>
-      <arglist>( void * key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>replace</name>
-      <anchor>replace</anchor>
-      <arglist>( void * key, const type * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resize</name>
-      <anchor>resize</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint newsize )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>size</name>
-      <anchor>size</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>statistics</name>
-      <anchor>statistics</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>take</name>
-      <anchor>take</anchor>
-      <arglist>( void * key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>write</name>
-      <anchor>write</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDataStream &amp; s, Q3PtrCollection::Item item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3PtrDict&lt;type&gt; &amp; dict )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator[]</name>
-      <anchor>operator-5b-5d</anchor>
-      <arglist>( void * key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3PtrDictIterator</name>
-    <filename>q3ptrdictiterator.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3PtrDictIterator</name>
-      <anchor>Q3PtrDictIterator</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3PtrDict&lt;type&gt; &amp; dict )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>current</name>
-      <anchor>current</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentKey</name>
-      <anchor>currentKey</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEmpty</name>
-      <anchor>isEmpty</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toFirst</name>
-      <anchor>toFirst</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator</name>
-      <anchor>operator-type--2a</anchor>
-      <arglist> type *()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator()</name>
-      <anchor>operator-28-29</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator++</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-2b</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint jump )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3PtrList</name>
-    <filename>q3ptrlist.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3PtrList</name>
-      <anchor>Q3PtrList</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3PtrList</name>
-      <anchor>Q3PtrList-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3PtrList&lt;type&gt; &amp; list )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>append</name>
-      <anchor>append</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const type * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>at</name>
-      <anchor>at</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>at</name>
-      <anchor>at-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>compareItems</name>
-      <anchor>compareItems</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3PtrCollection::Item item1, Q3PtrCollection::Item item2 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contains</name>
-      <anchor>contains</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const type * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>containsRef</name>
-      <anchor>containsRef</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const type * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>current</name>
-      <anchor>current</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentNode</name>
-      <anchor>currentNode</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>find</name>
-      <anchor>find</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const type * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>findNext</name>
-      <anchor>findNext</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const type * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>findNextRef</name>
-      <anchor>findNextRef</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const type * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>findRef</name>
-      <anchor>findRef</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const type * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>first</name>
-      <anchor>first</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>getFirst</name>
-      <anchor>getFirst</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>getLast</name>
-      <anchor>getLast</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>inSort</name>
-      <anchor>inSort</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const type * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insert</name>
-      <anchor>insert</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint index, const type * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEmpty</name>
-      <anchor>isEmpty</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>last</name>
-      <anchor>last</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>next</name>
-      <anchor>next</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>prepend</name>
-      <anchor>prepend</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const type * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>prev</name>
-      <anchor>prev</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>read</name>
-      <anchor>read</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDataStream &amp; s, Q3PtrCollection::Item &amp; item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>remove</name>
-      <anchor>remove</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>remove</name>
-      <anchor>remove-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>remove</name>
-      <anchor>remove-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const type * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeFirst</name>
-      <anchor>removeFirst</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeLast</name>
-      <anchor>removeLast</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeNode</name>
-      <anchor>removeNode</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3LNode * node )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeRef</name>
-      <anchor>removeRef</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const type * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>replace</name>
-      <anchor>replace</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint index, const type * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sort</name>
-      <anchor>sort</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>take</name>
-      <anchor>take</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>take</name>
-      <anchor>take-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>takeNode</name>
-      <anchor>takeNode</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3LNode * node )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toVector</name>
-      <anchor>toVector</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3GVector * vec )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>write</name>
-      <anchor>write</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDataStream &amp; s, Q3PtrCollection::Item item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3PtrList&lt;type&gt; &amp; list )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3PtrList&lt;type&gt; &amp; list )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3PtrList&lt;type&gt; &amp; list )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3PtrListIterator</name>
-    <filename>q3ptrlistiterator.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3PtrListIterator</name>
-      <anchor>Q3PtrListIterator</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3PtrList&lt;type&gt; &amp; list )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>atFirst</name>
-      <anchor>atFirst</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>atLast</name>
-      <anchor>atLast</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>current</name>
-      <anchor>current</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEmpty</name>
-      <anchor>isEmpty</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toFirst</name>
-      <anchor>toFirst</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toLast</name>
-      <anchor>toLast</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator</name>
-      <anchor>operator-type--2a</anchor>
-      <arglist> type *()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator()</name>
-      <anchor>operator-28-29</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator*</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2a</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator++</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-2b</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint jump )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator--</name>
-      <anchor>operator--</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator-=</name>
-      <anchor>operator--eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint jump )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3PtrListIterator&lt;type&gt; &amp; it )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3PtrQueue</name>
-    <filename>q3ptrqueue.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3PtrQueue</name>
-      <anchor>Q3PtrQueue</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3PtrQueue</name>
-      <anchor>Q3PtrQueue-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3PtrQueue&lt;type&gt; &amp; queue )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>autoDelete</name>
-      <anchor>autoDelete</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>current</name>
-      <anchor>current</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dequeue</name>
-      <anchor>dequeue</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>enqueue</name>
-      <anchor>enqueue</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const type * d )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>head</name>
-      <anchor>head</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEmpty</name>
-      <anchor>isEmpty</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>read</name>
-      <anchor>read</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDataStream &amp; s, Q3PtrCollection::Item &amp; item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>remove</name>
-      <anchor>remove</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAutoDelete</name>
-      <anchor>setAutoDelete</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>write</name>
-      <anchor>write</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDataStream &amp; s, Q3PtrCollection::Item item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator</name>
-      <anchor>operator-type--2a</anchor>
-      <arglist> type *()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3PtrQueue&lt;type&gt; &amp; queue )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3PtrStack</name>
-    <filename>q3ptrstack.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3PtrStack</name>
-      <anchor>Q3PtrStack</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3PtrStack</name>
-      <anchor>Q3PtrStack-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3PtrStack&lt;type&gt; &amp; s )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>autoDelete</name>
-      <anchor>autoDelete</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>current</name>
-      <anchor>current</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEmpty</name>
-      <anchor>isEmpty</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pop</name>
-      <anchor>pop</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>push</name>
-      <anchor>push</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const type * d )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>read</name>
-      <anchor>read</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDataStream &amp; s, Q3PtrCollection::Item &amp; item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>remove</name>
-      <anchor>remove</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAutoDelete</name>
-      <anchor>setAutoDelete</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>top</name>
-      <anchor>top</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>write</name>
-      <anchor>write</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDataStream &amp; s, Q3PtrCollection::Item item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator</name>
-      <anchor>operator-type--2a</anchor>
-      <arglist> type *()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3PtrStack&lt;type&gt; &amp; s )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3PtrVector</name>
-    <filename>q3ptrvector.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3PtrVector</name>
-      <anchor>Q3PtrVector</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3PtrVector</name>
-      <anchor>Q3PtrVector-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3PtrVector</name>
-      <anchor>Q3PtrVector-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3PtrVector&lt;type&gt; &amp; v )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>at</name>
-      <anchor>at</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bsearch</name>
-      <anchor>bsearch</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const type * d )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>compareItems</name>
-      <anchor>compareItems</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3PtrCollection::Item d1, Q3PtrCollection::Item d2 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contains</name>
-      <anchor>contains</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const type * d )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>containsRef</name>
-      <anchor>containsRef</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const type * d )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>data</name>
-      <anchor>data</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fill</name>
-      <anchor>fill</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const type * d, int size = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>find</name>
-      <anchor>find</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const type * d, uint i = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>findRef</name>
-      <anchor>findRef</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const type * d, uint i = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insert</name>
-      <anchor>insert</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint i, const type * d )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEmpty</name>
-      <anchor>isEmpty</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isNull</name>
-      <anchor>isNull</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>read</name>
-      <anchor>read</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDataStream &amp; s, Q3PtrCollection::Item &amp; item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>remove</name>
-      <anchor>remove</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resize</name>
-      <anchor>resize</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>size</name>
-      <anchor>size</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sort</name>
-      <anchor>sort</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>take</name>
-      <anchor>take</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>write</name>
-      <anchor>write</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDataStream &amp; s, Q3PtrCollection::Item item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3PtrVector&lt;type&gt; &amp; v )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3PtrVector&lt;type&gt; &amp; v )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator[]</name>
-      <anchor>operator-5b-5d</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3RangeControl</name>
-    <filename>q3rangecontrol.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3RangeControl</name>
-      <anchor>Q3RangeControl</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3RangeControl</name>
-      <anchor>Q3RangeControl-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int minValue, int maxValue, int lineStep, int pageStep, int value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addLine</name>
-      <anchor>addLine</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addPage</name>
-      <anchor>addPage</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bound</name>
-      <anchor>bound</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int v )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>directSetValue</name>
-      <anchor>directSetValue</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lineStep</name>
-      <anchor>lineStepx</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>maxValue</name>
-      <anchor>maxValue</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>minValue</name>
-      <anchor>minValue</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pageStep</name>
-      <anchor>pageStep</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>positionFromValue</name>
-      <anchor>positionFromValue</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int logical_val, int span )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>prevValue</name>
-      <anchor>prevValue</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rangeChange</name>
-      <anchor>rangeChange</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setMaxValue</name>
-      <anchor>setMaxValue</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int maxVal )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setMinValue</name>
-      <anchor>setMinValue</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int minVal )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRange</name>
-      <anchor>setRange</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int minValue, int maxValue )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSteps</name>
-      <anchor>setSteps</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int lineStep, int pageStep )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setValue</name>
-      <anchor>setValue</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>stepChange</name>
-      <anchor>stepChange</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>subtractLine</name>
-      <anchor>subtractLine</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>subtractPage</name>
-      <anchor>subtractPage</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>value</name>
-      <anchor>value</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>valueChange</name>
-      <anchor>valueChange</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>valueFromPosition</name>
-      <anchor>valueFromPosition</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int pos, int span )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3ScrollView</name>
-    <filename>q3scrollview.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>ResizePolicy</name>
-      <anchor>ResizePolicy-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>ScrollBarMode</name>
-      <anchor>ScrollBarMode-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ScrollView</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ScrollView</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addChild</name>
-      <anchor>addChild</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * child, int x = 0, int y = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bottomMargin</name>
-      <anchor>bottomMargin</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>center</name>
-      <anchor>center</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>center</name>
-      <anchor>center-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y, float xmargin, float ymargin )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>childX</name>
-      <anchor>childX</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * child )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>childY</name>
-      <anchor>childY</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * child )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clipper</name>
-      <anchor>clipper</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contentsContextMenuEvent</name>
-      <anchor>contentsContextMenuEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QContextMenuEvent * e )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contentsDragEnterEvent</name>
-      <anchor>contentsDragEnterEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDragEnterEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contentsDragLeaveEvent</name>
-      <anchor>contentsDragLeaveEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDragLeaveEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contentsDragMoveEvent</name>
-      <anchor>contentsDragMoveEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDragMoveEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contentsDropEvent</name>
-      <anchor>contentsDropEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDropEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contentsMouseDoubleClickEvent</name>
-      <anchor>contentsMouseDoubleClickEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QMouseEvent * e )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contentsMouseMoveEvent</name>
-      <anchor>contentsMouseMoveEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QMouseEvent * e )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contentsMousePressEvent</name>
-      <anchor>contentsMousePressEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QMouseEvent * e )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contentsMouseReleaseEvent</name>
-      <anchor>contentsMouseReleaseEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QMouseEvent * e )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contentsMoving</name>
-      <anchor>contentsMoving</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contentsToViewport</name>
-      <anchor>contentsToViewport</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y, int &amp; vx, int &amp; vy )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contentsToViewport</name>
-      <anchor>contentsToViewport-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; p )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contentsWheelEvent</name>
-      <anchor>contentsWheelEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWheelEvent * e )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cornerWidget</name>
-      <anchor>cornerWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawContents</name>
-      <anchor>drawContents</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter * p, int clipx, int clipy, int clipw, int cliph )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawContentsOffset</name>
-      <anchor>drawContentsOffset</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter * p, int offsetx, int offsety, int clipx, int clipy, int clipw, int cliph )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>enableClipper</name>
-      <anchor>enableClipper</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool y )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ensureVisible</name>
-      <anchor>ensureVisible</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ensureVisible</name>
-      <anchor>ensureVisible-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y, int xmargin, int ymargin )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>eventFilter</name>
-      <anchor>eventFilter</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * obj, QEvent * e )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasStaticBackground</name>
-      <anchor>hasStaticBackground</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>horizontalScrollBar</name>
-      <anchor>horizontalScrollBar</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>horizontalSliderPressed</name>
-      <anchor>horizontalSliderPressed</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>horizontalSliderReleased</name>
-      <anchor>horizontalSliderReleased</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isHorizontalSliderPressed</name>
-      <anchor>isHorizontalSliderPressed</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isVerticalSliderPressed</name>
-      <anchor>isVerticalSliderPressed</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>leftMargin</name>
-      <anchor>leftMargin</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>moveChild</name>
-      <anchor>moveChild</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * child, int x, int y )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeChild</name>
-      <anchor>removeChild</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * child )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>repaintContents</name>
-      <anchor>repaintContents</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y, int w, int h, bool erase = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>repaintContents</name>
-      <anchor>repaintContents-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; r, bool erase = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>repaintContents</name>
-      <anchor>repaintContents-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool erase = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resizeContents</name>
-      <anchor>resizeContents</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int w, int h )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rightMargin</name>
-      <anchor>rightMargin</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>scrollBy</name>
-      <anchor>scrollBy</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int dx, int dy )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setContentsPos</name>
-      <anchor>setContentsPos</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCornerWidget</name>
-      <anchor>setCornerWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * corner )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setHBarGeometry</name>
-      <anchor>setHBarGeometry</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QScrollBar &amp; hbar, int x, int y, int w, int h )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setMargins</name>
-      <anchor>setMargins</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int left, int top, int right, int bottom )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setStaticBackground</name>
-      <anchor>setStaticBackground</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool y )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setVBarGeometry</name>
-      <anchor>setVBarGeometry</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QScrollBar &amp; vbar, int x, int y, int w, int h )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>topMargin</name>
-      <anchor>topMargin</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>updateContents</name>
-      <anchor>updateContents</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y, int w, int h )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>updateContents</name>
-      <anchor>updateContents-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; r )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>updateContents</name>
-      <anchor>updateContents-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>updateScrollBars</name>
-      <anchor>updateScrollBars</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>verticalScrollBar</name>
-      <anchor>verticalScrollBar</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>verticalSliderPressed</name>
-      <anchor>verticalSliderPressed</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>verticalSliderReleased</name>
-      <anchor>verticalSliderReleased</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>viewport</name>
-      <anchor>viewport</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>viewportPaintEvent</name>
-      <anchor>viewportPaintEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPaintEvent * pe )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>viewportResizeEvent</name>
-      <anchor>viewportResizeEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QResizeEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>viewportSize</name>
-      <anchor>viewportSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>viewportToContents</name>
-      <anchor>viewportToContents</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int vx, int vy, int &amp; x, int &amp; y )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>viewportToContents</name>
-      <anchor>viewportToContents-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; vp )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>childIsVisible</name>
-      <anchor>childIsVisible</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * child )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>showChild</name>
-      <anchor>showChild</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * child, bool y = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3Semaphore</name>
-    <filename>q3semaphore.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3Semaphore</name>
-      <anchor>Q3Semaphore</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int maxcount )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>available</name>
-      <anchor>available</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>total</name>
-      <anchor>total</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>tryAccess</name>
-      <anchor>tryAccess</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int n )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator++</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-2b</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int n )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator--</name>
-      <anchor>operator--</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator-=</name>
-      <anchor>operator--eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int n )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3ServerSocket</name>
-    <filename>q3serversocket.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ServerSocket</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ServerSocket</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q_UINT16 port, int backlog = 1, QObject * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ServerSocket</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ServerSocket-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QHostAddress &amp; address, Q_UINT16 port, int backlog = 1, QObject * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ServerSocket</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ServerSocket-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>address</name>
-      <anchor>address</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>newConnection</name>
-      <anchor>newConnection</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int socket )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ok</name>
-      <anchor>ok</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>port</name>
-      <anchor>port</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSocket</name>
-      <anchor>setSocket</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int socket )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>socket</name>
-      <anchor>socket</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>socketDevice</name>
-      <anchor>socketDevice</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3Shared</name>
-    <filename>q3shared.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3Shared</name>
-      <anchor>Q3Shared</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>deref</name>
-      <anchor>deref</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ref</name>
-      <anchor>ref</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3Signal</name>
-    <filename>q3signal.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3Signal</name>
-      <anchor>Q3Signal</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>activate</name>
-      <anchor>activate</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>connect</name>
-      <anchor>connect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QObject * receiver, const char * member )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>disconnect</name>
-      <anchor>disconnect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QObject * receiver, const char * member = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setValue</name>
-      <anchor>setValue</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QVariant &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>value</name>
-      <anchor>value</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>block</name>
-      <anchor>block</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isBlocked</name>
-      <anchor>isBlocked</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>parameter</name>
-      <anchor>parameter</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setParameter</name>
-      <anchor>setParameter</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3SimpleRichText</name>
-    <filename>q3simplerichtext.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3SimpleRichText</name>
-      <anchor>Q3SimpleRichText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text, const QFont &amp; fnt, const QString &amp; context = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3SimpleRichText</name>
-      <anchor>Q3SimpleRichText-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text, const QFont &amp; fnt, const QString &amp; context, const Q3StyleSheet * sheet, const Q3MimeSourceFactory * factory, int pageBreak = -1, const QColor &amp; linkColor = Qt::blue, bool linkUnderline = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>adjustSize</name>
-      <anchor>adjustSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>anchorAt</name>
-      <anchor>anchorAt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>context</name>
-      <anchor>context</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>draw</name>
-      <anchor>draw</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter * p, int x, int y, const QRect &amp; clipRect, const QColorGroup &amp; cg, const QBrush * paper = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>draw</name>
-      <anchor>draw-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter * p, int x, int y, const QRegion &amp; clipRegion, const QColorGroup &amp; cg, const QBrush * paper = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>height</name>
-      <anchor>height</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>inText</name>
-      <anchor>inText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDefaultFont</name>
-      <anchor>setDefaultFont</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QFont &amp; f )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setWidth</name>
-      <anchor>setWidth</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter * p, int w )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setWidth</name>
-      <anchor>setWidth-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int w )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>width</name>
-      <anchor>width</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>widthUsed</name>
-      <anchor>widthUsed</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3SocketDevice</name>
-    <filename>q3socketdevice.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Error</name>
-      <anchor>Error-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Protocol</name>
-      <anchor>Protocol-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Type</name>
-      <anchor>Type-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3SocketDevice</name>
-      <anchor>Q3SocketDevice</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Type type = Stream )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3SocketDevice</name>
-      <anchor>Q3SocketDevice-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Type type, Protocol protocol, int dummy )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3SocketDevice</name>
-      <anchor>Q3SocketDevice-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int socket, Type type )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>accept</name>
-      <anchor>accept</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>address</name>
-      <anchor>address</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addressReusable</name>
-      <anchor>addressReusable</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>at</name>
-      <anchor>at</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>at</name>
-      <anchor>at-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Offset offset )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bind</name>
-      <anchor>bind</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QHostAddress &amp; address, Q_UINT16 port )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>blocking</name>
-      <anchor>blocking</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bytesAvailable</name>
-      <anchor>bytesAvailable</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>connect</name>
-      <anchor>connect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QHostAddress &amp; addr, Q_UINT16 port )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>error</name>
-      <anchor>error</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>flush</name>
-      <anchor>flush</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isValid</name>
-      <anchor>isValid</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>listen</name>
-      <anchor>listen</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int backlog )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>open</name>
-      <anchor>open</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int mode )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>peerAddress</name>
-      <anchor>peerAddress</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>peerPort</name>
-      <anchor>peerPort</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>port</name>
-      <anchor>port</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>protocol</name>
-      <anchor>protocol</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>readBlock</name>
-      <anchor>readBlock</anchor>
-      <arglist>( char * data, Q_ULONG maxlen )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>readData</name>
-      <anchor>readData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( char * data, qint64 maxlen )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>receiveBufferSize</name>
-      <anchor>receiveBufferSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sendBufferSize</name>
-      <anchor>sendBufferSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAddressReusable</name>
-      <anchor>setAddressReusable</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setBlocking</name>
-      <anchor>setBlocking</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setError</name>
-      <anchor>setError</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Error err )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setReceiveBufferSize</name>
-      <anchor>setReceiveBufferSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSendBufferSize</name>
-      <anchor>setSendBufferSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSocket</name>
-      <anchor>setSocket</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int socket, Type type )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>socket</name>
-      <anchor>socket</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>type</name>
-      <anchor>type</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>waitForMore</name>
-      <anchor>waitForMore</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int msecs, bool * timeout = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>writeBlock</name>
-      <anchor>writeBlock</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * data, Q_ULONG len )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>writeBlock</name>
-      <anchor>writeBlock-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * data, Q_ULONG len, const QHostAddress &amp; host, Q_UINT16 port )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>writeData</name>
-      <anchor>writeData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * data, qint64 len )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3Socket</name>
-    <filename>q3socket.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Error</name>
-      <anchor>Error-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>State</name>
-      <anchor>State-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3Socket</name>
-      <anchor>Q3Socket</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>address</name>
-      <anchor>address</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>at</name>
-      <anchor>at</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>at</name>
-      <anchor>at-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Offset index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>atEnd</name>
-      <anchor>atEnd</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bytesAvailable</name>
-      <anchor>bytesAvailable</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bytesToWrite</name>
-      <anchor>bytesToWrite</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bytesWritten</name>
-      <anchor>bytesWritten</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int nbytes )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>canReadLine</name>
-      <anchor>canReadLine</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clearPendingData</name>
-      <anchor>clearPendingData</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>close</name>
-      <anchor>close</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>connectToHost</name>
-      <anchor>connectToHost</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; host, Q_UINT16 port )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>connected</name>
-      <anchor>connected</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>connectionClosed</name>
-      <anchor>connectionClosed</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>delayedCloseFinished</name>
-      <anchor>delayedCloseFinished</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>error</name>
-      <anchor>error</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int error )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>flush</name>
-      <anchor>flush</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>getch</name>
-      <anchor>getch</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hostFound</name>
-      <anchor>hostFound</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>open</name>
-      <anchor>open</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int m )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>peerAddress</name>
-      <anchor>peerAddress</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>peerName</name>
-      <anchor>peerName</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>peerPort</name>
-      <anchor>peerPort</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>port</name>
-      <anchor>port</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>putch</name>
-      <anchor>putch</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int ch )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>readBufferSize</name>
-      <anchor>readBufferSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>readData</name>
-      <anchor>readData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( char * data, qint64 maxlen )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>readyRead</name>
-      <anchor>readyRead</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setReadBufferSize</name>
-      <anchor>setReadBufferSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q_ULONG bufSize )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSocket</name>
-      <anchor>setSocket</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int socket )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSocketDevice</name>
-      <anchor>setSocketDevice</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3SocketDevice * device )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>size</name>
-      <anchor>size</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>socket</name>
-      <anchor>socket</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>socketDevice</name>
-      <anchor>socketDevice</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>state</name>
-      <anchor>state</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ungetch</name>
-      <anchor>ungetch</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int ch )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>waitForMore</name>
-      <anchor>waitForMore</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int msecs, bool * timeout )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>waitForMore</name>
-      <anchor>waitForMore-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int msecs )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>writeData</name>
-      <anchor>writeData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * data, qint64 len )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3SqlCursor</name>
-    <filename>q3sqlcursor.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Mode</name>
-      <anchor>Mode-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3SqlCursor</name>
-      <anchor>Q3SqlCursor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3SqlCursor</name>
-      <anchor>Q3SqlCursor-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3SqlCursor &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>append</name>
-      <anchor>append</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3SqlFieldInfo &amp; fieldInfo )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>calculateField</name>
-      <anchor>calculateField</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>canDelete</name>
-      <anchor>canDelete</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>canInsert</name>
-      <anchor>canInsert</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>canUpdate</name>
-      <anchor>canUpdate</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>del</name>
-      <anchor>del</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool invalidate = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>del</name>
-      <anchor>del-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; filter, bool invalidate = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>editBuffer</name>
-      <anchor>editBuffer</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool copy = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>exec</name>
-      <anchor>exec</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; sql )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>filter</name>
-      <anchor>filter</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>index</name>
-      <anchor>index</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStringList &amp; fieldNames )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>index</name>
-      <anchor>index-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fieldName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insert</name>
-      <anchor>insert</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int pos, const Q3SqlFieldInfo &amp; fieldInfo )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insert</name>
-      <anchor>insert-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool invalidate = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isCalculated</name>
-      <anchor>isCalculated</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isNull</name>
-      <anchor>isNull</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isNull</name>
-      <anchor>isNull-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isReadOnly</name>
-      <anchor>isReadOnly</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isTrimmed</name>
-      <anchor>isTrimmed</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mode</name>
-      <anchor>mode</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>name</name>
-      <anchor>name</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>primaryIndex</name>
-      <anchor>primaryIndex</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool setFromCursor = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>primeDelete</name>
-      <anchor>primeDelete</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>primeInsert</name>
-      <anchor>primeInsert</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>primeUpdate</name>
-      <anchor>primeUpdate</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>remove</name>
-      <anchor>remove</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>select</name>
-      <anchor>select</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; filter, const QSqlIndex &amp; sort = QSqlIndex()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>select</name>
-      <anchor>select-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>select</name>
-      <anchor>select-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSqlIndex &amp; sort )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>select</name>
-      <anchor>select-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSqlIndex &amp; filter, const QSqlIndex &amp; sort )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCalculated</name>
-      <anchor>setCalculated</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name, bool calculated )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFilter</name>
-      <anchor>setFilter</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; filter )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setGenerated</name>
-      <anchor>setGenerated</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name, bool generated )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setGenerated</name>
-      <anchor>setGenerated-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i, bool generated )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setMode</name>
-      <anchor>setMode</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int mode )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setName</name>
-      <anchor>setName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name, bool autopopulate = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPrimaryIndex</name>
-      <anchor>setPrimaryIndex</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSqlIndex &amp; idx )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSort</name>
-      <anchor>setSort</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSqlIndex &amp; sort )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTrimmed</name>
-      <anchor>setTrimmed</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name, bool trim )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setValue</name>
-      <anchor>setValue-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name, const QVariant &amp; val )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sort</name>
-      <anchor>sort</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toString</name>
-      <anchor>toString-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QSqlRecord * rec, const QString &amp; prefix, const QString &amp; fieldSep, const QString &amp; sep )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toString</name>
-      <anchor>toString-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; prefix, QSqlField * field, const QString &amp; fieldSep )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toString</name>
-      <anchor>toString-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSqlIndex &amp; i, QSqlRecord * rec, const QString &amp; prefix, const QString &amp; fieldSep, const QString &amp; sep )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>update</name>
-      <anchor>update</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool invalidate = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>update</name>
-      <anchor>update-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; filter, bool invalidate = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>value</name>
-      <anchor>value</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>value</name>
-      <anchor>value-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3SqlCursor &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3SqlEditorFactory</name>
-    <filename>q3sqleditorfactory.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3SqlEditorFactory</name>
-      <anchor>Q3SqlEditorFactory</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>createEditor</name>
-      <anchor>createEditor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, const QVariant &amp; variant )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>createEditor</name>
-      <anchor>createEditor-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, const QSqlField * field )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>defaultFactory</name>
-      <anchor>defaultFactory</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>installDefaultFactory</name>
-      <anchor>installDefaultFactory</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3SqlEditorFactory * factory )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3SqlFieldInfo</name>
-    <filename>q3sqlfieldinfo.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3SqlFieldInfo</name>
-      <anchor>Q3SqlFieldInfo</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3SqlFieldInfo</name>
-      <anchor>Q3SqlFieldInfo-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSqlField &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>defaultValue</name>
-      <anchor>defaultValue</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isCalculated</name>
-      <anchor>isCalculated</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isGenerated</name>
-      <anchor>isGenerated</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isRequired</name>
-      <anchor>isRequired</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isTrim</name>
-      <anchor>isTrim</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>length</name>
-      <anchor>length</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>name</name>
-      <anchor>name</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>precision</name>
-      <anchor>precision</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCalculated</name>
-      <anchor>setCalculated</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool calculated )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setGenerated</name>
-      <anchor>setGenerated</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool generated )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTrim</name>
-      <anchor>setTrim</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool trim )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toField</name>
-      <anchor>toField</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Type</name>
-      <anchor>type</anchor>
-      <arglist> Q3SqlFieldInfo::type()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>typeID</name>
-      <anchor>typeID</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3SqlFieldInfo &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3SqlForm</name>
-    <filename>q3sqlform.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3SqlForm</name>
-      <anchor>Q3SqlForm</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clearValues</name>
-      <anchor>clearValues</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fieldToWidget</name>
-      <anchor>fieldToWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QSqlField * field )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insert</name>
-      <anchor>insert</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget, const QString &amp; field )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insert</name>
-      <anchor>insert-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget, QSqlField * field )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>installPropertyMap</name>
-      <anchor>installPropertyMap</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3SqlPropertyMap * pmap )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>readField</name>
-      <anchor>readField</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>readFields</name>
-      <anchor>readFields</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>remove</name>
-      <anchor>remove</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>remove</name>
-      <anchor>remove-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; field )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRecord</name>
-      <anchor>setRecord</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QSqlRecord * buf )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>widget</name>
-      <anchor>widget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>widgetToField</name>
-      <anchor>widgetToField</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>writeField</name>
-      <anchor>writeField</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>writeFields</name>
-      <anchor>writeFields</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3SqlPropertyMap</name>
-    <filename>q3sqlpropertymap.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3SqlPropertyMap</name>
-      <anchor>Q3SqlPropertyMap</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>defaultMap</name>
-      <anchor>defaultMap</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insert</name>
-      <anchor>insert</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; classname, const QString &amp; property )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>installDefaultMap</name>
-      <anchor>installDefaultMap</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3SqlPropertyMap * map )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>property</name>
-      <anchor>property</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>remove</name>
-      <anchor>remove</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; classname )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setProperty</name>
-      <anchor>setProperty</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget, const QVariant &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3SqlRecordInfo</name>
-    <filename>q3sqlrecordinfo.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3SqlRecordInfo</name>
-      <anchor>Q3SqlRecordInfo</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3SqlRecordInfo</name>
-      <anchor>Q3SqlRecordInfo-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3SqlFieldInfoList &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3SqlRecordInfo</name>
-      <anchor>Q3SqlRecordInfo-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSqlRecord &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contains</name>
-      <anchor>contains</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fieldName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>find</name>
-      <anchor>find</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fieldName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toRecord</name>
-      <anchor>toRecord</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3SqlSelectCursor</name>
-    <filename>q3sqlselectcursor.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3SqlSelectCursor</name>
-      <anchor>Q3SqlSelectCursor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; query = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3SqlSelectCursor</name>
-      <anchor>Q3SqlSelectCursor-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3SqlSelectCursor &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3StoredDrag</name>
-    <filename>q3storeddrag.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3StoredDrag</name>
-      <anchor>Q3StoredDrag</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * mimeType, QWidget * dragSource = 0, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>encodedData</name>
-      <anchor>encodedData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * format )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setEncodedData</name>
-      <anchor>setEncodedData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; data )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3StrIList</name>
-    <filename>q3strilist.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3StrIList</name>
-      <anchor>Q3StrIList</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool deepCopies = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3StrList</name>
-    <filename>q3strlist.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3StrList</name>
-      <anchor>Q3StrList</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool deepCopies = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3StrList</name>
-      <anchor>Q3StrList-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3StrList &amp; list )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3StrList</name>
-      <anchor>Q3StrList-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QList&lt;QByteArray&gt; &amp; list )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator</name>
-      <anchor>operator-QList-ltQByteArray-gt</anchor>
-      <arglist> QList&lt;QByteArray&gt;()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3StrList &amp; list )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QList&lt;QByteArray&gt; &amp; list )</arglist>
-    </member>
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-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3StrListIterator</name>
-    <filename>q3strlistiterator.html</filename>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3StyleSheet</name>
-    <filename>q3stylesheet.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3StyleSheet</name>
-      <anchor>Q3StyleSheet</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>convertFromPlainText</name>
-      <anchor>convertFromPlainText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; plain, Q3StyleSheetItem::WhiteSpaceMode mode = Q3StyleSheetItem::WhiteSpacePre )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>defaultSheet</name>
-      <anchor>defaultSheet</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>error</name>
-      <anchor>error</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; msg )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>escape</name>
-      <anchor>escape</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; plain )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>item</name>
-      <anchor>item</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>item</name>
-      <anchor>item-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mightBeRichText</name>
-      <anchor>mightBeRichText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
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-      <name>scaleFont</name>
-      <anchor>scaleFont</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QFont &amp; font, int logicalSize )</arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDefaultSheet</name>
-      <anchor>setDefaultSheet</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3StyleSheet * sheet )</arglist>
-    </member>
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-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3StyleSheetItem</name>
-    <filename>q3stylesheetitem.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>DisplayMode</name>
-      <anchor>DisplayMode-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>ListStyle</name>
-      <anchor>ListStyle-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Margin</name>
-      <anchor>Margin-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>VerticalAlignment</name>
-      <anchor>VerticalAlignment-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>WhiteSpaceMode</name>
-      <anchor>WhiteSpaceMode-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3StyleSheetItem</name>
-      <anchor>Q3StyleSheetItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3StyleSheet * parent, const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3StyleSheetItem</name>
-      <anchor>Q3StyleSheetItem-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3StyleSheetItem &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>alignment</name>
-      <anchor>alignment</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>allowedInContext</name>
-      <anchor>allowedInContext</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3StyleSheetItem * s )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>color</name>
-      <anchor>color</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contexts</name>
-      <anchor>contexts</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>definesFontItalic</name>
-      <anchor>definesFontItalic</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>definesFontStrikeOut</name>
-      <anchor>definesFontStrikeOut</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
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-      <name>definesFontUnderline</name>
-      <anchor>definesFontUnderline</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>displayMode</name>
-      <anchor>displayMode</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fontFamily</name>
-      <anchor>fontFamily</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fontItalic</name>
-      <anchor>fontItalic</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
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-      <anchor>fontSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fontStrikeOut</name>
-      <anchor>fontStrikeOut</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fontUnderline</name>
-      <anchor>fontUnderline</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
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-      <anchor>fontWeight</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isAnchor</name>
-      <anchor>isAnchor</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lineSpacing</name>
-      <anchor>lineSpacing</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>listStyle</name>
-      <anchor>listStyle</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
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-      <name>logicalFontSize</name>
-      <anchor>logicalFontSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
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-      <name>logicalFontSizeStep</name>
-      <anchor>logicalFontSizeStep</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
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-      <anchor>margin</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Margin m )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>name</name>
-      <anchor>name</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>numberOfColumns</name>
-      <anchor>numberOfColumns</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selfNesting</name>
-      <anchor>selfNesting</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAlignment</name>
-      <anchor>setAlignment</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int f )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAnchor</name>
-      <anchor>setAnchor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool anc )</arglist>
-    </member>
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-      <name>setColor</name>
-      <anchor>setColor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QColor &amp; c )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setContexts</name>
-      <anchor>setContexts</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; c )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDisplayMode</name>
-      <anchor>setDisplayMode</anchor>
-      <arglist>( DisplayMode m )</arglist>
-    </member>
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-      <name>setFontFamily</name>
-      <anchor>setFontFamily</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fam )</arglist>
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-      <name>setFontItalic</name>
-      <anchor>setFontItalic</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool italic )</arglist>
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-      <name>setFontSize</name>
-      <anchor>setFontSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int s )</arglist>
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-      <name>setFontStrikeOut</name>
-      <anchor>setFontStrikeOut</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool strikeOut )</arglist>
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-      <name>setFontUnderline</name>
-      <anchor>setFontUnderline</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool underline )</arglist>
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-      <anchor>setFontWeight</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int w )</arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setListStyle</name>
-      <anchor>setListStyle</anchor>
-      <arglist>( ListStyle s )</arglist>
-    </member>
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-      <name>setLogicalFontSize</name>
-      <anchor>setLogicalFontSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int s )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setLogicalFontSizeStep</name>
-      <anchor>setLogicalFontSizeStep</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int s )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setMargin</name>
-      <anchor>setMargin</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Margin m, int v )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setNumberOfColumns</name>
-      <anchor>setNumberOfColumns</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int ncols )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSelfNesting</name>
-      <anchor>setSelfNesting</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool nesting )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setVerticalAlignment</name>
-      <anchor>setVerticalAlignment</anchor>
-      <arglist>( VerticalAlignment valign )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setWhiteSpaceMode</name>
-      <anchor>setWhiteSpaceMode</anchor>
-      <arglist>( WhiteSpaceMode m )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>styleSheet</name>
-      <anchor>styleSheet</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>styleSheet</name>
-      <anchor>styleSheet-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>verticalAlignment</name>
-      <anchor>verticalAlignment</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>whiteSpaceMode</name>
-      <anchor>whiteSpaceMode</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3StyleSheetItem &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
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-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3SyntaxHighlighter</name>
-    <filename>q3syntaxhighlighter.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3SyntaxHighlighter</name>
-      <anchor>Q3SyntaxHighlighter</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3TextEdit * textEdit )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentParagraph</name>
-      <anchor>currentParagraph</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>highlightParagraph</name>
-      <anchor>highlightParagraph</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text, int endStateOfLastPara )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rehighlight</name>
-      <anchor>rehighlight</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFormat</name>
-      <anchor>setFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int start, int count, const QFont &amp; font, const QColor &amp; color )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFormat</name>
-      <anchor>setFormat-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int start, int count, const QColor &amp; color )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFormat</name>
-      <anchor>setFormat-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int start, int count, const QFont &amp; font )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>textEdit</name>
-      <anchor>textEdit</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3TabDialog</name>
-    <filename>q3tabdialog.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3TabDialog</name>
-      <anchor>Q3TabDialog</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0, bool modal = false, Qt::WFlags f = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>aboutToShow</name>
-      <anchor>aboutToShow</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addTab</name>
-      <anchor>addTab</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * child, const QString &amp; label )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addTab</name>
-      <anchor>addTab-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * child, const QIcon &amp; iconset, const QString &amp; label )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>applyButtonPressed</name>
-      <anchor>applyButtonPressed</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cancelButtonPressed</name>
-      <anchor>cancelButtonPressed</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>changeTab</name>
-      <anchor>changeTab</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * w, const QIcon &amp; iconset, const QString &amp; label )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>changeTab</name>
-      <anchor>changeTab-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * w, const QString &amp; label )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentChanged</name>
-      <anchor>currentChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentPage</name>
-      <anchor>currentPage</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>defaultButtonPressed</name>
-      <anchor>defaultButtonPressed</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasApplyButton</name>
-      <anchor>hasApplyButton</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasCancelButton</name>
-      <anchor>hasCancelButton</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasDefaultButton</name>
-      <anchor>hasDefaultButton</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasHelpButton</name>
-      <anchor>hasHelpButton</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasOkButton</name>
-      <anchor>hasOkButton</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>helpButtonPressed</name>
-      <anchor>helpButtonPressed</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertTab</name>
-      <anchor>insertTab</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * child, const QString &amp; label, int index = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertTab</name>
-      <anchor>insertTab-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * child, const QIcon &amp; iconset, const QString &amp; label, int index = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isTabEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>isTabEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * w )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removePage</name>
-      <anchor>removePage</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * w )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selected</name>
-      <anchor>selected</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setApplyButton</name>
-      <anchor>setApplyButton</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setApplyButton</name>
-      <anchor>setApplyButton-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCancelButton</name>
-      <anchor>setCancelButton</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCancelButton</name>
-      <anchor>setCancelButton-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDefaultButton</name>
-      <anchor>setDefaultButton</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDefaultButton</name>
-      <anchor>setDefaultButton-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFont</name>
-      <anchor>setFont</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QFont &amp; font )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setHelpButton</name>
-      <anchor>setHelpButton</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setHelpButton</name>
-      <anchor>setHelpButton-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setOkButton</name>
-      <anchor>setOkButton</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setOkButton</name>
-      <anchor>setOkButton-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTabBar</name>
-      <anchor>setTabBar</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTabBar * tb )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTabEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>setTabEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * w, bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>showPage</name>
-      <anchor>showPage</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * w )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>tabBar</name>
-      <anchor>tabBar</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>tabLabel</name>
-      <anchor>tabLabel</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * w )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isTabEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>isTabEnabled-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTabEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>setTabEnabled-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * name, bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3Table</name>
-    <filename>q3table.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>EditMode</name>
-      <anchor>EditMode-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>FocusStyle</name>
-      <anchor>FocusStyle-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>SelectionMode</name>
-      <anchor>SelectionMode-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3Table</name>
-      <anchor>Q3Table</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3Table</name>
-      <anchor>Q3Table-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int numRows, int numCols, QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>activateNextCell</name>
-      <anchor>activateNextCell</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addSelection</name>
-      <anchor>addSelection</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3TableSelection &amp; s )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>adjustColumn</name>
-      <anchor>adjustColumn</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int col )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>adjustRow</name>
-      <anchor>adjustRow</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>beginEdit</name>
-      <anchor>beginEdit</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int col, bool replace )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cellGeometry</name>
-      <anchor>cellGeometry</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int col )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cellRect</name>
-      <anchor>cellRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int col )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cellWidget</name>
-      <anchor>cellWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int col )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clearCell</name>
-      <anchor>clearCell</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int col )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clearCellWidget</name>
-      <anchor>clearCellWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int col )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clearSelection</name>
-      <anchor>clearSelection</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool repaint = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clicked</name>
-      <anchor>clicked</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int col, int button, const QPoint &amp; mousePos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>columnAt</name>
-      <anchor>columnAt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>columnClicked</name>
-      <anchor>columnClicked</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int col )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>columnIndexChanged</name>
-      <anchor>columnIndexChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int section, int fromIndex, int toIndex )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>columnPos</name>
-      <anchor>columnPos</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int col )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>columnWidth</name>
-      <anchor>columnWidth</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int col )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>columnWidthChanged</name>
-      <anchor>columnWidthChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int col )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contentsDragEnterEvent</name>
-      <anchor>contentsDragEnterEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDragEnterEvent * e )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contentsDragLeaveEvent</name>
-      <anchor>contentsDragLeaveEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDragLeaveEvent * e )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contentsDragMoveEvent</name>
-      <anchor>contentsDragMoveEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDragMoveEvent * e )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contentsDropEvent</name>
-      <anchor>contentsDropEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDropEvent * e )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contextMenuRequested</name>
-      <anchor>contextMenuRequested</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int col, const QPoint &amp; pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>createEditor</name>
-      <anchor>createEditor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int col, bool initFromCell )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currEditCol</name>
-      <anchor>currEditCol</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currEditRow</name>
-      <anchor>currEditRow</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentChanged</name>
-      <anchor>currentChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int col )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentColumn</name>
-      <anchor>currentColumn</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentRow</name>
-      <anchor>currentRow</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentSelection</name>
-      <anchor>currentSelection</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>doubleClicked</name>
-      <anchor>doubleClicked</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int col, int button, const QPoint &amp; mousePos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dragEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>dragEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dragObject</name>
-      <anchor>dragObject</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawContents</name>
-      <anchor>drawContents</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter * p, int cx, int cy, int cw, int ch )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dropped</name>
-      <anchor>dropped</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDropEvent * e )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>editCell</name>
-      <anchor>editCell</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int col, bool replace = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>editMode</name>
-      <anchor>editMode</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>endEdit</name>
-      <anchor>endEdit</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int col, bool accept, bool replace )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ensureCellVisible</name>
-      <anchor>ensureCellVisible</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int col )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hideColumn</name>
-      <anchor>hideColumn</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int col )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hideRow</name>
-      <anchor>hideRow</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>horizontalHeader</name>
-      <anchor>horizontalHeader</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>indexOf</name>
-      <anchor>indexOf</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int col )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertColumns</name>
-      <anchor>insertColumns</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int col, int count = 1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertRows</name>
-      <anchor>insertRows</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int count = 1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertWidget</name>
-      <anchor>insertWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int col, QWidget * w )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isColumnHidden</name>
-      <anchor>isColumnHidden</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int col )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isColumnReadOnly</name>
-      <anchor>isColumnReadOnly</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int col )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isColumnSelected</name>
-      <anchor>isColumnSelected</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int col, bool full = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isColumnStretchable</name>
-      <anchor>isColumnStretchable</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int col )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEditing</name>
-      <anchor>isEditing</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isRowHidden</name>
-      <anchor>isRowHidden</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isRowReadOnly</name>
-      <anchor>isRowReadOnly</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isRowSelected</name>
-      <anchor>isRowSelected</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, bool full = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isRowStretchable</name>
-      <anchor>isRowStretchable</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isSelected</name>
-      <anchor>isSelected</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int col )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>item</name>
-      <anchor>item</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int col )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>paintCell</name>
-      <anchor>paintCell</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter * p, int row, int col, const QRect &amp; cr, bool selected, const QColorGroup &amp; cg )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>paintCell</name>
-      <anchor>paintCell-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter * p, int row, int col, const QRect &amp; cr, bool selected )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>paintEmptyArea</name>
-      <anchor>paintEmptyArea</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter * p, int cx, int cy, int cw, int ch )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>paintFocus</name>
-      <anchor>paintFocus</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter * p, const QRect &amp; cr )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pixmap</name>
-      <anchor>pixmap</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int col )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pressed</name>
-      <anchor>pressed</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int col, int button, const QPoint &amp; mousePos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeColumn</name>
-      <anchor>removeColumn</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int col )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeColumns</name>
-      <anchor>removeColumns</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3MemArray&lt;int&gt; &amp; cols )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeRow</name>
-      <anchor>removeRow</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeRows</name>
-      <anchor>removeRows</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3MemArray&lt;int&gt; &amp; rows )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeSelection</name>
-      <anchor>removeSelection</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3TableSelection &amp; s )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeSelection</name>
-      <anchor>removeSelection-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int num )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>repaintSelections</name>
-      <anchor>repaintSelections</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resizeData</name>
-      <anchor>resizeData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int len )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rowAt</name>
-      <anchor>rowAt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int y )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rowHeight</name>
-      <anchor>rowHeight</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rowHeightChanged</name>
-      <anchor>rowHeightChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rowIndexChanged</name>
-      <anchor>rowIndexChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int section, int fromIndex, int toIndex )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rowPos</name>
-      <anchor>rowPos</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selectCells</name>
-      <anchor>selectCells</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int start_row, int start_col, int end_row, int end_col )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selectColumn</name>
-      <anchor>selectColumn</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int col )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selectRow</name>
-      <anchor>selectRow</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selection</name>
-      <anchor>selection</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int num )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selectionChanged</name>
-      <anchor>selectionChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCellContentFromEditor</name>
-      <anchor>setCellContentFromEditor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int col )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCellWidget</name>
-      <anchor>setCellWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int col, QWidget * e )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setColumnLabels</name>
-      <anchor>setColumnLabels</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStringList &amp; labels )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setColumnReadOnly</name>
-      <anchor>setColumnReadOnly</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int col, bool ro )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setColumnStretchable</name>
-      <anchor>setColumnStretchable</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int col, bool stretch )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setColumnWidth</name>
-      <anchor>setColumnWidth</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int col, int w )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCurrentCell</name>
-      <anchor>setCurrentCell</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int col )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDragEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>setDragEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setEditMode</name>
-      <anchor>setEditMode</anchor>
-      <arglist>( EditMode mode, int row, int col )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setItem</name>
-      <anchor>setItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int col, Q3TableItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setLeftMargin</name>
-      <anchor>setLeftMargin</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int m )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>setPixmap</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int col, const QPixmap &amp; pix )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRowHeight</name>
-      <anchor>setRowHeight</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int h )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRowLabels</name>
-      <anchor>setRowLabels</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStringList &amp; labels )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRowReadOnly</name>
-      <anchor>setRowReadOnly</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, bool ro )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRowStretchable</name>
-      <anchor>setRowStretchable</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, bool stretch )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setText</name>
-      <anchor>setText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int col, const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTopMargin</name>
-      <anchor>setTopMargin</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int m )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>showColumn</name>
-      <anchor>showColumn</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int col )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>showRow</name>
-      <anchor>showRow</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sortColumn</name>
-      <anchor>sortColumn</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int col, bool ascending = true, bool wholeRows = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>startDrag</name>
-      <anchor>startDrag</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>swapCells</name>
-      <anchor>swapCells</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row1, int col1, int row2, int col2 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>swapColumns</name>
-      <anchor>swapColumns</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int col1, int col2, bool swapHeader = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>swapRows</name>
-      <anchor>swapRows</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row1, int row2, bool swapHeader = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>takeItem</name>
-      <anchor>takeItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3TableItem * i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>text</name>
-      <anchor>text</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int col )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>updateCell</name>
-      <anchor>updateCell</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int col )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>updateHeaderStates</name>
-      <anchor>updateHeaderStates</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>valueChanged</name>
-      <anchor>valueChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int col )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>verticalHeader</name>
-      <anchor>verticalHeader</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3TableItem</name>
-    <filename>q3tableitem.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>EditType</name>
-      <anchor>EditType-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3TableItem</name>
-      <anchor>Q3TableItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3Table * table, EditType et )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3TableItem</name>
-      <anchor>Q3TableItem-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3Table * table, EditType et, const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3TableItem</name>
-      <anchor>Q3TableItem-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3Table * table, EditType et, const QString &amp; text, const QPixmap &amp; p )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>alignment</name>
-      <anchor>alignment</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>col</name>
-      <anchor>col</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>colSpan</name>
-      <anchor>colSpan</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>createEditor</name>
-      <anchor>createEditor</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>editType</name>
-      <anchor>editType</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>isEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isReplaceable</name>
-      <anchor>isReplaceable</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>key</name>
-      <anchor>key</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>paint</name>
-      <anchor>paint</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter * p, const QColorGroup &amp; cg, const QRect &amp; cr, bool selected )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pixmap</name>
-      <anchor>pixmap</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>row</name>
-      <anchor>row</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rowSpan</name>
-      <anchor>rowSpan</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rtti</name>
-      <anchor>rtti</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCol</name>
-      <anchor>setCol</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int c )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setContentFromEditor</name>
-      <anchor>setContentFromEditor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * w )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>setEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>setPixmap</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPixmap &amp; p )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setReplaceable</name>
-      <anchor>setReplaceable</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRow</name>
-      <anchor>setRow</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int r )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSpan</name>
-      <anchor>setSpan</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int rs, int cs )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setText</name>
-      <anchor>setText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; str )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setWordWrap</name>
-      <anchor>setWordWrap</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sizeHint</name>
-      <anchor>sizeHint</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>table</name>
-      <anchor>table</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>text</name>
-      <anchor>text</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>wordWrap</name>
-      <anchor>wordWrap</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3TableSelection</name>
-    <filename>q3tableselection.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3TableSelection</name>
-      <anchor>Q3TableSelection</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3TableSelection</name>
-      <anchor>Q3TableSelection-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int start_row, int start_col, int end_row, int end_col )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>anchorCol</name>
-      <anchor>anchorCol</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>anchorRow</name>
-      <anchor>anchorRow</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bottomRow</name>
-      <anchor>bottomRow</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>expandTo</name>
-      <anchor>expandTo</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int col )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>init</name>
-      <anchor>init</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int col )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isActive</name>
-      <anchor>isActive</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEmpty</name>
-      <anchor>isEmpty</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>leftCol</name>
-      <anchor>leftCol</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>numCols</name>
-      <anchor>numCols</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>numRows</name>
-      <anchor>numRows</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rightCol</name>
-      <anchor>rightCol</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>topRow</name>
-      <anchor>topRow</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3TableSelection &amp; s )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3TableSelection &amp; s )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3TextBrowser</name>
-    <filename>q3textbrowser.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3TextBrowser</name>
-      <anchor>Q3TextBrowser</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>anchorClicked</name>
-      <anchor>anchorClicked</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name, const QString &amp; link )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>backward</name>
-      <anchor>backward</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>backwardAvailable</name>
-      <anchor>backwardAvailable</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool available )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>forward</name>
-      <anchor>forward</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>forwardAvailable</name>
-      <anchor>forwardAvailable</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool available )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>highlighted</name>
-      <anchor>highlighted</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; link )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>home</name>
-      <anchor>home</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>keyPressEvent</name>
-      <anchor>keyPressEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QKeyEvent * e )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>linkClicked</name>
-      <anchor>linkClicked</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; link )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>reload</name>
-      <anchor>reload</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setText</name>
-      <anchor>setText-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; txt )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sourceChanged</name>
-      <anchor>sourceChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; src )</arglist>
-    </member>
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-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3TextDrag</name>
-    <filename>q3textdrag.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3TextDrag</name>
-      <anchor>Q3TextDrag</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text, QWidget * dragSource = 0, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3TextDrag</name>
-      <anchor>Q3TextDrag-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * dragSource = 0, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>canDecode</name>
-      <anchor>canDecode</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QMimeSource * source )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>decode</name>
-      <anchor>decode</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QMimeSource * source, QString &amp; string )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>decode</name>
-      <anchor>decode-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QMimeSource * source, QString &amp; string, QString &amp; subtype )</arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSubtype</name>
-      <anchor>setSubtype</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; subtype )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setText</name>
-      <anchor>setText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
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-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3TextEdit</name>
-    <filename>q3textedit.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>CursorAction</name>
-      <anchor>CursorAction-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>KeyboardAction</name>
-      <anchor>KeyboardAction-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>VerticalAlignment</name>
-      <anchor>VerticalAlignment-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>WordWrap</name>
-      <anchor>WordWrap-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>WrapPolicy</name>
-      <anchor>WrapPolicy-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>TextFormat</name>
-      <anchor>textFormat-prop</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3TextEdit</name>
-      <anchor>Q3TextEdit</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text, const QString &amp; context = QString()</arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3TextEdit</name>
-      <anchor>Q3TextEdit-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>alignment</name>
-      <anchor>alignment</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
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-      <anchor>anchorAt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; pos, Qt::AnchorAttribute attr = Qt::AnchorHref )</arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>append</name>
-      <anchor>append</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bold</name>
-      <anchor>bold</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>charAt</name>
-      <anchor>charAt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; pos, int * para )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clearParagraphBackground</name>
-      <anchor>clearParagraphBackground</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int para )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clicked</name>
-      <anchor>clicked</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int para, int pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>color</name>
-      <anchor>color</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>context</name>
-      <anchor>context</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>copy</name>
-      <anchor>copy</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>copyAvailable</name>
-      <anchor>copyAvailable</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool yes )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>createPopupMenu</name>
-      <anchor>createPopupMenu</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>createPopupMenu</name>
-      <anchor>createPopupMenu-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentAlignmentChanged</name>
-      <anchor>currentAlignmentChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int a )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentColorChanged</name>
-      <anchor>currentColorChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QColor &amp; c )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentFont</name>
-      <anchor>currentFont</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentFontChanged</name>
-      <anchor>currentFontChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QFont &amp; f )</arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentVerticalAlignmentChanged</name>
-      <anchor>currentVerticalAlignmentChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3TextEdit::VerticalAlignment a )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cursorPositionChanged</name>
-      <anchor>cursorPositionChanged-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int para, int pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cut</name>
-      <anchor>cut</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>del</name>
-      <anchor>del</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>doKeyboardAction</name>
-      <anchor>doKeyboardAction</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3TextEdit::KeyboardAction action )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>doubleClicked</name>
-      <anchor>doubleClicked</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int para, int pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ensureCursorVisible</name>
-      <anchor>ensureCursorVisible</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>family</name>
-      <anchor>family</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>find</name>
-      <anchor>find</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; expr, bool cs, bool wo, bool forward = true, int * para = 0, int * index = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>focusNextPrevChild</name>
-      <anchor>focusNextPrevChild</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool n )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>font</name>
-      <anchor>font</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>getCursorPosition</name>
-      <anchor>getCursorPosition</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int * para, int * index )</arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>getSelection</name>
-      <anchor>getSelection</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int * paraFrom, int * indexFrom, int * paraTo, int * indexTo, int selNum = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>heightForWidth</name>
-      <anchor>heightForWidth</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int w )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insert</name>
-      <anchor>insert</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text, uint insertionFlags = CheckNewLines | RemoveSelected )</arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insert</name>
-      <anchor>insert-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text, bool indent, bool checkNewLine = true, bool removeSelected = true )</arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertAt</name>
-      <anchor>insertAt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text, int para, int index )</arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertParagraph</name>
-      <anchor>insertParagraph</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text, int para )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isRedoAvailable</name>
-      <anchor>isRedoAvailable</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isUndoAvailable</name>
-      <anchor>isUndoAvailable</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>italic</name>
-      <anchor>italic</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>keyPressEvent</name>
-      <anchor>keyPressEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QKeyEvent * e )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lineOfChar</name>
-      <anchor>lineOfChar</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int para, int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lines</name>
-      <anchor>lines</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>linesOfParagraph</name>
-      <anchor>linesOfParagraph</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int para )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mimeSourceFactory</name>
-      <anchor>mimeSourceFactory</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>modificationChanged</name>
-      <anchor>modificationChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool m )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>moveCursor</name>
-      <anchor>moveCursor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3TextEdit::CursorAction action, bool select )</arglist>
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-      <name>paragraphAt</name>
-      <anchor>paragraphAt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
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-      <name>paragraphBackgroundColor</name>
-      <anchor>paragraphBackgroundColor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int para )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>paragraphLength</name>
-      <anchor>paragraphLength</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int para )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>paragraphRect</name>
-      <anchor>paragraphRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int para )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>paragraphs</name>
-      <anchor>paragraphs</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>paste</name>
-      <anchor>paste</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pasteSubType</name>
-      <anchor>pasteSubType</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; subtype )</arglist>
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-      <name>placeCursor</name>
-      <anchor>placeCursor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; pos, Q3TextCursor * c = 0 )</arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pointSize</name>
-      <anchor>pointSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>redo</name>
-      <anchor>redo</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>redoAvailable</name>
-      <anchor>redoAvailable</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool yes )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeParagraph</name>
-      <anchor>removeParagraph</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int para )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeSelectedText</name>
-      <anchor>removeSelectedText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int selNum = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeSelection</name>
-      <anchor>removeSelection</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int selNum = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>repaintChanged</name>
-      <anchor>repaintChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>returnPressed</name>
-      <anchor>returnPressed</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>scrollToAnchor</name>
-      <anchor>scrollToAnchor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>scrollToBottom</name>
-      <anchor>scrollToBottom</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selectAll</name>
-      <anchor>selectAll</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool select = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selectionChanged</name>
-      <anchor>selectionChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAlignment</name>
-      <anchor>setAlignment</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int a )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setBold</name>
-      <anchor>setBold</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setColor</name>
-      <anchor>setColor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QColor &amp; c )</arglist>
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-      <name>setCurrentFont</name>
-      <anchor>setCurrentFont</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QFont &amp; f )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCursorPosition</name>
-      <anchor>setCursorPosition</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int para, int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFamily</name>
-      <anchor>setFamily</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fontFamily )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setItalic</name>
-      <anchor>setItalic</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setMimeSourceFactory</name>
-      <anchor>setMimeSourceFactory</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3MimeSourceFactory * factory )</arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setParagraphBackgroundColor</name>
-      <anchor>setParagraphBackgroundColor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int para, const QColor &amp; bg )</arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPointSize</name>
-      <anchor>setPointSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int s )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSelection</name>
-      <anchor>setSelection</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int paraFrom, int indexFrom, int paraTo, int indexTo, int selNum = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSelectionAttributes</name>
-      <anchor>setSelectionAttributes</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int selNum, const QColor &amp; back, bool invertText )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setStyleSheet</name>
-      <anchor>setStyleSheet</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3StyleSheet * styleSheet )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setUnderline</name>
-      <anchor>setUnderline</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setVerticalAlignment</name>
-      <anchor>setVerticalAlignment</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3TextEdit::VerticalAlignment a )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>styleSheet</name>
-      <anchor>styleSheet</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sync</name>
-      <anchor>sync</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>syntaxHighlighter</name>
-      <anchor>syntaxHighlighter</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>textChanged</name>
-      <anchor>textChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>textCursor</name>
-      <anchor>textCursor</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>underline</name>
-      <anchor>underline</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>undo</name>
-      <anchor>undo</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>undoAvailable</name>
-      <anchor>undoAvailable</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool yes )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>verticalAlignment</name>
-      <anchor>verticalAlignment</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>zoomIn</name>
-      <anchor>zoomIn</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int range )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>zoomIn</name>
-      <anchor>zoomIn-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>zoomOut</name>
-      <anchor>zoomOut</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int range )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>zoomOut</name>
-      <anchor>zoomOut-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>zoomTo</name>
-      <anchor>zoomTo</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3TextView</name>
-    <filename>q3textview.html</filename>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3TimeEdit</name>
-    <filename>q3timeedit.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Display</name>
-      <anchor>Display-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3TimeEdit</name>
-      <anchor>Q3TimeEdit</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3TimeEdit</name>
-      <anchor>Q3TimeEdit-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTime &amp; time, QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sectionFormattedText</name>
-      <anchor>sectionFormattedText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int sec )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>separator</name>
-      <anchor>separator</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setHour</name>
-      <anchor>setHour</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int h )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setMinute</name>
-      <anchor>setMinute</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int m )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRange</name>
-      <anchor>setRange</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTime &amp; min, const QTime &amp; max )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSecond</name>
-      <anchor>setSecond</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int s )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSeparator</name>
-      <anchor>setSeparator</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; s )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>valueChanged</name>
-      <anchor>valueChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTime &amp; time )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3ToolBar</name>
-    <filename>q3toolbar.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ToolBar</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ToolBar</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; label, Q3MainWindow * parent, Qt::ToolBarDock dock = Qt::DockTop, bool newLine = false, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ToolBar</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ToolBar-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; label, Q3MainWindow * mainWindow, QWidget * parent, bool newLine = false, const char * name = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ToolBar</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ToolBar-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3MainWindow * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addSeparator</name>
-      <anchor>addSeparator</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mainWindow</name>
-      <anchor>mainWindow</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setStretchableWidget</name>
-      <anchor>setStretchableWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * w )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3UriDrag</name>
-    <filename>q3uridrag.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3UriDrag</name>
-      <anchor>Q3UriDrag</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3StrList &amp; uris, QWidget * dragSource = 0, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3UriDrag</name>
-      <anchor>Q3UriDrag-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * dragSource = 0, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>canDecode</name>
-      <anchor>canDecode</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QMimeSource * source )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>decode</name>
-      <anchor>decode</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QMimeSource * source, Q3StrList &amp; list )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>decodeLocalFiles</name>
-      <anchor>decodeLocalFiles</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QMimeSource * source, QStringList &amp; list )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>decodeToUnicodeUris</name>
-      <anchor>decodeToUnicodeUris</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QMimeSource * source, QStringList &amp; list )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>localFileToUri</name>
-      <anchor>localFileToUri</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; filename )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFileNames</name>
-      <anchor>setFileNames</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStringList &amp; filenames )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFileNames</name>
-      <anchor>setFileNames-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFilenames</name>
-      <anchor>setFilenames-2x</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setUnicodeUris</name>
-      <anchor>setUnicodeUris</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStringList &amp; list )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setUris</name>
-      <anchor>setUris</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QList&lt;QByteArray&gt; &amp; list )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>unicodeUriToUri</name>
-      <anchor>unicodeUriToUri</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; string )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>uriToLocalFile</name>
-      <anchor>uriToLocalFile</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * string )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>uriToUnicodeUri</name>
-      <anchor>uriToUnicodeUri</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * string )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFilenames</name>
-      <anchor>setFilenamesx</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStringList &amp; list )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3Url</name>
-    <filename>q3url.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3Url</name>
-      <anchor>Q3Url</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3Url</name>
-      <anchor>Q3Url-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; url )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3Url</name>
-      <anchor>Q3Url-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3Url &amp; url )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3Url</name>
-      <anchor>Q3Url-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3Url &amp; url, const QString &amp; relUrl, bool checkSlash = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addPath</name>
-      <anchor>addPath</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; pa )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cdUp</name>
-      <anchor>cdUp</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>decode</name>
-      <anchor>decode</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QString &amp; url )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dirPath</name>
-      <anchor>dirPath</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>encode</name>
-      <anchor>encode</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QString &amp; url )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>encodedPathAndQuery</name>
-      <anchor>encodedPathAndQuery</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fileName</name>
-      <anchor>fileName</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasHost</name>
-      <anchor>hasHost</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasPassword</name>
-      <anchor>hasPassword</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasPath</name>
-      <anchor>hasPath</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasPort</name>
-      <anchor>hasPort</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasRef</name>
-      <anchor>hasRef</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasUser</name>
-      <anchor>hasUser</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>host</name>
-      <anchor>host</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isLocalFile</name>
-      <anchor>isLocalFile</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isRelativeUrl</name>
-      <anchor>isRelativeUrl</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; url )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isValid</name>
-      <anchor>isValid</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>parse</name>
-      <anchor>parse</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; url )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>password</name>
-      <anchor>password</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>path</name>
-      <anchor>path</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool correct = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>port</name>
-      <anchor>port</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>protocol</name>
-      <anchor>protocol</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>query</name>
-      <anchor>query</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ref</name>
-      <anchor>ref</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>reset</name>
-      <anchor>reset</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setEncodedPathAndQuery</name>
-      <anchor>setEncodedPathAndQuery</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; pathAndQuery )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFileName</name>
-      <anchor>setFileName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setHost</name>
-      <anchor>setHost</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; host )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPassword</name>
-      <anchor>setPassword</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; pass )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPath</name>
-      <anchor>setPath</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; path )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPort</name>
-      <anchor>setPort</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int port )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setProtocol</name>
-      <anchor>setProtocol</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; protocol )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setQuery</name>
-      <anchor>setQuery</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; txt )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRef</name>
-      <anchor>setRef</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; txt )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setUser</name>
-      <anchor>setUser</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; user )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toString</name>
-      <anchor>toString</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool encodedPath = false, bool forcePrependProtocol = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>user</name>
-      <anchor>user</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator</name>
-      <anchor>operator-QString</anchor>
-      <arglist> QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3Url &amp; url )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; url )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3Url &amp; url )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; url )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3UrlOperator</name>
-    <filename>q3urloperator.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3UrlOperator</name>
-      <anchor>Q3UrlOperator</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3UrlOperator</name>
-      <anchor>Q3UrlOperator-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; url )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3UrlOperator</name>
-      <anchor>Q3UrlOperator-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3UrlOperator &amp; url )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3UrlOperator</name>
-      <anchor>Q3UrlOperator-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3UrlOperator &amp; url, const QString &amp; relUrl, bool checkSlash = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clearEntries</name>
-      <anchor>clearEntries</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>connectionStateChanged</name>
-      <anchor>connectionStateChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int state, const QString &amp; data )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>copy</name>
-      <anchor>copy</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; from, const QString &amp; to, bool move = false, bool toPath = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>copy</name>
-      <anchor>copy-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStringList &amp; files, const QString &amp; dest, bool move = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>createdDirectory</name>
-      <anchor>createdDirectory</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QUrlInfo &amp; i, Q3NetworkOperation * op )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>data</name>
-      <anchor>data</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; data, Q3NetworkOperation * op )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dataTransferProgress</name>
-      <anchor>dataTransferProgress</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int bytesDone, int bytesTotal, Q3NetworkOperation * op )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>deleteNetworkProtocol</name>
-      <anchor>deleteNetworkProtocol</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>finished</name>
-      <anchor>finished</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3NetworkOperation * op )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>get</name>
-      <anchor>get</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; location = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>getNetworkProtocol</name>
-      <anchor>getNetworkProtocol</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>info</name>
-      <anchor>info</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; entry )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isDir</name>
-      <anchor>isDir</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool * ok = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemChanged</name>
-      <anchor>itemChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3NetworkOperation * op )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>listChildren</name>
-      <anchor>listChildren</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mkdir</name>
-      <anchor>mkdir</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; dirname )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>nameFilter</name>
-      <anchor>nameFilter</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>newChildren</name>
-      <anchor>newChildren</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3ValueList&lt;QUrlInfo&gt; &amp; i, Q3NetworkOperation * op )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>put</name>
-      <anchor>put</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; data, const QString &amp; location = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>remove</name>
-      <anchor>remove</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; filename )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removed</name>
-      <anchor>removed</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3NetworkOperation * op )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rename</name>
-      <anchor>rename</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; oldname, const QString &amp; newname )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setNameFilter</name>
-      <anchor>setNameFilter</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; nameFilter )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>start</name>
-      <anchor>start</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3NetworkOperation * op )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>startedNextCopy</name>
-      <anchor>startedNextCopy</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3PtrList&lt;Q3NetworkOperation&gt; &amp; lst )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>stop</name>
-      <anchor>stop</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3UrlOperator &amp; url )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; url )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3ValueListConstIterator</name>
-    <filename>q3valuelistconstiterator.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ValueListConstIterator</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ValueListConstIterator</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ValueListConstIterator</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ValueListConstIterator-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3ValueListConstIterator &amp; o )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ValueListConstIterator</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ValueListConstIterator-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QLinkedList&lt;T&gt;::const_iterator &amp; o )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ValueListConstIterator</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ValueListConstIterator-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QLinkedList&lt;T&gt;::iterator &amp; o )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3ValueList</name>
-    <filename>q3valuelist.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ConstIterator</name>
-      <anchor>ConstIterator-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Iterator</name>
-      <anchor>Iterator-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>const_iterator</name>
-      <anchor>const_iterator-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>const_pointer</name>
-      <anchor>const_pointer-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>const_reference</name>
-      <anchor>const_reference-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>iterator</name>
-      <anchor>iterator-typedefx</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pointer</name>
-      <anchor>pointer-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>reference</name>
-      <anchor>reference-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>size_type</name>
-      <anchor>size_type-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>value_type</name>
-      <anchor>value_type-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ValueList</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ValueList</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ValueList</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ValueList-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3ValueList&lt;T&gt; &amp; l )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ValueList</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ValueList-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QLinkedList&lt;T&gt; &amp; l )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ValueList</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ValueList-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QList&lt;T&gt; &amp; l )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ValueList</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ValueList-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const std::list&lt;T&gt; &amp; l )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>append</name>
-      <anchor>append</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; x )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>at</name>
-      <anchor>at</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ValueList&lt;T&gt;::size_type i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>at</name>
-      <anchor>at-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ValueList&lt;T&gt;::size_type i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contains</name>
-      <anchor>contains</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; x )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromLast</name>
-      <anchor>fromLast</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromLast</name>
-      <anchor>fromLast-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insert</name>
-      <anchor>insert</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ValueList&lt;T&gt;::Iterator it, const T &amp; x )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insert</name>
-      <anchor>insert-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ValueList&lt;T&gt;::Iterator pos, Q3ValueList&lt;T&gt;::size_type n, const T &amp; x )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>prepend</name>
-      <anchor>prepend</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; x )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>remove</name>
-      <anchor>remove</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ValueList&lt;T&gt;::Iterator it )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>remove</name>
-      <anchor>remove-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; x )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator</name>
-      <anchor>operator-QList-ltT-gt</anchor>
-      <arglist> QList&lt;T&gt;()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3ValueList&lt;T&gt; &amp; l )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3ValueList&lt;T&gt; &amp; l )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3ValueList&lt;T&gt; &amp; l )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-eq-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; x )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;&lt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt-lt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; x )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3ValueList&lt;T&gt; &amp; l )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QList&lt;T&gt; &amp; l )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const std::list&lt;T&gt; &amp; l )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3ValueList&lt;T&gt; &amp; l )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const std::list&lt;T&gt; &amp; l )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator[]</name>
-      <anchor>operator-5b-5d</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ValueList&lt;T&gt;::size_type i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator[]</name>
-      <anchor>operator-5b-5d-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Q3ValueList&lt;T&gt;::size_type i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3ValueListIterator</name>
-    <filename>q3valuelistiterator.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ValueListIterator</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ValueListIterator</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ValueListIterator</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ValueListIterator-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3ValueListIterator &amp; o )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ValueListIterator</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ValueListIterator-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QLinkedList&lt;T&gt;::iterator &amp; o )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3ValueStack</name>
-    <filename>q3valuestack.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ValueStack</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ValueStack</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pop</name>
-      <anchor>pop</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>push</name>
-      <anchor>push</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; d )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>top</name>
-      <anchor>top</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>top</name>
-      <anchor>top-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3ValueVector</name>
-    <filename>q3valuevector.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ValueVector</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ValueVector</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ValueVector</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ValueVector-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3ValueVector&lt;T&gt; &amp; v )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ValueVector</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ValueVector-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QVector&lt;T&gt;::size_type n, const T &amp; val = T()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3ValueVector</name>
-      <anchor>Q3ValueVector-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const std::vector&lt;T&gt; &amp; v )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>at</name>
-      <anchor>at</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i, bool * ok = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>at</name>
-      <anchor>at-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i, bool * ok = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resize</name>
-      <anchor>resize</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int n, const T &amp; val = T()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q3ValueVector&lt;T&gt; &amp; v )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const std::vector&lt;T&gt; &amp; v )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3VBox</name>
-    <filename>q3vbox.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3VBox</name>
-      <anchor>Q3VBox</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3VButtonGroup</name>
-    <filename>q3vbuttongroup.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3VButtonGroup</name>
-      <anchor>Q3VButtonGroup</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3VButtonGroup</name>
-      <anchor>Q3VButtonGroup-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; title, QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3WhatsThis</name>
-    <filename>q3whatsthis.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3WhatsThis</name>
-      <anchor>Q3WhatsThis</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>add</name>
-      <anchor>add</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget, const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clicked</name>
-      <anchor>clicked</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; href )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>display</name>
-      <anchor>display</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text, const QPoint &amp; pos = QCursor::pos()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>enterWhatsThisMode</name>
-      <anchor>enterWhatsThisMode</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>inWhatsThisMode</name>
-      <anchor>inWhatsThisMode</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>leaveWhatsThisMode</name>
-      <anchor>leaveWhatsThisMode</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>remove</name>
-      <anchor>remove</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>text</name>
-      <anchor>text</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>whatsThisButton</name>
-      <anchor>whatsThisButton</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3WidgetStack</name>
-    <filename>q3widgetstack.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3WidgetStack</name>
-      <anchor>Q3WidgetStack</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, const char * name = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>aboutToShow</name>
-      <anchor>aboutToShow</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>aboutToShow</name>
-      <anchor>aboutToShow-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addWidget</name>
-      <anchor>addWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * w, int id = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>id</name>
-      <anchor>id</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>raiseWidget</name>
-      <anchor>raiseWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>raiseWidget</name>
-      <anchor>raiseWidget-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * w )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeWidget</name>
-      <anchor>removeWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * w )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setChildGeometries</name>
-      <anchor>setChildGeometries</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>visibleWidget</name>
-      <anchor>visibleWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>widget</name>
-      <anchor>widget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>Q3Wizard</name>
-    <filename>q3wizard.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Q3Wizard</name>
-      <anchor>Q3Wizard</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0, bool modal = false, Qt::WFlags f = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addPage</name>
-      <anchor>addPage</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * page, const QString &amp; title )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>appropriate</name>
-      <anchor>appropriate</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * page )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>back</name>
-      <anchor>back</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>backButton</name>
-      <anchor>backButton</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cancelButton</name>
-      <anchor>cancelButton</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentPage</name>
-      <anchor>currentPage</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>finishButton</name>
-      <anchor>finishButton</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>help</name>
-      <anchor>help</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>helpButton</name>
-      <anchor>helpButton</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>helpClicked</name>
-      <anchor>helpClicked</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>indexOf</name>
-      <anchor>indexOf</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * page )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertPage</name>
-      <anchor>insertPage</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * page, const QString &amp; title, int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>layOutButtonRow</name>
-      <anchor>layOutButtonRow</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QHBoxLayout * layout )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>layOutTitleRow</name>
-      <anchor>layOutTitleRow</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QHBoxLayout * layout, const QString &amp; title )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>next</name>
-      <anchor>next</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>nextButton</name>
-      <anchor>nextButton</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>page</name>
-      <anchor>page</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pageCount</name>
-      <anchor>pageCount</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removePage</name>
-      <anchor>removePage</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * page )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selected</name>
-      <anchor>selected</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; title )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAppropriate</name>
-      <anchor>setAppropriate</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * page, bool appropriate )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setBackEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>setBackEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * page, bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFinishEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>setFinishEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * page, bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setHelpEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>setHelpEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * page, bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setNextEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>setNextEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * page, bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTitle</name>
-      <anchor>setTitle</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * page, const QString &amp; title )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>showPage</name>
-      <anchor>showPage</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * page )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>title</name>
-      <anchor>title</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * page )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFinish</name>
-      <anchor>setFinish</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget, bool finish )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QAbstractButton</name>
-    <filename>qabstractbutton.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QAbstractButton</name>
-      <anchor>QAbstractButton</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>animateClick</name>
-      <anchor>animateClick</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int msec = 100 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>checkStateSet</name>
-      <anchor>checkStateSet</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>click</name>
-      <anchor>click</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clicked</name>
-      <anchor>clicked</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool checked = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>group</name>
-      <anchor>group</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hitButton</name>
-      <anchor>hitButton</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>nextCheckState</name>
-      <anchor>nextCheckState</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pressed</name>
-      <anchor>pressed</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>released</name>
-      <anchor>released</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toggle</name>
-      <anchor>toggle</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toggled</name>
-      <anchor>toggled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool checked )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QAbstractButton</name>
-      <anchor>QAbstractButton-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, const char * name, Qt::WFlags f = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>accel</name>
-      <anchor>accel</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>iconSet</name>
-      <anchor>iconSet</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isOn</name>
-      <anchor>isOn</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isToggleButton</name>
-      <anchor>isToggleButton</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pixmap</name>
-      <anchor>pixmap</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAccel</name>
-      <anchor>setAccel</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QKeySequence &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setIconSet</name>
-      <anchor>setIconSet</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QIcon &amp; icon )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setOn</name>
-      <anchor>setOn</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>setPixmap</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPixmap &amp; p )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setToggleButton</name>
-      <anchor>setToggleButton</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QAbstractEventDispatcher</name>
-    <filename>qabstracteventdispatcher.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>EventFilter</name>
-      <anchor>EventFilter-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>TimerInfo</name>
-      <anchor>TimerInfo-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QAbstractEventDispatcher</name>
-      <anchor>QAbstractEventDispatcher</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>aboutToBlock</name>
-      <anchor>aboutToBlock</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>awake</name>
-      <anchor>awake</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>filterEvent</name>
-      <anchor>filterEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( void * message )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>flush</name>
-      <anchor>flush</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasPendingEvents</name>
-      <anchor>hasPendingEvents</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>instance</name>
-      <anchor>instance</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QThread * thread = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>interrupt</name>
-      <anchor>interrupt</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>processEvents</name>
-      <anchor>processEvents</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlags flags )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>registerSocketNotifier</name>
-      <anchor>registerSocketNotifier</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QSocketNotifier * notifier )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>registerTimer</name>
-      <anchor>registerTimer</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int interval, QObject * object )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>registerTimer</name>
-      <anchor>registerTimer-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int timerId, int interval, QObject * object )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>registeredTimers</name>
-      <anchor>registeredTimers</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * object )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setEventFilter</name>
-      <anchor>setEventFilter</anchor>
-      <arglist>( EventFilter filter )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>unregisterSocketNotifier</name>
-      <anchor>unregisterSocketNotifier</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QSocketNotifier * notifier )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>unregisterTimer</name>
-      <anchor>unregisterTimer</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int timerId )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>unregisterTimers</name>
-      <anchor>unregisterTimers</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * object )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>wakeUp</name>
-      <anchor>wakeUp</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QAbstractExtensionFactory</name>
-    <filename>qabstractextensionfactory.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>extension</name>
-      <anchor>extension</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * object, const QString &amp; iid )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QAbstractExtensionManager</name>
-    <filename>qabstractextensionmanager.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>extension</name>
-      <anchor>extension</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * object, const QString &amp; iid )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>registerExtensions</name>
-      <anchor>registerExtensions</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QAbstractExtensionFactory * factory, const QString &amp; iid )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>unregisterExtensions</name>
-      <anchor>unregisterExtensions</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QAbstractExtensionFactory * factory, const QString &amp; iid )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QAbstractFileEngineHandler</name>
-    <filename>qabstractfileenginehandler.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QAbstractFileEngineHandler</name>
-      <anchor>QAbstractFileEngineHandler</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>create</name>
-      <anchor>create</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fileName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QAbstractFileEngine</name>
-    <filename>qabstractfileengine.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>FileName</name>
-      <anchor>FileName-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>FileOwner</name>
-      <anchor>FileOwner-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>FileTime</name>
-      <anchor>FileTime-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QAbstractFileEngine</name>
-      <anchor>QAbstractFileEngine</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>caseSensitive</name>
-      <anchor>caseSensitive</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>close</name>
-      <anchor>close</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>copy</name>
-      <anchor>copy</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; newName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>create</name>
-      <anchor>create</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fileName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>entryList</name>
-      <anchor>entryList</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDir::Filters filters, const QStringList &amp; filterNames )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>FileError</name>
-      <anchor>error</anchor>
-      <arglist> QAbstractFileEngine::error()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>errorString</name>
-      <anchor>errorString</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fileFlags</name>
-      <anchor>fileFlags</anchor>
-      <arglist>( FileFlags type = FileInfoAll )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fileName</name>
-      <anchor>fileName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( FileName file = DefaultName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fileTime</name>
-      <anchor>fileTime</anchor>
-      <arglist>( FileTime time )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>flush</name>
-      <anchor>flush</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>handle</name>
-      <anchor>handle</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isRelativePath</name>
-      <anchor>isRelativePath</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isSequential</name>
-      <anchor>isSequential</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>link</name>
-      <anchor>link</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; newName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mkdir</name>
-      <anchor>mkdir</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; dirName, bool createParentDirectories )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>open</name>
-      <anchor>open</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QIODevice::OpenMode mode )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>owner</name>
-      <anchor>owner</anchor>
-      <arglist>( FileOwner owner )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ownerId</name>
-      <anchor>ownerId</anchor>
-      <arglist>( FileOwner owner )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pos</name>
-      <anchor>pos</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>read</name>
-      <anchor>read</anchor>
-      <arglist>( char * data, qint64 maxlen )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>readLine</name>
-      <anchor>readLine</anchor>
-      <arglist>( char * data, qint64 maxlen )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>remove</name>
-      <anchor>remove</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rename</name>
-      <anchor>rename</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; newName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rmdir</name>
-      <anchor>rmdir</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; dirName, bool recurseParentDirectories )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>seek</name>
-      <anchor>seek</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qint64 offset )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setError</name>
-      <anchor>setError</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QFile::FileError error, const QString &amp; errorString )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFileName</name>
-      <anchor>setFileName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; file )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPermissions</name>
-      <anchor>setPermissions</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint perms )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSize</name>
-      <anchor>setSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qint64 size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>size</name>
-      <anchor>size</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>write</name>
-      <anchor>write</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * data, qint64 len )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QAbstractFormBuilder</name>
-    <filename>qabstractformbuilder.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QAbstractFormBuilder</name>
-      <anchor>QAbstractFormBuilder</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>load</name>
-      <anchor>load</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QIODevice * device, QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>save</name>
-      <anchor>save</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QIODevice * device, QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setWorkingDirectory</name>
-      <anchor>setWorkingDirectory</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDir &amp; directory )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>workingDirectory</name>
-      <anchor>workingDirectory</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QAbstractItemDelegate</name>
-    <filename>qabstractitemdelegate.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>EndEditHint</name>
-      <anchor>EndEditHint-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QAbstractItemDelegate</name>
-      <anchor>QAbstractItemDelegate</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>closeEditor</name>
-      <anchor>closeEditor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * editor, QAbstractItemDelegate::EndEditHint hint = NoHint )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>commitData</name>
-      <anchor>commitData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * editor )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>createEditor</name>
-      <anchor>createEditor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, const QStyleOptionViewItem &amp; option, const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>editorEvent</name>
-      <anchor>editorEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QEvent * event, QAbstractItemModel * model, const QStyleOptionViewItem &amp; option, const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>elidedText</name>
-      <anchor>elidedText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QFontMetrics &amp; fontMetrics, int width, Qt::TextElideMode mode, const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>paint</name>
-      <anchor>paint</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter * painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &amp; option, const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setEditorData</name>
-      <anchor>setEditorData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * editor, const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setModelData</name>
-      <anchor>setModelData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * editor, QAbstractItemModel * model, const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sizeHint</name>
-      <anchor>sizeHint</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStyleOptionViewItem &amp; option, const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>updateEditorGeometry</name>
-      <anchor>updateEditorGeometry</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * editor, const QStyleOptionViewItem &amp; option, const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QAbstractItemModel</name>
-    <filename>qabstractitemmodel.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QAbstractItemModel</name>
-      <anchor>QAbstractItemModel</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>beginInsertColumns</name>
-      <anchor>beginInsertColumns</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; parent, int first, int last )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>beginInsertRows</name>
-      <anchor>beginInsertRows</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; parent, int first, int last )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>beginRemoveColumns</name>
-      <anchor>beginRemoveColumns</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; parent, int first, int last )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>beginRemoveRows</name>
-      <anchor>beginRemoveRows</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; parent, int first, int last )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>buddy</name>
-      <anchor>buddy</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>canFetchMore</name>
-      <anchor>canFetchMore</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; parent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>changePersistentIndex</name>
-      <anchor>changePersistentIndex</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; from, const QModelIndex &amp; to )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>changePersistentIndexList</name>
-      <anchor>changePersistentIndexList</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndexList &amp; from, const QModelIndexList &amp; to )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>columnCount</name>
-      <anchor>columnCount</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; parent = QModelIndex()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>columnsAboutToBeInserted</name>
-      <anchor>columnsAboutToBeInserted</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; parent, int start, int end )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>columnsAboutToBeRemoved</name>
-      <anchor>columnsAboutToBeRemoved</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; parent, int start, int end )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>columnsInserted</name>
-      <anchor>columnsInserted</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; parent, int start, int end )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>columnsRemoved</name>
-      <anchor>columnsRemoved</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; parent, int start, int end )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>createIndex</name>
-      <anchor>createIndex</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int column, void * ptr = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>createIndex</name>
-      <anchor>createIndex-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int column, int id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>data</name>
-      <anchor>data</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dataChanged</name>
-      <anchor>dataChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; topLeft, const QModelIndex &amp; bottomRight )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dropMimeData</name>
-      <anchor>dropMimeData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QMimeData * data, Qt::DropAction action, int row, int column, const QModelIndex &amp; parent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>endInsertColumns</name>
-      <anchor>endInsertColumns</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>endInsertRows</name>
-      <anchor>endInsertRows</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>endRemoveColumns</name>
-      <anchor>endRemoveColumns</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>endRemoveRows</name>
-      <anchor>endRemoveRows</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fetchMore</name>
-      <anchor>fetchMore</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; parent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ItemFlags</name>
-      <anchor>flags</anchor>
-      <arglist> QAbstractItemModel::flags( const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasChildren</name>
-      <anchor>hasChildren</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; parent = QModelIndex()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasIndex</name>
-      <anchor>hasIndex</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int column, const QModelIndex &amp; parent = QModelIndex()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>headerData</name>
-      <anchor>headerData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role = Qt::DisplayRole )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>headerDataChanged</name>
-      <anchor>headerDataChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::Orientation orientation, int first, int last )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>index</name>
-      <anchor>index</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int column, const QModelIndex &amp; parent = QModelIndex()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertColumn</name>
-      <anchor>insertColumn</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column, const QModelIndex &amp; parent = QModelIndex()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertColumns</name>
-      <anchor>insertColumns</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column, int count, const QModelIndex &amp; parent = QModelIndex()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertRow</name>
-      <anchor>insertRow</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, const QModelIndex &amp; parent = QModelIndex()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertRows</name>
-      <anchor>insertRows</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int count, const QModelIndex &amp; parent = QModelIndex()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemData</name>
-      <anchor>itemData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>layoutChanged</name>
-      <anchor>layoutChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>match</name>
-      <anchor>match</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; start, int role, const QVariant &amp; value, int hits = 1, Qt::MatchFlags flags = Qt::MatchFlags( Qt::MatchStartsWith | Qt::MatchWrap )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mimeData</name>
-      <anchor>mimeData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndexList &amp; indexes )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mimeTypes</name>
-      <anchor>mimeTypes</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>modelReset</name>
-      <anchor>modelReset</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>parent</name>
-      <anchor>parent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeColumn</name>
-      <anchor>removeColumn</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column, const QModelIndex &amp; parent = QModelIndex()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeColumns</name>
-      <anchor>removeColumns</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column, int count, const QModelIndex &amp; parent = QModelIndex()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeRow</name>
-      <anchor>removeRow</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, const QModelIndex &amp; parent = QModelIndex()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeRows</name>
-      <anchor>removeRows</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int count, const QModelIndex &amp; parent = QModelIndex()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>reset</name>
-      <anchor>reset</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>revert</name>
-      <anchor>revert</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rowCount</name>
-      <anchor>rowCount</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; parent = QModelIndex()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rowsAboutToBeInserted</name>
-      <anchor>rowsAboutToBeInserted</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; parent, int start, int end )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rowsAboutToBeRemoved</name>
-      <anchor>rowsAboutToBeRemoved</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; parent, int start, int end )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rowsInserted</name>
-      <anchor>rowsInserted</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; parent, int start, int end )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rowsRemoved</name>
-      <anchor>rowsRemoved</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; parent, int start, int end )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setData</name>
-      <anchor>setData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index, const QVariant &amp; value, int role = Qt::EditRole )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setHeaderData</name>
-      <anchor>setHeaderData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, const QVariant &amp; value, int role = Qt::EditRole )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setItemData</name>
-      <anchor>setItemData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index, const QMap&lt;int, QVariant&gt; &amp; roles )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sibling</name>
-      <anchor>sibling</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int column, const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sort</name>
-      <anchor>sort</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column, Qt::SortOrder order = Qt::AscendingOrder )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>span</name>
-      <anchor>span</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>submit</name>
-      <anchor>submit</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>DropActions</name>
-      <anchor>supportedDropActions</anchor>
-      <arglist> QAbstractItemModel::supportedDropActions()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QAbstractItemView</name>
-    <filename>qabstractitemview.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>CursorAction</name>
-      <anchor>CursorAction-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>DropIndicatorPosition</name>
-      <anchor>DropIndicatorPosition-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>ScrollHint</name>
-      <anchor>ScrollHint-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>SelectionBehavior</name>
-      <anchor>SelectionBehavior-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>SelectionMode</name>
-      <anchor>SelectionMode-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>State</name>
-      <anchor>State-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>TextElideMode</name>
-      <anchor>textElideMode-prop</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QAbstractItemView</name>
-      <anchor>QAbstractItemView</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>activated</name>
-      <anchor>activated</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clearSelection</name>
-      <anchor>clearSelection</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clicked</name>
-      <anchor>clicked</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>closeEditor</name>
-      <anchor>closeEditor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * editor, QAbstractItemDelegate::EndEditHint hint )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>closePersistentEditor</name>
-      <anchor>closePersistentEditor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>commitData</name>
-      <anchor>commitData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * editor )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentChanged</name>
-      <anchor>currentChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; current, const QModelIndex &amp; previous )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentIndex</name>
-      <anchor>currentIndex</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dataChanged</name>
-      <anchor>dataChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; topLeft, const QModelIndex &amp; bottomRight )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dirtyRegionOffset</name>
-      <anchor>dirtyRegionOffset</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>doubleClicked</name>
-      <anchor>doubleClicked</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dragEnterEvent</name>
-      <anchor>dragEnterEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDragEnterEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dragLeaveEvent</name>
-      <anchor>dragLeaveEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDragLeaveEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dragMoveEvent</name>
-      <anchor>dragMoveEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDragMoveEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dropEvent</name>
-      <anchor>dropEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDropEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dropIndicatorPosition</name>
-      <anchor>dropIndicatorPosition</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>edit</name>
-      <anchor>edit</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>edit</name>
-      <anchor>edit-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index, EditTrigger trigger, QEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>editorDestroyed</name>
-      <anchor>editorDestroyed</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * editor )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>entered</name>
-      <anchor>entered</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>executeDelayedItemsLayout</name>
-      <anchor>executeDelayedItemsLayout</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>focusInEvent</name>
-      <anchor>focusInEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QFocusEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>focusOutEvent</name>
-      <anchor>focusOutEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QFocusEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>horizontalOffset</name>
-      <anchor>horizontalOffset</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>horizontalStepsPerItem</name>
-      <anchor>horizontalStepsPerItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>indexAt</name>
-      <anchor>indexAt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; point )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>indexWidget</name>
-      <anchor>indexWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isIndexHidden</name>
-      <anchor>isIndexHidden</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemDelegate</name>
-      <anchor>itemDelegate</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>keyPressEvent</name>
-      <anchor>keyPressEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QKeyEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>keyboardSearch</name>
-      <anchor>keyboardSearch</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; search )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>model</name>
-      <anchor>model</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mouseDoubleClickEvent</name>
-      <anchor>mouseDoubleClickEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QMouseEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mouseMoveEvent</name>
-      <anchor>mouseMoveEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QMouseEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mousePressEvent</name>
-      <anchor>mousePressEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QMouseEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mouseReleaseEvent</name>
-      <anchor>mouseReleaseEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QMouseEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>moveCursor</name>
-      <anchor>moveCursor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( CursorAction cursorAction, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>openPersistentEditor</name>
-      <anchor>openPersistentEditor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pressed</name>
-      <anchor>pressed</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>reset</name>
-      <anchor>reset</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resizeEvent</name>
-      <anchor>resizeEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QResizeEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rootIndex</name>
-      <anchor>rootIndex</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rowsAboutToBeRemoved</name>
-      <anchor>rowsAboutToBeRemoved</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; parent, int start, int end )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rowsInserted</name>
-      <anchor>rowsInserted</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; parent, int start, int end )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>scheduleDelayedItemsLayout</name>
-      <anchor>scheduleDelayedItemsLayout</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>scrollDirtyRegion</name>
-      <anchor>scrollDirtyRegion</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int dx, int dy )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>scrollTo</name>
-      <anchor>scrollTo</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index, ScrollHint hint = EnsureVisible )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>scrollToBottom</name>
-      <anchor>scrollToBottom</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>scrollToTop</name>
-      <anchor>scrollToTop</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selectAll</name>
-      <anchor>selectAll</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selectedIndexes</name>
-      <anchor>selectedIndexes</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selectionChanged</name>
-      <anchor>selectionChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QItemSelection &amp; selected, const QItemSelection &amp; deselected )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>SelectionFlags</name>
-      <anchor>selectionCommand</anchor>
-      <arglist> QAbstractItemView::selectionCommand( const QModelIndex &amp; index, const QEvent * event = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selectionModel</name>
-      <anchor>selectionModel</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCurrentIndex</name>
-      <anchor>setCurrentIndex</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDirtyRegion</name>
-      <anchor>setDirtyRegion</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRegion &amp; region )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setHorizontalStepsPerItem</name>
-      <anchor>setHorizontalStepsPerItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int steps )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setIndexWidget</name>
-      <anchor>setIndexWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index, QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setItemDelegate</name>
-      <anchor>setItemDelegate</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QAbstractItemDelegate * delegate )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setModel</name>
-      <anchor>setModel</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QAbstractItemModel * model )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRootIndex</name>
-      <anchor>setRootIndex</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSelection</name>
-      <anchor>setSelection</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; rect, QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlags flags )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSelectionModel</name>
-      <anchor>setSelectionModel</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QItemSelectionModel * selectionModel )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setState</name>
-      <anchor>setState</anchor>
-      <arglist>( State state )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setVerticalStepsPerItem</name>
-      <anchor>setVerticalStepsPerItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int steps )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sizeHintForColumn</name>
-      <anchor>sizeHintForColumn</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sizeHintForIndex</name>
-      <anchor>sizeHintForIndex</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sizeHintForRow</name>
-      <anchor>sizeHintForRow</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>startDrag</name>
-      <anchor>startDrag</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::DropActions supportedActions )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>state</name>
-      <anchor>state</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>timerEvent</name>
-      <anchor>timerEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTimerEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>verticalOffset</name>
-      <anchor>verticalOffset</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>verticalStepsPerItem</name>
-      <anchor>verticalStepsPerItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>viewOptions</name>
-      <anchor>viewOptions</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>viewportEntered</name>
-      <anchor>viewportEntered</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>viewportEvent</name>
-      <anchor>viewportEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>visualRect</name>
-      <anchor>visualRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>visualRegionForSelection</name>
-      <anchor>visualRegionForSelection</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QItemSelection &amp; selection )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QAbstractListModel</name>
-    <filename>qabstractlistmodel.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QAbstractListModel</name>
-      <anchor>QAbstractListModel</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>index</name>
-      <anchor>index</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int column = 0, const QModelIndex &amp; parent = QModelIndex()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QAbstractPrintDialog</name>
-    <filename>qabstractprintdialog.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>PrintRange</name>
-      <anchor>PrintRange-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QAbstractPrintDialog</name>
-      <anchor>QAbstractPrintDialog</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPrinter * printer, QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addEnabledOption</name>
-      <anchor>addEnabledOption</anchor>
-      <arglist>( PrintDialogOption option )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>enabledOptions</name>
-      <anchor>enabledOptions</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>exec</name>
-      <anchor>exec</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromPage</name>
-      <anchor>fromPage</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isOptionEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>isOptionEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( PrintDialogOption option )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>maxPage</name>
-      <anchor>maxPage</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>minPage</name>
-      <anchor>minPage</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>printRange</name>
-      <anchor>printRange</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>printer</name>
-      <anchor>printer</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setEnabledOptions</name>
-      <anchor>setEnabledOptions</anchor>
-      <arglist>( PrintDialogOptions options )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFromTo</name>
-      <anchor>setFromTo</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int from, int to )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setMinMax</name>
-      <anchor>setMinMax</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int min, int max )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPrintRange</name>
-      <anchor>setPrintRange</anchor>
-      <arglist>( PrintRange range )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toPage</name>
-      <anchor>toPage</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QAbstractProxyModel</name>
-    <filename>qabstractproxymodel.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QAbstractProxyModel</name>
-      <anchor>QAbstractProxyModel</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mapFromSource</name>
-      <anchor>mapFromSource</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; sourceIndex )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mapSelectionFromSource</name>
-      <anchor>mapSelectionFromSource</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QItemSelection &amp; sourceSelection )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mapSelectionToSource</name>
-      <anchor>mapSelectionToSource</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QItemSelection &amp; proxySelection )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mapToSource</name>
-      <anchor>mapToSource</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; proxyIndex )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSourceModel</name>
-      <anchor>setSourceModel</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QAbstractItemModel * sourceModel )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sourceModel</name>
-      <anchor>sourceModel</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QAbstractScrollArea</name>
-    <filename>qabstractscrollarea.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ScrollBarPolicy</name>
-      <anchor>horizontalScrollBarPolicy-prop</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ScrollBarPolicy</name>
-      <anchor>verticalScrollBarPolicy-prop</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QAbstractScrollArea</name>
-      <anchor>QAbstractScrollArea</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contextMenuEvent</name>
-      <anchor>contextMenuEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QContextMenuEvent * e )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dragEnterEvent</name>
-      <anchor>dragEnterEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDragEnterEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dragLeaveEvent</name>
-      <anchor>dragLeaveEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDragLeaveEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dragMoveEvent</name>
-      <anchor>dragMoveEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDragMoveEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dropEvent</name>
-      <anchor>dropEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDropEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>event</name>
-      <anchor>event</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QEvent * e )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>horizontalScrollBar</name>
-      <anchor>horizontalScrollBar</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>keyPressEvent</name>
-      <anchor>keyPressEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QKeyEvent * e )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>maximumViewportSize</name>
-      <anchor>maximumViewportSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mouseDoubleClickEvent</name>
-      <anchor>mouseDoubleClickEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QMouseEvent * e )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mouseMoveEvent</name>
-      <anchor>mouseMoveEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QMouseEvent * e )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mousePressEvent</name>
-      <anchor>mousePressEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QMouseEvent * e )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mouseReleaseEvent</name>
-      <anchor>mouseReleaseEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QMouseEvent * e )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>paintEvent</name>
-      <anchor>paintEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPaintEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resizeEvent</name>
-      <anchor>resizeEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QResizeEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>scrollContentsBy</name>
-      <anchor>scrollContentsBy</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int dx, int dy )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setViewportMargins</name>
-      <anchor>setViewportMargins</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int left, int top, int right, int bottom )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>verticalScrollBar</name>
-      <anchor>verticalScrollBar</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>viewport</name>
-      <anchor>viewport</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>viewportEvent</name>
-      <anchor>viewportEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QEvent * e )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>wheelEvent</name>
-      <anchor>wheelEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWheelEvent * e )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QAbstractSlider</name>
-    <filename>qabstractslider.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>SliderAction</name>
-      <anchor>SliderAction-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>SliderChange</name>
-      <anchor>SliderChange-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Orientation</name>
-      <anchor>orientation-prop</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QAbstractSlider</name>
-      <anchor>QAbstractSlider</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>actionTriggered</name>
-      <anchor>actionTriggered</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int action )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rangeChanged</name>
-      <anchor>rangeChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int min, int max )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>repeatAction</name>
-      <anchor>repeatAction</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRange</name>
-      <anchor>setRange</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int min, int max )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRepeatAction</name>
-      <anchor>setRepeatAction</anchor>
-      <arglist>( SliderAction action, int thresholdTime = 500, int repeatTime = 50 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sliderChange</name>
-      <anchor>sliderChange</anchor>
-      <arglist>( SliderChange change )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sliderMoved</name>
-      <anchor>sliderMoved</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sliderPressed</name>
-      <anchor>sliderPressed</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sliderReleased</name>
-      <anchor>sliderReleased</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>triggerAction</name>
-      <anchor>triggerAction</anchor>
-      <arglist>( SliderAction action )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>valueChanged</name>
-      <anchor>valueChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addLine</name>
-      <anchor>addLine</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addPage</name>
-      <anchor>addPage</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lineStep</name>
-      <anchor>lineStepx</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>maxValue</name>
-      <anchor>maxValue</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>minValue</name>
-      <anchor>minValue</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setLineStep</name>
-      <anchor>setLineStep</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int v )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setMaxValue</name>
-      <anchor>setMaxValue</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int v )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setMinValue</name>
-      <anchor>setMinValue</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int v )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSteps</name>
-      <anchor>setSteps</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int single, int page )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>subtractLine</name>
-      <anchor>subtractLine</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>subtractPage</name>
-      <anchor>subtractPage</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QAbstractSocket</name>
-    <filename>qabstractsocket.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>NetworkLayerProtocol</name>
-      <anchor>NetworkLayerProtocol-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>SocketError</name>
-      <anchor>SocketError-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>SocketState</name>
-      <anchor>SocketState-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>SocketType</name>
-      <anchor>SocketType-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QAbstractSocket</name>
-      <anchor>QAbstractSocket</anchor>
-      <arglist>( SocketType socketType, QObject * parent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>abort</name>
-      <anchor>abort</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bytesAvailable</name>
-      <anchor>bytesAvailable</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bytesToWrite</name>
-      <anchor>bytesToWrite</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>canReadLine</name>
-      <anchor>canReadLine</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>close</name>
-      <anchor>close</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>connectToHost</name>
-      <anchor>connectToHost</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; hostName, quint16 port, OpenMode openMode = ReadWrite )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>connectToHost</name>
-      <anchor>connectToHost-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QHostAddress &amp; address, quint16 port, OpenMode openMode = ReadWrite )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>connectToHostImplementation</name>
-      <anchor>connectToHostImplementation</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; hostName, quint16 port, OpenMode openMode = ReadWrite )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>connected</name>
-      <anchor>connected</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>disconnectFromHost</name>
-      <anchor>disconnectFromHost</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>disconnectFromHostImplementation</name>
-      <anchor>disconnectFromHostImplementation</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>disconnected</name>
-      <anchor>disconnected</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>error</name>
-      <anchor>error</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>error</name>
-      <anchor>error-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QAbstractSocket::SocketError socketError )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>flush</name>
-      <anchor>flush</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hostFound</name>
-      <anchor>hostFound</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isValid</name>
-      <anchor>isValid</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>localAddress</name>
-      <anchor>localAddress</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>localPort</name>
-      <anchor>localPort</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>peerAddress</name>
-      <anchor>peerAddress</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>peerName</name>
-      <anchor>peerName</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>peerPort</name>
-      <anchor>peerPort</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>proxy</name>
-      <anchor>proxy</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>readBufferSize</name>
-      <anchor>readBufferSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setLocalAddress</name>
-      <anchor>setLocalAddress</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QHostAddress &amp; address )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setLocalPort</name>
-      <anchor>setLocalPort</anchor>
-      <arglist>( quint16 port )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPeerAddress</name>
-      <anchor>setPeerAddress</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QHostAddress &amp; address )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPeerName</name>
-      <anchor>setPeerName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPeerPort</name>
-      <anchor>setPeerPort</anchor>
-      <arglist>( quint16 port )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setProxy</name>
-      <anchor>setProxy</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QNetworkProxy &amp; networkProxy )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setReadBufferSize</name>
-      <anchor>setReadBufferSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qint64 size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSocketDescriptor</name>
-      <anchor>setSocketDescriptor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int socketDescriptor, SocketState socketState = ConnectedState, OpenMode openMode = ReadWrite )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSocketError</name>
-      <anchor>setSocketError</anchor>
-      <arglist>( SocketError socketError )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSocketState</name>
-      <anchor>setSocketState</anchor>
-      <arglist>( SocketState state )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>socketDescriptor</name>
-      <anchor>socketDescriptor</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>socketType</name>
-      <anchor>socketType</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>state</name>
-      <anchor>state</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>stateChanged</name>
-      <anchor>stateChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QAbstractSocket::SocketState socketState )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>waitForConnected</name>
-      <anchor>waitForConnected</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int msecs = 30000 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>waitForDisconnected</name>
-      <anchor>waitForDisconnected</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int msecs = 30000 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Error</name>
-      <anchor>Error-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>State</name>
-      <anchor>State-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>connectionClosed</name>
-      <anchor>connectionClosed</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>delayedCloseFinished</name>
-      <anchor>delayedCloseFinished</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSocket</name>
-      <anchor>setSocket</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int socket )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>socket</name>
-      <anchor>socket</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>waitForMore</name>
-      <anchor>waitForMore</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int msecs, bool * timeout = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QAbstractSpinBox</name>
-    <filename>qabstractspinbox.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>ButtonSymbols</name>
-      <anchor>ButtonSymbols-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Alignment</name>
-      <anchor>alignment-prop</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QAbstractSpinBox</name>
-      <anchor>QAbstractSpinBox</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>editingFinished</name>
-      <anchor>editingFinished</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fixup</name>
-      <anchor>fixup</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QString &amp; input )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>interpretText</name>
-      <anchor>interpretText</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lineEdit</name>
-      <anchor>lineEdit</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selectAll</name>
-      <anchor>selectAll</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setLineEdit</name>
-      <anchor>setLineEdit</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QLineEdit * lineEdit )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>stepBy</name>
-      <anchor>stepBy</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int steps )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>stepDown</name>
-      <anchor>stepDown</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>stepEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>stepEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>stepUp</name>
-      <anchor>stepUp</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>State</name>
-      <anchor>validate</anchor>
-      <arglist> QAbstractSpinBox::validate( QString &amp; input, int &amp; pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QAbstractTableModel</name>
-    <filename>qabstracttablemodel.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QAbstractTableModel</name>
-      <anchor>QAbstractTableModel</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>index</name>
-      <anchor>index</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int column, const QModelIndex &amp; parent = QModelIndex()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QAbstractTextDocumentLayout</name>
-    <filename>qabstracttextdocumentlayout.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QAbstractTextDocumentLayout</name>
-      <anchor>QAbstractTextDocumentLayout</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTextDocument * document )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>anchorAt</name>
-      <anchor>anchorAt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPointF &amp; position )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>blockBoundingRect</name>
-      <anchor>blockBoundingRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextBlock &amp; block )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>document</name>
-      <anchor>document</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>documentChanged</name>
-      <anchor>documentChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int position, int charsRemoved, int charsAdded )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>documentSize</name>
-      <anchor>documentSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>documentSizeChanged</name>
-      <anchor>documentSizeChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSizeF &amp; newSize )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>draw</name>
-      <anchor>draw</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter * painter, const PaintContext &amp; context )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawInlineObject</name>
-      <anchor>drawInlineObject</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter * painter, const QRectF &amp; rect, QTextInlineObject object, int posInDocument, const QTextFormat &amp; format )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>format</name>
-      <anchor>format</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int position )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>frameBoundingRect</name>
-      <anchor>frameBoundingRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTextFrame * frame )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>handlerForObject</name>
-      <anchor>handlerForObject</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int objectType )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hitTest</name>
-      <anchor>hitTest</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPointF &amp; point, Qt::HitTestAccuracy accuracy )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pageCount</name>
-      <anchor>pageCount</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pageCountChanged</name>
-      <anchor>pageCountChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int newPages )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>paintDevice</name>
-      <anchor>paintDevice</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>positionInlineObject</name>
-      <anchor>positionInlineObject</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTextInlineObject item, int posInDocument, const QTextFormat &amp; format )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>registerHandler</name>
-      <anchor>registerHandler</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int formatType, QObject * component )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resizeInlineObject</name>
-      <anchor>resizeInlineObject</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTextInlineObject item, int posInDocument, const QTextFormat &amp; format )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPaintDevice</name>
-      <anchor>setPaintDevice</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPaintDevice * device )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>update</name>
-      <anchor>update</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRectF &amp; rect = QRectF( 0., 0., 1000000000., 1000000000. )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection</name>
-    <filename>qabstracttextdocumentlayout-selection.html</filename>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QAccessibleBridge</name>
-    <filename>qaccessiblebridge.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>notifyAccessibilityUpdate</name>
-      <anchor>notifyAccessibilityUpdate</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int reason, QAccessibleInterface * interface, int child )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRootObject</name>
-      <anchor>setRootObject</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QAccessibleInterface * object )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QAccessibleBridgePlugin</name>
-    <filename>qaccessiblebridgeplugin.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QAccessibleBridgePlugin</name>
-      <anchor>QAccessibleBridgePlugin</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>create</name>
-      <anchor>create</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>keys</name>
-      <anchor>keys</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QAccessibleEvent</name>
-    <filename>qaccessibleevent.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QAccessibleEvent</name>
-      <anchor>QAccessibleEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Type type, int child )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>child</name>
-      <anchor>child</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setValue</name>
-      <anchor>setValue</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>value</name>
-      <anchor>value</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QAccessible</name>
-    <filename>qaccessible.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Action</name>
-      <anchor>Action-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Event</name>
-      <anchor>Event-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>InterfaceFactory</name>
-      <anchor>InterfaceFactory-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Role</name>
-      <anchor>Role-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>RootObjectHandler</name>
-      <anchor>RootObjectHandler-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Text</name>
-      <anchor>Text-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>UpdateHandler</name>
-      <anchor>UpdateHandler-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>installFactory</name>
-      <anchor>installFactory</anchor>
-      <arglist>( InterfaceFactory factory )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>installRootObjectHandler</name>
-      <anchor>installRootObjectHandler</anchor>
-      <arglist>( RootObjectHandler handler )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>installUpdateHandler</name>
-      <anchor>installUpdateHandler</anchor>
-      <arglist>( UpdateHandler handler )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isActive</name>
-      <anchor>isActive</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>queryAccessibleInterface</name>
-      <anchor>queryAccessibleInterface</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * object )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeFactory</name>
-      <anchor>removeFactory</anchor>
-      <arglist>( InterfaceFactory factory )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRootObject</name>
-      <anchor>setRootObject</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * object )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>updateAccessibility</name>
-      <anchor>updateAccessibility</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * object, int child, Event reason )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QAccessibleInterface</name>
-    <filename>qaccessibleinterface.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>actionText</name>
-      <anchor>actionText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int action, Text t, int child )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>childAt</name>
-      <anchor>childAt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>childCount</name>
-      <anchor>childCount</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>doAction</name>
-      <anchor>doAction</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int action, int child, const QVariantList &amp; params = QVariantList()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>indexOfChild</name>
-      <anchor>indexOfChild</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QAccessibleInterface * child )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isValid</name>
-      <anchor>isValid</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>navigate</name>
-      <anchor>navigate</anchor>
-      <arglist>( RelationFlag relation, int entry, QAccessibleInterface ** target )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>object</name>
-      <anchor>object</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rect</name>
-      <anchor>rect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int child )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>relationTo</name>
-      <anchor>relationTo</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int child, const QAccessibleInterface * other, int otherChild )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>role</name>
-      <anchor>role</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int child )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setText</name>
-      <anchor>setText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Text t, int child, const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>state</name>
-      <anchor>state</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int child )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>text</name>
-      <anchor>text</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Text t, int child )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>userActionCount</name>
-      <anchor>userActionCount</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int child )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QAccessibleObject</name>
-    <filename>qaccessibleobject.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QAccessibleObject</name>
-      <anchor>QAccessibleObject</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * object )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QAccessiblePlugin</name>
-    <filename>qaccessibleplugin.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QAccessiblePlugin</name>
-      <anchor>QAccessiblePlugin</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>create</name>
-      <anchor>create</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key, QObject * object )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>keys</name>
-      <anchor>keys</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QAccessibleWidget</name>
-    <filename>qaccessiblewidget.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QAccessibleWidget</name>
-      <anchor>QAccessibleWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * w, Role role = Client, const QString &amp; name = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addControllingSignal</name>
-      <anchor>addControllingSignal</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; signal )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>parentObject</name>
-      <anchor>parentObject</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAccelerator</name>
-      <anchor>setAccelerator</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; accel )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDescription</name>
-      <anchor>setDescription</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; desc )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setHelp</name>
-      <anchor>setHelp</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; help )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setValue</name>
-      <anchor>setValue</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>widget</name>
-      <anchor>widget</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QActionEvent</name>
-    <filename>qactionevent.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QActionEvent</name>
-      <anchor>QActionEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int type, QAction * action, QAction * before = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>action</name>
-      <anchor>action</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>before</name>
-      <anchor>before</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QActionGroup</name>
-    <filename>qactiongroup.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QActionGroup</name>
-      <anchor>QActionGroup</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>actions</name>
-      <anchor>actions</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addAction</name>
-      <anchor>addAction</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QAction * action )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addAction</name>
-      <anchor>addAction-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addAction</name>
-      <anchor>addAction-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QIcon &amp; icon, const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>checkedAction</name>
-      <anchor>checkedAction</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hovered</name>
-      <anchor>hovered</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QAction * action )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeAction</name>
-      <anchor>removeAction</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QAction * action )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDisabled</name>
-      <anchor>setDisabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>triggered</name>
-      <anchor>triggered</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QAction * action )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>add</name>
-      <anchor>add</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QAction * a )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addSeparator</name>
-      <anchor>addSeparator</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addTo</name>
-      <anchor>addTo</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selected</name>
-      <anchor>selected</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QAction * action )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QAction</name>
-    <filename>qaction.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>ActionEvent</name>
-      <anchor>ActionEvent-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ShortcutContext</name>
-      <anchor>shortcutContext-prop</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QAction</name>
-      <anchor>QAction</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QAction</name>
-      <anchor>QAction-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text, QObject * parent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QAction</name>
-      <anchor>QAction-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QIcon &amp; icon, const QString &amp; text, QObject * parent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>actionGroup</name>
-      <anchor>actionGroup</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>activate</name>
-      <anchor>activate</anchor>
-      <arglist>( ActionEvent event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>changed</name>
-      <anchor>changed</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>data</name>
-      <anchor>data</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hover</name>
-      <anchor>hover</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hovered</name>
-      <anchor>hovered</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isSeparator</name>
-      <anchor>isSeparator</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>menu</name>
-      <anchor>menu</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>parentWidget</name>
-      <anchor>parentWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setActionGroup</name>
-      <anchor>setActionGroup</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QActionGroup * group )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setData</name>
-      <anchor>setData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QVariant &amp; data )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDisabled</name>
-      <anchor>setDisabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setMenu</name>
-      <anchor>setMenu</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QMenu * menu )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSeparator</name>
-      <anchor>setSeparator</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>showStatusText</name>
-      <anchor>showStatusText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toggle</name>
-      <anchor>toggle</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toggled</name>
-      <anchor>toggled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool checked )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>trigger</name>
-      <anchor>trigger</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>triggered</name>
-      <anchor>triggered</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool checked = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QAction</name>
-      <anchor>QAction-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent, const char * name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QAction</name>
-      <anchor>QAction-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text, const QKeySequence &amp; shortcut, QObject * parent, const char * name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QAction</name>
-      <anchor>QAction-6</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QIcon &amp; icon, const QString &amp; text, const QKeySequence &amp; shortcut, QObject * parent, const char * name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>accel</name>
-      <anchor>accel</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>activated</name>
-      <anchor>activated</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addTo</name>
-      <anchor>addTo</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * w )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>iconSet</name>
-      <anchor>iconSet</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isOn</name>
-      <anchor>isOn</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isToggleAction</name>
-      <anchor>isToggleAction</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>menuText</name>
-      <anchor>menuText</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeFrom</name>
-      <anchor>removeFrom</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * w )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAccel</name>
-      <anchor>setAccel</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QKeySequence &amp; shortcut )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setIconSet</name>
-      <anchor>setIconSet</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QIcon &amp; i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setMenuText</name>
-      <anchor>setMenuText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setOn</name>
-      <anchor>setOn</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setToggleAction</name>
-      <anchor>setToggleAction</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QApplication</name>
-    <filename>qapplication.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>ColorSpec</name>
-      <anchor>ColorSpec-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Type</name>
-      <anchor>Type-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>LayoutDirection</name>
-      <anchor>layoutDirection-prop</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QApplication</name>
-      <anchor>QApplication</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int &amp; argc, char ** argv )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QApplication</name>
-      <anchor>QApplication-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int &amp; argc, char ** argv, bool GUIenabled )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QApplication</name>
-      <anchor>QApplication-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int &amp; argc, char ** argv, Type type )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QApplication</name>
-      <anchor>QApplication-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Display * display, Qt::HANDLE visual = 0, Qt::HANDLE colormap = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QApplication</name>
-      <anchor>QApplication-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Display * display, int &amp; argc, char ** argv, Qt::HANDLE visual = 0, Qt::HANDLE colormap = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>aboutQt</name>
-      <anchor>aboutQt</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>activeModalWidget</name>
-      <anchor>activeModalWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>activePopupWidget</name>
-      <anchor>activePopupWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>activeWindow</name>
-      <anchor>activeWindow</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>allWidgets</name>
-      <anchor>allWidgets</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>beep</name>
-      <anchor>beep</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>changeOverrideCursor</name>
-      <anchor>changeOverrideCursor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QCursor &amp; cursor )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clipboard</name>
-      <anchor>clipboard</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>closeAllWindows</name>
-      <anchor>closeAllWindows</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>colorSpec</name>
-      <anchor>colorSpec</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>commitData</name>
-      <anchor>commitData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QSessionManager &amp; manager )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>desktop</name>
-      <anchor>desktop</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>desktopSettingsAware</name>
-      <anchor>desktopSettingsAware</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>exec</name>
-      <anchor>exec</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>focusChanged</name>
-      <anchor>focusChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * old, QWidget * now )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>focusWidget</name>
-      <anchor>focusWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>font</name>
-      <anchor>font</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QWidget * widget = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fontMetrics</name>
-      <anchor>fontMetrics</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>inputContext</name>
-      <anchor>inputContext</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEffectEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>isEffectEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::UIEffect effect )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isLeftToRight</name>
-      <anchor>isLeftToRight</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isRightToLeft</name>
-      <anchor>isRightToLeft</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isSessionRestored</name>
-      <anchor>isSessionRestored</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>KeyboardModifiers</name>
-      <anchor>keyboardModifiers</anchor>
-      <arglist> QApplication::keyboardModifiers()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>keypadNavigationEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>keypadNavigationEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lastWindowClosed</name>
-      <anchor>lastWindowClosed</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>macEventFilter</name>
-      <anchor>macEventFilter</anchor>
-      <arglist>( EventHandlerCallRef caller, EventRef event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>MouseButtons</name>
-      <anchor>mouseButtons</anchor>
-      <arglist> QApplication::mouseButtons()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>overrideCursor</name>
-      <anchor>overrideCursor</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>palette</name>
-      <anchor>palette</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>palette</name>
-      <anchor>palette-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>palette</name>
-      <anchor>palette-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * className )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>qwsDecoration</name>
-      <anchor>qwsDecoration</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>qwsEventFilter</name>
-      <anchor>qwsEventFilter</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWSEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>qwsSetCustomColors</name>
-      <anchor>qwsSetCustomColors</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QRgb * colorTable, int start, int numColors )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>qwsSetDecoration</name>
-      <anchor>qwsSetDecoration</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDecoration * decoration )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>qwsSetDecoration</name>
-      <anchor>qwsSetDecoration-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; decoration )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>restoreOverrideCursor</name>
-      <anchor>restoreOverrideCursor</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>saveState</name>
-      <anchor>saveState</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QSessionManager &amp; manager )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sessionId</name>
-      <anchor>sessionId</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sessionKey</name>
-      <anchor>sessionKey</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setActiveWindow</name>
-      <anchor>setActiveWindow</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * active )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setColorSpec</name>
-      <anchor>setColorSpec</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int spec )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDesktopSettingsAware</name>
-      <anchor>setDesktopSettingsAware</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool on )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setEffectEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>setEffectEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::UIEffect effect, bool enable = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFont</name>
-      <anchor>setFont</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QFont &amp; font, const char * className = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setInputContext</name>
-      <anchor>setInputContext</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QInputContext * inputContext )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setKeypadNavigationEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>setKeypadNavigationEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setOverrideCursor</name>
-      <anchor>setOverrideCursor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QCursor &amp; cursor )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPalette</name>
-      <anchor>setPalette</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPalette &amp; palette, const char * className = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setStyle</name>
-      <anchor>setStyle</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QStyle * style )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setStyle</name>
-      <anchor>setStyle-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; style )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>style</name>
-      <anchor>style</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>syncX</name>
-      <anchor>syncX</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>topLevelAt</name>
-      <anchor>topLevelAt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; point )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>topLevelAt</name>
-      <anchor>topLevelAt-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>topLevelWidgets</name>
-      <anchor>topLevelWidgets</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>type</name>
-      <anchor>type</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>widgetAt</name>
-      <anchor>widgetAt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; point )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>widgetAt</name>
-      <anchor>widgetAt-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>x11EventFilter</name>
-      <anchor>x11EventFilter</anchor>
-      <arglist>( XEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>x11ProcessEvent</name>
-      <anchor>x11ProcessEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( XEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ColorMode</name>
-      <anchor>ColorMode-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>colorMode</name>
-      <anchor>colorMode</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>flushX</name>
-      <anchor>flushX</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasGlobalMouseTracking</name>
-      <anchor>hasGlobalMouseTracking</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Alignment</name>
-      <anchor>horizontalAlignment</anchor>
-      <arglist> QApplication::horizontalAlignment( Qt::Alignment align )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>MacintoshVersion</name>
-      <anchor>macVersion</anchor>
-      <arglist> QApplication::macVersion()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mainWidget</name>
-      <anchor>mainWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>reverseLayout</name>
-      <anchor>reverseLayout</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setColorMode</name>
-      <anchor>setColorMode</anchor>
-      <arglist>( ColorMode mode )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFont</name>
-      <anchor>setFont-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QFont &amp; font, bool b, const char * className = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setGlobalMouseTracking</name>
-      <anchor>setGlobalMouseTracking</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool dummy )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setMainWidget</name>
-      <anchor>setMainWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * mainWidget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setOverrideCursor</name>
-      <anchor>setOverrideCursor-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QCursor &amp; cursor, bool replace )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPalette</name>
-      <anchor>setPalette-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPalette &amp; pal, bool b, const char * className = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setReverseLayout</name>
-      <anchor>setReverseLayout</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool reverse )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setWinStyleHighlightColor</name>
-      <anchor>setWinStyleHighlightColor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QColor &amp; c )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>widgetAt</name>
-      <anchor>widgetAt-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y, bool child )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>widgetAt</name>
-      <anchor>widgetAt-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; point, bool child )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>winStyleHighlightColor</name>
-      <anchor>winStyleHighlightColor</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>WindowsVersion</name>
-      <anchor>winVersion</anchor>
-      <arglist> QApplication::winVersion()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>CustomColors</name>
-      <anchor>CustomColors-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>NormalColors</name>
-      <anchor>NormalColors-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QAssistantClient</name>
-    <filename>qassistantclient.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QAssistantClient</name>
-      <anchor>QAssistantClient</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; path, QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>assistantClosed</name>
-      <anchor>assistantClosed</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>assistantOpened</name>
-      <anchor>assistantOpened</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>closeAssistant</name>
-      <anchor>closeAssistant</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>error</name>
-      <anchor>error</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; message )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>openAssistant</name>
-      <anchor>openAssistant</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setArguments</name>
-      <anchor>setArguments</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStringList &amp; arguments )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>showPage</name>
-      <anchor>showPage</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; page )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QAxAggregated</name>
-    <filename>qaxaggregated.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>controllingUnknown</name>
-      <anchor>controllingUnknown</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>object</name>
-      <anchor>object</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>queryInterface</name>
-      <anchor>queryInterface</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QUuid &amp; iid, void ** iface )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>widget</name>
-      <anchor>widget</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QAxBase</name>
-    <filename>qaxbase.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>PropertyBag</name>
-      <anchor>PropertyBag-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QAxBase</name>
-      <anchor>QAxBase</anchor>
-      <arglist>( IUnknown * iface = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>asVariant</name>
-      <anchor>asVariant</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>disableClassInfo</name>
-      <anchor>disableClassInfo</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>disableEventSink</name>
-      <anchor>disableEventSink</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>disableMetaObject</name>
-      <anchor>disableMetaObject</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dynamicCall</name>
-      <anchor>dynamicCall</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * function, const QVariant &amp; var1 = QVariant()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dynamicCall</name>
-      <anchor>dynamicCall-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * function, QList&lt;QVariant&gt; &amp; vars )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>exception</name>
-      <anchor>exception</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int code, const QString &amp; source, const QString &amp; desc, const QString &amp; help )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>generateDocumentation</name>
-      <anchor>generateDocumentation</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>initialize</name>
-      <anchor>initialize</anchor>
-      <arglist>( IUnknown ** ptr )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>initializeActive</name>
-      <anchor>initializeActive</anchor>
-      <arglist>( IUnknown ** ptr )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>initializeFromFile</name>
-      <anchor>initializeFromFile</anchor>
-      <arglist>( IUnknown ** ptr )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>initializeLicensed</name>
-      <anchor>initializeLicensed</anchor>
-      <arglist>( IUnknown ** ptr )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>initializeRemote</name>
-      <anchor>initializeRemote</anchor>
-      <arglist>( IUnknown ** ptr )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isNull</name>
-      <anchor>isNull</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>propertyBag</name>
-      <anchor>propertyBag</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>propertyChanged</name>
-      <anchor>propertyChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>propertyWritable</name>
-      <anchor>propertyWritable</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * prop )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>queryInterface</name>
-      <anchor>queryInterface</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QUuid &amp; uuid, void ** iface )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>querySubObject</name>
-      <anchor>querySubObject</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * name, const QVariant &amp; var1 = QVariant()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>querySubObject</name>
-      <anchor>querySubObject-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * name, QList&lt;QVariant&gt; &amp; vars )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPropertyBag</name>
-      <anchor>setPropertyBag</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const PropertyBag &amp; bag )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPropertyWritable</name>
-      <anchor>setPropertyWritable</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * prop, bool ok )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>signal</name>
-      <anchor>signal</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name, int argc, void * argv )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>verbs</name>
-      <anchor>verbs</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QAxBindable</name>
-    <filename>qaxbindable.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QAxBindable</name>
-      <anchor>QAxBindable</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clientSite</name>
-      <anchor>clientSite</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>createAggregate</name>
-      <anchor>createAggregate</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>propertyChanged</name>
-      <anchor>propertyChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * property )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>readData</name>
-      <anchor>readData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QIODevice * source, const QString &amp; format )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>reportError</name>
-      <anchor>reportError</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int code, const QString &amp; src, const QString &amp; desc, const QString &amp; context = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>requestPropertyChange</name>
-      <anchor>requestPropertyChange</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * property )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>writeData</name>
-      <anchor>writeData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QIODevice * sink )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QAxFactory</name>
-    <filename>qaxfactory.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>ServerType</name>
-      <anchor>ServerType-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QAxFactory</name>
-      <anchor>QAxFactory</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QUuid &amp; libid, const QUuid &amp; appid )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>appID</name>
-      <anchor>appID</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>classID</name>
-      <anchor>classID</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>createObject</name>
-      <anchor>createObject</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>createObjectWrapper</name>
-      <anchor>createObjectWrapper</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * object, IDispatch ** wrapper )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>eventsID</name>
-      <anchor>eventsID</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>exposeToSuperClass</name>
-      <anchor>exposeToSuperClass</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>featureList</name>
-      <anchor>featureList</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasStockEvents</name>
-      <anchor>hasStockEvents</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>interfaceID</name>
-      <anchor>interfaceID</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isServer</name>
-      <anchor>isServer</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isService</name>
-      <anchor>isService</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>metaObject</name>
-      <anchor>metaObject</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>registerActiveObject</name>
-      <anchor>registerActiveObject</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * object )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>registerClass</name>
-      <anchor>registerClass</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key, QSettings * settings )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>serverDirPath</name>
-      <anchor>serverDirPath</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>serverFilePath</name>
-      <anchor>serverFilePath</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>startServer</name>
-      <anchor>startServer</anchor>
-      <arglist>( ServerType type = MultipleInstances )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>stayTopLevel</name>
-      <anchor>stayTopLevel</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>stopServer</name>
-      <anchor>stopServer</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>typeLibID</name>
-      <anchor>typeLibID</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>unregisterClass</name>
-      <anchor>unregisterClass</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key, QSettings * settings )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>validateLicenseKey</name>
-      <anchor>validateLicenseKey</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key, const QString &amp; licenseKey )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QAxObject</name>
-    <filename>qaxobject.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QAxObject</name>
-      <anchor>QAxObject</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QAxObject</name>
-      <anchor>QAxObject-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; c, QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QAxObject</name>
-      <anchor>QAxObject-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( IUnknown * iface, QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>doVerb</name>
-      <anchor>doVerb</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; verb )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QAxScriptEngine</name>
-    <filename>qaxscriptengine.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>State</name>
-      <anchor>State-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QAxScriptEngine</name>
-      <anchor>QAxScriptEngine</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; language, QAxScript * script )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addItem</name>
-      <anchor>addItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasIntrospection</name>
-      <anchor>hasIntrospection</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isValid</name>
-      <anchor>isValid</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>queryInterface</name>
-      <anchor>queryInterface</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QUuid &amp; uuid, void ** iface )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>scriptLanguage</name>
-      <anchor>scriptLanguage</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setState</name>
-      <anchor>setState</anchor>
-      <arglist>( State st )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>state</name>
-      <anchor>state</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QAxScript</name>
-    <filename>qaxscript.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>FunctionFlags</name>
-      <anchor>FunctionFlags-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QAxScript</name>
-      <anchor>QAxScript</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name, QAxScriptManager * manager )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>call</name>
-      <anchor>call</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; function, const QVariant &amp; var1 = QVariant()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>call</name>
-      <anchor>call-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; function, QList&lt;QVariant&gt; &amp; arguments )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>entered</name>
-      <anchor>entered</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>error</name>
-      <anchor>error</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int code, const QString &amp; description, int sourcePosition, const QString &amp; sourceText )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>finished</name>
-      <anchor>finished</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>finished</name>
-      <anchor>finished-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QVariant &amp; result )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>finished</name>
-      <anchor>finished-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int code, const QString &amp; source, const QString &amp; description, const QString &amp; help )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>functions</name>
-      <anchor>functions</anchor>
-      <arglist>( FunctionFlags flags = FunctionNames )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>load</name>
-      <anchor>load</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; code, const QString &amp; language = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>scriptCode</name>
-      <anchor>scriptCode</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>scriptEngine</name>
-      <anchor>scriptEngine</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>scriptName</name>
-      <anchor>scriptName</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>stateChanged</name>
-      <anchor>stateChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int state )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QAxScriptManager</name>
-    <filename>qaxscriptmanager.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QAxScriptManager</name>
-      <anchor>QAxScriptManager</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addObject</name>
-      <anchor>addObject</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QAxBase * object )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addObject</name>
-      <anchor>addObject-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * object )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>call</name>
-      <anchor>call</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; function, const QVariant &amp; var1 = QVariant()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>call</name>
-      <anchor>call-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; function, QList&lt;QVariant&gt; &amp; arguments )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>error</name>
-      <anchor>error</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QAxScript * script, int code, const QString &amp; description, int sourcePosition, const QString &amp; sourceText )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>functions</name>
-      <anchor>functions</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QAxScript::FunctionFlags flags = QAxScript::FunctionNames )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>load</name>
-      <anchor>load</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; code, const QString &amp; name, const QString &amp; language )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>load</name>
-      <anchor>load-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; file, const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>registerEngine</name>
-      <anchor>registerEngine</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name, const QString &amp; extension, const QString &amp; code = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>script</name>
-      <anchor>script</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>scriptFileFilter</name>
-      <anchor>scriptFileFilter</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>scriptNames</name>
-      <anchor>scriptNames</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QAxWidget</name>
-    <filename>qaxwidget.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QAxWidget</name>
-      <anchor>QAxWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QAxWidget</name>
-      <anchor>QAxWidget-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; c, QWidget * parent = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QAxWidget</name>
-      <anchor>QAxWidget-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( IUnknown * iface, QWidget * parent = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>createAggregate</name>
-      <anchor>createAggregate</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>createHostWindow</name>
-      <anchor>createHostWindow</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool initialized )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>doVerb</name>
-      <anchor>doVerb</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; verb )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>translateKeyEvent</name>
-      <anchor>translateKeyEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int message, int keycode )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QBasicTimer</name>
-    <filename>qbasictimer.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QBasicTimer</name>
-      <anchor>QBasicTimer</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isActive</name>
-      <anchor>isActive</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>start</name>
-      <anchor>start</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int msec, QObject * object )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>stop</name>
-      <anchor>stop</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>timerId</name>
-      <anchor>timerId</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QBitArray</name>
-    <filename>qbitarray.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QBitArray</name>
-      <anchor>QBitArray</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QBitArray</name>
-      <anchor>QBitArray-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int size, bool value = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QBitArray</name>
-      <anchor>QBitArray-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QBitArray &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>at</name>
-      <anchor>at</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clearBit</name>
-      <anchor>clearBit</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool on )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fill</name>
-      <anchor>fill</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool value, int size = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fill</name>
-      <anchor>fill-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool value, int begin, int end )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEmpty</name>
-      <anchor>isEmpty</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isNull</name>
-      <anchor>isNull</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resize</name>
-      <anchor>resize</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setBit</name>
-      <anchor>setBit</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setBit</name>
-      <anchor>setBit-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i, bool value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>size</name>
-      <anchor>size</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>testBit</name>
-      <anchor>testBit</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toggleBit</name>
-      <anchor>toggleBit</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>truncate</name>
-      <anchor>truncate</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QBitArray &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&amp;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-and-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>amp;=( const QBitArray &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QBitArray &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QBitArray &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator[]</name>
-      <anchor>operator-5b-5d</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator[]</name>
-      <anchor>operator-5b-5d-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator[]</name>
-      <anchor>operator-5b-5d-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator[]</name>
-      <anchor>operator-5b-5d-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator^=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-5e-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QBitArray &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator|=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-7c-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QBitArray &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator~</name>
-      <anchor>operator-7e</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QBitmap</name>
-    <filename>qbitmap.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QBitmap</name>
-      <anchor>QBitmap</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QBitmap</name>
-      <anchor>QBitmap-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPixmap &amp; pixmap )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QBitmap</name>
-      <anchor>QBitmap-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int width, int height )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QBitmap</name>
-      <anchor>QBitmap-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSize &amp; size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QBitmap</name>
-      <anchor>QBitmap-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fileName, const char * format = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromData</name>
-      <anchor>fromData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSize &amp; size, const uchar * bits, QImage::Format monoFormat = QImage::Format_MonoLSB )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromImage</name>
-      <anchor>fromImage</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QImage &amp; image, Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags = Qt::AutoColor )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>transformed</name>
-      <anchor>transformed</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QMatrix &amp; matrix )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator</name>
-      <anchor>operator-QVariant</anchor>
-      <arglist> QVariant()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPixmap &amp; pixmap )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QBitmap</name>
-      <anchor>QBitmap-6</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int width, int height, bool clear )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QBitmap</name>
-      <anchor>QBitmap-7</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSize &amp; size, bool clear )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QBitmap</name>
-      <anchor>QBitmap-8</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int width, int height, const uchar * bits, bool isXbitmap = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QBitmap</name>
-      <anchor>QBitmap-9</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QImage &amp; image )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QBitmap</name>
-      <anchor>QBitmap-10</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSize &amp; size, const uchar * bits, bool isXbitmap = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>xForm</name>
-      <anchor>xForm</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QMatrix &amp; matrix )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QImage &amp; image )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QBoxLayout</name>
-    <filename>qboxlayout.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Direction</name>
-      <anchor>Direction-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QBoxLayout</name>
-      <anchor>QBoxLayout</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Direction dir, QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addLayout</name>
-      <anchor>addLayout</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QLayout * layout, int stretch = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addSpacing</name>
-      <anchor>addSpacing</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addStretch</name>
-      <anchor>addStretch</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int stretch = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addStrut</name>
-      <anchor>addStrut</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addWidget</name>
-      <anchor>addWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget, int stretch = 0, Qt::Alignment alignment = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>direction</name>
-      <anchor>direction</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertItem</name>
-      <anchor>insertItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, QLayoutItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertLayout</name>
-      <anchor>insertLayout</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, QLayout * layout, int stretch = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertSpacing</name>
-      <anchor>insertSpacing</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, int size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertStretch</name>
-      <anchor>insertStretch</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, int stretch = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertWidget</name>
-      <anchor>insertWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, QWidget * widget, int stretch = 0, Qt::Alignment alignment = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>invalidate</name>
-      <anchor>invalidate</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDirection</name>
-      <anchor>setDirection</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Direction direction )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setStretchFactor</name>
-      <anchor>setStretchFactor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget, int stretch )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setStretchFactor</name>
-      <anchor>setStretchFactor-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QLayout * layout, int stretch )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QBoxLayout</name>
-      <anchor>QBoxLayout-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, Direction dir, int margin = 0, int spacing = -1, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QBoxLayout</name>
-      <anchor>QBoxLayout-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QLayout * parentLayout, Direction dir, int spacing = -1, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QBoxLayout</name>
-      <anchor>QBoxLayout-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Direction dir, int spacing, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>findWidget</name>
-      <anchor>findWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QBrush</name>
-    <filename>qbrush.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QBrush</name>
-      <anchor>QBrush</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QBrush</name>
-      <anchor>QBrush-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::BrushStyle style )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QBrush</name>
-      <anchor>QBrush-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QColor &amp; color, Qt::BrushStyle style = Qt::SolidPattern )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QBrush</name>
-      <anchor>QBrush-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::GlobalColor color, Qt::BrushStyle style = Qt::SolidPattern )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QBrush</name>
-      <anchor>QBrush-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QColor &amp; color, const QPixmap &amp; pixmap )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QBrush</name>
-      <anchor>QBrush-6</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::GlobalColor color, const QPixmap &amp; pixmap )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QBrush</name>
-      <anchor>QBrush-7</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPixmap &amp; pixmap )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QBrush</name>
-      <anchor>QBrush-8</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QBrush &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QBrush</name>
-      <anchor>QBrush-9</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QGradient &amp; gradient )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>color</name>
-      <anchor>color</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>gradient</name>
-      <anchor>gradient</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isOpaque</name>
-      <anchor>isOpaque</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setColor</name>
-      <anchor>setColor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QColor &amp; color )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setColor</name>
-      <anchor>setColor-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::GlobalColor color )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setStyle</name>
-      <anchor>setStyle</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::BrushStyle style )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTexture</name>
-      <anchor>setTexture</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPixmap &amp; pixmap )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>BrushStyle</name>
-      <anchor>style</anchor>
-      <arglist> QBrush::style()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>texture</name>
-      <anchor>texture</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator</name>
-      <anchor>operator-QVariant</anchor>
-      <arglist> QVariant()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QBrush &amp; brush )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QBrush &amp; brush )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QBrush &amp; brush )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pixmap</name>
-      <anchor>pixmap</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>setPixmap</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPixmap &amp; pixmap )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator</name>
-      <anchor>operator-const-QColor--and</anchor>
-      <arglist> const QColor &amp;()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QBuffer</name>
-    <filename>qbuffer.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QBuffer</name>
-      <anchor>QBuffer</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QBuffer</name>
-      <anchor>QBuffer-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QByteArray * byteArray, QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>buffer</name>
-      <anchor>buffer</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>buffer</name>
-      <anchor>buffer-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>data</name>
-      <anchor>data</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setBuffer</name>
-      <anchor>setBuffer</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QByteArray * byteArray )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setData</name>
-      <anchor>setData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; data )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setData</name>
-      <anchor>setData-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * data, int size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QButtonGroup</name>
-    <filename>qbuttongroup.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QButtonGroup</name>
-      <anchor>QButtonGroup</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addButton</name>
-      <anchor>addButton</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QAbstractButton * button )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addButton</name>
-      <anchor>addButton-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QAbstractButton * button, int id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>button</name>
-      <anchor>button</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>buttonClicked</name>
-      <anchor>buttonClicked</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QAbstractButton * button )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>buttonClicked</name>
-      <anchor>buttonClicked-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>buttons</name>
-      <anchor>buttons</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>checkedButton</name>
-      <anchor>checkedButton</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>checkedId</name>
-      <anchor>checkedId</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>id</name>
-      <anchor>id</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QAbstractButton * button )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeButton</name>
-      <anchor>removeButton</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QAbstractButton * button )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setId</name>
-      <anchor>setId</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QAbstractButton * button, int id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insert</name>
-      <anchor>insert</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QAbstractButton * b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>remove</name>
-      <anchor>remove</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QAbstractButton * b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QByteArray</name>
-    <filename>qbytearray.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QByteArray</name>
-      <anchor>QByteArray</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QByteArray</name>
-      <anchor>QByteArray-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * str )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QByteArray</name>
-      <anchor>QByteArray-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * data, int size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QByteArray</name>
-      <anchor>QByteArray-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int size, char ch )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QByteArray</name>
-      <anchor>QByteArray-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>append</name>
-      <anchor>append</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; ba )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>append</name>
-      <anchor>append-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; str )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>append</name>
-      <anchor>append-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * str )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>append</name>
-      <anchor>append-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( char ch )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>at</name>
-      <anchor>at</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>capacity</name>
-      <anchor>capacity</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>chop</name>
-      <anchor>chop</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int n )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>constData</name>
-      <anchor>constData</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contains</name>
-      <anchor>contains</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; ba )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contains</name>
-      <anchor>contains-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * str )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contains</name>
-      <anchor>contains-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( char ch )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; ba )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * str )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( char ch )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>data</name>
-      <anchor>data</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>data</name>
-      <anchor>data-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>endsWith</name>
-      <anchor>endsWith</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; ba )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>endsWith</name>
-      <anchor>endsWith-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * str )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>endsWith</name>
-      <anchor>endsWith-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( char ch )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fill</name>
-      <anchor>fill</anchor>
-      <arglist>( char ch, int size = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromBase64</name>
-      <anchor>fromBase64</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; base64 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromRawData</name>
-      <anchor>fromRawData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * data, int size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>indexOf</name>
-      <anchor>indexOf</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; ba, int from = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>indexOf</name>
-      <anchor>indexOf-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; str, int from = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>indexOf</name>
-      <anchor>indexOf-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * str, int from = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>indexOf</name>
-      <anchor>indexOf-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( char ch, int from = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insert</name>
-      <anchor>insert</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i, const QByteArray &amp; ba )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insert</name>
-      <anchor>insert-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i, const QString &amp; str )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insert</name>
-      <anchor>insert-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i, const char * str )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insert</name>
-      <anchor>insert-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i, char ch )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEmpty</name>
-      <anchor>isEmpty</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isNull</name>
-      <anchor>isNull</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lastIndexOf</name>
-      <anchor>lastIndexOf</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; ba, int from = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lastIndexOf</name>
-      <anchor>lastIndexOf-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; str, int from = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lastIndexOf</name>
-      <anchor>lastIndexOf-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * str, int from = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lastIndexOf</name>
-      <anchor>lastIndexOf-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( char ch, int from = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>left</name>
-      <anchor>left</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int len )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>leftJustified</name>
-      <anchor>leftJustified</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int width, char fill = &apos; &apos;, bool truncate = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>length</name>
-      <anchor>length</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mid</name>
-      <anchor>mid</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int pos, int len = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>number</name>
-      <anchor>number</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int n, int base = 10 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>number</name>
-      <anchor>number-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint n, int base = 10 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>number</name>
-      <anchor>number-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qlonglong n, int base = 10 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>number</name>
-      <anchor>number-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qulonglong n, int base = 10 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>number</name>
-      <anchor>number-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( double n, char f = &apos;g&apos;, int prec = 6 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>prepend</name>
-      <anchor>prepend</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; ba )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>prepend</name>
-      <anchor>prepend-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * str )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>prepend</name>
-      <anchor>prepend-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( char ch )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>push_back</name>
-      <anchor>push_back</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>push_back</name>
-      <anchor>push_back-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * str )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>push_back</name>
-      <anchor>push_back-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( char ch )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>push_front</name>
-      <anchor>push_front</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>push_front</name>
-      <anchor>push_front-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * str )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>push_front</name>
-      <anchor>push_front-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( char ch )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>remove</name>
-      <anchor>remove</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int pos, int len )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>replace</name>
-      <anchor>replace</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int pos, int len, const QByteArray &amp; after )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>replace</name>
-      <anchor>replace-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int pos, int len, const char * after )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>replace</name>
-      <anchor>replace-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; before, const QByteArray &amp; after )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>replace</name>
-      <anchor>replace-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * before, const QByteArray &amp; after )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>replace</name>
-      <anchor>replace-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; before, const char * after )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>replace</name>
-      <anchor>replace-6</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; before, const QByteArray &amp; after )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>replace</name>
-      <anchor>replace-7</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; before, const char * after )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>replace</name>
-      <anchor>replace-8</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * before, const char * after )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>replace</name>
-      <anchor>replace-9</anchor>
-      <arglist>( char before, const QByteArray &amp; after )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>replace</name>
-      <anchor>replace-10</anchor>
-      <arglist>( char before, const QString &amp; after )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>replace</name>
-      <anchor>replace-11</anchor>
-      <arglist>( char before, const char * after )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>replace</name>
-      <anchor>replace-12</anchor>
-      <arglist>( char before, char after )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>reserve</name>
-      <anchor>reserve</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resize</name>
-      <anchor>resize</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>right</name>
-      <anchor>right</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int len )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rightJustified</name>
-      <anchor>rightJustified</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int width, char fill = &apos; &apos;, bool truncate = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setNum</name>
-      <anchor>setNum</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int n, int base = 10 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setNum</name>
-      <anchor>setNum-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint n, int base = 10 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setNum</name>
-      <anchor>setNum-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( short n, int base = 10 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setNum</name>
-      <anchor>setNum-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( ushort n, int base = 10 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setNum</name>
-      <anchor>setNum-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qlonglong n, int base = 10 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setNum</name>
-      <anchor>setNum-6</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qulonglong n, int base = 10 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setNum</name>
-      <anchor>setNum-7</anchor>
-      <arglist>( double n, char f = &apos;g&apos;, int prec = 6 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setNum</name>
-      <anchor>setNum-8</anchor>
-      <arglist>( float n, char f = &apos;g&apos;, int prec = 6 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>simplified</name>
-      <anchor>simplified</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>size</name>
-      <anchor>size</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>split</name>
-      <anchor>split</anchor>
-      <arglist>( char sep )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>squeeze</name>
-      <anchor>squeeze</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>startsWith</name>
-      <anchor>startsWith</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; ba )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>startsWith</name>
-      <anchor>startsWith-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * str )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>startsWith</name>
-      <anchor>startsWith-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( char ch )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toBase64</name>
-      <anchor>toBase64</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toDouble</name>
-      <anchor>toDouble</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool * ok = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toFloat</name>
-      <anchor>toFloat</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool * ok = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toInt</name>
-      <anchor>toInt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool * ok = 0, int base = 10 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toLong</name>
-      <anchor>toLong</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool * ok = 0, int base = 10 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toLongLong</name>
-      <anchor>toLongLong</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool * ok = 0, int base = 10 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toLower</name>
-      <anchor>toLower</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toShort</name>
-      <anchor>toShort</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool * ok = 0, int base = 10 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toUInt</name>
-      <anchor>toUInt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool * ok = 0, int base = 10 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toULong</name>
-      <anchor>toULong</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool * ok = 0, int base = 10 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toULongLong</name>
-      <anchor>toULongLong</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool * ok = 0, int base = 10 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toUShort</name>
-      <anchor>toUShort</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool * ok = 0, int base = 10 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toUpper</name>
-      <anchor>toUpper</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>trimmed</name>
-      <anchor>trimmed</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>truncate</name>
-      <anchor>truncate</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator</name>
-      <anchor>operator-const-char--2a</anchor>
-      <arglist> const char *()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator</name>
-      <anchor>operator-const-void--2a</anchor>
-      <arglist> const void *()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; str )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; ba )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-eq-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; str )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-eq-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * str )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-eq-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( char ch )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; str )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; str )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * str )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; str )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&gt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-gt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; str )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&gt;=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-gt-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; str )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator[]</name>
-      <anchor>operator-5b-5d</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator[]</name>
-      <anchor>operator-5b-5d-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator[]</name>
-      <anchor>operator-5b-5d-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator[]</name>
-      <anchor>operator-5b-5d-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QByteArrayMatcher</name>
-    <filename>qbytearraymatcher.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QByteArrayMatcher</name>
-      <anchor>QByteArrayMatcher</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QByteArrayMatcher</name>
-      <anchor>QByteArrayMatcher-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; pattern )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QByteArrayMatcher</name>
-      <anchor>QByteArrayMatcher-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArrayMatcher &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>indexIn</name>
-      <anchor>indexIn</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; ba, int from = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pattern</name>
-      <anchor>pattern</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPattern</name>
-      <anchor>setPattern</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; pattern )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArrayMatcher &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QByteArray</name>
-      <anchor>QByteArray-6</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>duplicate</name>
-      <anchor>duplicate</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; a )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>duplicate</name>
-      <anchor>duplicate-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * a, uint n )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>find</name>
-      <anchor>find</anchor>
-      <arglist>( char c, int from = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>find</name>
-      <anchor>find-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * c, int from = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>find</name>
-      <anchor>find-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; ba, int from = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>find</name>
-      <anchor>find-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; s, int from = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>findRev</name>
-      <anchor>findRev</anchor>
-      <arglist>( char c, int from = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>findRev</name>
-      <anchor>findRev-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * c, int from = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>findRev</name>
-      <anchor>findRev-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; ba, int from = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>findRev</name>
-      <anchor>findRev-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; s, int from = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>leftJustify</name>
-      <anchor>leftJustify</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint width, char fill = &apos; &apos;, bool truncate = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lower</name>
-      <anchor>lower</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resetRawData</name>
-      <anchor>resetRawData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * data, uint n )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rightJustify</name>
-      <anchor>rightJustify</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint width, char fill = &apos; &apos;, bool truncate = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRawData</name>
-      <anchor>setRawData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * a, uint n )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>simplifyWhiteSpace</name>
-      <anchor>simplifyWhiteSpace</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>stripWhiteSpace</name>
-      <anchor>stripWhiteSpace</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>upper</name>
-      <anchor>upper</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QCache</name>
-    <filename>qcache.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QCache</name>
-      <anchor>QCache</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int maxCost = 100 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contains</name>
-      <anchor>contains</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Key &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insert</name>
-      <anchor>insert</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Key &amp; key, T * object, int cost = 1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEmpty</name>
-      <anchor>isEmpty</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>keys</name>
-      <anchor>keys</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>maxCost</name>
-      <anchor>maxCost</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>object</name>
-      <anchor>object</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Key &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>remove</name>
-      <anchor>remove</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Key &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setMaxCost</name>
-      <anchor>setMaxCost</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int cost )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>size</name>
-      <anchor>size</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>take</name>
-      <anchor>take</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Key &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>totalCost</name>
-      <anchor>totalCost</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator[]</name>
-      <anchor>operator-5b-5d</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Key &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QCache</name>
-      <anchor>QCache-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int maxCost, int dummy )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QCDEStyle</name>
-    <filename>qcdestyle.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QCDEStyle</name>
-      <anchor>QCDEStyle</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool useHighlightCols = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QChar</name>
-    <filename>qchar.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Category</name>
-      <anchor>Category-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Decomposition</name>
-      <anchor>Decomposition-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Direction</name>
-      <anchor>Direction-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Joining</name>
-      <anchor>Joining-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>SpecialCharacter</name>
-      <anchor>SpecialCharacter-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>UnicodeVersion</name>
-      <anchor>UnicodeVersion-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QChar</name>
-      <anchor>QChar</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QChar</name>
-      <anchor>QChar-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( char ch )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QChar</name>
-      <anchor>QChar-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uchar ch )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QChar</name>
-      <anchor>QChar-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QLatin1Char ch )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QChar</name>
-      <anchor>QChar-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uchar cell, uchar row )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QChar</name>
-      <anchor>QChar-6</anchor>
-      <arglist>( ushort code )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QChar</name>
-      <anchor>QChar-7</anchor>
-      <arglist>( short code )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QChar</name>
-      <anchor>QChar-8</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint code )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QChar</name>
-      <anchor>QChar-9</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int code )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QChar</name>
-      <anchor>QChar-10</anchor>
-      <arglist>( SpecialCharacter ch )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>category</name>
-      <anchor>category</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cell</name>
-      <anchor>cell</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>combiningClass</name>
-      <anchor>combiningClass</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>decomposition</name>
-      <anchor>decomposition</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>decompositionTag</name>
-      <anchor>decompositionTag</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>digitValue</name>
-      <anchor>digitValue</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>direction</name>
-      <anchor>direction</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromAscii</name>
-      <anchor>fromAscii</anchor>
-      <arglist>( char c )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromLatin1</name>
-      <anchor>fromLatin1</anchor>
-      <arglist>( char c )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasMirrored</name>
-      <anchor>hasMirrored</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isDigit</name>
-      <anchor>isDigit</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isLetter</name>
-      <anchor>isLetter</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isLetterOrNumber</name>
-      <anchor>isLetterOrNumber</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isLower</name>
-      <anchor>isLower</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isMark</name>
-      <anchor>isMark</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isNull</name>
-      <anchor>isNull</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isNumber</name>
-      <anchor>isNumber</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isPrint</name>
-      <anchor>isPrint</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isPunct</name>
-      <anchor>isPunct</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isSpace</name>
-      <anchor>isSpace</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isSymbol</name>
-      <anchor>isSymbol</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isUpper</name>
-      <anchor>isUpper</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>joining</name>
-      <anchor>joining</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
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-      <anchor>mirroredChar</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
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-      <name>row</name>
-      <anchor>row</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
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-      <anchor>toAscii</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toLatin1</name>
-      <anchor>toLatin1</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toLower</name>
-      <anchor>toLower</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toUpper</name>
-      <anchor>toUpper</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
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-      <anchor>unicode</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>unicode</name>
-      <anchor>unicode-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>unicodeVersion</name>
-      <anchor>unicodeVersion</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ascii</name>
-      <anchor>ascii</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>latin1</name>
-      <anchor>latin1</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lower</name>
-      <anchor>lower</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mirrored</name>
-      <anchor>mirrored</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>networkOrdered</name>
-      <anchor>networkOrdered</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
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-      <name>upper</name>
-      <anchor>upper</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
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-    <name>QCheckBox</name>
-    <filename>qcheckbox.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QCheckBox</name>
-      <anchor>QCheckBox</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QCheckBox</name>
-      <anchor>QCheckBox-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text, QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>CheckState</name>
-      <anchor>checkState</anchor>
-      <arglist> QCheckBox::checkState()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCheckState</name>
-      <anchor>setCheckState</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::CheckState state )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>stateChanged</name>
-      <anchor>stateChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int state )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>ToggleState</name>
-      <anchor>ToggleState-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QCheckBox</name>
-      <anchor>QCheckBox-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, const char * name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QCheckBox</name>
-      <anchor>QCheckBox-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text, QWidget * parent, const char * name )</arglist>
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-      <name>setNoChange</name>
-      <anchor>setNoChange</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setState</name>
-      <anchor>setState</anchor>
-      <arglist>( ToggleState state )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>state</name>
-      <anchor>state</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QChildEvent</name>
-    <filename>qchildevent.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QChildEvent</name>
-      <anchor>QChildEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Type type, QObject * child )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>added</name>
-      <anchor>added</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
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-      <anchor>child</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>polished</name>
-      <anchor>polished</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removed</name>
-      <anchor>removed</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>inserted</name>
-      <anchor>inserted</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QClipboard</name>
-    <filename>qclipboard.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Mode</name>
-      <anchor>Mode-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Mode mode = Clipboard )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dataChanged</name>
-      <anchor>dataChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>image</name>
-      <anchor>image</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Mode mode = Clipboard )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mimeData</name>
-      <anchor>mimeData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Mode mode = Clipboard )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ownsClipboard</name>
-      <anchor>ownsClipboard</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ownsSelection</name>
-      <anchor>ownsSelection</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
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-      <anchor>pixmap</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Mode mode = Clipboard )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selectionChanged</name>
-      <anchor>selectionChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setImage</name>
-      <anchor>setImage</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QImage &amp; image, Mode mode = Clipboard )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setMimeData</name>
-      <anchor>setMimeData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QMimeData * src, Mode mode = Clipboard )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>setPixmap</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPixmap &amp; pixmap, Mode mode = Clipboard )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setText</name>
-      <anchor>setText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text, Mode mode = Clipboard )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>supportsSelection</name>
-      <anchor>supportsSelection</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>text</name>
-      <anchor>text</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Mode mode = Clipboard )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>text</name>
-      <anchor>text-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QString &amp; subtype, Mode mode = Clipboard )</arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>data</name>
-      <anchor>data</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Mode mode = Clipboard )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setData</name>
-      <anchor>setData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QMimeSource * src, Mode mode = Clipboard )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QCloseEvent</name>
-    <filename>qcloseevent.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QCloseEvent</name>
-      <anchor>QCloseEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QColorDialog</name>
-    <filename>qcolordialog.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>customColor</name>
-      <anchor>customColor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>customCount</name>
-      <anchor>customCount</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>getColor</name>
-      <anchor>getColor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QColor &amp; initial = Qt::white, QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>getRgba</name>
-      <anchor>getRgba</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QRgb initial, bool * ok = 0, QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCustomColor</name>
-      <anchor>setCustomColor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int number, QRgb color )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setStandardColor</name>
-      <anchor>setStandardColor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int number, QRgb color )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>getColor</name>
-      <anchor>getColor-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QColor &amp; init, QWidget * parent, const char * name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>getRgba</name>
-      <anchor>getRgba-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QRgb rgba, bool * ok, QWidget * parent, const char * name )</arglist>
-    </member>
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-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QColorGroup</name>
-    <filename>qcolorgroup.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QColorGroup</name>
-      <anchor>QColorGroup</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QColorGroup</name>
-      <anchor>QColorGroup-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QBrush &amp; foreground, const QBrush &amp; button, const QBrush &amp; light, const QBrush &amp; dark, const QBrush &amp; mid, const QBrush &amp; text, const QBrush &amp; bright_text, const QBrush &amp; base, const QBrush &amp; background )</arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QColorGroup</name>
-      <anchor>QColorGroup-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QColor &amp; foreground, const QColor &amp; background, const QColor &amp; light, const QColor &amp; dark, const QColor &amp; mid, const QColor &amp; text, const QColor &amp; base )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QColorGroup</name>
-      <anchor>QColorGroup-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QColorGroup &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QColorGroup</name>
-      <anchor>QColorGroup-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPalette &amp; pal )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator</name>
-      <anchor>operator-QVariant</anchor>
-      <arglist> QVariant()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QColorGroup &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QColorGroup &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>background</name>
-      <anchor>background</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>base</name>
-      <anchor>base</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
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-      <anchor>brightText</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>button</name>
-      <anchor>button</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>buttonText</name>
-      <anchor>buttonText</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dark</name>
-      <anchor>dark</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>foreground</name>
-      <anchor>foreground</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>highlight</name>
-      <anchor>highlight</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>highlightedText</name>
-      <anchor>highlightedText</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>light</name>
-      <anchor>light</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>link</name>
-      <anchor>link</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
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-      <anchor>linkVisited</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
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-      <anchor>mid</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>midlight</name>
-      <anchor>midlight</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>shadow</name>
-      <anchor>shadow</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>text</name>
-      <anchor>text</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QColor</name>
-    <filename>qcolor.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Spec</name>
-      <anchor>Spec-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QColor</name>
-      <anchor>QColor</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QColor</name>
-      <anchor>QColor-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int r, int g, int b, int a = 255 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QColor</name>
-      <anchor>QColor-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QRgb color )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QColor</name>
-      <anchor>QColor-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QColor</name>
-      <anchor>QColor-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QColor</name>
-      <anchor>QColor-6</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QColor &amp; color )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QColor</name>
-      <anchor>QColor-8</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::GlobalColor color )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>alpha</name>
-      <anchor>alpha</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>alphaF</name>
-      <anchor>alphaF</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>black</name>
-      <anchor>black</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>blackF</name>
-      <anchor>blackF</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>blue</name>
-      <anchor>blue</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>blueF</name>
-      <anchor>blueF</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>colorNames</name>
-      <anchor>colorNames</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>convertTo</name>
-      <anchor>convertTo</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Spec colorSpec )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cyan</name>
-      <anchor>cyan</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cyanF</name>
-      <anchor>cyanF</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dark</name>
-      <anchor>dark</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int factor = 200 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromCmyk</name>
-      <anchor>fromCmyk</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int c, int m, int y, int k, int a = 255 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromCmykF</name>
-      <anchor>fromCmykF</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal c, qreal m, qreal y, qreal k, qreal a = 1.0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromHsv</name>
-      <anchor>fromHsv</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int h, int s, int v, int a = 255 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromHsvF</name>
-      <anchor>fromHsvF</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal h, qreal s, qreal v, qreal a = 1.0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromRgb</name>
-      <anchor>fromRgb</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QRgb rgb )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromRgb</name>
-      <anchor>fromRgb-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int r, int g, int b, int a = 255 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromRgbF</name>
-      <anchor>fromRgbF</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal r, qreal g, qreal b, qreal a = 1.0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromRgba</name>
-      <anchor>fromRgba</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QRgb rgba )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>getCmyk</name>
-      <anchor>getCmyk</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int * c, int * m, int * y, int * k, int * a = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>getCmykF</name>
-      <anchor>getCmykF</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal * c, qreal * m, qreal * y, qreal * k, qreal * a = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>getHsv</name>
-      <anchor>getHsv</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int * h, int * s, int * v, int * a = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>getHsvF</name>
-      <anchor>getHsvF</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal * h, qreal * s, qreal * v, qreal * a = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>getRgb</name>
-      <anchor>getRgb</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int * r, int * g, int * b, int * a = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>getRgbF</name>
-      <anchor>getRgbF</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal * r, qreal * g, qreal * b, qreal * a = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>green</name>
-      <anchor>green</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>greenF</name>
-      <anchor>greenF</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hue</name>
-      <anchor>hue</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hueF</name>
-      <anchor>hueF</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isValid</name>
-      <anchor>isValid</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>light</name>
-      <anchor>light</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int factor = 150 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>magenta</name>
-      <anchor>magenta</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>magentaF</name>
-      <anchor>magentaF</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>name</name>
-      <anchor>name</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>red</name>
-      <anchor>red</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>redF</name>
-      <anchor>redF</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rgb</name>
-      <anchor>rgb</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rgba</name>
-      <anchor>rgba</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>saturation</name>
-      <anchor>saturation</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>saturationF</name>
-      <anchor>saturationF</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAlpha</name>
-      <anchor>setAlpha</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int alpha )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAlphaF</name>
-      <anchor>setAlphaF</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal alpha )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setBlue</name>
-      <anchor>setBlue</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int blue )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setBlueF</name>
-      <anchor>setBlueF</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal blue )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCmyk</name>
-      <anchor>setCmyk</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int c, int m, int y, int k, int a = 255 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCmykF</name>
-      <anchor>setCmykF</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal c, qreal m, qreal y, qreal k, qreal a = 1.0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setGreen</name>
-      <anchor>setGreen</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int green )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setGreenF</name>
-      <anchor>setGreenF</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal green )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setHsv</name>
-      <anchor>setHsv</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int h, int s, int v, int a = 255 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setHsvF</name>
-      <anchor>setHsvF</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal h, qreal s, qreal v, qreal a = 1.0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setNamedColor</name>
-      <anchor>setNamedColor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRed</name>
-      <anchor>setRed</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int red )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRedF</name>
-      <anchor>setRedF</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal red )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRgb</name>
-      <anchor>setRgb</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int r, int g, int b, int a = 255 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRgb</name>
-      <anchor>setRgb-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QRgb rgb )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRgbF</name>
-      <anchor>setRgbF</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal r, qreal g, qreal b, qreal a = 1.0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRgba</name>
-      <anchor>setRgba</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QRgb rgba )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>spec</name>
-      <anchor>spec</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toCmyk</name>
-      <anchor>toCmyk</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toHsv</name>
-      <anchor>toHsv</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toRgb</name>
-      <anchor>toRgb</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>value</name>
-      <anchor>value</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>valueF</name>
-      <anchor>valueF</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>yellow</name>
-      <anchor>yellow</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>yellowF</name>
-      <anchor>yellowF</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator</name>
-      <anchor>operator-QVariant</anchor>
-      <arglist> QVariant()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QColor &amp; color )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QColor &amp; color )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::GlobalColor color )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QColor &amp; color )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QColormap</name>
-    <filename>qcolormap.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Mode</name>
-      <anchor>Mode-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QColormap</name>
-      <anchor>QColormap</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QColormap &amp; colormap )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>colorAt</name>
-      <anchor>colorAt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint pixel )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>colormap</name>
-      <anchor>colormap</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>depth</name>
-      <anchor>depth</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hPal</name>
-      <anchor>hPal</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>instance</name>
-      <anchor>instance</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int screen = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mode</name>
-      <anchor>mode</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pixel</name>
-      <anchor>pixel</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QColor &amp; color )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>size</name>
-      <anchor>size</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QColor</name>
-      <anchor>QColor-7</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y, int z, Spec colorSpec )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>getRgba</name>
-      <anchor>getRgba</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int * r, int * g, int * b, int * a )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hsv</name>
-      <anchor>hsv</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int * h, int * s, int * v )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pixel</name>
-      <anchor>pixel</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int screen = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rgb</name>
-      <anchor>rgb-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int * r, int * g, int * b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRgba</name>
-      <anchor>setRgba-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int r, int g, int b, int a )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QComboBox</name>
-    <filename>qcombobox.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>InsertPolicy</name>
-      <anchor>InsertPolicy-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>SizeAdjustPolicy</name>
-      <anchor>SizeAdjustPolicy-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>CaseSensitivity</name>
-      <anchor>autoCompletionCaseSensitivity-prop</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QComboBox</name>
-      <anchor>QComboBox</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>activated</name>
-      <anchor>activated</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>activated</name>
-      <anchor>activated-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addItem</name>
-      <anchor>addItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text, const QVariant &amp; userData = QVariant()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addItem</name>
-      <anchor>addItem-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QIcon &amp; icon, const QString &amp; text, const QVariant &amp; userData = QVariant()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addItems</name>
-      <anchor>addItems</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStringList &amp; texts )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clearEditText</name>
-      <anchor>clearEditText</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentIndexChanged</name>
-      <anchor>currentIndexChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentIndexChanged</name>
-      <anchor>currentIndexChanged-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>editTextChanged</name>
-      <anchor>editTextChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>findData</name>
-      <anchor>findData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QVariant &amp; data, int role = Qt::UserRole, Qt::MatchFlags flags = Qt::MatchExactly | Qt::MatchCaseSensitive )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>findText</name>
-      <anchor>findText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text, Qt::MatchFlags flags = Qt::MatchExactly | Qt::MatchCaseSensitive )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hidePopup</name>
-      <anchor>hidePopup</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>highlighted</name>
-      <anchor>highlighted</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>highlighted</name>
-      <anchor>highlighted-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertItem</name>
-      <anchor>insertItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, const QString &amp; text, const QVariant &amp; userData = QVariant()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertItem</name>
-      <anchor>insertItem-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, const QIcon &amp; icon, const QString &amp; text, const QVariant &amp; userData = QVariant()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertItems</name>
-      <anchor>insertItems</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, const QStringList &amp; list )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemData</name>
-      <anchor>itemData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, int role = Qt::UserRole )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemDelegate</name>
-      <anchor>itemDelegate</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemIcon</name>
-      <anchor>itemIcon</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemText</name>
-      <anchor>itemText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lineEdit</name>
-      <anchor>lineEdit</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>model</name>
-      <anchor>model</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeItem</name>
-      <anchor>removeItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rootModelIndex</name>
-      <anchor>rootModelIndex</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setEditText</name>
-      <anchor>setEditText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setItemData</name>
-      <anchor>setItemData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, const QVariant &amp; value, int role = Qt::UserRole )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setItemDelegate</name>
-      <anchor>setItemDelegate</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QAbstractItemDelegate * delegate )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setItemIcon</name>
-      <anchor>setItemIcon</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, const QIcon &amp; icon )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setItemText</name>
-      <anchor>setItemText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setLineEdit</name>
-      <anchor>setLineEdit</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QLineEdit * edit )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setModel</name>
-      <anchor>setModel</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QAbstractItemModel * model )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRootModelIndex</name>
-      <anchor>setRootModelIndex</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setValidator</name>
-      <anchor>setValidator</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QValidator * validator )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setView</name>
-      <anchor>setView</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QAbstractItemView * itemView )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>showPopup</name>
-      <anchor>showPopup</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>validator</name>
-      <anchor>validator</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>view</name>
-      <anchor>view</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Policy</name>
-      <anchor>Policy-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QComboBox</name>
-      <anchor>QComboBox-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, const char * name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QComboBox</name>
-      <anchor>QComboBox-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool rw, QWidget * parent, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>changeItem</name>
-      <anchor>changeItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text, int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>changeItem</name>
-      <anchor>changeItem-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPixmap &amp; pixmap, int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>changeItem</name>
-      <anchor>changeItem-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPixmap &amp; pixmap, const QString &amp; text, int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clearEdit</name>
-      <anchor>clearEdit</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clearValidator</name>
-      <anchor>clearValidator</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentItem</name>
-      <anchor>currentItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>editable</name>
-      <anchor>editable</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertItem</name>
-      <anchor>insertItem-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text, int index = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertItem</name>
-      <anchor>insertItem-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPixmap &amp; pixmap, int index = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertItem</name>
-      <anchor>insertItem-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPixmap &amp; pixmap, const QString &amp; text, int index = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertStringList</name>
-      <anchor>insertStringList</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStringList &amp; list, int index = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertionPolicy</name>
-      <anchor>insertionPolicy</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pixmap</name>
-      <anchor>pixmap</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>popup</name>
-      <anchor>popup</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCurrentItem</name>
-      <anchor>setCurrentItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCurrentText</name>
-      <anchor>setCurrentText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setInsertionPolicy</name>
-      <anchor>setInsertionPolicy</anchor>
-      <arglist>( InsertPolicy policy )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>text</name>
-      <anchor>text</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>textChanged</name>
-      <anchor>textChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QCommonStyle</name>
-    <filename>qcommonstyle.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QCommonStyle</name>
-      <anchor>QCommonStyle</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QConicalGradient</name>
-    <filename>qconicalgradient.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QConicalGradient</name>
-      <anchor>QConicalGradient</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPointF &amp; center, qreal angle )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QConicalGradient</name>
-      <anchor>QConicalGradient-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal cx, qreal cy, qreal angle )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>angle</name>
-      <anchor>angle</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>center</name>
-      <anchor>center</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QConstString</name>
-    <filename>qconststring.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QConstString</name>
-      <anchor>QConstString</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QChar * unicode, int size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>string</name>
-      <anchor>string</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QContextMenuEvent</name>
-    <filename>qcontextmenuevent.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Reason</name>
-      <anchor>Reason-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QContextMenuEvent</name>
-      <anchor>QContextMenuEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Reason reason, const QPoint &amp; pos, const QPoint &amp; globalPos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QContextMenuEvent</name>
-      <anchor>QContextMenuEvent-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Reason reason, const QPoint &amp; pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>globalPos</name>
-      <anchor>globalPos</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>globalX</name>
-      <anchor>globalX</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>globalY</name>
-      <anchor>globalY</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pos</name>
-      <anchor>pos</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>reason</name>
-      <anchor>reason</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>x</name>
-      <anchor>x</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>y</name>
-      <anchor>y</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QContextMenuEvent</name>
-      <anchor>QContextMenuEvent-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Reason reason, const QPoint &amp; pos, const QPoint &amp; globalPos, int dummy )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QContextMenuEvent</name>
-      <anchor>QContextMenuEvent-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Reason reason, const QPoint &amp; pos, int dummy )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ButtonState</name>
-      <anchor>state</anchor>
-      <arglist> QContextMenuEvent::state()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QCopChannel</name>
-    <filename>qcopchannel.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QCopChannel</name>
-      <anchor>QCopChannel</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; channel, QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>channel</name>
-      <anchor>channel</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isRegistered</name>
-      <anchor>isRegistered</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; channel )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>receive</name>
-      <anchor>receive</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; message, const QByteArray &amp; data )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>received</name>
-      <anchor>received</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; message, const QByteArray &amp; data )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>send</name>
-      <anchor>send</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; channel, const QString &amp; message, const QByteArray &amp; data )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>send</name>
-      <anchor>send-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; channel, const QString &amp; message )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QCopChannel</name>
-      <anchor>QCopChannel-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; channel, QObject * parent, const char * name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QCoreApplication</name>
-    <filename>qcoreapplication.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Encoding</name>
-      <anchor>Encoding-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>EventFilter</name>
-      <anchor>EventFilter-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QCoreApplication</name>
-      <anchor>QCoreApplication</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int &amp; argc, char ** argv )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>aboutToQuit</name>
-      <anchor>aboutToQuit</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addLibraryPath</name>
-      <anchor>addLibraryPath</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; path )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>applicationDirPath</name>
-      <anchor>applicationDirPath</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>applicationFilePath</name>
-      <anchor>applicationFilePath</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>arguments</name>
-      <anchor>arguments</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>closingDown</name>
-      <anchor>closingDown</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>exec</name>
-      <anchor>exec</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>exit</name>
-      <anchor>exit</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int returnCode = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>filterEvent</name>
-      <anchor>filterEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( void * message, long * result )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>flush</name>
-      <anchor>flush</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasPendingEvents</name>
-      <anchor>hasPendingEvents</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>installTranslator</name>
-      <anchor>installTranslator</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTranslator * messageFile )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>instance</name>
-      <anchor>instance</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>libraryPaths</name>
-      <anchor>libraryPaths</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>notify</name>
-      <anchor>notify</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * receiver, QEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>postEvent</name>
-      <anchor>postEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * receiver, QEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>processEvents</name>
-      <anchor>processEvents</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlags flags = QEventLoop::AllEvents )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>processEvents</name>
-      <anchor>processEvents-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlags flags, int maxtime )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>quit</name>
-      <anchor>quit</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeLibraryPath</name>
-      <anchor>removeLibraryPath</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; path )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removePostedEvents</name>
-      <anchor>removePostedEvents</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * receiver )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeTranslator</name>
-      <anchor>removeTranslator</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTranslator * messageFile )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sendEvent</name>
-      <anchor>sendEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * receiver, QEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sendPostedEvents</name>
-      <anchor>sendPostedEvents</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * receiver, int event_type )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sendPostedEvents</name>
-      <anchor>sendPostedEvents-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setEventFilter</name>
-      <anchor>setEventFilter</anchor>
-      <arglist>( EventFilter filter )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setLibraryPaths</name>
-      <anchor>setLibraryPaths</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStringList &amp; paths )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>startingUp</name>
-      <anchor>startingUp</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>translate</name>
-      <anchor>translate</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * context, const char * sourceText, const char * comment = 0, Encoding encoding = DefaultCodec )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>winEventFilter</name>
-      <anchor>winEventFilter</anchor>
-      <arglist>( MSG * msg, long * result )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>argc</name>
-      <anchor>argc</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>argv</name>
-      <anchor>argv</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>enter_loop</name>
-      <anchor>enter_loop</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>exit_loop</name>
-      <anchor>exit_loop</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lock</name>
-      <anchor>lock</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>locked</name>
-      <anchor>locked</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>loopLevel</name>
-      <anchor>loopLevel</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>processOneEvent</name>
-      <anchor>processOneEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>tryLock</name>
-      <anchor>tryLock</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>unlock</name>
-      <anchor>unlock</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool wakeUpGui = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QCursor</name>
-    <filename>qcursor.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QCursor</name>
-      <anchor>QCursor</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QCursor</name>
-      <anchor>QCursor-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::CursorShape shape )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QCursor</name>
-      <anchor>QCursor-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QBitmap &amp; bitmap, const QBitmap &amp; mask, int hotX = -1, int hotY = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QCursor</name>
-      <anchor>QCursor-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPixmap &amp; pixmap, int hotX = -1, int hotY = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QCursor</name>
-      <anchor>QCursor-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QCursor &amp; c )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QCursor</name>
-      <anchor>QCursor-6</anchor>
-      <arglist>( HCURSOR cursor )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QCursor</name>
-      <anchor>QCursor-7</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::HANDLE handle )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QCursor</name>
-      <anchor>QCursor-8</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::HANDLE cursor )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bitmap</name>
-      <anchor>bitmap</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>handle</name>
-      <anchor>handle</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>HANDLE</name>
-      <anchor>handle-2</anchor>
-      <arglist> QCursor::handle()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>handle</name>
-      <anchor>handle-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hotSpot</name>
-      <anchor>hotSpot</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mask</name>
-      <anchor>mask</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pixmap</name>
-      <anchor>pixmap</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pos</name>
-      <anchor>pos</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPos</name>
-      <anchor>setPos</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPos</name>
-      <anchor>setPos-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; p )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setShape</name>
-      <anchor>setShape</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::CursorShape shape )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>CursorShape</name>
-      <anchor>shape</anchor>
-      <arglist> QCursor::shape()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator</name>
-      <anchor>operator-QVariant</anchor>
-      <arglist> QVariant()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QCursor &amp; c )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QCustomEvent</name>
-    <filename>qcustomevent.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QCustomEvent</name>
-      <anchor>QCustomEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int type, void * data = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>data</name>
-      <anchor>data</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setData</name>
-      <anchor>setData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( void * data )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QDataStream</name>
-    <filename>qdatastream.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>ByteOrder</name>
-      <anchor>ByteOrder-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Status</name>
-      <anchor>Status-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Version</name>
-      <anchor>Version-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDataStream</name>
-      <anchor>QDataStream</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDataStream</name>
-      <anchor>QDataStream-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QIODevice * d )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDataStream</name>
-      <anchor>QDataStream-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QByteArray * a, QIODevice::OpenMode mode )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDataStream</name>
-      <anchor>QDataStream-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; a )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>atEnd</name>
-      <anchor>atEnd</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>byteOrder</name>
-      <anchor>byteOrder</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>device</name>
-      <anchor>device</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>readBytes</name>
-      <anchor>readBytes</anchor>
-      <arglist>( char *&amp; s, uint &amp; l )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>readRawData</name>
-      <anchor>readRawData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( char * s, int len )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resetStatus</name>
-      <anchor>resetStatus</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setByteOrder</name>
-      <anchor>setByteOrder</anchor>
-      <arglist>( ByteOrder bo )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDevice</name>
-      <anchor>setDevice</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QIODevice * d )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setStatus</name>
-      <anchor>setStatus</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Status status )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setVersion</name>
-      <anchor>setVersion</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int v )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>skipRawData</name>
-      <anchor>skipRawData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int len )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>status</name>
-      <anchor>status</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>unsetDevice</name>
-      <anchor>unsetDevice</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>version</name>
-      <anchor>version</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>writeBytes</name>
-      <anchor>writeBytes</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * s, uint len )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>writeRawData</name>
-      <anchor>writeRawData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * s, int len )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;&lt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt-lt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qint8 i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;&lt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt-lt-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;&lt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt-lt-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( quint8 i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;&lt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt-lt-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( quint16 i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;&lt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt-lt-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qint16 i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;&lt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt-lt-6</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qint32 i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;&lt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt-lt-7</anchor>
-      <arglist>( quint64 i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;&lt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt-lt-8</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qint64 i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;&lt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt-lt-9</anchor>
-      <arglist>( quint32 i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;&lt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt-lt-10</anchor>
-      <arglist>( float f )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;&lt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt-lt-11</anchor>
-      <arglist>( double f )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;&lt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt-lt-12</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * s )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&gt;&gt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-gt-gt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qint8 &amp; i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&gt;&gt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-gt-gt-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool &amp; i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&gt;&gt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-gt-gt-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( quint8 &amp; i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&gt;&gt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-gt-gt-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( quint16 &amp; i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&gt;&gt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-gt-gt-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qint16 &amp; i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&gt;&gt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-gt-gt-6</anchor>
-      <arglist>( quint32 &amp; i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&gt;&gt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-gt-gt-7</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qint32 &amp; i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&gt;&gt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-gt-gt-8</anchor>
-      <arglist>( quint64 &amp; i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&gt;&gt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-gt-gt-9</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qint64 &amp; i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&gt;&gt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-gt-gt-10</anchor>
-      <arglist>( float &amp; f )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&gt;&gt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-gt-gt-11</anchor>
-      <arglist>( double &amp; f )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&gt;&gt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-gt-gt-12</anchor>
-      <arglist>( char *&amp; s )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDataStream</name>
-      <anchor>QDataStream-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QByteArray * array, int mode )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>eof</name>
-      <anchor>eof</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isPrintableData</name>
-      <anchor>isPrintableData</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>readRawBytes</name>
-      <anchor>readRawBytes</anchor>
-      <arglist>( char * str, uint len )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPrintableData</name>
-      <anchor>setPrintableData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>writeRawBytes</name>
-      <anchor>writeRawBytes</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * str, uint len )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QDateEdit</name>
-    <filename>qdateedit.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDateEdit</name>
-      <anchor>QDateEdit</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDateEdit</name>
-      <anchor>QDateEdit-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDate &amp; date, QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QDate</name>
-    <filename>qdate.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDate</name>
-      <anchor>QDate</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDate</name>
-      <anchor>QDate-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int y, int m, int d )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addDays</name>
-      <anchor>addDays</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int ndays )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addMonths</name>
-      <anchor>addMonths</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int nmonths )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addYears</name>
-      <anchor>addYears</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int nyears )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentDate</name>
-      <anchor>currentDate-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>day</name>
-      <anchor>day</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dayOfWeek</name>
-      <anchor>dayOfWeek</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dayOfYear</name>
-      <anchor>dayOfYear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>daysInMonth</name>
-      <anchor>daysInMonth</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>daysInYear</name>
-      <anchor>daysInYear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>daysTo</name>
-      <anchor>daysTo</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDate &amp; d )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromJulianDay</name>
-      <anchor>fromJulianDay</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int jd )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromString</name>
-      <anchor>fromString</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; string, Qt::DateFormat format = Qt::TextDate )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromString</name>
-      <anchor>fromString-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; string, const QString &amp; format )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isLeapYear</name>
-      <anchor>isLeapYear</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int year )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isNull</name>
-      <anchor>isNull</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isValid</name>
-      <anchor>isValid</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isValid</name>
-      <anchor>isValid-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int y, int m, int d )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>longDayName</name>
-      <anchor>longDayName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int weekday )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>longMonthName</name>
-      <anchor>longMonthName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int month )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>month</name>
-      <anchor>month</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setYMD</name>
-      <anchor>setYMD</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int y, int m, int d )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>shortDayName</name>
-      <anchor>shortDayName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int weekday )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>shortMonthName</name>
-      <anchor>shortMonthName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int month )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toJulianDay</name>
-      <anchor>toJulianDay</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toString</name>
-      <anchor>toString</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; format )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toString</name>
-      <anchor>toString-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::DateFormat format = Qt::TextDate )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>weekNumber</name>
-      <anchor>weekNumber</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int * yearNumber = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>year</name>
-      <anchor>year</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDate &amp; d )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDate &amp; d )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDate &amp; d )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDate &amp; d )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&gt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-gt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDate &amp; d )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&gt;=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-gt-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDate &amp; d )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentDate</name>
-      <anchor>currentDate</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::TimeSpec spec )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dayName</name>
-      <anchor>dayName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int weekday )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>leapYear</name>
-      <anchor>leapYear</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int year )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>monthName</name>
-      <anchor>monthName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int month )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QDateTimeEdit</name>
-    <filename>qdatetimeedit.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDateTimeEdit</name>
-      <anchor>QDateTimeEdit</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDateTimeEdit</name>
-      <anchor>QDateTimeEdit-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDateTime &amp; datetime, QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDateTimeEdit</name>
-      <anchor>QDateTimeEdit-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDate &amp; date, QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDateTimeEdit</name>
-      <anchor>QDateTimeEdit-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTime &amp; time, QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dateChanged</name>
-      <anchor>dateChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDate &amp; date )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dateTimeChanged</name>
-      <anchor>dateTimeChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDateTime &amp; datetime )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dateTimeFromText</name>
-      <anchor>dateTimeFromText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sectionText</name>
-      <anchor>sectionText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Section section )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDateRange</name>
-      <anchor>setDateRange</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDate &amp; min, const QDate &amp; max )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTimeRange</name>
-      <anchor>setTimeRange</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTime &amp; min, const QTime &amp; max )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>textFromDateTime</name>
-      <anchor>textFromDateTime</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDateTime &amp; dateTime )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>timeChanged</name>
-      <anchor>timeChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTime &amp; time )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QDateTime</name>
-    <filename>qdatetime.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDateTime</name>
-      <anchor>QDateTime</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDateTime</name>
-      <anchor>QDateTime-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDate &amp; date )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDateTime</name>
-      <anchor>QDateTime-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDate &amp; date, const QTime &amp; time, Qt::TimeSpec spec = Qt::LocalTime )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDateTime</name>
-      <anchor>QDateTime-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDateTime &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addDays</name>
-      <anchor>addDays</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int ndays )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addMSecs</name>
-      <anchor>addMSecs</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qint64 msecs )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addMonths</name>
-      <anchor>addMonths</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int nmonths )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addSecs</name>
-      <anchor>addSecs</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int nsecs )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addYears</name>
-      <anchor>addYears</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int nyears )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentDateTime</name>
-      <anchor>currentDateTime</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>date</name>
-      <anchor>date</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>daysTo</name>
-      <anchor>daysTo</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDateTime &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromString</name>
-      <anchor>fromString</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; string, Qt::DateFormat format = Qt::TextDate )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromString</name>
-      <anchor>fromString-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; string, const QString &amp; format )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isNull</name>
-      <anchor>isNull</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isValid</name>
-      <anchor>isValid</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>secsTo</name>
-      <anchor>secsTo</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDateTime &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDate</name>
-      <anchor>setDate</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDate &amp; date )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTime</name>
-      <anchor>setTime</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTime &amp; time )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTimeSpec</name>
-      <anchor>setTimeSpec</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::TimeSpec spec )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTime_t</name>
-      <anchor>setTime_t</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint seconds )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>time</name>
-      <anchor>time</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>TimeSpec</name>
-      <anchor>timeSpec</anchor>
-      <arglist> QDateTime::timeSpec()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toLocalTime</name>
-      <anchor>toLocalTime</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toString</name>
-      <anchor>toString</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; format )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toString</name>
-      <anchor>toString-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::DateFormat format = Qt::TextDate )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toTimeSpec</name>
-      <anchor>toTimeSpec</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::TimeSpec specification )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toTime_t</name>
-      <anchor>toTime_t</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toUTC</name>
-      <anchor>toUTC</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDateTime &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDateTime &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDateTime &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDateTime &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDateTime &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&gt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-gt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDateTime &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&gt;=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-gt-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDateTime &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentDateTime</name>
-      <anchor>currentDateTime-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::TimeSpec spec )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTime_t</name>
-      <anchor>setTime_t-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint secsSince1Jan1970UTC, Qt::TimeSpec spec )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QDecorationFactory</name>
-    <filename>qdecorationfactory.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>create</name>
-      <anchor>create</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>keys</name>
-      <anchor>keys</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QDecoration</name>
-    <filename>qdecoration.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>DecorationRegion</name>
-      <anchor>DecorationRegion-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>DecorationState</name>
-      <anchor>DecorationState-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDecoration</name>
-      <anchor>QDecoration</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>buildSysMenu</name>
-      <anchor>buildSysMenu</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget, QMenu * menu )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>menuTriggered</name>
-      <anchor>menuTriggered</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget, QAction * action )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>paint</name>
-      <anchor>paint</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter * painter, const QWidget * widget, int decorationRegion = All, DecorationState state = Normal )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>region</name>
-      <anchor>region</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QWidget * widget, const QRect &amp; rectangle, int decorationRegion = All )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>region</name>
-      <anchor>region-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QWidget * widget, int decorationRegion = All )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>regionAt</name>
-      <anchor>regionAt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QWidget * widget, const QPoint &amp; point )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>regionClicked</name>
-      <anchor>regionClicked</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget, int region )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>regionDoubleClicked</name>
-      <anchor>regionDoubleClicked</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget, int region )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>startMove</name>
-      <anchor>startMove</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>startResize</name>
-      <anchor>startResize</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QDecorationPlugin</name>
-    <filename>qdecorationplugin.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDecorationPlugin</name>
-      <anchor>QDecorationPlugin</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>create</name>
-      <anchor>create</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>keys</name>
-      <anchor>keys</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QDesignerActionEditorInterface</name>
-    <filename>qdesigneractioneditorinterface.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDesignerActionEditorInterface</name>
-      <anchor>QDesignerActionEditorInterface</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, Qt::WindowFlags flags = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>core</name>
-      <anchor>core</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>manageAction</name>
-      <anchor>manageAction</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QAction * action )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFormWindow</name>
-      <anchor>setFormWindow</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDesignerFormWindowInterface * formWindow )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>unmanageAction</name>
-      <anchor>unmanageAction</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QAction * action )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QDesignerContainerExtension</name>
-    <filename>qdesignercontainerextension.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addWidget</name>
-      <anchor>addWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * page )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentIndex</name>
-      <anchor>currentIndex</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertWidget</name>
-      <anchor>insertWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, QWidget * page )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>remove</name>
-      <anchor>remove</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCurrentIndex</name>
-      <anchor>setCurrentIndex</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>widget</name>
-      <anchor>widget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QDesignerCustomWidgetCollectionInterface</name>
-    <filename>qdesignercustomwidgetcollectioninterface.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>customWidgets</name>
-      <anchor>customWidgets</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QDesignerCustomWidgetInterface</name>
-    <filename>qdesignercustomwidgetinterface.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>codeTemplate</name>
-      <anchor>codeTemplate</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>createWidget</name>
-      <anchor>createWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>domXml</name>
-      <anchor>domXml</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>group</name>
-      <anchor>group</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>icon</name>
-      <anchor>icon</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>includeFile</name>
-      <anchor>includeFile</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>initialize</name>
-      <anchor>initialize</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDesignerFormEditorInterface * formEditor )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isContainer</name>
-      <anchor>isContainer</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isInitialized</name>
-      <anchor>isInitialized</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>name</name>
-      <anchor>name</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toolTip</name>
-      <anchor>toolTip</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>whatsThis</name>
-      <anchor>whatsThis</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QDesignerFormEditorInterface</name>
-    <filename>qdesignerformeditorinterface.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDesignerFormEditorInterface</name>
-      <anchor>QDesignerFormEditorInterface</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>actionEditor</name>
-      <anchor>actionEditor</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>extensionManager</name>
-      <anchor>extensionManager</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>formWindowManager</name>
-      <anchor>formWindowManager</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>objectInspector</name>
-      <anchor>objectInspector</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>propertyEditor</name>
-      <anchor>propertyEditor</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setActionEditor</name>
-      <anchor>setActionEditor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDesignerActionEditorInterface * actionEditor )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setObjectInspector</name>
-      <anchor>setObjectInspector</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDesignerObjectInspectorInterface * objectInspector )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPropertyEditor</name>
-      <anchor>setPropertyEditor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDesignerPropertyEditorInterface * propertyEditor )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setWidgetBox</name>
-      <anchor>setWidgetBox</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface * widgetBox )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>topLevel</name>
-      <anchor>topLevel</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>widgetBox</name>
-      <anchor>widgetBox</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QDesignerFormWindowCursorInterface</name>
-    <filename>qdesignerformwindowcursorinterface.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>MoveMode</name>
-      <anchor>MoveMode-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>MoveOperation</name>
-      <anchor>MoveOperation-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>current</name>
-      <anchor>current</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>formWindow</name>
-      <anchor>formWindow</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasSelection</name>
-      <anchor>hasSelection</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isWidgetSelected</name>
-      <anchor>isWidgetSelected</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>movePosition</name>
-      <anchor>movePosition</anchor>
-      <arglist>( MoveOperation operation, MoveMode mode = MoveAnchor )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>position</name>
-      <anchor>position</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resetWidgetProperty</name>
-      <anchor>resetWidgetProperty</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget, const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selectedWidget</name>
-      <anchor>selectedWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selectedWidgetCount</name>
-      <anchor>selectedWidgetCount</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPosition</name>
-      <anchor>setPosition</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int position, MoveMode mode = MoveAnchor )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setProperty</name>
-      <anchor>setProperty</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name, const QVariant &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setWidgetProperty</name>
-      <anchor>setWidgetProperty</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget, const QString &amp; name, const QVariant &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>widget</name>
-      <anchor>widget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>widgetCount</name>
-      <anchor>widgetCount</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QDesignerFormWindowInterface</name>
-    <filename>qdesignerformwindowinterface.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDesignerFormWindowInterface</name>
-      <anchor>QDesignerFormWindowInterface</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0, Qt::WindowFlags flags = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>aboutToUnmanageWidget</name>
-      <anchor>aboutToUnmanageWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>absoluteDir</name>
-      <anchor>absoluteDir</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>activated</name>
-      <anchor>activated</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addResourceFile</name>
-      <anchor>addResourceFile</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; path )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>author</name>
-      <anchor>author</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>changed</name>
-      <anchor>changed</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clearSelection</name>
-      <anchor>clearSelection</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool update = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>comment</name>
-      <anchor>comment</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contents</name>
-      <anchor>contents</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>core</name>
-      <anchor>core</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cursor</name>
-      <anchor>cursor</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>emitSelectionChanged</name>
-      <anchor>emitSelectionChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>exportMacro</name>
-      <anchor>exportMacro</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>featureChanged</name>
-      <anchor>featureChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Feature feature )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>features</name>
-      <anchor>features</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fileName</name>
-      <anchor>fileName</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fileNameChanged</name>
-      <anchor>fileNameChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fileName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>findFormWindow</name>
-      <anchor>findFormWindow</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>geometryChanged</name>
-      <anchor>geometryChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>grid</name>
-      <anchor>grid</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasFeature</name>
-      <anchor>hasFeature</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Feature feature )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>includeHints</name>
-      <anchor>includeHints</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isDirty</name>
-      <anchor>isDirty</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isManaged</name>
-      <anchor>isManaged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>layoutDefault</name>
-      <anchor>layoutDefault</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int * margin, int * spacing )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>layoutFunction</name>
-      <anchor>layoutFunction</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QString * margin, QString * spacing )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mainContainer</name>
-      <anchor>mainContainer</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mainContainerChanged</name>
-      <anchor>mainContainerChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * mainContainer )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>manageWidget</name>
-      <anchor>manageWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pixmapFunction</name>
-      <anchor>pixmapFunction</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeResourceFile</name>
-      <anchor>removeResourceFile</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; path )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resourceFiles</name>
-      <anchor>resourceFiles</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resourceFilesChanged</name>
-      <anchor>resourceFilesChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selectWidget</name>
-      <anchor>selectWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget, bool select = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selectionChanged</name>
-      <anchor>selectionChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAuthor</name>
-      <anchor>setAuthor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; author )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setComment</name>
-      <anchor>setComment</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; comment )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setContents</name>
-      <anchor>setContents</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QIODevice * device )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setContents</name>
-      <anchor>setContents-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; contents )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDirty</name>
-      <anchor>setDirty</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool dirty )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setExportMacro</name>
-      <anchor>setExportMacro</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; exportMacro )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFeatures</name>
-      <anchor>setFeatures</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Feature features )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFileName</name>
-      <anchor>setFileName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fileName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setGrid</name>
-      <anchor>setGrid</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; grid )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setIncludeHints</name>
-      <anchor>setIncludeHints</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStringList &amp; includeHints )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setLayoutDefault</name>
-      <anchor>setLayoutDefault</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int margin, int spacing )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setLayoutFunction</name>
-      <anchor>setLayoutFunction</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; margin, const QString &amp; spacing )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setMainContainer</name>
-      <anchor>setMainContainer</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * mainContainer )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPixmapFunction</name>
-      <anchor>setPixmapFunction</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; pixmapFunction )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>unmanageWidget</name>
-      <anchor>unmanageWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>widgetManaged</name>
-      <anchor>widgetManaged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>widgetRemoved</name>
-      <anchor>widgetRemoved</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>widgetUnmanaged</name>
-      <anchor>widgetUnmanaged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QDesignerFormWindowManagerInterface</name>
-    <filename>qdesignerformwindowmanagerinterface.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDesignerFormWindowManagerInterface</name>
-      <anchor>QDesignerFormWindowManagerInterface</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>actionAdjustSize</name>
-      <anchor>actionAdjustSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>actionBreakLayout</name>
-      <anchor>actionBreakLayout</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>actionCopy</name>
-      <anchor>actionCopy</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>actionCut</name>
-      <anchor>actionCut</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>actionDelete</name>
-      <anchor>actionDelete</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>actionGridLayout</name>
-      <anchor>actionGridLayout</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>actionHorizontalLayout</name>
-      <anchor>actionHorizontalLayout</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>actionLower</name>
-      <anchor>actionLower</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>actionPaste</name>
-      <anchor>actionPaste</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>actionRaise</name>
-      <anchor>actionRaise</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>actionRedo</name>
-      <anchor>actionRedo</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>actionSelectAll</name>
-      <anchor>actionSelectAll</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>actionSplitHorizontal</name>
-      <anchor>actionSplitHorizontal</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>actionSplitVertical</name>
-      <anchor>actionSplitVertical</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>actionUndo</name>
-      <anchor>actionUndo</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>actionVerticalLayout</name>
-      <anchor>actionVerticalLayout</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>activeFormWindow</name>
-      <anchor>activeFormWindow</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>activeFormWindowChanged</name>
-      <anchor>activeFormWindowChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDesignerFormWindowInterface * formWindow )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addFormWindow</name>
-      <anchor>addFormWindow</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDesignerFormWindowInterface * formWindow )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>core</name>
-      <anchor>core</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>createFormWindow</name>
-      <anchor>createFormWindow</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0, Qt::WindowFlags flags = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>formWindow</name>
-      <anchor>formWindow</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>formWindowAdded</name>
-      <anchor>formWindowAdded</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDesignerFormWindowInterface * formWindow )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>formWindowCount</name>
-      <anchor>formWindowCount</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>formWindowRemoved</name>
-      <anchor>formWindowRemoved</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDesignerFormWindowInterface * formWindow )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeFormWindow</name>
-      <anchor>removeFormWindow</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDesignerFormWindowInterface * formWindow )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setActiveFormWindow</name>
-      <anchor>setActiveFormWindow</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDesignerFormWindowInterface * formWindow )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QDesignerMemberSheetExtension</name>
-    <filename>qdesignermembersheetextension.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>declaredInClass</name>
-      <anchor>declaredInClass</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>indexOf</name>
-      <anchor>indexOf</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>inheritedFromWidget</name>
-      <anchor>inheritedFromWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isSignal</name>
-      <anchor>isSignal</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isSlot</name>
-      <anchor>isSlot</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isVisible</name>
-      <anchor>isVisible</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>memberGroup</name>
-      <anchor>memberGroup</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>memberName</name>
-      <anchor>memberName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>parameterNames</name>
-      <anchor>parameterNames</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>parameterTypes</name>
-      <anchor>parameterTypes</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setMemberGroup</name>
-      <anchor>setMemberGroup</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, const QString &amp; group )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setVisible</name>
-      <anchor>setVisible</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, bool visible )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>signature</name>
-      <anchor>signature</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QDesignerObjectInspectorInterface</name>
-    <filename>qdesignerobjectinspectorinterface.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDesignerObjectInspectorInterface</name>
-      <anchor>QDesignerObjectInspectorInterface</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, Qt::WindowFlags flags = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>core</name>
-      <anchor>core</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFormWindow</name>
-      <anchor>setFormWindow</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDesignerFormWindowInterface * formWindow )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QDesignerPropertyEditorInterface</name>
-    <filename>qdesignerpropertyeditorinterface.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDesignerPropertyEditorInterface</name>
-      <anchor>QDesignerPropertyEditorInterface</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, Qt::WindowFlags flags = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>core</name>
-      <anchor>core</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentPropertyName</name>
-      <anchor>currentPropertyName</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isReadOnly</name>
-      <anchor>isReadOnly</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>object</name>
-      <anchor>object</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>propertyChanged</name>
-      <anchor>propertyChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name, const QVariant &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setObject</name>
-      <anchor>setObject</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * object )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPropertyValue</name>
-      <anchor>setPropertyValue</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name, const QVariant &amp; value, bool changed = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setReadOnly</name>
-      <anchor>setReadOnly</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool readOnly )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QDesignerPropertySheetExtension</name>
-    <filename>qdesignerpropertysheetextension.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasReset</name>
-      <anchor>hasReset</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>indexOf</name>
-      <anchor>indexOf</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isAttribute</name>
-      <anchor>isAttribute</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isChanged</name>
-      <anchor>isChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isVisible</name>
-      <anchor>isVisible</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>property</name>
-      <anchor>property</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>propertyGroup</name>
-      <anchor>propertyGroup</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>propertyName</name>
-      <anchor>propertyName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>reset</name>
-      <anchor>reset</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAttribute</name>
-      <anchor>setAttribute</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, bool attribute )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setChanged</name>
-      <anchor>setChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, bool changed )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setProperty</name>
-      <anchor>setProperty</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, const QVariant &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPropertyGroup</name>
-      <anchor>setPropertyGroup</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, const QString &amp; group )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setVisible</name>
-      <anchor>setVisible</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, bool visible )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QDesignerTaskMenuExtension</name>
-    <filename>qdesignertaskmenuextension.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>preferredEditAction</name>
-      <anchor>preferredEditAction</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>taskActions</name>
-      <anchor>taskActions</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface</name>
-    <filename>qdesignerwidgetboxinterface.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface</name>
-      <anchor>QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0, Qt::WindowFlags flags = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fileName</name>
-      <anchor>fileName</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>load</name>
-      <anchor>load</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>save</name>
-      <anchor>save</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFileName</name>
-      <anchor>setFileName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fileName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QDesktopWidget</name>
-    <filename>qdesktopwidget.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDesktopWidget</name>
-      <anchor>QDesktopWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>availableGeometry</name>
-      <anchor>availableGeometry</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int screen = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>availableGeometry</name>
-      <anchor>availableGeometry-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>availableGeometry</name>
-      <anchor>availableGeometry-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; p )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isVirtualDesktop</name>
-      <anchor>isVirtualDesktop</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>numScreens</name>
-      <anchor>numScreens</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>primaryScreen</name>
-      <anchor>primaryScreen</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resized</name>
-      <anchor>resized</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int screen )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>screen</name>
-      <anchor>screen</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int screen = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>screenGeometry</name>
-      <anchor>screenGeometry</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int screen = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>screenGeometry</name>
-      <anchor>screenGeometry-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>screenGeometry</name>
-      <anchor>screenGeometry-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; p )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>screenNumber</name>
-      <anchor>screenNumber</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QWidget * widget = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>screenNumber</name>
-      <anchor>screenNumber-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; point )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>workAreaResized</name>
-      <anchor>workAreaResized</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int screen )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QDial</name>
-    <filename>qdial.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDial</name>
-      <anchor>QDial</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QDialog</name>
-    <filename>qdialog.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>DialogCode</name>
-      <anchor>DialogCode-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDialog</name>
-      <anchor>QDialog</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>accept</name>
-      <anchor>accept</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>accepted</name>
-      <anchor>accepted</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>done</name>
-      <anchor>done</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int r )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>exec</name>
-      <anchor>exec</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>extension</name>
-      <anchor>extension</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>finished</name>
-      <anchor>finished</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int result )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Orientation</name>
-      <anchor>orientation</anchor>
-      <arglist> QDialog::orientation()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>reject</name>
-      <anchor>reject</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rejected</name>
-      <anchor>rejected</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>result</name>
-      <anchor>result</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setExtension</name>
-      <anchor>setExtension</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * extension )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setOrientation</name>
-      <anchor>setOrientation</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::Orientation orientation )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setResult</name>
-      <anchor>setResult</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>showExtension</name>
-      <anchor>showExtension</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool showIt )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDialog</name>
-      <anchor>QDialog-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, const char * name, bool modal = false, Qt::WFlags f = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDial</name>
-      <anchor>QDial-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int minValue, int maxValue, int pageStep, int value, QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDial</name>
-      <anchor>QDial-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, const char * name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dialMoved</name>
-      <anchor>dialMoved</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dialPressed</name>
-      <anchor>dialPressed</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dialReleased</name>
-      <anchor>dialReleased</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QDirectPainter</name>
-    <filename>qdirectpainter.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>frameBuffer</name>
-      <anchor>frameBuffer</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>linestep</name>
-      <anchor>linestep</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lock</name>
-      <anchor>lock</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>region</name>
-      <anchor>region</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>reserveRegion</name>
-      <anchor>reserveRegion</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRegion &amp; region )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>screenDepth</name>
-      <anchor>screenDepth</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>screenHeight</name>
-      <anchor>screenHeight</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>screenWidth</name>
-      <anchor>screenWidth</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>unlock</name>
-      <anchor>unlock</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QDir</name>
-    <filename>qdir.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>FilterSpec</name>
-      <anchor>FilterSpec-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>SortSpec</name>
-      <anchor>SortSpec-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDir</name>
-      <anchor>QDir</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDir &amp; dir )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDir</name>
-      <anchor>QDir-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; path = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDir</name>
-      <anchor>QDir-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; path, const QString &amp; nameFilter, SortFlags sort = SortFlags( Name | IgnoreCase )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>absoluteFilePath</name>
-      <anchor>absoluteFilePath</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fileName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>absolutePath</name>
-      <anchor>absolutePath</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addResourceSearchPath</name>
-      <anchor>addResourceSearchPath</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; path )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>canonicalPath</name>
-      <anchor>canonicalPath</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cd</name>
-      <anchor>cd</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; dirName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cdUp</name>
-      <anchor>cdUp</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cleanPath</name>
-      <anchor>cleanPath</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; path )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>convertSeparators</name>
-      <anchor>convertSeparators</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; pathName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>current</name>
-      <anchor>current</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentPath</name>
-      <anchor>currentPath</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dirName</name>
-      <anchor>dirName</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drives</name>
-      <anchor>drives</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>entryInfoList</name>
-      <anchor>entryInfoList</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStringList &amp; nameFilters, Filters filters = NoFilter, SortFlags sort = NoSort )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>entryInfoList</name>
-      <anchor>entryInfoList-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Filters filters = NoFilter, SortFlags sort = NoSort )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>entryList</name>
-      <anchor>entryList</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStringList &amp; nameFilters, Filters filters = NoFilter, SortFlags sort = NoSort )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>entryList</name>
-      <anchor>entryList-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Filters filters = NoFilter, SortFlags sort = NoSort )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>exists</name>
-      <anchor>exists</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>exists</name>
-      <anchor>exists-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>filePath</name>
-      <anchor>filePath</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fileName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>filter</name>
-      <anchor>filter</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>home</name>
-      <anchor>home</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>homePath</name>
-      <anchor>homePath</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isAbsolute</name>
-      <anchor>isAbsolute</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isAbsolutePath</name>
-      <anchor>isAbsolutePath</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; path )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isReadable</name>
-      <anchor>isReadable</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isRelative</name>
-      <anchor>isRelative</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isRelativePath</name>
-      <anchor>isRelativePath</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; path )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isRoot</name>
-      <anchor>isRoot</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>makeAbsolute</name>
-      <anchor>makeAbsolute</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>match</name>
-      <anchor>match</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; filter, const QString &amp; fileName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>match</name>
-      <anchor>match-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStringList &amp; filters, const QString &amp; fileName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mkdir</name>
-      <anchor>mkdir</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; dirName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mkpath</name>
-      <anchor>mkpath</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; dirPath )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>nameFilters</name>
-      <anchor>nameFilters</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>path</name>
-      <anchor>path</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>refresh</name>
-      <anchor>refresh</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>relativeFilePath</name>
-      <anchor>relativeFilePath</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fileName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>remove</name>
-      <anchor>remove</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fileName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rename</name>
-      <anchor>rename</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; oldName, const QString &amp; newName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rmdir</name>
-      <anchor>rmdir</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; dirName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rmpath</name>
-      <anchor>rmpath</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; dirPath )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>root</name>
-      <anchor>root</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rootPath</name>
-      <anchor>rootPath</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>separator</name>
-      <anchor>separator</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCurrent</name>
-      <anchor>setCurrent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; path )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFilter</name>
-      <anchor>setFilter</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Filters filters )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setNameFilters</name>
-      <anchor>setNameFilters</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStringList &amp; nameFilters )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPath</name>
-      <anchor>setPath</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; path )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSorting</name>
-      <anchor>setSorting</anchor>
-      <arglist>( SortFlags sort )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sorting</name>
-      <anchor>sorting</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>temp</name>
-      <anchor>temp</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>tempPath</name>
-      <anchor>tempPath</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDir &amp; dir )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDir &amp; dir )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDir &amp; dir )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator[]</name>
-      <anchor>operator-5b-5d</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QDirModel</name>
-    <filename>qdirmodel.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Roles</name>
-      <anchor>Roles-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDirModel</name>
-      <anchor>QDirModel</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStringList &amp; nameFilters, QDir::Filters filters, QDir::SortFlags sort, QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDirModel</name>
-      <anchor>QDirModel-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>columnCount</name>
-      <anchor>columnCount</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; parent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>data</name>
-      <anchor>data</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dropMimeData</name>
-      <anchor>dropMimeData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QMimeData * data, Qt::DropAction action, int row, int column, const QModelIndex &amp; parent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fileIcon</name>
-      <anchor>fileIcon</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fileInfo</name>
-      <anchor>fileInfo</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fileName</name>
-      <anchor>fileName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>filePath</name>
-      <anchor>filePath</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Filters</name>
-      <anchor>filter</anchor>
-      <arglist> QDirModel::filter()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ItemFlags</name>
-      <anchor>flags</anchor>
-      <arglist> QDirModel::flags( const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasChildren</name>
-      <anchor>hasChildren</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; parent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>headerData</name>
-      <anchor>headerData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>iconProvider</name>
-      <anchor>iconProvider</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>index</name>
-      <anchor>index</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int column, const QModelIndex &amp; parent = QModelIndex()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>index</name>
-      <anchor>index-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; path, int column = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isDir</name>
-      <anchor>isDir</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mimeData</name>
-      <anchor>mimeData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndexList &amp; indexes )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mimeTypes</name>
-      <anchor>mimeTypes</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mkdir</name>
-      <anchor>mkdir</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; parent, const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>nameFilters</name>
-      <anchor>nameFilters</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>parent</name>
-      <anchor>parent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; child )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>refresh</name>
-      <anchor>refresh</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; parent = QModelIndex()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>remove</name>
-      <anchor>remove</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rmdir</name>
-      <anchor>rmdir</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rowCount</name>
-      <anchor>rowCount</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; parent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setData</name>
-      <anchor>setData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index, const QVariant &amp; value, int role )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFilter</name>
-      <anchor>setFilter</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDir::Filters filters )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setIconProvider</name>
-      <anchor>setIconProvider</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QFileIconProvider * provider )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setNameFilters</name>
-      <anchor>setNameFilters</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStringList &amp; filters )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSorting</name>
-      <anchor>setSorting</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDir::SortFlags sort )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sort</name>
-      <anchor>sort</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column, Qt::SortOrder order )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>SortFlags</name>
-      <anchor>sorting</anchor>
-      <arglist> QDirModel::sorting()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>DropActions</name>
-      <anchor>supportedDropActions</anchor>
-      <arglist> QDirModel::supportedDropActions()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; path )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>absFilePath</name>
-      <anchor>absFilePath</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fileName, bool acceptAbsPath = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>absPath</name>
-      <anchor>absPath</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cleanDirPath</name>
-      <anchor>cleanDirPath</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>convertToAbs</name>
-      <anchor>convertToAbs</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentDirPath</name>
-      <anchor>currentDirPath</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>entryInfoList</name>
-      <anchor>entryInfoList-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; nameFilter, Filters filters = NoFilter, SortFlags sort = NoSort )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>entryList</name>
-      <anchor>entryList-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; nameFilter, Filters filters = NoFilter, SortFlags sort = NoSort )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>homeDirPath</name>
-      <anchor>homeDirPath</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>matchAllDirs</name>
-      <anchor>matchAllDirs</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mkdir</name>
-      <anchor>mkdir-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; dirName, bool acceptAbsPath )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>nameFilter</name>
-      <anchor>nameFilter</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rmdir</name>
-      <anchor>rmdir-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; dirName, bool acceptAbsPath )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rootDirPath</name>
-      <anchor>rootDirPath</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setMatchAllDirs</name>
-      <anchor>setMatchAllDirs</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool on )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setNameFilter</name>
-      <anchor>setNameFilter</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; nameFilter )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QDockWidget</name>
-    <filename>qdockwidget.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>DockWidgetAreas</name>
-      <anchor>allowedAreas-prop</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDockWidget</name>
-      <anchor>QDockWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; title, QWidget * parent = 0, Qt::WFlags flags = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDockWidget</name>
-      <anchor>QDockWidget-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0, Qt::WFlags flags = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>allowedAreasChanged</name>
-      <anchor>allowedAreasChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::DockWidgetAreas allowedAreas )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>featuresChanged</name>
-      <anchor>featuresChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeatures features )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isAreaAllowed</name>
-      <anchor>isAreaAllowed</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::DockWidgetArea area )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setWidget</name>
-      <anchor>setWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toggleViewAction</name>
-      <anchor>toggleViewAction</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>topLevelChanged</name>
-      <anchor>topLevelChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool topLevel )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>widget</name>
-      <anchor>widget</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QDomAttr</name>
-    <filename>qdomattr.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDomAttr</name>
-      <anchor>QDomAttr</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDomAttr</name>
-      <anchor>QDomAttr-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDomAttr &amp; x )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>name</name>
-      <anchor>name</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>NodeType</name>
-      <anchor>nodeType</anchor>
-      <arglist> QDomAttr::nodeType()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ownerElement</name>
-      <anchor>ownerElement</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setValue</name>
-      <anchor>setValue</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; v )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>specified</name>
-      <anchor>specified</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>value</name>
-      <anchor>value</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDomAttr &amp; x )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QDomCDATASection</name>
-    <filename>qdomcdatasection.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDomCDATASection</name>
-      <anchor>QDomCDATASection</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDomCDATASection</name>
-      <anchor>QDomCDATASection-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDomCDATASection &amp; x )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>NodeType</name>
-      <anchor>nodeType</anchor>
-      <arglist> QDomCDATASection::nodeType()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDomCDATASection &amp; x )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QDomCharacterData</name>
-    <filename>qdomcharacterdata.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDomCharacterData</name>
-      <anchor>QDomCharacterData</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDomCharacterData</name>
-      <anchor>QDomCharacterData-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDomCharacterData &amp; x )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>appendData</name>
-      <anchor>appendData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; arg )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>data</name>
-      <anchor>data</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>deleteData</name>
-      <anchor>deleteData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( unsigned long offset, unsigned long count )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertData</name>
-      <anchor>insertData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( unsigned long offset, const QString &amp; arg )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>length</name>
-      <anchor>length</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>NodeType</name>
-      <anchor>nodeType</anchor>
-      <arglist> QDomCharacterData::nodeType()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>replaceData</name>
-      <anchor>replaceData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( unsigned long offset, unsigned long count, const QString &amp; arg )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setData</name>
-      <anchor>setData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; v )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>substringData</name>
-      <anchor>substringData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( unsigned long offset, unsigned long count )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDomCharacterData &amp; x )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QDomComment</name>
-    <filename>qdomcomment.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDomComment</name>
-      <anchor>QDomComment</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDomComment</name>
-      <anchor>QDomComment-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDomComment &amp; x )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>NodeType</name>
-      <anchor>nodeType</anchor>
-      <arglist> QDomComment::nodeType()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDomComment &amp; x )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QDomDocumentFragment</name>
-    <filename>qdomdocumentfragment.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDomDocumentFragment</name>
-      <anchor>QDomDocumentFragment</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDomDocumentFragment</name>
-      <anchor>QDomDocumentFragment-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDomDocumentFragment &amp; x )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>NodeType</name>
-      <anchor>nodeType</anchor>
-      <arglist> QDomDocumentFragment::nodeType()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDomDocumentFragment &amp; x )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QDomDocument</name>
-    <filename>qdomdocument.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDomDocument</name>
-      <anchor>QDomDocument</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDomDocument</name>
-      <anchor>QDomDocument-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDomDocument</name>
-      <anchor>QDomDocument-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDomDocumentType &amp; doctype )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDomDocument</name>
-      <anchor>QDomDocument-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDomDocument &amp; x )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>createAttribute</name>
-      <anchor>createAttribute</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>createAttributeNS</name>
-      <anchor>createAttributeNS</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; nsURI, const QString &amp; qName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>createCDATASection</name>
-      <anchor>createCDATASection</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>createComment</name>
-      <anchor>createComment</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>createDocumentFragment</name>
-      <anchor>createDocumentFragment</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>createElement</name>
-      <anchor>createElement</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; tagName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>createElementNS</name>
-      <anchor>createElementNS</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; nsURI, const QString &amp; qName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>createEntityReference</name>
-      <anchor>createEntityReference</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>createProcessingInstruction</name>
-      <anchor>createProcessingInstruction</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; target, const QString &amp; data )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>createTextNode</name>
-      <anchor>createTextNode</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>doctype</name>
-      <anchor>doctype</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>documentElement</name>
-      <anchor>documentElement</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>elementById</name>
-      <anchor>elementById</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; elementId )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>elementsByTagName</name>
-      <anchor>elementsByTagName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; tagname )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>elementsByTagNameNS</name>
-      <anchor>elementsByTagNameNS</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; nsURI, const QString &amp; localName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>implementation</name>
-      <anchor>implementation</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>importNode</name>
-      <anchor>importNode</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDomNode &amp; importedNode, bool deep )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>NodeType</name>
-      <anchor>nodeType</anchor>
-      <arglist> QDomDocument::nodeType()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setContent</name>
-      <anchor>setContent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; data, bool namespaceProcessing, QString * errorMsg = 0, int * errorLine = 0, int * errorColumn = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setContent</name>
-      <anchor>setContent-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text, bool namespaceProcessing, QString * errorMsg = 0, int * errorLine = 0, int * errorColumn = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setContent</name>
-      <anchor>setContent-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QIODevice * dev, bool namespaceProcessing, QString * errorMsg = 0, int * errorLine = 0, int * errorColumn = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setContent</name>
-      <anchor>setContent-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text, QString * errorMsg = 0, int * errorLine = 0, int * errorColumn = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setContent</name>
-      <anchor>setContent-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; buffer, QString * errorMsg = 0, int * errorLine = 0, int * errorColumn = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setContent</name>
-      <anchor>setContent-6</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QIODevice * dev, QString * errorMsg = 0, int * errorLine = 0, int * errorColumn = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setContent</name>
-      <anchor>setContent-7</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QXmlInputSource * source, QXmlReader * reader, QString * errorMsg = 0, int * errorLine = 0, int * errorColumn = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toByteArray</name>
-      <anchor>toByteArray</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int indent = 1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toString</name>
-      <anchor>toString</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int indent = 1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDomDocument &amp; x )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QDomDocumentType</name>
-    <filename>qdomdocumenttype.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDomDocumentType</name>
-      <anchor>QDomDocumentType</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDomDocumentType</name>
-      <anchor>QDomDocumentType-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDomDocumentType &amp; n )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>entities</name>
-      <anchor>entities</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>internalSubset</name>
-      <anchor>internalSubset</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>name</name>
-      <anchor>name</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>NodeType</name>
-      <anchor>nodeType</anchor>
-      <arglist> QDomDocumentType::nodeType()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>notations</name>
-      <anchor>notations</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>publicId</name>
-      <anchor>publicId</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>systemId</name>
-      <anchor>systemId</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDomDocumentType &amp; n )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QDomElement</name>
-    <filename>qdomelement.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDomElement</name>
-      <anchor>QDomElement</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDomElement</name>
-      <anchor>QDomElement-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDomElement &amp; x )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>attribute</name>
-      <anchor>attributex</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name, const QString &amp; defValue = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>attributeNS</name>
-      <anchor>attributeNS</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString nsURI, const QString &amp; localName, const QString &amp; defValue = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>attributeNode</name>
-      <anchor>attributeNode</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>attributeNodeNS</name>
-      <anchor>attributeNodeNS</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; nsURI, const QString &amp; localName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>attributes</name>
-      <anchor>attributes</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>elementsByTagName</name>
-      <anchor>elementsByTagName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; tagname )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>elementsByTagNameNS</name>
-      <anchor>elementsByTagNameNS</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; nsURI, const QString &amp; localName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasAttribute</name>
-      <anchor>hasAttribute</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasAttributeNS</name>
-      <anchor>hasAttributeNS</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; nsURI, const QString &amp; localName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>NodeType</name>
-      <anchor>nodeType</anchor>
-      <arglist> QDomElement::nodeType()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeAttribute</name>
-      <anchor>removeAttribute</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeAttributeNS</name>
-      <anchor>removeAttributeNS</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; nsURI, const QString &amp; localName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeAttributeNode</name>
-      <anchor>removeAttributeNode</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDomAttr &amp; oldAttr )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAttribute</name>
-      <anchor>setAttribute</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name, const QString &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAttribute</name>
-      <anchor>setAttribute-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name, int value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAttribute</name>
-      <anchor>setAttribute-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name, uint value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAttribute</name>
-      <anchor>setAttribute-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name, qlonglong value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAttribute</name>
-      <anchor>setAttribute-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name, qulonglong value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAttribute</name>
-      <anchor>setAttribute-6</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name, float value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAttribute</name>
-      <anchor>setAttribute-7</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name, double value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAttributeNS</name>
-      <anchor>setAttributeNS</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString nsURI, const QString &amp; qName, const QString &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAttributeNS</name>
-      <anchor>setAttributeNS-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString nsURI, const QString &amp; qName, int value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAttributeNS</name>
-      <anchor>setAttributeNS-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString nsURI, const QString &amp; qName, uint value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAttributeNS</name>
-      <anchor>setAttributeNS-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString nsURI, const QString &amp; qName, qlonglong value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAttributeNS</name>
-      <anchor>setAttributeNS-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString nsURI, const QString &amp; qName, qulonglong value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAttributeNS</name>
-      <anchor>setAttributeNS-6</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString nsURI, const QString &amp; qName, double value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAttributeNode</name>
-      <anchor>setAttributeNode</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDomAttr &amp; newAttr )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAttributeNodeNS</name>
-      <anchor>setAttributeNodeNS</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDomAttr &amp; newAttr )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTagName</name>
-      <anchor>setTagName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>tagName</name>
-      <anchor>tagName</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>text</name>
-      <anchor>text</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDomElement &amp; x )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QDomEntity</name>
-    <filename>qdomentity.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDomEntity</name>
-      <anchor>QDomEntity</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDomEntity</name>
-      <anchor>QDomEntity-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDomEntity &amp; x )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>NodeType</name>
-      <anchor>nodeType</anchor>
-      <arglist> QDomEntity::nodeType()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>notationName</name>
-      <anchor>notationName</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>publicId</name>
-      <anchor>publicId</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>systemId</name>
-      <anchor>systemId</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDomEntity &amp; x )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QDomEntityReference</name>
-    <filename>qdomentityreference.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDomEntityReference</name>
-      <anchor>QDomEntityReference</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDomEntityReference</name>
-      <anchor>QDomEntityReference-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDomEntityReference &amp; x )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>NodeType</name>
-      <anchor>nodeType</anchor>
-      <arglist> QDomEntityReference::nodeType()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDomEntityReference &amp; x )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QDomImplementation</name>
-    <filename>qdomimplementation.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>InvalidDataPolicy</name>
-      <anchor>InvalidDataPolicy-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDomImplementation</name>
-      <anchor>QDomImplementation</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDomImplementation</name>
-      <anchor>QDomImplementation-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDomImplementation &amp; x )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>createDocument</name>
-      <anchor>createDocument</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; nsURI, const QString &amp; qName, const QDomDocumentType &amp; doctype )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>createDocumentType</name>
-      <anchor>createDocumentType</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; qName, const QString &amp; publicId, const QString &amp; systemId )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasFeature</name>
-      <anchor>hasFeature</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; feature, const QString &amp; version )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>invalidDataPolicy</name>
-      <anchor>invalidDataPolicy</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isNull</name>
-      <anchor>isNull</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setInvalidDataPolicy</name>
-      <anchor>setInvalidDataPolicy</anchor>
-      <arglist>( InvalidDataPolicy policy )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDomImplementation &amp; x )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDomImplementation &amp; x )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDomImplementation &amp; x )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QDomNamedNodeMap</name>
-    <filename>qdomnamednodemap.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDomNamedNodeMap</name>
-      <anchor>QDomNamedNodeMap</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDomNamedNodeMap</name>
-      <anchor>QDomNamedNodeMap-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDomNamedNodeMap &amp; n )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contains</name>
-      <anchor>contains</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEmpty</name>
-      <anchor>isEmpty</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>item</name>
-      <anchor>item</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>length</name>
-      <anchor>length</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>namedItem</name>
-      <anchor>namedItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>namedItemNS</name>
-      <anchor>namedItemNS</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; nsURI, const QString &amp; localName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeNamedItem</name>
-      <anchor>removeNamedItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeNamedItemNS</name>
-      <anchor>removeNamedItemNS</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; nsURI, const QString &amp; localName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setNamedItem</name>
-      <anchor>setNamedItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDomNode &amp; newNode )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setNamedItemNS</name>
-      <anchor>setNamedItemNS</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDomNode &amp; newNode )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>size</name>
-      <anchor>size</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDomNamedNodeMap &amp; n )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDomNamedNodeMap &amp; n )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDomNamedNodeMap &amp; n )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QDomNode</name>
-    <filename>qdomnode.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>NodeType</name>
-      <anchor>NodeType-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDomNode</name>
-      <anchor>QDomNode</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDomNode</name>
-      <anchor>QDomNode-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDomNode &amp; n )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>appendChild</name>
-      <anchor>appendChild</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDomNode &amp; newChild )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>attributes</name>
-      <anchor>attributes</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>childNodes</name>
-      <anchor>childNodes</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cloneNode</name>
-      <anchor>cloneNode</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool deep = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>columnNumber</name>
-      <anchor>columnNumber</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>firstChild</name>
-      <anchor>firstChild</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>firstChildElement</name>
-      <anchor>firstChildElement</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; tagName = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasAttributes</name>
-      <anchor>hasAttributes</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasChildNodes</name>
-      <anchor>hasChildNodes</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertAfter</name>
-      <anchor>insertAfter</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDomNode &amp; newChild, const QDomNode &amp; refChild )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertBefore</name>
-      <anchor>insertBefore</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDomNode &amp; newChild, const QDomNode &amp; refChild )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isAttr</name>
-      <anchor>isAttr</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isCDATASection</name>
-      <anchor>isCDATASection</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isCharacterData</name>
-      <anchor>isCharacterData</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isComment</name>
-      <anchor>isComment</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isDocument</name>
-      <anchor>isDocument</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isDocumentFragment</name>
-      <anchor>isDocumentFragment</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isDocumentType</name>
-      <anchor>isDocumentType</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isElement</name>
-      <anchor>isElement</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEntity</name>
-      <anchor>isEntity</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEntityReference</name>
-      <anchor>isEntityReference</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isNotation</name>
-      <anchor>isNotation</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isNull</name>
-      <anchor>isNull</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isProcessingInstruction</name>
-      <anchor>isProcessingInstruction</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isSupported</name>
-      <anchor>isSupported</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; feature, const QString &amp; version )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isText</name>
-      <anchor>isText</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lastChild</name>
-      <anchor>lastChild</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lastChildElement</name>
-      <anchor>lastChildElement</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; tagName = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lineNumber</name>
-      <anchor>lineNumber</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>localName</name>
-      <anchor>localName</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>namedItem</name>
-      <anchor>namedItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>namespaceURI</name>
-      <anchor>namespaceURI</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>nextSibling</name>
-      <anchor>nextSibling</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>nextSiblingElement</name>
-      <anchor>nextSiblingElement</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; tagName = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>nodeName</name>
-      <anchor>nodeName</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>nodeType</name>
-      <anchor>nodeType</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>nodeValue</name>
-      <anchor>nodeValue</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>normalize</name>
-      <anchor>normalize</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ownerDocument</name>
-      <anchor>ownerDocument</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>parentNode</name>
-      <anchor>parentNode</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>prefix</name>
-      <anchor>prefix</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>previousSibling</name>
-      <anchor>previousSibling</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>previousSiblingElement</name>
-      <anchor>previousSiblingElement</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; tagName = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeChild</name>
-      <anchor>removeChild</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDomNode &amp; oldChild )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>replaceChild</name>
-      <anchor>replaceChild</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDomNode &amp; newChild, const QDomNode &amp; oldChild )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>save</name>
-      <anchor>save</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTextStream &amp; str, int indent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setNodeValue</name>
-      <anchor>setNodeValue</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; v )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPrefix</name>
-      <anchor>setPrefix</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; pre )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toAttr</name>
-      <anchor>toAttr</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toCDATASection</name>
-      <anchor>toCDATASection</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toCharacterData</name>
-      <anchor>toCharacterData</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toComment</name>
-      <anchor>toComment</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toDocument</name>
-      <anchor>toDocument</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toDocumentFragment</name>
-      <anchor>toDocumentFragment</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toDocumentType</name>
-      <anchor>toDocumentType</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toElement</name>
-      <anchor>toElement</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toEntity</name>
-      <anchor>toEntity</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toEntityReference</name>
-      <anchor>toEntityReference</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toNotation</name>
-      <anchor>toNotation</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toProcessingInstruction</name>
-      <anchor>toProcessingInstruction</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toText</name>
-      <anchor>toText</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDomNode &amp; n )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDomNode &amp; n )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDomNode &amp; n )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QDomNodeList</name>
-    <filename>qdomnodelist.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDomNodeList</name>
-      <anchor>QDomNodeList</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDomNodeList</name>
-      <anchor>QDomNodeList-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDomNodeList &amp; n )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>at</name>
-      <anchor>at</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEmpty</name>
-      <anchor>isEmpty</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>item</name>
-      <anchor>item</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>length</name>
-      <anchor>length</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>size</name>
-      <anchor>size</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDomNodeList &amp; n )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDomNodeList &amp; n )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDomNodeList &amp; n )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QDomNotation</name>
-    <filename>qdomnotation.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDomNotation</name>
-      <anchor>QDomNotation</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDomNotation</name>
-      <anchor>QDomNotation-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDomNotation &amp; x )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>NodeType</name>
-      <anchor>nodeType</anchor>
-      <arglist> QDomNotation::nodeType()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>publicId</name>
-      <anchor>publicId</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>systemId</name>
-      <anchor>systemId</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDomNotation &amp; x )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QDomProcessingInstruction</name>
-    <filename>qdomprocessinginstruction.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDomProcessingInstruction</name>
-      <anchor>QDomProcessingInstruction</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDomProcessingInstruction</name>
-      <anchor>QDomProcessingInstruction-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDomProcessingInstruction &amp; x )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>data</name>
-      <anchor>data</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>NodeType</name>
-      <anchor>nodeType</anchor>
-      <arglist> QDomProcessingInstruction::nodeType()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setData</name>
-      <anchor>setData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; d )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>target</name>
-      <anchor>target</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDomProcessingInstruction &amp; x )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QDomText</name>
-    <filename>qdomtext.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDomText</name>
-      <anchor>QDomText</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDomText</name>
-      <anchor>QDomText-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDomText &amp; x )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>NodeType</name>
-      <anchor>nodeType</anchor>
-      <arglist> QDomText::nodeType()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>splitText</name>
-      <anchor>splitText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int offset )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDomText &amp; x )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QDoubleSpinBox</name>
-    <filename>qdoublespinbox.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDoubleSpinBox</name>
-      <anchor>QDoubleSpinBox</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRange</name>
-      <anchor>setRange</anchor>
-      <arglist>( double min, double max )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>textFromValue</name>
-      <anchor>textFromValue</anchor>
-      <arglist>( double v )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>valueChanged</name>
-      <anchor>valueChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( double d )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>valueChanged</name>
-      <anchor>valueChanged-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>valueFromText</name>
-      <anchor>valueFromText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QDoubleValidator</name>
-    <filename>qdoublevalidator.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDoubleValidator</name>
-      <anchor>QDoubleValidator</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDoubleValidator</name>
-      <anchor>QDoubleValidator-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( double bottom, double top, int decimals, QObject * parent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRange</name>
-      <anchor>setRange</anchor>
-      <arglist>( double minimum, double maximum, int decimals = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>State</name>
-      <anchor>validate</anchor>
-      <arglist> QDoubleValidator::validate( QString &amp; input, int &amp; pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDoubleValidator</name>
-      <anchor>QDoubleValidator-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent, const char * name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDoubleValidator</name>
-      <anchor>QDoubleValidator-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( double bottom, double top, int decimals, QObject * parent, const char * name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QDragEnterEvent</name>
-    <filename>qdragenterevent.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDragEnterEvent</name>
-      <anchor>QDragEnterEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; point, Qt::DropActions actions, const QMimeData * data, Qt::MouseButtons buttons, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QDrag</name>
-    <filename>qdrag.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDrag</name>
-      <anchor>QDrag</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * dragSource )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>actionChanged</name>
-      <anchor>actionChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::DropAction action )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hotSpot</name>
-      <anchor>hotSpot</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mimeData</name>
-      <anchor>mimeData</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pixmap</name>
-      <anchor>pixmap</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDragCursor</name>
-      <anchor>setDragCursor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPixmap &amp; cursor, Qt::DropAction action )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setHotSpot</name>
-      <anchor>setHotSpot</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; hotspot )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setMimeData</name>
-      <anchor>setMimeData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QMimeData * data )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>setPixmap</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPixmap &amp; pixmap )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>source</name>
-      <anchor>source</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>DropAction</name>
-      <anchor>start</anchor>
-      <arglist> QDrag::start( Qt::DropActions request = Qt::CopyAction )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>target</name>
-      <anchor>target</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>targetChanged</name>
-      <anchor>targetChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * newTarget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QDragLeaveEvent</name>
-    <filename>qdragleaveevent.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDragLeaveEvent</name>
-      <anchor>QDragLeaveEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QDragMoveEvent</name>
-    <filename>qdragmoveevent.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDragMoveEvent</name>
-      <anchor>QDragMoveEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; pos, Qt::DropActions actions, const QMimeData * data, Qt::MouseButtons buttons, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, Type type = DragMove )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>accept</name>
-      <anchor>accept</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; rectangle )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>accept</name>
-      <anchor>accept-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>answerRect</name>
-      <anchor>answerRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ignore</name>
-      <anchor>ignore</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; rectangle )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ignore</name>
-      <anchor>ignore-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>accept</name>
-      <anchor>accept-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool y )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QDropEvent</name>
-    <filename>qdropevent.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QDropEvent</name>
-      <anchor>QDropEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; pos, Qt::DropActions actions, const QMimeData * data, Qt::MouseButtons buttons, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, Type type = Drop )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>acceptProposedAction</name>
-      <anchor>acceptProposedAction</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>DropAction</name>
-      <anchor>dropAction</anchor>
-      <arglist> QDropEvent::dropAction()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>KeyboardModifiers</name>
-      <anchor>keyboardModifiers</anchor>
-      <arglist> QDropEvent::keyboardModifiers()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mimeData</name>
-      <anchor>mimeData</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>MouseButtons</name>
-      <anchor>mouseButtons</anchor>
-      <arglist> QDropEvent::mouseButtons()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pos</name>
-      <anchor>pos</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>DropActions</name>
-      <anchor>possibleActions</anchor>
-      <arglist> QDropEvent::possibleActions()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>DropAction</name>
-      <anchor>proposedAction</anchor>
-      <arglist> QDropEvent::proposedAction()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDropAction</name>
-      <anchor>setDropAction</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::DropAction action )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>source</name>
-      <anchor>source</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Action</name>
-      <anchor>Action-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>accept</name>
-      <anchor>accept-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool accept )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>acceptAction</name>
-      <anchor>acceptAction</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool accept = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>action</name>
-      <anchor>action</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>data</name>
-      <anchor>data</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * f )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>encodedData</name>
-      <anchor>encodedData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * format )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>format</name>
-      <anchor>format</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int n = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>provides</name>
-      <anchor>provides</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * mimeType )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPoint</name>
-      <anchor>setPoint</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; point )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QErrorMessage</name>
-    <filename>qerrormessage.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QErrorMessage</name>
-      <anchor>QErrorMessage</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>qtHandler</name>
-      <anchor>qtHandler</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>showMessage</name>
-      <anchor>showMessage</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; message )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>message</name>
-      <anchor>message</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; message )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QEvent</name>
-    <filename>qevent.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Type</name>
-      <anchor>Type-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QEvent</name>
-      <anchor>QEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Type type )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>accept</name>
-      <anchor>accept</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ignore</name>
-      <anchor>ignore</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>spontaneous</name>
-      <anchor>spontaneous</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>type</name>
-      <anchor>type</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QEventLoop</name>
-    <filename>qeventloop.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QEventLoop</name>
-      <anchor>QEventLoop</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>exec</name>
-      <anchor>exec</anchor>
-      <arglist>( ProcessEventsFlags flags = AllEvents )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>exit</name>
-      <anchor>exit</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int returnCode = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isRunning</name>
-      <anchor>isRunning</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>processEvents</name>
-      <anchor>processEvents</anchor>
-      <arglist>( ProcessEventsFlags flags = AllEvents )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>processEvents</name>
-      <anchor>processEvents-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( ProcessEventsFlags flags, int maxTime )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>quit</name>
-      <anchor>quit</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>wakeUp</name>
-      <anchor>wakeUp</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QExtensionFactory</name>
-    <filename>qextensionfactory.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QExtensionFactory</name>
-      <anchor>QExtensionFactory</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QExtensionManager * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>createExtension</name>
-      <anchor>createExtension</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * object, const QString &amp; iid, QObject * parent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>extension</name>
-      <anchor>extension</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * object, const QString &amp; iid )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>extensionManager</name>
-      <anchor>extensionManager</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QExtensionManager</name>
-    <filename>qextensionmanager.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QExtensionManager</name>
-      <anchor>QExtensionManager</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>extension</name>
-      <anchor>extension</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * object, const QString &amp; iid )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>registerExtensions</name>
-      <anchor>registerExtensions</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QAbstractExtensionFactory * factory, const QString &amp; iid = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>unregisterExtensions</name>
-      <anchor>unregisterExtensions</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QAbstractExtensionFactory * factory, const QString &amp; iid = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QFileDialog</name>
-    <filename>qfiledialog.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>AcceptMode</name>
-      <anchor>AcceptMode-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>DialogLabel</name>
-      <anchor>DialogLabel-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>FileMode</name>
-      <anchor>FileMode-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Mode</name>
-      <anchor>Mode-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>ViewMode</name>
-      <anchor>ViewMode-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QFileDialog</name>
-      <anchor>QFileDialog</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, Qt::WFlags flags )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QFileDialog</name>
-      <anchor>QFileDialog-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0, const QString &amp; caption = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentChanged</name>
-      <anchor>currentChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; path )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>directory</name>
-      <anchor>directory</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>filesSelected</name>
-      <anchor>filesSelected</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStringList &amp; selected )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>filters</name>
-      <anchor>filters</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>getExistingDirectory</name>
-      <anchor>getExistingDirectory</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0, const QString &amp; caption = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>getOpenFileName</name>
-      <anchor>getOpenFileName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0, const QString &amp; caption = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>getOpenFileNames</name>
-      <anchor>getOpenFileNames</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0, const QString &amp; caption = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>getSaveFileName</name>
-      <anchor>getSaveFileName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0, const QString &amp; caption = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>history</name>
-      <anchor>history</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>iconProvider</name>
-      <anchor>iconProvider</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemDelegate</name>
-      <anchor>itemDelegate</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>labelText</name>
-      <anchor>labelText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( DialogLabel label )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selectFile</name>
-      <anchor>selectFile</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; filename )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selectFilter</name>
-      <anchor>selectFilter</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; filter )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selectedFiles</name>
-      <anchor>selectedFiles</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selectedFilter</name>
-      <anchor>selectedFilter</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDirectory</name>
-      <anchor>setDirectory</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; directory )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDirectory</name>
-      <anchor>setDirectory-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDir &amp; directory )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFilter</name>
-      <anchor>setFilter</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; filter )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFilters</name>
-      <anchor>setFilters</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStringList &amp; filters )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setHistory</name>
-      <anchor>setHistory</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStringList &amp; paths )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setIconProvider</name>
-      <anchor>setIconProvider</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QFileIconProvider * provider )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setItemDelegate</name>
-      <anchor>setItemDelegate</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QAbstractItemDelegate * delegate )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setLabelText</name>
-      <anchor>setLabelText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( DialogLabel label, const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>getExistingDirectory</name>
-      <anchor>getExistingDirectory-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; dir, QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0, const QString &amp; caption = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>getOpenFileName</name>
-      <anchor>getOpenFileName-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; dir, const QString &amp; filter = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>getOpenFileNames</name>
-      <anchor>getOpenFileNames-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; filter, const QString &amp; dir = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>getSaveFileName</name>
-      <anchor>getSaveFileName-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; dir, const QString &amp; filter = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mode</name>
-      <anchor>mode</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selectedFile</name>
-      <anchor>selectedFile</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDir</name>
-      <anchor>setDir</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; directory )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDir</name>
-      <anchor>setDir-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDir &amp; directory )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setMode</name>
-      <anchor>setMode</anchor>
-      <arglist>( FileMode m )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QFile</name>
-    <filename>qfile.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>DecoderFn</name>
-      <anchor>DecoderFn-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>EncoderFn</name>
-      <anchor>EncoderFn-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>FileError</name>
-      <anchor>FileError-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>PermissionSpec</name>
-      <anchor>PermissionSpec-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QFile</name>
-      <anchor>QFile-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QFile</name>
-      <anchor>QFile-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QFile</name>
-      <anchor>QFile-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name, QObject * parent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>atEnd</name>
-      <anchor>atEnd</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>copy</name>
-      <anchor>copy</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; newName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>copy</name>
-      <anchor>copy-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fileName, const QString &amp; newName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>decodeName</name>
-      <anchor>decodeName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; localFileName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>decodeName</name>
-      <anchor>decodeName-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * localFileName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>encodeName</name>
-      <anchor>encodeName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fileName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>error</name>
-      <anchor>error</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>exists</name>
-      <anchor>exists</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fileName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>exists</name>
-      <anchor>exists-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fileName</name>
-      <anchor>fileName</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>flush</name>
-      <anchor>flush</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>handle</name>
-      <anchor>handle</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isSequential</name>
-      <anchor>isSequential</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>link</name>
-      <anchor>link</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; linkName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>link</name>
-      <anchor>link-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fileName, const QString &amp; linkName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>open</name>
-      <anchor>open</anchor>
-      <arglist>( OpenMode mode )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>open</name>
-      <anchor>open-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( FILE * fh, OpenMode mode )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>open</name>
-      <anchor>open-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int fd, OpenMode mode )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>permissions</name>
-      <anchor>permissions</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>permissions</name>
-      <anchor>permissions-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fileName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>readLink</name>
-      <anchor>readLink</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fileName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>readLink</name>
-      <anchor>readLink-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>remove</name>
-      <anchor>remove</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>remove</name>
-      <anchor>remove-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fileName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rename</name>
-      <anchor>rename</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; newName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rename</name>
-      <anchor>rename-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; oldName, const QString &amp; newName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resize</name>
-      <anchor>resize</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qint64 sz )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resize</name>
-      <anchor>resize-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fileName, qint64 sz )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDecodingFunction</name>
-      <anchor>setDecodingFunction</anchor>
-      <arglist>( DecoderFn function )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setEncodingFunction</name>
-      <anchor>setEncodingFunction</anchor>
-      <arglist>( EncoderFn function )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFileName</name>
-      <anchor>setFileName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPermissions</name>
-      <anchor>setPermissions</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Permissions permissions )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPermissions</name>
-      <anchor>setPermissions-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fileName, Permissions permissions )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>size</name>
-      <anchor>size</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>unsetError</name>
-      <anchor>unsetError</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QFileIconProvider</name>
-    <filename>qfileiconprovider.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>IconType</name>
-      <anchor>IconType-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QFileIconProvider</name>
-      <anchor>QFileIconProvider</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>icon</name>
-      <anchor>icon</anchor>
-      <arglist>( IconType type )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>icon</name>
-      <anchor>icon-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QFileInfo &amp; info )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>type</name>
-      <anchor>type</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QFileInfo &amp; info )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QFileInfo</name>
-    <filename>qfileinfo.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QFileInfo</name>
-      <anchor>QFileInfo</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QFileInfo</name>
-      <anchor>QFileInfo-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; file )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QFileInfo</name>
-      <anchor>QFileInfo-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QFile &amp; file )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QFileInfo</name>
-      <anchor>QFileInfo-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDir &amp; dir, const QString &amp; file )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QFileInfo</name>
-      <anchor>QFileInfo-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QFileInfo &amp; fileinfo )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>absoluteDir</name>
-      <anchor>absoluteDir</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>absoluteFilePath</name>
-      <anchor>absoluteFilePath</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>absolutePath</name>
-      <anchor>absolutePath</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>baseName</name>
-      <anchor>baseName</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>caching</name>
-      <anchor>caching</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>canonicalFilePath</name>
-      <anchor>canonicalFilePath</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>canonicalPath</name>
-      <anchor>canonicalPath</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>completeBaseName</name>
-      <anchor>completeBaseName</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>completeSuffix</name>
-      <anchor>completeSuffix</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>created</name>
-      <anchor>created</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dir</name>
-      <anchor>dir</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>exists</name>
-      <anchor>exists</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fileName</name>
-      <anchor>fileName</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>filePath</name>
-      <anchor>filePath</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>group</name>
-      <anchor>group</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>groupId</name>
-      <anchor>groupId</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isAbsolute</name>
-      <anchor>isAbsolute</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isDir</name>
-      <anchor>isDir</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isExecutable</name>
-      <anchor>isExecutable</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isFile</name>
-      <anchor>isFile</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isHidden</name>
-      <anchor>isHidden</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isReadable</name>
-      <anchor>isReadable</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isRelative</name>
-      <anchor>isRelative</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isRoot</name>
-      <anchor>isRoot</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isSymLink</name>
-      <anchor>isSymLink</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isWritable</name>
-      <anchor>isWritable</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lastModified</name>
-      <anchor>lastModified</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lastRead</name>
-      <anchor>lastRead</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>makeAbsolute</name>
-      <anchor>makeAbsolute</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>owner</name>
-      <anchor>owner</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ownerId</name>
-      <anchor>ownerId</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>path</name>
-      <anchor>path</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>permission</name>
-      <anchor>permission</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QFile::Permissions permissions )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Permissions</name>
-      <anchor>permissions</anchor>
-      <arglist> QFileInfo::permissions()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>readLink</name>
-      <anchor>readLink</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>refresh</name>
-      <anchor>refresh</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCaching</name>
-      <anchor>setCaching</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFile</name>
-      <anchor>setFile</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; file )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFile</name>
-      <anchor>setFile-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QFile &amp; file )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFile</name>
-      <anchor>setFile-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDir &amp; dir, const QString &amp; file )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>size</name>
-      <anchor>size</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>suffix</name>
-      <anchor>suffix</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QFileInfo &amp; fileinfo )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QFileInfo &amp; fileinfo )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QFileInfo &amp; fileinfo )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QFileInfo &amp; fileinfo )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QFileInfo &amp; fileinfo )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>absFilePath</name>
-      <anchor>absFilePath</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>baseName</name>
-      <anchor>baseName-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool complete )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>convertToAbs</name>
-      <anchor>convertToAbs</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dir</name>
-      <anchor>dir-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool absPath )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dirPath</name>
-      <anchor>dirPath</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool absPath = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>extension</name>
-      <anchor>extension</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool complete = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>permission</name>
-      <anchor>permission-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( PermissionSpec permissions )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QFileOpenEvent</name>
-    <filename>qfileopenevent.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>file</name>
-      <anchor>file</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>name</name>
-      <anchor>name</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>open</name>
-      <anchor>open-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( OpenMode flags, FILE * f )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>open</name>
-      <anchor>open-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( OpenMode flags, int fd )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setName</name>
-      <anchor>setName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QFlag</name>
-    <filename>qflag.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QFlag</name>
-      <anchor>QFlag</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator</name>
-      <anchor>operator-int</anchor>
-      <arglist> int()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QFlags</name>
-    <filename>qflags.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>enum_type</name>
-      <anchor>enum_type-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QFlags</name>
-      <anchor>QFlags</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QFlags &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QFlags</name>
-      <anchor>QFlags-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Enum flag )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QFlags</name>
-      <anchor>QFlags-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Zero zero = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QFlags</name>
-      <anchor>QFlags-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QFlag value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator</name>
-      <anchor>operator-int</anchor>
-      <arglist> int()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&amp;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-and</anchor>
-      <arglist>amp;( int mask )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&amp;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-and-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>amp;( uint mask )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&amp;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-and-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>amp;( Enum mask )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&amp;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-and-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>amp;=( int mask )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&amp;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-and-eq-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>amp;=( uint mask )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QFlags &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator^</name>
-      <anchor>operator-5e</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QFlags other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator^</name>
-      <anchor>operator-5e-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Enum other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator^=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-5e-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QFlags other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator^=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-5e-eq-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Enum other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator|</name>
-      <anchor>operator-7c</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QFlags other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator|</name>
-      <anchor>operator-7c-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Enum other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator|=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-7c-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QFlags other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator|=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-7c-eq-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Enum other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator~</name>
-      <anchor>operator-7e</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QFocusEvent</name>
-    <filename>qfocusevent.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QFocusEvent</name>
-      <anchor>QFocusEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Type type, Qt::FocusReason reason = Qt::OtherFocusReason )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>gotFocus</name>
-      <anchor>gotFocus</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lostFocus</name>
-      <anchor>lostFocus</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>FocusReason</name>
-      <anchor>reason</anchor>
-      <arglist> QFocusEvent::reason()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Reason</name>
-      <anchor>Reason-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QFocusFrame</name>
-    <filename>qfocusframe.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QFocusFrame</name>
-      <anchor>QFocusFrame</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setWidget</name>
-      <anchor>setWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>widget</name>
-      <anchor>widget</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QFontDatabase</name>
-    <filename>qfontdatabase.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>WritingSystem</name>
-      <anchor>WritingSystem-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QFontDatabase</name>
-      <anchor>QFontDatabase</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bold</name>
-      <anchor>bold</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; family, const QString &amp; style )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>families</name>
-      <anchor>families</anchor>
-      <arglist>( WritingSystem writingSystem = Any )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>font</name>
-      <anchor>font</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; family, const QString &amp; style, int pointSize )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isBitmapScalable</name>
-      <anchor>isBitmapScalable</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; family, const QString &amp; style = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isFixedPitch</name>
-      <anchor>isFixedPitch</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; family, const QString &amp; style = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isScalable</name>
-      <anchor>isScalable</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; family, const QString &amp; style = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isSmoothlyScalable</name>
-      <anchor>isSmoothlyScalable</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; family, const QString &amp; style = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>italic</name>
-      <anchor>italic</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; family, const QString &amp; style )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pointSizes</name>
-      <anchor>pointSizes</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; family, const QString &amp; style = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>smoothSizes</name>
-      <anchor>smoothSizes</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; family, const QString &amp; style )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>standardSizes</name>
-      <anchor>standardSizes</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>styleString</name>
-      <anchor>styleString</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QFont &amp; font )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>styleString</name>
-      <anchor>styleString-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QFontInfo &amp; fontInfo )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>styles</name>
-      <anchor>styles</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; family )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>weight</name>
-      <anchor>weight</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; family, const QString &amp; style )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>writingSystemName</name>
-      <anchor>writingSystemName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( WritingSystem writingSystem )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>writingSystemSample</name>
-      <anchor>writingSystemSample</anchor>
-      <arglist>( WritingSystem writingSystem )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>writingSystems</name>
-      <anchor>writingSystems</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QFontDialog</name>
-    <filename>qfontdialog.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>getFont</name>
-      <anchor>getFont</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool * ok, const QFont &amp; initial, QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>getFont</name>
-      <anchor>getFont-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool * ok, const QFont &amp; def, QWidget * parent, const char * name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>getFont</name>
-      <anchor>getFont-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool * ok, QWidget * parent, const char * name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>getFont</name>
-      <anchor>getFont-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool * ok, QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QFont</name>
-    <filename>qfont.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Stretch</name>
-      <anchor>Stretch-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Style</name>
-      <anchor>Style-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>StyleHint</name>
-      <anchor>StyleHint-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>StyleStrategy</name>
-      <anchor>StyleStrategy-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Weight</name>
-      <anchor>Weight-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QFont</name>
-      <anchor>QFont</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QFont</name>
-      <anchor>QFont-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; family, int pointSize = -1, int weight = -1, bool italic = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QFont</name>
-      <anchor>QFont-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QFont &amp; font, QPaintDevice * pd )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QFont</name>
-      <anchor>QFont-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QFont &amp; font )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bold</name>
-      <anchor>bold</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>defaultFamily</name>
-      <anchor>defaultFamily</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>exactMatch</name>
-      <anchor>exactMatch</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>family</name>
-      <anchor>family</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fixedPitch</name>
-      <anchor>fixedPitch</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromString</name>
-      <anchor>fromString</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; descrip )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>handle</name>
-      <anchor>handle</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertSubstitution</name>
-      <anchor>insertSubstitution</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; familyName, const QString &amp; substituteName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertSubstitutions</name>
-      <anchor>insertSubstitutions</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; familyName, const QStringList &amp; substituteNames )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isCopyOf</name>
-      <anchor>isCopyOf</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QFont &amp; f )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>italic</name>
-      <anchor>italic</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>kerning</name>
-      <anchor>kerning</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>key</name>
-      <anchor>key</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lastResortFamily</name>
-      <anchor>lastResortFamily</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lastResortFont</name>
-      <anchor>lastResortFont</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>overline</name>
-      <anchor>overline</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pixelSize</name>
-      <anchor>pixelSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pointSize</name>
-      <anchor>pointSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pointSizeF</name>
-      <anchor>pointSizeF</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rawMode</name>
-      <anchor>rawMode</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rawName</name>
-      <anchor>rawName</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeSubstitution</name>
-      <anchor>removeSubstitution</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; familyName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resolve</name>
-      <anchor>resolve</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QFont &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setBold</name>
-      <anchor>setBold</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFamily</name>
-      <anchor>setFamily</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; family )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFixedPitch</name>
-      <anchor>setFixedPitch</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setItalic</name>
-      <anchor>setItalic</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setKerning</name>
-      <anchor>setKerning</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setOverline</name>
-      <anchor>setOverline</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPixelSize</name>
-      <anchor>setPixelSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int pixelSize )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPointSize</name>
-      <anchor>setPointSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int pointSize )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPointSizeF</name>
-      <anchor>setPointSizeF</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal pointSize )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRawMode</name>
-      <anchor>setRawMode</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRawName</name>
-      <anchor>setRawName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setStretch</name>
-      <anchor>setStretch</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int factor )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setStrikeOut</name>
-      <anchor>setStrikeOut</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setStyle</name>
-      <anchor>setStyle</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Style style )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setStyleHint</name>
-      <anchor>setStyleHint</anchor>
-      <arglist>( StyleHint hint, StyleStrategy strategy = PreferDefault )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setStyleStrategy</name>
-      <anchor>setStyleStrategy</anchor>
-      <arglist>( StyleStrategy s )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setUnderline</name>
-      <anchor>setUnderline</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setWeight</name>
-      <anchor>setWeight</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int weight )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>stretch</name>
-      <anchor>stretch</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>strikeOut</name>
-      <anchor>strikeOut</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>style</name>
-      <anchor>style</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>styleHint</name>
-      <anchor>styleHint</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>styleStrategy</name>
-      <anchor>styleStrategy</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>substitute</name>
-      <anchor>substitute</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; familyName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>substitutes</name>
-      <anchor>substitutes</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; familyName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>substitutions</name>
-      <anchor>substitutions</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toString</name>
-      <anchor>toString</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>underline</name>
-      <anchor>underline</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>weight</name>
-      <anchor>weight</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator</name>
-      <anchor>operator-QVariant</anchor>
-      <arglist> QVariant()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QFont &amp; f )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QFont &amp; f )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QFont &amp; font )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QFont &amp; f )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QFontInfo</name>
-    <filename>qfontinfo.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QFontInfo</name>
-      <anchor>QFontInfo</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QFont &amp; font )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QFontInfo</name>
-      <anchor>QFontInfo-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QFontInfo &amp; fi )</arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bold</name>
-      <anchor>bold</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>exactMatch</name>
-      <anchor>exactMatch</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>family</name>
-      <anchor>family</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fixedPitch</name>
-      <anchor>fixedPitch</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>italic</name>
-      <anchor>italic</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pixelSize</name>
-      <anchor>pixelSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pointSize</name>
-      <anchor>pointSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pointSizeF</name>
-      <anchor>pointSizeF</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rawMode</name>
-      <anchor>rawMode</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Style</name>
-      <anchor>style</anchor>
-      <arglist> QFontInfo::style()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>StyleHint</name>
-      <anchor>styleHint</anchor>
-      <arglist> QFontInfo::styleHint()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>weight</name>
-      <anchor>weight</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QFontInfo &amp; fi )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QFontMetricsF</name>
-    <filename>qfontmetricsf.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QFontMetricsF</name>
-      <anchor>QFontMetricsF</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QFont &amp; font )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QFontMetricsF</name>
-      <anchor>QFontMetricsF-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QFont &amp; font, QPaintDevice * paintdevice )</arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QFontMetricsF</name>
-      <anchor>QFontMetricsF-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QFontMetricsF &amp; fm )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ascent</name>
-      <anchor>ascent</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>boundingRect</name>
-      <anchor>boundingRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>boundingRect</name>
-      <anchor>boundingRect-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QChar ch )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>boundingRect</name>
-      <anchor>boundingRect-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRectF &amp; rect, int flags, const QString &amp; text, int tabstops = 0, int * tabarray = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>descent</name>
-      <anchor>descent</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>height</name>
-      <anchor>height</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>inFont</name>
-      <anchor>inFont</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QChar ch )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>leading</name>
-      <anchor>leading</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>leftBearing</name>
-      <anchor>leftBearing</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QChar ch )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lineSpacing</name>
-      <anchor>lineSpacing</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lineWidth</name>
-      <anchor>lineWidth</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>maxWidth</name>
-      <anchor>maxWidth</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>minLeftBearing</name>
-      <anchor>minLeftBearing</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>minRightBearing</name>
-      <anchor>minRightBearing</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>overlinePos</name>
-      <anchor>overlinePos</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rightBearing</name>
-      <anchor>rightBearing</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QChar ch )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>size</name>
-      <anchor>size</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int flags, const QString &amp; text, int tabstops = 0, int * tabarray = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>strikeOutPos</name>
-      <anchor>strikeOutPos</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>underlinePos</name>
-      <anchor>underlinePos</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>width</name>
-      <anchor>width</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>width</name>
-      <anchor>width-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QChar ch )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>xHeight</name>
-      <anchor>xHeight</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QFontMetricsF &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QFontMetricsF &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QFontMetricsF &amp; fm )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QFontMetricsF &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QFontMetricsF &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QFontMetrics</name>
-    <filename>qfontmetrics.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QFontMetrics</name>
-      <anchor>QFontMetrics</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QFont &amp; font )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QFontMetrics</name>
-      <anchor>QFontMetrics-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QFont &amp; font, QPaintDevice * paintdevice )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QFontMetrics</name>
-      <anchor>QFontMetrics-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QFontMetrics &amp; fm )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ascent</name>
-      <anchor>ascent</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>boundingRect</name>
-      <anchor>boundingRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QChar ch )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>boundingRect</name>
-      <anchor>boundingRect-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; str )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>boundingRect</name>
-      <anchor>boundingRect-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y, int width, int height, int flags, const QString &amp; text, int tabstops = 0, int * tabarray = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>boundingRect</name>
-      <anchor>boundingRect-6</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; r, int flgs, const QString &amp; str, int tabstops = 0, int * tabarray = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>charWidth</name>
-      <anchor>charWidth</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; str, int pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>descent</name>
-      <anchor>descent</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>height</name>
-      <anchor>height</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>inFont</name>
-      <anchor>inFont</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QChar ch )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>leading</name>
-      <anchor>leading</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>leftBearing</name>
-      <anchor>leftBearing</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QChar ch )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lineSpacing</name>
-      <anchor>lineSpacing</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lineWidth</name>
-      <anchor>lineWidth</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>maxWidth</name>
-      <anchor>maxWidth</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>minLeftBearing</name>
-      <anchor>minLeftBearing</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>minRightBearing</name>
-      <anchor>minRightBearing</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>overlinePos</name>
-      <anchor>overlinePos</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rightBearing</name>
-      <anchor>rightBearing</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QChar ch )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>size</name>
-      <anchor>size</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int flgs, const QString &amp; text, int tabstops = 0, int * tabarray = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>strikeOutPos</name>
-      <anchor>strikeOutPos</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>underlinePos</name>
-      <anchor>underlinePos</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>width</name>
-      <anchor>width</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; str, int len = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>width</name>
-      <anchor>width-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QChar ch )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>xHeight</name>
-      <anchor>xHeight</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QFontMetrics &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QFontMetrics &amp; fm )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QFontMetrics &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QFontMetrics &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>boundingRect</name>
-      <anchor>boundingRect-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text, int len )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>boundingRect</name>
-      <anchor>boundingRect-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y, int w, int h, int flags, const QString &amp; str, int len, int tabstops = 0, int * tabarray = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>size</name>
-      <anchor>size-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int flags, const QString &amp; str, int len, int tabstops = 0, int * tabarray = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>defaultFont</name>
-      <anchor>defaultFont</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pointSizeFloat</name>
-      <anchor>pointSizeFloat</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDefaultFont</name>
-      <anchor>setDefaultFont</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QFont &amp; f )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPixelSizeFloat</name>
-      <anchor>setPixelSizeFloat</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal pixelSize )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPointSizeFloat</name>
-      <anchor>setPointSizeFloat</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QFormBuilder</name>
-    <filename>qformbuilder.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QFormBuilder</name>
-      <anchor>QFormBuilder</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addPluginPath</name>
-      <anchor>addPluginPath</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; pluginPath )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clearPluginPaths</name>
-      <anchor>clearPluginPaths</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>customWidgets</name>
-      <anchor>customWidgets</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pluginPaths</name>
-      <anchor>pluginPaths</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPluginPath</name>
-      <anchor>setPluginPath</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStringList &amp; pluginPaths )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QFrame</name>
-    <filename>qframe.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Shadow</name>
-      <anchor>Shadow-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Shape</name>
-      <anchor>Shape-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QFrame</name>
-      <anchor>QFrame</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>frameStyle</name>
-      <anchor>frameStyle</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFrameStyle</name>
-      <anchor>setFrameStyle</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int style )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Shadow_Mask</name>
-      <anchor>Shadow_Mask-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Shape_Mask</name>
-      <anchor>Shape_Mask-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QFrame</name>
-      <anchor>QFrame-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, const char * name, Qt::WFlags f = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QFSFileEngine</name>
-    <filename>qfsfileengine.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QFSFileEngine</name>
-      <anchor>QFSFileEngine</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QFSFileEngine</name>
-      <anchor>QFSFileEngine-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; file )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentPath</name>
-      <anchor>currentPath</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fileName = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drives</name>
-      <anchor>drives</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fileFlags</name>
-      <anchor>fileFlags</anchor>
-      <arglist>( FileFlags type )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fileName</name>
-      <anchor>fileName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QAbstractFileEngine::FileName file )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>homePath</name>
-      <anchor>homePath</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>open</name>
-      <anchor>open-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QIODevice::OpenMode flags, FILE * fh )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>open</name>
-      <anchor>open-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QIODevice::OpenMode flags, int fd )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ownerId</name>
-      <anchor>ownerId</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QAbstractFileEngine::FileOwner )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rootPath</name>
-      <anchor>rootPath</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCurrentPath</name>
-      <anchor>setCurrentPath</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; path )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>tempPath</name>
-      <anchor>tempPath</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QFtp</name>
-    <filename>qftp.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Command</name>
-      <anchor>Command-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Error</name>
-      <anchor>Error-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>State</name>
-      <anchor>State-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>TransferMode</name>
-      <anchor>TransferMode-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>TransferType</name>
-      <anchor>TransferType-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QFtp</name>
-      <anchor>QFtp</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>abort</name>
-      <anchor>abort</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bytesAvailable</name>
-      <anchor>bytesAvailable</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cd</name>
-      <anchor>cd</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; dir )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clearPendingCommands</name>
-      <anchor>clearPendingCommands</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>close</name>
-      <anchor>close</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>commandFinished</name>
-      <anchor>commandFinished</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id, bool error )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>commandStarted</name>
-      <anchor>commandStarted</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>connectToHost</name>
-      <anchor>connectToHost</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; host, quint16 port = 21 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentCommand</name>
-      <anchor>currentCommand</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentDevice</name>
-      <anchor>currentDevice</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentId</name>
-      <anchor>currentId</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dataTransferProgress</name>
-      <anchor>dataTransferProgress</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qint64 done, qint64 total )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>done</name>
-      <anchor>done</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool error )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>error</name>
-      <anchor>error</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>errorString</name>
-      <anchor>errorString</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>get</name>
-      <anchor>get</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; file, QIODevice * dev = 0, TransferType type = Binary )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasPendingCommands</name>
-      <anchor>hasPendingCommands</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>list</name>
-      <anchor>list</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; dir = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>listInfo</name>
-      <anchor>listInfo</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QUrlInfo &amp; i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>login</name>
-      <anchor>login</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; user = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mkdir</name>
-      <anchor>mkdir</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; dir )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>put</name>
-      <anchor>put</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QIODevice * dev, const QString &amp; file, TransferType type = Binary )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>put</name>
-      <anchor>put-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; data, const QString &amp; file, TransferType type = Binary )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rawCommand</name>
-      <anchor>rawCommand</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; command )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rawCommandReply</name>
-      <anchor>rawCommandReply</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int replyCode, const QString &amp; detail )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>read</name>
-      <anchor>read</anchor>
-      <arglist>( char * data, qint64 maxlen )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>readAll</name>
-      <anchor>readAll</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>readyRead</name>
-      <anchor>readyRead</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>remove</name>
-      <anchor>remove</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; file )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rename</name>
-      <anchor>rename</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; oldname, const QString &amp; newname )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rmdir</name>
-      <anchor>rmdir</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; dir )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setProxy</name>
-      <anchor>setProxy</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; host, quint16 port )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTransferMode</name>
-      <anchor>setTransferMode</anchor>
-      <arglist>( TransferMode mode )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>state</name>
-      <anchor>state</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>stateChanged</name>
-      <anchor>stateChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int state )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QFtp</name>
-      <anchor>QFtp-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent, const char * name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>readBlock</name>
-      <anchor>readBlock</anchor>
-      <arglist>( char * data, quint64 maxlen )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QGenericArgument</name>
-    <filename>qgenericargument.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QGenericArgument</name>
-      <anchor>QGenericArgument</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * name = 0, const void * data = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>data</name>
-      <anchor>data</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>name</name>
-      <anchor>name</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QGenericReturnArgument</name>
-    <filename>qgenericreturnargument.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QGenericReturnArgument</name>
-      <anchor>QGenericReturnArgument</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * name = 0, void * data = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QGLColormap</name>
-    <filename>qglcolormap.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QGLColormap</name>
-      <anchor>QGLColormap</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QGLColormap</name>
-      <anchor>QGLColormap-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QGLColormap &amp; map )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>entryColor</name>
-      <anchor>entryColor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int idx )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>entryRgb</name>
-      <anchor>entryRgb</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int idx )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>find</name>
-      <anchor>find</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QRgb color )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>findNearest</name>
-      <anchor>findNearest</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QRgb color )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEmpty</name>
-      <anchor>isEmpty</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setEntries</name>
-      <anchor>setEntries</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int count, const QRgb * colors, int base = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setEntry</name>
-      <anchor>setEntry</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int idx, QRgb color )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setEntry</name>
-      <anchor>setEntry-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int idx, const QColor &amp; color )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>size</name>
-      <anchor>size</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QGLColormap &amp; map )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QGLContext</name>
-    <filename>qglcontext.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QGLContext</name>
-      <anchor>QGLContext</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QGLFormat &amp; format, QPaintDevice * device )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bindTexture</name>
-      <anchor>bindTexture</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QImage &amp; image, GLenum target = GL_TEXTURE_2D, GLint format = GL_RGBA8 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bindTexture</name>
-      <anchor>bindTexture-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fileName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bindTexture</name>
-      <anchor>bindTexture-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPixmap &amp; pixmap, GLenum target = GL_TEXTURE_2D, GLint format = GL_RGBA8 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>chooseContext</name>
-      <anchor>chooseContext</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QGLContext * shareContext = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>chooseMacVisual</name>
-      <anchor>chooseMacVisual</anchor>
-      <arglist>( GDHandle )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>choosePixelFormat</name>
-      <anchor>choosePixelFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>( void * dummyPfd, HDC pdc )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>chooseVisual</name>
-      <anchor>chooseVisual</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>create</name>
-      <anchor>create</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QGLContext * shareContext = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentContext</name>
-      <anchor>currentContext</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>deleteTexture</name>
-      <anchor>deleteTexture</anchor>
-      <arglist>( GLuint id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>device</name>
-      <anchor>device</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>deviceIsPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>deviceIsPixmap</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>doneCurrent</name>
-      <anchor>doneCurrent</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>format</name>
-      <anchor>format</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>generateFontDisplayLists</name>
-      <anchor>generateFontDisplayLists</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QFont &amp; font, int listBase )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>getProcAddress</name>
-      <anchor>getProcAddress</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; proc )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>initialized</name>
-      <anchor>initialized</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isSharing</name>
-      <anchor>isSharing</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isValid</name>
-      <anchor>isValid</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>makeCurrent</name>
-      <anchor>makeCurrent</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>overlayTransparentColor</name>
-      <anchor>overlayTransparentColor</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>requestedFormat</name>
-      <anchor>requestedFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>reset</name>
-      <anchor>reset</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFormat</name>
-      <anchor>setFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QGLFormat &amp; format )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setInitialized</name>
-      <anchor>setInitialized</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool on )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTextureCacheLimit</name>
-      <anchor>setTextureCacheLimit</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setWindowCreated</name>
-      <anchor>setWindowCreated</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool on )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>swapBuffers</name>
-      <anchor>swapBuffers</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>textureCacheLimit</name>
-      <anchor>textureCacheLimit</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>windowCreated</name>
-      <anchor>windowCreated</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QGLFormat</name>
-    <filename>qglformat.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QGLFormat</name>
-      <anchor>QGLFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QGLFormat</name>
-      <anchor>QGLFormat-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QGL::FormatOptions options, int plane = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QGLFormat</name>
-      <anchor>QGLFormat-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QGLFormat &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>accum</name>
-      <anchor>accum</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>accumBufferSize</name>
-      <anchor>accumBufferSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>alpha</name>
-      <anchor>alpha</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>alphaBufferSize</name>
-      <anchor>alphaBufferSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>defaultFormat</name>
-      <anchor>defaultFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>defaultOverlayFormat</name>
-      <anchor>defaultOverlayFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>depth</name>
-      <anchor>depth</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>depthBufferSize</name>
-      <anchor>depthBufferSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>directRendering</name>
-      <anchor>directRendering</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>doubleBuffer</name>
-      <anchor>doubleBuffer</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasOpenGL</name>
-      <anchor>hasOpenGL</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasOpenGLOverlays</name>
-      <anchor>hasOpenGLOverlays</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasOverlay</name>
-      <anchor>hasOverlay</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>plane</name>
-      <anchor>plane</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rgba</name>
-      <anchor>rgba</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sampleBuffers</name>
-      <anchor>sampleBuffers</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>samples</name>
-      <anchor>samples</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAccum</name>
-      <anchor>setAccum</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAccumBufferSize</name>
-      <anchor>setAccumBufferSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAlpha</name>
-      <anchor>setAlpha</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAlphaBufferSize</name>
-      <anchor>setAlphaBufferSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDefaultFormat</name>
-      <anchor>setDefaultFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QGLFormat &amp; f )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDefaultOverlayFormat</name>
-      <anchor>setDefaultOverlayFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QGLFormat &amp; f )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDepth</name>
-      <anchor>setDepth</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDepthBufferSize</name>
-      <anchor>setDepthBufferSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDirectRendering</name>
-      <anchor>setDirectRendering</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDoubleBuffer</name>
-      <anchor>setDoubleBuffer</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setOption</name>
-      <anchor>setOption</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QGL::FormatOptions opt )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setOverlay</name>
-      <anchor>setOverlay</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPlane</name>
-      <anchor>setPlane</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int plane )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRgba</name>
-      <anchor>setRgba</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSampleBuffers</name>
-      <anchor>setSampleBuffers</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSamples</name>
-      <anchor>setSamples</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int numSamples )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setStencil</name>
-      <anchor>setStencil</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setStencilBufferSize</name>
-      <anchor>setStencilBufferSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setStereo</name>
-      <anchor>setStereo</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>stencil</name>
-      <anchor>stencil</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>stencilBufferSize</name>
-      <anchor>stencilBufferSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>stereo</name>
-      <anchor>stereo</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>testOption</name>
-      <anchor>testOption</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QGL::FormatOptions opt )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QGLFormat &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QGLPixelBuffer</name>
-    <filename>qglpixelbuffer.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QGLPixelBuffer</name>
-      <anchor>QGLPixelBuffer</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSize &amp; size, const QGLFormat &amp; format = QGLFormat::defaultFormat()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bindTexture</name>
-      <anchor>bindTexture</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QImage &amp; image, GLenum target = GL_TEXTURE_2D )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bindTexture</name>
-      <anchor>bindTexture-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPixmap &amp; pixmap, GLenum target = GL_TEXTURE_2D )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bindTexture</name>
-      <anchor>bindTexture-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fileName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bindToDynamicTexture</name>
-      <anchor>bindToDynamicTexture</anchor>
-      <arglist>( GLuint texture_id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>deleteTexture</name>
-      <anchor>deleteTexture</anchor>
-      <arglist>( GLuint texture_id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>doneCurrent</name>
-      <anchor>doneCurrent</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>format</name>
-      <anchor>format</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>generateDynamicTexture</name>
-      <anchor>generateDynamicTexture</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>HANDLE</name>
-      <anchor>handle</anchor>
-      <arglist> QGLPixelBuffer::handle()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasOpenGLPbuffers</name>
-      <anchor>hasOpenGLPbuffers</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isValid</name>
-      <anchor>isValid</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>makeCurrent</name>
-      <anchor>makeCurrent</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>releaseFromDynamicTexture</name>
-      <anchor>releaseFromDynamicTexture</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>size</name>
-      <anchor>size</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toImage</name>
-      <anchor>toImage</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>updateDynamicTexture</name>
-      <anchor>updateDynamicTexture</anchor>
-      <arglist>( GLuint texture_id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QGLWidget</name>
-    <filename>qglwidget.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QGLWidget</name>
-      <anchor>QGLWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0, const QGLWidget * shareWidget = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QGLWidget</name>
-      <anchor>QGLWidget-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QGLContext * context, QWidget * parent = 0, const QGLWidget * shareWidget = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QGLWidget</name>
-      <anchor>QGLWidget-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QGLFormat &amp; format, QWidget * parent = 0, const QGLWidget * shareWidget = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>autoBufferSwap</name>
-      <anchor>autoBufferSwap</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bindTexture</name>
-      <anchor>bindTexture</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QImage &amp; image, GLenum target = GL_TEXTURE_2D, GLint format = GL_RGBA8 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bindTexture</name>
-      <anchor>bindTexture-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPixmap &amp; pixmap, GLenum target = GL_TEXTURE_2D, GLint format = GL_RGBA8 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bindTexture</name>
-      <anchor>bindTexture-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fileName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>colormap</name>
-      <anchor>colormap</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>context</name>
-      <anchor>context</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>convertToGLFormat</name>
-      <anchor>convertToGLFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QImage &amp; img )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>deleteTexture</name>
-      <anchor>deleteTexture</anchor>
-      <arglist>( GLuint id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>doneCurrent</name>
-      <anchor>doneCurrent</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>doubleBuffer</name>
-      <anchor>doubleBuffer</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fontDisplayListBase</name>
-      <anchor>fontDisplayListBase</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QFont &amp; fnt, int listBase = 2000 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>format</name>
-      <anchor>format</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>glDraw</name>
-      <anchor>glDraw</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>glInit</name>
-      <anchor>glInit</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>grabFrameBuffer</name>
-      <anchor>grabFrameBuffer</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool withAlpha = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>initializeGL</name>
-      <anchor>initializeGL</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>initializeOverlayGL</name>
-      <anchor>initializeOverlayGL</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isSharing</name>
-      <anchor>isSharing</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isValid</name>
-      <anchor>isValid</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>makeCurrent</name>
-      <anchor>makeCurrent</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>makeOverlayCurrent</name>
-      <anchor>makeOverlayCurrent</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>overlayContext</name>
-      <anchor>overlayContext</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>paintEvent</name>
-      <anchor>paintEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPaintEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>paintGL</name>
-      <anchor>paintGL</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>paintOverlayGL</name>
-      <anchor>paintOverlayGL</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>qglClearColor</name>
-      <anchor>qglClearColor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QColor &amp; c )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>qglColor</name>
-      <anchor>qglColor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QColor &amp; c )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>renderPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>renderPixmap</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int w = 0, int h = 0, bool useContext = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>renderText</name>
-      <anchor>renderText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y, const QString &amp; str, const QFont &amp; fnt = QFont()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>renderText</name>
-      <anchor>renderText-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( double x, double y, double z, const QString &amp; str, const QFont &amp; fnt = QFont()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resizeEvent</name>
-      <anchor>resizeEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QResizeEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resizeGL</name>
-      <anchor>resizeGL</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int width, int height )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resizeOverlayGL</name>
-      <anchor>resizeOverlayGL</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int width, int height )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAutoBufferSwap</name>
-      <anchor>setAutoBufferSwap</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool on )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setColormap</name>
-      <anchor>setColormap</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QGLColormap &amp; cmap )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setMouseTracking</name>
-      <anchor>setMouseTracking</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>swapBuffers</name>
-      <anchor>swapBuffers</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>updateGL</name>
-      <anchor>updateGL</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>updateOverlayGL</name>
-      <anchor>updateOverlayGL</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFormat</name>
-      <anchor>setFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QGLFormat &amp; format )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QGLWidget</name>
-      <anchor>QGLWidget-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, const char * name, const QGLWidget * shareWidget = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QGLWidget</name>
-      <anchor>QGLWidget-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QGLFormat &amp; format, QWidget * parent, const char * name, const QGLWidget * shareWidget = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QGLWidget</name>
-      <anchor>QGLWidget-6</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QGLContext * context, QWidget * parent, const char * name, const QGLWidget * shareWidget = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QGradient</name>
-    <filename>qgradient.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Spread</name>
-      <anchor>Spread-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Type</name>
-      <anchor>Type-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setColorAt</name>
-      <anchor>setColorAt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal position, const QColor &amp; color )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSpread</name>
-      <anchor>setSpread</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Spread method )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setStops</name>
-      <anchor>setStops</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QGradientStops &amp; stopPoints )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>spread</name>
-      <anchor>spread</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>stops</name>
-      <anchor>stops</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>type</name>
-      <anchor>type</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QGradient &amp; gradient )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QGridLayout</name>
-    <filename>qgridlayout.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QGridLayout</name>
-      <anchor>QGridLayout</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QGridLayout</name>
-      <anchor>QGridLayout-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addItem</name>
-      <anchor>addItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QLayoutItem * item, int row, int column, int rowSpan = 1, int columnSpan = 1, Qt::Alignment alignment = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addLayout</name>
-      <anchor>addLayout</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QLayout * layout, int row, int column, Qt::Alignment alignment = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addLayout</name>
-      <anchor>addLayout-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QLayout * layout, int row, int column, int rowSpan, int columnSpan, Qt::Alignment alignment = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addWidget</name>
-      <anchor>addWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget, int row, int column, Qt::Alignment alignment = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addWidget</name>
-      <anchor>addWidget-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget, int fromRow, int fromColumn, int rowSpan, int columnSpan, Qt::Alignment alignment = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cellRect</name>
-      <anchor>cellRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>columnCount</name>
-      <anchor>columnCount</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>columnMinimumWidth</name>
-      <anchor>columnMinimumWidth</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>columnStretch</name>
-      <anchor>columnStretch</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>getItemPosition</name>
-      <anchor>getItemPosition</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, int * row, int * column, int * rowSpan, int * columnSpan )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Corner</name>
-      <anchor>originCorner</anchor>
-      <arglist> QGridLayout::originCorner()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rowCount</name>
-      <anchor>rowCount</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rowMinimumHeight</name>
-      <anchor>rowMinimumHeight</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rowStretch</name>
-      <anchor>rowStretch</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setColumnMinimumWidth</name>
-      <anchor>setColumnMinimumWidth</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column, int minSize )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setColumnStretch</name>
-      <anchor>setColumnStretch</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column, int stretch )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setOriginCorner</name>
-      <anchor>setOriginCorner</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::Corner corner )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRowMinimumHeight</name>
-      <anchor>setRowMinimumHeight</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int minSize )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRowStretch</name>
-      <anchor>setRowStretch</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int stretch )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QGridLayout</name>
-      <anchor>QGridLayout-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, int nRows, int nCols = 1, int margin = 0, int space = -1, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QGridLayout</name>
-      <anchor>QGridLayout-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int nRows, int nCols = 1, int spacing = -1, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QGridLayout</name>
-      <anchor>QGridLayout-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QLayout * parentLayout, int nRows = 1, int nCols = 1, int spacing = -1, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addColSpacing</name>
-      <anchor>addColSpacing</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int col, int minsize )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addMultiCell</name>
-      <anchor>addMultiCell</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QLayoutItem * l, int fromRow, int toRow, int fromCol, int toCol, Qt::Alignment align = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addMultiCellLayout</name>
-      <anchor>addMultiCellLayout</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QLayout * layout, int fromRow, int toRow, int fromCol, int toCol, Qt::Alignment align = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addMultiCellWidget</name>
-      <anchor>addMultiCellWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget, int fromRow, int toRow, int fromCol, int toCol, Qt::Alignment align = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addRowSpacing</name>
-      <anchor>addRowSpacing</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int minsize )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cellGeometry</name>
-      <anchor>cellGeometry</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>colSpacing</name>
-      <anchor>colSpacing</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int col )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>colStretch</name>
-      <anchor>colStretch</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int col )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>expand</name>
-      <anchor>expand</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int nRows, int nCols )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>findWidget</name>
-      <anchor>findWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * w, int * row, int * column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>numCols</name>
-      <anchor>numCols</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>numRows</name>
-      <anchor>numRows</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Corner</name>
-      <anchor>origin</anchor>
-      <arglist> QGridLayout::origin()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rowSpacing</name>
-      <anchor>rowSpacing</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setColSpacing</name>
-      <anchor>setColSpacing</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int col, int minSize )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setColStretch</name>
-      <anchor>setColStretch</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int col, int stretch )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setOrigin</name>
-      <anchor>setOrigin</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::Corner corner )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRowSpacing</name>
-      <anchor>setRowSpacing</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int minSize )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QGroupBox</name>
-    <filename>qgroupbox.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Alignment</name>
-      <anchor>alignment-prop</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QGroupBox</name>
-      <anchor>QGroupBox</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QGroupBox</name>
-      <anchor>QGroupBox-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; title, QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toggled</name>
-      <anchor>toggled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool on )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QGroupBox</name>
-      <anchor>QGroupBox-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, const char * name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QGroupBox</name>
-      <anchor>QGroupBox-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; title, QWidget * parent, const char * name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QHash::const_iterator</name>
-    <filename>qhash-const-iterator.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>const_iterator</name>
-      <anchor>const_iterator</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>const_iterator</name>
-      <anchor>const_iterator-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const iterator &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>key</name>
-      <anchor>key</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>value</name>
-      <anchor>value</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const const_iterator &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator*</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2a</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int j )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator++</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-2b</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator++</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-2b-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int j )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator-</name>
-      <anchor>operator-</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int j )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator--</name>
-      <anchor>operator--</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator--</name>
-      <anchor>operator---2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator-=</name>
-      <anchor>operator--eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int j )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator-&amp;</name>
-      <anchor>operator--gt</anchor>
-      <arglist>gt;()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const const_iterator &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QHash</name>
-    <filename>qhash.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ConstIterator</name>
-      <anchor>ConstIterator-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Iterator</name>
-      <anchor>Iterator-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QHash</name>
-      <anchor>QHash</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QHash</name>
-      <anchor>QHash-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QHash&lt;Key, T&gt; &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>begin</name>
-      <anchor>begin</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>begin</name>
-      <anchor>begin-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>capacity</name>
-      <anchor>capacity</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>constBegin</name>
-      <anchor>constBegin</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>constEnd</name>
-      <anchor>constEnd</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>constFind</name>
-      <anchor>constFind</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Key &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contains</name>
-      <anchor>contains</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Key &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Key &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>empty</name>
-      <anchor>empty</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>end</name>
-      <anchor>end</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>end</name>
-      <anchor>end-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>erase</name>
-      <anchor>erase</anchor>
-      <arglist>( iterator pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>find</name>
-      <anchor>find</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Key &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>find</name>
-      <anchor>find-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Key &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insert</name>
-      <anchor>insert</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Key &amp; key, const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertMulti</name>
-      <anchor>insertMulti</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Key &amp; key, const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEmpty</name>
-      <anchor>isEmpty</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>key</name>
-      <anchor>key</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>keys</name>
-      <anchor>keys</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>keys</name>
-      <anchor>keys-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>remove</name>
-      <anchor>remove</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Key &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>reserve</name>
-      <anchor>reserve</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>size</name>
-      <anchor>size</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>squeeze</name>
-      <anchor>squeeze</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>take</name>
-      <anchor>take</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Key &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>unite</name>
-      <anchor>unite</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QHash&lt;Key, T&gt; &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>value</name>
-      <anchor>value</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Key &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>value</name>
-      <anchor>value-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Key &amp; key, const T &amp; defaultValue )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>values</name>
-      <anchor>values</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>values</name>
-      <anchor>values-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Key &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QHash&lt;Key, T&gt; &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QHash&lt;Key, T&gt; &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QHash&lt;Key, T&gt; &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator[]</name>
-      <anchor>operator-5b-5d</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Key &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator[]</name>
-      <anchor>operator-5b-5d-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Key &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QHash::iterator</name>
-    <filename>qhash-iterator.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>iterator</name>
-      <anchor>iterator</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>key</name>
-      <anchor>key</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>value</name>
-      <anchor>value</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const iterator &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const const_iterator &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator*</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2a</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int j )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator++</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-2b</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator++</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-2b-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int j )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator-</name>
-      <anchor>operator-</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int j )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator--</name>
-      <anchor>operator--</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator--</name>
-      <anchor>operator---2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator-=</name>
-      <anchor>operator--eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int j )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator-&amp;</name>
-      <anchor>operator--gt</anchor>
-      <arglist>gt;()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const iterator &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const const_iterator &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QHashIterator</name>
-    <filename>qhashiterator.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QHashIterator</name>
-      <anchor>QHashIterator</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QHash&lt;Key, T&gt; &amp; hash )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>findNext</name>
-      <anchor>findNext</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>findPrevious</name>
-      <anchor>findPrevious</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasNext</name>
-      <anchor>hasNext</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasPrevious</name>
-      <anchor>hasPrevious</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>key</name>
-      <anchor>key</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>next</name>
-      <anchor>next</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>peekNext</name>
-      <anchor>peekNext</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>peekPrevious</name>
-      <anchor>peekPrevious</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>previous</name>
-      <anchor>previous</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toBack</name>
-      <anchor>toBack</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toFront</name>
-      <anchor>toFront</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>value</name>
-      <anchor>value</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QHash&lt;Key, T&gt; &amp; hash )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QHBoxLayout</name>
-    <filename>qhboxlayout.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QHBoxLayout</name>
-      <anchor>QHBoxLayout</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QHBoxLayout</name>
-      <anchor>QHBoxLayout-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QHBoxLayout</name>
-      <anchor>QHBoxLayout-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, int margin, int spacing = -1, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QHBoxLayout</name>
-      <anchor>QHBoxLayout-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QLayout * parentLayout, int spacing = -1, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QHBoxLayout</name>
-      <anchor>QHBoxLayout-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int spacing, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QHeaderView</name>
-    <filename>qheaderview.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>ResizeMode</name>
-      <anchor>ResizeMode-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Alignment</name>
-      <anchor>defaultAlignment-prop</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QHeaderView</name>
-      <anchor>QHeaderView</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::Orientation orientation, QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>headerDataChanged</name>
-      <anchor>headerDataChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::Orientation orientation, int logicalFirst, int logicalLast )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hiddenSectionCount</name>
-      <anchor>hiddenSectionCount</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hideSection</name>
-      <anchor>hideSection</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int logicalIndex )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>horizontalOffset</name>
-      <anchor>horizontalOffset</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isClickable</name>
-      <anchor>isClickable</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isMovable</name>
-      <anchor>isMovable</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isSectionHidden</name>
-      <anchor>isSectionHidden</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int logicalIndex )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>length</name>
-      <anchor>length</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>logicalIndex</name>
-      <anchor>logicalIndex</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int visualIndex )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>logicalIndexAt</name>
-      <anchor>logicalIndexAt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int position )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>logicalIndexAt</name>
-      <anchor>logicalIndexAt-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>logicalIndexAt</name>
-      <anchor>logicalIndexAt-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>moveSection</name>
-      <anchor>moveSection</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int from, int to )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>offset</name>
-      <anchor>offset</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Orientation</name>
-      <anchor>orientation</anchor>
-      <arglist> QHeaderView::orientation()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>paintSection</name>
-      <anchor>paintSection</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter * painter, const QRect &amp; rect, int logicalIndex )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resizeMode</name>
-      <anchor>resizeMode</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int logicalIndex )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resizeSection</name>
-      <anchor>resizeSection</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int logicalIndex, int size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resizeSections</name>
-      <anchor>resizeSections</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QHeaderView::ResizeMode mode )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sectionAutoResize</name>
-      <anchor>sectionAutoResize</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int logicalIndex, QHeaderView::ResizeMode mode )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sectionClicked</name>
-      <anchor>sectionClicked</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int logicalIndex )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sectionCountChanged</name>
-      <anchor>sectionCountChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int oldCount, int newCount )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sectionDoubleClicked</name>
-      <anchor>sectionDoubleClicked</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int logicalIndex )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sectionHandleDoubleClicked</name>
-      <anchor>sectionHandleDoubleClicked</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int logicalIndex )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sectionMoved</name>
-      <anchor>sectionMoved</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int logicalIndex, int oldVisualIndex, int newVisualIndex )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sectionPosition</name>
-      <anchor>sectionPosition</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int logicalIndex )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sectionPressed</name>
-      <anchor>sectionPressed</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int logicalIndex )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sectionResized</name>
-      <anchor>sectionResized</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int logicalIndex, int oldSize, int newSize )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sectionSize</name>
-      <anchor>sectionSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int logicalIndex )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sectionSizeFromContents</name>
-      <anchor>sectionSizeFromContents</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int logicalIndex )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sectionSizeHint</name>
-      <anchor>sectionSizeHint</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int logicalIndex )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sectionViewportPosition</name>
-      <anchor>sectionViewportPosition</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int logicalIndex )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sectionsAboutToBeRemoved</name>
-      <anchor>sectionsAboutToBeRemoved</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; parent, int logicalFirst, int logicalLast )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sectionsHidden</name>
-      <anchor>sectionsHidden</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sectionsInserted</name>
-      <anchor>sectionsInserted</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; parent, int logicalFirst, int logicalLast )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sectionsMoved</name>
-      <anchor>sectionsMoved</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setClickable</name>
-      <anchor>setClickable</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool clickable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setMovable</name>
-      <anchor>setMovable</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool movable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setOffset</name>
-      <anchor>setOffset</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int offset )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setResizeMode</name>
-      <anchor>setResizeMode</anchor>
-      <arglist>( ResizeMode mode )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setResizeMode</name>
-      <anchor>setResizeMode-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int logicalIndex, ResizeMode mode )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSectionHidden</name>
-      <anchor>setSectionHidden</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int logicalIndex, bool hide )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSortIndicator</name>
-      <anchor>setSortIndicator</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int logicalIndex, Qt::SortOrder order )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>showSection</name>
-      <anchor>showSection</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int logicalIndex )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sizeHint</name>
-      <anchor>sizeHint</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>SortOrder</name>
-      <anchor>sortIndicatorOrder</anchor>
-      <arglist> QHeaderView::sortIndicatorOrder()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sortIndicatorSection</name>
-      <anchor>sortIndicatorSection</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>stretchSectionCount</name>
-      <anchor>stretchSectionCount</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>verticalOffset</name>
-      <anchor>verticalOffset</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>visualIndex</name>
-      <anchor>visualIndex</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int logicalIndex )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>visualIndexAt</name>
-      <anchor>visualIndexAt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int position )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QHelpEvent</name>
-    <filename>qhelpevent.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QHelpEvent</name>
-      <anchor>QHelpEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Type type, const QPoint &amp; pos, const QPoint &amp; globalPos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>globalPos</name>
-      <anchor>globalPos</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>globalX</name>
-      <anchor>globalX</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>globalY</name>
-      <anchor>globalY</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pos</name>
-      <anchor>pos</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>x</name>
-      <anchor>x</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>y</name>
-      <anchor>y</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QHideEvent</name>
-    <filename>qhideevent.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QHideEvent</name>
-      <anchor>QHideEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QHostAddress</name>
-    <filename>qhostaddress.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>SpecialAddress</name>
-      <anchor>SpecialAddress-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QHostAddress</name>
-      <anchor>QHostAddress</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QHostAddress</name>
-      <anchor>QHostAddress-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( quint32 ip4Addr )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QHostAddress</name>
-      <anchor>QHostAddress-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( quint8 * ip6Addr )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QHostAddress</name>
-      <anchor>QHostAddress-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q_IPV6ADDR &amp; ip6Addr )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QHostAddress</name>
-      <anchor>QHostAddress-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const sockaddr * sockaddr )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QHostAddress</name>
-      <anchor>QHostAddress-6</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; address )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QHostAddress</name>
-      <anchor>QHostAddress-7</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QHostAddress &amp; address )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QHostAddress</name>
-      <anchor>QHostAddress-8</anchor>
-      <arglist>( SpecialAddress address )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isNull</name>
-      <anchor>isNull</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>NetworkLayerProtocol</name>
-      <anchor>protocol</anchor>
-      <arglist> QHostAddress::protocol()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>scopeId</name>
-      <anchor>scopeId</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAddress</name>
-      <anchor>setAddress</anchor>
-      <arglist>( quint32 ip4Addr )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAddress</name>
-      <anchor>setAddress-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( quint8 * ip6Addr )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAddress</name>
-      <anchor>setAddress-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Q_IPV6ADDR &amp; ip6Addr )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAddress</name>
-      <anchor>setAddress-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; address )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAddress</name>
-      <anchor>setAddress-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const sockaddr * sockaddr )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setScopeId</name>
-      <anchor>setScopeId</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toIPv4Address</name>
-      <anchor>toIPv4Address</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toIPv6Address</name>
-      <anchor>toIPv6Address</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toString</name>
-      <anchor>toString</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QHostAddress &amp; address )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; address )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QHostAddress &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( SpecialAddress other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ip4Addr</name>
-      <anchor>ip4Addr</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isIPv4Address</name>
-      <anchor>isIPv4Address</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isIPv6Address</name>
-      <anchor>isIPv6Address</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isIp4Addr</name>
-      <anchor>isIp4Addr</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QHostInfo</name>
-    <filename>qhostinfo.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>HostInfoError</name>
-      <anchor>HostInfoError-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QHostInfo</name>
-      <anchor>QHostInfo</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QHostInfo</name>
-      <anchor>QHostInfo-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QHostInfo &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>abortHostLookup</name>
-      <anchor>abortHostLookup</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addresses</name>
-      <anchor>addresses</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>error</name>
-      <anchor>error</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>errorString</name>
-      <anchor>errorString</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromName</name>
-      <anchor>fromName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hostName</name>
-      <anchor>hostName</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>localHostName</name>
-      <anchor>localHostName</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lookupHost</name>
-      <anchor>lookupHost</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name, QObject * receiver, const char * member )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lookupId</name>
-      <anchor>lookupId</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAddresses</name>
-      <anchor>setAddresses</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QList&lt;QHostAddress&gt; &amp; addresses )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setError</name>
-      <anchor>setError</anchor>
-      <arglist>( HostInfoError error )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setErrorString</name>
-      <anchor>setErrorString</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; str )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setHostName</name>
-      <anchor>setHostName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; hostName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setLookupId</name>
-      <anchor>setLookupId</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QHostInfo &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QHoverEvent</name>
-    <filename>qhoverevent.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QHoverEvent</name>
-      <anchor>QHoverEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Type type, const QPoint &amp; pos, const QPoint &amp; oldPos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>oldPos</name>
-      <anchor>oldPos</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pos</name>
-      <anchor>pos</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QHttpHeader</name>
-    <filename>qhttpheader.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QHttpHeader</name>
-      <anchor>QHttpHeader</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QHttpHeader</name>
-      <anchor>QHttpHeader-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QHttpHeader &amp; header )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QHttpHeader</name>
-      <anchor>QHttpHeader-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; str )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addValue</name>
-      <anchor>addValue</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key, const QString &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>allValues</name>
-      <anchor>allValues</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contentLength</name>
-      <anchor>contentLength</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contentType</name>
-      <anchor>contentType</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasContentLength</name>
-      <anchor>hasContentLength</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasContentType</name>
-      <anchor>hasContentType</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasKey</name>
-      <anchor>hasKey</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isValid</name>
-      <anchor>isValid</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>keys</name>
-      <anchor>keys</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>majorVersion</name>
-      <anchor>majorVersion</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>minorVersion</name>
-      <anchor>minorVersion</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeAllValues</name>
-      <anchor>removeAllValues</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeValue</name>
-      <anchor>removeValue</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setContentLength</name>
-      <anchor>setContentLength</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int len )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setContentType</name>
-      <anchor>setContentType</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; type )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setValue</name>
-      <anchor>setValue</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key, const QString &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setValues</name>
-      <anchor>setValues</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QList&lt;QPair&lt;QString, QString&gt; &gt; &amp; values )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toString</name>
-      <anchor>toString</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>value</name>
-      <anchor>value</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>values</name>
-      <anchor>values</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QHttpHeader &amp; h )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QHttp</name>
-    <filename>qhttp.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Error</name>
-      <anchor>Error-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>State</name>
-      <anchor>State-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QHttp</name>
-      <anchor>QHttp</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QHttp</name>
-      <anchor>QHttp-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; hostName, quint16 port = 80, QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>abort</name>
-      <anchor>abort</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bytesAvailable</name>
-      <anchor>bytesAvailable</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clearPendingRequests</name>
-      <anchor>clearPendingRequests</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>close</name>
-      <anchor>close</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentDestinationDevice</name>
-      <anchor>currentDestinationDevice</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentId</name>
-      <anchor>currentId</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentRequest</name>
-      <anchor>currentRequest</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentSourceDevice</name>
-      <anchor>currentSourceDevice</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dataReadProgress</name>
-      <anchor>dataReadProgress</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int done, int total )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dataSendProgress</name>
-      <anchor>dataSendProgress</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int done, int total )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>done</name>
-      <anchor>done</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool error )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>error</name>
-      <anchor>error</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>errorString</name>
-      <anchor>errorString</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>get</name>
-      <anchor>get</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; path, QIODevice * to = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasPendingRequests</name>
-      <anchor>hasPendingRequests</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>head</name>
-      <anchor>head</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; path )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lastResponse</name>
-      <anchor>lastResponse</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>post</name>
-      <anchor>post</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; path, QIODevice * data, QIODevice * to = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>post</name>
-      <anchor>post-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; path, const QByteArray &amp; data, QIODevice * to = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>read</name>
-      <anchor>read</anchor>
-      <arglist>( char * data, qint64 maxlen )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>readAll</name>
-      <anchor>readAll</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>readyRead</name>
-      <anchor>readyRead</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QHttpResponseHeader &amp; resp )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>request</name>
-      <anchor>request</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QHttpRequestHeader &amp; header, QIODevice * data = 0, QIODevice * to = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>request</name>
-      <anchor>request-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QHttpRequestHeader &amp; header, const QByteArray &amp; data, QIODevice * to = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>requestFinished</name>
-      <anchor>requestFinished</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id, bool error )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>requestStarted</name>
-      <anchor>requestStarted</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>responseHeaderReceived</name>
-      <anchor>responseHeaderReceived</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QHttpResponseHeader &amp; resp )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setHost</name>
-      <anchor>setHost</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; hostName, quint16 port = 80 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setProxy</name>
-      <anchor>setProxy</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; host, int port, const QString &amp; username = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSocket</name>
-      <anchor>setSocket</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTcpSocket * socket )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setUser</name>
-      <anchor>setUser</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; userName, const QString &amp; password = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>state</name>
-      <anchor>state</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>stateChanged</name>
-      <anchor>stateChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int state )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>closeConnection</name>
-      <anchor>closeConnection</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>readBlock</name>
-      <anchor>readBlock</anchor>
-      <arglist>( char * data, quint64 maxlen )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QHttpRequestHeader</name>
-    <filename>qhttprequestheader.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QHttpRequestHeader</name>
-      <anchor>QHttpRequestHeader</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QHttpRequestHeader</name>
-      <anchor>QHttpRequestHeader-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; method, const QString &amp; path, int majorVer = 1, int minorVer = 1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QHttpRequestHeader</name>
-      <anchor>QHttpRequestHeader-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QHttpRequestHeader &amp; header )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QHttpRequestHeader</name>
-      <anchor>QHttpRequestHeader-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; str )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>majorVersion</name>
-      <anchor>majorVersion</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>method</name>
-      <anchor>method</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>minorVersion</name>
-      <anchor>minorVersion</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>path</name>
-      <anchor>path</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRequest</name>
-      <anchor>setRequest</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; method, const QString &amp; path, int majorVer = 1, int minorVer = 1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QHttpRequestHeader &amp; header )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QHttpResponseHeader</name>
-    <filename>qhttpresponseheader.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QHttpResponseHeader</name>
-      <anchor>QHttpResponseHeader</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QHttpResponseHeader</name>
-      <anchor>QHttpResponseHeader-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QHttpResponseHeader &amp; header )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QHttpResponseHeader</name>
-      <anchor>QHttpResponseHeader-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; str )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QHttpResponseHeader</name>
-      <anchor>QHttpResponseHeader-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int code, const QString &amp; text = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>majorVersion</name>
-      <anchor>majorVersion</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>minorVersion</name>
-      <anchor>minorVersion</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>reasonPhrase</name>
-      <anchor>reasonPhrase</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setStatusLine</name>
-      <anchor>setStatusLine</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int code, const QString &amp; text = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>statusCode</name>
-      <anchor>statusCode</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QHttpResponseHeader &amp; header )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QIconDragEvent</name>
-    <filename>qicondragevent.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QIconDragEvent</name>
-      <anchor>QIconDragEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QIconEngine</name>
-    <filename>qiconengine.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>actualSize</name>
-      <anchor>actualSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSize &amp; size, QIcon::Mode mode, QIcon::State state )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addFile</name>
-      <anchor>addFile</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fileName, const QSize &amp; size, QIcon::Mode mode, QIcon::State state )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>addPixmap</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPixmap &amp; pixmap, QIcon::Mode mode, QIcon::State state )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>paint</name>
-      <anchor>paint</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter * painter, const QRect &amp; rect, QIcon::Mode mode, QIcon::State state )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pixmap</name>
-      <anchor>pixmap</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSize &amp; size, QIcon::Mode mode, QIcon::State state )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QIconEnginePlugin</name>
-    <filename>qiconengineplugin.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QIconEnginePlugin</name>
-      <anchor>QIconEnginePlugin</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>create</name>
-      <anchor>create</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; filename )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>keys</name>
-      <anchor>keys</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QIcon</name>
-    <filename>qicon.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Mode</name>
-      <anchor>Mode-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>State</name>
-      <anchor>State-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QIcon</name>
-      <anchor>QIcon</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QIcon</name>
-      <anchor>QIcon-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPixmap &amp; pixmap )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QIcon</name>
-      <anchor>QIcon-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QIcon &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QIcon</name>
-      <anchor>QIcon-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fileName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QIcon</name>
-      <anchor>QIcon-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QIconEngine * engine )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>actualSize</name>
-      <anchor>actualSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSize &amp; size, Mode mode = Normal, State state = Off )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addFile</name>
-      <anchor>addFile</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fileName, const QSize &amp; size = QSize()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>addPixmap</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPixmap &amp; pixmap, Mode mode = Normal, State state = Off )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isNull</name>
-      <anchor>isNull</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>paint</name>
-      <anchor>paint</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter * painter, const QRect &amp; rect, Qt::Alignment alignment = Qt::AlignCenter, Mode mode = Normal, State state = Off )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>paint</name>
-      <anchor>paint-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter * painter, int x, int y, int w, int h, Qt::Alignment alignment = Qt::AlignCenter, Mode mode = Normal, State state = Off )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pixmap</name>
-      <anchor>pixmap</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSize &amp; size, Mode mode = Normal, State state = Off )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pixmap</name>
-      <anchor>pixmap-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int w, int h, Mode mode = Normal, State state = Off )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pixmap</name>
-      <anchor>pixmap-6</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int extent, Mode mode = Normal, State state = Off )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>serialNumber</name>
-      <anchor>serialNumber</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator</name>
-      <anchor>operator-QVariant</anchor>
-      <arglist> QVariant()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QIcon &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Size</name>
-      <anchor>Size-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pixmap</name>
-      <anchor>pixmap-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Size size, Mode mode, State state = Off )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pixmap</name>
-      <anchor>pixmap-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Size size, bool enabled, State state = Off )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pixmap</name>
-      <anchor>pixmap-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pixmapSize</name>
-      <anchor>pixmapSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Size which )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>reset</name>
-      <anchor>reset</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPixmap &amp; pixmap, Size size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>setPixmap</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPixmap &amp; pixmap, Size size, Mode mode = Normal, State state = Off )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>setPixmap-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fileName, Size size, Mode mode = Normal, State state = Off )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPixmapSize</name>
-      <anchor>setPixmapSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Size which, const QSize &amp; size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QImage</name>
-    <filename>qimage.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Format</name>
-      <anchor>Format-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>InvertMode</name>
-      <anchor>InvertMode-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QImage</name>
-      <anchor>QImage</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QImage</name>
-      <anchor>QImage-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSize &amp; size, Format format )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QImage</name>
-      <anchor>QImage-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int width, int height, Format format )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QImage</name>
-      <anchor>QImage-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uchar * data, int width, int height, Format format )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QImage</name>
-      <anchor>QImage-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * const[] xpm )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QImage</name>
-      <anchor>QImage-6</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fileName, const char * format = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QImage</name>
-      <anchor>QImage-7</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * fileName, const char * format = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QImage</name>
-      <anchor>QImage-8</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QImage &amp; image )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>allGray</name>
-      <anchor>allGray</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>alphaChannel</name>
-      <anchor>alphaChannel</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bits</name>
-      <anchor>bits</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bits</name>
-      <anchor>bits-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bytesPerLine</name>
-      <anchor>bytesPerLine</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>color</name>
-      <anchor>color</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>colorTable</name>
-      <anchor>colorTable</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>convertToFormat</name>
-      <anchor>convertToFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Format format, Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags = Qt::AutoColor )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>convertToFormat</name>
-      <anchor>convertToFormat-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Format format, const QVector&lt;QRgb&gt; &amp; colorTable, Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags = Qt::AutoColor )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>copy</name>
-      <anchor>copy</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; rectangle = QRect()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>copy</name>
-      <anchor>copy-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y, int width, int height )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>createAlphaMask</name>
-      <anchor>createAlphaMask</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags = Qt::AutoColor )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>createHeuristicMask</name>
-      <anchor>createHeuristicMask</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool clipTight = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>depth</name>
-      <anchor>depth</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dotsPerMeterX</name>
-      <anchor>dotsPerMeterX</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dotsPerMeterY</name>
-      <anchor>dotsPerMeterY</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fill</name>
-      <anchor>fill</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint pixelValue )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>format</name>
-      <anchor>format</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromData</name>
-      <anchor>fromData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const uchar * data, int size, const char * format = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromData</name>
-      <anchor>fromData-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; data, const char * format = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasAlphaChannel</name>
-      <anchor>hasAlphaChannel</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>height</name>
-      <anchor>height</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>invertPixels</name>
-      <anchor>invertPixels</anchor>
-      <arglist>( InvertMode mode = InvertRgb )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isGrayscale</name>
-      <anchor>isGrayscale</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isNull</name>
-      <anchor>isNull</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>load</name>
-      <anchor>load</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fileName, const char * format = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>load</name>
-      <anchor>load-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QIODevice * device, const char * format )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>loadFromData</name>
-      <anchor>loadFromData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const uchar * data, int len, const char * format = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>loadFromData</name>
-      <anchor>loadFromData-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; data, const char * format = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mirrored</name>
-      <anchor>mirrored</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool horizontal = false, bool vertical = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>numBytes</name>
-      <anchor>numBytes</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>numColors</name>
-      <anchor>numColors</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>offset</name>
-      <anchor>offset</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pixel</name>
-      <anchor>pixel</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pixelIndex</name>
-      <anchor>pixelIndex</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rect</name>
-      <anchor>rect</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rgbSwapped</name>
-      <anchor>rgbSwapped</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>save</name>
-      <anchor>save</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fileName, const char * format, int quality = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>save</name>
-      <anchor>save-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QIODevice * device, const char * format, int quality = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>scaled</name>
-      <anchor>scaled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSize &amp; size, Qt::AspectRatioMode aspectRatioMode = Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::TransformationMode transformMode = Qt::FastTransformation )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>scaled</name>
-      <anchor>scaled-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int width, int height, Qt::AspectRatioMode aspectRatioMode = Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::TransformationMode transformMode = Qt::FastTransformation )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>scaledToHeight</name>
-      <anchor>scaledToHeight</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int height, Qt::TransformationMode mode = Qt::FastTransformation )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>scaledToWidth</name>
-      <anchor>scaledToWidth</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int width, Qt::TransformationMode mode = Qt::FastTransformation )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>scanLine</name>
-      <anchor>scanLine</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>scanLine</name>
-      <anchor>scanLine-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>serialNumber</name>
-      <anchor>serialNumber</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAlphaChannel</name>
-      <anchor>setAlphaChannel</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QImage &amp; alphaChannel )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setColor</name>
-      <anchor>setColor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, QRgb colorValue )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setColorTable</name>
-      <anchor>setColorTable</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QVector&lt;QRgb&gt; colors )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDotsPerMeterX</name>
-      <anchor>setDotsPerMeterX</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDotsPerMeterY</name>
-      <anchor>setDotsPerMeterY</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int y )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setNumColors</name>
-      <anchor>setNumColors</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int numColors )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setOffset</name>
-      <anchor>setOffset</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; offset )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPixel</name>
-      <anchor>setPixel</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y, uint index_or_rgb )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setText</name>
-      <anchor>setText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key, const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>size</name>
-      <anchor>size</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>text</name>
-      <anchor>text</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>textKeys</name>
-      <anchor>textKeys</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>transformed</name>
-      <anchor>transformed</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QMatrix &amp; matrix, Qt::TransformationMode mode = Qt::FastTransformation )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>trueMatrix</name>
-      <anchor>trueMatrix</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QMatrix &amp; matrix, int width, int height )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>valid</name>
-      <anchor>valid</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>width</name>
-      <anchor>width</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator</name>
-      <anchor>operator-QVariant</anchor>
-      <arglist> QVariant()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QImage &amp; image )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QImage &amp; image )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QImage &amp; image )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QImageIOHandler</name>
-    <filename>qimageiohandler.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>ImageOption</name>
-      <anchor>ImageOption-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QImageIOHandler</name>
-      <anchor>QImageIOHandler</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>canRead</name>
-      <anchor>canRead</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentImageNumber</name>
-      <anchor>currentImageNumber</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentImageRect</name>
-      <anchor>currentImageRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>device</name>
-      <anchor>device</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>format</name>
-      <anchor>format</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>imageCount</name>
-      <anchor>imageCount</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>jumpToImage</name>
-      <anchor>jumpToImage</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int imageNumber )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>jumpToNextImage</name>
-      <anchor>jumpToNextImage</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>loopCount</name>
-      <anchor>loopCount</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>nextImageDelay</name>
-      <anchor>nextImageDelay</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>option</name>
-      <anchor>option</anchor>
-      <arglist>( ImageOption option )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>read</name>
-      <anchor>read</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QImage * image )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDevice</name>
-      <anchor>setDevice</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QIODevice * device )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFormat</name>
-      <anchor>setFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; format )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFormat</name>
-      <anchor>setFormat-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; format )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setOption</name>
-      <anchor>setOption</anchor>
-      <arglist>( ImageOption option, const QVariant &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>supportsOption</name>
-      <anchor>supportsOption</anchor>
-      <arglist>( ImageOption option )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>write</name>
-      <anchor>write</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QImage &amp; image )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>name</name>
-      <anchor>name</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QImageIOPlugin</name>
-    <filename>qimageioplugin.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QImageIOPlugin</name>
-      <anchor>QImageIOPlugin</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>capabilities</name>
-      <anchor>capabilities</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QIODevice * device, const QByteArray &amp; format )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>create</name>
-      <anchor>create</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QIODevice * device, const QByteArray &amp; format = QByteArray()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>keys</name>
-      <anchor>keys</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setText</name>
-      <anchor>setText-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * key, const char * language, const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>text</name>
-      <anchor>text-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * key, const char * language = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>text</name>
-      <anchor>text-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QImageTextKeyLang &amp; keywordAndLanguage )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>textLanguages</name>
-      <anchor>textLanguages</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>textList</name>
-      <anchor>textList</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Endian</name>
-      <anchor>Endian-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QImage</name>
-      <anchor>QImage-9</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int width, int height, int depth, int numColors = 0, Endian bitOrder = IgnoreEndian )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QImage</name>
-      <anchor>QImage-10</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSize &amp; size, int depth, int numColors = 0, Endian bitOrder = IgnoreEndian )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QImage</name>
-      <anchor>QImage-11</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uchar * data, int width, int height, int depth, const QRgb * colortable, int numColors, Endian bitOrder )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QImage</name>
-      <anchor>QImage-12</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uchar * data, int width, int height, int depth, int bytesPerLine, const QRgb * colortable, int numColors, Endian bitOrder )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QImage</name>
-      <anchor>QImage-13</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; data )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bitOrder</name>
-      <anchor>bitOrder</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>convertBitOrder</name>
-      <anchor>convertBitOrder</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Endian bitOrder )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>convertDepth</name>
-      <anchor>convertDepth</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int depth, Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags = Qt::AutoColor )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>convertDepthWithPalette</name>
-      <anchor>convertDepthWithPalette</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int depth, QRgb * palette, int palette_count, Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags = Qt::AutoColor )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>copy</name>
-      <anchor>copy-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y, int w, int h, Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>copy</name>
-      <anchor>copy-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; rect, Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>create</name>
-      <anchor>create</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int width, int height, int depth, int numColors = 0, Endian bitOrder = IgnoreEndian )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>create</name>
-      <anchor>create-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSize &amp; size, int depth, int numColors = 0, Endian bitOrder = IgnoreEndian )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasAlphaBuffer</name>
-      <anchor>hasAlphaBuffer</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>invertPixels</name>
-      <anchor>invertPixels-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool invertAlpha )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>jumpTable</name>
-      <anchor>jumpTable</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>jumpTable</name>
-      <anchor>jumpTable-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mirror</name>
-      <anchor>mirror</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool horizontal = false, bool vertical = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>reset</name>
-      <anchor>reset</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>scaleHeight</name>
-      <anchor>scaleHeight</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int h )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>scaleWidth</name>
-      <anchor>scaleWidth</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int w )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAlphaBuffer</name>
-      <anchor>setAlphaBuffer</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>smoothScale</name>
-      <anchor>smoothScale</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int width, int height, Qt::AspectRatioMode mode = Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>smoothScale</name>
-      <anchor>smoothScale-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSize &amp; size, Qt::AspectRatioMode mode = Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>swapRGB</name>
-      <anchor>swapRGB</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>systemBitOrder</name>
-      <anchor>systemBitOrder</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>systemByteOrder</name>
-      <anchor>systemByteOrder</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>xForm</name>
-      <anchor>xForm</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QMatrix &amp; matrix )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ImageConversionFlags</name>
-      <anchor>bitBlt</anchor>
-      <arglist> flags = Qt::AutoColor )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QImageReader</name>
-    <filename>qimagereader.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>ImageReaderError</name>
-      <anchor>ImageReaderError-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QImageReader</name>
-      <anchor>QImageReader</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QImageReader</name>
-      <anchor>QImageReader-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QIODevice * device, const QByteArray &amp; format = QByteArray()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QImageReader</name>
-      <anchor>QImageReader-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fileName, const QByteArray &amp; format = QByteArray()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>backgroundColor</name>
-      <anchor>backgroundColor</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>canRead</name>
-      <anchor>canRead</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clipRect</name>
-      <anchor>clipRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentImageNumber</name>
-      <anchor>currentImageNumber</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentImageRect</name>
-      <anchor>currentImageRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>device</name>
-      <anchor>device</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>error</name>
-      <anchor>error</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>errorString</name>
-      <anchor>errorString</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fileName</name>
-      <anchor>fileName</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>format</name>
-      <anchor>format</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>imageCount</name>
-      <anchor>imageCount</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>imageFormat</name>
-      <anchor>imageFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fileName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>imageFormat</name>
-      <anchor>imageFormat-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QIODevice * device )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>jumpToImage</name>
-      <anchor>jumpToImage</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int imageNumber )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>jumpToNextImage</name>
-      <anchor>jumpToNextImage</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>loopCount</name>
-      <anchor>loopCount</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>nextImageDelay</name>
-      <anchor>nextImageDelay</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>read</name>
-      <anchor>read</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>scaledClipRect</name>
-      <anchor>scaledClipRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>scaledSize</name>
-      <anchor>scaledSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setBackgroundColor</name>
-      <anchor>setBackgroundColor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QColor &amp; color )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setClipRect</name>
-      <anchor>setClipRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; rect )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDevice</name>
-      <anchor>setDevice</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QIODevice * device )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFileName</name>
-      <anchor>setFileName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fileName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFormat</name>
-      <anchor>setFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; format )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setScaledClipRect</name>
-      <anchor>setScaledClipRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; rect )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setScaledSize</name>
-      <anchor>setScaledSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSize &amp; size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>size</name>
-      <anchor>size</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>supportedImageFormats</name>
-      <anchor>supportedImageFormats</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>supportsAnimation</name>
-      <anchor>supportsAnimation</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>text</name>
-      <anchor>text</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>textKeys</name>
-      <anchor>textKeys</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QImageWriter</name>
-    <filename>qimagewriter.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>ImageWriterError</name>
-      <anchor>ImageWriterError-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QImageWriter</name>
-      <anchor>QImageWriter</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QImageWriter</name>
-      <anchor>QImageWriter-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QIODevice * device, const QByteArray &amp; format )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QImageWriter</name>
-      <anchor>QImageWriter-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fileName, const QByteArray &amp; format = QByteArray()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>canWrite</name>
-      <anchor>canWrite</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>device</name>
-      <anchor>device</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>error</name>
-      <anchor>error</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>errorString</name>
-      <anchor>errorString</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fileName</name>
-      <anchor>fileName</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>format</name>
-      <anchor>format</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>gamma</name>
-      <anchor>gamma</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>quality</name>
-      <anchor>quality</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDevice</name>
-      <anchor>setDevice</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QIODevice * device )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFileName</name>
-      <anchor>setFileName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fileName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFormat</name>
-      <anchor>setFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; format )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setGamma</name>
-      <anchor>setGamma</anchor>
-      <arglist>( float gamma )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setQuality</name>
-      <anchor>setQuality</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int quality )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setText</name>
-      <anchor>setText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key, const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>supportedImageFormats</name>
-      <anchor>supportedImageFormats</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>write</name>
-      <anchor>write</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QImage &amp; image )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>description</name>
-      <anchor>description</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDescription</name>
-      <anchor>setDescription</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; description )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QInputContextFactory</name>
-    <filename>qinputcontextfactory.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>create</name>
-      <anchor>create</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key, QObject * parent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>description</name>
-      <anchor>description</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>displayName</name>
-      <anchor>displayName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>keys</name>
-      <anchor>keys</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>languages</name>
-      <anchor>languages</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QInputContext</name>
-    <filename>qinputcontext.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>StandardFormat</name>
-      <anchor>StandardFormat-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QInputContext</name>
-      <anchor>QInputContext</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>actions</name>
-      <anchor>actions</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>filterEvent</name>
-      <anchor>filterEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>font</name>
-      <anchor>font</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>identifierName</name>
-      <anchor>identifierName</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isComposing</name>
-      <anchor>isComposing</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>language</name>
-      <anchor>language</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mouseHandler</name>
-      <anchor>mouseHandler</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, QMouseEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>reset</name>
-      <anchor>reset</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sendEvent</name>
-      <anchor>sendEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QInputMethodEvent &amp; event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>standardFormat</name>
-      <anchor>standardFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>( StandardFormat s )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>update</name>
-      <anchor>update</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>widgetDestroyed</name>
-      <anchor>widgetDestroyed</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>x11FilterEvent</name>
-      <anchor>x11FilterEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * keywidget, XEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QInputContextPlugin</name>
-    <filename>qinputcontextplugin.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QInputContextPlugin</name>
-      <anchor>QInputContextPlugin</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>create</name>
-      <anchor>create</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>description</name>
-      <anchor>description</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>displayName</name>
-      <anchor>displayName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>keys</name>
-      <anchor>keys</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>languages</name>
-      <anchor>languages</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QInputDialog</name>
-    <filename>qinputdialog.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>getDouble</name>
-      <anchor>getDouble</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, const QString &amp; title, const QString &amp; label, double value = 0, double minValue = -2147483647, double maxValue = 2147483647, int decimals = 1, bool * ok = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>getInteger</name>
-      <anchor>getInteger</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, const QString &amp; title, const QString &amp; label, int value = 0, int minValue = -2147483647, int maxValue = 2147483647, int step = 1, bool * ok = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>getItem</name>
-      <anchor>getItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, const QString &amp; title, const QString &amp; label, const QStringList &amp; list, int current = 0, bool editable = true, bool * ok = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>getText</name>
-      <anchor>getText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, const QString &amp; title, const QString &amp; label, QLineEdit::EchoMode mode = QLineEdit::Normal, const QString &amp; text = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>getDouble</name>
-      <anchor>getDouble-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; title, const QString &amp; label, double value = 0, double minValue = -2147483647, double maxValue = 2147483647, int decimals = 1, bool * ok = 0, QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>getInteger</name>
-      <anchor>getInteger-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; title, const QString &amp; label, int value = 0, int minValue = -2147483647, int maxValue = 2147483647, int step = 1, bool * ok = 0, QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>getItem</name>
-      <anchor>getItem-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; title, const QString &amp; label, const QStringList &amp; list, int current = 0, bool editable = true, bool * ok = 0, QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>getText</name>
-      <anchor>getText-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; title, const QString &amp; label, QLineEdit::EchoMode echo = QLineEdit::Normal, const QString &amp; text = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QInputEvent</name>
-    <filename>qinputevent.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>KeyboardModifiers</name>
-      <anchor>modifiers</anchor>
-      <arglist> QInputEvent::modifiers()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QInputMethodEvent::Attribute</name>
-    <filename>qinputmethodevent-attribute.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Attribute</name>
-      <anchor>Attribute</anchor>
-      <arglist>( AttributeType type, int start, int length, QVariant value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QInputMethodEvent</name>
-    <filename>qinputmethodevent.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>AttributeType</name>
-      <anchor>AttributeType-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QInputMethodEvent</name>
-      <anchor>QInputMethodEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QInputMethodEvent</name>
-      <anchor>QInputMethodEvent-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; preeditText, const QList&lt;Attribute&gt; &amp; attributes )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QInputMethodEvent</name>
-      <anchor>QInputMethodEvent-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QInputMethodEvent &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>attributes</name>
-      <anchor>attributes</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>commitString</name>
-      <anchor>commitString</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>preeditString</name>
-      <anchor>preeditString</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>replacementLength</name>
-      <anchor>replacementLength</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>replacementStart</name>
-      <anchor>replacementStart</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCommitString</name>
-      <anchor>setCommitString</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; commitString, int replaceFrom = 0, int replaceLength = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QIntValidator</name>
-    <filename>qintvalidator.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QIntValidator</name>
-      <anchor>QIntValidator</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QIntValidator</name>
-      <anchor>QIntValidator-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int minimum, int maximum, QObject * parent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRange</name>
-      <anchor>setRange</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int bottom, int top )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>State</name>
-      <anchor>validate</anchor>
-      <arglist> QIntValidator::validate( QString &amp; input, int &amp; pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QIntValidator</name>
-      <anchor>QIntValidator-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent, const char * name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QIntValidator</name>
-      <anchor>QIntValidator-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int minimum, int maximum, QObject * parent, const char * name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QIODevice</name>
-    <filename>qiodevice.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QIODevice</name>
-      <anchor>QIODevice</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QIODevice</name>
-      <anchor>QIODevice-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>aboutToClose</name>
-      <anchor>aboutToClose</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>atEnd</name>
-      <anchor>atEnd</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bytesAvailable</name>
-      <anchor>bytesAvailable</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bytesToWrite</name>
-      <anchor>bytesToWrite</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bytesWritten</name>
-      <anchor>bytesWritten</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qint64 bytes )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>canReadLine</name>
-      <anchor>canReadLine</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>close</name>
-      <anchor>close</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>errorString</name>
-      <anchor>errorString</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>getChar</name>
-      <anchor>getChar</anchor>
-      <arglist>( char * c )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isOpen</name>
-      <anchor>isOpen</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isReadable</name>
-      <anchor>isReadable</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isSequential</name>
-      <anchor>isSequential</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isTextModeEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>isTextModeEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isWritable</name>
-      <anchor>isWritable</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>open</name>
-      <anchor>open</anchor>
-      <arglist>( OpenMode mode )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>openMode</name>
-      <anchor>openMode</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>peek</name>
-      <anchor>peek</anchor>
-      <arglist>( char * data, qint64 maxSize )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>peek</name>
-      <anchor>peek-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qint64 maxSize )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pos</name>
-      <anchor>pos</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>putChar</name>
-      <anchor>putChar</anchor>
-      <arglist>( char c )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>read</name>
-      <anchor>read</anchor>
-      <arglist>( char * data, qint64 maxSize )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>read</name>
-      <anchor>read-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qint64 maxSize )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>readAll</name>
-      <anchor>readAll</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>readData</name>
-      <anchor>readData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( char * data, qint64 maxSize )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>readLine</name>
-      <anchor>readLine</anchor>
-      <arglist>( char * data, qint64 maxSize )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>readLine</name>
-      <anchor>readLine-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qint64 maxSize = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>readLineData</name>
-      <anchor>readLineData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( char * data, qint64 maxSize )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>readyRead</name>
-      <anchor>readyRead</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>reset</name>
-      <anchor>reset</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>seek</name>
-      <anchor>seek</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qint64 pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setErrorString</name>
-      <anchor>setErrorString</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; str )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setOpenMode</name>
-      <anchor>setOpenMode</anchor>
-      <arglist>( OpenMode openMode )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTextModeEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>setTextModeEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool enabled )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>size</name>
-      <anchor>size</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ungetChar</name>
-      <anchor>ungetChar</anchor>
-      <arglist>( char c )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>waitForBytesWritten</name>
-      <anchor>waitForBytesWritten</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int msecs )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>waitForReadyRead</name>
-      <anchor>waitForReadyRead</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int msecs )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>write</name>
-      <anchor>write</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * data, qint64 maxSize )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>write</name>
-      <anchor>write-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; byteArray )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>writeData</name>
-      <anchor>writeData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * data, qint64 maxSize )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Offset</name>
-      <anchor>Offset-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Status</name>
-      <anchor>Status-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>at</name>
-      <anchor>at</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>at</name>
-      <anchor>at-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Offset offset )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>flags</name>
-      <anchor>flags</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>getch</name>
-      <anchor>getch</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isAsynchronous</name>
-      <anchor>isAsynchronous</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isBuffered</name>
-      <anchor>isBuffered</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isCombinedAccess</name>
-      <anchor>isCombinedAccess</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isDirectAccess</name>
-      <anchor>isDirectAccess</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isInactive</name>
-      <anchor>isInactive</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isRaw</name>
-      <anchor>isRaw</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isSequentialAccess</name>
-      <anchor>isSequentialAccess</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isSynchronous</name>
-      <anchor>isSynchronous</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isTranslated</name>
-      <anchor>isTranslated</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mode</name>
-      <anchor>mode</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>putch</name>
-      <anchor>putch</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int ch )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>readBlock</name>
-      <anchor>readBlock</anchor>
-      <arglist>( char * data, quint64 size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resetStatus</name>
-      <anchor>resetStatus</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>state</name>
-      <anchor>state</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>status</name>
-      <anchor>status</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ungetch</name>
-      <anchor>ungetch</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int ch )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>writeBlock</name>
-      <anchor>writeBlock</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * data, quint64 size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>writeBlock</name>
-      <anchor>writeBlock-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; data )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QItemDelegate</name>
-    <filename>qitemdelegate.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QItemDelegate</name>
-      <anchor>QItemDelegate</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>createEditor</name>
-      <anchor>createEditor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, const QStyleOptionViewItem &amp; option, const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawCheck</name>
-      <anchor>drawCheck</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter * painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &amp; option, const QRect &amp; rect, Qt::CheckState state )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawDecoration</name>
-      <anchor>drawDecoration</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter * painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &amp; option, const QRect &amp; rect, const QPixmap &amp; pixmap )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawDisplay</name>
-      <anchor>drawDisplay</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter * painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &amp; option, const QRect &amp; rect, const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawFocus</name>
-      <anchor>drawFocus</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter * painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &amp; option, const QRect &amp; rect )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>eventFilter</name>
-      <anchor>eventFilter</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * object, QEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemEditorFactory</name>
-      <anchor>itemEditorFactory</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>paint</name>
-      <anchor>paint</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter * painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &amp; option, const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setEditorData</name>
-      <anchor>setEditorData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * editor, const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setItemEditorFactory</name>
-      <anchor>setItemEditorFactory</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QItemEditorFactory * factory )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setModelData</name>
-      <anchor>setModelData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * editor, QAbstractItemModel * model, const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sizeHint</name>
-      <anchor>sizeHint</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStyleOptionViewItem &amp; option, const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>updateEditorGeometry</name>
-      <anchor>updateEditorGeometry</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * editor, const QStyleOptionViewItem &amp; option, const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QItemEditorCreatorBase</name>
-    <filename>qitemeditorcreatorbase.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>createWidget</name>
-      <anchor>createWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>valuePropertyName</name>
-      <anchor>valuePropertyName</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QItemEditorFactory</name>
-    <filename>qitemeditorfactory.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QItemEditorFactory</name>
-      <anchor>QItemEditorFactory</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>createEditor</name>
-      <anchor>createEditor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QVariant::Type type, QWidget * parent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>defaultFactory</name>
-      <anchor>defaultFactory</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>registerEditor</name>
-      <anchor>registerEditor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QVariant::Type type, QItemEditorCreatorBase * creator )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDefaultFactory</name>
-      <anchor>setDefaultFactory</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QItemEditorFactory * factory )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>valuePropertyName</name>
-      <anchor>valuePropertyName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QVariant::Type type )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QItemSelection</name>
-    <filename>qitemselection.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QItemSelection</name>
-      <anchor>QItemSelection</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QItemSelection</name>
-      <anchor>QItemSelection-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; topLeft, const QModelIndex &amp; bottomRight )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contains</name>
-      <anchor>contains</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>indexes</name>
-      <anchor>indexes</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>merge</name>
-      <anchor>merge</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QItemSelection &amp; other, QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlags command )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>select</name>
-      <anchor>select</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; topLeft, const QModelIndex &amp; bottomRight )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>split</name>
-      <anchor>split</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QItemSelectionRange &amp; range, const QItemSelectionRange &amp; other, QItemSelection * result )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QItemSelectionModel</name>
-    <filename>qitemselectionmodel.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QItemSelectionModel</name>
-      <anchor>QItemSelectionModel</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QAbstractItemModel * model )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QItemSelectionModel</name>
-      <anchor>QItemSelectionModel-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QAbstractItemModel * model, QObject * parent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>columnIntersectsSelection</name>
-      <anchor>columnIntersectsSelection</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column, const QModelIndex &amp; parent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentChanged</name>
-      <anchor>currentChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; current, const QModelIndex &amp; previous )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentColumnChanged</name>
-      <anchor>currentColumnChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; current, const QModelIndex &amp; previous )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentIndex</name>
-      <anchor>currentIndex</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentRowChanged</name>
-      <anchor>currentRowChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; current, const QModelIndex &amp; previous )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>emitSelectionChanged</name>
-      <anchor>emitSelectionChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QItemSelection &amp; newSelection, const QItemSelection &amp; oldSelection )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isColumnSelected</name>
-      <anchor>isColumnSelected</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column, const QModelIndex &amp; parent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isRowSelected</name>
-      <anchor>isRowSelected</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, const QModelIndex &amp; parent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isSelected</name>
-      <anchor>isSelected</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>model</name>
-      <anchor>model</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>reset</name>
-      <anchor>reset</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rowIntersectsSelection</name>
-      <anchor>rowIntersectsSelection</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, const QModelIndex &amp; parent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>select</name>
-      <anchor>select</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index, QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlags command )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>select</name>
-      <anchor>select-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QItemSelection &amp; selection, QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlags command )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selectedIndexes</name>
-      <anchor>selectedIndexes</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selection</name>
-      <anchor>selection</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selectionChanged</name>
-      <anchor>selectionChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QItemSelection &amp; selected, const QItemSelection &amp; deselected )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCurrentIndex</name>
-      <anchor>setCurrentIndex</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index, QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlags command )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QItemSelectionRange</name>
-    <filename>qitemselectionrange.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QItemSelectionRange</name>
-      <anchor>QItemSelectionRange</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QItemSelectionRange</name>
-      <anchor>QItemSelectionRange-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QItemSelectionRange &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QItemSelectionRange</name>
-      <anchor>QItemSelectionRange-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; topLeft, const QModelIndex &amp; bottomRight )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QItemSelectionRange</name>
-      <anchor>QItemSelectionRange-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bottom</name>
-      <anchor>bottom</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bottomRight</name>
-      <anchor>bottomRight</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contains</name>
-      <anchor>contains</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>height</name>
-      <anchor>height</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>indexes</name>
-      <anchor>indexes</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>intersect</name>
-      <anchor>intersect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QItemSelectionRange &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>intersects</name>
-      <anchor>intersects</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QItemSelectionRange &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isValid</name>
-      <anchor>isValid</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>left</name>
-      <anchor>left</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>model</name>
-      <anchor>model</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>parent</name>
-      <anchor>parent</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>right</name>
-      <anchor>right</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>top</name>
-      <anchor>top</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>topLeft</name>
-      <anchor>topLeft</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>width</name>
-      <anchor>width</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QItemSelectionRange &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QItemSelectionRange &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QKbdDriverFactory</name>
-    <filename>qkbddriverfactory.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>create</name>
-      <anchor>create</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key, const QString &amp; device )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>keys</name>
-      <anchor>keys</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QKbdDriverPlugin</name>
-    <filename>qkbddriverplugin.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QKbdDriverPlugin</name>
-      <anchor>QKbdDriverPlugin</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>create</name>
-      <anchor>create</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key, const QString &amp; device )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>keys</name>
-      <anchor>keys</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QKeyEvent</name>
-    <filename>qkeyevent.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QKeyEvent</name>
-      <anchor>QKeyEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Type type, int key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, const QString &amp; text = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isAutoRepeat</name>
-      <anchor>isAutoRepeat</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>key</name>
-      <anchor>key</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>KeyboardModifiers</name>
-      <anchor>modifiers</anchor>
-      <arglist> QKeyEvent::modifiers()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>text</name>
-      <anchor>text</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QKeyEvent</name>
-      <anchor>QKeyEvent-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Type type, int key, int ascii, int modifiers, const QString &amp; text = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ascii</name>
-      <anchor>ascii</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ButtonState</name>
-      <anchor>state</anchor>
-      <arglist> QKeyEvent::state()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ButtonState</name>
-      <anchor>stateAfter</anchor>
-      <arglist> QKeyEvent::stateAfter()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QKeySequence</name>
-    <filename>qkeysequence.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>SequenceFormat</name>
-      <anchor>SequenceFormat-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>SequenceMatch</name>
-      <anchor>SequenceMatch-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QKeySequence</name>
-      <anchor>QKeySequence</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QKeySequence</name>
-      <anchor>QKeySequence-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QKeySequence</name>
-      <anchor>QKeySequence-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int k1, int k2 = 0, int k3 = 0, int k4 = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QKeySequence</name>
-      <anchor>QKeySequence-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QKeySequence &amp; keysequence )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromString</name>
-      <anchor>fromString</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; str, SequenceFormat format = PortableText )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEmpty</name>
-      <anchor>isEmpty</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>matches</name>
-      <anchor>matches</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QKeySequence &amp; seq )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mnemonic</name>
-      <anchor>mnemonic</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toString</name>
-      <anchor>toString</anchor>
-      <arglist>( SequenceFormat format = PortableText )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator</name>
-      <anchor>operator-QString</anchor>
-      <arglist> QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator</name>
-      <anchor>operator-QVariant</anchor>
-      <arglist> QVariant()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QKeySequence &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QKeySequence &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QKeySequence &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QKeySequence &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QKeySequence &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&gt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-gt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QKeySequence &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&gt;=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-gt-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QKeySequence &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator[]</name>
-      <anchor>operator-5b-5d</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator</name>
-      <anchor>operator-int</anchor>
-      <arglist> int()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QLabel</name>
-    <filename>qlabel.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Alignment</name>
-      <anchor>alignment-prop</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>TextFormat</name>
-      <anchor>textFormat-prop</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QLabel</name>
-      <anchor>QLabel</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QLabel</name>
-      <anchor>QLabel-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text, QWidget * parent = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>buddy</name>
-      <anchor>buddy</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>movie</name>
-      <anchor>movie</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>picture</name>
-      <anchor>picture</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setBuddy</name>
-      <anchor>setBuddy</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * buddy )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setMovie</name>
-      <anchor>setMovie</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QMovie * movie )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setNum</name>
-      <anchor>setNum</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int num )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setNum</name>
-      <anchor>setNum-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( double num )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPicture</name>
-      <anchor>setPicture</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPicture &amp; picture )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QLabel</name>
-      <anchor>QLabel-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, const char * name, Qt::WFlags f = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QLabel</name>
-      <anchor>QLabel-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text, QWidget * parent, const char * name, Qt::WFlags f = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QLabel</name>
-      <anchor>QLabel-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * buddy, const QString &amp; text, QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAlignment</name>
-      <anchor>setAlignment-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int alignment )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QLatin1Char</name>
-    <filename>qlatin1char.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QLatin1Char</name>
-      <anchor>QLatin1Char</anchor>
-      <arglist>( char c )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toLatin1</name>
-      <anchor>toLatin1</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>unicode</name>
-      <anchor>unicode</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QLatin1String</name>
-    <filename>qlatin1string.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QLatin1String</name>
-      <anchor>QLatin1String</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * str )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>latin1</name>
-      <anchor>latin1</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QLatin1String &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&gt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-gt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&gt;=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-gt-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QLayout</name>
-    <filename>qlayout.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>SizeConstraint</name>
-      <anchor>SizeConstraint-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QLayout</name>
-      <anchor>QLayout</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QLayout</name>
-      <anchor>QLayout-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>activate</name>
-      <anchor>activate</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addChildLayout</name>
-      <anchor>addChildLayout</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QLayout * l )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addChildWidget</name>
-      <anchor>addChildWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * w )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addItem</name>
-      <anchor>addItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QLayoutItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addWidget</name>
-      <anchor>addWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * w )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>alignmentRect</name>
-      <anchor>alignmentRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; r )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>closestAcceptableSize</name>
-      <anchor>closestAcceptableSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QWidget * widget, const QSize &amp; size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Orientations</name>
-      <anchor>expandingDirections</anchor>
-      <arglist> QLayout::expandingDirections()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>indexOf</name>
-      <anchor>indexOf</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>isEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemAt</name>
-      <anchor>itemAt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>maximumSize</name>
-      <anchor>maximumSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>menuBar</name>
-      <anchor>menuBar</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>minimumSize</name>
-      <anchor>minimumSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>parentWidget</name>
-      <anchor>parentWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeItem</name>
-      <anchor>removeItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QLayoutItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeWidget</name>
-      <anchor>removeWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAlignment</name>
-      <anchor>setAlignment</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * w, Qt::Alignment alignment )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAlignment</name>
-      <anchor>setAlignment-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QLayout * l, Qt::Alignment alignment )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>setEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setMenuBar</name>
-      <anchor>setMenuBar</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>takeAt</name>
-      <anchor>takeAt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>update</name>
-      <anchor>update</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QLayoutItem</name>
-    <filename>qlayoutitem.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QLayoutItem</name>
-      <anchor>QLayoutItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::Alignment alignment = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Alignment</name>
-      <anchor>alignment</anchor>
-      <arglist> QLayoutItem::alignment()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Orientations</name>
-      <anchor>expandingDirections</anchor>
-      <arglist> QLayoutItem::expandingDirections()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>geometry</name>
-      <anchor>geometry</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasHeightForWidth</name>
-      <anchor>hasHeightForWidth</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>heightForWidth</name>
-      <anchor>heightForWidth</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int w )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>invalidate</name>
-      <anchor>invalidate</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEmpty</name>
-      <anchor>isEmpty</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>layout</name>
-      <anchor>layout</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>maximumSize</name>
-      <anchor>maximumSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>minimumHeightForWidth</name>
-      <anchor>minimumHeightForWidth</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int w )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>minimumSize</name>
-      <anchor>minimumSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAlignment</name>
-      <anchor>setAlignment</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::Alignment alignment )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setGeometry</name>
-      <anchor>setGeometry</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; r )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sizeHint</name>
-      <anchor>sizeHint</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>spacerItem</name>
-      <anchor>spacerItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>widget</name>
-      <anchor>widget</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QLayout</name>
-      <anchor>QLayout-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, int margin, int spacing = -1, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QLayout</name>
-      <anchor>QLayout-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QLayout * parentLayout, int spacing = -1, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QLayout</name>
-      <anchor>QLayout-6</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int spacing, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>add</name>
-      <anchor>add</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>autoAdd</name>
-      <anchor>autoAdd</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>defaultBorder</name>
-      <anchor>defaultBorder</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>deleteAllItems</name>
-      <anchor>deleteAllItems</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>freeze</name>
-      <anchor>freeze</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int w = 0, int h = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isTopLevel</name>
-      <anchor>isTopLevel</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>iterator</name>
-      <anchor>iterator</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mainWidget</name>
-      <anchor>mainWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>remove</name>
-      <anchor>remove</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resizeMode</name>
-      <anchor>resizeMode</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAutoAdd</name>
-      <anchor>setAutoAdd</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool a )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setResizeMode</name>
-      <anchor>setResizeMode</anchor>
-      <arglist>( SizeConstraint constraint )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QLCDNumber</name>
-    <filename>qlcdnumber.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Mode</name>
-      <anchor>Mode-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>SegmentStyle</name>
-      <anchor>SegmentStyle-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QLCDNumber</name>
-      <anchor>QLCDNumber</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QLCDNumber</name>
-      <anchor>QLCDNumber-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint numDigits, QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>checkOverflow</name>
-      <anchor>checkOverflow</anchor>
-      <arglist>( double num )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>checkOverflow</name>
-      <anchor>checkOverflow-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int num )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>overflow</name>
-      <anchor>overflow</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setBinMode</name>
-      <anchor>setBinMode</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDecMode</name>
-      <anchor>setDecMode</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setHexMode</name>
-      <anchor>setHexMode</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setOctMode</name>
-      <anchor>setOctMode</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QLCDNumber</name>
-      <anchor>QLCDNumber-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, const char * name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QLCDNumber</name>
-      <anchor>QLCDNumber-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint numDigits, QWidget * parent, const char * name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QLibrary</name>
-    <filename>qlibrary.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QLibrary</name>
-      <anchor>QLibrary</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QLibrary</name>
-      <anchor>QLibrary-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fileName, QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QLibrary</name>
-      <anchor>QLibrary-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fileName, int verNum, QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isLibrary</name>
-      <anchor>isLibrary</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fileName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isLoaded</name>
-      <anchor>isLoaded</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>load</name>
-      <anchor>load</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resolve</name>
-      <anchor>resolve</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * symbol )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resolve</name>
-      <anchor>resolve-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fileName, const char * symbol )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resolve</name>
-      <anchor>resolve-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fileName, int verNum, const char * symbol )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFileNameAndVersion</name>
-      <anchor>setFileNameAndVersion</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fileName, int versionNumber )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>unload</name>
-      <anchor>unload</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QLibraryInfo</name>
-    <filename>qlibraryinfo.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>LibraryLocation</name>
-      <anchor>LibraryLocation-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>buildKey</name>
-      <anchor>buildKey</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>licensedProducts</name>
-      <anchor>licensedProducts</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>licensee</name>
-      <anchor>licensee</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>location</name>
-      <anchor>location</anchor>
-      <arglist>( LibraryLocation loc )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>library</name>
-      <anchor>library</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAutoUnload</name>
-      <anchor>setAutoUnload</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QLinearGradient</name>
-    <filename>qlineargradient.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QLinearGradient</name>
-      <anchor>QLinearGradient</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPointF &amp; start, const QPointF &amp; finalStop )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QLinearGradient</name>
-      <anchor>QLinearGradient-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal x1, qreal y1, qreal x2, qreal y2 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>finalStop</name>
-      <anchor>finalStop</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>start</name>
-      <anchor>start</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QLineEdit</name>
-    <filename>qlineedit.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>EchoMode</name>
-      <anchor>EchoMode-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Alignment</name>
-      <anchor>alignment-prop</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QLineEdit</name>
-      <anchor>QLineEdit</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QLineEdit</name>
-      <anchor>QLineEdit-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; contents, QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>backspace</name>
-      <anchor>backspace</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contextMenuEvent</name>
-      <anchor>contextMenuEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QContextMenuEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>copy</name>
-      <anchor>copy</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>createStandardContextMenu</name>
-      <anchor>createStandardContextMenu</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cursorBackward</name>
-      <anchor>cursorBackward</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool mark, int steps = 1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cursorForward</name>
-      <anchor>cursorForward</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool mark, int steps = 1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cursorPositionAt</name>
-      <anchor>cursorPositionAt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cursorPositionChanged</name>
-      <anchor>cursorPositionChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int old, int new )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cursorWordBackward</name>
-      <anchor>cursorWordBackward</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool mark )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cursorWordForward</name>
-      <anchor>cursorWordForward</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool mark )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cut</name>
-      <anchor>cut</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>del</name>
-      <anchor>del</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>deselect</name>
-      <anchor>deselect</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>editingFinished</name>
-      <anchor>editingFinished</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>end</name>
-      <anchor>end</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool mark )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>home</name>
-      <anchor>home</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool mark )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insert</name>
-      <anchor>insert</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; newText )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>keyPressEvent</name>
-      <anchor>keyPressEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QKeyEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>minimumSizeHint</name>
-      <anchor>minimumSizeHint</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>paste</name>
-      <anchor>paste</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>redo</name>
-      <anchor>redo</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>returnPressed</name>
-      <anchor>returnPressed</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selectAll</name>
-      <anchor>selectAll</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selectionChanged</name>
-      <anchor>selectionChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selectionStart</name>
-      <anchor>selectionStart</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSelection</name>
-      <anchor>setSelection</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int start, int length )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setValidator</name>
-      <anchor>setValidator</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QValidator * v )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sizeHint</name>
-      <anchor>sizeHint</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>textChanged</name>
-      <anchor>textChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>textEdited</name>
-      <anchor>textEdited</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>undo</name>
-      <anchor>undo</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>validator</name>
-      <anchor>validator</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QLineEdit</name>
-      <anchor>QLineEdit-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, const char * name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QLineEdit</name>
-      <anchor>QLineEdit-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; contents, QWidget * parent, const char * name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QLineEdit</name>
-      <anchor>QLineEdit-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; contents, const QString &amp; inputMask, QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>characterAt</name>
-      <anchor>characterAt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int xpos, QChar * chr )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clearModified</name>
-      <anchor>clearModified</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clearValidator</name>
-      <anchor>clearValidator</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cursorLeft</name>
-      <anchor>cursorLeft</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool mark, int steps = 1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cursorRight</name>
-      <anchor>cursorRight</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool mark, int steps = 1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>edited</name>
-      <anchor>edited</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>frame</name>
-      <anchor>frame</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>getSelection</name>
-      <anchor>getSelection</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int * start, int * end )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasMarkedText</name>
-      <anchor>hasMarkedText</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lostFocus</name>
-      <anchor>lostFocus</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>markedText</name>
-      <anchor>markedText</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>repaintArea</name>
-      <anchor>repaintArea</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int a, int b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setEdited</name>
-      <anchor>setEdited</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool on )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>validateAndSet</name>
-      <anchor>validateAndSet</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; newText, int newPos, int newMarkAnchor, int newMarkDrag )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QLineF</name>
-    <filename>qlinef.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>IntersectType</name>
-      <anchor>IntersectType-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QLineF</name>
-      <anchor>QLineF</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QLineF</name>
-      <anchor>QLineF-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPointF &amp; p1, const QPointF &amp; p2 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QLineF</name>
-      <anchor>QLineF-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal x1, qreal y1, qreal x2, qreal y2 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QLineF</name>
-      <anchor>QLineF-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QLine &amp; line )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>p1</name>
-      <anchor>p1</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>p2</name>
-      <anchor>p2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>x1</name>
-      <anchor>x1</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>x2</name>
-      <anchor>x2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>y1</name>
-      <anchor>y1</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>y2</name>
-      <anchor>y2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>angle</name>
-      <anchor>angle</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QLineF &amp; line )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dx</name>
-      <anchor>dx</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dy</name>
-      <anchor>dy</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>intersect</name>
-      <anchor>intersect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QLineF &amp; line, QPointF * intersectionPoint )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isNull</name>
-      <anchor>isNull</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>length</name>
-      <anchor>length</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>normalVector</name>
-      <anchor>normalVector</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pointAt</name>
-      <anchor>pointAt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal t )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setLength</name>
-      <anchor>setLength</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal length )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toLine</name>
-      <anchor>toLine</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>translate</name>
-      <anchor>translate</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPointF &amp; offset )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>translate</name>
-      <anchor>translate-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal dx, qreal dy )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>unitVector</name>
-      <anchor>unitVector</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QLineF &amp; line )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QLineF &amp; line )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QLine</name>
-    <filename>qline.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QLine</name>
-      <anchor>QLine</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QLine</name>
-      <anchor>QLine-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; p1, const QPoint &amp; p2 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QLine</name>
-      <anchor>QLine-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>p1</name>
-      <anchor>p1</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>p2</name>
-      <anchor>p2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>x1</name>
-      <anchor>x1</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>x2</name>
-      <anchor>x2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>y1</name>
-      <anchor>y1</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>y2</name>
-      <anchor>y2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dx</name>
-      <anchor>dx</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dy</name>
-      <anchor>dy</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isNull</name>
-      <anchor>isNull</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>translate</name>
-      <anchor>translate</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; offset )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>translate</name>
-      <anchor>translate-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int dx, int dy )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QLine &amp; line )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QLine &amp; line )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QLinkedList::const_iterator</name>
-    <filename>qlinkedlist-const-iterator.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>const_iterator</name>
-      <anchor>const_iterator</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>const_iterator</name>
-      <anchor>const_iterator-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const const_iterator &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>const_iterator</name>
-      <anchor>const_iterator-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( iterator other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const const_iterator &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator*</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2a</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int j )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator++</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-2b</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator++</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-2b-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int j )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator-</name>
-      <anchor>operator-</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int j )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator--</name>
-      <anchor>operator--</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator--</name>
-      <anchor>operator---2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator-=</name>
-      <anchor>operator--eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int j )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator-&amp;</name>
-      <anchor>operator--gt</anchor>
-      <arglist>gt;()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const const_iterator &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const const_iterator &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QLinkedList</name>
-    <filename>qlinkedlist.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ConstIterator</name>
-      <anchor>ConstIterator-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Iterator</name>
-      <anchor>Iterator-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>const_pointer</name>
-      <anchor>const_pointer-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>const_reference</name>
-      <anchor>const_reference-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pointer</name>
-      <anchor>pointer-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>reference</name>
-      <anchor>reference-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>size_type</name>
-      <anchor>size_type-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>value_type</name>
-      <anchor>value_type-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QLinkedList</name>
-      <anchor>QLinkedList</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QLinkedList</name>
-      <anchor>QLinkedList-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QLinkedList&lt;T&gt; &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>append</name>
-      <anchor>append</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>back</name>
-      <anchor>back</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>back</name>
-      <anchor>back-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>begin</name>
-      <anchor>begin</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>begin</name>
-      <anchor>begin-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>constBegin</name>
-      <anchor>constBegin</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>constEnd</name>
-      <anchor>constEnd</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contains</name>
-      <anchor>contains</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>empty</name>
-      <anchor>empty</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>end</name>
-      <anchor>end</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>end</name>
-      <anchor>end-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>erase</name>
-      <anchor>erase</anchor>
-      <arglist>( iterator pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>erase</name>
-      <anchor>erase-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( iterator begin, iterator end )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>first</name>
-      <anchor>first</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>first</name>
-      <anchor>first-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromStdList</name>
-      <anchor>fromStdList</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const std::list&lt;T&gt; &amp; list )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>front</name>
-      <anchor>front</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>front</name>
-      <anchor>front-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insert</name>
-      <anchor>insert</anchor>
-      <arglist>( iterator before, const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEmpty</name>
-      <anchor>isEmpty</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>last</name>
-      <anchor>last</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>last</name>
-      <anchor>last-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pop_back</name>
-      <anchor>pop_back</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pop_front</name>
-      <anchor>pop_front</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>prepend</name>
-      <anchor>prepend</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>push_back</name>
-      <anchor>push_back</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>push_front</name>
-      <anchor>push_front</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeAll</name>
-      <anchor>removeAll</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeFirst</name>
-      <anchor>removeFirst</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeLast</name>
-      <anchor>removeLast</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>size</name>
-      <anchor>size</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>takeFirst</name>
-      <anchor>takeFirst</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>takeLast</name>
-      <anchor>takeLast</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>list</name>
-      <anchor>toStdList</anchor>
-      <arglist>&lt;T&gt; QLinkedList::toStdList()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QLinkedList&lt;T&gt; &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QLinkedList&lt;T&gt; &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QLinkedList&lt;T&gt; &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-eq-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;&lt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt-lt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QLinkedList&lt;T&gt; &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;&lt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt-lt-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QLinkedList&lt;T&gt; &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QLinkedList&lt;T&gt; &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QLinkedList::iterator</name>
-    <filename>qlinkedlist-iterator.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>iterator</name>
-      <anchor>iterator</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>iterator</name>
-      <anchor>iterator-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const iterator &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const iterator &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const const_iterator &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator*</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2a</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int j )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator++</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-2b</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator++</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-2b-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int j )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator-</name>
-      <anchor>operator-</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int j )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator--</name>
-      <anchor>operator--</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator--</name>
-      <anchor>operator---2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator-=</name>
-      <anchor>operator--eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int j )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator-&amp;</name>
-      <anchor>operator--gt</anchor>
-      <arglist>gt;()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const iterator &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const iterator &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const const_iterator &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QLinkedListIterator</name>
-    <filename>qlinkedlistiterator.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QLinkedListIterator</name>
-      <anchor>QLinkedListIterator</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QLinkedList&lt;T&gt; &amp; list )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>findNext</name>
-      <anchor>findNext</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>findPrevious</name>
-      <anchor>findPrevious</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasNext</name>
-      <anchor>hasNext</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasPrevious</name>
-      <anchor>hasPrevious</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>next</name>
-      <anchor>next</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>peekNext</name>
-      <anchor>peekNext</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>peekPrevious</name>
-      <anchor>peekPrevious</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>previous</name>
-      <anchor>previous</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toBack</name>
-      <anchor>toBack</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toFront</name>
-      <anchor>toFront</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QLinkedList&lt;T&gt; &amp; list )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>find</name>
-      <anchor>find</anchor>
-      <arglist>( iterator from, const T &amp; t )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>find</name>
-      <anchor>find-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; t )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>find</name>
-      <anchor>find-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const_iterator from, const T &amp; t )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>find</name>
-      <anchor>find-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; t )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>findIndex</name>
-      <anchor>findIndex</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; t )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>remove</name>
-      <anchor>remove</anchor>
-      <arglist>( iterator pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QLinuxFbScreen</name>
-    <filename>qlinuxfbscreen.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QLinuxFbScreen</name>
-      <anchor>QLinuxFbScreen</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int displayId )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cache</name>
-      <anchor>cache</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int amount )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clearCache</name>
-      <anchor>clearCache</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QScreen * instance, int clientId )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>deleteEntry</name>
-      <anchor>deleteEntry</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uchar * memoryBlock )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>set</name>
-      <anchor>set</anchor>
-      <arglist>( unsigned int index, unsigned int red, unsigned int green, unsigned int blue )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>uncache</name>
-      <anchor>uncache</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uchar * memoryBlock )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>useOffscreen</name>
-      <anchor>useOffscreen</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QList::const_iterator</name>
-    <filename>qlist-const-iterator.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>const_iterator</name>
-      <anchor>const_iterator</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>const_iterator</name>
-      <anchor>const_iterator-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const const_iterator &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>const_iterator</name>
-      <anchor>const_iterator-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const iterator &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const const_iterator &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator*</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2a</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int j )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator++</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-2b</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator++</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-2b-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int j )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator-</name>
-      <anchor>operator-</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int j )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator-</name>
-      <anchor>operator--2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const_iterator other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator--</name>
-      <anchor>operator--</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator--</name>
-      <anchor>operator---2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator-=</name>
-      <anchor>operator--eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int j )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator-&amp;</name>
-      <anchor>operator--gt</anchor>
-      <arglist>gt;()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const const_iterator &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const const_iterator &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const const_iterator &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&gt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-gt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const const_iterator &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&gt;=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-gt-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const const_iterator &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator[]</name>
-      <anchor>operator-5b-5d</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int j )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QList</name>
-    <filename>qlist.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ConstIterator</name>
-      <anchor>ConstIterator-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Iterator</name>
-      <anchor>Iterator-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>const_pointer</name>
-      <anchor>const_pointer-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>const_reference</name>
-      <anchor>const_reference-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pointer</name>
-      <anchor>pointer-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>reference</name>
-      <anchor>reference-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>size_type</name>
-      <anchor>size_type-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>value_type</name>
-      <anchor>value_type-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QList</name>
-      <anchor>QList</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QList</name>
-      <anchor>QList-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QList&lt;T&gt; &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>append</name>
-      <anchor>append</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>at</name>
-      <anchor>at</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>back</name>
-      <anchor>back</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>back</name>
-      <anchor>back-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>begin</name>
-      <anchor>begin</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>begin</name>
-      <anchor>begin-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>constBegin</name>
-      <anchor>constBegin</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>constEnd</name>
-      <anchor>constEnd</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contains</name>
-      <anchor>contains</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>empty</name>
-      <anchor>empty</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>end</name>
-      <anchor>end</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>end</name>
-      <anchor>end-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>erase</name>
-      <anchor>erase</anchor>
-      <arglist>( iterator pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>erase</name>
-      <anchor>erase-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( iterator begin, iterator end )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>first</name>
-      <anchor>first</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>first</name>
-      <anchor>first-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromSet</name>
-      <anchor>fromSet</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSet&lt;T&gt; &amp; set )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromStdList</name>
-      <anchor>fromStdList</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const std::list&lt;T&gt; &amp; list )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromVector</name>
-      <anchor>fromVector</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QVector&lt;T&gt; &amp; vector )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>front</name>
-      <anchor>front</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>front</name>
-      <anchor>front-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>indexOf</name>
-      <anchor>indexOf</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value, int from = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insert</name>
-      <anchor>insert</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i, const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insert</name>
-      <anchor>insert-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( iterator before, const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEmpty</name>
-      <anchor>isEmpty</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>last</name>
-      <anchor>last</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>last</name>
-      <anchor>last-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lastIndexOf</name>
-      <anchor>lastIndexOf</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value, int from = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mid</name>
-      <anchor>mid</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int pos, int length = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>move</name>
-      <anchor>move</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int from, int to )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pop_back</name>
-      <anchor>pop_back</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pop_front</name>
-      <anchor>pop_front</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>prepend</name>
-      <anchor>prepend</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>push_back</name>
-      <anchor>push_back</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>push_front</name>
-      <anchor>push_front</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeAll</name>
-      <anchor>removeAll</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeAt</name>
-      <anchor>removeAt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeFirst</name>
-      <anchor>removeFirst</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeLast</name>
-      <anchor>removeLast</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>replace</name>
-      <anchor>replace</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i, const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>size</name>
-      <anchor>size</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>swap</name>
-      <anchor>swap</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i, int j )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>takeAt</name>
-      <anchor>takeAt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>takeFirst</name>
-      <anchor>takeFirst</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>takeLast</name>
-      <anchor>takeLast</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toSet</name>
-      <anchor>toSet</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>list</name>
-      <anchor>toStdList</anchor>
-      <arglist>&lt;T&gt; QList::toStdList()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toVector</name>
-      <anchor>toVector</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>value</name>
-      <anchor>value</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>value</name>
-      <anchor>value-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i, const T &amp; defaultValue )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QList&lt;T&gt; &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QList&lt;T&gt; &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QList&lt;T&gt; &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-eq-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;&lt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt-lt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QList&lt;T&gt; &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;&lt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt-lt-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QList&lt;T&gt; &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QList&lt;T&gt; &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator[]</name>
-      <anchor>operator-5b-5d</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator[]</name>
-      <anchor>operator-5b-5d-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QList::iterator</name>
-    <filename>qlist-iterator.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>iterator</name>
-      <anchor>iterator</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>iterator</name>
-      <anchor>iterator-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const iterator &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const iterator &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const const_iterator &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator*</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2a</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int j )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator++</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-2b</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator++</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-2b-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int j )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator-</name>
-      <anchor>operator-</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int j )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator-</name>
-      <anchor>operator--2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( iterator other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator--</name>
-      <anchor>operator--</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator--</name>
-      <anchor>operator---2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator-=</name>
-      <anchor>operator--eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int j )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator-&amp;</name>
-      <anchor>operator--gt</anchor>
-      <arglist>gt;()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const iterator &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const const_iterator &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const iterator &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt-eq-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const const_iterator &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const iterator &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const const_iterator &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&gt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-gt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const iterator &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&gt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-gt-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const const_iterator &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&gt;=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-gt-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const iterator &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&gt;=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-gt-eq-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const const_iterator &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator[]</name>
-      <anchor>operator-5b-5d</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int j )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QListIterator</name>
-    <filename>qlistiterator.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QListIterator</name>
-      <anchor>QListIterator</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QList&lt;T&gt; &amp; list )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>findNext</name>
-      <anchor>findNext</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>findPrevious</name>
-      <anchor>findPrevious</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasNext</name>
-      <anchor>hasNext</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasPrevious</name>
-      <anchor>hasPrevious</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>next</name>
-      <anchor>next</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>peekNext</name>
-      <anchor>peekNext</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>peekPrevious</name>
-      <anchor>peekPrevious</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>previous</name>
-      <anchor>previous</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toBack</name>
-      <anchor>toBack</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toFront</name>
-      <anchor>toFront</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QList&lt;T&gt; &amp; list )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>find</name>
-      <anchor>find</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; t )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>find</name>
-      <anchor>find-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; t )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>find</name>
-      <anchor>find-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( iterator from, const T &amp; t )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>find</name>
-      <anchor>find-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const_iterator from, const T &amp; t )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>findIndex</name>
-      <anchor>findIndex</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; t )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>remove</name>
-      <anchor>remove</anchor>
-      <arglist>( iterator pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>remove</name>
-      <anchor>remove-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; t )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QListView</name>
-    <filename>qlistview.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Flow</name>
-      <anchor>Flow-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>LayoutMode</name>
-      <anchor>LayoutMode-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Movement</name>
-      <anchor>Movement-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>ResizeMode</name>
-      <anchor>ResizeMode-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>ViewMode</name>
-      <anchor>ViewMode-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QListView</name>
-      <anchor>QListView</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clearPropertyFlags</name>
-      <anchor>clearPropertyFlags</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>event</name>
-      <anchor>event</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QEvent * e )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isRowHidden</name>
-      <anchor>isRowHidden</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rectForIndex</name>
-      <anchor>rectForIndex</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPositionForIndex</name>
-      <anchor>setPositionForIndex</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; position, const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRowHidden</name>
-      <anchor>setRowHidden</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, bool hide )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QListWidget</name>
-    <filename>qlistwidget.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QListWidget</name>
-      <anchor>QListWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addItem</name>
-      <anchor>addItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; label )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addItem</name>
-      <anchor>addItem-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QListWidgetItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addItems</name>
-      <anchor>addItems</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStringList &amp; labels )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>closePersistentEditor</name>
-      <anchor>closePersistentEditor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QListWidgetItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentItem</name>
-      <anchor>currentItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentItemChanged</name>
-      <anchor>currentItemChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QListWidgetItem * current, QListWidgetItem * previous )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentRowChanged</name>
-      <anchor>currentRowChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int currentRow )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentTextChanged</name>
-      <anchor>currentTextChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; currentText )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dropMimeData</name>
-      <anchor>dropMimeData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, const QMimeData * data, Qt::DropAction action )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>editItem</name>
-      <anchor>editItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QListWidgetItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>event</name>
-      <anchor>event</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QEvent * e )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>findItems</name>
-      <anchor>findItems</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text, Qt::MatchFlags flags )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>indexFromItem</name>
-      <anchor>indexFromItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QListWidgetItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertItem</name>
-      <anchor>insertItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, QListWidgetItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertItem</name>
-      <anchor>insertItem-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, const QString &amp; label )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertItems</name>
-      <anchor>insertItems</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, const QStringList &amp; labels )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isItemHidden</name>
-      <anchor>isItemHidden</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QListWidgetItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isItemSelected</name>
-      <anchor>isItemSelected</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QListWidgetItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>item</name>
-      <anchor>item</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemActivated</name>
-      <anchor>itemActivated</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QListWidgetItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemAt</name>
-      <anchor>itemAt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; p )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemAt</name>
-      <anchor>itemAt-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemChanged</name>
-      <anchor>itemChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QListWidgetItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemClicked</name>
-      <anchor>itemClicked</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QListWidgetItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemDoubleClicked</name>
-      <anchor>itemDoubleClicked</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QListWidgetItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemEntered</name>
-      <anchor>itemEntered</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QListWidgetItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemFromIndex</name>
-      <anchor>itemFromIndex</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemPressed</name>
-      <anchor>itemPressed</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QListWidgetItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemSelectionChanged</name>
-      <anchor>itemSelectionChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemWidget</name>
-      <anchor>itemWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QListWidgetItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>items</name>
-      <anchor>items</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QMimeData * data )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mimeData</name>
-      <anchor>mimeData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QList&lt;QListWidgetItem *&gt; items )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mimeTypes</name>
-      <anchor>mimeTypes</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>openPersistentEditor</name>
-      <anchor>openPersistentEditor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QListWidgetItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>row</name>
-      <anchor>row</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QListWidgetItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>scrollToItem</name>
-      <anchor>scrollToItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QListWidgetItem * item, QAbstractItemView::ScrollHint hint = EnsureVisible )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selectedItems</name>
-      <anchor>selectedItems</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCurrentItem</name>
-      <anchor>setCurrentItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QListWidgetItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setItemHidden</name>
-      <anchor>setItemHidden</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QListWidgetItem * item, bool hide )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setItemSelected</name>
-      <anchor>setItemSelected</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QListWidgetItem * item, bool select )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setItemWidget</name>
-      <anchor>setItemWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QListWidgetItem * item, QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sortItems</name>
-      <anchor>sortItems</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::SortOrder order = Qt::AscendingOrder )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>DropActions</name>
-      <anchor>supportedDropActions</anchor>
-      <arglist> QListWidget::supportedDropActions()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>takeItem</name>
-      <anchor>takeItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>visualItemRect</name>
-      <anchor>visualItemRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QListWidgetItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QListWidgetItem</name>
-    <filename>qlistwidgetitem.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QListWidgetItem</name>
-      <anchor>QListWidgetItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QListWidget * parent = 0, int type = Type )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QListWidgetItem</name>
-      <anchor>QListWidgetItem-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text, QListWidget * parent = 0, int type = Type )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QListWidgetItem</name>
-      <anchor>QListWidgetItem-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QIcon &amp; icon, const QString &amp; text, QListWidget * parent = 0, int type = Type )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QListWidgetItem</name>
-      <anchor>QListWidgetItem-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QListWidgetItem &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>backgroundColor</name>
-      <anchor>backgroundColor</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>CheckState</name>
-      <anchor>checkState</anchor>
-      <arglist> QListWidgetItem::checkState()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clone</name>
-      <anchor>clone</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>data</name>
-      <anchor>data</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int role )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ItemFlags</name>
-      <anchor>flags</anchor>
-      <arglist> QListWidgetItem::flags()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>font</name>
-      <anchor>font</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>icon</name>
-      <anchor>icon</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>listWidget</name>
-      <anchor>listWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>read</name>
-      <anchor>read</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDataStream &amp; in )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setBackgroundColor</name>
-      <anchor>setBackgroundColor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QColor &amp; color )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCheckState</name>
-      <anchor>setCheckState</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::CheckState state )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setData</name>
-      <anchor>setData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int role, const QVariant &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFlags</name>
-      <anchor>setFlags</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::ItemFlags flags )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFont</name>
-      <anchor>setFont</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QFont &amp; font )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setIcon</name>
-      <anchor>setIcon</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QIcon &amp; icon )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSizeHint</name>
-      <anchor>setSizeHint</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSize &amp; size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setStatusTip</name>
-      <anchor>setStatusTip</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; statusTip )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setText</name>
-      <anchor>setText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTextAlignment</name>
-      <anchor>setTextAlignment</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int alignment )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTextColor</name>
-      <anchor>setTextColor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QColor &amp; color )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setToolTip</name>
-      <anchor>setToolTip</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; toolTip )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setWhatsThis</name>
-      <anchor>setWhatsThis</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; whatsThis )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sizeHint</name>
-      <anchor>sizeHint</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>statusTip</name>
-      <anchor>statusTip</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>text</name>
-      <anchor>text</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>textAlignment</name>
-      <anchor>textAlignment</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>textColor</name>
-      <anchor>textColor</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toolTip</name>
-      <anchor>toolTip</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>type</name>
-      <anchor>type</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>whatsThis</name>
-      <anchor>whatsThis</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>write</name>
-      <anchor>write</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDataStream &amp; out )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QListWidgetItem &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QListWidgetItem &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Type</name>
-      <anchor>Type-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>UserType</name>
-      <anchor>UserType-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QLocale</name>
-    <filename>qlocale.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Country</name>
-      <anchor>Country-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>FormatType</name>
-      <anchor>FormatType-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Language</name>
-      <anchor>Language-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QLocale</name>
-      <anchor>QLocale</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QLocale</name>
-      <anchor>QLocale-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QLocale</name>
-      <anchor>QLocale-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Language language, Country country = AnyCountry )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QLocale</name>
-      <anchor>QLocale-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QLocale &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>c</name>
-      <anchor>c</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>country</name>
-      <anchor>country</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>countryToString</name>
-      <anchor>countryToString</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Country country )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dateFormat</name>
-      <anchor>dateFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>( FormatType format = LongFormat )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>decimalPoint</name>
-      <anchor>decimalPoint</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>exponential</name>
-      <anchor>exponential</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>groupSeparator</name>
-      <anchor>groupSeparator</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>language</name>
-      <anchor>language</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>languageToString</name>
-      <anchor>languageToString</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Language language )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>name</name>
-      <anchor>name</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>negativeSign</name>
-      <anchor>negativeSign</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>percent</name>
-      <anchor>percent</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDefault</name>
-      <anchor>setDefault</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QLocale &amp; locale )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>system</name>
-      <anchor>system</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>timeFormat</name>
-      <anchor>timeFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>( FormatType format = LongFormat )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toDouble</name>
-      <anchor>toDouble</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; s, bool * ok = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toFloat</name>
-      <anchor>toFloat</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; s, bool * ok = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toInt</name>
-      <anchor>toInt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; s, bool * ok = 0, int base = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toLongLong</name>
-      <anchor>toLongLong</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; s, bool * ok = 0, int base = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toShort</name>
-      <anchor>toShort</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; s, bool * ok = 0, int base = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toString</name>
-      <anchor>toString</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qlonglong i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toString</name>
-      <anchor>toString-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDate &amp; date, const QString &amp; format )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toString</name>
-      <anchor>toString-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDate &amp; date, FormatType format = LongFormat )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toString</name>
-      <anchor>toString-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTime &amp; time, const QString &amp; format )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toString</name>
-      <anchor>toString-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTime &amp; time, FormatType format = LongFormat )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toString</name>
-      <anchor>toString-6</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qulonglong i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toString</name>
-      <anchor>toString-7</anchor>
-      <arglist>( double i, char f = &apos;g&apos;, int prec = 6 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toString</name>
-      <anchor>toString-8</anchor>
-      <arglist>( short i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toString</name>
-      <anchor>toString-9</anchor>
-      <arglist>( ushort i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toString</name>
-      <anchor>toString-10</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toString</name>
-      <anchor>toString-11</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toString</name>
-      <anchor>toString-12</anchor>
-      <arglist>( float i, char f = &apos;g&apos;, int prec = 6 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toUInt</name>
-      <anchor>toUInt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; s, bool * ok = 0, int base = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toULongLong</name>
-      <anchor>toULongLong</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; s, bool * ok = 0, int base = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toUShort</name>
-      <anchor>toUShort</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; s, bool * ok = 0, int base = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>zeroDigit</name>
-      <anchor>zeroDigit</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QLocale &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QLocale &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QLocale &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QMacMime</name>
-    <filename>qmacmime.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QMacMime</name>
-      <anchor>QMacMime</anchor>
-      <arglist>( char t )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>all</name>
-      <anchor>all</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QMacMimeType t )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>canConvert</name>
-      <anchor>canConvert</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; mime, int flav )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>convertFromMime</name>
-      <anchor>convertFromMime</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; mime, QVariant data, int flav )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>convertToMime</name>
-      <anchor>convertToMime</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; mime, QList&lt;QByteArray&gt; data, int flav )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>convertor</name>
-      <anchor>convertor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QMacMimeType t, const QString &amp; mime, int flav )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>convertorName</name>
-      <anchor>convertorName</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>countFlavors</name>
-      <anchor>countFlavors</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>flavor</name>
-      <anchor>flavor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>flavorFor</name>
-      <anchor>flavorFor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; mime )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>flavorToMime</name>
-      <anchor>flavorToMime</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QMacMimeType t, int flav )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mimeFor</name>
-      <anchor>mimeFor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int flav )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QMacStyle</name>
-    <filename>qmacstyle.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>FocusRectPolicy</name>
-      <anchor>FocusRectPolicy-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>WidgetSizePolicy</name>
-      <anchor>WidgetSizePolicy-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QMacStyle</name>
-      <anchor>QMacStyle</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>focusRectPolicy</name>
-      <anchor>focusRectPolicy</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QWidget * w )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFocusRectPolicy</name>
-      <anchor>setFocusRectPolicy</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * w, FocusRectPolicy policy )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setWidgetSizePolicy</name>
-      <anchor>setWidgetSizePolicy</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QWidget * w, WidgetSizePolicy policy )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>widgetSizePolicy</name>
-      <anchor>widgetSizePolicy</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QWidget * w )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QMainWindow</name>
-    <filename>qmainwindow.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ToolButtonStyle</name>
-      <anchor>toolButtonStyle-prop</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QMainWindow</name>
-      <anchor>QMainWindow</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0, Qt::WFlags flags = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addDockWidget</name>
-      <anchor>addDockWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::DockWidgetArea area, QDockWidget * dockwidget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addDockWidget</name>
-      <anchor>addDockWidget-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::DockWidgetArea area, QDockWidget * dockwidget, Qt::Orientation orientation )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addToolBar</name>
-      <anchor>addToolBar</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::ToolBarArea area, QToolBar * toolbar )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addToolBar</name>
-      <anchor>addToolBar-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QToolBar * toolbar )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addToolBar</name>
-      <anchor>addToolBar-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; title )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addToolBarBreak</name>
-      <anchor>addToolBarBreak</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::ToolBarArea area = Qt::TopToolBarArea )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>centralWidget</name>
-      <anchor>centralWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>DockWidgetArea</name>
-      <anchor>corner</anchor>
-      <arglist> QMainWindow::corner( Qt::Corner corner )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>createPopupMenu</name>
-      <anchor>createPopupMenu</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>DockWidgetArea</name>
-      <anchor>dockWidgetArea</anchor>
-      <arglist> QMainWindow::dockWidgetArea( QDockWidget * dockwidget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>iconSizeChanged</name>
-      <anchor>iconSizeChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSize &amp; iconSize )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertToolBar</name>
-      <anchor>insertToolBar</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QToolBar * before, QToolBar * toolbar )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertToolBarBreak</name>
-      <anchor>insertToolBarBreak</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QToolBar * before )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>menuBar</name>
-      <anchor>menuBar</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeDockWidget</name>
-      <anchor>removeDockWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDockWidget * dockwidget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeToolBar</name>
-      <anchor>removeToolBar</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QToolBar * toolbar )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>restoreState</name>
-      <anchor>restoreState</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; state, int version = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>saveState</name>
-      <anchor>saveState</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int version = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCentralWidget</name>
-      <anchor>setCentralWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCorner</name>
-      <anchor>setCorner</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::Corner corner, Qt::DockWidgetArea area )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setMenuBar</name>
-      <anchor>setMenuBar</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QMenuBar * menuBar )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setStatusBar</name>
-      <anchor>setStatusBar</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QStatusBar * statusbar )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>splitDockWidget</name>
-      <anchor>splitDockWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDockWidget * first, QDockWidget * second, Qt::Orientation orientation )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>statusBar</name>
-      <anchor>statusBar</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ToolBarArea</name>
-      <anchor>toolBarArea</anchor>
-      <arglist> QMainWindow::toolBarArea( QToolBar * toolbar )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toolButtonStyleChanged</name>
-      <anchor>toolButtonStyleChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::ToolButtonStyle toolButtonStyle )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QMainWindow</name>
-      <anchor>QMainWindow-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, const char * name, Qt::WFlags flags = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QMap::const_iterator</name>
-    <filename>qmap-const-iterator.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>const_iterator</name>
-      <anchor>const_iterator</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>const_iterator</name>
-      <anchor>const_iterator-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const iterator &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>key</name>
-      <anchor>key</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>value</name>
-      <anchor>value</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const const_iterator &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator*</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2a</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int j )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator++</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-2b</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator++</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-2b-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int j )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator-</name>
-      <anchor>operator-</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int j )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator--</name>
-      <anchor>operator--</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator--</name>
-      <anchor>operator---2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator-=</name>
-      <anchor>operator--eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int j )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator-&amp;</name>
-      <anchor>operator--gt</anchor>
-      <arglist>gt;()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const const_iterator &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>data</name>
-      <anchor>data</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QMap</name>
-    <filename>qmap.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ConstIterator</name>
-      <anchor>ConstIterator-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Iterator</name>
-      <anchor>Iterator-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QMap</name>
-      <anchor>QMap</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QMap</name>
-      <anchor>QMap-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QMap&lt;Key, T&gt; &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QMap</name>
-      <anchor>QMap-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const std::map&lt;Key, T&gt; &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>begin</name>
-      <anchor>begin</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>begin</name>
-      <anchor>begin-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>constBegin</name>
-      <anchor>constBegin</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>constEnd</name>
-      <anchor>constEnd</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>constFind</name>
-      <anchor>constFind</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Key &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contains</name>
-      <anchor>contains</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Key &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Key &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>empty</name>
-      <anchor>empty</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>end</name>
-      <anchor>end</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>end</name>
-      <anchor>end-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>erase</name>
-      <anchor>erase</anchor>
-      <arglist>( iterator pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>find</name>
-      <anchor>find</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Key &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>find</name>
-      <anchor>find-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Key &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insert</name>
-      <anchor>insert</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Key &amp; key, const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertMulti</name>
-      <anchor>insertMulti</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Key &amp; key, const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEmpty</name>
-      <anchor>isEmpty</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>key</name>
-      <anchor>key</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>keys</name>
-      <anchor>keys</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>keys</name>
-      <anchor>keys-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lowerBound</name>
-      <anchor>lowerBound</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Key &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lowerBound</name>
-      <anchor>lowerBound-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Key &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>remove</name>
-      <anchor>remove</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Key &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>size</name>
-      <anchor>size</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>take</name>
-      <anchor>take</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Key &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>map</name>
-      <anchor>toStdMap</anchor>
-      <arglist>&lt;Key, T&gt; QMap::toStdMap()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>unite</name>
-      <anchor>unite</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QMap&lt;Key, T&gt; &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>upperBound</name>
-      <anchor>upperBound</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Key &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>upperBound</name>
-      <anchor>upperBound-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Key &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>value</name>
-      <anchor>value</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Key &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>value</name>
-      <anchor>value-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Key &amp; key, const T &amp; defaultValue )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>values</name>
-      <anchor>values</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>values</name>
-      <anchor>values-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Key &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QMap&lt;Key, T&gt; &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QMap&lt;Key, T&gt; &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QMap&lt;Key, T&gt; &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator[]</name>
-      <anchor>operator-5b-5d</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Key &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator[]</name>
-      <anchor>operator-5b-5d-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Key &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QMap::iterator</name>
-    <filename>qmap-iterator.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>iterator</name>
-      <anchor>iterator</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>key</name>
-      <anchor>key</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>value</name>
-      <anchor>value</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const iterator &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const const_iterator &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator*</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2a</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int j )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator++</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-2b</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator++</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-2b-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int j )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator-</name>
-      <anchor>operator-</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int j )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator--</name>
-      <anchor>operator--</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator--</name>
-      <anchor>operator---2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator-=</name>
-      <anchor>operator--eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int j )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator-&amp;</name>
-      <anchor>operator--gt</anchor>
-      <arglist>gt;()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const iterator &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const const_iterator &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QMapIterator</name>
-    <filename>qmapiterator.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QMapIterator</name>
-      <anchor>QMapIterator</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QMap&lt;Key, T&gt; &amp; map )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>findNext</name>
-      <anchor>findNext</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>findPrevious</name>
-      <anchor>findPrevious</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasNext</name>
-      <anchor>hasNext</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasPrevious</name>
-      <anchor>hasPrevious</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>key</name>
-      <anchor>key</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>next</name>
-      <anchor>next</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>peekNext</name>
-      <anchor>peekNext</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>peekPrevious</name>
-      <anchor>peekPrevious</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>previous</name>
-      <anchor>previous</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toBack</name>
-      <anchor>toBack</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toFront</name>
-      <anchor>toFront</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>value</name>
-      <anchor>value</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QMap&lt;Key, T&gt; &amp; map )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>data</name>
-      <anchor>data</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>erase</name>
-      <anchor>erase-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Key &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insert</name>
-      <anchor>insert-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Key &amp; key, const T &amp; value, bool overwrite )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>remove</name>
-      <anchor>remove-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( iterator it )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>replace</name>
-      <anchor>replace</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Key &amp; key, const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QMatrix</name>
-    <filename>qmatrix.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QMatrix</name>
-      <anchor>QMatrix</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QMatrix</name>
-      <anchor>QMatrix-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal m11, qreal m12, qreal m21, qreal m22, qreal dx, qreal dy )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QMatrix</name>
-      <anchor>QMatrix-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QMatrix &amp; matrix )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>m11</name>
-      <anchor>m11</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>m12</name>
-      <anchor>m12</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>m21</name>
-      <anchor>m21</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>m22</name>
-      <anchor>m22</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>det</name>
-      <anchor>det</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dx</name>
-      <anchor>dx</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dy</name>
-      <anchor>dy</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>inverted</name>
-      <anchor>inverted</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool * invertible = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isIdentity</name>
-      <anchor>isIdentity</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isInvertible</name>
-      <anchor>isInvertible</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>map</name>
-      <anchor>map</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal x, qreal y, qreal * tx, qreal * ty )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>map</name>
-      <anchor>map-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y, int * tx, int * ty )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>map</name>
-      <anchor>map-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPointF &amp; point )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>map</name>
-      <anchor>map-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; point )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>map</name>
-      <anchor>map-6</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QLineF &amp; line )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>map</name>
-      <anchor>map-7</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QLine &amp; line )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>map</name>
-      <anchor>map-8</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPolygonF &amp; polygon )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>map</name>
-      <anchor>map-9</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPolygon &amp; polygon )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>map</name>
-      <anchor>map-10</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRegion &amp; region )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>map</name>
-      <anchor>map-11</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPainterPath &amp; path )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mapRect</name>
-      <anchor>mapRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRectF &amp; rectangle )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mapRect</name>
-      <anchor>mapRect-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; rectangle )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mapToPolygon</name>
-      <anchor>mapToPolygon</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; rectangle )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>reset</name>
-      <anchor>reset</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rotate</name>
-      <anchor>rotate</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal degrees )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>scale</name>
-      <anchor>scale</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal sx, qreal sy )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setMatrix</name>
-      <anchor>setMatrix</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal m11, qreal m12, qreal m21, qreal m22, qreal dx, qreal dy )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>shear</name>
-      <anchor>shear</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal sh, qreal sv )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>translate</name>
-      <anchor>translate</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal dx, qreal dy )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QMatrix &amp; matrix )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator*</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2a</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QMatrix &amp; matrix )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator*=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2a-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QMatrix &amp; matrix )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QMatrix &amp; matrix )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QMatrix &amp; matrix )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>invert</name>
-      <anchor>invert</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool * invertible = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>map</name>
-      <anchor>map-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; rect )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mapToRegion</name>
-      <anchor>mapToRegion</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; rectangle )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QMenuBar</name>
-    <filename>qmenubar.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QMenuBar</name>
-      <anchor>QMenuBar</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>activeAction</name>
-      <anchor>activeAction</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addAction</name>
-      <anchor>addAction</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addAction</name>
-      <anchor>addAction-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text, const QObject * receiver, const char * member )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addMenu</name>
-      <anchor>addMenu</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QMenu * menu )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addMenu</name>
-      <anchor>addMenu-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; title )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addMenu</name>
-      <anchor>addMenu-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QIcon &amp; icon, const QString &amp; title )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addSeparator</name>
-      <anchor>addSeparator</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hovered</name>
-      <anchor>hovered</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QAction * action )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertMenu</name>
-      <anchor>insertMenu</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QAction * before, QMenu * menu )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setActiveAction</name>
-      <anchor>setActiveAction</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QAction * act )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>triggered</name>
-      <anchor>triggered</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QAction * action )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Separator</name>
-      <anchor>Separator-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QMenuBar</name>
-      <anchor>QMenuBar-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, const char * name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>accel</name>
-      <anchor>accel</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>activateItemAt</name>
-      <anchor>activateItemAt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>activated</name>
-      <anchor>activated</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int itemId )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>autoGeometry</name>
-      <anchor>autoGeometry</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>changeItem</name>
-      <anchor>changeItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id, const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>changeItem</name>
-      <anchor>changeItem-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id, const QPixmap &amp; pixmap )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>changeItem</name>
-      <anchor>changeItem-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id, const QIcon &amp; icon, const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>connectItem</name>
-      <anchor>connectItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id, const QObject * receiver, const char * member )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>disconnectItem</name>
-      <anchor>disconnectItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id, const QObject * receiver, const char * member )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>findItem</name>
-      <anchor>findItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>frameWidth</name>
-      <anchor>frameWidth</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>highlighted</name>
-      <anchor>highlighted</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int itemId )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>iconSet</name>
-      <anchor>iconSet</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>idAt</name>
-      <anchor>idAt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>indexOf</name>
-      <anchor>indexOf</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertItem</name>
-      <anchor>insertItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text, const QObject * receiver, const char * member, const QKeySequence &amp; shortcut = 0, int id = -1, int index = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertItem</name>
-      <anchor>insertItem-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QIcon &amp; icon, const QString &amp; text, const QObject * receiver, const char * member, const QKeySequence &amp; shortcut = 0, int id = -1, int index = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertItem</name>
-      <anchor>insertItem-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPixmap &amp; pixmap, const QObject * receiver, const char * member, const QKeySequence &amp; shortcut = 0, int id = -1, int index = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertItem</name>
-      <anchor>insertItem-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text, int id = -1, int index = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertItem</name>
-      <anchor>insertItem-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QIcon &amp; icon, const QString &amp; text, int id = -1, int index = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertItem</name>
-      <anchor>insertItem-6</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text, QMenu * popup, int id = -1, int index = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertItem</name>
-      <anchor>insertItem-7</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QIcon &amp; icon, const QString &amp; text, QMenu * popup, int id = -1, int index = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertItem</name>
-      <anchor>insertItem-8</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPixmap &amp; pixmap, int id = -1, int index = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertItem</name>
-      <anchor>insertItem-9</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPixmap &amp; pixmap, QMenu * popup, int id = -1, int index = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertSeparator</name>
-      <anchor>insertSeparator</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isItemActive</name>
-      <anchor>isItemActive</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isItemChecked</name>
-      <anchor>isItemChecked</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isItemEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>isItemEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isItemVisible</name>
-      <anchor>isItemVisible</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemAtPos</name>
-      <anchor>itemAtPos</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; p )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemParameter</name>
-      <anchor>itemParameter</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemRect</name>
-      <anchor>itemRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pixmap</name>
-      <anchor>pixmap</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeItem</name>
-      <anchor>removeItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeItemAt</name>
-      <anchor>removeItemAt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>separator</name>
-      <anchor>separator</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAccel</name>
-      <anchor>setAccel</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QKeySequence &amp; key, int id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAutoGeometry</name>
-      <anchor>setAutoGeometry</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setItemChecked</name>
-      <anchor>setItemChecked</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id, bool check )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setItemEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>setItemEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id, bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setItemParameter</name>
-      <anchor>setItemParameter</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id, int param )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setItemVisible</name>
-      <anchor>setItemVisible</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id, bool visible )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSeparator</name>
-      <anchor>setSeparator</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Separator sep )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setWhatsThis</name>
-      <anchor>setWhatsThis</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id, const QString &amp; w )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>text</name>
-      <anchor>text</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>whatsThis</name>
-      <anchor>whatsThis</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QMenu</name>
-    <filename>qmenu.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QMenu</name>
-      <anchor>QMenu</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QMenu</name>
-      <anchor>QMenu-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; title, QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>aboutToShow</name>
-      <anchor>aboutToShow</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>actionAt</name>
-      <anchor>actionAt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; pt )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>actionGeometry</name>
-      <anchor>actionGeometry</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QAction * act )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>activeAction</name>
-      <anchor>activeAction</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addAction</name>
-      <anchor>addAction</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addAction</name>
-      <anchor>addAction-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QIcon &amp; icon, const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addAction</name>
-      <anchor>addAction-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text, const QObject * receiver, const char * member, const QKeySequence &amp; shortcut = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addAction</name>
-      <anchor>addAction-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QIcon &amp; icon, const QString &amp; text, const QObject * receiver, const char * member, const QKeySequence &amp; shortcut = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addMenu</name>
-      <anchor>addMenu</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QMenu * menu )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addMenu</name>
-      <anchor>addMenu-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; title )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addMenu</name>
-      <anchor>addMenu-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QIcon &amp; icon, const QString &amp; title )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addSeparator</name>
-      <anchor>addSeparator</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>columnCount</name>
-      <anchor>columnCount</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>defaultAction</name>
-      <anchor>defaultAction</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>exec</name>
-      <anchor>exec</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>exec</name>
-      <anchor>exec-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; p, QAction * action = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>exec</name>
-      <anchor>exec-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QList&lt;QAction *&gt; actions, const QPoint &amp; pos, QAction * at = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hideTearOffMenu</name>
-      <anchor>hideTearOffMenu</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hovered</name>
-      <anchor>hovered</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QAction * action )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertMenu</name>
-      <anchor>insertMenu</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QAction * before, QMenu * menu )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertSeparator</name>
-      <anchor>insertSeparator</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QAction * before )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isTearOffMenuVisible</name>
-      <anchor>isTearOffMenuVisible</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>menuAction</name>
-      <anchor>menuAction</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>popup</name>
-      <anchor>popup</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; p, QAction * atAction = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setActiveAction</name>
-      <anchor>setActiveAction</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QAction * act )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDefaultAction</name>
-      <anchor>setDefaultAction</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QAction * act )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>triggered</name>
-      <anchor>triggered</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QAction * action )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QMenuItem</name>
-    <filename>qmenuitem.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QMenuItem</name>
-      <anchor>QMenuItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>id</name>
-      <anchor>id</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>signalValue</name>
-      <anchor>signalValue</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>aboutToHide</name>
-      <anchor>aboutToHide</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>accel</name>
-      <anchor>accel</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>activateItemAt</name>
-      <anchor>activateItemAt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>activated</name>
-      <anchor>activated</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int itemId )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>changeItem</name>
-      <anchor>changeItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id, const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>changeItem</name>
-      <anchor>changeItem-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id, const QPixmap &amp; pixmap )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>changeItem</name>
-      <anchor>changeItem-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id, const QIcon &amp; icon, const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>columns</name>
-      <anchor>columns</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>connectItem</name>
-      <anchor>connectItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id, const QObject * receiver, const char * member )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>disconnectItem</name>
-      <anchor>disconnectItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id, const QObject * receiver, const char * member )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>findItem</name>
-      <anchor>findItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>findPopup</name>
-      <anchor>findPopup</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QMenu * popup, int * index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>frameWidth</name>
-      <anchor>frameWidth</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>highlighted</name>
-      <anchor>highlighted</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int itemId )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>iconSet</name>
-      <anchor>iconSet</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>idAt</name>
-      <anchor>idAt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>indexOf</name>
-      <anchor>indexOf</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertItem</name>
-      <anchor>insertItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text, const QObject * receiver, const char * member, const QKeySequence &amp; shortcut = 0, int id = -1, int index = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertItem</name>
-      <anchor>insertItem-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QIcon &amp; icon, const QString &amp; text, const QObject * receiver, const char * member, const QKeySequence &amp; shortcut = 0, int id = -1, int index = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertItem</name>
-      <anchor>insertItem-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPixmap &amp; pixmap, const QObject * receiver, const char * member, const QKeySequence &amp; shortcut = 0, int id = -1, int index = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertItem</name>
-      <anchor>insertItem-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text, int id = -1, int index = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertItem</name>
-      <anchor>insertItem-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QIcon &amp; icon, const QString &amp; text, int id = -1, int index = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertItem</name>
-      <anchor>insertItem-6</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text, QMenu * popup, int id = -1, int index = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertItem</name>
-      <anchor>insertItem-7</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QIcon &amp; icon, const QString &amp; text, QMenu * popup, int id = -1, int index = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertItem</name>
-      <anchor>insertItem-8</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPixmap &amp; pixmap, int id = -1, int index = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertItem</name>
-      <anchor>insertItem-9</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPixmap &amp; pixmap, QMenu * popup, int id = -1, int index = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertItem</name>
-      <anchor>insertItem-10</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QMenuItem * item, int id = -1, int index = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertSeparator</name>
-      <anchor>insertSeparator-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertTearOffHandle</name>
-      <anchor>insertTearOffHandle</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int a = 0, int b = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isCheckable</name>
-      <anchor>isCheckable</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isItemActive</name>
-      <anchor>isItemActive</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isItemChecked</name>
-      <anchor>isItemChecked</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isItemEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>isItemEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isItemVisible</name>
-      <anchor>isItemVisible</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemAtPos</name>
-      <anchor>itemAtPos</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; p, bool ignoreSeparator = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemFont</name>
-      <anchor>itemFont</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemGeometry</name>
-      <anchor>itemGeometry</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemHeight</name>
-      <anchor>itemHeight</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemHeight</name>
-      <anchor>itemHeight-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QMenuItem * mi )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemParameter</name>
-      <anchor>itemParameter</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pixmap</name>
-      <anchor>pixmap</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>popup</name>
-      <anchor>popup-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; pos, int indexAtPoint )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeItem</name>
-      <anchor>removeItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeItemAt</name>
-      <anchor>removeItemAt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAccel</name>
-      <anchor>setAccel</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QKeySequence &amp; key, int id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setActiveItem</name>
-      <anchor>setActiveItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCheckable</name>
-      <anchor>setCheckable</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool checkable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setId</name>
-      <anchor>setId</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, int id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setItemChecked</name>
-      <anchor>setItemChecked</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id, bool check )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setItemEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>setItemEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id, bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setItemFont</name>
-      <anchor>setItemFont</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id, const QFont &amp; font )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setItemParameter</name>
-      <anchor>setItemParameter</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id, int param )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setItemVisible</name>
-      <anchor>setItemVisible</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id, bool visible )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setWhatsThis</name>
-      <anchor>setWhatsThis</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id, const QString &amp; w )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>text</name>
-      <anchor>text</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>whatsThis</name>
-      <anchor>whatsThis</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QMessageBox</name>
-    <filename>qmessagebox.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Button</name>
-      <anchor>Button-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Icon</name>
-      <anchor>Icon-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>TextFormat</name>
-      <anchor>textFormat-prop</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QMessageBox</name>
-      <anchor>QMessageBox</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QMessageBox</name>
-      <anchor>QMessageBox-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; caption, const QString &amp; text, Icon icon, int button0, int button1, int button2, QWidget * parent = 0, Qt::WFlags f = Qt::Dialog | Qt::MSWindowsFixedSizeDialogHint )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>about</name>
-      <anchor>about</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, const QString &amp; caption, const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>aboutQt</name>
-      <anchor>aboutQt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, const QString &amp; caption = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>buttonText</name>
-      <anchor>buttonText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int button )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>critical</name>
-      <anchor>critical</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, const QString &amp; caption, const QString &amp; text, int button0, int button1, int button2 = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>critical</name>
-      <anchor>critical-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, const QString &amp; caption, const QString &amp; text, const QString &amp; button0Text = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>information</name>
-      <anchor>information</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, const QString &amp; caption, const QString &amp; text, int button0, int button1 = 0, int button2 = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>information</name>
-      <anchor>information-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, const QString &amp; caption, const QString &amp; text, const QString &amp; button0Text = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>question</name>
-      <anchor>question</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, const QString &amp; caption, const QString &amp; text, int button0, int button1 = 0, int button2 = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>question</name>
-      <anchor>question-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, const QString &amp; caption, const QString &amp; text, const QString &amp; button0Text = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setButtonText</name>
-      <anchor>setButtonText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int button, const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>standardIcon</name>
-      <anchor>standardIcon-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Icon icon )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>warning</name>
-      <anchor>warning</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, const QString &amp; caption, const QString &amp; text, int button0, int button1, int button2 = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>warning</name>
-      <anchor>warning-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, const QString &amp; caption, const QString &amp; text, const QString &amp; button0Text = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QMessageBox</name>
-      <anchor>QMessageBox-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; caption, const QString &amp; text, Icon icon, int button0, int button1, int button2, QWidget * parent, const char * name, bool modal, Qt::WFlags f = Qt::Dialog | Qt::MSWindowsFixedSizeDialogHint )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QMessageBox</name>
-      <anchor>QMessageBox-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, const char * name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>message</name>
-      <anchor>message</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; caption, const QString &amp; text, const QString &amp; buttonText = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>query</name>
-      <anchor>query</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; caption, const QString &amp; text, const QString &amp; yesButtonText = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>standardIcon</name>
-      <anchor>standardIcon</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Icon icon, Qt::GUIStyle style )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QMetaClassInfo</name>
-    <filename>qmetaclassinfo.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>name</name>
-      <anchor>name</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>value</name>
-      <anchor>value</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QMetaEnum</name>
-    <filename>qmetaenum.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isFlag</name>
-      <anchor>isFlag</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isValid</name>
-      <anchor>isValid</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>key</name>
-      <anchor>key</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>keyCount</name>
-      <anchor>keyCount</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>keyToValue</name>
-      <anchor>keyToValue</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>keysToValue</name>
-      <anchor>keysToValue</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * keys )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>name</name>
-      <anchor>name</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>scope</name>
-      <anchor>scope</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>value</name>
-      <anchor>value</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>valueToKey</name>
-      <anchor>valueToKey</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>valueToKeys</name>
-      <anchor>valueToKeys</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QMetaMethod</name>
-    <filename>qmetamethod.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>MethodType</name>
-      <anchor>MethodType-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>access</name>
-      <anchor>access</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>methodType</name>
-      <anchor>methodType</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>parameterNames</name>
-      <anchor>parameterNames</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>parameterTypes</name>
-      <anchor>parameterTypes</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>signature</name>
-      <anchor>signature</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>tag</name>
-      <anchor>tag</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>typeName</name>
-      <anchor>typeName</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QMetaObject</name>
-    <filename>qmetaobject.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>checkConnectArgs</name>
-      <anchor>checkConnectArgs</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * signal, const char * method )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>classInfo</name>
-      <anchor>classInfo</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>classInfoCount</name>
-      <anchor>classInfoCount</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>classInfoOffset</name>
-      <anchor>classInfoOffset</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>className</name>
-      <anchor>className</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>connectSlotsByName</name>
-      <anchor>connectSlotsByName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * o )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>enumerator</name>
-      <anchor>enumerator</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>enumeratorCount</name>
-      <anchor>enumeratorCount</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>enumeratorOffset</name>
-      <anchor>enumeratorOffset</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>indexOfClassInfo</name>
-      <anchor>indexOfClassInfo</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>indexOfEnumerator</name>
-      <anchor>indexOfEnumerator</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>indexOfMethod</name>
-      <anchor>indexOfMethod</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * method )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>indexOfProperty</name>
-      <anchor>indexOfProperty</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>indexOfSignal</name>
-      <anchor>indexOfSignal</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * signal )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>indexOfSlot</name>
-      <anchor>indexOfSlot</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * slot )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>invokeMethod</name>
-      <anchor>invokeMethod</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * obj, const char * member, Qt::ConnectionType type, QGenericReturnArgument ret, QGenericArgument val0 = QGenericArgument( 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>invokeMethod</name>
-      <anchor>invokeMethod-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * obj, const char * member, QGenericReturnArgument ret, QGenericArgument val0 = QGenericArgument( 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>invokeMethod</name>
-      <anchor>invokeMethod-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * obj, const char * member, Qt::ConnectionType type, QGenericArgument val0 = QGenericArgument( 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>invokeMethod</name>
-      <anchor>invokeMethod-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * obj, const char * member, QGenericArgument val0 = QGenericArgument( 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>method</name>
-      <anchor>method</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>methodCount</name>
-      <anchor>methodCount</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>methodOffset</name>
-      <anchor>methodOffset</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>normalizedSignature</name>
-      <anchor>normalizedSignature</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * method )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>property</name>
-      <anchor>property</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>propertyCount</name>
-      <anchor>propertyCount</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>propertyOffset</name>
-      <anchor>propertyOffset</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>superClass</name>
-      <anchor>superClass</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QMetaProperty</name>
-    <filename>qmetaproperty.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>enumerator</name>
-      <anchor>enumerator</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isDesignable</name>
-      <anchor>isDesignable</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QObject * object = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEditable</name>
-      <anchor>isEditable</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QObject * object = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEnumType</name>
-      <anchor>isEnumType</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isFlagType</name>
-      <anchor>isFlagType</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isReadable</name>
-      <anchor>isReadable</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isResettable</name>
-      <anchor>isResettable</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isScriptable</name>
-      <anchor>isScriptable</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QObject * object = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isStored</name>
-      <anchor>isStored</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QObject * object = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isUser</name>
-      <anchor>isUser</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QObject * object = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isValid</name>
-      <anchor>isValid</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isWritable</name>
-      <anchor>isWritable</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>name</name>
-      <anchor>name</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>read</name>
-      <anchor>read</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QObject * object )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>reset</name>
-      <anchor>reset</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * object )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Type</name>
-      <anchor>type</anchor>
-      <arglist> QMetaProperty::type()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>typeName</name>
-      <anchor>typeName</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>write</name>
-      <anchor>write</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * object, const QVariant &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QMetaType</name>
-    <filename>qmetatype.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Type</name>
-      <anchor>Type-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>construct</name>
-      <anchor>construct</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int type, const void * copy )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>destroy</name>
-      <anchor>destroy</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int type, void * data )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isRegistered</name>
-      <anchor>isRegistered</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int type )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>load</name>
-      <anchor>load</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDataStream &amp; stream, int type, void * data )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>save</name>
-      <anchor>save</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDataStream &amp; stream, int type, const void * data )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>type</name>
-      <anchor>type</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * typeName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>typeName</name>
-      <anchor>typeName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int type )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QMimeData</name>
-    <filename>qmimedata.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QMimeData</name>
-      <anchor>QMimeData</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>colorData</name>
-      <anchor>colorData</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>data</name>
-      <anchor>data</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; mimetype )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>formats</name>
-      <anchor>formats</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasColor</name>
-      <anchor>hasColor</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasFormat</name>
-      <anchor>hasFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; mimetype )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasHtml</name>
-      <anchor>hasHtml</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasImage</name>
-      <anchor>hasImage</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasText</name>
-      <anchor>hasText</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasUrls</name>
-      <anchor>hasUrls</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>html</name>
-      <anchor>html</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>imageData</name>
-      <anchor>imageData</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>retrieveData</name>
-      <anchor>retrieveData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; mimetype, QVariant::Type type )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setColorData</name>
-      <anchor>setColorData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QVariant &amp; color )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setData</name>
-      <anchor>setData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; mimetype, const QByteArray &amp; data )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setHtml</name>
-      <anchor>setHtml</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; html )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setImageData</name>
-      <anchor>setImageData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QVariant &amp; image )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setText</name>
-      <anchor>setText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setUrls</name>
-      <anchor>setUrls</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QList&lt;QUrl&gt; &amp; urls )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>text</name>
-      <anchor>text</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>urls</name>
-      <anchor>urls</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QMimeSource</name>
-    <filename>qmimesource.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>encodedData</name>
-      <anchor>encodedData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * format )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>format</name>
-      <anchor>format</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>provides</name>
-      <anchor>provides</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * mimeType )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QModelIndex</name>
-    <filename>qmodelindex.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QModelIndex</name>
-      <anchor>QModelIndex</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QModelIndex</name>
-      <anchor>QModelIndex-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>child</name>
-      <anchor>child</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>column</name>
-      <anchor>column</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>data</name>
-      <anchor>data</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int role = Qt::DisplayRole )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>internalId</name>
-      <anchor>internalId</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>internalPointer</name>
-      <anchor>internalPointer</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isValid</name>
-      <anchor>isValid</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>model</name>
-      <anchor>model</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>parent</name>
-      <anchor>parent</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>row</name>
-      <anchor>row</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sibling</name>
-      <anchor>sibling</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QMotifStyle</name>
-    <filename>qmotifstyle.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QMotifStyle</name>
-      <anchor>QMotifStyle</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool useHighlightCols = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>eventFilter</name>
-      <anchor>eventFilter</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * o, QEvent * e )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setUseHighlightColors</name>
-      <anchor>setUseHighlightColors</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool arg )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>useHighlightColors</name>
-      <anchor>useHighlightColors</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QMouseDriverFactory</name>
-    <filename>qmousedriverfactory.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>create</name>
-      <anchor>create</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key, const QString &amp; device )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>keys</name>
-      <anchor>keys</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QMouseDriverPlugin</name>
-    <filename>qmousedriverplugin.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QMouseDriverPlugin</name>
-      <anchor>QMouseDriverPlugin</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>create</name>
-      <anchor>create</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key, const QString &amp; device )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>keys</name>
-      <anchor>keys</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QMouseEvent</name>
-    <filename>qmouseevent.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QMouseEvent</name>
-      <anchor>QMouseEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Type type, const QPoint &amp; position, Qt::MouseButton button, Qt::MouseButtons buttons, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QMouseEvent</name>
-      <anchor>QMouseEvent-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Type type, const QPoint &amp; pos, const QPoint &amp; globalPos, Qt::MouseButton button, Qt::MouseButtons buttons, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>MouseButton</name>
-      <anchor>button</anchor>
-      <arglist> QMouseEvent::button()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>MouseButtons</name>
-      <anchor>buttons</anchor>
-      <arglist> QMouseEvent::buttons()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>globalPos</name>
-      <anchor>globalPos</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>globalX</name>
-      <anchor>globalX</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>globalY</name>
-      <anchor>globalY</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pos</name>
-      <anchor>pos</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>x</name>
-      <anchor>x</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>y</name>
-      <anchor>y</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QMouseEvent</name>
-      <anchor>QMouseEvent-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Type type, const QPoint &amp; pos, Qt::ButtonState button, int state )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QMouseEvent</name>
-      <anchor>QMouseEvent-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Type type, const QPoint &amp; pos, const QPoint &amp; globalPos, Qt::ButtonState button, int state )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ButtonState</name>
-      <anchor>state</anchor>
-      <arglist> QMouseEvent::state()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ButtonState</name>
-      <anchor>stateAfter</anchor>
-      <arglist> QMouseEvent::stateAfter()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QMoveEvent</name>
-    <filename>qmoveevent.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QMoveEvent</name>
-      <anchor>QMoveEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; pos, const QPoint &amp; oldPos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>oldPos</name>
-      <anchor>oldPos</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pos</name>
-      <anchor>pos</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QMovie</name>
-    <filename>qmovie.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>CacheMode</name>
-      <anchor>CacheMode-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>MovieState</name>
-      <anchor>MovieState-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QMovie</name>
-      <anchor>QMovie</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QMovie</name>
-      <anchor>QMovie-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QIODevice * device, const QByteArray &amp; format = QByteArray()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QMovie</name>
-      <anchor>QMovie-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fileName, const QByteArray &amp; format = QByteArray()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>backgroundColor</name>
-      <anchor>backgroundColor</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentFrameNumber</name>
-      <anchor>currentFrameNumber</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentImage</name>
-      <anchor>currentImage</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>currentPixmap</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>device</name>
-      <anchor>device</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>error</name>
-      <anchor>error</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QImageReader::ImageReaderError error )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fileName</name>
-      <anchor>fileName</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>finished</name>
-      <anchor>finished</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>format</name>
-      <anchor>format</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>frameChanged</name>
-      <anchor>frameChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int frameNumber )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>frameCount</name>
-      <anchor>frameCount</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>frameRect</name>
-      <anchor>frameRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isValid</name>
-      <anchor>isValid</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>jumpToFrame</name>
-      <anchor>jumpToFrame</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int frameNumber )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>jumpToNextFrame</name>
-      <anchor>jumpToNextFrame</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>loopCount</name>
-      <anchor>loopCount</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>nextFrameDelay</name>
-      <anchor>nextFrameDelay</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resized</name>
-      <anchor>resized</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSize &amp; size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>scaledSize</name>
-      <anchor>scaledSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setBackgroundColor</name>
-      <anchor>setBackgroundColor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QColor &amp; color )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDevice</name>
-      <anchor>setDevice</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QIODevice * device )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFileName</name>
-      <anchor>setFileName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fileName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFormat</name>
-      <anchor>setFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; format )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPaused</name>
-      <anchor>setPaused</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool paused )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setScaledSize</name>
-      <anchor>setScaledSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSize &amp; size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>start</name>
-      <anchor>start</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>started</name>
-      <anchor>started</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>state</name>
-      <anchor>state</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>stateChanged</name>
-      <anchor>stateChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QMovie::MovieState state )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>stop</name>
-      <anchor>stop</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>supportedFormats</name>
-      <anchor>supportedFormats</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>updated</name>
-      <anchor>updated</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; rect )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>finished</name>
-      <anchor>finished-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>frameImage</name>
-      <anchor>frameImage</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>frameNumber</name>
-      <anchor>frameNumber</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>framePixmap</name>
-      <anchor>framePixmap</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isNull</name>
-      <anchor>isNull</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pause</name>
-      <anchor>pause</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>paused</name>
-      <anchor>paused</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>restart</name>
-      <anchor>restart</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>running</name>
-      <anchor>running</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>step</name>
-      <anchor>step</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>unpause</name>
-      <anchor>unpause</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QMultiHash</name>
-    <filename>qmultihash.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QMultiHash</name>
-      <anchor>QMultiHash</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QMultiHash</name>
-      <anchor>QMultiHash-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QHash&lt;Key, T&gt; &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insert</name>
-      <anchor>insert</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Key &amp; key, const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>replace</name>
-      <anchor>replace</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Key &amp; key, const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QMultiHash &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QMultiHash &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QMultiMap</name>
-    <filename>qmultimap.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QMultiMap</name>
-      <anchor>QMultiMap</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QMultiMap</name>
-      <anchor>QMultiMap-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QMap&lt;Key, T&gt; &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insert</name>
-      <anchor>insert</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Key &amp; key, const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>replace</name>
-      <anchor>replace</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const Key &amp; key, const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QMultiMap &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QMultiMap &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QMutableHashIterator</name>
-    <filename>qmutablehashiterator.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QMutableHashIterator</name>
-      <anchor>QMutableHashIterator</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QHash&lt;Key, T&gt; &amp; hash )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>findNext</name>
-      <anchor>findNext</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>findPrevious</name>
-      <anchor>findPrevious</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasNext</name>
-      <anchor>hasNext</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasPrevious</name>
-      <anchor>hasPrevious</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>key</name>
-      <anchor>key</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>next</name>
-      <anchor>next</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>peekNext</name>
-      <anchor>peekNext</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>peekPrevious</name>
-      <anchor>peekPrevious</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>previous</name>
-      <anchor>previous</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>remove</name>
-      <anchor>remove</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setValue</name>
-      <anchor>setValue</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toBack</name>
-      <anchor>toBack</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toFront</name>
-      <anchor>toFront</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>value</name>
-      <anchor>value</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>value</name>
-      <anchor>value-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QHash&lt;Key, T&gt; &amp; hash )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QMutableLinkedListIterator</name>
-    <filename>qmutablelinkedlistiterator.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QMutableLinkedListIterator</name>
-      <anchor>QMutableLinkedListIterator</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QLinkedList&lt;T&gt; &amp; list )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>findNext</name>
-      <anchor>findNext</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>findPrevious</name>
-      <anchor>findPrevious</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasNext</name>
-      <anchor>hasNext</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasPrevious</name>
-      <anchor>hasPrevious</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insert</name>
-      <anchor>insert</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>next</name>
-      <anchor>next</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>peekNext</name>
-      <anchor>peekNext</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>peekPrevious</name>
-      <anchor>peekPrevious</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>previous</name>
-      <anchor>previous</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>remove</name>
-      <anchor>remove</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setValue</name>
-      <anchor>setValue</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toBack</name>
-      <anchor>toBack</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toFront</name>
-      <anchor>toFront</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>value</name>
-      <anchor>value</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>value</name>
-      <anchor>value-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QLinkedList&lt;T&gt; &amp; list )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QMutableListIterator</name>
-    <filename>qmutablelistiterator.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QMutableListIterator</name>
-      <anchor>QMutableListIterator</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QList&lt;T&gt; &amp; list )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>findNext</name>
-      <anchor>findNext</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>findPrevious</name>
-      <anchor>findPrevious</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasNext</name>
-      <anchor>hasNext</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasPrevious</name>
-      <anchor>hasPrevious</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insert</name>
-      <anchor>insert</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>next</name>
-      <anchor>next</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>peekNext</name>
-      <anchor>peekNext</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>peekPrevious</name>
-      <anchor>peekPrevious</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>previous</name>
-      <anchor>previous</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>remove</name>
-      <anchor>remove</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setValue</name>
-      <anchor>setValue</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toBack</name>
-      <anchor>toBack</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toFront</name>
-      <anchor>toFront</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>value</name>
-      <anchor>value</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>value</name>
-      <anchor>value-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QList&lt;T&gt; &amp; list )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QMutableMapIterator</name>
-    <filename>qmutablemapiterator.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QMutableMapIterator</name>
-      <anchor>QMutableMapIterator</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QMap&lt;Key, T&gt; &amp; map )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>findNext</name>
-      <anchor>findNext</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>findPrevious</name>
-      <anchor>findPrevious</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasNext</name>
-      <anchor>hasNext</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasPrevious</name>
-      <anchor>hasPrevious</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>key</name>
-      <anchor>key</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>next</name>
-      <anchor>next</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>peekNext</name>
-      <anchor>peekNext</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>peekPrevious</name>
-      <anchor>peekPrevious</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>previous</name>
-      <anchor>previous</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>remove</name>
-      <anchor>remove</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setValue</name>
-      <anchor>setValue</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toBack</name>
-      <anchor>toBack</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toFront</name>
-      <anchor>toFront</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>value</name>
-      <anchor>value</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>value</name>
-      <anchor>value-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QMap&lt;Key, T&gt; &amp; map )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QMutableVectorIterator</name>
-    <filename>qmutablevectoriterator.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QMutableVectorIterator</name>
-      <anchor>QMutableVectorIterator</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QVector&lt;T&gt; &amp; vector )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>findNext</name>
-      <anchor>findNext</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>findPrevious</name>
-      <anchor>findPrevious</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasNext</name>
-      <anchor>hasNext</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasPrevious</name>
-      <anchor>hasPrevious</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insert</name>
-      <anchor>insert</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>next</name>
-      <anchor>next</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>peekNext</name>
-      <anchor>peekNext</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>peekPrevious</name>
-      <anchor>peekPrevious</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>previous</name>
-      <anchor>previous</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>remove</name>
-      <anchor>remove</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setValue</name>
-      <anchor>setValue</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toBack</name>
-      <anchor>toBack</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toFront</name>
-      <anchor>toFront</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>value</name>
-      <anchor>value</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>value</name>
-      <anchor>value-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QVector&lt;T&gt; &amp; vector )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QMutex</name>
-    <filename>qmutex.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>RecursionMode</name>
-      <anchor>RecursionMode-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QMutex</name>
-      <anchor>QMutex</anchor>
-      <arglist>( RecursionMode mode = NonRecursive )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lock</name>
-      <anchor>lock</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>tryLock</name>
-      <anchor>tryLock</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>unlock</name>
-      <anchor>unlock</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QMutexLocker</name>
-    <filename>qmutexlocker.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QMutexLocker</name>
-      <anchor>QMutexLocker</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QMutex * mutex )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mutex</name>
-      <anchor>mutex</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>relock</name>
-      <anchor>relock</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>unlock</name>
-      <anchor>unlock</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QMutex</name>
-      <anchor>QMutex-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool recursive )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>locked</name>
-      <anchor>locked</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QNetworkProxy</name>
-    <filename>qnetworkproxy.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>ProxyType</name>
-      <anchor>ProxyType-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QNetworkProxy</name>
-      <anchor>QNetworkProxy</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QNetworkProxy</name>
-      <anchor>QNetworkProxy-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( ProxyType type, const QString &amp; hostName = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QNetworkProxy</name>
-      <anchor>QNetworkProxy-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QNetworkProxy &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>applicationProxy</name>
-      <anchor>applicationProxy</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hostName</name>
-      <anchor>hostName</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>password</name>
-      <anchor>password</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>port</name>
-      <anchor>port</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setApplicationProxy</name>
-      <anchor>setApplicationProxy</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QNetworkProxy &amp; networkProxy )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setHostName</name>
-      <anchor>setHostName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; hostName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPassword</name>
-      <anchor>setPassword</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; password )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPort</name>
-      <anchor>setPort</anchor>
-      <arglist>( quint16 port )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setType</name>
-      <anchor>setType</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QNetworkProxy::ProxyType type )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setUser</name>
-      <anchor>setUser</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; user )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ProxyType</name>
-      <anchor>type</anchor>
-      <arglist> QNetworkProxy::type()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>user</name>
-      <anchor>user</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QNetworkProxy &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QObjectCleanupHandler</name>
-    <filename>qobjectcleanuphandler.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QObjectCleanupHandler</name>
-      <anchor>QObjectCleanupHandler</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>add</name>
-      <anchor>add</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * object )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEmpty</name>
-      <anchor>isEmpty</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>remove</name>
-      <anchor>remove</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * object )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QObject</name>
-    <filename>qobject.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QObject</name>
-      <anchor>QObject</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>blockSignals</name>
-      <anchor>blockSignals</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool block )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>childEvent</name>
-      <anchor>childEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QChildEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>children</name>
-      <anchor>children</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>connect</name>
-      <anchor>connect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QObject * sender, const char * signal, const QObject * receiver, const char * method, Qt::ConnectionType type = Qt::AutoCompatConnection )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>connect</name>
-      <anchor>connect-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QObject * sender, const char * signal, const char * method, Qt::ConnectionType type = Qt::AutoCompatConnection )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>connectNotify</name>
-      <anchor>connectNotify</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * signal )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>customEvent</name>
-      <anchor>customEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>deleteLater</name>
-      <anchor>deleteLater</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>destroyed</name>
-      <anchor>destroyed</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * obj = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>disconnect</name>
-      <anchor>disconnect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QObject * sender, const char * signal, const QObject * receiver, const char * method )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>disconnect</name>
-      <anchor>disconnect-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * signal = 0, const QObject * receiver = 0, const char * method = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>disconnect</name>
-      <anchor>disconnect-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QObject * receiver, const char * method = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>disconnectNotify</name>
-      <anchor>disconnectNotify</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * signal )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dumpObjectInfo</name>
-      <anchor>dumpObjectInfo</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dumpObjectTree</name>
-      <anchor>dumpObjectTree</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>event</name>
-      <anchor>event</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QEvent * e )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>eventFilter</name>
-      <anchor>eventFilter</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * watched, QEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>findChild</name>
-      <anchor>findChild</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>findChildren</name>
-      <anchor>findChildren</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>findChildren</name>
-      <anchor>findChildren-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRegExp &amp; regExp )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>inherits</name>
-      <anchor>inherits</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * className )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>installEventFilter</name>
-      <anchor>installEventFilter</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * filterObj )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isWidgetType</name>
-      <anchor>isWidgetType</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>killTimer</name>
-      <anchor>killTimer</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>metaObject</name>
-      <anchor>metaObject</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>moveToThread</name>
-      <anchor>moveToThread</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QThread * targetThread )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>parent</name>
-      <anchor>parent</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>property</name>
-      <anchor>property</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>receivers</name>
-      <anchor>receivers</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * signal )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeEventFilter</name>
-      <anchor>removeEventFilter</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * obj )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sender</name>
-      <anchor>sender</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setParent</name>
-      <anchor>setParent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setProperty</name>
-      <anchor>setProperty</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * name, const QVariant &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>signalsBlocked</name>
-      <anchor>signalsBlocked</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>startTimer</name>
-      <anchor>startTimer</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int interval )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>thread</name>
-      <anchor>thread</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>timerEvent</name>
-      <anchor>timerEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTimerEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>tr</name>
-      <anchor>tr</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * sourceText, const char * comment )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>trUtf8</name>
-      <anchor>trUtf8</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * sourceText, const char * comment )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QObject</name>
-      <anchor>QObject-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent, const char * name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>checkConnectArgs</name>
-      <anchor>checkConnectArgs</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * signal, const QObject * object, const char * method )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>child</name>
-      <anchor>child</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * objName, const char * inheritsClass = 0, bool recursiveSearch = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>className</name>
-      <anchor>className</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertChild</name>
-      <anchor>insertChild</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * object )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isA</name>
-      <anchor>isA</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * className )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>name</name>
-      <anchor>name</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>name</name>
-      <anchor>name-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * defaultName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>normalizeSignalSlot</name>
-      <anchor>normalizeSignalSlot</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * signalSlot )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeChild</name>
-      <anchor>removeChild</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * object )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setName</name>
-      <anchor>setName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QPageSetupDialog</name>
-    <filename>qpagesetupdialog.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPageSetupDialog</name>
-      <anchor>QPageSetupDialog</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPrinter * printer, QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>printer</name>
-      <anchor>printer</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QPaintDevice</name>
-    <filename>qpaintdevice.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>PaintDeviceMetric</name>
-      <anchor>PaintDeviceMetric-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPaintDevice</name>
-      <anchor>QPaintDevice</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>depth</name>
-      <anchor>depth</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>height</name>
-      <anchor>height</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>heightMM</name>
-      <anchor>heightMM</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>logicalDpiX</name>
-      <anchor>logicalDpiX</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>logicalDpiY</name>
-      <anchor>logicalDpiY</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>metric</name>
-      <anchor>metric</anchor>
-      <arglist>( PaintDeviceMetric metric )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>numColors</name>
-      <anchor>numColors</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>paintEngine</name>
-      <anchor>paintEngine</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>paintingActive</name>
-      <anchor>paintingActive</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>physicalDpiX</name>
-      <anchor>physicalDpiX</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>physicalDpiY</name>
-      <anchor>physicalDpiY</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>width</name>
-      <anchor>width</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>widthMM</name>
-      <anchor>widthMM</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>x11AppCells</name>
-      <anchor>x11AppCells</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int screen = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>HANDLE</name>
-      <anchor>x11AppColormap</anchor>
-      <arglist> QPaintDevice::x11AppColormap( int screen = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>x11AppDefaultColormap</name>
-      <anchor>x11AppDefaultColormap</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int screen = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>x11AppDefaultVisual</name>
-      <anchor>x11AppDefaultVisual</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int screen = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>x11AppDepth</name>
-      <anchor>x11AppDepth</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int screen = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>x11AppDisplay</name>
-      <anchor>x11AppDisplay</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>x11AppDpiX</name>
-      <anchor>x11AppDpiX</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int screen = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>x11AppDpiY</name>
-      <anchor>x11AppDpiY</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int screen = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>HANDLE</name>
-      <anchor>x11AppRootWindow</anchor>
-      <arglist> QPaintDevice::x11AppRootWindow( int screen = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>x11AppScreen</name>
-      <anchor>x11AppScreen</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>x11AppVisual</name>
-      <anchor>x11AppVisual</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int screen = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>x11Cells</name>
-      <anchor>x11Cells</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>HANDLE</name>
-      <anchor>x11Colormap</anchor>
-      <arglist> QPaintDevice::x11Colormap()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>x11DefaultColormap</name>
-      <anchor>x11DefaultColormap</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>x11DefaultVisual</name>
-      <anchor>x11DefaultVisual</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>x11Depth</name>
-      <anchor>x11Depth</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>x11Display</name>
-      <anchor>x11Display</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>x11Screen</name>
-      <anchor>x11Screen</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>x11SetAppDpiX</name>
-      <anchor>x11SetAppDpiX</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int dpi, int screen )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>x11SetAppDpiY</name>
-      <anchor>x11SetAppDpiY</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int dpi, int screen )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>x11Visual</name>
-      <anchor>x11Visual</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QPaintEngine</name>
-    <filename>qpaintengine.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>PolygonDrawMode</name>
-      <anchor>PolygonDrawMode-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Type</name>
-      <anchor>Type-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPaintEngine</name>
-      <anchor>QPaintEngine</anchor>
-      <arglist>( PaintEngineFeatures caps = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>begin</name>
-      <anchor>begin</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPaintDevice * pdev )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawEllipse</name>
-      <anchor>drawEllipse</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRectF &amp; rect )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawEllipse</name>
-      <anchor>drawEllipse-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; rect )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawImage</name>
-      <anchor>drawImage</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRectF &amp; rectangle, const QImage &amp; image, const QRectF &amp; sr, Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags = Qt::AutoColor )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawLines</name>
-      <anchor>drawLines</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QLineF * lines, int lineCount )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawLines</name>
-      <anchor>drawLines-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QLine * lines, int lineCount )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawPath</name>
-      <anchor>drawPath</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPainterPath &amp; path )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>drawPixmap</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRectF &amp; r, const QPixmap &amp; pm, const QRectF &amp; sr )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawPoints</name>
-      <anchor>drawPoints</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPointF * points, int pointCount )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawPoints</name>
-      <anchor>drawPoints-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint * points, int pointCount )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawPolygon</name>
-      <anchor>drawPolygon</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPointF * points, int pointCount, PolygonDrawMode mode )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawPolygon</name>
-      <anchor>drawPolygon-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint * points, int pointCount, PolygonDrawMode mode )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawRects</name>
-      <anchor>drawRects</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRectF * rects, int rectCount )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawRects</name>
-      <anchor>drawRects-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect * rects, int rectCount )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawTextItem</name>
-      <anchor>drawTextItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPointF &amp; p, const QTextItem &amp; textItem )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawTiledPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>drawTiledPixmap</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRectF &amp; rect, const QPixmap &amp; pixmap, const QPointF &amp; p )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>end</name>
-      <anchor>end</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasFeature</name>
-      <anchor>hasFeature</anchor>
-      <arglist>( PaintEngineFeatures feature )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isActive</name>
-      <anchor>isActive</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>paintDevice</name>
-      <anchor>paintDevice</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>painter</name>
-      <anchor>painter</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setActive</name>
-      <anchor>setActive</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool state )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>type</name>
-      <anchor>type</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>updateState</name>
-      <anchor>updateState</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPaintEngineState &amp; state )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QPaintEngineState</name>
-    <filename>qpaintenginestate.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>backgroundBrush</name>
-      <anchor>backgroundBrush</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>BGMode</name>
-      <anchor>backgroundMode</anchor>
-      <arglist> QPaintEngineState::backgroundMode()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>brush</name>
-      <anchor>brush</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>brushOrigin</name>
-      <anchor>brushOrigin</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ClipOperation</name>
-      <anchor>clipOperation</anchor>
-      <arglist> QPaintEngineState::clipOperation()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clipPath</name>
-      <anchor>clipPath</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clipRegion</name>
-      <anchor>clipRegion</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>CompositionMode</name>
-      <anchor>compositionMode</anchor>
-      <arglist> QPaintEngineState::compositionMode()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>font</name>
-      <anchor>font</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isClipEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>isClipEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>matrix</name>
-      <anchor>matrix</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>painter</name>
-      <anchor>painter</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pen</name>
-      <anchor>pen</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>RenderHints</name>
-      <anchor>renderHints</anchor>
-      <arglist> QPaintEngineState::renderHints()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>DirtyFlags</name>
-      <anchor>state</anchor>
-      <arglist> QPaintEngineState::state()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QPainter</name>
-    <filename>qpainter.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>CompositionMode</name>
-      <anchor>CompositionMode-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPainter</name>
-      <anchor>QPainter</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPainter</name>
-      <anchor>QPainter-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPaintDevice * device )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>background</name>
-      <anchor>background</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>BGMode</name>
-      <anchor>backgroundMode</anchor>
-      <arglist> QPainter::backgroundMode()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>begin</name>
-      <anchor>begin</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPaintDevice * device )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>boundingRect</name>
-      <anchor>boundingRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRectF &amp; rectangle, int flags, const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>boundingRect</name>
-      <anchor>boundingRect-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; rectangle, int flags, const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>boundingRect</name>
-      <anchor>boundingRect-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y, int w, int h, int flags, const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>boundingRect</name>
-      <anchor>boundingRect-6</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRectF &amp; rectangle, const QString &amp; text, const QTextOption &amp; option = QTextOption()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>brush</name>
-      <anchor>brush</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>brushOrigin</name>
-      <anchor>brushOrigin</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clipPath</name>
-      <anchor>clipPath</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clipRegion</name>
-      <anchor>clipRegion</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>compositionMode</name>
-      <anchor>compositionMode</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>device</name>
-      <anchor>device</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>deviceMatrix</name>
-      <anchor>deviceMatrix</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawArc</name>
-      <anchor>drawArc</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRectF &amp; rectangle, int startAngle, int spanAngle )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawArc</name>
-      <anchor>drawArc-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; rectangle, int startAngle, int spanAngle )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawArc</name>
-      <anchor>drawArc-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y, int width, int height, int startAngle, int spanAngle )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawChord</name>
-      <anchor>drawChord</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRectF &amp; rectangle, int startAngle, int spanAngle )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawChord</name>
-      <anchor>drawChord-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; rectangle, int startAngle, int spanAngle )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawChord</name>
-      <anchor>drawChord-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y, int width, int height, int startAngle, int spanAngle )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawConvexPolygon</name>
-      <anchor>drawConvexPolygon</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPointF * points, int pointCount )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawConvexPolygon</name>
-      <anchor>drawConvexPolygon-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint * points, int pointCount )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawConvexPolygon</name>
-      <anchor>drawConvexPolygon-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPolygonF &amp; polygon )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawConvexPolygon</name>
-      <anchor>drawConvexPolygon-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPolygon &amp; polygon )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawEllipse</name>
-      <anchor>drawEllipse</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRectF &amp; rectangle )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawEllipse</name>
-      <anchor>drawEllipse-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; rectangle )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawEllipse</name>
-      <anchor>drawEllipse-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y, int width, int height )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawImage</name>
-      <anchor>drawImage</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRectF &amp; target, const QImage &amp; image, const QRectF &amp; source, Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags = Qt::AutoColor )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawImage</name>
-      <anchor>drawImage-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; target, const QImage &amp; image, const QRect &amp; source, Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags = Qt::AutoColor )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawImage</name>
-      <anchor>drawImage-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPointF &amp; point, const QImage &amp; image )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawImage</name>
-      <anchor>drawImage-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; point, const QImage &amp; image )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawImage</name>
-      <anchor>drawImage-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPointF &amp; point, const QImage &amp; image, const QRectF &amp; source, Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags = Qt::AutoColor )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawImage</name>
-      <anchor>drawImage-6</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; point, const QImage &amp; image, const QRect &amp; source, Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags = Qt::AutoColor )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawImage</name>
-      <anchor>drawImage-7</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRectF &amp; rectangle, const QImage &amp; image )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawImage</name>
-      <anchor>drawImage-8</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; rectangle, const QImage &amp; image )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawImage</name>
-      <anchor>drawImage-9</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y, const QImage &amp; image, int sx = 0, int sy = 0, int sw = -1, int sh = -1, Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags = Qt::AutoColor )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawLine</name>
-      <anchor>drawLine</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QLineF &amp; line )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawLine</name>
-      <anchor>drawLine-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QLine &amp; line )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawLine</name>
-      <anchor>drawLine-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; p1, const QPoint &amp; p2 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawLine</name>
-      <anchor>drawLine-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPointF &amp; p1, const QPointF &amp; p2 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawLine</name>
-      <anchor>drawLine-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawLines</name>
-      <anchor>drawLines</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QLineF * lines, int lineCount )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawLines</name>
-      <anchor>drawLines-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QLine * lines, int lineCount )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawLines</name>
-      <anchor>drawLines-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPointF * pointPairs, int lineCount )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawLines</name>
-      <anchor>drawLines-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint * pointPairs, int lineCount )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawLines</name>
-      <anchor>drawLines-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QVector&lt;QPointF&gt; &amp; pointPairs )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawLines</name>
-      <anchor>drawLines-6</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QVector&lt;QPoint&gt; &amp; pointPairs )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawLines</name>
-      <anchor>drawLines-7</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QVector&lt;QLineF&gt; &amp; lines )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawLines</name>
-      <anchor>drawLines-8</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QVector&lt;QLine&gt; &amp; lines )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawPath</name>
-      <anchor>drawPath</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPainterPath &amp; path )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawPicture</name>
-      <anchor>drawPicture</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPointF &amp; point, const QPicture &amp; picture )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawPicture</name>
-      <anchor>drawPicture-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; point, const QPicture &amp; picture )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawPicture</name>
-      <anchor>drawPicture-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y, const QPicture &amp; picture )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawPie</name>
-      <anchor>drawPie</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRectF &amp; rectangle, int startAngle, int spanAngle )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawPie</name>
-      <anchor>drawPie-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; rectangle, int startAngle, int spanAngle )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawPie</name>
-      <anchor>drawPie-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y, int width, int height, int startAngle, int spanAngle )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>drawPixmap</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRectF &amp; target, const QPixmap &amp; pixmap, const QRectF &amp; source )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>drawPixmap-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; target, const QPixmap &amp; pixmap, const QRect &amp; source )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>drawPixmap-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPointF &amp; point, const QPixmap &amp; pixmap, const QRectF &amp; source )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>drawPixmap-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; point, const QPixmap &amp; pixmap, const QRect &amp; source )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>drawPixmap-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPointF &amp; point, const QPixmap &amp; pixmap )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>drawPixmap-6</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; point, const QPixmap &amp; pixmap )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>drawPixmap-7</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y, const QPixmap &amp; pixmap )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>drawPixmap-8</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; rectangle, const QPixmap &amp; pixmap )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>drawPixmap-9</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y, int width, int height, const QPixmap &amp; pixmap )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>drawPixmap-10</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y, int w, int h, const QPixmap &amp; pixmap, int sx, int sy, int sw, int sh )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>drawPixmap-11</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y, const QPixmap &amp; pixmap, int sx, int sy, int sw, int sh )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawPoint</name>
-      <anchor>drawPoint</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPointF &amp; position )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawPoint</name>
-      <anchor>drawPoint-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; position )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawPoint</name>
-      <anchor>drawPoint-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawPoints</name>
-      <anchor>drawPoints</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPointF * points, int pointCount )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawPoints</name>
-      <anchor>drawPoints-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint * points, int pointCount )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawPoints</name>
-      <anchor>drawPoints-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPolygonF &amp; points )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawPoints</name>
-      <anchor>drawPoints-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPolygon &amp; points )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawPolygon</name>
-      <anchor>drawPolygon</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPointF * points, int pointCount, Qt::FillRule fillRule = Qt::OddEvenFill )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawPolygon</name>
-      <anchor>drawPolygon-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint * points, int pointCount, Qt::FillRule fillRule = Qt::OddEvenFill )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawPolygon</name>
-      <anchor>drawPolygon-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPolygonF &amp; points, Qt::FillRule fillRule = Qt::OddEvenFill )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawPolygon</name>
-      <anchor>drawPolygon-6</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPolygon &amp; points, Qt::FillRule fillRule = Qt::OddEvenFill )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawPolyline</name>
-      <anchor>drawPolyline</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPointF * points, int pointCount )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawPolyline</name>
-      <anchor>drawPolyline-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint * points, int pointCount )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawPolyline</name>
-      <anchor>drawPolyline-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPolygonF &amp; points )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawPolyline</name>
-      <anchor>drawPolyline-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPolygon &amp; points )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawRect</name>
-      <anchor>drawRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRectF &amp; rectangle )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawRect</name>
-      <anchor>drawRect-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; rectangle )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawRect</name>
-      <anchor>drawRect-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y, int width, int height )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawRects</name>
-      <anchor>drawRects</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRectF * rectangles, int rectCount )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawRects</name>
-      <anchor>drawRects-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect * rectangles, int rectCount )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawRects</name>
-      <anchor>drawRects-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QVector&lt;QRectF&gt; &amp; rectangles )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawRects</name>
-      <anchor>drawRects-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QVector&lt;QRect&gt; &amp; rectangles )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawRoundRect</name>
-      <anchor>drawRoundRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRectF &amp; r, int xRnd = 25, int yRnd = 25 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawRoundRect</name>
-      <anchor>drawRoundRect-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; r, int xRnd = 25, int yRnd = 25 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawRoundRect</name>
-      <anchor>drawRoundRect-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y, int w, int h, int xRnd = 25, int yRnd = 25 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawText</name>
-      <anchor>drawText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPointF &amp; position, const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawText</name>
-      <anchor>drawText-8</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; position, const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawText</name>
-      <anchor>drawText-9</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRectF &amp; rectangle, int flags, const QString &amp; text, QRectF * boundingRect = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawText</name>
-      <anchor>drawText-10</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; rectangle, int flags, const QString &amp; text, QRect * boundingRect = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawText</name>
-      <anchor>drawText-11</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y, const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawText</name>
-      <anchor>drawText-12</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y, int width, int height, int flags, const QString &amp; text, QRect * boundingRect = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawText</name>
-      <anchor>drawText-13</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRectF &amp; rectangle, const QString &amp; text, const QTextOption &amp; option = QTextOption()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawTiledPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>drawTiledPixmap</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRectF &amp; rectangle, const QPixmap &amp; pixmap, const QPointF &amp; position = QPointF()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawTiledPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>drawTiledPixmap-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; rectangle, const QPixmap &amp; pixmap, const QPoint &amp; position = QPoint()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawTiledPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>drawTiledPixmap-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y, int width, int height, const QPixmap &amp; pixmap, int sx = 0, int sy = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>end</name>
-      <anchor>end</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>eraseRect</name>
-      <anchor>eraseRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRectF &amp; rectangle )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>eraseRect</name>
-      <anchor>eraseRect-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; rectangle )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>eraseRect</name>
-      <anchor>eraseRect-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y, int width, int height )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fillPath</name>
-      <anchor>fillPath</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPainterPath &amp; path, const QBrush &amp; brush )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fillRect</name>
-      <anchor>fillRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRectF &amp; rectangle, const QBrush &amp; brush )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fillRect</name>
-      <anchor>fillRect-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; rectangle, const QBrush &amp; brush )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fillRect</name>
-      <anchor>fillRect-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y, int width, int height, const QBrush &amp; brush )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>font</name>
-      <anchor>font</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fontInfo</name>
-      <anchor>fontInfo</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fontMetrics</name>
-      <anchor>fontMetrics</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasClipping</name>
-      <anchor>hasClipping</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>initFrom</name>
-      <anchor>initFrom</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isActive</name>
-      <anchor>isActive</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>LayoutDirection</name>
-      <anchor>layoutDirection</anchor>
-      <arglist> QPainter::layoutDirection()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>matrix</name>
-      <anchor>matrix</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>matrixEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>matrixEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>paintEngine</name>
-      <anchor>paintEngine</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pen</name>
-      <anchor>pen</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>redirected</name>
-      <anchor>redirected</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPaintDevice * device, QPoint * offset = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>renderHints</name>
-      <anchor>renderHints</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resetMatrix</name>
-      <anchor>resetMatrix</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>restore</name>
-      <anchor>restore</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>restoreRedirected</name>
-      <anchor>restoreRedirected</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPaintDevice * device )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rotate</name>
-      <anchor>rotate</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal angle )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>save</name>
-      <anchor>save</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>scale</name>
-      <anchor>scale</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal sx, qreal sy )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setBackground</name>
-      <anchor>setBackground</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QBrush &amp; brush )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setBackgroundMode</name>
-      <anchor>setBackgroundMode</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::BGMode mode )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setBrush</name>
-      <anchor>setBrush</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QBrush &amp; brush )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setBrush</name>
-      <anchor>setBrush-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::BrushStyle style )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setBrushOrigin</name>
-      <anchor>setBrushOrigin</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPointF &amp; position )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setBrushOrigin</name>
-      <anchor>setBrushOrigin-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; position )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setBrushOrigin</name>
-      <anchor>setBrushOrigin-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setClipPath</name>
-      <anchor>setClipPath</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPainterPath &amp; path, Qt::ClipOperation operation = Qt::ReplaceClip )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setClipRect</name>
-      <anchor>setClipRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRectF &amp; rectangle, Qt::ClipOperation operation = Qt::ReplaceClip )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setClipRect</name>
-      <anchor>setClipRect-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y, int width, int height, Qt::ClipOperation operation = Qt::ReplaceClip )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setClipRect</name>
-      <anchor>setClipRect-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; rectangle, Qt::ClipOperation operation = Qt::ReplaceClip )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setClipRegion</name>
-      <anchor>setClipRegion</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRegion &amp; region, Qt::ClipOperation operation = Qt::ReplaceClip )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setClipping</name>
-      <anchor>setClipping</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCompositionMode</name>
-      <anchor>setCompositionMode</anchor>
-      <arglist>( CompositionMode mode )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFont</name>
-      <anchor>setFont</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QFont &amp; font )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setLayoutDirection</name>
-      <anchor>setLayoutDirection</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::LayoutDirection direction )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setMatrix</name>
-      <anchor>setMatrix</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QMatrix &amp; matrix, bool combine = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setMatrixEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>setMatrixEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPen</name>
-      <anchor>setPen</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPen &amp; pen )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPen</name>
-      <anchor>setPen-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QColor &amp; color )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPen</name>
-      <anchor>setPen-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::PenStyle style )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRedirected</name>
-      <anchor>setRedirected</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPaintDevice * device, QPaintDevice * replacement, const QPoint &amp; offset = QPoint()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRenderHint</name>
-      <anchor>setRenderHint</anchor>
-      <arglist>( RenderHint hint, bool on = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setViewTransformEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>setViewTransformEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setViewport</name>
-      <anchor>setViewport</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; rectangle )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setViewport</name>
-      <anchor>setViewport-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y, int width, int height )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setWindow</name>
-      <anchor>setWindow</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; rectangle )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setWindow</name>
-      <anchor>setWindow-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y, int width, int height )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>shear</name>
-      <anchor>shear</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal sh, qreal sv )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>strokePath</name>
-      <anchor>strokePath</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPainterPath &amp; path, const QPen &amp; pen )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>translate</name>
-      <anchor>translate</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPointF &amp; offset )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>translate</name>
-      <anchor>translate-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; offset )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>translate</name>
-      <anchor>translate-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal dx, qreal dy )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>viewTransformEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>viewTransformEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>viewport</name>
-      <anchor>viewport</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>window</name>
-      <anchor>window</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QPainterPath::Element</name>
-    <filename>qpainterpath-element.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isCurveTo</name>
-      <anchor>isCurveTo</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isLineTo</name>
-      <anchor>isLineTo</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isMoveTo</name>
-      <anchor>isMoveTo</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator</name>
-      <anchor>operator-QPointF</anchor>
-      <arglist> QPointF()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>type</name>
-      <anchor>type-varx</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>x</name>
-      <anchor>x-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>y</name>
-      <anchor>y-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QPainterPath</name>
-    <filename>qpainterpath.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>ElementType</name>
-      <anchor>ElementType-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPainterPath</name>
-      <anchor>QPainterPath</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPainterPath</name>
-      <anchor>QPainterPath-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPointF &amp; startPoint )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPainterPath</name>
-      <anchor>QPainterPath-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPainterPath &amp; path )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addEllipse</name>
-      <anchor>addEllipse</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRectF &amp; boundingRectangle )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addEllipse</name>
-      <anchor>addEllipse-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal x, qreal y, qreal width, qreal height )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addPath</name>
-      <anchor>addPath</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPainterPath &amp; path )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addPolygon</name>
-      <anchor>addPolygon</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPolygonF &amp; polygon )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addRect</name>
-      <anchor>addRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRectF &amp; rectangle )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addRect</name>
-      <anchor>addRect-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal x, qreal y, qreal width, qreal height )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addRegion</name>
-      <anchor>addRegion</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRegion &amp; region )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addText</name>
-      <anchor>addText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPointF &amp; point, const QFont &amp; font, const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addText</name>
-      <anchor>addText-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal x, qreal y, const QFont &amp; font, const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>arcTo</name>
-      <anchor>arcTo</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRectF &amp; rectangle, qreal startAngle, qreal sweepLength )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>arcTo</name>
-      <anchor>arcTo-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal x, qreal y, qreal width, qreal height, qreal startAngle, qreal sweepLength )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>boundingRect</name>
-      <anchor>boundingRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>closeSubpath</name>
-      <anchor>closeSubpath</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>connectPath</name>
-      <anchor>connectPath</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPainterPath &amp; path )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contains</name>
-      <anchor>contains</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPointF &amp; point )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contains</name>
-      <anchor>contains-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRectF &amp; rectangle )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>controlPointRect</name>
-      <anchor>controlPointRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cubicTo</name>
-      <anchor>cubicTo</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPointF &amp; c1, const QPointF &amp; c2, const QPointF &amp; endPoint )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cubicTo</name>
-      <anchor>cubicTo-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal c1X, qreal c1Y, qreal c2X, qreal c2Y, qreal endPointX, qreal endPointY )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentPosition</name>
-      <anchor>currentPosition</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Element</name>
-      <anchor>elementAt</anchor>
-      <arglist> &amp; QPainterPath::elementAt( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>elementCount</name>
-      <anchor>elementCount</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>FillRule</name>
-      <anchor>fillRule</anchor>
-      <arglist> QPainterPath::fillRule()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>intersects</name>
-      <anchor>intersects</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRectF &amp; rectangle )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEmpty</name>
-      <anchor>isEmpty</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lineTo</name>
-      <anchor>lineTo</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPointF &amp; endPoint )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lineTo</name>
-      <anchor>lineTo-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal x, qreal y )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>moveTo</name>
-      <anchor>moveTo</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPointF &amp; point )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>moveTo</name>
-      <anchor>moveTo-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal x, qreal y )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>quadTo</name>
-      <anchor>quadTo</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPointF &amp; c, const QPointF &amp; endPoint )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>quadTo</name>
-      <anchor>quadTo-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal cx, qreal cy, qreal endPointX, qreal endPointY )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFillRule</name>
-      <anchor>setFillRule</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::FillRule fillRule )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toFillPolygon</name>
-      <anchor>toFillPolygon</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QMatrix &amp; matrix = QMatrix()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toFillPolygons</name>
-      <anchor>toFillPolygons</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QMatrix &amp; matrix = QMatrix()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toReversed</name>
-      <anchor>toReversed</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toSubpathPolygons</name>
-      <anchor>toSubpathPolygons</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QMatrix &amp; matrix = QMatrix()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPainterPath &amp; path )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPainterPath &amp; path )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPainterPath &amp; path )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QPainterPathStroker</name>
-    <filename>qpainterpathstroker.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPainterPathStroker</name>
-      <anchor>QPainterPathStroker</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>PenCapStyle</name>
-      <anchor>capStyle</anchor>
-      <arglist> QPainterPathStroker::capStyle()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>createStroke</name>
-      <anchor>createStroke</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPainterPath &amp; path )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>curveThreshold</name>
-      <anchor>curveThreshold</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dashPattern</name>
-      <anchor>dashPattern</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>PenJoinStyle</name>
-      <anchor>joinStyle</anchor>
-      <arglist> QPainterPathStroker::joinStyle()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>miterLimit</name>
-      <anchor>miterLimit</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCapStyle</name>
-      <anchor>setCapStyle</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::PenCapStyle style )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCurveThreshold</name>
-      <anchor>setCurveThreshold</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal threshold )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDashPattern</name>
-      <anchor>setDashPattern</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::PenStyle style )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDashPattern</name>
-      <anchor>setDashPattern-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QVector&lt;qreal&gt; &amp; dashPattern )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setJoinStyle</name>
-      <anchor>setJoinStyle</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::PenJoinStyle style )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setMiterLimit</name>
-      <anchor>setMiterLimit</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal limit )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setWidth</name>
-      <anchor>setWidth</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal width )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>width</name>
-      <anchor>width</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>backgroundColor</name>
-      <anchor>backgroundColor</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>begin</name>
-      <anchor>begin-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPaintDevice * device, const QWidget * init )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>boundingRect</name>
-      <anchor>boundingRect-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; rectangle, int flags, const QString &amp; text, int length )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>boundingRect</name>
-      <anchor>boundingRect-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y, int width, int height, int flags, const QString &amp; text, int length )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawConvexPolygon</name>
-      <anchor>drawConvexPolygon-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPolygonF &amp; polygon, int index, int count = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawConvexPolygon</name>
-      <anchor>drawConvexPolygon-6</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPolygon &amp; polygon, int index, int count = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawCubicBezier</name>
-      <anchor>drawCubicBezier</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPolygon &amp; controlPoints, int index = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawLineSegments</name>
-      <anchor>drawLineSegments</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPolygon &amp; polygon, int index = 0, int count = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawPoints</name>
-      <anchor>drawPoints-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPolygon &amp; polygon, int index, int count = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawPolygon</name>
-      <anchor>drawPolygon-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPolygonF &amp; polygon, bool winding, int index = 0, int count = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawPolygon</name>
-      <anchor>drawPolygon-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPolygon &amp; polygon, bool winding, int index = 0, int count = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawPolyline</name>
-      <anchor>drawPolyline-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPolygon &amp; polygon, int index, int count = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawText</name>
-      <anchor>drawText-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y, const QString &amp; text, int pos, int length )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawText</name>
-      <anchor>drawText-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; point, const QString &amp; text, int pos, int length )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawText</name>
-      <anchor>drawText-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y, const QString &amp; text, int length )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawText</name>
-      <anchor>drawText-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; point, const QString &amp; text, int length )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawText</name>
-      <anchor>drawText-6</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; rectangle, int flags, const QString &amp; text, int length, QRect * br = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawText</name>
-      <anchor>drawText-7</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y, int width, int height, int flags, const QString &amp; text, int length, QRect * br = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasViewXForm</name>
-      <anchor>hasViewXForm</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasWorldXForm</name>
-      <anchor>hasWorldXForm</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>redirect</name>
-      <anchor>redirect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPaintDevice * pdev, QPaintDevice * replacement )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>redirect</name>
-      <anchor>redirect-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPaintDevice * pdev )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resetXForm</name>
-      <anchor>resetXForm</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setBackgroundColor</name>
-      <anchor>setBackgroundColor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QColor &amp; color )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setViewXForm</name>
-      <anchor>setViewXForm</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool enabled )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setWorldMatrix</name>
-      <anchor>setWorldMatrix</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QMatrix &amp; wm, bool combine = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setWorldXForm</name>
-      <anchor>setWorldXForm</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool enabled )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>translationX</name>
-      <anchor>translationX</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>translationY</name>
-      <anchor>translationY</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>worldMatrix</name>
-      <anchor>worldMatrix</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>xForm</name>
-      <anchor>xForm</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; point )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>xForm</name>
-      <anchor>xForm-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; rectangle )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>xForm</name>
-      <anchor>xForm-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPolygon &amp; polygon )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>xForm</name>
-      <anchor>xForm-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPolygon &amp; polygon, int index, int count )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>xFormDev</name>
-      <anchor>xFormDev</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; point )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>xFormDev</name>
-      <anchor>xFormDev-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; rectangle )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>xFormDev</name>
-      <anchor>xFormDev-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPolygon &amp; polygon )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>xFormDev</name>
-      <anchor>xFormDev-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPolygon &amp; polygon, int index, int count )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QPaintEvent</name>
-    <filename>qpaintevent.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPaintEvent</name>
-      <anchor>QPaintEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRegion &amp; paintRegion )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPaintEvent</name>
-      <anchor>QPaintEvent-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; paintRect )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rect</name>
-      <anchor>rect</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>region</name>
-      <anchor>region</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPaintEvent</name>
-      <anchor>QPaintEvent-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRegion &amp; paintRegion, const QRect &amp; paintRect )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>erased</name>
-      <anchor>erased</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QPair</name>
-    <filename>qpair.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>first_type</name>
-      <anchor>first_type-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>second_type</name>
-      <anchor>second_type-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPair</name>
-      <anchor>QPair</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPair</name>
-      <anchor>QPair-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T1 &amp; value1, const T2 &amp; value2 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPair&lt;T1, T2&gt; &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>first</name>
-      <anchor>first-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>second</name>
-      <anchor>second-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QPalette</name>
-    <filename>qpalette.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>ColorGroup</name>
-      <anchor>ColorGroup-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>ColorRole</name>
-      <anchor>ColorRole-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPalette</name>
-      <anchor>QPalette</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPalette</name>
-      <anchor>QPalette-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QColor &amp; button )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPalette</name>
-      <anchor>QPalette-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::GlobalColor button )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPalette</name>
-      <anchor>QPalette-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QColor &amp; button, const QColor &amp; window )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPalette</name>
-      <anchor>QPalette-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QBrush &amp; windowText, const QBrush &amp; button, const QBrush &amp; light, const QBrush &amp; dark, const QBrush &amp; mid, const QBrush &amp; text, const QBrush &amp; bright_text, const QBrush &amp; base, const QBrush &amp; window )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPalette</name>
-      <anchor>QPalette-8</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPalette &amp; p )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>alternateBase</name>
-      <anchor>alternateBase</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>base</name>
-      <anchor>base</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>brightText</name>
-      <anchor>brightText</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>brush</name>
-      <anchor>brush</anchor>
-      <arglist>( ColorGroup gr, ColorRole cr )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>brush</name>
-      <anchor>brush-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( ColorRole r )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>button</name>
-      <anchor>button</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>buttonText</name>
-      <anchor>buttonText</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>color</name>
-      <anchor>color</anchor>
-      <arglist>( ColorGroup gr, ColorRole r )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>color</name>
-      <anchor>color-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( ColorRole r )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentColorGroup</name>
-      <anchor>currentColorGroup</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dark</name>
-      <anchor>dark</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>highlight</name>
-      <anchor>highlight</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>highlightedText</name>
-      <anchor>highlightedText</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isCopyOf</name>
-      <anchor>isCopyOf</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPalette &amp; p )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEqual</name>
-      <anchor>isEqual</anchor>
-      <arglist>( ColorGroup cg1, ColorGroup cg2 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>light</name>
-      <anchor>light</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>link</name>
-      <anchor>link</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>linkVisited</name>
-      <anchor>linkVisited</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mid</name>
-      <anchor>mid</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>midlight</name>
-      <anchor>midlight</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resolve</name>
-      <anchor>resolve</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPalette &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>serialNumber</name>
-      <anchor>serialNumber</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setBrush</name>
-      <anchor>setBrush</anchor>
-      <arglist>( ColorRole cr, const QBrush &amp; brush )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setBrush</name>
-      <anchor>setBrush-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( ColorGroup cg, ColorRole cr, const QBrush &amp; b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setColor</name>
-      <anchor>setColor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( ColorGroup gr, ColorRole r, const QColor &amp; c )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setColor</name>
-      <anchor>setColor-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( ColorRole r, const QColor &amp; c )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setColorGroup</name>
-      <anchor>setColorGroup</anchor>
-      <arglist>( ColorGroup cg, const QBrush &amp; windowText, const QBrush &amp; button, const QBrush &amp; light, const QBrush &amp; dark, const QBrush &amp; mid, const QBrush &amp; text, const QBrush &amp; bright_text, const QBrush &amp; base, const QBrush &amp; window )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCurrentColorGroup</name>
-      <anchor>setCurrentColorGroup</anchor>
-      <arglist>( ColorGroup cg )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>shadow</name>
-      <anchor>shadow</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>text</name>
-      <anchor>text</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>window</name>
-      <anchor>window</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>windowText</name>
-      <anchor>windowText</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator</name>
-      <anchor>operator-QVariant</anchor>
-      <arglist> QVariant()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPalette &amp; p )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPalette &amp; p )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPalette &amp; p )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPalette</name>
-      <anchor>QPalette-6</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QColor &amp; windowText, const QColor &amp; window, const QColor &amp; light, const QColor &amp; dark, const QColor &amp; mid, const QColor &amp; text, const QColor &amp; base )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>background</name>
-      <anchor>background</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>foreground</name>
-      <anchor>foreground</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPalette</name>
-      <anchor>QPalette-7</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QColorGroup &amp; active, const QColorGroup &amp; disabled, const QColorGroup &amp; inactive )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>active</name>
-      <anchor>active</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>copy</name>
-      <anchor>copy</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>disabled</name>
-      <anchor>disabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>inactive</name>
-      <anchor>inactive</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>normal</name>
-      <anchor>normal</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setActive</name>
-      <anchor>setActive</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QColorGroup &amp; colorGroup )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDisabled</name>
-      <anchor>setDisabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QColorGroup &amp; colorGroup )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setInactive</name>
-      <anchor>setInactive</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QColorGroup &amp; colorGroup )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setNormal</name>
-      <anchor>setNormal</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QColorGroup &amp; colorGroup )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QPen</name>
-    <filename>qpen.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPen</name>
-      <anchor>QPen</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPen</name>
-      <anchor>QPen-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::PenStyle style )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPen</name>
-      <anchor>QPen-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QColor &amp; color )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPen</name>
-      <anchor>QPen-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QBrush &amp; brush, qreal width, Qt::PenStyle style = Qt::SolidLine, Qt::PenCapStyle cap = Qt::SquareCap, Qt::PenJoinStyle join = Qt::BevelJoin )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPen</name>
-      <anchor>QPen-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPen &amp; pen )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>brush</name>
-      <anchor>brush</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>PenCapStyle</name>
-      <anchor>capStyle</anchor>
-      <arglist> QPen::capStyle()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>color</name>
-      <anchor>color</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dashPattern</name>
-      <anchor>dashPattern</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isSolid</name>
-      <anchor>isSolid</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>PenJoinStyle</name>
-      <anchor>joinStyle</anchor>
-      <arglist> QPen::joinStyle()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>miterLimit</name>
-      <anchor>miterLimit</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setBrush</name>
-      <anchor>setBrush</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QBrush &amp; brush )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCapStyle</name>
-      <anchor>setCapStyle</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::PenCapStyle style )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setColor</name>
-      <anchor>setColor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QColor &amp; color )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDashPattern</name>
-      <anchor>setDashPattern</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QVector&lt;qreal&gt; &amp; pattern )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setJoinStyle</name>
-      <anchor>setJoinStyle</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::PenJoinStyle style )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setMiterLimit</name>
-      <anchor>setMiterLimit</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal limit )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setStyle</name>
-      <anchor>setStyle</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::PenStyle style )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setWidth</name>
-      <anchor>setWidth</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int width )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setWidthF</name>
-      <anchor>setWidthF</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal width )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>PenStyle</name>
-      <anchor>style</anchor>
-      <arglist> QPen::style()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>width</name>
-      <anchor>width</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>widthF</name>
-      <anchor>widthF</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator</name>
-      <anchor>operator-QVariant</anchor>
-      <arglist> QVariant()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPen &amp; pen )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPen &amp; pen )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPen &amp; pen )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QPersistentModelIndex</name>
-    <filename>qpersistentmodelindex.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPersistentModelIndex</name>
-      <anchor>QPersistentModelIndex-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPersistentModelIndex</name>
-      <anchor>QPersistentModelIndex-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPersistentModelIndex &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>child</name>
-      <anchor>child</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>column</name>
-      <anchor>column</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>data</name>
-      <anchor>data</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int role = Qt::DisplayRole )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isValid</name>
-      <anchor>isValid</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>model</name>
-      <anchor>model</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>parent</name>
-      <anchor>parent</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>row</name>
-      <anchor>row</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sibling</name>
-      <anchor>sibling</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator</name>
-      <anchor>operator-const-QModelIndex--and</anchor>
-      <arglist> const QModelIndex &amp;()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPersistentModelIndex &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPersistentModelIndex &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPersistentModelIndex &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QPictureFormatPlugin</name>
-    <filename>qpictureformatplugin.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPictureFormatPlugin</name>
-      <anchor>QPictureFormatPlugin</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>installIOHandler</name>
-      <anchor>installIOHandler</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; format )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>keys</name>
-      <anchor>keys</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>loadPicture</name>
-      <anchor>loadPicture</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; format, const QString &amp; fileName, QPicture * picture )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>savePicture</name>
-      <anchor>savePicture</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; format, const QString &amp; fileName, const QPicture &amp; picture )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QPicture</name>
-    <filename>qpicture.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPicture</name>
-      <anchor>QPicture</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int formatVersion = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPicture</name>
-      <anchor>QPicture-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPicture &amp; pic )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>boundingRect</name>
-      <anchor>boundingRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>data</name>
-      <anchor>data</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>inputFormatList</name>
-      <anchor>inputFormatList</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>inputFormats</name>
-      <anchor>inputFormats</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isNull</name>
-      <anchor>isNull</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>load</name>
-      <anchor>load</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fileName, const char * format = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>load</name>
-      <anchor>load-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QIODevice * dev, const char * format = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>metric</name>
-      <anchor>metric</anchor>
-      <arglist>( PaintDeviceMetric m )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>outputFormatList</name>
-      <anchor>outputFormatList</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>outputFormats</name>
-      <anchor>outputFormats</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pictureFormat</name>
-      <anchor>pictureFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fileName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>play</name>
-      <anchor>play</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter * painter )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>save</name>
-      <anchor>save</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fileName, const char * format = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>save</name>
-      <anchor>save-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QIODevice * dev, const char * format = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setBoundingRect</name>
-      <anchor>setBoundingRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; r )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setData</name>
-      <anchor>setData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * data, uint size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>size</name>
-      <anchor>size</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPicture &amp; p )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QPictureIO</name>
-    <filename>qpictureio.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPictureIO</name>
-      <anchor>QPictureIO</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPictureIO</name>
-      <anchor>QPictureIO-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QIODevice * ioDevice, const char * format )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPictureIO</name>
-      <anchor>QPictureIO-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fileName, const char * format )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>defineIOHandler</name>
-      <anchor>defineIOHandler</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * format, const char * header, const char * flags, picture_io_handler readPicture, picture_io_handler writePicture )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>description</name>
-      <anchor>description</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fileName</name>
-      <anchor>fileName</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>format</name>
-      <anchor>format</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>gamma</name>
-      <anchor>gamma</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>inputFormats</name>
-      <anchor>inputFormats</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ioDevice</name>
-      <anchor>ioDevice</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>outputFormats</name>
-      <anchor>outputFormats</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>parameters</name>
-      <anchor>parameters</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>picture</name>
-      <anchor>picture</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pictureFormat</name>
-      <anchor>pictureFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fileName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pictureFormat</name>
-      <anchor>pictureFormat-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QIODevice * d )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>quality</name>
-      <anchor>quality</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>read</name>
-      <anchor>read</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDescription</name>
-      <anchor>setDescription</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; description )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFileName</name>
-      <anchor>setFileName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fileName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFormat</name>
-      <anchor>setFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * format )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setGamma</name>
-      <anchor>setGamma</anchor>
-      <arglist>( float gamma )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setIODevice</name>
-      <anchor>setIODevice</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QIODevice * ioDevice )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setParameters</name>
-      <anchor>setParameters</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * parameters )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPicture</name>
-      <anchor>setPicture</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPicture &amp; picture )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setQuality</name>
-      <anchor>setQuality</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int q )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setStatus</name>
-      <anchor>setStatus</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int status )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>status</name>
-      <anchor>status</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>write</name>
-      <anchor>write</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>copy</name>
-      <anchor>copy</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QPixmapCache</name>
-    <filename>qpixmapcache.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cacheLimit</name>
-      <anchor>cacheLimit</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>find</name>
-      <anchor>find</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key, QPixmap &amp; pm )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insert</name>
-      <anchor>insert</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key, const QPixmap &amp; pm )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>remove</name>
-      <anchor>remove</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCacheLimit</name>
-      <anchor>setCacheLimit</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int n )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>find</name>
-      <anchor>find-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QPixmap</name>
-    <filename>qpixmap.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>HBitmapFormat</name>
-      <anchor>HBitmapFormat-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>QPixmap</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>QPixmap-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int width, int height )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>QPixmap-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fileName, const char * format = 0, Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags = Qt::AutoColor )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>QPixmap-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * const[] xpm )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>QPixmap-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPixmap &amp; pixmap )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>QPixmap-9</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSize &amp; size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>alphaChannel</name>
-      <anchor>alphaChannel</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>copy</name>
-      <anchor>copy</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; rectangle = QRect()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>copy</name>
-      <anchor>copy-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y, int width, int height )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>createHeuristicMask</name>
-      <anchor>createHeuristicMask</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool clipTight = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>createMaskFromColor</name>
-      <anchor>createMaskFromColor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QColor &amp; maskColor )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>defaultDepth</name>
-      <anchor>defaultDepth</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>depth</name>
-      <anchor>depth</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>detach</name>
-      <anchor>detach</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fill</name>
-      <anchor>fill</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QColor &amp; fillColor = Qt::white )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fill</name>
-      <anchor>fill-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QWidget * widget, const QPoint &amp; offset )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fill</name>
-      <anchor>fill-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QWidget * widget, int x, int y )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromImage</name>
-      <anchor>fromImage</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QImage &amp; image, Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags = Qt::AutoColor )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromWinHBITMAP</name>
-      <anchor>fromWinHBITMAP</anchor>
-      <arglist>( HBITMAP bitmap, HBitmapFormat format = NoAlpha )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>grabWidget</name>
-      <anchor>grabWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget, const QRect &amp; rectangle )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>grabWidget</name>
-      <anchor>grabWidget-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget, int x = 0, int y = 0, int width = -1, int height = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>grabWindow</name>
-      <anchor>grabWindow</anchor>
-      <arglist>( WId window, int x = 0, int y = 0, int width = -1, int height = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>HANDLE</name>
-      <anchor>handle</anchor>
-      <arglist> QPixmap::handle()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasAlpha</name>
-      <anchor>hasAlpha</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasAlphaChannel</name>
-      <anchor>hasAlphaChannel</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>height</name>
-      <anchor>height</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isNull</name>
-      <anchor>isNull</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isQBitmap</name>
-      <anchor>isQBitmap</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>load</name>
-      <anchor>load</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fileName, const char * format = 0, Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags = Qt::AutoColor )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>loadFromData</name>
-      <anchor>loadFromData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const uchar * data, uint len, const char * format = 0, Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags = Qt::AutoColor )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>loadFromData</name>
-      <anchor>loadFromData-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; data, const char * format = 0, Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags = Qt::AutoColor )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mask</name>
-      <anchor>mask</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rect</name>
-      <anchor>rect</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>save</name>
-      <anchor>save</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fileName, const char * format, int quality = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>save</name>
-      <anchor>save-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QIODevice * device, const char * format, int quality = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>scaled</name>
-      <anchor>scaled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSize &amp; size, Qt::AspectRatioMode aspectRatioMode = Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::TransformationMode transformMode = Qt::FastTransformation )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>scaled</name>
-      <anchor>scaled-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int width, int height, Qt::AspectRatioMode aspectRatioMode = Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::TransformationMode transformMode = Qt::FastTransformation )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>scaledToHeight</name>
-      <anchor>scaledToHeight</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int height, Qt::TransformationMode mode = Qt::FastTransformation )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>scaledToWidth</name>
-      <anchor>scaledToWidth</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int width, Qt::TransformationMode mode = Qt::FastTransformation )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>serialNumber</name>
-      <anchor>serialNumber</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAlphaChannel</name>
-      <anchor>setAlphaChannel</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPixmap &amp; alphaChannel )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setMask</name>
-      <anchor>setMask</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QBitmap &amp; newmask )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>size</name>
-      <anchor>size</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toImage</name>
-      <anchor>toImage</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toWinHBITMAP</name>
-      <anchor>toWinHBITMAP</anchor>
-      <arglist>( HBitmapFormat format = NoAlpha )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>transformed</name>
-      <anchor>transformed</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QMatrix &amp; matrix, Qt::TransformationMode mode = Qt::FastTransformation )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>trueMatrix</name>
-      <anchor>trueMatrix</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QMatrix &amp; matrix, int width, int height )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>width</name>
-      <anchor>width</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>x11Info</name>
-      <anchor>x11Info</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>HANDLE</name>
-      <anchor>x11PictureHandle</anchor>
-      <arglist> QPixmap::x11PictureHandle()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator</name>
-      <anchor>operator-QVariant</anchor>
-      <arglist> QVariant()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPixmap &amp; pixmap )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>ColorMode</name>
-      <anchor>ColorMode-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>QPixmap-6</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fileName, const char * format, ColorMode mode )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>QPixmap-7</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QImage &amp; image )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>convertFromImage</name>
-      <anchor>convertFromImage</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QImage &amp; image, ColorMode mode )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>convertFromImage</name>
-      <anchor>convertFromImage-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QImage &amp; image, Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags = Qt::AutoColor )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>convertToImage</name>
-      <anchor>convertToImage</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>load</name>
-      <anchor>load-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fileName, const char * format, ColorMode mode )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>loadFromData</name>
-      <anchor>loadFromData-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const uchar * buf, uint len, const char * format, ColorMode mode )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resize</name>
-      <anchor>resize</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int width, int height )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resize</name>
-      <anchor>resize-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSize &amp; size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selfMask</name>
-      <anchor>selfMask</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>xForm</name>
-      <anchor>xForm</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QMatrix &amp; matrix )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator</name>
-      <anchor>operator-QImage</anchor>
-      <arglist> QImage()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QImage &amp; image )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QPlastiqueStyle</name>
-    <filename>qplastiquestyle.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPlastiqueStyle</name>
-      <anchor>QPlastiqueStyle</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QPluginLoader</name>
-    <filename>qpluginloader.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPluginLoader</name>
-      <anchor>QPluginLoader</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPluginLoader</name>
-      <anchor>QPluginLoader-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fileName, QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>instance</name>
-      <anchor>instance</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isLoaded</name>
-      <anchor>isLoaded</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>load</name>
-      <anchor>load</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>staticInstances</name>
-      <anchor>staticInstances</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>unload</name>
-      <anchor>unload</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QPointer</name>
-    <filename>qpointer.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPointer</name>
-      <anchor>QPointer</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPointer</name>
-      <anchor>QPointer-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( T * p )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPointer</name>
-      <anchor>QPointer-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPointer&lt;T&gt; &amp; p )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isNull</name>
-      <anchor>isNull</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator</name>
-      <anchor>operator-T--2a</anchor>
-      <arglist> T *()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator*</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2a</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator-&amp;</name>
-      <anchor>operator--gt</anchor>
-      <arglist>gt;()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPointer&lt;T&gt; &amp; p )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( T * p )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QPointF</name>
-    <filename>qpointf.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPointF</name>
-      <anchor>QPointF</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPointF</name>
-      <anchor>QPointF-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; point )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPointF</name>
-      <anchor>QPointF-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal x, qreal y )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isNull</name>
-      <anchor>isNull</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rx</name>
-      <anchor>rx</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ry</name>
-      <anchor>ry</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setX</name>
-      <anchor>setX</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal x )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setY</name>
-      <anchor>setY</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal y )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toPoint</name>
-      <anchor>toPoint</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>x</name>
-      <anchor>x</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>y</name>
-      <anchor>y</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator*=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2a-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal factor )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPointF &amp; point )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator-=</name>
-      <anchor>operator--eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPointF &amp; point )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator/=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2f-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal divisor )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QPoint</name>
-    <filename>qpoint.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPoint</name>
-      <anchor>QPoint</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPoint</name>
-      <anchor>QPoint-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isNull</name>
-      <anchor>isNull</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>manhattanLength</name>
-      <anchor>manhattanLength</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rx</name>
-      <anchor>rx</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ry</name>
-      <anchor>ry</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setX</name>
-      <anchor>setX</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setY</name>
-      <anchor>setY</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int y )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>x</name>
-      <anchor>x</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>y</name>
-      <anchor>y</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator*=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2a-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal factor )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; point )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator-=</name>
-      <anchor>operator--eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; point )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator/=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2f-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal divisor )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QPolygonF</name>
-    <filename>qpolygonf.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPolygonF</name>
-      <anchor>QPolygonF</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPolygonF</name>
-      <anchor>QPolygonF-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPolygonF</name>
-      <anchor>QPolygonF-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPolygonF &amp; polygon )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPolygonF</name>
-      <anchor>QPolygonF-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QVector&lt;QPointF&gt; &amp; points )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPolygonF</name>
-      <anchor>QPolygonF-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRectF &amp; rectangle )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPolygonF</name>
-      <anchor>QPolygonF-6</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPolygon &amp; polygon )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>boundingRect</name>
-      <anchor>boundingRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isClosed</name>
-      <anchor>isClosed</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toPolygon</name>
-      <anchor>toPolygon</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>translate</name>
-      <anchor>translate</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPointF &amp; offset )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>translate</name>
-      <anchor>translate-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal dx, qreal dy )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QPolygon</name>
-    <filename>qpolygon.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPolygon</name>
-      <anchor>QPolygon</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPolygon</name>
-      <anchor>QPolygon-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPolygon</name>
-      <anchor>QPolygon-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPolygon &amp; polygon )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPolygon</name>
-      <anchor>QPolygon-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QVector&lt;QPoint&gt; &amp; points )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPolygon</name>
-      <anchor>QPolygon-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; rectangle, bool closed = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>boundingRect</name>
-      <anchor>boundingRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>point</name>
-      <anchor>point</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, int * x, int * y )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>point</name>
-      <anchor>point-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>putPoints</name>
-      <anchor>putPoints</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, int nPoints, int firstx, int firsty, ... )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>putPoints</name>
-      <anchor>putPoints-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, int nPoints, const QPolygon &amp; fromPolygon, int fromIndex = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPoint</name>
-      <anchor>setPoint</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, int x, int y )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPoint</name>
-      <anchor>setPoint-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, const QPoint &amp; point )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPoints</name>
-      <anchor>setPoints</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int nPoints, const int * points )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPoints</name>
-      <anchor>setPoints-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int nPoints, int firstx, int firsty, ... )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>translate</name>
-      <anchor>translate</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int dx, int dy )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>translate</name>
-      <anchor>translate-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; offset )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator</name>
-      <anchor>operator-QVariant</anchor>
-      <arglist> QVariant()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QPrintDialog</name>
-    <filename>qprintdialog.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPrintDialog</name>
-      <anchor>QPrintDialog</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPrinter * printer, QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QPrintEngine</name>
-    <filename>qprintengine.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>PrintEnginePropertyKey</name>
-      <anchor>PrintEnginePropertyKey-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>abort</name>
-      <anchor>abort</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>metric</name>
-      <anchor>metric</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPaintDevice::PaintDeviceMetric id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>newPage</name>
-      <anchor>newPage</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>PrinterState</name>
-      <anchor>printerState</anchor>
-      <arglist> QPrintEngine::printerState()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>property</name>
-      <anchor>property</anchor>
-      <arglist>( PrintEnginePropertyKey key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setProperty</name>
-      <anchor>setProperty</anchor>
-      <arglist>( PrintEnginePropertyKey key, const QVariant &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QPrinter</name>
-    <filename>qprinter.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>ColorMode</name>
-      <anchor>ColorMode-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Orientation</name>
-      <anchor>Orientation-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>OutputFormat</name>
-      <anchor>OutputFormat-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>PageOrder</name>
-      <anchor>PageOrder-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>PageSize</name>
-      <anchor>PageSize-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>PaperSource</name>
-      <anchor>PaperSource-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>PrintRange</name>
-      <anchor>PrintRange-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>PrinterMode</name>
-      <anchor>PrinterMode-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>PrinterState</name>
-      <anchor>PrinterState-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPrinter</name>
-      <anchor>QPrinter</anchor>
-      <arglist>( PrinterMode mode = ScreenResolution )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>abort</name>
-      <anchor>abort</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>collateCopies</name>
-      <anchor>collateCopies</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>colorMode</name>
-      <anchor>colorMode</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>creator</name>
-      <anchor>creator</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>docName</name>
-      <anchor>docName</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fontEmbeddingEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>fontEmbeddingEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromPage</name>
-      <anchor>fromPage</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fullPage</name>
-      <anchor>fullPage</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
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-      <anchor>newPage</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
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-      <name>numCopies</name>
-      <anchor>numCopies</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>orientation</name>
-      <anchor>orientation</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>outputFileName</name>
-      <anchor>outputFileName</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>outputFormat</name>
-      <anchor>outputFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
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-      <anchor>pageOrder</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
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-      <name>pageRect</name>
-      <anchor>pageRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pageSize</name>
-      <anchor>pageSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
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-      <anchor>paintEngine</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>paperRect</name>
-      <anchor>paperRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>paperSource</name>
-      <anchor>paperSource</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>printEngine</name>
-      <anchor>printEngine</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>printProgram</name>
-      <anchor>printProgram</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>printRange</name>
-      <anchor>printRange</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>printerName</name>
-      <anchor>printerName</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>printerSelectionOption</name>
-      <anchor>printerSelectionOption</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>printerState</name>
-      <anchor>printerState</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resolution</name>
-      <anchor>resolution</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCollateCopies</name>
-      <anchor>setCollateCopies</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool collate )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setColorMode</name>
-      <anchor>setColorMode</anchor>
-      <arglist>( ColorMode newColorMode )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCreator</name>
-      <anchor>setCreator</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; creator )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDocName</name>
-      <anchor>setDocName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setEngines</name>
-      <anchor>setEngines</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPrintEngine * printEngine, QPaintEngine * paintEngine )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFontEmbeddingEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>setFontEmbeddingEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFromTo</name>
-      <anchor>setFromTo</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int from, int to )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFullPage</name>
-      <anchor>setFullPage</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool fp )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setNumCopies</name>
-      <anchor>setNumCopies</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int numCopies )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setOrientation</name>
-      <anchor>setOrientation</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Orientation orientation )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setOutputFileName</name>
-      <anchor>setOutputFileName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fileName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setOutputFormat</name>
-      <anchor>setOutputFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>( OutputFormat format )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPageOrder</name>
-      <anchor>setPageOrder</anchor>
-      <arglist>( PageOrder pageOrder )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPageSize</name>
-      <anchor>setPageSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>( PageSize newPageSize )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPaperSource</name>
-      <anchor>setPaperSource</anchor>
-      <arglist>( PaperSource source )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPrintProgram</name>
-      <anchor>setPrintProgram</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; printProg )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPrintRange</name>
-      <anchor>setPrintRange</anchor>
-      <arglist>( PrintRange range )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPrinterName</name>
-      <anchor>setPrinterName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPrinterSelectionOption</name>
-      <anchor>setPrinterSelectionOption</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; option )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setResolution</name>
-      <anchor>setResolution</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int dpi )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setWinPageSize</name>
-      <anchor>setWinPageSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int pageSize )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>supportedResolutions</name>
-      <anchor>supportedResolutions</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toPage</name>
-      <anchor>toPage</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>winPageSize</name>
-      <anchor>winPageSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>PrinterOption</name>
-      <anchor>PrinterOption-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>aborted</name>
-      <anchor>aborted</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>collateCopiesEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>collateCopiesEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isOptionEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>isOptionEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( PrinterOption option )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>margins</name>
-      <anchor>margins</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint * top, uint * left, uint * bottom, uint * right )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>margins</name>
-      <anchor>margins-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>maxPage</name>
-      <anchor>maxPage</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>minPage</name>
-      <anchor>minPage</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>outputToFile</name>
-      <anchor>outputToFile</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pageSetup</name>
-      <anchor>pageSetup</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>printSetup</name>
-      <anchor>printSetup</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCollateCopiesEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>setCollateCopiesEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setMinMax</name>
-      <anchor>setMinMax</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int minPage, int maxPage )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setOptionEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>setOptionEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( PrinterOption option, bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setOutputToFile</name>
-      <anchor>setOutputToFile</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setup</name>
-      <anchor>setup</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QProcess</name>
-    <filename>qprocess.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>ExitStatus</name>
-      <anchor>ExitStatus-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>ProcessChannel</name>
-      <anchor>ProcessChannel-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>ProcessChannelMode</name>
-      <anchor>ProcessChannelMode-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>ProcessError</name>
-      <anchor>ProcessError-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>ProcessState</name>
-      <anchor>ProcessState-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QProcess</name>
-      <anchor>QProcess</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>close</name>
-      <anchor>close</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>closeReadChannel</name>
-      <anchor>closeReadChannel</anchor>
-      <arglist>( ProcessChannel channel )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>closeWriteChannel</name>
-      <anchor>closeWriteChannel</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>environment</name>
-      <anchor>environment</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ProcessError</name>
-      <anchor>error</anchor>
-      <arglist> QProcess::error()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>error</name>
-      <anchor>error-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QProcess::ProcessError error )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>execute</name>
-      <anchor>execute</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; program, const QStringList &amp; arguments )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>execute</name>
-      <anchor>execute-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; program )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>exitCode</name>
-      <anchor>exitCode</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ExitStatus</name>
-      <anchor>exitStatus</anchor>
-      <arglist> QProcess::exitStatus()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>finished</name>
-      <anchor>finished</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int exitCode, QProcess::ExitStatus exitStatus )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>kill</name>
-      <anchor>kill</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pid</name>
-      <anchor>pid</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>readAllStandardError</name>
-      <anchor>readAllStandardError</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>readAllStandardOutput</name>
-      <anchor>readAllStandardOutput</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>readChannel</name>
-      <anchor>readChannel</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>readChannelMode</name>
-      <anchor>readChannelMode</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>readyReadStandardError</name>
-      <anchor>readyReadStandardError</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>readyReadStandardOutput</name>
-      <anchor>readyReadStandardOutput</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setEnvironment</name>
-      <anchor>setEnvironment</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStringList &amp; environment )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setProcessState</name>
-      <anchor>setProcessState</anchor>
-      <arglist>( ProcessState state )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setReadChannel</name>
-      <anchor>setReadChannel</anchor>
-      <arglist>( ProcessChannel channel )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setReadChannelMode</name>
-      <anchor>setReadChannelMode</anchor>
-      <arglist>( ProcessChannelMode mode )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setWorkingDirectory</name>
-      <anchor>setWorkingDirectory</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; dir )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setupChildProcess</name>
-      <anchor>setupChildProcess</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>start</name>
-      <anchor>start</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; program, const QStringList &amp; arguments, OpenMode mode = ReadWrite )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>start</name>
-      <anchor>start-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; program, OpenMode mode = ReadWrite )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>startDetached</name>
-      <anchor>startDetached</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; program, const QStringList &amp; arguments )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>startDetached</name>
-      <anchor>startDetached-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; program )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>started</name>
-      <anchor>started</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ProcessState</name>
-      <anchor>state</anchor>
-      <arglist> QProcess::state()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>stateChanged</name>
-      <anchor>stateChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QProcess::ProcessState newState )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>systemEnvironment</name>
-      <anchor>systemEnvironment</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>terminate</name>
-      <anchor>terminate</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>waitForFinished</name>
-      <anchor>waitForFinished</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int msecs = 30000 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>waitForStarted</name>
-      <anchor>waitForStarted</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int msecs = 30000 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>workingDirectory</name>
-      <anchor>workingDirectory</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>finished</name>
-      <anchor>finished-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int exitCode )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QProgressBar</name>
-    <filename>qprogressbar.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Direction</name>
-      <anchor>Direction-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Alignment</name>
-      <anchor>alignment-prop</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Orientation</name>
-      <anchor>orientation-prop</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QProgressBar</name>
-      <anchor>QProgressBar</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>reset</name>
-      <anchor>reset</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRange</name>
-      <anchor>setRange</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int minimum, int maximum )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>valueChanged</name>
-      <anchor>valueChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QProgressDialog</name>
-    <filename>qprogressdialog.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QProgressDialog</name>
-      <anchor>QProgressDialog</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QProgressDialog</name>
-      <anchor>QProgressDialog-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; labelText, const QString &amp; cancelButtonText, int minimum, int maximum, QWidget * parent = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cancel</name>
-      <anchor>cancel</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>canceled</name>
-      <anchor>canceled</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>forceShow</name>
-      <anchor>forceShow</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>reset</name>
-      <anchor>reset</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setBar</name>
-      <anchor>setBar</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QProgressBar * bar )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCancelButton</name>
-      <anchor>setCancelButton</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPushButton * cancelButton )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCancelButtonText</name>
-      <anchor>setCancelButtonText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; cancelButtonText )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setLabel</name>
-      <anchor>setLabel</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QLabel * label )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRange</name>
-      <anchor>setRange</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int minimum, int maximum )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sizeHint</name>
-      <anchor>sizeHint</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QProxyModel</name>
-    <filename>qproxymodel.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QProxyModel</name>
-      <anchor>QProxyModel</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>columnCount</name>
-      <anchor>columnCount</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; parent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>data</name>
-      <anchor>data</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index, int role )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dropMimeData</name>
-      <anchor>dropMimeData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QMimeData * data, Qt::DropAction action, int row, int column, const QModelIndex &amp; parent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fetchMore</name>
-      <anchor>fetchMore</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; parent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ItemFlags</name>
-      <anchor>flags</anchor>
-      <arglist> QProxyModel::flags( const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasChildren</name>
-      <anchor>hasChildren</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; parent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>headerData</name>
-      <anchor>headerData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>index</name>
-      <anchor>index</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int column, const QModelIndex &amp; parent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertColumns</name>
-      <anchor>insertColumns</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column, int count, const QModelIndex &amp; parent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertRows</name>
-      <anchor>insertRows</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int count, const QModelIndex &amp; parent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>match</name>
-      <anchor>match</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; start, int role, const QVariant &amp; value, int hits, Qt::MatchFlags flags )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mimeData</name>
-      <anchor>mimeData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndexList &amp; indexes )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mimeTypes</name>
-      <anchor>mimeTypes</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>model</name>
-      <anchor>model</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>parent</name>
-      <anchor>parent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; child )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>revert</name>
-      <anchor>revert</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rowCount</name>
-      <anchor>rowCount</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; parent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setData</name>
-      <anchor>setData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index, const QVariant &amp; value, int role )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setHeaderData</name>
-      <anchor>setHeaderData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, const QVariant &amp; value, int role )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setModel</name>
-      <anchor>setModel</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QAbstractItemModel * model )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sort</name>
-      <anchor>sort</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column, Qt::SortOrder order )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>span</name>
-      <anchor>span</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>submit</name>
-      <anchor>submit</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>DropActions</name>
-      <anchor>supportedDropActions</anchor>
-      <arglist> QProxyModel::supportedDropActions()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QPushButton</name>
-    <filename>qpushbutton.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPushButton</name>
-      <anchor>QPushButton</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPushButton</name>
-      <anchor>QPushButton-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text, QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPushButton</name>
-      <anchor>QPushButton-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QIcon &amp; icon, const QString &amp; text, QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>menu</name>
-      <anchor>menu</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setMenu</name>
-      <anchor>setMenu</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QMenu * menu )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>showMenu</name>
-      <anchor>showMenu</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPushButton</name>
-      <anchor>QPushButton-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, const char * name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPushButton</name>
-      <anchor>QPushButton-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text, QWidget * parent, const char * name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QPushButton</name>
-      <anchor>QPushButton-6</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QIcon &amp; icon, const QString &amp; text, QWidget * parent, const char * name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isMenuButton</name>
-      <anchor>isMenuButton</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>openPopup</name>
-      <anchor>openPopup</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>popup</name>
-      <anchor>popup</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPopup</name>
-      <anchor>setPopup</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QMenu * popup )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QQueue</name>
-    <filename>qqueue.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QQueue</name>
-      <anchor>QQueue</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dequeue</name>
-      <anchor>dequeue</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>enqueue</name>
-      <anchor>enqueue</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; t )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>head</name>
-      <anchor>head</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>head</name>
-      <anchor>head-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QRadialGradient</name>
-    <filename>qradialgradient.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QRadialGradient</name>
-      <anchor>QRadialGradient</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPointF &amp; center, qreal radius, const QPointF &amp; focalPoint = QPointF()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QRadialGradient</name>
-      <anchor>QRadialGradient-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal cx, qreal cy, qreal radius, qreal fx = 0, qreal fy = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>center</name>
-      <anchor>center</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>focalPoint</name>
-      <anchor>focalPoint</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>radius</name>
-      <anchor>radius</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QRadioButton</name>
-    <filename>qradiobutton.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QRadioButton</name>
-      <anchor>QRadioButton</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QRadioButton</name>
-      <anchor>QRadioButton-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text, QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QRadioButton</name>
-      <anchor>QRadioButton-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, const char * name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QRadioButton</name>
-      <anchor>QRadioButton-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text, QWidget * parent, const char * name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QReadLocker</name>
-    <filename>qreadlocker.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QReadLocker</name>
-      <anchor>QReadLocker</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QReadWriteLock * lock )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>readWriteLock</name>
-      <anchor>readWriteLock</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>relock</name>
-      <anchor>relock</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>unlock</name>
-      <anchor>unlock</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QReadWriteLock</name>
-    <filename>qreadwritelock.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QReadWriteLock</name>
-      <anchor>QReadWriteLock</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lockForRead</name>
-      <anchor>lockForRead</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lockForWrite</name>
-      <anchor>lockForWrite</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>tryLockForRead</name>
-      <anchor>tryLockForRead</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>tryLockForWrite</name>
-      <anchor>tryLockForWrite</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>unlock</name>
-      <anchor>unlock</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QRectF</name>
-    <filename>qrectf.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QRectF</name>
-      <anchor>QRectF</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QRectF</name>
-      <anchor>QRectF-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPointF &amp; topLeft, const QSizeF &amp; size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QRectF</name>
-      <anchor>QRectF-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal x, qreal y, qreal width, qreal height )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QRectF</name>
-      <anchor>QRectF-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; rectangle )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>adjust</name>
-      <anchor>adjust</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal dx1, qreal dy1, qreal dx2, qreal dy2 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>adjusted</name>
-      <anchor>adjusted</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal dx1, qreal dy1, qreal dx2, qreal dy2 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bottom</name>
-      <anchor>bottom</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bottomLeft</name>
-      <anchor>bottomLeft</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bottomRight</name>
-      <anchor>bottomRight</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>center</name>
-      <anchor>center</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contains</name>
-      <anchor>contains</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPointF &amp; point )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contains</name>
-      <anchor>contains-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal x, qreal y )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contains</name>
-      <anchor>contains-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRectF &amp; rectangle )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>getCoords</name>
-      <anchor>getCoords</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal * x1, qreal * y1, qreal * x2, qreal * y2 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>getRect</name>
-      <anchor>getRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal * x, qreal * y, qreal * width, qreal * height )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>height</name>
-      <anchor>height</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>intersect</name>
-      <anchor>intersect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRectF &amp; rectangle )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>intersects</name>
-      <anchor>intersects</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRectF &amp; rectangle )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEmpty</name>
-      <anchor>isEmpty</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isNull</name>
-      <anchor>isNull</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isValid</name>
-      <anchor>isValid</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>left</name>
-      <anchor>left</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>moveBottom</name>
-      <anchor>moveBottom</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal y )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>moveBottomLeft</name>
-      <anchor>moveBottomLeft</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPointF &amp; position )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>moveBottomRight</name>
-      <anchor>moveBottomRight</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPointF &amp; position )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>moveCenter</name>
-      <anchor>moveCenter</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPointF &amp; position )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>moveLeft</name>
-      <anchor>moveLeft</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal x )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>moveRight</name>
-      <anchor>moveRight</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal x )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>moveTo</name>
-      <anchor>moveTo</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal x, qreal y )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>moveTo</name>
-      <anchor>moveTo-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPointF &amp; position )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>moveTop</name>
-      <anchor>moveTop</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal y )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>moveTopLeft</name>
-      <anchor>moveTopLeft</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPointF &amp; position )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>moveTopRight</name>
-      <anchor>moveTopRight</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPointF &amp; position )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>normalized</name>
-      <anchor>normalized</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>right</name>
-      <anchor>right</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setBottom</name>
-      <anchor>setBottom</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal y )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setBottomLeft</name>
-      <anchor>setBottomLeft</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPointF &amp; position )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setBottomRight</name>
-      <anchor>setBottomRight</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPointF &amp; position )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCoords</name>
-      <anchor>setCoords</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal x1, qreal y1, qreal x2, qreal y2 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setHeight</name>
-      <anchor>setHeight</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal height )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setLeft</name>
-      <anchor>setLeft</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal x )</arglist>
-    </member>
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-      <name>setRect</name>
-      <anchor>setRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal x, qreal y, qreal width, qreal height )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRight</name>
-      <anchor>setRight</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal x )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSize</name>
-      <anchor>setSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSizeF &amp; size )</arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTop</name>
-      <anchor>setTop</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal y )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTopLeft</name>
-      <anchor>setTopLeft</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPointF &amp; position )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTopRight</name>
-      <anchor>setTopRight</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPointF &amp; position )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setWidth</name>
-      <anchor>setWidth</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal width )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setX</name>
-      <anchor>setX</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal x )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setY</name>
-      <anchor>setY</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal y )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>size</name>
-      <anchor>size</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
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-      <name>toRect</name>
-      <anchor>toRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>top</name>
-      <anchor>top</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>topLeft</name>
-      <anchor>topLeft</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>topRight</name>
-      <anchor>topRight</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>translate</name>
-      <anchor>translate</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal dx, qreal dy )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>translate</name>
-      <anchor>translate-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPointF &amp; offset )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>translated</name>
-      <anchor>translated</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal dx, qreal dy )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>translated</name>
-      <anchor>translated-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPointF &amp; offset )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>unite</name>
-      <anchor>unite</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRectF &amp; rectangle )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>width</name>
-      <anchor>width</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>x</name>
-      <anchor>x</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>y</name>
-      <anchor>y</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&amp;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-and</anchor>
-      <arglist>amp;( const QRectF &amp; rectangle )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&amp;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-and-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>amp;=( const QRectF &amp; rectangle )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator|</name>
-      <anchor>operator-7c</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRectF &amp; rectangle )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator|=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-7c-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRectF &amp; rectangle )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QRect</name>
-    <filename>qrect.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QRect</name>
-      <anchor>QRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QRect</name>
-      <anchor>QRect-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; topLeft, const QPoint &amp; bottomRight )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QRect</name>
-      <anchor>QRect-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; topLeft, const QSize &amp; size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QRect</name>
-      <anchor>QRect-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y, int width, int height )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>adjust</name>
-      <anchor>adjust</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int dx1, int dy1, int dx2, int dy2 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>adjusted</name>
-      <anchor>adjusted</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int dx1, int dy1, int dx2, int dy2 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bottom</name>
-      <anchor>bottom</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bottomLeft</name>
-      <anchor>bottomLeft</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bottomRight</name>
-      <anchor>bottomRight</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>center</name>
-      <anchor>center</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contains</name>
-      <anchor>contains</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; point, bool proper = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contains</name>
-      <anchor>contains-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y, bool proper )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contains</name>
-      <anchor>contains-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contains</name>
-      <anchor>contains-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; rectangle, bool proper = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>getCoords</name>
-      <anchor>getCoords</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int * x1, int * y1, int * x2, int * y2 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>getRect</name>
-      <anchor>getRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int * x, int * y, int * width, int * height )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>height</name>
-      <anchor>height</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>intersect</name>
-      <anchor>intersect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; rectangle )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>intersects</name>
-      <anchor>intersects</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; rectangle )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEmpty</name>
-      <anchor>isEmpty</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isNull</name>
-      <anchor>isNull</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isValid</name>
-      <anchor>isValid</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>left</name>
-      <anchor>left</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>moveBottom</name>
-      <anchor>moveBottom</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int y )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>moveBottomLeft</name>
-      <anchor>moveBottomLeft</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; position )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>moveBottomRight</name>
-      <anchor>moveBottomRight</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; position )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>moveCenter</name>
-      <anchor>moveCenter</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; position )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>moveLeft</name>
-      <anchor>moveLeft</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>moveRight</name>
-      <anchor>moveRight</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>moveTo</name>
-      <anchor>moveTo</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>moveTo</name>
-      <anchor>moveTo-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; position )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>moveTop</name>
-      <anchor>moveTop</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int y )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>moveTopLeft</name>
-      <anchor>moveTopLeft</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; position )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>moveTopRight</name>
-      <anchor>moveTopRight</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; position )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>normalized</name>
-      <anchor>normalized</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>right</name>
-      <anchor>right</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setBottom</name>
-      <anchor>setBottom</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int y )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setBottomLeft</name>
-      <anchor>setBottomLeft</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; position )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setBottomRight</name>
-      <anchor>setBottomRight</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; position )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCoords</name>
-      <anchor>setCoords</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setHeight</name>
-      <anchor>setHeight</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int height )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setLeft</name>
-      <anchor>setLeft</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRect</name>
-      <anchor>setRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y, int width, int height )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRight</name>
-      <anchor>setRight</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSize</name>
-      <anchor>setSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSize &amp; size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTop</name>
-      <anchor>setTop</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int y )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTopLeft</name>
-      <anchor>setTopLeft</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; position )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTopRight</name>
-      <anchor>setTopRight</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; position )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setWidth</name>
-      <anchor>setWidth</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int width )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setX</name>
-      <anchor>setX</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setY</name>
-      <anchor>setY</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int y )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>size</name>
-      <anchor>size</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>top</name>
-      <anchor>top</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>topLeft</name>
-      <anchor>topLeft</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>topRight</name>
-      <anchor>topRight</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>translate</name>
-      <anchor>translate</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int dx, int dy )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>translate</name>
-      <anchor>translate-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; offset )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>translated</name>
-      <anchor>translated</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int dx, int dy )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>translated</name>
-      <anchor>translated-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; offset )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>unite</name>
-      <anchor>unite</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; rectangle )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>width</name>
-      <anchor>width</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>x</name>
-      <anchor>x</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>y</name>
-      <anchor>y</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&amp;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-and</anchor>
-      <arglist>amp;( const QRect &amp; rectangle )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&amp;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-and-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>amp;=( const QRect &amp; rectangle )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator|</name>
-      <anchor>operator-7c</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; rectangle )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator|=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-7c-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; rectangle )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addCoords</name>
-      <anchor>addCoords</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int dx1, int dy1, int dx2, int dy2 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>coords</name>
-      <anchor>coords</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int * x1, int * y1, int * x2, int * y2 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>moveBy</name>
-      <anchor>moveBy</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int dx, int dy )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>moveBy</name>
-      <anchor>moveBy-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; p )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>normalize</name>
-      <anchor>normalize</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rBottom</name>
-      <anchor>rBottom</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rLeft</name>
-      <anchor>rLeft</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rRight</name>
-      <anchor>rRight</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rTop</name>
-      <anchor>rTop</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rect</name>
-      <anchor>rect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int * x, int * y, int * width, int * height )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QRegExp</name>
-    <filename>qregexp.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>CaretMode</name>
-      <anchor>CaretMode-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>PatternSyntax</name>
-      <anchor>PatternSyntax-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QRegExp</name>
-      <anchor>QRegExp</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QRegExp</name>
-      <anchor>QRegExp-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; pattern, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs = Qt::CaseSensitive, PatternSyntax syntax = RegExp )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QRegExp</name>
-      <anchor>QRegExp-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRegExp &amp; rx )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cap</name>
-      <anchor>cap</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int nth = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>capturedTexts</name>
-      <anchor>capturedTexts</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>CaseSensitivity</name>
-      <anchor>caseSensitivity</anchor>
-      <arglist> QRegExp::caseSensitivity()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>errorString</name>
-      <anchor>errorString</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>escape</name>
-      <anchor>escape</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; str )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>exactMatch</name>
-      <anchor>exactMatch</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; str )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>indexIn</name>
-      <anchor>indexIn</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; str, int offset = 0, CaretMode caretMode = CaretAtZero )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEmpty</name>
-      <anchor>isEmpty</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isMinimal</name>
-      <anchor>isMinimal</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isValid</name>
-      <anchor>isValid</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lastIndexIn</name>
-      <anchor>lastIndexIn</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; str, int offset = -1, CaretMode caretMode = CaretAtZero )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>matchedLength</name>
-      <anchor>matchedLength</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>numCaptures</name>
-      <anchor>numCaptures</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pattern</name>
-      <anchor>pattern</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>patternSyntax</name>
-      <anchor>patternSyntax</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pos</name>
-      <anchor>pos</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int nth = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCaseSensitivity</name>
-      <anchor>setCaseSensitivity</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::CaseSensitivity cs )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setMinimal</name>
-      <anchor>setMinimal</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool minimal )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPattern</name>
-      <anchor>setPattern</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; pattern )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPatternSyntax</name>
-      <anchor>setPatternSyntax</anchor>
-      <arglist>( PatternSyntax syntax )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRegExp &amp; rx )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRegExp &amp; rx )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRegExp &amp; rx )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QRegExp</name>
-      <anchor>QRegExp-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; pattern, bool cs, bool wildcard = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>caseSensitive</name>
-      <anchor>caseSensitive</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>minimal</name>
-      <anchor>minimal</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>search</name>
-      <anchor>search</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; str, int from = 0, CaretMode caretMode = CaretAtZero )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>searchRev</name>
-      <anchor>searchRev</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; str, int from = -1, CaretMode caretMode = CaretAtZero )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCaseSensitive</name>
-      <anchor>setCaseSensitive</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool sensitive )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setWildcard</name>
-      <anchor>setWildcard</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool wildcard )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>wildcard</name>
-      <anchor>wildcard</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QRegExpValidator</name>
-    <filename>qregexpvalidator.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QRegExpValidator</name>
-      <anchor>QRegExpValidator</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QRegExpValidator</name>
-      <anchor>QRegExpValidator-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRegExp &amp; rx, QObject * parent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>State</name>
-      <anchor>validate</anchor>
-      <arglist> QRegExpValidator::validate( QString &amp; input, int &amp; pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QRegExpValidator</name>
-      <anchor>QRegExpValidator-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent, const char * name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QRegExpValidator</name>
-      <anchor>QRegExpValidator-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRegExp &amp; rx, QObject * parent, const char * name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QRegion</name>
-    <filename>qregion.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>RegionType</name>
-      <anchor>RegionType-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QRegion</name>
-      <anchor>QRegion</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QRegion</name>
-      <anchor>QRegion-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y, int w, int h, RegionType t = Rectangle )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QRegion</name>
-      <anchor>QRegion-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPolygon &amp; a, Qt::FillRule fillRule = Qt::OddEvenFill )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QRegion</name>
-      <anchor>QRegion-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRegion &amp; r )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QRegion</name>
-      <anchor>QRegion-6</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QBitmap &amp; bm )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QRegion</name>
-      <anchor>QRegion-7</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; r, RegionType t = Rectangle )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>boundingRect</name>
-      <anchor>boundingRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contains</name>
-      <anchor>contains</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; p )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contains</name>
-      <anchor>contains-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; r )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>eor</name>
-      <anchor>eor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRegion &amp; r )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>handle</name>
-      <anchor>handle</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>handle</name>
-      <anchor>handle-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>handle</name>
-      <anchor>handle-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>intersect</name>
-      <anchor>intersect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRegion &amp; r )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEmpty</name>
-      <anchor>isEmpty</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rects</name>
-      <anchor>rects</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>subtract</name>
-      <anchor>subtract</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRegion &amp; r )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>translate</name>
-      <anchor>translate</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int dx, int dy )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>translate</name>
-      <anchor>translate-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; point )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>translated</name>
-      <anchor>translated</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int dx, int dy )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>translated</name>
-      <anchor>translated-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; p )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>unite</name>
-      <anchor>unite</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRegion &amp; r )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator</name>
-      <anchor>operator-QVariant</anchor>
-      <arglist> QVariant()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRegion &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&amp;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-and</anchor>
-      <arglist>amp;( const QRegion &amp; r )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&amp;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-and-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>amp;=( const QRegion &amp; r )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRegion &amp; r )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRegion &amp; r )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator-</name>
-      <anchor>operator-</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRegion &amp; r )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator-=</name>
-      <anchor>operator--eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRegion &amp; r )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRegion &amp; r )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRegion &amp; r )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator^</name>
-      <anchor>operator-5e</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRegion &amp; r )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator^=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-5e-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRegion &amp; r )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator|</name>
-      <anchor>operator-7c</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRegion &amp; r )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator|=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-7c-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRegion &amp; r )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QRegion</name>
-      <anchor>QRegion-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPolygon &amp; pa, bool winding )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isNull</name>
-      <anchor>isNull</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QResizeEvent</name>
-    <filename>qresizeevent.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QResizeEvent</name>
-      <anchor>QResizeEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSize &amp; size, const QSize &amp; oldSize )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>oldSize</name>
-      <anchor>oldSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>size</name>
-      <anchor>size</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QRubberBand</name>
-    <filename>qrubberband.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Shape</name>
-      <anchor>Shape-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QRubberBand</name>
-      <anchor>QRubberBand</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Shape s, QWidget * p = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>move</name>
-      <anchor>move</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>move</name>
-      <anchor>move-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; p )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resize</name>
-      <anchor>resize</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int width, int height )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resize</name>
-      <anchor>resize-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSize &amp; size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setGeometry</name>
-      <anchor>setGeometry</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; rect )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setGeometry</name>
-      <anchor>setGeometry-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y, int width, int height )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>shape</name>
-      <anchor>shape</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QScreenCursor</name>
-    <filename>qscreencursor.html</filename>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QScreenDriverFactory</name>
-    <filename>qscreendriverfactory.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>create</name>
-      <anchor>create</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key, int displayId )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>keys</name>
-      <anchor>keys</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QScreenDriverPlugin</name>
-    <filename>qscreendriverplugin.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QScreenDriverPlugin</name>
-      <anchor>QScreenDriverPlugin</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>create</name>
-      <anchor>create</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key, int displayId )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>keys</name>
-      <anchor>keys</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QScreen</name>
-    <filename>qscreen.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>PixelType</name>
-      <anchor>PixelType-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QScreen</name>
-      <anchor>QScreen</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int displayId )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>alloc</name>
-      <anchor>alloc</anchor>
-      <arglist>( unsigned int red, unsigned int green, unsigned int blue )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>base</name>
-      <anchor>base</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>blank</name>
-      <anchor>blank</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool on )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>blit</name>
-      <anchor>blit</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QImage &amp; image, const QPoint &amp; topLeft, const QRegion &amp; region )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clut</name>
-      <anchor>clut</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>connect</name>
-      <anchor>connect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; displaySpec )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>depth</name>
-      <anchor>depth</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>deviceHeight</name>
-      <anchor>deviceHeight</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>deviceWidth</name>
-      <anchor>deviceWidth</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>disconnect</name>
-      <anchor>disconnect</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>exposeRegion</name>
-      <anchor>exposeRegion</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QRegion region, int windowIndex )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>height</name>
-      <anchor>height</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>initDevice</name>
-      <anchor>initDevice</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isInterlaced</name>
-      <anchor>isInterlaced</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isTransformed</name>
-      <anchor>isTransformed</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lastOp</name>
-      <anchor>lastOp</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>linestep</name>
-      <anchor>linestep</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mapFromDevice</name>
-      <anchor>mapFromDevice</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSize &amp; size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mapFromDevice</name>
-      <anchor>mapFromDevice-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; point, const QSize &amp; screenSize )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mapFromDevice</name>
-      <anchor>mapFromDevice-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; rectangle, const QSize &amp; screenSize )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mapFromDevice</name>
-      <anchor>mapFromDevice-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QImage &amp; image )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mapFromDevice</name>
-      <anchor>mapFromDevice-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRegion &amp; region, const QSize &amp; screenSize )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mapToDevice</name>
-      <anchor>mapToDevice</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSize &amp; size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mapToDevice</name>
-      <anchor>mapToDevice-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; point, const QSize &amp; screenSize )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mapToDevice</name>
-      <anchor>mapToDevice-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; rectangle, const QSize &amp; screenSize )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mapToDevice</name>
-      <anchor>mapToDevice-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QImage &amp; image )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mapToDevice</name>
-      <anchor>mapToDevice-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRegion &amp; region, const QSize &amp; screenSize )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>numCols</name>
-      <anchor>numCols</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>onCard</name>
-      <anchor>onCard</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const unsigned char * buffer )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>onCard</name>
-      <anchor>onCard-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const unsigned char * buffer, ulong &amp; offset )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>opType</name>
-      <anchor>opType</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pixelType</name>
-      <anchor>pixelType</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pixmapDepth</name>
-      <anchor>pixmapDepth</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pixmapLinestepAlignment</name>
-      <anchor>pixmapLinestepAlignment</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pixmapOffsetAlignment</name>
-      <anchor>pixmapOffsetAlignment</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>restore</name>
-      <anchor>restore</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>save</name>
-      <anchor>save</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>screenSize</name>
-      <anchor>screenSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDirty</name>
-      <anchor>setDirty</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; rectangle )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setMode</name>
-      <anchor>setMode</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int width, int height, int depth )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>shutdownDevice</name>
-      <anchor>shutdownDevice</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>solidFill</name>
-      <anchor>solidFill</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QColor &amp; color, const QRegion &amp; region )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>supportsDepth</name>
-      <anchor>supportsDepth</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int depth )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>totalSize</name>
-      <anchor>totalSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>transformOrientation</name>
-      <anchor>transformOrientation</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>width</name>
-      <anchor>width</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QScrollArea</name>
-    <filename>qscrollarea.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QScrollArea</name>
-      <anchor>QScrollArea</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ensureVisible</name>
-      <anchor>ensureVisible</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y, int xmargin = 50, int ymargin = 50 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setWidget</name>
-      <anchor>setWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>takeWidget</name>
-      <anchor>takeWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>widget</name>
-      <anchor>widget</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QScrollBar</name>
-    <filename>qscrollbar.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QScrollBar</name>
-      <anchor>QScrollBar</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QScrollBar</name>
-      <anchor>QScrollBar-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::Orientation orientation, QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QScrollBar</name>
-      <anchor>QScrollBar-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, const char * name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QScrollBar</name>
-      <anchor>QScrollBar-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::Orientation orientation, QWidget * parent, const char * name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QScrollBar</name>
-      <anchor>QScrollBar-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int minimum, int maximum, int lineStep, int pageStep, int value, Qt::Orientation orientation, QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>draggingSlider</name>
-      <anchor>draggingSlider</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QSemaphore</name>
-    <filename>qsemaphore.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSemaphore</name>
-      <anchor>QSemaphore</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int n = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>acquire</name>
-      <anchor>acquire</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int n = 1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>available</name>
-      <anchor>available</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>release</name>
-      <anchor>release</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int n = 1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>tryAcquire</name>
-      <anchor>tryAcquire</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int n = 1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QSessionManager</name>
-    <filename>qsessionmanager.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>RestartHint</name>
-      <anchor>RestartHint-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>allowsErrorInteraction</name>
-      <anchor>allowsErrorInteraction</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>allowsInteraction</name>
-      <anchor>allowsInteraction</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cancel</name>
-      <anchor>cancel</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>discardCommand</name>
-      <anchor>discardCommand</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isPhase2</name>
-      <anchor>isPhase2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>release</name>
-      <anchor>release</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>requestPhase2</name>
-      <anchor>requestPhase2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>restartCommand</name>
-      <anchor>restartCommand</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>restartHint</name>
-      <anchor>restartHint</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sessionId</name>
-      <anchor>sessionId</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sessionKey</name>
-      <anchor>sessionKey</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDiscardCommand</name>
-      <anchor>setDiscardCommand</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStringList &amp; list )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setManagerProperty</name>
-      <anchor>setManagerProperty</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name, const QStringList &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setManagerProperty</name>
-      <anchor>setManagerProperty-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name, const QString &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRestartCommand</name>
-      <anchor>setRestartCommand</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStringList &amp; command )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRestartHint</name>
-      <anchor>setRestartHint</anchor>
-      <arglist>( RestartHint hint )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QSet::const_iterator</name>
-    <filename>qset-const-iterator.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>const_iterator</name>
-      <anchor>const_iterator</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>const_iterator</name>
-      <anchor>const_iterator-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const const_iterator &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const const_iterator &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator*</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2a</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int j )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator++</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-2b</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator++</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-2b-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int j )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator-</name>
-      <anchor>operator-</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int j )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator--</name>
-      <anchor>operator--</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator--</name>
-      <anchor>operator---2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator-=</name>
-      <anchor>operator--eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int j )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator-&amp;</name>
-      <anchor>operator--gt</anchor>
-      <arglist>gt;()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const const_iterator &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const const_iterator &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QSet</name>
-    <filename>qset.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ConstIterator</name>
-      <anchor>ConstIterator-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSet</name>
-      <anchor>QSet</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSet</name>
-      <anchor>QSet-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSet&lt;T&gt; &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>begin</name>
-      <anchor>begin</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>capacity</name>
-      <anchor>capacity</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>constBegin</name>
-      <anchor>constBegin</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>constEnd</name>
-      <anchor>constEnd</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contains</name>
-      <anchor>contains</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>empty</name>
-      <anchor>empty</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>end</name>
-      <anchor>end</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromList</name>
-      <anchor>fromList</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QList&lt;T&gt; &amp; list )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insert</name>
-      <anchor>insert</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>intersect</name>
-      <anchor>intersect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSet&lt;T&gt; &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEmpty</name>
-      <anchor>isEmpty</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>remove</name>
-      <anchor>remove</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>reserve</name>
-      <anchor>reserve</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>size</name>
-      <anchor>size</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>squeeze</name>
-      <anchor>squeeze</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>subtract</name>
-      <anchor>subtract</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSet&lt;T&gt; &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toList</name>
-      <anchor>toList</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>unite</name>
-      <anchor>unite</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSet&lt;T&gt; &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>values</name>
-      <anchor>values</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSet&lt;T&gt; &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&amp;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-and</anchor>
-      <arglist>amp;( const QSet&lt;T&gt; &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&amp;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-and-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>amp;=( const QSet&lt;T&gt; &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&amp;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-and-eq-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>amp;=( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSet&lt;T&gt; &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSet&lt;T&gt; &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-eq-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator-</name>
-      <anchor>operator-</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSet&lt;T&gt; &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator-=</name>
-      <anchor>operator--eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSet&lt;T&gt; &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator-=</name>
-      <anchor>operator--eq-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;&lt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt-lt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSet&lt;T&gt; &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSet&lt;T&gt; &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator|</name>
-      <anchor>operator-7c</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSet&lt;T&gt; &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator|=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-7c-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSet&lt;T&gt; &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator|=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-7c-eq-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QSetIterator</name>
-    <filename>qsetiterator.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSetIterator</name>
-      <anchor>QSetIterator</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSet&lt;T&gt; &amp; set )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>findNext</name>
-      <anchor>findNext</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>findPrevious</name>
-      <anchor>findPrevious</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasNext</name>
-      <anchor>hasNext</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasPrevious</name>
-      <anchor>hasPrevious</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>next</name>
-      <anchor>next</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>peekNext</name>
-      <anchor>peekNext</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>peekPrevious</name>
-      <anchor>peekPrevious</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>previous</name>
-      <anchor>previous</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toBack</name>
-      <anchor>toBack</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toFront</name>
-      <anchor>toFront</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSet&lt;T&gt; &amp; set )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QSettings</name>
-    <filename>qsettings.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Format</name>
-      <anchor>Format-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ReadFunc</name>
-      <anchor>ReadFunc-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Scope</name>
-      <anchor>Scope-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>SettingsMap</name>
-      <anchor>SettingsMap-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Status</name>
-      <anchor>Status-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>WriteFunc</name>
-      <anchor>WriteFunc-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSettings</name>
-      <anchor>QSettings</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; organization, const QString &amp; application = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSettings</name>
-      <anchor>QSettings-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Scope scope, const QString &amp; organization, const QString &amp; application = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSettings</name>
-      <anchor>QSettings-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Format format, Scope scope, const QString &amp; organization, const QString &amp; application = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSettings</name>
-      <anchor>QSettings-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fileName, Format format, QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSettings</name>
-      <anchor>QSettings-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>allKeys</name>
-      <anchor>allKeys</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>beginGroup</name>
-      <anchor>beginGroup</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; prefix )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>beginReadArray</name>
-      <anchor>beginReadArray</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; prefix )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>beginWriteArray</name>
-      <anchor>beginWriteArray</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; prefix, int size = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>childGroups</name>
-      <anchor>childGroups</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>childKeys</name>
-      <anchor>childKeys</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contains</name>
-      <anchor>contains</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>endArray</name>
-      <anchor>endArray</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>endGroup</name>
-      <anchor>endGroup</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fallbacksEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>fallbacksEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fileName</name>
-      <anchor>fileName</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>group</name>
-      <anchor>group</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isWritable</name>
-      <anchor>isWritable</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>registerFormat</name>
-      <anchor>registerFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; extension, ReadFunc readFunc, WriteFunc writeFunc, Qt::CaseSensitivity caseSensitivity = Qt::CaseSensitive )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>remove</name>
-      <anchor>remove</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setArrayIndex</name>
-      <anchor>setArrayIndex</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFallbacksEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>setFallbacksEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPath</name>
-      <anchor>setPath</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Format format, Scope scope, const QString &amp; path )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setValue</name>
-      <anchor>setValue</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key, const QVariant &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>status</name>
-      <anchor>status</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sync</name>
-      <anchor>sync</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>value</name>
-      <anchor>value</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key, const QVariant &amp; defaultValue = QVariant()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSystemIniPath</name>
-      <anchor>setSystemIniPath</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; dir )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setUserIniPath</name>
-      <anchor>setUserIniPath</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; dir )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>System</name>
-      <anchor>System-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>entryList</name>
-      <anchor>entryList</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertSearchPath</name>
-      <anchor>insertSearchPath</anchor>
-      <arglist>( System system, const QString &amp; path )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>readBoolEntry</name>
-      <anchor>readBoolEntry</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key, bool defaultValue = false, bool * ok = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>readDoubleEntry</name>
-      <anchor>readDoubleEntry</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key, double defaultValue = 0, bool * ok = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>readEntry</name>
-      <anchor>readEntry</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key, const QString &amp; defaultValue = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>readListEntry</name>
-      <anchor>readListEntry</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key, bool * ok = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>readListEntry</name>
-      <anchor>readListEntry-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key, QChar separator, bool * ok = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>readNumEntry</name>
-      <anchor>readNumEntry</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key, int defaultValue = 0, bool * ok = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeEntry</name>
-      <anchor>removeEntry</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeSearchPath</name>
-      <anchor>removeSearchPath</anchor>
-      <arglist>( System system, const QString &amp; path )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resetGroup</name>
-      <anchor>resetGroup</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPath</name>
-      <anchor>setPath-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; organization, const QString &amp; application, Scope scope = Global )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>subkeyList</name>
-      <anchor>subkeyList</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>writeEntry</name>
-      <anchor>writeEntry</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key, bool value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>writeEntry</name>
-      <anchor>writeEntry-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key, double value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>writeEntry</name>
-      <anchor>writeEntry-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key, int value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>writeEntry</name>
-      <anchor>writeEntry-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key, const char * value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>writeEntry</name>
-      <anchor>writeEntry-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key, const QString &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>writeEntry</name>
-      <anchor>writeEntry-6</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key, const QStringList &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>writeEntry</name>
-      <anchor>writeEntry-7</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key, const QStringList &amp; value, QChar separator )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QSharedData</name>
-    <filename>qshareddata.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSharedData</name>
-      <anchor>QSharedData</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSharedData</name>
-      <anchor>QSharedData-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSharedData &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QSharedDataPointer</name>
-    <filename>qshareddatapointer.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSharedDataPointer</name>
-      <anchor>QSharedDataPointer</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSharedDataPointer</name>
-      <anchor>QSharedDataPointer-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( T * sharedData )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSharedDataPointer</name>
-      <anchor>QSharedDataPointer-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSharedDataPointer&lt;T&gt; &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>constData</name>
-      <anchor>constData</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>data</name>
-      <anchor>data</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>data</name>
-      <anchor>data-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>detach</name>
-      <anchor>detach</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator</name>
-      <anchor>operator-T--2a</anchor>
-      <arglist> T *()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator</name>
-      <anchor>operator-const-T--2a</anchor>
-      <arglist> const T *()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSharedDataPointer&lt;T&gt; &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator*</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2a</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator*</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2a-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator-&amp;</name>
-      <anchor>operator--gt</anchor>
-      <arglist>gt;()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator-&amp;</name>
-      <anchor>operator--gt-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>gt;()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSharedDataPointer&lt;T&gt; &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( T * sharedData )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSharedDataPointer&lt;T&gt; &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QShortcutEvent</name>
-    <filename>qshortcutevent.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QShortcutEvent</name>
-      <anchor>QShortcutEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QKeySequence &amp; key, int id, bool ambiguous = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isAmbiguous</name>
-      <anchor>isAmbiguous</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>key</name>
-      <anchor>key</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>shortcutId</name>
-      <anchor>shortcutId</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QShortcut</name>
-    <filename>qshortcut.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ShortcutContext</name>
-      <anchor>context-prop</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QShortcut</name>
-      <anchor>QShortcut</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QShortcut</name>
-      <anchor>QShortcut-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QKeySequence &amp; key, QWidget * parent, const char * member = 0, const char * ambiguousMember = 0, Qt::ShortcutContext context = Qt::WindowShortcut )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>activated</name>
-      <anchor>activated</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>activatedAmbiguously</name>
-      <anchor>activatedAmbiguously</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>id</name>
-      <anchor>id</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>parentWidget</name>
-      <anchor>parentWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QShowEvent</name>
-    <filename>qshowevent.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QShowEvent</name>
-      <anchor>QShowEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QSignalMapper</name>
-    <filename>qsignalmapper.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSignalMapper</name>
-      <anchor>QSignalMapper</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>map</name>
-      <anchor>map</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>map</name>
-      <anchor>map-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * sender )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mapped</name>
-      <anchor>mapped</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mapped</name>
-      <anchor>mapped-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mapped</name>
-      <anchor>mapped-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mapped</name>
-      <anchor>mapped-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * object )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mapping</name>
-      <anchor>mapping</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mapping</name>
-      <anchor>mapping-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mapping</name>
-      <anchor>mapping-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mapping</name>
-      <anchor>mapping-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * object )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeMappings</name>
-      <anchor>removeMappings</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * sender )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setMapping</name>
-      <anchor>setMapping</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * sender, int id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setMapping</name>
-      <anchor>setMapping-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * sender, const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setMapping</name>
-      <anchor>setMapping-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * sender, QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setMapping</name>
-      <anchor>setMapping-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * sender, QObject * object )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSignalMapper</name>
-      <anchor>QSignalMapper-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent, const char * name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QSignalSpy</name>
-    <filename>qsignalspy.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSignalSpy</name>
-      <anchor>QSignalSpy</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * object, const char * signal )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isValid</name>
-      <anchor>isValid</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>signal</name>
-      <anchor>signal</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QSizeF</name>
-    <filename>qsizef.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSizeF</name>
-      <anchor>QSizeF</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSizeF</name>
-      <anchor>QSizeF-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSize &amp; size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSizeF</name>
-      <anchor>QSizeF-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal width, qreal height )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>boundedTo</name>
-      <anchor>boundedTo</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSizeF &amp; otherSize )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>expandedTo</name>
-      <anchor>expandedTo</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSizeF &amp; otherSize )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>height</name>
-      <anchor>height</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEmpty</name>
-      <anchor>isEmpty</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isNull</name>
-      <anchor>isNull</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isValid</name>
-      <anchor>isValid</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rheight</name>
-      <anchor>rheight</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rwidth</name>
-      <anchor>rwidth</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>scale</name>
-      <anchor>scale</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal width, qreal height, Qt::AspectRatioMode mode )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>scale</name>
-      <anchor>scale-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSizeF &amp; size, Qt::AspectRatioMode mode )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setHeight</name>
-      <anchor>setHeight</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal height )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setWidth</name>
-      <anchor>setWidth</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal width )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toSize</name>
-      <anchor>toSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>transpose</name>
-      <anchor>transpose</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>width</name>
-      <anchor>width</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator*=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2a-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal factor )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSizeF &amp; size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator-=</name>
-      <anchor>operator--eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSizeF &amp; size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator/=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2f-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal divisor )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QSizeGrip</name>
-    <filename>qsizegrip.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSizeGrip</name>
-      <anchor>QSizeGrip</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mouseMoveEvent</name>
-      <anchor>mouseMoveEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QMouseEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mousePressEvent</name>
-      <anchor>mousePressEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QMouseEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>paintEvent</name>
-      <anchor>paintEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPaintEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSizeGrip</name>
-      <anchor>QSizeGrip-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, const char * name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QSize</name>
-    <filename>qsize.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSize</name>
-      <anchor>QSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSize</name>
-      <anchor>QSize-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int width, int height )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>boundedTo</name>
-      <anchor>boundedTo</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSize &amp; otherSize )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>expandedTo</name>
-      <anchor>expandedTo</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSize &amp; otherSize )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>height</name>
-      <anchor>height</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEmpty</name>
-      <anchor>isEmpty</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isNull</name>
-      <anchor>isNull</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isValid</name>
-      <anchor>isValid</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rheight</name>
-      <anchor>rheight</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rwidth</name>
-      <anchor>rwidth</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>scale</name>
-      <anchor>scale</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int width, int height, Qt::AspectRatioMode mode )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>scale</name>
-      <anchor>scale-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSize &amp; size, Qt::AspectRatioMode mode )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setHeight</name>
-      <anchor>setHeight</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int height )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setWidth</name>
-      <anchor>setWidth</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int width )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>transpose</name>
-      <anchor>transpose</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>width</name>
-      <anchor>width</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator*=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2a-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal factor )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSize &amp; size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator-=</name>
-      <anchor>operator--eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSize &amp; size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator/=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2f-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal divisor )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QSizePolicy</name>
-    <filename>qsizepolicy.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Policy</name>
-      <anchor>Policy-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>PolicyFlag</name>
-      <anchor>PolicyFlag-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSizePolicy</name>
-      <anchor>QSizePolicy</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSizePolicy</name>
-      <anchor>QSizePolicy-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Policy horizontal, Policy vertical )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Orientations</name>
-      <anchor>expandingDirections</anchor>
-      <arglist> QSizePolicy::expandingDirections()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasHeightForWidth</name>
-      <anchor>hasHeightForWidth</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>horizontalPolicy</name>
-      <anchor>horizontalPolicy</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>horizontalStretch</name>
-      <anchor>horizontalStretch</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setHeightForWidth</name>
-      <anchor>setHeightForWidth</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool dependent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setHorizontalPolicy</name>
-      <anchor>setHorizontalPolicy</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Policy policy )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setHorizontalStretch</name>
-      <anchor>setHorizontalStretch</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uchar stretchFactor )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setVerticalPolicy</name>
-      <anchor>setVerticalPolicy</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Policy policy )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setVerticalStretch</name>
-      <anchor>setVerticalStretch</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uchar stretchFactor )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>transpose</name>
-      <anchor>transpose</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>verticalPolicy</name>
-      <anchor>verticalPolicy</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>verticalStretch</name>
-      <anchor>verticalStretch</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator</name>
-      <anchor>operator-QVariant</anchor>
-      <arglist> QVariant()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSizePolicy &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSizePolicy &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>ExpandData</name>
-      <anchor>ExpandData-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>SizeType</name>
-      <anchor>SizeType-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSizePolicy</name>
-      <anchor>QSizePolicy-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Policy horizontal, Policy vertical, bool dependent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSizePolicy</name>
-      <anchor>QSizePolicy-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Policy horizontal, Policy vertical, uchar horizontalStretch, uchar verticalStretch, bool dependent = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Orientations</name>
-      <anchor>expanding</anchor>
-      <arglist> QSizePolicy::expanding()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>horData</name>
-      <anchor>horData</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>horStretch</name>
-      <anchor>horStretch</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mayGrowHorizontally</name>
-      <anchor>mayGrowHorizontally</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mayGrowVertically</name>
-      <anchor>mayGrowVertically</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mayShrinkHorizontally</name>
-      <anchor>mayShrinkHorizontally</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mayShrinkVertically</name>
-      <anchor>mayShrinkVertically</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setHorData</name>
-      <anchor>setHorData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Policy policy )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setHorStretch</name>
-      <anchor>setHorStretch</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uchar stretch )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setVerData</name>
-      <anchor>setVerData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Policy policy )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setVerStretch</name>
-      <anchor>setVerStretch</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uchar stretch )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>verData</name>
-      <anchor>verData</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>verStretch</name>
-      <anchor>verStretch</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QSlider</name>
-    <filename>qslider.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>TickPosition</name>
-      <anchor>TickPosition-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSlider</name>
-      <anchor>QSlider</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSlider</name>
-      <anchor>QSlider-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::Orientation orientation, QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSlider</name>
-      <anchor>QSlider-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, const char * name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSlider</name>
-      <anchor>QSlider-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::Orientation orientation, QWidget * parent, const char * name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSlider</name>
-      <anchor>QSlider-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int minValue, int maxValue, int pageStep, int value, Qt::Orientation orientation, QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addStep</name>
-      <anchor>addStep</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTickmarks</name>
-      <anchor>setTickmarks</anchor>
-      <arglist>( TickPosition position )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>subtractStep</name>
-      <anchor>subtractStep</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>tickmarks</name>
-      <anchor>tickmarks</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QSocketNotifier</name>
-    <filename>qsocketnotifier.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Type</name>
-      <anchor>Type-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSocketNotifier</name>
-      <anchor>QSocketNotifier</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int socket, Type type, QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>activated</name>
-      <anchor>activated</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int socket )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>isEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>setEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>socket</name>
-      <anchor>socket</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>type</name>
-      <anchor>type</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSocketNotifier</name>
-      <anchor>QSocketNotifier-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int socket, Type type, QObject * parent, const char * name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QSortFilterProxyModel</name>
-    <filename>qsortfilterproxymodel.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>CaseSensitivity</name>
-      <anchor>filterCaseSensitivity-prop</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSortFilterProxyModel</name>
-      <anchor>QSortFilterProxyModel</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>filterAcceptsColumn</name>
-      <anchor>filterAcceptsColumn</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int source_column, const QModelIndex &amp; source_parent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>filterAcceptsRow</name>
-      <anchor>filterAcceptsRow</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int source_row, const QModelIndex &amp; source_parent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lessThan</name>
-      <anchor>lessThan</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; left, const QModelIndex &amp; right )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mapFromSource</name>
-      <anchor>mapFromSource</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; sourceIndex )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mapToSource</name>
-      <anchor>mapToSource</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; proxyIndex )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFilterFixedString</name>
-      <anchor>setFilterFixedString</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; pattern )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFilterWildcard</name>
-      <anchor>setFilterWildcard</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; pattern )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QSound</name>
-    <filename>qsound.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSound</name>
-      <anchor>QSound</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; filename, QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fileName</name>
-      <anchor>fileName</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isAvailable</name>
-      <anchor>isAvailable</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isFinished</name>
-      <anchor>isFinished</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>loops</name>
-      <anchor>loops</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>loopsRemaining</name>
-      <anchor>loopsRemaining</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>play</name>
-      <anchor>play</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; filename )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>play</name>
-      <anchor>play-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setLoops</name>
-      <anchor>setLoops</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int number )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>stop</name>
-      <anchor>stop</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSound</name>
-      <anchor>QSound-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; filename, QObject * parent, const char * name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>available</name>
-      <anchor>available</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QSpacerItem</name>
-    <filename>qspaceritem.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSpacerItem</name>
-      <anchor>QSpacerItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int w, int h, QSizePolicy::Policy hPolicy = QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Policy vPolicy = QSizePolicy::Minimum )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>changeSize</name>
-      <anchor>changeSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int w, int h, QSizePolicy::Policy hPolicy = QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Policy vPolicy = QSizePolicy::Minimum )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEmpty</name>
-      <anchor>isEmpty</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>spacerItem</name>
-      <anchor>spacerItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QSpinBox</name>
-    <filename>qspinbox.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSpinBox</name>
-      <anchor>QSpinBox</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRange</name>
-      <anchor>setRange</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int min, int max )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>textFromValue</name>
-      <anchor>textFromValue</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int v )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>valueChanged</name>
-      <anchor>valueChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>valueChanged</name>
-      <anchor>valueChanged-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>valueFromText</name>
-      <anchor>valueFromText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSpinBox</name>
-      <anchor>QSpinBox-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, const char * name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSpinBox</name>
-      <anchor>QSpinBox-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int min, int max, int step, QWidget * parent, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>maxValue</name>
-      <anchor>maxValue</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>minValue</name>
-      <anchor>minValue</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setLineStep</name>
-      <anchor>setLineStep</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int step )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setMaxValue</name>
-      <anchor>setMaxValue</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int val )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setMinValue</name>
-      <anchor>setMinValue</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int val )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QSplashScreen</name>
-    <filename>qsplashscreen.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSplashScreen</name>
-      <anchor>QSplashScreen</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPixmap &amp; pixmap = QPixmap()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSplashScreen</name>
-      <anchor>QSplashScreen-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, const QPixmap &amp; pixmap = QPixmap()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clearMessage</name>
-      <anchor>clearMessage</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawContents</name>
-      <anchor>drawContents</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter * painter )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>finish</name>
-      <anchor>finish</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * mainWin )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>messageChanged</name>
-      <anchor>messageChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; message )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pixmap</name>
-      <anchor>pixmap</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>repaint</name>
-      <anchor>repaint</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>setPixmap</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPixmap &amp; pixmap )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>showMessage</name>
-      <anchor>showMessage</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; message, int alignment = Qt::AlignLeft, const QColor &amp; color = Qt::black )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>message</name>
-      <anchor>message</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; message, int alignment = Qt::AlignLeft, const QColor &amp; color = Qt::black )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QSplitterHandle</name>
-    <filename>qsplitterhandle.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSplitterHandle</name>
-      <anchor>QSplitterHandle</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::Orientation orientation, QSplitter * parent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>closestLegalPosition</name>
-      <anchor>closestLegalPosition</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>moveSplitter</name>
-      <anchor>moveSplitter</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>opaqueResize</name>
-      <anchor>opaqueResize</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Orientation</name>
-      <anchor>orientation</anchor>
-      <arglist> QSplitterHandle::orientation()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setOrientation</name>
-      <anchor>setOrientation</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::Orientation orientation )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>splitter</name>
-      <anchor>splitter</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QSplitter</name>
-    <filename>qsplitter.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Orientation</name>
-      <anchor>orientation-prop</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSplitter</name>
-      <anchor>QSplitter</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSplitter</name>
-      <anchor>QSplitter-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::Orientation orientation, QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addWidget</name>
-      <anchor>addWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>closestLegalPosition</name>
-      <anchor>closestLegalPosition</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int pos, int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>createHandle</name>
-      <anchor>createHandle</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>getRange</name>
-      <anchor>getRange</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, int * min, int * max )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>handle</name>
-      <anchor>handle</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>indexOf</name>
-      <anchor>indexOf</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertWidget</name>
-      <anchor>insertWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isCollapsible</name>
-      <anchor>isCollapsible</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>moveSplitter</name>
-      <anchor>moveSplitter</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int pos, int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>refresh</name>
-      <anchor>refresh</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>restoreState</name>
-      <anchor>restoreState</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; state )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>saveState</name>
-      <anchor>saveState</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCollapsible</name>
-      <anchor>setCollapsible</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, bool collapse )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRubberBand</name>
-      <anchor>setRubberBand</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSizes</name>
-      <anchor>setSizes</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QList&lt;int&gt; &amp; list )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setStretchFactor</name>
-      <anchor>setStretchFactor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, int stretch )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sizes</name>
-      <anchor>sizes</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>splitterMoved</name>
-      <anchor>splitterMoved</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int pos, int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>widget</name>
-      <anchor>widget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>ResizeMode</name>
-      <anchor>ResizeMode-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSplitter</name>
-      <anchor>QSplitter-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, const char * name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSplitter</name>
-      <anchor>QSplitter-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::Orientation orientation, QWidget * parent, const char * name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>moveToFirst</name>
-      <anchor>moveToFirst</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>moveToLast</name>
-      <anchor>moveToLast</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCollapsible</name>
-      <anchor>setCollapsible-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget, bool collapsible )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setResizeMode</name>
-      <anchor>setResizeMode</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget, ResizeMode mode )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QSqlDatabase</name>
-    <filename>qsqldatabase.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSqlDatabase</name>
-      <anchor>QSqlDatabase</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSqlDatabase</name>
-      <anchor>QSqlDatabase-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSqlDatabase &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSqlDatabase</name>
-      <anchor>QSqlDatabase-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; type )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSqlDatabase</name>
-      <anchor>QSqlDatabase-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QSqlDriver * driver )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addDatabase</name>
-      <anchor>addDatabase</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; type, const QString &amp; connectionName = QLatin1String( defaultConnection )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addDatabase</name>
-      <anchor>addDatabase-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QSqlDriver * driver, const QString &amp; connectionName = QLatin1String( defaultConnection )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cloneDatabase</name>
-      <anchor>cloneDatabase</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSqlDatabase &amp; other, const QString &amp; connectionName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>close</name>
-      <anchor>close</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>commit</name>
-      <anchor>commit</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>connectOptions</name>
-      <anchor>connectOptions</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>connectionNames</name>
-      <anchor>connectionNames</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contains</name>
-      <anchor>contains</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; connectionName = QLatin1String( defaultConnection )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>database</name>
-      <anchor>database</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; connectionName = QLatin1String( defaultConnection )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>databaseName</name>
-      <anchor>databaseName</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>driver</name>
-      <anchor>driver</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>driverName</name>
-      <anchor>driverName</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drivers</name>
-      <anchor>drivers</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>exec</name>
-      <anchor>exec</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; query = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hostName</name>
-      <anchor>hostName</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isDriverAvailable</name>
-      <anchor>isDriverAvailable</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isOpen</name>
-      <anchor>isOpen</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isOpenError</name>
-      <anchor>isOpenError</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isValid</name>
-      <anchor>isValid</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lastError</name>
-      <anchor>lastError</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>open</name>
-      <anchor>open</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>open</name>
-      <anchor>open-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; user, const QString &amp; password )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>password</name>
-      <anchor>password</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>port</name>
-      <anchor>port</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>primaryIndex</name>
-      <anchor>primaryIndex</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; tablename )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>record</name>
-      <anchor>record</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; tablename )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>registerSqlDriver</name>
-      <anchor>registerSqlDriver</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name, QSqlDriverCreatorBase * creator )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeDatabase</name>
-      <anchor>removeDatabase</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; connectionName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rollback</name>
-      <anchor>rollback</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setConnectOptions</name>
-      <anchor>setConnectOptions</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; options = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDatabaseName</name>
-      <anchor>setDatabaseName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setHostName</name>
-      <anchor>setHostName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; host )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPassword</name>
-      <anchor>setPassword</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; password )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPort</name>
-      <anchor>setPort</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int port )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setUserName</name>
-      <anchor>setUserName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>tables</name>
-      <anchor>tables</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QSql::TableType type = QSql::Tables )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>transaction</name>
-      <anchor>transaction</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>userName</name>
-      <anchor>userName</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSqlDatabase &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>record</name>
-      <anchor>record-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSqlQuery &amp; query )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>recordInfo</name>
-      <anchor>recordInfo</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; tablename )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>recordInfo</name>
-      <anchor>recordInfo-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSqlQuery &amp; query )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QSqlDriverCreatorBase</name>
-    <filename>qsqldrivercreatorbase.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>createObject</name>
-      <anchor>createObject</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QSqlDriverCreator</name>
-    <filename>qsqldrivercreator.html</filename>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QSqlDriver</name>
-    <filename>qsqldriver.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>DriverFeature</name>
-      <anchor>DriverFeature-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>IdentifierType</name>
-      <anchor>IdentifierType-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>StatementType</name>
-      <anchor>StatementType-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSqlDriver</name>
-      <anchor>QSqlDriver</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>beginTransaction</name>
-      <anchor>beginTransaction</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>close</name>
-      <anchor>close</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>commitTransaction</name>
-      <anchor>commitTransaction</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>createResult</name>
-      <anchor>createResult</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>escapeIdentifier</name>
-      <anchor>escapeIdentifier</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; identifier, IdentifierType type )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>formatValue</name>
-      <anchor>formatValue-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSqlField &amp; field, bool trimStrings = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>handle</name>
-      <anchor>handle</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasFeature</name>
-      <anchor>hasFeature</anchor>
-      <arglist>( DriverFeature feature )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isOpen</name>
-      <anchor>isOpen</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isOpenError</name>
-      <anchor>isOpenError</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lastError</name>
-      <anchor>lastError</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>open</name>
-      <anchor>open</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; db, const QString &amp; user = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>primaryIndex</name>
-      <anchor>primaryIndex</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; tableName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>record</name>
-      <anchor>record</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; tableName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rollbackTransaction</name>
-      <anchor>rollbackTransaction</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setLastError</name>
-      <anchor>setLastError</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSqlError &amp; error )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setOpen</name>
-      <anchor>setOpen</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool open )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setOpenError</name>
-      <anchor>setOpenError</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool error )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sqlStatement</name>
-      <anchor>sqlStatement</anchor>
-      <arglist>( StatementType type, const QString &amp; tableName, const QSqlRecord &amp; rec, bool preparedStatement )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>tables</name>
-      <anchor>tables</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QSql::TableType tableType )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QSqlDriverPlugin</name>
-    <filename>qsqldriverplugin.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSqlDriverPlugin</name>
-      <anchor>QSqlDriverPlugin</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>create</name>
-      <anchor>create</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>keys</name>
-      <anchor>keys</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>formatValue</name>
-      <anchor>formatValue</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSqlField * field, bool trimStrings = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>nullText</name>
-      <anchor>nullText</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>record</name>
-      <anchor>record-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSqlQuery &amp; query )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>recordInfo</name>
-      <anchor>recordInfo</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; tablename )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>recordInfo</name>
-      <anchor>recordInfo-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSqlQuery &amp; query )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QSqlError</name>
-    <filename>qsqlerror.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>ErrorType</name>
-      <anchor>ErrorType-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSqlError</name>
-      <anchor>QSqlError</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; driverText = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSqlError</name>
-      <anchor>QSqlError-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSqlError &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>databaseText</name>
-      <anchor>databaseText</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>driverText</name>
-      <anchor>driverText</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isValid</name>
-      <anchor>isValid</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>number</name>
-      <anchor>number</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDatabaseText</name>
-      <anchor>setDatabaseText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; databaseText )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDriverText</name>
-      <anchor>setDriverText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; driverText )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setNumber</name>
-      <anchor>setNumber</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int number )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setType</name>
-      <anchor>setType</anchor>
-      <arglist>( ErrorType type )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>text</name>
-      <anchor>text</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>type</name>
-      <anchor>type</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSqlError &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QSqlField</name>
-    <filename>qsqlfield.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>RequiredStatus</name>
-      <anchor>RequiredStatus-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSqlField</name>
-      <anchor>QSqlField</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fieldName = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSqlField</name>
-      <anchor>QSqlField-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSqlField &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>defaultValue</name>
-      <anchor>defaultValue</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isAutoValue</name>
-      <anchor>isAutoValue</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isGenerated</name>
-      <anchor>isGenerated</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isNull</name>
-      <anchor>isNull</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isReadOnly</name>
-      <anchor>isReadOnly</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isValid</name>
-      <anchor>isValid</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>length</name>
-      <anchor>length</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>name</name>
-      <anchor>name</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>precision</name>
-      <anchor>precision</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>requiredStatus</name>
-      <anchor>requiredStatus</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAutoValue</name>
-      <anchor>setAutoValue</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool autoVal )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDefaultValue</name>
-      <anchor>setDefaultValue</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QVariant &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setGenerated</name>
-      <anchor>setGenerated</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool gen )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setLength</name>
-      <anchor>setLength</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int fieldLength )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setName</name>
-      <anchor>setName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPrecision</name>
-      <anchor>setPrecision</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int precision )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setReadOnly</name>
-      <anchor>setReadOnly</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool readOnly )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRequired</name>
-      <anchor>setRequired</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool required )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRequiredStatus</name>
-      <anchor>setRequiredStatus</anchor>
-      <arglist>( RequiredStatus required )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setType</name>
-      <anchor>setType</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QVariant::Type type )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setValue</name>
-      <anchor>setValue</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QVariant &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Type</name>
-      <anchor>type</anchor>
-      <arglist> QSqlField::type()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>value</name>
-      <anchor>value</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSqlField &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSqlField &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSqlField &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setNull</name>
-      <anchor>setNull</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Location</name>
-      <anchor>Location-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>TableType</name>
-      <anchor>TableType-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QSqlIndex</name>
-    <filename>qsqlindex.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSqlIndex</name>
-      <anchor>QSqlIndex</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; cursorname = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSqlIndex</name>
-      <anchor>QSqlIndex-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSqlIndex &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>append</name>
-      <anchor>append</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSqlField &amp; field )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>append</name>
-      <anchor>append-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSqlField &amp; field, bool desc )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cursorName</name>
-      <anchor>cursorName</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isDescending</name>
-      <anchor>isDescending</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>name</name>
-      <anchor>name</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCursorName</name>
-      <anchor>setCursorName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; cursorName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDescending</name>
-      <anchor>setDescending</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i, bool desc )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setName</name>
-      <anchor>setName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSqlIndex &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toString</name>
-      <anchor>toString</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; prefix = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toStringList</name>
-      <anchor>toStringList</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; prefix = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Confirm</name>
-      <anchor>Confirm-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Op</name>
-      <anchor>Op-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QSqlQuery</name>
-    <filename>qsqlquery.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSqlQuery</name>
-      <anchor>QSqlQuery</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QSqlResult * result )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSqlQuery</name>
-      <anchor>QSqlQuery-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; query = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSqlQuery</name>
-      <anchor>QSqlQuery-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QSqlDatabase db )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSqlQuery</name>
-      <anchor>QSqlQuery-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSqlQuery &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addBindValue</name>
-      <anchor>addBindValue</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QVariant &amp; val, QSql::ParamType paramType = QSql::In )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>at</name>
-      <anchor>at</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bindValue</name>
-      <anchor>bindValue</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; placeholder, const QVariant &amp; val, QSql::ParamType paramType = QSql::In )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bindValue</name>
-      <anchor>bindValue-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int pos, const QVariant &amp; val, QSql::ParamType paramType = QSql::In )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>boundValue</name>
-      <anchor>boundValue</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; placeholder )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>boundValue</name>
-      <anchor>boundValue-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>boundValues</name>
-      <anchor>boundValues</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>driver</name>
-      <anchor>driver</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>exec</name>
-      <anchor>exec</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; query )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>exec</name>
-      <anchor>exec-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>executedQuery</name>
-      <anchor>executedQuery</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>first</name>
-      <anchor>first</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isActive</name>
-      <anchor>isActive</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isForwardOnly</name>
-      <anchor>isForwardOnly</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isNull</name>
-      <anchor>isNull</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int field )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isSelect</name>
-      <anchor>isSelect</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isValid</name>
-      <anchor>isValid</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>last</name>
-      <anchor>last</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lastError</name>
-      <anchor>lastError</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lastInsertId</name>
-      <anchor>lastInsertId</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lastQuery</name>
-      <anchor>lastQuery</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>next</name>
-      <anchor>next</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>numRowsAffected</name>
-      <anchor>numRowsAffected</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>prepare</name>
-      <anchor>prepare</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; query )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>previous</name>
-      <anchor>previous</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>record</name>
-      <anchor>record</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>result</name>
-      <anchor>result</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>seek</name>
-      <anchor>seek</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, bool relative = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setForwardOnly</name>
-      <anchor>setForwardOnly</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool forward )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>size</name>
-      <anchor>size</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>value</name>
-      <anchor>value</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSqlQuery &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QSqlQueryModel</name>
-    <filename>qsqlquerymodel.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSqlQueryModel</name>
-      <anchor>QSqlQueryModel</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>canFetchMore</name>
-      <anchor>canFetchMore</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; parent = QModelIndex()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>data</name>
-      <anchor>data</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; item, int role = Qt::DisplayRole )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fetchMore</name>
-      <anchor>fetchMore</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; parent = QModelIndex()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>headerData</name>
-      <anchor>headerData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role = Qt::DisplayRole )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>indexInQuery</name>
-      <anchor>indexInQuery</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertColumns</name>
-      <anchor>insertColumns</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column, int count, const QModelIndex &amp; parent = QModelIndex()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lastError</name>
-      <anchor>lastError</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>query</name>
-      <anchor>query</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>queryChange</name>
-      <anchor>queryChange</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>record</name>
-      <anchor>record</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>record</name>
-      <anchor>record-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeColumns</name>
-      <anchor>removeColumns</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column, int count, const QModelIndex &amp; parent = QModelIndex()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rowCount</name>
-      <anchor>rowCount</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; parent = QModelIndex()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setHeaderData</name>
-      <anchor>setHeaderData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, const QVariant &amp; value, int role = Qt::EditRole )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setLastError</name>
-      <anchor>setLastError</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSqlError &amp; error )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setQuery</name>
-      <anchor>setQuery</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSqlQuery &amp; query )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setQuery</name>
-      <anchor>setQuery-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; query, const QSqlDatabase &amp; db = QSqlDatabase()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>prev</name>
-      <anchor>prev</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QSqlRecord</name>
-    <filename>qsqlrecord.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSqlRecord</name>
-      <anchor>QSqlRecord</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSqlRecord</name>
-      <anchor>QSqlRecord-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSqlRecord &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>append</name>
-      <anchor>append</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSqlField &amp; field )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clearValues</name>
-      <anchor>clearValues</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contains</name>
-      <anchor>contains</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>field</name>
-      <anchor>field</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>field</name>
-      <anchor>field-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fieldName</name>
-      <anchor>fieldName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>indexOf</name>
-      <anchor>indexOf</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insert</name>
-      <anchor>insert</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int pos, const QSqlField &amp; field )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEmpty</name>
-      <anchor>isEmpty</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isGenerated</name>
-      <anchor>isGenerated</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isGenerated</name>
-      <anchor>isGenerated-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isNull</name>
-      <anchor>isNull</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isNull</name>
-      <anchor>isNull-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>remove</name>
-      <anchor>remove</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>replace</name>
-      <anchor>replace</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int pos, const QSqlField &amp; field )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setGenerated</name>
-      <anchor>setGenerated</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name, bool generated )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setGenerated</name>
-      <anchor>setGenerated-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, bool generated )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setNull</name>
-      <anchor>setNull</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setNull</name>
-      <anchor>setNull-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setValue</name>
-      <anchor>setValue</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, const QVariant &amp; val )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setValue</name>
-      <anchor>setValue-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name, const QVariant &amp; val )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>value</name>
-      <anchor>value</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>value</name>
-      <anchor>value-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSqlRecord &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSqlRecord &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSqlRecord &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fieldPtr</name>
-      <anchor>fieldPtr</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fieldPtr</name>
-      <anchor>fieldPtr-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>position</name>
-      <anchor>position</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toString</name>
-      <anchor>toString</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; prefix = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toStringList</name>
-      <anchor>toStringList</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; prefix = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QSqlRelationalDelegate</name>
-    <filename>qsqlrelationaldelegate.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSqlRelationalDelegate</name>
-      <anchor>QSqlRelationalDelegate</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QSqlRelationalTableModel</name>
-    <filename>qsqlrelationaltablemodel.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSqlRelationalTableModel</name>
-      <anchor>QSqlRelationalTableModel</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0, QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>relation</name>
-      <anchor>relation</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>relationModel</name>
-      <anchor>relationModel</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setData</name>
-      <anchor>setData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index, const QVariant &amp; value, int role = Qt::EditRole )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRelation</name>
-      <anchor>setRelation</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column, const QSqlRelation &amp; relation )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QSqlRelation</name>
-    <filename>qsqlrelation.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSqlRelation</name>
-      <anchor>QSqlRelation</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSqlRelation</name>
-      <anchor>QSqlRelation-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; tableName, const QString &amp; indexColumn, const QString &amp; displayColumn )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>displayColumn</name>
-      <anchor>displayColumn</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>indexColumn</name>
-      <anchor>indexColumn</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isValid</name>
-      <anchor>isValid</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>tableName</name>
-      <anchor>tableName</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QSqlResult</name>
-    <filename>qsqlresult.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>BindingSyntax</name>
-      <anchor>BindingSyntax-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSqlResult</name>
-      <anchor>QSqlResult</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSqlDriver * db )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addBindValue</name>
-      <anchor>addBindValue</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QVariant &amp; val, QSql::ParamType paramType )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>at</name>
-      <anchor>at</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bindValue</name>
-      <anchor>bindValue</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, const QVariant &amp; val, QSql::ParamType paramType )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bindValue</name>
-      <anchor>bindValue-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; placeholder, const QVariant &amp; val, QSql::ParamType paramType )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ParamType</name>
-      <anchor>bindValueType</anchor>
-      <arglist> QSqlResult::bindValueType( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ParamType</name>
-      <anchor>bindValueType-2</anchor>
-      <arglist> QSqlResult::bindValueType( const QString &amp; placeholder )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bindingSyntax</name>
-      <anchor>bindingSyntax</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>boundValue</name>
-      <anchor>boundValue</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>boundValue</name>
-      <anchor>boundValue-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; placeholder )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>boundValueCount</name>
-      <anchor>boundValueCount</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>boundValueName</name>
-      <anchor>boundValueName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>boundValues</name>
-      <anchor>boundValues</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>data</name>
-      <anchor>data</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>driver</name>
-      <anchor>driver</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>exec</name>
-      <anchor>exec</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>executedQuery</name>
-      <anchor>executedQuery</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fetch</name>
-      <anchor>fetch</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fetchFirst</name>
-      <anchor>fetchFirst</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fetchLast</name>
-      <anchor>fetchLast</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fetchNext</name>
-      <anchor>fetchNext</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fetchPrevious</name>
-      <anchor>fetchPrevious</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>handle</name>
-      <anchor>handle</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasOutValues</name>
-      <anchor>hasOutValues</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isActive</name>
-      <anchor>isActive</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isForwardOnly</name>
-      <anchor>isForwardOnly</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isNull</name>
-      <anchor>isNull</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isSelect</name>
-      <anchor>isSelect</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isValid</name>
-      <anchor>isValid</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lastError</name>
-      <anchor>lastError</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lastInsertId</name>
-      <anchor>lastInsertId</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lastQuery</name>
-      <anchor>lastQuery</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>numRowsAffected</name>
-      <anchor>numRowsAffected</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>prepare</name>
-      <anchor>prepare</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; query )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>record</name>
-      <anchor>record</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>reset</name>
-      <anchor>reset</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; query )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>savePrepare</name>
-      <anchor>savePrepare</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; query )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setActive</name>
-      <anchor>setActive</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool active )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAt</name>
-      <anchor>setAt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setForwardOnly</name>
-      <anchor>setForwardOnly</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool forward )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setLastError</name>
-      <anchor>setLastError</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSqlError &amp; error )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setQuery</name>
-      <anchor>setQuery</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; query )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSelect</name>
-      <anchor>setSelect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool select )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>size</name>
-      <anchor>size</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QSqlTableModel</name>
-    <filename>qsqltablemodel.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>EditStrategy</name>
-      <anchor>EditStrategy-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSqlTableModel</name>
-      <anchor>QSqlTableModel</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0, QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>beforeDelete</name>
-      <anchor>beforeDelete</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>beforeInsert</name>
-      <anchor>beforeInsert</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QSqlRecord &amp; record )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>beforeUpdate</name>
-      <anchor>beforeUpdate</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, QSqlRecord &amp; record )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>database</name>
-      <anchor>database</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>deleteRowFromTable</name>
-      <anchor>deleteRowFromTable</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>editStrategy</name>
-      <anchor>editStrategy</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fieldIndex</name>
-      <anchor>fieldIndex</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fieldName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>filter</name>
-      <anchor>filter</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>indexInQuery</name>
-      <anchor>indexInQuery</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertRecord</name>
-      <anchor>insertRecord</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, const QSqlRecord &amp; record )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertRowIntoTable</name>
-      <anchor>insertRowIntoTable</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSqlRecord &amp; values )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertRows</name>
-      <anchor>insertRows</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int count, const QModelIndex &amp; parent = QModelIndex()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isDirty</name>
-      <anchor>isDirty</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>orderByClause</name>
-      <anchor>orderByClause</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>primaryKey</name>
-      <anchor>primaryKey</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>primeInsert</name>
-      <anchor>primeInsert</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, QSqlRecord &amp; record )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeColumns</name>
-      <anchor>removeColumns</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column, int count, const QModelIndex &amp; parent = QModelIndex()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeRows</name>
-      <anchor>removeRows</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int count, const QModelIndex &amp; parent = QModelIndex()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>revert</name>
-      <anchor>revert</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>revertAll</name>
-      <anchor>revertAll</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>revertRow</name>
-      <anchor>revertRow</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>select</name>
-      <anchor>select</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selectStatement</name>
-      <anchor>selectStatement</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setData</name>
-      <anchor>setData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index, const QVariant &amp; value, int role = Qt::EditRole )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setEditStrategy</name>
-      <anchor>setEditStrategy</anchor>
-      <arglist>( EditStrategy strategy )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFilter</name>
-      <anchor>setFilter</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; filter )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPrimaryKey</name>
-      <anchor>setPrimaryKey</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSqlIndex &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setQuery</name>
-      <anchor>setQuery</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSqlQuery &amp; query )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRecord</name>
-      <anchor>setRecord</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, const QSqlRecord &amp; record )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSort</name>
-      <anchor>setSort</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column, Qt::SortOrder order )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTable</name>
-      <anchor>setTable</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; tableName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sort</name>
-      <anchor>sort</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column, Qt::SortOrder order )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>submit</name>
-      <anchor>submit</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>submitAll</name>
-      <anchor>submitAll</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>tableName</name>
-      <anchor>tableName</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>updateRowInTable</name>
-      <anchor>updateRowInTable</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, const QSqlRecord &amp; values )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QStackedLayout</name>
-    <filename>qstackedlayout.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStackedLayout</name>
-      <anchor>QStackedLayout</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStackedLayout</name>
-      <anchor>QStackedLayout-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStackedLayout</name>
-      <anchor>QStackedLayout-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QLayout * parentLayout )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addWidget</name>
-      <anchor>addWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentChanged</name>
-      <anchor>currentChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentWidget</name>
-      <anchor>currentWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertWidget</name>
-      <anchor>insertWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCurrentWidget</name>
-      <anchor>setCurrentWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>widget</name>
-      <anchor>widget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>widgetRemoved</name>
-      <anchor>widgetRemoved</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QStackedWidget</name>
-    <filename>qstackedwidget.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStackedWidget</name>
-      <anchor>QStackedWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addWidget</name>
-      <anchor>addWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentChanged</name>
-      <anchor>currentChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentWidget</name>
-      <anchor>currentWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>indexOf</name>
-      <anchor>indexOf</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertWidget</name>
-      <anchor>insertWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeWidget</name>
-      <anchor>removeWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCurrentWidget</name>
-      <anchor>setCurrentWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>widget</name>
-      <anchor>widget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>widgetRemoved</name>
-      <anchor>widgetRemoved</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QStack</name>
-    <filename>qstack.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStack</name>
-      <anchor>QStack</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pop</name>
-      <anchor>pop</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>push</name>
-      <anchor>push</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; t )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>top</name>
-      <anchor>top</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>top</name>
-      <anchor>top-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QStandardItemModel</name>
-    <filename>qstandarditemmodel.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStandardItemModel</name>
-      <anchor>QStandardItemModel</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStandardItemModel</name>
-      <anchor>QStandardItemModel-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int rows, int columns, QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>columnCount</name>
-      <anchor>columnCount</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; parent = QModelIndex()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>data</name>
-      <anchor>data</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ItemFlags</name>
-      <anchor>flags</anchor>
-      <arglist> QStandardItemModel::flags( const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasChildren</name>
-      <anchor>hasChildren</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; parent = QModelIndex()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>index</name>
-      <anchor>index</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int column, const QModelIndex &amp; parent = QModelIndex()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertColumns</name>
-      <anchor>insertColumns</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column, int count, const QModelIndex &amp; parent = QModelIndex()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertRows</name>
-      <anchor>insertRows</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int count, const QModelIndex &amp; parent = QModelIndex()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>parent</name>
-      <anchor>parent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; child )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeColumns</name>
-      <anchor>removeColumns</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column, int count, const QModelIndex &amp; parent = QModelIndex()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeRows</name>
-      <anchor>removeRows</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int count, const QModelIndex &amp; parent = QModelIndex()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rowCount</name>
-      <anchor>rowCount</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; parent = QModelIndex()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setData</name>
-      <anchor>setData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index, const QVariant &amp; value, int role = Qt::EditRole )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QStatusBar</name>
-    <filename>qstatusbar.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStatusBar</name>
-      <anchor>QStatusBar</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addPermanentWidget</name>
-      <anchor>addPermanentWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget, int stretch = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addWidget</name>
-      <anchor>addWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget, int stretch = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clearMessage</name>
-      <anchor>clearMessage</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentMessage</name>
-      <anchor>currentMessage</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hideOrShow</name>
-      <anchor>hideOrShow</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>messageChanged</name>
-      <anchor>messageChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; message )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>reformat</name>
-      <anchor>reformat</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeWidget</name>
-      <anchor>removeWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>showMessage</name>
-      <anchor>showMessage</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; message, int timeout = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStatusBar</name>
-      <anchor>QStatusBar-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, const char * name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addWidget</name>
-      <anchor>addWidget-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget, int stretch, bool permanent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>message</name>
-      <anchor>message</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; message, int timeout = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QStatusTipEvent</name>
-    <filename>qstatustipevent.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStatusTipEvent</name>
-      <anchor>QStatusTipEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; tip )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>tip</name>
-      <anchor>tip</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QString</name>
-    <filename>qstring.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>NormalizationForm</name>
-      <anchor>NormalizationForm-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>SplitBehavior</name>
-      <anchor>SplitBehavior-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QString</name>
-      <anchor>QString</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QString</name>
-      <anchor>QString-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QChar * unicode, int size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QString</name>
-      <anchor>QString-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QChar ch )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QString</name>
-      <anchor>QString-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int size, QChar ch )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QString</name>
-      <anchor>QString-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QLatin1String &amp; str )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QString</name>
-      <anchor>QString-6</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QString</name>
-      <anchor>QString-7</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * str )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QString</name>
-      <anchor>QString-8</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; ba )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>append</name>
-      <anchor>append</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; str )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>append</name>
-      <anchor>append-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QLatin1String &amp; str )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>append</name>
-      <anchor>append-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; ba )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>append</name>
-      <anchor>append-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * str )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>append</name>
-      <anchor>append-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QChar ch )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>arg</name>
-      <anchor>arg</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; a, int fieldWidth = 0, const QChar &amp; fillChar = QLatin1Char( &apos; &apos; )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>arg</name>
-      <anchor>arg-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; a1, const QString &amp; a2 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>arg</name>
-      <anchor>arg-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; a1, const QString &amp; a2, const QString &amp; a3 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>arg</name>
-      <anchor>arg-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; a1, const QString &amp; a2, const QString &amp; a3, const QString &amp; a4 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>arg</name>
-      <anchor>arg-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int a, int fieldWidth = 0, int base = 10, const QChar &amp; fillChar = QLatin1Char( &apos; &apos; )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>arg</name>
-      <anchor>arg-6</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint a, int fieldWidth = 0, int base = 10, const QChar &amp; fillChar = QLatin1Char( &apos; &apos; )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>arg</name>
-      <anchor>arg-7</anchor>
-      <arglist>( long a, int fieldWidth = 0, int base = 10, const QChar &amp; fillChar = QLatin1Char( &apos; &apos; )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>arg</name>
-      <anchor>arg-8</anchor>
-      <arglist>( ulong a, int fieldWidth = 0, int base = 10, const QChar &amp; fillChar = QLatin1Char( &apos; &apos; )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>arg</name>
-      <anchor>arg-9</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qlonglong a, int fieldWidth = 0, int base = 10, const QChar &amp; fillChar = QLatin1Char( &apos; &apos; )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>arg</name>
-      <anchor>arg-10</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qulonglong a, int fieldWidth = 0, int base = 10, const QChar &amp; fillChar = QLatin1Char( &apos; &apos; )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>arg</name>
-      <anchor>arg-11</anchor>
-      <arglist>( short a, int fieldWidth = 0, int base = 10, const QChar &amp; fillChar = QLatin1Char( &apos; &apos; )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>arg</name>
-      <anchor>arg-12</anchor>
-      <arglist>( ushort a, int fieldWidth = 0, int base = 10, const QChar &amp; fillChar = QLatin1Char( &apos; &apos; )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>arg</name>
-      <anchor>arg-13</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QChar a, int fieldWidth = 0, const QChar &amp; fillChar = QLatin1Char( &apos; &apos; )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>arg</name>
-      <anchor>arg-14</anchor>
-      <arglist>( char a, int fieldWidth = 0, const QChar &amp; fillChar = QLatin1Char( &apos; &apos; )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>arg</name>
-      <anchor>arg-15</anchor>
-      <arglist>( double a, int fieldWidth = 0, char fmt = &apos;g&apos;, int prec = -1, const QChar &amp; fillChar = QLatin1Char( &apos; &apos; )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>at</name>
-      <anchor>at</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>capacity</name>
-      <anchor>capacity</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>chop</name>
-      <anchor>chop</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int n )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>compare</name>
-      <anchor>compare</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; s1, const QString &amp; s2 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>compare</name>
-      <anchor>compare-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>constData</name>
-      <anchor>constData</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contains</name>
-      <anchor>contains</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; str, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs = Qt::CaseSensitive )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contains</name>
-      <anchor>contains-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QChar ch, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs = Qt::CaseSensitive )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contains</name>
-      <anchor>contains-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRegExp &amp; rx )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; str, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs = Qt::CaseSensitive )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QChar ch, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs = Qt::CaseSensitive )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRegExp &amp; rx )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>data</name>
-      <anchor>data</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>data</name>
-      <anchor>data-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>endsWith</name>
-      <anchor>endsWith</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; s, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs = Qt::CaseSensitive )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>endsWith</name>
-      <anchor>endsWith-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QLatin1String &amp; s, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs = Qt::CaseSensitive )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>endsWith</name>
-      <anchor>endsWith-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QChar &amp; c, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs = Qt::CaseSensitive )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fill</name>
-      <anchor>fill</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QChar ch, int size = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromAscii</name>
-      <anchor>fromAscii</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * str, int size = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromLatin1</name>
-      <anchor>fromLatin1</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * str, int size = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromLocal8Bit</name>
-      <anchor>fromLocal8Bit</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * str, int size = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromRawData</name>
-      <anchor>fromRawData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QChar * unicode, int size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromStdString</name>
-      <anchor>fromStdString</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const std::string &amp; str )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromStdWString</name>
-      <anchor>fromStdWString</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const std::wstring &amp; str )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromUtf8</name>
-      <anchor>fromUtf8</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * str, int size = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromUtf16</name>
-      <anchor>fromUtf16</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const ushort * unicode, int size = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>indexOf</name>
-      <anchor>indexOf</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; str, int from = 0, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs = Qt::CaseSensitive )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>indexOf</name>
-      <anchor>indexOf-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QChar ch, int from = 0, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs = Qt::CaseSensitive )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>indexOf</name>
-      <anchor>indexOf-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRegExp &amp; rx, int from = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insert</name>
-      <anchor>insert</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i, const QString &amp; str )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insert</name>
-      <anchor>insert-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i, const QLatin1String &amp; str )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insert</name>
-      <anchor>insert-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i, const QChar * unicode, int size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insert</name>
-      <anchor>insert-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i, QChar ch )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEmpty</name>
-      <anchor>isEmpty</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isNull</name>
-      <anchor>isNull</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lastIndexOf</name>
-      <anchor>lastIndexOf</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; str, int from = -1, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs = Qt::CaseSensitive )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lastIndexOf</name>
-      <anchor>lastIndexOf-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QChar ch, int from = -1, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs = Qt::CaseSensitive )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lastIndexOf</name>
-      <anchor>lastIndexOf-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRegExp &amp; rx, int from = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>left</name>
-      <anchor>left</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int len )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>leftJustified</name>
-      <anchor>leftJustified</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int width, QChar fill = QLatin1Char( &apos; &apos; )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>length</name>
-      <anchor>length</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>localeAwareCompare</name>
-      <anchor>localeAwareCompare</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; s1, const QString &amp; s2 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>localeAwareCompare</name>
-      <anchor>localeAwareCompare-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mid</name>
-      <anchor>mid</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i, int len = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>normalized</name>
-      <anchor>normalized</anchor>
-      <arglist>( NormalizationForm form )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>normalized</name>
-      <anchor>normalized-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( NormalizationForm form, QChar::UnicodeVersion version )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>number</name>
-      <anchor>number</anchor>
-      <arglist>( long n, int base = 10 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>number</name>
-      <anchor>number-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( ulong n, int base = 10 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>number</name>
-      <anchor>number-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int n, int base = 10 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>number</name>
-      <anchor>number-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint n, int base = 10 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>number</name>
-      <anchor>number-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qlonglong n, int base = 10 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>number</name>
-      <anchor>number-6</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qulonglong n, int base = 10 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>number</name>
-      <anchor>number-7</anchor>
-      <arglist>( double n, char f = &apos;g&apos;, int prec = 6 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>prepend</name>
-      <anchor>prepend</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; str )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>prepend</name>
-      <anchor>prepend-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QLatin1String &amp; str )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>prepend</name>
-      <anchor>prepend-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; ba )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>prepend</name>
-      <anchor>prepend-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * str )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>prepend</name>
-      <anchor>prepend-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QChar ch )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>push_back</name>
-      <anchor>push_back</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>push_back</name>
-      <anchor>push_back-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QChar ch )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>push_front</name>
-      <anchor>push_front</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>push_front</name>
-      <anchor>push_front-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QChar ch )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>remove</name>
-      <anchor>remove</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int pos, int len )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>remove</name>
-      <anchor>remove-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; str, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs = Qt::CaseSensitive )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>remove</name>
-      <anchor>remove-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QChar ch, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs = Qt::CaseSensitive )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>remove</name>
-      <anchor>remove-6</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRegExp &amp; rx )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>replace</name>
-      <anchor>replace</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int pos, int len, const QString &amp; after )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>replace</name>
-      <anchor>replace-6</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int pos, int len, const QChar * unicode, int size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>replace</name>
-      <anchor>replace-7</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int pos, int len, QChar after )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>replace</name>
-      <anchor>replace-8</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; before, const QString &amp; after, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs = Qt::CaseSensitive )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>replace</name>
-      <anchor>replace-9</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QChar ch, const QString &amp; after, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs = Qt::CaseSensitive )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>replace</name>
-      <anchor>replace-10</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QChar before, QChar after, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs = Qt::CaseSensitive )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>replace</name>
-      <anchor>replace-11</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRegExp &amp; rx, const QString &amp; after )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>reserve</name>
-      <anchor>reserve</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resize</name>
-      <anchor>resize</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>right</name>
-      <anchor>right</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int len )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rightJustified</name>
-      <anchor>rightJustified</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int width, QChar fill = QLatin1Char( &apos; &apos; )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>section</name>
-      <anchor>section</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QChar sep, int start, int end = -1, SectionFlags flags = SectionDefault )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>section</name>
-      <anchor>section-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; sep, int start, int end = -1, SectionFlags flags = SectionDefault )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>section</name>
-      <anchor>section-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRegExp &amp; reg, int start, int end = -1, SectionFlags flags = SectionDefault )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setNum</name>
-      <anchor>setNum</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int n, int base = 10 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setNum</name>
-      <anchor>setNum-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint n, int base = 10 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setNum</name>
-      <anchor>setNum-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( long n, int base = 10 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setNum</name>
-      <anchor>setNum-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( ulong n, int base = 10 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setNum</name>
-      <anchor>setNum-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qlonglong n, int base = 10 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setNum</name>
-      <anchor>setNum-6</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qulonglong n, int base = 10 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setNum</name>
-      <anchor>setNum-7</anchor>
-      <arglist>( short n, int base = 10 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setNum</name>
-      <anchor>setNum-8</anchor>
-      <arglist>( ushort n, int base = 10 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setNum</name>
-      <anchor>setNum-9</anchor>
-      <arglist>( double n, char f = &apos;g&apos;, int prec = 6 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setNum</name>
-      <anchor>setNum-10</anchor>
-      <arglist>( float n, char f = &apos;g&apos;, int prec = 6 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setUnicode</name>
-      <anchor>setUnicode</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QChar * unicode, int size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setUtf16</name>
-      <anchor>setUtf16</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const ushort * unicode, int size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>simplified</name>
-      <anchor>simplified</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>size</name>
-      <anchor>size</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>split</name>
-      <anchor>split</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; sep, SplitBehavior behavior = KeepEmptyParts, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs = Qt::CaseSensitive )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>split</name>
-      <anchor>split-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QChar &amp; sep, SplitBehavior behavior = KeepEmptyParts, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs = Qt::CaseSensitive )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>split</name>
-      <anchor>split-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRegExp &amp; rx, SplitBehavior behavior = KeepEmptyParts )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sprintf</name>
-      <anchor>sprintf</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * cformat, ... )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>squeeze</name>
-      <anchor>squeeze</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>startsWith</name>
-      <anchor>startsWith</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; s, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs = Qt::CaseSensitive )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>startsWith</name>
-      <anchor>startsWith-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QLatin1String &amp; s, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs = Qt::CaseSensitive )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>startsWith</name>
-      <anchor>startsWith-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QChar &amp; c, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs = Qt::CaseSensitive )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toAscii</name>
-      <anchor>toAscii</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toDouble</name>
-      <anchor>toDouble</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool * ok = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toFloat</name>
-      <anchor>toFloat</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool * ok = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toInt</name>
-      <anchor>toInt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool * ok = 0, int base = 10 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toLatin1</name>
-      <anchor>toLatin1</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toLocal8Bit</name>
-      <anchor>toLocal8Bit</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toLong</name>
-      <anchor>toLong</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool * ok = 0, int base = 10 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toLongLong</name>
-      <anchor>toLongLong</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool * ok = 0, int base = 10 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toLower</name>
-      <anchor>toLower</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toShort</name>
-      <anchor>toShort</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool * ok = 0, int base = 10 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>string</name>
-      <anchor>toStdString</anchor>
-      <arglist> QString::toStdString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>wstring</name>
-      <anchor>toStdWString</anchor>
-      <arglist> QString::toStdWString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toUInt</name>
-      <anchor>toUInt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool * ok = 0, int base = 10 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toULong</name>
-      <anchor>toULong</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool * ok = 0, int base = 10 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toULongLong</name>
-      <anchor>toULongLong</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool * ok = 0, int base = 10 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toUShort</name>
-      <anchor>toUShort</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool * ok = 0, int base = 10 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toUpper</name>
-      <anchor>toUpper</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toUtf8</name>
-      <anchor>toUtf8</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>trimmed</name>
-      <anchor>trimmed</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>truncate</name>
-      <anchor>truncate</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>unicode</name>
-      <anchor>unicode</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>utf16</name>
-      <anchor>utf16</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>vsprintf</name>
-      <anchor>vsprintf</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * cformat, va_list ap )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QLatin1String &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-eq-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QLatin1String &amp; str )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-eq-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; ba )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-eq-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * str )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-eq-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( char ch )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-eq-6</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QChar ch )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QLatin1String &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt-eq-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QLatin1String &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt-eq-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt-eq-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QLatin1String &amp; str )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; ba )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * str )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-6</anchor>
-      <arglist>( char ch )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-7</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QChar ch )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QLatin1String &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&gt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-gt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&gt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-gt-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QLatin1String &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&gt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-gt-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&gt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-gt-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&gt;=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-gt-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&gt;=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-gt-eq-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QLatin1String &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&gt;=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-gt-eq-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&gt;=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-gt-eq-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator[]</name>
-      <anchor>operator-5b-5d</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator[]</name>
-      <anchor>operator-5b-5d-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator[]</name>
-      <anchor>operator-5b-5d-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator[]</name>
-      <anchor>operator-5b-5d-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QStringList</name>
-    <filename>qstringlist.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStringList</name>
-      <anchor>QStringList</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStringList</name>
-      <anchor>QStringList-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; str )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStringList</name>
-      <anchor>QStringList-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStringList &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStringList</name>
-      <anchor>QStringList-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QList&lt;QString&gt; &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contains</name>
-      <anchor>contains</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; str, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs = Qt::CaseSensitive )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>filter</name>
-      <anchor>filter</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; str, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs = Qt::CaseSensitive )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>filter</name>
-      <anchor>filter-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRegExp &amp; rx )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>indexOf</name>
-      <anchor>indexOf</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRegExp &amp; rx, int from = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>join</name>
-      <anchor>join</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; sep )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lastIndexOf</name>
-      <anchor>lastIndexOf</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRegExp &amp; rx, int from = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>replaceInStrings</name>
-      <anchor>replaceInStrings</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; before, const QString &amp; after, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs = Qt::CaseSensitive )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>replaceInStrings</name>
-      <anchor>replaceInStrings-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRegExp &amp; rx, const QString &amp; after )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sort</name>
-      <anchor>sort</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStringList &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;&lt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt-lt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; str )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;&lt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt-lt-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStringList &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QStringListModel</name>
-    <filename>qstringlistmodel.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStringListModel</name>
-      <anchor>QStringListModel</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStringListModel</name>
-      <anchor>QStringListModel-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStringList &amp; strings, QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>data</name>
-      <anchor>data</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index, int role )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ItemFlags</name>
-      <anchor>flags</anchor>
-      <arglist> QStringListModel::flags( const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertRows</name>
-      <anchor>insertRows</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int count, const QModelIndex &amp; parent = QModelIndex()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeRows</name>
-      <anchor>removeRows</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int count, const QModelIndex &amp; parent = QModelIndex()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rowCount</name>
-      <anchor>rowCount</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; parent = QModelIndex()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setData</name>
-      <anchor>setData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index, const QVariant &amp; value, int role = Qt::EditRole )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setStringList</name>
-      <anchor>setStringList</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStringList &amp; strings )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>stringList</name>
-      <anchor>stringList</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromLast</name>
-      <anchor>fromLast</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromLast</name>
-      <anchor>fromLast-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>grep</name>
-      <anchor>grep</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; str, bool cs = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>grep</name>
-      <anchor>grep-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRegExp &amp; rx )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>gres</name>
-      <anchor>gres</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRegExp &amp; rx, const QString &amp; after )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>gres</name>
-      <anchor>gres-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; before, const QString &amp; after, bool cs = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>split</name>
-      <anchor>split</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRegExp &amp; sep, const QString &amp; str, bool allowEmptyEntries = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>split</name>
-      <anchor>split-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QChar &amp; sep, const QString &amp; str, bool allowEmptyEntries = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>split</name>
-      <anchor>split-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; sep, const QString &amp; str, bool allowEmptyEntries = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QStringMatcher</name>
-    <filename>qstringmatcher.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStringMatcher</name>
-      <anchor>QStringMatcher</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStringMatcher</name>
-      <anchor>QStringMatcher-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; pattern, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs = Qt::CaseSensitive )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStringMatcher</name>
-      <anchor>QStringMatcher-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStringMatcher &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>CaseSensitivity</name>
-      <anchor>caseSensitivity</anchor>
-      <arglist> QStringMatcher::caseSensitivity()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>indexIn</name>
-      <anchor>indexIn</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; str, int from = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pattern</name>
-      <anchor>pattern</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCaseSensitivity</name>
-      <anchor>setCaseSensitivity</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::CaseSensitivity cs )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPattern</name>
-      <anchor>setPattern</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; pattern )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStringMatcher &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QString::Null</name>
-    <filename>qstring-null.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ascii</name>
-      <anchor>ascii</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>constref</name>
-      <anchor>constref</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contains</name>
-      <anchor>contains-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QChar c, bool cs )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contains</name>
-      <anchor>contains-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; s, bool cs )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>copy</name>
-      <anchor>copy</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>endsWith</name>
-      <anchor>endsWith-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; s, bool cs )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>find</name>
-      <anchor>find</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QChar c, int i = 0, bool cs = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>find</name>
-      <anchor>find-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; s, int i = 0, bool cs = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>find</name>
-      <anchor>find-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRegExp &amp; rx, int i = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>findRev</name>
-      <anchor>findRev</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QChar c, int i = -1, bool cs = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>findRev</name>
-      <anchor>findRev-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; s, int i = -1, bool cs = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>findRev</name>
-      <anchor>findRev-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRegExp &amp; rx, int i = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromUcs2</name>
-      <anchor>fromUcs2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const ushort * unicode, int size = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>latin1</name>
-      <anchor>latin1</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>leftJustify</name>
-      <anchor>leftJustify</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int width, QChar fill = QLatin1Char( &apos; &apos; )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>local8Bit</name>
-      <anchor>local8Bit</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lower</name>
-      <anchor>lower</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ref</name>
-      <anchor>ref</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>remove</name>
-      <anchor>remove-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QChar c, bool cs )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>remove</name>
-      <anchor>remove-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; s, bool cs )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>replace</name>
-      <anchor>replace-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QChar c, const QString &amp; after, bool cs )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>replace</name>
-      <anchor>replace-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; before, const QString &amp; after, bool cs )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>replace</name>
-      <anchor>replace-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( char c, const QString &amp; after, bool cs )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>replace</name>
-      <anchor>replace-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( char c, const QString &amp; after, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rightJustify</name>
-      <anchor>rightJustify</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int width, QChar fill = QLatin1Char( &apos; &apos; )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAscii</name>
-      <anchor>setAscii</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * str, int len = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setLatin1</name>
-      <anchor>setLatin1</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * str, int len = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setLength</name>
-      <anchor>setLength</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int nl )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setUnicodeCodes</name>
-      <anchor>setUnicodeCodes</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const ushort * unicode_as_ushorts, int size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>simplifyWhiteSpace</name>
-      <anchor>simplifyWhiteSpace</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>startsWith</name>
-      <anchor>startsWith-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; s, bool cs )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>stripWhiteSpace</name>
-      <anchor>stripWhiteSpace</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ucs2</name>
-      <anchor>ucs2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>upper</name>
-      <anchor>upper</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>utf8</name>
-      <anchor>utf8</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator</name>
-      <anchor>operator-const-char--2a</anchor>
-      <arglist> const char *()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QStyleFactory</name>
-    <filename>qstylefactory.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>create</name>
-      <anchor>create</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>keys</name>
-      <anchor>keys</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QStyleHintReturn</name>
-    <filename>qstylehintreturn.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>HintReturnType</name>
-      <anchor>HintReturnType-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStyleHintReturn</name>
-      <anchor>QStyleHintReturn</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int version = QStyleOption::Version, int type = SH_Default )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Type</name>
-      <anchor>Type-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Version</name>
-      <anchor>Version-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>type</name>
-      <anchor>type-varx</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>version</name>
-      <anchor>version-varx</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QStyleHintReturnMask</name>
-    <filename>qstylehintreturnmask.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStyleHintReturnMask</name>
-      <anchor>QStyleHintReturnMask</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Type</name>
-      <anchor>Type-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Version</name>
-      <anchor>Version-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>region</name>
-      <anchor>region-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QStyle</name>
-    <filename>qstyle.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>ComplexControl</name>
-      <anchor>ComplexControl-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>ContentsType</name>
-      <anchor>ContentsType-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>ControlElement</name>
-      <anchor>ControlElement-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>PixelMetric</name>
-      <anchor>PixelMetric-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>PrimitiveElement</name>
-      <anchor>PrimitiveElement-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>StandardPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>StandardPixmap-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>StyleHint</name>
-      <anchor>StyleHint-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>SubElement</name>
-      <anchor>SubElement-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStyle</name>
-      <anchor>QStyle-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>alignedRect</name>
-      <anchor>alignedRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::LayoutDirection direction, Qt::Alignment alignment, const QSize &amp; size, const QRect &amp; rectangle )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawComplexControl</name>
-      <anchor>drawComplexControl</anchor>
-      <arglist>( ComplexControl control, const QStyleOptionComplex * option, QPainter * painter, const QWidget * widget = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawControl</name>
-      <anchor>drawControl</anchor>
-      <arglist>( ControlElement element, const QStyleOption * option, QPainter * painter, const QWidget * widget = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawItemPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>drawItemPixmap</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter * painter, const QRect &amp; rect, int alignment, const QPixmap &amp; pixmap )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawItemText</name>
-      <anchor>drawItemText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter * painter, const QRect &amp; rect, int alignment, const QPalette &amp; pal, bool enabled, const QString &amp; text, QPalette::ColorRole textRole = QPalette::NoRole )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawPrimitive</name>
-      <anchor>drawPrimitive</anchor>
-      <arglist>( PrimitiveElement elem, const QStyleOption * option, QPainter * painter, const QWidget * widget = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>generatedIconPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>generatedIconPixmap</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QIcon::Mode iconMode, const QPixmap &amp; pixmap, const QStyleOption * option )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hitTestComplexControl</name>
-      <anchor>hitTestComplexControl</anchor>
-      <arglist>( ComplexControl control, const QStyleOptionComplex * option, const QPoint &amp; pos, const QWidget * widget = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemPixmapRect</name>
-      <anchor>itemPixmapRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; rect, int alignment, const QPixmap &amp; pixmap )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemTextRect</name>
-      <anchor>itemTextRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QFontMetrics &amp; metrics, const QRect &amp; rect, int alignment, bool enabled, const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pixelMetric</name>
-      <anchor>pixelMetric</anchor>
-      <arglist>( PixelMetric metric, const QStyleOption * option = 0, const QWidget * widget = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>polish</name>
-      <anchor>polish</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>polish</name>
-      <anchor>polish-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QApplication * app )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>polish</name>
-      <anchor>polish-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPalette &amp; pal )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sizeFromContents</name>
-      <anchor>sizeFromContents</anchor>
-      <arglist>( ContentsType type, const QStyleOption * option, const QSize &amp; contentsSize, const QWidget * widget = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sliderPositionFromValue</name>
-      <anchor>sliderPositionFromValue</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int min, int max, int logicalValue, int span, bool upsideDown = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sliderValueFromPosition</name>
-      <anchor>sliderValueFromPosition</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int min, int max, int pos, int span, bool upsideDown = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>standardIcon</name>
-      <anchor>standardIcon</anchor>
-      <arglist>( StandardPixmap standardIcon, const QStyleOption * option = 0, const QWidget * widget = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>standardIconImplementation</name>
-      <anchor>standardIconImplementation</anchor>
-      <arglist>( StandardPixmap standardIcon, const QStyleOption * option = 0, const QWidget * widget = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>standardPalette</name>
-      <anchor>standardPalette</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>standardPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>standardPixmap</anchor>
-      <arglist>( StandardPixmap standardPixmap, const QStyleOption * option = 0, const QWidget * widget = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>styleHint</name>
-      <anchor>styleHint</anchor>
-      <arglist>( StyleHint hint, const QStyleOption * option = 0, const QWidget * widget = 0, QStyleHintReturn * returnData = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>subControlRect</name>
-      <anchor>subControlRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( ComplexControl control, const QStyleOptionComplex * option, SubControl subControl, const QWidget * widget = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>subElementRect</name>
-      <anchor>subElementRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( SubElement element, const QStyleOption * option, const QWidget * widget = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>unpolish</name>
-      <anchor>unpolish</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>unpolish</name>
-      <anchor>unpolish-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QApplication * app )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Alignment</name>
-      <anchor>visualAlignment</anchor>
-      <arglist> QStyle::visualAlignment( Qt::LayoutDirection direction, Qt::Alignment alignment )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>visualPos</name>
-      <anchor>visualPos</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::LayoutDirection direction, const QRect &amp; boundingRect, const QPoint &amp; logicalPos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>visualRect</name>
-      <anchor>visualRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::LayoutDirection direction, const QRect &amp; boundingRect, const QRect &amp; logicalRect )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QStyleOptionButton</name>
-    <filename>qstyleoptionbutton.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStyleOptionButton</name>
-      <anchor>QStyleOptionButton</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStyleOptionButton</name>
-      <anchor>QStyleOptionButton-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStyleOptionButton &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Type</name>
-      <anchor>Type-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Version</name>
-      <anchor>Version-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>features</name>
-      <anchor>features-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>icon</name>
-      <anchor>icon-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>iconSize</name>
-      <anchor>iconSize-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>text</name>
-      <anchor>text-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QStyleOptionComboBox</name>
-    <filename>qstyleoptioncombobox.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStyleOptionComboBox</name>
-      <anchor>QStyleOptionComboBox</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStyleOptionComboBox</name>
-      <anchor>QStyleOptionComboBox-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStyleOptionComboBox &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Type</name>
-      <anchor>Type-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Version</name>
-      <anchor>Version-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentIcon</name>
-      <anchor>currentIcon-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentText</name>
-      <anchor>currentText-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>editable</name>
-      <anchor>editable-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>frame</name>
-      <anchor>frame-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>iconSize</name>
-      <anchor>iconSize-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>popupRect</name>
-      <anchor>popupRect-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QStyleOptionComplex</name>
-    <filename>qstyleoptioncomplex.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStyleOptionComplex</name>
-      <anchor>QStyleOptionComplex</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int version = QStyleOptionComplex::Version, int type = SO_Complex )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStyleOptionComplex</name>
-      <anchor>QStyleOptionComplex-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStyleOptionComplex &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Type</name>
-      <anchor>Type-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Version</name>
-      <anchor>Version-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>SubControls</name>
-      <anchor>activeSubControls-var</anchor>
-      <arglist> QStyleOptionComplex::activeSubControls</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>SubControls</name>
-      <anchor>subControls-var</anchor>
-      <arglist> QStyleOptionComplex::subControls</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QStyleOptionDockWidget</name>
-    <filename>qstyleoptiondockwidget.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStyleOptionDockWidget</name>
-      <anchor>QStyleOptionDockWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStyleOptionDockWidget</name>
-      <anchor>QStyleOptionDockWidget-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStyleOptionDockWidget &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Type</name>
-      <anchor>Type-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Version</name>
-      <anchor>Version-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>closable</name>
-      <anchor>closable-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>floatable</name>
-      <anchor>floatable-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>movable</name>
-      <anchor>movable-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>title</name>
-      <anchor>title-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QStyleOptionFocusRect</name>
-    <filename>qstyleoptionfocusrect.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStyleOptionFocusRect</name>
-      <anchor>QStyleOptionFocusRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStyleOptionFocusRect</name>
-      <anchor>QStyleOptionFocusRect-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStyleOptionFocusRect &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Type</name>
-      <anchor>Type-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Version</name>
-      <anchor>Version-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>backgroundColor</name>
-      <anchor>backgroundColor-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QStyleOptionFrame</name>
-    <filename>qstyleoptionframe.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStyleOptionFrame</name>
-      <anchor>QStyleOptionFrame</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStyleOptionFrame</name>
-      <anchor>QStyleOptionFrame-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStyleOptionFrame &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Type</name>
-      <anchor>Type-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Version</name>
-      <anchor>Version-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lineWidth</name>
-      <anchor>lineWidth-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>midLineWidth</name>
-      <anchor>midLineWidth-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QStyleOptionFrameV2</name>
-    <filename>qstyleoptionframev2.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStyleOptionFrameV2</name>
-      <anchor>QStyleOptionFrameV2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStyleOptionFrameV2</name>
-      <anchor>QStyleOptionFrameV2-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStyleOptionFrameV2 &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStyleOptionFrameV2</name>
-      <anchor>QStyleOptionFrameV2-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStyleOptionFrame &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStyleOptionFrame &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QStyleOptionGroupBox</name>
-    <filename>qstyleoptiongroupbox.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStyleOptionGroupBox</name>
-      <anchor>QStyleOptionGroupBox</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStyleOptionGroupBox</name>
-      <anchor>QStyleOptionGroupBox-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStyleOptionGroupBox &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lineWidth</name>
-      <anchor>lineWidth-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>midLineWidth</name>
-      <anchor>midLineWidth-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>text</name>
-      <anchor>text-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Alignment</name>
-      <anchor>textAlignment-var</anchor>
-      <arglist> QStyleOptionGroupBox::textAlignment</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>textColor</name>
-      <anchor>textColor-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QStyleOptionHeader</name>
-    <filename>qstyleoptionheader.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>SectionPosition</name>
-      <anchor>SectionPosition-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>SelectedPosition</name>
-      <anchor>SelectedPosition-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>SortIndicator</name>
-      <anchor>SortIndicator-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStyleOptionHeader</name>
-      <anchor>QStyleOptionHeader</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStyleOptionHeader</name>
-      <anchor>QStyleOptionHeader-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStyleOptionHeader &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Type</name>
-      <anchor>Type-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Version</name>
-      <anchor>Version-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>icon</name>
-      <anchor>icon-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Alignment</name>
-      <anchor>iconAlignment-var</anchor>
-      <arglist> QStyleOptionHeader::iconAlignment</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Orientation</name>
-      <anchor>orientation-var</anchor>
-      <arglist> QStyleOptionHeader::orientation</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>position</name>
-      <anchor>position-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>section</name>
-      <anchor>section-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selectedPosition</name>
-      <anchor>selectedPosition-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sortIndicator</name>
-      <anchor>sortIndicator-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>text</name>
-      <anchor>text-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Alignment</name>
-      <anchor>textAlignment-var</anchor>
-      <arglist> QStyleOptionHeader::textAlignment</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QStyleOption</name>
-    <filename>qstyleoption.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>OptionType</name>
-      <anchor>OptionType-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStyleOption</name>
-      <anchor>QStyleOption</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int version = QStyleOption::Version, int type = SO_Default )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStyleOption</name>
-      <anchor>QStyleOption-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStyleOption &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>initFrom</name>
-      <anchor>initFrom</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStyleOption &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Type</name>
-      <anchor>Type-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Version</name>
-      <anchor>Version-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>LayoutDirection</name>
-      <anchor>direction-var</anchor>
-      <arglist> QStyleOption::direction</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fontMetrics</name>
-      <anchor>fontMetrics-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>palette</name>
-      <anchor>palette-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rect</name>
-      <anchor>rect-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>State</name>
-      <anchor>state-var</anchor>
-      <arglist> QStyleOption::state</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>type</name>
-      <anchor>type-varx</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>version</name>
-      <anchor>version-varx</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QStyleOptionMenuItem</name>
-    <filename>qstyleoptionmenuitem.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>CheckType</name>
-      <anchor>CheckType-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>MenuItemType</name>
-      <anchor>MenuItemType-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStyleOptionMenuItem</name>
-      <anchor>QStyleOptionMenuItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStyleOptionMenuItem</name>
-      <anchor>QStyleOptionMenuItem-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStyleOptionMenuItem &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Type</name>
-      <anchor>Type-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Version</name>
-      <anchor>Version-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>checkType</name>
-      <anchor>checkType-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>checked</name>
-      <anchor>checked-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>font</name>
-      <anchor>font-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>icon</name>
-      <anchor>icon-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>maxIconWidth</name>
-      <anchor>maxIconWidth-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>menuHasCheckableItems</name>
-      <anchor>menuHasCheckableItems-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>menuItemType</name>
-      <anchor>menuItemType-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>menuRect</name>
-      <anchor>menuRect-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>tabWidth</name>
-      <anchor>tabWidth-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>text</name>
-      <anchor>text-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>init</name>
-      <anchor>init</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QStyleOptionProgressBar</name>
-    <filename>qstyleoptionprogressbar.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStyleOptionProgressBar</name>
-      <anchor>QStyleOptionProgressBar</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStyleOptionProgressBar</name>
-      <anchor>QStyleOptionProgressBar-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStyleOptionProgressBar &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Type</name>
-      <anchor>Type-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Version</name>
-      <anchor>Version-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>maximum</name>
-      <anchor>maximum-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>minimum</name>
-      <anchor>minimum-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>progress</name>
-      <anchor>progress-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>text</name>
-      <anchor>text-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Alignment</name>
-      <anchor>textAlignment-var</anchor>
-      <arglist> QStyleOptionProgressBar::textAlignment</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>textVisible</name>
-      <anchor>textVisible-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
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-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QStyleOptionProgressBarV2</name>
-    <filename>qstyleoptionprogressbarv2.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStyleOptionProgressBarV2</name>
-      <anchor>QStyleOptionProgressBarV2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStyleOptionProgressBarV2</name>
-      <anchor>QStyleOptionProgressBarV2-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStyleOptionProgressBar &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStyleOptionProgressBarV2</name>
-      <anchor>QStyleOptionProgressBarV2-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStyleOptionProgressBarV2 &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStyleOptionProgressBar &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bottomToTop</name>
-      <anchor>bottomToTop-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>invertedAppearance</name>
-      <anchor>invertedAppearance-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Orientation</name>
-      <anchor>orientation-var</anchor>
-      <arglist> QStyleOptionProgressBarV2::orientation</arglist>
-    </member>
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-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QStyleOptionQ3DockWindow</name>
-    <filename>qstyleoptionq3dockwindow.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStyleOptionQ3DockWindow</name>
-      <anchor>QStyleOptionQ3DockWindow</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStyleOptionQ3DockWindow</name>
-      <anchor>QStyleOptionQ3DockWindow-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStyleOptionQ3DockWindow &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Type</name>
-      <anchor>Type-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Version</name>
-      <anchor>Version-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>closeEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>closeEnabled-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>docked</name>
-      <anchor>docked-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QStyleOptionQ3ListView</name>
-    <filename>qstyleoptionq3listview.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStyleOptionQ3ListView</name>
-      <anchor>QStyleOptionQ3ListView</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStyleOptionQ3ListView</name>
-      <anchor>QStyleOptionQ3ListView-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStyleOptionQ3ListView &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Type</name>
-      <anchor>Type-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Version</name>
-      <anchor>Version-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
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-      <anchor>itemMargin-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>items</name>
-      <anchor>items-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rootIsDecorated</name>
-      <anchor>rootIsDecorated-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sortColumn</name>
-      <anchor>sortColumn-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>treeStepSize</name>
-      <anchor>treeStepSize-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ColorRole</name>
-      <anchor>viewportBGRole-var</anchor>
-      <arglist> QStyleOptionQ3ListView::viewportBGRole</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>viewportPalette</name>
-      <anchor>viewportPalette-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem</name>
-    <filename>qstyleoptionq3listviewitem.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem</name>
-      <anchor>QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem</name>
-      <anchor>QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Type</name>
-      <anchor>Type-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Version</name>
-      <anchor>Version-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>childCount</name>
-      <anchor>childCount-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>features</name>
-      <anchor>features-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>height</name>
-      <anchor>height-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemY</name>
-      <anchor>itemY-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>totalHeight</name>
-      <anchor>totalHeight-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
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-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QStyleOptionRubberBand</name>
-    <filename>qstyleoptionrubberband.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStyleOptionRubberBand</name>
-      <anchor>QStyleOptionRubberBand</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStyleOptionRubberBand</name>
-      <anchor>QStyleOptionRubberBand-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStyleOptionRubberBand &amp; other )</arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Type</name>
-      <anchor>Type-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
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-      <anchor>Version-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
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-      <anchor>opaque-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
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-      <anchor>shape-var</anchor>
-      <arglist> QStyleOptionRubberBand::shape</arglist>
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-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QStyleOptionSlider</name>
-    <filename>qstyleoptionslider.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStyleOptionSlider</name>
-      <anchor>QStyleOptionSlider</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
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-      <anchor>QStyleOptionSlider-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStyleOptionSlider &amp; other )</arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Type</name>
-      <anchor>Type-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Version</name>
-      <anchor>Version-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
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-      <anchor>dialWrapping-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>maximum</name>
-      <anchor>maximum-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>minimum</name>
-      <anchor>minimum-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
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-      <anchor>notchTarget-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Orientation</name>
-      <anchor>orientation-var</anchor>
-      <arglist> QStyleOptionSlider::orientation</arglist>
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-      <anchor>pageStep-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
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-      <anchor>singleStep-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
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-      <anchor>sliderPosition-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
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-      <anchor>sliderValue-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>tickInterval</name>
-      <anchor>tickInterval-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>TickPosition</name>
-      <anchor>tickPosition-var</anchor>
-      <arglist> QStyleOptionSlider::tickPosition</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>upsideDown</name>
-      <anchor>upsideDown-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
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-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QStyleOptionSpinBox</name>
-    <filename>qstyleoptionspinbox.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStyleOptionSpinBox</name>
-      <anchor>QStyleOptionSpinBox</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
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-      <anchor>QStyleOptionSpinBox-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStyleOptionSpinBox &amp; other )</arglist>
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-      <anchor>Type-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
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-      <anchor>Version-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ButtonSymbols</name>
-      <anchor>buttonSymbols-var</anchor>
-      <arglist> QStyleOptionSpinBox::buttonSymbols</arglist>
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-      <anchor>frame-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>StepEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>stepEnabled-var</anchor>
-      <arglist> QStyleOptionSpinBox::stepEnabled</arglist>
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-    <filename>qstyleoptiontabbarbase.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStyleOptionTabBarBase</name>
-      <anchor>QStyleOptionTabBarBase</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
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-      <name>QStyleOptionTabBarBase</name>
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-      <arglist>( const QStyleOptionTabBarBase &amp; other )</arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Type</name>
-      <anchor>Type-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Version</name>
-      <anchor>Version-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
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-      <anchor>selectedTabRect-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
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-      <anchor>shape-var</anchor>
-      <arglist> QStyleOptionTabBarBase::shape</arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>tabBarRect</name>
-      <anchor>tabBarRect-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
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-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QStyleOptionTab</name>
-    <filename>qstyleoptiontab.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>SelectedPosition</name>
-      <anchor>SelectedPosition-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
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-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>TabPosition</name>
-      <anchor>TabPosition-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStyleOptionTab</name>
-      <anchor>QStyleOptionTab</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
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-      <name>QStyleOptionTab</name>
-      <anchor>QStyleOptionTab-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStyleOptionTab &amp; other )</arglist>
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-      <name>Type</name>
-      <anchor>Type-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Version</name>
-      <anchor>Version-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
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-      <anchor>cornerWidgets-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
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-      <anchor>icon-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
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-      <anchor>position-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
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-      <anchor>row-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
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-      <anchor>selectedPosition-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
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-      <name>Shape</name>
-      <anchor>shape-var</anchor>
-      <arglist> QStyleOptionTab::shape</arglist>
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-      <name>text</name>
-      <anchor>text-var</anchor>
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-    <name>QStyleOptionTabV2</name>
-    <filename>qstyleoptiontabv2.html</filename>
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-      <anchor>QStyleOptionTabV2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
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-      <arglist>( const QStyleOptionTabV2 &amp; other )</arglist>
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-      <name>QStyleOptionTabV2</name>
-      <anchor>QStyleOptionTabV2-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStyleOptionTab &amp; other )</arglist>
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-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStyleOptionTab &amp; other )</arglist>
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-      <name>iconSize</name>
-      <anchor>iconSize-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
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-    <name>QStyleOptionTabWidgetFrame</name>
-    <filename>qstyleoptiontabwidgetframe.html</filename>
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-      <name>QStyleOptionTabWidgetFrame</name>
-      <anchor>QStyleOptionTabWidgetFrame</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
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-      <name>QStyleOptionTabWidgetFrame</name>
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-      <arglist>( const QStyleOptionTabWidgetFrame &amp; other )</arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Type</name>
-      <anchor>Type-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Version</name>
-      <anchor>Version-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
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-      <name>leftCornerWidgetSize</name>
-      <anchor>leftCornerWidgetSize-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
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-      <anchor>lineWidth-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
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-      <anchor>midLineWidth-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
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-      <name>rightCornerWidgetSize</name>
-      <anchor>rightCornerWidgetSize-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Shape</name>
-      <anchor>shape-var</anchor>
-      <arglist> QStyleOptionTabWidgetFrame::shape</arglist>
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-      <name>tabBarSize</name>
-      <anchor>tabBarSize-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
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-    <name>QStyleOptionTitleBar</name>
-    <filename>qstyleoptiontitlebar.html</filename>
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-      <name>QStyleOptionTitleBar</name>
-      <anchor>QStyleOptionTitleBar</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStyleOptionTitleBar</name>
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-      <arglist>( const QStyleOptionTitleBar &amp; other )</arglist>
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-      <anchor>Type-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Version</name>
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-      <anchor>icon-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
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-      <anchor>text-var</anchor>
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-      <anchor>titleBarFlags-var</anchor>
-      <arglist> QStyleOptionTitleBar::titleBarFlags</arglist>
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-      <name>titleBarState</name>
-      <anchor>titleBarState-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
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-    <name>QStyleOptionToolBar</name>
-    <filename>qstyleoptiontoolbar.html</filename>
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-      <anchor>ToolBarPosition-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStyleOptionToolBar</name>
-      <anchor>QStyleOptionToolBar</anchor>
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-      <arglist>( const QStyleOptionToolBar &amp; other )</arglist>
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-      <name>features</name>
-      <anchor>features-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
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-      <anchor>lineWidth-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
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-      <anchor>midLineWidth-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
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-      <anchor>positionOfLine-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
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-      <anchor>positionWithinLine-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
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-      <name>ToolBarArea</name>
-      <anchor>toolBarArea-var</anchor>
-      <arglist> QStyleOptionToolBar::toolBarArea</arglist>
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-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QStyleOptionToolBox</name>
-    <filename>qstyleoptiontoolbox.html</filename>
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-      <name>QStyleOptionToolBox</name>
-      <anchor>QStyleOptionToolBox</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
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-      <arglist>( const QStyleOptionToolBox &amp; other )</arglist>
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-      <anchor>Type-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Version</name>
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-      <arglist></arglist>
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-      <anchor>icon-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
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-      <anchor>text-var</anchor>
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-    <name>QStyleOptionToolButton</name>
-    <filename>qstyleoptiontoolbutton.html</filename>
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-      <anchor>QStyleOptionToolButton</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
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-      <arglist>( const QStyleOptionToolButton &amp; other )</arglist>
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-      <anchor>Type-var</anchor>
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-    <member kind="function">
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-      <anchor>Version-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
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-      <arglist> QStyleOptionToolButton::arrowType</arglist>
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-      <anchor>features-var</anchor>
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-      <anchor>icon-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
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-      <anchor>iconSize-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
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-      <anchor>pos-var</anchor>
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-      <arglist></arglist>
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-      <arglist> QStyleOptionToolButton::toolButtonStyle</arglist>
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-    <name>QStyleOptionViewItem</name>
-    <filename>qstyleoptionviewitem.html</filename>
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-      <anchor>Position-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStyleOptionViewItem</name>
-      <anchor>QStyleOptionViewItem</anchor>
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-      <anchor>Type-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
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-      <anchor>Version-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
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-      <anchor>decorationAlignment-var</anchor>
-      <arglist> QStyleOptionViewItem::decorationAlignment</arglist>
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-      <anchor>decorationPosition-var</anchor>
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-      <name>Alignment</name>
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-      <arglist> QStyleOptionViewItem::displayAlignment</arglist>
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-      <anchor>font-var</anchor>
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-      <arglist> QStyleOptionViewItem::textElideMode</arglist>
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-    <name>QStylePainter</name>
-    <filename>qstylepainter.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStylePainter</name>
-      <anchor>QStylePainter</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStylePainter</name>
-      <anchor>QStylePainter-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStylePainter</name>
-      <anchor>QStylePainter-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPaintDevice * pd, QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>begin</name>
-      <anchor>begin</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>begin</name>
-      <anchor>begin-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPaintDevice * pd, QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawComplexControl</name>
-      <anchor>drawComplexControl</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QStyle::ComplexControl cc, const QStyleOptionComplex &amp; option )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawControl</name>
-      <anchor>drawControl</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QStyle::ControlElement ce, const QStyleOption &amp; option )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawItemPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>drawItemPixmap</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; rect, int flags, const QPixmap &amp; pixmap )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawItemText</name>
-      <anchor>drawItemText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; rect, int flags, const QPalette &amp; pal, bool enabled, const QString &amp; text, QPalette::ColorRole textRole = QPalette::NoRole )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawPrimitive</name>
-      <anchor>drawPrimitive</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QStyle::PrimitiveElement pe, const QStyleOption &amp; option )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>style</name>
-      <anchor>style</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QStylePlugin</name>
-    <filename>qstyleplugin.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QStylePlugin</name>
-      <anchor>QStylePlugin</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>create</name>
-      <anchor>create</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>keys</name>
-      <anchor>keys</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
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-    <filename>qsvgrenderer.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSvgRenderer</name>
-      <anchor>QSvgRenderer</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSvgRenderer</name>
-      <anchor>QSvgRenderer-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; filename, QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSvgRenderer</name>
-      <anchor>QSvgRenderer-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; contents, QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>animated</name>
-      <anchor>animated</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentFrame</name>
-      <anchor>currentFrame</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>defaultSize</name>
-      <anchor>defaultSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isValid</name>
-      <anchor>isValid</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>load</name>
-      <anchor>load</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; filename )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>load</name>
-      <anchor>load-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; contents )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>render</name>
-      <anchor>render</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter * painter )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>repaintNeeded</name>
-      <anchor>repaintNeeded</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCurrentFrame</name>
-      <anchor>setCurrentFrame</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QSvgWidget</name>
-    <filename>qsvgwidget.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSvgWidget</name>
-      <anchor>QSvgWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSvgWidget</name>
-      <anchor>QSvgWidget-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; file, QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>load</name>
-      <anchor>load</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; file )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>load</name>
-      <anchor>load-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; contents )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>renderer</name>
-      <anchor>renderer</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QSyntaxHighlighter</name>
-    <filename>qsyntaxhighlighter.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSyntaxHighlighter</name>
-      <anchor>QSyntaxHighlighter</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSyntaxHighlighter</name>
-      <anchor>QSyntaxHighlighter-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTextDocument * parent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QSyntaxHighlighter</name>
-      <anchor>QSyntaxHighlighter-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTextEdit * parent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentBlockState</name>
-      <anchor>currentBlockState</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentBlockUserData</name>
-      <anchor>currentBlockUserData</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>document</name>
-      <anchor>document</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>format</name>
-      <anchor>format</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int position )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>highlightBlock</name>
-      <anchor>highlightBlock</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>previousBlockState</name>
-      <anchor>previousBlockState</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCurrentBlockState</name>
-      <anchor>setCurrentBlockState</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int newState )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCurrentBlockUserData</name>
-      <anchor>setCurrentBlockUserData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTextBlockUserData * data )</arglist>
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-      <name>setDocument</name>
-      <anchor>setDocument</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTextDocument * doc )</arglist>
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-      <anchor>setFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int start, int count, const QTextCharFormat &amp; format )</arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFormat</name>
-      <anchor>setFormat-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int start, int count, const QColor &amp; color )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFormat</name>
-      <anchor>setFormat-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int start, int count, const QFont &amp; font )</arglist>
-    </member>
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-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QSysInfo</name>
-    <filename>qsysinfo.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Endian</name>
-      <anchor>Endian-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>MacVersion</name>
-      <anchor>MacVersion-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>WinVersion</name>
-      <anchor>WinVersion-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>MacintoshVersion</name>
-      <anchor>MacintoshVersion-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>WindowsVersion</name>
-      <anchor>WindowsVersion-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>WordSize</name>
-      <anchor>WordSize-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
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-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QTabBar</name>
-    <filename>qtabbar.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Shape</name>
-      <anchor>Shape-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTabBar</name>
-      <anchor>QTabBar</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
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-      <name>addTab</name>
-      <anchor>addTab</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
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-      <name>addTab</name>
-      <anchor>addTab-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QIcon &amp; icon, const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentChanged</name>
-      <anchor>currentChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertTab</name>
-      <anchor>insertTab</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertTab</name>
-      <anchor>insertTab-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, const QIcon &amp; icon, const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
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-      <name>isTabEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>isTabEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeTab</name>
-      <anchor>removeTab</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
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-      <name>setTabData</name>
-      <anchor>setTabData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, const QVariant &amp; data )</arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTabEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>setTabEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, bool enabled )</arglist>
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-      <anchor>setTabIcon</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, const QIcon &amp; icon )</arglist>
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-      <anchor>setTabText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
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-      <anchor>setTabTextColor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, const QColor &amp; color )</arglist>
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-      <name>setTabToolTip</name>
-      <anchor>setTabToolTip</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, const QString &amp; tip )</arglist>
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-      <anchor>setTabWhatsThis</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
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-      <name>tabData</name>
-      <anchor>tabData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
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-      <anchor>tabIcon</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
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-      <anchor>tabInserted</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
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-      <anchor>tabLayoutChange</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
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-      <anchor>tabRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
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-      <anchor>tabRemoved</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
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-      <anchor>tabSizeHint</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
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-      <anchor>tabText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
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-      <anchor>tabTextColor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
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-      <anchor>tabToolTip</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
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-      <anchor>tabWhatsThis</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
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-      <name>selected</name>
-      <anchor>selected</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
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-      <anchor>setCurrentTab</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
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-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QTabletEvent</name>
-    <filename>qtabletevent.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>PointerType</name>
-      <anchor>PointerType-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>TabletDevice</name>
-      <anchor>TabletDevice-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
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-      <name>QTabletEvent</name>
-      <anchor>QTabletEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Type type, const QPoint &amp; pos, const QPoint &amp; globalPos, const QPointF &amp; hiResGlobalPos, int device, int pointerType, qreal pressure, int xTilt, int yTilt, qreal tangentialPressure, qreal rotation, int z, Qt::KeyboardModifiers keyState, qint64 uniqueID )</arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>device</name>
-      <anchor>device</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>globalPos</name>
-      <anchor>globalPos</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
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-      <anchor>globalX</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>globalY</name>
-      <anchor>globalY</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
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-      <anchor>hiResGlobalPos</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hiResGlobalX</name>
-      <anchor>hiResGlobalX</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hiResGlobalY</name>
-      <anchor>hiResGlobalY</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pointerType</name>
-      <anchor>pointerType</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pos</name>
-      <anchor>pos</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pressure</name>
-      <anchor>pressure</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rotation</name>
-      <anchor>rotation</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>tangentialPressure</name>
-      <anchor>tangentialPressure</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>uniqueId</name>
-      <anchor>uniqueId</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>x</name>
-      <anchor>x</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>xTilt</name>
-      <anchor>xTilt</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>y</name>
-      <anchor>y</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>yTilt</name>
-      <anchor>yTilt</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>z</name>
-      <anchor>z</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QTableView</name>
-    <filename>qtableview.html</filename>
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-      <name>PenStyle</name>
-      <anchor>gridStyle-prop</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTableView</name>
-      <anchor>QTableView</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
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-      <name>columnAt</name>
-      <anchor>columnAt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>columnCountChanged</name>
-      <anchor>columnCountChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int oldCount, int newCount )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>columnMoved</name>
-      <anchor>columnMoved</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column, int oldIndex, int newIndex )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>columnResized</name>
-      <anchor>columnResized</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column, int oldWidth, int newWidth )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>columnViewportPosition</name>
-      <anchor>columnViewportPosition</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>columnWidth</name>
-      <anchor>columnWidth</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hideColumn</name>
-      <anchor>hideColumn</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hideRow</name>
-      <anchor>hideRow</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>horizontalHeader</name>
-      <anchor>horizontalHeader</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>horizontalOffset</name>
-      <anchor>horizontalOffset</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>indexAt</name>
-      <anchor>indexAt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isColumnHidden</name>
-      <anchor>isColumnHidden</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isRowHidden</name>
-      <anchor>isRowHidden</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>moveCursor</name>
-      <anchor>moveCursor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( CursorAction cursorAction, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>paintEvent</name>
-      <anchor>paintEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPaintEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resizeColumnToContents</name>
-      <anchor>resizeColumnToContents</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resizeColumnsToContents</name>
-      <anchor>resizeColumnsToContents</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resizeRowToContents</name>
-      <anchor>resizeRowToContents</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resizeRowsToContents</name>
-      <anchor>resizeRowsToContents</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rowAt</name>
-      <anchor>rowAt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int y )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rowCountChanged</name>
-      <anchor>rowCountChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int oldCount, int newCount )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rowHeight</name>
-      <anchor>rowHeight</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rowMoved</name>
-      <anchor>rowMoved</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int oldIndex, int newIndex )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rowResized</name>
-      <anchor>rowResized</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int oldHeight, int newHeight )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rowViewportPosition</name>
-      <anchor>rowViewportPosition</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selectColumn</name>
-      <anchor>selectColumn</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selectRow</name>
-      <anchor>selectRow</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setColumnHidden</name>
-      <anchor>setColumnHidden</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column, bool hide )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setColumnWidth</name>
-      <anchor>setColumnWidth</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column, int width )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setHorizontalHeader</name>
-      <anchor>setHorizontalHeader</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QHeaderView * header )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRowHeight</name>
-      <anchor>setRowHeight</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int height )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRowHidden</name>
-      <anchor>setRowHidden</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, bool hide )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSelection</name>
-      <anchor>setSelection</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; rect, QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlags flags )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setVerticalHeader</name>
-      <anchor>setVerticalHeader</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QHeaderView * header )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>showColumn</name>
-      <anchor>showColumn</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>showRow</name>
-      <anchor>showRow</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sizeHintForColumn</name>
-      <anchor>sizeHintForColumn</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sizeHintForRow</name>
-      <anchor>sizeHintForRow</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sortByColumn</name>
-      <anchor>sortByColumn</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>verticalHeader</name>
-      <anchor>verticalHeader</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>verticalOffset</name>
-      <anchor>verticalOffset</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QTableWidget</name>
-    <filename>qtablewidget.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTableWidget</name>
-      <anchor>QTableWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTableWidget</name>
-      <anchor>QTableWidget-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int rows, int columns, QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cellActivated</name>
-      <anchor>cellActivated</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cellChanged</name>
-      <anchor>cellChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cellClicked</name>
-      <anchor>cellClicked</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cellDoubleClicked</name>
-      <anchor>cellDoubleClicked</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cellEntered</name>
-      <anchor>cellEntered</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cellPressed</name>
-      <anchor>cellPressed</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cellWidget</name>
-      <anchor>cellWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>closePersistentEditor</name>
-      <anchor>closePersistentEditor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTableWidgetItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>column</name>
-      <anchor>column</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTableWidgetItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentCellChanged</name>
-      <anchor>currentCellChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int currentRow, int currentColumn, int previousRow, int previousColumn )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentColumn</name>
-      <anchor>currentColumn</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentItem</name>
-      <anchor>currentItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentItemChanged</name>
-      <anchor>currentItemChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTableWidgetItem * current, QTableWidgetItem * previous )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentRow</name>
-      <anchor>currentRow</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dropMimeData</name>
-      <anchor>dropMimeData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int column, const QMimeData * data, Qt::DropAction action )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>editItem</name>
-      <anchor>editItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTableWidgetItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>event</name>
-      <anchor>event</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QEvent * e )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>findItems</name>
-      <anchor>findItems</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text, Qt::MatchFlags flags )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>horizontalHeaderItem</name>
-      <anchor>horizontalHeaderItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>indexFromItem</name>
-      <anchor>indexFromItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTableWidgetItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertColumn</name>
-      <anchor>insertColumn</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertRow</name>
-      <anchor>insertRow</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isItemSelected</name>
-      <anchor>isItemSelected</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTableWidgetItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>item</name>
-      <anchor>item</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemActivated</name>
-      <anchor>itemActivated</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTableWidgetItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemAt</name>
-      <anchor>itemAt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; point )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemAt</name>
-      <anchor>itemAt-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int ax, int ay )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemChanged</name>
-      <anchor>itemChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTableWidgetItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemClicked</name>
-      <anchor>itemClicked</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTableWidgetItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemDoubleClicked</name>
-      <anchor>itemDoubleClicked</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTableWidgetItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemEntered</name>
-      <anchor>itemEntered</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTableWidgetItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemFromIndex</name>
-      <anchor>itemFromIndex</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemPressed</name>
-      <anchor>itemPressed</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTableWidgetItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemPrototype</name>
-      <anchor>itemPrototype</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemSelectionChanged</name>
-      <anchor>itemSelectionChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>items</name>
-      <anchor>items</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QMimeData * data )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mimeData</name>
-      <anchor>mimeData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QList&lt;QTableWidgetItem *&gt; items )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mimeTypes</name>
-      <anchor>mimeTypes</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>openPersistentEditor</name>
-      <anchor>openPersistentEditor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTableWidgetItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeColumn</name>
-      <anchor>removeColumn</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeRow</name>
-      <anchor>removeRow</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>row</name>
-      <anchor>row</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTableWidgetItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>scrollToItem</name>
-      <anchor>scrollToItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTableWidgetItem * item, QAbstractItemView::ScrollHint hint = EnsureVisible )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selectedItems</name>
-      <anchor>selectedItems</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selectedRanges</name>
-      <anchor>selectedRanges</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCellWidget</name>
-      <anchor>setCellWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int column, QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCurrentCell</name>
-      <anchor>setCurrentCell</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCurrentItem</name>
-      <anchor>setCurrentItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTableWidgetItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setHorizontalHeaderItem</name>
-      <anchor>setHorizontalHeaderItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column, QTableWidgetItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setHorizontalHeaderLabels</name>
-      <anchor>setHorizontalHeaderLabels</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStringList &amp; labels )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setItem</name>
-      <anchor>setItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int column, QTableWidgetItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setItemPrototype</name>
-      <anchor>setItemPrototype</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTableWidgetItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setItemSelected</name>
-      <anchor>setItemSelected</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTableWidgetItem * item, bool select )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRangeSelected</name>
-      <anchor>setRangeSelected</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTableWidgetSelectionRange &amp; range, bool select )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setVerticalHeaderItem</name>
-      <anchor>setVerticalHeaderItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, QTableWidgetItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setVerticalHeaderLabels</name>
-      <anchor>setVerticalHeaderLabels</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStringList &amp; labels )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sortItems</name>
-      <anchor>sortItems</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column, Qt::SortOrder order = Qt::AscendingOrder )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>DropActions</name>
-      <anchor>supportedDropActions</anchor>
-      <arglist> QTableWidget::supportedDropActions()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>takeHorizontalHeaderItem</name>
-      <anchor>takeHorizontalHeaderItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>takeItem</name>
-      <anchor>takeItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>takeVerticalHeaderItem</name>
-      <anchor>takeVerticalHeaderItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>verticalHeaderItem</name>
-      <anchor>verticalHeaderItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>visualColumn</name>
-      <anchor>visualColumn</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int logicalColumn )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>visualItemRect</name>
-      <anchor>visualItemRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTableWidgetItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>visualRow</name>
-      <anchor>visualRow</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int logicalRow )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QTableWidgetItem</name>
-    <filename>qtablewidgetitem.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTableWidgetItem</name>
-      <anchor>QTableWidgetItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int type = Type )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTableWidgetItem</name>
-      <anchor>QTableWidgetItem-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text, int type = Type )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTableWidgetItem</name>
-      <anchor>QTableWidgetItem-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTableWidgetItem &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>backgroundColor</name>
-      <anchor>backgroundColor</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>CheckState</name>
-      <anchor>checkState</anchor>
-      <arglist> QTableWidgetItem::checkState()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clone</name>
-      <anchor>clone</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>data</name>
-      <anchor>data</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int role )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ItemFlags</name>
-      <anchor>flags</anchor>
-      <arglist> QTableWidgetItem::flags()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>font</name>
-      <anchor>font</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>icon</name>
-      <anchor>icon</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>read</name>
-      <anchor>read</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDataStream &amp; in )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setBackgroundColor</name>
-      <anchor>setBackgroundColor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QColor &amp; color )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCheckState</name>
-      <anchor>setCheckState</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::CheckState state )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setData</name>
-      <anchor>setData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int role, const QVariant &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFlags</name>
-      <anchor>setFlags</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::ItemFlags flags )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFont</name>
-      <anchor>setFont</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QFont &amp; font )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setIcon</name>
-      <anchor>setIcon</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QIcon &amp; icon )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSizeHint</name>
-      <anchor>setSizeHint</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSize &amp; size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setStatusTip</name>
-      <anchor>setStatusTip</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; statusTip )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setText</name>
-      <anchor>setText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTextAlignment</name>
-      <anchor>setTextAlignment</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int alignment )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTextColor</name>
-      <anchor>setTextColor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QColor &amp; color )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setToolTip</name>
-      <anchor>setToolTip</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; toolTip )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setWhatsThis</name>
-      <anchor>setWhatsThis</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; whatsThis )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sizeHint</name>
-      <anchor>sizeHint</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>statusTip</name>
-      <anchor>statusTip</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>tableWidget</name>
-      <anchor>tableWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>text</name>
-      <anchor>text</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>textAlignment</name>
-      <anchor>textAlignment</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>textColor</name>
-      <anchor>textColor</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toolTip</name>
-      <anchor>toolTip</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>type</name>
-      <anchor>type</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>whatsThis</name>
-      <anchor>whatsThis</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>write</name>
-      <anchor>write</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDataStream &amp; out )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTableWidgetItem &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTableWidgetItem &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Type</name>
-      <anchor>Type-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>UserType</name>
-      <anchor>UserType-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QTableWidgetSelectionRange</name>
-    <filename>qtablewidgetselectionrange.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTableWidgetSelectionRange</name>
-      <anchor>QTableWidgetSelectionRange</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTableWidgetSelectionRange</name>
-      <anchor>QTableWidgetSelectionRange-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int top, int left, int bottom, int right )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTableWidgetSelectionRange</name>
-      <anchor>QTableWidgetSelectionRange-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTableWidgetSelectionRange &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bottomRow</name>
-      <anchor>bottomRow</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>columnCount</name>
-      <anchor>columnCount</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>leftColumn</name>
-      <anchor>leftColumn</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rightColumn</name>
-      <anchor>rightColumn</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rowCount</name>
-      <anchor>rowCount</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>topRow</name>
-      <anchor>topRow</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QTabWidget</name>
-    <filename>qtabwidget.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>TabPosition</name>
-      <anchor>TabPosition-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>TabShape</name>
-      <anchor>TabShape-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTabWidget</name>
-      <anchor>QTabWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addTab</name>
-      <anchor>addTab</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * child, const QString &amp; label )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addTab</name>
-      <anchor>addTab-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * child, const QIcon &amp; icon, const QString &amp; label )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cornerWidget</name>
-      <anchor>cornerWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::Corner corner = Qt::TopRightCorner )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentChanged</name>
-      <anchor>currentChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentWidget</name>
-      <anchor>currentWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>indexOf</name>
-      <anchor>indexOf</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * w )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertTab</name>
-      <anchor>insertTab</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, QWidget * w, const QString &amp; label )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertTab</name>
-      <anchor>insertTab-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, QWidget * w, const QIcon &amp; icon, const QString &amp; label )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isTabEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>isTabEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>paintEvent</name>
-      <anchor>paintEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPaintEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeTab</name>
-      <anchor>removeTab</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCornerWidget</name>
-      <anchor>setCornerWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget, Qt::Corner corner = Qt::TopRightCorner )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCurrentWidget</name>
-      <anchor>setCurrentWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTabBar</name>
-      <anchor>setTabBar</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTabBar * tb )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTabEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>setTabEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTabIcon</name>
-      <anchor>setTabIcon</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, const QIcon &amp; icon )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTabText</name>
-      <anchor>setTabText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, const QString &amp; label )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTabToolTip</name>
-      <anchor>setTabToolTip</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, const QString &amp; tip )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTabWhatsThis</name>
-      <anchor>setTabWhatsThis</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>tabBar</name>
-      <anchor>tabBar</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>tabIcon</name>
-      <anchor>tabIcon</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>tabInserted</name>
-      <anchor>tabInserted</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>tabRemoved</name>
-      <anchor>tabRemoved</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>tabText</name>
-      <anchor>tabText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>tabToolTip</name>
-      <anchor>tabToolTip</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>tabWhatsThis</name>
-      <anchor>tabWhatsThis</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>widget</name>
-      <anchor>widget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTabWidget</name>
-      <anchor>QTabWidget-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, const char * name, Qt::WFlags f = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>changeTab</name>
-      <anchor>changeTab</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget, const QString &amp; label )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>changeTab</name>
-      <anchor>changeTab-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget, const QIcon &amp; icon, const QString &amp; label )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentChanged</name>
-      <anchor>currentChanged-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentPage</name>
-      <anchor>currentPage</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentPageIndex</name>
-      <anchor>currentPageIndex</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertTab</name>
-      <anchor>insertTab-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget, const QString &amp; label, int index = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertTab</name>
-      <anchor>insertTab-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget, const QIcon &amp; icon, const QString &amp; label, int index = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isTabEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>isTabEnabled-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>label</name>
-      <anchor>label</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>margin</name>
-      <anchor>margin</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>page</name>
-      <anchor>page</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removePage</name>
-      <anchor>removePage</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeTabToolTip</name>
-      <anchor>removeTabToolTip</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCurrentPage</name>
-      <anchor>setCurrentPage</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setMargin</name>
-      <anchor>setMargin</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int margin )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTabEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>setTabEnabled-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget, bool b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTabIconSet</name>
-      <anchor>setTabIconSet</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget, const QIcon &amp; icon )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTabLabel</name>
-      <anchor>setTabLabel</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget, const QString &amp; label )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTabToolTip</name>
-      <anchor>setTabToolTip-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget, const QString &amp; tip )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>showPage</name>
-      <anchor>showPage</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>tabIconSet</name>
-      <anchor>tabIconSet</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>tabLabel</name>
-      <anchor>tabLabel</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>tabToolTip</name>
-      <anchor>tabToolTip-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QTcpServer</name>
-    <filename>qtcpserver.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTcpServer</name>
-      <anchor>QTcpServer</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>close</name>
-      <anchor>close</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>errorString</name>
-      <anchor>errorString</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasPendingConnections</name>
-      <anchor>hasPendingConnections</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>incomingConnection</name>
-      <anchor>incomingConnection</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int socketDescriptor )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isListening</name>
-      <anchor>isListening</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>listen</name>
-      <anchor>listen</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QHostAddress &amp; address = QHostAddress::Any, quint16 port = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>maxPendingConnections</name>
-      <anchor>maxPendingConnections</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>newConnection</name>
-      <anchor>newConnection</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>nextPendingConnection</name>
-      <anchor>nextPendingConnection</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>proxy</name>
-      <anchor>proxy</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>serverAddress</name>
-      <anchor>serverAddress</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>SocketError</name>
-      <anchor>serverError</anchor>
-      <arglist> QTcpServer::serverError()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>serverPort</name>
-      <anchor>serverPort</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setMaxPendingConnections</name>
-      <anchor>setMaxPendingConnections</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int numConnections )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setProxy</name>
-      <anchor>setProxy</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QNetworkProxy &amp; networkProxy )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSocketDescriptor</name>
-      <anchor>setSocketDescriptor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int socketDescriptor )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>socketDescriptor</name>
-      <anchor>socketDescriptor</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>waitForNewConnection</name>
-      <anchor>waitForNewConnection</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int msec = 0, bool * timedOut = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QTcpSocket</name>
-    <filename>qtcpsocket.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTcpSocket</name>
-      <anchor>QTcpSocket</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QTemporaryFile</name>
-    <filename>qtemporaryfile.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTemporaryFile</name>
-      <anchor>QTemporaryFile</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTemporaryFile</name>
-      <anchor>QTemporaryFile-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; templateName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTemporaryFile</name>
-      <anchor>QTemporaryFile-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTemporaryFile</name>
-      <anchor>QTemporaryFile-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; templateName, QObject * parent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>autoRemove</name>
-      <anchor>autoRemove</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>createLocalFile</name>
-      <anchor>createLocalFile</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QFile &amp; file )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>createLocalFile</name>
-      <anchor>createLocalFile-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fileName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fileName</name>
-      <anchor>fileName</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fileTemplate</name>
-      <anchor>fileTemplate</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>open</name>
-      <anchor>open</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAutoRemove</name>
-      <anchor>setAutoRemove</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFileTemplate</name>
-      <anchor>setFileTemplate</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QTestEventList</name>
-    <filename>qtesteventlist.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTestEventList</name>
-      <anchor>QTestEventList</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTestEventList</name>
-      <anchor>QTestEventList-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTestEventList &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addDelay</name>
-      <anchor>addDelay</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int msecs )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addKeyClick</name>
-      <anchor>addKeyClick</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::Key qtKey, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers = Qt::NoModifier, int msecs = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addKeyClick</name>
-      <anchor>addKeyClick-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( char ascii, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers = Qt::NoModifier, int msecs = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addKeyClicks</name>
-      <anchor>addKeyClicks</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; keys, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers = Qt::NoModifier, int msecs = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addKeyPress</name>
-      <anchor>addKeyPress</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::Key qtKey, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers = Qt::NoModifier, int msecs = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addKeyPress</name>
-      <anchor>addKeyPress-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( char ascii, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers = Qt::NoModifier, int msecs = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addKeyRelease</name>
-      <anchor>addKeyRelease</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::Key qtKey, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers = Qt::NoModifier, int msecs = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addKeyRelease</name>
-      <anchor>addKeyRelease-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( char ascii, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers = Qt::NoModifier, int msecs = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addMouseClick</name>
-      <anchor>addMouseClick</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::MouseButton button, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers = 0, QPoint pos = QPoint()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addMouseDClick</name>
-      <anchor>addMouseDClick</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::MouseButton button, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers = 0, QPoint pos = QPoint()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addMouseMove</name>
-      <anchor>addMouseMove</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPoint pos = QPoint()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addMousePress</name>
-      <anchor>addMousePress</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::MouseButton button, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers = 0, QPoint pos = QPoint()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addMouseRelease</name>
-      <anchor>addMouseRelease</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::MouseButton button, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers = 0, QPoint pos = QPoint()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>simulate</name>
-      <anchor>simulate</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * w )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>KeyAction</name>
-      <anchor>KeyAction-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>MouseAction</name>
-      <anchor>MouseAction-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>SkipMode</name>
-      <anchor>SkipMode-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>TestFailMode</name>
-      <anchor>TestFailMode-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addColumn</name>
-      <anchor>addColumn</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * name, T * dummy = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentDataTag</name>
-      <anchor>currentDataTag</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentTestFailed</name>
-      <anchor>currentTestFailed</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentTestFunction</name>
-      <anchor>currentTestFunction</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ignoreMessage</name>
-      <anchor>ignoreMessage</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QtMsgType type, const char * message )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>keyClick</name>
-      <anchor>keyClick</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget, Qt::Key key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifier = Qt::NoModifier, int delay = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>keyClick</name>
-      <anchor>keyClick-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget, char key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifier = Qt::NoModifier, int delay = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>keyClicks</name>
-      <anchor>keyClicks</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget, const QString &amp; sequence, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifier = Qt::NoModifier, int delay = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>keyEvent</name>
-      <anchor>keyEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( KeyAction action, QWidget * widget, Qt::Key key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifier = Qt::NoModifier, int delay = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>keyEvent</name>
-      <anchor>keyEvent-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( KeyAction action, QWidget * widget, char ascii, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifier = Qt::NoModifier, int delay = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>keyPress</name>
-      <anchor>keyPress</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget, Qt::Key key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifier = Qt::NoModifier, int delay = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>keyPress</name>
-      <anchor>keyPress-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget, char key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifier = Qt::NoModifier, int delay = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>keyRelease</name>
-      <anchor>keyRelease</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget, Qt::Key key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifier = Qt::NoModifier, int delay = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>keyRelease</name>
-      <anchor>keyRelease-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget, char key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifier = Qt::NoModifier, int delay = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mouseClick</name>
-      <anchor>mouseClick</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget, Qt::MouseButton button, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifier = 0, QPoint pos = QPoint()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mouseDClick</name>
-      <anchor>mouseDClick</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget, Qt::MouseButton button, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifier = 0, QPoint pos = QPoint()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mouseMove</name>
-      <anchor>mouseMove</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget, QPoint pos = QPoint()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mousePress</name>
-      <anchor>mousePress</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget, Qt::MouseButton button, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifier = 0, QPoint pos = QPoint()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mouseRelease</name>
-      <anchor>mouseRelease</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget, Qt::MouseButton button, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifier = 0, QPoint pos = QPoint()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>newRow</name>
-      <anchor>newRow</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * dataTag )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>qExec</name>
-      <anchor>qExec</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * testObject, int argc = 0, char ** argv = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>qSleep</name>
-      <anchor>qSleep</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int ms )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>qWait</name>
-      <anchor>qWait</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int ms )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toString</name>
-      <anchor>toString</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toString</name>
-      <anchor>toString-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QLatin1String &amp; string )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toString</name>
-      <anchor>toString-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; string )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toString</name>
-      <anchor>toString-6</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTime &amp; time )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toString</name>
-      <anchor>toString-7</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDate &amp; date )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toString</name>
-      <anchor>toString-8</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDateTime &amp; dateTime )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toString</name>
-      <anchor>toString-9</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QChar &amp; character )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QTextBlockFormat</name>
-    <filename>qtextblockformat.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTextBlockFormat</name>
-      <anchor>QTextBlockFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Alignment</name>
-      <anchor>alignment</anchor>
-      <arglist> QTextBlockFormat::alignment()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bottomMargin</name>
-      <anchor>bottomMargin</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>indent</name>
-      <anchor>indent</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isValid</name>
-      <anchor>isValid</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>leftMargin</name>
-      <anchor>leftMargin</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>nonBreakableLines</name>
-      <anchor>nonBreakableLines</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rightMargin</name>
-      <anchor>rightMargin</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAlignment</name>
-      <anchor>setAlignment</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::Alignment alignment )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setBottomMargin</name>
-      <anchor>setBottomMargin</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal margin )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setIndent</name>
-      <anchor>setIndent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int indentation )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setLeftMargin</name>
-      <anchor>setLeftMargin</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal margin )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setNonBreakableLines</name>
-      <anchor>setNonBreakableLines</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRightMargin</name>
-      <anchor>setRightMargin</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal margin )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTextIndent</name>
-      <anchor>setTextIndent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal indent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTopMargin</name>
-      <anchor>setTopMargin</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal margin )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>textIndent</name>
-      <anchor>textIndent</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>topMargin</name>
-      <anchor>topMargin</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QTextBlockGroup</name>
-    <filename>qtextblockgroup.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTextBlockGroup</name>
-      <anchor>QTextBlockGroup</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTextDocument * document )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>blockFormatChanged</name>
-      <anchor>blockFormatChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextBlock &amp; block )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>blockInserted</name>
-      <anchor>blockInserted</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextBlock &amp; block )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>blockList</name>
-      <anchor>blockList</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>blockRemoved</name>
-      <anchor>blockRemoved</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextBlock &amp; block )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QTextBlock</name>
-    <filename>qtextblock.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Iterator</name>
-      <anchor>Iterator-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTextBlock</name>
-      <anchor>QTextBlock-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextBlock &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>begin</name>
-      <anchor>begin</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>blockFormat</name>
-      <anchor>blockFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>blockFormatIndex</name>
-      <anchor>blockFormatIndex</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>charFormat</name>
-      <anchor>charFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>charFormatIndex</name>
-      <anchor>charFormatIndex</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contains</name>
-      <anchor>contains</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int position )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>document</name>
-      <anchor>document</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>end</name>
-      <anchor>end</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isValid</name>
-      <anchor>isValid</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>layout</name>
-      <anchor>layout</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>length</name>
-      <anchor>length</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>next</name>
-      <anchor>next</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>position</name>
-      <anchor>position</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>previous</name>
-      <anchor>previous</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setUserData</name>
-      <anchor>setUserData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTextBlockUserData * data )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setUserState</name>
-      <anchor>setUserState</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int state )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>text</name>
-      <anchor>text</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>textList</name>
-      <anchor>textList</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>userData</name>
-      <anchor>userData</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>userState</name>
-      <anchor>userState</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextBlock &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextBlock &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextBlock &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextBlock &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QTextBlock::iterator</name>
-    <filename>qtextblock-iterator.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>iterator</name>
-      <anchor>iterator-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>iterator</name>
-      <anchor>iterator-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const iterator &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>atEnd</name>
-      <anchor>atEnd</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fragment</name>
-      <anchor>fragment</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const iterator &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator++</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-2b</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator++</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-2b-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator--</name>
-      <anchor>operator--</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator--</name>
-      <anchor>operator---2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const iterator &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QTextBlockUserData</name>
-    <filename>qtextblockuserdata.html</filename>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QTextBrowser</name>
-    <filename>qtextbrowser.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTextBrowser</name>
-      <anchor>QTextBrowser</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>anchorClicked</name>
-      <anchor>anchorClicked</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QUrl &amp; link )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>backward</name>
-      <anchor>backward</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>backwardAvailable</name>
-      <anchor>backwardAvailable</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool available )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>forward</name>
-      <anchor>forward</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>forwardAvailable</name>
-      <anchor>forwardAvailable</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool available )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>highlighted</name>
-      <anchor>highlighted</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QUrl &amp; link )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>highlighted</name>
-      <anchor>highlighted-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; link )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>home</name>
-      <anchor>home</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>keyPressEvent</name>
-      <anchor>keyPressEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QKeyEvent * ev )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>loadResource</name>
-      <anchor>loadResource</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int type, const QUrl &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>reload</name>
-      <anchor>reload</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sourceChanged</name>
-      <anchor>sourceChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QUrl &amp; src )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTextBrowser</name>
-      <anchor>QTextBrowser-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, const char * name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QTextCharFormat</name>
-    <filename>qtextcharformat.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>VerticalAlignment</name>
-      <anchor>VerticalAlignment-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTextCharFormat</name>
-      <anchor>QTextCharFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>anchorHref</name>
-      <anchor>anchorHref</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>anchorName</name>
-      <anchor>anchorName</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>font</name>
-      <anchor>font</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
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-      <name>fontFamily</name>
-      <anchor>fontFamily</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
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-      <name>fontFixedPitch</name>
-      <anchor>fontFixedPitch</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
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-      <name>fontItalic</name>
-      <anchor>fontItalic</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fontOverline</name>
-      <anchor>fontOverline</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
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-      <anchor>fontPointSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
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-      <anchor>fontStrikeOut</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fontUnderline</name>
-      <anchor>fontUnderline</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
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-      <anchor>fontWeight</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isAnchor</name>
-      <anchor>isAnchor</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isValid</name>
-      <anchor>isValid</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAnchor</name>
-      <anchor>setAnchor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool anchor )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAnchorHref</name>
-      <anchor>setAnchorHref</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAnchorName</name>
-      <anchor>setAnchorName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFont</name>
-      <anchor>setFont</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QFont &amp; font )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFontFamily</name>
-      <anchor>setFontFamily</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; family )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFontFixedPitch</name>
-      <anchor>setFontFixedPitch</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool fixedPitch )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFontItalic</name>
-      <anchor>setFontItalic</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool italic )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFontOverline</name>
-      <anchor>setFontOverline</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool overline )</arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFontPointSize</name>
-      <anchor>setFontPointSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal size )</arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFontStrikeOut</name>
-      <anchor>setFontStrikeOut</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool strikeOut )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFontUnderline</name>
-      <anchor>setFontUnderline</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool underline )</arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFontWeight</name>
-      <anchor>setFontWeight</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int weight )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTableCellColumnSpan</name>
-      <anchor>setTableCellColumnSpan</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int tableCellColumnSpan )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTableCellRowSpan</name>
-      <anchor>setTableCellRowSpan</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int tableCellRowSpan )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTextOutline</name>
-      <anchor>setTextOutline</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPen &amp; pen )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setUnderlineColor</name>
-      <anchor>setUnderlineColor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QColor &amp; color )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setVerticalAlignment</name>
-      <anchor>setVerticalAlignment</anchor>
-      <arglist>( VerticalAlignment alignment )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>tableCellColumnSpan</name>
-      <anchor>tableCellColumnSpan</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>tableCellRowSpan</name>
-      <anchor>tableCellRowSpan</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>textOutline</name>
-      <anchor>textOutline</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>underlineColor</name>
-      <anchor>underlineColor</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>verticalAlignment</name>
-      <anchor>verticalAlignment</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QTextCodec::ConverterState</name>
-    <filename>qtextcodec-converterstate.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ConverterState</name>
-      <anchor>ConverterState</anchor>
-      <arglist>( ConversionFlags flags = DefaultConversion )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QTextCodec</name>
-    <filename>qtextcodec.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTextCodec</name>
-      <anchor>QTextCodec</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>aliases</name>
-      <anchor>aliases</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>availableCodecs</name>
-      <anchor>availableCodecs</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>availableMibs</name>
-      <anchor>availableMibs</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>canEncode</name>
-      <anchor>canEncode</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QChar ch )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>canEncode</name>
-      <anchor>canEncode-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; s )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>codecForCStrings</name>
-      <anchor>codecForCStrings</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>codecForLocale</name>
-      <anchor>codecForLocale</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>codecForMib</name>
-      <anchor>codecForMib</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int mib )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>codecForName</name>
-      <anchor>codecForName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>codecForName</name>
-      <anchor>codecForName-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>codecForTr</name>
-      <anchor>codecForTr</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>convertFromUnicode</name>
-      <anchor>convertFromUnicode</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QChar * input, int number, ConverterState * state )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>convertToUnicode</name>
-      <anchor>convertToUnicode</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * chars, int len, ConverterState * state )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromUnicode</name>
-      <anchor>fromUnicode</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; str )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromUnicode</name>
-      <anchor>fromUnicode-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QChar * input, int number, ConverterState * state = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>makeDecoder</name>
-      <anchor>makeDecoder</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>makeEncoder</name>
-      <anchor>makeEncoder</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mibEnum</name>
-      <anchor>mibEnum</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>name</name>
-      <anchor>name</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCodecForCStrings</name>
-      <anchor>setCodecForCStrings</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTextCodec * c )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCodecForLocale</name>
-      <anchor>setCodecForLocale</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTextCodec * c )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCodecForTr</name>
-      <anchor>setCodecForTr</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTextCodec * c )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toUnicode</name>
-      <anchor>toUnicode</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; a )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toUnicode</name>
-      <anchor>toUnicode-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * input, int size, ConverterState * state = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toUnicode</name>
-      <anchor>toUnicode-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * chars )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QTextCodecPlugin</name>
-    <filename>qtextcodecplugin.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTextCodecPlugin</name>
-      <anchor>QTextCodecPlugin</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>aliases</name>
-      <anchor>aliases</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>createForMib</name>
-      <anchor>createForMib</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int mib )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>createForName</name>
-      <anchor>createForName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mibEnums</name>
-      <anchor>mibEnums</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>names</name>
-      <anchor>names</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>codecForContent</name>
-      <anchor>codecForContent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * str, int size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>codecForIndex</name>
-      <anchor>codecForIndex</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>codecForName</name>
-      <anchor>codecForName-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * hint, int accuracy )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromUnicode</name>
-      <anchor>fromUnicode-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; uc, int &amp; lenInOut )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>locale</name>
-      <anchor>locale</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mimeName</name>
-      <anchor>mimeName</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toUnicode</name>
-      <anchor>toUnicode-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; a, int len )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QTextCursor</name>
-    <filename>qtextcursor.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>MoveMode</name>
-      <anchor>MoveMode-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>MoveOperation</name>
-      <anchor>MoveOperation-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>SelectionType</name>
-      <anchor>SelectionType-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTextCursor</name>
-      <anchor>QTextCursor</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTextCursor</name>
-      <anchor>QTextCursor-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTextDocument * document )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTextCursor</name>
-      <anchor>QTextCursor-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTextFrame * frame )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTextCursor</name>
-      <anchor>QTextCursor-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextBlock &amp; block )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTextCursor</name>
-      <anchor>QTextCursor-7</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextCursor &amp; cursor )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>anchor</name>
-      <anchor>anchor</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>atBlockEnd</name>
-      <anchor>atBlockEnd</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>atBlockStart</name>
-      <anchor>atBlockStart</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>atEnd</name>
-      <anchor>atEnd</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>atStart</name>
-      <anchor>atStart</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>beginEditBlock</name>
-      <anchor>beginEditBlock</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>block</name>
-      <anchor>block</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>blockCharFormat</name>
-      <anchor>blockCharFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>blockFormat</name>
-      <anchor>blockFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>charFormat</name>
-      <anchor>charFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clearSelection</name>
-      <anchor>clearSelection</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>createList</name>
-      <anchor>createList</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextListFormat &amp; format )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>createList</name>
-      <anchor>createList-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTextListFormat::Style style )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentFrame</name>
-      <anchor>currentFrame</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentList</name>
-      <anchor>currentList</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentTable</name>
-      <anchor>currentTable</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>deleteChar</name>
-      <anchor>deleteChar</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>deletePreviousChar</name>
-      <anchor>deletePreviousChar</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>endEditBlock</name>
-      <anchor>endEditBlock</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasComplexSelection</name>
-      <anchor>hasComplexSelection</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasSelection</name>
-      <anchor>hasSelection</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertBlock</name>
-      <anchor>insertBlock</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertBlock</name>
-      <anchor>insertBlock-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextBlockFormat &amp; format )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertBlock</name>
-      <anchor>insertBlock-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextBlockFormat &amp; format, const QTextCharFormat &amp; charFormat )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertFragment</name>
-      <anchor>insertFragment</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextDocumentFragment &amp; fragment )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertFrame</name>
-      <anchor>insertFrame</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextFrameFormat &amp; format )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertImage</name>
-      <anchor>insertImage</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextImageFormat &amp; format )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertImage</name>
-      <anchor>insertImage-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertList</name>
-      <anchor>insertList</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextListFormat &amp; format )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertList</name>
-      <anchor>insertList-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTextListFormat::Style style )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertTable</name>
-      <anchor>insertTable</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int rows, int columns, const QTextTableFormat &amp; format )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertTable</name>
-      <anchor>insertTable-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int rows, int columns )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertText</name>
-      <anchor>insertText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertText</name>
-      <anchor>insertText-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text, const QTextCharFormat &amp; format )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isCopyOf</name>
-      <anchor>isCopyOf</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextCursor &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isNull</name>
-      <anchor>isNull</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>joinPreviousEditBlock</name>
-      <anchor>joinPreviousEditBlock</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mergeBlockCharFormat</name>
-      <anchor>mergeBlockCharFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextCharFormat &amp; modifier )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mergeBlockFormat</name>
-      <anchor>mergeBlockFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextBlockFormat &amp; modifier )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mergeCharFormat</name>
-      <anchor>mergeCharFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextCharFormat &amp; modifier )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>movePosition</name>
-      <anchor>movePosition</anchor>
-      <arglist>( MoveOperation operation, MoveMode mode = MoveAnchor, int n = 1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>position</name>
-      <anchor>position</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeSelectedText</name>
-      <anchor>removeSelectedText</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>select</name>
-      <anchor>select</anchor>
-      <arglist>( SelectionType selection )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selectedTableCells</name>
-      <anchor>selectedTableCells</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int * firstRow, int * numRows, int * firstColumn, int * numColumns )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selectedText</name>
-      <anchor>selectedText</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selection</name>
-      <anchor>selection</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selectionEnd</name>
-      <anchor>selectionEnd</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selectionStart</name>
-      <anchor>selectionStart</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setBlockCharFormat</name>
-      <anchor>setBlockCharFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextCharFormat &amp; format )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setBlockFormat</name>
-      <anchor>setBlockFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextBlockFormat &amp; format )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCharFormat</name>
-      <anchor>setCharFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextCharFormat &amp; format )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPosition</name>
-      <anchor>setPosition</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int pos, MoveMode m = MoveAnchor )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextCursor &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextCursor &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextCursor &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextCursor &amp; cursor )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextCursor &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&gt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-gt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextCursor &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&gt;=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-gt-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextCursor &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QTextDecoder</name>
-    <filename>qtextdecoder.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTextDecoder</name>
-      <anchor>QTextDecoder</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextCodec * codec )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toUnicode</name>
-      <anchor>toUnicode</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * chars, int len )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toUnicode</name>
-      <anchor>toUnicode-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; ba )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QTextDocumentFragment</name>
-    <filename>qtextdocumentfragment.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTextDocumentFragment</name>
-      <anchor>QTextDocumentFragment</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTextDocumentFragment</name>
-      <anchor>QTextDocumentFragment-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextDocument * document )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTextDocumentFragment</name>
-      <anchor>QTextDocumentFragment-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextCursor &amp; cursor )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTextDocumentFragment</name>
-      <anchor>QTextDocumentFragment-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextDocumentFragment &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromHtml</name>
-      <anchor>fromHtml</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromPlainText</name>
-      <anchor>fromPlainText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; plainText )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEmpty</name>
-      <anchor>isEmpty</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toHtml</name>
-      <anchor>toHtml</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toPlainText</name>
-      <anchor>toPlainText</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextDocumentFragment &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QTextDocument</name>
-    <filename>qtextdocument.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>MetaInformation</name>
-      <anchor>MetaInformation-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>ResourceType</name>
-      <anchor>ResourceType-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTextDocument</name>
-      <anchor>QTextDocument</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTextDocument</name>
-      <anchor>QTextDocument-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text, QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addResource</name>
-      <anchor>addResource</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int type, const QUrl &amp; name, const QVariant &amp; resource )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>allFormats</name>
-      <anchor>allFormats</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>begin</name>
-      <anchor>begin</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clone</name>
-      <anchor>clone</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contentsChange</name>
-      <anchor>contentsChange</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int position, int charsRemoved, int charsAdded )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contentsChanged</name>
-      <anchor>contentsChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>createObject</name>
-      <anchor>createObject</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextFormat &amp; format )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cursorPositionChanged</name>
-      <anchor>cursorPositionChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextCursor &amp; cursor )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>documentLayout</name>
-      <anchor>documentLayout</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>end</name>
-      <anchor>end</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>find</name>
-      <anchor>find</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; expr, const QTextCursor &amp; cursor, FindFlags options = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>find</name>
-      <anchor>find-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; expr, int position = 0, FindFlags options = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>findBlock</name>
-      <anchor>findBlock</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEmpty</name>
-      <anchor>isEmpty</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isRedoAvailable</name>
-      <anchor>isRedoAvailable</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isUndoAvailable</name>
-      <anchor>isUndoAvailable</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>loadResource</name>
-      <anchor>loadResource</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int type, const QUrl &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>markContentsDirty</name>
-      <anchor>markContentsDirty</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int position, int length )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>metaInformation</name>
-      <anchor>metaInformation</anchor>
-      <arglist>( MetaInformation info )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>modificationChanged</name>
-      <anchor>modificationChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool changed )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>object</name>
-      <anchor>object</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int objectIndex )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>objectForFormat</name>
-      <anchor>objectForFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextFormat &amp; f )</arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pageCount</name>
-      <anchor>pageCount</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>print</name>
-      <anchor>print</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPrinter * printer )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>redo</name>
-      <anchor>redo</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>redoAvailable</name>
-      <anchor>redoAvailable</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool available )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resource</name>
-      <anchor>resource</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int type, const QUrl &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rootFrame</name>
-      <anchor>rootFrame</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
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-      <anchor>setDocumentLayout</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QAbstractTextDocumentLayout * layout )</arglist>
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-      <name>setHtml</name>
-      <anchor>setHtml</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; html )</arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setMetaInformation</name>
-      <anchor>setMetaInformation</anchor>
-      <arglist>( MetaInformation info, const QString &amp; string )</arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPlainText</name>
-      <anchor>setPlainText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toHtml</name>
-      <anchor>toHtml</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; encoding = QByteArray()</arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toPlainText</name>
-      <anchor>toPlainText</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>undo</name>
-      <anchor>undo</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>undoAvailable</name>
-      <anchor>undoAvailable</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool available )</arglist>
-    </member>
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-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QTextEdit</name>
-    <filename>qtextedit.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>CursorAction</name>
-      <anchor>CursorAction-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>LineWrapMode</name>
-      <anchor>LineWrapMode-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>WrapMode</name>
-      <anchor>wordWrapMode-prop</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTextEdit</name>
-      <anchor>QTextEdit</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTextEdit</name>
-      <anchor>QTextEdit-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text, QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
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-      <name>Alignment</name>
-      <anchor>alignment</anchor>
-      <arglist> QTextEdit::alignment()</arglist>
-    </member>
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-      <name>anchorAt</name>
-      <anchor>anchorAt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>append</name>
-      <anchor>append</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>canInsertFromMimeData</name>
-      <anchor>canInsertFromMimeData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QMimeData * source )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contextMenuEvent</name>
-      <anchor>contextMenuEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QContextMenuEvent * e )</arglist>
-    </member>
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-      <name>copy</name>
-      <anchor>copy</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>copyAvailable</name>
-      <anchor>copyAvailable</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool yes )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>createMimeDataFromSelection</name>
-      <anchor>createMimeDataFromSelection</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>createStandardContextMenu</name>
-      <anchor>createStandardContextMenu</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentCharFormat</name>
-      <anchor>currentCharFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentCharFormatChanged</name>
-      <anchor>currentCharFormatChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextCharFormat &amp; f )</arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentFont</name>
-      <anchor>currentFont</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cursorForPosition</name>
-      <anchor>cursorForPosition</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cursorPositionChanged</name>
-      <anchor>cursorPositionChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
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-      <name>cursorRect</name>
-      <anchor>cursorRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextCursor &amp; cursor )</arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cursorRect</name>
-      <anchor>cursorRect-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cut</name>
-      <anchor>cut</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>document</name>
-      <anchor>document</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
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-      <name>ensureCursorVisible</name>
-      <anchor>ensureCursorVisible</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
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-      <anchor>find</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; exp, QTextDocument::FindFlags options = 0 )</arglist>
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-      <name>fontFamily</name>
-      <anchor>fontFamily</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
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-      <anchor>fontItalic</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
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-      <anchor>fontPointSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
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-      <anchor>fontUnderline</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
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-      <anchor>fontWeight</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
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-      <name>insertFromMimeData</name>
-      <anchor>insertFromMimeData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QMimeData * source )</arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertHtml</name>
-      <anchor>insertHtml</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertPlainText</name>
-      <anchor>insertPlainText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>loadResource</name>
-      <anchor>loadResource</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int type, const QUrl &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mergeCurrentCharFormat</name>
-      <anchor>mergeCurrentCharFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextCharFormat &amp; modifier )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>paste</name>
-      <anchor>paste</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>redoAvailable</name>
-      <anchor>redoAvailable</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool available )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>scrollToAnchor</name>
-      <anchor>scrollToAnchor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selectAll</name>
-      <anchor>selectAll</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selectionChanged</name>
-      <anchor>selectionChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAlignment</name>
-      <anchor>setAlignment</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::Alignment a )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCurrentCharFormat</name>
-      <anchor>setCurrentCharFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextCharFormat &amp; format )</arglist>
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-      <name>setCurrentFont</name>
-      <anchor>setCurrentFont</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QFont &amp; f )</arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDocument</name>
-      <anchor>setDocument</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTextDocument * document )</arglist>
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-      <anchor>setFontFamily</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fontFamily )</arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFontItalic</name>
-      <anchor>setFontItalic</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool italic )</arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
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-      <anchor>setFontPointSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal s )</arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
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-      <anchor>setFontUnderline</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool underline )</arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFontWeight</name>
-      <anchor>setFontWeight</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int w )</arglist>
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-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPlainText</name>
-      <anchor>setPlainText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTextColor</name>
-      <anchor>setTextColor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QColor &amp; c )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTextCursor</name>
-      <anchor>setTextCursor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextCursor &amp; cursor )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>textChanged</name>
-      <anchor>textChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>textColor</name>
-      <anchor>textColor</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>textCursor</name>
-      <anchor>textCursor</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toPlainText</name>
-      <anchor>toPlainText</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>undoAvailable</name>
-      <anchor>undoAvailable</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool available )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>zoomIn</name>
-      <anchor>zoomIn</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int range = 1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>zoomOut</name>
-      <anchor>zoomOut</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int range = 1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>KeyboardAction</name>
-      <anchor>KeyboardAction-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTextEdit</name>
-      <anchor>QTextEdit-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, const char * name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bold</name>
-      <anchor>bold</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>color</name>
-      <anchor>color</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentColorChanged</name>
-      <anchor>currentColorChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QColor &amp; color )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentFontChanged</name>
-      <anchor>currentFontChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QFont &amp; font )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>doKeyboardAction</name>
-      <anchor>doKeyboardAction</anchor>
-      <arglist>( KeyboardAction action )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>family</name>
-      <anchor>family</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>find</name>
-      <anchor>find-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; exp, bool cs, bool wo )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasSelectedText</name>
-      <anchor>hasSelectedText</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insert</name>
-      <anchor>insert</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isModified</name>
-      <anchor>isModified</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isRedoAvailable</name>
-      <anchor>isRedoAvailable</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isUndoAvailable</name>
-      <anchor>isUndoAvailable</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>italic</name>
-      <anchor>italic</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>moveCursor</name>
-      <anchor>moveCursor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( CursorAction action, QTextCursor::MoveMode mode = QTextCursor::MoveAnchor )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>moveCursor</name>
-      <anchor>moveCursor-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( CursorAction action, bool select )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pointSize</name>
-      <anchor>pointSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>redo</name>
-      <anchor>redo</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selectedText</name>
-      <anchor>selectedText</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setBold</name>
-      <anchor>setBold</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setColor</name>
-      <anchor>setColor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QColor &amp; color )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFamily</name>
-      <anchor>setFamily</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; family )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setItalic</name>
-      <anchor>setItalic</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setModified</name>
-      <anchor>setModified</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool m = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPointSize</name>
-      <anchor>setPointSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setText</name>
-      <anchor>setText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTextFormat</name>
-      <anchor>setTextFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::TextFormat f )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setUnderline</name>
-      <anchor>setUnderline</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sync</name>
-      <anchor>sync</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>text</name>
-      <anchor>text</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>TextFormat</name>
-      <anchor>textFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist> QTextEdit::textFormat()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>underline</name>
-      <anchor>underline</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>undo</name>
-      <anchor>undo</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QTextEncoder</name>
-    <filename>qtextencoder.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTextEncoder</name>
-      <anchor>QTextEncoder</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextCodec * codec )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromUnicode</name>
-      <anchor>fromUnicode</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; str )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromUnicode</name>
-      <anchor>fromUnicode-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QChar * uc, int len )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromUnicode</name>
-      <anchor>fromUnicode-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; uc, int &amp; lenInOut )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QTextFormat</name>
-    <filename>qtextformat.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>FormatType</name>
-      <anchor>FormatType-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>ObjectTypes</name>
-      <anchor>ObjectTypes-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Property</name>
-      <anchor>Property-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTextFormat</name>
-      <anchor>QTextFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTextFormat</name>
-      <anchor>QTextFormat-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int type )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTextFormat</name>
-      <anchor>QTextFormat-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextFormat &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>background</name>
-      <anchor>background</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>boolProperty</name>
-      <anchor>boolProperty</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int propertyId )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>brushProperty</name>
-      <anchor>brushProperty</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int propertyId )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clearBackground</name>
-      <anchor>clearBackground</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clearForeground</name>
-      <anchor>clearForeground</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clearProperty</name>
-      <anchor>clearProperty</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int propertyId )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>colorProperty</name>
-      <anchor>colorProperty</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int propertyId )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>doubleProperty</name>
-      <anchor>doubleProperty</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int propertyId )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>foreground</name>
-      <anchor>foreground</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasProperty</name>
-      <anchor>hasProperty</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int propertyId )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>intProperty</name>
-      <anchor>intProperty</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int propertyId )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isBlockFormat</name>
-      <anchor>isBlockFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isCharFormat</name>
-      <anchor>isCharFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isFrameFormat</name>
-      <anchor>isFrameFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isImageFormat</name>
-      <anchor>isImageFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isListFormat</name>
-      <anchor>isListFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isTableFormat</name>
-      <anchor>isTableFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isValid</name>
-      <anchor>isValid</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>LayoutDirection</name>
-      <anchor>layoutDirection</anchor>
-      <arglist> QTextFormat::layoutDirection()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lengthProperty</name>
-      <anchor>lengthProperty</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int propertyId )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lengthVectorProperty</name>
-      <anchor>lengthVectorProperty</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int propertyId )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>merge</name>
-      <anchor>merge</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextFormat &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>objectIndex</name>
-      <anchor>objectIndex</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>objectType</name>
-      <anchor>objectType</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>penProperty</name>
-      <anchor>penProperty</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int propertyId )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>properties</name>
-      <anchor>properties</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>property</name>
-      <anchor>property</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int propertyId )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setBackground</name>
-      <anchor>setBackground</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QBrush &amp; brush )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setForeground</name>
-      <anchor>setForeground</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QBrush &amp; brush )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setLayoutDirection</name>
-      <anchor>setLayoutDirection</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::LayoutDirection direction )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setObjectIndex</name>
-      <anchor>setObjectIndex</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setObjectType</name>
-      <anchor>setObjectType</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int type )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setProperty</name>
-      <anchor>setProperty</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int propertyId, const QVariant &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setProperty</name>
-      <anchor>setProperty-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int propertyId, const QVector&lt;QTextLength&gt; &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>stringProperty</name>
-      <anchor>stringProperty</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int propertyId )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toBlockFormat</name>
-      <anchor>toBlockFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toCharFormat</name>
-      <anchor>toCharFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toFrameFormat</name>
-      <anchor>toFrameFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toImageFormat</name>
-      <anchor>toImageFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toListFormat</name>
-      <anchor>toListFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toTableFormat</name>
-      <anchor>toTableFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>type</name>
-      <anchor>type</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator</name>
-      <anchor>operator-QVariant</anchor>
-      <arglist> QVariant()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextFormat &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextFormat &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextFormat &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QTextFragment</name>
-    <filename>qtextfragment.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTextFragment</name>
-      <anchor>QTextFragment-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTextFragment</name>
-      <anchor>QTextFragment-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextFragment &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>charFormat</name>
-      <anchor>charFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>charFormatIndex</name>
-      <anchor>charFormatIndex</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contains</name>
-      <anchor>contains</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int position )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isValid</name>
-      <anchor>isValid</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>length</name>
-      <anchor>length</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>position</name>
-      <anchor>position</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>text</name>
-      <anchor>text</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextFragment &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextFragment &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextFragment &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextFragment &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QTextFrameFormat</name>
-    <filename>qtextframeformat.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Position</name>
-      <anchor>Position-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTextFrameFormat</name>
-      <anchor>QTextFrameFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>border</name>
-      <anchor>border</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>height</name>
-      <anchor>height</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isValid</name>
-      <anchor>isValid</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>margin</name>
-      <anchor>margin</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>padding</name>
-      <anchor>padding</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>position</name>
-      <anchor>position</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setBorder</name>
-      <anchor>setBorder</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal width )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setHeight</name>
-      <anchor>setHeight</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextLength &amp; height )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setHeight</name>
-      <anchor>setHeight-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal height )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setMargin</name>
-      <anchor>setMargin</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal margin )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPadding</name>
-      <anchor>setPadding</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal width )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPosition</name>
-      <anchor>setPosition</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Position policy )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setWidth</name>
-      <anchor>setWidth</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextLength &amp; width )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setWidth</name>
-      <anchor>setWidth-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal width )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>width</name>
-      <anchor>width</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QTextFrame</name>
-    <filename>qtextframe.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Iterator</name>
-      <anchor>Iterator-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTextFrame</name>
-      <anchor>QTextFrame</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTextDocument * document )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>begin</name>
-      <anchor>begin</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>childFrames</name>
-      <anchor>childFrames</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>end</name>
-      <anchor>end</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>firstCursorPosition</name>
-      <anchor>firstCursorPosition</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>firstPosition</name>
-      <anchor>firstPosition</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>frameFormat</name>
-      <anchor>frameFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lastCursorPosition</name>
-      <anchor>lastCursorPosition</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lastPosition</name>
-      <anchor>lastPosition</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>parentFrame</name>
-      <anchor>parentFrame</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFrameFormat</name>
-      <anchor>setFrameFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextFrameFormat &amp; format )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QTextFrame::iterator</name>
-    <filename>qtextframe-iterator.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>iterator</name>
-      <anchor>iterator-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>iterator</name>
-      <anchor>iterator-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const iterator &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>atEnd</name>
-      <anchor>atEnd</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentBlock</name>
-      <anchor>currentBlock</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentFrame</name>
-      <anchor>currentFrame</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>parentFrame</name>
-      <anchor>parentFrame</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const iterator &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator++</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-2b</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator++</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-2b-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator--</name>
-      <anchor>operator--</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator--</name>
-      <anchor>operator---2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const iterator &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const iterator &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QTextImageFormat</name>
-    <filename>qtextimageformat.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTextImageFormat</name>
-      <anchor>QTextImageFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>height</name>
-      <anchor>height</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isValid</name>
-      <anchor>isValid</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>name</name>
-      <anchor>name</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setHeight</name>
-      <anchor>setHeight</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal height )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setName</name>
-      <anchor>setName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setWidth</name>
-      <anchor>setWidth</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal width )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>width</name>
-      <anchor>width</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QTextInlineObject</name>
-    <filename>qtextinlineobject.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTextInlineObject</name>
-      <anchor>QTextInlineObject</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i, QTextEngine * e )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ascent</name>
-      <anchor>ascent</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>descent</name>
-      <anchor>descent</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>format</name>
-      <anchor>format</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>formatIndex</name>
-      <anchor>formatIndex</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>height</name>
-      <anchor>height</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isValid</name>
-      <anchor>isValid</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rect</name>
-      <anchor>rect</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAscent</name>
-      <anchor>setAscent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal a )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDescent</name>
-      <anchor>setDescent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal d )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setWidth</name>
-      <anchor>setWidth</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal w )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>LayoutDirection</name>
-      <anchor>textDirection</anchor>
-      <arglist> QTextInlineObject::textDirection()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>textPosition</name>
-      <anchor>textPosition</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>width</name>
-      <anchor>width</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QTextIStream</name>
-    <filename>qtextistream.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTextIStream</name>
-      <anchor>QTextIStream</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString * string )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTextIStream</name>
-      <anchor>QTextIStream-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QByteArray * byteArray )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTextIStream</name>
-      <anchor>QTextIStream-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( FILE * file )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QTextLayout::FormatRange</name>
-    <filename>qtextlayout-formatrange.html</filename>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QTextLayout</name>
-    <filename>qtextlayout.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>CursorMode</name>
-      <anchor>CursorMode-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTextLayout</name>
-      <anchor>QTextLayout</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTextLayout</name>
-      <anchor>QTextLayout-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTextLayout</name>
-      <anchor>QTextLayout-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text, const QFont &amp; font, QPaintDevice * paintdevice = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>additionalFormats</name>
-      <anchor>additionalFormats</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>beginLayout</name>
-      <anchor>beginLayout</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>boundingRect</name>
-      <anchor>boundingRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cacheEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>cacheEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clearAdditionalFormats</name>
-      <anchor>clearAdditionalFormats</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>createLine</name>
-      <anchor>createLine</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>draw</name>
-      <anchor>draw</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter * p, const QPointF &amp; pos, const QVector&lt;FormatRange&gt; &amp; selections = QVector&lt;FormatRange&gt;()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawCursor</name>
-      <anchor>drawCursor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter * painter, const QPointF &amp; position, int cursorPosition )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>endLayout</name>
-      <anchor>endLayout</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>font</name>
-      <anchor>font</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isValidCursorPosition</name>
-      <anchor>isValidCursorPosition</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lineAt</name>
-      <anchor>lineAt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lineCount</name>
-      <anchor>lineCount</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lineForTextPosition</name>
-      <anchor>lineForTextPosition</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>maximumWidth</name>
-      <anchor>maximumWidth</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>minimumWidth</name>
-      <anchor>minimumWidth</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>nextCursorPosition</name>
-      <anchor>nextCursorPosition</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int oldPos, CursorMode mode = SkipCharacters )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>position</name>
-      <anchor>position</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>preeditAreaPosition</name>
-      <anchor>preeditAreaPosition</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>preeditAreaText</name>
-      <anchor>preeditAreaText</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>previousCursorPosition</name>
-      <anchor>previousCursorPosition</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int oldPos, CursorMode mode = SkipCharacters )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAdditionalFormats</name>
-      <anchor>setAdditionalFormats</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QList&lt;FormatRange&gt; &amp; formatList )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCacheEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>setCacheEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFont</name>
-      <anchor>setFont</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QFont &amp; font )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPosition</name>
-      <anchor>setPosition</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPointF &amp; p )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPreeditArea</name>
-      <anchor>setPreeditArea</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int position, const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setText</name>
-      <anchor>setText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; string )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTextOption</name>
-      <anchor>setTextOption</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextOption &amp; option )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>text</name>
-      <anchor>text</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>textOption</name>
-      <anchor>textOption</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QTextLength</name>
-    <filename>qtextlength.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Type</name>
-      <anchor>Type-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTextLength</name>
-      <anchor>QTextLength</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTextLength</name>
-      <anchor>QTextLength-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Type type, qreal value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rawValue</name>
-      <anchor>rawValue</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>type</name>
-      <anchor>type</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>value</name>
-      <anchor>value</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal maximumLength )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator</name>
-      <anchor>operator-QVariant</anchor>
-      <arglist> QVariant()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextLength &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextLength &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QTextLine</name>
-    <filename>qtextline.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>CursorPosition</name>
-      <anchor>CursorPosition-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Edge</name>
-      <anchor>Edge-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTextLine</name>
-      <anchor>QTextLine</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ascent</name>
-      <anchor>ascent</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cursorToX</name>
-      <anchor>cursorToX</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int * cursorPos, Edge edge = Leading )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cursorToX</name>
-      <anchor>cursorToX-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int cursorPos, Edge edge = Leading )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>descent</name>
-      <anchor>descent</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>draw</name>
-      <anchor>draw</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter * painter, const QPointF &amp; position, const QTextLayout::FormatRange * selection = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>height</name>
-      <anchor>height</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isValid</name>
-      <anchor>isValid</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lineNumber</name>
-      <anchor>lineNumber</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>naturalTextRect</name>
-      <anchor>naturalTextRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>naturalTextWidth</name>
-      <anchor>naturalTextWidth</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rect</name>
-      <anchor>rect</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setLineWidth</name>
-      <anchor>setLineWidth</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal width )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setNumColumns</name>
-      <anchor>setNumColumns</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int numColumns )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPosition</name>
-      <anchor>setPosition</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPointF &amp; pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>textLength</name>
-      <anchor>textLength</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>textStart</name>
-      <anchor>textStart</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>width</name>
-      <anchor>width</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>x</name>
-      <anchor>x</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>xToCursor</name>
-      <anchor>xToCursor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal x, CursorPosition cpos = CursorBetweenCharacters )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>y</name>
-      <anchor>y</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QTextListFormat</name>
-    <filename>qtextlistformat.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Style</name>
-      <anchor>Style-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTextListFormat</name>
-      <anchor>QTextListFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>indent</name>
-      <anchor>indent</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isValid</name>
-      <anchor>isValid</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setIndent</name>
-      <anchor>setIndent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int indentation )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setStyle</name>
-      <anchor>setStyle</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Style style )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>style</name>
-      <anchor>style</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QTextList</name>
-    <filename>qtextlist.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>add</name>
-      <anchor>add</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextBlock &amp; block )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>format</name>
-      <anchor>format</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>item</name>
-      <anchor>item</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemNumber</name>
-      <anchor>itemNumber</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextBlock &amp; block )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemText</name>
-      <anchor>itemText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextBlock &amp; block )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>remove</name>
-      <anchor>remove</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextBlock &amp; block )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeItem</name>
-      <anchor>removeItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFormat</name>
-      <anchor>setFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextListFormat &amp; format )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEmpty</name>
-      <anchor>isEmpty</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QTextObject</name>
-    <filename>qtextobject.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTextObject</name>
-      <anchor>QTextObject</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTextDocument * document )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>document</name>
-      <anchor>document</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>format</name>
-      <anchor>format</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>formatIndex</name>
-      <anchor>formatIndex</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>objectIndex</name>
-      <anchor>objectIndex</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFormat</name>
-      <anchor>setFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextFormat &amp; format )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QTextOption</name>
-    <filename>qtextoption.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>WrapMode</name>
-      <anchor>WrapMode-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTextOption</name>
-      <anchor>QTextOption</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTextOption</name>
-      <anchor>QTextOption-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::Alignment alignment )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTextOption</name>
-      <anchor>QTextOption-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextOption &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Alignment</name>
-      <anchor>alignment</anchor>
-      <arglist> QTextOption::alignment()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>flags</name>
-      <anchor>flags</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAlignment</name>
-      <anchor>setAlignment</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::Alignment alignment )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFlags</name>
-      <anchor>setFlags</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Flags flags )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTabArray</name>
-      <anchor>setTabArray</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QList&lt;qreal&gt; tabStops )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTabStop</name>
-      <anchor>setTabStop</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal tabStop )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTextDirection</name>
-      <anchor>setTextDirection</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::LayoutDirection direction )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setUseDesignMetrics</name>
-      <anchor>setUseDesignMetrics</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setWrapMode</name>
-      <anchor>setWrapMode</anchor>
-      <arglist>( WrapMode mode )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>tabArray</name>
-      <anchor>tabArray</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>tabStop</name>
-      <anchor>tabStop</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>LayoutDirection</name>
-      <anchor>textDirection</anchor>
-      <arglist> QTextOption::textDirection()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>useDesignMetrics</name>
-      <anchor>useDesignMetrics</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>wrapMode</name>
-      <anchor>wrapMode</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextOption &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QTextOStream</name>
-    <filename>qtextostream.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTextOStream</name>
-      <anchor>QTextOStream</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QString * string )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTextOStream</name>
-      <anchor>QTextOStream-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QByteArray * byteArray )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTextOStream</name>
-      <anchor>QTextOStream-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( FILE * file )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QTextStream</name>
-    <filename>qtextstream.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>FieldAlignment</name>
-      <anchor>FieldAlignment-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>RealNumberNotation</name>
-      <anchor>RealNumberNotation-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Status</name>
-      <anchor>Status-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTextStream</name>
-      <anchor>QTextStream</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTextStream</name>
-      <anchor>QTextStream-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QIODevice * device )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTextStream</name>
-      <anchor>QTextStream-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( FILE * fileHandle, QIODevice::OpenMode openMode = QIODevice::ReadWrite )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTextStream</name>
-      <anchor>QTextStream-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QString * string, QIODevice::OpenMode openMode = QIODevice::ReadWrite )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTextStream</name>
-      <anchor>QTextStream-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QByteArray * array, QIODevice::OpenMode openMode = QIODevice::ReadWrite )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTextStream</name>
-      <anchor>QTextStream-6</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; array, QIODevice::OpenMode openMode = QIODevice::ReadOnly )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>atEnd</name>
-      <anchor>atEnd</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>autoDetectUnicode</name>
-      <anchor>autoDetectUnicode</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>codec</name>
-      <anchor>codec</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>device</name>
-      <anchor>device</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fieldAlignment</name>
-      <anchor>fieldAlignment</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fieldWidth</name>
-      <anchor>fieldWidth</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>flush</name>
-      <anchor>flush</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>generateByteOrderMark</name>
-      <anchor>generateByteOrderMark</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>integerBase</name>
-      <anchor>integerBase</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>numberFlags</name>
-      <anchor>numberFlags</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>padChar</name>
-      <anchor>padChar</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>read</name>
-      <anchor>read</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qint64 maxlen )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>readAll</name>
-      <anchor>readAll</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>readLine</name>
-      <anchor>readLine</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qint64 maxlen = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>realNumberNotation</name>
-      <anchor>realNumberNotation</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>realNumberPrecision</name>
-      <anchor>realNumberPrecision</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>reset</name>
-      <anchor>reset</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resetStatus</name>
-      <anchor>resetStatus</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>seek</name>
-      <anchor>seek</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qint64 pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAutoDetectUnicode</name>
-      <anchor>setAutoDetectUnicode</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool enabled )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCodec</name>
-      <anchor>setCodec</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTextCodec * codec )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCodec</name>
-      <anchor>setCodec-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * codecName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDevice</name>
-      <anchor>setDevice</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QIODevice * device )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFieldAlignment</name>
-      <anchor>setFieldAlignment</anchor>
-      <arglist>( FieldAlignment mode )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFieldWidth</name>
-      <anchor>setFieldWidth</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int width )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setGenerateByteOrderMark</name>
-      <anchor>setGenerateByteOrderMark</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool generate )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setIntegerBase</name>
-      <anchor>setIntegerBase</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int base )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setNumberFlags</name>
-      <anchor>setNumberFlags</anchor>
-      <arglist>( NumberFlags flags )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPadChar</name>
-      <anchor>setPadChar</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QChar ch )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRealNumberNotation</name>
-      <anchor>setRealNumberNotation</anchor>
-      <arglist>( RealNumberNotation notation )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRealNumberPrecision</name>
-      <anchor>setRealNumberPrecision</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int precision )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setStatus</name>
-      <anchor>setStatus</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Status status )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setString</name>
-      <anchor>setString</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QString * string, QIODevice::OpenMode openMode = QIODevice::ReadWrite )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>skipWhiteSpace</name>
-      <anchor>skipWhiteSpace</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>status</name>
-      <anchor>status</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>string</name>
-      <anchor>string</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;&lt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt-lt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QChar c )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;&lt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt-lt-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( signed short i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;&lt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt-lt-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( float f )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;&lt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt-lt-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; string )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;&lt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt-lt-6</anchor>
-      <arglist>( char c )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;&lt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt-lt-7</anchor>
-      <arglist>( unsigned short i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;&lt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt-lt-8</anchor>
-      <arglist>( signed int i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;&lt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt-lt-9</anchor>
-      <arglist>( unsigned int i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;&lt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt-lt-10</anchor>
-      <arglist>( signed long i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;&lt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt-lt-11</anchor>
-      <arglist>( unsigned long i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;&lt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt-lt-12</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qlonglong i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;&lt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt-lt-13</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qulonglong i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;&lt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt-lt-14</anchor>
-      <arglist>( double f )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;&lt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt-lt-15</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; array )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;&lt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt-lt-16</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * string )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;&lt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt-lt-17</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const void * ptr )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&gt;&gt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-gt-gt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QChar &amp; c )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&gt;&gt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-gt-gt-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( signed short &amp; i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&gt;&gt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-gt-gt-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( float &amp; f )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&gt;&gt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-gt-gt-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QString &amp; str )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&gt;&gt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-gt-gt-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( char &amp; c )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&gt;&gt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-gt-gt-6</anchor>
-      <arglist>( unsigned short &amp; i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&gt;&gt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-gt-gt-7</anchor>
-      <arglist>( signed int &amp; i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&gt;&gt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-gt-gt-8</anchor>
-      <arglist>( unsigned int &amp; i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&gt;&gt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-gt-gt-9</anchor>
-      <arglist>( signed long &amp; i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&gt;&gt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-gt-gt-10</anchor>
-      <arglist>( unsigned long &amp; i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&gt;&gt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-gt-gt-11</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qlonglong &amp; i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&gt;&gt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-gt-gt-12</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qulonglong &amp; i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&gt;&gt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-gt-gt-13</anchor>
-      <arglist>( double &amp; f )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&gt;&gt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-gt-gt-14</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QByteArray &amp; array )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&gt;&gt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-gt-gt-15</anchor>
-      <arglist>( char * c )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Encoding</name>
-      <anchor>Encoding-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fill</name>
-      <anchor>fill</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int f )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>flags</name>
-      <anchor>flags</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>flags</name>
-      <anchor>flags-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int f )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>precision</name>
-      <anchor>precision</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int p )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>read</name>
-      <anchor>read-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setEncoding</name>
-      <anchor>setEncoding</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Encoding encoding )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setf</name>
-      <anchor>setf</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int bits )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setf</name>
-      <anchor>setf-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int bits, int mask )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>unsetDevice</name>
-      <anchor>unsetDevice</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>unsetf</name>
-      <anchor>unsetf</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int bits )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>width</name>
-      <anchor>width</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int w )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>adjustfield</name>
-      <anchor>adjustfield-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>basefield</name>
-      <anchor>basefield-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bin</name>
-      <anchor>bin-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dec</name>
-      <anchor>dec-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fixed</name>
-      <anchor>fixed-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>floatfield</name>
-      <anchor>floatfield-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hex</name>
-      <anchor>hex-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>internal</name>
-      <anchor>internal-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>left</name>
-      <anchor>left-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>oct</name>
-      <anchor>oct-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>right</name>
-      <anchor>right-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>scientific</name>
-      <anchor>scientific-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>showbase</name>
-      <anchor>showbase-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>showpoint</name>
-      <anchor>showpoint-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>showpos</name>
-      <anchor>showpos-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>skipws</name>
-      <anchor>skipws-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>uppercase</name>
-      <anchor>uppercase-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QTextTableCell</name>
-    <filename>qtexttablecell.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTextTableCell</name>
-      <anchor>QTextTableCell</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTextTableCell</name>
-      <anchor>QTextTableCell-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextTableCell &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>iterator</name>
-      <anchor>begin</anchor>
-      <arglist> QTextTableCell::begin()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>column</name>
-      <anchor>column</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>columnSpan</name>
-      <anchor>columnSpan</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>iterator</name>
-      <anchor>end</anchor>
-      <arglist> QTextTableCell::end()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>firstCursorPosition</name>
-      <anchor>firstCursorPosition</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>format</name>
-      <anchor>format</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isValid</name>
-      <anchor>isValid</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lastCursorPosition</name>
-      <anchor>lastCursorPosition</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>row</name>
-      <anchor>row</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rowSpan</name>
-      <anchor>rowSpan</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextTableCell &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextTableCell &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextTableCell &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QTextTableFormat</name>
-    <filename>qtexttableformat.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTextTableFormat</name>
-      <anchor>QTextTableFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Alignment</name>
-      <anchor>alignment</anchor>
-      <arglist> QTextTableFormat::alignment()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cellPadding</name>
-      <anchor>cellPadding</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cellSpacing</name>
-      <anchor>cellSpacing</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clearColumnWidthConstraints</name>
-      <anchor>clearColumnWidthConstraints</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>columnWidthConstraints</name>
-      <anchor>columnWidthConstraints</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>columns</name>
-      <anchor>columns</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isValid</name>
-      <anchor>isValid</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAlignment</name>
-      <anchor>setAlignment</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::Alignment alignment )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCellPadding</name>
-      <anchor>setCellPadding</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal padding )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCellSpacing</name>
-      <anchor>setCellSpacing</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qreal spacing )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setColumnWidthConstraints</name>
-      <anchor>setColumnWidthConstraints</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QVector&lt;QTextLength&gt; &amp; constraints )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setColumns</name>
-      <anchor>setColumns</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int columns )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QTextTable</name>
-    <filename>qtexttable.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cellAt</name>
-      <anchor>cellAt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cellAt</name>
-      <anchor>cellAt-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int position )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cellAt</name>
-      <anchor>cellAt-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextCursor &amp; cursor )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>columns</name>
-      <anchor>columns</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>format</name>
-      <anchor>format</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertColumns</name>
-      <anchor>insertColumns</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, int columns )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertRows</name>
-      <anchor>insertRows</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, int rows )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mergeCells</name>
-      <anchor>mergeCells</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int column, int numRows, int numCols )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mergeCells</name>
-      <anchor>mergeCells-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextCursor &amp; cursor )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeColumns</name>
-      <anchor>removeColumns</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, int columns )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeRows</name>
-      <anchor>removeRows</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, int rows )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resize</name>
-      <anchor>resize</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int rows, int columns )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rowEnd</name>
-      <anchor>rowEnd</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextCursor &amp; cursor )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rowStart</name>
-      <anchor>rowStart</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextCursor &amp; cursor )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rows</name>
-      <anchor>rows</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFormat</name>
-      <anchor>setFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTextTableFormat &amp; format )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>splitCell</name>
-      <anchor>splitCell</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, int column, int numRows, int numCols )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QThread</name>
-    <filename>qthread.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Priority</name>
-      <anchor>Priority-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QThread</name>
-      <anchor>QThread</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentThread</name>
-      <anchor>currentThread</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>HANDLE</name>
-      <anchor>currentThreadId</anchor>
-      <arglist> QThread::currentThreadId()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>exec</name>
-      <anchor>exec</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>exit</name>
-      <anchor>exit</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int returnCode = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>finished</name>
-      <anchor>finished</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isFinished</name>
-      <anchor>isFinished</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isRunning</name>
-      <anchor>isRunning</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>msleep</name>
-      <anchor>msleep</anchor>
-      <arglist>( unsigned long msecs )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>priority</name>
-      <anchor>priority</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>quit</name>
-      <anchor>quit</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>run</name>
-      <anchor>run</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPriority</name>
-      <anchor>setPriority</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Priority priority )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setStackSize</name>
-      <anchor>setStackSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint stackSize )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTerminationEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>setTerminationEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool enabled = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sleep</name>
-      <anchor>sleep</anchor>
-      <arglist>( unsigned long secs )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>stackSize</name>
-      <anchor>stackSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>start</name>
-      <anchor>start</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QThread::Priority = InheritPriority )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>started</name>
-      <anchor>started</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>terminate</name>
-      <anchor>terminate</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>terminated</name>
-      <anchor>terminated</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>usleep</name>
-      <anchor>usleep</anchor>
-      <arglist>( unsigned long usecs )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>wait</name>
-      <anchor>wait</anchor>
-      <arglist>( unsigned long time = ULONG_MAX )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>finished</name>
-      <anchor>finished-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>running</name>
-      <anchor>running</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QThreadStorage</name>
-    <filename>qthreadstorage.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QThreadStorage</name>
-      <anchor>QThreadStorage</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasLocalData</name>
-      <anchor>hasLocalData</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>localData</name>
-      <anchor>localData</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>localData</name>
-      <anchor>localData-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setLocalData</name>
-      <anchor>setLocalData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( T data )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>AnchorAttribute</name>
-      <anchor>AnchorAttribute-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>ArrowType</name>
-      <anchor>ArrowType-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>AspectRatioMode</name>
-      <anchor>AspectRatioMode-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>BGMode</name>
-      <anchor>BGMode-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>BrushStyle</name>
-      <anchor>BrushStyle-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>CaseSensitivity</name>
-      <anchor>CaseSensitivity-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>CheckState</name>
-      <anchor>CheckState-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>ClipOperation</name>
-      <anchor>ClipOperation-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>ConnectionType</name>
-      <anchor>ConnectionType-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>ContextMenuPolicy</name>
-      <anchor>ContextMenuPolicy-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Corner</name>
-      <anchor>Corner-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>CursorShape</name>
-      <anchor>CursorShape-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>DayOfWeek</name>
-      <anchor>DayOfWeek-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Dock</name>
-      <anchor>Dock-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>FillRule</name>
-      <anchor>FillRule-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>FocusPolicy</name>
-      <anchor>FocusPolicy-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>FocusReason</name>
-      <anchor>FocusReason-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>GlobalColor</name>
-      <anchor>GlobalColor-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>HANDLE</name>
-      <anchor>HANDLE-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>HitTestAccuracy</name>
-      <anchor>HitTestAccuracy-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>InputMethodQuery</name>
-      <anchor>InputMethodQuery-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>ItemDataRole</name>
-      <anchor>ItemDataRole-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Key</name>
-      <anchor>Key-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>LayoutDirection</name>
-      <anchor>LayoutDirection-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Modifier</name>
-      <anchor>Modifier-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>PenCapStyle</name>
-      <anchor>PenCapStyle-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>PenJoinStyle</name>
-      <anchor>PenJoinStyle-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>PenStyle</name>
-      <anchor>PenStyle-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>ScrollBarPolicy</name>
-      <anchor>ScrollBarPolicy-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>ShortcutContext</name>
-      <anchor>ShortcutContext-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>SortOrder</name>
-      <anchor>SortOrder-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>TextElideMode</name>
-      <anchor>TextElideMode-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>TextFlag</name>
-      <anchor>TextFlag-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>TextFormat</name>
-      <anchor>TextFormat-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>TimeSpec</name>
-      <anchor>TimeSpec-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>ToolButtonStyle</name>
-      <anchor>ToolButtonStyle-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>TransformationMode</name>
-      <anchor>TransformationMode-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>UIEffect</name>
-      <anchor>UIEffect-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>WFlags</name>
-      <anchor>WFlags-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>WhiteSpaceMode</name>
-      <anchor>WhiteSpaceMode-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>WidgetAttribute</name>
-      <anchor>WidgetAttribute-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>WindowModality</name>
-      <anchor>WindowModality-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>convertFromPlainText</name>
-      <anchor>convertFromPlainText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; plain, WhiteSpaceMode mode = WhiteSpacePre )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>escape</name>
-      <anchor>escape</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; plain )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mightBeRichText</name>
-      <anchor>mightBeRichText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QTimeEdit</name>
-    <filename>qtimeedit.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTimeEdit</name>
-      <anchor>QTimeEdit</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTimeEdit</name>
-      <anchor>QTimeEdit-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTime &amp; time, QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QTime</name>
-    <filename>qtime.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTime</name>
-      <anchor>QTime</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTime</name>
-      <anchor>QTime-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int h, int m, int s = 0, int ms = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addMSecs</name>
-      <anchor>addMSecs</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int ms )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addSecs</name>
-      <anchor>addSecs</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int nsecs )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentTime</name>
-      <anchor>currentTime-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>elapsed</name>
-      <anchor>elapsed</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromString</name>
-      <anchor>fromString</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; string, Qt::DateFormat format = Qt::TextDate )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromString</name>
-      <anchor>fromString-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; string, const QString &amp; format )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hour</name>
-      <anchor>hour</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isNull</name>
-      <anchor>isNull</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isValid</name>
-      <anchor>isValid</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isValid</name>
-      <anchor>isValid-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int h, int m, int s, int ms = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>minute</name>
-      <anchor>minute</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>msec</name>
-      <anchor>msec</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>msecsTo</name>
-      <anchor>msecsTo</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTime &amp; t )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>restart</name>
-      <anchor>restart</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>second</name>
-      <anchor>second</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>secsTo</name>
-      <anchor>secsTo</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTime &amp; t )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setHMS</name>
-      <anchor>setHMS</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int h, int m, int s, int ms = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>start</name>
-      <anchor>start</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toString</name>
-      <anchor>toString</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; format )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toString</name>
-      <anchor>toString-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::DateFormat f = Qt::TextDate )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTime &amp; t )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTime &amp; t )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTime &amp; t )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTime &amp; t )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&gt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-gt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTime &amp; t )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&gt;=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-gt-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTime &amp; t )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentTime</name>
-      <anchor>currentTime</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::TimeSpec spec )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QTimerEvent</name>
-    <filename>qtimerevent.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTimerEvent</name>
-      <anchor>QTimerEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int timerId )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>timerId</name>
-      <anchor>timerId</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QTimer</name>
-    <filename>qtimer.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTimer</name>
-      <anchor>QTimer</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isActive</name>
-      <anchor>isActive</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>singleShot</name>
-      <anchor>singleShot</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int msec, QObject * receiver, const char * member )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>start</name>
-      <anchor>start</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int msec )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>start</name>
-      <anchor>start-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>stop</name>
-      <anchor>stop</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>timeout</name>
-      <anchor>timeout</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>timerId</name>
-      <anchor>timerId</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTimer</name>
-      <anchor>QTimer-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent, const char * name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>changeInterval</name>
-      <anchor>changeInterval</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int msec )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>start</name>
-      <anchor>start-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int msec, bool sshot )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QToolBar</name>
-    <filename>qtoolbar.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ToolBarAreas</name>
-      <anchor>allowedAreas-prop</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Orientation</name>
-      <anchor>orientation-prop</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ToolButtonStyle</name>
-      <anchor>toolButtonStyle-prop</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QToolBar</name>
-      <anchor>QToolBar</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; title, QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QToolBar</name>
-      <anchor>QToolBar-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>actionAt</name>
-      <anchor>actionAt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; p )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>actionAt</name>
-      <anchor>actionAt-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>actionTriggered</name>
-      <anchor>actionTriggered</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QAction * action )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addAction</name>
-      <anchor>addAction</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addAction</name>
-      <anchor>addAction-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QIcon &amp; icon, const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addAction</name>
-      <anchor>addAction-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text, const QObject * receiver, const char * member )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addAction</name>
-      <anchor>addAction-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QIcon &amp; icon, const QString &amp; text, const QObject * receiver, const char * member )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addSeparator</name>
-      <anchor>addSeparator</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addWidget</name>
-      <anchor>addWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>allowedAreasChanged</name>
-      <anchor>allowedAreasChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::ToolBarAreas allowedAreas )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>iconSizeChanged</name>
-      <anchor>iconSizeChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSize &amp; iconSize )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertSeparator</name>
-      <anchor>insertSeparator</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QAction * before )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertWidget</name>
-      <anchor>insertWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QAction * before, QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isAreaAllowed</name>
-      <anchor>isAreaAllowed</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::ToolBarArea area )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>movableChanged</name>
-      <anchor>movableChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool movable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>orientationChanged</name>
-      <anchor>orientationChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::Orientation orientation )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toggleViewAction</name>
-      <anchor>toggleViewAction</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toolButtonStyleChanged</name>
-      <anchor>toolButtonStyleChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::ToolButtonStyle toolButtonStyle )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QToolBar</name>
-      <anchor>QToolBar-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, const char * name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>label</name>
-      <anchor>label</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setLabel</name>
-      <anchor>setLabel</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; label )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QToolBox</name>
-    <filename>qtoolbox.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QToolBox</name>
-      <anchor>QToolBox</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addItem</name>
-      <anchor>addItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget, const QIcon &amp; iconSet, const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addItem</name>
-      <anchor>addItem-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * w, const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentChanged</name>
-      <anchor>currentChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentWidget</name>
-      <anchor>currentWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>indexOf</name>
-      <anchor>indexOf</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertItem</name>
-      <anchor>insertItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, QWidget * widget, const QIcon &amp; icon, const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertItem</name>
-      <anchor>insertItem-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, QWidget * widget, const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isItemEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>isItemEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemIcon</name>
-      <anchor>itemIcon</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemInserted</name>
-      <anchor>itemInserted</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemRemoved</name>
-      <anchor>itemRemoved</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemText</name>
-      <anchor>itemText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemToolTip</name>
-      <anchor>itemToolTip</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeItem</name>
-      <anchor>removeItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCurrentWidget</name>
-      <anchor>setCurrentWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setItemEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>setItemEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, bool enabled )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setItemIcon</name>
-      <anchor>setItemIcon</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, const QIcon &amp; icon )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setItemText</name>
-      <anchor>setItemText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setItemToolTip</name>
-      <anchor>setItemToolTip</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, const QString &amp; toolTip )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>widget</name>
-      <anchor>widget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QToolBox</name>
-      <anchor>QToolBox-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, const char * name, Qt::WFlags f = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentItem</name>
-      <anchor>currentItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>item</name>
-      <anchor>item</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemIconSet</name>
-      <anchor>itemIconSet</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemLabel</name>
-      <anchor>itemLabel</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeItem</name>
-      <anchor>removeItem-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCurrentItem</name>
-      <anchor>setCurrentItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setItemIconSet</name>
-      <anchor>setItemIconSet</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, const QIcon &amp; icon )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setItemLabel</name>
-      <anchor>setItemLabel</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QToolButton</name>
-    <filename>qtoolbutton.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>ToolButtonPopupMode</name>
-      <anchor>ToolButtonPopupMode-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ArrowType</name>
-      <anchor>arrowType-prop</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ToolButtonStyle</name>
-      <anchor>toolButtonStyle-prop</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QToolButton</name>
-      <anchor>QToolButton</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>defaultAction</name>
-      <anchor>defaultAction</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>menu</name>
-      <anchor>menu</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>paintEvent</name>
-      <anchor>paintEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPaintEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDefaultAction</name>
-      <anchor>setDefaultAction</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QAction * action )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setMenu</name>
-      <anchor>setMenu</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QMenu * menu )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>showMenu</name>
-      <anchor>showMenu</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>triggered</name>
-      <anchor>triggered</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QAction * action )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>TextPosition</name>
-      <anchor>TextPosition-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QToolButton</name>
-      <anchor>QToolButton-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, const char * name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QToolButton</name>
-      <anchor>QToolButton-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::ArrowType type, QWidget * parent, const char * name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QToolButton</name>
-      <anchor>QToolButton-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QIcon &amp; icon, const QString &amp; textLabel, const QString &amp; statusTip, QObject * receiver, const char * slot, QWidget * parent, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>iconSet</name>
-      <anchor>iconSet</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>iconSet</name>
-      <anchor>iconSet-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool on )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>offIconSet</name>
-      <anchor>offIconSet</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>onIconSet</name>
-      <anchor>onIconSet</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>openPopup</name>
-      <anchor>openPopup</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>popup</name>
-      <anchor>popup</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>popupDelay</name>
-      <anchor>popupDelay</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setIconSet</name>
-      <anchor>setIconSet</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QIcon &amp; icon )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setIconSet</name>
-      <anchor>setIconSet-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QIcon &amp; set, bool on )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setOffIconSet</name>
-      <anchor>setOffIconSet</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QIcon &amp; set )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setOnIconSet</name>
-      <anchor>setOnIconSet</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QIcon &amp; set )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>setPixmap</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPixmap &amp; pixmap )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPopup</name>
-      <anchor>setPopup</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QMenu * popup )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPopupDelay</name>
-      <anchor>setPopupDelay</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int delay )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTextLabel</name>
-      <anchor>setTextLabel</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text, bool tooltip = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTextPosition</name>
-      <anchor>setTextPosition</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QToolButton::TextPosition pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setUsesBigPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>setUsesBigPixmap</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setUsesTextLabel</name>
-      <anchor>setUsesTextLabel</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>textLabel</name>
-      <anchor>textLabel</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>textPosition</name>
-      <anchor>textPosition</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>usesBigPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>usesBigPixmap</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>usesTextLabel</name>
-      <anchor>usesTextLabel</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QToolTip</name>
-    <filename>qtooltip.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>palette</name>
-      <anchor>palette</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>showText</name>
-      <anchor>showText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; pos, const QString &amp; text, QWidget * w = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>add</name>
-      <anchor>add</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget, const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>add</name>
-      <anchor>add-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget, const QRect &amp; rect, const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>remove</name>
-      <anchor>remove</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>BackgroundMode</name>
-      <anchor>BackgroundMode-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ButtonState</name>
-      <anchor>ButtonState-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>ButtonState_enum</name>
-      <anchor>ButtonState_enum-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>GUIStyle</name>
-      <anchor>GUIStyle-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>MacintoshVersion</name>
-      <anchor>MacintoshVersion-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>PaintUnit</name>
-      <anchor>PaintUnit-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ScaleMode</name>
-      <anchor>ScaleMode-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>TextFlags</name>
-      <anchor>TextFlags-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ToolBarDock</name>
-      <anchor>ToolBarDock-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>WindowsVersion</name>
-      <anchor>WindowsVersion-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QTransformedScreen</name>
-    <filename>qtransformedscreen.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Transformation</name>
-      <anchor>Transformation-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTransformedScreen</name>
-      <anchor>QTransformedScreen</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int displayId )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTransformation</name>
-      <anchor>setTransformation</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Transformation transformation )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>transformation</name>
-      <anchor>transformation</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QTranslator</name>
-    <filename>qtranslator.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTranslator</name>
-      <anchor>QTranslator</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEmpty</name>
-      <anchor>isEmpty</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>load</name>
-      <anchor>load</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; filename, const QString &amp; directory = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>load</name>
-      <anchor>load-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const uchar * data, int len )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>translate</name>
-      <anchor>translate</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * context, const char * sourceText, const char * comment = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTranslator</name>
-      <anchor>QTranslator-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent, const char * name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>find</name>
-      <anchor>find</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * context, const char * sourceText, const char * comment = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QTreeView</name>
-    <filename>qtreeview.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTreeView</name>
-      <anchor>QTreeView</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>collapse</name>
-      <anchor>collapse</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>collapsed</name>
-      <anchor>collapsed</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>columnAt</name>
-      <anchor>columnAt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>columnCountChanged</name>
-      <anchor>columnCountChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int oldCount, int newCount )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>columnMoved</name>
-      <anchor>columnMoved</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>columnResized</name>
-      <anchor>columnResized</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column, int oldSize, int newSize )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>columnViewportPosition</name>
-      <anchor>columnViewportPosition</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>columnWidth</name>
-      <anchor>columnWidth</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>doItemsLayout</name>
-      <anchor>doItemsLayout</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawBranches</name>
-      <anchor>drawBranches</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter * painter, const QRect &amp; rect, const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawRow</name>
-      <anchor>drawRow</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPainter * painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &amp; option, const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>expand</name>
-      <anchor>expand</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>expanded</name>
-      <anchor>expanded</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>header</name>
-      <anchor>header</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hideColumn</name>
-      <anchor>hideColumn</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>horizontalOffset</name>
-      <anchor>horizontalOffset</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>indexAbove</name>
-      <anchor>indexAbove</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>indexBelow</name>
-      <anchor>indexBelow</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>indexRowSizeHint</name>
-      <anchor>indexRowSizeHint</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isColumnHidden</name>
-      <anchor>isColumnHidden</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isExpanded</name>
-      <anchor>isExpanded</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isRowHidden</name>
-      <anchor>isRowHidden</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, const QModelIndex &amp; parent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>moveCursor</name>
-      <anchor>moveCursor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( CursorAction cursorAction, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resizeColumnToContents</name>
-      <anchor>resizeColumnToContents</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rowsAboutToBeRemoved</name>
-      <anchor>rowsAboutToBeRemoved</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; parent, int start, int end )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rowsInserted</name>
-      <anchor>rowsInserted</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; parent, int start, int end )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>rowsRemoved</name>
-      <anchor>rowsRemoved</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; parent, int start, int end )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>scrollContentsBy</name>
-      <anchor>scrollContentsBy</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int dx, int dy )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>scrollTo</name>
-      <anchor>scrollTo</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index, ScrollHint hint = EnsureVisible )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selectAll</name>
-      <anchor>selectAll</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setColumnHidden</name>
-      <anchor>setColumnHidden</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column, bool hide )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setExpanded</name>
-      <anchor>setExpanded</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index, bool expanded )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setHeader</name>
-      <anchor>setHeader</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QHeaderView * header )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRowHidden</name>
-      <anchor>setRowHidden</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int row, const QModelIndex &amp; parent, bool hide )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSelection</name>
-      <anchor>setSelection</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; rect, QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlags command )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>showColumn</name>
-      <anchor>showColumn</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sizeHintForColumn</name>
-      <anchor>sizeHintForColumn</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sortByColumn</name>
-      <anchor>sortByColumn</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>verticalOffset</name>
-      <anchor>verticalOffset</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>visualRect</name>
-      <anchor>visualRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>visualRegionForSelection</name>
-      <anchor>visualRegionForSelection</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QItemSelection &amp; selection )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QTreeWidget</name>
-    <filename>qtreewidget.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTreeWidget</name>
-      <anchor>QTreeWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addTopLevelItem</name>
-      <anchor>addTopLevelItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTreeWidgetItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addTopLevelItems</name>
-      <anchor>addTopLevelItems</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QList&lt;QTreeWidgetItem *&gt; &amp; items )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>closePersistentEditor</name>
-      <anchor>closePersistentEditor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTreeWidgetItem * item, int column = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>collapseItem</name>
-      <anchor>collapseItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTreeWidgetItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentColumn</name>
-      <anchor>currentColumn</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentItem</name>
-      <anchor>currentItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>currentItemChanged</name>
-      <anchor>currentItemChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTreeWidgetItem * current, QTreeWidgetItem * previous )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dropMimeData</name>
-      <anchor>dropMimeData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTreeWidgetItem * parent, int index, const QMimeData * data, Qt::DropAction action )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>editItem</name>
-      <anchor>editItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTreeWidgetItem * item, int column = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>event</name>
-      <anchor>event</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QEvent * e )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>expandItem</name>
-      <anchor>expandItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTreeWidgetItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>findItems</name>
-      <anchor>findItems</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text, Qt::MatchFlags flags, int column = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>headerItem</name>
-      <anchor>headerItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>indexFromItem</name>
-      <anchor>indexFromItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTreeWidgetItem * item, int column = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>indexOfTopLevelItem</name>
-      <anchor>indexOfTopLevelItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTreeWidgetItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertTopLevelItem</name>
-      <anchor>insertTopLevelItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, QTreeWidgetItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertTopLevelItems</name>
-      <anchor>insertTopLevelItems</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, const QList&lt;QTreeWidgetItem *&gt; &amp; items )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isItemExpanded</name>
-      <anchor>isItemExpanded</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTreeWidgetItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isItemHidden</name>
-      <anchor>isItemHidden</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTreeWidgetItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isItemSelected</name>
-      <anchor>isItemSelected</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTreeWidgetItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemActivated</name>
-      <anchor>itemActivated</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTreeWidgetItem * item, int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemAt</name>
-      <anchor>itemAt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; p )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemAt</name>
-      <anchor>itemAt-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemChanged</name>
-      <anchor>itemChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTreeWidgetItem * item, int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemClicked</name>
-      <anchor>itemClicked</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTreeWidgetItem * item, int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemCollapsed</name>
-      <anchor>itemCollapsed</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTreeWidgetItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemDoubleClicked</name>
-      <anchor>itemDoubleClicked</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTreeWidgetItem * item, int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemEntered</name>
-      <anchor>itemEntered</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTreeWidgetItem * item, int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemExpanded</name>
-      <anchor>itemExpanded</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTreeWidgetItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemFromIndex</name>
-      <anchor>itemFromIndex</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QModelIndex &amp; index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemPressed</name>
-      <anchor>itemPressed</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTreeWidgetItem * item, int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemSelectionChanged</name>
-      <anchor>itemSelectionChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>itemWidget</name>
-      <anchor>itemWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTreeWidgetItem * item, int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>items</name>
-      <anchor>items</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QMimeData * data )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mimeData</name>
-      <anchor>mimeData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QList&lt;QTreeWidgetItem *&gt; items )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mimeTypes</name>
-      <anchor>mimeTypes</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>openPersistentEditor</name>
-      <anchor>openPersistentEditor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTreeWidgetItem * item, int column = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>scrollToItem</name>
-      <anchor>scrollToItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTreeWidgetItem * item, QAbstractItemView::ScrollHint hint = EnsureVisible )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>selectedItems</name>
-      <anchor>selectedItems</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCurrentItem</name>
-      <anchor>setCurrentItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTreeWidgetItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCurrentItem</name>
-      <anchor>setCurrentItem-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTreeWidgetItem * item, int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setHeaderItem</name>
-      <anchor>setHeaderItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTreeWidgetItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setHeaderLabels</name>
-      <anchor>setHeaderLabels</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStringList &amp; labels )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setItemExpanded</name>
-      <anchor>setItemExpanded</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTreeWidgetItem * item, bool expand )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setItemHidden</name>
-      <anchor>setItemHidden</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTreeWidgetItem * item, bool hide )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setItemSelected</name>
-      <anchor>setItemSelected</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTreeWidgetItem * item, bool select )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setItemWidget</name>
-      <anchor>setItemWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTreeWidgetItem * item, int column, QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sortColumn</name>
-      <anchor>sortColumn</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sortItems</name>
-      <anchor>sortItems</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column, Qt::SortOrder order )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>DropActions</name>
-      <anchor>supportedDropActions</anchor>
-      <arglist> QTreeWidget::supportedDropActions()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>takeTopLevelItem</name>
-      <anchor>takeTopLevelItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>topLevelItem</name>
-      <anchor>topLevelItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>visualItemRect</name>
-      <anchor>visualItemRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTreeWidgetItem * item )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QTreeWidgetItem</name>
-    <filename>qtreewidgetitem.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTreeWidgetItem</name>
-      <anchor>QTreeWidgetItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int type = Type )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTreeWidgetItem</name>
-      <anchor>QTreeWidgetItem-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStringList &amp; strings, int type = Type )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTreeWidgetItem</name>
-      <anchor>QTreeWidgetItem-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTreeWidget * parent, int type = Type )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTreeWidgetItem</name>
-      <anchor>QTreeWidgetItem-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTreeWidget * parent, const QStringList &amp; strings, int type = Type )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTreeWidgetItem</name>
-      <anchor>QTreeWidgetItem-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTreeWidget * parent, QTreeWidgetItem * preceding, int type = Type )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTreeWidgetItem</name>
-      <anchor>QTreeWidgetItem-6</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTreeWidgetItem * parent, int type = Type )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTreeWidgetItem</name>
-      <anchor>QTreeWidgetItem-7</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTreeWidgetItem * parent, const QStringList &amp; strings, int type = Type )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTreeWidgetItem</name>
-      <anchor>QTreeWidgetItem-8</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTreeWidgetItem * parent, QTreeWidgetItem * preceding, int type = Type )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTreeWidgetItem</name>
-      <anchor>QTreeWidgetItem-9</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTreeWidgetItem &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addChild</name>
-      <anchor>addChild</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTreeWidgetItem * child )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addChildren</name>
-      <anchor>addChildren</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QList&lt;QTreeWidgetItem *&gt; &amp; children )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>backgroundColor</name>
-      <anchor>backgroundColor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>CheckState</name>
-      <anchor>checkState</anchor>
-      <arglist> QTreeWidgetItem::checkState( int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>child</name>
-      <anchor>child</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>childCount</name>
-      <anchor>childCount</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clone</name>
-      <anchor>clone</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>columnCount</name>
-      <anchor>columnCount</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>data</name>
-      <anchor>data</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column, int role )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ItemFlags</name>
-      <anchor>flags</anchor>
-      <arglist> QTreeWidgetItem::flags()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>font</name>
-      <anchor>font</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>icon</name>
-      <anchor>icon</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>indexOfChild</name>
-      <anchor>indexOfChild</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTreeWidgetItem * child )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertChild</name>
-      <anchor>insertChild</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, QTreeWidgetItem * child )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertChildren</name>
-      <anchor>insertChildren</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index, const QList&lt;QTreeWidgetItem *&gt; &amp; children )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>parent</name>
-      <anchor>parent</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>read</name>
-      <anchor>read</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDataStream &amp; in )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setBackgroundColor</name>
-      <anchor>setBackgroundColor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column, const QColor &amp; color )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCheckState</name>
-      <anchor>setCheckState</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column, Qt::CheckState state )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setData</name>
-      <anchor>setData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column, int role, const QVariant &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFlags</name>
-      <anchor>setFlags</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::ItemFlags flags )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFont</name>
-      <anchor>setFont</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column, const QFont &amp; font )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setIcon</name>
-      <anchor>setIcon</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column, const QIcon &amp; icon )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSizeHint</name>
-      <anchor>setSizeHint</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column, const QSize &amp; size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setStatusTip</name>
-      <anchor>setStatusTip</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column, const QString &amp; statusTip )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setText</name>
-      <anchor>setText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column, const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTextAlignment</name>
-      <anchor>setTextAlignment</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column, int alignment )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTextColor</name>
-      <anchor>setTextColor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column, const QColor &amp; color )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setToolTip</name>
-      <anchor>setToolTip</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column, const QString &amp; toolTip )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setWhatsThis</name>
-      <anchor>setWhatsThis</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column, const QString &amp; whatsThis )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sizeHint</name>
-      <anchor>sizeHint</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>statusTip</name>
-      <anchor>statusTip</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>takeChild</name>
-      <anchor>takeChild</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>takeChildren</name>
-      <anchor>takeChildren</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>text</name>
-      <anchor>text</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>textAlignment</name>
-      <anchor>textAlignment</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>textColor</name>
-      <anchor>textColor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toolTip</name>
-      <anchor>toolTip</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>treeWidget</name>
-      <anchor>treeWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>type</name>
-      <anchor>type</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>whatsThis</name>
-      <anchor>whatsThis</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int column )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>write</name>
-      <anchor>write</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDataStream &amp; out )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTreeWidgetItem &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTreeWidgetItem &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Type</name>
-      <anchor>Type-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>UserType</name>
-      <anchor>UserType-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QTreeWidgetItemIterator</name>
-    <filename>qtreewidgetitemiterator.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTreeWidgetItemIterator</name>
-      <anchor>QTreeWidgetItemIterator</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTreeWidgetItemIterator &amp; it )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTreeWidgetItemIterator</name>
-      <anchor>QTreeWidgetItemIterator-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTreeWidget * widget, IteratorFlags flags = All )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QTreeWidgetItemIterator</name>
-      <anchor>QTreeWidgetItemIterator-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTreeWidgetItem * item, IteratorFlags flags = All )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator*</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2a</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator++</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-2b</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator++</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-2b-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int n )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator--</name>
-      <anchor>operator--</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator--</name>
-      <anchor>operator---2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator-=</name>
-      <anchor>operator--eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int n )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTreeWidgetItemIterator &amp; it )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QUdpSocket</name>
-    <filename>qudpsocket.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QUdpSocket</name>
-      <anchor>QUdpSocket</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bind</name>
-      <anchor>bind</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QHostAddress &amp; address, quint16 port )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bind</name>
-      <anchor>bind-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QHostAddress &amp; address, quint16 port, BindMode mode )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bind</name>
-      <anchor>bind-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( quint16 port = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>bind</name>
-      <anchor>bind-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( quint16 port, BindMode mode )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasPendingDatagrams</name>
-      <anchor>hasPendingDatagrams</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pendingDatagramSize</name>
-      <anchor>pendingDatagramSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>readDatagram</name>
-      <anchor>readDatagram</anchor>
-      <arglist>( char * data, qint64 maxSize, QHostAddress * address = 0, quint16 * port = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>writeDatagram</name>
-      <anchor>writeDatagram</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * data, qint64 size, const QHostAddress &amp; address, quint16 port )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>writeDatagram</name>
-      <anchor>writeDatagram-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; datagram, const QHostAddress &amp; host, quint16 port )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QUiLoader</name>
-    <filename>quiloader.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QUiLoader</name>
-      <anchor>QUiLoader</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addPluginPath</name>
-      <anchor>addPluginPath</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; path )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>availableWidgets</name>
-      <anchor>availableWidgets</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clearPluginPaths</name>
-      <anchor>clearPluginPaths</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>createAction</name>
-      <anchor>createAction</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0, const QString &amp; name = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>createActionGroup</name>
-      <anchor>createActionGroup</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0, const QString &amp; name = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>createLayout</name>
-      <anchor>createLayout</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; className, QObject * parent = 0, const QString &amp; name = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>createWidget</name>
-      <anchor>createWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; className, QWidget * parent = 0, const QString &amp; name = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>load</name>
-      <anchor>load</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QIODevice * device, QWidget * parentWidget = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pluginPaths</name>
-      <anchor>pluginPaths</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QUrl</name>
-    <filename>qurl.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>ParsingMode</name>
-      <anchor>ParsingMode-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QUrl</name>
-      <anchor>QUrl</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QUrl</name>
-      <anchor>QUrl-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; url )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QUrl</name>
-      <anchor>QUrl-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QUrl &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QUrl</name>
-      <anchor>QUrl-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; url, ParsingMode parsingMode )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addQueryItem</name>
-      <anchor>addQueryItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key, const QString &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>allQueryItemValues</name>
-      <anchor>allQueryItemValues</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>authority</name>
-      <anchor>authority</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>encodedQuery</name>
-      <anchor>encodedQuery</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fragment</name>
-      <anchor>fragment</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromEncoded</name>
-      <anchor>fromEncoded</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; input )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromEncoded</name>
-      <anchor>fromEncoded-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; input, ParsingMode parsingMode )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromLocalFile</name>
-      <anchor>fromLocalFile</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; localFile )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromPercentEncoding</name>
-      <anchor>fromPercentEncoding</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; input )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromPunycode</name>
-      <anchor>fromPunycode</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; pc )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasQueryItem</name>
-      <anchor>hasQueryItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>host</name>
-      <anchor>host</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEmpty</name>
-      <anchor>isEmpty</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isParentOf</name>
-      <anchor>isParentOf</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QUrl &amp; childUrl )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isRelative</name>
-      <anchor>isRelative</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isValid</name>
-      <anchor>isValid</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>password</name>
-      <anchor>password</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>path</name>
-      <anchor>path</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>port</name>
-      <anchor>port</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>port</name>
-      <anchor>port-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int defaultPort )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>queryItemValue</name>
-      <anchor>queryItemValue</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>queryItems</name>
-      <anchor>queryItems</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>queryPairDelimiter</name>
-      <anchor>queryPairDelimiter</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>queryValueDelimiter</name>
-      <anchor>queryValueDelimiter</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeAllQueryItems</name>
-      <anchor>removeAllQueryItems</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeQueryItem</name>
-      <anchor>removeQueryItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; key )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resolved</name>
-      <anchor>resolved</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QUrl &amp; relative )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>scheme</name>
-      <anchor>scheme</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAuthority</name>
-      <anchor>setAuthority</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; authority )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setEncodedQuery</name>
-      <anchor>setEncodedQuery</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; query )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setEncodedUrl</name>
-      <anchor>setEncodedUrl</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; encodedUrl )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setEncodedUrl</name>
-      <anchor>setEncodedUrl-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; encodedUrl, ParsingMode parsingMode )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFragment</name>
-      <anchor>setFragment</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; fragment )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setHost</name>
-      <anchor>setHost</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; host )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPassword</name>
-      <anchor>setPassword</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; password )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPath</name>
-      <anchor>setPath</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; path )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPort</name>
-      <anchor>setPort</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int port )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setQueryDelimiters</name>
-      <anchor>setQueryDelimiters</anchor>
-      <arglist>( char valueDelimiter, char pairDelimiter )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setQueryItems</name>
-      <anchor>setQueryItems</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QList&lt;QPair&lt;QString, QString&gt; &gt; &amp; query )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setScheme</name>
-      <anchor>setScheme</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; scheme )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setUrl</name>
-      <anchor>setUrl</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; url )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setUrl</name>
-      <anchor>setUrl-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; url, ParsingMode parsingMode )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setUserInfo</name>
-      <anchor>setUserInfo</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; userInfo )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setUserName</name>
-      <anchor>setUserName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; userName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toEncoded</name>
-      <anchor>toEncoded</anchor>
-      <arglist>( FormattingOptions options = None )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toLocalFile</name>
-      <anchor>toLocalFile</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toPercentEncoding</name>
-      <anchor>toPercentEncoding</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; input, const QByteArray &amp; exclude = QByteArray()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toPunycode</name>
-      <anchor>toPunycode</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; uc )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toString</name>
-      <anchor>toString</anchor>
-      <arglist>( FormattingOptions options = None )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>userInfo</name>
-      <anchor>userInfo</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>userName</name>
-      <anchor>userName</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QUrl &amp; url )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QUrl &amp; url )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; url )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QUrl &amp; url )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QUrlInfo</name>
-    <filename>qurlinfo.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>PermissionSpec</name>
-      <anchor>PermissionSpec-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QUrlInfo</name>
-      <anchor>QUrlInfo</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QUrlInfo</name>
-      <anchor>QUrlInfo-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QUrlInfo &amp; ui )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QUrlInfo</name>
-      <anchor>QUrlInfo-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name, int permissions, const QString &amp; owner, const QString &amp; group, qint64 size, const QDateTime &amp; lastModified, const QDateTime &amp; lastRead, bool isDir, bool isFile, bool isSymLink, bool isWritable, bool isReadable, bool isExecutable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QUrlInfo</name>
-      <anchor>QUrlInfo-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QUrl &amp; url, int permissions, const QString &amp; owner, const QString &amp; group, qint64 size, const QDateTime &amp; lastModified, const QDateTime &amp; lastRead, bool isDir, bool isFile, bool isSymLink, bool isWritable, bool isReadable, bool isExecutable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>equal</name>
-      <anchor>equal</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QUrlInfo &amp; i1, const QUrlInfo &amp; i2, int sortBy )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>greaterThan</name>
-      <anchor>greaterThan</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QUrlInfo &amp; i1, const QUrlInfo &amp; i2, int sortBy )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>group</name>
-      <anchor>group</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isDir</name>
-      <anchor>isDir</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isExecutable</name>
-      <anchor>isExecutable</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isFile</name>
-      <anchor>isFile</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isReadable</name>
-      <anchor>isReadable</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isSymLink</name>
-      <anchor>isSymLink</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isValid</name>
-      <anchor>isValid</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isWritable</name>
-      <anchor>isWritable</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lastModified</name>
-      <anchor>lastModified</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lastRead</name>
-      <anchor>lastRead</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lessThan</name>
-      <anchor>lessThan</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QUrlInfo &amp; i1, const QUrlInfo &amp; i2, int sortBy )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>name</name>
-      <anchor>name</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>owner</name>
-      <anchor>owner</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>permissions</name>
-      <anchor>permissions</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDir</name>
-      <anchor>setDir</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFile</name>
-      <anchor>setFile</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setGroup</name>
-      <anchor>setGroup</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; s )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setLastModified</name>
-      <anchor>setLastModified</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDateTime &amp; dt )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setName</name>
-      <anchor>setName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setOwner</name>
-      <anchor>setOwner</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; s )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPermissions</name>
-      <anchor>setPermissions</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int p )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setReadable</name>
-      <anchor>setReadable</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSize</name>
-      <anchor>setSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qint64 size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSymLink</name>
-      <anchor>setSymLink</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setWritable</name>
-      <anchor>setWritable</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>size</name>
-      <anchor>size</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QUrlInfo &amp; ui )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QUrlInfo &amp; i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addPath</name>
-      <anchor>addPath</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; p )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cdUp</name>
-      <anchor>cdUp</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>decode</name>
-      <anchor>decode</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QString &amp; url )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dirPath</name>
-      <anchor>dirPath</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>encode</name>
-      <anchor>encode</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QString &amp; url )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fileName</name>
-      <anchor>fileName</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasHost</name>
-      <anchor>hasHost</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasPassword</name>
-      <anchor>hasPassword</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasPath</name>
-      <anchor>hasPath</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasPort</name>
-      <anchor>hasPort</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasRef</name>
-      <anchor>hasRef</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasUser</name>
-      <anchor>hasUser</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isRelativeUrl</name>
-      <anchor>isRelativeUrl</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; url )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>protocol</name>
-      <anchor>protocol</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>query</name>
-      <anchor>query</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ref</name>
-      <anchor>ref</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>reset</name>
-      <anchor>reset</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFileName</name>
-      <anchor>setFileName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; txt )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setProtocol</name>
-      <anchor>setProtocol</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; s )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setQuery</name>
-      <anchor>setQuery</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; txt )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setRef</name>
-      <anchor>setRef</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; txt )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setUser</name>
-      <anchor>setUser</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; s )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>user</name>
-      <anchor>user</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator</name>
-      <anchor>operator-QString</anchor>
-      <arglist> QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QUuid</name>
-    <filename>quuid.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Variant</name>
-      <anchor>Variant-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Version</name>
-      <anchor>Version-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QUuid</name>
-      <anchor>QUuid</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QUuid</name>
-      <anchor>QUuid-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint l, ushort w1, ushort w2, uchar b1, uchar b2, uchar b3, uchar b4, uchar b5, uchar b6, uchar b7, uchar b8 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QUuid</name>
-      <anchor>QUuid-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; text )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QUuid</name>
-      <anchor>QUuid-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const GUID &amp; guid )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>createUuid</name>
-      <anchor>createUuid</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isNull</name>
-      <anchor>isNull</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toString</name>
-      <anchor>toString</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Variant</name>
-      <anchor>variant</anchor>
-      <arglist> QUuid::variant()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Version</name>
-      <anchor>version</anchor>
-      <arglist> QUuid::version()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator</name>
-      <anchor>operator-GUID</anchor>
-      <arglist> GUID()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator</name>
-      <anchor>operator-QString</anchor>
-      <arglist> QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QUuid &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const GUID &amp; guid )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QUuid &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const GUID &amp; guid )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QUuid &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const GUID &amp; guid )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&gt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-gt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QUuid &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QValidator</name>
-    <filename>qvalidator.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>State</name>
-      <anchor>State-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QValidator</name>
-      <anchor>QValidator</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fixup</name>
-      <anchor>fixup</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QString &amp; input )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>validate</name>
-      <anchor>validate</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QString &amp; input, int &amp; pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QValidator</name>
-      <anchor>QValidator-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent, const char * name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QVariant</name>
-    <filename>qvariant.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Type</name>
-      <anchor>Type-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QVariant</name>
-      <anchor>QVariant</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QVariant</name>
-      <anchor>QVariant-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Type type )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QVariant</name>
-      <anchor>QVariant-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int typeOrUserType, const void * copy )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QVariant</name>
-      <anchor>QVariant-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QVariant &amp; p )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QVariant</name>
-      <anchor>QVariant-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDataStream &amp; s )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QVariant</name>
-      <anchor>QVariant-6</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int val )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QVariant</name>
-      <anchor>QVariant-7</anchor>
-      <arglist>( uint val )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QVariant</name>
-      <anchor>QVariant-8</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qlonglong val )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QVariant</name>
-      <anchor>QVariant-9</anchor>
-      <arglist>( qulonglong val )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QVariant</name>
-      <anchor>QVariant-10</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool val )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QVariant</name>
-      <anchor>QVariant-11</anchor>
-      <arglist>( double val )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QVariant</name>
-      <anchor>QVariant-12</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * val )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QVariant</name>
-      <anchor>QVariant-13</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; val )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QVariant</name>
-      <anchor>QVariant-14</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QBitArray &amp; val )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QVariant</name>
-      <anchor>QVariant-15</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; val )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QVariant</name>
-      <anchor>QVariant-16</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QLatin1String &amp; val )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QVariant</name>
-      <anchor>QVariant-17</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QStringList &amp; val )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QVariant</name>
-      <anchor>QVariant-18</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QChar &amp; c )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QVariant</name>
-      <anchor>QVariant-19</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDate &amp; val )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QVariant</name>
-      <anchor>QVariant-20</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QTime &amp; val )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QVariant</name>
-      <anchor>QVariant-21</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QDateTime &amp; val )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QVariant</name>
-      <anchor>QVariant-22</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QList&lt;QVariant&gt; &amp; val )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QVariant</name>
-      <anchor>QVariant-23</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QMap&lt;QString, QVariant&gt; &amp; val )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QVariant</name>
-      <anchor>QVariant-24</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSize &amp; val )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QVariant</name>
-      <anchor>QVariant-25</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSizeF &amp; val )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QVariant</name>
-      <anchor>QVariant-26</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; val )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QVariant</name>
-      <anchor>QVariant-27</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPointF &amp; val )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QVariant</name>
-      <anchor>QVariant-28</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QLine &amp; val )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QVariant</name>
-      <anchor>QVariant-29</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QLineF &amp; val )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QVariant</name>
-      <anchor>QVariant-30</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; val )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QVariant</name>
-      <anchor>QVariant-31</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRectF &amp; val )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QVariant</name>
-      <anchor>QVariant-32</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QUrl &amp; val )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QVariant</name>
-      <anchor>QVariant-33</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QLocale &amp; l )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QVariant</name>
-      <anchor>QVariant-34</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRegExp &amp; regExp )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>canConvert</name>
-      <anchor>canConvert</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Type t )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>canConvert</name>
-      <anchor>canConvert-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>convert</name>
-      <anchor>convert</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Type t )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromValue</name>
-      <anchor>fromValue</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isNull</name>
-      <anchor>isNull</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isValid</name>
-      <anchor>isValid</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>nameToType</name>
-      <anchor>nameToType</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setValue</name>
-      <anchor>setValue</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toBitArray</name>
-      <anchor>toBitArray</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toBool</name>
-      <anchor>toBool</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toByteArray</name>
-      <anchor>toByteArray</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toChar</name>
-      <anchor>toChar</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toDate</name>
-      <anchor>toDate</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toDateTime</name>
-      <anchor>toDateTime</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toDouble</name>
-      <anchor>toDouble</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool * ok = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toInt</name>
-      <anchor>toInt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool * ok = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toLine</name>
-      <anchor>toLine</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toLineF</name>
-      <anchor>toLineF</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toList</name>
-      <anchor>toList</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toLocale</name>
-      <anchor>toLocale</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toLongLong</name>
-      <anchor>toLongLong</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool * ok = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toMap</name>
-      <anchor>toMap</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toPoint</name>
-      <anchor>toPoint</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toPointF</name>
-      <anchor>toPointF</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toRect</name>
-      <anchor>toRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toRectF</name>
-      <anchor>toRectF</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toRegExp</name>
-      <anchor>toRegExp</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toSize</name>
-      <anchor>toSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toSizeF</name>
-      <anchor>toSizeF</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toString</name>
-      <anchor>toString</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toStringList</name>
-      <anchor>toStringList</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toTime</name>
-      <anchor>toTime</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toUInt</name>
-      <anchor>toUInt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool * ok = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toULongLong</name>
-      <anchor>toULongLong</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool * ok = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toUrl</name>
-      <anchor>toUrl</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>type</name>
-      <anchor>type</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>typeName</name>
-      <anchor>typeName</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>typeToName</name>
-      <anchor>typeToName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Type typ )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>userType</name>
-      <anchor>userType</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>value</name>
-      <anchor>value</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QVariant &amp; v )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QVariant &amp; variant )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QVariant &amp; v )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QVariant</name>
-      <anchor>QVariant-35</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool b, int dummy )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>asBitArray</name>
-      <anchor>asBitArray</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>asBool</name>
-      <anchor>asBool</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>asByteArray</name>
-      <anchor>asByteArray</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>asCString</name>
-      <anchor>asCString</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>asDate</name>
-      <anchor>asDate</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>asDateTime</name>
-      <anchor>asDateTime</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>asDouble</name>
-      <anchor>asDouble</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>asInt</name>
-      <anchor>asInt</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>asList</name>
-      <anchor>asList</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>asLongLong</name>
-      <anchor>asLongLong</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>asMap</name>
-      <anchor>asMap</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>asPoint</name>
-      <anchor>asPoint</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>asRect</name>
-      <anchor>asRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>asSize</name>
-      <anchor>asSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>asString</name>
-      <anchor>asString</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>asStringList</name>
-      <anchor>asStringList</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>asTime</name>
-      <anchor>asTime</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>asUInt</name>
-      <anchor>asUInt</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>asULongLong</name>
-      <anchor>asULongLong</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>canCast</name>
-      <anchor>canCast</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Type t )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cast</name>
-      <anchor>cast</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Type t )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toCString</name>
-      <anchor>toCString</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QVarLengthArray</name>
-    <filename>qvarlengtharray.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QVarLengthArray</name>
-      <anchor>QVarLengthArray</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int size = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QVarLengthArray</name>
-      <anchor>QVarLengthArray-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QVarLengthArray&lt;T, Prealloc&gt; &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>append</name>
-      <anchor>append</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; t )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>append</name>
-      <anchor>append-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T * buf, int size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>capacity</name>
-      <anchor>capacity</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>constData</name>
-      <anchor>constData</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>data</name>
-      <anchor>data</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>data</name>
-      <anchor>data-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEmpty</name>
-      <anchor>isEmpty</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>reserve</name>
-      <anchor>reserve</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resize</name>
-      <anchor>resize</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>size</name>
-      <anchor>size</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QVarLengthArray&lt;T, Prealloc&gt; &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator[]</name>
-      <anchor>operator-5b-5d</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator[]</name>
-      <anchor>operator-5b-5d-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QVBoxLayout</name>
-    <filename>qvboxlayout.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QVBoxLayout</name>
-      <anchor>QVBoxLayout</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QVBoxLayout</name>
-      <anchor>QVBoxLayout-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QVBoxLayout</name>
-      <anchor>QVBoxLayout-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, int margin, int spacing = -1, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QVBoxLayout</name>
-      <anchor>QVBoxLayout-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QLayout * parentLayout, int spacing = -1, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QVBoxLayout</name>
-      <anchor>QVBoxLayout-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int spacing, const char * name = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QVector</name>
-    <filename>qvector.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ConstIterator</name>
-      <anchor>ConstIterator-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Iterator</name>
-      <anchor>Iterator-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>const_iterator</name>
-      <anchor>const_iterator-typedef</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>iterator</name>
-      <anchor>iterator-typedefx</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QVector</name>
-      <anchor>QVector</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QVector</name>
-      <anchor>QVector-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QVector</name>
-      <anchor>QVector-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int size, const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QVector</name>
-      <anchor>QVector-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QVector&lt;T&gt; &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>append</name>
-      <anchor>append</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>at</name>
-      <anchor>at</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>back</name>
-      <anchor>back</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>back</name>
-      <anchor>back-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>begin</name>
-      <anchor>begin</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>begin</name>
-      <anchor>begin-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>capacity</name>
-      <anchor>capacity</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>constBegin</name>
-      <anchor>constBegin</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>constData</name>
-      <anchor>constData</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>constEnd</name>
-      <anchor>constEnd</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contains</name>
-      <anchor>contains</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>data</name>
-      <anchor>data</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>data</name>
-      <anchor>data-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>empty</name>
-      <anchor>empty</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>end</name>
-      <anchor>end</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
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-      <name>end</name>
-      <anchor>end-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
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-      <name>erase</name>
-      <anchor>erase</anchor>
-      <arglist>( iterator pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>erase</name>
-      <anchor>erase-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( iterator begin, iterator end )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fill</name>
-      <anchor>fill</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value, int size = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>first</name>
-      <anchor>first</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>first</name>
-      <anchor>first-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromList</name>
-      <anchor>fromList</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QList&lt;T&gt; &amp; list )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromStdVector</name>
-      <anchor>fromStdVector</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const std::vector&lt;T&gt; &amp; vector )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>front</name>
-      <anchor>front</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>front</name>
-      <anchor>front-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>indexOf</name>
-      <anchor>indexOf</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value, int from = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insert</name>
-      <anchor>insert</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i, const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insert</name>
-      <anchor>insert-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( iterator before, int count, const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insert</name>
-      <anchor>insert-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i, int count, const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insert</name>
-      <anchor>insert-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( iterator before, const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEmpty</name>
-      <anchor>isEmpty</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>last</name>
-      <anchor>last</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>last</name>
-      <anchor>last-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lastIndexOf</name>
-      <anchor>lastIndexOf</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value, int from = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mid</name>
-      <anchor>mid</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int pos, int length = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pop_back</name>
-      <anchor>pop_back</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pop_front</name>
-      <anchor>pop_front</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>prepend</name>
-      <anchor>prepend</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>push_back</name>
-      <anchor>push_back</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>push_front</name>
-      <anchor>push_front</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>remove</name>
-      <anchor>remove</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>remove</name>
-      <anchor>remove-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i, int count )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>replace</name>
-      <anchor>replace</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i, const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>reserve</name>
-      <anchor>reserve</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resize</name>
-      <anchor>resize</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>size</name>
-      <anchor>size</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>squeeze</name>
-      <anchor>squeeze</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toList</name>
-      <anchor>toList</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>vector</name>
-      <anchor>toStdVector</anchor>
-      <arglist>&lt;T&gt; QVector::toStdVector()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>value</name>
-      <anchor>value</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>value</name>
-      <anchor>value-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i, const T &amp; defaultValue )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator!=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-not-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QVector&lt;T&gt; &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QVector&lt;T&gt; &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QVector&lt;T&gt; &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator+=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-2b-eq-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;&lt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt-lt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator&lt;&lt;</name>
-      <anchor>operator-lt-lt-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QVector&lt;T&gt; &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QVector&lt;T&gt; &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator==</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QVector&lt;T&gt; &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator[]</name>
-      <anchor>operator-5b-5d</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator[]</name>
-      <anchor>operator-5b-5d-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QVectorIterator</name>
-    <filename>qvectoriterator.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QVectorIterator</name>
-      <anchor>QVectorIterator</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QVector&lt;T&gt; &amp; vector )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>findNext</name>
-      <anchor>findNext</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>findPrevious</name>
-      <anchor>findPrevious</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const T &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasNext</name>
-      <anchor>hasNext</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasPrevious</name>
-      <anchor>hasPrevious</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>next</name>
-      <anchor>next</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>peekNext</name>
-      <anchor>peekNext</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>peekPrevious</name>
-      <anchor>peekPrevious</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>previous</name>
-      <anchor>previous</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toBack</name>
-      <anchor>toBack</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>toFront</name>
-      <anchor>toFront</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QVector&lt;T&gt; &amp; vector )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QVFbScreen</name>
-    <filename>qvfbscreen.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QVFbScreen</name>
-      <anchor>QVFbScreen</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int displayId )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QVNCScreen</name>
-    <filename>qvncscreen.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QVNCScreen</name>
-      <anchor>QVNCScreen</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int displayId )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QWaitCondition</name>
-    <filename>qwaitcondition.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QWaitCondition</name>
-      <anchor>QWaitCondition</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>wait</name>
-      <anchor>wait</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QMutex * mutex, unsigned long time = ULONG_MAX )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>wakeAll</name>
-      <anchor>wakeAll</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>wakeOne</name>
-      <anchor>wakeOne</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QWhatsThisClickedEvent</name>
-    <filename>qwhatsthisclickedevent.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QWhatsThisClickedEvent</name>
-      <anchor>QWhatsThisClickedEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; href )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>href</name>
-      <anchor>href</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QWhatsThis</name>
-    <filename>qwhatsthis.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>createAction</name>
-      <anchor>createAction</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QObject * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>enterWhatsThisMode</name>
-      <anchor>enterWhatsThisMode</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hideText</name>
-      <anchor>hideText</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>inWhatsThisMode</name>
-      <anchor>inWhatsThisMode</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>leaveWhatsThisMode</name>
-      <anchor>leaveWhatsThisMode</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>showText</name>
-      <anchor>showText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; pos, const QString &amp; text, QWidget * w = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>add</name>
-      <anchor>add</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * w, const QString &amp; s )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>remove</name>
-      <anchor>remove</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * w )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>whatsThisButton</name>
-      <anchor>whatsThisButton</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QWheelEvent</name>
-    <filename>qwheelevent.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QWheelEvent</name>
-      <anchor>QWheelEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; pos, int delta, Qt::MouseButtons buttons, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, Qt::Orientation orient = Qt::Vertical )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QWheelEvent</name>
-      <anchor>QWheelEvent-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; pos, const QPoint &amp; globalPos, int delta, Qt::MouseButtons buttons, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, Qt::Orientation orient = Qt::Vertical )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>MouseButtons</name>
-      <anchor>buttons</anchor>
-      <arglist> QWheelEvent::buttons()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>delta</name>
-      <anchor>delta</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>globalPos</name>
-      <anchor>globalPos</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>globalX</name>
-      <anchor>globalX</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>globalY</name>
-      <anchor>globalY</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>Orientation</name>
-      <anchor>orientation</anchor>
-      <arglist> QWheelEvent::orientation()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pos</name>
-      <anchor>pos</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>x</name>
-      <anchor>x</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>y</name>
-      <anchor>y</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QWheelEvent</name>
-      <anchor>QWheelEvent-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; pos, int delta, int state, Qt::Orientation orient = Qt::Vertical )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QWheelEvent</name>
-      <anchor>QWheelEvent-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; pos, const QPoint &amp; globalPos, int delta, int state, Qt::Orientation orient = Qt::Vertical )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ButtonState</name>
-      <anchor>state</anchor>
-      <arglist> QWheelEvent::state()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QWidget</name>
-    <filename>qwidget.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ContextMenuPolicy</name>
-      <anchor>contextMenuPolicy-prop</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>FocusPolicy</name>
-      <anchor>focusPolicy-prop</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>LayoutDirection</name>
-      <anchor>layoutDirection-prop</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>WindowFlags</name>
-      <anchor>windowFlags-prop</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>WindowModality</name>
-      <anchor>windowModality-prop</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QWidget</name>
-      <anchor>QWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>actionEvent</name>
-      <anchor>actionEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QActionEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>actions</name>
-      <anchor>actions</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>activateWindow</name>
-      <anchor>activateWindow</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addAction</name>
-      <anchor>addAction</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QAction * action )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addActions</name>
-      <anchor>addActions</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QList&lt;QAction *&gt; actions )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>adjustSize</name>
-      <anchor>adjustSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ColorRole</name>
-      <anchor>backgroundRole</anchor>
-      <arglist> QWidget::backgroundRole()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>changeEvent</name>
-      <anchor>changeEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>childAt</name>
-      <anchor>childAt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>childAt</name>
-      <anchor>childAt-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; p )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clearFocus</name>
-      <anchor>clearFocus</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clearMask</name>
-      <anchor>clearMask</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>close</name>
-      <anchor>close</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>closeEvent</name>
-      <anchor>closeEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QCloseEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contentsRect</name>
-      <anchor>contentsRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contextMenuEvent</name>
-      <anchor>contextMenuEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QContextMenuEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>create</name>
-      <anchor>create</anchor>
-      <arglist>( WId window = 0, bool initializeWindow = true, bool destroyOldWindow = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>customContextMenuRequested</name>
-      <anchor>customContextMenuRequested</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>destroy</name>
-      <anchor>destroy</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool destroyWindow = true, bool destroySubWindows = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dragEnterEvent</name>
-      <anchor>dragEnterEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDragEnterEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dragLeaveEvent</name>
-      <anchor>dragLeaveEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDragLeaveEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dragMoveEvent</name>
-      <anchor>dragMoveEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDragMoveEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>dropEvent</name>
-      <anchor>dropEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QDropEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ensurePolished</name>
-      <anchor>ensurePolished</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>enterEvent</name>
-      <anchor>enterEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>event</name>
-      <anchor>event</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>find</name>
-      <anchor>find</anchor>
-      <arglist>( WId id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>focusInEvent</name>
-      <anchor>focusInEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QFocusEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>focusNextChild</name>
-      <anchor>focusNextChild</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>focusNextPrevChild</name>
-      <anchor>focusNextPrevChild</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool next )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>focusOutEvent</name>
-      <anchor>focusOutEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QFocusEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>focusPreviousChild</name>
-      <anchor>focusPreviousChild</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>focusProxy</name>
-      <anchor>focusProxy</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>focusWidget</name>
-      <anchor>focusWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fontInfo</name>
-      <anchor>fontInfo</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fontMetrics</name>
-      <anchor>fontMetrics</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ColorRole</name>
-      <anchor>foregroundRole</anchor>
-      <arglist> QWidget::foregroundRole()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>getContentsMargins</name>
-      <anchor>getContentsMargins</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int * left, int * top, int * right, int * bottom )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>getDC</name>
-      <anchor>getDC</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>grabKeyboard</name>
-      <anchor>grabKeyboard</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>grabMouse</name>
-      <anchor>grabMouse</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>grabMouse</name>
-      <anchor>grabMouse-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QCursor &amp; cursor )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>grabShortcut</name>
-      <anchor>grabShortcut</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QKeySequence &amp; key, Qt::ShortcutContext context = Qt::WindowShortcut )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasEditFocus</name>
-      <anchor>hasEditFocus</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>heightForWidth</name>
-      <anchor>heightForWidth</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int w )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hide</name>
-      <anchor>hide</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hideEvent</name>
-      <anchor>hideEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QHideEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>inputContext</name>
-      <anchor>inputContext</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>inputMethodEvent</name>
-      <anchor>inputMethodEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QInputMethodEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>inputMethodQuery</name>
-      <anchor>inputMethodQuery</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::InputMethodQuery query )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertAction</name>
-      <anchor>insertAction</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QAction * before, QAction * action )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>insertActions</name>
-      <anchor>insertActions</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QAction * before, QList&lt;QAction *&gt; actions )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isAncestorOf</name>
-      <anchor>isAncestorOf</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QWidget * child )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEnabledTo</name>
-      <anchor>isEnabledTo</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * ancestor )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isHidden</name>
-      <anchor>isHidden</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isVisibleTo</name>
-      <anchor>isVisibleTo</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * ancestor )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isWindow</name>
-      <anchor>isWindow</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>keyPressEvent</name>
-      <anchor>keyPressEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QKeyEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>keyReleaseEvent</name>
-      <anchor>keyReleaseEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QKeyEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>keyboardGrabber</name>
-      <anchor>keyboardGrabber</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>layout</name>
-      <anchor>layout</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>leaveEvent</name>
-      <anchor>leaveEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lower</name>
-      <anchor>lower</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>macEvent</name>
-      <anchor>macEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( EventHandlerCallRef caller, EventRef event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mapFrom</name>
-      <anchor>mapFrom</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, const QPoint &amp; pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mapFromGlobal</name>
-      <anchor>mapFromGlobal</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mapFromParent</name>
-      <anchor>mapFromParent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mapTo</name>
-      <anchor>mapTo</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, const QPoint &amp; pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mapToGlobal</name>
-      <anchor>mapToGlobal</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mapToParent</name>
-      <anchor>mapToParent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; pos )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mask</name>
-      <anchor>mask</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>metric</name>
-      <anchor>metric</anchor>
-      <arglist>( PaintDeviceMetric m )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mouseDoubleClickEvent</name>
-      <anchor>mouseDoubleClickEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QMouseEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mouseGrabber</name>
-      <anchor>mouseGrabber</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mouseMoveEvent</name>
-      <anchor>mouseMoveEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QMouseEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mousePressEvent</name>
-      <anchor>mousePressEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QMouseEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mouseReleaseEvent</name>
-      <anchor>mouseReleaseEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QMouseEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>moveEvent</name>
-      <anchor>moveEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QMoveEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>nextInFocusChain</name>
-      <anchor>nextInFocusChain</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>overrideWindowFlags</name>
-      <anchor>overrideWindowFlags</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::WindowFlags flags )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>paintEngine</name>
-      <anchor>paintEngine</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>paintEvent</name>
-      <anchor>paintEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPaintEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>parentWidget</name>
-      <anchor>parentWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>qwsEvent</name>
-      <anchor>qwsEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWSEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>raise</name>
-      <anchor>raise</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>releaseDC</name>
-      <anchor>releaseDC</anchor>
-      <arglist>( HDC hdc )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>releaseKeyboard</name>
-      <anchor>releaseKeyboard</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>releaseMouse</name>
-      <anchor>releaseMouse</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>releaseShortcut</name>
-      <anchor>releaseShortcut</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeAction</name>
-      <anchor>removeAction</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QAction * action )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>repaint</name>
-      <anchor>repaint</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>repaint</name>
-      <anchor>repaint-6</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y, int w, int h )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>repaint</name>
-      <anchor>repaint-7</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; r )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>repaint</name>
-      <anchor>repaint-8</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRegion &amp; rgn )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resetInputContext</name>
-      <anchor>resetInputContext</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resizeEvent</name>
-      <anchor>resizeEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QResizeEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>scroll</name>
-      <anchor>scroll</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int dx, int dy )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>scroll</name>
-      <anchor>scroll-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int dx, int dy, const QRect &amp; r )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAttribute</name>
-      <anchor>setAttribute</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::WidgetAttribute attribute, bool on = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setBackgroundRole</name>
-      <anchor>setBackgroundRole</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPalette::ColorRole role )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setContentsMargins</name>
-      <anchor>setContentsMargins</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int left, int top, int right, int bottom )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDisabled</name>
-      <anchor>setDisabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool disable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setEditFocus</name>
-      <anchor>setEditFocus</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool on )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFixedHeight</name>
-      <anchor>setFixedHeight</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int h )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFixedSize</name>
-      <anchor>setFixedSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QSize &amp; s )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFixedSize</name>
-      <anchor>setFixedSize-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int w, int h )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFixedWidth</name>
-      <anchor>setFixedWidth</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int w )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFocus</name>
-      <anchor>setFocus</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::FocusReason reason )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFocus</name>
-      <anchor>setFocus-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFocusProxy</name>
-      <anchor>setFocusProxy</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * w )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setForegroundRole</name>
-      <anchor>setForegroundRole</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPalette::ColorRole role )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setHidden</name>
-      <anchor>setHidden</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool hidden )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setInputContext</name>
-      <anchor>setInputContext</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QInputContext * context )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setLayout</name>
-      <anchor>setLayout</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QLayout * layout )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setMask</name>
-      <anchor>setMask</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QBitmap &amp; bitmap )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setMask</name>
-      <anchor>setMask-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRegion &amp; region )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setParent</name>
-      <anchor>setParent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setParent</name>
-      <anchor>setParent-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, Qt::WFlags f )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setShortcutEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>setShortcutEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int id, bool enable = true )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setStyle</name>
-      <anchor>setStyle</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QStyle * style )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setTabOrder</name>
-      <anchor>setTabOrder</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * first, QWidget * second )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setWindowRole</name>
-      <anchor>setWindowRole</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; role )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setWindowState</name>
-      <anchor>setWindowState</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::WindowStates windowState )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>show</name>
-      <anchor>show</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>showEvent</name>
-      <anchor>showEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QShowEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>showFullScreen</name>
-      <anchor>showFullScreen</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>showMaximized</name>
-      <anchor>showMaximized</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>showMinimized</name>
-      <anchor>showMinimized</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>showNormal</name>
-      <anchor>showNormal</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>stackUnder</name>
-      <anchor>stackUnder</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * w )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>style</name>
-      <anchor>style</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>tabletEvent</name>
-      <anchor>tabletEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTabletEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>testAttribute</name>
-      <anchor>testAttribute</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::WidgetAttribute attribute )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>underMouse</name>
-      <anchor>underMouse</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>update</name>
-      <anchor>update</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>update</name>
-      <anchor>update-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y, int w, int h )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>update</name>
-      <anchor>update-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; r )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>update</name>
-      <anchor>update-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRegion &amp; rgn )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>updateGeometry</name>
-      <anchor>updateGeometry</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>updateMicroFocus</name>
-      <anchor>updateMicroFocus</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>visibleRegion</name>
-      <anchor>visibleRegion</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>wheelEvent</name>
-      <anchor>wheelEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWheelEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>winEvent</name>
-      <anchor>winEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( MSG * message, long * result )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>winId</name>
-      <anchor>winId</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>window</name>
-      <anchor>window</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>windowRole</name>
-      <anchor>windowRole</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>WindowStates</name>
-      <anchor>windowState</anchor>
-      <arglist> QWidget::windowState()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>WindowType</name>
-      <anchor>windowType</anchor>
-      <arglist> QWidget::windowType()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>x11Event</name>
-      <anchor>x11Event</anchor>
-      <arglist>( XEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>x11Info</name>
-      <anchor>x11Info</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>HANDLE</name>
-      <anchor>x11PictureHandle</anchor>
-      <arglist> QWidget::x11PictureHandle()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QWidgetItem</name>
-    <filename>qwidgetitem.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QWidgetItem</name>
-      <anchor>QWidgetItem</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * widget )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEmpty</name>
-      <anchor>isEmpty</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>widget</name>
-      <anchor>widget</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isEnabledToTLW</name>
-      <anchor>isEnabledToTLW</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isTopLevel</name>
-      <anchor>isTopLevel</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>languageChange</name>
-      <anchor>languageChange</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>topLevelWidget</name>
-      <anchor>topLevelWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>BackgroundOrigin</name>
-      <anchor>BackgroundOrigin-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QWidget</name>
-      <anchor>QWidget-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, const char * name, Qt::WFlags f = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>BackgroundMode</name>
-      <anchor>backgroundMode</anchor>
-      <arglist> QWidget::backgroundMode()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>backgroundOffset</name>
-      <anchor>backgroundOffset</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>backgroundOrigin</name>
-      <anchor>backgroundOrigin</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>caption</name>
-      <anchor>caption</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>childAt</name>
-      <anchor>childAt-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y, bool includeThis )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>childAt</name>
-      <anchor>childAt-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; p, bool includeThis )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>close</name>
-      <anchor>close-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool alsoDelete )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>colorGroup</name>
-      <anchor>colorGroup</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>constPolish</name>
-      <anchor>constPolish</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawText</name>
-      <anchor>drawText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; p, const QString &amp; s )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>drawText</name>
-      <anchor>drawText-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y, const QString &amp; s )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>erase</name>
-      <anchor>erase</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>erase</name>
-      <anchor>erase-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y, int w, int h )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>erase</name>
-      <anchor>erase-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; rect )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>erase</name>
-      <anchor>erase-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRegion &amp; rgn )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasMouse</name>
-      <anchor>hasMouse</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>icon</name>
-      <anchor>icon</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>iconText</name>
-      <anchor>iconText</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>iconify</name>
-      <anchor>iconify</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isDesktop</name>
-      <anchor>isDesktop</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isDialog</name>
-      <anchor>isDialog</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isInputMethodEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>isInputMethodEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isPopup</name>
-      <anchor>isPopup</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isShown</name>
-      <anchor>isShown</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isUpdatesEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>isUpdatesEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isVisibleToTLW</name>
-      <anchor>isVisibleToTLW</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ownCursor</name>
-      <anchor>ownCursor</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ownFont</name>
-      <anchor>ownFont</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ownPalette</name>
-      <anchor>ownPalette</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>parentWidget</name>
-      <anchor>parentWidget-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool sameWindow )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>polish</name>
-      <anchor>polish</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>recreate</name>
-      <anchor>recreate</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, Qt::WFlags f, const QPoint &amp; p, bool showIt = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>repaint</name>
-      <anchor>repaint-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>repaint</name>
-      <anchor>repaint-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int x, int y, int w, int h, bool b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>repaint</name>
-      <anchor>repaint-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; r, bool b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>repaint</name>
-      <anchor>repaint-5</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRegion &amp; rgn, bool b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>reparent</name>
-      <anchor>reparent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, Qt::WFlags f, const QPoint &amp; p, bool showIt = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>reparent</name>
-      <anchor>reparent-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, const QPoint &amp; p, bool showIt = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setActiveWindow</name>
-      <anchor>setActiveWindow</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setBackgroundColor</name>
-      <anchor>setBackgroundColor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QColor &amp; color )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setBackgroundMode</name>
-      <anchor>setBackgroundMode</anchor>
-      <arglist>( Qt::BackgroundMode widgetBackground, Qt::BackgroundMode paletteBackground = Qt::PaletteBackground )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setBackgroundOrigin</name>
-      <anchor>setBackgroundOrigin</anchor>
-      <arglist>( BackgroundOrigin background )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setBackgroundPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>setBackgroundPixmap</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPixmap &amp; pixmap )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCaption</name>
-      <anchor>setCaption</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; c )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setEraseColor</name>
-      <anchor>setEraseColor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QColor &amp; color )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setErasePixmap</name>
-      <anchor>setErasePixmap</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPixmap &amp; pixmap )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFont</name>
-      <anchor>setFont-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QFont &amp; f, bool b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setIcon</name>
-      <anchor>setIcon</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPixmap &amp; i )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setIconText</name>
-      <anchor>setIconText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; it )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setInputMethodEnabled</name>
-      <anchor>setInputMethodEnabled</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool enabled )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setKeyCompression</name>
-      <anchor>setKeyCompression</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPalette</name>
-      <anchor>setPalette-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPalette &amp; p, bool b )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPaletteBackgroundColor</name>
-      <anchor>setPaletteBackgroundColor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QColor &amp; color )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPaletteBackgroundPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>setPaletteBackgroundPixmap</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPixmap &amp; pixmap )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPaletteForegroundColor</name>
-      <anchor>setPaletteForegroundColor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QColor &amp; color )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setShown</name>
-      <anchor>setShown</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool shown )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setSizePolicy</name>
-      <anchor>setSizePolicy-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QSizePolicy::Policy hor, QSizePolicy::Policy ver, bool hfw )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setStyle</name>
-      <anchor>setStyle-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; style )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>unsetFont</name>
-      <anchor>unsetFont</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>unsetPalette</name>
-      <anchor>unsetPalette</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>visibleRect</name>
-      <anchor>visibleRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>wmapper</name>
-      <anchor>wmapper</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QWindowsMime</name>
-    <filename>qwindowsmime.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QWindowsMime</name>
-      <anchor>QWindowsMime</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>canConvertFromMime</name>
-      <anchor>canConvertFromMime</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const FORMATETC &amp; formatetc, const QMimeData * mimeData )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>canConvertToMime</name>
-      <anchor>canConvertToMime</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; mimeType, IDataObject * pDataObj )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>convertFromMime</name>
-      <anchor>convertFromMime</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const FORMATETC &amp; formatetc, const QMimeData * mimeData, STGMEDIUM * pmedium )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>convertToMime</name>
-      <anchor>convertToMime</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; mimeType, IDataObject * pDataObj, QVariant::Type preferredType )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>formatsForMime</name>
-      <anchor>formatsForMime</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; mimeType, const QMimeData * mimeData )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mimeForFormat</name>
-      <anchor>mimeForFormat</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const FORMATETC &amp; formatetc )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>registerMimeType</name>
-      <anchor>registerMimeType</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; mime )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QWindowsStyle</name>
-    <filename>qwindowsstyle.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QWindowsStyle</name>
-      <anchor>QWindowsStyle</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QWindowStateChangeEvent</name>
-    <filename>qwindowstatechangeevent.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>WindowStates</name>
-      <anchor>oldState</anchor>
-      <arglist> QWindowStateChangeEvent::oldState()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QWindowsXPStyle</name>
-    <filename>qwindowsxpstyle.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QWindowsXPStyle</name>
-      <anchor>QWindowsXPStyle</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QWorkspace</name>
-    <filename>qworkspace.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>WindowOrder</name>
-      <anchor>WindowOrder-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QWorkspace</name>
-      <anchor>QWorkspace</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>activateNextWindow</name>
-      <anchor>activateNextWindow</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>activatePreviousWindow</name>
-      <anchor>activatePreviousWindow</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>activeWindow</name>
-      <anchor>activeWindow</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addWindow</name>
-      <anchor>addWindow</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * w, Qt::WFlags flags = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>arrangeIcons</name>
-      <anchor>arrangeIcons</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cascade</name>
-      <anchor>cascade</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>closeActiveWindow</name>
-      <anchor>closeActiveWindow</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>closeAllWindows</name>
-      <anchor>closeAllWindows</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setActiveWindow</name>
-      <anchor>setActiveWindow</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * w )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>tile</name>
-      <anchor>tile</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>windowActivated</name>
-      <anchor>windowActivated</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * w )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>windowList</name>
-      <anchor>windowList</anchor>
-      <arglist>( WindowOrder order = CreationOrder )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QWorkspace</name>
-      <anchor>QWorkspace-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent, const char * name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPaletteBackgroundColor</name>
-      <anchor>setPaletteBackgroundColor</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QColor &amp; c )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPaletteBackgroundPixmap</name>
-      <anchor>setPaletteBackgroundPixmap</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPixmap &amp; pm )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QWriteLocker</name>
-    <filename>qwritelocker.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QWriteLocker</name>
-      <anchor>QWriteLocker</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QReadWriteLock * lock )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>readWriteLock</name>
-      <anchor>readWriteLock</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>relock</name>
-      <anchor>relock</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>unlock</name>
-      <anchor>unlock</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QWSCalibratedMouseHandler</name>
-    <filename>qwscalibratedmousehandler.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>calibrate</name>
-      <anchor>calibrate</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QWSPointerCalibrationData * data )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clearCalibration</name>
-      <anchor>clearCalibration</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>readCalibration</name>
-      <anchor>readCalibration</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sendFiltered</name>
-      <anchor>sendFiltered</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; position, int state )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFilterSize</name>
-      <anchor>setFilterSize</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int size )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>transform</name>
-      <anchor>transform</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; position )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>writeCalibration</name>
-      <anchor>writeCalibration</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QWSClient</name>
-    <filename>qwsclient.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clientId</name>
-      <anchor>clientId</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>identity</name>
-      <anchor>identity</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QWSEvent</name>
-    <filename>qwsevent.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Type</name>
-      <anchor>Type-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QWSInputMethod</name>
-    <filename>qwsinputmethod.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>UpdateType</name>
-      <anchor>UpdateType-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QWSInputMethod</name>
-      <anchor>QWSInputMethod</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>filter</name>
-      <anchor>filter</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int unicode, int keycode, int modifiers, bool isPress, bool autoRepeat )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>filter</name>
-      <anchor>filter-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; position, int state, int wheel )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>inputResolutionShift</name>
-      <anchor>inputResolutionShift</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mouseHandler</name>
-      <anchor>mouseHandler</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int offset, int state )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>queryResponse</name>
-      <anchor>queryResponse</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int property, const QVariant &amp; result )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>reset</name>
-      <anchor>reset</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sendCommitString</name>
-      <anchor>sendCommitString</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; commitString, int replaceFromPosition = 0, int replaceLength = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sendEvent</name>
-      <anchor>sendEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QInputMethodEvent * )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sendMouseEvent</name>
-      <anchor>sendMouseEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; position, int state, int wheel )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sendPreeditString</name>
-      <anchor>sendPreeditString</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; preeditString, int cursorPosition, int selectionLength = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sendQuery</name>
-      <anchor>sendQuery</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int property )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setInputResolution</name>
-      <anchor>setInputResolution</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool isHigh )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>updateHandler</name>
-      <anchor>updateHandler</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int type )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sendIMEvent</name>
-      <anchor>sendIMEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWSServer::IMState state, const QString &amp; text, int cursorPosition, int selectionLength = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QWSKeyboardHandler</name>
-    <filename>qwskeyboardhandler.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QWSKeyboardHandler</name>
-      <anchor>QWSKeyboardHandler</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>beginAutoRepeat</name>
-      <anchor>beginAutoRepeat</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int unicode, int keycode, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifier )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>endAutoRepeat</name>
-      <anchor>endAutoRepeat</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>processKeyEvent</name>
-      <anchor>processKeyEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int unicode, int keycode, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, bool isPress, bool autoRepeat )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>transformDirKey</name>
-      <anchor>transformDirKey</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int keycode )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QWSMouseHandler</name>
-    <filename>qwsmousehandler.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QWSMouseHandler</name>
-      <anchor>QWSMouseHandler</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; driver = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>calibrate</name>
-      <anchor>calibrate</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QWSPointerCalibrationData * data )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clearCalibration</name>
-      <anchor>clearCalibration</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>limitToScreen</name>
-      <anchor>limitToScreen</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QPoint &amp; position )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mouseChanged</name>
-      <anchor>mouseChanged</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; position, int state, int wheel = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pos</name>
-      <anchor>pos</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resume</name>
-      <anchor>resume</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>suspend</name>
-      <anchor>suspend</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QWSPointerCalibrationData</name>
-    <filename>qwspointercalibrationdata.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Location</name>
-      <anchor>Location-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QWSScreenSaver</name>
-    <filename>qwsscreensaver.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>restore</name>
-      <anchor>restore</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>save</name>
-      <anchor>save</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int level )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QWSServer</name>
-    <filename>qwsserver.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>IMMouse</name>
-      <anchor>IMMouse-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>WindowEvent</name>
-      <anchor>WindowEvent-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>addKeyboardFilter</name>
-      <anchor>addKeyboardFilter</anchor>
-      <arglist>( KeyboardFilter * filter )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>backgroundBrush</name>
-      <anchor>backgroundBrush</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clientWindows</name>
-      <anchor>clientWindows</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>closeKeyboard</name>
-      <anchor>closeKeyboard</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>closeMouse</name>
-      <anchor>closeMouse</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>enablePainting</name>
-      <anchor>enablePainting</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isCursorVisible</name>
-      <anchor>isCursorVisible</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>keyMap</name>
-      <anchor>keyMap</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>keyboardHandler</name>
-      <anchor>keyboardHandler</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>markedText</name>
-      <anchor>markedText</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; selection )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>mouseHandler</name>
-      <anchor>mouseHandler</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>newChannel</name>
-      <anchor>newChannel</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; channel )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>openKeyboard</name>
-      <anchor>openKeyboard</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>openMouse</name>
-      <anchor>openMouse</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>processKeyEvent</name>
-      <anchor>processKeyEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int unicode, int keycode, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, bool isPress, bool autoRepeat )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>refresh</name>
-      <anchor>refresh</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>refresh</name>
-      <anchor>refresh-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QRegion &amp; region )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removeKeyboardFilter</name>
-      <anchor>removeKeyboardFilter</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>removedChannel</name>
-      <anchor>removedChannel</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; channel )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resumeMouse</name>
-      <anchor>resumeMouse</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>screenSaverActivate</name>
-      <anchor>screenSaverActivate</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool activate )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>screenSaverActive</name>
-      <anchor>screenSaverActive</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sendIMEvent</name>
-      <anchor>sendIMEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QInputMethodEvent * event )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sendIMQuery</name>
-      <anchor>sendIMQuery</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int property )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>sendKeyEvent</name>
-      <anchor>sendKeyEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int unicode, int keycode, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, bool isPress, bool autoRepeat )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setBackground</name>
-      <anchor>setBackground</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QBrush &amp; brush )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCurrentInputMethod</name>
-      <anchor>setCurrentInputMethod</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWSInputMethod * method )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setCursorVisible</name>
-      <anchor>setCursorVisible</anchor>
-      <arglist>( bool visible )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDefaultKeyboard</name>
-      <anchor>setDefaultKeyboard</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * keyboardDriver )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDefaultMouse</name>
-      <anchor>setDefaultMouse</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const char * mouseDriver )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setKeyboardHandler</name>
-      <anchor>setKeyboardHandler</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWSKeyboardHandler * handler )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setMaxWindowRect</name>
-      <anchor>setMaxWindowRect</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QRect &amp; rectangle )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setMouseHandler</name>
-      <anchor>setMouseHandler</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWSMouseHandler * handler )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setScreenSaver</name>
-      <anchor>setScreenSaver</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWSScreenSaver * screenSaver )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setScreenSaverInterval</name>
-      <anchor>setScreenSaverInterval</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int milliseconds )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setScreenSaverIntervals</name>
-      <anchor>setScreenSaverIntervals</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int * intervals )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>suspendMouse</name>
-      <anchor>suspendMouse</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>windowAt</name>
-      <anchor>windowAt</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QPoint &amp; position )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>windowEvent</name>
-      <anchor>windowEvent</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWSWindow * window, QWSServer::WindowEvent eventType )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QWSServer::KeyboardFilter</name>
-    <filename>qwsserver-keyboardfilter.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>filter</name>
-      <anchor>filter</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int unicode, int keycode, int modifiers, bool isPress, bool autoRepeat )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QWSServer::KeyMap</name>
-    <filename>qwsserver-keymap.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ctrl_unicode</name>
-      <anchor>ctrl_unicode-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>key_code</name>
-      <anchor>key_code-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>shift_unicode</name>
-      <anchor>shift_unicode-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>unicode</name>
-      <anchor>unicode-var</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>IMState</name>
-      <anchor>IMState-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QWSServer</name>
-      <anchor>QWSServer-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int flags, QObject * parent, const char * name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDesktopBackground</name>
-      <anchor>setDesktopBackground</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QImage &amp; img )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDesktopBackground</name>
-      <anchor>setDesktopBackground-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QColor &amp; c )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QWSTslibMouseHandler</name>
-    <filename>qwstslibmousehandler.html</filename>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QWSWindow</name>
-    <filename>qwswindow.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>caption</name>
-      <anchor>caption</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>client</name>
-      <anchor>client</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isFullyObscured</name>
-      <anchor>isFullyObscured</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isOpaque</name>
-      <anchor>isOpaque</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>isVisible</name>
-      <anchor>isVisible</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>name</name>
-      <anchor>name</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>opacity</name>
-      <anchor>opacity</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>requestedRegion</name>
-      <anchor>requestedRegion</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>winId</name>
-      <anchor>winId</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QX11EmbedContainer</name>
-    <filename>qx11embedcontainer.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Error</name>
-      <anchor>Error-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QX11EmbedContainer</name>
-      <anchor>QX11EmbedContainer</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clientClosed</name>
-      <anchor>clientClosed</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clientIsEmbedded</name>
-      <anchor>clientIsEmbedded</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clientWinId</name>
-      <anchor>clientWinId</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>discardClient</name>
-      <anchor>discardClient</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>embedClient</name>
-      <anchor>embedClient</anchor>
-      <arglist>( WId id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>error</name>
-      <anchor>error</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>error</name>
-      <anchor>error-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QX11EmbedContainer::Error error )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QX11EmbedWidget</name>
-    <filename>qx11embedwidget.html</filename>
-    <member kind="enum">
-      <name>Error</name>
-      <anchor>Error-enum</anchor>
-      <arglist></arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QX11EmbedWidget</name>
-      <anchor>QX11EmbedWidget</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QWidget * parent = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>containerClosed</name>
-      <anchor>containerClosed</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>containerWinId</name>
-      <anchor>containerWinId</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>embedInto</name>
-      <anchor>embedInto</anchor>
-      <arglist>( WId id )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>embedded</name>
-      <anchor>embedded</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>error</name>
-      <anchor>error</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>error</name>
-      <anchor>error-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QX11EmbedWidget::Error error )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QX11Info</name>
-    <filename>qx11info.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QX11Info</name>
-      <anchor>QX11Info</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QX11Info</name>
-      <anchor>QX11Info-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QX11Info &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>appCells</name>
-      <anchor>appCells</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int screen = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>appClass</name>
-      <anchor>appClass</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>HANDLE</name>
-      <anchor>appColormap</anchor>
-      <arglist> QX11Info::appColormap( int screen = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>appDefaultColormap</name>
-      <anchor>appDefaultColormap</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int screen = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>appDefaultVisual</name>
-      <anchor>appDefaultVisual</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int screen = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>appDepth</name>
-      <anchor>appDepth</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int screen = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>appDpiX</name>
-      <anchor>appDpiX</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int screen = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>appDpiY</name>
-      <anchor>appDpiY</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int screen = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>HANDLE</name>
-      <anchor>appRootWindow</anchor>
-      <arglist> QX11Info::appRootWindow( int screen = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>appScreen</name>
-      <anchor>appScreen</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>appTime</name>
-      <anchor>appTime</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>appUserTime</name>
-      <anchor>appUserTime</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>appVisual</name>
-      <anchor>appVisual</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int screen = -1 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>cells</name>
-      <anchor>cells</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>HANDLE</name>
-      <anchor>colormap</anchor>
-      <arglist> QX11Info::colormap()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>defaultColormap</name>
-      <anchor>defaultColormap</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>defaultVisual</name>
-      <anchor>defaultVisual</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>depth</name>
-      <anchor>depth</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>display</name>
-      <anchor>display</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>screen</name>
-      <anchor>screen</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAppDpiX</name>
-      <anchor>setAppDpiX</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int screen, int xdpi )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAppDpiY</name>
-      <anchor>setAppDpiY</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int screen, int ydpi )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAppTime</name>
-      <anchor>setAppTime</anchor>
-      <arglist>( unsigned long time )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setAppUserTime</name>
-      <anchor>setAppUserTime</anchor>
-      <arglist>( unsigned long time )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>visual</name>
-      <anchor>visual</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>operator=</name>
-      <anchor>operator-eq</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QX11Info &amp; other )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QXmlAttributes</name>
-    <filename>qxmlattributes.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QXmlAttributes</name>
-      <anchor>QXmlAttributes</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>append</name>
-      <anchor>append</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; qName, const QString &amp; uri, const QString &amp; localPart, const QString &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>clear</name>
-      <anchor>clear</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>count</name>
-      <anchor>count</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>index</name>
-      <anchor>index</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; qName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>index</name>
-      <anchor>index-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; uri, const QString &amp; localPart )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>length</name>
-      <anchor>length</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>localName</name>
-      <anchor>localName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>qName</name>
-      <anchor>qName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>type</name>
-      <anchor>type</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>type</name>
-      <anchor>type-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; qName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>type</name>
-      <anchor>type-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; uri, const QString &amp; localName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>uri</name>
-      <anchor>uri</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>value</name>
-      <anchor>value</anchor>
-      <arglist>( int index )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>value</name>
-      <anchor>value-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; qName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>value</name>
-      <anchor>value-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; uri, const QString &amp; localName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QXmlContentHandler</name>
-    <filename>qxmlcontenthandler.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>characters</name>
-      <anchor>characters</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; ch )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>endDocument</name>
-      <anchor>endDocument</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>endElement</name>
-      <anchor>endElement</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; namespaceURI, const QString &amp; localName, const QString &amp; qName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>endPrefixMapping</name>
-      <anchor>endPrefixMapping</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; prefix )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>errorString</name>
-      <anchor>errorString</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>ignorableWhitespace</name>
-      <anchor>ignorableWhitespace</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; ch )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>processingInstruction</name>
-      <anchor>processingInstruction</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; target, const QString &amp; data )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDocumentLocator</name>
-      <anchor>setDocumentLocator</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QXmlLocator * locator )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>skippedEntity</name>
-      <anchor>skippedEntity</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>startDocument</name>
-      <anchor>startDocument</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>startElement</name>
-      <anchor>startElement</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; namespaceURI, const QString &amp; localName, const QString &amp; qName, const QXmlAttributes &amp; atts )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>startPrefixMapping</name>
-      <anchor>startPrefixMapping</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; prefix, const QString &amp; uri )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QXmlDeclHandler</name>
-    <filename>qxmldeclhandler.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>attributeDecl</name>
-      <anchor>attributeDecl</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; eName, const QString &amp; aName, const QString &amp; type, const QString &amp; valueDefault, const QString &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>errorString</name>
-      <anchor>errorString</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>externalEntityDecl</name>
-      <anchor>externalEntityDecl</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name, const QString &amp; publicId, const QString &amp; systemId )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>internalEntityDecl</name>
-      <anchor>internalEntityDecl</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name, const QString &amp; value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QXmlDefaultHandler</name>
-    <filename>qxmldefaulthandler.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QXmlDefaultHandler</name>
-      <anchor>QXmlDefaultHandler</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QXmlDTDHandler</name>
-    <filename>qxmldtdhandler.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>errorString</name>
-      <anchor>errorString</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>notationDecl</name>
-      <anchor>notationDecl</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name, const QString &amp; publicId, const QString &amp; systemId )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>unparsedEntityDecl</name>
-      <anchor>unparsedEntityDecl</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name, const QString &amp; publicId, const QString &amp; systemId, const QString &amp; notationName )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QXmlEntityResolver</name>
-    <filename>qxmlentityresolver.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>errorString</name>
-      <anchor>errorString</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>resolveEntity</name>
-      <anchor>resolveEntity</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; publicId, const QString &amp; systemId, QXmlInputSource *&amp; ret )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QXmlErrorHandler</name>
-    <filename>qxmlerrorhandler.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>error</name>
-      <anchor>error</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QXmlParseException &amp; exception )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>errorString</name>
-      <anchor>errorString</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fatalError</name>
-      <anchor>fatalError</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QXmlParseException &amp; exception )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>warning</name>
-      <anchor>warning</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QXmlParseException &amp; exception )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QXmlInputSource</name>
-    <filename>qxmlinputsource.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QXmlInputSource</name>
-      <anchor>QXmlInputSource</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QXmlInputSource</name>
-      <anchor>QXmlInputSource-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QIODevice * dev )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>data</name>
-      <anchor>data</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fetchData</name>
-      <anchor>fetchData</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>fromRawData</name>
-      <anchor>fromRawData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; data, bool beginning = false )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>next</name>
-      <anchor>next</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>reset</name>
-      <anchor>reset</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setData</name>
-      <anchor>setData</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; dat )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setData</name>
-      <anchor>setData-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QByteArray &amp; dat )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QXmlInputSource</name>
-      <anchor>QXmlInputSource-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QFile &amp; file )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QXmlInputSource</name>
-      <anchor>QXmlInputSource-4</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QTextStream &amp; stream )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QXmlLexicalHandler</name>
-    <filename>qxmllexicalhandler.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>comment</name>
-      <anchor>comment</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; ch )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>endCDATA</name>
-      <anchor>endCDATA</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>endDTD</name>
-      <anchor>endDTD</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>endEntity</name>
-      <anchor>endEntity</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>errorString</name>
-      <anchor>errorString</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>startCDATA</name>
-      <anchor>startCDATA</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>startDTD</name>
-      <anchor>startDTD</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name, const QString &amp; publicId, const QString &amp; systemId )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>startEntity</name>
-      <anchor>startEntity</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QXmlLocator</name>
-    <filename>qxmllocator.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QXmlLocator</name>
-      <anchor>QXmlLocator</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>columnNumber</name>
-      <anchor>columnNumber</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lineNumber</name>
-      <anchor>lineNumber</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QXmlNamespaceSupport</name>
-    <filename>qxmlnamespacesupport.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QXmlNamespaceSupport</name>
-      <anchor>QXmlNamespaceSupport</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>popContext</name>
-      <anchor>popContext</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>prefix</name>
-      <anchor>prefix</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; uri )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>prefixes</name>
-      <anchor>prefixes</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>prefixes</name>
-      <anchor>prefixes-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; uri )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>processName</name>
-      <anchor>processName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; qname, bool isAttribute, QString &amp; nsuri, QString &amp; localname )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>pushContext</name>
-      <anchor>pushContext</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>reset</name>
-      <anchor>reset</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setPrefix</name>
-      <anchor>setPrefix</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; pre, const QString &amp; uri )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>splitName</name>
-      <anchor>splitName</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; qname, QString &amp; prefix, QString &amp; localname )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>uri</name>
-      <anchor>uri</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; prefix )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QXmlParseException</name>
-    <filename>qxmlparseexception.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QXmlParseException</name>
-      <anchor>QXmlParseException</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name = QString()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>columnNumber</name>
-      <anchor>columnNumber</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lineNumber</name>
-      <anchor>lineNumber</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>message</name>
-      <anchor>message</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>publicId</name>
-      <anchor>publicId</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>systemId</name>
-      <anchor>systemId</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QXmlReader</name>
-    <filename>qxmlreader.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>DTDHandler</name>
-      <anchor>DTDHandler</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>contentHandler</name>
-      <anchor>contentHandler</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>declHandler</name>
-      <anchor>declHandler</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>entityResolver</name>
-      <anchor>entityResolver</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>errorHandler</name>
-      <anchor>errorHandler</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>feature</name>
-      <anchor>feature</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name, bool * ok = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasFeature</name>
-      <anchor>hasFeature</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>hasProperty</name>
-      <anchor>hasProperty</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>lexicalHandler</name>
-      <anchor>lexicalHandler</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>parse</name>
-      <anchor>parse-2</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QXmlInputSource * input )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>property</name>
-      <anchor>property</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name, bool * ok = 0 )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setContentHandler</name>
-      <anchor>setContentHandler</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QXmlContentHandler * handler )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDTDHandler</name>
-      <anchor>setDTDHandler</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QXmlDTDHandler * handler )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setDeclHandler</name>
-      <anchor>setDeclHandler</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QXmlDeclHandler * handler )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setEntityResolver</name>
-      <anchor>setEntityResolver</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QXmlEntityResolver * handler )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setErrorHandler</name>
-      <anchor>setErrorHandler</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QXmlErrorHandler * handler )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFeature</name>
-      <anchor>setFeature</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name, bool value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setLexicalHandler</name>
-      <anchor>setLexicalHandler</anchor>
-      <arglist>( QXmlLexicalHandler * handler )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setProperty</name>
-      <anchor>setProperty</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name, void * value )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>parse</name>
-      <anchor>parse</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QXmlInputSource &amp; input )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
-  <compound kind="class">
-    <name>QXmlSimpleReader</name>
-    <filename>qxmlsimplereader.html</filename>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>QXmlSimpleReader</name>
-      <anchor>QXmlSimpleReader</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>parse</name>
-      <anchor>parse-3</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QXmlInputSource * input, bool incremental )</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>parseContinue</name>
-      <anchor>parseContinue</anchor>
-      <arglist>()</arglist>
-    </member>
-    <member kind="function">
-      <name>setFeature</name>
-      <anchor>setFeature</anchor>
-      <arglist>( const QString &amp; name, bool enable )</arglist>
-    </member>
-  </compound>
diff --git a/qt/src/.cvsignore b/qt/src/.cvsignore
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index f6454f2..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/qt/src/Makefile.am b/qt/src/Makefile.am
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 90c0f8e..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-dbusinclude_HEADERS=    \
-        qdbusbus.h      \
-        qdbusmacros.h   \
-        qdbuserror.h    \
-        qdbusmessage.h  \
-        qdbusserver.h   \
-        qdbusconnection.h \
-        qdbusabstractinterface.h \
-        qdbusinterface.h \
-        qdbusutil.h     \
-        qdbusabstractadaptor.h \
-        qdbusreply.h    \
-        qdbustypehelper_p.h \
-       qdbus.h
-noinst_HEADERS=                \
-       qdbusabstractadaptor_p.h \
-       qdbusabstractinterface_p.h \
-       qdbusconnection_p.h    \
-       qdbusinterface_p.h     \
-       qdbusintrospection_p.h \
-       qdbusmarshall_p.h      \
-       qdbusmessage_p.h       \
-       qdbusmetaobject_p.h    \
-       qdbustype_p.h           \
-       qdbusxmlparser_p.h
-MOCS = qdbusabstractadaptor.moc qdbusserver.moc qdbusconnection_p.moc qdbusconnection_p.moc qdbusabstractadaptor_p.moc qdbusbus.moc qdbusabstractinterface.moc
-libdbus_qt4_1_la_SOURCES = \
-        qdbusbus.cpp            \
-        qdbusconnection.cpp     \
-        qdbuserror.cpp          \
-        qdbusintegrator.cpp     \
-        qdbusmarshall.cpp       \
-        qdbusmessage.cpp        \
-        qdbusserver.cpp         \
-        qdbustype.cpp           \
-        qdbusabstractinterface.cpp     \
-        qdbusinterface.cpp      \
-        qdbusxmlparser.cpp      \
-        qdbusutil.cpp           \
-        qdbusintrospection.cpp  \
-        qdbusabstractadaptor.cpp       \
-        qdbusthread.cpp         \
-        qdbusinternalfilters.cpp       \
-        qdbusmetaobject.cpp    \
-       qdbusmisc.cpp           \
-       qdbusxmlgenerator.cpp
-qdbusabstractadaptor.lo: qdbusabstractadaptor.moc qdbusabstractadaptor_p.moc
-qdbusabstractinterface.lo: qdbusabstractinterface.moc
-qdbusbus.lo: qdbusbus.moc
-qdbusserver.lo: qdbusserver.moc
-qdbusintegrator.lo: qdbusconnection_p.moc
-libdbus_qt4_1_la_LIBADD= $(DBUS_QT_LIBS) $(top_builddir)/dbus/libdbus-1.la
-libdbus_qt4_1_la_LDFLAGS= -version-info 1:0 -no-undefined
-libdbus_qt4_1_la_CPPFLAGS= -DQDBUS_MAKEDLL
-EXTRA_DIST = qdbus.h
-%.moc: %.h
-       $(QT_MOC) $< > $@
diff --git a/qt/src/qdbus.h b/qt/src/qdbus.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 60c3582..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-/* qdbus.h precompiled header
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2005 Harald Fernengel <harry@kdevelop.org>
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *
- */
-#ifndef QDBUS_H
-#define QDBUS_H
-#include <QtCore/qglobal.h>
-#if !defined(DBUS_COMPILATION)
-# include <dbus/qdbusabstractadaptor.h>
-# include <dbus/qdbusabstractinterface.h>
-# include <dbus/qdbusbus.h>
-# include <dbus/qdbusconnection.h>
-# include <dbus/qdbuserror.h>
-# include <dbus/qdbusinterface.h>
-# include <dbus/qdbusmessage.h>
-# include <dbus/qdbusreply.h>
-# include <dbus/qdbusserver.h>
-# include <dbus/qdbusutil.h>
-# include "qdbusabstractadaptor.h"
-# include "qdbusabstractinterface.h"
-# include "qdbusbus.h"
-# include "qdbusconnection.h"
-# include "qdbuserror.h"
-# include "qdbusinterface.h"
-# include "qdbusmessage.h"
-# include "qdbusreply.h"
-# include "qdbusserver.h"
-# include "qdbusutil.h"
diff --git a/qt/src/qdbusabstractadaptor.cpp b/qt/src/qdbusabstractadaptor.cpp
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 4592b29..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,335 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- mode: C++ -*-
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
- *    Author: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@trolltech.com>
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- */
-#include "qdbusabstractadaptor.h"
-#include <QtCore/qmetaobject.h>
-#include <QtCore/qtimer.h>
-#include "qdbusconnection.h"
-#include "qdbusconnection_p.h"  // for qDBusParametersForMethod
-#include "qdbusabstractadaptor_p.h"
-struct QDBusAdaptorInit
-    QSignalSpyCallbackSet callbacks;
-    QDBusAdaptorInit()
-    {
-        extern void qt_register_signal_spy_callbacks(const QSignalSpyCallbackSet &callback_set);
-        callbacks.signal_begin_callback = QDBusAdaptorConnector::signalBeginCallback;
-        callbacks.signal_end_callback = QDBusAdaptorConnector::signalEndCallback;
-        callbacks.slot_begin_callback = 0;
-        callbacks.slot_end_callback = 0;
-        qt_register_signal_spy_callbacks(callbacks);
-        //QDBusAdaptorConnector::id = QObject::registerUserData();
-    }
-Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(QDBusAdaptorInit, qAdaptorInit)
-QDBusAdaptorConnector *qDBusFindAdaptorConnector(QObject *obj)
-    (void)qAdaptorInit();
-    if (!obj)
-        return 0;
-    QDBusAdaptorConnector *connector = qFindChild<QDBusAdaptorConnector *>(obj);
-    if (connector)
-        connector->polish();
-    return connector;
-QDBusAdaptorConnector *qDBusFindAdaptorConnector(QDBusAbstractAdaptor *adaptor)
-    return qDBusFindAdaptorConnector(adaptor->parent());
-QDBusAdaptorConnector *qDBusCreateAdaptorConnector(QObject *obj)
-    (void)qAdaptorInit();
-    QDBusAdaptorConnector *connector = qDBusFindAdaptorConnector(obj);
-    if (connector)
-        return connector;
-    return new QDBusAdaptorConnector(obj);
-QString QDBusAbstractAdaptorPrivate::retrieveIntrospectionXml(QDBusAbstractAdaptor *adaptor)
-    return adaptor->d->xml;
-void QDBusAbstractAdaptorPrivate::saveIntrospectionXml(QDBusAbstractAdaptor *adaptor,
-                                                       const QString &xml)
-    adaptor->d->xml = xml;
-    \page usingannotations.html Using annotations in adaptors
-    It is currently not possible to specify arbitrary annotations in adaptors.
-    \class QDBusAbstractAdaptor
-    \brief Abstract adaptor for D-Bus adaptor classes.
-    The QDBusAbstractAdaptor class is the starting point for all objects intending to provide
-    interfaces to the external world using D-Bus. This is accomplished by attaching a one or more
-    classes derived from QDBusAbstractAdaptor to a normal QObject and then registering that QObject
-    with QDBusConnection::registerObject. QDBusAbstractAdaptor objects are intended to be
-    light-weight wrappers, mostly just relaying calls into the real object (see object()) and the
-    signals from it.
-    Each QDBusAbstractAdaptor-derived class should define the D-Bus interface it is implementing
-    using the Q_CLASSINFO macro in the class definition.
-    QDBusAbstractAdaptor uses the standard QObject mechanism of signals, slots and properties to
-    determine what signals, methods and properties to export to the bus. Any signal emitted by
-    QDBusAbstractAdaptor-derived classes will be automatically be relayed through any D-Bus
-    connections the object is registered on.
-    Classes derived from QDBusAbstractAdaptor must be created on the heap using the \a new operator
-    and must not be deleted by the user (they will be deleted automatically when the object they are
-    connected to is also deleted).
-    \sa {usingadaptors.html}{Using adaptors}, QDBusConnection
-    Constructs a QDBusAbstractAdaptor with \a obj as the parent object.
-QDBusAbstractAdaptor::QDBusAbstractAdaptor(QObject* obj)
-    : QObject(obj), d(new QDBusAbstractAdaptorPrivate)
-    QDBusAdaptorConnector *connector = qDBusCreateAdaptorConnector(obj);
-    connector->waitingForPolish = true;
-    QTimer::singleShot(0, connector, SLOT(polish()));
-    Destroys the adaptor.
-    \warning Adaptors are destroyed automatically when the real object they refer to is
-             destroyed. Do not delete the adaptors yourself.
-    delete d;
-    Returns the QObject that we're the adaptor for. This is the same object that was passed as an
-    argument to the QDBusAbstractAdaptor constructor.
-QObject* QDBusAbstractAdaptor::object() const
-    return parent();
-    Toggles automatic signal relaying from the real object (see object()).
-    Automatic signal relaying consists of signal-to-signal connection of the signals on the parent
-    that have the exact same method signatue in both classes.
-    If \a enable is set to true, connect the signals; if set to false, disconnect all signals.
-void QDBusAbstractAdaptor::setAutoRelaySignals(bool enable)
-    const QMetaObject *us = metaObject();
-    const QMetaObject *them = parent()->metaObject();
-    for (int idx = staticMetaObject.methodCount(); idx < us->methodCount(); ++idx) {
-        QMetaMethod mm = us->method(idx);
-        if (mm.methodType() != QMetaMethod::Signal)
-            continue;
-        // try to connect/disconnect to a signal on the parent that has the same method signature
-        QByteArray sig = QMetaObject::normalizedSignature(mm.signature());
-        if (them->indexOfSignal(sig) == -1)
-            continue;
-        sig.prepend(QSIGNAL_CODE + '0');
-        parent()->disconnect(sig, this, sig);
-        if (enable)
-            connect(parent(), sig, sig);
-    }
-QDBusAdaptorConnector::QDBusAdaptorConnector(QObject *obj)
-    : QObject(obj), waitingForPolish(false), lastSignalIdx(0), argv(0)
-void QDBusAdaptorConnector::addAdaptor(QDBusAbstractAdaptor *adaptor)
-    // find the interface name
-    const QMetaObject *mo = adaptor->metaObject();
-    while (mo != &QDBusAbstractAdaptor::staticMetaObject) {
-        int ciend = mo->classInfoCount();
-        for (int i = mo->classInfoOffset(); i < ciend; ++i) {
-            QMetaClassInfo mci = mo->classInfo(i);
-            if (strcmp(mci.name(), QCLASSINFO_DBUS_INTERFACE) == 0 && *mci.value()) {
-                // find out if this interface exists first
-                QString interface = QString::fromUtf8(mci.value());
-                AdaptorMap::Iterator it = qLowerBound(adaptors.begin(), adaptors.end(), interface);
-                if (it != adaptors.end() && it->interface == interface) {
-                    // exists. Replace it (though it's probably the same)
-                    it->adaptor = adaptor;
-                    it->metaObject = mo;
-                } else {
-                    // create a new one
-                    AdaptorData entry;
-                    entry.interface = interface;
-                    entry.adaptor = adaptor;
-                    entry.metaObject = mo;
-                    adaptors << entry;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        mo = mo->superClass();
-    }
-    // connect the adaptor's signals to our relaySlot slot
-    mo = adaptor->metaObject();
-    for (int i = QDBusAbstractAdaptor::staticMetaObject.methodCount();
-         i < mo->methodCount(); ++i) {
-        QMetaMethod mm = mo->method(i);
-        if (mm.methodType() != QMetaMethod::Signal)
-            continue;
-        QByteArray sig = mm.signature();
-        sig.prepend(QSIGNAL_CODE + '0');
-        disconnect(adaptor, sig, this, SLOT(relaySlot()));
-        connect(adaptor, sig, this, SLOT(relaySlot()));
-    }
-void QDBusAdaptorConnector::polish()
-    if (!waitingForPolish)
-        return;                 // avoid working multiple times if multiple adaptors were added
-    waitingForPolish = false;
-    const QObjectList &objs = parent()->children();
-    foreach (QObject *obj, objs) {
-        QDBusAbstractAdaptor *adaptor = qobject_cast<QDBusAbstractAdaptor *>(obj);
-        if (adaptor)
-            addAdaptor(adaptor);
-    }
-    // sort the adaptor list
-    qSort(adaptors);
-void QDBusAdaptorConnector::relaySlot()
-    relay(sender());
-void QDBusAdaptorConnector::relay(QObject *senderObj)
-    // we're being called because there is a signal being emitted that we must relay
-    Q_ASSERT(lastSignalIdx);
-    Q_ASSERT(argv);
-    Q_ASSERT(senderMetaObject);
-    if (senderMetaObject != senderObj->metaObject()) {
-        qWarning("Inconsistency detected: QDBusAdaptorConnector::relay got called with unexpected sender object!");
-    } else {
-        QMetaMethod mm = senderMetaObject->method(lastSignalIdx);
-        QObject *object = static_cast<QDBusAbstractAdaptor *>(senderObj)->parent();
-        // break down the parameter list
-        QList<int> types;
-        int inputCount = qDBusParametersForMethod(mm, types);
-        if (inputCount == -1)
-            // invalid signal signature
-            // qDBusParametersForMethod has already complained
-            return;
-        if (inputCount + 1 != types.count() ||
-            types.at(inputCount) == QDBusConnectionPrivate::messageMetaType) {
-            // invalid signal signature
-            // qDBusParametersForMethod has not yet complained about this one
-            qWarning("Cannot relay signal %s::%s", senderMetaObject->className(), mm.signature());
-            return;
-        }
-        QByteArray signature = QMetaObject::normalizedSignature(mm.signature());
-        signature.truncate(signature.indexOf('(')); // remove parameter decoration
-        QVariantList args;
-        for (int i = 1; i < types.count(); ++i)
-            args << QVariant(types.at(i), argv[i]);
-        // find all the interfaces this signal belongs to
-        for (const QMetaObject *mo = senderMetaObject; mo != &QDBusAbstractAdaptor::staticMetaObject;
-             mo = mo->superClass()) {
-            if (lastSignalIdx < mo->methodOffset())
-                break;
-            for (int i = mo->classInfoOffset(); i < mo->classInfoCount(); ++i) {
-                QMetaClassInfo mci = mo->classInfo(i);
-                if (qstrcmp(mci.name(), QCLASSINFO_DBUS_INTERFACE) == 0 && *mci.value())
-                    // now emit the signal with all the information
-                    emit relaySignal(object, mci.value(), signature.constData(), args);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-void QDBusAdaptorConnector::signalBeginCallback(QObject *caller, int method_index, void **argv)
-    QDBusAbstractAdaptor *adaptor = qobject_cast<QDBusAbstractAdaptor *>(caller);
-    if (adaptor) {
-        QDBusAdaptorConnector *data = qDBusFindAdaptorConnector(adaptor);
-        data->lastSignalIdx = method_index;
-        data->argv = argv;
-        data->senderMetaObject = caller->metaObject();
-        data->polish();         // make sure it's polished
-    }
-void QDBusAdaptorConnector::signalEndCallback(QObject *caller, int)
-    QDBusAbstractAdaptor *adaptor = qobject_cast<QDBusAbstractAdaptor *>(caller);
-    if (adaptor) {
-        QDBusAdaptorConnector *data = qDBusFindAdaptorConnector(adaptor);
-        data->lastSignalIdx = 0;
-        data->argv = 0;
-        data->senderMetaObject = 0;
-    }
-#include "qdbusabstractadaptor.moc"
-#include "qdbusabstractadaptor_p.moc"
diff --git a/qt/src/qdbusabstractadaptor.h b/qt/src/qdbusabstractadaptor.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 16fbf5d..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- mode: C++ -*-
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
- *    Author: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@trolltech.com>
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- */
-#include <QtCore/qobject.h>
-#include "qdbusmacros.h"
-class QDBusAbstractAdaptorPrivate;
-class QDBUS_EXPORT QDBusAbstractAdaptor: public QObject
-    QDBusAbstractAdaptor(QObject *parent);
-    ~QDBusAbstractAdaptor();
-    Q_DECL_DEPRECATED QObject *object() const;
-    void setAutoRelaySignals(bool enable);
-    friend class QDBusAbstractAdaptorPrivate;
-    QDBusAbstractAdaptorPrivate *d;
diff --git a/qt/src/qdbusabstractadaptor_p.h b/qt/src/qdbusabstractadaptor_p.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 71bfb58..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- mode: C++; set-fill-width: 100 -*-
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
- *    Author: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@trolltech.com>
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- */
-//  W A R N I N G
-//  -------------
-// This file is not part of the public API.  This header file may
-// change from version to version without notice, or even be
-// removed.
-// We mean it.
-#include <QtCore/qobject.h>
-#include <QtCore/qmap.h>
-#include <QtCore/qhash.h>
-#include <QtCore/qreadwritelock.h>
-#include <QtCore/qvariant.h>
-#include <QtCore/qvector.h>
-#define QCLASSINFO_DBUS_INTERFACE       "D-Bus Interface"
-#define QCLASSINFO_DBUS_INTROSPECTION   "D-Bus Introspection"
-class QDBusAbstractAdaptor;
-class QDBusAdaptorConnector;
-class QDBusAdaptorManager;
-class QDBusConnectionPrivate;
-#if QT_VERSION < 0x040200
-/* mirrored in qobject_p.h, DON'T CHANGE without prior warning */
-struct QSignalSpyCallbackSet
-    typedef void (*BeginCallback)(QObject *caller, int method_index, void **argv);
-    typedef void (*EndCallback)(QObject *caller, int method_index);
-    BeginCallback signal_begin_callback,
-                    slot_begin_callback;
-    EndCallback signal_end_callback,
-                slot_end_callback;
-# error Qt 4.2.0 is supposed to have a better solution!
-#endif  // Qt 4.2.0
-class QDBusAbstractAdaptorPrivate
-    QString xml;
-    static QString retrieveIntrospectionXml(QDBusAbstractAdaptor *adaptor);
-    static void saveIntrospectionXml(QDBusAbstractAdaptor *adaptor, const QString &xml);
-class QDBusAdaptorConnector: public QObject
-public: // typedefs
-    struct AdaptorData
-    {
-        QString interface;
-        QDBusAbstractAdaptor *adaptor;
-        const QMetaObject *metaObject;
-        inline bool operator<(const AdaptorData &other) const
-        { return interface < other.interface; }
-        inline bool operator<(const QString &other) const
-        { return interface < other; }
-    };
-    typedef QVector<AdaptorData> AdaptorMap;
-public: // methods
-    explicit QDBusAdaptorConnector(QObject *parent);
-    ~QDBusAdaptorConnector();
-    void addAdaptor(QDBusAbstractAdaptor *adaptor);
-    void relay(QObject *sender);
-public slots:
-    void relaySlot();
-    void polish();
-    void relaySignal(QObject *obj, const char *interface, const char *name, const QVariantList &args);
-public: // member variables
-    AdaptorMap adaptors;
-    bool waitingForPolish : 1;
-    int lastSignalIdx;
-    void **argv;
-    const QMetaObject *senderMetaObject;
-public: // static members
-    static void signalBeginCallback(QObject *caller, int method_index, void **argv);
-    static void signalEndCallback(QObject *caller, int method_index);
-    //static int id;
-extern QDBusAdaptorConnector *qDBusFindAdaptorConnector(QObject *object);
-extern QDBusAdaptorConnector *qDBusCreateAdaptorConnector(QObject *object);
diff --git a/qt/src/qdbusabstractinterface.cpp b/qt/src/qdbusabstractinterface.cpp
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 1b03814..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,392 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*-
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2005 Thiago Macieira <thiago@kde.org>
- * Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
- *    Author: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@trolltech.com>
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- */
-#include "qdbusabstractinterface.h"
-#include "qdbusabstractinterface_p.h"
-#include "qdbusmetaobject_p.h"
-#include "qdbusconnection_p.h"
-QVariant QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate::property(const QMetaProperty &mp) const
-    // try to read this property
-    QDBusMessage msg = QDBusMessage::methodCall(service, path,
-                                                QLatin1String(DBUS_INTERFACE_PROPERTIES),
-                                                QLatin1String("Get"));
-    msg << interface << QString::fromUtf8(mp.name());
-    QDBusMessage reply = connp->sendWithReply(msg, QDBusConnection::NoUseEventLoop);
-    if (reply.type() == QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage && reply.count() == 1 &&
-        reply.signature() == QLatin1String("v")) {
-        QVariant value = QDBusTypeHelper<QVariant>::fromVariant(reply.at(0));
-        // make sure the type is right
-        if (qstrcmp(mp.typeName(), value.typeName()) == 0) {
-            if (mp.type() == QVariant::LastType)
-                // QVariant is special in this context
-                return QDBusTypeHelper<QVariant>::fromVariant(value);
-            return value;
-        }
-    }
-    // there was an error...
-    if (reply.type() == QDBusMessage::ErrorMessage)
-        lastError = reply;
-    else if (reply.signature() != QLatin1String("v")) {
-        QString errmsg = QLatin1String("Invalid signature `%1' in return from call to "
-                                       DBUS_INTERFACE_PROPERTIES);
-        lastError = QDBusError(QDBusError::InvalidSignature, errmsg.arg(reply.signature()));
-    } else {
-        QString errmsg = QLatin1String("Unexpected type `%1' when retrieving property "
-                                       "`%2 %3.%4'");
-        lastError = QDBusError(QDBusError::InvalidSignature,
-                               errmsg.arg(QLatin1String(reply.at(0).typeName()),
-                                          QLatin1String(mp.typeName()),
-                                          interface, QString::fromUtf8(mp.name())));
-    }
-    return QVariant();
-void QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate::setProperty(const QMetaProperty &mp, const QVariant &value)
-    // send the value
-    QDBusMessage msg = QDBusMessage::methodCall(service, path,
-                                                QLatin1String(DBUS_INTERFACE_PROPERTIES),
-                                                QLatin1String("Set"));
-    msg.setSignature(QLatin1String("ssv"));
-    msg << interface << QString::fromUtf8(mp.name()) << value;
-    QDBusMessage reply = connp->sendWithReply(msg, QDBusConnection::NoUseEventLoop);
-    if (reply.type() != QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage)
-        lastError = reply;
-    \class QDBusAbstractInterface
-    \brief Base class for all D-Bus interfaces in the QtDBus binding, allowing access to remote interfaces.
-    Generated-code classes also derive from QDBusAbstractInterface, all methods described here are also
-    valid for generated-code classes. In addition to those described here, generated-code classes
-    provide member functions for the remote methods, which allow for compile-time checking of the
-    correct parameters and return values, as well as property type-matching and signal
-    parameter-matching.
-    \sa {dbusidl2cpp.html}{The dbusidl2cpp compiler}, QDBusInterface
-    \enum QDBusAbstractInterface::CallMode
-    Specifies how a call should be placed. The valid options are:
-    \value NoWaitForReply       place the call but don't wait for the reply (the reply's contents
-                                will be discarded)
-    \value NoUseEventLoop       don't use an event loop to wait for a reply, but instead block on
-                                network operations while waiting. This option means the
-                                user-interface may not be updated for the duration of the call.
-    \value UseEventLoop         use the Qt event loop to wait for a reply. This option means the
-                                user-interface will update, but it also means other events may
-                                happen, like signal delivery and other D-Bus method calls.
-    When using UseEventLoop, applications must be prepared for reentrancy in any function.
-    \internal
-QDBusAbstractInterface::QDBusAbstractInterface(QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate* d)
-#if QT_VERSION < 0x040200
-    : d_ptr(d)
-    d_ptr->q_ptr = this;
-    Releases this object's resources.
-    delete d_ptr;
-    Returns true if this is a valid reference to a remote object. It returns false if
-    there was an error during the creation of this interface (for instance, if the remote
-    application does not exist).
-    Note: when dealing with remote objects, it is not always possible to determine if it
-    exists when creating a QDBusInterface or QDBusInterfacePtr object.
-bool QDBusAbstractInterface::isValid() const
-    return d_func()->isValid;
-    Returns the connection this interface is assocated with.
-QDBusConnection QDBusAbstractInterface::connection() const
-    return d_func()->conn;
-    Returns the name of the service this interface is associated with.
-QString QDBusAbstractInterface::service() const
-    return d_func()->service;
-    Returns the object path that this interface is associated with.
-QString QDBusAbstractInterface::path() const
-    return d_func()->path;
-    Returns the name of this interface.
-QString QDBusAbstractInterface::interface() const
-    return d_func()->interface;
-    Returns the error the last operation produced, or an invalid error if the last operation did not
-    produce an error.
-QDBusError QDBusAbstractInterface::lastError() const
-    return d_func()->lastError;
-    Places a call to the remote method specified by \a method on this interface, using \a args as
-    arguments. This function returns the message that was received as a reply, which can be a normal
-    QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage (indicating success) or QDBusMessage::ErrorMessage (if the call
-    failed). The \a mode parameter specifies how this call should be placed.
-    If the call succeeds, lastError() will be cleared; otherwise, it will contain the error this
-    call produced.
-    Normally, you should place calls using call().
-    \warning If you use \c UseEventLoop, your code must be prepared to deal with any reentrancy:
-             other method calls and signals may be delivered before this function returns, as well
-             as other Qt queued signals and events.
-    \threadsafe
-QDBusMessage QDBusAbstractInterface::callWithArgs(const QString& method, const QList<QVariant>& args,
-                                          CallMode mode)
-    Q_D(QDBusAbstractInterface);
-    QString m = method, sig;
-    // split out the signature from the method
-    int pos = method.indexOf(QLatin1Char('.'));
-    if (pos != -1) {
-        m.truncate(pos);
-        sig = method.mid(pos + 1);
-    }
-    if (mode == AutoDetect) {
-        // determine if this a sync or async call
-        mode = NoUseEventLoop;
-        const QMetaObject *mo = metaObject();
-        QByteArray match = m.toLatin1() + '(';
-        for (int i = staticMetaObject.methodCount(); i < mo->methodCount(); ++i) {
-            QMetaMethod mm = mo->method(i);
-            if (QByteArray(mm.signature()).startsWith(match)) {
-                // found a method with the same name as what we're looking for
-                // hopefully, nobody is overloading asynchronous and synchronous methods with
-                // the same name
-                QList<QByteArray> tags = QByteArray(mm.tag()).split(' ');
-                if (tags.contains("async") || tags.contains("Q_ASYNC"))
-                    mode = NoWaitForReply;
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    QDBusMessage msg = QDBusMessage::methodCall(service(), path(), interface(), m);
-    msg.setSignature(sig);
-    msg.QList<QVariant>::operator=(args);
-    QDBusMessage reply;
-    if (mode != NoWaitForReply)
-        reply = d->conn.sendWithReply(msg, mode == UseEventLoop ?
-                                      QDBusConnection::UseEventLoop : QDBusConnection::NoUseEventLoop);
-    else
-        d->conn.send(msg);
-    d->lastError = reply;       // will clear if reply isn't an error
-    // ensure that there is at least one element
-    if (reply.isEmpty())
-        reply << QVariant();
-    return reply;
-    \overload
-    Places a call to the remote method specified by \a method on this interface, using \a args as
-    arguments. This function will return immediately after queueing the call. The reply from the
-    remote function or any errors emitted by it will be delivered to the \a slot slot on object \a
-    receiver.
-    This function returns true if the queueing succeeded: it does not indicate that the call
-    succeeded. If it failed, the slot will be called with an error message. lastError() will not be
-    set under those circumstances.
-    \sa QDBusError, QDBusMessage
-bool QDBusAbstractInterface::callWithArgs(const QString &method, QObject *receiver, const char *slot,
-                                          const QList<QVariant> &args)
-    Q_D(QDBusAbstractInterface);
-    QString m = method, sig;
-    // split out the signature from the method
-    int pos = method.indexOf(QLatin1Char('.'));
-    if (pos != -1) {
-        m.truncate(pos);
-        sig = method.mid(pos + 1);
-    }
-    QDBusMessage msg = QDBusMessage::methodCall(service(), path(), interface(), m);
-    msg.setSignature(sig);
-    msg.QList<QVariant>::operator=(args);
-    d->lastError = 0;           // clear
-    return d->conn.sendWithReplyAsync(msg, receiver, slot);
-    \internal
-    Catch signal connections.
-void QDBusAbstractInterface::connectNotify(const char *signal)
-    // someone connecting to one of our signals
-    Q_D(QDBusAbstractInterface);
-    d->connp->connectRelay(d->service, d->path, d->interface, this, signal);
-    \internal
-    Catch signal disconnections.
-void QDBusAbstractInterface::disconnectNotify(const char *signal)
-    // someone disconnecting from one of our signals
-    Q_D(QDBusAbstractInterface);
-    d->connp->disconnectRelay(d->service, d->path, d->interface, this, signal);
-    \internal
-    Get the value of the property \a propname.
-QVariant QDBusAbstractInterface::internalPropGet(const char *propname) const
-    // assume this property exists and is readable
-    // we're only called from generated code anyways
-    int idx = metaObject()->indexOfProperty(propname);
-    if (idx != -1)
-        return d_func()->property(metaObject()->property(idx));
-    qWarning("QDBusAbstractInterface::internalPropGet called with unknown property '%s'", propname);
-    return QVariant();          // error
-    \internal
-    Set the value of the property \a propname to \a value.
-void QDBusAbstractInterface::internalPropSet(const char *propname, const QVariant &value)
-    Q_D(QDBusAbstractInterface);
-    // assume this property exists and is writeable
-    // we're only called from generated code anyways
-    int idx = metaObject()->indexOfProperty(propname);
-    if (idx != -1)
-        d->setProperty(metaObject()->property(idx), value);
-    else
-        qWarning("QDBusAbstractInterface::internalPropGet called with unknown property '%s'", propname);
-    \overload
-    \fn QDBusMessage QDBusAbstractInterface::call(const QString &method)
-    Calls the method \a method on this interface and passes the parameters to this function to the
-    method.
-    The parameters to \c call are passed on to the remote function via D-Bus as input
-    arguments. Output arguments are returned in the QDBusMessage reply. If the reply is an error
-    reply, lastError() will also be set to the contents of the error message.
-    This function is implemented by actually 9 different function overloads called \c call, so you
-    can pass up to 8 parameters to your function call, which can be of any type accepted by QtDBus
-    (see the \l {allowedparameters.html}{allowed parameters} page for information on what types are
-    accepted).
-    It can be used the following way:
-    \code
-      QString value = retrieveValue();
-      QDBusMessage reply;
-      QDBusReply<int> api = interface->call(QLatin1String("GetAPIVersion"));
-      if (api >= 14)
-        reply = interface->call(QLatin1String("ProcessWorkUnicode"), value);
-      else
-        reply = interface->call(QLatin1String("ProcessWork"), QLatin1String("UTF-8"), value.toUtf8());
-    \endcode
-    This example illustrates function calling with 0, 1 and 2 parameters and illustrates different
-    parameter types passed in each (the first call to \c "ProcessWorkUnicode" will contain one
-    Unicode string, the second call to \c "ProcessWork" will contain one string and one byte array).
-    \warning This function reenters the Qt event loop in order to wait for the reply, excluding user
-             input. During the wait, it may deliver signals and other method calls to your
-             application. Therefore, it must be prepared to handle a reentrancy whenever a call is
-             placed with call().
-#include "qdbusabstractinterface.moc"
diff --git a/qt/src/qdbusabstractinterface.h b/qt/src/qdbusabstractinterface.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index aa6d00d..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,257 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*-
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2005 Thiago Macieira <thiago@kde.org>
- * Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
- *    Author: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@trolltech.com>
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- */
-#include <QtCore/qstring.h>
-#include <QtCore/qvariant.h>
-#include <QtCore/qlist.h>
-#include <QtCore/qobject.h>
-#include "qdbusmessage.h"
-#include "qdbustypehelper_p.h"
-class QDBusConnection;
-class QDBusError;
-class QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate;
-class QDBUS_EXPORT QDBusAbstractInterface: public QObject
-    enum CallMode {
-        NoWaitForReply,
-        UseEventLoop,
-        NoUseEventLoop,
-        AutoDetect
-    };
-    virtual ~QDBusAbstractInterface();
-    bool isValid() const;
-    QDBusConnection connection() const;
-    QString service() const;
-    QString path() const;
-    QString interface() const;
-    QDBusError lastError() const;
-    QDBusMessage callWithArgs(const QString &method, const QList<QVariant> &args = QList<QVariant>(),
-                              CallMode mode = AutoDetect);
-    bool callWithArgs(const QString &method, QObject *receiver, const char *slot,
-                      const QList<QVariant> &args = QList<QVariant>());
-    inline QDBusMessage call(const QString &m)
-    {
-        return callWithArgs(m);
-    }
-    inline QDBusMessage call(CallMode mode, const QString &m)
-    {
-        return callWithArgs(m, QList<QVariant>(), mode);
-    }
-#ifndef Q_QDOC
-    template<typename T> inline QVariant qvfv(const T &t)
-    { return QDBusTypeHelper<T>::toVariant(t); }
-    template<typename T1>
-    inline QDBusMessage call(const QString &m, const T1 &t1)
-    {
-        QList<QVariant> args;
-        args << qvfv(t1);
-        return callWithArgs(m, args);
-    }
-    template<typename T1, typename T2>
-    inline QDBusMessage call(const QString &m, const T1 &t1, const T2 &t2)
-    {
-        QList<QVariant> args;
-        args << qvfv(t1) << qvfv(t2);
-        return callWithArgs(m, args);
-    }
-    template<typename T1, typename T2, typename T3>
-    inline QDBusMessage call(const QString &m, const T1 &t1, const T2 &t2, const T3 &t3)
-    {
-        QList<QVariant> args;
-        args << qvfv(t1) << qvfv(t2) << qvfv(t3);
-        return callWithArgs(m, args);
-    }
-    template<typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4>
-    inline QDBusMessage call(const QString &m, const T1 &t1, const T2 &t2, const T3 &t3,
-                             const T4 &t4)
-    {
-        QList<QVariant> args;
-        args << qvfv(t1) << qvfv(t2) << qvfv(t3)
-             << qvfv(t4);
-        return callWithArgs(m, args);
-    }
-    template<typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5>
-    inline QDBusMessage call(const QString &m, const T1 &t1, const T2 &t2, const T3 &t3,
-                             const T4 &t4, const T5 &t5)
-    {
-        QList<QVariant> args;
-        args << qvfv(t1) << qvfv(t2) << qvfv(t3)
-             << qvfv(t4) << qvfv(t5);
-        return callWithArgs(m, args);
-    }
-    template<typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5, typename T6>
-    inline QDBusMessage call(const QString &m, const T1 &t1, const T2 &t2, const T3 &t3,
-                             const T4 &t4, const T5 &t5, const T6 &t6)
-    {
-        QList<QVariant> args;
-        args << qvfv(t1) << qvfv(t2) << qvfv(t3)
-             << qvfv(t4) << qvfv(t5) << qvfv(t6);
-        return callWithArgs(m, args);
-    }
-    template<typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5, typename T6, typename T7>
-    inline QDBusMessage call(const QString &m, const T1 &t1, const T2 &t2, const T3 &t3,
-                             const T4 &t4, const T5 &t5, const T6 &t6, const T7 &t7)
-    {
-        QList<QVariant> args;
-        args << qvfv(t1) << qvfv(t2) << qvfv(t3)
-             << qvfv(t4) << qvfv(t5) << qvfv(t6)
-             << qvfv(t7);
-        return callWithArgs(m, args);
-    }
-    template<typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5,
-             typename T6, typename T7, typename T8>
-    inline QDBusMessage call(const QString &m, const T1 &t1, const T2 &t2, const T3 &t3,
-                             const T4 &t4, const T5 &t5, const T6 &t6, const T7 &t7, const T8 &t8)
-    {
-        QList<QVariant> args;
-        args << qvfv(t1) << qvfv(t2) << qvfv(t3)
-             << qvfv(t4) << qvfv(t5) << qvfv(t6)
-             << qvfv(t7) << qvfv(t8);
-        return callWithArgs(m, args);
-    }
-    template<typename T1>
-    inline QDBusMessage call(CallMode mode, const QString &m, const T1 &t1)
-    {
-        QList<QVariant> args;
-        args << qvfv(t1);
-        return callWithArgs(m, args, mode);
-    }
-    template<typename T1, typename T2>
-    inline QDBusMessage call(CallMode mode, const QString &m, const T1 &t1, const T2 &t2)
-    {
-        QList<QVariant> args;
-        args << qvfv(t1) << qvfv(t2);
-        return callWithArgs(m, args, mode);
-    }
-    template<typename T1, typename T2, typename T3>
-    inline QDBusMessage call(CallMode mode, const QString &m, const T1 &t1, const T2 &t2,
-                             const T3 &t3)
-    {
-        QList<QVariant> args;
-        args << qvfv(t1) << qvfv(t2) << qvfv(t3);
-        return callWithArgs(m, args, mode);
-    }
-    template<typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4>
-    inline QDBusMessage call(CallMode mode, const QString &m, const T1 &t1, const T2 &t2,
-                             const T3 &t3, const T4 &t4)
-    {
-        QList<QVariant> args;
-        args << qvfv(t1) << qvfv(t2) << qvfv(t3)
-             << qvfv(t4);
-        return callWithArgs(m, args, mode);
-    }
-    template<typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5>
-    inline QDBusMessage call(CallMode mode, const QString &m, const T1 &t1, const T2 &t2,
-                             const T3 &t3, const T4 &t4, const T5 &t5)
-    {
-        QList<QVariant> args;
-        args << qvfv(t1) << qvfv(t2) << qvfv(t3)
-             << qvfv(t4) << qvfv(t5);
-        return callWithArgs(m, args, mode);
-    }
-    template<typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5, typename T6>
-    inline QDBusMessage call(CallMode mode, const QString &m, const T1 &t1, const T2 &t2,
-                             const T3 &t3, const T4 &t4, const T5 &t5, const T6 &t6)
-    {
-        QList<QVariant> args;
-        args << qvfv(t1) << qvfv(t2) << qvfv(t3)
-             << qvfv(t4) << qvfv(t5) << qvfv(t6);
-        return callWithArgs(m, args, mode);
-    }
-    template<typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5, typename T6, typename T7>
-    inline QDBusMessage call(CallMode mode, const QString &m, const T1 &t1, const T2 &t2,
-                             const T3 &t3, const T4 &t4, const T5 &t5, const T6 &t6, const T7 &t7)
-    {
-        QList<QVariant> args;
-        args << qvfv(t1) << qvfv(t2) << qvfv(t3)
-             << qvfv(t4) << qvfv(t5) << qvfv(t6)
-             << qvfv(t7);
-        return callWithArgs(m, args, mode);
-    }
-    template<typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5,
-             typename T6, typename T7, typename T8>
-    inline QDBusMessage call(CallMode mode, const QString &m, const T1 &t1, const T2 &t2,
-                             const T3 &t3, const T4 &t4, const T5 &t5, const T6 &t6, const T7 &t7,
-                             const T8 &t8)
-    {
-        QList<QVariant> args;
-        args << qvfv(t1) << qvfv(t2) << qvfv(t3)
-             << qvfv(t4) << qvfv(t5) << qvfv(t6)
-             << qvfv(t7) << qvfv(t8);
-        return callWithArgs(m, args, mode);
-    }
-    QDBusAbstractInterface(QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate *);
-    void connectNotify(const char *signal);
-    void disconnectNotify(const char *signal);
-    QVariant internalPropGet(const char *propname) const;
-    void internalPropSet(const char *propname, const QVariant &value);
-    friend class QDBusInterface;
-    QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate *d_ptr; // remove for Qt 4.2.0
-    Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE(QDBusAbstractInterface)
-    Q_DISABLE_COPY(QDBusAbstractInterface)
diff --git a/qt/src/qdbusabstractinterface_p.h b/qt/src/qdbusabstractinterface_p.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 4380707..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2006 Thiago José Macieira <thiago@kde.org>
- * Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
- *    Author: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@trolltech.com>
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- */
-//  W A R N I N G
-//  -------------
-// This file is not part of the public API.  This header file may
-// change from version to version without notice, or even be
-// removed.
-// We mean it.
-#include "qdbusabstractinterface.h"
-#include "qdbusconnection.h"
-#include "qdbuserror.h"
-#define ANNOTATION_NO_WAIT      "org.freedesktop.DBus.Method.NoReply"
-class QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate//: public QObjectPrivate
-    Q_DECLARE_PUBLIC(QDBusAbstractInterface)
-    QDBusAbstractInterface *q_ptr; // remove in Qt 4.2
-    QDBusConnection conn;
-    QDBusConnectionPrivate *connp;
-    QString service;
-    QString path;
-    QString interface;
-    mutable QDBusError lastError;
-    bool isValid;
-    inline QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate(const QDBusConnection& con, QDBusConnectionPrivate *conp,
-                                         const QString &serv, const QString &p, const QString &iface)
-        : conn(con), connp(conp), service(serv), path(p), interface(iface), isValid(true)
-    { }
-    virtual ~QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate() { }
-    // these functions do not check if the property is valid
-    QVariant property(const QMetaProperty &mp) const;
-    void setProperty(const QMetaProperty &mp, const QVariant &value);
diff --git a/qt/src/qdbusbus.cpp b/qt/src/qdbusbus.cpp
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index f46966b..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,302 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*-
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
- *    Author: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@trolltech.com>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- */
- * This file was generated by dbusidl2cpp version 0.3
- * when processing input file -
- *
- * dbusidl2cpp is Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
- *
- * This file has been hand-edited! Be careful when re-generating it!
- *
- */
-#include "qdbusbus.h"
-#include <QtCore/QByteArray>
-#include <QtCore/QList>
-#include <QtCore/QMap>
-#include <QtCore/QString>
-#include <QtCore/QStringList>
-#include <QtCore/QVariant>
- * Implementation of interface class QDBusBusService
- */
-    \class QDBusBusService
-    \brief Provides access to the D-Bus bus daemon service.
-    \enum QDBusBusService::RequestNameOption
-    Flags for requesting a name on the bus.
-    \value AllowReplacingName   Allow another application requesting the same name to take the name
-                                from this application.
-    \value ReplaceExistingName  If another application already has the name and allows replacing,
-                                take the name and assign it to us.
-    \value DoNotQueueName       Without this flag, if an application requests a name that is already
-                                owned and does not allow replacing, it will be queued until the
-                                name is given up. If this flag is given, no queueing will be
-                                performed and the requestName() call will simply fail.
-    \enum QDBusBusService::RequestNameReply
-    The possible return values from requestName():
-    \value PrimaryOwnerReply    The caller is now the primary owner of the name.
-    \value InQueueReply         The caller is in queue for the name, but does not own it.
-    \value NameExistsReply      The name exists and could not be replaced, or the caller did
-                                specify DoNotQueueName.
-    \value AlreadyOwnerReply    The caller tried to request a name that it already owns.
-    \enum QDBusBusService::ReleaseNameReply
-    The possible return values from releaseName():
-    \value NameReleasedReply    The caller released his claim on the name.
-    \value NameNonExistentReply The caller tried to release a name that did not exist.
-    \value NotOwnerReply        The caller tried to release a name that it did not own or was not in
-                                queue for.
-    \enum QDBusBusService::StartServiceReply
-    The possible return values from startServiceByName():
-    \value Success              The service was successfully started.
-    \value AlreadyRunning       The service was already running.
-    \internal
-const char *QDBusBusService::staticInterfaceName()
-{ return "org.freedesktop.DBus"; }
-    \internal
-QDBusBusService::QDBusBusService(QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate *p)
-    : QDBusAbstractInterface(p)
-    connect(this, SIGNAL(NameAcquired(QString)), this, SIGNAL(nameAcquired(QString)));
-    connect(this, SIGNAL(NameLost(QString)), this, SIGNAL(nameLost(QString)));
-    connect(this, SIGNAL(NameOwnerChanged(QString,QString,QString)),
-            this, SIGNAL(nameOwnerChanged(QString,QString,QString)));
-    \internal
-    \fn QDBusBusService::hello()
-    \internal
-    Sends a "Hello" request to the bus service. You do not want to call this.
-QDBusReply<QString> QDBusBusService::Hello()
-    return call(QLatin1String("Hello"));
-    \fn QDBusBusService::nameOwner(const QString &name)
-    Returns the unique connection name of the primary owner of the name \a name. If the requested
-    name doesn't have an owner, returns a org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner error.
-QDBusReply<QString> QDBusBusService::GetNameOwner(const QString &name)
-    return call(QLatin1String("GetNameOwner.s"), name);
-    \fn QDBusBusService::listNames()
-    Lists all names currently existing on the bus.
-QDBusReply<QStringList> QDBusBusService::ListNames()
-    return call(QLatin1String("ListNames"));
-    \fn QDBusBusService::listQueuedOwners(const QString &serviceName)
-    Returns a list of all unique connection names in queue for the service name \a service.
-QDBusReply<QStringList> QDBusBusService::ListQueuedOwners(const QString &serviceName)
-    return call(QLatin1String("ListQueuedOwners.s"), serviceName);
-    \fn QDBusBusService::nameHasOwner(const QString &serviceName)
-    Returns true if the service name \a service has an owner.
-QDBusReply<bool> QDBusBusService::NameHasOwner(const QString &serviceName)
-    return call(QLatin1String("NameHasOwner.s"), serviceName);
-    \fn QDBusBusService::addMatch(const QString &rule)
-    Adds the rule \a rule for requesting messages from the bus.
-    \sa removeMatch()
-QDBusReply<void> QDBusBusService::AddMatch(const QString &rule)
-    return call(QLatin1String("AddMatch.s"), rule);
-    \fn QDBusBusService::removeMatch(const QString &rule)
-    Removes the rule \a rule, that had previously been added with addMatch().
-QDBusReply<void> QDBusBusService::RemoveMatch(const QString &rule)
-    return call(QLatin1String("RemoveMatch.s"), rule);
-    \fn QDBusBusService::connectionSELinuxSecurityContext(const QString &serviceName)
-    Returns the SELinux security context of the process currently holding the bus service \a
-    service.
-QDBusReply<QByteArray> QDBusBusService::GetConnectionSELinuxSecurityContext(const QString &serviceName)
-    return call(QLatin1String("GetConnectionSELinuxSecurityContext.s"), serviceName);
-    \fn QDBusBusService::connectionUnixProcessID(const QString &serviceName)
-    Returns the Unix Process ID (PID) for the process currently holding the bus service \a service.
-QDBusReply<uint> QDBusBusService::GetConnectionUnixProcessID(const QString &serviceName)
-    return call(QLatin1String("GetConnectionUnixProcessID.s"), serviceName);
-    \fn QDBusBusService::connectionUnixUser(const QString &serviceName)
-    Returns the Unix User ID (UID) for the process currently holding the bus service \a service.
-QDBusReply<uint> QDBusBusService::GetConnectionUnixUser(const QString &serviceName)
-    return call(QLatin1String("GetConnectionUnixUser.s"), serviceName);
-    \fn QDBusBusService::reloadConfig()
-    Asks the D-Bus server daemon to reload its configuration.
-QDBusReply<void> QDBusBusService::ReloadConfig()
-    return call(QLatin1String("ReloadConfig"));
-inline QDBUS_EXPORT int qDBusMetaTypeId(QDBusBusService::StartServiceReply *)
-{ return QVariant::Int; }
-    \fn QDBusBusService::startServiceByName(const QString &name, uint flags)
-    Requests that the bus start the service given by the name \a name.
-    The \a flags parameter is currently not used.
-QDBusBusService::StartServiceByName(const QString &name, uint flags)
-    return call(QLatin1String("StartServiceByName.su"), name, flags);
-inline QDBUS_EXPORT int qDBusMetaTypeId(QDBusBusService::RequestNameReply *)
-{ return QVariant::Int; }
-    \fn QDBusBusService::requestName(const QString &serviceName, RequestNameOptions flags)
-    Requests the bus service name \a service from the bus. The \a flags parameter specifies how the
-    bus server daemon should act when the same name is requested by two different applications.
-    \sa releaseName()
-QDBusBusService::RequestName(const QString &serviceName, RequestNameOptions flags)
-    return call(QLatin1String("RequestName.su"), serviceName, uint(int(flags)));
-inline QDBUS_EXPORT int qDBusMetaTypeId(QDBusBusService::ReleaseNameReply *)
-{ return QVariant::Int; }
-    \fn QDBusBusService::releaseName(const QString &serviceName)
-    Releases the claim on the bus service name \a service, that had been previously requested with
-    requestName(). If this application had ownership of the name, it will be released for other
-    applications to claim. If it only had the name queued, it gives up its position in the queue.
-QDBusBusService::ReleaseName(const QString &serviceName)
-    return call(QLatin1String("ReleaseName.s"), serviceName);
-// signals
-    \fn QDBusBusService::nameAcquired(const QString &serviceName)
-    This signal is emitted by the D-Bus bus server when the bus service name (unique connection name
-    or well-known service name) given by \a service is acquired by this application.
-    Name acquisition happens after the application requested a name using requestName().
-    \fn QDBusBusService::nameLost(const QString &serviceName)
-    This signal is emitted by the D-Bus bus server when the application loses ownership of the bus
-    service name given by \a service.
-    \fn QDBusBusService::nameOwnerChanged(const QString &name, const QString &oldOwner, const QString &newOwner)
-    This signal is emitted by the D-Bus bus server whenever a name ownership change happens in the
-    bus, including apparition and disparition of names.
-    This signal means the application \a oldOwner lost ownership of bus name \a name to application
-    \a newOwner. If \a oldOwner is an empty string, it means the name \a name has just been created;
-    if \a newOwner is empty, the name \a name has no current owner.
-#include "qdbusbus.moc"
diff --git a/qt/src/qdbusbus.h b/qt/src/qdbusbus.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 0240e65..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*-
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
- *    Author: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@trolltech.com>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- */
- * This file was generated by dbusidl2cpp version 0.3
- * when processing input file -
- *
- * dbusidl2cpp is Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
- *
- * This file has been hand-edited! Be careful when re-generating it!
- *
- */
-#ifndef QDBUSBUS_H
-#define QDBUSBUS_H
-#include <QtCore/qstringlist.h>
-#include "qdbusabstractinterface.h"
-#include "qdbusreply.h"
-class QDBusConnection;
-class QString;
-class QByteArray;
- * Proxy class for interface org.freedesktop.DBus
- */
-class QDBUS_EXPORT QDBusBusService: public QDBusAbstractInterface
-    friend class QDBusConnection;
-    static inline const char *staticInterfaceName();
-    explicit QDBusBusService(QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate *p);
-    ~QDBusBusService();
-    // taken out of http://dbus.freedesktop.org/doc/dbus-specification.html
-    // update if the standard updates
-    enum RequestNameOption {
-        QueueName = 0x0,
-        AllowReplacingName = 0x1,
-        ReplaceExistingName = 0x2,
-        DoNotQueueName = 0x4
-    };
-    Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(RequestNameOptions, RequestNameOption)
-    enum RequestNameReply {
-        PrimaryOwnerReply = 1,
-        InQueueReply = 2,
-        NameExistsReply = 3,
-        AlreadyOwnerReply = 4
-    };
-    enum ReleaseNameReply {
-        NameReleasedReply = 1,
-        NameNonExistentReply = 2,
-        NotOwnerReply = 3
-    };
-    enum StartServiceReply {
-        Success = 1,
-        AlreadyRunning = 2
-    };    
-#ifndef Q_QDOC
-    // D-Bus names
-public: // METHODS
-    QDBusReply<QString> Hello();
-    QDBusReply<void> ReloadConfig();
-    QDBusReply<QStringList> ListNames();
-    QDBusReply<bool> NameHasOwner(const QString &service);
-    QDBusReply<QString> GetNameOwner(const QString &name);
-    QDBusReply<ReleaseNameReply> ReleaseName(const QString &service);    
-    QDBusReply<RequestNameReply> RequestName(const QString &service, RequestNameOptions flags);
-    QDBusReply<QStringList> ListQueuedOwners(const QString &service);
-    QDBusReply<void> AddMatch(const QString &rule);
-    QDBusReply<void> RemoveMatch(const QString &rule);
-    QDBusReply<QByteArray> GetConnectionSELinuxSecurityContext(const QString &service);
-    QDBusReply<uint> GetConnectionUnixProcessID(const QString &service);
-    QDBusReply<uint> GetConnectionUnixUser(const QString &service);
-    QDBusReply<StartServiceReply> StartServiceByName(const QString &name, uint flags);
-    void NameAcquired(const QString &service);
-    void NameLost(const QString &service);
-    void NameOwnerChanged(const QString &name, const QString &oldOwner, const QString &newOwner);
-    // Qt-style naming    
-public Q_SLOTS:
-    QDBusReply<QString> hello()
-    { return Hello(); }
-    QDBusReply<void> reloadConfig()
-    { return ReloadConfig(); }
-    QDBusReply<QStringList> listNames()
-    { return ListNames(); }
-    QDBusReply<bool> nameHasOwner(const QString &serviceName)
-    { return NameHasOwner(serviceName); }
-    QDBusReply<QString> nameOwner(const QString &name)
-    { return GetNameOwner(name); }
-    QDBusReply<ReleaseNameReply> releaseName(const QString &serviceName)
-    { return ReleaseName(serviceName); }
-    QDBusReply<RequestNameReply> requestName(const QString &serviceName, RequestNameOptions flags = QueueName)
-    { return RequestName(serviceName, flags); }
-    QDBusReply<QStringList> listQueuedOwners(const QString &serviceName)
-    { return ListQueuedOwners(serviceName); }
-    QDBusReply<void> addMatch(const QString &rule)
-    { return AddMatch(rule); }
-    QDBusReply<void> removeMatch(const QString &rule)
-    { return RemoveMatch(rule); }
-    QDBusReply<QByteArray> connectionSELinuxSecurityContext(const QString &serviceName)
-    { return GetConnectionSELinuxSecurityContext(serviceName); }
-    QDBusReply<uint> connectionUnixProcessID(const QString &serviceName)
-    { return GetConnectionUnixProcessID(serviceName); }
-    QDBusReply<uint> connectionUnixUser(const QString &serviceName)
-    { return GetConnectionUnixUser(serviceName); }
-    QDBusReply<StartServiceReply> startServiceByName(const QString &name, uint flags)
-    { return StartServiceByName(name, flags); }
-    void nameAcquired(const QString &service);
-    void nameLost(const QString &service);
-    void nameOwnerChanged(const QString &name, const QString &oldOwner, const QString &newOwner);
diff --git a/qt/src/qdbusconnection.cpp b/qt/src/qdbusconnection.cpp
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 7049857..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,768 +0,0 @@
-/* qdbusconnection.cpp
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2005 Harald Fernengel <harry@kdevelop.org>
- * Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
- *    Author: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@trolltech.com>
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- */
-#include <qdebug.h>
-#include <qcoreapplication.h>
-#include <qstringlist.h>
-#include "qdbusbus.h"
-#include "qdbusconnection.h"
-#include "qdbuserror.h"
-#include "qdbusmessage.h"
-#include "qdbusconnection_p.h"
-#include "qdbusinterface_p.h"
-#include "qdbusutil.h"
-class QDBusConnectionManager
-    QDBusConnectionManager() {}
-    ~QDBusConnectionManager();
-    void bindToApplication();
-    QDBusConnectionPrivate *connection(const QString &name) const;
-    void removeConnection(const QString &name);
-    void setConnection(const QString &name, QDBusConnectionPrivate *c);
-    mutable QMutex mutex;
-    QHash<QString, QDBusConnectionPrivate *> connectionHash;
-Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(QDBusConnectionManager, manager)
-QDBusConnectionPrivate *QDBusConnectionManager::connection(const QString &name) const
-    QMutexLocker locker(&mutex);
-    return connectionHash.value(name, 0);
-void QDBusConnectionManager::removeConnection(const QString &name)
-    QMutexLocker locker(&mutex);
-    QDBusConnectionPrivate *d = 0;
-    d = connectionHash.take(name);
-    if (d && !d->ref.deref())
-        delete d;
-    for (QHash<QString, QDBusConnectionPrivate *>::const_iterator it = connectionHash.constBegin();
-         it != connectionHash.constEnd(); ++it) {
-             delete it.value();
-    }
-    connectionHash.clear();
-void QDBusConnectionManager::bindToApplication()
-    QMutexLocker locker(&mutex);
-    for (QHash<QString, QDBusConnectionPrivate *>::const_iterator it = connectionHash.constBegin();
-         it != connectionHash.constEnd(); ++it) {
-             (*it)->bindToApplication();
-    }
-QDBUS_EXPORT void qDBusBindToApplication();
-void qDBusBindToApplication()
-    manager()->bindToApplication();
-void QDBusConnectionManager::setConnection(const QString &name, QDBusConnectionPrivate *c)
-    connectionHash[name] = c;
-    c->name = name;
-    \fn QDBusConnection QDBus::sessionBus()
-    \relates QDBusConnection
-    Returns a QDBusConnection object opened with the session bus. The object reference returned
-    by this function is valid until the QCoreApplication's destructor is run, when the
-    connection will be closed and the object, deleted.
-    \fn QDBusConnection QDBus::systemBus()
-    \relates QDBusConnection
-    Returns a QDBusConnection object opened with the system bus. The object reference returned
-    by this function is valid until the QCoreApplication's destructor is run, when the
-    connection will be closed and the object, deleted.
-    \class QDBusConnection
-    \brief A connection to the D-Bus bus daemon.
-    This class is the initial point in a D-Bus session. Using it, you can get access to remote
-    objects, interfaces; connect remote signals to your object's slots; register objects, etc.
-    D-Bus connections are created using the QDBusConnection::addConnection() function, which opens a
-    connection to the server daemon and does the initial handshaking, associating that connection
-    with a name. Further attempts to connect using the same name will return the same
-    connection.
-    The connection is then torn down using the QDBusConnection::closeConnection() function.
-    As a convenience for the two most common connection types, the QDBus::sessionBus() and
-    QDBus::systemBus() functions return open connections to the session server daemon and the system
-    server daemon, respectively. Those connections are opened when first used and are closed when
-    the QCoreApplication destructor is run.
-    D-Bus also supports peer-to-peer connections, without the need for a bus server daemon. Using
-    this facility, two applications can talk to each other and exchange messages. This can be
-    achieved by passing an address to QDBusConnection::addConnection()
-    function, which was opened by another D-Bus application using QDBusServer.
-    \enum QDBusConnection::BusType
-    Specifies the type of the bus connection. The valid bus types are:
-    \value SessionBus           the session bus, associated with the running desktop session
-    \value SystemBus            the system bus, used to communicate with system-wide processes
-    \value ActivationBus        the activation bus, whose purpose I have no idea...
-    On the Session Bus, one can find other applications by the same user that are sharing the same
-    desktop session (hence the name). On the System Bus, however, processes shared for the whole
-    system are usually found.
-    \enum QDBusConnection::WaitMode
-    Specifies the call waiting mode.
-    \value UseEventLoop         use the Qt Event Loop to wait for the reply
-    \value NoUseEventLoop       don't use the event loop
-    The \c UseEventLoop option allows for the application to continue to update its UI while the
-    call is performed, but it also opens up the possibility for reentrancy: socket notifiers may
-    fire, signals may be delivered and other D-Bus calls may be processed. The \c NoUseEventLoop
-    does not use the event loop, thus being safe from those problems, but it may block the
-    application for a noticeable period of time, in case the remote application fails to respond.
-    Also note that calls that go back to the local application can only be placed in \c UseEventLoop
-    mode.
-    \enum QDBusConnection::RegisterOption
-    Specifies the options for registering objects with the connection. The possible values are:
-    \value ExportAdaptors                       export the contents of adaptors found in this object
-    \value ExportSlots                          export this object's scriptable slots
-    \value ExportSignals                        export this object's scriptable signals
-    \value ExportProperties                     export this object's scriptable properties
-    \value ExportContents                       shorthand form for ExportSlots | ExportSignals |
-                                                ExportProperties
-    \value ExportAllSlots                       export all of this object's slots, including
-                                                non-scriptable ones
-    \value ExportAllSignals                     export all of this object's signals, including
-                                                non-scriptable ones
-    \value ExportAllProperties                  export all of this object's properties, including
-                                                non-scriptable ones
-    \value ExportAllContents                    export all of this object's slots, signals and
-                                                properties, including non-scriptable ones
-    \value ExportChildObjects                   export this object's child objects
-    \warning It is currently not possible to export signals from objects. If you pass the flag
-    ExportSignals or ExportAllSignals, the registerObject() function will print a warning.
-    \sa registerObject(), QDBusAbstractAdaptor, {usingadaptors.html}{Using adaptors}
-    \enum QDBusConnection::UnregisterMode
-    The mode for unregistering an object path:
-    \value UnregisterNode       unregister this node only: do not unregister child objects
-    \value UnregisterTree       unregister this node and all its sub-tree
-    Note, however, if this object was registered with the ExportChildObjects option, UnregisterNode
-    will unregister the child objects too.
-    Creates a QDBusConnection object attached to the connection with name \a name.
-    This does not open the connection. You have to call QDBusConnection::addConnection to open it.
-QDBusConnection::QDBusConnection(const QString &name)
-    d = manager()->connection(name);
-    if (d)
-        d->ref.ref();
-    Creates a copy of the \a other connection.
-QDBusConnection::QDBusConnection(const QDBusConnection &other)
-    d = other.d;
-    if (d)
-        d->ref.ref();
-    Disposes of this object. This does not close the connection: you have to call
-    QDBusConnection::closeConnection to do that.
-    if (d && !d->ref.deref())
-        delete d;
-    Creates a copy of the connection \a other in this object. The connection this object referenced
-    before the copy is not spontaneously disconnected. See QDBusConnection::closeConnection for more
-    information.
-QDBusConnection &QDBusConnection::operator=(const QDBusConnection &other)
-    if (other.d)
-        other.d->ref.ref();
-    QDBusConnectionPrivate *old = static_cast<QDBusConnectionPrivate *>(
-            q_atomic_set_ptr(&d, other.d));
-    if (old && !old->ref.deref())
-        delete old;
-    return *this;
-    Opens a connection of type \a type to one of the known busses and associate with it the
-    connection name \a name. Returns a QDBusConnection object associated with that connection.
-QDBusConnection QDBusConnection::addConnection(BusType type, const QString &name)
-//    Q_ASSERT_X(QCoreApplication::instance(), "QDBusConnection::addConnection",
-//               "Cannot create connection without a Q[Core]Application instance");
-    QDBusConnectionPrivate *d = manager()->connection(name);
-    if (d || name.isEmpty())
-        return QDBusConnection(name);
-    d = new QDBusConnectionPrivate;
-    DBusConnection *c = 0;
-    switch (type) {
-        case SystemBus:
-            c = dbus_bus_get_private(DBUS_BUS_SYSTEM, &d->error);
-            break;
-        case SessionBus:
-            c = dbus_bus_get_private(DBUS_BUS_SESSION, &d->error);
-            break;
-        case ActivationBus:
-            c = dbus_bus_get_private(DBUS_BUS_STARTER, &d->error);
-            break;
-    }
-    d->setConnection(c); //setConnection does the error handling for us
-    manager()->setConnection(name, d);
-    QDBusConnection retval(name);
-    // create the bus service
-    QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate *p;
-    p = retval.findInterface_helper(QLatin1String(DBUS_SERVICE_DBUS),
-                                    QLatin1String(DBUS_PATH_DBUS),
-                                    DBUS_INTERFACE_DBUS);
-    if (p) {
-        d->busService = new QDBusBusService(p);
-        d->busService->setParent(d); // auto-deletion
-        d->ref.deref();              // busService has a increased the refcounting to us
-    }
-    return retval;
-    Opens a peer-to-peer connection on address \a address and associate with it the
-    connection name \a name. Returns a QDBusConnection object associated with that connection.
-QDBusConnection QDBusConnection::addConnection(const QString &address,
-                    const QString &name)
-//    Q_ASSERT_X(QCoreApplication::instance(), "QDBusConnection::addConnection",
-//               "Cannot create connection without a Q[Core]Application instance");
-    QDBusConnectionPrivate *d = manager()->connection(name);
-    if (d || name.isEmpty())
-        return QDBusConnection(name);
-    d = new QDBusConnectionPrivate;
-    // setConnection does the error handling for us
-    d->setConnection(dbus_connection_open(address.toUtf8().constData(), &d->error));
-    manager()->setConnection(name, d);
-    QDBusConnection retval(name);
-    // create the bus service
-    QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate *p;
-    p = retval.findInterface_helper(QLatin1String(DBUS_SERVICE_DBUS),
-                                    QLatin1String(DBUS_PATH_DBUS),
-                                    DBUS_INTERFACE_DBUS);
-    if (p) {
-        d->busService = new QDBusBusService(p);
-        d->busService->setParent(d); // auto-deletion
-        d->ref.deref();              // busService has a increased the refcounting to us
-    }
-    return retval;
-    Closes the connection of name \a name.
-    Note that if there are still QDBusConnection objects associated with the same connection, the
-    connection will not be closed until all references are dropped. However, no further references
-    can be created using the QDBusConnection::QDBusConnection constructor.
-void QDBusConnection::closeConnection(const QString &name)
-    manager()->removeConnection(name);
-    Sends the \a message over this connection, without waiting for a reply. This is suitable for
-    errors, signals, and return values as well as calls whose return values are not necessary.
-    Returns true if the message was queued successfully, false otherwise.
-bool QDBusConnection::send(const QDBusMessage &message) const
-    if (!d || !d->connection)
-        return false;
-    return d->send(message) != 0;
-    Sends the \a message over this connection and returns immediately after queueing it. When the
-    reply is received, the slot \a method is called in the object \a receiver. This function is
-    suitable for method calls only.
-    This function guarantees that the slot will be called exactly once with the reply, as long as
-    the parameter types match. If they don't, the reply cannot be delivered.
-    Returns the identification of the message that was sent or 0 if nothing was sent.
-int QDBusConnection::sendWithReplyAsync(const QDBusMessage &message, QObject *receiver,
-        const char *method) const
-    if (!d || !d->connection)
-        return 0;
-    return d->sendWithReplyAsync(message, receiver, method);
-    Sends the \a message over this connection and blocks, waiting for a reply. This function is
-    suitable for method calls only. It returns the reply message as its return value, which will be
-    either of type QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage or QDBusMessage::ErrorMessage.
-    See the QDBusInterface::call function for a more friendly way of placing calls.
-    \warning If \a mode is \c UseEventLoop, this function will reenter the Qt event loop in order to
-             wait for the reply. During the wait, it may deliver signals and other method calls to
-             your application. Therefore, it must be prepared to handle a reentrancy whenever a call
-             is placed with sendWithReply.
-QDBusMessage QDBusConnection::sendWithReply(const QDBusMessage &message, WaitMode mode) const
-    if (!d || !d->connection)
-        return QDBusMessage();
-    return d->sendWithReply(message, mode);
-    Connects the signal specified by the \a service, \a path, \a interface and \a name parameters to
-    the slot \a slot in object \a receiver. The arguments \a service and \a path can be empty,
-    denoting a connection to any signal of the \a interface - \a name pair, from any remote
-    application.
-    Returns true if the connection was successful.
-    \warning The signal will only be delivered to the slot if the parameters match. This verification
-             can be done only when the signal is received, not at connection time.
-bool QDBusConnection::connect(const QString &service, const QString &path, const QString& interface,
-                              const QString &name, QObject *receiver, const char *slot)
-    return connect(service, path, interface, name, QString(), receiver, slot);
-    \overload
-    Connects the signal to the slot \a slot in object \a receiver. Unlike the other
-    QDBusConnection::connect overload, this function allows one to specify the parameter signature
-    to be connected using the \a signature variable. The function will then verify that this
-    signature can be delivered to the slot specified by \a slot and return false otherwise.
-bool QDBusConnection::connect(const QString &service, const QString &path, const QString& interface,
-                              const QString &name, const QString &signature,
-                              QObject *receiver, const char *slot)
-    if (!receiver || !slot || !d || !d->connection || !QDBusUtil::isValidInterfaceName(interface))
-        return false;
-    QString source;
-    if (!service.isEmpty()) {
-        source = d->getNameOwner(service);
-        if (source.isEmpty())
-            return false;
-    }
-    // check the slot
-    QDBusConnectionPrivate::SignalHook hook;
-    QString key;
-    hook.signature = signature;
-    if (!d->prepareHook(hook, key, source, path, interface, name, receiver, slot, 0, false))
-        return false;           // don't connect
-    // avoid duplicating:
-    QWriteLocker locker(&d->lock);
-    QDBusConnectionPrivate::SignalHookHash::ConstIterator it = d->signalHooks.find(key);
-    for ( ; it != d->signalHooks.constEnd() && it.key() == key; ++it) {
-        const QDBusConnectionPrivate::SignalHook &entry = it.value();
-        if (entry.sender == hook.sender &&
-            entry.path == hook.path &&
-            entry.signature == hook.signature &&
-            entry.obj == hook.obj &&
-            entry.midx == hook.midx) {
-            // no need to compare the parameters if it's the same slot
-            return true;        // already there
-        }
-    }
-    d->connectSignal(key, hook);
-    return true;
-    Registers the object \a object at path \a path and returns true if the registration was
-    successful. The \a options parameter specifies how much of the object \a object will be exposed
-    through D-Bus.
-    This function does not replace existing objects: if there is already an object registered at
-    path \a path, this function will return false. Use unregisterObject() to unregister it first.
-    You cannot register an object as a child object of an object that was registered with
-    QDBusConnection::ExportChildObjects.
-bool QDBusConnection::registerObject(const QString &path, QObject *object, RegisterOptions options)
-    Q_ASSERT_X(QDBusUtil::isValidObjectPath(path), "QDBusConnection::registerObject",
-               "Invalid object path given");
-    if (!d || !d->connection || !object || !options || !QDBusUtil::isValidObjectPath(path))
-        return false;
-    if (options & ExportSignals) {
-        qWarning("Cannot export signals from objects. Use an adaptor for that purpose.");
-        return false;
-    }
-    QStringList pathComponents = path.split(QLatin1Char('/'));
-    if (pathComponents.last().isEmpty())
-        pathComponents.removeLast();
-    QWriteLocker locker(&d->lock);
-    // lower-bound search for where this object should enter in the tree
-    QDBusConnectionPrivate::ObjectTreeNode *node = &d->rootNode;
-    int i = 1;
-    while (node) {
-        if (pathComponents.count() == i) {
-            // this node exists
-            // consider it free if there's no object here and the user is not trying to
-            // replace the object sub-tree
-            if ((options & ExportChildObjects && !node->children.isEmpty()) || node->obj)
-                return false;
-            // we can add the object here
-            node->obj = object;
-            node->flags = options;
-            d->registerObject(node);
-            qDebug("REGISTERED FOR %s", path.toLocal8Bit().constData());
-            return true;
-        }
-        // find the position where we'd insert the node
-        QVector<QDBusConnectionPrivate::ObjectTreeNode::Data>::Iterator it =
-            qLowerBound(node->children.begin(), node->children.end(), pathComponents.at(i));
-        if (it != node->children.constEnd() && it->name == pathComponents.at(i)) {
-            // match: this node exists
-            node = it->node;
-            // are we allowed to go deeper?
-            if (node->flags & ExportChildObjects) {
-                // we're not
-                qDebug("Cannot register object at %s because %s exports its own child objects",
-                       qPrintable(path), qPrintable(pathComponents.at(i)));
-                return false;
-            }
-        } else {
-            // add entry
-            QDBusConnectionPrivate::ObjectTreeNode::Data entry;
-            entry.name = pathComponents.at(i);
-            entry.node = new QDBusConnectionPrivate::ObjectTreeNode;
-            node->children.insert(it, entry);
-            node = entry.node;
-        }
-        // iterate
-        ++i;
-    }
-    Q_ASSERT_X(false, "QDBusConnection::registerObject", "The impossible happened");
-    return false;
-    Unregisters an object that was registered with the registerObject() at the object path given by
-    \a path and, if \a mode is QDBusConnection::UnregisterTree, all of its sub-objects too.
-    Note that you cannot unregister objects that were not registered with registerObject().
-void QDBusConnection::unregisterObject(const QString &path, UnregisterMode mode)
-    if (!d || !d->connection || !QDBusUtil::isValidObjectPath(path))
-        return;
-    QStringList pathComponents = path.split(QLatin1Char('/'));
-    QWriteLocker locker(&d->lock);
-    QDBusConnectionPrivate::ObjectTreeNode *node = &d->rootNode;
-    int i = 1;
-    // find the object
-    while (node) {
-        if (pathComponents.count() == i) {
-            // found it
-            node->obj = 0;
-            node->flags = 0;
-            if (mode == UnregisterTree) {
-                // clear the sub-tree as well
-                node->clear();  // can't disconnect the objects because we really don't know if they can
-                                // be found somewhere else in the path too
-            }
-            return;
-        }
-        QVector<QDBusConnectionPrivate::ObjectTreeNode::Data>::ConstIterator it =
-            qLowerBound(node->children.constBegin(), node->children.constEnd(), pathComponents.at(i));
-        if (it == node->children.constEnd() || it->name != pathComponents.at(i))
-            break;              // node not found
-        node = it->node;
-        ++i;
-    }
-    Returns a dynamic QDBusInterface associated with the interface \a interface on object at path \a
-    path on service \a service.
-    This function creates a new object. It is your resposibility to ensure it is properly deleted
-    (you can use all normal QObject deletion mechanisms, including the QObject::deleteLater() slot
-    and QObject::setParent()).
-    If the searching for this interface on the remote object failed, this function returns 0.
-QDBusInterface *QDBusConnection::findInterface(const QString& service, const QString& path,
-                                               const QString& interface)
-    Q_ASSERT_X(QDBusUtil::isValidBusName(service),
-               "QDBusConnection::findInterface", "Invalid service name");
-    Q_ASSERT_X(QDBusUtil::isValidObjectPath(path),
-               "QDBusConnection::findInterface", "Invalid object path given");
-    Q_ASSERT_X(interface.isEmpty() || QDBusUtil::isValidInterfaceName(interface),
-               "QDBusConnection::findInterface", "Invalid interface name");
-    if (!d)
-        return 0;
-    QDBusInterfacePrivate *p = d->findInterface(service, path, interface);
-    QDBusInterface *retval = new QDBusInterface(p);
-    retval->setParent(d);
-    return retval;
-    \fn QDBusConnection::findInterface(const QString &service, const QString &path)
-    Returns an interface of type \c Interface associated with the object on path \a path at service
-    \a service.
-    \c Interface must be a class generated by \l {dbusidl2cpp.html}.
-    This function creates a new object. It is your resposibility to ensure it is properly deleted
-    (you can use all normal QObject deletion mechanisms, including the QObject::deleteLater() slot
-    and QObject::setParent()).
-    Returns a QDBusBusService object that represents the D-Bus bus service on this connection.
-    This function returns 0 for peer-to-peer connections.
-QDBusBusService *QDBusConnection::busService() const
-    if (!d)
-        return 0;
-    return d->busService;
-QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate *
-QDBusConnection::findInterface_helper(const QString &service, const QString &path,
-                                      const char *iface)
-    QString interface = QLatin1String(iface);
-    // service and path can be empty here, but interface can't
-    Q_ASSERT_X(service.isEmpty() || QDBusUtil::isValidBusName(service),
-               "QDBusConnection::findInterface", "Invalid service name");
-    Q_ASSERT_X(path.isEmpty() || QDBusUtil::isValidObjectPath(path),
-               "QDBusConnection::findInterface", "Invalid object path given");
-    Q_ASSERT_X(QDBusUtil::isValidInterfaceName(interface),
-               "QDBusConnection::findInterface", "Invalid interface class!");
-    if (!d)
-        return 0;
-    QString owner;
-    if (!service.isEmpty()) {
-        // check if it's there first -- FIXME: add binding mode
-        owner = d->getNameOwner(service);
-        if (owner.isEmpty()) {
-            QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate *p;
-            p = new QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate(*this, d, service, path, interface);
-            p->isValid = false;
-            p->lastError = d->lastError;
-            return p;
-        }
-    }
-    return new QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate(*this, d, owner, path, interface);
-    Returns true if this QDBusConnection object is connected.
-    If it isn't connected, calling QDBusConnection::addConnection on the same connection name
-    will not make be connected. You need to call the QDBusConnection constructor again.
-bool QDBusConnection::isConnected( ) const
-    return d && d->connection && dbus_connection_get_is_connected(d->connection);
-    Returns the last error that happened in this connection.
-    This function is provided for low-level code. If you're using QDBusInterface::call, error codes are
-    reported by its return value.
-    \sa QDBusInterface, QDBusMessage
-QDBusError QDBusConnection::lastError() const
-    return d ? d->lastError : QDBusError();
-    Returns the unique connection name for this connection, if this QDBusConnection object is
-    connected, or an empty QString otherwise.
-    A Unique Connection Name is a string in the form ":x.xxx" (where x are decimal digits) that is
-    assigned by the D-Bus server daemon upon connection. It uniquely identifies this client in the
-    bus.
-    This function returns an empty QString for peer-to-peer connections.
-QString QDBusConnection::baseService() const
-    return d && d->connection ?
-            QString::fromUtf8(dbus_bus_get_unique_name(d->connection))
-            : QString();
-Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(QMutex, defaultBussesMutex)
-static const char sessionBusName[] = "qt_default_session_bus";
-static const char systemBusName[] = "qt_default_system_bus";
-static QDBusConnection *sessionBus = 0;
-static QDBusConnection *systemBus = 0;
-static void closeConnections()
-    QMutexLocker locker(defaultBussesMutex());
-    delete sessionBus;
-    delete systemBus;
-    QDBusConnection::closeConnection(QLatin1String(sessionBusName));
-    QDBusConnection::closeConnection(QLatin1String(systemBusName));
-    sessionBus = systemBus = 0;
-static QDBusConnection *openConnection(QDBusConnection::BusType type)
-    QMutexLocker locker(defaultBussesMutex());
-    qAddPostRoutine(closeConnections);
-    if (type == QDBusConnection::SystemBus) {
-        if (systemBus)
-            // maybe it got created before we locked the mutex
-            return systemBus;
-        systemBus = new QDBusConnection(QDBusConnection::addConnection(QDBusConnection::SystemBus,
-                           QLatin1String(systemBusName)));
-        return systemBus;
-    } else {
-        if (sessionBus)
-            // maybe it got created before we locked the mutex
-            return sessionBus;
-        sessionBus = new QDBusConnection(QDBusConnection::addConnection(QDBusConnection::SessionBus,
-                           QLatin1String(sessionBusName)));
-        return sessionBus;
-    }
-namespace QDBus {
-    QDBusConnection &sessionBus()
-    {
-        if (::sessionBus) return *::sessionBus;
-        return *openConnection(QDBusConnection::SessionBus);
-    }
-    QDBusConnection &systemBus()
-    {
-        if (::systemBus) return *::systemBus;
-        return *openConnection(QDBusConnection::SystemBus);
-    }
diff --git a/qt/src/qdbusconnection.h b/qt/src/qdbusconnection.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 61a3439..0000000
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@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-/* qdbusconnection.h QDBusConnection object
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2005 Harald Fernengel <harry@kdevelop.org>
- * Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
- *    Author: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@trolltech.com>
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- */
-#include "qdbusmacros.h"
-#include <QtCore/qstring.h>
-class QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate;
-class QDBusInterface;
-class QDBusError;
-class QDBusMessage;
-class QDBusBusService;
-class QObject;
-class QDBusConnectionPrivate;
-class QDBUS_EXPORT QDBusConnection
-    enum BusType { SessionBus, SystemBus, ActivationBus };
-    enum WaitMode { UseEventLoop, NoUseEventLoop };
-    enum RegisterOption {
-        ExportAdaptors = 0x01,
-        ExportSlots = 0x10,
-        ExportSignals = 0x20,
-        ExportProperties = 0x40,
-        ExportContents = 0xf0,
-        ExportAllSlots = 0x110,
-        ExportAllSignals = 0x220,
-        ExportAllProperties = 0x440,
-        ExportAllContents = 0xff0,
-        ExportChildObjects = 0x1000
-    };
-    enum UnregisterMode {
-        UnregisterNode,
-        UnregisterTree
-    };
-    Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(RegisterOptions, RegisterOption)
-    QDBusConnection(const QString &name);
-    QDBusConnection(const QDBusConnection &other);
-    ~QDBusConnection();
-    QDBusConnection &operator=(const QDBusConnection &other);
-    bool isConnected() const;
-    QString baseService() const;
-    QDBusError lastError() const;
-    bool send(const QDBusMessage &message) const;
-    QDBusMessage sendWithReply(const QDBusMessage &message, WaitMode mode = NoUseEventLoop) const;
-    int sendWithReplyAsync(const QDBusMessage &message, QObject *receiver,
-                           const char *slot) const;
-    bool connect(const QString &service, const QString &path, const QString &interface,
-                 const QString &name, QObject *receiver, const char *slot);
-    bool connect(const QString &service, const QString &path, const QString &interface,
-                 const QString &name, const QString& signature,
-                 QObject *receiver, const char *slot);
-    bool registerObject(const QString &path, QObject *object,
-                        RegisterOptions options = ExportAdaptors);
-    void unregisterObject(const QString &path, UnregisterMode mode = UnregisterNode);
-    template<class Interface>
-    inline Interface *findInterface(const QString &service, const QString &path);
-    QDBusInterface *findInterface(const QString& service, const QString& path,
-                                  const QString& interface = QString());
-    QDBusBusService *busService() const;
-    static QDBusConnection addConnection(BusType type, const QString &name);
-    static QDBusConnection addConnection(const QString &address, const QString &name);
-    static void closeConnection(const QString &name);
-    QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate *findInterface_helper(const QString &, const QString &,
-                                                        const char*);
-    QDBusConnectionPrivate *d;
-template<class Interface>
-inline Interface *QDBusConnection::findInterface(const QString &service, const QString &path)
-    register QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate *d_ptr;
-    d_ptr = findInterface_helper(service, path, Interface::staticInterfaceName());
-    if (d_ptr)
-        return new Interface(d_ptr);
-    return 0;
-namespace QDBus {
-    QDBUS_EXPORT QDBusConnection &sessionBus();
-    QDBUS_EXPORT QDBusConnection &systemBus();
diff --git a/qt/src/qdbusconnection_p.h b/qt/src/qdbusconnection_p.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index bab0b65..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,245 +0,0 @@
-/* qdbusconnection_p.h QDBusConnection private object
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2005 Harald Fernengel <harry@kdevelop.org>
- * Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
- *    Author: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@trolltech.com>
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- */
-//  W A R N I N G
-//  -------------
-// This file is not part of the public API.  This header file may
-// change from version to version without notice, or even be
-// removed.
-// We mean it.
-#include "qdbuserror.h"
-#include <QtCore/qatomic.h>
-#include <QtCore/qeventloop.h>
-#include <QtCore/qhash.h>
-#include <QtCore/qmutex.h>
-#include <QtCore/qobject.h>
-#include <QtCore/qpointer.h>
-#include <QtCore/qreadwritelock.h>
-#include <QtCore/qvarlengtharray.h>
-#include <QtCore/qvector.h>
-#include <dbus/dbus.h>
-#include "qdbusmessage.h"
-class QDBusMessage;
-class QSocketNotifier;
-class QTimerEvent;
-class QDBusObjectPrivate;
-class CallDeliveryEvent;
-class QMetaMethod;
-class QDBusInterfacePrivate;
-struct QDBusMetaObject;
-class QDBusAbstractInterface;
-class QDBusBusService;
-class QDBusConnectionPrivate: public QObject
-    // structs and enums
-    enum ConnectionMode { InvalidMode, ServerMode, ClientMode };
-    struct Watcher
-    {
-        Watcher(): watch(0), read(0), write(0) {}
-        DBusWatch *watch;
-        QSocketNotifier *read;
-        QSocketNotifier *write;
-    };
-    struct SignalHook
-    {
-        inline SignalHook() : obj(0), midx(-1) { }
-        QString sender, path, signature;
-        QObject* obj;
-        int midx;
-        QList<int> params;
-    };
-    struct ObjectTreeNode
-    {
-        struct Data
-        {
-            QString name;
-            ObjectTreeNode *node;
-            inline bool operator<(const QString &other) const
-            { return name < other; }
-        };
-        inline ObjectTreeNode() : obj(0), flags(0) { }
-        inline ~ObjectTreeNode() { clear(); }
-        inline void clear()
-        {
-            foreach (const Data &entry, children) {
-                entry.node->clear();
-                delete entry.node;
-            }
-            children.clear();
-        }
-        QObject* obj;
-        int flags;
-        QVector<Data> children;
-    };
-    // typedefs
-    typedef QMultiHash<int, Watcher> WatcherHash;
-    typedef QHash<int, DBusTimeout *> TimeoutHash;
-    typedef QMultiHash<QString, SignalHook> SignalHookHash;
-    typedef QHash<QString, QDBusMetaObject* > MetaObjectHash;
-    // public methods
-    QDBusConnectionPrivate(QObject *parent = 0);
-    ~QDBusConnectionPrivate();
-    void bindToApplication();
-    void setConnection(DBusConnection *connection);
-    void setServer(DBusServer *server);
-    void closeConnection();
-    void timerEvent(QTimerEvent *e);
-    QString getNameOwner(const QString &service);    
-    int send(const QDBusMessage &message) const;
-    QDBusMessage sendWithReply(const QDBusMessage &message, int mode);
-    int sendWithReplyAsync(const QDBusMessage &message, QObject *receiver,
-                           const char *method);
-    void connectSignal(const QString &key, const SignalHook &hook);
-    void registerObject(const ObjectTreeNode *node);
-    void connectRelay(const QString &service, const QString &path, const QString &interface,
-                      QDBusAbstractInterface *receiver, const char *signal);
-    void disconnectRelay(const QString &service, const QString &path, const QString &interface,
-                         QDBusAbstractInterface *receiver, const char *signal);
-    bool handleSignal(const QString &key, const QDBusMessage &msg);
-    bool handleSignal(const QDBusMessage &msg);
-    bool handleObjectCall(const QDBusMessage &message);
-    bool handleError();
-    bool activateSignal(const SignalHook& hook, const QDBusMessage &msg);
-    bool activateCall(QObject* object, int flags, const QDBusMessage &msg);
-    bool activateObject(const ObjectTreeNode *node, const QDBusMessage &msg);
-    bool activateInternalFilters(const ObjectTreeNode *node, const QDBusMessage &msg);
-    void postCallDeliveryEvent(CallDeliveryEvent *data);
-    CallDeliveryEvent *postedCallDeliveryEvent();
-    void deliverCall(const CallDeliveryEvent &data) const;
-    QDBusInterfacePrivate *findInterface(const QString &service, const QString &path,
-                                         const QString &interface);
-    virtual void customEvent(QEvent *event);
-    QDBusMetaObject *findMetaObject(const QString &service, const QString &path,
-                                    const QString &interface);        
-public slots:
-    // public slots
-    void doDispatch();
-    void socketRead(int);
-    void socketWrite(int);
-    void objectDestroyed(QObject *o);
-    void relaySignal(QObject *obj, const char *interface, const char *name, const QVariantList &args);
-    // public member variables
-    QString name;               // this connection's name
-    DBusError error;
-    QDBusError lastError;
-    QAtomic ref;
-    QReadWriteLock lock;
-    ConnectionMode mode;
-    DBusConnection *connection;
-    DBusServer *server;
-    QDBusBusService *busService;
-    WatcherHash watchers;
-    TimeoutHash timeouts;
-    SignalHookHash signalHooks;
-    QList<DBusTimeout *> pendingTimeouts;
-    ObjectTreeNode rootNode;
-    MetaObjectHash cachedMetaObjects;
-    QMutex callDeliveryMutex;
-    CallDeliveryEvent *callDeliveryState; // protected by the callDeliveryMutex mutex
-    // static methods
-    static int messageMetaType;
-    static int registerMessageMetaType();
-    static int findSlot(QObject *obj, const QByteArray &normalizedName, QList<int>& params);
-    static bool prepareHook(QDBusConnectionPrivate::SignalHook &hook, QString &key,
-                            const QString &service, const QString &path,
-                            const QString &interface, const QString &name,
-                            QObject *receiver, const char *signal, int minMIdx,
-                            bool buildSignature);
-    static DBusHandlerResult messageFilter(DBusConnection *, DBusMessage *, void *);
-    static void messageResultReceived(DBusPendingCall *, void *);
-class QDBusReplyWaiter: public QEventLoop
-    QDBusMessage replyMsg;
-public slots:
-    void reply(const QDBusMessage &msg);
-// in qdbusmisc.cpp
-extern int qDBusParametersForMethod(const QMetaMethod &mm, QList<int>& metaTypes);
-extern int qDBusNameToTypeId(const char *name);
-extern bool qDBusCheckAsyncTag(const char *tag);
-// in qdbusinternalfilters.cpp
-extern QString qDBusIntrospectObject(const QDBusConnectionPrivate::ObjectTreeNode *node);
-extern void qDBusIntrospectObject(const QDBusConnectionPrivate::ObjectTreeNode *node,
-                                  const QDBusMessage &msg);
-extern void qDBusPropertyGet(const QDBusConnectionPrivate::ObjectTreeNode *node,
-                             const QDBusMessage &msg);
-extern void qDBusPropertySet(const QDBusConnectionPrivate::ObjectTreeNode *node,
-                             const QDBusMessage &msg);
diff --git a/qt/src/qdbuserror.cpp b/qt/src/qdbuserror.cpp
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index ee6ce12..0000000
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-/* qdbuserror.h QDBusError object
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2005 Harald Fernengel <harry@kdevelop.org>
- * Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
- *    Author: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@trolltech.com>
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- */
-#include "qdbuserror.h"
-#include <qdebug.h>
-#include <qvarlengtharray.h>
-#include <dbus/dbus.h>
-#include "qdbusmessage.h"
-struct ErrorMessageMapping
-    ErrorMessageMapping();
-    QVarLengthArray<const char*, QDBusError::qKnownErrorsMax> messages;
-    inline const char *get(QDBusError::KnownErrors code) const
-    {
-        if (code <= QDBusError::Other || code > QDBusError::qKnownErrorsMax)
-            return messages[int(QDBusError::Other) - 1];
-        return messages[int(code) - 1];
-    }
-    inline QDBusError::KnownErrors get(const char *name) const
-    {
-        if (!name || !*name)
-            return QDBusError::NoError;
-        for (int i = QDBusError::Other; i <= QDBusError::qKnownErrorsMax; ++i)
-            if (strcmp(name, messages[i - 1]) == 0)
-                return QDBusError::KnownErrors(i);
-        return QDBusError::Other;
-    }
-static const char errorMessages_string[] =
-    // in the same order as KnownErrors!
-    "other\0"                           // Other -- shouldn't happen
-    DBUS_ERROR_FAILED "\0"              // Failed
-    DBUS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY "\0"           // NoMemory
-    DBUS_ERROR_SERVICE_UNKNOWN "\0"     // ServiceUnknown
-    DBUS_ERROR_NO_REPLY "\0"            // NoReply
-    DBUS_ERROR_BAD_ADDRESS "\0"         // BadAddress
-    DBUS_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED "\0"       // NotSupported
-    DBUS_ERROR_LIMITS_EXCEEDED "\0"     // LimitsExceeded
-    DBUS_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED  "\0"      // AccessDenied
-    DBUS_ERROR_NO_SERVER "\0"           // NoServer
-    DBUS_ERROR_TIMEOUT "\0"             // Timeout
-    DBUS_ERROR_NO_NETWORK "\0"          // NoNetwork
-    DBUS_ERROR_ADDRESS_IN_USE "\0"      // AddressInUse
-    DBUS_ERROR_DISCONNECTED "\0"        // Disconnected
-    DBUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS "\0"        // InvalidArgs
-    DBUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_METHOD "\0"      // UnknownMethod
-    DBUS_ERROR_TIMED_OUT "\0"           // TimedOut
-    DBUS_ERROR_INVALID_SIGNATURE "\0"   // InvalidSignature
-    "com.trolltech.QtDBus.Error.UnknownInterface\0" // UnknownInterface
-    "com.trolltech.QtDBus.Error.InternalError\0" // InternalError
-    "\0";
-    : messages(int(QDBusError::qKnownErrorsMax))
-    // create the list:
-    const char *p = errorMessages_string;
-    int i = 0;
-    while (*p) {
-        messages[i] = p;
-        p += strlen(p) + 1;
-        ++i;
-    }
-Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(ErrorMessageMapping, errorMessages)    
-    \class QDBusError
-    \brief Represents an error received from the D-Bus bus or from remote applications found in the bus.
-    When dealing with the D-Bus bus service or with remote applications over D-Bus, a number of
-    error conditions can happen. This error conditions are sometimes signalled by a returned error
-    value or by a QDBusError.
-    C++ and Java exceptions are a valid analogy for D-Bus errors: instead of returning normally with
-    a return value, remote applications and the bus may decide to throw an error condition. However,
-    the QtDBus implementation does not use the C++ exception-throwing mechanism, so you will receive
-    QDBusErrors in the return reply (see QDBusReply::error()).
-    QDBusError objects are used to inspect the error name and message as received from the bus and
-    remote applications. You should not create such objects yourself to signal error conditions when
-    called from D-Bus: instead, use QDBusMessage::error and QDBusConnection::send.
-    \sa QDBusConnection::send(), QDBusMessage, QDBusReply
-    \enum QDBusError::KnownErrors
-    In order to facilitate verification of the most common D-Bus errors generated by the D-Bus
-    implementation and by the bus daemon itself, QDBusError can be compared to a set of pre-defined
-    values:
-    \value NoError              QDBusError is invalid (i.e., the call succeeded)
-    \value Other                QDBusError contains an error that is one of the well-known ones
-    \value Failed               The call failed (\c org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Failed)
-    \value NoMemory             Out of memory (\c org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoMemory)
-    \value ServiceUnknown       The called service is not known
-                                (\c org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown)
-    \value NoReply              The called method did not reply within the specified timeout
-                                (\c org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply)
-    \value BadAddress           The address given is not valid
-                                (\c org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.BadAddress)
-    \value NotSupported         The call/operation is not supported
-                                (\c org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NotSupported)
-    \value LimitsExceeded       The limits allocated to this process/call/connection exceeded the
-                                pre-defined values (\c org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.LimitsExceeded)
-    \value AccessDenied         The call/operation tried to access a resource it isn't allowed to
-                                (\c org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AccessDenied)
-    \value NoServer             \e {Documentation doesn't say what this is for}
-                                (\c org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoServer)
-    \value Timeout              \e {Documentation doesn't say what this is for or how it's used}
-                                (\c org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Timeout)
-    \value NoNetwork            \e {Documentation doesn't say what this is for}
-                                (\c org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoNetwork)
-    \value AddressInUse         QDBusServer tried to bind to an address that is already in use
-                                (\c org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AddressInUse)
-    \value Disconnected         The call/process/message was sent after QDBusConnection disconnected
-                                (\c org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Disconnected)
-    \value InvalidArgs          The arguments passed to this call/operation are not valid
-                                (\c org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidArgs)
-    \value UnknownMethod        The method called was not found in this object/interface with the
-                                given parameters (\c org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod)
-    \value TimedOut             \e {Documentation doesn't say...}
-                                (\c org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.TimedOut)
-    \value InvalidSignature     The type signature is not valid or compatible
-                                (\c org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidSignature)
-    \value UnknownInterface     The interface is not known
-    \value InternalError        An internal error occurred
-                                (\c com.trolltech.QtDBus.Error.InternalError)
-    \internal
-    Constructs a QDBusError from a DBusError structure.
-QDBusError::QDBusError(const DBusError *error)
-    : code(NoError)
-    if (!error || !dbus_error_is_set(error))
-        return;
-    code = errorMessages()->get(error->name);
-    nm = QString::fromUtf8(error->name);
-    msg = QString::fromUtf8(error->message);
-    \internal
-    Constructs a QDBusError from a QDBusMessage.
-QDBusError::QDBusError(const QDBusMessage &qdmsg)
-    : code(Other)
-    if (qdmsg.type() != QDBusMessage::ErrorMessage)
-        return;
-    nm = qdmsg.name();
-    if (qdmsg.count())
-        msg = qdmsg[0].toString();
-    code = errorMessages()->get(nm.toUtf8().constData());
-    \internal
-    Constructs a QDBusError from a well-known error code
-QDBusError::QDBusError(KnownErrors error, const QString &mess)
-    : code(error)
-    nm = QLatin1String(errorMessages()->get(error));
-    msg = mess;
-    \fn QDBusError::name() const
-    Returns this error's name. Error names are similar to D-Bus Interface names, like
-    "org.freedesktop.DBus.InvalidArgs".
-    \fn QDBusError::message() const
-    Returns the message that the callee associated with this error. Error messages are
-    implementation defined and usually contain a human-readable error code, though this does not
-    mean it is suitable for your end-users.
-    \fn QDBusError::isValid() const
-    Returns true if this is a valid error condition (i.e., if there was an error), false otherwise.
-    \fn QDBusError::operator==(KnownErrors error) const
-    Compares this QDBusError against the well-known error code \a error and returns true if they
-    match.
-    \fn operator==(QDBusError::KnownErrors p1, const QDBusError &p2)
-    \relates QDBusError
-    Compares the QDBusError \a p2 against the well-known error code \a p1 and returns true if they
-    match.
-QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const QDBusError &msg)
-    dbg.nospace() << "QDBusError(" << msg.name() << ", " << msg.message() << ")";
-    return dbg.space();
diff --git a/qt/src/qdbuserror.h b/qt/src/qdbuserror.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index e7aacdb..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-/* qdbuserror.h QDBusError object
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2005 Harald Fernengel <harry@kdevelop.org>
- * Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
- *    Author: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@trolltech.com>
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- */
-#include "qdbusmacros.h"
-#include <QtCore/qstring.h>
-struct DBusError;
-class QDBusMessage;
-class QDBUS_EXPORT QDBusError
-    enum KnownErrors {
-        NoError = 0,
-        Other = 1,
-        Failed,
-        NoMemory,
-        ServiceUnknown,
-        NoReply,
-        BadAddress,
-        NotSupported,
-        LimitsExceeded,
-        AccessDenied,
-        NoServer,
-        Timeout,
-        NoNetwork,
-        AddressInUse,
-        Disconnected,
-        InvalidArgs,
-        UnknownMethod,
-        TimedOut,
-        InvalidSignature,
-        UnknownInterface,
-        InternalError,
-#ifndef Q_QDOC        
-        // don't use this one!
-        qKnownErrorsMax = InternalError
-    };
-    QDBusError(const DBusError *error = 0);
-    QDBusError(const QDBusMessage& msg);
-    QDBusError(KnownErrors error, const QString &message);
-    inline QString name() const { return nm; }
-    inline QString message() const { return msg; }
-    inline bool isValid() const { return !nm.isNull() && !msg.isNull(); }
-    inline bool operator==(KnownErrors error) const
-    { return code == error; }
-    KnownErrors code;
-    QString nm, msg;
-inline bool operator==(QDBusError::KnownErrors p1, const QDBusError &p2)
-{ return p2 == p1; }
-inline bool operator!=(QDBusError::KnownErrors p1, const QDBusError &p2)
-{ return !(p2 == p1); }
-inline bool operator!=(const QDBusError &p1, QDBusError::KnownErrors p2)
-{ return !(p1 == p2); }
-QDebug operator<<(QDebug, const QDBusError &);
diff --git a/qt/src/qdbusintegrator.cpp b/qt/src/qdbusintegrator.cpp
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 509e110..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1554 +0,0 @@
-/* qdbusintegrator.cpp QDBusConnection private implementation
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2005 Harald Fernengel <harry@kdevelop.org>
- * Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
- *    Author: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@trolltech.com>
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- */
-#include <qcoreapplication.h>
-#include <qcoreevent.h>
-#include <qdebug.h>
-#include <qmetaobject.h>
-#include <qobject.h>
-#include <qsocketnotifier.h>
-#include <qstringlist.h>
-#include <qtimer.h>
-#include "qdbusconnection_p.h"
-#include "qdbusinterface_p.h"
-#include "qdbusmessage.h"
-#include "qdbusabstractadaptor.h"
-#include "qdbusabstractadaptor_p.h"
-#include "qdbustypehelper_p.h"
-#include "qdbusutil.h"
-#include "qdbustype_p.h"
-int QDBusConnectionPrivate::messageMetaType = 0;
-typedef void (*QDBusSpyHook)(const QDBusMessage&);
-typedef QVarLengthArray<QDBusSpyHook, 4> QDBusSpyHookList;
-Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(QDBusSpyHookList, qDBusSpyHookList)
-struct QDBusPendingCall
-    QPointer<QObject> receiver;
-    QList<int> metaTypes;
-    int methodIdx;
-    DBusPendingCall *pending;
-    const QDBusConnectionPrivate *connection;
-class CallDeliveryEvent: public QEvent
-    CallDeliveryEvent()
-        : QEvent(QEvent::User), object(0), flags(0), slotIdx(-1)
-        { }
-    const QDBusConnectionPrivate *conn;
-    QPointer<QObject> object;
-    QDBusMessage message;
-    QList<int> metaTypes;
-    int flags;
-    int slotIdx;
-static dbus_bool_t qDBusAddTimeout(DBusTimeout *timeout, void *data)
-    Q_ASSERT(timeout);
-    Q_ASSERT(data);
-  //  qDebug("addTimeout %d", dbus_timeout_get_interval(timeout));
-    QDBusConnectionPrivate *d = static_cast<QDBusConnectionPrivate *>(data);
-    if (!dbus_timeout_get_enabled(timeout))
-        return true;
-    if (!QCoreApplication::instance()) {
-        d->pendingTimeouts.append(timeout);
-        return true;
-    }
-    int timerId = d->startTimer(dbus_timeout_get_interval(timeout));
-    if (!timerId)
-        return false;
-    d->timeouts[timerId] = timeout;
-    return true;
-static void qDBusRemoveTimeout(DBusTimeout *timeout, void *data)
-    Q_ASSERT(timeout);
-    Q_ASSERT(data);
-  //  qDebug("removeTimeout");
-    QDBusConnectionPrivate *d = static_cast<QDBusConnectionPrivate *>(data);
-    d->pendingTimeouts.removeAll(timeout);
-    QDBusConnectionPrivate::TimeoutHash::iterator it = d->timeouts.begin();
-    while (it != d->timeouts.end()) {
-        if (it.value() == timeout) {
-            d->killTimer(it.key());
-            it = d->timeouts.erase(it);
-        } else {
-            ++it;
-        }
-    }
-static void qDBusToggleTimeout(DBusTimeout *timeout, void *data)
-    Q_ASSERT(timeout);
-    Q_ASSERT(data);
-    //qDebug("ToggleTimeout");
-    qDBusRemoveTimeout(timeout, data);
-    qDBusAddTimeout(timeout, data);
-static dbus_bool_t qDBusAddWatch(DBusWatch *watch, void *data)
-    Q_ASSERT(watch);
-    Q_ASSERT(data);
-    QDBusConnectionPrivate *d = static_cast<QDBusConnectionPrivate *>(data);
-    int flags = dbus_watch_get_flags(watch);
-    int fd = dbus_watch_get_fd(watch);
-    QDBusConnectionPrivate::Watcher watcher;
-    if (flags & DBUS_WATCH_READABLE) {
-        //qDebug("addReadWatch %d", fd);
-        watcher.watch = watch;
-        if (QCoreApplication::instance()) {
-            watcher.read = new QSocketNotifier(fd, QSocketNotifier::Read, d);
-            watcher.read->setEnabled(dbus_watch_get_enabled(watch));
-            d->connect(watcher.read, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(socketRead(int)));
-        }
-    }
-    if (flags & DBUS_WATCH_WRITABLE) {
-        //qDebug("addWriteWatch %d", fd);
-        watcher.watch = watch;
-        if (QCoreApplication::instance()) {
-            watcher.write = new QSocketNotifier(fd, QSocketNotifier::Write, d);
-            watcher.write->setEnabled(dbus_watch_get_enabled(watch));
-            d->connect(watcher.write, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(socketWrite(int)));
-        }
-    }
-    d->watchers.insertMulti(fd, watcher);
-    return true;
-static void qDBusRemoveWatch(DBusWatch *watch, void *data)
-    Q_ASSERT(watch);
-    Q_ASSERT(data);
-    //qDebug("remove watch");
-    QDBusConnectionPrivate *d = static_cast<QDBusConnectionPrivate *>(data);
-    int fd = dbus_watch_get_fd(watch);
-    QDBusConnectionPrivate::WatcherHash::iterator i = d->watchers.find(fd);
-    while (i != d->watchers.end() && i.key() == fd) {
-        if (i.value().watch == watch) {
-            delete i.value().read;
-            delete i.value().write;
-            d->watchers.erase(i);
-            return;
-        }
-        ++i;
-    }
-static void qDBusToggleWatch(DBusWatch *watch, void *data)
-    Q_ASSERT(watch);
-    Q_ASSERT(data);
-    QDBusConnectionPrivate *d = static_cast<QDBusConnectionPrivate *>(data);
-    int fd = dbus_watch_get_fd(watch);
-    QDBusConnectionPrivate::WatcherHash::iterator i = d->watchers.find(fd);
-    while (i != d->watchers.end() && i.key() == fd) {
-        if (i.value().watch == watch) {
-            bool enabled = dbus_watch_get_enabled(watch);
-            int flags = dbus_watch_get_flags(watch);
-            //qDebug("toggle watch %d to %d (write: %d, read: %d)", dbus_watch_get_fd(watch), enabled, flags & DBUS_WATCH_WRITABLE, flags & DBUS_WATCH_READABLE);
-            if (flags & DBUS_WATCH_READABLE && i.value().read)
-                i.value().read->setEnabled(enabled);
-            if (flags & DBUS_WATCH_WRITABLE && i.value().write)
-                i.value().write->setEnabled(enabled);
-            return;
-        }
-        ++i;
-    }
-static void qDBusNewConnection(DBusServer *server, DBusConnection *c, void *data)
-    Q_ASSERT(data); Q_ASSERT(server); Q_ASSERT(c);
-    Q_UNUSED(data); Q_UNUSED(server); Q_UNUSED(c);
-extern QDBUS_EXPORT void qDBusAddSpyHook(QDBusSpyHook);
-void qDBusAddSpyHook(QDBusSpyHook hook)
-    qDBusSpyHookList()->append(hook);
-static DBusHandlerResult qDBusSignalFilterOutside(DBusConnection *connection,
-                                                  DBusMessage *message, void *data)
-    Q_ASSERT(data);
-    Q_UNUSED(connection);
-    Q_UNUSED(message);
-    QDBusConnectionPrivate *d = static_cast<QDBusConnectionPrivate *>(data);
-    if (d->mode == QDBusConnectionPrivate::InvalidMode)
-        return DBUS_HANDLER_RESULT_NOT_YET_HANDLED; // internal error, actually
-    CallDeliveryEvent *e = d->postedCallDeliveryEvent();
-    d->deliverCall(*e);
-    delete e;
-extern "C" {
-static DBusHandlerResult
-qDBusSignalFilter(DBusConnection *connection, DBusMessage *message, void *data)
-    return QDBusConnectionPrivate::messageFilter(connection, message, data);
-DBusHandlerResult QDBusConnectionPrivate::messageFilter(DBusConnection *connection,
-                                                        DBusMessage *message, void *data)
-    Q_ASSERT(data);
-    Q_UNUSED(connection);
-    QDBusConnectionPrivate *d = static_cast<QDBusConnectionPrivate *>(data);
-    if (d->mode == QDBusConnectionPrivate::InvalidMode)
-    QDBusMessage amsg = QDBusMessage::fromDBusMessage(message, QDBusConnection(d->name));
-    qDebug() << "got message:" << amsg;
-    const QDBusSpyHookList *list = qDBusSpyHookList();
-    for (int i = 0; i < list->size(); ++i) {
-        qDebug() << "calling the message spy hook";
-        (*(*list)[i])(amsg);
-    }
-    bool handled = false;
-    int msgType = dbus_message_get_type(message);
-    if (msgType == DBUS_MESSAGE_TYPE_SIGNAL) {
-        handled = d->handleSignal(amsg);
-    } else if (msgType == DBUS_MESSAGE_TYPE_METHOD_CALL) {
-        handled = d->handleObjectCall(amsg);
-    }
-    return handled ? HANDLED :
-static void huntAndDestroy(QObject *needle, QDBusConnectionPrivate::ObjectTreeNode *haystack)
-    foreach (const QDBusConnectionPrivate::ObjectTreeNode::Data &entry, haystack->children)
-        huntAndDestroy(needle, entry.node);
-    if (needle == haystack->obj) {
-        haystack->obj = 0;
-        haystack->flags = 0;
-    }
-static void huntAndEmit(DBusConnection *connection, DBusMessage *msg,
-                        QObject *needle, QDBusConnectionPrivate::ObjectTreeNode *haystack,
-                        const QString &path = QString())
-    foreach (const QDBusConnectionPrivate::ObjectTreeNode::Data &entry, haystack->children)
-        huntAndEmit(connection, msg, needle, entry.node, path + QLatin1String("/") + entry.name);
-    if (needle == haystack->obj && haystack->flags & QDBusConnection::ExportAdaptors) {
-        QByteArray p = path.toLatin1();
-        if (p.isEmpty())
-            p = "/";
-        //qDebug() << p;
-        DBusMessage *msg2 = dbus_message_copy(msg);
-        dbus_message_set_path(msg2, p);
-        dbus_connection_send(connection, msg2, 0);
-        dbus_message_unref(msg2);
-    }
-static bool typesMatch(int metaId, int variantType)
-    if (metaId == int(variantType))
-        return true;
-    if (variantType == QVariant::Int && metaId == QMetaType::Short)
-        return true;
-    if (variantType == QVariant::UInt && (metaId == QMetaType::UShort ||
-                                          metaId == QMetaType::UChar))
-        return true;
-    if (variantType == QVariant::List) {
-        if (metaId == QDBusTypeHelper<bool>::listId() ||
-            metaId == QDBusTypeHelper<short>::listId() ||
-            metaId == QDBusTypeHelper<ushort>::listId() || 
-            metaId == QDBusTypeHelper<int>::listId() ||
-            metaId == QDBusTypeHelper<uint>::listId() ||
-            metaId == QDBusTypeHelper<qlonglong>::listId() ||
-            metaId == QDBusTypeHelper<qulonglong>::listId() ||
-            metaId == QDBusTypeHelper<double>::listId())
-            return true;
-    }
-    return false;               // no match
-static int findSlot(const QMetaObject *mo, const QByteArray &name, int flags,
-                    const QDBusTypeList &types, QList<int>& metaTypes)
-    // find the first slot
-    const QMetaObject *super = mo;
-    while (super != &QObject::staticMetaObject &&
-           super != &QDBusAbstractAdaptor::staticMetaObject)
-        super = super->superClass();
-    int attributeMask = (flags & QDBusConnection::ExportAllSlots) ?
-                        0 : QMetaMethod::Scriptable;
-    for (int idx = super->methodCount() ; idx <= mo->methodCount(); ++idx) {
-        QMetaMethod mm = mo->method(idx);
-        // check access:
-        if (mm.access() != QMetaMethod::Public)
-            continue;
-        // check type:
-        // unnecessary, since slots are never public:
-        //if (mm.methodType() != QMetaMethod::Slot)
-        //    continue;
-        // check name:
-        QByteArray sig = QMetaObject::normalizedSignature(mm.signature());
-        int paren = sig.indexOf('(');
-        if (paren != name.length() || !sig.startsWith( name ))
-            continue;
-        int returnType = qDBusNameToTypeId(mm.typeName());
-        bool isAsync = qDBusCheckAsyncTag(mm.tag());
-        // consistency check:
-        if (isAsync && returnType != QMetaType::Void)
-            continue;
-        int inputCount = qDBusParametersForMethod(mm, metaTypes);
-        if (inputCount == -1)
-            continue;           // problem parsing
-        metaTypes[0] = returnType;
-        bool hasMessage = false;
-        if (inputCount > 0 &&
-            metaTypes.at(inputCount) == QDBusConnectionPrivate::messageMetaType) {
-            // "no input parameters" is allowed as long as the message meta type is there
-            hasMessage = true;
-            --inputCount;
-        }
-        // try to match the parameters
-        if (inputCount != types.count())
-            continue;       // not enough parameters
-        bool matches = true;
-        int i;
-        for (i = 0; i < types.count(); ++i)
-            if ( !typesMatch(metaTypes.at(i + 1), types.at(i).qvariantType()) ) {
-                matches = false;
-                break;
-            }
-        if (!matches)
-            continue;           // we didn't match them all
-        // consistency check:
-        if (isAsync && metaTypes.count() > i + 1 + (hasMessage ? 1 : 0))
-            continue;
-        if (hasMessage && (mm.attributes() & attributeMask) != attributeMask)
-            continue;           // not exported
-        // if we got here, this slot matched
-        return idx;
-    }
-    // no slot matched
-    return -1;
-static CallDeliveryEvent* prepareReply(QObject *object, int idx, const QList<int> &metaTypes,
-                                       const QDBusMessage &msg)
-    Q_ASSERT(object);
-    int n = metaTypes.count() - 1;
-    if (metaTypes[n] == QDBusConnectionPrivate::messageMetaType)
-        --n;
-    // check that types match
-    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
-        if (!typesMatch(metaTypes.at(i + 1), msg.at(i).type()))
-            return 0;           // no match
-    // we can deliver
-    // prepare for the call
-    CallDeliveryEvent *data = new CallDeliveryEvent;
-    data->object = object;
-    data->flags = 0;
-    data->message = msg;
-    data->metaTypes = metaTypes;
-    data->slotIdx = idx;
-    return data;
-bool QDBusConnectionPrivate::activateSignal(const QDBusConnectionPrivate::SignalHook& hook,
-                                            const QDBusMessage &msg)
-    // This is called by QDBusConnectionPrivate::handleSignal to deliver a signal
-    // that was received from D-Bus
-    //
-    // Signals are delivered to slots if the parameters match
-    // Slots can have less parameters than there are on the message
-    // Slots can optionally have one final parameter that is a QDBusMessage
-    // Slots receive read-only copies of the message (i.e., pass by value or by const-ref)
-    CallDeliveryEvent *call = prepareReply(hook.obj, hook.midx, hook.params, msg);
-    if (call) {
-        postCallDeliveryEvent(call);
-        return true;
-    }
-    return false;
-bool QDBusConnectionPrivate::activateCall(QObject* object, int flags,
-                                          const QDBusMessage &msg)
-    // This is called by QDBusConnectionPrivate::handleObjectCall to place a call
-    // to a slot on the object.
-    //
-    // The call is delivered to the first slot that matches the following conditions:
-    //  - has the same name as the message's target name
-    //  - ALL of the message's types are found in slot's parameter list
-    //  - optionally has one more parameter of type QDBusMessage
-    // If none match, then the slot of the same name as the message target and with
-    // the first type of QDBusMessage is delivered.
-    //
-    // Because the marshalling of D-Bus data into QVariant loses the information on
-    // the original types, the message signature is used to determine the original type.
-    // Aside from that, the "int" and "unsigned" types will be tried as well.
-    //
-    // The D-Bus specification requires that all MethodCall messages be replied to, unless the
-    // caller specifically waived this requirement. This means that we inspect if the user slot
-    // generated a reply and, if it didn't, we will. Obviously, if the user slot doesn't take a
-    // QDBusMessage parameter, it cannot generate a reply.
-    //
-    // When a return message is generated, the slot's return type, if any, will be placed
-    // in the message's first position. If there are non-const reference parameters to the
-    // slot, they must appear at the end and will be placed in the subsequent message
-    // positions.
-    if (!object)
-        return false;
-    QList<int> metaTypes;
-    int idx;
-    {
-        const QMetaObject *mo = object->metaObject();
-        QDBusTypeList typeList(msg.signature().toUtf8());
-        QByteArray memberName = msg.name().toUtf8();
-        // find a slot that matches according to the rules above
-        idx = ::findSlot(mo, memberName, flags, typeList, metaTypes);
-        if (idx == -1) {
-            // try with no parameters, but with a QDBusMessage
-            idx = ::findSlot(mo, memberName, flags, QDBusTypeList(), metaTypes);
-            if (metaTypes.count() != 2 || metaTypes.at(1) != messageMetaType)
-                return false;
-        }
-    }
-    // found the slot to be called
-    // prepare for the call:
-    CallDeliveryEvent *call = new CallDeliveryEvent;
-    // parameters:
-    call->object = object;
-    call->flags = flags;
-    call->message = msg;
-    // save our state:
-    call->metaTypes = metaTypes;
-    call->slotIdx = idx;
-    postCallDeliveryEvent(call);
-    // ready
-    return true;
-void QDBusConnectionPrivate::postCallDeliveryEvent(CallDeliveryEvent *data)
-    Q_ASSERT(data);
-    data->conn = this;    
-    callDeliveryMutex.lock();
-    callDeliveryState = data;
-    QCoreApplication::postEvent( this, data );
-CallDeliveryEvent *QDBusConnectionPrivate::postedCallDeliveryEvent()
-    CallDeliveryEvent *e = callDeliveryState;
-    Q_ASSERT(e && e->conn == this);
-    // release it:
-    callDeliveryState = 0;
-    callDeliveryMutex.unlock();
-    return e;
-void QDBusConnectionPrivate::deliverCall(const CallDeliveryEvent& data) const
-    // resume state:
-    const QList<int>& metaTypes = data.metaTypes;
-    const QDBusMessage& msg = data.message;
-    QVarLengthArray<void *, 10> params;
-    params.reserve(metaTypes.count());
-    QVariantList auxParameters;
-    // let's create the parameter list
-    // first one is the return type -- add it below
-    params.append(0);
-    // add the input parameters
-    int i;
-    for (i = 1; i <= msg.count(); ++i) {
-        int id = metaTypes[i];
-        if (id == QDBusConnectionPrivate::messageMetaType)
-            break;
-        if (id == int(msg.at(i - 1).userType()))
-            // no conversion needed
-            params.append(const_cast<void *>( msg.at(i - 1).constData() ));
-        else {
-            // convert to what the function expects
-            auxParameters.append(QVariant());
-            const QVariant &in = msg.at(i - 1);
-            QVariant &out = auxParameters[auxParameters.count() - 1];
-            bool isOk = true;
-            if (id == QVariant::List) {
-                int mid = in.userType();
-                // the only conversion possible here is from a specialised QList<T> to QVariantList
-                if (mid == QDBusTypeHelper<bool>::listId())
-                    out = qVariantFromValue(QDBusTypeHelper<bool>::toVariantList(in));
-                else if (mid == QDBusTypeHelper<short>::listId())
-                    out = qVariantFromValue(QDBusTypeHelper<short>::toVariantList(in));
-                else if (mid == QDBusTypeHelper<ushort>::listId())
-                    out = qVariantFromValue(QDBusTypeHelper<ushort>::toVariantList(in));
-                else if (mid == QDBusTypeHelper<int>::listId())
-                    out = qVariantFromValue(QDBusTypeHelper<int>::toVariantList(in));
-                else if (mid == QDBusTypeHelper<uint>::listId())
-                    out = qVariantFromValue(QDBusTypeHelper<uint>::toVariantList(in));
-                else if (mid == QDBusTypeHelper<qlonglong>::listId())
-                    out = qVariantFromValue(QDBusTypeHelper<qlonglong>::toVariantList(in));
-                else if (mid == QDBusTypeHelper<qulonglong>::listId())
-                    out = qVariantFromValue(QDBusTypeHelper<qulonglong>::toVariantList(in));
-                else if (mid == QDBusTypeHelper<double>::listId())
-                    out = qVariantFromValue(QDBusTypeHelper<double>::toVariantList(in));
-                else
-                    isOk = false;
-            } else if (in.type() == QVariant::UInt) {
-                if (id == QMetaType::UChar) {
-                    uchar uc = in.toUInt();
-                    out = qVariantFromValue(uc);
-                } else if (id == QMetaType::UShort) {
-                    ushort us = in.toUInt();
-                    out = qVariantFromValue(us);
-                } else {
-                    isOk = false;
-                }
-            } else if (in.type() == QVariant::Int) {
-                if (id == QMetaType::Short) {
-                    short s = in.toInt();
-                    out = qVariantFromValue(s);
-                } else {
-                    isOk = false;
-                }
-            } else {
-                isOk = false;
-            }
-            if (!isOk)
-                qFatal("Internal error: got invalid meta type %d when trying to convert to meta type %d",
-                       in.userType(), id);
-            params.append( const_cast<void *>(out.constData()) );
-        }
-    }
-    bool takesMessage = false;
-    if (metaTypes.count() > i && metaTypes[i] == QDBusConnectionPrivate::messageMetaType) {
-        params.append(const_cast<void*>(static_cast<const void*>(&msg)));
-        takesMessage = true;
-        ++i;
-    }
-    // output arguments
-    QVariantList outputArgs;
-    void *null = 0;
-    if (metaTypes[0] != QMetaType::Void) {
-        QVariant arg(metaTypes[0], null);
-        outputArgs.append( arg );
-        params[0] = const_cast<void*>(outputArgs.at( outputArgs.count() - 1 ).constData());
-    }
-    for ( ; i < metaTypes.count(); ++i) {
-        QVariant arg(metaTypes[i], null);
-        outputArgs.append( arg );
-        params.append( const_cast<void*>(outputArgs.at( outputArgs.count() - 1 ).constData()) );
-    }
-    // make call:
-    bool fail;
-    if (data.object.isNull())
-        fail = true;
-    else
-        fail = data.object->qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod,
-                                        data.slotIdx, params.data()) >= 0;
-    // do we create a reply? Only if the caller is waiting for a reply and one hasn't been sent
-    // yet.
-    if (!msg.noReply() && !msg.wasRepliedTo()) {
-        if (!fail) {
-            // normal reply
-            QDBusMessage reply = QDBusMessage::methodReply(msg);
-            reply += outputArgs;
-            qDebug() << "Automatically sending reply:" << reply;
-            send(reply);
-        }
-        else {
-            // generate internal error
-            QDBusMessage reply = QDBusMessage::error(msg, QDBusError(QDBusError::InternalError,
-                    QLatin1String("Failed to deliver message")));
-            qWarning("Internal error: Failed to deliver message");
-            send(reply);
-        }
-    }
-    return;
-void QDBusConnectionPrivate::customEvent(QEvent *e)
-    // nothing else should be sending custom events at us
-    CallDeliveryEvent* call = static_cast<CallDeliveryEvent *>(e);
-    // self check:
-    Q_ASSERT(call->conn == this);
-    deliverCall(*call);
-QDBusConnectionPrivate::QDBusConnectionPrivate(QObject *p)
-    : QObject(p), ref(1), mode(InvalidMode), connection(0), server(0), busService(0)
-    extern bool qDBusInitThreads();
-    static const int msgType = registerMessageMetaType();
-    static const bool threads = qDBusInitThreads();
-    static const bool metatypes = QDBusMetaTypeId::innerInitialize();
-    Q_UNUSED(msgType);
-    Q_UNUSED(threads);
-    Q_UNUSED(metatypes);
-    dbus_error_init(&error);
-    rootNode.flags = 0;
-    if (dbus_error_is_set(&error))
-        dbus_error_free(&error);
-    closeConnection();
-    rootNode.clear();        // free resources
-    qDeleteAll(cachedMetaObjects);
-void QDBusConnectionPrivate::closeConnection()
-    QWriteLocker locker(&lock);
-    ConnectionMode oldMode = mode;
-    mode = InvalidMode; // prevent reentrancy
-    if (oldMode == ServerMode) {
-        if (server) {
-            dbus_server_disconnect(server);
-            dbus_server_unref(server);
-            server = 0;
-        }
-    } else if (oldMode == ClientMode) {
-        if (connection) {
-            dbus_connection_close(connection);
-            // send the "close" message
-            while (dbus_connection_dispatch(connection) == DBUS_DISPATCH_DATA_REMAINS)
-                ;
-            dbus_connection_unref(connection);
-            connection = 0;
-        }
-    }
-bool QDBusConnectionPrivate::handleError()
-    lastError = QDBusError(&error);
-    if (dbus_error_is_set(&error))
-        dbus_error_free(&error);
-    return lastError.isValid();
-void QDBusConnectionPrivate::bindToApplication()
-    // Yay, now that we have an application we are in business
-    Q_ASSERT_X(QCoreApplication::instance(), "QDBusConnection",
-               "qDBusBindToApplication called without an application");
-    moveToThread(QCoreApplication::instance()->thread());
-    // Re-add all watchers
-    WatcherHash oldWatchers = watchers;
-    watchers.clear();
-    QHashIterator<int, QDBusConnectionPrivate::Watcher> it(oldWatchers);
-    while (it.hasNext()) {
-        it.next();
-        if (!it.value().read && !it.value().write) {
-            qDBusAddWatch(it.value().watch, this);
-        } else {
-            watchers.insertMulti(it.key(), it.value());
-        }
-    }
-    // Re-add all timeouts
-    while (!pendingTimeouts.isEmpty())
-       qDBusAddTimeout(pendingTimeouts.takeFirst(), this);
-void QDBusConnectionPrivate::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *e)
-    DBusTimeout *timeout = timeouts.value(e->timerId(), 0);
-    dbus_timeout_handle(timeout);
-void QDBusConnectionPrivate::doDispatch()
-    if (mode == ClientMode)
-        while (dbus_connection_dispatch(connection) == DBUS_DISPATCH_DATA_REMAINS);
-void QDBusConnectionPrivate::socketRead(int fd)
-    QHashIterator<int, QDBusConnectionPrivate::Watcher> it(watchers);
-    while (it.hasNext()) {
-        it.next();
-        if (it.key() == fd && it.value().read && it.value().read->isEnabled()) {
-            if (!dbus_watch_handle(it.value().watch, DBUS_WATCH_READABLE))
-                qDebug("OUT OF MEM");
-        }
-    }
-    doDispatch();
-void QDBusConnectionPrivate::socketWrite(int fd)
-    QHashIterator<int, QDBusConnectionPrivate::Watcher> it(watchers);
-    while (it.hasNext()) {
-        it.next();
-        if (it.key() == fd && it.value().write && it.value().write->isEnabled()) {
-            if (!dbus_watch_handle(it.value().watch, DBUS_WATCH_WRITABLE))
-                qDebug("OUT OF MEM");
-        }
-    }
-void QDBusConnectionPrivate::objectDestroyed(QObject *obj)
-    QWriteLocker locker(&lock);
-    huntAndDestroy(obj, &rootNode);
-    SignalHookHash::iterator sit = signalHooks.begin();
-    while (sit != signalHooks.end()) {
-        if (static_cast<QObject *>(sit.value().obj) == obj)
-            sit = signalHooks.erase(sit);
-        else
-            ++sit;
-    }
-    obj->disconnect(this);
-void QDBusConnectionPrivate::relaySignal(QObject *obj, const char *interface, const char *memberName,
-                                         const QVariantList &args)
-    QReadLocker locker(&lock);
-    QDBusMessage message = QDBusMessage::signal(QLatin1String("/"), QLatin1String(interface),
-                                                QLatin1String(memberName));
-    message += args;
-    DBusMessage *msg = message.toDBusMessage();
-    if (!msg) {
-        qWarning("Could not emit signal %s.%s", interface, memberName);
-        return;
-    }
-    //qDebug() << "Emitting signal" << message;
-    //qDebug() << "for paths:";
-    dbus_message_set_no_reply(msg, true); // the reply would not be delivered to anything
-    huntAndEmit(connection, msg, obj, &rootNode);
-    dbus_message_unref(msg);
-int QDBusConnectionPrivate::registerMessageMetaType()
-    int tp = messageMetaType = qRegisterMetaType<QDBusMessage>("QDBusMessage");
-    return tp;
-int QDBusConnectionPrivate::findSlot(QObject* obj, const QByteArray &normalizedName,
-                                     QList<int> &params)
-    int midx = obj->metaObject()->indexOfMethod(normalizedName);
-    if (midx == -1) {
-        qWarning("No such slot '%s' while connecting D-Bus", normalizedName.constData());
-        return -1;
-    }
-    int inputCount = qDBusParametersForMethod(obj->metaObject()->method(midx), params);
-    if ( inputCount == -1 || inputCount + 1 != params.count() )
-        return -1;              // failed to parse or invalid arguments or output arguments
-    return midx;
-bool QDBusConnectionPrivate::prepareHook(QDBusConnectionPrivate::SignalHook &hook, QString &key,
-                                         const QString &service, const QString &path,
-                                         const QString &interface, const QString &name,
-                                         QObject *receiver, const char *signal, int minMIdx,
-                                         bool buildSignature)
-    QByteArray normalizedName = QMetaObject::normalizedSignature(signal + 1);
-    hook.midx = findSlot(receiver, normalizedName, hook.params);
-    if (hook.midx < minMIdx)
-        return false;
-    hook.sender = service;
-    hook.path = path;
-    hook.obj = receiver;
-    // build the D-Bus signal name and signature
-    QString mname = name;
-    if (mname.isEmpty()) {
-        normalizedName.truncate(normalizedName.indexOf('('));        
-        mname = QString::fromUtf8(normalizedName);
-    }
-    key = mname;
-    key.reserve(interface.length() + 1 + mname.length());
-    key += QLatin1Char(':');
-    key += interface;
-    if (buildSignature) {
-        hook.signature.clear();
-        for (int i = 1; i < hook.params.count(); ++i)
-            if (hook.params.at(i) != messageMetaType)
-                hook.signature += QLatin1String( QDBusType::dbusSignature( QVariant::Type(hook.params.at(i)) ) );
-    }
-    return true;                // connect to this signal
-bool QDBusConnectionPrivate::activateInternalFilters(const ObjectTreeNode *node, const QDBusMessage &msg)
-    // object may be null
-    if (msg.interface().isEmpty() || msg.interface() == QLatin1String(DBUS_INTERFACE_INTROSPECTABLE)) {
-        if (msg.method() == QLatin1String("Introspect") && msg.signature().isEmpty())
-            qDBusIntrospectObject(node, msg);
-        if (msg.interface() == QLatin1String(DBUS_INTERFACE_INTROSPECTABLE))
-            return true;
-    }
-    if (node->obj && (msg.interface().isEmpty() ||
-                      msg.interface() == QLatin1String(DBUS_INTERFACE_PROPERTIES))) {
-        if (msg.method() == QLatin1String("Get") && msg.signature() == QLatin1String("ss"))
-            qDBusPropertyGet(node, msg);
-        else if (msg.method() == QLatin1String("Set") && msg.signature() == QLatin1String("ssv"))
-            qDBusPropertySet(node, msg);
-        if (msg.interface() == QLatin1String(DBUS_INTERFACE_PROPERTIES))
-            return true;
-    }
-    return false;
-bool QDBusConnectionPrivate::activateObject(const ObjectTreeNode *node, const QDBusMessage &msg)
-    // This is called by QDBusConnectionPrivate::handleObjectCall to place a call to a slot
-    // on the object.
-    //
-    // The call is routed through the adaptor sub-objects if we have any
-    // object may be null
-    QDBusAdaptorConnector *connector;
-    if (node->flags & QDBusConnection::ExportAdaptors &&
-        (connector = qDBusFindAdaptorConnector(node->obj))) {
-        int newflags = node->flags | QDBusConnection::ExportAllSlots;
-        if (msg.interface().isEmpty()) {
-            // place the call in all interfaces
-            // let the first one that handles it to work
-            foreach (const QDBusAdaptorConnector::AdaptorData &entry, connector->adaptors)
-                if (activateCall(entry.adaptor, newflags, msg))
-                    return true;
-        } else {
-            // check if we have an interface matching the name that was asked:
-            QDBusAdaptorConnector::AdaptorMap::ConstIterator it;
-            it = qLowerBound(connector->adaptors.constBegin(), connector->adaptors.constEnd(),
-                             msg.interface());
-            if (it != connector->adaptors.constEnd() && it->interface == msg.interface())
-                if (activateCall(it->adaptor, newflags, msg))
-                return true;
-        }
-    }
-    // no adaptors matched
-    // try our standard filters
-    if (activateInternalFilters(node, msg))
-        return true;
-    // try the object itself:
-    if (node->flags & QDBusConnection::ExportSlots && activateCall(node->obj, node->flags, msg))
-        return true;
-#if 0
-    // nothing matched
-    qDebug("Call failed: no match for %s%s%s at %s",
-           qPrintable(msg.interface()), msg.interface().isEmpty() ? "" : ".",
-           qPrintable(msg.name()),
-           qPrintable(msg.path()));
-    return false;
-template<typename Func>
-static bool applyForObject(QDBusConnectionPrivate::ObjectTreeNode *root, const QString &fullpath,
-                           Func& functor)
-    // walk the object tree
-    QStringList path = fullpath.split(QLatin1Char('/'));
-    if (path.last().isEmpty())
-        path.removeLast();      // happens if path is "/"
-    int i = 1;
-    QDBusConnectionPrivate::ObjectTreeNode *node = root;
-    // try our own tree first
-    while (node && !(node->flags & QDBusConnection::ExportChildObjects) ) {
-        if (i == path.count()) {
-            // found our object
-            functor(node);
-            return true;
-        }
-        QVector<QDBusConnectionPrivate::ObjectTreeNode::Data>::ConstIterator it =
-            qLowerBound(node->children.constBegin(), node->children.constEnd(), path.at(i));
-        if (it != node->children.constEnd() && it->name == path.at(i))
-            // match
-            node = it->node;
-        else
-            node = 0;
-        ++i;
-    }
-    // any object in the tree can tell us to switch to its own object tree:
-    if (node && node->flags & QDBusConnection::ExportChildObjects) {
-        QObject *obj = node->obj;
-        while (obj) {
-            if (i == path.count()) {
-                // we're at the correct level
-                QDBusConnectionPrivate::ObjectTreeNode fakenode(*node);
-                fakenode.obj = obj;
-                functor(&fakenode);
-                return true;
-            }
-            const QObjectList children = obj->children();
-            // find a child with the proper name
-            QObject *next = 0;
-            foreach (QObject *child, children)
-                if (child->objectName() == path.at(i)) {
-                    next = child;
-                    break;
-                }
-            if (!next)
-                break;
-            ++i;
-            obj = next;
-        }
-    }
-    // object not found
-    return false;
-struct qdbus_activateObject
-    QDBusConnectionPrivate *self;
-    const QDBusMessage &msg;
-    bool returnVal;
-    inline qdbus_activateObject(QDBusConnectionPrivate *s, const QDBusMessage &m)
-        : self(s), msg(m)
-    { }
-    inline void operator()(QDBusConnectionPrivate::ObjectTreeNode *node)
-    { returnVal = self->activateObject(node, msg); }
-bool QDBusConnectionPrivate::handleObjectCall(const QDBusMessage &msg)
-    QReadLocker locker(&lock);
-    qdbus_activateObject apply(this, msg);
-    if (applyForObject(&rootNode, msg.path(), apply))
-        return apply.returnVal;
-    qDebug("Call failed: no object found at %s", qPrintable(msg.path()));
-    return false;
-bool QDBusConnectionPrivate::handleSignal(const QString &key, const QDBusMessage& msg)
-    bool result = false;
-    SignalHookHash::const_iterator it = signalHooks.find(key);
-    //qDebug("looking for: %s", path.toLocal8Bit().constData());
-    //qDebug() << signalHooks.keys();
-    for ( ; it != signalHooks.constEnd() && it.key() == key; ++it) {
-        const SignalHook &hook = it.value();
-        if ( !hook.sender.isEmpty() && hook.sender != msg.sender() )
-            continue;
-        if ( !hook.path.isEmpty() && hook.path != msg.path() )
-            continue;
-        if ( !hook.signature.isEmpty() && hook.signature != msg.signature() )
-            continue;
-        if ( hook.signature.isEmpty() && !hook.signature.isNull() && !msg.signature().isEmpty())
-            continue;
-        // yes, |=
-        result |= activateSignal(hook, msg);
-    }
-    return result;
-bool QDBusConnectionPrivate::handleSignal(const QDBusMessage& msg)
-    QString key = msg.member();
-    key.reserve(key.length() + 1 + msg.interface().length());
-    key += QLatin1Char(':');
-    key += msg.interface();
-    QReadLocker locker(&lock);
-    bool result = handleSignal(key, msg);    // one try
-    key.truncate(msg.member().length() + 1); // keep the ':'
-    result |= handleSignal(key, msg);        // second try
-    return result;
-static dbus_int32_t server_slot = -1;
-void QDBusConnectionPrivate::setServer(DBusServer *s)
-    if (!server) {
-        handleError();
-        return;
-    }
-    server = s;
-    mode = ServerMode;
-    dbus_server_allocate_data_slot(&server_slot);
-    if (server_slot < 0)
-        return;
-    dbus_server_set_watch_functions(server, qDBusAddWatch, qDBusRemoveWatch,
-                                    qDBusToggleWatch, this, 0); // ### check return type?
-    dbus_server_set_timeout_functions(server, qDBusAddTimeout, qDBusRemoveTimeout,
-                                      qDBusToggleTimeout, this, 0);
-    dbus_server_set_new_connection_function(server, qDBusNewConnection, this, 0);
-    dbus_server_set_data(server, server_slot, this, 0);
-void QDBusConnectionPrivate::setConnection(DBusConnection *dbc)
-    if (!dbc) {
-        handleError();
-        return;
-    }
-    connection = dbc;
-    mode = ClientMode;
-    dbus_connection_set_exit_on_disconnect(connection, false);
-    dbus_connection_set_watch_functions(connection, qDBusAddWatch, qDBusRemoveWatch,
-                                        qDBusToggleWatch, this, 0);
-    dbus_connection_set_timeout_functions(connection, qDBusAddTimeout, qDBusRemoveTimeout,
-                                          qDBusToggleTimeout, this, 0);
-//    dbus_bus_add_match(connection, "type='signal',interface='com.trolltech.dbus.Signal'", &error);
-//    dbus_bus_add_match(connection, "type='signal'", &error);
-    dbus_bus_add_match(connection, "type='signal'", &error);
-    if (handleError()) {
-        closeConnection();
-        return;
-    }
-    const char *service = dbus_bus_get_unique_name(connection);
-    if (service) {
-        QVarLengthArray<char, 56> filter;
-        filter.append("destination='", 13);
-        filter.append(service, qstrlen(service));
-        filter.append("\'\0", 2);
-        dbus_bus_add_match(connection, filter.constData(), &error);
-        if (handleError()) {
-            closeConnection();
-            return;
-        }
-    } else {
-        qWarning("QDBusConnectionPrivate::SetConnection: Unable to get base service");
-    }
-    dbus_connection_add_filter_outside(connection, qDBusSignalFilter, qDBusSignalFilterOutside, this, 0);
-    dbus_connection_add_filter(connection, qDBusSignalFilter, this, 0);
-    //qDebug("base service: %s", service);
-    // schedule a dispatch:
-    QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "doDispatch", Qt::QueuedConnection);
-extern "C"{
-static void qDBusResultReceived(DBusPendingCall *pending, void *user_data)
-    QDBusConnectionPrivate::messageResultReceived(pending, user_data);
-void QDBusConnectionPrivate::messageResultReceived(DBusPendingCall *pending, void *user_data)
-    QDBusPendingCall *call = reinterpret_cast<QDBusPendingCall *>(user_data);
-    QDBusConnectionPrivate *connection = const_cast<QDBusConnectionPrivate *>(call->connection);
-    Q_ASSERT(call->pending == pending);
-    if (!call->receiver.isNull() && call->methodIdx != -1) {
-        DBusMessage *reply = dbus_pending_call_steal_reply(pending);
-        // Deliver the return values of a remote function call.
-        //
-        // There is only one connection and it is specified by idx
-        // The slot must have the same parameter types that the message does
-        // The slot may have less parameters than the message
-        // The slot may optionally have one final parameter that is QDBusMessage
-        // The slot receives read-only copies of the message (i.e., pass by value or by const-ref)
-        QDBusMessage msg = QDBusMessage::fromDBusMessage(reply, QDBusConnection(connection->name));
-        qDebug() << "got message: " << msg;
-        CallDeliveryEvent *e = prepareReply(call->receiver, call->methodIdx, call->metaTypes, msg);
-        if (e)
-            connection->postCallDeliveryEvent(e);
-        else
-            qDebug() << "Deliver failed!";
-    }
-    dbus_pending_call_unref(pending);
-    delete call;
-int QDBusConnectionPrivate::send(const QDBusMessage& message) const
-    DBusMessage *msg = message.toDBusMessage();
-    if (!msg)
-        return 0;
-    dbus_message_set_no_reply(msg, true); // the reply would not be delivered to anything
-    qDebug() << "sending message:" << message;
-    bool isOk = dbus_connection_send(connection, msg, 0);
-    int serial = 0;
-    if (isOk)
-        serial = dbus_message_get_serial(msg);
-    dbus_message_unref(msg);
-    return serial;
-QDBusMessage QDBusConnectionPrivate::sendWithReply(const QDBusMessage &message,
-                                                   int sendMode)
-    if (!QCoreApplication::instance() || sendMode == QDBusConnection::NoUseEventLoop) {
-        DBusMessage *msg = message.toDBusMessage();
-        if (!msg)
-            return QDBusMessage();
-        qDebug() << "sending message:" << message;
-        DBusMessage *reply = dbus_connection_send_with_reply_and_block(connection, msg,
-                                                                       -1, &error);
-        handleError();
-        dbus_message_unref(msg);
-        if (lastError.isValid())
-            return QDBusMessage::fromError(lastError);
-        QDBusMessage amsg = QDBusMessage::fromDBusMessage(reply, QDBusConnection(name));
-        qDebug() << "got message:" << amsg;
-        if (dbus_connection_get_dispatch_status(connection) == DBUS_DISPATCH_DATA_REMAINS)
-            QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "doDispatch", Qt::QueuedConnection);
-        return amsg;
-    } else {                    // use the event loop
-        QDBusReplyWaiter waiter;
-        if (sendWithReplyAsync(message, &waiter, SLOT(reply(const QDBusMessage&))) > 0) {
-            // enter the event loop and wait for a reply
-            waiter.exec(QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInputEvents | QEventLoop::WaitForMoreEvents);
-            lastError = waiter.replyMsg; // set or clear error
-            return waiter.replyMsg;
-        }
-        return QDBusMessage();
-    }
-int QDBusConnectionPrivate::sendWithReplyAsync(const QDBusMessage &message, QObject *receiver,
-                                               const char *method)
-    if (!receiver || !method || !*method)
-        // would not be able to deliver a reply
-        return send(message);
-    int slotIdx = -1;
-    QList<int> metaTypes;
-    QByteArray normalizedName = QMetaObject::normalizedSignature(method + 1);
-    slotIdx = findSlot(receiver, normalizedName, metaTypes);
-    if (slotIdx == -1)
-        // would not be able to deliver a reply
-        return send(message);
-    DBusMessage *msg = message.toDBusMessage();
-    if (!msg)
-        return 0;
-    qDebug() << "sending message:" << message;
-    DBusPendingCall *pending = 0;
-    if (dbus_connection_send_with_reply(connection, msg, &pending, message.timeout())) {
-        if (slotIdx != -1) {
-            QDBusPendingCall *pcall = new QDBusPendingCall;
-            pcall->receiver = receiver;
-            pcall->metaTypes = metaTypes;
-            pcall->methodIdx = slotIdx;
-            pcall->connection = this;
-            pcall->pending = dbus_pending_call_ref(pending);
-            dbus_pending_call_set_notify(pending, qDBusResultReceived, pcall, 0);
-        }
-        dbus_pending_call_unref(pending);
-        return dbus_message_get_serial(msg);
-    }
-    return 0;
-void QDBusConnectionPrivate::connectSignal(const QString &key, const SignalHook &hook)
-    signalHooks.insertMulti(key, hook);
-    connect(hook.obj, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), SLOT(objectDestroyed(QObject*)));
-void QDBusConnectionPrivate::registerObject(const ObjectTreeNode *node)
-    connect(node->obj, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), SLOT(objectDestroyed(QObject*)));
-    if (node->flags & QDBusConnection::ExportAdaptors) {
-        QDBusAdaptorConnector *connector = qDBusCreateAdaptorConnector(node->obj);
-        // disconnect and reconnect to avoid duplicates
-        connector->disconnect(SIGNAL(relaySignal(QObject*,const char*,const char*,QVariantList)),
-                              this, SLOT(relaySignal(QObject*,const char*,const char*,QVariantList)));
-        connect(connector, SIGNAL(relaySignal(QObject*,const char*,const char*,QVariantList)),
-                SLOT(relaySignal(QObject*,const char*,const char*,QVariantList)));
-    }
-void QDBusConnectionPrivate::connectRelay(const QString &service, const QString &path,
-                                          const QString &interface,
-                                          QDBusAbstractInterface *receiver,
-                                          const char *signal)
-    // this function is called by QDBusAbstractInterface when one of its signals is connected
-    // we set up a relay from D-Bus into it
-    SignalHook hook;
-    QString key;
-    if (!prepareHook(hook, key, service, path, interface, QString(), receiver, signal,
-                     QDBusAbstractInterface::staticMetaObject.methodCount(), true))
-        return;                 // don't connect
-    // add it to our list:
-    QWriteLocker locker(&lock);
-    SignalHookHash::ConstIterator it = signalHooks.find(key);
-    SignalHookHash::ConstIterator end = signalHooks.constEnd();
-    for ( ; it != end && it.key() == key; ++it) {
-        const SignalHook &entry = it.value();
-        if (entry.sender == hook.sender &&
-            entry.path == hook.path &&
-            entry.signature == hook.signature &&
-            entry.obj == hook.obj &&
-            entry.midx == hook.midx)
-            return;             // already there, no need to re-add
-    }
-    connectSignal(key, hook);
-void QDBusConnectionPrivate::disconnectRelay(const QString &service, const QString &path,
-                                             const QString &interface,
-                                             QDBusAbstractInterface *receiver,
-                                             const char *signal)
-    // this function is called by QDBusAbstractInterface when one of its signals is disconnected
-    // we remove relay from D-Bus into it
-    SignalHook hook;
-    QString key;
-    if (!prepareHook(hook, key, service, path, interface, QString(), receiver, signal,
-                     QDBusAbstractInterface::staticMetaObject.methodCount(), true))
-        return;                 // don't connect
-    // remove it from our list:
-    QWriteLocker locker(&lock);
-    SignalHookHash::Iterator it = signalHooks.find(key);
-    SignalHookHash::Iterator end = signalHooks.end();
-    for ( ; it != end && it.key() == key; ++it) {
-        const SignalHook &entry = it.value();
-        if (entry.sender == hook.sender &&
-            entry.path == hook.path &&
-            entry.signature == hook.signature &&
-            entry.obj == hook.obj &&
-            entry.midx == hook.midx) {
-            // found it
-            signalHooks.erase(it);
-            return;
-        }
-    }
-    qWarning("QDBusConnectionPrivate::disconnectRelay called for a signal that was not found");
-QString QDBusConnectionPrivate::getNameOwner(const QString& serviceName)
-    if (QDBusUtil::isValidUniqueConnectionName(serviceName))
-        return serviceName;
-    if (!connection || !QDBusUtil::isValidBusName(serviceName))
-        return QString();
-    QDBusMessage msg = QDBusMessage::methodCall(QLatin1String(DBUS_SERVICE_DBUS),
-            QLatin1String(DBUS_PATH_DBUS), QLatin1String(DBUS_INTERFACE_DBUS),
-            QLatin1String("GetNameOwner"));
-    msg << serviceName;
-    QDBusMessage reply = sendWithReply(msg, QDBusConnection::NoUseEventLoop);
-    if (!lastError.isValid() && reply.type() == QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage)
-        return reply.first().toString();
-    return QString();
-QDBusInterfacePrivate *
-QDBusConnectionPrivate::findInterface(const QString &service,
-                                      const QString &path,
-                                      const QString &interface)
-    // check if it's there first -- FIXME: add binding mode
-    QDBusMetaObject *mo = 0;
-    QString owner = getNameOwner(service);
-    if (connection && !owner.isEmpty() && QDBusUtil::isValidObjectPath(path) &&
-        (interface.isEmpty() || QDBusUtil::isValidInterfaceName(interface)))
-        // always call here with the unique connection name
-        mo = findMetaObject(owner, path, interface);
-    QDBusInterfacePrivate *p = new QDBusInterfacePrivate(QDBusConnection(name), this, owner, path, interface, mo);
-    if (!mo) {
-        // invalid object
-        p->isValid = false;
-        p->lastError = lastError;
-        if (!lastError.isValid()) {
-            // try to determine why we couldn't get the data
-            if (!connection)
-                p->lastError = QDBusError(QDBusError::Disconnected,
-                                          QLatin1String("Not connected to D-Bus server"));
-            else if (owner.isEmpty())
-                p->lastError = QDBusError(QDBusError::ServiceUnknown,
-                                          QString(QLatin1String("Service %1 is unknown")).arg(service));
-#if 0                           // caught by Q_ASSERT in QDBusConnection::findInterface
-            else if (!QDBusUtil::isValidObjectPath(path))
-                p->lastError = QDBusError(QDBusError::InvalidArgs,
-                                          QString(QLatin1String("Object path %1 is invalid")).arg(path));
-            else if (!interface.isEmpty() && !QDBusUtil::isValidInterfaceName(interface))
-                p->lastError = QDBusError(QDBusError::InvalidArgs,
-                                          QString(QLatin1String("Interface %1 is invalid")).arg(interface));
-            else
-                p->lastError = QDBusError(QDBusError::Other, QLatin1String("Unknown error"));
-        }
-    }
-    return p;
-struct qdbus_Introspect
-    QString xml;
-    inline void operator()(QDBusConnectionPrivate::ObjectTreeNode *node)
-    { xml = qDBusIntrospectObject(node); }
-QDBusMetaObject *
-QDBusConnectionPrivate::findMetaObject(const QString &service, const QString &path,
-                                       const QString &interface)
-    // service must be a unique connection name
-    if (!interface.isEmpty()) {
-        QReadLocker locker(&lock);
-        QDBusMetaObject *mo = cachedMetaObjects.value(interface, 0);
-        if (mo)
-            return mo;
-    }
-    if (service == QString::fromUtf8(dbus_bus_get_unique_name(connection))) {
-        // it's one of our own
-        QWriteLocker locker(&lock);
-        QDBusMetaObject *mo = 0;
-        if (!interface.isEmpty())
-            mo = cachedMetaObjects.value(interface, 0);
-        if (mo)
-            // maybe it got created when we switched from read to write lock
-            return mo;
-        qdbus_Introspect apply;
-        if (!applyForObject(&rootNode, path, apply)) {
-            lastError = QDBusError(QDBusError::InvalidArgs,
-                                   QString(QLatin1String("No object at %1")).arg(path));
-            return 0;           // no object at path
-        }
-        // release the lock and return
-        return QDBusMetaObject::createMetaObject(interface, apply.xml, cachedMetaObjects, lastError);
-    }
-    // not local: introspect the target object:
-    QDBusMessage msg = QDBusMessage::methodCall(service, path,
-                                                QLatin1String(DBUS_INTERFACE_INTROSPECTABLE),
-                                                QLatin1String("Introspect"));
-    QDBusMessage reply = sendWithReply(msg, QDBusConnection::NoUseEventLoop);
-    // it doesn't exist yet, we have to create it
-    QWriteLocker locker(&lock);
-    QDBusMetaObject *mo = 0;
-    if (!interface.isEmpty())
-        mo = cachedMetaObjects.value(interface, 0);
-    if (mo)
-        // maybe it got created when we switched from read to write lock
-        return mo;
-    QString xml;
-    if (reply.type() == QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage)
-        // fetch the XML description
-        xml = reply.first().toString();
-    else {
-        lastError = reply;
-        if (reply.type() != QDBusMessage::ErrorMessage || lastError != QDBusError::UnknownMethod)
-            return 0;           // error
-    }
-    // release the lock and return
-    return QDBusMetaObject::createMetaObject(interface, xml, cachedMetaObjects, lastError);
-void QDBusReplyWaiter::reply(const QDBusMessage &msg)
-    replyMsg = msg;
-    QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(quit()));
-#include "qdbusconnection_p.moc"
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deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 7209707..0000000
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@@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*-
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
- *    Author: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@trolltech.com>
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- */
-#include "qdbusinterface.h"
-#include <dbus/dbus.h>
-#include <QtCore/qpointer.h>
-#include "qdbusinterface_p.h"
-#include "qdbusconnection_p.h"
-    \class QDBusInterface
-    \brief Proxy class for interfaces on remote objects.
-    QDBusInterface is a generic accessor class that is used to place calls to remote objects,
-    connect to signals exported by remote objects and get/set the value of remote properties. This
-    class is useful for dynamic access to remote objects: that is, when you do not have a generated
-    code that represents the remote interface.
-    Calls are usually placed by using the call() function, which constructs the message, sends it
-    over the bus, waits for the reply and decodes the reply. Signals are connected to by using the
-    normal QObject::connect() function. Finally, properties are accessed using the
-    QObject::property() and QObject::setProperty() functions. 
-QDBusInterface::QDBusInterface(QDBusInterfacePrivate *p)
-    : QDBusAbstractInterface(p)
-    Destroy the object interface and frees up any resource used.
-    // resources are freed in QDBusInterfacePrivate::~QDBusInterfacePrivate()
-    \internal
-    Overrides QObject::metaObject to return our own copy.
-const QMetaObject *QDBusInterface::metaObject() const
-    return d_func()->isValid ? d_func()->metaObject : &QDBusAbstractInterface::staticMetaObject;
-    \internal
-    Override QObject::qt_metacast to catch the interface name too.
-void *QDBusInterface::qt_metacast(const char *_clname)
-    if (!_clname) return 0;
-    if (!strcmp(_clname, "QDBusInterface"))
-        return static_cast<void*>(const_cast<QDBusInterface*>(this));
-    if (d_func()->interface.toLatin1() == _clname)
-        return static_cast<void*>(const_cast<QDBusInterface*>(this));
-    return QDBusAbstractInterface::qt_metacast(_clname);
-    \internal
-    Dispatch the call through the private.
-int QDBusInterface::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a)
-    _id = QDBusAbstractInterface::qt_metacall(_c, _id, _a);
-    if (_id < 0 || !d_func()->isValid)
-        return _id;
-    return d_func()->metacall(_c, _id, _a);
-int QDBusInterfacePrivate::metacall(QMetaObject::Call c, int id, void **argv)
-    Q_Q(QDBusInterface);
-    if (c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) {
-        int offset = metaObject->methodOffset();
-        QMetaMethod mm = metaObject->method(id + offset);
-        if (mm.methodType() == QMetaMethod::Signal) {
-            // signal relay from D-Bus world to Qt world
-            QMetaObject::activate(q, metaObject, id, argv);
-        } else if (mm.methodType() == QMetaMethod::Slot) {
-            // method call relay from Qt world to D-Bus world
-            // get D-Bus equivalent signature
-            QString methodName = QLatin1String(metaObject->dbusNameForMethod(id));
-            const int *inputTypes = metaObject->inputTypesForMethod(id);
-            const int *outputTypes = metaObject->outputTypesForMethod(id);
-            int inputTypesCount = *inputTypes;
-            int outputTypesCount = *outputTypes++;
-            // we will assume that the input arguments were passed correctly
-            QVariantList args;
-            for (int i = 1; i <= inputTypesCount; ++i)
-                args << QVariant(inputTypes[i], argv[i]);
-            // make the call
-            QPointer<QDBusInterface> qq = q;
-            QDBusMessage reply = q->callWithArgs(methodName, args);
-            args.clear();
-            // access to "this" or to "q" below this point must check for "qq"
-            // we may have been deleted!
-            // check if we got the right number of parameters back:
-            bool success = false;
-            if (reply.count() == outputTypesCount) {
-                // copy the values out
-                for (int i = 0; i < outputTypesCount; ++i) {
-                    // treat the return value specially, since it may be null:
-                    if (i == 0 && argv[0] == 0)
-                        continue;
-                    // ensure that the types are correct:
-                    const QVariant &item = reply.at(i);
-                    if (outputTypes[i] != item.userType()) {
-                        success = false;
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    if (i == 0)
-                        QDBusMetaObject::assign(argv[0], item);
-                    else
-                        QDBusMetaObject::assign(argv[inputTypesCount + i], item);
-                }
-            }
-            // bail out, something weird happened
-            if (!success && !qq.isNull()) {
-                QString errmsg = QLatin1String("Invalid signature `%1' in return from call to %2.%3");
-                lastError = QDBusError(QDBusError::InvalidSignature,
-                                       errmsg.arg(reply.signature(), interface, methodName));
-            }
-            // done
-            return -1;
-        }
-    } else if (c == QMetaObject::ReadProperty) {
-        // Qt doesn't support non-readable properties
-        // we have to re-check
-        QMetaProperty mp = metaObject->property(id + metaObject->propertyOffset());
-        if (!mp.isReadable())
-            return -1;          // don't read
-        QVariant value = property(mp);
-        if (value.type() == QVariant::Invalid)
-            // an error occurred -- property already set lastError
-            return -1;
-        else if (mp.type() == QVariant::LastType)
-            // QVariant is special in this context
-            *reinterpret_cast<QVariant *>(argv[0]) = value;
-        else
-            QDBusMetaObject::assign(argv[0], value);
-        return -1; // handled
-    } else if (c == QMetaObject::WriteProperty) {
-        // QMetaProperty::write has already checked that we're writable
-        // it has also checked that the type is right
-        QVariant value(metaObject->propertyMetaType(id), argv[0]);
-        QMetaProperty mp = metaObject->property(id + metaObject->propertyOffset());
-        setProperty(mp, value);
-        return -1;
-    }
-    return id;
-QDBusInterfacePtr::QDBusInterfacePtr(QDBusConnection &conn, const QString &service, const QString &path,
-                   const QString &iface)
-    : d(conn.findInterface(service, path, iface))
-QDBusInterfacePtr::QDBusInterfacePtr(const QString &service, const QString &path, const QString &iface)
-    : d(QDBus::sessionBus().findInterface(service, path, iface))
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deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 0b4d187..0000000
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@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*-
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
- *    Author: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@trolltech.com>
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- */
-#include "qdbusabstractinterface.h"
-class QDBusInterfacePrivate;
-class QDBUS_EXPORT QDBusInterface: public QDBusAbstractInterface
-    friend class QDBusConnection;
-    QDBusInterface(QDBusInterfacePrivate *p);
-    ~QDBusInterface();
-    virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const;
-    virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *);
-    virtual int qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call, int, void **);
-    Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE(QDBusInterface)
-    Q_DISABLE_COPY(QDBusInterface)
-struct QDBUS_EXPORT QDBusInterfacePtr
-    QDBusInterfacePtr(QDBusInterface *iface) : d(iface) { }
-    QDBusInterfacePtr(QDBusConnection &conn, const QString &service, const QString &path,
-             const QString &interface = QString());
-    QDBusInterfacePtr(const QString &service, const QString &path, const QString &interface = QString());
-    ~QDBusInterfacePtr() { delete d; }
-    QDBusInterface *interface() { return d; }
-    QDBusInterface *operator->() { return d; }
-    QDBusInterface *const d;
-    Q_DISABLE_COPY(QDBusInterfacePtr)
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index 25cb9ff..0000000
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- *
- * Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
- *    Author: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@trolltech.com>
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- */
-//  W A R N I N G
-//  -------------
-// This file is not part of the public API.  This header file may
-// change from version to version without notice, or even be
-// removed.
-// We mean it.
-#include "qdbusabstractinterface_p.h"
-#include "qdbusmetaobject_p.h"
-#include "qdbusinterface.h"
-class QDBusInterfacePrivate: public QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate
-    Q_DECLARE_PUBLIC(QDBusInterface)
-    QDBusMetaObject *metaObject;
-    inline QDBusInterfacePrivate(const QDBusConnection &con, QDBusConnectionPrivate *conp,
-                                 const QString &serv, const QString &p, const QString &iface,
-                                 QDBusMetaObject *mo = 0)
-        : QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate(con, conp, serv, p, iface), metaObject(mo)
-    {
-    }
-    ~QDBusInterfacePrivate()
-    {
-        if (metaObject && !metaObject->cached)
-            delete metaObject;
-    }
-    int metacall(QMetaObject::Call c, int id, void **argv);
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deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index ed21074..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- mode: C++ -*-
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
- *    Author: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@trolltech.com>
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- */
-#include "qdbusconnection_p.h"
-#include <dbus/dbus.h>
-#include <QtCore/qcoreapplication.h>
-#include <QtCore/qmetaobject.h>
-#include <QtCore/qstringlist.h>
-#include "qdbusabstractadaptor.h"
-#include "qdbusabstractadaptor_p.h"
-#include "qdbusconnection.h"
-#include "qdbusmessage.h"
-#include "qdbustypehelper_p.h"
-#include "qdbusutil.h"
-// defined in qdbusxmlgenerator.cpp
-extern QString qDBusGenerateMetaObjectXml(QString interface, const QMetaObject *mo,
-                                          const QMetaObject *base, int flags);
-static const char introspectableInterfaceXml[] =
-    "  <interface name=\"org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable\">\n"
-    "    <method name=\"Introspect\">\n"
-    "      <arg name=\"xml_data\" type=\"s\" direction=\"out\"/>\n"
-    "    </method>\n"
-    "  </interface>\n";
-static const char propertiesInterfaceXml[] =
-    "  <interface name=\"org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties\">\n"
-    "    <method name=\"Get\">\n"
-    "      <arg name=\"interface_name\" type=\"s\" direction=\"in\"/>\n"
-    "      <arg name=\"property_name\" type=\"s\" direction=\"in\"/>\n"
-    "      <arg name=\"value\" type=\"v\" direction=\"out\"/>\n"
-    "    </method>\n"
-    "    <method name=\"Set\">\n"
-    "      <arg name=\"interface_name\" type=\"s\" direction=\"in\"/>\n"
-    "      <arg name=\"property_name\" type=\"s\" direction=\"in\"/>\n"
-    "      <arg name=\"value\" type=\"v\" direction=\"in\"/>\n"
-    "    </method>\n"
-    "  </interface>\n";
-static QString generateSubObjectXml(QObject *object)
-    QString retval;
-    foreach (QObject *child, object->children()) {
-        QString name = child->objectName();
-        if (!name.isEmpty())
-            retval += QString(QLatin1String("  <node name=\"%1\"/>\n"))
-                      .arg(name);
-    }
-    return retval;
-QString qDBusIntrospectObject(const QDBusConnectionPrivate::ObjectTreeNode *node)
-    // object may be null
-    QString xml_data(QLatin1String(DBUS_INTROSPECT_1_0_XML_DOCTYPE_DECL_NODE));
-    xml_data += QLatin1String("<node>\n");
-    if (node->obj) {
-        if (node->flags & QDBusConnection::ExportContents) {
-            const QMetaObject *mo = node->obj->metaObject();
-            for ( ; mo != &QObject::staticMetaObject; mo = mo->superClass())
-                xml_data += qDBusGenerateMetaObjectXml(QString(), mo, mo->superClass(),
-                                                  node->flags);
-        }
-        // does this object have adaptors?
-        QDBusAdaptorConnector *connector;
-        if (node->flags & QDBusConnection::ExportAdaptors &&
-            (connector = qDBusFindAdaptorConnector(node->obj))) {
-            // trasverse every adaptor in this object
-            QDBusAdaptorConnector::AdaptorMap::ConstIterator it = connector->adaptors.constBegin();
-            QDBusAdaptorConnector::AdaptorMap::ConstIterator end = connector->adaptors.constEnd();
-            for ( ; it != end; ++it) {
-                // add the interface:
-                QString ifaceXml = QDBusAbstractAdaptorPrivate::retrieveIntrospectionXml(it->adaptor);
-                if (ifaceXml.isEmpty()) {
-                    // add the interface's contents:
-                    ifaceXml += qDBusGenerateMetaObjectXml(it->interface, it->metaObject,
-                                                           &QDBusAbstractAdaptor::staticMetaObject,
-                                                           QDBusConnection::ExportAllContents);
-                    QDBusAbstractAdaptorPrivate::saveIntrospectionXml(it->adaptor, ifaceXml);
-                }
-                xml_data += ifaceXml;
-            }
-        }
-        xml_data += QLatin1String( introspectableInterfaceXml );
-        xml_data += QLatin1String( propertiesInterfaceXml );
-    }
-    if (node->flags & QDBusConnection::ExportChildObjects) {
-        xml_data += generateSubObjectXml(node->obj);
-    } else {
-        // generate from the object tree
-        foreach (const QDBusConnectionPrivate::ObjectTreeNode::Data &entry, node->children) {
-            if (entry.node && (entry.node->obj || !entry.node->children.isEmpty()))
-                xml_data += QString(QLatin1String("  <node name=\"%1\"/>\n"))
-                            .arg(entry.name);
-        }
-    }
-    xml_data += QLatin1String("</node>\n");
-    return xml_data;
-void qDBusIntrospectObject(const QDBusConnectionPrivate::ObjectTreeNode *node,
-                           const QDBusMessage &msg)
-    // now send it
-    QDBusMessage reply = QDBusMessage::methodReply(msg);
-    reply << qDBusIntrospectObject(node);
-    msg.connection().send(reply);
-// implement the D-Bus interface org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties
-static void sendPropertyError(const QDBusMessage &msg, const QString &interface_name)
-    QDBusMessage error = QDBusMessage::error(msg, QLatin1String(DBUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS),
-                                   QString::fromLatin1("Interface %1 was not found in object %2")
-                                   .arg(interface_name)
-                                   .arg(msg.path()));
-    msg.connection().send(error);
-void qDBusPropertyGet(const QDBusConnectionPrivate::ObjectTreeNode *node, const QDBusMessage &msg)
-    Q_ASSERT(msg.count() == 2);
-    QString interface_name = msg.at(0).toString();
-    QByteArray property_name = msg.at(1).toString().toUtf8();
-    QDBusAdaptorConnector *connector;
-    QVariant value;
-    if (node->flags & QDBusConnection::ExportAdaptors &&
-        (connector = qDBusFindAdaptorConnector(node->obj))) {
-        // find the class that implements interface_name
-        QDBusAdaptorConnector::AdaptorMap::ConstIterator it;
-        it = qLowerBound(connector->adaptors.constBegin(), connector->adaptors.constEnd(),
-                         interface_name);
-        if (it != connector->adaptors.constEnd() && it->interface == interface_name)
-            value = it->adaptor->property(property_name);
-    }
-    if (!value.isValid() && node->flags & QDBusConnection::ExportProperties) {
-        // try the object itself
-        int pidx = node->obj->metaObject()->indexOfProperty(property_name);
-        if (pidx != -1) {
-            QMetaProperty mp = node->obj->metaObject()->property(pidx);
-            if (mp.isScriptable() || (node->flags & QDBusConnection::ExportAllProperties) ==
-                QDBusConnection::ExportAllProperties)
-                value = mp.read(node->obj);
-        }
-    }
-    if (!value.isValid()) {
-        // the property was not found
-        sendPropertyError(msg, interface_name);
-        return;
-    }
-    QDBusMessage reply = QDBusMessage::methodReply(msg);
-    reply.setSignature(QLatin1String("v"));
-    reply << value;
-    msg.connection().send(reply);
-void qDBusPropertySet(const QDBusConnectionPrivate::ObjectTreeNode *node, const QDBusMessage &msg)
-    Q_ASSERT(msg.count() == 3);
-    QString interface_name = msg.at(0).toString();
-    QByteArray property_name = msg.at(1).toString().toUtf8();
-    QVariant value = QDBusTypeHelper<QVariant>::fromVariant(msg.at(2));
-    QDBusAdaptorConnector *connector;
-    if (node->flags & QDBusConnection::ExportAdaptors &&
-        (connector = qDBusFindAdaptorConnector(node->obj))) {
-        // find the class that implements interface_name
-        QDBusAdaptorConnector::AdaptorMap::ConstIterator it;
-        it = qLowerBound(connector->adaptors.constBegin(), connector->adaptors.constEnd(),
-                         interface_name);
-        if (it != connector->adaptors.end() && it->interface == interface_name)
-            if (it->adaptor->setProperty(property_name, value)) {
-                msg.connection().send(QDBusMessage::methodReply(msg));
-                return;
-            }
-    }
-    if (node->flags & QDBusConnection::ExportProperties) {
-        // try the object itself
-        int pidx = node->obj->metaObject()->indexOfProperty(property_name);
-        if (pidx != -1) {
-            QMetaProperty mp = node->obj->metaObject()->property(pidx);
-            if (mp.isScriptable() || (node->flags & QDBusConnection::ExportAllProperties) ==
-                QDBusConnection::ExportAllProperties) {
-                if (mp.write(node->obj, value)) {
-                    msg.connection().send(QDBusMessage::methodReply(msg));
-                    return;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    // the property was not found or not written to
-    sendPropertyError(msg, interface_name);
diff --git a/qt/src/qdbusintrospection.cpp b/qt/src/qdbusintrospection.cpp
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 20acbd2..0000000
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@@ -1,403 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*-
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
- *    Author: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@trolltech.com>
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- */
-#include "qdbusintrospection_p.h"
-#include "qdbusxmlparser_p.h"
-    \class QDBusIntrospection
-    \brief Information about introspected objects and interfaces on D-Bus.
-    \internal
-    This class provides structures and methods for parsing the XML introspection data for D-Bus.
-    Normally, you don't have to use the methods provided here: QDBusInterface and QDBusObject will
-    do that for you.
-    But they may prove useful if the XML data was obtained through other means (like parsing a file).
-    \class QDBusIntrospection::Argument
-    \brief One argument to a D-Bus method or signal.
-    This struct represents one argument passed to a method or received from a method or signal in
-    D-Bus. The struct does not contain information on the direction (input or output).
-    \var QDBusIntrospection::Argument::type
-    The argument type.
-    \var QDBusIntrospection::Argument::name
-    The argument name. The argument name is optional, so this may be a null QString.
-    \fn QDBusIntrospection::Argument::operator==(const Argument &other) const
-    Compares this object against \a other and return true if they are the same.
-    \class QDBusIntrospection::Method
-    \brief Information about one method.
-    This struct represents one method discovered through introspection. A method is composed of
-    its \a name, its input arguments, its output arguments, and, optionally, annotations. There are no
-    "in-out" arguments.
-    \var QDBusIntrospection::Method::name
-    The method's name.
-    \var QDBusIntrospection::Method::inputArgs
-    A list of the method's input arguments.
-    \var QDBusIntrospection::Method::outputArgs
-    A list of the method's output arguments (i.e., return values).
-    \var QDBusIntrospection::Method::annotations
-    The annotations associated with the method. Each annotation is a pair of strings, where the key
-    is of the same format as a D-Bus interface name. The value is arbitrary.
-    \fn QDBusIntrospection::Method::operator==(const Method &other) const
-    Compares this object against \a other and return true if they are the same.
-    \class QDBusIntrospection::Signal
-    \brief Information about one signal.
-    This struct represents one signal discovered through introspection. A signal is composed of
-    its \a name, its output arguments, and, optionally, annotations.
-    \var QDBusIntrospection::Signal::name
-    The signal's name.
-    \var QDBusIntrospection::Signal::outputArgs
-    A list of the signal's arguments.
-    \var QDBusIntrospection::Signal::annotations
-    The annotations associated with the signal. Each annotation is a pair of strings, where the key
-    is of the same format as a D-Bus interface name. The value is arbitrary.
-    \fn QDBusIntrospection::Signal::operator==(const Signal& other) const
-    Compares this object against \a other and return true if they are the same.
-    \class QDBusIntrospection::Property
-    \brief Information about one property.
-    This struct represents one property discovered through introspection. A property is composed of
-    its \a name, its \a type, its \a access rights, and, optionally, annotations.
-    \var QDBusIntrospection::Property::name
-    The property's name.
-    \var QDBusIntrospection::Property::type
-    The property's type.
-    \enum QDBusIntrospection::Property::Access
-    The possible access rights for a property:
-    \value Read
-    \value Write
-    \value ReadWrite
-    \var QDBusIntrospection::Property::access
-    The property's access rights.
-    \var QDBusIntrospection::Property::annotations
-    The annotations associated with the property. Each annotation is a pair of strings, where the key
-    is of the same format as a D-Bus interface name. The value is arbitrary.
-    \fn QDBusIntrospection::Property::operator==(const Property &other) const
-    Compares this object against \a other and return true if they are the same.
-    \class QDBusIntrospection::Interface
-    \brief Information about one interface on the bus.
-    Each interface on D-Bus has an unique \a name, identifying where that interface was defined.
-    Interfaces may have annotations, methods, signals and properties, but none are mandatory.
-    \var QDBusIntrospection::Interface::name
-    The interface's name.
-    \var QDBusIntrospection::Interface::introspection
-    The XML document fragment describing this interface.
-    If parsed again through parseInterface, the object returned should have the same contents as
-    this object.
-    \var QDBusIntrospection::Interface::annotations
-    The annotations associated with the interface. Each annotation is a pair of strings, where the key
-    is of the same format as a D-Bus interface name. The value is arbitrary.
-    \var QDBusIntrospection::Interface::methods
-    The methods available in this interface. Note that method names are not unique (i.e., methods
-    can be overloaded with multiple arguments types).
-    \var QDBusIntrospection::Interface::signals_
-    The signals available in this interface. Note that signal names are not unique (i.e., signals
-    can be overloaded with multiple argument types).
-    This member is called "signals_" because "signals" is a reserved keyword in Qt.
-    \var QDBusIntrospection::Interface::properties
-    The properties available in this interface. Property names are unique.
-    \fn QDBusIntrospection::Interface::operator==(const Interface &other) const
-    Compares this object against \a other and return true if they are the same.
-    Note that two interfaces are considered to be the same if they have the same name. The internal
-    structures in the objects are not compared.
-    \class QDBusIntrospection::Object
-    \brief Information about one object on the bus.
-    An object on the D-Bus bus is represented by its service and path on the service but, unlike
-    interfaces, objects are mutable. That is, their contents can change with time. Therefore,
-    while the (service, path) pair uniquely identifies an object, the information contained in
-    this struct may no longer represent the object.
-    An object can contain interfaces and child (sub) objects.
-    \var QDBusIntrospection::Object::service
-    The object's service name.
-    \sa parseObject(), parseObjectTree()
-    \var QDBusIntrospection::Object::path
-    The object's path on the service. This is an absolute path.
-    \sa parseObject(), parseObjectTree()
-    \var QDBusIntrospection::Object::introspection
-    The XML document fragment describing this object, its interfaces and sub-objects at the time
-    of the parsing.
-    The result of parseObject with this XML data should be the same as the Object struct.
-    \var QDBusIntrospection::Object::interfaces
-    The list of interface names in this object.
-    \var QDBusIntrospection::Object::childObjects
-    The list of child object names in this object. Note that this is a relative name, not an
-    absolute path. To obtain the absolute path, concatenate with \l
-    {QDBusIntrospection::Object::path}{path}.
-    \class QDBusIntrospection::ObjectTree
-    \brief Complete information about one object node and its descendency.
-    This struct contains the same data as QDBusIntrospection::Object, plus the actual data for the
-    interfaces and child (sub) objects that was available in the XML document.
-    \var QDBusIntrospection::ObjectTree::interfaceData
-    A map of interfaces and their names.
-    \var QDBusIntrospection::ObjectTree::childObjectData
-    A map of object paths and their data. The map key contains the relative path to the object.
-    Note this map contains only the child notes that do have information about the sub-object's
-    contents. If the XML data did not contain the information, only the object name will be listed
-    in childObjects, but not in childObjectData.
-    \typedef QDBusIntrospection::Annotations
-    Contains a QMap of an annotation pair. The annotation's name is stored in the QMap key and
-    must be unique. The annotation's value is stored in the QMap's value and is arbitrary.
-    \typedef QDBusIntrospection::Arguments
-    Contains a list of arguments to either a Method or a Signal. The arguments' order is important.
-    \typedef QDBusIntrospection::Methods
-    Contains a QMap of methods and their names. The method's name is stored in the map's key and
-    is not necessarily unique. The order in which multiple methods with the same name are stored
-    in this map is undefined.
-    \typedef QDBusIntrospection::Signals
-    Contains a QMap of signals and their names. The signal's name is stored in the map's key and
-    is not necessarily unique. The order in which multiple signals with the same name are stored
-    in this map is undefined.
-    \typedef QDBusIntrospection::Properties
-    Contains a QMap of properties and their names. Each property must have a unique name.
-    \typedef QDBusIntrospection::Interfaces
-    Contains a QMap of interfaces and their names. Each interface has a unique name.
-    \typedef QDBusIntrospection::Objects
-    Contains a QMap of objects and their paths relative to their immediate parent.
-    \sa parseObjectTree()
-    Parses the XML document fragment (given by \a xml) containing one interface.
-    The first element tag in this XML data must be either \<node\> or \<interface\>. If it is
-    \<node\>, then the \<interface\> tag must be a child tag of the \<node\> one.
-    If there are multiple interfaces in this XML data, it is undefined which one will be
-    returned.
-QDBusIntrospection::parseInterface(const QString &xml)
-    // be lazy
-    Interfaces ifs = parseInterfaces(xml);
-    if (ifs.isEmpty())
-        return Interface();
-    // return the first in map order (probably alphabetical order)
-    return *ifs.constBegin().value();
-    Parses the XML document fragment (given by \a xml) containing several interfaces.
-    If the first element tag in this document fragment is \<node\>, the interfaces parsed will
-    be those found as child elements of the \<node\> tag.
-QDBusIntrospection::parseInterfaces(const QString &xml)
-    QString null;
-    QDBusXmlParser parser(null, null, xml);
-    return parser.interfaces();
-    Parses the XML document fragment (given by \a xml) containing one object, found at the service
-    \a service and path \a path.
-    The first element tag in this document must be \<node\>. If that tag does not contain
-    a name attribute, the \a path argument will be used to determine the path of this
-    object node.
-    This function does not parse the interfaces contained in the node, nor sub-object's contents.
-    It will only list their names. If you need to know their contents, use parseObjectTree.
-QDBusIntrospection::parseObject(const QString &xml, const QString &service, const QString &path)
-    QDBusXmlParser parser(service, path, xml);
-    QSharedDataPointer<QDBusIntrospection::Object> retval = parser.object();
-    if (!retval)
-        return QDBusIntrospection::Object();
-    return *retval;
-    Parses the XML document fragment (given by \a xml) containing one object node and returns all
-    the information about the interfaces and sub-objects, found at the service \a service and path
-    \a path.
-    The Objects map returned will contain the absolute path names in the key.
-QDBusIntrospection::parseObjectTree(const QString &xml, const QString &service, const QString &path)
-    QDBusXmlParser parser(service, path, xml);
-    QSharedDataPointer<QDBusIntrospection::ObjectTree> retval = parser.objectTree();
-    if (!retval)
-        return QDBusIntrospection::ObjectTree();
-    return *retval;
diff --git a/qt/src/qdbusintrospection_p.h b/qt/src/qdbusintrospection_p.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 0e4e901..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*-
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
- *    Author: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@trolltech.com>
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- */
-#include <QtCore/qstring.h>
-#include <QtCore/qlist.h>
-#include <QtCore/qstringlist.h>
-#include <QtCore/qmap.h>
-#include <QtCore/qpair.h>
-#include <QtCore/qshareddata.h>
-#include "qdbusmacros.h"
-class QDBUS_EXPORT QDBusIntrospection
-    // forward declarations
-    struct Argument;
-    struct Method;
-    struct Signal;
-    struct Property;
-    struct Interface;
-    struct Object;
-    struct ObjectTree;
-    // typedefs
-    typedef QMap<QString, QString> Annotations;
-    typedef QList<Argument> Arguments;
-    typedef QMultiMap<QString, Method> Methods;
-    typedef QMultiMap<QString, Signal> Signals;
-    typedef QMap<QString, Property> Properties;
-    typedef QMap<QString, QSharedDataPointer<Interface> > Interfaces;
-    typedef QMap<QString, QSharedDataPointer<ObjectTree> > Objects;
-    // the structs
-    struct Argument
-    {
-        QString type;
-        QString name;
-        inline bool operator==(const Argument& other) const
-        { return name == other.name && type == other.type; }
-    };
-    struct Method
-    {
-        QString name;
-        Arguments inputArgs;
-        Arguments outputArgs;
-        Annotations annotations;
-        inline bool operator==(const Method& other) const
-        { return name == other.name && annotations == other.annotations &&
-                inputArgs == other.inputArgs && outputArgs == other.outputArgs; }
-    };
-    struct Signal
-    {
-        QString name;
-        Arguments outputArgs;
-        Annotations annotations;
-        inline bool operator==(const Signal& other) const
-        { return name == other.name && annotations == other.annotations &&
-                outputArgs == other.outputArgs; }
-    };
-    struct Property
-    {
-        enum Access { Read, Write, ReadWrite };
-        QString name;
-        QString type;
-        Access access;
-        Annotations annotations;
-        inline bool operator==(const Property& other) const
-        { return access == other.access && name == other.name &&
-                annotations == other.annotations && type == other.type; }
-    };
-    struct Interface: public QSharedData
-    {
-        QString name;
-        QString introspection;
-        Annotations annotations;
-        Methods methods;
-        Signals signals_;
-        Properties properties;
-        inline bool operator==(const Interface &other) const
-        { return !name.isEmpty() && name == other.name; }
-    };
-    struct Object: public QSharedData
-    {
-        QString service;
-        QString path;
-        QString introspection;
-        QStringList interfaces;
-        QStringList childObjects;
-    };
-    struct ObjectTree: public Object
-    {
-        Interfaces interfaceData;
-        Objects childObjectData;
-    };
-    static Interface parseInterface(const QString &xml);
-    static Interfaces parseInterfaces(const QString &xml);
-    static Object parseObject(const QString &xml, const QString &service = QString(),
-                              const QString &path = QString());
-    static ObjectTree parseObjectTree(const QString &xml,
-                                      const QString &service,
-                                      const QString &path);
-    QDBusIntrospection();
diff --git a/qt/src/qdbusmacros.h b/qt/src/qdbusmacros.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 0af5b5b..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-/* qdbusmessage.h QDBusMessage object
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2005 Harald Fernengel <harry@kdevelop.org>
- * Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
- *    Author: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@trolltech.com>
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- */
-    \file qdbusmacros.h
-#include <QtCore/qglobal.h>
-#include <QtCore/qmetatype.h>
-#include <QtCore/qvariant.h>
-# error Sorry, you need a compiler with support for template member functions to compile QtDBus.
-#if defined(QDBUS_MAKEDLL)
-#ifndef Q_MOC_RUN
-# define Q_ASYNC
-#ifdef Q_CC_MSVC
-#include <QtCore/qlist.h>
-#include <QtCore/qset.h>
-#include <QtCore/qhash.h>
-#include <QtCore/qvector.h>
-class QDBusType;
-inline uint qHash(const QVariant&)  { Q_ASSERT(0); return 0; }
-inline uint qHash(const QDBusType&) { Q_ASSERT(0); return 0; }
diff --git a/qt/src/qdbusmarshall.cpp b/qt/src/qdbusmarshall.cpp
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 0d90fcd..0000000
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@@ -1,582 +0,0 @@
-/* qdbusmarshall.cpp
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2005 Harald Fernengel <harry@kdevelop.org>
- * Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
- *    Author: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@trolltech.com>
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- */
-#include "qdbusmarshall_p.h"
-#include "qdbustype_p.h"
-#include "qdbustypehelper_p.h"
-#include <qdebug.h>
-#include <qvariant.h>
-#include <qlist.h>
-#include <qmap.h>
-#include <qstringlist.h>
-#include <qvarlengtharray.h>
-#include <qvector.h>
-#include <dbus/dbus.h>
-static QVariant qFetchParameter(DBusMessageIter *it);
-template <typename T>
-inline T qIterGet(DBusMessageIter *it)
-    T t;
-    dbus_message_iter_get_basic(it, &t);
-    return t;
-inline QVariant qIterGet(DBusMessageIter *it)
-    DBusMessageIter sub;
-    dbus_message_iter_recurse(it, &sub);
-    return QDBusTypeHelper<QVariant>::toVariant(qFetchParameter(&sub));
-template <typename DBusType, typename QtType>
-inline QVariant qFetchList(DBusMessageIter *arrayIt)
-    QList<QtType> list;
-    DBusMessageIter it;
-    dbus_message_iter_recurse(arrayIt, &it);
-    if (dbus_message_iter_get_array_len(&it) == 0)
-        return QDBusTypeHelper<QList<QtType> >::toVariant(list);
-    do {
-        list.append( static_cast<QtType>( qIterGet<DBusType>(&it) ) );
-    } while (dbus_message_iter_next(&it));
-    return QDBusTypeHelper<QList<QtType> >::toVariant(list);
-static QStringList qFetchStringList(DBusMessageIter *arrayIt)
-    QStringList list;
-    DBusMessageIter it;
-    dbus_message_iter_recurse(arrayIt, &it);
-    if (dbus_message_iter_get_array_len(&it) == 0)
-        return list;
-    do {
-        list.append(QString::fromUtf8(qIterGet<char *>(&it)));
-    } while (dbus_message_iter_next(&it));
-    return list;
-static QVariant qFetchParameter(DBusMessageIter *it)
-    switch (dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(it)) {
-    case DBUS_TYPE_BYTE:
-        return qVariantFromValue(qIterGet<unsigned char>(it));
-    case DBUS_TYPE_INT16:
-       return qVariantFromValue(qIterGet<dbus_int16_t>(it));
-    case DBUS_TYPE_UINT16:
-       return qVariantFromValue(qIterGet<dbus_uint16_t>(it));
-    case DBUS_TYPE_INT32:
-        return qIterGet<dbus_int32_t>(it);
-    case DBUS_TYPE_UINT32:
-        return qIterGet<dbus_uint32_t>(it);
-        return qIterGet<double>(it);
-        return bool(qIterGet<dbus_bool_t>(it));
-    case DBUS_TYPE_INT64:
-        return static_cast<qlonglong>(qIterGet<dbus_int64_t>(it));
-    case DBUS_TYPE_UINT64:
-        return static_cast<qulonglong>(qIterGet<dbus_uint64_t>(it));
-        return QString::fromUtf8(qIterGet<char *>(it));
-        return qIterGet<QVariant>(it);
-    case DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY: {
-        int arrayType = dbus_message_iter_get_element_type(it);
-        switch (arrayType)
-        {
-        case DBUS_TYPE_BYTE: {
-            // QByteArray
-            DBusMessageIter sub;
-           dbus_message_iter_recurse(it, &sub);
-           int len = dbus_message_iter_get_array_len(&sub);
-           char* data;
-           dbus_message_iter_get_fixed_array(&sub,&data,&len);
-           return QByteArray(data,len);
-        }
-        case DBUS_TYPE_INT16:
-            return qFetchList<dbus_int16_t, short>(it);
-        case DBUS_TYPE_UINT16:
-            return qFetchList<dbus_uint16_t, ushort>(it);
-        case DBUS_TYPE_INT32:
-            return qFetchList<dbus_int32_t, int>(it);
-        case DBUS_TYPE_UINT32:
-            return qFetchList<dbus_uint32_t, uint>(it);
-        case DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN:
-            return qFetchList<dbus_bool_t, bool>(it);
-        case DBUS_TYPE_DOUBLE:
-            return qFetchList<double, double>(it);
-        case DBUS_TYPE_INT64:
-            return qFetchList<dbus_int64_t, qlonglong>(it);
-        case DBUS_TYPE_UINT64:
-            return qFetchList<dbus_uint64_t, qulonglong>(it);
-        case DBUS_TYPE_STRING:
-        case DBUS_TYPE_OBJECT_PATH:
-        case DBUS_TYPE_SIGNATURE:
-            return qFetchStringList(it);
-        case DBUS_TYPE_VARIANT:
-            return qFetchList<QVariant, QVariant>(it);
-        case DBUS_TYPE_DICT_ENTRY: {
-            // ### support other types of maps?
-            QMap<QString, QVariant> map;
-            DBusMessageIter sub;
-            dbus_message_iter_recurse(it, &sub);
-            if (dbus_message_iter_get_array_len(&sub) == 0)
-                // empty map
-                return map;
-            do {
-                DBusMessageIter itemIter;
-                dbus_message_iter_recurse(&sub, &itemIter);
-                Q_ASSERT(dbus_message_iter_has_next(&itemIter));
-                QString key = qFetchParameter(&itemIter).toString();
-                dbus_message_iter_next(&itemIter);
-                map.insertMulti(key, qFetchParameter(&itemIter));
-            } while (dbus_message_iter_next(&sub));
-            return map;
-        }
-        }
-    }
-    // fall through
-    // common handling for structs and lists of lists (for now)
-    case DBUS_TYPE_STRUCT: {
-        QList<QVariant> list;
-        DBusMessageIter sub;
-        dbus_message_iter_recurse(it, &sub);
-        if (dbus_message_iter_get_array_len(&sub) == 0)
-            return list;
-        do {
-            list.append(qFetchParameter(&sub));
-        } while (dbus_message_iter_next(&sub));
-        return list;
-    }
-    default:
-        qWarning("Don't know how to handle type %d '%c'", dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(it), dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(it));
-        return QVariant();
-        break;
-    }
-void QDBusMarshall::messageToList(QList<QVariant> &list, DBusMessage *message)
-    Q_ASSERT(message);
-    DBusMessageIter it;
-    if (!dbus_message_iter_init(message, &it))
-        return;
-    do {
-        list.append(qFetchParameter(&it));
-    } while (dbus_message_iter_next(&it));
-// convert the variant to the given type and return true if it worked.
-// if the type is not known, guess it from the variant and set.
-// return false if conversion failed.
-static bool checkType(QVariant &var, QDBusType &type)
-    if (!type.isValid()) {
-        // guess it from the variant
-        type = QDBusType::guessFromVariant(var);
-        return type.isValid();
-    }
-    int id = var.userType(); 
-    if (type.dbusType() == DBUS_TYPE_VARIANT) {
-        // this is a non symmetrical operation:
-        // nest a QVariant if we want variant and it isn't so
-        if (id != QDBusTypeHelper<QVariant>::id()) {
-            QVariant tmp = var;
-            var = QDBusTypeHelper<QVariant>::toVariant(tmp);
-        }
-        return true;
-    }
-    switch (id) {
-    case QVariant::Bool:
-    case QMetaType::Short: 
-    case QMetaType::UShort:
-    case QMetaType::UChar:
-    case QVariant::Int:
-    case QVariant::UInt:
-    case QVariant::LongLong:
-    case QVariant::ULongLong:
-    case QVariant::Double:
-    case QVariant::String:
-        if (type.isBasic())
-            // QVariant can handle this on its own
-            return true;
-        // cannot handle this
-        qWarning("Invalid conversion from %s to '%s'", var.typeName(),
-                 type.dbusSignature().constData());
-        var.clear();
-        return false;
-    case QVariant::ByteArray:
-        // make sure it's an "ARRAY of BYTE"
-        if (type.qvariantType() != QVariant::ByteArray) {
-            qWarning("Invalid conversion from %s to '%s'", var.typeName(),
-                     type.dbusSignature().constData());
-            var.clear();
-            return false;
-        }
-        return true;
-    case QVariant::StringList:
-        // make sure it's "ARRAY of STRING"
-        if (type.qvariantType() != QVariant::StringList) {
-            qWarning("Invalid conversion from %s to '%s'", var.typeName(),
-                     type.dbusSignature().constData());
-            var.clear();
-            return false;
-        }
-        return true;
-    case QVariant::List:
-        // could be either struct or array
-        if (type.dbusType() != DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY && type.dbusType() != DBUS_TYPE_STRUCT) {
-            qWarning("Invalid conversion from %s to '%s'", var.typeName(),
-                     type.dbusSignature().constData());
-            var.clear();
-            return false;
-        }
-        return true;
-    case QVariant::Map:
-        if (!type.isMap()) {
-            qWarning("Invalid conversion from %s to '%s'", var.typeName(),
-                     type.dbusSignature().constData());
-            var.clear();
-            return false;
-        }
-        return true;
-    case QVariant::Invalid: {
-        // create an empty variant
-        void *null = 0;
-        var = QVariant(type.qvariantType(), null);
-        break;
-    }
-    default:
-        if (id == QDBusTypeHelper<QVariant>::id()) {
-            // if we got here, it means the match above for DBUS_TYPE_VARIANT didn't work
-            qWarning("Invalid conversion from nested variant to '%s'",
-                     type.dbusSignature().constData());
-            return false;
-        } else if (type.dbusType() == DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY) {
-            int subType = type.arrayElement().dbusType();
-            if ((id == QDBusTypeHelper<bool>::listId() && subType == DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN) ||
-                (id == QDBusTypeHelper<short>::listId() && subType == DBUS_TYPE_INT16) ||
-                (id == QDBusTypeHelper<ushort>::listId() && subType == DBUS_TYPE_UINT16) ||
-                (id == QDBusTypeHelper<int>::listId() && subType == DBUS_TYPE_INT32) ||
-                (id == QDBusTypeHelper<uint>::listId() && subType == DBUS_TYPE_UINT32) ||
-                (id == QDBusTypeHelper<qlonglong>::listId() && subType == DBUS_TYPE_INT64) ||
-                (id == QDBusTypeHelper<qulonglong>::listId() && subType == DBUS_TYPE_UINT64) ||
-                (id == QDBusTypeHelper<double>::listId() && subType == DBUS_TYPE_DOUBLE))
-                return true;
-        }
-        qWarning("Invalid conversion from %s to '%s'", var.typeName(),
-                 type.dbusSignature().constData());
-        return false;
-    }
-    qWarning("Found unknown QVariant type %d (%s) when converting to DBus", (int)var.type(),
-             var.typeName());
-    var.clear();
-    return false;
-static bool qVariantToIteratorInternal(DBusMessageIter *it, const QVariant &var,
-                                       const QDBusType &type);
-static bool qListToIterator(DBusMessageIter *it, const QList<QVariant> &list,
-                            const QDBusTypeList &typelist);
-template<typename T>
-static void qIterAppend(DBusMessageIter *it, const QDBusType &type, T arg)
-    dbus_message_iter_append_basic(it, type.dbusType(), &arg);
-template<typename DBusType, typename QtType>
-static void qAppendListToMessage(DBusMessageIter *it, const QDBusType &subType,
-                                 const QVariant &var)
-    QList<QtType> list = QDBusTypeHelper<QList<QtType> >::fromVariant(var);
-    foreach (const QtType &item, list)
-        qIterAppend(it, subType, static_cast<DBusType>(item));
-static bool qAppendArrayToMessage(DBusMessageIter *it, const QDBusType &subType,
-                                  const QVariant &var)
-    bool ok = false;
-    DBusMessageIter sub;
-    dbus_message_iter_open_container(it, DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY, subType.dbusSignature(), &sub);
-    switch (var.type())
-    {
-    case QVariant::StringList: {
-        const QStringList list = var.toStringList();
-        foreach (QString str, list)
-            qIterAppend(&sub, subType, str.toUtf8().constData());
-        ok = true;
-        break;
-    }
-    case QVariant::ByteArray: {
-       const QByteArray array = var.toByteArray();
-       const char* cdata = array.constData();
-       dbus_message_iter_append_fixed_array(&sub, DBUS_TYPE_BYTE, &cdata, array.length());
-        ok = true;
-        break;
-    }
-    case QVariant::Map: {
-        const QVariantMap map = var.toMap();
-        const QDBusTypeList& subTypes = subType.subTypes();
-        ok = true;
-        for (QMap<QString, QVariant>::const_iterator mit = map.constBegin();
-             ok && mit != map.constEnd(); ++mit) {
-            DBusMessageIter itemIterator;
-            dbus_message_iter_open_container(&sub, DBUS_TYPE_DICT_ENTRY, 0, &itemIterator);
-            // let the string be converted to QVariant
-            if (!qVariantToIteratorInternal(&itemIterator, mit.key(), subTypes[0]))
-                ok = false;
-            else if (!qVariantToIteratorInternal(&itemIterator, mit.value(), subTypes[1]))
-                ok = false;
-            dbus_message_iter_close_container(&sub, &itemIterator);
-        }
-        break;
-    }
-    case QVariant::List: {
-        const QVariantList list = var.toList();
-        ok = true;
-        foreach (QVariant v, list)
-            if (!qVariantToIteratorInternal(&sub, v, subType)) {
-                ok = false;
-                break;
-            }
-        break;        
-    }
-    default: {
-        int id = var.userType();
-        ok = true;
-        if (id == QDBusTypeHelper<bool>::listId())
-            qAppendListToMessage<dbus_bool_t,bool>(&sub, subType, var);
-        else if (id == QDBusTypeHelper<short>::listId())
-            qAppendListToMessage<dbus_int16_t,short>(&sub, subType, var);
-        else if (id == QDBusTypeHelper<ushort>::listId())
-            qAppendListToMessage<dbus_uint16_t,ushort>(&sub, subType, var);
-        else if (id == QDBusTypeHelper<int>::listId())
-            qAppendListToMessage<dbus_int32_t,int>(&sub, subType, var);
-        else if (id == QDBusTypeHelper<uint>::listId())
-            qAppendListToMessage<dbus_uint32_t,uint>(&sub, subType, var);
-        else if (id == QDBusTypeHelper<qlonglong>::listId())
-            qAppendListToMessage<dbus_int64_t,qlonglong>(&sub, subType, var);
-        else if (id == QDBusTypeHelper<qulonglong>::listId())
-            qAppendListToMessage<dbus_uint64_t,qulonglong>(&sub, subType, var);
-        else if (id == QDBusTypeHelper<double>::listId())
-            qAppendListToMessage<double,double>(&sub, subType, var);
-#if 0   // never reached, since QVariant::List mached
-        else if (id == QDBusTypeHelper<QVariant>::listId())
-            qAppendListToMessage<QVariant,QVariant>(&sub, subType, var);
-        else {
-            qFatal("qAppendArrayToMessage got unknown type!");
-            ok = false;
-        }
-        break;
-    }
-    }
-    dbus_message_iter_close_container(it, &sub);
-    return ok;
-static bool qAppendStructToMessage(DBusMessageIter *it, const QDBusTypeList &typeList,
-                                   const QVariantList &list)
-    DBusMessageIter sub;
-    dbus_message_iter_open_container(it, DBUS_TYPE_STRUCT, NULL, &sub);
-    bool ok = qListToIterator(&sub, list, typeList);
-    dbus_message_iter_close_container(it, &sub);
-    return ok;
-static bool qAppendVariantToMessage(DBusMessageIter *it, const QDBusType &type,
-                                    const QVariant &var)
-    Q_UNUSED(type);             // type is 'v'
-    QVariant arg = var;
-    if (var.userType() == QDBusTypeHelper<QVariant>::id())
-        arg = QDBusTypeHelper<QVariant>::fromVariant(var); // extract the inner variant
-    QDBusType t = QDBusType::guessFromVariant(arg);
-    if (!t.isValid())
-        return false;
-    // now add this variant
-    DBusMessageIter sub;
-    dbus_message_iter_open_container(it, DBUS_TYPE_VARIANT, t.dbusSignature(), &sub);
-    qVariantToIteratorInternal(&sub, arg, t);
-    dbus_message_iter_close_container(it, &sub);
-    return true;                // success
-static bool qVariantToIterator(DBusMessageIter *it, QVariant var, QDBusType type)
-    if (!var.isValid()) {
-        qWarning("QDBusMarshall: invalid QVariant entry found");
-        return false;
-    }
-    if (!checkType(var, type))
-        // warning has been printed
-        return false;           // type checking failed
-    return qVariantToIteratorInternal(it, var, type);
-static bool qVariantToIteratorInternal(DBusMessageIter *it, const QVariant &var,
-                                       const QDBusType &type)
-    switch (type.dbusType()) {
-    case DBUS_TYPE_BYTE:
-        qIterAppend( it, type, QDBusTypeHelper<uchar>::fromVariant(var) );
-        break;
-        qIterAppend( it, type, static_cast<dbus_bool_t>(var.toBool()) );
-        break;
-    case DBUS_TYPE_INT16:
-        qIterAppend( it, type, QDBusTypeHelper<short>::fromVariant(var) );
-        break;
-    case DBUS_TYPE_UINT16:
-        qIterAppend( it, type, QDBusTypeHelper<ushort>::fromVariant(var) );
-        break;
-    case DBUS_TYPE_INT32:
-        qIterAppend( it, type, static_cast<dbus_int32_t>(var.toInt()) );
-        break;
-    case DBUS_TYPE_UINT32:
-        qIterAppend( it, type, static_cast<dbus_uint32_t>(var.toUInt()) );
-        break;
-    case DBUS_TYPE_INT64:
-        qIterAppend( it, type, static_cast<dbus_int64_t>(var.toLongLong()) );
-        break;
-    case DBUS_TYPE_UINT64:
-        qIterAppend( it, type, static_cast<dbus_uint64_t>(var.toULongLong()) );
-        break;
-        qIterAppend( it, type, var.toDouble() );
-        break;
-        qIterAppend( it, type, var.toString().toUtf8().constData() );
-        break;
-    // compound types:
-    case DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY:
-        // could be many things
-        return qAppendArrayToMessage( it, type.arrayElement(), var );
-        return qAppendVariantToMessage( it, type, var );
-        return qAppendStructToMessage( it, type.subTypes(), var.toList() );
-        qFatal("qVariantToIterator got a DICT_ENTRY!");
-        return false;
-    default:
-        qWarning("Found unknown DBus type '%s'", type.dbusSignature().constData());
-        return false;
-    }
-    return true;
-bool qListToIterator(DBusMessageIter *it, const QList<QVariant> &list)
-    for (int i = 0; i < list.count(); ++i)
-        if (!qVariantToIterator(it, list.at(i), QDBusType()))
-            return false;
-    return true;
-bool qListToIterator(DBusMessageIter *it, const QList<QVariant> &list, const QDBusTypeList &types)
-    if (list.count() < types.count()) {
-        qWarning("QDBusMarshall: too few parameters");
-        return false;
-    }
-    for (int i = 0; i < types.count(); ++i)
-        if (!qVariantToIterator(it, list.at(i), types.at(i)))
-            return false;
-    return true;
-void QDBusMarshall::listToMessage(const QList<QVariant> &list, DBusMessage *msg,
-                                  const QString &signature)
-    Q_ASSERT(msg);
-    DBusMessageIter it;
-    dbus_message_iter_init_append(msg, &it);
-    if (signature.isEmpty())
-        (void) qListToIterator(&it, list);
-    else
-        (void) qListToIterator(&it, list, QDBusTypeList(signature.toUtf8()));
diff --git a/qt/src/qdbusmarshall_p.h b/qt/src/qdbusmarshall_p.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 7a2d46f..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-/* qdbusmarshall_p.h QDBusMarshall object
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2005 Harald Fernengel <harry@kdevelop.org>
- * Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
- *    Author: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@trolltech.com>
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- */
-//  W A R N I N G
-//  -------------
-// This file is not part of the public API.  This header file may
-// change from version to version without notice, or even be
-// removed.
-// We mean it.
-struct DBusMessage;
-template <typename T> class QList;
-class QVariant;
-class QString;
-    \internal
-class QDBusMarshall
-    static void listToMessage(const QList<QVariant> &list, DBusMessage *message,
-                              const QString& signature);
-    static void messageToList(QList<QVariant> &list, DBusMessage *message);
diff --git a/qt/src/qdbusmessage.cpp b/qt/src/qdbusmessage.cpp
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index ec24100..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,704 +0,0 @@
-/* qdbusmessage.cpp
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2005 Harald Fernengel <harry@kdevelop.org>
- * Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
- *    Author: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@trolltech.com>
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- */
-#include "qdbusmessage.h"
-#include <qdebug.h>
-#include <qstringlist.h>
-#include <dbus/dbus.h>
-#include "qdbuserror.h"
-#include "qdbusmarshall_p.h"
-#include "qdbusmessage_p.h"
-#include "qdbustypehelper_p.h"
-    : connection(QString()), msg(0), reply(0), type(DBUS_MESSAGE_TYPE_INVALID),
-      timeout(-1), ref(1), repliedTo(false)
-    if (msg)
-        dbus_message_unref(msg);
-    if (reply)
-        dbus_message_unref(reply);
-    \class QDBusMessage
-    \brief Represents one message sent or received over the DBus bus.
-    This object can represent any of four different types of messages possible on the bus
-    (see MessageType)
-    - Method calls
-    - Method return values
-    - Signal emissions
-    - Error codes
-    Objects of this type are created with the four static functions signal, methodCall,
-    methodReply and error.
-    \enum QDBusMessage::MessageType
-    The possible message types:
-    \value MethodCallMessage    a message representing an outgoing or incoming method call
-    \value SignalMessage        a message representing an outgoing or incoming signal emission
-    \value ReplyMessage         a message representing the return values of a method call
-    \value ErrorMessage         a message representing an error condition in response to a method call
-    \value InvalidMessage       an invalid message: this is never set on messages received from D-Bus
-    Constructs a new DBus message representing a signal emission. A DBus signal is emitted
-    from one application and is received by all applications that are listening for that signal
-    from that interface.
-    The signal will be constructed to represent a signal coming from the path \a path, interface \a
-    interface and signal name \a name.
-    The QDBusMessage object that is returned can be sent with QDBusConnection::send().
-QDBusMessage QDBusMessage::signal(const QString &path, const QString &interface,
-                                  const QString &name)
-    QDBusMessage message;
-    message.d_ptr->type = DBUS_MESSAGE_TYPE_SIGNAL;
-    message.d_ptr->path = path;
-    message.d_ptr->interface = interface;
-    message.d_ptr->name = name;
-    return message;
-    Constructs a new DBus message representing a method call. A method call always informs
-    its destination address (\a service, \a path, \a interface and \a method).
-    The DBus bus allows calling a method on a given remote object without specifying the
-    destination interface, if the method name is unique. However, if two interfaces on the
-    remote object export the same method name, the result is undefined (one of the two may be
-    called or an error may be returned).
-    When using DBus in a peer-to-peer context (i.e., not on a bus), the \a service parameter is
-    optional.
-    The QDBusObject and QDBusInterface classes provide a simpler abstraction to synchronous
-    method calling.
-    This function returns a QDBusMessage object that can be sent with QDBusConnection::send(),
-    QDBusConnection::sendWithReply(), or QDBusConnection::sendWithReplyAsync().
-QDBusMessage QDBusMessage::methodCall(const QString &service, const QString &path,
-                                      const QString &interface, const QString &method)
-    QDBusMessage message;
-    message.d_ptr->type = DBUS_MESSAGE_TYPE_METHOD_CALL;
-    message.d_ptr->service = service;
-    message.d_ptr->path = path;
-    message.d_ptr->interface = interface;
-    message.d_ptr->name = method;
-    return message;
-    Constructs a new DBus message representing the return values from a called method. The \a other
-    variable represents the method call that the reply will be for.
-    This function returns a QDBusMessage object that can be sent with QDBusConnection::send().
-QDBusMessage QDBusMessage::methodReply(const QDBusMessage &other)
-    Q_ASSERT(other.d_ptr->msg);
-    QDBusMessage message;
-    message.d_ptr->connection = other.d_ptr->connection;
-    message.d_ptr->type = DBUS_MESSAGE_TYPE_METHOD_RETURN;
-    message.d_ptr->reply = dbus_message_ref(other.d_ptr->msg);
-    other.d_ptr->repliedTo = true;
-    return message;
-    Constructs a DBus message representing an error condition described by the \a name
-    parameter. The \a msg parameter is optional and may contain a human-readable description of the
-    error. The \a other variable represents the method call that this error relates to.
-    This function returns a QDBusMessage object that can be sent with QDBusMessage::send().
-QDBusMessage QDBusMessage::error(const QDBusMessage &other, const QString &name,
-                                 const QString &msg)
-    Q_ASSERT(other.d_ptr->msg);
-    QDBusMessage message;
-    message.d_ptr->connection = other.d_ptr->connection;
-    message.d_ptr->type = DBUS_MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR;
-    message.d_ptr->name = name;
-    message.d_ptr->message = msg;
-    message.d_ptr->reply = dbus_message_ref(other.d_ptr->msg);
-    other.d_ptr->repliedTo = true;
-    return message;
-    \overload
-    Constructs a DBus message representing an error, where \a other is the method call that
-    generated this error and \a error is the error code.
-QDBusMessage QDBusMessage::error(const QDBusMessage &other, const QDBusError &error)
-    Q_ASSERT(other.d_ptr->msg);
-    QDBusMessage message;
-    message.d_ptr->connection = other.d_ptr->connection;
-    message.d_ptr->type = DBUS_MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR;
-    message.d_ptr->name = error.name();
-    message.d_ptr->message = error.message();
-    message.d_ptr->reply = dbus_message_ref(other.d_ptr->msg);
-    other.d_ptr->repliedTo = true;
-    return message;
-    Constructs an empty, invalid QDBusMessage object.
-    \sa methodCall(), methodReply(), signal(), error()
-    d_ptr = new QDBusMessagePrivate;
-    Constructs a copy of the object given by \a other.
-QDBusMessage::QDBusMessage(const QDBusMessage &other)
-    : QList<QVariant>(other)
-    d_ptr = other.d_ptr;
-    d_ptr->ref.ref();
-    Disposes of the object and frees any resources that were being held.
-    if (!d_ptr->ref.deref())
-        delete d_ptr;
-    Copies the contents of the object given by \a other.
-QDBusMessage &QDBusMessage::operator=(const QDBusMessage &other)
-    QList<QVariant>::operator=(other);
-    qAtomicAssign(d_ptr, other.d_ptr);
-    return *this;
-static inline const char *data(const QByteArray &arr)
-    return arr.isEmpty() ? 0 : arr.constData();
-    \internal
-    Constructs a DBusMessage object from this object. The returned value must be de-referenced
-    with dbus_message_unref.
-DBusMessage *QDBusMessage::toDBusMessage() const
-    DBusMessage *msg = 0;
-    switch (d_ptr->type) {
-        msg = dbus_message_new_method_call(data(d_ptr->service.toUtf8()), data(d_ptr->path.toUtf8()),
-                                           data(d_ptr->interface.toUtf8()), data(d_ptr->name.toUtf8()));
-        break;
-        msg = dbus_message_new_signal(data(d_ptr->path.toUtf8()), data(d_ptr->interface.toUtf8()),
-                                      data(d_ptr->name.toUtf8()));
-        break;
-        msg = dbus_message_new_method_return(d_ptr->reply);
-        break;
-        msg = dbus_message_new_error(d_ptr->reply, data(d_ptr->name.toUtf8()), data(d_ptr->message.toUtf8()));
-        break;
-    }
-    if (!msg)
-        return 0;
-    QDBusMarshall::listToMessage(*this, msg, d_ptr->signature);
-    return msg;
-    \internal
-    Constructs a QDBusMessage by parsing the given DBusMessage object.
-QDBusMessage QDBusMessage::fromDBusMessage(DBusMessage *dmsg, const QDBusConnection &connection)
-    QDBusMessage message;
-    if (!dmsg)
-        return message;
-    message.d_ptr->connection = connection;
-    message.d_ptr->type = dbus_message_get_type(dmsg);
-    message.d_ptr->path = QString::fromUtf8(dbus_message_get_path(dmsg));
-    message.d_ptr->interface = QString::fromUtf8(dbus_message_get_interface(dmsg));
-    message.d_ptr->name = message.d_ptr->type == DBUS_MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR ?
-                      QString::fromUtf8(dbus_message_get_error_name(dmsg)) :
-                      QString::fromUtf8(dbus_message_get_member(dmsg));
-    message.d_ptr->service = QString::fromUtf8(dbus_message_get_sender(dmsg));
-    message.d_ptr->signature = QString::fromUtf8(dbus_message_get_signature(dmsg));
-    message.d_ptr->msg = dbus_message_ref(dmsg);
-    QDBusMarshall::messageToList(message, dmsg);
-    return message;
-    Creates a QDBusMessage that represents the same error as the QDBusError object.
-QDBusMessage QDBusMessage::fromError(const QDBusError &error)
-    QDBusMessage message;
-    message.d_ptr->type = DBUS_MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR;
-    message.d_ptr->name = error.name();
-    message << error.message();
-    return message;
-    Returns the path of the object that this message is being sent to (in the case of a
-    method call) or being received from (for a signal).
-QString QDBusMessage::path() const
-    return d_ptr->path;
-    Returns the interface of the method being called (in the case of a method call) or of
-    the signal being received from.
-QString QDBusMessage::interface() const
-    return d_ptr->interface;
-    Returns the name of the signal that was emitted or the name of the error that was
-    received.
-    \sa member()
-QString QDBusMessage::name() const
-    return d_ptr->name;
-    \fn QDBusMessage::member() const
-    Returns the name of the method being called.
-    \fn QDBusMessage::method() const
-    \overload
-    Returns the name of the method being called.
-    Returns the name of the service or the bus address of the remote method call.
-QString QDBusMessage::service() const
-    return d_ptr->service;
-    \fn QDBusMessage::sender() const
-    Returns the unique name of the remote sender.
-    Returns the timeout (in milliseconds) for this message to be processed.
-int QDBusMessage::timeout() const
-    return d_ptr->timeout;
-    Sets the timeout for this message to be processed, given by \a ms, in milliseconds.
-void QDBusMessage::setTimeout(int ms)
-    qAtomicDetach(d_ptr);
-    d_ptr->timeout = ms;
-    Returns the flag that indicates if this message should see a reply or not. This is only
-    meaningful for MethodCall messages: any other kind of message cannot have replies and this
-    function will always return false for them.
-bool QDBusMessage::noReply() const
-    if (!d_ptr->msg)
-        return false;
-    return dbus_message_get_no_reply(d_ptr->msg);
-    Returns the unique serial number assigned to this message
-    or 0 if the message was not sent yet.
- */
-int QDBusMessage::serialNumber() const
-    if (!d_ptr->msg)
-        return 0;
-    return dbus_message_get_serial(d_ptr->msg);
-    Returns the unique serial number assigned to the message
-    that triggered this reply message.
-    If this message is not a reply to another message, 0
-    is returned.
- */
-int QDBusMessage::replySerialNumber() const
-    if (!d_ptr->msg)
-        return 0;
-    return dbus_message_get_reply_serial(d_ptr->msg);
-    Returns true if this is a MethodCall message and a reply for it has been generated using
-    QDBusMessage::methodReply or QDBusMessage::error.
-bool QDBusMessage::wasRepliedTo() const
-    return d_ptr->repliedTo;
-    Returns the signature of the signal that was received or for the output arguments
-    of a method call.
-QString QDBusMessage::signature() const
-    return d_ptr->signature;
-    Sets the signature for the output arguments of this method call to be the value of \a
-    sig. This function has no meaning in other types of messages or when dealing with received
-    method calls.
-    A message's signature indicate the type of the parameters to
-    be marshalled over the bus. If there are more arguments than entries in the signature, the
-    tailing arguments will be silently dropped and not sent. If there are less arguments,
-    default values will be inserted (default values are those created by QVariant::convert
-    when a variant of type QVariant::Invalid is converted to the type).
-void QDBusMessage::setSignature(const QString &sig)
-    qAtomicDetach(d_ptr);
-    d_ptr->signature = sig;
-    Returns the connection this message was received on or an unconnected QDBusConnection object if
-    this isn't a message that has been received.
-QDBusConnection QDBusMessage::connection() const
-    return d_ptr->connection;
-    Returns the message type.
-QDBusMessage::MessageType QDBusMessage::type() const
-    switch (d_ptr->type) {
-        return MethodCallMessage;
-        return ReplyMessage;
-        return ErrorMessage;
-        return SignalMessage;
-    default:
-        return InvalidMessage;
-    }
-// Document QDBusReply here
-    \class QDBusReply
-    \brief The reply for a method call to a remote object.
-    A QDBusReply object is a subset of the QDBusMessage object that represents a method call's
-    reply. It contains only the first output argument or the error code and is used by
-    QDBusInterface-derived classes to allow returning the error code as the function's return
-    argument.
-    It can be used in the following manner:
-    \code
-        QDBusReply<QString> reply = interface->call("RemoteMethod");
-        if (reply.isSuccess())
-            // use the returned value
-            useValue(reply.value());
-        else
-            // call failed. Show an error condition.
-            showError(reply.error());
-    \endcode
-    If the remote method call cannot fail, you can skip the error checking:
-    \code
-        QString reply = interface->call("RemoteMethod");
-    \endcode
-    However, if it does fail under those conditions, the value returned by QDBusReply::value() is
-    undefined. It may be undistinguishable from a valid return value.
-    QDBusReply objects are used for remote calls that have no output arguments or return values
-    (i.e., they have a "void" return type). In this case, you can only test if the reply succeeded
-    or not, by calling isError() and isSuccess(), and inspecting the error condition by calling
-    error(). You cannot call value().
-    \sa QDBusMessage, QDBusInterface
-    \fn QDBusReply::QDBusReply(const QDBusMessage &reply)
-    Automatically construct a QDBusReply object from the reply message \a reply, extracting the
-    first return value from it if it is a success reply.
-    \fn QDBusReply::QDBusReply(const QDBusError &error)
-    Constructs an error reply from the D-Bus error code given by \a error.
-    \fn QDBusReply::isError() const
-    Returns true if this reply is an error reply. You can extract the error contents using the
-    error() function.
-    \fn QDBusReply::isSuccess() const
-    Returns true if this reply is a normal error reply (not an error). You can extract the returned
-    value with value()
-    \fn QDBusReply::error()
-    Returns the error code that was returned from the remote function call. If the remote call did
-    not return an error (i.e., if it succeeded), then the QDBusError object that is returned will
-    not be a valid error code (QDBusError::isValid() will return false).
-    \fn QDBusReply::value()
-    Returns the remote function's calls return value. If the remote call returned with an error,
-    the return value of this function is undefined and may be undistinguishable from a valid return
-    value.
-    This function is not available if the remote call returns \c void.
-    \fn QDBusReply::operator Type()
-    Returns the same as value().
-    This function is not available if the remote call returns \c void.
-    \internal
-    \fn QDBusReply::fromVariant(const QDBusReply<QVariant> &variantReply)
-    Converts the QDBusReply<QVariant> object to this type by converting the variant contained in
-    \a variantReply to the template's type and copying the error condition.
-    If the QVariant in variantReply is not convertible to this type, it will assume an undefined
-    value.
-QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, QDBusMessage::MessageType t)
-    switch (t)
-    {
-    case QDBusMessage::MethodCallMessage:
-        return dbg << "MethodCall";        
-    case QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage:
-        return dbg << "MethodReturn";
-    case QDBusMessage::SignalMessage:
-        return dbg << "Signal";
-    case QDBusMessage::ErrorMessage:
-        return dbg << "Error";
-    default:
-        return dbg << "Invalid";
-    }
-static void debugVariantList(QDebug dbg, const QVariantList &list);
-static void debugVariantMap(QDebug dbg, const QVariantMap &map);
-static void debugVariant(QDebug dbg, const QVariant &v)
-    dbg.nospace() << v.typeName() << "(";
-    switch (v.userType())
-    {
-    case QVariant::Bool:
-        dbg.nospace() << v.toBool();
-        break;
-    case QMetaType::UChar:
-        dbg.nospace() << qvariant_cast<uchar>(v);
-        break;
-    case QMetaType::Short:
-        dbg.nospace() << qvariant_cast<short>(v);
-        break;
-    case QMetaType::UShort:
-        dbg.nospace() << qvariant_cast<ushort>(v);
-        break;
-    case QVariant::Int:
-        dbg.nospace() << v.toInt();
-        break;
-    case QVariant::UInt:
-        dbg.nospace() << v.toUInt();
-        break;
-    case QVariant::LongLong:
-        dbg.nospace() << v.toLongLong();
-        break;
-    case QVariant::ULongLong:
-        dbg.nospace() << v.toULongLong();
-        break;
-    case QVariant::Double:
-        dbg.nospace() << v.toDouble();
-        break;
-    case QVariant::String:
-        dbg.nospace() << v.toString();
-        break;
-    case QVariant::ByteArray:
-        dbg.nospace() << v.toByteArray();
-        break;
-    case QVariant::StringList:
-        dbg.nospace() << v.toStringList();
-        break;
-    case QVariant::List:
-        debugVariantList(dbg, v.toList());
-        break;
-    case QVariant::Map:
-        debugVariantMap(dbg, v.toMap());
-        break;
-    default: {
-        int id = v.userType();
-        if (id == QDBusTypeHelper<QVariant>::id())
-            debugVariant(dbg, QDBusTypeHelper<QVariant>::fromVariant(v));
-        else if (id == QDBusTypeHelper<bool>::listId())
-            dbg.nospace() << QDBusTypeHelper<QList<bool> >::fromVariant(v);
-        else if (id == QDBusTypeHelper<short>::listId())
-            dbg.nospace() << QDBusTypeHelper<QList<short> >::fromVariant(v);
-        else if (id == QDBusTypeHelper<ushort>::listId())
-            dbg.nospace() << QDBusTypeHelper<QList<ushort> >::fromVariant(v);
-        else if (id == QDBusTypeHelper<int>::listId())
-            dbg.nospace() << QDBusTypeHelper<QList<int> >::fromVariant(v);
-        else if (id == QDBusTypeHelper<uint>::listId())
-            dbg.nospace() << QDBusTypeHelper<QList<uint> >::fromVariant(v);
-        else if (id == QDBusTypeHelper<qlonglong>::listId())
-            dbg.nospace() << QDBusTypeHelper<QList<qlonglong> >::fromVariant(v);
-        else if (id == QDBusTypeHelper<qulonglong>::listId())
-            dbg.nospace() << QDBusTypeHelper<QList<qulonglong> >::fromVariant(v);
-        else if (id == QDBusTypeHelper<double>::listId())
-            dbg.nospace() << QDBusTypeHelper<QList<double> >::fromVariant(v);
-        else
-            dbg.nospace() << "unknown";
-    }
-    }
-    dbg.nospace() << ")";
-static void debugVariantList(QDebug dbg, const QVariantList &list)
-    bool first = true;
-    QVariantList::ConstIterator it = list.constBegin();
-    QVariantList::ConstIterator end = list.constEnd();
-    for ( ; it != end; ++it) {
-        if (!first)
-            dbg.nospace() << ", ";
-        debugVariant(dbg, *it);
-        first = false;
-    }
-static void debugVariantMap(QDebug dbg, const QVariantMap &map)
-    QVariantMap::ConstIterator it = map.constBegin();
-    QVariantMap::ConstIterator end = map.constEnd();
-    for ( ; it != end; ++it) {
-        dbg << "(" << it.key() << ", ";
-        debugVariant(dbg, it.value());
-        dbg << ") ";
-    }
-QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const QDBusMessage &msg)
-    dbg.nospace() << "QDBusMessage(type=" << msg.type()
-                  << ", service=" << msg.service()
-                  << ", path=" << msg.path()
-                  << ", interface=" << msg.interface()
-                  << ", name=" << msg.name()
-                  << ", signature=" << msg.signature()
-                  << ", contents=(";
-    debugVariantList(dbg, msg);
-    dbg.nospace() << " ) )";
-    return dbg.space();
diff --git a/qt/src/qdbusmessage.h b/qt/src/qdbusmessage.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index a36d398..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-/* qdbusmessage.h QDBusMessage object
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2005 Harald Fernengel <harry@kdevelop.org>
- * Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
- *    Author: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@trolltech.com>
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- */
-#include "qdbusmacros.h"
-#include "qdbuserror.h"
-#include <QtCore/qlist.h>
-#include <QtCore/qvariant.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-class QDBusMessagePrivate;
-class QDBusConnection;
-class QDBusConnectionPrivate;
-struct DBusMessage;
-class QDBUS_EXPORT QDBusMessage: public QList<QVariant>
-    //friend class QDBusConnection;
-    friend class QDBusConnectionPrivate;
-    enum { DefaultTimeout = -1, NoTimeout = INT_MAX};
-    enum MessageType { InvalidMessage, MethodCallMessage, ReplyMessage,
-                       ErrorMessage, SignalMessage };
-    QDBusMessage();
-    QDBusMessage(const QDBusMessage &other);
-    ~QDBusMessage();
-    QDBusMessage &operator=(const QDBusMessage &other);
-    static QDBusMessage signal(const QString &path, const QString &interface,
-                               const QString &name);
-    static QDBusMessage methodCall(const QString &destination, const QString &path,
-                                   const QString &interface, const QString &method);
-    static QDBusMessage methodReply(const QDBusMessage &other);
-    static QDBusMessage error(const QDBusMessage &other, const QString &name,
-                              const QString &message = QString());
-    static QDBusMessage error(const QDBusMessage &other, const QDBusError &error);
-    QString path() const;
-    QString interface() const;
-    QString name() const;
-    inline QString member() const { return name(); }
-    inline QString method() const { return name(); }
-    QString service() const;
-    inline QString sender() const { return service(); }
-    MessageType type() const;
-    int timeout() const;
-    void setTimeout(int ms);
-    bool noReply() const;
-    QString signature() const;
-    void setSignature(const QString &signature);
-    QDBusConnection connection() const;
-    int serialNumber() const;
-    int replySerialNumber() const;
-    bool wasRepliedTo() const;
-    DBusMessage *toDBusMessage() const;
-    static QDBusMessage fromDBusMessage(DBusMessage *dmsg, const QDBusConnection &connection);
-    static QDBusMessage fromError(const QDBusError& error);
-    QDBusMessagePrivate *d_ptr;
-QDebug operator<<(QDebug, const QDBusMessage &);
diff --git a/qt/src/qdbusmessage_p.h b/qt/src/qdbusmessage_p.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index ea958b2..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-/* qdbusmessage.h QDBusMessage private object
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2005 Harald Fernengel <harry@kdevelop.org>
- * Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
- *    Author: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@trolltech.com>
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- */
-#include <qatomic.h>
-#include <qstring.h>
-#include "qdbusconnection.h"
-struct DBusMessage;
-class QDBusMessagePrivate
-    QDBusMessagePrivate();
-    ~QDBusMessagePrivate();
-    QString service, path, interface, name, message, signature;
-    QDBusConnection connection;
-    DBusMessage *msg;
-    DBusMessage *reply;
-    int type;
-    int timeout;
-    QAtomic ref;
-    mutable bool repliedTo : 1;
diff --git a/qt/src/qdbusmetaobject.cpp b/qt/src/qdbusmetaobject.cpp
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 60675d5..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,689 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*-
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
- *    Author: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@trolltech.com>
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- */
-#include "qdbusmetaobject_p.h"
-#include <QtCore/qbytearray.h>
-#include <QtCore/qhash.h>
-#include <QtCore/qstring.h>
-#include <QtCore/qvarlengtharray.h>
-#include "qdbusutil.h"
-#include "qdbuserror.h"
-#include "qdbusintrospection_p.h"
-#include "qdbusabstractinterface_p.h"
-class QDBusMetaObjectGenerator
-    QDBusMetaObjectGenerator(const QString &interface,
-                             const QDBusIntrospection::Interface *parsedData);
-    void write(QDBusMetaObject *obj);
-    void writeWithoutXml(QDBusMetaObject *obj);
-    struct Method {
-        QByteArray parameters;
-        QByteArray typeName;
-        QByteArray tag;
-        QByteArray inputSignature;
-        QByteArray outputSignature;
-        QVarLengthArray<int, 4> inputTypes;
-        QVarLengthArray<int, 4> outputTypes;
-        int flags;
-    };
-    struct Property {
-        QByteArray typeName;
-        QByteArray signature;
-        int type;
-        int flags;
-    };
-    enum PropertyFlags  {
-        Invalid = 0x00000000,
-        Readable = 0x00000001,
-        Writable = 0x00000002,
-        Resettable = 0x00000004,
-        EnumOrFlag = 0x00000008,
-        StdCppSet = 0x00000100,
-  //    Override = 0x00000200,
-        Designable = 0x00001000,
-        ResolveDesignable = 0x00002000,
-        Scriptable = 0x00004000,
-        ResolveScriptable = 0x00008000,
-        Stored = 0x00010000,
-        ResolveStored = 0x00020000,
-        Editable = 0x00040000,
-        ResolveEditable = 0x00080000,
-        User = 0x00100000,
-        ResolveUser = 0x00200000
-    };
-    enum MethodFlags  {
-        AccessPrivate = 0x00,
-        AccessProtected = 0x01,
-        AccessPublic = 0x02,
-        AccessMask = 0x03, //mask
-        MethodMethod = 0x00,
-        MethodSignal = 0x04,
-        MethodSlot = 0x08,
-        MethodTypeMask = 0x0c,
-        MethodCompatibility = 0x10,
-        MethodCloned = 0x20,
-        MethodScriptable = 0x40
-    };
-    QMap<QByteArray, Method> methods;
-    QMap<QByteArray, Property> properties;
-    const QDBusIntrospection::Interface *data;
-    QString interface;
-    void parseMethods();
-    void parseSignals();
-    void parseProperties();
-static const int intsPerProperty = 2;
-static const int intsPerMethod = 4;
-// ### from kernel/qmetaobject.cpp (Qt 4.1.2):
-struct QDBusMetaObjectPrivate
-    int revision;
-    int className;
-    int classInfoCount, classInfoData;
-    int methodCount, methodData;
-    int propertyCount, propertyData;
-    int enumeratorCount, enumeratorData;
-    // this is specific for QDBusMetaObject:
-    int propertyDBusData;
-    int methodDBusData;
-QDBusMetaObjectGenerator::QDBusMetaObjectGenerator(const QString &interfaceName,
-                                                   const QDBusIntrospection::Interface *parsedData)
-    : data(parsedData), interface(interfaceName)
-    if (data) {
-        parseProperties();
-        parseSignals();             // call parseSignals first so that slots override signals
-        parseMethods();
-    }
-void QDBusMetaObjectGenerator::parseMethods()
-    foreach (const QDBusIntrospection::Method &m, data->methods) {
-        Method mm;
-        QByteArray prototype = m.name.toLatin1();
-        prototype += '(';
-        bool ok = true;
-        // build the input argument list
-        foreach (const QDBusIntrospection::Argument &arg, m.inputArgs) {
-            int typeId = QDBusUtil::signatureToType(arg.type);
-            if (typeId == QVariant::Invalid) {
-                ok = false;
-                break;
-            }
-            mm.inputSignature += arg.type.toLatin1();
-            mm.inputTypes.append(typeId);
-            mm.parameters.append(arg.name.toLatin1());
-            mm.parameters.append(',');
-            prototype.append( QVariant::typeToName( QVariant::Type(typeId) ) );
-            prototype.append(',');
-        }
-        if (!ok) continue;
-        // build the output argument list:
-        for (int i = 0; i < m.outputArgs.count(); ++i) {
-            const QDBusIntrospection::Argument &arg = m.outputArgs.at(i);
-            int typeId = QDBusUtil::signatureToType(arg.type);
-            if (typeId == QVariant::Invalid) {
-                ok = false;
-                break;
-            }
-            mm.outputSignature += arg.type.toLatin1();
-            mm.outputTypes.append(typeId);
-            if (i == 0) {
-                // return value
-                mm.typeName = QVariant::typeToName( QVariant::Type(typeId) );
-            } else {
-                // non-const ref parameter
-                mm.parameters.append(arg.name.toLatin1());
-                mm.parameters.append(',');
-                prototype.append( QVariant::typeToName( QVariant::Type(typeId) ) );
-                prototype.append("&,");
-            }
-        }
-        if (!ok) continue;
-        // convert the last commas:
-        if (!mm.parameters.isEmpty()) {
-            mm.parameters.truncate(mm.parameters.length() - 1);
-            prototype[prototype.length() - 1] = ')';
-        } else {
-            prototype.append(')');
-        }
-        // check the async tag
-        if (m.annotations.value(QLatin1String(ANNOTATION_NO_WAIT)) == QLatin1String("true"))
-            mm.tag = "Q_ASYNC";
-        // meta method flags
-        mm.flags = AccessPublic | MethodSlot | MethodScriptable;
-        // add
-        methods.insert(QMetaObject::normalizedSignature(prototype), mm);
-    }
-void QDBusMetaObjectGenerator::parseSignals()
-    foreach (const QDBusIntrospection::Signal &s, data->signals_) {
-        Method mm;
-        QByteArray prototype = s.name.toLatin1();
-        prototype += '(';
-        bool ok = true;
-        // build the output argument list
-        foreach (const QDBusIntrospection::Argument &arg, s.outputArgs) {
-            int typeId = QDBusUtil::signatureToType(arg.type);
-            if (typeId == QVariant::Invalid) {
-                ok = false;
-                break;
-            }
-            mm.inputSignature += arg.type.toLatin1();
-            mm.inputTypes.append(typeId);
-            mm.parameters.append(arg.name.toLatin1());
-            mm.parameters.append(',');
-            prototype.append( QVariant::typeToName( QVariant::Type(typeId) ) );
-            prototype.append(',');
-        }
-        if (!ok) continue;
-        // convert the last commas:
-        if (!mm.parameters.isEmpty()) {
-            mm.parameters.truncate(mm.parameters.length() - 1);
-            prototype[prototype.length() - 1] = ')';
-        } else {
-            prototype.append(')');
-        }
-        // meta method flags
-        mm.flags = AccessProtected | MethodSignal | MethodScriptable;
-        // add
-        methods.insert(QMetaObject::normalizedSignature(prototype), mm);
-    }
-void QDBusMetaObjectGenerator::parseProperties()
-    foreach (const QDBusIntrospection::Property &p, data->properties) {
-        Property mp;
-        mp.type = QDBusUtil::signatureToType(p.type);
-        if (mp.type == QVariant::Invalid)
-            continue;
-        QByteArray name = p.name.toLatin1();
-        mp.signature = p.type.toLatin1();
-        mp.typeName = QVariant::typeToName( QVariant::Type(mp.type) );
-        // build the flags:
-        mp.flags = StdCppSet | Scriptable | Stored;
-        if (p.access != QDBusIntrospection::Property::Write)
-            mp.flags |= Readable;
-        if (p.access != QDBusIntrospection::Property::Read)
-            mp.flags |= Writable;
-        if (mp.typeName == "QVariant")
-            mp.flags |= 0xff << 24;
-        else if (mp.type < 0xff)
-            // encode the type in the flags
-            mp.flags |= mp.type << 24;
-        // add the property:
-        properties.insert(name, mp);
-    }
-void QDBusMetaObjectGenerator::write(QDBusMetaObject *obj)
-    // this code here is mostly copied from qaxbase.cpp
-    // with a few modifications to make it cleaner
-    QString className = interface;
-    className.replace(QLatin1Char('.'), QLatin1String("::"));
-    if (className.isEmpty())
-        className = QLatin1String("QDBusInterface");
-    QVarLengthArray<int> idata;
-    idata.resize(sizeof(QDBusMetaObjectPrivate) / sizeof(int));
-    QDBusMetaObjectPrivate *header = reinterpret_cast<QDBusMetaObjectPrivate *>(idata.data());
-    header->revision = 1;
-    header->className = 0;
-    header->classInfoCount = 0;
-    header->classInfoData = 0;
-    header->methodCount = methods.count();
-    header->methodData = idata.size();
-    header->propertyCount = properties.count();
-    header->propertyData = header->methodData + header->methodCount * 5;
-    header->enumeratorCount = 0;
-    header->enumeratorData = 0;
-    header->propertyDBusData = header->propertyData + header->propertyCount * 3;
-    header->methodDBusData = header->propertyDBusData + header->propertyCount * intsPerProperty;
-    int data_size = idata.size() +
-                    (header->methodCount * (5+intsPerMethod)) +
-                    (header->propertyCount * (3+intsPerProperty));
-    foreach (const Method &mm, methods)
-        data_size += 2 + mm.inputTypes.count() + mm.outputTypes.count();
-    idata.resize(data_size + 1);
-    char null('\0');
-    QByteArray stringdata = className.toLatin1();
-    stringdata += null;
-    stringdata.reserve(8192);
-    int offset = header->methodData;
-    int signatureOffset = header->methodDBusData;
-    int typeidOffset = header->methodDBusData + header->methodCount * intsPerMethod;
-    idata[typeidOffset++] = 0;                           // eod
-    // add each method:
-    for (QMap<QByteArray, Method>::ConstIterator it = methods.constBegin();
-         it != methods.constEnd(); ++it) {
-        // form "prototype\0parameters\0typeName\0tag\0inputSignature\0outputSignature"
-        const Method &mm = it.value();
-        idata[offset++] = stringdata.length();
-        stringdata += it.key();                 // prototype
-        stringdata += null;
-        idata[offset++] = stringdata.length();
-        stringdata += mm.parameters;
-        stringdata += null;
-        idata[offset++] = stringdata.length();
-        stringdata += mm.typeName;
-        stringdata += null;
-        idata[offset++] = stringdata.length();
-        stringdata += mm.tag;
-        stringdata += null;
-        idata[offset++] = mm.flags;
-        idata[signatureOffset++] = stringdata.length();
-        stringdata += mm.inputSignature;
-        stringdata += null;
-        idata[signatureOffset++] = stringdata.length();
-        stringdata += mm.outputSignature;
-        stringdata += null;
-        idata[signatureOffset++] = typeidOffset;
-        idata[typeidOffset++] = mm.inputTypes.count();
-        memcpy(idata.data() + typeidOffset, mm.inputTypes.data(), mm.inputTypes.count() * sizeof(int));
-        typeidOffset += mm.inputTypes.count();
-        idata[signatureOffset++] = typeidOffset;
-        idata[typeidOffset++] = mm.outputTypes.count();
-        memcpy(idata.data() + typeidOffset, mm.outputTypes.data(), mm.outputTypes.count() * sizeof(int));
-        typeidOffset += mm.outputTypes.count();
-    }
-    Q_ASSERT(offset == header->propertyData);
-    Q_ASSERT(signatureOffset == header->methodDBusData + header->methodCount * intsPerMethod);
-    Q_ASSERT(typeidOffset == idata.size());
-    // add each property
-    signatureOffset = header->propertyDBusData;
-    for (QMap<QByteArray, Property>::ConstIterator it = properties.constBegin();
-         it != properties.constEnd(); ++it) {
-        const Property &mp = it.value();
-        // form is "name\0typeName\0signature\0"
-        idata[offset++] = stringdata.length();
-        stringdata += it.key();                 // name
-        stringdata += null;
-        idata[offset++] = stringdata.length();
-        stringdata += mp.typeName;
-        stringdata += null;
-        idata[offset++] = mp.flags;
-        idata[signatureOffset++] = stringdata.length();
-        stringdata += mp.signature;
-        stringdata += null;
-        idata[signatureOffset++] = mp.type;
-    }
-    Q_ASSERT(offset == header->propertyDBusData);
-    Q_ASSERT(signatureOffset == header->methodDBusData);
-    char *string_data = new char[stringdata.length()];
-    memcpy(string_data, stringdata, stringdata.length());
-    uint *uint_data = new uint[idata.size()];
-    memcpy(uint_data, idata.data(), idata.size() * sizeof(int));
-    // put the metaobject together
-    obj->d.data = uint_data;
-    obj->d.extradata = 0;
-    obj->d.stringdata = string_data;
-    obj->d.superdata = &QDBusAbstractInterface::staticMetaObject;
-#if 0
-void QDBusMetaObjectGenerator::writeWithoutXml(const QString &interface)
-    // no XML definition
-    QString tmp(interface);
-    tmp.replace(QLatin1Char('.'), QLatin1String("::"));
-    QByteArray name(tmp.toLatin1());
-    QDBusMetaObjectPrivate *header = new QDBusMetaObjectPrivate;
-    memset(header, 0, sizeof *header);
-    header->revision = 1;
-    // leave the rest with 0
-    char *stringdata = new char[name.length() + 1];
-    stringdata[name.length()] = '\0';
-    d.data = reinterpret_cast<uint*>(header);
-    d.extradata = 0;
-    d.stringdata = stringdata;
-    d.superdata = &QDBusAbstractInterface::staticMetaObject;
-    cached = false;
-// class QDBusMetaObject
-QDBusMetaObject *QDBusMetaObject::createMetaObject(const QString &interface, const QString &xml,
-                                                   QHash<QString, QDBusMetaObject *> &cache,
-                                                   QDBusError &error)
-    error = QDBusError();
-    QDBusIntrospection::Interfaces parsed = QDBusIntrospection::parseInterfaces(xml);
-    QDBusMetaObject *we = 0;
-    QDBusIntrospection::Interfaces::ConstIterator it = parsed.constBegin();
-    QDBusIntrospection::Interfaces::ConstIterator end = parsed.constEnd();
-    for ( ; it != end; ++it) {
-        // check if it's in the cache
-        QDBusMetaObject *obj = cache.value(it.key(), 0);
-        if (!obj) {
-            // not in cache; create
-            obj = new QDBusMetaObject;
-            QDBusMetaObjectGenerator generator(it.key(), it.value().constData());
-            generator.write(obj);
-            if ( (obj->cached = !it.key().startsWith( QLatin1String("local.") )) )
-                // cache it
-                cache.insert(it.key(), obj);
-        }
-        if (it.key() == interface)
-            // it's us
-            we = obj;
-    }
-    if (we)
-        return we;
-    // still nothing?
-    if (parsed.isEmpty()) {
-        // object didn't return introspection
-        we = new QDBusMetaObject;
-        QDBusMetaObjectGenerator generator(interface, 0);
-        generator.write(we);
-        we->cached = false;
-        return we;
-    } else if (interface.isEmpty()) {
-        // merge all interfaces
-        it = parsed.constBegin();
-        QDBusIntrospection::Interface merged = *it.value().constData();
-        for (++it; it != end; ++it) {
-            merged.annotations.unite(it.value()->annotations);
-            merged.methods.unite(it.value()->methods);
-            merged.signals_.unite(it.value()->signals_);
-            merged.properties.unite(it.value()->properties);
-        }
-        merged.name = QLatin1String("local.Merged");
-        merged.introspection.clear();
-        we = new QDBusMetaObject;
-        QDBusMetaObjectGenerator generator(merged.name, &merged);
-        generator.write(we);
-        we->cached = false;
-        return we;
-    }
-    // mark as an error
-    error = QDBusError(QDBusError::UnknownInterface,
-                       QString( QLatin1String("Interface '%1' was not found") )
-                       .arg(interface));
-    return 0;
-inline const QDBusMetaObjectPrivate *priv(const uint* data)
-    return reinterpret_cast<const QDBusMetaObjectPrivate *>(data);
-const char *QDBusMetaObject::dbusNameForMethod(int id) const
-    //id -= methodOffset();
-    if (id >= 0 && id < priv(d.data)->methodCount) {
-        int handle = priv(d.data)->methodDBusData + id*intsPerMethod;
-        return d.stringdata + d.data[handle];
-    }
-    return 0;
-const char *QDBusMetaObject::inputSignatureForMethod(int id) const
-    //id -= methodOffset();
-    if (id >= 0 && id < priv(d.data)->methodCount) {
-        int handle = priv(d.data)->methodDBusData + id*intsPerMethod;
-        return d.stringdata + d.data[handle + 1];
-    }
-    return 0;
-const char *QDBusMetaObject::outputSignatureForMethod(int id) const
-    //id -= methodOffset();
-    if (id >= 0 && id < priv(d.data)->methodCount) {
-        int handle = priv(d.data)->methodDBusData + id*intsPerMethod;
-        return d.stringdata + d.data[handle + 2];
-    }
-    return 0;
-const int *QDBusMetaObject::inputTypesForMethod(int id) const
-    //id -= methodOffset();
-    if (id >= 0 && id < priv(d.data)->methodCount) {
-        int handle = priv(d.data)->methodDBusData + id*intsPerMethod;
-        return reinterpret_cast<const int*>(d.data + d.data[handle + 3]);
-    }
-    return 0;
-const int *QDBusMetaObject::outputTypesForMethod(int id) const
-    //id -= methodOffset();
-    if (id >= 0 && id < priv(d.data)->methodCount) {
-        int handle = priv(d.data)->methodDBusData + id*intsPerMethod;
-        return reinterpret_cast<const int*>(d.data + d.data[handle + 4]);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int QDBusMetaObject::propertyMetaType(int id) const
-    //id -= propertyOffset();
-    if (id >= 0 && id < priv(d.data)->propertyCount) {
-        int handle = priv(d.data)->propertyDBusData + id*intsPerProperty;
-        return d.data[handle + 1];
-    }
-    return 0;
-template<typename T>
-static inline void assign_helper(void *ptr, const QVariant &value)
-    *reinterpret_cast<T *>(ptr) = qvariant_cast<T>(value);
-void QDBusMetaObject::assign(void *ptr, const QVariant &value)
-    switch (value.userType())
-    {
-    case QVariant::Bool:
-        assign_helper<bool>(ptr, value);
-        return;
-    case QMetaType::UChar:
-        assign_helper<uchar>(ptr, value);
-        return;
-    case QMetaType::Short:
-        assign_helper<short>(ptr, value);
-        return;
-    case QMetaType::UShort:
-        assign_helper<ushort>(ptr, value);
-        return;
-    case QVariant::Int:
-        assign_helper<int>(ptr, value);
-        return;
-    case QVariant::UInt:
-        assign_helper<uint>(ptr, value);
-        return;
-    case QVariant::LongLong:
-        assign_helper<qlonglong>(ptr, value);
-        return;
-    case QVariant::ULongLong:
-        assign_helper<qulonglong>(ptr, value);
-        return;
-    case QVariant::Double:
-        assign_helper<double>(ptr, value);
-        return;
-    case QVariant::String:
-        assign_helper<QString>(ptr, value);
-        return;
-    case QVariant::ByteArray:
-        assign_helper<QByteArray>(ptr, value);
-        return;
-    case QVariant::List:
-        assign_helper<QVariantList>(ptr, value);
-        return;
-    case QVariant::Map:
-        assign_helper<QVariantMap>(ptr, value);
-        return;
-    default:
-        ;    
-    }
-bool QDBusMetaTypeId::initialized = false;
-int QDBusMetaTypeId::variant = 0;
-int QDBusMetaTypeId::boollist = 0;
-int QDBusMetaTypeId::shortlist = 0;
-int QDBusMetaTypeId::ushortlist = 0;
-int QDBusMetaTypeId::intlist = 0;
-int QDBusMetaTypeId::uintlist = 0;
-int QDBusMetaTypeId::longlonglist = 0;
-int QDBusMetaTypeId::ulonglonglist = 0;
-int QDBusMetaTypeId::doublelist = 0;
-bool QDBusMetaTypeId::innerInitialize()
-    variant = qRegisterMetaType<QVariant>("QVariant");
-    boollist = qRegisterMetaType<QList<bool> >("QList<bool>");
-    shortlist = qRegisterMetaType<QList<short> >("QList<short>");
-    ushortlist = qRegisterMetaType<QList<ushort> >("QList<ushort>");
-    intlist = qRegisterMetaType<QList<int> >("QList<int>");
-    uintlist = qRegisterMetaType<QList<uint> >("QList<uint>");
-    longlonglist = qRegisterMetaType<QList<qlonglong> >("QList<qlonglong>");
-    ulonglonglist = qRegisterMetaType<QList<qulonglong> >("QList<qulonglong>");
-    doublelist = qRegisterMetaType<QList<double> >("QList<double>");
-    initialized = true;
-    return true;
-int qDBusMetaTypeId(QVariant *)
-{ QDBusMetaTypeId::initialize(); return QDBusMetaTypeId::variant; }
-int qDBusMetaTypeId(QList<bool> *)
-{ QDBusMetaTypeId::initialize(); return QDBusMetaTypeId::boollist; }
-int qDBusMetaTypeId(QList<short> *)
-{ QDBusMetaTypeId::initialize(); return QDBusMetaTypeId::shortlist; }
-int qDBusMetaTypeId(QList<ushort> *)
-{ QDBusMetaTypeId::initialize(); return QDBusMetaTypeId::ushortlist; }
-int qDBusMetaTypeId(QList<int> *)
-{ QDBusMetaTypeId::initialize(); return QDBusMetaTypeId::intlist; }
-int qDBusMetaTypeId(QList<uint> *)
-{ QDBusMetaTypeId::initialize(); return QDBusMetaTypeId::uintlist; }
-int qDBusMetaTypeId(QList<qlonglong> *)
-{ QDBusMetaTypeId::initialize(); return QDBusMetaTypeId::longlonglist; }
-int qDBusMetaTypeId(QList<qulonglong> *)
-{ QDBusMetaTypeId::initialize(); return QDBusMetaTypeId::ulonglonglist; }
-int qDBusMetaTypeId(QList<double> *)
-{ QDBusMetaTypeId::initialize(); return QDBusMetaTypeId::doublelist; }
diff --git a/qt/src/qdbusmetaobject_p.h b/qt/src/qdbusmetaobject_p.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 746240d..0000000
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@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
- *    Author: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@trolltech.com>
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- */
-//  W A R N I N G
-//  -------------
-// This file is not part of the public API.  This header file may
-// change from version to version without notice, or even be
-// removed.
-// We mean it.
-#include <QtCore/qmetaobject.h>
-#include "qdbusmacros.h"
-class QDBusError;
-struct QDBusMetaObjectPrivate;
-struct QDBUS_EXPORT QDBusMetaObject: public QMetaObject
-    bool cached;
-    static QDBusMetaObject *createMetaObject(const QString &interface, const QString &xml,
-                                             QHash<QString, QDBusMetaObject *> &map,
-                                             QDBusError &error);
-    ~QDBusMetaObject()
-    {
-        delete [] d.stringdata;
-        delete [] d.data;
-    }
-    // methods (slots & signals):
-    const char *dbusNameForMethod(int id) const;
-    const char *inputSignatureForMethod(int id) const;
-    const char *outputSignatureForMethod(int id) const;
-    const int *inputTypesForMethod(int id) const;
-    const int *outputTypesForMethod(int id) const;
-    // properties:
-    int propertyMetaType(int id) const;
-    // helper function:
-    static void assign(void *, const QVariant &value);
-    QDBusMetaObject();
-struct QDBusMetaTypeId
-    static bool innerInitialize();
-    static bool initialized;
-    static inline void initialize()
-    {
-        if (initialized) return;
-        innerInitialize();
-    }
-    static int variant;
-    static int boollist;
-    static int shortlist;
-    static int ushortlist;
-    static int intlist;
-    static int uintlist;
-    static int longlonglist;
-    static int ulonglonglist;
-    static int doublelist;
diff --git a/qt/src/qdbusmisc.cpp b/qt/src/qdbusmisc.cpp
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 9aaf9f2..0000000
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@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-/* qdbusmisc.cpp Miscellaneous routines that didn't fit anywhere else
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
- *    Author: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@trolltech.com>
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- */
-#include <string.h>
-#include <QtCore/qvariant.h>
-#include <QtCore/qmetaobject.h>
-#include "qdbusconnection_p.h"
-#include "qdbustypehelper_p.h"
-bool qDBusCheckAsyncTag(const char *tag)
-    if (!tag || !*tag)
-        return false;
-    const char *p = strstr(tag, "async");
-    if (p != NULL &&
-        (p == tag || *(p-1) == ' ') &&
-        (p[5] == '\0' || p[5] == ' '))
-        return true;
-    p = strstr(tag, "Q_ASYNC");
-    if (p != NULL &&
-        (p == tag || *(p-1) == ' ') &&
-        (p[7] == '\0' || p[7] == ' '))
-        return true;
-    return false;
-int qDBusNameToTypeId(const char *name)
-    int id = static_cast<int>( QVariant::nameToType(name) );
-    if (id == QVariant::UserType)
-        id = QMetaType::type(name);
-    switch (id) {
-    case QVariant::Bool:
-    case QVariant::Int:
-    case QVariant::UInt:
-    case QVariant::Char:
-    case QMetaType::Short:
-    case QMetaType::UShort:
-    case QMetaType::UChar:
-    case QVariant::LongLong:
-    case QVariant::ULongLong:
-    case QVariant::Double:
-    case QVariant::String:
-    case QVariant::Date:
-    case QVariant::Time:
-    case QVariant::DateTime:
-    case QVariant::Map:
-    case QVariant::StringList:
-    case QVariant::ByteArray:
-    case QVariant::List:
-        return id;
-    default:
-        if (id == QDBusConnectionPrivate::registerMessageMetaType() ||
-            id == QDBusTypeHelper<QVariant>::id() ||
-            id == QDBusTypeHelper<bool>::listId() ||
-            id == QDBusTypeHelper<short>::listId() ||
-            id == QDBusTypeHelper<ushort>::listId() ||
-            id == QDBusTypeHelper<int>::listId() ||
-            id == QDBusTypeHelper<qlonglong>::listId() ||
-            id == QDBusTypeHelper<qulonglong>::listId() ||
-            id == QDBusTypeHelper<double>::listId())
-            return id;
-        return 0;               // invalid
-    }
-// calculates the metatypes for the method
-// the slot must have the parameters in the following form:
-//  - zero or more value or const-ref parameters of any kind
-//  - zero or one const ref of QDBusMessage
-//  - zero or more non-const ref parameters
-// No parameter may be a template.
-// this function returns -1 if the parameters don't match the above form
-// this function returns the number of *input* parameters, including the QDBusMessage one if any
-// this function does not check the return type, so metaTypes[0] is always 0 and always present
-// metaTypes.count() >= retval + 1 in all cases
-// sig must be the normalised signature for the method
-int qDBusParametersForMethod(const QMetaMethod &mm, QList<int>& metaTypes)
-    QList<QByteArray> parameterTypes = mm.parameterTypes();
-    metaTypes.clear();
-    metaTypes.append(0);        // return type
-    int inputCount = 0;
-    bool seenMessage = false;
-    foreach (QByteArray type, parameterTypes) {
-        if (type.endsWith('*')) {
-            //qWarning("Could not parse the method '%s'", mm.signature());
-            // pointer?
-            return -1;
-        }
-        if (type.endsWith('&')) {
-            type.truncate(type.length() - 1);
-            int id = qDBusNameToTypeId(type);
-            if (id == 0) {
-                //qWarning("Could not parse the method '%s'", mm.signature());
-                // invalid type in method parameter list
-                return -1;
-            }
-            metaTypes.append( id );
-            seenMessage = true; // it cannot appear anymore anyways
-            continue;
-        }
-        if (seenMessage) {      // && !type.endsWith('&')
-            //qWarning("Could not parse the method '%s'", mm.signature());
-            // non-output parameters after message or after output params
-            return -1;          // not allowed
-        }
-        int id = qDBusNameToTypeId(type);
-        if (id == 0) {
-            //qWarning("Could not parse the method '%s'", mm.signature());
-            // invalid type in method parameter list
-            return -1;
-        }
-        metaTypes.append(id);
-        ++inputCount;
-        if (id == QDBusConnectionPrivate::registerMessageMetaType())
-            seenMessage = true;
-    }
-    return inputCount;
diff --git a/qt/src/qdbusreply.h b/qt/src/qdbusreply.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index d7e8312..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-/* qdbusreply.h QDBusReply object - a reply from D-Bus
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
- *    Author: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@trolltech.com>
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- */
-#include <QtCore/qglobal.h>
-#include <QtCore/qvariant.h>
-#include "qdbusmacros.h"
-#include "qdbusmessage.h"
-#include "qdbuserror.h"
-#include "qdbustypehelper_p.h"
-template<typename T>
-class QDBusReply
-    typedef T Type;
-    inline QDBusReply(const QDBusMessage &reply)
-        : m_data(Type())
-    {
-        *this = reply;
-    }
-    inline QDBusReply& operator=(const QDBusMessage& reply)
-    {
-        m_error = reply;
-        if (isSuccess())
-            m_data = QDBusTypeHelper<Type>::fromVariant(reply.at(0));
-        else
-            m_data = Type();
-        return *this;
-    }
-    inline QDBusReply(const QDBusError &dbusError = QDBusError())
-        : m_error(dbusError), m_data(Type())
-    {
-    }
-    inline QDBusReply& operator=(const QDBusError& dbusError)
-    {
-        m_error = dbusError;
-        m_data = Type();
-        return *this;
-    }
-    inline QDBusReply& operator=(const QDBusReply& other)
-    {
-        m_error = other.m_error;
-        m_data = other.m_data;
-        return *this;
-    }
-    inline bool isError() const { return m_error.isValid(); }
-    inline bool isSuccess() const { return !m_error.isValid(); }
-    inline const QDBusError& error() { return m_error; }
-    inline Type value() const
-    {
-        return m_data;
-    }
-    inline operator Type () const
-    {
-        return m_data;
-    }
-    static QDBusReply<T> fromVariant(const QDBusReply<QVariant> &variantReply)
-    {
-        QDBusReply<T> retval;
-        retval.m_error = variantReply.m_error;
-        if (retval.isSuccess()) {
-            retval.m_data = qvariant_cast<Type>(variantReply.m_data);
-            if (!qVariantCanConvert<Type>(variantReply.m_data))
-                retval.m_error = QDBusError(QDBusError::InvalidSignature,
-                                            QLatin1String("Unexpected reply signature"));
-        }
-        return retval;
-    }
-    QDBusError m_error;
-    Type m_data;
-# ifndef Q_QDOC
-// specialize for void:
-class QDBUS_EXPORT QDBusReply<void>
-    inline QDBusReply(const QDBusMessage &reply)
-        : m_error(reply)
-    {
-    }
-    inline QDBusReply(const QDBusError &dbusError)
-        : m_error(dbusError)
-    {
-    }
-    inline bool isError() const { return m_error.isValid(); }
-    inline bool isSuccess() const { return !m_error.isValid(); }
-    inline const QDBusError& error() { return m_error; }
-    QDBusError m_error;
-# endif
diff --git a/qt/src/qdbusserver.cpp b/qt/src/qdbusserver.cpp
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 4f5b510..0000000
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@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-/* qdbusserver.cpp
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2005 Harald Fernengel <harry@kdevelop.org>
- * Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
- *    Author: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@trolltech.com>
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- */
-#include "qdbusserver.h"
-#include "qdbusconnection_p.h"
-QDBusServer::QDBusServer(const QString &addr, QObject *p)
-    : QObject(p)
-    d = new QDBusConnectionPrivate(this);
-    if (addr.isEmpty())
-        return;
-    d->setServer(dbus_server_listen(addr.toUtf8().constData(), &d->error));
-bool QDBusServer::isConnected() const
-    return d->server && dbus_server_get_is_connected(d->server);
-QDBusError QDBusServer::lastError() const
-    return d->lastError;
-QString QDBusServer::address() const
-    QString addr;
-    if (d->server) {
-        char *c = dbus_server_get_address(d->server);
-        addr = QString::fromUtf8(c);
-        dbus_free(c);
-    }
-    return addr;
-#include "qdbusserver.moc"
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index 5560786..0000000
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-/* qdbusserver.h QDBusServer object
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2005 Harald Fernengel <harry@kdevelop.org>
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *
- */
-#include "qdbusmacros.h"
-#include <QtCore/qobject.h>
-#include <QtCore/qstring.h>
-class QDBusConnectionPrivate;
-class QDBusError;
-class QDBUS_EXPORT QDBusServer: public QObject
-    QDBusServer(const QString &address, QObject *parent = 0);
-    bool isConnected() const;
-    QDBusError lastError() const;
-    QString address() const;
-    Q_DISABLE_COPY(QDBusServer)
-    QDBusConnectionPrivate *d;
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index f45a009..0000000
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@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-/* qdbusintegrator.cpp QDBusConnection private implementation
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2005 Harald Fernengel <harry@kdevelop.org>
- * Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
- *    Author: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@trolltech.com>
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- */
-#include <QtCore/qmutex.h>
-#include <QtCore/qwaitcondition.h>
-#include <dbus/dbus.h>
-struct DBusMutex: public QMutex
-    inline DBusMutex()
-        : QMutex( QMutex::NonRecursive )
-    { }
-    static DBusMutex* mutex_new()
-    {
-        return new DBusMutex;
-    }
-    static void mutex_free(DBusMutex *mutex)
-    {
-        delete mutex;
-    }
-    static dbus_bool_t mutex_lock(DBusMutex *mutex)
-    {
-        mutex->lock();
-        return true;
-    }
-    static dbus_bool_t mutex_unlock(DBusMutex *mutex)
-    {
-        mutex->unlock();
-        return true;
-    }
-struct DBusCondVar: public QWaitCondition
-    inline DBusCondVar()
-    { }
-    static DBusCondVar* condvar_new()
-    {
-        return new DBusCondVar;
-    }
-    static void condvar_free(DBusCondVar *cond)
-    {
-        delete cond;
-    }
-    static void condvar_wait(DBusCondVar *cond, DBusMutex *mutex)
-    {
-        cond->wait(mutex);
-    }
-    static dbus_bool_t condvar_wait_timeout(DBusCondVar *cond, DBusMutex *mutex, int msec)
-    {
-        return cond->wait(mutex, msec);
-    }
-    static void condvar_wake_one(DBusCondVar *cond)
-    {
-        cond->wakeOne();
-    }
-    static void condvar_wake_all(DBusCondVar *cond)
-    {
-        cond->wakeAll();
-    }
-bool qDBusInitThreads()
-    static DBusThreadFunctions fcn = {
-        DBusMutex::mutex_new,
-        DBusMutex::mutex_free,
-        DBusMutex::mutex_lock,
-        DBusMutex::mutex_unlock,
-        DBusCondVar::condvar_new,
-        DBusCondVar::condvar_free,
-        DBusCondVar::condvar_wait,
-        DBusCondVar::condvar_wait_timeout,
-        DBusCondVar::condvar_wake_one,
-        DBusCondVar::condvar_wake_all,
-        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-    };
-    dbus_threads_init(&fcn);
-    return true;
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index 7f17a37..0000000
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@@ -1,847 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*-
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2005 Thiago Macieira <thiago@kde.org>
- * Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
- *    Author: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@trolltech.com>
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- */
-#include "qdbustype_p.h"
-#include "qdbustypehelper_p.h"
-#include <dbus/dbus.h>
-#include <QtCore/qstringlist.h>
-class QDBusTypePrivate: public QSharedData
-    int code;
-    mutable int qvariantType;
-    mutable QByteArray signature;
-    QDBusTypeList subTypes;
-    inline QDBusTypePrivate()
-        : code(0), qvariantType(QVariant::Invalid)
-    { }
-    \class QDBusType
-    \brief Represents one single D-Bus type.
-    \internal
-    D-Bus provides a set of primitive types that map to normal, C++ types and to QString, as well as
-    the possibility to extend the set with the so-called "container" types. The available types are
-    as follows:
-    - Primitive (or basic): integers of 16, 32 and 64 bits, both signed and unsigned; byte (8 bits);
-      double-precision floating point and Unicode strings
-    - Arrays: a homogeneous, ordered list of zero or more entries
-    - Maps: an unordered list of (key, value) pairs, where key must be a primitive type and value
-      can be any D-Bus type
-    - Structs: an ordered list of a fixed number of entries of any type
-    - Variants: a "wildcard" container that can assume the value of any other type, including
-      structs and arrays
-    Any type can be placed inside an array (including other arrays), but only entries of the same
-    type can be placed inside the same array. The analogous type for D-Bus arrays are the Qt
-    #QList template classes.
-    Structs have a fixed number of entries and each entry has a fixed type. They are analogous to C
-    and C++ structs (hence the name).
-    Maps or dictionaries are analogous to the Qt #QMap template class, with the additional
-    restriction that the key type must be a primitive one. D-Bus implements maps by using arrays of
-    a special type (a "dictionary entry"), so inspecting a QDBusType of a Map will reveal that it is
-    an array (see isArray()).
-    Variants contain exactly one entry, but the type can vary freely. It is analogous to the Qt
-    class #QVariant, but the QtDBus implementation uses #QDBusVariant to represent D-Bus Variants.
-    Constructs an empty (invalid) type.
-    : d(0)
-    Constructs the type based on the D-Bus type given by \a type.
-QDBusType::QDBusType(int type)
-    char c[2] = { type, 0 };
-    *this = QDBusType(c);
-    Constructs the type based on the QVariant type given by \a type.
-    \sa QVariant::Type
-QDBusType::QDBusType(QVariant::Type type)
-    const char *sig = dbusSignature(type);
-    // it never returns NULL
-    // but it may return an empty string:
-    if (sig[0] == '\0')
-        return;
-    if (qstrlen(sig) > 2) {
-        *this = QDBusType(sig);
-    } else {
-        d = new QDBusTypePrivate;
-        d->qvariantType = type;
-        d->code = sig[0];
-        if (sig[1] == '\0')
-            // single-letter type
-            return;
-        else {
-            // two-letter type
-            // must be an array
-            d->code = sig[0];
-            QDBusType t;
-            t.d = new QDBusTypePrivate;
-            t.d->code = sig[1];
-            d->subTypes << t;
-        }
-    }
-    Parses the D-Bus signature given by \a signature and constructs the type it represents.
-QDBusType::QDBusType(const char* signature)
-    if ( !dbus_signature_validate_single(signature, 0) )
-        return;
-    DBusSignatureIter iter;
-    dbus_signature_iter_init(&iter, signature);
-    *this = QDBusType(&iter);
-    if (d)
-        d->signature = signature;
-    \overload
-    Parses the D-Bus signature given by \a str and constructs the type it represents.
-QDBusType::QDBusType(const QString& str)
-    *this = QDBusType( str.toUtf8().constData() );
-    \overload 
-    Parses the D-Bus signature given by \a str and constructs the type it represents.
-QDBusType::QDBusType(const QByteArray& str)
-    *this = QDBusType( str.constData() );
-    \internal
-    Creates a QDBusType object based on the current element pointed to by \a iter.
-QDBusType::QDBusType(DBusSignatureIter* iter)
-    : d(new QDBusTypePrivate)
-    if ( dbus_type_is_container( d->code = dbus_signature_iter_get_current_type(iter) ) ) {
-        // we have to recurse
-        if ( d->code == DBUS_TYPE_VARIANT )
-            return;             // no we don't. dbus_type_is_container lies to us
-        // we have to recurse
-        DBusSignatureIter subiter;
-        dbus_signature_iter_recurse(iter, &subiter);
-        d->subTypes = QDBusTypeList(&subiter);
-        // sanity checking:
-        if ( d->code == DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY )
-            Q_ASSERT_X(d->subTypes.size() == 1, "QDBusType",
-                       "more than one element in array");
-        else if (d->code == DBUS_TYPE_DICT_ENTRY )
-            Q_ASSERT_X(d->subTypes.size() == 2, "QDBusType",
-                       "maps must have exactly two elements");
-    }
-    Copies the type from the object \a other.
-QDBusType::QDBusType(const QDBusType& other)
-    : d(other.d)
-    Release the resources associated with this type.
-    Copies the type from the object given by \a other.
-QDBusType& QDBusType::operator=(const QDBusType& other)
-    d = other.d;
-    return *this;
-    Returns the DBus type for this type.
-int QDBusType::dbusType() const
-    return d ? d->code : DBUS_TYPE_INVALID;
-    Returns the DBus signature for this type and subtypes.
-QByteArray QDBusType::dbusSignature() const
-    if (!d)
-        return QByteArray();
-    if (!d->signature.isEmpty())
-        return d->signature;
-    if (d->subTypes.isEmpty())
-        return d->signature = QByteArray(1, d->code);
-    QByteArray retval;
-    switch (d->code) {
-        // can only be array, map or struct
-    case DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY:
-        Q_ASSERT_X(d->subTypes.size() == 1, "QDBusType::dbusSignature",
-                   "more than one element in array");
-        retval += DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY;
-        retval += d->subTypes.at(0).dbusSignature();
-        break;
-        Q_ASSERT_X(d->subTypes.size() == 2, "QDBusType::dbusSignature",
-                   "maps must have exactly two elements");
-        QByteArray value = d->subTypes.at(1).dbusSignature();
-        char key = d->subTypes.at(0).dbusType();
-        Q_ASSERT(key != DBUS_TYPE_INVALID);
-        Q_ASSERT(!value.isEmpty());
-        retval.reserve(value.length() + 3);
-        retval += key;
-        retval += value;
-        retval += DBUS_DICT_ENTRY_END_CHAR;
-        break;
-    }
-        retval = d->subTypes.dbusSignature();
-        retval.prepend(DBUS_STRUCT_BEGIN_CHAR);
-        retval.append(DBUS_STRUCT_END_CHAR);
-        break;
-    default:
-        Q_ASSERT_X(false, "QDBusType::dbusSignature", "invalid container type");
-    }
-    d->signature = retval;
-    return retval;
-    Returns the QVariant::Type for this entry.
-int QDBusType::qvariantType() const
-    if (d && d->qvariantType != QVariant::Invalid)
-        return d->qvariantType;
-    if (!d)
-        return QVariant::Invalid;
-    return d->qvariantType = qvariantType(dbusSignature().constData());
-    Returns true if this type is a valid one.
-bool QDBusType::isValid() const
-    return d && d->code != DBUS_TYPE_INVALID;
-    Returns true if this type is a basic one.
-bool QDBusType::isBasic() const
-    return d && dbus_type_is_basic(d->code);
-    Returns true if this type is a container.
-bool QDBusType::isContainer() const
-    return d && dbus_type_is_container(d->code);
-    Returns the subtypes of this type, if this is a container.
-    \sa isContainer()
-QDBusTypeList QDBusType::subTypes() const
-    if (d)
-        return d->subTypes;
-    return QDBusTypeList();
-    Returns true if this type is an array.
-    \sa isContainer(), arrayElement()
-bool QDBusType::isArray() const
-    return dbusType() == DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY;
-    This is a convenience function that returns the element type of an array.
-    If this object is not an array, it returns an invalid QDBusType.
-    \sa isArray()
-QDBusType QDBusType::arrayElement() const
-    if (isArray() && d->subTypes.count() == 1)
-        return d->subTypes.first();
-    return QDBusType();
-    Returns true if this type is a map (i.e., an array of dictionary entries).
-    \sa isContainer(), isArray(), arrayElement()
-bool QDBusType::isMap() const
-    return arrayElement().dbusType() == DBUS_TYPE_DICT_ENTRY;
-    If this object is a map, returns the (basic) type that corresponds to the key type.
-    If this object is not a map, returns an invalid QDBusType.
-    \sa isMap()
-QDBusType QDBusType::mapKey() const
-    if (isMap())
-        return arrayElement().d->subTypes.first();
-    return QDBusType();
-    If this object is a map, returns the type that corresponds to the value type.
-    If this object is not a map, returns an invalid QDBusType.
-    \sa isMap()
-QDBusType QDBusType::mapValue() const
-    if (isMap())
-        return arrayElement().d->subTypes.at(1);
-    return QDBusType();
-    Returns true if this type is the same one as \a other.
-bool QDBusType::operator==(const QDBusType& other) const
-    if (!d && !other.d)
-        return true;
-    if (!d || !other.d)
-        return false;
-    return d->code == other.d->code && d->subTypes == other.d->subTypes;
-    \fn QDBusType::operator!=(const QDBusType &other) const
-    Returns true if the this type and the one given by \a other are different.
-    Converts the DBus type code \a type to QVariant::Type.
-int QDBusType::qvariantType(int type)
-    char c[2] = { type, 0 };
-    return qvariantType(c);
-    Converts the DBus type signature \a signature to QVariant::Type.
-int QDBusType::qvariantType(const char* signature)
-    if (!signature)
-        return QVariant::Invalid;
-    // three special cases that don't validate as single:
-    if (qstrlen(signature) == 1) {
-        if (signature[0] == DBUS_TYPE_STRUCT)
-            return QVariant::List;
-        else if (signature[0] == DBUS_TYPE_DICT_ENTRY)
-            return QVariant::Map;
-        else if (signature[0] == DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY)
-            return QVariant::List;
-    }
-    // now we can validate
-    if ( !dbus_signature_validate_single(signature, 0) )
-        return QVariant::Invalid;
-    switch (signature[0])
-    {
-        return QVariant::Bool;
-    case DBUS_TYPE_BYTE:
-        return QMetaType::UChar;
-    case DBUS_TYPE_INT16:
-        return QMetaType::Short;
-    case DBUS_TYPE_UINT16:
-        return QMetaType::UShort;
-    case DBUS_TYPE_INT32:
-        return QVariant::Int;
-    case DBUS_TYPE_UINT32:
-        return QVariant::UInt;
-    case DBUS_TYPE_INT64:
-        return QVariant::LongLong;
-    case DBUS_TYPE_UINT64:
-        return QVariant::ULongLong;
-        return QVariant::Double;
-        return QVariant::String;
-        return QVariant::List;  // change to QDBusStruct in the future
-        return QDBusTypeHelper<QVariant>::id();
-    case DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY:       // special case
-        switch (signature[1]) {
-        case DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN:
-            return QDBusTypeHelper<bool>::listId();
-        case DBUS_TYPE_BYTE:
-            return QVariant::ByteArray;
-        case DBUS_TYPE_INT16:
-            return QDBusTypeHelper<short>::listId();
-        case DBUS_TYPE_UINT16:
-            return QDBusTypeHelper<ushort>::listId();
-        case DBUS_TYPE_INT32:
-            return QDBusTypeHelper<int>::listId();
-        case DBUS_TYPE_UINT32:
-            return QDBusTypeHelper<uint>::listId();
-        case DBUS_TYPE_INT64:
-            return QDBusTypeHelper<qlonglong>::listId();
-        case DBUS_TYPE_UINT64:
-            return QDBusTypeHelper<qulonglong>::listId();
-        case DBUS_TYPE_DOUBLE:
-            return QDBusTypeHelper<double>::listId();
-        case DBUS_TYPE_STRING:
-        case DBUS_TYPE_OBJECT_PATH:
-        case DBUS_TYPE_SIGNATURE:
-            return QVariant::StringList;
-        case DBUS_TYPE_VARIANT:
-            return QVariant::List;
-            return QVariant::Map;
-        default:
-            return QVariant::List;
-        }
-    default:
-        return QVariant::Invalid;
-    }
-    Converts the QVariant::Type \a t to a DBus type code.
-int QDBusType::dbusType(QVariant::Type t)
-    switch (t)
-    {
-    case QVariant::Bool:
-        return DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN;
-    case QVariant::Int:
-        return DBUS_TYPE_INT32;
-    case QVariant::UInt:
-        return DBUS_TYPE_UINT32;
-    case QVariant::LongLong:
-        return DBUS_TYPE_INT64;
-    case QVariant::ULongLong:
-        return DBUS_TYPE_UINT64;
-    case QVariant::Double:
-        return DBUS_TYPE_DOUBLE;
-    // from QMetaType:
-    case QMetaType::Short:
-        return DBUS_TYPE_INT16;
-    case QMetaType::UShort:
-        return DBUS_TYPE_UINT16;
-    case QMetaType::UChar:
-        return DBUS_TYPE_BYTE;
-    case QVariant::String:
-        return DBUS_TYPE_STRING;
-    case QVariant::Map:
-        // internal type information has been lost
-        return DBUS_TYPE_DICT_ENTRY;
-    case QVariant::List:
-    case QVariant::StringList:
-    case QVariant::ByteArray:
-        // could also be a struct...
-        return DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY;
-    case QVariant::UserType:
-        return DBUS_TYPE_INVALID; // invalid
-    default:
-        break;                  // avoid compiler warnings
-    }
-    if (int(t) == QDBusTypeHelper<QVariant>::id())
-        return DBUS_TYPE_VARIANT;
-    return DBUS_TYPE_INVALID;
-    Converts the QVariant::Type \a t to a DBus type signature.
-const char* QDBusType::dbusSignature(QVariant::Type t)
-    switch (t)
-    {
-    case QVariant::Bool:
-    case QVariant::Int:
-        return DBUS_TYPE_INT32_AS_STRING;
-    case QVariant::UInt:
-        return DBUS_TYPE_UINT32_AS_STRING;
-    case QMetaType::Short:
-        return DBUS_TYPE_INT16_AS_STRING;
-    case QMetaType::UShort:
-        return DBUS_TYPE_UINT16_AS_STRING;
-    case QMetaType::UChar:
-        return DBUS_TYPE_BYTE_AS_STRING;
-    case QVariant::LongLong:
-        return DBUS_TYPE_INT64_AS_STRING;
-    case QVariant::ULongLong:
-        return DBUS_TYPE_UINT64_AS_STRING;
-    case QVariant::Double:
-    case QVariant::String:
-    case QVariant::Map:
-        // internal type information has been lost
-            DBUS_DICT_ENTRY_END_CHAR_AS_STRING; // a{sv}
-    case QVariant::StringList:
-            DBUS_TYPE_STRING_AS_STRING; // as
-    case QVariant::ByteArray:
-            DBUS_TYPE_BYTE_AS_STRING; // ay
-    case QVariant::List:
-        // not a string list
-        // internal list data has been lost
-        // could also be a struct...
-            DBUS_TYPE_VARIANT_AS_STRING; // av
-    default:
-        if (int(t) == QDBusTypeHelper<QVariant>::id())
-            return DBUS_TYPE_VARIANT_AS_STRING;
-        if (int(t) == QDBusTypeHelper<bool>::listId())
-        if (int(t) == QDBusTypeHelper<short>::listId())
-        if (int(t) == QDBusTypeHelper<ushort>::listId())
-        if (int(t) == QDBusTypeHelper<int>::listId())
-        if (int(t) == QDBusTypeHelper<uint>::listId())
-        if (int(t) == QDBusTypeHelper<qlonglong>::listId())
-        if (int(t) == QDBusTypeHelper<qulonglong>::listId())
-        if (int(t) == QDBusTypeHelper<double>::listId())
-    }
-    \enum QDBusType::VariantListMode
-    Defines how the guessFromVariant() function will behave when the QVariant is of type
-    QVariant::List.
-    Guesses the DBus type from the given \a variant.
-QDBusType QDBusType::guessFromVariant(const QVariant& variant, VariantListMode mode)
-    if (variant.type() == QVariant::List) {
-        // investigate deeper
-        QDBusType t;
-        t.d = new QDBusTypePrivate;
-        const QVariantList list = variant.toList();
-        t.d->code = DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY;
-        if (!list.isEmpty()) {
-            // check if all elements have the same type
-            QVariant::Type type = list.first().type();
-            foreach (const QVariant& v, list)
-                if (type != v.type()) {
-                    // at least one is different
-                    type = QVariant::Invalid;
-                    break;
-                }
-            if (type != QVariant::Invalid) {
-                // all are of the same type
-                t.d->subTypes << guessFromVariant(list.first());
-                return t;
-            }
-        } else {
-            // an array of "something"
-            t.d->subTypes << QDBusType('v');
-            return t;
-        }
-        // treat it as a struct
-        t.d->code = DBUS_TYPE_STRUCT;
-        foreach (const QVariant& v, list)
-            t.d->subTypes << guessFromVariant(v, mode);
-        return t;
-    }
-    else if (variant.type() == QVariant::Map) {
-        // investigate deeper
-        QDBusType t, t2, t3;
-        t2.d = new QDBusTypePrivate;
-        t2.d->code = DBUS_TYPE_DICT_ENTRY;
-        // the key
-        t3.d = new QDBusTypePrivate;
-        t3.d->code = DBUS_TYPE_STRING;
-        t2.d->subTypes << t3;
-        const QVariantMap map = variant.toMap();
-        if (!map.isEmpty()) {
-            // check if all elements have the same type
-            QVariantMap::const_iterator it = map.constBegin(),
-                                       end = map.constEnd();
-            QVariant::Type type = it.value().type();
-            for ( ; it != end; ++it)
-                if (type != it.value().type()) {
-                    // at least one is different
-                    type = QVariant::Invalid;
-                    break;
-                }
-            if (type != QVariant::Invalid)
-                t2.d->subTypes << guessFromVariant(map.constBegin().value());
-            else {
-                // multiple types
-                t3.d->code = DBUS_TYPE_VARIANT;
-                t2.d->subTypes << t3;
-            }
-        }
-        else {
-            // information lost
-            t3.d->code = DBUS_TYPE_VARIANT;
-            t2.d->subTypes << t3;
-        }
-        t.d = new QDBusTypePrivate;
-        t.d->code = DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY;
-        t.d->subTypes << t2;
-        return t;
-    }
-    else
-        return QDBusType( QVariant::Type( variant.userType() ) );
-   \class QDBusTypeList
-   \brief A list of DBus types.
-   \internal
-   Represents zero or more DBus types in sequence, such as those used in argument lists
-   or in subtypes of structs and maps.
-   \fn QDBusTypeList::QDBusTypeList()
-   Default constructor.
- */
-   \fn QDBusTypeList::QDBusTypeList(const QDBusTypeList& other)
-   Copy constructor: copies the type list from \a other.
-   \fn QDBusTypeList::QDBusTypeList(const QList<QDBusType>& other)
-   Copy constructor: copies the type list from \a other.
-   Constructs a type list by parsing the given \a signature.
-QDBusTypeList::QDBusTypeList(const char* signature)
-    if (!signature || !*signature)
-        return;                 // empty
-    // validate it first
-    if ( !dbus_signature_validate(signature, 0) )
-        return;
-    // split it into components
-    DBusSignatureIter iter;
-    dbus_signature_iter_init(&iter, signature);
-    do {
-        *this << QDBusType(&iter);
-    } while (dbus_signature_iter_next(&iter));
-    \internal
-    Constructs a type list by parsing the elements on this iterator level.
-QDBusTypeList::QDBusTypeList(DBusSignatureIter* iter)
-    do {
-        QDBusType item(iter);
-        if (!item.isValid()) {
-            clear();
-            return;
-        }
-        *this << item;
-    } while (dbus_signature_iter_next(iter));
-    Returns true if this type list can represent the inner components of a map.
-bool QDBusTypeList::canBeMap() const
-    return size() == 2 && at(0).isBasic();
-    Reconstructs the type signature that this type list represents.
-QByteArray QDBusTypeList::dbusSignature() const
-    QByteArray retval;
-    foreach (QDBusType t, *this)
-        retval += t.dbusSignature();
-    return retval;
diff --git a/qt/src/qdbustype_p.h b/qt/src/qdbustype_p.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index b719960..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*-
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2005 Thiago Macieira <thiago@kde.org>
- * Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
- *    Author: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@trolltech.com>
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- */
-#ifndef QDBUSTYPE_H
-#define QDBUSTYPE_H
-#include <QtCore/qvariant.h>
-#include <QtCore/qbytearray.h>
-#include <QtCore/qshareddata.h>
-#include <QtCore/qlist.h>
-#include "qdbusmacros.h"
-#include <dbus/dbus.h>
-// forward declaration
-class QDBusTypeList;
-class QDBusTypePrivate;
-    QDBusType();
-    explicit QDBusType(int type);
-    explicit QDBusType(QVariant::Type type);
-    explicit QDBusType(const char* signature);
-    explicit QDBusType(DBusSignatureIter*);
-    explicit QDBusType(const QString& str);
-    explicit QDBusType(const QByteArray& str);
-    QDBusType(const QDBusType& other);
-    ~QDBusType();
-    QDBusType& operator=(const QDBusType& other);
-    int qvariantType() const;
-    int dbusType() const;
-    QByteArray dbusSignature() const;
-    bool isValid() const;
-    bool isBasic() const;
-    bool isContainer() const;
-    QDBusTypeList subTypes() const;
-    bool isArray() const;
-    QDBusType arrayElement() const;
-    bool isMap() const;
-    QDBusType mapKey() const;
-    QDBusType mapValue() const;
-    bool operator==(const QDBusType& other) const;
-    inline bool operator!=(const QDBusType &other) const
-    { return !(*this == other); }
-    static int qvariantType(int type);
-    static int qvariantType(const char* signature);
-    static int dbusType(QVariant::Type);
-    static const char* dbusSignature(QVariant::Type);
-    enum VariantListMode {
-        ListIsArray,
-        ListIsStruct
-    };
-    static QDBusType guessFromVariant(const QVariant &variant, VariantListMode = ListIsArray);
-    QSharedDataPointer<QDBusTypePrivate> d;
-class QDBUS_EXPORT QDBusTypeList: public QList<QDBusType>
-    inline QDBusTypeList() { }
-    inline QDBusTypeList(const QDBusTypeList& other)
-        : QList<QDBusType>(other)
-        { }
-    inline QDBusTypeList(const QList<QDBusType>& other)
-        : QList<QDBusType>(other)
-        { }
-    QDBusTypeList(const char* signature);
-    QDBusTypeList(DBusSignatureIter*);
-    bool canBeMap() const;
-    QByteArray dbusSignature() const;
-#endif // QDBUSTYPE_H
diff --git a/qt/src/qdbustypehelper_p.h b/qt/src/qdbustypehelper_p.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 7ebd7f3..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
-/* qdbuslisthelper_p.h Helper class to convert to and from QVariantList
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2005 Harald Fernengel <harry@kdevelop.org>
- * Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
- *    Author: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@trolltech.com>
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- */
-//  W A R N I N G
-//  -------------
-// This file is not part of the public API.  This header file may
-// change from version to version without notice, or even be
-// removed.
-// We mean it.
-#include <QtCore/qlist.h>
-#include <QtCore/qvariant.h>
-#include <QtCore/qmetatype.h>
-// we're going to support all D-Bus primitive types here:
-// uchar -- not needed: QByteArray
-// bool
-// short
-// ushort
-// int
-// uint
-// qlonglong
-// qulonglong
-// double
-// QString -- not needed: QStringList
-// QList -- not possible: will use QVariant
-// QVariant
-// QDBusStruct -- not yet existant
-// QMap -- not possible: will use QVariant
-inline QDBUS_EXPORT int qDBusMetaTypeId(bool *) { return QVariant::Bool; }
-inline QDBUS_EXPORT int qDBusMetaTypeId(uchar *) { return QMetaType::UChar; }
-inline QDBUS_EXPORT int qDBusMetaTypeId(short *) { return QMetaType::Short; }
-inline QDBUS_EXPORT int qDBusMetaTypeId(ushort *) { return QMetaType::UShort; }
-inline QDBUS_EXPORT int qDBusMetaTypeId(int *) { return QVariant::Int; }
-inline QDBUS_EXPORT int qDBusMetaTypeId(uint *) { return QVariant::UInt; }
-inline QDBUS_EXPORT int qDBusMetaTypeId(qlonglong *) { return QVariant::LongLong; }
-inline QDBUS_EXPORT int qDBusMetaTypeId(qulonglong *) { return QVariant::ULongLong; }
-inline QDBUS_EXPORT int qDBusMetaTypeId(double *) { return QVariant::Double; }
-inline QDBUS_EXPORT int qDBusMetaTypeId(QString *) { return QVariant::String; }
-QDBUS_EXPORT int qDBusMetaTypeId(QVariant *);
-QDBUS_EXPORT int qDBusMetaTypeId(QList<bool> *);
-inline QDBUS_EXPORT int qDBusMetaTypeId(QByteArray *) { return QVariant::ByteArray; }
-QDBUS_EXPORT int qDBusMetaTypeId(QList<short> *);
-QDBUS_EXPORT int qDBusMetaTypeId(QList<ushort> *);
-QDBUS_EXPORT int qDBusMetaTypeId(QList<int> *);
-QDBUS_EXPORT int qDBusMetaTypeId(QList<uint> *);
-QDBUS_EXPORT int qDBusMetaTypeId(QList<qlonglong> *);
-QDBUS_EXPORT int qDBusMetaTypeId(QList<qulonglong> *);
-QDBUS_EXPORT int qDBusMetaTypeId(QList<double> *);
-inline QDBUS_EXPORT int qDBusMetaTypeId(QStringList *) { return QVariant::StringList; }
-inline QDBUS_EXPORT int qDBusMetaTypeId(QVariantList *) { return QVariant::List; }
-inline QDBUS_EXPORT int qDBusMetaTypeId(QVariantMap *) { return QVariant::Map; }
-// implement the copy mechanism
-template<class T>
-struct QDBusTypeHelper
-    typedef T Type;
-    typedef QList<T> List;
-    static inline int id()
-    {
-        Type* t = 0;
-        return qDBusMetaTypeId(t);
-    }
-    static inline int listId()
-    {
-        List *l = 0;
-        return qDBusMetaTypeId(l);
-    }
-    static inline QVariant toVariant(const Type &t)
-    {
-        return QVariant(id(), &t);
-    }
-    static bool canSpecialConvert(const QVariant &);
-    static Type specialConvert(const QVariant &);
-    static inline Type fromVariant(const QVariant &v)
-    {
-        if (canSpecialConvert(v))
-            return specialConvert(v);
-        QVariant copy(v);
-        if (copy.convert( QVariant::Type(id()) ))
-            return *reinterpret_cast<const Type *>(copy.constData());
-        return Type();
-    }
-    static inline QVariantList toVariantList(const List list)
-    {
-        QVariantList tmp;
-        Q_FOREACH (const Type &t, list)
-            tmp.append(toVariant(t));
-        return tmp;
-    }
-    static inline QVariantList toVariantList(const QVariant &v)
-    {
-        return toVariantList(QDBusTypeHelper<List>::fromVariant(v));
-    }
-    static inline List fromVariantList(const QVariantList list)
-    {
-        List tmp;
-        Q_FOREACH (const QVariant &v, list)
-            tmp.append(fromVariant(v));
-        return tmp;
-    }
-struct QDBusTypeHelper<QVariant>
-    static inline int id()
-    {
-        QVariant *t = 0;
-        return qDBusMetaTypeId(t);
-    }
-    static inline int listId()
-    {
-        return QVariant::List;
-    }
-    static inline QVariant toVariant(const QVariant &t)
-    {
-        return QVariant(id(), &t);
-    }
-    static inline QVariant fromVariant(const QVariant &v)
-    {
-        if (v.userType() == id())
-            return *reinterpret_cast<const QVariant *>(v.constData());
-        return v;
-    }
-    static inline QVariantList toVariantList(const QVariantList &list)
-    {
-        return list;
-    }
-    static inline QVariantList fromVariantList(const QVariantList &list)
-    {
-        return list;
-    }
-#if !defined(QT_NO_CAST_FROM_ASCII) && !defined(QT_NO_CAST_TO_ASCII)
-struct QDBusTypeHelper<char *>
-    static inline int id()
-    { return QVariant::String; }
-    static inline QVariant toVariant(const char *t)
-    { return QVariant(t); }
-    static inline QByteArray fromVariant(const QVariant &v)
-    { return v.toString().toAscii(); }
-struct QDBusTypeHelper<const char *>
-    static inline int id()
-    { return QVariant::String; }
-    static inline QVariant toVariant(const char *t)
-    { return QVariant(t); }
-    static inline QByteArray fromVariant(const QVariant &v)
-    { return v.toString().toAscii(); }
-// support three exceptions: uchar, short and ushort
-// we have to do this as long as QVariant can't convert to/from the integer metatypes
-template<> inline bool QDBusTypeHelper<short>::canSpecialConvert(const QVariant &v)
-{ return v.userType() < int(QVariant::UserType); }
-template<> inline short QDBusTypeHelper<short>::specialConvert(const QVariant &v)
-{ return v.toInt(); }
-template<> inline bool QDBusTypeHelper<ushort>::canSpecialConvert(const QVariant &v)
-{ return v.userType() < int(QVariant::UserType); }
-template<> inline ushort QDBusTypeHelper<ushort>::specialConvert(const QVariant &v)
-{ return v.toUInt(); }
-template<> inline bool QDBusTypeHelper<uchar>::canSpecialConvert(const QVariant &v)
-{ return v.userType() < int(QVariant::UserType); }
-template<> inline uchar QDBusTypeHelper<uchar>::specialConvert(const QVariant &v)
-{ return v.toUInt(); }
-template<typename T> inline bool QDBusTypeHelper<T>::canSpecialConvert(const QVariant &)
-{ return false; }
-template<typename T> inline T QDBusTypeHelper<T>::specialConvert(const QVariant &)
-{ return T(); }
diff --git a/qt/src/qdbusutil.cpp b/qt/src/qdbusutil.cpp
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 22ce3a8..0000000
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@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*-
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
- *    Author: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@trolltech.com>
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- */
-#include "qdbusutil.h"
-#include <dbus/dbus.h>
-#include <QtCore/qstringlist.h>
-#include <QtCore/qregexp.h>
-#include "qdbustype_p.h"
-    \namespace QDBusUtil
-    The QDBusUtil namespace contains a few functions that are of general use when dealing with D-Bus
-    strings.
-namespace QDBusUtil
-    /*!
-        \fn QDBusUtil::isValidInterfaceName(const QString &ifaceName)
-        Returns true if this is \a ifaceName is a valid interface name.
-        Valid interface names must:
-       - not be empty
-       - not exceed 255 characters in length
-       - be composed of dot-separated string components that contain only ASCII letters, digits
-         and the underscore ("_") character
-        - contain at least two such components
-    */
-    bool isValidInterfaceName(const QString& ifaceName)
-    {
-        if (ifaceName.isEmpty() || ifaceName.length() > DBUS_MAXIMUM_NAME_LENGTH)
-            return false;
-        QStringList parts = ifaceName.split(QLatin1Char('.'));
-        if (parts.count() < 2)
-            return false;           // at least two parts
-        foreach (QString part, parts)
-            if (!isValidMemberName(part))
-                return false;
-        return true;
-    }
-    /*!
-        \fn QDBusUtil::isValidUniqueConnectionName(const QString &connName)
-        Returns true if \a connName is a valid unique connection name.
-        Unique connection names start with a colon (":") and are followed by a list of dot-separated
-        components composed of ASCII letters, digits, the hypen or the underscore ("_") character.
-    */
-    bool isValidUniqueConnectionName(const QString &connName)
-    {
-        if (connName.isEmpty() || connName.length() > DBUS_MAXIMUM_NAME_LENGTH ||
-            !connName.startsWith(QLatin1Char(':')))
-            return false;
-        QStringList parts = connName.mid(1).split(QLatin1Char('.'));
-        if (parts.count() < 1)
-            return false;
-        QRegExp regex(QLatin1String("[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+"));
-        foreach (QString part, parts)
-            if (!regex.exactMatch(part))
-                return false;
-        return true;
-    }
-    /*!
-        \fn QDBusUtil::isValidBusName(const QString &busName)
-        Returns true if \a busName is a valid bus name.
-        A valid bus name is either a valid unique connection name or follows the rules:
-       - is not empty
-       - does not exceed 255 characters in length
-       - be composed of dot-separated string components that contain only ASCII letters, digits,
-         hyphens or underscores ("_"), but don't start with a digit
-        - contains at least two such elements
-        \sa isValidUniqueConnectionName()
-    */
-    bool isValidBusName(const QString &busName)
-    {
-        if (busName.isEmpty() || busName.length() > DBUS_MAXIMUM_NAME_LENGTH)
-            return false;
-        if (busName.startsWith(QLatin1Char(':')))
-            return isValidUniqueConnectionName(busName);
-        QStringList parts = busName.split(QLatin1Char('.'));
-        if (parts.count() < 1)
-            return false;
-        QRegExp regex(QLatin1String("[a-zA-Z_-][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*"));
-        foreach (QString part, parts)
-            if (!regex.exactMatch(part))
-                return false;
-        return true;
-    }
-    /*!
-        \fn QDBusUtil::isValidMemberName(const QString &memberName)
-        Returns true if \a memberName is a valid member name. A valid member name does not exceed
-        255 characters in length, is not empty, is composed only of ASCII letters, digits and
-        underscores, but does not start with a digit.
-    */
-    bool isValidMemberName(const QString &memberName)
-    {
-        if (memberName.isEmpty() || memberName.length() > DBUS_MAXIMUM_NAME_LENGTH)
-            return false;
-        QRegExp regex(QLatin1String("[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*"));
-        return regex.exactMatch(memberName);
-    }
-    /*!
-        \fn QDBusUtil::isValidErrorName(const QString &errorName)
-        Returns true if \a errorName is a valid error name. Valid error names are valid interface
-        names and vice-versa, so this function is actually an alias for isValidInterfaceName.
-    */
-    bool isValidErrorName(const QString &errorName)
-    {
-        return isValidInterfaceName(errorName);
-    }
-    /*!
-        \fn QDBusUtil::isValidObjectPath(const QString &path)
-        Returns true if \a path is valid object path.
-        Valid object paths follow the rules:
-       - start with the slash character ("/")
-       - do not end in a slash, unless the path is just the initial slash
-       - do not contain any two slashes in sequence
-       - contain slash-separated parts, each of which is composed of ASCII letters, digits and
-         underscores ("_")
-    */
-    bool isValidObjectPath(const QString &path)
-    {
-        if (path == QLatin1String("/"))
-            return true;
-        if (!path.startsWith(QLatin1Char('/')) || path.indexOf(QLatin1String("//")) != -1 ||
-            path.endsWith(QLatin1Char('/')))
-            return false;
-        QStringList parts = path.split(QLatin1Char('/'));
-        Q_ASSERT(parts.count() >= 1);
-        parts.removeFirst();    // it starts with /, so we get an empty first part
-        QRegExp regex(QLatin1String("[a-zA-Z0-9_]+"));
-        foreach (QString part, parts)
-            if (!regex.exactMatch(part))
-                return false;
-        return true;
-    }
-    /*!
-        \fn QDBusUtil::isValidSignature(const QString &signature)
-        Returns true if \a signature is a valid D-Bus type signature for one or more types.
-        This function returns true if it can all of \a signature into valid, individual types and no
-        characters remain in \a signature.
-        \sa isValidSingleSignature()
-    */
-    bool isValidSignature(const QString &signature)
-    {
-        return dbus_signature_validate(signature.toUtf8(), 0);
-    }
-    /*!
-        \fn QDBusUtil::isValidSingleSignature(const QString &signature)
-        Returns true if \a signature is a valid D-Bus type signature for exactly one full type. This
-        function tries to convert the type signature into a D-Bus type and, if it succeeds and no
-        characters remain in the signature, it returns true.
-    */
-    bool isValidSingleSignature(const QString &signature)
-    {
-        return dbus_signature_validate_single(signature.toUtf8(), 0);
-    }
-    /*!
-        \fn QDBusUtil::signatureToType(const QString &signature)
-        Returns the Qt meta type id for the given D-Bus signature for exactly one full type, given
-        by \a signature.
-        \sa isValidSingleSignature(), typeToSignature(), QVariant::type(), QVariant::userType()
-    */
-    QVariant::Type signatureToType(const QString &signature)
-    {
-        return QVariant::Type( QDBusType::qvariantType(signature.toLatin1().constData()) );
-    }
-    /*!
-        \fn QDBusUtil::typeToSignature(QVariant::Type type)
-        Returns the D-Bus signature equivalent to the supplied meta type id \a type.
-        \sa isValidSingleSignature(), signatureToType(), QVariant::type(), QVariant::userType()
-    */
-    const char *typeToSignature(QVariant::Type type)
-    {
-        return QDBusType::dbusSignature( type );
-    }
-} // namespace QDBusUtil
diff --git a/qt/src/qdbusutil.h b/qt/src/qdbusutil.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index dd2b4df..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*-
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
- *    Author: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@trolltech.com>
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- */
-#ifndef QDBUSUTIL_H
-#define QDBUSUTIL_H
-#include <QtCore/qstring.h>
-#include <QtCore/qvariant.h>
-#include "qdbusmacros.h"
-namespace QDBusUtil
-    QDBUS_EXPORT bool isValidInterfaceName(const QString &ifaceName);
-    QDBUS_EXPORT bool isValidUniqueConnectionName(const QString &busName);
-    QDBUS_EXPORT bool isValidBusName(const QString &busName);
-    QDBUS_EXPORT bool isValidMemberName(const QString &memberName);
-    QDBUS_EXPORT bool isValidErrorName(const QString &errorName);
-    QDBUS_EXPORT bool isValidObjectPath(const QString &path);
-    QDBUS_EXPORT bool isValidSignature(const QString &signature);
-    QDBUS_EXPORT bool isValidSingleSignature(const QString &signature);
-    QDBUS_EXPORT QVariant::Type signatureToType(const QString &signature);
-    QDBUS_EXPORT const char *typeToSignature(QVariant::Type type);
diff --git a/qt/src/qdbusxmlgenerator.cpp b/qt/src/qdbusxmlgenerator.cpp
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 135b8d1..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- mode: C++ -*-
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
- *    Author: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@trolltech.com>
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- */
-#include <QtCore/qcoreapplication.h>
-#include <QtCore/qmetaobject.h>
-#include <QtCore/qstringlist.h>
-#include "qdbusinterface_p.h"   // for ANNOTATION_NO_WAIT
-#include "qdbusabstractadaptor_p.h" // for QCLASSINFO_DBUS_*
-#include "qdbusconnection_p.h"  // for the flags
-#include "qdbusutil.h"
-extern QDBUS_EXPORT QString qDBusGenerateMetaObjectXml(QString interface, const QMetaObject *mo,
-                                                       const QMetaObject *base, int flags);
-// implement the D-Bus org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable interface
-// we do that by analysing the metaObject of all the adaptor interfaces
-static QString generateInterfaceXml(const QMetaObject *mo, int flags, int methodOffset, int propOffset)
-    QString retval;
-    // start with properties:
-    if (flags & QDBusConnection::ExportProperties) {
-        for (int i = propOffset; i < mo->propertyCount(); ++i) {
-            static const char *accessvalues[] = {0, "read", "write", "readwrite"};
-            QMetaProperty mp = mo->property(i);
-            if (!mp.isScriptable() && (flags & QDBusConnection::ExportAllProperties) !=
-                QDBusConnection::ExportAllProperties)
-                continue;
-            int access = 0;
-            if (mp.isReadable())
-                access |= 1;
-            if (mp.isWritable())
-                access |= 2;
-            int typeId = qDBusNameToTypeId(mp.typeName());
-            if (!typeId)
-                continue;
-            retval += QString(QLatin1String("    <property name=\"%1\" type=\"%2\" access=\"%3\" />\n"))
-                      .arg(QLatin1String(mp.name()))
-                      .arg(QLatin1String( QDBusUtil::typeToSignature( QVariant::Type(typeId) )))
-                      .arg(QLatin1String( accessvalues[access] ));
-        }
-    }
-    // now add methods:
-    for (int i = methodOffset; i < mo->methodCount(); ++i) {
-        QMetaMethod mm = mo->method(i);
-        QByteArray signature = mm.signature();
-        int paren = signature.indexOf('(');
-        bool isSignal;
-        if (mm.methodType() == QMetaMethod::Signal)
-            // adding a signal
-            isSignal = true;
-        else if (mm.methodType() == QMetaMethod::Slot && mm.access() == QMetaMethod::Public)
-            isSignal = false;
-        else
-            continue;           // neither signal nor public slot
-        if ((isSignal && !(flags & QDBusConnection::ExportSignals)) ||
-            (!isSignal && !(flags & QDBusConnection::ExportSlots)))
-            continue;
-        QString xml = QString(QLatin1String("    <%1 name=\"%2\">\n"))
-                      .arg(isSignal ? QLatin1String("signal") : QLatin1String("method"))
-                      .arg(QLatin1String(signature.left(paren)));
-        // check the return type first
-        int typeId = qDBusNameToTypeId(mm.typeName());
-        if (typeId)
-            xml += QString(QLatin1String("      <arg type=\"%1\" direction=\"out\"/>\n"))
-                   .arg(QLatin1String(QDBusUtil::typeToSignature( QVariant::Type(typeId) )));
-        else if (*mm.typeName())
-            continue;           // wasn't a valid type
-        QList<QByteArray> names = mm.parameterNames();
-        QList<int> types;
-        int inputCount = qDBusParametersForMethod(mm, types);
-        if (inputCount == -1)
-            continue;           // invalid form
-        if (isSignal && inputCount + 1 != types.count())
-            continue;           // signal with output arguments?
-        if (isSignal && types.at(inputCount) == QDBusConnectionPrivate::messageMetaType)
-            continue;           // signal with QDBusMessage argument?
-        int j;
-        bool isScriptable = mm.attributes() & QMetaMethod::Scriptable;
-        for (j = 1; j < types.count(); ++j) {
-            // input parameter for a slot or output for a signal
-            if (types.at(j) == QDBusConnectionPrivate::messageMetaType) {
-                isScriptable = true;
-                continue;
-            }
-            QString name;
-            if (!names.at(j - 1).isEmpty())
-                name = QString(QLatin1String("name=\"%1\" ")).arg(QLatin1String(names.at(j - 1)));
-            bool isOutput = isSignal || j > inputCount;
-            xml += QString(QLatin1String("      <arg %1type=\"%2\" direction=\"%3\"/>\n"))
-                   .arg(name)
-                   .arg(QLatin1String(QDBusUtil::typeToSignature( QVariant::Type(types.at(j)) )))
-                   .arg(isOutput ? QLatin1String("out") : QLatin1String("in"));
-        }
-        if (!isScriptable) {
-            // check if this was added by other means
-            if (isSignal && (flags & QDBusConnection::ExportAllSignals) != QDBusConnection::ExportAllSignals)
-                continue;
-            if (!isSignal && (flags & QDBusConnection::ExportAllSlots) != QDBusConnection::ExportAllSlots)
-                continue;
-        }
-        if (qDBusCheckAsyncTag(mm.tag()))
-            // add the no-reply annotation
-            xml += QLatin1String("      <annotation name=\"" ANNOTATION_NO_WAIT "\""
-                                 " value=\"true\"/>\n");
-        retval += xml;
-        retval += QString(QLatin1String("    </%1>\n"))
-                  .arg(isSignal ? QLatin1String("signal") : QLatin1String("method"));
-    }
-    return retval;
-QString qDBusGenerateMetaObjectXml(QString interface, const QMetaObject *mo, const QMetaObject *base,
-                                   int flags)
-    if (interface.isEmpty()) {
-        // generate the interface name from the meta object
-        int idx = mo->indexOfClassInfo(QCLASSINFO_DBUS_INTERFACE);
-        if (idx >= mo->classInfoOffset()) {
-            interface = QLatin1String(mo->classInfo(idx).value());
-        } else {
-            interface = QLatin1String(mo->className());
-            interface.replace(QLatin1String("::"), QLatin1String("."));
-            if (interface.startsWith( QLatin1String("QDBus") )) {
-                interface.prepend( QLatin1String("com.trolltech.QtDBus.") );
-            } else if (interface.startsWith( QLatin1Char('Q') ) &&
-                       interface.length() >= 2 && interface.at(1).isUpper()) {
-                // assume it's Qt
-                interface.prepend( QLatin1String("com.trolltech.Qt.") );
-            } else if (!QCoreApplication::instance() ||
-                       QCoreApplication::instance()->applicationName().isEmpty()) {
-                interface.prepend( QLatin1String("local.") );
-            } else {
-                interface.prepend(QLatin1Char('.')).prepend( QCoreApplication::instance()->applicationName() );
-                QStringList domainName =
-                    QCoreApplication::instance()->organizationDomain().split(QLatin1Char('.'),
-                                                                             QString::SkipEmptyParts);
-                if (domainName.isEmpty())
-                    interface.prepend("local.");
-                else
-                    foreach (const QString &part, domainName)
-                        interface.prepend(QLatin1Char('.')).prepend(part);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    QString xml;
-    int idx = mo->indexOfClassInfo(QCLASSINFO_DBUS_INTROSPECTION);
-    if (idx >= mo->classInfoOffset())
-        return QString::fromUtf8(mo->classInfo(idx).value());
-    else
-        xml = generateInterfaceXml(mo, flags, base->methodCount(), base->propertyCount());
-    if (xml.isEmpty())
-        return QString();       // don't add an empty interface
-    return QString(QLatin1String("  <interface name=\"%1\">\n%2  </interface>\n"))
-        .arg(interface, xml);
diff --git a/qt/src/qdbusxmlparser.cpp b/qt/src/qdbusxmlparser.cpp
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 359967b..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,349 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*-
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2005 Thiago Macieira <thiago@kde.org>
- * Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
- *    Author: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@trolltech.com>
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- */
-#include "qdbusxmlparser_p.h"
-#include "qdbusinterface.h"
-#include "qdbusinterface_p.h"
-#include "qdbusconnection_p.h"
-#include "qdbusutil.h"
-#include <QtXml/qdom.h>
-#include <QtCore/qmap.h>
-#include <QtCore/qvariant.h>
-#include <QtCore/qtextstream.h>
-static QDBusIntrospection::Annotations
-parseAnnotations(const QDomElement& elem)
-    QDBusIntrospection::Annotations retval;
-    QDomNodeList list = elem.elementsByTagName(QLatin1String("annotation"));
-    for (int i = 0; i < list.count(); ++i)
-    {
-        QDomElement ann = list.item(i).toElement();
-        if (ann.isNull())
-            continue;
-        QString name = ann.attribute(QLatin1String("name")),
-               value = ann.attribute(QLatin1String("value"));
-        if (!QDBusUtil::isValidInterfaceName(name)) {
-            qWarning("Invalid D-BUS annotation '%s' found while parsing introspection",
-                     qPrintable(name));
-            continue;
-        }
-        retval.insert(name, value);
-    }
-    return retval;
-static QDBusIntrospection::Arguments
-parseArgs(const QDomElement& elem, const QLatin1String& direction, bool acceptEmpty = false)
-    QDBusIntrospection::Arguments retval;
-    QDomNodeList list = elem.elementsByTagName(QLatin1String("arg"));
-    for (int i = 0; i < list.count(); ++i)
-    {
-        QDomElement arg = list.item(i).toElement();
-        if (arg.isNull())
-            continue;
-        if ((acceptEmpty && !arg.hasAttribute(QLatin1String("direction"))) ||
-            arg.attribute(QLatin1String("direction")) == direction) {
-            QDBusIntrospection::Argument argData;
-            if (arg.hasAttribute(QLatin1String("name")))
-                argData.name = arg.attribute(QLatin1String("name")); // can be empty
-            argData.type = arg.attribute(QLatin1String("type"));
-            if (!QDBusUtil::isValidSingleSignature(argData.type)) {
-                qWarning("Invalid D-BUS type signature '%s' found while parsing introspection",
-                         qPrintable(argData.type));
-                continue;
-            }
-            retval << argData;
-        }
-    }
-    return retval;
-QDBusXmlParser::QDBusXmlParser(const QString& service, const QString& path,
-                               const QString& xmlData)
-    : m_service(service), m_path(path)
-    QDomDocument doc;
-    doc.setContent(xmlData);
-    m_node = doc.firstChildElement(QLatin1String("node"));
-QDBusXmlParser::QDBusXmlParser(const QString& service, const QString& path,
-                               const QDomElement& node)
-    : m_service(service), m_path(path), m_node(node)
-QDBusXmlParser::interfaces() const
-    QDBusIntrospection::Interfaces retval;
-    if (m_node.isNull())
-        return retval;
-    QDomNodeList interfaceList = m_node.elementsByTagName(QLatin1String("interface"));
-    for (int i = 0; i < interfaceList.count(); ++i)
-    {
-        QDomElement iface = interfaceList.item(i).toElement();
-        QString ifaceName = iface.attribute(QLatin1String("name"));
-        if (iface.isNull())
-            continue;           // for whatever reason
-        if (!QDBusUtil::isValidInterfaceName(ifaceName)) {
-            qWarning("Invalid D-BUS interface name '%s' found while parsing introspection",
-                     qPrintable(ifaceName));
-            continue;
-        }
-        QDBusIntrospection::Interface *ifaceData = new QDBusIntrospection::Interface;
-        ifaceData->name = ifaceName;
-        {
-            // save the data
-            QTextStream ts(&ifaceData->introspection);
-            iface.save(ts,2);
-        }
-        // parse annotations
-        ifaceData->annotations = parseAnnotations(iface);
-        // parse methods
-        QDomNodeList list = iface.elementsByTagName(QLatin1String("method"));
-        for (int j = 0; j < list.count(); ++j)
-        {
-            QDomElement method = list.item(j).toElement();
-            QString methodName = method.attribute(QLatin1String("name"));
-            if (method.isNull())
-                continue;
-            if (!QDBusUtil::isValidMemberName(methodName)) {
-                qWarning("Invalid D-BUS member name '%s' found in interface '%s' while parsing introspection",
-                         qPrintable(methodName), qPrintable(ifaceName));
-                continue;
-            }
-            QDBusIntrospection::Method methodData;
-            methodData.name = methodName;
-            // parse arguments
-            methodData.inputArgs = parseArgs(method, QLatin1String("in"));
-            methodData.outputArgs = parseArgs(method, QLatin1String("out"));
-            methodData.annotations = parseAnnotations(method);
-            // add it
-            ifaceData->methods.insert(methodName, methodData);
-        }
-        // parse signals
-        list = iface.elementsByTagName(QLatin1String("signal"));
-        for (int j = 0; j < list.count(); ++j)
-        {
-            QDomElement signal = list.item(j).toElement();
-            QString signalName = signal.attribute(QLatin1String("name"));
-            if (signal.isNull())
-                continue;
-            if (!QDBusUtil::isValidMemberName(signalName)) {
-                qWarning("Invalid D-BUS member name '%s' found in interface '%s' while parsing introspection",
-                         qPrintable(signalName), qPrintable(ifaceName));
-                continue;
-            }
-            QDBusIntrospection::Signal signalData;
-            signalData.name = signalName;
-            // parse data
-            signalData.outputArgs = parseArgs(signal, QLatin1String("out"), true);
-            signalData.annotations = parseAnnotations(signal);
-            // add it
-            ifaceData->signals_.insert(signalName, signalData);
-        }
-        // parse properties
-        list = iface.elementsByTagName(QLatin1String("property"));
-        for (int j = 0; j < list.count(); ++j)
-        {
-            QDomElement property = list.item(j).toElement();
-            QString propertyName = property.attribute(QLatin1String("name"));
-            if (property.isNull())
-                continue;
-            if (!QDBusUtil::isValidMemberName(propertyName)) {
-                qWarning("Invalid D-BUS member name '%s' found in interface '%s' while parsing introspection",
-                         qPrintable(propertyName), qPrintable(ifaceName));
-                continue;
-            }
-            QDBusIntrospection::Property propertyData;
-            // parse data
-            propertyData.name = propertyName;
-            propertyData.type = property.attribute(QLatin1String("type"));
-            propertyData.annotations = parseAnnotations(property);
-            if (!QDBusUtil::isValidSingleSignature(propertyData.type)) {
-                // cannot be!
-                qWarning("Invalid D-BUS type signature '%s' found in property '%s.%s' while parsing introspection",
-                         qPrintable(propertyData.type), qPrintable(ifaceName),
-                         qPrintable(propertyName));
-                continue;
-            }
-            QString access = property.attribute(QLatin1String("access"));
-            if (access == QLatin1String("read"))
-                propertyData.access = QDBusIntrospection::Property::Read;
-            else if (access == QLatin1String("write"))
-                propertyData.access = QDBusIntrospection::Property::Write;
-            else if (access == QLatin1String("readwrite"))
-                propertyData.access = QDBusIntrospection::Property::ReadWrite;
-            else {
-                qWarning("Invalid D-BUS property access '%s' found in property '%s.%s' while parsing introspection",
-                         qPrintable(access), qPrintable(ifaceName),
-                         qPrintable(propertyName));
-                continue;       // invalid one!
-            }
-            // add it
-            ifaceData->properties.insert(propertyName, propertyData);
-        }
-        // add it
-        retval.insert(ifaceName, QSharedDataPointer<QDBusIntrospection::Interface>(ifaceData));
-    }
-    return retval;
-QDBusXmlParser::object() const
-    if (m_node.isNull())
-        return QSharedDataPointer<QDBusIntrospection::Object>();
-    QDBusIntrospection::Object* objData;
-    objData = new QDBusIntrospection::Object;
-    objData->service = m_service;
-    objData->path = m_path;
-    // check if we have anything to process
-    if (objData->introspection.isNull() && !m_node.firstChild().isNull()) {
-        // yes, introspect this object
-        QTextStream ts(&objData->introspection);
-        m_node.save(ts,2);
-        QDomNodeList objects = m_node.elementsByTagName(QLatin1String("node"));
-        for (int i = 0; i < objects.count(); ++i) {
-            QDomElement obj = objects.item(i).toElement();
-            QString objName = obj.attribute(QLatin1String("name"));
-            if (obj.isNull())
-                continue;           // for whatever reason
-            if (!QDBusUtil::isValidObjectPath(m_path + QLatin1Char('/') + objName)) {
-                qWarning("Invalid D-BUS object path '%s/%s' found while parsing introspection",
-                         qPrintable(m_path), qPrintable(objName));
-                continue;
-            }
-            objData->childObjects.append(objName);
-        }
-        QDomNodeList interfaceList = m_node.elementsByTagName(QLatin1String("interface"));
-        for (int i = 0; i < interfaceList.count(); ++i) {
-            QDomElement iface = interfaceList.item(i).toElement();
-            QString ifaceName = iface.attribute(QLatin1String("name"));
-            if (iface.isNull())
-                continue;
-            if (!QDBusUtil::isValidInterfaceName(ifaceName)) {
-                qWarning("Invalid D-BUS interface name '%s' found while parsing introspection",
-                         qPrintable(ifaceName));
-                continue;
-            }
-            objData->interfaces.append(ifaceName);
-        }
-    } else {
-        objData->introspection = QLatin1String("<node/>\n");
-    }
-    QSharedDataPointer<QDBusIntrospection::Object> retval;
-    retval = objData;
-    return retval;
-QDBusXmlParser::objectTree() const
-    QSharedDataPointer<QDBusIntrospection::ObjectTree> retval;
-    if (m_node.isNull())
-        return retval;
-    retval = new QDBusIntrospection::ObjectTree;
-    retval->service = m_service;
-    retval->path = m_path;
-    QTextStream ts(&retval->introspection);
-    m_node.save(ts,2);
-    // interfaces are easy:
-    retval->interfaceData = interfaces();
-    retval->interfaces = retval->interfaceData.keys();
-    // sub-objects are slightly more difficult:
-    QDomNodeList objects = m_node.elementsByTagName(QLatin1String("node"));
-    for (int i = 0; i < objects.count(); ++i) {
-        QDomElement obj = objects.item(i).toElement();
-        QString objName = obj.attribute(QLatin1String("name"));
-        if (obj.isNull() || objName.isEmpty())
-            continue;           // for whatever reason
-        // check if we have anything to process
-        if (!obj.firstChild().isNull()) {
-            // yes, introspect this object
-            QString xml;
-            QTextStream ts2(&xml);
-            obj.save(ts2,0);
-            // parse it
-            QString objAbsName = m_path;
-            if (!objAbsName.endsWith(QLatin1Char('/')))
-                objAbsName.append(QLatin1Char('/'));
-            objAbsName += objName;
-            QDBusXmlParser parser(m_service, objAbsName, obj);
-            retval->childObjectData.insert(objName, parser.objectTree());
-        }
-        retval->childObjects << objName;
-    }
-    return QSharedDataPointer<QDBusIntrospection::ObjectTree>( retval );
diff --git a/qt/src/qdbusxmlparser_p.h b/qt/src/qdbusxmlparser_p.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 8f4f69b..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*-
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2005 Thiago Macieira <thiago@kde.org>
- * Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
- *    Author: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@trolltech.com>
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- */
-#include <QtCore/qmap.h>
-#include <QtXml/qdom.h>
-#include "qdbusmacros.h"
-#include "qdbusintrospection_p.h"
-    \internal
-class QDBusXmlParser
-    QString m_service;
-    QString m_path;
-    QDomElement m_node;
-    QDBusXmlParser(const QString& service, const QString& path,
-                   const QString& xmlData);
-    QDBusXmlParser(const QString& service, const QString& path,
-                   const QDomElement& node);
-    QDBusIntrospection::Interfaces interfaces() const;
-    QSharedDataPointer<QDBusIntrospection::Object> object() const;
-    QSharedDataPointer<QDBusIntrospection::ObjectTree> objectTree() const;
diff --git a/qt/tools/.cvsignore b/qt/tools/.cvsignore
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index f6454f2..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/qt/tools/Makefile.am b/qt/tools/Makefile.am
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 4da3870..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-bin_PROGRAMS = dbusidl2cpp dbuscpp2xml dbus
-dbusidl2cpp_SOURCES = dbusidl2cpp.cpp
-dbusidl2cpp_LDFLAGS = -no-undefined 
-dbusidl2cpp_LDADD = $(DBUS_QT_LIBS) ../src/libdbus-qt4-1.la
-dbuscpp2xml_SOURCES = dbuscpp2xml.cpp
-dbuscpp2xml_LDFLAGS = -no-undefined 
-dbuscpp2xml_LDADD = $(DBUS_QT_LIBS) ../src/libdbus-qt4-1.la
-dbus_SOURCES = dbus.cpp
-dbus_LDADD = $(DBUS_QT_LIBS) ../src/libdbus-qt4-1.la
diff --git a/qt/tools/dbus.cpp b/qt/tools/dbus.cpp
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index f628db9..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,397 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*-
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
- *    Author: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@trolltech.com>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <dbus/qdbus.h>
-#include <QtCore/QCoreApplication>
-#include <QtCore/QStringList>
-#include <QtCore/qmetaobject.h>
-#include <QtXml/QDomDocument>
-#include <QtXml/QDomElement>
-QDBusConnection *connection;
-void listObjects(const QString &service, const QString &path)
-    QDBusInterfacePtr iface(*connection, service, path.isEmpty() ? "/" : path,
-                   "org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable");
-    if (!iface->isValid()) {
-        QDBusError err(iface->lastError());
-        fprintf(stderr, "Cannot introspect object %s at %s:\n%s (%s)\n",
-                qPrintable(path.isEmpty() ? "/" : path), qPrintable(service),
-                qPrintable(err.name()), qPrintable(err.message()));
-        exit(1);
-    }
-    QDBusReply<QString> xml = iface->call("Introspect");
-    if (xml.isError())
-        return;                 // silently
-    QDomDocument doc;
-    doc.setContent(xml);
-    QDomElement node = doc.documentElement();
-    QDomElement child = node.firstChildElement();
-    while (!child.isNull()) {
-        if (child.tagName() == QLatin1String("node")) {
-            QString sub = path + '/' + child.attribute("name");
-            printf("%s\n", qPrintable(sub));
-            listObjects(service, sub);
-        }
-        child = child.nextSiblingElement();
-    }
-void listInterface(const QString &service, const QString &path, const QString &interface)
-    QDBusInterfacePtr iface(*connection, service, path, interface);
-    if (!iface->isValid()) {
-        QDBusError err(iface->lastError());
-        fprintf(stderr, "Interface '%s' not available in object %s at %s:\n%s (%s)\n",
-                qPrintable(interface), qPrintable(path), qPrintable(service),
-                qPrintable(err.name()), qPrintable(err.message()));
-        exit(1);
-    }
-    const QMetaObject *mo = iface->metaObject();
-    // properties
-    for (int i = mo->propertyOffset(); i < mo->propertyCount(); ++i) {
-        QMetaProperty mp = mo->property(i);
-        printf("property ");
-        if (mp.isReadable() && mp.isWritable())
-            printf("readwrite");
-        else if (mp.isReadable())
-            printf("read");
-        else
-            printf("write");
-        printf(" %s %s.%s\n", mp.typeName(), qPrintable(interface), mp.name());
-    }
-    // methods (signals and slots)
-    for (int i = mo->methodOffset(); i < mo->methodCount(); ++i) {
-        QMetaMethod mm = mo->method(i);
-        QByteArray signature = mm.signature();
-        signature.truncate(signature.indexOf('('));
-        printf("%s %s%s%s %s.%s(",
-               mm.methodType() == QMetaMethod::Signal ? "signal" : "method",
-               mm.tag(), *mm.tag() ? " " : "",
-               *mm.typeName() ? mm.typeName() : "void",
-               qPrintable(interface), signature.constData());
-        QList<QByteArray> types = mm.parameterTypes();
-        QList<QByteArray> names = mm.parameterNames();
-        bool first = true;
-        for (int i = 0; i < types.count(); ++i) {
-            printf("%s%s",
-                   first ? "" : ", ",
-                   types.at(i).constData());
-            if (!names.at(i).isEmpty())
-                printf(" %s", names.at(i).constData());
-            first = false;
-        }
-        printf(")\n");
-    }
-void listAllInterfaces(const QString &service, const QString &path)
-    QDBusInterfacePtr iface(*connection, service, path, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable");
-    if (!iface->isValid()) {
-        QDBusError err(iface->lastError());
-        fprintf(stderr, "Cannot introspect object %s at %s:\n%s (%s)\n",
-                qPrintable(path), qPrintable(service),
-                qPrintable(err.name()), qPrintable(err.message()));
-        exit(1);
-    }
-    QDBusReply<QString> xml = iface->call("Introspect");
-    if (xml.isError())
-        return;                 // silently
-    QDomDocument doc;
-    doc.setContent(xml);
-    QDomElement node = doc.documentElement();
-    QDomElement child = node.firstChildElement();
-    while (!child.isNull()) {
-        if (child.tagName() == QLatin1String("interface")) {
-            QString ifaceName = child.attribute("name");
-            if (QDBusUtil::isValidInterfaceName(ifaceName))
-                listInterface(service, path, ifaceName);
-            else {
-                qWarning("Invalid D-BUS interface name '%s' found while parsing introspection",
-                         qPrintable(ifaceName));
-            }
-        }
-        child = child.nextSiblingElement();
-    }
-QStringList readList(int &argc, const char *const *&argv)
-    --argc;
-    ++argv;
-    QStringList retval;
-    while (argc && QLatin1String(argv[0]) != ")")
-        retval += QString::fromLocal8Bit(argv[0]);
-    return retval;
-void placeCall(const QString &service, const QString &path, const QString &interface,
-               const QString &member, int argc, const char *const *argv)
-    QDBusInterfacePtr iface(*connection, service, path, interface);
-    if (!iface->isValid()) {
-        QDBusError err(iface->lastError());
-        fprintf(stderr, "Interface '%s' not available in object %s at %s:\n%s (%s)\n",
-                qPrintable(interface), qPrintable(path), qPrintable(service),
-                qPrintable(err.name()), qPrintable(err.message()));
-        exit(1);
-    }
-    const QMetaObject *mo = iface->metaObject();
-    QByteArray match = member.toLatin1();
-    match += '(';
-    int midx = -1;
-    for (int i = mo->methodOffset(); i < mo->methodCount(); ++i) {
-        QMetaMethod mm = mo->method(i);
-        QByteArray signature = mm.signature();
-        if (signature.startsWith(match)) {
-            midx = i;
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    if (midx == -1) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "Cannot find '%s.%s' in object %s at %s\n",
-                qPrintable(interface), qPrintable(member), qPrintable(path),
-                qPrintable(service));
-        exit(1);
-    }
-    QMetaMethod mm = mo->method(midx);
-    QList<QByteArray> types = mm.parameterTypes();
-    QVariantList params;
-    for (int i = 0; argc && i < types.count(); ++i) {
-        int id = QVariant::nameToType(types.at(i));
-        if ((id == QVariant::UserType || id == QVariant::Map) && types.at(i) != "QVariant") {
-            fprintf(stderr, "Sorry, can't pass arg of type %s yet\n",
-                    types.at(i).constData());
-            exit(1);
-        }
-        if (id == QVariant::UserType)
-            id = QMetaType::type(types.at(i));
-        Q_ASSERT(id);
-        QVariant p;
-        if ((id == QVariant::List || id == QVariant::StringList) && QLatin1String("(") == argv[0])
-            p = readList(argc, argv);
-        else
-            p = QString::fromLocal8Bit(argv[0]);
-        if (id < int(QVariant::UserType)) {
-            // avoid calling it for QVariant
-            p.convert( QVariant::Type(id) );
-            if (p.type() == QVariant::Invalid) {
-                fprintf(stderr, "Could not convert '%s' to type '%s'.\n",
-                        argv[0], types.at(i).constData());
-                exit(1);
-            }
-        } else if (types.at(i) == "QVariant") {
-            QVariant tmp(id, p.constData());
-            p = tmp;
-        }
-        params += p;
-        --argc;
-        ++argv;
-    }
-    if (params.count() != types.count()) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "Invalid number of parameters\n");
-        exit(1);
-    }
-    QDBusMessage reply = iface->callWithArgs(member, params, QDBusInterface::NoUseEventLoop);
-    if (reply.type() == QDBusMessage::ErrorMessage) {
-        QDBusError err = reply;
-        printf("Error: %s\n%s\n", qPrintable(err.name()), qPrintable(err.message()));
-        exit(2);
-    } else if (reply.type() != QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "Invalid reply type %d\n", int(reply.type()));
-        exit(1);
-    }
-    foreach (QVariant v, reply) {
-        if (v.userType() == QVariant::StringList) {
-            foreach (QString s, v.toStringList())
-                printf("%s\n", qPrintable(s));
-        } else {
-            if (v.userType() == qMetaTypeId<QVariant>())
-                v = qvariant_cast<QVariant>(v);
-            printf("%s\n", qPrintable(v.toString()));
-        }
-    }
-    exit(0);
-bool splitInterfaceAndName(const QString &interfaceAndName, const char *type,
-                           QString &interface, QString &member)
-    interface = interfaceAndName;
-    int pos = interface.lastIndexOf(QLatin1Char('.'));
-    if (pos != -1) {
-        member = interface.mid(pos + 1);
-        interface.truncate(pos);
-    }
-    if (!QDBusUtil::isValidInterfaceName(interface)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "Interface '%s' is not a valid interface name.\n", qPrintable(interface));
-        return false;
-    } else if (!QDBusUtil::isValidMemberName(member)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "%s name '%s' is not a valid member name.\n", type, qPrintable(member));
-        return false;
-    }
-    return true;
-void getProperty(const QString &service, const QString &path, const QString &interfaceAndName)
-    QString property;
-    QString interface;
-    if (!splitInterfaceAndName(interfaceAndName, "Property", interface, property))
-        exit(1);
-    QDBusInterfacePtr iface(*connection, service, path, interface);
-    QVariant reply = iface->property(property.toLatin1());
-    if (reply.isNull()) {
-        QDBusError error = iface->lastError();
-        fprintf(stderr, "Could not get property '%s' on interface '%s': %s (%s)\n",
-                qPrintable(property), qPrintable(interface), qPrintable(error.name()),
-                qPrintable(error.message()));
-        exit(1);
-    }
-    printf("%s\n", qPrintable(reply.toString()));
-void setProperty(const QString &service, const QString &path, const QString &interfaceAndName,
-                 const QString &valueStr)
-    QString property;
-    QString interface;
-    if (!splitInterfaceAndName(interfaceAndName, "Property", interface, property))
-        exit(1);
-    QDBusInterfacePtr iface(*connection, service, path, interface);
-    iface->setProperty(property.toLatin1(), valueStr);
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
-    QCoreApplication app(argc, argv);
-    if (argc >= 1 && qstrcmp(argv[1], "--system") == 0) {
-        connection = &QDBus::systemBus();
-        --argc;
-        ++argv;
-    } else
-        connection = &QDBus::sessionBus();
-    if (!connection->isConnected()) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "Could not connect to D-Bus server: %s: %s\n",
-                qPrintable(connection->lastError().name()),
-                qPrintable(connection->lastError().message()));
-        return 1;
-    }
-    QDBusBusService *bus = connection->busService();
-    if (argc == 1) {
-        QStringList names = bus->ListNames();
-        foreach (QString name, names)
-            printf("%s\n", qPrintable(name));
-        exit(0);
-    }
-    QString service = QLatin1String(argv[1]);
-    if (!QDBusUtil::isValidBusName(service)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "Service '%s' is not a valid name.\n", qPrintable(service));
-        exit(1);
-    }
-    if (!bus->NameHasOwner(service)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "Service '%s' does not exist.\n", qPrintable(service));
-        exit(1);
-    }
-    if (argc == 2) {
-        printf("/\n");
-        listObjects(service, QString());
-        exit(0);
-    }
-    QString path = QLatin1String(argv[2]);
-    if (!QDBusUtil::isValidObjectPath(path)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "Path '%s' is not a valid path name.\n", qPrintable(path));
-        exit(1);
-    }
-    if (argc == 3) {
-        listAllInterfaces(service, path);
-        exit(0);
-    }
-    QString interface = QLatin1String(argv[3]);
-    QString member;
-    int pos = interface.lastIndexOf(QLatin1Char('.'));
-    if (pos == -1) {
-        member = interface;
-        interface.clear();
-    } else {
-        member = interface.mid(pos + 1);
-        interface.truncate(pos);
-    }
-    if (!interface.isEmpty() && !QDBusUtil::isValidInterfaceName(interface)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "Interface '%s' is not a valid interface name.\n", qPrintable(interface));
-        exit(1);
-    }
-    if (!QDBusUtil::isValidMemberName(member)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "Method name '%s' is not a valid member name.\n", qPrintable(member));
-        exit(1);
-    }
-    if (interface.isEmpty()) {
-        if (member.toLower() == QLatin1String("get") && argc == 5) {
-            getProperty(service, path, QLatin1String(argv[4]));
-            return 0;
-        } else if (member.toLower() == QLatin1String("set") && argc == 6) {
-            setProperty(service, path, QLatin1String(argv[4]), QLatin1String(argv[5]));
-            return 0;
-        }
-    }    
-    placeCall(service, path, interface, member, argc - 4, argv + 4);
diff --git a/qt/tools/dbuscpp2xml.cpp b/qt/tools/dbuscpp2xml.cpp
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 02e5825..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,411 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*-
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
- *    Author: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@trolltech.com>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- */
-#include <QByteArray>
-#include <QString>
-#include <QVarLengthArray>
-#include <QFile>
-#include <QProcess>
-#include <QMetaObject>
-#include <QList>
-#include <QRegExp>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "../src/qdbusconnection.h"    // for the Export* flags
-// copied from dbus-protocol.h:
-static const char docTypeHeader[] =
-    "<!DOCTYPE node PUBLIC \"-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Object Introspection 1.0//EN\" "
-    "\"http://www.freedesktop.org/standards/dbus/1.0/introspect.dtd\">\n";
-// in qdbusxmlgenerator.cpp
-extern QDBUS_EXPORT QString qDBusGenerateMetaObjectXml(QString interface, const QMetaObject *mo,
-                                                       const QMetaObject *base, int flags);
-#define PROGRAMNAME     "dbuscpp2xml"
-#define PROGRAMVERSION  "0.1"
-#define PROGRAMCOPYRIGHT "Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved."
-static const char cmdlineOptions[] = "psmaPSMAo:hV";
-static const char *outputFile;
-static int flags;
-static const char help[] =
-    "Usage: " PROGRAMNAME " [options...] [files...]\n"
-    "Parses the C++ source or header file containing a QObject-derived class and\n"
-    "produces the D-Bus Introspection XML."
-    "\n"
-    "Options:\n"
-    "  -p|-s|-m       Only parse scriptable Properties, Signals and Methods (slots)\n"
-    "  -P|-S|-M       Parse all Properties, Signals and Methods (slots)\n"
-    "  -a             Output all scriptable contents (equivalent to -psm)\n"
-    "  -A             Output all contents (equivalent to -PSM)\n"
-    "  -o <filename>  Write the output to file <filename>\n"
-    "  -h             Show this information\n"
-    "  -V             Show the program version and quit.\n"
-    "\n";
-class MocParser
-    void parseError();
-    QByteArray readLine();
-    void loadIntData(uint *&data);
-    void loadStringData(char *&stringdata);
-    QIODevice *input;
-    const char *filename;
-    int lineNumber;
-    ~MocParser();
-    void parse(const char *filename, QIODevice *input, int lineNumber = 0);
-    QList<QMetaObject> objects;
-void MocParser::parseError()
-    fprintf(stderr, PROGRAMNAME ": error parsing input file '%s' line %d \n", filename, lineNumber);
-    exit(1);
-QByteArray MocParser::readLine()
-    ++lineNumber;
-    return input->readLine();
-void MocParser::loadIntData(uint *&data)
-    data = 0;                   // initialise
-    QVarLengthArray<uint> array;
-    QRegExp rx(QLatin1String("(\\d+|0x[0-9abcdef]+)"), Qt::CaseInsensitive);
-    while (!input->atEnd()) {
-        QString line = QLatin1String(readLine());
-        int pos = line.indexOf(QLatin1String("//"));
-        if (pos != -1)
-            line.truncate(pos); // drop comments
-        if (line == QLatin1String("};\n")) {
-            // end of data
-            data = new uint[array.count()];
-            memcpy(data, array.data(), array.count() * sizeof(*data));
-            return;
-        }
-        pos = 0;
-        while ((pos = rx.indexIn(line, pos)) != -1) {
-            QString num = rx.cap(1);
-            if (num.startsWith(QLatin1String("0x")))
-                array.append(num.mid(2).toUInt(0, 16));
-            else
-                array.append(num.toUInt());
-            pos += rx.matchedLength();
-        }
-    }
-    parseError();
-void MocParser::loadStringData(char *&stringdata)
-    stringdata = 0;
-    QVarLengthArray<char, 1024> array;
-    while (!input->atEnd()) {
-        QByteArray line = readLine();
-        if (line == "};\n") {
-            // end of data
-            stringdata = new char[array.count()];
-            memcpy(stringdata, array.data(), array.count() * sizeof(*stringdata));
-            return;
-        }
-        int start = line.indexOf('"');
-        if (start == -1)
-            parseError();
-        int len = line.length() - 1;
-        line.truncate(len);     // drop ending \n
-        if (line.at(len - 1) != '"')
-            parseError();
-        --len;
-        ++start;
-        for ( ; start < len; ++start)
-            if (line.at(start) == '\\') {
-                // parse escaped sequence
-                ++start;
-                if (start == len)
-                    parseError();
-                QChar c(QLatin1Char(line.at(start)));
-                if (!c.isDigit()) {
-                    switch (c.toLatin1()) {
-                    case 'a':
-                        array.append('\a');
-                        break;
-                    case 'b':
-                        array.append('\b');
-                        break;
-                    case 'f':
-                        array.append('\f');
-                        break;
-                    case 'n':
-                        array.append('\n');
-                        break;
-                    case 'r':
-                        array.append('\r');
-                        break;
-                    case 't':
-                        array.append('\t');
-                        break;
-                    case 'v':
-                        array.append('\v');
-                        break;
-                    case '\\':
-                    case '?':
-                    case '\'':
-                    case '"':
-                        array.append(c.toLatin1());
-                        break;
-                    case 'x':
-                        if (start + 2 <= len)
-                            parseError();
-                        array.append(char(line.mid(start + 1, 2).toInt(0, 16)));
-                        break;
-                    default:
-                        array.append(c.toLatin1());
-                        fprintf(stderr, PROGRAMNAME ": warning: invalid escape sequence '\\%c' found in input",
-                                c.toLatin1());
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    // octal
-                    QRegExp octal(QLatin1String("([0-7]+)"));
-                    if (octal.indexIn(QLatin1String(line), start) == -1)
-                        parseError();
-                    array.append(char(octal.cap(1).toInt(0, 8)));
-                }
-            } else {
-                array.append(line.at(start));
-            }
-    }
-    parseError();
-void MocParser::parse(const char *fname, QIODevice *io, int lineNum)
-    filename = fname;
-    input = io;
-    lineNumber = lineNum;
-    while (!input->atEnd()) {
-        QByteArray line = readLine();
-        if (line.startsWith("static const uint qt_meta_data_")) {
-            // start of new class data
-            uint *data;
-            loadIntData(data);
-            // find the start of the string data
-            do {
-                line = readLine();
-                if (input->atEnd())
-                    parseError();
-            } while (!line.startsWith("static const char qt_meta_stringdata_"));
-            char *stringdata;
-            loadStringData(stringdata);
-            QMetaObject mo;
-            mo.d.superdata = &QObject::staticMetaObject;
-            mo.d.stringdata = stringdata;
-            mo.d.data = data;
-            mo.d.extradata = 0;
-            objects.append(mo);
-        }
-    }
-    fname = 0;
-    input = 0;
-    foreach (QMetaObject mo, objects) {
-        delete const_cast<char *>(mo.d.stringdata);
-        delete const_cast<uint *>(mo.d.data);
-    }
-static void showHelp()
-    printf("%s", help);
-    exit(0);
-static void showVersion()
-    printf("%s version %s\n", PROGRAMNAME, PROGRAMVERSION);
-    printf("D-Bus QObject-to-XML converter\n");
-    exit(0);
-static void parseCmdLine(int argc, char **argv)
-    int c;
-    opterr = true;
-    while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, cmdlineOptions)) != -1)
-        switch (c)
-        {
-        case 'p':
-            flags |= QDBusConnection::ExportProperties;
-            break;
-        case 's':
-            flags |= QDBusConnection::ExportSignals;
-            break;
-        case 'm':
-            flags |= QDBusConnection::ExportSlots;
-            break;
-        case 'a':
-            flags |= QDBusConnection::ExportContents;
-            break;
-        case 'P':
-            flags |= QDBusConnection::ExportAllProperties;
-            break;
-        case 'S':
-            flags |= QDBusConnection::ExportAllSignals;
-            break;
-        case 'M':
-            flags |= QDBusConnection::ExportAllSlots;
-            break;
-        case 'A':
-            flags |= QDBusConnection::ExportAllContents;
-            break;
-        case 'o':
-            outputFile = optarg;
-            break;
-        case 'h':
-            showHelp();
-            break;
-        case 'V':
-            showVersion();
-            break;
-        case '?':
-            exit(1);
-        default:
-            abort();
-        }
-    if (flags == 0)
-        flags = QDBusConnection::ExportAllContents;
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
-    MocParser parser;
-    parseCmdLine(argc, argv);
-    for (int i = optind; i < argc; ++i) {
-        FILE *in = fopen(argv[i], "r");
-        if (in == 0) {
-            fprintf(stderr, PROGRAMNAME ": could not open '%s': %s\n",
-                    argv[i], strerror(errno));
-            return 1;
-        }
-        QFile f;
-        f.open(in, QIODevice::ReadOnly);
-        f.readLine();
-        QByteArray line = f.readLine();
-        if (line.contains("Meta object code from reading C++ file"))
-            // this is a moc-generated file
-            parser.parse(argv[i], &f, 3);
-        else {
-            // run moc on this file
-            QProcess proc;
-            proc.start(QLatin1String("moc"), QStringList() << QFile::decodeName(argv[i]));
-            if (!proc.waitForStarted()) {
-                fprintf(stderr, PROGRAMNAME ": could not execute moc! Aborting.\n");
-                return 1;
-            }
-            proc.closeWriteChannel();
-            if (!proc.waitForFinished() || proc.exitStatus() != QProcess::NormalExit ||
-                proc.exitCode() != 0) {
-                // output the moc errors:
-                fprintf(stderr, "%s", proc.readAllStandardError().constData());
-                fprintf(stderr, PROGRAMNAME ": exit code %d from moc. Aborting\n", proc.exitCode());
-                return 1;
-            }
-            fprintf(stderr, "%s", proc.readAllStandardError().constData());
-            parser.parse(argv[i], &proc, 1);
-        }
-        f.close();
-        fclose(in);
-    }
-    FILE *output = stdout;
-    if (outputFile != 0) {
-        output = fopen(outputFile, "w");
-        if (output == 0) {
-            fprintf(stderr, PROGRAMNAME ": could not open output file '%s': %s",
-                    outputFile, strerror(errno));
-            return 1;
-        }
-    }
-    fprintf(output, "%s<node>\n", docTypeHeader);
-    foreach (QMetaObject mo, parser.objects) {
-        QString xml = qDBusGenerateMetaObjectXml(QString(), &mo, &QObject::staticMetaObject,
-                                                 flags);
-        fprintf(output, "%s", qPrintable(xml));
-    }
-    fprintf(output, "</node>\n");
-    if (output != stdout)
-        fclose(output);
diff --git a/qt/tools/dbusidl2cpp.cpp b/qt/tools/dbusidl2cpp.cpp
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index ab61e67..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,972 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*-
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
- *    Author: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@trolltech.com>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- */
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <QtCore/qbytearray.h>
-#include <QtCore/qdatetime.h>
-#include <QtCore/qfile.h>
-#include <QtCore/qstring.h>
-#include <QtCore/qstringlist.h>
-#include <QtCore/qtextstream.h>
-#include <QtCore/qset.h>
-#include <dbus/qdbus.h>
-#include "../src/qdbusmetaobject_p.h"
-#include "../src/qdbusintrospection_p.h"
-#define PROGRAMNAME     "dbusidl2cpp"
-#define PROGRAMVERSION  "0.5"
-#define PROGRAMCOPYRIGHT "Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved."
-#define ANNOTATION_NO_WAIT      "org.freedesktop.DBus.Method.NoReply"
-static const char cmdlineOptions[] = "a:c:hmNp:vV";
-static const char *globalClassName;
-static const char *proxyFile;
-static const char *adaptorFile;
-static const char *inputFile;
-static bool skipNamespaces;
-static bool verbose;
-static bool includeMocs;
-static QStringList wantedInterfaces;
-static const char help[] =
-    "Usage: " PROGRAMNAME " [options...] [idl-or-xml-file] [interfaces...]\n"
-    "Produces the C++ code to implement the interfaces defined in the input file.\n"
-    "If no options are given, the code is written to the standard output.\n"
-    "\n"
-    "Options:\n"
-    "  -a <filename>    Write the adaptor code to <filename>\n"
-    "  -c <classname>   Use <classname> as the class name for the generated classes\n"
-    "  -h               Show this information\n"
-    "  -m               Generate #include \"filename.moc\" statements in the .cpp files\n"
-    "  -N               Don't use namespaces\n"
-    "  -p <filename>    Write the proxy code to <filename>\n"
-    "  -v               Be verbose.\n"
-    "  -V               Show the program version and quit.\n"
-    "\n"
-    "If the file name given to the options -a and -p does not end in .cpp or .h, the\n"
-    "program will automatically append the suffixes and produce both files.\n"
-    "You can also use a colon (:) to separate the header name from the source file\n"
-    "name, as in '-a filename_p.h:filename.cpp'.\n";
-static const char includeList[] =
-    "#include <QtCore/QByteArray>\n"
-    "#include <QtCore/QList>\n"
-    "#include <QtCore/QMap>\n"
-    "#include <QtCore/QString>\n"
-    "#include <QtCore/QStringList>\n"
-    "#include <QtCore/QVariant>\n";
-static const char forwardDeclarations[] =
-    "class QByteArray;\n"
-    "template<class T> class QList;\n"
-    "template<class Key, class Value> class QMap;\n"
-    "class QString;\n"
-    "class QStringList;\n"
-    "class QVariant;\n";
-static void showHelp()
-    printf("%s", help);
-    exit(0);
-static void showVersion()
-    printf("%s version %s\n", PROGRAMNAME, PROGRAMVERSION);
-    printf("D-Bus binding tool for Qt\n");
-    exit(0);
-static void parseCmdLine(int argc, char **argv)
-    int c;
-    opterr = true;
-    while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, cmdlineOptions)) != -1)
-        switch (c)
-        {
-        case 'a':
-            adaptorFile = optarg;
-            break;
-        case 'c':
-            globalClassName = optarg;
-            break;
-        case 'v':
-            verbose = true;
-            break;
-        case 'm':
-            includeMocs = true;
-            break;
-        case 'N':
-            skipNamespaces = true;
-            break;
-        case 'h':
-            showHelp();
-            break;
-        case 'V':
-            showVersion();
-            break;
-        case 'p':
-            proxyFile = optarg;
-            break;
-        case '?':
-            exit(1);
-        default:
-            abort();
-        }
-    if (optind != argc)
-        inputFile = argv[optind++];
-    while (optind != argc)
-        wantedInterfaces << QString::fromLocal8Bit(argv[optind++]);
-static QDBusIntrospection::Interfaces readInput()
-    QFile input(QFile::decodeName(inputFile));
-    if (inputFile && qstrcmp(inputFile, "-") != 0)
-        input.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly);
-    else
-        input.open(stdin, QIODevice::ReadOnly);
-    QByteArray data = input.readAll();
-    // check if the input is already XML
-    data = data.trimmed();
-    if (data.startsWith("<!DOCTYPE ") || data.startsWith("<?xml") ||
-        data.startsWith("<node") || data.startsWith("<interface"))
-        // already XML
-        return QDBusIntrospection::parseInterfaces(QString::fromUtf8(data));
-    fprintf(stderr, "Cannot process input. Stop.\n");
-    exit(1);
-static void cleanInterfaces(QDBusIntrospection::Interfaces &interfaces)
-    if (!wantedInterfaces.isEmpty()) {
-        QDBusIntrospection::Interfaces::Iterator it = interfaces.begin();
-        while (it != interfaces.end())
-            if (!wantedInterfaces.contains(it.key()))
-                it = interfaces.erase(it);
-            else
-                ++it;
-    }
-// produce a header name from the file name
-static QString header(const char *name)
-    if (!name || (name[0] == '-' && name[1] == '\0'))
-        return QString();
-    QStringList parts = QFile::decodeName(name).split(QLatin1Char(':'));
-    QString retval = parts.first();
-    if (!retval.endsWith(QLatin1String(".h")) && !retval.endsWith(QLatin1String(".cpp")) &&
-        !retval.endsWith(QLatin1String(".cc")))
-        retval.append(QLatin1String(".h"));
-    return retval;
-// produce a cpp name from the file name
-static QString cpp(const char *name)
-    if (!name || (name[0] == '-' && name[1] == '\0'))
-        return QString();
-    QStringList parts = QFile::decodeName(name).split(QLatin1Char(':'));
-    QString retval = parts.last();
-    if (!retval.endsWith(QLatin1String(".h")) && !retval.endsWith(QLatin1String(".cpp")) &&
-        !retval.endsWith(QLatin1String(".cc")))
-        retval.append(QLatin1String(".cpp"));
-    return retval;
-static QTextStream &writeHeader(QTextStream &ts, bool changesWillBeLost)
-    ts << "/*" << endl
-       << " * This file was generated by " PROGRAMNAME " version " PROGRAMVERSION << endl
-       << " * when processing input file " << (inputFile ? inputFile : "<stdin>") << endl
-       << " *" << endl
-       << " * " PROGRAMNAME " is " PROGRAMCOPYRIGHT << endl
-       << " *" << endl
-       << " * This is an auto-generated file." << endl;
-    if (changesWillBeLost)
-        ts << " * Do not edit! All changes made to it will be lost." << endl;
-    ts << " */" << endl
-       << endl;
-    return ts;
-enum ClassType { Proxy, Adaptor };
-static QString classNameForInterface(const QString &interface, ClassType classType)
-    if (globalClassName)
-        return QLatin1String(globalClassName);
-    QStringList parts = interface.split(QLatin1Char('.'));
-    QString retval;
-    if (classType == Proxy)
-        foreach (QString part, parts) {
-            part[0] = part[0].toUpper();
-            retval += part;
-        }
-    else {
-        retval = parts.last();
-        retval[0] = retval[0].toUpper();
-    }
-    if (classType == Proxy)
-        retval += QLatin1String("Interface");
-    else
-        retval += QLatin1String("Adaptor");
-    return retval;
-static QByteArray qtTypeName(const QString &signature)
-    QVariant::Type type = QDBusUtil::signatureToType(signature);
-    if (type == QVariant::Invalid)
-        qFatal("Got unknown type `%s'", qPrintable(signature));
-    return QVariant::typeToName(type);
-static QString nonConstRefArg(const QByteArray &arg)
-    return QLatin1String(arg + " &");
-static QString templateArg(const QByteArray &arg)
-    if (!arg.endsWith('>'))
-        return QLatin1String(arg);
-    return QLatin1String(arg + ' ');
-static QString constRefArg(const QByteArray &arg)
-    if (!arg.startsWith('Q'))
-        return QLatin1String(arg + ' ');
-    else
-        return QString( QLatin1String("const %1 &") ).arg( QLatin1String(arg) );
-static QStringList makeArgNames(const QDBusIntrospection::Arguments &inputArgs,
-                                const QDBusIntrospection::Arguments &outputArgs =
-                                QDBusIntrospection::Arguments())
-    QStringList retval;
-    for (int i = 0; i < inputArgs.count(); ++i) {
-        const QDBusIntrospection::Argument &arg = inputArgs.at(i);
-        QString name = arg.name;
-        if (name.isEmpty())
-            name = QString( QLatin1String("in%1") ).arg(i);
-        while (retval.contains(name))
-            name += QLatin1String("_");
-        retval << name;
-    }
-    for (int i = 0; i < outputArgs.count(); ++i) {
-        const QDBusIntrospection::Argument &arg = outputArgs.at(i);
-        QString name = arg.name;
-        if (name.isEmpty())
-            name = QString( QLatin1String("out%1") ).arg(i);
-        while (retval.contains(name))
-            name += QLatin1String("_");
-        retval << name;
-    }
-    return retval;
-static void writeArgList(QTextStream &ts, const QStringList &argNames,
-                         const QDBusIntrospection::Arguments &inputArgs,
-                         const QDBusIntrospection::Arguments &outputArgs = QDBusIntrospection::Arguments())
-    // input args:
-    bool first = true;
-    int argPos = 0;
-    for (int i = 0; i < inputArgs.count(); ++i) {
-        const QDBusIntrospection::Argument &arg = inputArgs.at(i);
-        QString type = constRefArg(qtTypeName(arg.type));
-        if (!first)
-            ts << ", ";
-        ts << type << argNames.at(argPos++);
-        first = false;
-    }
-    argPos++;
-    // output args
-    // yes, starting from 1
-    for (int i = 1; i < outputArgs.count(); ++i) {
-        const QDBusIntrospection::Argument &arg = outputArgs.at(i);
-        QString name = arg.name;
-        if (!first)
-            ts << ", ";
-        ts << nonConstRefArg(qtTypeName(arg.type)) << argNames.at(argPos++);
-        first = false;
-    }
-static QString propertyGetter(const QDBusIntrospection::Property &property)
-    QString getter = property.annotations.value(QLatin1String("com.trolltech.QtDBus.propertyGetter"));
-    if (getter.isEmpty()) {
-        getter =  property.name;
-        getter[0] = getter[0].toLower();
-    }
-    return getter;
-static QString propertySetter(const QDBusIntrospection::Property &property)
-    QString setter = property.annotations.value(QLatin1String("com.trolltech.QtDBus.propertySetter"));
-    if (setter.isEmpty()) {
-        setter = QLatin1String("set") + property.name;
-        setter[3] = setter[3].toUpper();
-    }
-    return setter;
-static QString stringify(const QString &data)
-    QString retval;
-    int i;
-    for (i = 0; i < data.length(); ++i) {
-        retval += QLatin1Char('\"');
-        for ( ; i < data.length() && data[i] != QLatin1Char('\n'); ++i)
-            if (data[i] == QLatin1Char('\"'))
-                retval += QLatin1String("\\\"");
-            else
-                retval += data[i];
-        retval += QLatin1String("\\n\"\n");
-    }
-    return retval;
-static void writeProxy(const char *filename, const QDBusIntrospection::Interfaces &interfaces)
-    // open the file
-    QString headerName = header(filename);
-    QFile file(headerName);
-    if (!headerName.isEmpty())
-        file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate | QIODevice::Text);
-    else
-        file.open(stdout, QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text);
-    QTextStream hs(&file);
-    QString cppName = cpp(filename);
-    QByteArray cppData;
-    QTextStream cs(&cppData);
-    // write the header:
-    writeHeader(hs, true);
-    // include guards:
-    QString includeGuard;
-    if (!headerName.isEmpty()) {
-        includeGuard = headerName.toUpper().replace(QLatin1Char('.'), QLatin1Char('_'));
-        int pos = includeGuard.lastIndexOf(QLatin1Char('/'));
-        if (pos != -1)
-            includeGuard = includeGuard.mid(pos + 1);
-    } else {
-        includeGuard = QLatin1String("QDBUSIDL2CPP_PROXY");
-    }
-    includeGuard = QString(QLatin1String("%1_%2%3"))
-                   .arg(includeGuard)
-                   .arg(getpid())
-                   .arg(QDateTime::currentDateTime().toTime_t());
-    hs << "#ifndef " << includeGuard << endl
-       << "#define " << includeGuard << endl
-       << endl;
-    // include our stuff:
-    hs << "#include <QtCore/QObject>" << endl
-       << includeList
-       << "#include <dbus/qdbus.h>" << endl
-       << endl;
-    if (cppName != headerName) {
-        writeHeader(cs, false);        
-        cs << "#include \"" << headerName << "\"" << endl
-           << endl;
-    }
-    foreach (const QDBusIntrospection::Interface *interface, interfaces) {
-        QString className = classNameForInterface(interface->name, Proxy);
-        // comment:
-        hs << "/*" << endl
-           << " * Proxy class for interface " << interface->name << endl
-           << " */" << endl;
-        cs << "/*" << endl
-           << " * Implementation of interface class " << className << endl
-           << " */" << endl
-           << endl;
-        // class header:
-        hs << "class " << className << ": public QDBusAbstractInterface" << endl
-           << "{" << endl
-           << "    Q_OBJECT" << endl;
-        // the interface name
-        hs << "public:" << endl
-           << "    static inline const char *staticInterfaceName()" << endl
-           << "    { return \"" << interface->name << "\"; }" << endl
-           << endl;
-        // constructors/destructors:
-        hs << "public:" << endl
-           << "    explicit " << className << "(QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate *p);" << endl
-           << endl
-           << "    ~" << className << "();" << endl
-           << endl;
-        cs << className << "::" << className << "(QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate *p)" << endl
-           << "    : QDBusAbstractInterface(p)" << endl
-           << "{" << endl
-           << "}" << endl
-           << endl
-           << className << "::~" << className << "()" << endl
-           << "{" << endl
-           << "}" << endl
-           << endl;
-        // properties:
-        foreach (const QDBusIntrospection::Property &property, interface->properties) {
-            QByteArray type = qtTypeName(property.type);
-            QString templateType = templateArg(type);
-            QString constRefType = constRefArg(type);
-            QString getter = propertyGetter(property);
-            QString setter = propertySetter(property);
-            hs << "    Q_PROPERTY(" << type << " " << property.name;
-            // getter:
-            if (property.access != QDBusIntrospection::Property::Write)
-                // it's readble
-                hs << " READ " << getter;
-            // setter
-            if (property.access != QDBusIntrospection::Property::Read)
-                // it's writeable
-                hs << " WRITE " << setter;
-            hs << ")" << endl;
-            // getter:
-            if (property.access != QDBusIntrospection::Property::Write) {
-                hs << "    inline " << type << " " << getter << "() const" << endl;
-                if (type != "QVariant")
-                    hs << "    { return qvariant_cast< " << type << " >(internalPropGet(\""
-                       << property.name << "\")); }" << endl;
-                else
-                    hs << "    { return internalPropGet(\"" << property.name << "\"); }" << endl;
-            }
-            // setter:
-            if (property.access != QDBusIntrospection::Property::Read) {
-                hs << "    inline void " << setter << "(" << constRefArg(type) << "value)" << endl
-                   << "    { internalPropSet(\"" << property.name
-                   << "\", qVariantFromValue(value)); }" << endl;
-            }
-            hs << endl;
-        }
-        // methods:
-        hs << "public Q_SLOTS: // METHODS" << endl;
-        foreach (const QDBusIntrospection::Method &method, interface->methods) {
-            bool isAsync =
-                method.annotations.value(QLatin1String(ANNOTATION_NO_WAIT)) == QLatin1String("true");
-            if (isAsync && !method.outputArgs.isEmpty()) {
-                fprintf(stderr, "warning: method %s in interface %s is marked 'async' but has output arguments.\n",
-                        qPrintable(method.name), qPrintable(interface->name));
-                continue;
-            }
-            hs << "    inline ";
-            if (method.annotations.value(QLatin1String("org.freedesktop.DBus.Deprecated")) == QLatin1String("true"))
-                hs << "Q_DECL_DEPRECATED ";
-            if (isAsync)
-                hs << "Q_ASYNC void ";
-            else if (method.outputArgs.isEmpty())
-                hs << "QDBusReply<void> ";
-            else {
-                hs << "QDBusReply<" << templateArg(qtTypeName(method.outputArgs.first().type)) << "> ";
-            }
-            hs << method.name << "(";
-            QStringList argNames = makeArgNames(method.inputArgs, method.outputArgs);
-            writeArgList(hs, argNames, method.inputArgs, method.outputArgs);
-            hs << ")" << endl
-               << "    {" << endl;
-            if (method.outputArgs.count() > 1)
-                hs << "        QDBusMessage reply = call(QLatin1String(\"";
-            else if (!isAsync)
-                hs << "        return call(QLatin1String(\"";
-            else
-                hs << "        call(NoWaitForReply, QLatin1String(\"";
-            // rebuild the method input signature:
-            QString signature = QLatin1String(".");
-            foreach (const QDBusIntrospection::Argument &arg, method.inputArgs)
-                signature += arg.type;
-            if (signature.length() == 1)
-                signature.clear();
-            hs << method.name << signature << "\")";
-            int argPos = 0;
-            for (int i = 0; i < method.inputArgs.count(); ++i)
-                hs << ", " << argNames.at(argPos++);
-            // close the QDBusIntrospection::call call
-            hs << ");" << endl;
-            argPos++;
-            if (method.outputArgs.count() > 1) {
-                hs << "        if (reply.type() == QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage) {" << endl;
-                // yes, starting from 1
-                for (int i = 1; i < method.outputArgs.count(); ++i)
-                    hs << "            " << argNames.at(argPos++) << " = qvariant_cast<"
-                       << templateArg(qtTypeName(method.outputArgs.at(i).type))
-                       << ">(reply.at(" << i << "));" << endl;
-                hs << "        }" << endl
-                   << "        return reply;" << endl;
-            }
-            // close the function:
-            hs << "    }" << endl
-               << endl;
-        }
-        hs << "Q_SIGNALS: // SIGNALS" << endl;
-        foreach (const QDBusIntrospection::Signal &signal, interface->signals_) {
-            hs << "    ";
-            if (signal.annotations.value(QLatin1String("org.freedesktop.DBus.Deprecated")) ==
-                QLatin1String("true"))
-                hs << "Q_DECL_DEPRECATED ";
-            hs << "void " << signal.name << "(";
-            QStringList argNames = makeArgNames(signal.outputArgs);
-            writeArgList(hs, argNames, signal.outputArgs);
-            hs << ");" << endl; // finished for header
-        }
-        // close the class:
-        hs << "};" << endl
-           << endl;
-    }
-    if (!skipNamespaces) {
-        QStringList last;
-        QDBusIntrospection::Interfaces::ConstIterator it = interfaces.constBegin();
-        do
-        {
-            QStringList current;
-            QString name;
-            if (it != interfaces.constEnd()) {
-                current = it->constData()->name.split(QLatin1Char('.'));
-                name = current.takeLast();
-            }
-            int i = 0;
-            while (i < current.count() && i < last.count() && current.at(i) == last.at(i))
-                ++i;
-            // i parts matched
-            // close last.count() - i namespaces:
-            for (int j = i; j < last.count(); ++j)
-                hs << QString((last.count() - j - 1 + i) * 2, QLatin1Char(' ')) << "}" << endl;
-            // open current.count() - i namespaces
-            for (int j = i; j < current.count(); ++j)
-                hs << QString(j * 2, QLatin1Char(' ')) << "namespace " << current.at(j) << " {" << endl;
-            // add this class:
-            if (!name.isEmpty()) {
-                hs << QString(current.count() * 2, QLatin1Char(' '))
-                   << "typedef ::" << classNameForInterface(it->constData()->name, Proxy)
-                   << " " << name << ";" << endl;
-            }
-            if (it == interfaces.constEnd())
-                break;
-            ++it;
-            last = current;
-        } while (true);
-    }
-    // close the include guard
-    hs << "#endif" << endl;
-    if (includeMocs)
-        cs << endl
-           << "#include \"" << filename << ".moc\"" << endl;
-    cs.flush();
-    hs.flush();
-    if (headerName == cppName)
-        file.write(cppData);
-    else {
-        // write to cpp file
-        QFile f(cppName);
-        f.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate | QIODevice::Text);
-        f.write(cppData);
-    }
-static void writeAdaptor(const char *filename, const QDBusIntrospection::Interfaces &interfaces)
-    // open the file
-    QString headerName = header(filename);
-    QFile file(headerName);
-    if (!headerName.isEmpty())
-        file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate | QIODevice::Text);
-    else
-        file.open(stdout, QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text);
-    QTextStream hs(&file);
-    QString cppName = cpp(filename);
-    QByteArray cppData;
-    QTextStream cs(&cppData);
-    // write the headers
-    writeHeader(hs, false);
-    // include guards:
-    QString includeGuard;
-    if (!headerName.isEmpty()) {
-        includeGuard = headerName.toUpper().replace(QLatin1Char('.'), QLatin1Char('_'));
-        int pos = includeGuard.lastIndexOf(QLatin1Char('/'));
-        if (pos != -1)
-            includeGuard = includeGuard.mid(pos + 1);
-    } else {
-        includeGuard = QLatin1String("QDBUSIDL2CPP_ADAPTOR");
-    }
-    includeGuard = QString(QLatin1String("%1_%2%3"))
-                   .arg(includeGuard)
-                   .arg(getpid())
-                   .arg(QDateTime::currentDateTime().toTime_t());
-    hs << "#ifndef " << includeGuard << endl
-       << "#define " << includeGuard << endl
-       << endl;
-    // include our stuff:
-    hs << "#include <QtCore/QObject>" << endl;
-    if (cppName == headerName)
-        hs << "#include <QtCore/QMetaObject>" << endl
-           << "#include <QtCore/QVariant>" << endl;
-    hs << "#include <dbus/qdbus.h>" << endl;
-    if (cppName != headerName) {
-        writeHeader(cs, false);        
-        cs << "#include \"" << headerName << "\"" << endl
-           << "#include <QtCore/QMetaObject>" << endl
-           << includeList
-           << endl;
-        hs << forwardDeclarations;
-    } else {
-        hs << includeList;
-    }
-    hs << endl;
-    foreach (const QDBusIntrospection::Interface *interface, interfaces) {
-        QString className = classNameForInterface(interface->name, Adaptor);
-        // comment:
-        hs << "/*" << endl
-           << " * Adaptor class for interface " << interface->name << endl
-           << " */" << endl;
-        cs << "/*" << endl
-           << " * Implementation of adaptor class " << className << endl
-           << " */" << endl
-           << endl;
-        // class header:
-        hs << "class " << className << ": public QDBusAbstractAdaptor" << endl
-           << "{" << endl
-           << "    Q_OBJECT" << endl
-           << "    Q_CLASSINFO(\"D-Bus Interface\", \"" << interface->name << "\")" << endl
-           << "    Q_CLASSINFO(\"D-Bus Introspection\", \"\"" << endl
-           << stringify(interface->introspection)
-           << "        \"\")" << endl
-           << "public:" << endl
-           << "    " << className << "(QObject *parent);" << endl
-           << "    virtual ~" << className << "();" << endl
-           << endl;
-        // constructor/destructor
-        cs << className << "::" << className << "(QObject *parent)" << endl
-           << "   : QDBusAbstractAdaptor(parent)" << endl
-           << "{" << endl
-           << "    // constructor" << endl
-           << "    setAutoRelaySignals(true);" << endl
-           << "}" << endl
-           << endl
-           << className << "::~" << className << "()" << endl
-           << "{" << endl
-           << "    // destructor" << endl
-           << "}" << endl
-           << endl;
-        hs << "public: // PROPERTIES" << endl;
-        foreach (const QDBusIntrospection::Property &property, interface->properties) {
-            QByteArray type = qtTypeName(property.type);
-            QString constRefType = constRefArg(type);
-            QString getter = propertyGetter(property);
-            QString setter = propertySetter(property);
-            hs << "    Q_PROPERTY(" << type << " " << property.name;
-            if (property.access != QDBusIntrospection::Property::Write)
-                hs << " READ " << getter;
-            if (property.access != QDBusIntrospection::Property::Read)
-                hs << " WRITE " << setter;
-            hs << ")" << endl;
-            // getter:
-            if (property.access != QDBusIntrospection::Property::Write) {
-                hs << "    " << type << " " << getter << "() const;" << endl;
-                cs << type << " "
-                   << className << "::" << getter << "() const" << endl
-                   << "{" << endl
-                   << "    // get the value of property " << property.name << endl
-                   << "    return qvariant_cast< " << type <<" >(parent()->property(\"" << property.name << "\"));" << endl
-                   << "}" << endl
-                   << endl;
-            }
-            // setter
-            if (property.access != QDBusIntrospection::Property::Read) {
-                hs << "    void " << setter << "(" << constRefType << "value);" << endl;
-                cs << "void " << className << "::" << setter << "(" << constRefType << "value)" << endl
-                   << "{" << endl
-                   << "    // set the value of property " << property.name << endl
-                   << "    parent()->setProperty(\"" << property.name << "\", value);" << endl
-                   << "}" << endl
-                   << endl;
-            }
-            hs << endl;
-        }
-        hs << "public Q_SLOTS: // METHODS" << endl;
-        foreach (const QDBusIntrospection::Method &method, interface->methods) {
-            bool isAsync =
-                method.annotations.value(QLatin1String(ANNOTATION_NO_WAIT)) == QLatin1String("true");
-            if (isAsync && !method.outputArgs.isEmpty()) {
-                fprintf(stderr, "warning: method %s in interface %s is marked 'async' but has output arguments.\n",
-                        qPrintable(method.name), qPrintable(interface->name));
-                continue;
-            }
-            hs << "    ";
-            if (method.annotations.value(QLatin1String("org.freedesktop.DBus.Deprecated")) ==
-                QLatin1String("true"))
-                hs << "Q_DECL_DEPRECATED ";
-            QByteArray returnType;
-            if (isAsync) {
-                hs << "Q_ASYNC void ";
-                cs << "void ";
-            } else if (method.outputArgs.isEmpty()) {
-                hs << "void ";
-                cs << "void ";
-            } else {
-                returnType = qtTypeName(method.outputArgs.first().type);
-                hs << returnType << " ";
-                cs << returnType << " ";
-            }
-            QString name = method.name;
-            hs << name << "(";
-            cs << className << "::" << name << "(";
-            QStringList argNames = makeArgNames(method.inputArgs, method.outputArgs);
-            writeArgList(hs, argNames, method.inputArgs, method.outputArgs);
-            writeArgList(cs, argNames, method.inputArgs, method.outputArgs);
-            hs << ");" << endl; // finished for header
-            cs << ")" << endl
-               << "{" << endl
-               << "    // handle method call " << interface->name << "." << method.name << endl;
-            // create the return type
-            int j = method.inputArgs.count();
-            if (!returnType.isEmpty())
-                cs << "    " << returnType << " " << argNames.at(j) << ";" << endl;
-            // make the call
-            if (method.inputArgs.count() <= 10 && method.outputArgs.count() <= 1) {
-                // we can use QMetaObject::invokeMethod
-                static const char invoke[] = "    QMetaObject::invokeMethod(parent(), \"";
-                cs << invoke << name << "\"";
-                if (!method.outputArgs.isEmpty())
-                    cs << ", Q_RETURN_ARG("
-                       << qtTypeName(method.outputArgs.at(0).type)
-                       << ", "
-                       << argNames.at(method.inputArgs.count())
-                       << ")";
-                for (int i = 0; i < method.inputArgs.count(); ++i)
-                    cs << ", Q_ARG("
-                       << qtTypeName(method.inputArgs.at(i).type)
-                       << ", "
-                       << argNames.at(i)
-                       << ")";
-                cs << ");" << endl;
-            }
-            cs << endl
-               << "    // Alternative:" << endl
-               << "    //";
-            if (!method.outputArgs.isEmpty())
-                cs << argNames.at(method.inputArgs.count()) << " = ";
-            cs << "static_cast<YourObjectType *>(parent())->" << name << "(";
-            int argPos = 0;
-            bool first = true;
-            for (int i = 0; i < method.inputArgs.count(); ++i) {
-                cs << (first ? "" : ", ") << argNames.at(argPos++);
-                first = false;
-            }
-            ++argPos;           // skip retval, if any
-            for (int i = 1; i < method.outputArgs.count(); ++i) {
-                cs << (first ? "" : ", ") << argNames.at(argPos++);
-                first = false;
-            }
-            cs << ");" << endl;
-            if (!method.outputArgs.isEmpty())
-                cs << "    return " << argNames.at(method.inputArgs.count()) << ";" << endl;
-            cs << "}" << endl
-               << endl;
-        }
-        hs << "Q_SIGNALS: // SIGNALS" << endl;
-        foreach (const QDBusIntrospection::Signal &signal, interface->signals_) {
-            hs << "    ";
-            if (signal.annotations.value(QLatin1String("org.freedesktop.DBus.Deprecated")) ==
-                QLatin1String("true"))
-                hs << "Q_DECL_DEPRECATED ";
-            hs << "void " << signal.name << "(";
-            QStringList argNames = makeArgNames(signal.outputArgs);
-            writeArgList(hs, argNames, signal.outputArgs);
-            hs << ");" << endl; // finished for header
-        }
-        // close the class:
-        hs << "};" << endl
-           << endl;        
-    }
-    // close the include guard
-    hs << "#endif" << endl;
-    if (includeMocs)
-        cs << endl
-           << "#include \"" << filename << ".moc\"" << endl;
-    cs.flush();
-    hs.flush();
-    if (headerName == cppName)
-        file.write(cppData);
-    else {
-        // write to cpp file
-        QFile f(cppName);
-        f.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate | QIODevice::Text);
-        f.write(cppData);
-    }
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
-    parseCmdLine(argc, argv);
-    QDBusIntrospection::Interfaces interfaces = readInput();
-    cleanInterfaces(interfaces);
-    if (proxyFile || (!proxyFile && !adaptorFile))
-        writeProxy(proxyFile, interfaces);
-    if (adaptorFile)
-        writeAdaptor(adaptorFile, interfaces);
-    return 0;
-    \page dbusidl2cpp.html
-    \title QtDBus IDL compiler (dbusidl2cpp)
-    The QtDBus IDL compiler is a tool that can be used to parse interface descriptions and produce
-    static code representing those interfaces, which can then be used to make calls to remote
-    objects or implement said interfaces.
-    \c dbusidl2dcpp has two modes of operation, that correspond to the two possible outputs it can
-    produce: the interface (proxy) class or the adaptor class.The latter consists of both a C++
-    header and a source file, which are meant to be edited and adapted to your needs.
-    The \c dbusidl2dcpp tool is not meant to be run every time you compile your
-    application. Instead, it's meant to be used when developing the code or when the interface
-    changes.
-    The adaptor classes generated by \c dbusidl2cpp are just a skeleton that must be completed. It
-    generates, by default, calls to slots with the same name on the object the adaptor is attached
-    to. However, you may modify those slots or the property accessor functions to suit your needs.
diff --git a/qt3/.cvsignore b/qt3/.cvsignore
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index f6454f2..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/qt3/Makefile.am b/qt3/Makefile.am
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 01b619a..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-if HAVE_QT3
-dbusinclude_HEADERS=                           \
-       dbus-qt.h message.h connection.h        \
-       server.h
-libdbus_qt_1_la_SOURCES =                      \
-       $(top_srcdir)/qt3/dbus-qthread.cpp \
-       $(top_srcdir)/qt3/message.cpp \
-       $(top_srcdir)/qt3/connection.cpp \
-       $(top_srcdir)/qt3/integrator.cpp \
-       $(top_srcdir)/qt3/server.cpp \
-       $(top_srcdir)/qt3/connection.h \
-       $(top_srcdir)/qt3/integrator.h \
-       $(top_srcdir)/qt3/server.h
-$(top_srcdir)/qt3/connection.cpp: connection.moc
-$(top_srcdir)/qt3/integrator.cpp: integrator.moc
-$(top_srcdir)/qt3/server.cpp: server.moc
-$(top_srcdir)/qt3/connection.h: connection.moc
-$(top_srcdir)/qt3/integrator.h: integrator.moc
-$(top_srcdir)/qt3/server.h: server.moc
-CLEANFILES=connection.moc integrator.moc server.moc
-libdbus_qt_1_la_LIBADD= $(DBUS_QT3_LIBS) $(top_builddir)/dbus/libdbus-1.la
-libdbus_qt_1_la_LDFLAGS= -version-info 1:0 -no-undefined
-%.moc: %.h
-       $(QT3_MOC) $< > $@
diff --git a/qt3/connection.cpp b/qt3/connection.cpp
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index f426d69..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-// -*- Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
-/* connection.cpp: Qt wrapper for DBusConnection
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2003  Zack Rusin <zack@kde.org>
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.0
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *
- */
-#include "connection.h"
-using namespace DBusQt;
-#include "integrator.h"
-using Internal::Integrator;
-struct Connection::Private
-  Private( Connection *qq );
-  void setConnection( DBusConnection *c );
-  DBusConnection *connection;
-  int connectionSlot;
-  DBusError error;
-  Integrator *integrator;
-  int timeout;
-  Connection *q;
-Connection::Private::Private( Connection *qq )
-  : connection( 0 ), connectionSlot( 0 ), integrator( 0 ),
-    timeout( -1 ), q( qq )
-  dbus_error_init( &error );
-void Connection::Private::setConnection( DBusConnection *c )
-  if (!c) {
-    qDebug( "error: %s, %s", error.name, error.message );
-    dbus_error_free( &error );
-    return;
-  }
-  connection = c;
-  integrator = new Integrator( c, q );
-  connect( integrator, SIGNAL(readReady()), q, SLOT(dispatchRead()) );
-Connection::Connection( QObject *parent )
-  : QObject( parent )
-  d = new Private( this );
-Connection::Connection( const QString& host, QObject *parent )
-  : QObject( parent )
-  d = new Private( this );
-  if ( !host.isEmpty() )
-    init( host );
-Connection::Connection( DBusBusType type, QObject* parent )
-  : QObject( parent )
-  d = new Private( this );
-  d->setConnection( dbus_bus_get(type, &d->error) );
-void Connection::init( const QString& host )
-  d->setConnection( dbus_connection_open( host.ascii(), &d->error) );
-  //dbus_connection_allocate_data_slot( &d->connectionSlot );
-  //dbus_connection_set_data( d->connection, d->connectionSlot, 0, 0 );
-bool Connection::isConnected() const
-  return dbus_connection_get_is_connected( d->connection );
-bool Connection::isAuthenticated() const
-  return dbus_connection_get_is_authenticated( d->connection );
-void Connection::open( const QString& host )
-  if ( host.isEmpty() ) return;
-  init( host );
-void Connection::close()
-  dbus_connection_disconnect( d->connection );
-void Connection::flush()
-  dbus_connection_flush( d->connection );
-void Connection::dispatchRead()
-  while ( dbus_connection_dispatch( d->connection ) == DBUS_DISPATCH_DATA_REMAINS )
-    ;
-DBusConnection* Connection::connection() const
-  return d->connection;
-Connection::Connection( DBusConnection *connection, QObject *parent  )
-  : QObject( parent )
-  d = new Private(this);
-  d->setConnection(connection);
-void Connection::send( const Message &m )
-    dbus_connection_send(d->connection, m.message(), 0);
-void Connection::sendWithReply( const Message& )
-Message Connection::sendWithReplyAndBlock( const Message &m )
-  DBusMessage *reply;
-  reply = dbus_connection_send_with_reply_and_block( d->connection, m.message(), d->timeout, &d->error );
-  if (dbus_error_is_set(&d->error)) {
-      qDebug("error: %s, %s", d->error.name, d->error.message);
-      dbus_error_free(&d->error);
-  }
-  return Message( reply );
-void* Connection::virtual_hook( int, void*  )
-void Connection::dbus_connection_setup_with_qt_main (DBusConnection *connection)
-  d->setConnection( connection );
-#include "connection.moc"
diff --git a/qt3/connection.h b/qt3/connection.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 7cb922e..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-// -*- Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
-/* connection.h: Qt wrapper for DBusConnection
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2003  Zack Rusin <zack@kde.org>
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *
- */
-#include "message.h"
-#include <qobject.h>
-#include <qstring.h>
-#include "dbus/dbus.h"
-namespace DBusQt {
-  namespace Internal {
-    class Integrator;
-  }
-  class Connection : public QObject
-  {
-  public:
-    Connection( QObject *parent =0 );
-    Connection( const QString& host,
-                QObject *parent = 0 );
-    Connection( DBusBusType type, QObject* parent = 0 );
-    bool isConnected() const;
-    bool isAuthenticated() const;
-    Message borrowMessage();
-    Message popMessage();
-    void stealBorrowMessage( const Message& );
-    void dbus_connection_setup_with_qt_main (DBusConnection *connection);
-  public slots:
-    void open( const QString& );
-    void close();
-    void flush();
-    void send( const Message& );
-    void sendWithReply( const Message& );
-    Message sendWithReplyAndBlock( const Message& );
-  protected slots:
-    void dispatchRead();
-  protected:
-    void init( const QString& host );
-    virtual void *virtual_hook( int id, void *data );
-  private:
-    friend class Internal::Integrator;
-    DBusConnection *connection() const;
-    Connection( DBusConnection *connection, QObject *parent );
-  private:
-    struct Private;
-    Private *d;
-  };
diff --git a/qt3/dbus-qt.h b/qt3/dbus-qt.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 179f535..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu" -*- */
- * dbus-qt.h Qt integration
- *
- * Copyright (C)  2002  DBus Developers
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
- * 02111-1307  USA
- *
- */
-#ifndef DBUS_QT_H
-#define DBUS_QT_H
-#include <dbus/dbus.h>
- * Two approaches - one presented below a DBusQtConnection
- * object which is a Qt wrapper around DBusConnection
-class DBusQtConnection : public QObject {
-  DBusQtConnection( const char *address=0, QObject *parent=0,
-                    const char *name=0 );
-  bool         open( const char *address );
-  bool         isConnected() const;
-  int          numMessages() const;
-public slots:
-  void disconnect();
-  void flush();
-  void sendMessage( DBusMessage *message );
-  void message( DBusMessage* message );
-  void error( const char* error );
-  DBusConnection  *mConnection;
-  QSocketNotifier *mReadNotifier;
-  QSocketNotifier *mWriteNotifier;
- *
- * Second approach is to have a static Qt dispatcher like:
-class DBusQtNotifier : public QObject {
-  static DBusQtNotifier* dbus_qt_notifier();
-  void addConnection(DBusConnection* connection);
-  void message (DBusConnection* connection, DBusMessage* message);
-  DBusQtNotifier(QObject *parent);
-private slots:
-  void processNotifiers( int socket );
-  //implemented in terms of QSocketNotifiers
-  QAsciiDict<DBusConnection> mReadNotifiers;
-  QAsciiDict<DBusConnection> mWriteNotifiers;
- *
- * First one gives us a full wrapper for DBusConnection (the Qt way),
- * the other exposes DBusConnection, so would be easier to maintain
- * and keep up while DBus evolves.
- *
- */
-#endif /* DBUS_QT_H */
diff --git a/qt3/dbus-qthread.cpp b/qt3/dbus-qthread.cpp
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 72ccb15..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu" -*- */
-/* dbus-qthread.cpp  Qt threads integration
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2002  Zack Rusin <zack@kde.org>
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.0
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *
- */
-#include <dbus/dbus.h>
-#include <qmutex.h>
-#if defined(QT_THREAD_SUPPORT)
-static DBusMutex * dbus_qmutex_new    (void);
-static void        dbus_qmutex_free   (DBusMutex *mutex);
-static dbus_bool_t dbus_qmutex_lock   (DBusMutex *mutex);
-static dbus_bool_t dbus_qmutex_unlock (DBusMutex *mutex);
-static DBusCondVar*dbus_qcondvar_new          (void);
-static void        dbus_qcondvar_free         (DBusCondVar *cond);
-static void        dbus_qcondvar_wait         (DBusCondVar *cond,
-                                              DBusMutex   *mutex);
-static dbus_bool_t dbus_qcondvar_wait_timeout (DBusCondVar *cond,
-                                              DBusMutex   *mutex.
-                                              int          timeout_msec);
-static void        dbus_qcondvar_wake_one     (DBusCondVar *cond);
-static void        dbus_qcondvar_wake_all     (DBusCondVar *cond);
-static const DBusThreadFunctions functions =
-  dbus_qmutex_new,
-  dbus_qmutex_free,
-  dbus_qmutex_lock,
-  dbus_qmutex_unlock
-  dbus_qcondvar_new,
-  dbus_qcondvar_free,
-  dbus_qcondvar_wait,
-  dbus_qcondvar_wait_timeout,
-  dbus_qcondvar_wake_one,
-  dbus_qcondvar_wake_all
-static DBusMutex *
-dbus_qmutex_new (void)
-  QMutex *mutex;
-  mutex = new QMutex;
-  return static_cast<DBusMutex*>( mutex );
-static void
-dbus_qmutex_free (DBusMutex *mutex)
-  QMutex * qmutex = static_cast<QMutex*>(mutex);
-  delete mutex;
-static dbus_bool_t
-dbus_qmutex_lock   (DBusMutex *mutex)
-  QMutex *qmutex = static_cast<QMutex*>(mutex);
-  qmutex->lock();
-  return TRUE;
-static dbus_bool_t
-dbus_qmutex_unlock (DBusMutex *mutex)
-  QMutex *qmutex = static_cast<QMutex*>(mutex);
-  qmutex->unlock();
-  return TRUE;
-static DBusCondVar*
-dbus_qcondvar_new (void)
-  QWaitCondition *cond;
-  cond = new QWaitCondition;
-  return static_cast<DBusCondVar*>( cond );
-static void
-dbus_qcondvar_free (DBusCondVar *cond)
-  QWaitCondition *qcond = static_cast<QWaitCondition*>(cond);
-  delete qcond;
-static void
-dbus_qcondvar_wait (DBusCondVar *cond,
-                   DBusMutex   *mutex)
-  QWaitCondition *qcond = static_cast<QWaitCondition*>(cond);
-  QMutex *qmutex = static_cast<QMutex*>(mutex);
-  qcond->wait (qmutex);
-static dbus_bool_t
-dbus_gcondvar_wait_timeout (DBusCondVar *cond,
-                           DBusMutex   *mutex,
-                           int         timeout_msec)
-  QWaitCondition *qcond = static_cast<QWaitCondition*>(cond);
-  QMutex *qmutex = static_cast<QMutex*>(mutex);
-  return qcond->wait (qmutex, timout_msec);
-static void
-dbus_qcondvar_wake_one (DBusCondVar *cond)
-  QWaitCondition *qcond = static_cast<QWaitCondition*>(cond);
-  qcond->wakeOne (qmutex);
-static void
-dbus_qcondvar_wake_all (DBusCondVar *cond)
-  QWaitCondition *qcond = static_cast<QWaitCondition*>(cond);
-  qcond->wakeAll (qmutex);
-extern "C" {
-dbus_qthread_init (void)
-  //Do we want to do anything else here?
-  dbus_threads_init (&functions);
diff --git a/qt3/integrator.cpp b/qt3/integrator.cpp
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index fff32b3..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,244 +0,0 @@
-// -*- Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
-/* integrator.h: integrates D-BUS into Qt event loop
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2003  Zack Rusin <zack@kde.org>
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.0
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *
- */
-#include "integrator.h"
-#include "connection.h"
-#include <qtimer.h>
-#include <qsocketnotifier.h>
-#include <qintdict.h>
-#include <qptrlist.h>
-namespace DBusQt
-namespace Internal {
-struct Watch {
-  Watch(): readSocket( 0 ), writeSocket( 0 ) { }
-  DBusWatch *watch;
-  QSocketNotifier *readSocket;
-  QSocketNotifier *writeSocket;
-dbus_bool_t dbusAddWatch( DBusWatch *watch, void *data )
-  Integrator *con = static_cast<Integrator*>( data );
-  con->addWatch( watch );
-  return true;
-void dbusRemoveWatch( DBusWatch *watch, void *data )
-  Integrator *con = static_cast<Integrator*>( data );
-  con->removeWatch( watch );
-void dbusToggleWatch( DBusWatch *watch, void *data )
-  Integrator *itg = static_cast<Integrator*>( data );
-  if ( dbus_watch_get_enabled( watch ) )
-    itg->addWatch( watch );
-  else
-    itg->removeWatch( watch );
-dbus_bool_t dbusAddTimeout( DBusTimeout *timeout, void *data )
-  if ( !dbus_timeout_get_enabled(timeout) )
-    return true;
-  Integrator *itg = static_cast<Integrator*>( data );
-  itg->addTimeout( timeout );
-  return true;
-void dbusRemoveTimeout( DBusTimeout *timeout, void *data )
-  Integrator *itg = static_cast<Integrator*>( data );
-  itg->removeTimeout( timeout );
-void dbusToggleTimeout( DBusTimeout *timeout, void *data )
-  Integrator *itg = static_cast<Integrator*>( data );
-  if ( dbus_timeout_get_enabled( timeout ) )
-    itg->addTimeout( timeout );
-  else
-    itg->removeTimeout( timeout );
-void dbusWakeupMain( void* )
-void dbusNewConnection( DBusServer     *server,
-                        DBusConnection *new_connection,
-                        void           *data )
-  Integrator *itg = static_cast<Integrator*>( data );
-  itg->handleConnection( new_connection );
-Timeout::Timeout( QObject *parent, DBusTimeout *t )
-  : QObject( parent ),  m_timeout( t )
-  m_timer = new QTimer( this );
-  connect( m_timer,  SIGNAL(timeout()),
-           SLOT(slotTimeout()) );
-void Timeout::slotTimeout()
-  emit timeout( m_timeout );
-void Timeout::start()
-  m_timer->start( dbus_timeout_get_interval( m_timeout ) );
-Integrator::Integrator( DBusConnection *conn, QObject *parent )
-  : QObject( parent ), m_connection( conn )
-  m_timeouts.setAutoDelete( true );
-  dbus_connection_set_watch_functions( m_connection,
-                                       dbusAddWatch,
-                                       dbusRemoveWatch,
-                                       dbusToggleWatch,
-                                       this, 0 );
-  dbus_connection_set_timeout_functions( m_connection,
-                                         dbusAddTimeout,
-                                         dbusRemoveTimeout,
-                                         dbusToggleTimeout,
-                                         this, 0 );
-  dbus_connection_set_wakeup_main_function( m_connection,
-                                           dbusWakeupMain,
-                                           this, 0 );
-Integrator::Integrator( DBusServer *server, QObject *parent )
-  : QObject( parent ), m_server( server )
-  m_connection = reinterpret_cast<DBusConnection*>( m_server );
-  m_timeouts.setAutoDelete( true );
-  dbus_server_set_watch_functions( m_server,
-                                   dbusAddWatch,
-                                   dbusRemoveWatch,
-                                   dbusToggleWatch,
-                                   this, 0 );
-  dbus_server_set_timeout_functions( m_server,
-                                     dbusAddTimeout,
-                                     dbusRemoveTimeout,
-                                     dbusToggleTimeout,
-                                     this, 0 );
-  dbus_server_set_new_connection_function( m_server,
-                                           dbusNewConnection,
-                                           this,  0 );
-void Integrator::slotRead( int fd )
-  QIntDictIterator<Watch>      it( m_watches );
-  for ( ; it.current(); ++it )
-    dbus_watch_handle ( it.current()->watch, DBUS_WATCH_READABLE );
-  emit readReady();
-void Integrator::slotWrite( int fd )
-  QIntDictIterator<Watch>       it( m_watches );
-  for ( ; it.current(); ++it )
-    dbus_watch_handle ( it.current()->watch, DBUS_WATCH_WRITABLE );
-void Integrator::slotTimeout( DBusTimeout *timeout )
-  dbus_timeout_handle( timeout );
-void Integrator::addWatch( DBusWatch *watch )
-  if ( !dbus_watch_get_enabled( watch ) )
-    return;
-  Watch *qtwatch = new Watch;
-  qtwatch->watch = watch;
-  int flags = dbus_watch_get_flags( watch );
-  int fd = dbus_watch_get_fd( watch );
-  if ( flags & DBUS_WATCH_READABLE ) {
-    qtwatch->readSocket = new QSocketNotifier( fd, QSocketNotifier::Read, this );
-    QObject::connect( qtwatch->readSocket, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(slotRead(int)) );
-  }
-  if (flags & DBUS_WATCH_WRITABLE) {
-    qtwatch->writeSocket = new QSocketNotifier( fd, QSocketNotifier::Write, this );
-    QObject::connect( qtwatch->writeSocket, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(slotWrite(int)) );
-  }
-  m_watches.insert( fd, qtwatch );
-void Integrator::removeWatch( DBusWatch *watch )
-  int key = dbus_watch_get_fd( watch );
-  Watch *qtwatch = m_watches.take( key );
-  if ( qtwatch ) {
-    delete qtwatch->readSocket;  qtwatch->readSocket = 0;
-    delete qtwatch->writeSocket; qtwatch->writeSocket = 0;
-    delete qtwatch;
-  }
-void Integrator::addTimeout( DBusTimeout *timeout )
-  Timeout *mt = new Timeout( this, timeout );
-  m_timeouts.insert( timeout, mt );
-  connect( mt, SIGNAL(timeout(DBusTimeout*)),
-           SLOT(slotTimeout(DBusTimeout*)) );
-  mt->start();
-void Integrator::removeTimeout( DBusTimeout *timeout )
-  m_timeouts.remove( timeout );
-void Integrator::handleConnection( DBusConnection *c )
-  Connection *con = new Connection( c, this );
-  emit newConnection( con );
-}//end namespace Internal
-}//end namespace DBusQt
-#include "integrator.moc"
diff --git a/qt3/integrator.h b/qt3/integrator.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 70e2a7f..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-// -*- Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
-/* integrator.h: integrates D-BUS into Qt event loop
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2003  Zack Rusin <zack@kde.org>
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *
- */
-#include <qobject.h>
-#include <qintdict.h>
-#include <qptrdict.h>
-#include "dbus/dbus.h"
-class QTimer;
-namespace DBusQt
-  class Connection;
-  namespace Internal
-  {
-    struct Watch;
-    class Timeout : public QObject
-    {
-      Q_OBJECT
-    public:
-      Timeout( QObject *parent, DBusTimeout *t );
-    public:
-      void start();
-    signals:
-      void timeout( DBusTimeout* );
-    protected slots:
-      void slotTimeout();
-    private:
-      QTimer *m_timer;
-      DBusTimeout *m_timeout;
-    };
-    class Integrator : public QObject
-    {
-      Q_OBJECT
-    public:
-      Integrator( DBusConnection *connection, QObject *parent );
-      Integrator( DBusServer *server, QObject *parent );
-    signals:
-      void readReady();
-      void newConnection( Connection* );
-    protected slots:
-      void slotRead( int );
-      void slotWrite( int );
-      void slotTimeout( DBusTimeout *timeout );
-    public:
-      void addWatch( DBusWatch* );
-      void removeWatch( DBusWatch* );
-      void addTimeout( DBusTimeout* );
-      void removeTimeout( DBusTimeout* );
-      void handleConnection( DBusConnection* );
-    private:
-      QIntDict<Watch> m_watches;
-      QPtrDict<Timeout> m_timeouts;
-      DBusConnection *m_connection;
-      DBusServer *m_server;
-    };
-  }
diff --git a/qt3/message.cpp b/qt3/message.cpp
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 256c2b2..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,561 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- mode: C++; c-file-style: "gnu" -*- */
-/* message.cpp: Qt wrapper for DBusMessage
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2003  Zack Rusin <zack@kde.org>
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.0
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *
- */
-#include "message.h"
-#include <qmap.h>
-#include <cstdlib>
-namespace DBusQt {
-struct Message::iterator::IteratorData {
-  DBusMessageIter *iter;
-  QVariant         var;
-  bool             end;
-  DBusMessage    *mesg;
- * Iterator.
- */
-  d = new IteratorData;
-  d->iter = 0; d->end = true;
- * Constructs iterator for the message.
- * @param msg message whose fields we want to iterate
- */
-Message::iterator::iterator( DBusMessage* msg )
-  d = new IteratorData;
-  d->mesg = msg;
-  d->iter = static_cast<DBusMessageIter *>( malloc( sizeof(DBusMessageIter) ) );
-  dbus_message_iter_init( d->mesg, d->iter );
-  if ( !d->iter ) {
-    qDebug("No iterator??");
-  }
-  fillVar();
-  d->end = false;
- * Copy constructor for the iterator.
- * @param itr iterator
- */
-Message::iterator::iterator( const iterator& itr )
-  d = new IteratorData;
-  d->iter = itr.d->iter;
-  d->var  = itr.d->var;
-  d->end  = itr.d->end;
- * Destructor.
- */
-  free( d->iter );
-  delete d; d=0;
- * Creates an iterator equal to the @p itr iterator
- * @param itr other iterator
- * @return
- */
-Message::iterator::operator=( const iterator& itr )
-  IteratorData *tmp = new IteratorData;
-  tmp->iter = itr.d->iter;
-  tmp->var  = itr.d->var;
-  tmp->end  = itr.d->end;
-  delete d; d=tmp;
-  return *this;
- * Returns the constant QVariant held by the iterator.
- * @return the constant reference to QVariant held by this iterator
- */
-const QVariant&
-Message::iterator::operator*() const
-  return d->var;
- * Returns the QVariant held by the iterator.
- * @return reference to QVariant held by this iterator
- */
-  return d->var;
- * Moves to the next field and return a reference to itself after
- * incrementing.
- * @return reference to self after incrementing
- */
-  if ( d->end )
-    return *this;
-  if (  dbus_message_iter_next( d->iter ) ) {
-    fillVar();
-  } else {
-    d->end = true;
-    d->var = QVariant();
-  }
-  return *this;
- * Moves to the next field and returns self before incrementing.
- * @return self before incrementing
- */
-  iterator itr( *this );
-  operator++();
-  return itr;
- * Compares this iterator to @p it iterator.
- * @param it the iterator to which we're comparing this one to
- * @return true if they're equal, false otherwise
- */
-Message::iterator::operator==( const iterator& it )
-  if ( d->end == it.d->end ) {
-    if ( d->end == true ) {
-      return true;
-    } else {
-      return d->var == it.d->var;
-    }
-  } else
-    return false;
- * Compares two iterators.
- * @param it The other iterator.
- * @return true if two iterators are not equal, false
- *         otherwise
- */
-Message::iterator::operator!=( const iterator& it )
-  return !operator==( it );
-QVariant Message::iterator::marshallBaseType( DBusMessageIter* i )
-  QVariant ret;
-  switch (dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(i)) {
-  case DBUS_TYPE_INT32:
-    {
-      dbus_int32_t v;
-      dbus_message_iter_get_basic (i, &v);
-      ret = QVariant( v );
-    }
-    break;
-  case DBUS_TYPE_UINT32:
-    {
-      dbus_uint32_t v;
-      dbus_message_iter_get_basic (i, &v);
-      ret = QVariant( v );
-    }
-    break;
-    {
-      double v;
-      dbus_message_iter_get_basic (i, &v);
-      ret = QVariant( v );
-    }
-    break;
-    {
-      const char *v;
-      dbus_message_iter_get_basic (i, &v);
-      ret = QVariant( v );
-    }
-    break;
-  default:
-    ret = QVariant();
-    break;
-  }
-  return ret;
- * Fills QVariant based on what current DBusMessageIter helds.
- */
-  switch ( dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type( d->iter ) ) {
-  case DBUS_TYPE_INT32:
-  case DBUS_TYPE_UINT32:
-    d->var = marshallBaseType( d->iter );
-    break;
-  case DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY: {
-    switch ( dbus_message_iter_get_element_type( d->iter ) ) {
-    case DBUS_TYPE_STRING: {
-      QStringList tempList;
-      DBusMessageIter sub;
-      dbus_message_iter_recurse (d->iter, &sub);
-      while (dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type (&sub) != DBUS_TYPE_INVALID)
-        {
-          const char *v;
-          dbus_message_iter_get_basic (&sub, &v);
-          tempList.append( QString( v ) );
-          dbus_message_iter_next (&sub);
-        }
-      d->var = QVariant( tempList );
-      break;
-    }
-    default:
-      qDebug( "Array of type not implemented" );
-      d->var = QVariant();
-      break;
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-#if 0
-  /* DICT is gone for now, but expected to be reintroduced, or else
-   * reintroduced as a flag on the introspection data that can
-   * apply to array of struct of two fields
-   */
-  case DBUS_TYPE_DICT: {
-    qDebug( "Got a hash!" );
-    QMap<QString, QVariant> tempMap;
-    DBusMessageIter dictIter;
-    dbus_message_iter_init_dict_iterator( d->iter, &dictIter );
-    do {
-      char *key = dbus_message_iter_get_dict_key( &dictIter );
-      tempMap[key] = marshallBaseType( &dictIter );
-      dbus_free( key );
-      dbus_message_iter_next( &dictIter );
-    } while( dbus_message_iter_has_next( &dictIter ) );
-    d->var = QVariant( tempMap );
-    break;
-    qDebug( "Hash/Dict type not implemented" );
-    d->var = QVariant();
-    break;
-  }
-  default:
-    qDebug( "not implemented" );
-    d->var = QVariant();
-    break;
-  }
- * Returns a QVariant help by this iterator.
- * @return QVariant held by this iterator
- */
-Message::iterator::var() const
-  return d->var;
-struct Message::Private {
-  DBusMessage *msg;
-Message::Message( DBusMessage *m )
-  d = new Private;
-  d->msg = m;
- *
- */
-Message::Message( int messageType )
-  d = new Private;
-  d->msg = dbus_message_new( messageType );
- * Constructs a new Message with the given service and name.
- * @param service service service that the message should be sent to
- * @param name name of the message
- */
-Message::Message( const QString& service, const QString& path,
-                  const QString& interface, const QString& method )
-  d = new Private;
-  d->msg = dbus_message_new_method_call( service.latin1(), path.latin1(),
-                                         interface.latin1(), method.latin1() );
- * Constructs a message that is a reply to some other
- * message.
- * @param name the name of the message
- * @param replayingTo original_message the message which the created
- * message is a reply to.
- */
-Message::Message( const Message& replayingTo )
-  d = new Private;
-  d->msg = dbus_message_new_method_return( replayingTo.d->msg );
-Message:: Message( const QString& path, const QString& interface,
-                   const QString& name )
-  d = new Private;
-  d->msg = dbus_message_new_signal( path.ascii(), interface.ascii(),
-                                    name.ascii() );
-Message::Message( const Message& replayingTo, const QString& errorName,
-                  const QString& errorMessage )
-  d = new Private;
-  d->msg = dbus_message_new_error( replayingTo.d->msg, errorName.utf8(),
-                                   errorMessage.utf8() );
-Message Message::operator=( const Message& other )
-  //FIXME: ref the other.d->msg instead of copying it?
- * Destructs message.
- */
-  if ( d->msg ) {
-    dbus_message_unref( d->msg );
-  }
-  delete d; d=0;
-int Message::type() const
-  return dbus_message_get_type( d->msg );
-void Message::setPath( const QString& path )
-  dbus_message_set_path( d->msg, path.ascii() );
-QString Message::path() const
-  return dbus_message_get_path( d->msg );
-void Message::setInterface( const QString& iface )
-  dbus_message_set_interface( d->msg, iface.ascii() );
-QString Message::interface() const
-  return dbus_message_get_interface( d->msg );
-void Message::setMember( const QString& member )
-  dbus_message_set_member( d->msg, member.ascii() );
-QString Message::member() const
-  return dbus_message_get_member( d->msg );
-void Message::setErrorName( const QString& err )
-  dbus_message_set_error_name( d->msg, err );
-QString Message::errorName() const
-  return dbus_message_get_error_name( d->msg );
-void Message::setDestination( const QString& dest )
-  dbus_message_set_destination( d->msg, dest );
-QString Message::destination() const
-  return dbus_message_get_destination( d->msg );
- * Sets the message sender.
- * @param sender the sender
- * @return false if unsuccessful
- */
-Message::setSender( const QString& sender )
-  return dbus_message_set_sender( d->msg, sender.latin1() );
- * Returns sender of this message.
- * @return sender
- */
-Message::sender() const
-  return dbus_message_get_sender( d->msg );
-QString Message::signature() const
-  return dbus_message_get_signature( d->msg );
- * Returns the starting iterator for the fields of this
- * message.
- * @return starting iterator
- */
-Message::begin() const
-  return iterator( d->msg );
- * Returns the ending iterator for the fields of this
- * message.
- * @return ending iterator
- */
-Message::end() const
-  return iterator();
- * Returns the field at position @p i
- * @param i position of the wanted field
- * @return QVariant at position @p i or an empty QVariant
- */
-Message::at( int i )
-  iterator itr( d->msg );
-  while ( i-- ) {
-    if ( itr == end() )
-      return QVariant();//nothing there
-    ++itr;
-  }
-  return *itr;
- * The underlying DBusMessage of this class.
- * @return DBusMessage pointer.
- */
-Message::message() const
-  return d->msg;
-Message& Message::operator<<( bool b )
-  const dbus_bool_t right_size_bool = b;
-  dbus_message_append_args( d->msg, DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN, &right_size_bool,
-                            DBUS_TYPE_INVALID );
-Message& Message::operator<<( Q_INT8 byte )
-  dbus_message_append_args( d->msg, DBUS_TYPE_BYTE, &byte,
-                            DBUS_TYPE_INVALID );
-Message& Message::operator<<( Q_INT32 num )
-  dbus_message_append_args( d->msg, DBUS_TYPE_INT32, &num,
-                            DBUS_TYPE_INVALID );
-Message& Message::operator<<( Q_UINT32 num )
-  dbus_message_append_args( d->msg, DBUS_TYPE_UINT32, &num,
-                            DBUS_TYPE_INVALID );
-Message& Message::operator<<( Q_INT64 num )
-  dbus_message_append_args( d->msg, DBUS_TYPE_INT64, &num,
-                            DBUS_TYPE_INVALID );
-Message& Message::operator<<( Q_UINT64 num )
-  dbus_message_append_args( d->msg, DBUS_TYPE_UINT64, &num,
-                            DBUS_TYPE_INVALID );
-Message& Message::operator<<( double num )
-  dbus_message_append_args( d->msg, DBUS_TYPE_DOUBLE, &num,
-                            DBUS_TYPE_INVALID );
-Message& Message::operator<<( const QString& str )
-  const char *u = str.utf8();
-  dbus_message_append_args( d->msg, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &u,
-                            DBUS_TYPE_INVALID );
-Message& Message::operator<<( const QVariant& custom )
-  //FIXME: imeplement
diff --git a/qt3/message.h b/qt3/message.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 5e26b81..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- mode: C++; c-file-style: "gnu" -*- */
-/* message.h: Qt wrapper for DBusMessage
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2003  Zack Rusin <zack@kde.org>
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *
- */
-#include <qvariant.h>
-#include <qstring.h>
-#include <qstringlist.h>
-#include "dbus/dbus.h"
-namespace DBusQt {
-  class Message
-  {
-  public:
-    class iterator {
-    public:
-      iterator();
-      iterator( const iterator& );
-      iterator( DBusMessage* msg );
-      ~iterator();
-      iterator& operator=( const iterator& );
-      const QVariant& operator*() const;
-      QVariant& operator*();
-      iterator& operator++();
-      iterator operator++(int);
-      bool operator==( const iterator& it );
-      bool operator!=( const iterator& it );
-      QVariant var() const;
-    protected:
-      QVariant marshallBaseType( DBusMessageIter* i );
-      void fillVar();
-      struct IteratorData;
-      IteratorData *d;
-    };
-    Message( int messageType );
-    Message( DBusMessage * );//hide this one from the public implementation
-    Message( const QString& service, const QString& path,
-             const QString& interface, const QString& method );
-    Message( const Message& replayingTo );
-    Message( const QString& path, const QString& interface,
-             const QString& name );
-    Message( const Message& replayingTo, const QString& errorName,
-             const QString& errorMessage );
-    Message operator=( const Message& other );
-    virtual ~Message();
-    int type() const;
-    void setPath( const QString& );
-    QString path() const;
-    void setInterface( const QString& );
-    QString interface() const;
-    void setMember( const QString& );
-    QString member() const;
-    void setErrorName( const QString& );
-    QString errorName() const;
-    void setDestination( const QString& );
-    QString destination() const;
-    bool    setSender( const QString& sender );
-    QString    sender() const;
-    QString signature() const;
-    iterator begin() const;
-    iterator end() const;
-    QVariant at( int i );
-  public:
-    Message& operator<<( bool );
-    Message& operator<<( Q_INT8 );
-    Message& operator<<( Q_INT32 );
-    Message& operator<<( Q_UINT32 );
-    Message& operator<<( Q_INT64 );
-    Message& operator<<( Q_UINT64 );
-    Message& operator<<( double );
-    Message& operator<<( const QString& );
-    Message& operator<<( const QVariant& );
-    //Message& operator<<();
-    //Message& operator<<();
-    //Message& operator<<();
-    //Message& operator<<();
-    //Message& operator<<();
-    //Message& operator<<();
-    //Message& operator<<();
-  protected:
-    friend class Connection;
-    DBusMessage* message() const;
-  private:
-    struct Private;
-    Private *d;
-  };
diff --git a/qt3/server.cpp b/qt3/server.cpp
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 5d6c3ba..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-// -*- Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
-/* server.h: Qt wrapper for DBusServer
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2003  Zack Rusin <zack@kde.org>
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.0
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *
- */
-#include "server.h"
-#include "connection.h"
-#include "integrator.h"
-using DBusQt::Internal::Integrator;
-namespace DBusQt
-struct Server::Private {
-  Private() : integrator( 0 ), server( 0 )
-    {}
-  Integrator *integrator;
-  DBusServer *server;
-  DBusError error;
-Server::Server( const QString& addr, QObject *parent )
-  : QObject( parent )
-  d = new Private;
-  if ( !addr.isEmpty() ) {
-    init( addr );
-  }
-  delete d;
-bool Server::isConnected() const
-  return dbus_server_get_is_connected( d->server );
-void Server::disconnect()
-  dbus_server_disconnect( d->server );
-QString Server::address() const
-  //FIXME: leak?
-  return dbus_server_get_address( d->server );
-void Server::listen( const QString& addr )
-  if ( !d->server ) {
-    init( addr );
-  }
-void Server::init( const QString& addr )
-  d->server = dbus_server_listen( addr.ascii(),  &d->error );
-  d->integrator = new Integrator( d->server, this );
-  connect( d->integrator, SIGNAL(newConnection(Connection*)),
-           SIGNAL(newConnection(Connection*)) );
-#include "server.moc"
diff --git a/qt3/server.h b/qt3/server.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 36c729a..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-// -*- Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
-/* server.h: Qt wrapper for DBusServer
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2003  Zack Rusin <zack@kde.org>
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *
- */
-#include <qobject.h>
-#include "dbus/dbus.h"
-namespace DBusQt
-  class Connection;
-  class Server : public QObject
-  {
-  public:
-    Server( const QString& addr = QString::null, QObject *parent=0 );
-    ~Server();
-    bool isConnected() const;
-    QString address() const;
-  public slots:
-    void listen( const QString& addr );
-    void disconnect();
-  signals:
-    void newConnection( Connection* );
-  private:
-    void init( const QString& addr );
-  private:
-    struct Private;
-    Private *d;
-  };
index e419fb8..b4863c7 100644 (file)
@@ -1,16 +1,5 @@
-    GLIB_SUBDIR=glib
-    PYTHON_SUBDIR=python
-    QT_SUBDIR=qt
-DIST_SUBDIRS=glib python qt name-test
 INCLUDES=-I$(top_srcdir) $(DBUS_TEST_CFLAGS) 
diff --git a/test/data/valid-service-files/debug-glib.service.in b/test/data/valid-service-files/debug-glib.service.in
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 199fd80..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-[D-BUS Service]
diff --git a/test/data/valid-service-files/debug-python.service.in b/test/data/valid-service-files/debug-python.service.in
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 9dca726..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-[D-BUS Service]
diff --git a/test/glib/Makefile.am b/test/glib/Makefile.am
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index aebaf37..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-## note that TESTS has special meaning (stuff to use in make check)
-## so if adding tests not to be run in make check, don't add them to 
-EXTRA_DIST=run-test.sh test-service-glib.xml my-object-marshal.list test-service-glib.xml
-THREAD_APPS=test-thread-server test-thread-client test-profile
-test_thread_server_SOURCES=                            \
-       test-thread-server.c                            \
-       test-thread.h
-test_thread_server_LDADD= $(DBUS_GLIB_THREADS_LIBS) $(top_builddir)/glib/libdbus-glib-1.la 
-test_thread_client_SOURCES=                            \
-       test-thread-client.c                            \
-       test-thread.h
-test_thread_client_LDADD= $(DBUS_GLIB_THREADS_LIBS) $(top_builddir)/glib/libdbus-glib-1.la 
-## we use noinst_PROGRAMS not check_PROGRAMS for TESTS so that we
-## build even when not doing "make check"
-noinst_PROGRAMS= test-dbus-glib test-service-glib $(THREAD_APPS)
-test_dbus_glib_SOURCES=                                \
-       my-object-marshal.c                             \
-       test-dbus-glib.c
-test_dbus_glib_LDADD= $(DBUS_GLIB_TOOL_LIBS) $(top_builddir)/glib/libdbus-glib-1.la $(top_builddir)/glib/libdbus-gtool.la
-BUILT_SOURCES = test-service-glib-glue.h test-service-glib-bindings.h my-object-marshal.c my-object-marshal.h 
-test_service_glib_SOURCES=                             \
-       my-object-marshal.c                             \
-       test-service-glib.c 
-test-service-glib-glue.h: test-service-glib.xml $(top_builddir)/glib/dbus-binding-tool
-       $(top_builddir)/glib/dbus-binding-tool --prefix=my_object --mode=glib-server --output=test-service-glib-glue.h $(srcdir)/test-service-glib.xml
-test-service-glib-bindings.h: test-service-glib.xml $(top_builddir)/glib/dbus-binding-tool
-       $(top_builddir)/glib/dbus-binding-tool --prefix=my_object --mode=glib-client --output=test-service-glib-bindings.h $(srcdir)/test-service-glib.xml
-my-object-marshal.c: Makefile my-object-marshal.list
-       @GLIB_GENMARSHAL@ --prefix=my_object_marshal $(srcdir)/my-object-marshal.list --header --body > my-object-marshal.c
-my-object-marshal.h: Makefile my-object-marshal.list
-       @GLIB_GENMARSHAL@ --prefix=my_object_marshal $(srcdir)/my-object-marshal.list --header > my-object-marshal.h
-test_service_glib_LDADD= $(top_builddir)/glib/libdbus-glib-1.la $(DBUS_GLIB_THREADS_LIBS) 
-### not building tests
-test_profile_SOURCES=                          \
-       test-profile.c
-test_profile_LDADD= $(DBUS_GLIB_THREADS_LIBS) $(top_builddir)/glib/libdbus-glib-1.la 
diff --git a/test/glib/my-object-marshal.list b/test/glib/my-object-marshal.list
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 48cbfad..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/test/glib/run-test.sh b/test/glib/run-test.sh
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 86f1aee..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/bash
-## so the tests can complain if you fail to use the script to launch them
-# Rerun ourselves with tmp session bus if we're not already
-if test -z "$DBUS_TEST_GLIB_IN_RUN_TEST"; then
-  exec $DBUS_TOP_BUILDDIR/tools/run-with-tmp-session-bus.sh $SCRIPTNAME $MODE
-if test x$MODE = xprofile ; then
-  echo "profiling type $PROFILE_TYPE"
-  sleep 2 ## this lets the bus get started so its startup time doesn't affect the profile too much
-  if test x$PROFILE_TYPE = x ; then
-      PROFILE_TYPE=all
-  fi
-  libtool --mode=execute $DEBUG $DBUS_TOP_BUILDDIR/test/glib/test-profile $PROFILE_TYPE || die "test-profile failed"
-elif test x$MODE = xviewer ; then
-  echo "Launching dbus-viewer"
-  ARGS=
-  if test x$DEBUG = x ; then
-      ARGS="--services org.freedesktop.DBus org.freedesktop.DBus.TestSuiteGLibService"
-  fi
-  libtool --mode=execute $DEBUG $DBUS_TOP_BUILDDIR/tools/dbus-viewer $ARGS || die "could not run dbus-viewer"
-elif test x$MODE = xwait ; then
-  sleep 86400
-  echo "running test-dbus-glib"
-  libtool --mode=execute $DEBUG $DBUS_TOP_BUILDDIR/test/glib/test-dbus-glib || die "test-dbus-glib failed"
diff --git a/test/glib/test-dbus-glib.c b/test/glib/test-dbus-glib.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index ebcfaea..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1621 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu" -*- */
-#include <dbus/dbus-glib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "test-service-glib-bindings.h"
-#include <glib/dbus-gidl.h>
-#include <glib/dbus-gparser.h>
-#include <glib.h>
-#include <glib-object.h>
-#include "my-object-marshal.h"
-static GMainLoop *loop = NULL;
-static const char *await_terminating_service = NULL;
-static int n_times_foo_received = 0;
-static int n_times_frobnicate_received = 0;
-static int n_times_frobnicate_received_2 = 0;
-static int n_times_sig0_received = 0;
-static int n_times_sig1_received = 0;
-static int n_times_sig2_received = 0;
-static guint exit_timeout = 0;
-static gboolean proxy_destroyed = FALSE;
-static gboolean proxy_destroy_and_nameowner = FALSE;
-static gboolean proxy_destroy_and_nameowner_complete = FALSE;
-static void lose (const char *fmt, ...) G_GNUC_NORETURN G_GNUC_PRINTF (1, 2);
-static void lose_gerror (const char *prefix, GError *error) G_GNUC_NORETURN;
-static void
-unset_and_free_gvalue (gpointer val)
-  g_value_unset (val);
-  g_free (val);
-static gboolean
-timed_exit (gpointer loop)
-  g_print ("timed exit!\n");
-  g_main_loop_quit (loop);
-  return TRUE;
-static void
-proxy_destroyed_cb (DBusGProxy *proxy, gpointer user_data)
-  proxy_destroyed = TRUE;
-  if (proxy_destroy_and_nameowner && !proxy_destroy_and_nameowner_complete && await_terminating_service == NULL)
-    {
-      g_source_remove (exit_timeout);
-      g_main_loop_quit (loop);
-      proxy_destroy_and_nameowner_complete = TRUE;
-    } 
-static void
-name_owner_changed (DBusGProxy *proxy,
-                   const char *name,
-                   const char *prev_owner,
-                   const char *new_owner,
-                   gpointer   user_data)
-  g_print ("(signal NameOwnerChanged) name owner changed for %s from %s to %s\n",
-          name, prev_owner, new_owner);
-  if (await_terminating_service &&
-      !strcmp (name, await_terminating_service)
-      && !strcmp ("", new_owner))
-    {
-      g_print ("Caught expected ownership loss for %s\n", name); 
-      await_terminating_service = NULL;
-      if (proxy_destroy_and_nameowner && !proxy_destroy_and_nameowner_complete && proxy_destroyed)
-       {
-         g_source_remove (exit_timeout);
-         g_main_loop_quit (loop);
-         proxy_destroy_and_nameowner_complete = TRUE;
-       } 
-      else if (!proxy_destroy_and_nameowner)
-       {
-         g_source_remove (exit_timeout);
-         g_main_loop_quit (loop);
-       }
-    }
-static void
-foo_signal_handler (DBusGProxy  *proxy,
-                    double       d,
-                    void        *user_data)
-  n_times_foo_received += 1;
-  g_print ("Got Foo signal\n");
-  g_main_loop_quit (loop);
-  g_source_remove (exit_timeout);
-static void
-frobnicate_signal_handler (DBusGProxy  *proxy,
-                          int          val,
-                          void        *user_data)
-  n_times_frobnicate_received += 1;
-  g_assert (val == 42);
-  g_print ("Got Frobnicate signal\n");
-  g_main_loop_quit (loop);
-  g_source_remove (exit_timeout);
-static void
-frobnicate_signal_handler_2 (DBusGProxy  *proxy,
-                            int          val,
-                            void        *user_data)
-  n_times_frobnicate_received_2 += 1;
-  g_assert (val == 42);
-  g_print ("Got Frobnicate signal (again)\n");
-static void
-sig0_signal_handler (DBusGProxy  *proxy,
-                    const char  *str0,
-                    int          val,
-                    const char  *str1,
-                    void        *user_data)
-  n_times_sig0_received += 1;
-  g_assert (!strcmp (str0, "foo"));
-  g_assert (val == 22);
-  g_assert (!strcmp (str1, "moo"));
-  g_print ("Got Sig0 signal\n");
-  g_main_loop_quit (loop);
-  g_source_remove (exit_timeout);
-static void
-sig1_signal_handler (DBusGProxy  *proxy,
-                    const char  *str0,
-                    GValue      *value,
-                    void        *user_data)
-  n_times_sig1_received += 1;
-  g_assert (!strcmp (str0, "baz"));
-  g_assert (G_VALUE_HOLDS_STRING (value));
-  g_assert (!strcmp (g_value_get_string (value), "bar"));
-  g_print ("Got Sig1 signal\n");
-  g_main_loop_quit (loop);
-  g_source_remove (exit_timeout);
-static void
-sig2_signal_handler (DBusGProxy  *proxy,
-                    GHashTable  *table,
-                    void        *user_data)
-  n_times_sig2_received += 1;
-  g_assert (g_hash_table_size (table) == 2);
-  g_assert (g_hash_table_lookup (table, "baz") != NULL);
-  g_assert (!strcmp (g_hash_table_lookup (table, "baz"), "cow"));
-  g_assert (g_hash_table_lookup (table, "bar") != NULL);
-  g_assert (!strcmp (g_hash_table_lookup (table, "bar"), "foo"));
-  g_print ("Got Sig2 signal\n");
-  g_main_loop_quit (loop);
-  g_source_remove (exit_timeout);
-static DBusGProxyCall *echo_call;
-static guint n_times_echo_cb_entered;
-static void
-echo_received_cb (DBusGProxy *proxy,
-                 DBusGProxyCall *call,
-                 gpointer data)
-  GError *error;
-  char *echo_data;
-  g_assert (call == echo_call);
-  g_assert (data == NULL);
-  error = NULL;
-  echo_data = NULL;
-  n_times_echo_cb_entered++;
-  if (!dbus_g_proxy_end_call (proxy, call, &error,
-                             G_TYPE_STRING,
-                             &echo_data,
-                             G_TYPE_INVALID))
-    lose_gerror ("Failed to complete async Echo", error);
-  g_assert (echo_data != NULL);
-  g_print ("Async echo gave \"%s\"\n", echo_data); 
-  g_free (echo_data);
-  g_main_loop_quit (loop);
-  g_source_remove (exit_timeout);
-static void
-increment_received_cb (DBusGProxy *proxy,
-                      DBusGProxyCall *call,
-                      gpointer data)
-  GError *error;
-  guint val;
-  g_assert (!strcmp (data, "moo"));
-  error = NULL;
-  if (!dbus_g_proxy_end_call (proxy, call, &error,
-                             G_TYPE_UINT, &val,
-                             G_TYPE_INVALID))
-    lose_gerror ("Failed to complete (async) Increment call", error);
-  if (val != 43)
-    lose ("Increment call returned %d, should be 43", val);
-  g_print ("Async increment gave \"%d\"\n", val); 
-  g_main_loop_quit (loop);
-  g_source_remove (exit_timeout);
-static void
-increment_async_cb (DBusGProxy *proxy, guint val, GError *error, gpointer data)
-  if (error)
-    lose_gerror ("Failed to complete (wrapped async) Increment call", error);
-  if (data != NULL)
-    lose ("(wrapped async) Increment call gave unexpected data");
-  if (val != 43)
-    lose ("(wrapped async) Increment call returned %d, should be 43", val);
-  g_print ("(wrapped async) increment gave \"%d\"\n", val); 
-  g_main_loop_quit (loop);
-  g_source_remove (exit_timeout);
-static void
-lose (const char *str, ...)
-  va_list args;
-  va_start (args, str);
-  vfprintf (stderr, str, args);
-  fputc ('\n', stderr);
-  va_end (args);
-  exit (1);
-static void
-lose_gerror (const char *prefix, GError *error) 
-  if (error->domain == DBUS_GERROR && error->code == DBUS_GERROR_REMOTE_EXCEPTION)
-    lose ("%s (%s): %s", prefix, dbus_g_error_get_name (error),
-         error->message);
-  else
-    lose ("%s: %s", prefix, error->message);
-static void
-run_mainloop (void)
-  GMainContext *ctx;
-  ctx = g_main_loop_get_context (loop);
-  while (g_main_context_pending (ctx))
-    g_main_context_iteration (ctx, FALSE);
-main (int argc, char **argv)
-  DBusGConnection *connection;
-  GError *error;
-  DBusGProxy *driver;
-  DBusGProxy *proxy;
-  DBusGProxy *proxy2;
-  char **name_list;
-  guint name_list_len;
-  guint i;
-  DBusGProxyCall *call;
-  guint32 result;
-  char *v_STRING_2;
-  guint32 v_UINT32_2;
-  double v_DOUBLE_2;
-  g_type_init ();
-  g_log_set_always_fatal (G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING);
-  loop = g_main_loop_new (NULL, FALSE);
-  error = NULL;
-  connection = dbus_g_bus_get (DBUS_BUS_SESSION,
-                               &error);
-  if (connection == NULL)
-    lose_gerror ("Failed to open connection to bus", error);
-  /* should always get the same one */
-  g_assert (connection == dbus_g_bus_get (DBUS_BUS_SESSION, NULL));
-  g_assert (connection == dbus_g_bus_get (DBUS_BUS_SESSION, NULL));
-  g_assert (connection == dbus_g_bus_get (DBUS_BUS_SESSION, NULL));
-  /* Create a proxy object for the "bus driver" */
-  driver = dbus_g_proxy_new_for_name (connection,
-                                     DBUS_SERVICE_DBUS,
-                                     DBUS_PATH_DBUS,
-                                     DBUS_INTERFACE_DBUS);
-  dbus_g_proxy_add_signal (driver,
-                          "NameOwnerChanged",
-                          G_TYPE_STRING,
-                          G_TYPE_STRING,
-                          G_TYPE_STRING,
-                          G_TYPE_INVALID);
-  dbus_g_proxy_connect_signal (driver,
-                              "NameOwnerChanged", 
-                              G_CALLBACK (name_owner_changed),
-                              NULL,
-                              NULL);
-  /* Call ListNames method */
-  error = NULL;
-  if (!dbus_g_proxy_call (driver, "ListNames", &error,
-                         G_TYPE_INVALID,
-                         G_TYPE_STRV, &name_list,
-                         G_TYPE_INVALID))
-    lose_gerror ("Failed to complete ListNames call", error);
-  g_print ("Names on the message bus:\n");
-  i = 0;
-  name_list_len = g_strv_length (name_list);
-  while (i < name_list_len)
-    {
-      g_assert (name_list[i] != NULL);
-      g_print ("  %s\n", name_list[i]);
-      ++i;
-    }
-  g_assert (name_list[i] == NULL);
-  g_strfreev (name_list);
-  g_print ("calling ThisMethodDoesNotExist\n");
-  /* Test handling of unknown method */
-  if (dbus_g_proxy_call (driver, "ThisMethodDoesNotExist", &error,
-                        G_TYPE_STRING,
-                        "blah blah blah blah blah",
-                        G_TYPE_INT,
-                        10,
-                        G_TYPE_INVALID, G_TYPE_INVALID) != FALSE)
-    lose ("Calling nonexistent method succeeded!");
-  g_print ("Got EXPECTED error from calling unknown method: %s\n", error->message);
-  g_clear_error (&error);
-  run_mainloop ();
-  /* Activate a service */
-  g_print ("Activating echo service\n");
-  if (!dbus_g_proxy_call (driver, "StartServiceByName", &error,
-                         G_TYPE_STRING,
-                         "org.freedesktop.DBus.TestSuiteEchoService",
-                         G_TYPE_UINT, 0,
-                         G_TYPE_INVALID,
-                         G_TYPE_UINT, &result,
-                         G_TYPE_INVALID))
-    lose_gerror ("Failed to complete Activate call", error);
-  g_print ("Starting echo service result = 0x%x\n", result);
-  /* Activate a service again */
-  g_print ("Activating echo service again\n");
-  if (!dbus_g_proxy_call (driver, "StartServiceByName", &error,
-                         G_TYPE_STRING,
-                         "org.freedesktop.DBus.TestSuiteEchoService",
-                         G_TYPE_UINT,
-                         0,
-                         G_TYPE_INVALID,
-                         G_TYPE_UINT, &result,
-                         G_TYPE_INVALID))
-    lose_gerror ("Failed to complete Activate call", error);
-  g_print ("Duplicate start of echo service = 0x%x\n", result);
-  /* Talk to the new service */
-  g_print ("Creating proxy for echo service\n");
-  proxy = dbus_g_proxy_new_for_name_owner (connection,
-                                           "org.freedesktop.DBus.TestSuiteEchoService",
-                                           "/org/freedesktop/TestSuite",
-                                           "org.freedesktop.TestSuite",
-                                           &error);
-  if (proxy == NULL)
-    lose_gerror ("Failed to create proxy for name owner", error);
-  run_mainloop ();
-  g_print ("Calling Echo\n");
-  if (!dbus_g_proxy_call (proxy, "Echo", &error,
-                         G_TYPE_STRING, "my string hello",
-                         G_TYPE_INVALID,
-                         G_TYPE_STRING, &v_STRING_2,
-                         G_TYPE_INVALID))
-    lose_gerror ("Failed to complete Echo call", error);
-  g_print ("String echoed = \"%s\"\n", v_STRING_2);
-  g_free (v_STRING_2);
-  g_print ("Calling Echo (async)\n");
-  echo_call = dbus_g_proxy_begin_call (proxy, "Echo",
-                                      echo_received_cb, NULL, NULL,
-                                      G_TYPE_STRING, "my string hello",
-                                      G_TYPE_INVALID);
-  dbus_g_connection_flush (connection);
-  exit_timeout = g_timeout_add (5000, timed_exit, loop);
-  g_main_loop_run (loop);
-  /* Test oneway call and signal handling */
-  g_print ("Testing Foo emission\n");
-  dbus_g_proxy_add_signal (proxy, "Foo", G_TYPE_DOUBLE, G_TYPE_INVALID);
-  dbus_g_proxy_connect_signal (proxy, "Foo",
-                               G_CALLBACK (foo_signal_handler),
-                               NULL, NULL);
-  dbus_g_proxy_call_no_reply (proxy, "EmitFoo",
-                              G_TYPE_INVALID);
-  dbus_g_connection_flush (connection);
-  exit_timeout = g_timeout_add (5000, timed_exit, loop);
-  g_main_loop_run (loop);
-  if (n_times_foo_received != 1)
-    lose ("Foo signal received %d times, should have been 1", n_times_foo_received);
-  /* Activate test servie */ 
-  g_print ("Activating TestSuiteGLibService\n");
-  error = NULL;
-  if (!dbus_g_proxy_call (driver, "StartServiceByName", &error,
-                         G_TYPE_STRING,
-                         "org.freedesktop.DBus.TestSuiteGLibService",
-                         G_TYPE_UINT,
-                         0,
-                         G_TYPE_INVALID,
-                         G_TYPE_UINT, &result,
-                         G_TYPE_INVALID)) {
-    lose_gerror ("Failed to complete Activate call", error);
-  }
-  g_print ("TestSuiteGLibService activated\n");
-    g_usleep (8 * G_USEC_PER_SEC);
-  g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (proxy));
-  run_mainloop ();
-  proxy = dbus_g_proxy_new_for_name_owner (connection,
-                                           "org.freedesktop.DBus.TestSuiteGLibService",
-                                           "/org/freedesktop/DBus/Tests/MyTestObject",
-                                           "org.freedesktop.DBus.Tests.MyObject",
-                                           &error);
-  if (proxy == NULL)
-    lose_gerror ("Failed to create proxy for name owner", error);
-  g_print ("Calling DoNothing\n");
-  if (!dbus_g_proxy_call (proxy, "DoNothing", &error,
-                         G_TYPE_INVALID, G_TYPE_INVALID))
-    lose_gerror ("Failed to complete DoNothing call", error);
-  g_print ("Calling Increment\n");
-  error = NULL;
-  if (!dbus_g_proxy_call (proxy, "Increment", &error,
-                         G_TYPE_UINT, 42,
-                         G_TYPE_INVALID,
-                         G_TYPE_UINT, &v_UINT32_2,
-                         G_TYPE_INVALID))
-    lose_gerror ("Failed to complete Increment call", error);
-  if (v_UINT32_2 != 43)
-    lose ("Increment call returned %d, should be 43", v_UINT32_2);
-  v_UINT32_2 = 0;
-  g_print ("Calling Increment (async)\n");
-  call = dbus_g_proxy_begin_call (proxy, "Increment",
-                                 increment_received_cb, g_strdup ("moo"), g_free,
-                                 G_TYPE_UINT, 42,
-                                 G_TYPE_INVALID);
-  dbus_g_connection_flush (connection);
-  exit_timeout = g_timeout_add (5000, timed_exit, loop);
-  g_main_loop_run (loop);
-  g_print ("Calling IncrementRetval\n");
-  error = NULL;
-  v_UINT32_2 = 0;
-  if (!dbus_g_proxy_call (proxy, "IncrementRetval", &error,
-                         G_TYPE_UINT, 42,
-                         G_TYPE_INVALID,
-                         G_TYPE_UINT, &v_UINT32_2,
-                         G_TYPE_INVALID))
-    lose_gerror ("Failed to complete Increment call", error);
-  if (v_UINT32_2 != 43)
-    lose ("IncrementRetval call returned %d, should be 43", v_UINT32_2);
-  g_print ("Calling IncrementRetvalError\n");
-  error = NULL;
-  v_UINT32_2 = 0;
-  if (!dbus_g_proxy_call (proxy, "IncrementRetvalError", &error,
-                         G_TYPE_UINT, 5,
-                         G_TYPE_INVALID,
-                         G_TYPE_UINT, &v_UINT32_2,
-                         G_TYPE_INVALID))
-    lose_gerror ("Failed to complete Increment call", error);
-  if (v_UINT32_2 != 6)
-    lose ("IncrementRetval call returned %d, should be 6", v_UINT32_2);
-  g_print ("Calling ThrowError\n");
-  if (dbus_g_proxy_call (proxy, "ThrowError", &error,
-                        G_TYPE_INVALID, G_TYPE_INVALID) != FALSE)
-    lose ("ThrowError call unexpectedly succeeded!");
-  if (!dbus_g_error_has_name (error, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Tests.MyObject.Foo"))
-    lose ("ThrowError call returned unexpected error \"%s\": %s", dbus_g_error_get_name (error),
-         error->message);
-  g_print ("ThrowError failed (as expected) returned error: %s\n", error->message);
-  g_clear_error (&error);
-  g_print ("Calling IncrementRetvalError (for error)\n");
-  error = NULL;
-  v_UINT32_2 = 0;
-  if (dbus_g_proxy_call (proxy, "IncrementRetvalError", &error,
-                        G_TYPE_UINT, 20,
-                        G_TYPE_INVALID,
-                        G_TYPE_UINT, &v_UINT32_2,
-                        G_TYPE_INVALID) != FALSE)
-    lose ("IncrementRetvalError call unexpectedly succeeded!");
-  if (!dbus_g_error_has_name (error, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Tests.MyObject.Foo"))
-    lose ("IncrementRetvalError call returned unexpected error \"%s\": %s", dbus_g_error_get_name (error), error->message);
-  g_clear_error (&error);
-  error = NULL;
-  g_print ("Calling Uppercase\n");
-  if (!dbus_g_proxy_call (proxy, "Uppercase", &error,
-                         G_TYPE_STRING, "foobar",
-                         G_TYPE_INVALID,
-                         G_TYPE_STRING, &v_STRING_2,
-                         G_TYPE_INVALID))
-    lose_gerror ("Failed to complete Uppercase call", error);
-  if (strcmp ("FOOBAR", v_STRING_2) != 0)
-    lose ("Uppercase call returned unexpected string %s", v_STRING_2);
-  g_free (v_STRING_2);
-  run_mainloop ();
-  g_print ("Calling ManyArgs\n");
-  if (!dbus_g_proxy_call (proxy, "ManyArgs", &error,
-                         G_TYPE_UINT, 26,
-                         G_TYPE_STRING, "bazwhee",
-                         G_TYPE_DOUBLE, G_PI,
-                         G_TYPE_INVALID,
-                         G_TYPE_DOUBLE, &v_DOUBLE_2,
-                         G_TYPE_STRING, &v_STRING_2,
-                         G_TYPE_INVALID))
-    lose_gerror ("Failed to complete ManyArgs call", error);
-  if (v_DOUBLE_2 < 55 || v_DOUBLE_2 > 56)
-    lose ("ManyArgs call returned unexpected double value %f", v_DOUBLE_2);
-  if (strcmp ("BAZWHEE", v_STRING_2) != 0)
-    lose ("ManyArgs call returned unexpected string %s", v_STRING_2);
-  g_free (v_STRING_2);
-  g_print ("Calling (wrapped) do_nothing\n");
-  if (!org_freedesktop_DBus_Tests_MyObject_do_nothing (proxy, &error))
-    lose_gerror ("Failed to complete (wrapped) DoNothing call", error);
-  g_print ("Calling (wrapped) increment\n");
-  if (!org_freedesktop_DBus_Tests_MyObject_increment (proxy, 42, &v_UINT32_2, &error))
-    lose_gerror ("Failed to complete (wrapped) Increment call", error);
-  if (v_UINT32_2 != 43)
-    lose ("(wrapped) increment call returned %d, should be 43", v_UINT32_2);
-  g_print ("Calling (wrapped async) increment\n");
-  if (!org_freedesktop_DBus_Tests_MyObject_increment_async (proxy, 42, increment_async_cb, NULL))
-    lose_gerror ("Failed to complete (wrapped) Increment call", error);
-  dbus_g_connection_flush (connection);
-  exit_timeout = g_timeout_add (5000, timed_exit, loop);
-  g_main_loop_run (loop);
-  v_UINT32_2 = 0;
-  if (!org_freedesktop_DBus_Tests_MyObject_async_increment (proxy, 42, &v_UINT32_2, &error))
-    lose_gerror ("Failed to complete (wrapped) AsyncIncrement call", error);
-  if (v_UINT32_2 != 43)
-    lose ("(wrapped) async increment call returned %d, should be 43", v_UINT32_2);
-  g_print ("Calling (wrapped) throw_error\n");
-  if (org_freedesktop_DBus_Tests_MyObject_throw_error (proxy, &error) != FALSE)
-    lose ("(wrapped) ThrowError call unexpectedly succeeded!");
-  g_print ("(wrapped) ThrowError failed (as expected) returned error: %s\n", error->message);
-  g_clear_error (&error);
-  if (org_freedesktop_DBus_Tests_MyObject_async_throw_error (proxy, &error) != FALSE)
-    lose ("(wrapped) AsyncThrowError call unexpectedly succeeded!");
-  g_print ("(wrapped) AsyncThrowError failed (as expected) returned error: %s\n", error->message);
-  g_clear_error (&error);
-  g_print ("Calling (wrapped) uppercase\n");
-  if (!org_freedesktop_DBus_Tests_MyObject_uppercase (proxy, "foobar", &v_STRING_2, &error)) 
-    lose_gerror ("Failed to complete (wrapped) Uppercase call", error);
-  if (strcmp ("FOOBAR", v_STRING_2) != 0)
-    lose ("(wrapped) Uppercase call returned unexpected string %s", v_STRING_2);
-  g_free (v_STRING_2);
-  g_print ("Calling (wrapped) many_args\n");
-  if (!org_freedesktop_DBus_Tests_MyObject_many_args (proxy, 26, "bazwhee", G_PI,
-                                                     &v_DOUBLE_2, &v_STRING_2, &error))
-    lose_gerror ("Failed to complete (wrapped) ManyArgs call", error);
-  if (v_DOUBLE_2 < 55 || v_DOUBLE_2 > 56)
-    lose ("(wrapped) ManyArgs call returned unexpected double value %f", v_DOUBLE_2);
-  if (strcmp ("BAZWHEE", v_STRING_2) != 0)
-    lose ("(wrapped) ManyArgs call returned unexpected string %s", v_STRING_2);
-  g_free (v_STRING_2);
-  {
-    guint32 arg0;
-    char *arg1;
-    gint32 arg2;
-    guint32 arg3;
-    guint32 arg4;
-    char *arg5;
-    g_print ("Calling (wrapped) many_return\n");
-    if (!org_freedesktop_DBus_Tests_MyObject_many_return (proxy, &arg0, &arg1, &arg2, &arg3, &arg4, &arg5, &error))
-      lose_gerror ("Failed to complete (wrapped) ManyReturn call", error);
-    if (arg0 != 42)
-      lose ("(wrapped) ManyReturn call returned unexpected guint32 value %u", arg0);
-    if (strcmp ("42", arg1) != 0)
-      lose ("(wrapped) ManyReturn call returned unexpected string %s", arg1);
-    g_free (arg1);
-    if (arg2 != -67)
-      lose ("(wrapped) ManyReturn call returned unexpected gint32 value %u", arg2);
-    if (arg3 != 2)
-      lose ("(wrapped) ManyReturn call returned unexpected guint32 value %u", arg3);
-    if (arg4 != 26)
-      lose ("(wrapped) ManyReturn call returned unexpected guint32 value %u", arg4);
-    if (strcmp ("hello world", arg5))
-      lose ("(wrapped) ManyReturn call returned unexpected string %s", arg5);
-    g_free (arg5);
-  }
-  run_mainloop ();
-  {
-    GValue value = {0, };
-    g_value_init (&value, G_TYPE_STRING);
-    g_value_set_string (&value, "foo");
-    g_print ("Calling (wrapped) stringify, with string\n");
-    if (!org_freedesktop_DBus_Tests_MyObject_stringify (proxy,
-                                                       &value,
-                                                       &v_STRING_2,
-                                                       &error))
-      lose_gerror ("Failed to complete (wrapped) stringify call", error);
-    if (strcmp ("foo", v_STRING_2) != 0)
-      lose ("(wrapped) stringify call returned unexpected string %s", v_STRING_2);
-    g_free (v_STRING_2);
-    g_value_unset (&value);
-    g_value_init (&value, G_TYPE_INT);
-    g_value_set_int (&value, 42);
-    g_print ("Calling (wrapped) stringify, with int\n");
-    if (!org_freedesktop_DBus_Tests_MyObject_stringify (proxy,
-                                                       &value,
-                                                       &v_STRING_2,
-                                                       &error))
-      lose_gerror ("Failed to complete (wrapped) stringify call 2", error);
-    if (strcmp ("42", v_STRING_2) != 0)
-      lose ("(wrapped) stringify call 2 returned unexpected string %s", v_STRING_2);
-    g_value_unset (&value);
-    g_free (v_STRING_2);
-    g_value_init (&value, G_TYPE_INT);
-    g_value_set_int (&value, 88);
-    g_print ("Calling (wrapped) stringify, with another int\n");
-    if (!org_freedesktop_DBus_Tests_MyObject_stringify (proxy,
-                                                       &value,
-                                                       NULL,
-                                                       &error))
-      lose_gerror ("Failed to complete (wrapped) stringify call 3", error);
-    g_value_unset (&value);
-    g_print ("Calling (wrapped) unstringify, for string\n");
-    if (!org_freedesktop_DBus_Tests_MyObject_unstringify (proxy,
-                                                         "foo",
-                                                         &value,
-                                                         &error))
-      lose_gerror ("Failed to complete (wrapped) unstringify call", error);
-    if (!G_VALUE_HOLDS_STRING (&value))
-      lose ("(wrapped) unstringify call returned unexpected value type %d", (int) G_VALUE_TYPE (&value));
-    if (strcmp (g_value_get_string (&value), "foo"))
-      lose ("(wrapped) unstringify call returned unexpected string %s",
-           g_value_get_string (&value));
-    g_value_unset (&value);
-    g_print ("Calling (wrapped) unstringify, for int\n");
-    if (!org_freedesktop_DBus_Tests_MyObject_unstringify (proxy,
-                                                         "10",
-                                                         &value,
-                                                         &error))
-      lose_gerror ("Failed to complete (wrapped) unstringify call", error);
-    if (!G_VALUE_HOLDS_INT (&value))
-      lose ("(wrapped) unstringify call returned unexpected value type %d", (int) G_VALUE_TYPE (&value));
-    if (g_value_get_int (&value) != 10)
-      lose ("(wrapped) unstringify call returned unexpected integer %d",
-           g_value_get_int (&value));
-    g_value_unset (&value);
-  }
-  run_mainloop ();
-  {
-    GArray *array;
-    guint32 arraylen;
-    array = g_array_new (FALSE, TRUE, sizeof (guint32));
-    arraylen = 0;
-    g_print ("Calling (wrapped) zero-length recursive1\n");
-    if (!org_freedesktop_DBus_Tests_MyObject_recursive1 (proxy, array,
-                                                        &arraylen, &error))
-      lose_gerror ("Failed to complete (wrapped) zero-length recursive1 call", error);
-    if (arraylen != 0)
-      lose ("(wrapped) zero-length recursive1 call returned invalid length %u", arraylen);
-  }
-  {
-    GArray *array;
-    guint32 val;
-    guint32 arraylen;
-    array = g_array_new (FALSE, TRUE, sizeof (guint32));
-    val = 42;
-    g_array_append_val (array, val);
-    val = 69;
-    g_array_append_val (array, val);
-    val = 88;
-    g_array_append_val (array, val);
-    val = 26;
-    g_array_append_val (array, val);
-    val = 2;
-    g_array_append_val (array, val);
-    arraylen = 0;
-    g_print ("Calling (wrapped) recursive1\n");
-    if (!org_freedesktop_DBus_Tests_MyObject_recursive1 (proxy, array,
-                                                        &arraylen, &error))
-      lose_gerror ("Failed to complete (wrapped) recursive1 call", error);
-    if (arraylen != 5)
-      lose ("(wrapped) recursive1 call returned invalid length %u", arraylen);
-  }
-  {
-    GArray *array = NULL;
-    guint32 *arrayvals;
-    g_print ("Calling (wrapped) recursive2\n");
-    if (!org_freedesktop_DBus_Tests_MyObject_recursive2 (proxy, 2, &array, &error))
-      lose_gerror ("Failed to complete (wrapped) Recursive2 call", error);
-    if (array == NULL)
-      lose ("(wrapped) Recursive2 call returned NULL");
-    if (array->len != 5)
-      lose ("(wrapped) Recursive2 call returned unexpected array length %u", array->len);
-    arrayvals = (guint32*) array->data;
-    if (arrayvals[0] != 42)
-      lose ("(wrapped) Recursive2 call returned unexpected value %d in position 0", arrayvals[0]);
-    if (arrayvals[1] != 26)
-      lose ("(wrapped) Recursive2 call returned unexpected value %d in position 1", arrayvals[1]);
-    if (arrayvals[4] != 2)
-      lose ("(wrapped) Recursive2 call returned unexpected value %d in position 4", arrayvals[4]);
-    g_array_free (array, TRUE);
-  }
-  run_mainloop ();
-  {
-    char **strs;
-    char **strs_ret;
-    strs = g_new0 (char *, 4);
-    strs[0] = "hello";
-    strs[1] = "HellO";
-    strs[2] = "HELLO";
-    strs[3] = NULL;
-    strs_ret = NULL;
-    g_print ("Calling (wrapped) many_uppercase\n");
-    if (!org_freedesktop_DBus_Tests_MyObject_many_uppercase (proxy, strs, &strs_ret, &error)) 
-      lose_gerror ("Failed to complete (wrapped) ManyUppercase call", error);
-    g_assert (strs_ret != NULL);
-    if (strcmp ("HELLO", strs_ret[0]) != 0)
-      lose ("(wrapped) ManyUppercase call returned unexpected string %s", strs_ret[0]);
-    if (strcmp ("HELLO", strs_ret[1]) != 0)
-      lose ("(wrapped) ManyUppercase call returned unexpected string %s", strs_ret[1]);
-    if (strcmp ("HELLO", strs_ret[2]) != 0)
-      lose ("(wrapped) ManyUppercase call returned unexpected string %s", strs_ret[2]);
-    g_free (strs);
-    g_strfreev (strs_ret);
-  }
-  {
-    GHashTable *table;
-    guint len;
-    table = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal);
-    g_hash_table_insert (table, "moooo", "b");
-    g_hash_table_insert (table, "xxx", "cow!");
-    len = 0;
-    g_print ("Calling (wrapped) str_hash_len\n");
-    if (!org_freedesktop_DBus_Tests_MyObject_str_hash_len (proxy, table, &len, &error))
-      lose_gerror ("(wrapped) StrHashLen call failed", error);
-    if (len != 13) 
-      lose ("(wrapped) StrHashLen returned unexpected length %u", len);
-    g_hash_table_destroy (table);
-  }
-  {
-    GHashTable *table;
-    const char *val;
-    g_print ("Calling (wrapped) get_hash\n");
-    if (!org_freedesktop_DBus_Tests_MyObject_get_hash (proxy, &table, &error))
-      lose_gerror ("(wrapped) GetHash call failed", error);
-    val = g_hash_table_lookup (table, "foo");
-    if (val == NULL || strcmp ("bar", val))
-      lose ("(wrapped) StrHashLen returned invalid value %s for key \"foo\"",
-           val ? val : "(null)");
-    val = g_hash_table_lookup (table, "baz");
-    if (val == NULL || strcmp ("whee", val))
-      lose ("(wrapped) StrHashLen returned invalid value %s for key \"whee\"",
-           val ? val : "(null)");
-    val = g_hash_table_lookup (table, "cow");
-    if (val == NULL || strcmp ("crack", val))
-      lose ("(wrapped) StrHashLen returned invalid value %s for key \"cow\"",
-           val ? val : "(null)");
-    if (g_hash_table_size (table) != 3)
-      lose ("(wrapped) StrHashLen returned unexpected hash size %u",
-           g_hash_table_size (table));
-    g_hash_table_destroy (table);
-  }
-  run_mainloop ();
-  {
-    GValueArray *vals;
-    GValueArray *vals_ret;
-    GValue *val;
-    vals = g_value_array_new (3);
-    g_value_array_append (vals, NULL);
-    g_value_init (g_value_array_get_nth (vals, vals->n_values - 1), G_TYPE_STRING);
-    g_value_set_string (g_value_array_get_nth (vals, 0), "foo");
-    g_value_array_append (vals, NULL);
-    g_value_init (g_value_array_get_nth (vals, vals->n_values - 1), G_TYPE_UINT);
-    g_value_set_uint (g_value_array_get_nth (vals, vals->n_values - 1), 42);
-    g_value_array_append (vals, NULL);
-    g_value_init (g_value_array_get_nth (vals, vals->n_values - 1), G_TYPE_VALUE);
-    val = g_new0 (GValue, 1);
-    g_value_init (val, G_TYPE_UCHAR);
-    g_value_set_uchar (val, '!');
-    g_value_set_boxed (g_value_array_get_nth (vals, vals->n_values - 1), val);
-    vals_ret = NULL;
-    g_print ("Calling SendCar\n");
-    if (!dbus_g_proxy_call (proxy, "SendCar", &error,
-                           G_TYPE_VALUE_ARRAY, vals,
-                           G_TYPE_INVALID,
-                           G_TYPE_VALUE_ARRAY, &vals_ret,
-                           G_TYPE_INVALID))
-      lose_gerror ("Failed to complete SendCar call", error);
-    g_assert (vals_ret != NULL);
-    g_assert (vals_ret->n_values == 2);
-    g_assert (G_VALUE_HOLDS_UINT (g_value_array_get_nth (vals_ret, 0)));
-    g_assert (g_value_get_uint (g_value_array_get_nth (vals_ret, 0)) == 43);
-    g_assert (G_VALUE_TYPE (g_value_array_get_nth (vals_ret, 1)) == DBUS_TYPE_G_OBJECT_PATH);
-    g_assert (!strcmp ("/org/freedesktop/DBus/Tests/MyTestObject2",
-                      g_value_get_boxed (g_value_array_get_nth (vals_ret, 1))));
-    g_value_array_free (vals);
-    g_value_array_free (vals_ret);
-  }
-  {
-    GValue *val;
-    GHashTable *table;
-    GHashTable *ret_table;
-    table = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal,
-                                  g_free, unset_and_free_gvalue);
-    val = g_new0 (GValue, 1);
-    g_value_init (val, G_TYPE_UINT);
-    g_value_set_uint (val, 42);
-    g_hash_table_insert (table, g_strdup ("foo"), val);
-    val = g_new0 (GValue, 1);
-    g_value_init (val, G_TYPE_STRING);
-    g_value_set_string (val, "hello");
-    g_hash_table_insert (table, g_strdup ("bar"), val);
-    ret_table = NULL;
-    g_print ("Calling ManyStringify\n");
-    if (!dbus_g_proxy_call (proxy, "ManyStringify", &error,
-                           dbus_g_type_get_map ("GHashTable", G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_VALUE), table,
-                           G_TYPE_INVALID,
-                           dbus_g_type_get_map ("GHashTable", G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_VALUE), &ret_table,
-                           G_TYPE_INVALID))
-      lose_gerror ("Failed to complete ManyStringify call", error);
-    g_assert (ret_table != NULL);
-    g_assert (g_hash_table_size (ret_table) == 2);
-    val = g_hash_table_lookup (ret_table, "foo");
-    g_assert (val != NULL);
-    g_assert (G_VALUE_HOLDS_STRING (val));
-    g_assert (!strcmp ("42", g_value_get_string (val)));
-    val = g_hash_table_lookup (ret_table, "bar");
-    g_assert (val != NULL);
-    g_assert (G_VALUE_HOLDS_STRING (val));
-    g_assert (!strcmp ("hello", g_value_get_string (val)));
-    g_hash_table_destroy (table);
-    g_hash_table_destroy (ret_table);
-  }
-  {
-    GPtrArray *in_array;
-    GPtrArray *out_array;
-    char **strs;
-    GArray *uints;
-    in_array = g_ptr_array_new ();
-    strs = g_new0 (char *, 3);
-    strs[0] = "foo";
-    strs[1] = "bar";
-    strs[2] = NULL;
-    g_ptr_array_add (in_array, strs);
-    strs = g_new0 (char *, 4);
-    strs[0] = "baz";
-    strs[1] = "whee";
-    strs[2] = "moo";
-    strs[3] = NULL;
-    g_ptr_array_add (in_array, strs);
-    out_array = NULL;
-    g_print ("Calling RecArrays\n");
-    if (!dbus_g_proxy_call (proxy, "RecArrays", &error,
-                           dbus_g_type_get_collection ("GPtrArray", G_TYPE_STRV), in_array,
-                           G_TYPE_INVALID,
-                           dbus_g_type_get_collection ("GPtrArray",
-                                                       dbus_g_type_get_collection ("GPtrArray",
-                                                                                   G_TYPE_UINT)), &out_array, 
-                           G_TYPE_INVALID))
-      lose_gerror ("Failed to complete RecArrays call", error);
-    g_free (g_ptr_array_index (in_array, 0));
-    g_free (g_ptr_array_index (in_array, 1));
-    g_assert (out_array);
-    g_assert (out_array->len == 2);
-    uints = g_ptr_array_index (out_array, 0);
-    g_assert (uints);
-    g_assert (uints->len == 3);
-    g_assert (g_array_index (uints, guint, 0) == 10);
-    g_assert (g_array_index (uints, guint, 1) == 42);
-    g_assert (g_array_index (uints, guint, 2) == 27);
-    g_array_free (uints, TRUE);
-    uints = g_ptr_array_index (out_array, 1);
-    g_assert (uints);
-    g_assert (uints->len == 1);
-    g_assert (g_array_index (uints, guint, 0) == 30);
-    g_array_free (uints, TRUE);
-    g_ptr_array_free (out_array, TRUE);
-  }
-  {
-    guint val;
-    char *ret_path;
-    DBusGProxy *ret_proxy;
-    g_print ("Calling (wrapped) objpath\n");
-    if (!dbus_g_proxy_call (proxy, "Objpath", &error,
-                           DBUS_TYPE_G_PROXY, proxy, G_TYPE_INVALID,
-                           DBUS_TYPE_G_PROXY, &ret_proxy, G_TYPE_INVALID))
-      lose_gerror ("Failed to complete Objpath call", error);
-    if (strcmp ("/org/freedesktop/DBus/Tests/MyTestObject2",
-               dbus_g_proxy_get_path (ret_proxy)) != 0)
-      lose ("(wrapped) objpath call returned unexpected proxy %s",
-           dbus_g_proxy_get_path (ret_proxy));
-    g_print ("Doing get/increment val tests\n");
-    val = 1;
-    if (!org_freedesktop_DBus_Tests_MyObject_get_val (ret_proxy, &val, &error))
-      lose_gerror ("Failed to complete (wrapped) GetVal call", error);
-    if (val != 0)
-      lose ("(wrapped) GetVal returned invalid value %d", val);
-    if (!org_freedesktop_DBus_Tests_MyObject_increment_val (ret_proxy, &error))
-      lose_gerror ("Failed to complete (wrapped) IncrementVal call", error);
-    if (!org_freedesktop_DBus_Tests_MyObject_increment_val (ret_proxy, &error))
-      lose_gerror ("Failed to complete (wrapped) IncrementVal call", error);
-    if (!org_freedesktop_DBus_Tests_MyObject_increment_val (ret_proxy, &error))
-      lose_gerror ("Failed to complete (wrapped) IncrementVal call", error);
-    if (!org_freedesktop_DBus_Tests_MyObject_get_val (ret_proxy, &val, &error))
-      lose_gerror ("Failed to complete (wrapped) GetVal call", error);
-    if (val != 3)
-      lose ("(wrapped) GetVal returned invalid value %d", val);
-    if (!org_freedesktop_DBus_Tests_MyObject_get_val (proxy, &val, &error))
-      lose_gerror ("Failed to complete (wrapped) GetVal call", error);
-    if (val != 0)
-      lose ("(wrapped) GetVal returned invalid value %d", val);
-    if (!org_freedesktop_DBus_Tests_MyObject_increment_val (proxy, &error))
-      lose_gerror ("Failed to complete (wrapped) IncrementVal call", error);
-    if (!org_freedesktop_DBus_Tests_MyObject_get_val (proxy, &val, &error))
-      lose_gerror ("Failed to complete (wrapped) GetVal call", error);
-    if (val != 1)
-      lose ("(wrapped) GetVal returned invalid value %d", val);
-    if (!org_freedesktop_DBus_Tests_MyObject_get_val (ret_proxy, &val, &error))
-      lose_gerror ("Failed to complete (wrapped) GetVal call", error);
-    if (val != 3)
-      lose ("(wrapped) GetVal returned invalid value %d", val);
-    g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (ret_proxy));
-    g_print ("Calling objpath again\n");
-    ret_proxy = NULL;
-    if (!dbus_g_proxy_call (proxy, "Objpath", &error,
-                           DBUS_TYPE_G_OBJECT_PATH,
-                           dbus_g_proxy_get_path (proxy),
-                           G_TYPE_INVALID,
-                           DBUS_TYPE_G_OBJECT_PATH,
-                           &ret_path,
-                           G_TYPE_INVALID))
-      lose_gerror ("Failed to complete Objpath call 2", error);
-    if (strcmp ("/org/freedesktop/DBus/Tests/MyTestObject2", ret_path) != 0)
-      lose ("Objpath call 2 returned unexpected path %s",
-           ret_path);
-    ret_proxy = dbus_g_proxy_new_for_name_owner (connection,
-                                                "org.freedesktop.DBus.TestSuiteGLibService",
-                                                ret_path,
-                                                "org.freedesktop.DBus.Tests.FooObject",
-                                                &error);
-    g_free (ret_path);
-    val = 0;
-    if (!org_freedesktop_DBus_Tests_FooObject_get_value (ret_proxy, &val, &error))
-      lose_gerror ("Failed to complete (wrapped) GetValue call", error);
-    if (val != 3)
-      lose ("(wrapped) GetValue returned invalid value %d", val);
-  }
-  run_mainloop ();
-  {
-    GPtrArray *objs;
-    guint i;
-    g_print ("Calling GetObjs\n");
-    if (!dbus_g_proxy_call (proxy, "GetObjs", &error, G_TYPE_INVALID,
-                           dbus_g_type_get_collection ("GPtrArray", DBUS_TYPE_G_OBJECT_PATH),
-                           &objs,
-                           G_TYPE_INVALID))
-      lose_gerror ("Failed to complete GetObjs call", error);
-    if (objs->len != 2)
-      lose ("GetObjs call returned unexpected number of objects %d, expected 2",
-           objs->len);
-    if (strcmp ("/org/freedesktop/DBus/Tests/MyTestObject",
-               g_ptr_array_index (objs, 0)) != 0)
-      lose ("GetObjs call returned unexpected path \"%s\" in position 0; expected /org/freedesktop/DBus/Tests/MyTestObject", (char*) g_ptr_array_index (objs, 0));
-    if (strcmp ("/org/freedesktop/DBus/Tests/MyTestObject2",
-               g_ptr_array_index (objs, 1)) != 0)
-      lose ("GetObjs call returned unexpected path \"%s\" in position 1; expected /org/freedesktop/DBus/Tests/MyTestObject2", (char*) g_ptr_array_index (objs, 1));
-    for (i = 0; i < objs->len; i++)
-      g_free (g_ptr_array_index (objs, i));
-    g_ptr_array_free (objs, TRUE);
-  }
-  {
-    GValue *variant;
-    GArray *array;
-    gint i;
-    g_print ("Calling ProcessVariantOfArrayOfInts123\n");
-    array = g_array_sized_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(gint), 3);
-    i = 1;
-    g_array_append_val (array, i);
-    i++;
-    g_array_append_val (array, i);
-    i++;
-    g_array_append_val (array, i);
-    variant = g_new0 (GValue, 1);
-    g_value_init (variant, dbus_g_type_get_collection ("GArray", G_TYPE_INT));
-    g_value_set_boxed_take_ownership (variant, array);
-    if (!dbus_g_proxy_call (proxy, "ProcessVariantOfArrayOfInts123", &error,
-                            G_TYPE_VALUE, variant,
-                            G_TYPE_INVALID,
-                           G_TYPE_INVALID))
-      lose_gerror ("Failed to send a vairant of array of ints 1, 2 and 3!", error);
-    g_value_unset (variant);
-  }
-  for (i=0; i<3; i++)
-  {
-    gchar *val;
-    GHashTable *table;
-    GHashTable *subtable;
-    GHashTable *ret_table;
-    table = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal,
-                                  (GDestroyNotify) (g_free),
-                                   (GDestroyNotify) (g_hash_table_destroy));
-    subtable = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal,
-                                      (GDestroyNotify) (g_free),
-                                      (GDestroyNotify) (g_free));
-    g_hash_table_insert (subtable, g_strdup ("foo"), g_strdup("1"));
-    g_hash_table_insert (subtable, g_strdup ("bar"), g_strdup("2"));
-    g_hash_table_insert (subtable, g_strdup ("baz"), g_strdup("3"));
-    g_hash_table_insert (table, g_strdup("dict1"), subtable);
-    subtable = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal,
-                                      (GDestroyNotify) (g_free),
-                                      (GDestroyNotify) (g_free));
-    g_hash_table_insert (subtable, g_strdup ("foo"), g_strdup("4"));
-    g_hash_table_insert (subtable, g_strdup ("bar"), g_strdup("5"));
-    g_hash_table_insert (subtable, g_strdup ("baz"), g_strdup("6"));
-    g_hash_table_insert (table, g_strdup("dict2"), subtable);
-    subtable = NULL;
-    ret_table = NULL;
-    g_print ("Calling DictOfDicts\n");
-    if (!dbus_g_proxy_call (proxy, "DictOfDicts", &error,
-                           dbus_g_type_get_map ("GHashTable", G_TYPE_STRING,
-                              dbus_g_type_get_map ("GHashTable", G_TYPE_STRING,
-                                G_TYPE_STRING)), table,
-                           G_TYPE_INVALID,
-                           dbus_g_type_get_map ("GHashTable", G_TYPE_STRING,
-                              dbus_g_type_get_map ("GHashTable", G_TYPE_STRING,
-                                G_TYPE_STRING)), &ret_table,
-                           G_TYPE_INVALID))
-      lose_gerror ("Failed to complete DictOfDicts call", error);
-    g_assert (ret_table != NULL);
-    g_assert (g_hash_table_size (ret_table) == 2);
-    subtable = g_hash_table_lookup (ret_table, "dict1");
-    g_assert(subtable);
-    g_assert (g_hash_table_size (subtable) == 3);
-    val = g_hash_table_lookup (subtable, "foo");
-    g_assert (val != NULL);
-    g_assert (!strcmp ("dict1 1", val));
-    val = g_hash_table_lookup (subtable, "bar");
-    g_assert (val != NULL);
-    g_assert (!strcmp ("dict1 2", val));
-    val = g_hash_table_lookup (subtable, "baz");
-    g_assert (val != NULL);
-    g_assert (!strcmp ("dict1 3", val));
-    subtable = g_hash_table_lookup (ret_table, "dict2");
-    g_assert(subtable);
-    g_assert (g_hash_table_size (subtable) == 3);
-    val = g_hash_table_lookup (subtable, "foo");
-    g_assert (val != NULL);
-    g_assert (!strcmp ("dict2 4", val));
-    val = g_hash_table_lookup (subtable, "bar");
-    g_assert (val != NULL);
-    g_assert (!strcmp ("dict2 5", val));
-    val = g_hash_table_lookup (subtable, "baz");
-    g_assert (val != NULL);
-    g_assert (!strcmp ("dict2 6", val));
-    g_hash_table_destroy (table);
-    g_hash_table_destroy (ret_table);
-    g_mem_profile ();
-  }
-  /* Signal handling tests */
-  g_print ("Testing signal handling\n");
-  dbus_g_proxy_add_signal (proxy, "Frobnicate", G_TYPE_INT, G_TYPE_INVALID);
-  dbus_g_proxy_connect_signal (proxy, "Frobnicate",
-                               G_CALLBACK (frobnicate_signal_handler),
-                               NULL, NULL);
-  g_print ("Calling EmitFrobnicate\n");
-  if (!dbus_g_proxy_call (proxy, "EmitFrobnicate", &error,
-                         G_TYPE_INVALID, G_TYPE_INVALID))
-    lose_gerror ("Failed to complete EmitFrobnicate call", error);
-  dbus_g_connection_flush (connection);
-  exit_timeout = g_timeout_add (5000, timed_exit, loop);
-  g_main_loop_run (loop);
-  if (n_times_frobnicate_received != 1)
-    lose ("Frobnicate signal received %d times, should have been 1", n_times_frobnicate_received);
-  g_print ("Calling EmitFrobnicate again\n");
-  if (!dbus_g_proxy_call (proxy, "EmitFrobnicate", &error,
-                         G_TYPE_INVALID, G_TYPE_INVALID))
-    lose_gerror ("Failed to complete EmitFrobnicate call", error);
-  dbus_g_connection_flush (connection);
-  exit_timeout = g_timeout_add (5000, timed_exit, loop);
-  g_main_loop_run (loop);
-  if (n_times_frobnicate_received != 2)
-    lose ("Frobnicate signal received %d times, should have been 2", n_times_frobnicate_received);
-  g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (proxy));
-  run_mainloop ();
-  g_print ("Creating proxy for FooObject interface\n");
-  proxy = dbus_g_proxy_new_for_name_owner (connection,
-                                           "org.freedesktop.DBus.TestSuiteGLibService",
-                                           "/org/freedesktop/DBus/Tests/MyTestObject",
-                                           "org.freedesktop.DBus.Tests.FooObject",
-                                           &error);
-  if (proxy == NULL)
-    lose_gerror ("Failed to create proxy for name owner", error);
-  dbus_g_object_register_marshaller (my_object_marshal_VOID__STRING_INT_STRING, 
-                                    G_TYPE_NONE, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_INT, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_INVALID);
-  dbus_g_object_register_marshaller (my_object_marshal_VOID__STRING_BOXED, 
-                                    G_TYPE_NONE, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_VALUE, G_TYPE_INVALID);
-  dbus_g_proxy_add_signal (proxy, "Sig0", G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_INT, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_INVALID);
-  dbus_g_proxy_add_signal (proxy, "Sig1", G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_VALUE, G_TYPE_INVALID);
-  dbus_g_proxy_add_signal (proxy, "Sig2", DBUS_TYPE_G_STRING_STRING_HASHTABLE, G_TYPE_INVALID);
-  dbus_g_proxy_connect_signal (proxy, "Sig0",
-                               G_CALLBACK (sig0_signal_handler),
-                               NULL, NULL);
-  dbus_g_proxy_connect_signal (proxy, "Sig1",
-                               G_CALLBACK (sig1_signal_handler),
-                               NULL, NULL);
-  dbus_g_proxy_connect_signal (proxy, "Sig2",
-                               G_CALLBACK (sig2_signal_handler),
-                               NULL, NULL);
-  g_print ("Calling FooObject EmitSignals\n");
-  dbus_g_proxy_call_no_reply (proxy, "EmitSignals", G_TYPE_INVALID);
-  dbus_g_connection_flush (connection);
-  exit_timeout = g_timeout_add (5000, timed_exit, loop);
-  g_main_loop_run (loop);
-  exit_timeout = g_timeout_add (5000, timed_exit, loop);
-  g_main_loop_run (loop);
-  if (n_times_sig0_received != 1)
-    lose ("Sig0 signal received %d times, should have been 1", n_times_sig0_received);
-  if (n_times_sig1_received != 1)
-    lose ("Sig1 signal received %d times, should have been 1", n_times_sig1_received);
-  g_print ("Calling FooObject EmitSignals and EmitSignal2\n");
-  dbus_g_proxy_call_no_reply (proxy, "EmitSignal2", G_TYPE_INVALID);
-  dbus_g_connection_flush (connection);
-  exit_timeout = g_timeout_add (5000, timed_exit, loop);
-  g_main_loop_run (loop);
-  if (n_times_sig2_received != 1)
-    lose ("Sig2 signal received %d times, should have been 1", n_times_sig2_received);
-  g_print ("Calling FooObject EmitSignals two more times\n");
-  dbus_g_proxy_call_no_reply (proxy, "EmitSignals", G_TYPE_INVALID);
-  dbus_g_proxy_call_no_reply (proxy, "EmitSignals", G_TYPE_INVALID);
-  dbus_g_connection_flush (connection);
-  exit_timeout = g_timeout_add (5000, timed_exit, loop);
-  g_main_loop_run (loop);
-  exit_timeout = g_timeout_add (5000, timed_exit, loop);
-  g_main_loop_run (loop);
-  exit_timeout = g_timeout_add (5000, timed_exit, loop);
-  g_main_loop_run (loop);
-  exit_timeout = g_timeout_add (5000, timed_exit, loop);
-  g_main_loop_run (loop);
-  if (n_times_sig0_received != 3)
-    lose ("Sig0 signal received %d times, should have been 3", n_times_sig0_received);
-  if (n_times_sig1_received != 3)
-    lose ("Sig1 signal received %d times, should have been 3", n_times_sig1_received);
-  /* Terminate again */
-  g_print ("Terminating service\n");
-  await_terminating_service = "org.freedesktop.DBus.TestSuiteGLibService";
-  dbus_g_proxy_call_no_reply (proxy, "Terminate", G_TYPE_INVALID);
-  proxy_destroyed = FALSE;
-  proxy_destroy_and_nameowner = TRUE;
-  proxy_destroy_and_nameowner_complete = FALSE;
-  g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (proxy),
-                   "destroy",
-                   G_CALLBACK (proxy_destroyed_cb),
-                   NULL);
-  dbus_g_connection_flush (connection);
-  exit_timeout = g_timeout_add (5000, timed_exit, loop);
-  g_main_loop_run (loop);
-  if (await_terminating_service != NULL)
-    lose ("Didn't see name loss for \"org.freedesktop.DBus.TestSuiteGLibService\"");
-  if (!proxy_destroyed)
-    lose ("Didn't get proxy_destroyed");
-  g_print ("Proxy destroyed successfully\n");
-  /* Don't need to unref, proxy was destroyed */
-  run_mainloop ();
-  /* Create a new proxy for the name; should not be associated */
-  proxy = dbus_g_proxy_new_for_name (connection,
-                                    "org.freedesktop.DBus.TestSuiteGLibService",
-                                    "/org/freedesktop/DBus/Tests/MyTestObject",
-                                    "org.freedesktop.DBus.Tests.MyObject");
-  g_assert (proxy != NULL);
-  proxy_destroyed = FALSE;
-  proxy_destroy_and_nameowner = FALSE;
-  proxy_destroy_and_nameowner_complete = FALSE;
-  g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (proxy),
-                   "destroy",
-                   G_CALLBACK (proxy_destroyed_cb),
-                   NULL);
-  if (!dbus_g_proxy_call (driver, "GetNameOwner", &error,
-                         G_TYPE_STRING,
-                         "org.freedesktop.DBus.TestSuiteGLibService",
-                         G_TYPE_INVALID,
-                         G_TYPE_STRING,
-                         &v_STRING_2,
-                         G_TYPE_INVALID)) {
-    if (error->domain == DBUS_GERROR && error->code == DBUS_GERROR_NAME_HAS_NO_OWNER)
-      g_print ("Got expected error \"org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner\"\n");
-    else
-      lose_gerror ("Unexpected error from GetNameOwner", error);
-  } else
-    lose ("GetNameOwner unexpectedly succeeded!");
-  g_clear_error (&error);
-  /* This will have the side-effect of activating the service, thus
-   * causing a NameOwnerChanged, which should let our name proxy
-   * get signals
-   */
-  g_print ("Calling Uppercase for name proxy\n");
-  if (!dbus_g_proxy_call (proxy, "Uppercase", &error,
-                         G_TYPE_STRING, "bazwhee",
-                         G_TYPE_INVALID,
-                         G_TYPE_STRING, &v_STRING_2,
-                         G_TYPE_INVALID))
-    lose_gerror ("Failed to complete Uppercase call", error);
-  g_free (v_STRING_2);
-    g_usleep (8 * G_USEC_PER_SEC);
-  dbus_g_proxy_add_signal (proxy, "Frobnicate", G_TYPE_INT, G_TYPE_INVALID);
-  dbus_g_proxy_connect_signal (proxy, "Frobnicate",
-                               G_CALLBACK (frobnicate_signal_handler),
-                               NULL, NULL);
-  g_print ("Calling EmitFrobnicate\n");
-  if (!dbus_g_proxy_call (proxy, "EmitFrobnicate", &error,
-                         G_TYPE_INVALID, G_TYPE_INVALID))
-    lose_gerror ("Failed to complete EmitFrobnicate call", error);
-  n_times_frobnicate_received = 0;
-  dbus_g_connection_flush (connection);
-  exit_timeout = g_timeout_add (5000, timed_exit, loop);
-  g_main_loop_run (loop);
-  if (n_times_frobnicate_received != 1)
-    lose ("Frobnicate signal received %d times, should have been 1", n_times_frobnicate_received);
-  /* Now terminate the service, then start it again (implicitly) and wait for signals */
-  g_print ("Terminating service (2)\n");
-  await_terminating_service = "org.freedesktop.DBus.TestSuiteGLibService";
-  dbus_g_proxy_call_no_reply (proxy, "Terminate", G_TYPE_INVALID);
-  dbus_g_connection_flush (connection);
-  exit_timeout = g_timeout_add (5000, timed_exit, loop);
-  g_main_loop_run (loop);
-  if (await_terminating_service != NULL)
-    lose ("Didn't see name loss for \"org.freedesktop.DBus.TestSuiteGLibService\"");
-  if (proxy_destroyed)
-    lose ("Unexpectedly got proxy_destroyed!");
-  n_times_frobnicate_received = 0;
-  g_print ("Calling EmitFrobnicate (2)\n");
-  if (!dbus_g_proxy_call (proxy, "EmitFrobnicate", &error,
-                         G_TYPE_INVALID, G_TYPE_INVALID))
-    lose_gerror ("Failed to complete EmitFrobnicate call", error);
-    g_usleep (8 * G_USEC_PER_SEC);
-  dbus_g_connection_flush (connection);
-  exit_timeout = g_timeout_add (5000, timed_exit, loop);
-  g_main_loop_run (loop);
-  if (n_times_frobnicate_received != 1)
-    lose ("Frobnicate signal received %d times, should have been 1", n_times_frobnicate_received);
-  if (proxy_destroyed)
-    lose ("Unexpectedly got proxy_destroyed!");
-  /* Create another proxy for the name; should be associated immediately */
-  proxy2 = dbus_g_proxy_new_for_name (connection,
-                                    "org.freedesktop.DBus.TestSuiteGLibService",
-                                    "/org/freedesktop/DBus/Tests/MyTestObject",
-                                    "org.freedesktop.DBus.Tests.MyObject");
-  g_assert (proxy2 != NULL);
-  dbus_g_proxy_add_signal (proxy2, "Frobnicate", G_TYPE_INT, G_TYPE_INVALID);
-  dbus_g_proxy_connect_signal (proxy2, "Frobnicate",
-                               G_CALLBACK (frobnicate_signal_handler_2),
-                               NULL, NULL);
-  g_print ("Calling EmitFrobnicate (3)\n");
-  if (!dbus_g_proxy_call (proxy, "EmitFrobnicate", &error,
-                         G_TYPE_INVALID, G_TYPE_INVALID))
-    lose_gerror ("Failed to complete EmitFrobnicate call", error);
-  dbus_g_connection_flush (connection);
-  exit_timeout = g_timeout_add (5000, timed_exit, loop);
-  g_main_loop_run (loop);
-  if (n_times_frobnicate_received != 2)
-    lose ("Frobnicate signal received %d times for 1st proxy, should have been 2", n_times_frobnicate_received);
-  if (n_times_frobnicate_received_2 != 1)
-    lose ("Frobnicate signal received %d times for 2nd proxy, should have been 1", n_times_frobnicate_received_2);
-  g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (proxy));
-  g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (proxy2));
-  run_mainloop ();
-  /* Test introspection */
-  proxy = dbus_g_proxy_new_for_name_owner (connection,
-                                           "org.freedesktop.DBus.TestSuiteGLibService",
-                                           "/org/freedesktop/DBus/Tests/MyTestObject",
-                                           "org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable",
-                                           &error);
-  if (proxy == NULL)
-    lose_gerror ("Failed to create proxy for name owner", error);
-  g_print ("Testing introspect\n");
-  if (!dbus_g_proxy_call (proxy, "Introspect", &error,
-                         G_TYPE_INVALID,
-                         G_TYPE_STRING, &v_STRING_2,
-                         G_TYPE_INVALID))
-    lose_gerror ("Failed to complete Introspect call", error);
-  /* Could just do strcmp(), but that seems more fragile */
-  {
-    NodeInfo *node;
-    GSList *elt;
-    gboolean found_introspectable;
-    gboolean found_properties;
-    gboolean found_myobject;
-    gboolean found_fooobject;
-    node = description_load_from_string (v_STRING_2, strlen (v_STRING_2), &error);
-    if (!node)
-      lose_gerror ("Failed to parse introspection data: %s", error);
-    found_introspectable = FALSE;
-    found_properties = FALSE;
-    found_myobject = FALSE;
-    found_fooobject = FALSE;
-    for (elt = node_info_get_interfaces (node); elt ; elt = elt->next)
-      {
-       InterfaceInfo *iface = elt->data;
-       if (!found_introspectable && strcmp (interface_info_get_name (iface), "org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable") == 0)
-         found_introspectable = TRUE;
-       else if (!found_properties && strcmp (interface_info_get_name (iface), "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties") == 0)
-         found_properties = TRUE;
-       else if (!found_myobject && strcmp (interface_info_get_name (iface), "org.freedesktop.DBus.Tests.MyObject") == 0)
-         {
-           GSList *elt;
-           gboolean found_manyargs;
-           found_myobject = TRUE;
-           found_manyargs = FALSE;
-           for (elt = interface_info_get_methods (iface); elt; elt = elt->next)
-             {
-               MethodInfo *method;
-               method = elt->data;
-               if (strcmp (method_info_get_name (method), "ManyArgs") == 0)
-                 {
-                   found_manyargs = TRUE;
-                   break;
-                 }
-             }
-           if (!found_manyargs)
-             lose ("Missing method org.freedesktop.DBus.Tests.MyObject.ManyArgs");
-         }
-       else if (!found_fooobject && strcmp (interface_info_get_name (iface), "org.freedesktop.DBus.Tests.FooObject") == 0)
-         found_fooobject = TRUE;
-       else
-         lose ("Unexpected or duplicate interface %s", interface_info_get_name (iface));
-      }
-    if (!(found_introspectable && found_myobject && found_properties))
-      lose ("Missing interface"); 
-  }
-  g_free (v_STRING_2);
-  g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (driver));
-  g_print ("Successfully completed %s\n", argv[0]);
-  return 0;
diff --git a/test/glib/test-profile.c b/test/glib/test-profile.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 9f63b36..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1150 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu" -*- */
-/* test-profile.c Program that does basic message-response for timing; doesn't really use glib bindings
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2003, 2004  Red Hat Inc.
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- * 
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- * 
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <glib.h>
-#include <dbus/dbus-glib-lowlevel.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <sys/un.h>
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#define socklen_t int
-#define _DBUS_ZERO(object) (memset (&(object), '\0', sizeof ((object))))
-/* Note that if you set threads > 1 you get a bogus profile since the
- * clients start blocking on the server, so the client write() will go
- * higher in the profile the larger the number of threads.
- */
-/* It seems like at least 750000 or so iterations reduces the variability to sane levels */
-#define N_ITERATIONS 2000
-/* Don't make PAYLOAD_SIZE too huge because it gets used as a static buffer size */
-#define PAYLOAD_SIZE 0
-#define ECHO_SERVICE "org.freedesktop.EchoTestServer"
-#define ECHO_PATH "/org/freedesktop/EchoTest"
-#define ECHO_INTERFACE "org.freedesktop.EchoTest"
-#define ECHO_PING_METHOD "Ping"
-static const char *messages_address;
-static const char *plain_sockets_address;
-static unsigned char *payload;
-static int echo_call_size;
-static int echo_return_size;
-typedef struct ProfileRunVTable ProfileRunVTable;
-typedef struct
-  const ProfileRunVTable *vtable;
-  int iterations;
-  GMainLoop *loop;
-} ClientData;
-typedef struct
-  const ProfileRunVTable *vtable;
-  int handled;
-  GMainLoop *loop;
-  int n_clients;
-} ServerData;
-struct ProfileRunVTable
-  const char *name;
-  gboolean fake_malloc_overhead;
-  void* (* init_server)        (ServerData *sd);
-  void  (* stop_server)        (ServerData *sd,
-                                void       *server);
-  void* (* client_thread_func) (void *data); /* Data has to be the vtable */
-  /* this is so different runs show up in the profiler with
-   * different backtrace
-   */
-  void  (* main_loop_run_func) (GMainLoop *loop);
-/* Note, this is all crack-a-rific; it isn't using DBusGProxy and thus is
- * a major pain
- */
-static void
-send_echo_method_call (DBusConnection *connection)
-  DBusMessage *message;
-  const char *hello = "Hello World!";
-  dbus_int32_t i32 = 123456;
-  message = dbus_message_new_method_call (ECHO_SERVICE,
-                                          ECHO_PATH,
-                                          ECHO_INTERFACE,
-                                          ECHO_PING_METHOD);
-  dbus_message_append_args (message,
-                            DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &hello,
-                            DBUS_TYPE_INT32, &i32,
-                            DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY, DBUS_TYPE_BYTE,
-                            &payload, PAYLOAD_SIZE,
-                            DBUS_TYPE_INVALID);
-  dbus_connection_send (connection, message, NULL);
-  dbus_message_unref (message);
-  dbus_connection_flush (connection);
-static void
-send_echo_method_return (DBusConnection *connection,
-                         DBusMessage    *call_message)
-  DBusMessage *message;
-  message = dbus_message_new_method_return (call_message);
-  dbus_connection_send (connection, message, NULL);
-  dbus_message_unref (message);
-  dbus_connection_flush (connection);
-static DBusHandlerResult
-with_or_without_bus_client_filter (DBusConnection     *connection,
-                                   DBusMessage        *message,
-                                   ClientData         *cd)
-  if (dbus_message_is_signal (message,
-                              DBUS_INTERFACE_LOCAL,
-                              "Disconnected"))
-    {
-      g_printerr ("Client thread disconnected\n");
-      exit (1);
-    }
-  else if (dbus_message_get_type (message) == DBUS_MESSAGE_TYPE_METHOD_RETURN)
-    {
-      cd->iterations += 1;
-      if (cd->iterations >= N_ITERATIONS)
-        {
-          g_printerr ("\nCompleted %d iterations\n", N_ITERATIONS);
-          g_main_loop_quit (cd->loop);
-        }
-      else if (cd->iterations % (N_ITERATIONS/N_PROGRESS_UPDATES) == 0)
-        {
-          g_printerr ("%d%% ", (int) (cd->iterations/(double)N_ITERATIONS * 100.0));
-        }
-      send_echo_method_call (connection);
-    }
-static DBusHandlerResult
-no_bus_client_filter (DBusConnection     *connection,
-                      DBusMessage        *message,
-                      void               *user_data)
-  ClientData *cd = user_data;
-  return with_or_without_bus_client_filter (connection, message, cd);
-static void*
-no_bus_thread_func (void *data)
-  DBusError error;
-  GMainContext *context;
-  DBusConnection *connection;
-  ClientData cd;
-  g_printerr ("Starting client thread %p\n", g_thread_self());  
-  dbus_error_init (&error);
-  connection = dbus_connection_open_private (messages_address, &error);
-  if (connection == NULL)
-    {
-      g_printerr ("could not open connection: %s\n", error.message);
-      dbus_error_free (&error);
-      exit (1);
-    }
-  context = g_main_context_new ();
-  cd.iterations = 1;
-  cd.loop = g_main_loop_new (context, FALSE);
-  if (!dbus_connection_add_filter (connection,
-                                  no_bus_client_filter, &cd, NULL))
-    g_error ("no memory");
-  dbus_connection_setup_with_g_main (connection, context);
-  g_printerr ("Client thread sending message to prime pingpong\n");
-  send_echo_method_call (connection);
-  g_printerr ("Client thread sent message\n");
-  g_printerr ("Client thread entering main loop\n");
-  g_main_loop_run (cd.loop);
-  g_printerr ("Client thread %p exiting main loop\n",
-              g_thread_self());
-  dbus_connection_close (connection);
-  g_main_loop_unref (cd.loop);
-  g_main_context_unref (context);
-  return NULL;
-static DBusHandlerResult
-no_bus_server_filter (DBusConnection     *connection,
-                      DBusMessage        *message,
-                      void               *user_data)
-  ServerData *sd = user_data;
-  if (dbus_message_is_signal (message,
-                              DBUS_INTERFACE_LOCAL,
-                              "Disconnected"))
-    {
-      g_printerr ("Client disconnected from server\n");
-      sd->n_clients -= 1;
-      if (sd->n_clients == 0)
-        g_main_loop_quit (sd->loop);
-    }
-  else if (dbus_message_is_method_call (message,
-                                        ECHO_INTERFACE,
-                                        ECHO_PING_METHOD))
-    {
-      sd->handled += 1;
-      send_echo_method_return (connection, message);
-    }
-static void
-no_bus_new_connection_callback (DBusServer     *server,
-                                DBusConnection *new_connection,
-                                void           *user_data)
-  ServerData *sd = user_data;
-  dbus_connection_ref (new_connection);
-  dbus_connection_setup_with_g_main (new_connection, NULL);  
-  if (!dbus_connection_add_filter (new_connection,
-                                   no_bus_server_filter, sd, NULL))
-    g_error ("no memory");
-  sd->n_clients += 1;
-  /* FIXME we leak the handler */  
-static void*
-no_bus_init_server (ServerData       *sd)
-  DBusServer *server;
-  DBusError error;
-  dbus_error_init (&error);
-  server = dbus_server_listen ("unix:tmpdir="DBUS_TEST_SOCKET_DIR,
-                               &error);
-  if (server == NULL)
-    {
-      g_printerr ("Could not start server: %s\n",
-                  error.message);
-      exit (1);
-    }
-  messages_address = dbus_server_get_address (server);
-  dbus_server_set_new_connection_function (server,
-                                           no_bus_new_connection_callback,
-                                           sd, NULL);
-  dbus_server_setup_with_g_main (server, NULL);
-  return server;
-static void
-no_bus_stop_server (ServerData *sd,
-                    void       *server)
-  dbus_server_disconnect (server);
-  dbus_server_unref (server);
-static void
-no_bus_main_loop_run (GMainLoop *loop)
-  g_main_loop_run (loop);
-static const ProfileRunVTable no_bus_vtable = {
-  "dbus direct without bus",
-  no_bus_init_server,
-  no_bus_stop_server,
-  no_bus_thread_func,
-  no_bus_main_loop_run
-typedef struct
-  const ProfileRunVTable *vtable;
-  ServerData *sd;
-  GHashTable *client_names;
-  DBusConnection *connection;
-} WithBusServer;
-static DBusHandlerResult
-with_bus_client_filter (DBusConnection     *connection,
-                        DBusMessage        *message,
-                        void               *user_data)
-  ClientData *cd = user_data;
-  return with_or_without_bus_client_filter (connection, message, cd);
-static void*
-with_bus_thread_func (void *data)
-  DBusError error;
-  DBusConnection *connection;
-  ClientData cd;
-  const char *address;
-  GMainContext *context;
-  g_printerr ("Starting client thread %p\n", g_thread_self());  
-  address = g_getenv ("DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS");
-  if (address == NULL)
-    {
-      g_printerr ("DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS not set\n");
-      exit (1);
-    }
-  dbus_error_init (&error);
-  connection = dbus_connection_open_private (address, &error);
-  if (connection == NULL)
-    {
-      g_printerr ("could not open connection to bus: %s\n", error.message);
-      dbus_error_free (&error);
-      exit (1);
-    }
-  if (!dbus_bus_register (connection, &error))
-    {
-      g_printerr ("could not register with bus: %s\n", error.message);
-      dbus_error_free (&error);
-      exit (1);
-    }
-  context = g_main_context_new ();
-  cd.iterations = 1;
-  cd.loop = g_main_loop_new (context, FALSE);
-  if (!dbus_connection_add_filter (connection,
-                                  with_bus_client_filter, &cd, NULL))
-    g_error ("no memory");
-  dbus_connection_setup_with_g_main (connection, context);
-  g_printerr ("Client thread sending message to prime pingpong\n");
-  send_echo_method_call (connection);
-  g_printerr ("Client thread sent message\n");
-  g_printerr ("Client thread entering main loop\n");
-  g_main_loop_run (cd.loop);
-  g_printerr ("Client thread %p exiting main loop\n",
-              g_thread_self());
-  dbus_connection_close (connection);
-  g_main_loop_unref (cd.loop);
-  g_main_context_unref (context);
-  return NULL;
-static DBusHandlerResult
-with_bus_server_filter (DBusConnection     *connection,
-                        DBusMessage        *message,
-                        void               *user_data)
-  WithBusServer *server = user_data;
-  if (dbus_message_is_signal (message,
-                              DBUS_INTERFACE_LOCAL,
-                              "Disconnected"))
-    {
-      g_printerr ("Server disconnected from message bus\n");
-      exit (1);
-    }
-  else if (dbus_message_has_sender (message,
-                                    DBUS_SERVICE_DBUS) &&
-           dbus_message_is_signal (message,
-                                   DBUS_INTERFACE_DBUS,
-                                   "NameOwnerChanged"))
-    {
-      const char *name, *old_owner, *new_owner;
-      DBusError error;
-      name = NULL;
-      old_owner = NULL;
-      new_owner = NULL;
-      dbus_error_init (&error);
-      if (!dbus_message_get_args (message,
-                                  &error,
-                                  DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &name,
-                                  DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &old_owner,
-                                  DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &new_owner,
-                                  DBUS_TYPE_INVALID))
-        {
-          g_printerr ("dbus_message_get_args(): %s\n", error.message);
-          exit (1);
-        }
-      if (g_hash_table_lookup (server->client_names,
-                               name) &&
-          *old_owner != '\0' &&
-          *new_owner == '\0')
-        {
-          g_hash_table_remove (server->client_names,
-                               name);
-          server->sd->n_clients -= 1;
-          if (server->sd->n_clients == 0)
-            g_main_loop_quit (server->sd->loop);
-        }
-    }
-  else if (dbus_message_is_method_call (message,
-                                        ECHO_INTERFACE,
-                                        ECHO_PING_METHOD))
-    {
-      const char *sender;
-      sender = dbus_message_get_sender (message);
-      if (!g_hash_table_lookup (server->client_names,
-                                sender))
-        {
-          g_printerr ("First message from new client %s on bus\n", sender);
-          g_hash_table_replace (server->client_names,
-                                g_strdup (sender),
-                                GINT_TO_POINTER (1));
-          server->sd->n_clients += 1;
-        }
-      server->sd->handled += 1;
-      send_echo_method_return (connection, message);
-    }
-static void*
-with_bus_init_server (ServerData       *sd)
-  DBusGConnection *gconnection;
-  DBusConnection *connection;
-  GError *gerror;
-  const char *s;
-  WithBusServer *server;
-  char *rule;
-  server = g_new0 (WithBusServer, 1);
-  server->vtable = sd->vtable;
-  server->sd = sd;
-  s = g_getenv ("DBUS_TEST_GLIB_RUN_TEST_SCRIPT");
-  if (s == NULL ||
-      *s != '1')
-    {
-      g_printerr ("You have to run with_bus mode with the run-test.sh script\n");
-      exit (1);
-    }
-  /* Note that we use the standard global bus connection for the
-   * server, and the clients open their own connections so they can
-   * have their own main loops and because I'm not sure "talking to
-   * yourself" really works yet
-   */
-  gerror = NULL;
-  gconnection = dbus_g_bus_get (DBUS_BUS_SESSION, &gerror);
-  if (gconnection == NULL)
-    {
-      g_printerr ("could not open connection to bus: %s\n", gerror->message);
-      g_error_free (gerror);
-      exit (1);
-    }
-  server->client_names = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal,
-                                                g_free, NULL);
-  connection = dbus_g_connection_get_connection (gconnection);
-  dbus_bus_request_name (connection,
-                         ECHO_SERVICE,
-                         0, NULL); /* ignore errors because we suck */
-  rule = g_strdup_printf ("type='signal',sender='%s',member='%s'",
-                          DBUS_SERVICE_DBUS,
-                          "NameOwnerChanged");
-  /* ignore errors because we suck */
-  dbus_bus_add_match (connection, rule, NULL);
-  g_free (rule);
-  if (!dbus_connection_add_filter (connection,
-                                   with_bus_server_filter, server, NULL))
-    g_error ("no memory");
-  server->connection = connection;
-  server->client_names = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal,
-                                                g_free, NULL);
-  return server;
-static void
-with_bus_stop_server (ServerData *sd,
-                      void       *serverv)
-  WithBusServer *server = serverv;
-  dbus_connection_remove_filter (server->connection,
-                                 with_bus_server_filter, server);
-  g_hash_table_destroy (server->client_names);
-  dbus_connection_unref (server->connection);
-  g_free (server);
-static void
-with_bus_main_loop_run (GMainLoop *loop)
-  g_main_loop_run (loop);
-static const ProfileRunVTable with_bus_vtable = {
-  "routing via a bus",
-  with_bus_init_server,
-  with_bus_stop_server,
-  with_bus_thread_func,
-  with_bus_main_loop_run
-typedef struct
-  const ProfileRunVTable *vtable;
-  int listen_fd;
-  ServerData *sd;
-  unsigned int source_id;
-} PlainSocketServer;
-static void
-read_and_drop_on_floor (int fd,
-                        int count,
-                        gboolean fake_malloc_overhead)
-  int bytes_read;
-  int val;
-  char *buf;
-  char *allocated;
-  char not_allocated[512+PAYLOAD_SIZE];
-  g_assert (count < (int) sizeof(not_allocated));
-  if (fake_malloc_overhead)
-    {
-      allocated = g_malloc (count);
-      buf = allocated;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      allocated = NULL;
-      buf = not_allocated;
-    }
-  bytes_read = 0;
-  while (bytes_read < count)
-    {
-    again:
-      val = read (fd, buf + bytes_read, count - bytes_read);                  
-      if (val < 0)
-        {
-          if (errno == EINTR)
-            goto again;
-          else
-            {
-              g_printerr ("read() failed thread %p: %s\n",
-                          g_thread_self(), strerror (errno));
-              exit (1);
-            }
-        }
-      else
-        {
-          bytes_read += val;
-        }
-    }
-  if (fake_malloc_overhead)
-    g_free (allocated);
-#if 0
-  g_printerr ("%p read %d bytes from fd %d\n",
-           g_thread_self(), bytes_read, fd);
-static void
-write_junk (int fd,
-            int count,
-            gboolean fake_malloc_overhead)
-  int bytes_written;
-  int val;
-  char *buf;
-  char *allocated;
-  char not_allocated[512+PAYLOAD_SIZE] = { '\0', };
-  g_assert (count < (int) sizeof(not_allocated));
-  if (fake_malloc_overhead)
-    {
-      int i;
-      allocated = g_malloc (count);
-      buf = allocated;
-      /* Write some stuff into the allocated buffer to simulate
-       * creating some sort of data
-       */
-      i = 0;
-      while (i < count)
-        {
-          allocated[i] = (char) i;
-          ++i;
-        }
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      allocated = NULL;
-      buf = not_allocated;
-    }
-  bytes_written = 0;
-  while (bytes_written < count)
-    {
-    again:
-      val = write (fd, buf + bytes_written, count - bytes_written);
-      if (val < 0)
-        {
-          if (errno == EINTR)
-            goto again;
-          else
-            {
-              g_printerr ("write() failed thread %p: %s\n",
-                          g_thread_self(), strerror (errno));
-              exit (1);
-            }
-        }
-      else
-        {
-          bytes_written += val;
-        }
-    }
-  if (fake_malloc_overhead)
-    g_free (allocated);
-#if 0
-  g_printerr ("%p wrote %d bytes to fd %d\n",
-           g_thread_self(), bytes_written, fd);
-static gboolean
-plain_sockets_talk_to_client_watch (GIOChannel   *source,
-                                    GIOCondition  condition,
-                                    gpointer      data)
-  PlainSocketServer *server = data;
-  int client_fd = g_io_channel_unix_get_fd (source);
-  if (condition & G_IO_HUP)
-    {
-      g_printerr ("Client disconnected from server\n");
-      server->sd->n_clients -= 1;
-      if (server->sd->n_clients == 0)
-        g_main_loop_quit (server->sd->loop);
-      return FALSE; /* remove watch */
-    }
-  else if (condition & G_IO_IN)
-    {
-      server->sd->handled += 1;
-      read_and_drop_on_floor (client_fd, echo_call_size, server->vtable->fake_malloc_overhead);
-      write_junk (client_fd, echo_return_size, server->vtable->fake_malloc_overhead);
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      g_printerr ("Unexpected IO condition in server thread\n");
-      exit (1);
-    }
-  return TRUE;
-static gboolean
-plain_sockets_new_client_watch (GIOChannel   *source,
-                                GIOCondition  condition,
-                                gpointer      data)
-  int client_fd;
-  struct sockaddr addr;
-  socklen_t addrlen;
-  GIOChannel *channel;
-  PlainSocketServer *server = data;
-  if (!(condition & G_IO_IN))
-    {
-      g_printerr ("Unexpected IO condition on server socket\n");
-      exit (1);
-    }
-  addrlen = sizeof (addr);
- retry:
-  client_fd = accept (server->listen_fd, &addr, &addrlen);
-  if (client_fd < 0)
-    {
-      if (errno == EINTR)
-        goto retry;
-      else
-        {
-          g_printerr ("Failed to accept() connection from client: %s\n",
-                      strerror (errno));
-          exit (1);
-        }
-    }
-  channel = g_io_channel_unix_new (client_fd);
-  g_io_add_watch (channel,
-                  G_IO_IN | G_IO_ERR | G_IO_HUP | G_IO_NVAL | G_IO_PRI,
-                  plain_sockets_talk_to_client_watch,
-                  server);
-  g_io_channel_unref (channel);
-  server->sd->n_clients += 1;
-  return TRUE;
-static void*
-plain_sockets_init_server (ServerData *sd)
-  PlainSocketServer *server;
-  struct sockaddr_un addr;
-  static char path[] = "/tmp/dbus-test-profile-XXXXXX";
-  char *p;
-  GIOChannel *channel;
-  server = g_new0 (PlainSocketServer, 1);
-  server->sd = sd;
-  server->vtable = sd->vtable; /* for convenience */
-  p = path;
-  while (*p)
-    {
-      if (*p == 'X')
-        *p = 'a' + (int) (26.0*rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0));
-      ++p;
-    }
-  g_printerr ("Socket is %s\n", path);
-  server->listen_fd = socket (PF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
-  if (server->listen_fd < 0)
-    {
-      g_printerr ("Failed to create socket: %s",
-                  strerror (errno));
-      exit (1);
-    }
-  _DBUS_ZERO (addr);
-  addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
-  /* remember that abstract names aren't nul-terminated so we rely
-   * on sun_path being filled in with zeroes above.
-   */
-  addr.sun_path[0] = '\0'; /* this is what says "use abstract" */
-  strncpy (&addr.sun_path[1], path, _DBUS_MAX_SUN_PATH_LENGTH - 2);
-  /* _dbus_verbose_bytes (addr.sun_path, sizeof (addr.sun_path)); */
-  {
-    struct stat sb;
-    if (stat (path, &sb) == 0 &&
-        S_ISSOCK (sb.st_mode))
-      unlink (path);
-  }
-  strncpy (addr.sun_path, path, _DBUS_MAX_SUN_PATH_LENGTH - 1);
-  if (bind (server->listen_fd, (struct sockaddr*) &addr, sizeof (addr)) < 0)
-    {
-      g_printerr ("Failed to bind socket \"%s\": %s",
-                  path, strerror (errno));
-      exit (1);
-    }
-  if (listen (server->listen_fd, 30 /* backlog */) < 0)
-    {
-      g_printerr ("Failed to listen on socket \"%s\": %s",
-                  path, strerror (errno));
-      exit (1);
-    }
-  plain_sockets_address = path;
-  channel = g_io_channel_unix_new (server->listen_fd);
-  server->source_id =
-    g_io_add_watch (channel,
-                    G_IO_IN | G_IO_ERR | G_IO_HUP | G_IO_NVAL | G_IO_PRI,
-                    plain_sockets_new_client_watch,
-                    server);
-  g_io_channel_unref (channel);
-  return server;
-static void
-plain_sockets_stop_server (ServerData *sd,
-                           void       *server_v)
-  PlainSocketServer *server = server_v;
-  g_source_remove (server->source_id);
-  close (server->listen_fd);
-  g_free (server);
-  {
-    struct stat sb;
-    if (stat (plain_sockets_address, &sb) == 0 &&
-        S_ISSOCK (sb.st_mode))
-      unlink (plain_sockets_address);
-  }
-static gboolean
-plain_sockets_client_side_watch (GIOChannel   *source,
-                                 GIOCondition  condition,
-                                 gpointer      data)
-  ClientData *cd = data;
-  int fd = g_io_channel_unix_get_fd (source);
-  if (condition & G_IO_IN)
-    {
-      read_and_drop_on_floor (fd, echo_return_size, cd->vtable->fake_malloc_overhead);
-    }
-  else if (condition & G_IO_OUT)
-    {
-      cd->iterations += 1;
-      if (cd->iterations >= N_ITERATIONS)
-        {
-          g_printerr ("\nCompleted %d iterations\n", N_ITERATIONS);
-          g_main_loop_quit (cd->loop);
-        }
-      else if (cd->iterations % (N_ITERATIONS/N_PROGRESS_UPDATES) == 0)
-        {
-          g_printerr ("%d%% ", (int) (cd->iterations/(double)N_ITERATIONS * 100.0));
-        }
-      write_junk (fd, echo_call_size, cd->vtable->fake_malloc_overhead);
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      g_printerr ("Unexpected IO condition in client thread\n");
-      exit (1);
-    }
-  return TRUE;
-static void*
-plain_sockets_thread_func (void *data)
-  GMainContext *context;
-  ClientData cd;
-  int fd;
-  struct sockaddr_un addr;
-  GIOChannel *channel;
-  GSource *gsource;
-  g_printerr ("Starting client thread %p\n",
-              g_thread_self());
-  fd = socket (PF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
-  if (fd < 0)
-    {
-      g_printerr ("Failed to create socket: %s",
-                  strerror (errno)); 
-      exit (1);
-    }
-  _DBUS_ZERO (addr);
-  addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
-  /* remember that abstract names aren't nul-terminated so we rely
-   * on sun_path being filled in with zeroes above.
-   */
-  addr.sun_path[0] = '\0'; /* this is what says "use abstract" */
-  strncpy (&addr.sun_path[1], plain_sockets_address, _DBUS_MAX_SUN_PATH_LENGTH - 2);
-  /* _dbus_verbose_bytes (addr.sun_path, sizeof (addr.sun_path)); */
-  strncpy (addr.sun_path, plain_sockets_address, _DBUS_MAX_SUN_PATH_LENGTH - 1);
-  if (connect (fd, (struct sockaddr*) &addr, sizeof (addr)) < 0)
-    {      
-      g_printerr ("Failed to connect to socket %s: %s",
-                  plain_sockets_address, strerror (errno));
-      exit (1);
-    }
-  context = g_main_context_new ();
-  cd.iterations = 1;
-  cd.loop = g_main_loop_new (context, FALSE);
-  cd.vtable = data;
-  channel = g_io_channel_unix_new (fd);
-  gsource = g_io_create_watch (channel,
-                               G_IO_IN | G_IO_OUT |
-                               G_IO_ERR | G_IO_HUP | G_IO_NVAL | G_IO_PRI);
-  g_source_set_callback (gsource,
-                         (GSourceFunc)plain_sockets_client_side_watch,
-                         &cd, NULL);
-  g_source_attach (gsource, context);
-  g_io_channel_unref (channel);
-  g_printerr ("Client thread writing to prime pingpong\n");
-  write_junk (fd, echo_call_size, cd.vtable->fake_malloc_overhead);
-  g_printerr ("Client thread done writing primer\n");
-  g_printerr ("Client thread entering main loop\n");
-  g_main_loop_run (cd.loop);
-  g_printerr ("Client thread %p exiting main loop\n",
-              g_thread_self());
-  g_source_destroy (gsource);
-  close (fd);
-  g_main_loop_unref (cd.loop);
-  g_main_context_unref (context);
-  return NULL;
-static void
-plain_sockets_main_loop_run (GMainLoop *loop)
-  g_main_loop_run (loop);
-static const ProfileRunVTable plain_sockets_vtable = {
-  "plain sockets",
-  plain_sockets_init_server,
-  plain_sockets_stop_server,
-  plain_sockets_thread_func,
-  plain_sockets_main_loop_run
-static const ProfileRunVTable plain_sockets_with_malloc_vtable = {
-  "plain sockets with malloc overhead",
-  TRUE,
-  plain_sockets_init_server,
-  plain_sockets_stop_server,
-  plain_sockets_thread_func,
-  plain_sockets_main_loop_run
-static double
-do_profile_run (const ProfileRunVTable *vtable)
-  GTimer *timer;
-  int i;
-  double secs;
-  ServerData sd;
-  void *server;
-  g_printerr ("Profiling %s\n", vtable->name);
-  sd.handled = 0;
-  sd.n_clients = 0;
-  sd.loop = g_main_loop_new (NULL, FALSE);
-  sd.vtable = vtable;
-  server = (* vtable->init_server) (&sd);
-  for (i = 0; i < N_CLIENT_THREADS; i++)
-    {
-      g_thread_create (vtable->client_thread_func, (void*) vtable, FALSE, NULL);
-    }
-  timer = g_timer_new ();
-  g_printerr ("Server thread %p entering main loop\n",
-              g_thread_self());
-  (* vtable->main_loop_run_func) (sd.loop);
-  g_printerr ("Server thread %p exiting main loop\n",
-              g_thread_self());
-  secs = g_timer_elapsed (timer, NULL);
-  g_timer_destroy (timer);
-  g_printerr ("%s: %g seconds, %d round trips, %f seconds per pingpong\n",
-              vtable->name, secs, sd.handled, secs/sd.handled);
-  (* vtable->stop_server) (&sd, server);
-  g_main_loop_unref (sd.loop);
-  return secs;
-static void
-print_result (const ProfileRunVTable *vtable,
-              double            seconds,
-              double            baseline)
-  g_printerr (" %g times slower for %s (%g seconds, %f per iteration)\n",
-              seconds/baseline, vtable->name,
-              seconds, seconds / N_ITERATIONS);
-main (int argc, char *argv[])
-  g_thread_init (NULL);
-  dbus_g_thread_init ();
-  g_printerr ("You should probably --disable-asserts before you profile as they have noticeable overhead\n");
-  g_printerr ("You should probably --disable-verbose-mode before you profile as verbose has noticeable overhead\n");
-  payload = g_malloc (PAYLOAD_SIZE);
-  /* The actual size of the DBusMessage on the wire, as of Nov 23 2004,
-   * without the payload
-   */
-  echo_call_size = 140 + PAYLOAD_SIZE;
-  echo_return_size = 32;
-  if (argc > 1 && strcmp (argv[1], "plain_sockets") == 0)
-    do_profile_run (&plain_sockets_vtable);
-  else if (argc > 1 && strcmp (argv[1], "plain_sockets_with_malloc") == 0)
-    do_profile_run (&plain_sockets_with_malloc_vtable);
-  else if (argc > 1 && strcmp (argv[1], "no_bus") == 0)
-    do_profile_run (&no_bus_vtable);
-  else if (argc > 1 && strcmp (argv[1], "with_bus") == 0)
-    do_profile_run (&with_bus_vtable);
-  else if (argc > 1 && strcmp (argv[1], "all") == 0)
-    {
-      double e1, e2, e3, e4;
-      e1 = do_profile_run (&plain_sockets_vtable);
-      e2 = do_profile_run (&plain_sockets_with_malloc_vtable);
-      e3 = do_profile_run (&no_bus_vtable);
-      e4 = do_profile_run (&with_bus_vtable);
-      g_printerr ("Baseline plain sockets time %g seconds for %d iterations\n",
-                  e1, N_ITERATIONS);
-      print_result (&plain_sockets_vtable, e1, e1);
-      print_result (&plain_sockets_with_malloc_vtable, e2, e1);
-      print_result (&no_bus_vtable, e3, e1);
-      print_result (&with_bus_vtable, e4, e1);
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      g_printerr ("Specify profile type plain_sockets, plain_sockets_with_malloc, no_bus, with_bus, all\n");
-      exit (1);
-    }
-  /* Make valgrind happy */
-  dbus_shutdown ();
-  return 0;
diff --git a/test/glib/test-service-glib.c b/test/glib/test-service-glib.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 829cb57..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,928 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu" -*- */
-#include <dbus/dbus-glib.h>
-/* NOTE - outside of D-BUS core this would be
- * include <dbus/dbus-glib-bindings.h>
- */
-#include "tools/dbus-glib-bindings.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <glib/gi18n.h>
-#include <glib-object.h>
-#include <glib/gquark.h>
-#include "my-object-marshal.h"
-typedef struct MyObject MyObject;
-typedef struct MyObjectClass MyObjectClass;
-GType my_object_get_type (void);
-struct MyObject
-  GObject parent;
-  char *this_is_a_string;
-  guint val;
-struct MyObjectClass
-  GObjectClass parent;
-#define MY_TYPE_OBJECT              (my_object_get_type ())
-#define MY_OBJECT(object)           (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((object), MY_TYPE_OBJECT, MyObject))
-#define MY_OBJECT_CLASS(klass)      (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), MY_TYPE_OBJECT, MyObjectClass))
-#define MY_IS_OBJECT(object)        (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((object), MY_TYPE_OBJECT))
-G_DEFINE_TYPE(MyObject, my_object, G_TYPE_OBJECT)
-typedef enum
-} MyObjectError;
-#define MY_OBJECT_ERROR (my_object_error_quark ())
-#define MY_TYPE_ERROR (my_object_error_get_type ()) 
-gboolean my_object_do_nothing (MyObject *obj, GError **error);
-gboolean my_object_increment (MyObject *obj, gint32 x, gint32 *ret, GError **error);
-gint32   my_object_increment_retval (MyObject *obj, gint32 x);
-gint32   my_object_increment_retval_error (MyObject *obj, gint32 x, GError **error);
-gboolean my_object_throw_error (MyObject *obj, GError **error);
-gboolean my_object_uppercase (MyObject *obj, const char *str, char **ret, GError **error);
-gboolean my_object_many_args (MyObject *obj, guint32 x, const char *str, double trouble, double *d_ret, char **str_ret, GError **error);
-gboolean my_object_many_return (MyObject *obj, guint32 *arg0, char **arg1, gint32 *arg2, guint32 *arg3, guint32 *arg4, const char **arg5, GError **error);
-gboolean my_object_recursive1 (MyObject *obj, GArray *array, guint32 *len_ret, GError **error);
-gboolean my_object_recursive2 (MyObject *obj, guint32 reqlen, GArray **array, GError **error);
-gboolean my_object_many_stringify (MyObject *obj, GHashTable *vals, GHashTable **ret, GError **error);
-gboolean my_object_rec_arrays (MyObject *obj, GPtrArray *in, GPtrArray **ret, GError **error);
-gboolean my_object_objpath (MyObject *obj, const char *in, const char **arg1, GError **error);
-gboolean my_object_get_objs (MyObject *obj, GPtrArray **objs, GError **error);
-gboolean my_object_stringify (MyObject *obj, GValue *value, char **ret, GError **error);
-gboolean my_object_unstringify (MyObject *obj, const char *str, GValue *value, GError **error);
-gboolean my_object_many_uppercase (MyObject *obj, const char * const *in, char ***out, GError **error);
-gboolean my_object_str_hash_len (MyObject *obj, GHashTable *table, guint *len, GError **error);
-gboolean my_object_send_car (MyObject *obj, GValueArray *invals, GValueArray **outvals, GError **error);
-gboolean my_object_get_hash (MyObject *obj, GHashTable **table, GError **error);
-gboolean my_object_increment_val (MyObject *obj, GError **error);
-gboolean my_object_get_val (MyObject *obj, guint *ret, GError **error);
-gboolean my_object_get_value (MyObject *obj, guint *ret, GError **error);
-gboolean my_object_emit_signals (MyObject *obj, GError **error);
-gboolean my_object_emit_signal2 (MyObject *obj, GError **error);
-gboolean my_object_emit_frobnicate (MyObject *obj, GError **error);
-gboolean my_object_echo_variant (MyObject *obj, GValue *variant, GValue *ret, GError **error);
-gboolean my_object_process_variant_of_array_of_ints123 (MyObject *obj, GValue *variant, GError **error);
-gboolean my_object_dict_of_dicts (MyObject *obj, GHashTable *dict, GHashTable **ret, GError **error);
-gboolean my_object_terminate (MyObject *obj, GError **error);
-void my_object_async_increment (MyObject *obj, gint32 x, DBusGMethodInvocation *context);
-void my_object_async_throw_error (MyObject *obj, DBusGMethodInvocation *context);
-#include "test-service-glib-glue.h"
-GQuark my_object_error_quark (void);
-GType my_object_error_get_type (void);
-/* Properties */
-  PROP_0,
-  SIG0,
-  SIG1,
-  SIG2,
-static guint signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 };
-static void
-my_object_finalize (GObject *object)
-  MyObject *mobject = MY_OBJECT (object);
-  g_free (mobject->this_is_a_string);
-  (G_OBJECT_CLASS (my_object_parent_class)->finalize) (object);
-static void
-my_object_set_property (GObject      *object,
-                        guint         prop_id,
-                        const GValue *value,
-                        GParamSpec   *pspec)
-  MyObject *mobject;
-  mobject = MY_OBJECT (object);
-  switch (prop_id)
-    {
-      g_free (mobject->this_is_a_string);
-      mobject->this_is_a_string = g_value_dup_string (value);
-      break;
-    default:
-      G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);
-      break;
-    }
-static void
-my_object_get_property (GObject      *object,
-                        guint         prop_id,
-                        GValue       *value,
-                        GParamSpec   *pspec)
-  MyObject *mobject;
-  mobject = MY_OBJECT (object);
-  switch (prop_id)
-    {
-      g_value_set_string (value, mobject->this_is_a_string);
-      break;
-    default:
-      G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);
-      break;
-    }
-static void
-my_object_init (MyObject *obj)
-  obj->val = 0;
-static void
-my_object_class_init (MyObjectClass *mobject_class)
-  GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (mobject_class);
-  gobject_class->finalize = my_object_finalize;
-  gobject_class->set_property = my_object_set_property;
-  gobject_class->get_property = my_object_get_property;
-  g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class,
-                                  PROP_THIS_IS_A_STRING,
-                                  g_param_spec_string ("this_is_a_string",
-                                                        _("Sample string"),
-                                                        _("Example of a string property"),
-                                                        "default value",
-                                                        G_PARAM_READWRITE));
-  signals[FROBNICATE] =
-    g_signal_new ("frobnicate",
-                 G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE (mobject_class),
-                  0,
-                  NULL, NULL,
-                  g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__INT,
-                  G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_INT);
-  signals[SIG0] =
-    g_signal_new ("sig0",
-                 G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE (mobject_class),
-                  0,
-                  NULL, NULL,
-                  my_object_marshal_VOID__STRING_INT_STRING,
-  signals[SIG1] =
-    g_signal_new ("sig1",
-                 G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE (mobject_class),
-                  0,
-                  NULL, NULL,
-                  my_object_marshal_VOID__STRING_BOXED,
-                  G_TYPE_NONE, 2, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_VALUE);
-  signals[SIG2] =
-    g_signal_new ("sig2",
-                 G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE (mobject_class),
-                  0,
-                  NULL, NULL,
-                  g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__BOXED,
-my_object_error_quark (void)
-  static GQuark quark = 0;
-  if (!quark)
-    quark = g_quark_from_static_string ("my_object_error");
-  return quark;
-/* This should really be standard. */
-#define ENUM_ENTRY(NAME, DESC) { NAME, "" #NAME "", DESC }
-my_object_error_get_type (void)
-       static GType etype = 0;
-       if (etype == 0)
-       {
-               static const GEnumValue values[] =
-               {
-                       ENUM_ENTRY (MY_OBJECT_ERROR_FOO, "Foo"),
-                       ENUM_ENTRY (MY_OBJECT_ERROR_BAR, "Bar"),
-                       { 0, 0, 0 }
-               };
-               etype = g_enum_register_static ("MyObjectError", values);
-       }
-       return etype;
-static GObject *obj;
-static GObject *obj2;
-my_object_do_nothing (MyObject *obj, GError **error)
-  return TRUE;
-my_object_increment (MyObject *obj, gint32 x, gint32 *ret, GError **error)
-  *ret = x +1;
-  return TRUE;
-my_object_increment_retval (MyObject *obj, gint32 x)
-  return x + 1;
-my_object_increment_retval_error (MyObject *obj, gint32 x, GError **error)
-  if (x + 1 > 10)
-    {
-      g_set_error (error,
-                  MY_OBJECT_ERROR,
-                  MY_OBJECT_ERROR_FOO,
-                  "%s",
-                  "x is bigger than 9");    
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  return x + 1;
-my_object_throw_error (MyObject *obj, GError **error)
-  g_set_error (error,
-              MY_OBJECT_ERROR,
-              MY_OBJECT_ERROR_FOO,
-              "%s",
-              "this method always loses");    
-  return FALSE;
-my_object_uppercase (MyObject *obj, const char *str, char **ret, GError **error)
-  *ret = g_ascii_strup (str, -1);
-  return TRUE;
-my_object_many_args (MyObject *obj, guint32 x, const char *str, double trouble, double *d_ret, char **str_ret, GError **error)
-  *d_ret = trouble + (x * 2);
-  *str_ret = g_ascii_strup (str, -1);
-  return TRUE;
-my_object_many_return (MyObject *obj, guint32 *arg0, char **arg1, gint32 *arg2, guint32 *arg3, guint32 *arg4, const char **arg5, GError **error)
-  *arg0 = 42;
-  *arg1 = g_strdup ("42");
-  *arg2 = -67;
-  *arg3 = 2;
-  *arg4 = 26;
-  *arg5 = "hello world"; /* Annotation specifies as const */
-  return TRUE;
-my_object_stringify (MyObject *obj, GValue *value, char **ret, GError **error)
-  GValue valstr = {0, };
-  g_value_init (&valstr, G_TYPE_STRING);
-  if (!g_value_transform (value, &valstr))
-    {
-      g_set_error (error,
-                  MY_OBJECT_ERROR,
-                  MY_OBJECT_ERROR_FOO,
-                  "couldn't transform value");
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  *ret = g_value_dup_string (&valstr);
-  g_value_unset (&valstr);
-  return TRUE;
-my_object_unstringify (MyObject *obj, const char *str, GValue *value, GError **error)
-  if (str[0] == '\0' || !g_ascii_isdigit (str[0])) {
-    g_value_init (value, G_TYPE_STRING);
-    g_value_set_string (value, str);
-  } else {
-    g_value_init (value, G_TYPE_INT);
-    g_value_set_int (value, (int) g_ascii_strtoull (str, NULL, 10));
-  } 
-  return TRUE;
-my_object_recursive1 (MyObject *obj, GArray *array, guint32 *len_ret, GError **error)
-  *len_ret = array->len;
-  return TRUE;
-my_object_recursive2 (MyObject *obj, guint32 reqlen, GArray **ret, GError **error)
-  guint32 val;
-  GArray *array;
-  array = g_array_new (FALSE, TRUE, sizeof (guint32));
-  while (reqlen > 0) {
-    val = 42;
-    g_array_append_val (array, val);
-    val = 26;
-    g_array_append_val (array, val);
-    reqlen--;
-  }
-  val = 2;
-  g_array_append_val (array, val);
-  *ret = array;
-  return TRUE;
-my_object_many_uppercase (MyObject *obj, const char * const *in, char ***out, GError **error)
-  int len;
-  int i;
-  len = g_strv_length ((char**) in);
-  *out = g_new0 (char *, len + 1);
-  for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
-    {
-      (*out)[i] = g_ascii_strup (in[i], -1);
-    }
-  (*out)[i] = NULL;
-  return TRUE;
-static void
-hash_foreach_stringify (gpointer key, gpointer val, gpointer user_data)
-  const char *keystr = key;
-  const GValue *value = val;
-  GValue *sval;
-  GHashTable *ret = user_data;
-  sval = g_new0 (GValue, 1);
-  g_value_init (sval, G_TYPE_STRING);
-  if (!g_value_transform (value, sval))
-    g_assert_not_reached ();
-  g_hash_table_insert (ret, g_strdup (keystr), sval);
-static void
-unset_and_free_gvalue (gpointer val)
-  g_value_unset (val);
-  g_free (val);
-my_object_many_stringify (MyObject *obj, GHashTable /* char * -> GValue * */ *vals, GHashTable /* char * -> GValue * */ **ret, GError **error)
-  *ret = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal,
-                               g_free, unset_and_free_gvalue);
-  g_hash_table_foreach (vals, hash_foreach_stringify, *ret);
-  return TRUE;
-my_object_rec_arrays (MyObject *obj, GPtrArray *in, GPtrArray **ret, GError **error)
-  char **strs;
-  GArray *ints;
-  guint v_UINT;
-  if (in->len != 2)
-    {
-      g_set_error (error,
-                  MY_OBJECT_ERROR,
-                  MY_OBJECT_ERROR_FOO,
-                  "invalid array len");
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  strs = g_ptr_array_index (in, 0);
-  if (!*strs || strcmp (*strs, "foo"))
-    {
-      g_set_error (error,
-                  MY_OBJECT_ERROR,
-                  MY_OBJECT_ERROR_FOO,
-                  "invalid string 0");
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  strs++;
-  if (!*strs || strcmp (*strs, "bar"))
-    {
-      g_set_error (error,
-                  MY_OBJECT_ERROR,
-                  MY_OBJECT_ERROR_FOO,
-                  "invalid string 1");
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  strs++;
-  if (*strs)
-    {
-      g_set_error (error,
-                  MY_OBJECT_ERROR,
-                  MY_OBJECT_ERROR_FOO,
-                  "invalid string array len in pos 0");
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  strs = g_ptr_array_index (in, 1);
-  if (!*strs || strcmp (*strs, "baz"))
-    {
-      g_set_error (error,
-                  MY_OBJECT_ERROR,
-                  MY_OBJECT_ERROR_FOO,
-                  "invalid string 0");
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  strs++;
-  if (!*strs || strcmp (*strs, "whee"))
-    {
-      g_set_error (error,
-                  MY_OBJECT_ERROR,
-                  MY_OBJECT_ERROR_FOO,
-                  "invalid string 1");
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  strs++;
-  if (!*strs || strcmp (*strs, "moo"))
-    {
-      g_set_error (error,
-                  MY_OBJECT_ERROR,
-                  MY_OBJECT_ERROR_FOO,
-                  "invalid string 2");
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  strs++;
-  if (*strs)
-    {
-      g_set_error (error,
-                  MY_OBJECT_ERROR,
-                  MY_OBJECT_ERROR_FOO,
-                  "invalid string array len in pos 1");
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  *ret = g_ptr_array_new ();
-  ints = g_array_new (TRUE, TRUE, sizeof (guint));
-  v_UINT = 10;
-  g_array_append_val (ints, v_UINT);
-  v_UINT = 42;
-  g_array_append_val (ints, v_UINT);
-  v_UINT = 27;
-  g_array_append_val (ints, v_UINT);
-  g_ptr_array_add (*ret, ints);
-  ints = g_array_new (TRUE, TRUE, sizeof (guint));
-  v_UINT = 30;
-  g_array_append_val (ints, v_UINT);
-  g_ptr_array_add (*ret, ints);
-  return TRUE;
-my_object_objpath (MyObject *obj, const char *incoming, const char **outgoing, GError **error)
-  if (strcmp (incoming, "/org/freedesktop/DBus/Tests/MyTestObject"))
-    {
-      g_set_error (error,
-                  MY_OBJECT_ERROR,
-                  MY_OBJECT_ERROR_FOO,
-                  "invalid incoming object");
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  *outgoing = "/org/freedesktop/DBus/Tests/MyTestObject2";
-  return TRUE;
-my_object_get_objs (MyObject *obj, GPtrArray **objs, GError **error)
-  *objs = g_ptr_array_new ();
-  g_ptr_array_add (*objs, g_strdup ("/org/freedesktop/DBus/Tests/MyTestObject"));
-  g_ptr_array_add (*objs, g_strdup ("/org/freedesktop/DBus/Tests/MyTestObject2"));
-  return TRUE;
-static void
-hash_foreach (gpointer key, gpointer val, gpointer user_data)
-  const char *keystr = key;
-  const char *valstr = val;
-  guint *count = user_data;
-  *count += (strlen (keystr) + strlen (valstr));
-  g_print ("%s -> %s\n", keystr, valstr);
-my_object_str_hash_len (MyObject *obj, GHashTable *table, guint *len, GError **error)
-  *len = 0;
-  g_hash_table_foreach (table, hash_foreach, len);
-  return TRUE;
-my_object_send_car (MyObject *obj, GValueArray *invals, GValueArray **outvals, GError **error)
-  if (invals->n_values != 3
-      || G_VALUE_TYPE (g_value_array_get_nth (invals, 0)) != G_TYPE_STRING
-      || G_VALUE_TYPE (g_value_array_get_nth (invals, 1)) != G_TYPE_UINT
-      || G_VALUE_TYPE (g_value_array_get_nth (invals, 2)) != G_TYPE_VALUE)
-    {
-      g_set_error (error,
-                  MY_OBJECT_ERROR,
-                  MY_OBJECT_ERROR_FOO,
-                  "invalid incoming values");
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  *outvals = g_value_array_new (2);
-  g_value_array_append (*outvals, NULL);
-  g_value_init (g_value_array_get_nth (*outvals, (*outvals)->n_values - 1), G_TYPE_UINT);
-  g_value_set_uint (g_value_array_get_nth (*outvals, (*outvals)->n_values - 1),
-                   g_value_get_uint (g_value_array_get_nth (invals, 1)) + 1);
-  g_value_array_append (*outvals, NULL);
-  g_value_init (g_value_array_get_nth (*outvals, (*outvals)->n_values - 1), DBUS_TYPE_G_OBJECT_PATH);
-  g_value_set_boxed (g_value_array_get_nth (*outvals, (*outvals)->n_values - 1),
-                    g_strdup ("/org/freedesktop/DBus/Tests/MyTestObject2"));
-  return TRUE;
-my_object_get_hash (MyObject *obj, GHashTable **ret, GError **error)
-  GHashTable *table;
-  table = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal);
-  g_hash_table_insert (table, "foo", "bar");
-  g_hash_table_insert (table, "baz", "whee");
-  g_hash_table_insert (table, "cow", "crack");
-  *ret = table;
-  return TRUE;
-my_object_increment_val (MyObject *obj, GError **error)
-  obj->val++;
-  return TRUE;
-my_object_get_val (MyObject *obj, guint *ret, GError **error)
-  *ret = obj->val;
-  return TRUE;
-my_object_get_value (MyObject *obj, guint *ret, GError **error)
-  *ret = obj->val;
-  return TRUE;
-my_object_echo_variant (MyObject *obj, GValue *variant, GValue *ret, GError **error)
-    GType t;
-    t = G_VALUE_TYPE(variant);
-    g_value_init (ret, t);
-    g_value_copy (variant, ret);
-    return TRUE;
-my_object_process_variant_of_array_of_ints123 (MyObject *obj, GValue *variant, GError **error)
-  GArray *array;
-  int i;
-  int j;
-  j = 0;
-  array = (GArray *)g_value_get_boxed (variant);
-  for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
-    {
-      j = g_array_index (array, int, i);
-      if (j != i + 1)
-        goto error;
-    }
-  return TRUE;
-  *error = g_error_new (MY_OBJECT_ERROR,
-                      MY_OBJECT_ERROR_FOO,
-                      "Error decoding a variant of type ai (i + 1 = %i, j = %i)",
-                      i, j + 1);
-  return FALSE;
-typedef struct _HashAndString HashAndString;
-struct _HashAndString
-  GHashTable *hash;
-  gchar* string;
-static void
-hash_foreach_prepend_string (gpointer key, gpointer val, gpointer user_data)
-  HashAndString *data = (HashAndString*) user_data;
-  gchar *in = (gchar*) val;
-  g_hash_table_insert (data->hash, g_strdup ((gchar*) key),
-                       g_strjoin (" ", data->string, in, NULL));
-static void
-hash_foreach_mangle_dict_of_strings (gpointer key, gpointer val, gpointer user_data)
-  GHashTable *out = (GHashTable*) user_data;
-  GHashTable *in_dict = (GHashTable *) val;
-  HashAndString *data = g_new0 (HashAndString, 1);
-  data->string = (gchar*) key;
-  data->hash = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal,
-                                            g_free, g_free);
-  g_hash_table_foreach (in_dict, hash_foreach_prepend_string, data);
-  g_hash_table_insert(out, g_strdup ((gchar*) key), data->hash);
-my_object_dict_of_dicts (MyObject *obj, GHashTable *in,
-                                GHashTable **out, GError **error)
-  *out = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal,
-                               (GDestroyNotify) g_free,
-                                (GDestroyNotify) g_hash_table_destroy);
-  g_hash_table_foreach (in, hash_foreach_mangle_dict_of_strings, *out);
-  return TRUE;
-my_object_emit_frobnicate (MyObject *obj, GError **error)
-  g_signal_emit (obj, signals[FROBNICATE], 0, 42);
-  return TRUE;
-my_object_emit_signals (MyObject *obj, GError **error)
-  GValue val = {0, };
-  g_signal_emit (obj, signals[SIG0], 0, "foo", 22, "moo");
-  g_value_init (&val, G_TYPE_STRING);
-  g_value_set_string (&val, "bar");
-  g_signal_emit (obj, signals[SIG1], 0, "baz", &val);
-  g_value_unset (&val);
-  return TRUE;
-my_object_emit_signal2 (MyObject *obj, GError **error)
-  GHashTable *table;
-  table = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal);
-  g_hash_table_insert (table, "baz", "cow");
-  g_hash_table_insert (table, "bar", "foo");
-  g_signal_emit (obj, signals[SIG2], 0, table);
-  g_hash_table_destroy (table);
-  return TRUE;
-typedef struct {
-  gint32 x;
-  DBusGMethodInvocation *context;
-} IncrementData;
-static gboolean
-do_async_increment (IncrementData *data)
-  gint32 newx = data->x + 1;
-  dbus_g_method_return (data->context, newx);
-  g_free (data);
-  return FALSE;
-my_object_async_increment (MyObject *obj, gint32 x, DBusGMethodInvocation *context)
-  IncrementData *data = g_new0 (IncrementData, 1);
-  data->x = x;
-  data->context = context;
-  g_idle_add ((GSourceFunc)do_async_increment, data);
-static gboolean
-do_async_error (IncrementData *data)
-  GError *error;
-  error = g_error_new (MY_OBJECT_ERROR,
-                      MY_OBJECT_ERROR_FOO,
-                      "%s",
-                      "this method always loses");
-  dbus_g_method_return_error (data->context, error);
-  g_free (data);
-  return FALSE;
-my_object_async_throw_error (MyObject *obj, DBusGMethodInvocation *context)
-  IncrementData *data = g_new0(IncrementData, 1);
-  data->context = context;
-  g_idle_add ((GSourceFunc)do_async_error,  data);
-static GMainLoop *loop;
-my_object_terminate (MyObject *obj, GError **error)
-  g_main_loop_quit (loop);
-  return TRUE;
-#define TEST_SERVICE_NAME "org.freedesktop.DBus.TestSuiteGLibService"
-main (int argc, char **argv)
-  DBusGConnection *connection;
-  GError *error;
-  DBusGProxy *driver_proxy;
-  guint32 request_name_ret;
-  g_type_init ();
-  g_thread_init (NULL); dbus_g_thread_init ();
-  dbus_g_object_type_install_info (MY_TYPE_OBJECT,
-                                  &dbus_glib_my_object_object_info);
-  dbus_g_error_domain_register (MY_OBJECT_ERROR,
-                               NULL,
-                               MY_TYPE_ERROR);
-  g_printerr ("Launching test-service-glib\n");
-  loop = g_main_loop_new (NULL, FALSE);
-  {
-    GLogLevelFlags fatal_mask;
-    fatal_mask = g_log_set_always_fatal (G_LOG_FATAL_MASK);
-    g_log_set_always_fatal (fatal_mask);
-  }
-  error = NULL;
-  connection = dbus_g_bus_get (DBUS_BUS_STARTER,
-                               &error);
-  if (connection == NULL)
-    {
-      g_printerr ("Failed to open connection to bus: %s\n",
-                  error->message);
-      g_error_free (error);
-      exit (1);
-    }
-  obj = g_object_new (MY_TYPE_OBJECT, NULL);
-  obj2 = g_object_new (MY_TYPE_OBJECT, NULL);
-  dbus_g_connection_register_g_object (connection,
-                                       "/org/freedesktop/DBus/Tests/MyTestObject",
-                                       obj);
-  dbus_g_connection_register_g_object (connection,
-                                       "/org/freedesktop/DBus/Tests/MyTestObject2",
-                                       obj2);
-  driver_proxy = dbus_g_proxy_new_for_name (connection,
-                                            DBUS_SERVICE_DBUS,
-                                            DBUS_PATH_DBUS,
-                                            DBUS_INTERFACE_DBUS);
-  if (!org_freedesktop_DBus_request_name (driver_proxy,
-                                         TEST_SERVICE_NAME,
-                                         0, &request_name_ret, &error))
-    {
-      g_assert (error != NULL);
-      g_printerr ("Failed to get name: %s\n",
-                 error->message);
-      g_clear_error (&error);
-      exit (1);
-    }
-  if (!(request_name_ret == DBUS_REQUEST_NAME_REPLY_PRIMARY_OWNER))
-    {
-      g_printerr ("Got result code %u from requesting name\n", request_name_ret);
-      exit (1);
-    }
-  g_printerr ("GLib test service has name '%s'\n", TEST_SERVICE_NAME);
-  g_printerr ("GLib test service entering main loop\n");
-  g_main_loop_run (loop);
-  g_printerr ("Successfully completed %s\n", argv[0]);
-  return 0;
diff --git a/test/glib/test-service-glib.xml b/test/glib/test-service-glib.xml
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 91f1fe9..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
-<node name="/org/freedesktop/DBus/Tests/MyTestObject">
-  <interface name="org.freedesktop.DBus.Tests.MyObject">
-    <method name="DoNothing">
-    </method>
-    <method name="Increment">
-      <arg type="u" name="x" />
-      <arg type="u" direction="out" />
-    </method>
-    <method name="IncrementRetval">
-      <arg type="u" name="x" />
-      <arg type="u" direction="out">
-       <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.ReturnVal" value=""/>
-      </arg>
-    </method>
-    <method name="IncrementRetvalError">
-      <arg type="u" name="x" />
-      <arg type="u" direction="out">
-       <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.ReturnVal" value="error"/>
-      </arg>
-    </method>
-    <method name="ThrowError">
-    </method>
-    <method name="Uppercase">
-      <arg type="s" direction="in" />
-      <arg type="s" direction="out" />
-    </method>
-    <method name="ManyArgs">
-      <arg type="u" name="x" direction="in" />
-      <arg type="s" name="str" direction="in" />
-      <arg type="d" name="trouble" direction="in" />
-      <arg type="d" name="d_ret" direction="out" />
-      <arg type="s" name="str_ret" direction="out" />
-    </method>
-    <method name="ManyReturn">
-      <arg type="u" direction="out" />
-      <arg type="s" direction="out" />
-      <arg type="i" direction="out" />
-      <arg type="u" direction="out" />
-      <arg type="u" direction="out" />
-      <arg type="s" direction="out">
-       <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Const" value=""/>
-      </arg>
-    </method>
-    <method name="Stringify">
-      <arg type="v" name="val" direction="in"/>
-      <arg type="s" direction="out"/>
-    </method>
-    <method name="Unstringify">
-      <arg type="s" name="val" direction="in"/>
-      <arg type="v" direction="out"/>
-    </method>
-    <method name="Recursive1">
-      <arg type="au" direction="in"/>
-      <arg type="u" direction="out"/>
-    </method>
-    <method name="Recursive2">
-      <arg type="u" direction="in"/>
-      <arg type="au" direction="out"/>
-    </method>
-    <method name="ManyUppercase">
-      <arg type="as" direction="in"/>
-      <arg type="as" direction="out"/>
-    </method>
-    <method name="StrHashLen">
-      <arg type="a{ss}" direction="in"/>
-      <arg type="u" direction="out"/>
-    </method>
-    <method name="SendCar">
-      <arg type="(suv)" direction="in"/>
-      <arg type="(uo)" direction="out"/>
-    </method>
-    <method name="GetHash">
-      <arg type="a{ss}" direction="out"/>
-    </method>
-    <method name="RecArrays">
-      <arg type="aas" name="val" direction="in"/>
-      <arg type="aau" direction="out"/>
-    </method>
-    <method name="Objpath">
-      <arg type="o" direction="in"/>
-      <arg type="o" direction="out">
-       <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Const" value=""/>
-      </arg>
-    </method>
-    <method name="GetObjs">
-      <arg type="ao" direction="out"/>
-    </method>
-    <method name="IncrementVal">
-    </method>
-    <method name="AsyncIncrement">
-      <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
-      <arg type="u" name="x" />
-      <arg type="u" direction="out" />
-    </method>
-    <method name="AsyncThrowError">
-      <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
-    </method>
-    <method name="GetVal">
-      <arg type="u" direction="out" />
-    </method>
-    <method name="ManyStringify">
-      <arg type="a{sv}" direction="in"/>
-      <arg type="a{sv}" direction="out"/>
-    </method>
-    <method name="EchoVariant">
-      <arg type="v" direction="in" />
-      <arg type="v" direction="out" />
-    </method>
-    <method name="ProcessVariantOfArrayOfInts123">
-      <arg type="v" direction="in" />
-    </method>
-    <method name="DictOfDicts">
-      <arg type="a{sa{ss}}" direction="in"/>
-      <arg type="a{sa{ss}}" direction="out"/>
-    </method>
-    <method name="EmitFrobnicate">
-    </method>
-    <!-- Export signals -->
-    <signal name="Frobnicate"/>
-    <method name="Terminate">
-    </method>
-  </interface>
-  <!-- Test multiple interfaces on the same object -->
-  <interface name="org.freedesktop.DBus.Tests.FooObject">
-    <method name="GetValue">
-      <arg type="u" direction="out" />
-    </method>
-    <method name="EmitSignals">
-    </method>
-    <signal name="Sig0"/>
-    <signal name="Sig1"/>
-    <method name="EmitSignal2">
-    </method>
-    <signal name="Sig2"/>
-    <method name="Terminate">
-    </method>
-  </interface>
diff --git a/test/glib/test-thread-client.c b/test/glib/test-thread-client.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index f63866f..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-#include <glib.h>
-#include <dbus/dbus-glib-lowlevel.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include "test-thread.h"
-DBusConnection *connection;
-static  gpointer
-thread_func (gpointer data)
-  gint32 threadnr = GPOINTER_TO_INT (data);
-  guint32 counter = 0;
-  DBusMessageIter iter;
-  DBusMessage *message;
-  char *str;
-  while (1)
-    {
-      message = dbus_message_new_method_call (NULL,
-                                              "/org/freedesktop/ThreadTest",
-                                              "org.freedesktop.ThreadTest",
-                                              "TestMethod");
-      dbus_message_iter_init_append (message, &iter);
-      if (!dbus_message_iter_append_basic (&iter, DBUS_TYPE_INT32, &threadnr))
-       {
-         g_print ("thread %d: append threadnr failed\n", threadnr);
-       }
-      if (!dbus_message_iter_append_basic (&iter, DBUS_TYPE_INT32, &counter))
-       {
-         g_print ("thread %d: append counter (%d) failed\n", threadnr, counter);
-       }
-      str = g_strdup_printf ("Thread %d-%d\n", threadnr, counter);
-      if (!dbus_message_iter_append_basic (&iter, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &str))
-       {
-         g_print ("thread %d: append string (%s) failed\n", threadnr, str);
-       }
-      g_free (str);
-      if (!dbus_connection_send (connection,
-                                 message,
-                                 NULL))
-       {
-         g_print ("thread %d: send message failed\n", threadnr);
-       }
-      dbus_message_unref (message);
-      counter ++;
-    }
-  return NULL;
-main (int argc, char *argv[])
-  GMainLoop *loop;
-  DBusError error;
-  int i;
-  g_thread_init (NULL);
-  dbus_g_thread_init ();
-  if(argc < 2)
-    {
-      g_error("Need an address as argv[1]\n");
-      return 1;
-    }
-  dbus_error_init (&error);
-  connection = dbus_connection_open (argv[1], &error);
-  if (connection == NULL)
-    {
-      g_printerr ("could not open connection: %s\n", error.message);
-      dbus_error_free (&error);
-      return 1;
-    }
-  dbus_connection_setup_with_g_main (connection, NULL);
-  for (i = 0; i < N_TEST_THREADS; i++)
-    {
-      g_thread_create (thread_func, GINT_TO_POINTER (i), FALSE, NULL);
-    }
-  loop = g_main_loop_new (NULL, FALSE);
-  g_main_run (loop);  
-  return 0;
diff --git a/test/glib/test-thread-server.c b/test/glib/test-thread-server.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 9b68398..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
-#include <glib.h>
-#include <dbus/dbus-glib-lowlevel.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "test-thread.h"
-typedef struct {
-  guint32 counters[N_TEST_THREADS];
-} ThreadTestData;
-static ThreadTestData *
-thread_test_data_new (void)
-  ThreadTestData *data;
-  data = g_new0 (ThreadTestData, 1);
-  return data;
-static void
-thread_test_data_free (ThreadTestData *data)
-  g_free (data);
-static DBusHandlerResult
-filter_test_message (DBusConnection     *connection,
-                    DBusMessage        *message,
-                    void               *user_data)
-  ThreadTestData *data = user_data;
-  DBusMessageIter iter;
-  gint32 threadnr;
-  guint32 counter;
-  const char *str;
-  char *expected_str;
-  GString *counter_str;
-  int i;
-  if (!dbus_message_is_method_call (message, "org.freedesktop.ThreadTest",
-                                    "TestMethod"))
-  dbus_message_iter_init (message, &iter);
-  if (dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type (&iter) != DBUS_TYPE_INT32)
-    {
-      g_print ("First arg not right type\n");
-      goto out;
-    }
-   dbus_message_iter_get_basic (&iter, &threadnr);
-  if (threadnr < 0 || threadnr >= N_TEST_THREADS)
-    {
-      g_print ("Invalid thread nr\n");
-      goto out;
-    }
-  if (! dbus_message_iter_next (&iter))
-    {
-      g_print ("Couldn't get second arg\n");
-      goto out;
-    }
-  if (dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type (&iter) != DBUS_TYPE_UINT32)
-    {
-      g_print ("Second arg not right type\n");
-      goto out;
-    }
-   dbus_message_iter_get_basic (&iter, &counter);
-  if (counter != data->counters[threadnr])
-    {
-      g_print ("Thread %d, counter %d, expected %d\n", threadnr, counter, data->counters[threadnr]);
-      goto out;
-    }
-  data->counters[threadnr]++;
-  if (! dbus_message_iter_next (&iter))
-    {
-      g_print ("Couldn't get third arg\n");
-      goto out;
-    }
-  if (dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type (&iter) != DBUS_TYPE_STRING)
-    {
-      g_print ("Third arg not right type\n");
-      goto out;
-    }
-  dbus_message_iter_get_basic (&iter, &str);
-  if (str == NULL)
-    {
-      g_print ("No third arg\n");
-      goto out;
-    }
-  expected_str = g_strdup_printf ("Thread %d-%d\n", threadnr, counter);
-  if (strcmp (expected_str, str) != 0)
-    {
-      g_print ("Wrong string '%s', expected '%s'\n", str, expected_str);
-      goto out;
-    }
-  g_free (expected_str);
-  if (dbus_message_iter_next (&iter))
-    {
-      g_print ("Extra args on end of message\n");
-      goto out;
-    }
-  dbus_connection_flush (connection);
-  counter_str = g_string_new ("");
-  for (i = 0; i < N_TEST_THREADS; i++)
-    {
-      g_string_append_printf (counter_str, "%d ", data->counters[i]);
-    }
-  g_print ("%s\r", counter_str->str);
-  g_string_free (counter_str, TRUE);
- out:
-static DBusHandlerResult
-filter_disconnect (DBusConnection     *connection,
-                   DBusMessage        *message,
-                   void               *user_data)
-  if (!dbus_message_is_signal (message, DBUS_INTERFACE_LOCAL,
-                               "Disconnected"))
-  g_print ("connection disconnected\n");
-  dbus_connection_unref (connection);
-static void
-new_connection_callback (DBusServer     *server,
-                         DBusConnection *new_connection,
-                         void           *user_data)
-  ThreadTestData * data;
-  g_print ("new_connection_callback\n");
-  dbus_connection_ref (new_connection);
-  dbus_connection_setup_with_g_main (new_connection, NULL);
-  data = thread_test_data_new ();
-  if (!dbus_connection_add_filter (new_connection,
-                                   filter_test_message, data,
-                                   (DBusFreeFunction) thread_test_data_free))
-    goto nomem;
-  if (!dbus_connection_add_filter (new_connection,
-                                   filter_disconnect, NULL, NULL))
-    goto nomem;
-  return;
- nomem:
-  g_error ("no memory to setup new connection");
-main (int argc, char *argv[])
-  GMainLoop *loop;
-  DBusServer *server;
-  DBusError error;
-  g_thread_init (NULL);
-  dbus_g_thread_init ();
-  if (argc < 2)
-    {
-      fprintf (stderr, "Give the server address as an argument\n");
-      return 1;
-    }
-  dbus_error_init (&error);
-  server = dbus_server_listen (argv[1], &error);
-  if (server == NULL)
-    {
-      fprintf (stderr, "Failed to start server on %s: %s\n",
-               argv[1], error.message);
-      dbus_error_free (&error);
-      return 1;
-    }
-  dbus_server_set_new_connection_function (server,
-                                           new_connection_callback,
-                                           NULL, NULL);
-  dbus_server_setup_with_g_main (server, NULL);
-  loop = g_main_loop_new (NULL, FALSE);
-  g_main_run (loop);  
-  return 0;
diff --git a/test/glib/test-thread.h b/test/glib/test-thread.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 8c78fba..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-#define N_TEST_THREADS 5
diff --git a/test/python/.cvsignore b/test/python/.cvsignore
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index f5e130d..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/test/python/Makefile.am b/test/python/Makefile.am
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 5e4da98..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-## note that TESTS has special meaning (stuff to use in make check)
-## so if adding tests not to be run in make check, don't add them to 
-EXTRA_DIST=run-test.sh test-service.py test-client.py
diff --git a/test/python/run-test.sh b/test/python/run-test.sh
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index a50a5f4..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/bash
-function die()
-    if ! test -z "$DBUS_SESSION_BUS_PID" ; then
-        echo "killing message bus "$DBUS_SESSION_BUS_PID >&2
-        kill -9 $DBUS_SESSION_BUS_PID
-    fi
-    echo $SCRIPTNAME: $* >&2
-    rm $DBUS_TOP_BUILDDIR/python/dbus
-    exit 1
-## so the tests can complain if you fail to use the script to launch them
-# Rerun ourselves with tmp session bus if we're not already
-if test -z "$DBUS_TEST_PYTHON_IN_RUN_TEST"; then
-  exec $DBUS_TOP_BUILDDIR/tools/run-with-tmp-session-bus.sh $SCRIPTNAME $MODE
-ln -s $DBUS_TOP_BUILDDIR/python $DBUS_TOP_BUILDDIR/python/dbus
-echo "running test-client.py"
-#uncomment this if you need to see the output from the service for debugging
-#otherwise keep it commented so we can test activation
-#libtool --mode=execute $DEBUG $DBUS_TOP_BUILDDIR/test/python/test-service.py &
-#libtool --mode=execute $DEBUG $DBUS_TOP_BUILDDIR/test/glib/test-service-glib &
-#sleep 1
-#sleep 9
-libtool --mode=execute $DEBUG $DBUS_TOP_BUILDDIR/test/python/test-client.py || die "test-client.py failed"
-rm $DBUS_TOP_BUILDDIR/python/dbus
diff --git a/test/python/test-client.py b/test/python/test-client.py
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index f6ef12b..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,306 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import sys
-import os
-import unittest
-import time
-builddir = os.environ["DBUS_TOP_BUILDDIR"]
-pydir = builddir + "/python"
-sys.path.insert(0, pydir)
-sys.path.insert(0, pydir + "/.libs")
-import dbus
-import dbus_bindings
-import gobject
-import dbus.glib
-import dbus.service
-if not dbus.__file__.startswith(pydir):
-    raise Exception("DBus modules are not being picked up from the package")
-if not dbus_bindings.__file__.startswith(pydir):
-    raise Exception("DBus modules are not being picked up from the package")
-test_types_vals = [1, 12323231, 3.14159265, 99999999.99,
-                 "dude", "123", "What is all the fuss about?", "gob@gob.com",
-                 u'\\u310c\\u310e\\u3114', u'\\u0413\\u0414\\u0415',
-                 u'\\u2200software \\u2203crack', u'\\xf4\\xe5\\xe8',
-                 [1,2,3], ["how", "are", "you"], [1.23,2.3], [1], ["Hello"],
-                 (1,2,3), (1,), (1,"2",3), ("2", "what"), ("you", 1.2),
-                 {1:"a", 2:"b"}, {"a":1, "b":2}, #{"a":(1,"B")},
-                 {1:1.1, 2:2.2}, [[1,2,3],[2,3,4]], [["a","b"],["c","d"]],
-                 True, False,
-                 dbus.Int16(-10), dbus.UInt16(10),
-                 #([1,2,3],"c", 1.2, ["a","b","c"], {"a": (1,"v"), "b": (2,"d")})
-                 ]
-class TestDBusBindings(unittest.TestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.bus = dbus.SessionBus()
-        self.remote_object = self.bus.get_object("org.freedesktop.DBus.TestSuitePythonService", "/org/freedesktop/DBus/TestSuitePythonObject")
-        self.iface = dbus.Interface(self.remote_object, "org.freedesktop.DBus.TestSuiteInterface")
-    def testInterfaceKeyword(self):
-        #test dbus_interface parameter
-        print self.remote_object.Echo("dbus_interface on Proxy test Passed", dbus_interface = "org.freedesktop.DBus.TestSuiteInterface")
-        print self.iface.Echo("dbus_interface on Interface test Passed", dbus_interface = "org.freedesktop.DBus.TestSuiteInterface")
-        self.assert_(True)
-    def testIntrospection(self):
-        #test introspection
-        print "\n********* Introspection Test ************"
-        print self.remote_object.Introspect(dbus_interface="org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable")
-        print "Introspection test passed"
-        self.assert_(True)
-    def testPythonTypes(self):
-        #test sending python types and getting them back
-        print "\n********* Testing Python Types ***********"
-        for send_val in test_types_vals:
-            print "Testing %s"% str(send_val)
-            recv_val = self.iface.Echo(send_val)
-            self.assertEquals(send_val, recv_val)
-    def testBenchmarkIntrospect(self):
-        print "\n********* Benchmark Introspect ************"
-       a = time.time()
-       print a
-        print self.iface.GetComplexArray()
-       b = time.time()
-       print b
-       print "Delta: %f" % (b - a)
-        self.assert_(True)
-    def testAsyncCalls(self):
-        #test sending python types and getting them back async
-        print "\n********* Testing Async Calls ***********"
-        main_loop = gobject.MainLoop()
-        class async_check:
-            def __init__(self, test_controler, expected_result, do_exit):
-                self.expected_result = expected_result
-                self.do_exit = do_exit
-                self.test_controler = test_controler
-            def callback(self, val):
-                try:
-                    if self.do_exit:
-                        main_loop.quit()
-                    self.test_controler.assertEquals(val, self.expected_result)
-                except Exception, e:
-                    print "%s:\n%s" % (e.__class__, e)
-            def error_handler(self, error):
-                print error
-                if self.do_exit:
-                    main_loop.quit()
-                self.test_controler.assert_(val, False)
-        last_type = test_types_vals[-1]
-        for send_val in test_types_vals:
-            print "Testing %s"% str(send_val)
-            check = async_check(self, send_val, last_type == send_val) 
-            recv_val = self.iface.Echo(send_val, 
-                                       reply_handler = check.callback,
-                                       error_handler = check.error_handler)
-        main_loop.run()
-    def testStrictMarshalling(self):
-        print "\n********* Testing strict return & signal marshalling ***********"
-        # these values are the same as in the server, and the
-        # methods should only succeed when they are called with
-        # the right value number, because they have out_signature
-        # decorations, and return an unmatching type when called
-        # with a different number
-        values = ["", ("",""), ("","",""), [], {}, ["",""], ["","",""]]
-        methods = [
-                    (self.iface.ReturnOneString, 'SignalOneString', set([0]), set([0])),
-                    (self.iface.ReturnTwoStrings, 'SignalTwoStrings', set([1, 5]), set([5])),
-                    (self.iface.ReturnStruct, 'SignalStruct', set([1, 5]), set([1])),
-                    # all of our test values are sequences so will marshall correctly into an array :P
-                    (self.iface.ReturnArray, 'SignalArray', set(range(len(values))), set([3, 5, 6])),
-                    (self.iface.ReturnDict, 'SignalDict', set([0, 3, 4]), set([4]))
-                ]
-        for (method, signal, success_values, return_values) in methods:
-            print "\nTrying correct behaviour of", method._method_name
-            for value in range(len(values)):
-                try:
-                    ret = method(value)
-                except Exception, e:
-                    print "%s(%r) raised %s" % (method._method_name, values[value], e.__class__)
-                    # should fail if it tried to marshal the wrong type
-                    self.assert_(value not in success_values, "%s should succeed when we ask it to return %r\n%s\n%s" % (method._method_name, values[value], e.__class__, e))
-                else:
-                    print "%s(%r) returned %r" % (method._method_name, values[value], ret)
-                    # should only succeed if it's the right return type
-                    self.assert_(value in success_values, "%s should fail when we ask it to return %r" % (method._method_name, values[value]))
-                    # check the value is right too :D
-                    returns = map(lambda n: values[n], return_values)
-                    self.assert_(ret in returns, "%s should return one of %r" % (method._method_name, returns))
-            print "\nTrying correct emission of", signal
-            for value in range(len(values)):
-                try:
-                    self.iface.EmitSignal(signal, value)
-                except Exception, e:
-                    print "EmitSignal(%s, %r) raised %s" % (signal, values[value], e.__class__)
-                    # should fail if it tried to marshal the wrong type
-                    self.assert_(value not in success_values, "EmitSignal(%s) should succeed when we ask it to return %r\n%s\n%s" % (signal, values[value], e.__class__, e))
-                else:
-                    print "EmitSignal(%s, %r) appeared to succeed" % (signal, values[value])
-                    # should only succeed if it's the right return type
-                    self.assert_(value in success_values, "EmitSignal(%s) should fail when we ask it to return %r" % (signal, values[value]))
-                    # FIXME: wait for the signal here
-        print
-    def testInheritance(self):
-        print "\n********* Testing inheritance from dbus.method.Interface ***********"
-        ret = self.iface.CheckInheritance()
-        print "CheckInheritance returned %s" % ret
-        self.assert_(ret, "overriding CheckInheritance from TestInterface failed")
-    def testAsyncMethods(self):
-        print "\n********* Testing asynchronous method implementation *******"
-        for (async, fail) in ((False, False), (False, True), (True, False), (True, True)):
-            try:
-                val = ('a', 1, False, [1,2], {1:2})
-                print "calling AsynchronousMethod with %s %s %s" % (async, fail, val)
-                ret = self.iface.AsynchronousMethod(async, fail, val)
-            except Exception, e:
-                print "%s:\n%s" % (e.__class__, e)
-                self.assert_(fail)
-            else:
-                self.assert_(not fail)
-                print val, ret
-                self.assert_(val == ret)
-    def testBusInstanceCaching(self):
-        print "\n********* Testing dbus.Bus instance sharing *********"
-        # unfortunately we can't test the system bus here
-        # but the codepaths are the same
-        for (cls, type, func) in ((dbus.SessionBus, dbus.Bus.TYPE_SESSION, dbus.Bus.get_session), (dbus.StarterBus, dbus.Bus.TYPE_STARTER, dbus.Bus.get_starter)):
-            print "\nTesting %s:" % cls.__name__
-            share_cls = cls()
-            share_type = dbus.Bus(bus_type=type)
-            share_func = func()
-            private_cls = cls(private=True)
-            private_type = dbus.Bus(bus_type=type, private=True)
-            private_func = func(private=True)
-            print " - checking shared instances are the same..."
-            self.assert_(share_cls == share_type, '%s should equal %s' % (share_cls, share_type))
-            self.assert_(share_type == share_func, '%s should equal %s' % (share_type, share_func))
-            print " - checking private instances are distinct from the shared instance..."
-            self.assert_(share_cls != private_cls, '%s should not equal %s' % (share_cls, private_cls))
-            self.assert_(share_type != private_type, '%s should not equal %s' % (share_type, private_type))
-            self.assert_(share_func != private_func, '%s should not equal %s' % (share_func, private_func))
-            print " - checking private instances are distinct from each other..."
-            self.assert_(private_cls != private_type, '%s should not equal %s' % (private_cls, private_type))
-            self.assert_(private_type != private_func, '%s should not equal %s' % (private_type, private_func))
-            self.assert_(private_func != private_cls, '%s should not equal %s' % (private_func, private_cls))
-    def testSenderName(self):
-        print '\n******** Testing sender name keyword ********'
-        myself = self.iface.WhoAmI()
-        print "I am", myself
-    def testBusNameCreation(self):
-        print '\n******** Testing BusName creation ********'
-        test = [('org.freedesktop.DBus.Python.TestName', True),
-                ('org.freedesktop.DBus.Python.TestName', True),
-                ('org.freedesktop.DBus.Python.InvalidName&^*%$', False)]
-        # Do some more intelligent handling/testing of queueing vs success?
-        # ('org.freedesktop.DBus.TestSuitePythonService', False)]
-        # For some reason this actually succeeds
-        # ('org.freedesktop.DBus', False)]
-        # make a method call to ensure the test service is active
-        self.iface.Echo("foo")
-        names = {}
-        for (name, succeed) in test:
-            try:
-                print "requesting %s" % name
-                busname = dbus.service.BusName(name)
-            except Exception, e:
-                print "%s:\n%s" % (e.__class__, e)
-                self.assert_(not succeed, 'did not expect registering bus name %s to fail' % name)
-            else:
-                print busname
-                self.assert_(succeed, 'expected registering bus name %s to fail'% name)
-                if name in names:
-                    self.assert_(names[name] == busname, 'got a new instance for same name %s' % name)
-                    print "instance of %s re-used, good!" % name
-                else:
-                    names[name] = busname
-                del busname
-            print
-        del names
-        bus = dbus.Bus()
-        ret = dbus.dbus_bindings.bus_name_has_owner(bus._connection, 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Python.TestName')
-        self.assert_(not ret, 'deleting reference failed to release BusName org.freedesktop.DBus.Python.TestName')
-class TestDBusPythonToGLibBindings(unittest.TestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.bus = dbus.SessionBus()
-        self.remote_object = self.bus.get_object("org.freedesktop.DBus.TestSuiteGLibService", "/org/freedesktop/DBus/Tests/MyTestObject")
-        self.iface = dbus.Interface(self.remote_object, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Tests.MyObject")
-    def testIntrospection(self):
-       #test introspection
-        print "\n********* Introspection Test ************"
-        print self.remote_object.Introspect(dbus_interface="org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable")
-        print "Introspection test passed"
-        self.assert_(True)
-    def testCalls(self):
-        print "\n********* Call Test ************"
-        result =  self.iface.ManyArgs(1000, 'Hello GLib', 2)
-        print result
-        self.assert_(result == [2002.0, 'HELLO GLIB'])
-        arg0 = {"Dude": 1, "john": "palmieri", "python": 2.4}
-        result = self.iface.ManyStringify(arg0)
-        print result
-        print "Call test passed"
-        self.assert_(True)
-    def testPythonTypes(self):
-        print "\n********* Testing Python Types ***********"
-        for send_val in test_types_vals:
-            print "Testing %s"% str(send_val)
-            recv_val = self.iface.EchoVariant(send_val)
-            self.assertEquals(send_val, recv_val)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    gobject.threads_init()
-    dbus.glib.init_threads()
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/test/python/test-service.py b/test/python/test-service.py
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index e821380..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import sys
-import os
-builddir = os.environ["DBUS_TOP_BUILDDIR"]
-pydir = builddir + "/python"
-sys.path.insert(0, pydir)
-sys.path.insert(0, pydir + '/.libs')
-import dbus
-if not dbus.__file__.startswith(pydir):
-    raise Exception("DBus modules are not being picked up from the package")
-import dbus.service
-import dbus.glib
-import gobject
-import random
-class TestInterface(dbus.service.Interface):
-    @dbus.service.method("org.freedesktop.DBus.TestSuiteInterface", in_signature='', out_signature='b')
-    def CheckInheritance(self):
-        return False
-class TestObject(dbus.service.Object, TestInterface):
-    def __init__(self, bus_name, object_path="/org/freedesktop/DBus/TestSuitePythonObject"):
-        dbus.service.Object.__init__(self, bus_name, object_path)
-    """ Echo whatever is sent
-    """
-    @dbus.service.method("org.freedesktop.DBus.TestSuiteInterface")
-    def Echo(self, arg):
-        return arg
-    @dbus.service.method("org.freedesktop.DBus.TestSuiteInterface")
-    def GetComplexArray(self):
-        ret = []
-        for i in range(0,100):
-            ret.append((random.randint(0,100), random.randint(0,100), str(random.randint(0,100))))
-        return dbus.Array(ret, signature="(uus)")
-    def returnValue(self, test):
-        if test == 0:
-            return ""
-        elif test == 1:
-            return "",""
-        elif test == 2:
-            return "","",""
-        elif test == 3:
-            return []
-        elif test == 4:
-            return {}
-        elif test == 5:
-            return ["",""]
-        elif test == 6:
-            return ["","",""]
-    @dbus.service.method("org.freedesktop.DBus.TestSuiteInterface", in_signature='u', out_signature='s')
-    def ReturnOneString(self, test):
-        return self.returnValue(test)
-    @dbus.service.method("org.freedesktop.DBus.TestSuiteInterface", in_signature='u', out_signature='ss')
-    def ReturnTwoStrings(self, test):
-        return self.returnValue(test)
-    @dbus.service.method("org.freedesktop.DBus.TestSuiteInterface", in_signature='u', out_signature='(ss)')
-    def ReturnStruct(self, test):
-        return self.returnValue(test)
-    @dbus.service.method("org.freedesktop.DBus.TestSuiteInterface", in_signature='u', out_signature='as')
-    def ReturnArray(self, test):
-        return self.returnValue(test)
-    @dbus.service.method("org.freedesktop.DBus.TestSuiteInterface", in_signature='u', out_signature='a{ss}')
-    def ReturnDict(self, test):
-        return self.returnValue(test)
-    @dbus.service.signal("org.freedesktop.DBus.TestSuiteInterface", signature='s')
-    def SignalOneString(self, test):
-        pass
-    @dbus.service.signal("org.freedesktop.DBus.TestSuiteInterface", signature='ss')
-    def SignalTwoStrings(self, test, test2):
-        pass
-    @dbus.service.signal("org.freedesktop.DBus.TestSuiteInterface", signature='(ss)')
-    def SignalStruct(self, test):
-        pass
-    @dbus.service.signal("org.freedesktop.DBus.TestSuiteInterface", signature='as')
-    def SignalArray(self, test):
-        pass
-    @dbus.service.signal("org.freedesktop.DBus.TestSuiteInterface", signature='a{ss}')
-    def SignalDict(self, test):
-        pass
-    @dbus.service.method("org.freedesktop.DBus.TestSuiteInterface", in_signature='su', out_signature='')
-    def EmitSignal(self, signal, value):
-        sig = getattr(self, signal, None)
-        assert(sig != None)
-        val = self.returnValue(value)
-        # make two string case work by passing arguments in by tuple
-        if (signal == 'SignalTwoStrings' and (value == 1 or value == 5)):
-            val = tuple(val)
-        else:
-            val = tuple([val])
-        sig(*val)
-    def CheckInheritance(self):
-        return True
-    @dbus.service.method('org.freedesktop.DBus.TestSuiteInterface', in_signature='bbv', out_signature='v', async_callbacks=('return_cb', 'error_cb'))
-    def AsynchronousMethod(self, async, fail, variant, return_cb, error_cb):
-        try:
-            if async:
-                gobject.timeout_add(500, self.AsynchronousMethod, False, fail, variant, return_cb, error_cb)
-                return
-            else:
-                if fail:
-                    raise RuntimeError
-                else:
-                    return_cb(variant)
-                return False # do not run again
-        except Exception, e:
-            error_cb(e)
-    @dbus.service.method('org.freedesktop.DBus.TestSuiteInterface', in_signature='', out_signature='s', sender_keyword='sender')
-    def WhoAmI(self, sender):
-        return sender
-session_bus = dbus.SessionBus()
-name = dbus.service.BusName("org.freedesktop.DBus.TestSuitePythonService", bus=session_bus)
-object = TestObject(name)
-loop = gobject.MainLoop()
diff --git a/test/qt/.cvsignore b/test/qt/.cvsignore
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index f6454f2..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/test/qt/Makefile.am b/test/qt/Makefile.am
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 8ebd332..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-TEST_BINARIES = tst_headertest tst_qdbusxmlparser tst_qdbusconnection qpong tst_qdbusmarshall tst_qdbusinterface tst_qdbusabstractadaptor tst_hal
-qpong_SOURCES= qpong.cpp
-tst_headertest_SOURCES = tst_headertest.cpp
-tst_qdbusconnection_SOURCES = tst_qdbusconnection.cpp
-tst_qdbusxmlparser_SOURCES = tst_qdbusxmlparser.cpp
-tst_qdbusmarshall_SOURCES = tst_qdbusmarshall.cpp
-tst_qdbusinterface_SOURCES = tst_qdbusinterface.cpp
-tst_qdbusabstractadaptor_SOURCES = tst_qdbusabstractadaptor.cpp common.h
-tst_hal_SOURCES = tst_hal.cpp
-qpong.o: qpong.moc
-tst_qdbusxmlparser.o: tst_qdbusxmlparser.moc
-tst_qdbusmarshall.o: tst_qdbusmarshall.moc
-tst_qdbusconnection.o: tst_qdbusconnection.moc
-tst_qdbusinterface.o: tst_qdbusinterface.moc
-tst_qdbusabstractadaptor.o: tst_qdbusabstractadaptor.moc
-tst_hal.o: tst_hal.moc
-%.moc: %.cpp
-       $(QT_MOC) $< > $@
-TEST_LIBS=$(DBUS_QTESTLIB_LIBS) $(top_builddir)/qt/src/libdbus-qt4-1.la
-       -rm *.moc
diff --git a/test/qt/common.h b/test/qt/common.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 58beae4..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,264 +0,0 @@
-#include <math.h>               // isnan
-#include "../../qt/src/qdbusintrospection_p.h"
-// just to make it easier:
-typedef QDBusIntrospection::Interfaces InterfaceMap;
-typedef QDBusIntrospection::Objects ObjectMap;
-typedef QDBusIntrospection::Arguments ArgumentList;
-typedef QDBusIntrospection::Annotations AnnotationsMap;
-typedef QDBusIntrospection::Methods MethodMap;
-typedef QDBusIntrospection::Signals SignalMap;
-typedef QDBusIntrospection::Properties PropertyMap;
-inline QDBusIntrospection::Argument arg(const char* type, const char *name = 0)
-    QDBusIntrospection::Argument retval;
-    retval.type = QLatin1String(type);
-    retval.name = QLatin1String(name);
-    return retval;
-template<typename T>
-inline QMap<QString, T>& operator<<(QMap<QString, T>& map, const T& m)
-{ map.insertMulti(m.name, m); return map; }
-inline const char* mapName(const MethodMap&)
-{ return "MethodMap"; }
-inline const char* mapName(const SignalMap&)
-{ return "SignalMap"; }
-inline const char* mapName(const PropertyMap&)
-{ return "PropertyMap"; }
-QString printable(const QDBusIntrospection::Method& m)
-    QString result = "method " + m.name + "(";
-    foreach (QDBusIntrospection::Argument arg, m.inputArgs)
-        result += QString("in %1 %2, ")
-        .arg(arg.type, arg.name);
-    foreach (QDBusIntrospection::Argument arg, m.outputArgs)
-        result += QString("out %1 %2, ")
-        .arg(arg.type, arg.name);
-    AnnotationsMap::const_iterator it = m.annotations.begin();
-    for ( ; it != m.annotations.end(); ++it)
-        result += QString("%1 \"%2\", ").arg(it.key()).arg(it.value());
-    result += ")";
-    return result;
-QString printable(const QDBusIntrospection::Signal& s)
-    QString result = "signal " + s.name + "(";
-    foreach (QDBusIntrospection::Argument arg, s.outputArgs)
-        result += QString("out %1 %2, ")
-        .arg(arg.type, arg.name);
-    AnnotationsMap::const_iterator it = s.annotations.begin();
-    for ( ; it != s.annotations.end(); ++it)
-        result += QString("%1 \"%2\", ").arg(it.key()).arg(it.value());
-    result += ")";
-    return result;
-QString printable(const QDBusIntrospection::Property& p)
-    QString result;
-    if (p.access == QDBusIntrospection::Property::Read)
-        result = "property read %1 %2, ";
-    else if (p.access == QDBusIntrospection::Property::Write)
-        result = "property write %1 %2, ";
-    else
-        result = "property readwrite %1 %2, ";
-    result = result.arg(p.type, p.name);
-    AnnotationsMap::const_iterator it = p.annotations.begin();
-    for ( ; it != p.annotations.end(); ++it)
-        result += QString("%1 \"%2\", ").arg(it.key()).arg(it.value());
-    return result;
-template<typename T>
-char* printableMap(const QMap<QString, T>& map)
-    QString contents = "\n";
-    typename QMap<QString, T>::const_iterator it = map.begin();
-    for ( ; it != map.end(); ++it) {
-        if (it.key() != it.value().name)
-            contents += it.value().name + ":";
-        contents += printable(it.value());
-        contents += ";\n";
-    }
-    QString result("%1(size = %2): {%3}");
-    return qstrdup(qPrintable(result
-                              .arg(mapName(map))
-                              .arg(map.size())
-                              .arg(contents)));
-namespace QTest {
-    template<>
-    inline char* toString(const MethodMap& map)
-    {
-        return printableMap(map);
-    }
-    template<>
-    inline char* toString(const SignalMap& map)
-    {
-        return printableMap(map);
-    }
-    template<>
-    inline char* toString(const PropertyMap& map)
-    {
-        return printableMap(map);
-    }
-bool compare(const QVariantList &l1, const QVariantList &l2);
-bool compare(const QVariantMap &m1, const QVariantMap &m2);
-bool compare(const QVariant &v1, const QVariant &v2);
-bool compare(const QList<double> &l1, const QList<double> &l2)
-    if (l1.count() != l2.count())
-        return false;
-    QList<double>::ConstIterator it1 = l1.constBegin();
-    QList<double>::ConstIterator it2 = l2.constBegin();
-    QList<double>::ConstIterator end = l1.constEnd();
-    for ( ; it1 != end; ++it1, ++it2)
-        if (isnan(*it1) && isnan(*it2))
-            continue;
-        else if (*it1 != *it2)
-            return false;
-    return true;
-bool compare(const QString &s1, const QString &s2)
-    if (s1.isEmpty() && s2.isEmpty())
-        return true;            // regardless of whether one of them is null
-    return s1 == s2;
-bool compare(const QByteArray &ba1, const QByteArray &ba2)
-    if (ba1.isEmpty() && ba2.isEmpty())
-        return true;            // regardless of whether one of them is null
-    return ba1 == ba2;
-bool compare(const QVariant &v1, const QVariant &v2)
-    if (v1.userType() != v2.userType())
-        return false;
-    int id = v1.userType();
-    if (id == QVariant::List)
-        return compare(v1.toList(), v2.toList());
-    else if (id == QVariant::Map)
-        return compare(v1.toMap(), v2.toMap());
-    else if (id == QVariant::String)
-        return compare(v1.toString(), v2.toString());
-    else if (id == QVariant::ByteArray)
-        return compare(v1.toByteArray(), v2.toByteArray());
-    else if (id < int(QVariant::UserType)) // yes, v1.type()
-        // QVariant can compare
-        return v1 == v2;
-    else if (id == QMetaType::UChar)
-        return qvariant_cast<uchar>(v1) == qvariant_cast<uchar>(v2);
-    else if (id == QMetaType::Short)
-        return qvariant_cast<short>(v1) == qvariant_cast<short>(v2);
-    else if (id == QMetaType::UShort)
-        return qvariant_cast<ushort>(v1) == qvariant_cast<ushort>(v2);
-    else if (id == qMetaTypeId<QVariant>())
-        return compare(qvariant_cast<QVariant>(v1), qvariant_cast<QVariant>(v2));
-    else if (id == qMetaTypeId<QList<bool> >()) 
-        return qvariant_cast<QList<bool> >(v1) == qvariant_cast<QList<bool> >(v2);
-    else if (id == qMetaTypeId<QList<short> >())
-        return qvariant_cast<QList<short> >(v1) == qvariant_cast<QList<short> >(v2);
-    else if (id == qMetaTypeId<QList<ushort> >())
-        return qvariant_cast<QList<ushort> >(v1) == qvariant_cast<QList<ushort> >(v2);
-    else if (id == qMetaTypeId<QList<int> >())
-        return qvariant_cast<QList<int> >(v1) == qvariant_cast<QList<int> >(v2);
-    else if (id == qMetaTypeId<QList<uint> >())
-        return qvariant_cast<QList<uint> >(v1) == qvariant_cast<QList<uint> >(v2);
-    else if (id == qMetaTypeId<QList<qlonglong> >())
-        return qvariant_cast<QList<qlonglong> >(v1) == qvariant_cast<QList<qlonglong> >(v2);
-    else if (id == qMetaTypeId<QList<qulonglong> >())
-        return qvariant_cast<QList<qulonglong> >(v2) == qvariant_cast<QList<qulonglong> >(v2);
-    else if (id == qMetaTypeId<QList<double> >())
-        return compare(qvariant_cast<QList<double> >(v1), qvariant_cast<QList<double> >(v2));
-    else
-        return false;           // unknown type
-bool compare(const QVariantList &l1, const QVariantList &l2)
-    if (l1.count() != l2.size())
-        return false;
-    QVariantList::ConstIterator i1 = l1.constBegin();
-    QVariantList::ConstIterator i2 = l2.constBegin();
-    QVariantList::ConstIterator end = l1.constEnd();
-    for ( ; i1 != end; ++i1, ++i2) {
-        if (!compare(*i1, *i2))
-            return false;
-    }
-    return true;
-bool compare(const QVariantMap &m1, const QVariantMap &m2)
-    if (m1.count() != m2.size())
-        return false;
-    QVariantMap::ConstIterator i1 = m1.constBegin();
-    QVariantMap::ConstIterator end = m1.constEnd();
-    for ( ; i1 != end; ++i1) {
-        QVariantMap::ConstIterator i2 = m2.find(i1.key());
-        if (i2 == m2.constEnd())
-            return false;
-        if (!compare(*i1, *i2))
-            return false;
-    }
-    return true;
diff --git a/test/qt/qpong.cpp b/test/qt/qpong.cpp
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index cad04eb..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-#include <QtCore/QtCore>
-#include <dbus/qdbus.h>
-class Pong: public QObject
-public slots:
-    void ping(const QDBusMessage &msg)
-    {
-        QDBusMessage reply = QDBusMessage::methodReply(msg);
-        reply << static_cast<QList<QVariant> >(msg);
-        reply.setSignature(msg.signature());
-        if (!msg.connection().send(reply))
-            exit(1);
-    }
-int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-    QCoreApplication app(argc, argv);
-    QDBusConnection &con = QDBus::sessionBus();
-    if (!con.isConnected())
-        exit(1);
-    if (con.busService()->requestName("org.kde.selftest", QDBusBusService::DoNotQueueName).isError())
-        exit(2);
-    Pong pong;
-    con.registerObject("/org/kde/selftest", &pong, QDBusConnection::ExportSlots);
-    printf("ready.\n");
-    return app.exec();
-#include "qpong.moc"
diff --git a/test/qt/tst_hal.cpp b/test/qt/tst_hal.cpp
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index a69daf2..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-#include <qcoreapplication.h>
-#include <qdebug.h>
-#include <QtTest/QtTest>
-#include <dbus/qdbus.h>
-class tst_Hal: public QObject
-private slots:
-    void getDevices();
-    void lock();
-class Spy: public QObject
-    int count;
-    QDBusConnection &conn;
-    Spy(QDBusConnection &c) : count(0), conn(c)
-    { }
-public slots:
-    void spySlot(int, const QVariantList&)
-    {
-        ++count;
-        QDBusMessage msg = QDBusMessage::methodCall("org.freedesktop.Hal",
-                        "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/acpi_CPU0",
-                        "org.freedesktop.Hal.Device", "GetProperty");
-        msg << "info.locked";
-        QDBusMessage reply = conn.sendWithReply(msg);
-        QVERIFY(!reply.isEmpty());
-    }
-void tst_Hal::getDevices()
-    QDBusConnection &con = QDBus::systemBus();
-    QVERIFY(con.isConnected());
-    QDBusMessage msg = QDBusMessage::methodCall("org.freedesktop.Hal",
-                "/org/freedesktop/Hal/Manager", "org.freedesktop.Hal.Manager",
-                "GetAllDevices");
-    QDBusMessage reply = con.sendWithReply(msg);
-    QVERIFY(!reply.isEmpty());
-    QVERIFY(reply.type() == QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage);
-    //qDebug() << reply;
-void tst_Hal::lock()
-    QDBusConnection &con = QDBus::systemBus();
-    QVERIFY(con.isConnected());
-    Spy spy( con );
-    con.connect("org.freedesktop.Hal", "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/acpi_CPU0",
-                "org.freedesktop.Hal.Device", "PropertyModified",
-                &spy, SLOT(spySlot(int, QVariantList)));
-    QDBusMessage msg = QDBusMessage::methodCall("org.freedesktop.Hal",
-                "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/acpi_CPU0", "org.freedesktop.Hal.Device",
-                "Lock");
-    msg << "No reason...";
-    QDBusMessage reply = con.sendWithReply(msg);
-    //QTest::qWait(200);
-    //qDebug() << reply;
-    QCOMPARE(spy.count, 3);
-    QCOMPARE(reply.type(), QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage);
-#include "tst_hal.moc"
diff --git a/test/qt/tst_headertest.cpp b/test/qt/tst_headertest.cpp
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index eb90c55..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-#define signals Choke!
-#define slots Choke!
-#define emit Choke!
-#define foreach Choke!
-#define forever Choke!
-#include <dbus/qdbus.h>
-int main(int, char **)
-    return 0;
diff --git a/test/qt/tst_qdbusabstractadaptor.cpp b/test/qt/tst_qdbusabstractadaptor.cpp
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index d47c543..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,989 +0,0 @@
-#include <qcoreapplication.h>
-#include <qdebug.h>
-#include <QtTest/QtTest>
-#include <dbus/qdbus.h>
-#include "common.h"
-#ifdef Q_CC_MSVC
-const char *slotSpy;
-QString valueSpy;
-namespace QTest {
-    char *toString(QDBusMessage::MessageType t)
-    {
-        switch (t)
-        {
-        case QDBusMessage::InvalidMessage:
-            return qstrdup("InvalidMessage");
-        case QDBusMessage::MethodCallMessage:
-            return qstrdup("MethodCallMessage");
-        case QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage:
-            return qstrdup("ReplyMessage");
-        case QDBusMessage::ErrorMessage:
-            return qstrdup("ErrorMessage");
-        case QDBusMessage::SignalMessage:
-            return qstrdup("SignalMessage");
-        default:
-            return 0;
-        }
-    }
-class tst_QDBusAbstractAdaptor: public QObject
-private slots:
-    void methodCalls_data();
-    void methodCalls();
-    void signalEmissions_data();
-    void signalEmissions();
-    void sameSignalDifferentPaths();
-    void overloadedSignalEmission_data();
-    void overloadedSignalEmission();
-    void readProperties();
-    void writeProperties();
-    void typeMatching_data();
-    void typeMatching();
-class QDBusSignalSpy: public QObject
-public slots:
-    void slot(const QDBusMessage &msg)
-    {
-        ++count;
-        interface = msg.interface();
-        name = msg.name();
-        signature = msg.signature();
-        value.clear();
-        if (msg.count())
-            value = msg.at(0);
-    }
-    QDBusSignalSpy() : count(0) { }
-    int count;
-    QString interface;
-    QString name;
-    QString signature;
-    QVariant value;
-class Interface1: public QDBusAbstractAdaptor
-    Q_CLASSINFO("D-Bus Interface", "local.Interface1")
-    Interface1(QObject *parent) : QDBusAbstractAdaptor(parent)
-    { }
-class Interface2: public QDBusAbstractAdaptor
-    Q_CLASSINFO("D-Bus Interface", "local.Interface2")
-    Q_PROPERTY(QString prop1 READ prop1)
-    Q_PROPERTY(QString prop2 READ prop2 WRITE setProp2)
-    Interface2(QObject *parent) : QDBusAbstractAdaptor(parent)
-    { setAutoRelaySignals(true); }
-    QString prop1() const
-    { return __PRETTY_FUNCTION__; }
-    QString prop2() const
-    { return __PRETTY_FUNCTION__; }
-    void setProp2(const QString &value)
-    { slotSpy = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__; valueSpy = value; }
-    void emitSignal(const QString &, const QVariant &)
-    { emit signal(); }
-public slots:
-    void method() { slotSpy = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__; }
-    void signal();
-class Interface3: public QDBusAbstractAdaptor
-    Q_CLASSINFO("D-Bus Interface", "local.Interface3")
-    Q_PROPERTY(QString prop1 READ prop1)
-    Q_PROPERTY(QString prop2 READ prop2 WRITE setProp2)
-    Interface3(QObject *parent) : QDBusAbstractAdaptor(parent)
-    { setAutoRelaySignals(true); }
-    QString prop1() const
-    { return __PRETTY_FUNCTION__; }
-    QString prop2() const
-    { return __PRETTY_FUNCTION__; }
-    void setProp2(const QString &value)
-    { slotSpy = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__; valueSpy = value; }
-    void emitSignal(const QString &name, const QVariant &value)
-    {
-        if (name == "signalVoid")
-            emit signalVoid();
-        else if (name == "signalInt")
-            emit signalInt(value.toInt());
-        else if (name == "signalString")
-            emit signalString(value.toString());
-    }
-public slots:
-    void methodVoid() { slotSpy = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__; }
-    void methodInt(int) { slotSpy = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__; }
-    void methodString(QString) { slotSpy = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__; }
-    void signalVoid();
-    void signalInt(int);
-    void signalString(const QString &);
-class Interface4: public QDBusAbstractAdaptor
-    Q_CLASSINFO("D-Bus Interface", "local.Interface4")
-    Q_PROPERTY(QString prop1 READ prop1)
-    Q_PROPERTY(QString prop2 READ prop2 WRITE setProp2)
-    Interface4(QObject *parent) : QDBusAbstractAdaptor(parent)
-    { setAutoRelaySignals(true); }
-    QString prop1() const
-    { return __PRETTY_FUNCTION__; }
-    QString prop2() const
-    { return __PRETTY_FUNCTION__; }
-    void setProp2(const QString &value)
-    { slotSpy = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__; valueSpy = value; }
-    void emitSignal(const QString &, const QVariant &value)
-    {
-        switch (value.type())
-        {
-        case QVariant::Invalid:
-            emit signal();
-            break;
-        case QVariant::Int:
-            emit signal(value.toInt());
-            break;
-        case QVariant::String:
-            emit signal(value.toString());
-            break;
-        default:
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-public slots:
-    void method() { slotSpy = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__; }
-    void method(int) { slotSpy = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__; }
-    void method(QString) { slotSpy = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__; }
-    void signal();
-    void signal(int);
-    void signal(const QString &);
-class MyObject: public QObject
-    Interface1 *if1;
-    Interface2 *if2;
-    Interface3 *if3;
-    Interface4 *if4;
-    MyObject(int n = 4)
-        : if1(0), if2(0), if3(0), if4(0)
-    {
-        switch (n)
-        {
-        case 4:
-            if4 = new Interface4(this);
-        case 3:
-            if3 = new Interface3(this);
-        case 2:
-            if2 = new Interface2(this);
-        case 1:
-            if1 = new Interface1(this);
-        }
-    }
-class TypesInterface: public QDBusAbstractAdaptor
-    Q_CLASSINFO("D-Bus Interface", "local.TypesInterface")
-    TypesInterface(QObject *parent)
-        : QDBusAbstractAdaptor(parent)
-    { }
-    union
-    {
-        bool b;
-        uchar uc;
-        short s;
-        ushort us;
-        int i;
-        uint ui;
-        qlonglong ll;
-        qulonglong ull;
-        double d;
-    } dataSpy;
-    QVariant variantSpy;
-    QString stringSpy;
-    QVariantList listSpy;
-    QStringList stringlistSpy;
-    QByteArray bytearraySpy;
-    QVariantMap mapSpy;
-public slots:
-    void methodBool(bool b)
-    {
-        slotSpy = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__;
-        dataSpy.b = b;
-    }
-    void methodUChar(uchar uc)
-    {
-        slotSpy = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__;
-        dataSpy.uc = uc;
-    }
-    void methodShort(short s)
-    {
-        slotSpy = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__;
-        dataSpy.s = s;
-    }
-    void methodUShort(ushort us)
-    {
-        slotSpy = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__;
-        dataSpy.us = us;
-    }
-    void methodInt(int i)
-    {
-        slotSpy = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__;
-        dataSpy.i = i;
-    }
-    void methodUInt(uint ui)
-    {
-        slotSpy = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__;
-        dataSpy.ui = ui;
-    }
-    void methodLongLong(qlonglong ll)
-    {
-        slotSpy = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__;
-        dataSpy.ll = ll;
-    }
-    void methodULongLong(qulonglong ull)
-    {
-        slotSpy = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__;
-        dataSpy.ull = ull;
-    }
-    void methodDouble(double d)
-    {
-        slotSpy = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__;
-        dataSpy.d = d;
-    }
-    void methodString(const QString &s)
-    {
-        slotSpy = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__;
-        stringSpy = s;
-    }
-    void methodVariant(const QVariant &v)
-    {
-        slotSpy = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__;
-        variantSpy = v;
-    }
-    void methodList(const QVariantList &l)
-    {
-        slotSpy = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__;
-        listSpy = l;
-    }
-    void methodStringList(const QStringList &sl)
-    {
-        slotSpy = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__;
-        stringlistSpy = sl;
-    }
-    void methodByteArray(const QByteArray &ba)
-    {
-        slotSpy = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__;
-        bytearraySpy = ba;
-    }
-    void methodMap(const QVariantMap &m)
-    {
-        slotSpy = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__;
-        mapSpy = m;
-    }
-    bool retrieveBool()
-    {
-        return dataSpy.b;
-    }
-    uchar retrieveUChar()
-    {
-        return dataSpy.uc;
-    }
-    short retrieveShort()
-    {
-        return dataSpy.s;
-    }
-    ushort retrieveUShort()
-    {
-        return dataSpy.us;
-    }
-    int retrieveInt()
-    {
-        return dataSpy.i;
-    }
-    uint retrieveUInt()
-    {
-        return dataSpy.ui;
-    }
-    qlonglong retrieveLongLong()
-    {
-        return dataSpy.ll;
-    }
-    qulonglong retrieveULongLong()
-    {
-        return dataSpy.ull;
-    }
-    double retrieveDouble()
-    {
-        return dataSpy.d;
-    }
-    QString retrieveString()
-    {
-        return stringSpy;
-    }
-    QVariant retrieveVariant()
-    {
-        return variantSpy;
-    }
-    QVariantList retrieveList()
-    {
-        return listSpy;
-    }
-    QStringList retrieveStringList()
-    {
-        return stringlistSpy;
-    }
-    QByteArray retrieveByteArray()
-    {
-        return bytearraySpy;
-    }
-    QVariantMap retrieveMap()
-    {
-        return mapSpy;
-    }
-void tst_QDBusAbstractAdaptor::methodCalls_data()
-    QTest::addColumn<int>("nInterfaces");
-    QTest::newRow("0") << 0;
-    QTest::newRow("1") << 1;
-    QTest::newRow("2") << 2;
-    QTest::newRow("3") << 3;
-    QTest::newRow("4") << 4;
-void tst_QDBusAbstractAdaptor::methodCalls()
-    QDBusConnection &con = QDBus::sessionBus();
-    QVERIFY(con.isConnected());
-    //QDBusInterface *empty = con.findInterface(con.baseService(), "/", QString());
-    QDBusInterface *if1 = con.findInterface(con.baseService(), "/", "local.Interface1");
-    QDBusInterface *if2 = con.findInterface(con.baseService(), "/", "local.Interface2");
-    QDBusInterface *if3 = con.findInterface(con.baseService(), "/", "local.Interface3");
-    QDBusInterface *if4 = con.findInterface(con.baseService(), "/", "local.Interface4");
-    QObject deleter;
-    if1->setParent(&deleter);
-    if2->setParent(&deleter);
-    if3->setParent(&deleter);
-    if4->setParent(&deleter);
-    // must fail: no object
-    //QCOMPARE(empty->call("method").type(), QDBusMessage::ErrorMessage);
-    QCOMPARE(if1->call(QDBusInterface::UseEventLoop, "method").type(), QDBusMessage::ErrorMessage);
-    QFETCH(int, nInterfaces);
-    MyObject obj(nInterfaces);
-    con.registerObject("/", &obj);
-    // must fail: no such method
-    QCOMPARE(if1->call(QDBusInterface::UseEventLoop, "method").type(), QDBusMessage::ErrorMessage);
-    if (!nInterfaces--)
-        return;
-    if (!nInterfaces--)
-        return;
-    // simple call: one such method exists
-    QCOMPARE(if2->call(QDBusInterface::UseEventLoop, "method").type(), QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage);
-    QCOMPARE(slotSpy, "void Interface2::method()");
-    if (!nInterfaces--)
-        return;
-    // multiple methods in multiple interfaces, no name overlap
-    QCOMPARE(if1->call(QDBusInterface::UseEventLoop, "methodVoid").type(), QDBusMessage::ErrorMessage);
-    QCOMPARE(if1->call(QDBusInterface::UseEventLoop, "methodInt").type(), QDBusMessage::ErrorMessage);
-    QCOMPARE(if1->call(QDBusInterface::UseEventLoop, "methodString").type(), QDBusMessage::ErrorMessage);
-    QCOMPARE(if2->call(QDBusInterface::UseEventLoop, "methodVoid").type(), QDBusMessage::ErrorMessage);
-    QCOMPARE(if2->call(QDBusInterface::UseEventLoop, "methodInt").type(), QDBusMessage::ErrorMessage);
-    QCOMPARE(if2->call(QDBusInterface::UseEventLoop, "methodString").type(), QDBusMessage::ErrorMessage);
-    QCOMPARE(if3->call(QDBusInterface::UseEventLoop, "methodVoid").type(), QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage);
-    QCOMPARE(slotSpy, "void Interface3::methodVoid()");
-    QCOMPARE(if3->call(QDBusInterface::UseEventLoop, "methodInt", 42).type(), QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage);
-    QCOMPARE(slotSpy, "void Interface3::methodInt(int)");
-    QCOMPARE(if3->call(QDBusInterface::UseEventLoop, "methodString", QString("")).type(), QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage);
-    QCOMPARE(slotSpy, "void Interface3::methodString(QString)");
-    if (!nInterfaces--)
-        return;
-    // method overloading: different interfaces
-    QCOMPARE(if4->call(QDBusInterface::UseEventLoop, "method").type(), QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage);
-    QCOMPARE(slotSpy, "void Interface4::method()");
-    // method overloading: different parameters
-    QCOMPARE(if4->call(QDBusInterface::UseEventLoop, "method.i", 42).type(), QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage);
-    QCOMPARE(slotSpy, "void Interface4::method(int)");
-    QCOMPARE(if4->call(QDBusInterface::UseEventLoop, "method.s", QString()).type(), QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage);
-    QCOMPARE(slotSpy, "void Interface4::method(QString)");
-static void emitSignal(MyObject *obj, const QString &iface, const QString &name,
-                       const QVariant &parameter)
-    if (iface.endsWith('2'))
-        obj->if2->emitSignal(name, parameter);
-    else if (iface.endsWith('3'))
-        obj->if3->emitSignal(name, parameter);
-    else if (iface.endsWith('4'))
-        obj->if4->emitSignal(name, parameter);
-    QTest::qWait(200);
-void tst_QDBusAbstractAdaptor::signalEmissions_data()
-    QTest::addColumn<QString>("interface");
-    QTest::addColumn<QString>("name");
-    QTest::addColumn<QString>("signature");
-    QTest::addColumn<QVariant>("parameter");
-    QTest::newRow("Interface2.signal") << "local.Interface2" << "signal" << QString() << QVariant();
-    QTest::newRow("Interface3.signalVoid") << "local.Interface3" << "signalVoid" << QString() << QVariant();
-    QTest::newRow("Interface3.signalInt") << "local.Interface3" << "signalInt" << "i" << QVariant(1);
-    QTest::newRow("Interface3.signalString") << "local.Interface3" << "signalString" << "s" << QVariant("foo");
-void tst_QDBusAbstractAdaptor::signalEmissions()
-    QFETCH(QString, interface);
-    QFETCH(QString, name);
-    QFETCH(QVariant, parameter);
-    QDBusConnection &con = QDBus::sessionBus();
-    QVERIFY(con.isConnected());
-    MyObject obj(3);
-    con.registerObject("/", &obj);
-    //QDBusInterface empty = con.findInterface(con.baseService(), "/", QString());
-    QDBusInterface *if2 = con.findInterface(con.baseService(), "/", "local.Interface2");
-    QDBusInterface *if3 = con.findInterface(con.baseService(), "/", "local.Interface3");
-    QObject deleter;
-    if2->setParent(&deleter);
-    if3->setParent(&deleter);
-    // connect all signals and emit only one
-    {
-        QDBusSignalSpy spy;
-        con.connect(con.baseService(), "/", "local.Interface2", "signal",
-                    &spy, SLOT(slot(QDBusMessage)));
-        con.connect(con.baseService(), "/", "local.Interface3", "signalVoid",
-                    &spy, SLOT(slot(QDBusMessage)));
-        con.connect(con.baseService(), "/", "local.Interface3", "signalInt",
-                    &spy, SLOT(slot(QDBusMessage)));
-        con.connect(con.baseService(), "/", "local.Interface3", "signalString",
-                    &spy, SLOT(slot(QDBusMessage)));
-        emitSignal(&obj, interface, name, parameter);
-        QCOMPARE(spy.count, 1);
-        QCOMPARE(spy.interface, interface);
-        QCOMPARE(spy.name, name);
-        QTEST(spy.signature, "signature");
-        QCOMPARE(spy.value, parameter);
-    }
-    // connect one signal and emit them all
-    {
-        QDBusSignalSpy spy;
-        con.connect(con.baseService(), "/", interface, name, &spy, SLOT(slot(QDBusMessage)));
-        emitSignal(&obj, "local.Interface2", "signal", QVariant());
-        emitSignal(&obj, "local.Interface3", "signalVoid", QVariant());
-        emitSignal(&obj, "local.Interface3", "signalInt", QVariant(1));
-        emitSignal(&obj, "local.Interface3", "signalString", QVariant("foo"));
-        QCOMPARE(spy.count, 1);
-        QCOMPARE(spy.interface, interface);
-        QCOMPARE(spy.name, name);
-        QTEST(spy.signature, "signature");
-        QCOMPARE(spy.value, parameter);
-    }
-void tst_QDBusAbstractAdaptor::sameSignalDifferentPaths()
-    QDBusConnection &con = QDBus::sessionBus();
-    QVERIFY(con.isConnected());
-    MyObject obj(2);
-    con.registerObject("/p1",&obj);
-    con.registerObject("/p2",&obj);
-    QDBusSignalSpy spy;
-    con.connect(con.baseService(), "/p1", "local.Interface2", "signal", &spy, SLOT(slot(QDBusMessage)));
-    obj.if2->emitSignal(QString(), QVariant());
-    QTest::qWait(200);
-    QCOMPARE(spy.count, 1);
-    QCOMPARE(spy.interface, QString("local.Interface2"));
-    QCOMPARE(spy.name, QString("signal"));
-    QVERIFY(spy.signature.isEmpty());
-    // now connect the other one
-    spy.count = 0;
-    con.connect(con.baseService(), "/p2", "local.Interface2", "signal", &spy, SLOT(slot(QDBusMessage)));
-    obj.if2->emitSignal(QString(), QVariant());
-    QTest::qWait(200);
-    QCOMPARE(spy.count, 2);
-void tst_QDBusAbstractAdaptor::overloadedSignalEmission_data()
-    QTest::addColumn<QString>("signature");
-    QTest::addColumn<QVariant>("parameter");
-    QTest::newRow("void") << QString("") << QVariant();
-    QTest::newRow("int") << "i" << QVariant(1);
-    QTest::newRow("string") << "s" << QVariant("foo");
-void tst_QDBusAbstractAdaptor::overloadedSignalEmission()
-    QDBusConnection &con = QDBus::sessionBus();
-    QVERIFY(con.isConnected());
-    MyObject obj;
-    con.registerObject("/", &obj);
-    QString interface = "local.Interface4";
-    QString name = "signal";
-    QFETCH(QVariant, parameter);
-    //QDBusInterface *if4 = con.findInterface(con.baseService(), "/", interface);
-    // connect all signals and emit only one
-    {
-        QDBusSignalSpy spy;
-        con.connect(con.baseService(), "/", "local.Interface4", "signal", "",
-                    &spy, SLOT(slot(QDBusMessage)));
-        con.connect(con.baseService(), "/", "local.Interface4", "signal", "i",
-                    &spy, SLOT(slot(QDBusMessage)));
-        con.connect(con.baseService(), "/", "local.Interface4", "signal", "s",
-                    &spy, SLOT(slot(QDBusMessage)));
-        emitSignal(&obj, interface, name, parameter);
-        QCOMPARE(spy.count, 1);
-        QCOMPARE(spy.interface, interface);
-        QCOMPARE(spy.name, name);
-        QTEST(spy.signature, "signature");
-        QCOMPARE(spy.value, parameter);
-    }
-    QFETCH(QString, signature);
-    // connect one signal and emit them all
-    {
-        QDBusSignalSpy spy;
-        con.connect(con.baseService(), "/", interface, name, signature, &spy, SLOT(slot(QDBusMessage)));
-        emitSignal(&obj, "local.Interface4", "signal", QVariant());
-        emitSignal(&obj, "local.Interface4", "signal", QVariant(1));
-        emitSignal(&obj, "local.Interface4", "signal", QVariant("foo"));
-        QCOMPARE(spy.count, 1);
-        QCOMPARE(spy.interface, interface);
-        QCOMPARE(spy.name, name);
-        QTEST(spy.signature, "signature");
-        QCOMPARE(spy.value, parameter);
-    }
-void tst_QDBusAbstractAdaptor::readProperties()
-    QDBusConnection &con = QDBus::sessionBus();
-    QVERIFY(con.isConnected());
-    MyObject obj;
-    con.registerObject("/", &obj);
-    QDBusInterfacePtr properties(con, con.baseService(), "/", "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties");
-    for (int i = 2; i <= 4; ++i) {
-        QString name = QString("Interface%1").arg(i);
-        for (int j = 1; j <= 2; ++j) {
-            QString propname = QString("prop%1").arg(j);
-            QDBusReply<QVariant> reply =
-                properties->call(QDBusInterface::UseEventLoop, "Get", "local." + name, propname);
-            QVariant value = reply;
-            QCOMPARE(value.userType(), int(QVariant::String));
-            QCOMPARE(value.toString(), QString("QString %1::%2() const").arg(name, propname));
-        }
-    }
-void tst_QDBusAbstractAdaptor::writeProperties()
-    QDBusConnection &con = QDBus::sessionBus();
-    QVERIFY(con.isConnected());
-    MyObject obj;
-    con.registerObject("/", &obj);
-    QDBusInterfacePtr properties(con, con.baseService(), "/", "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties");
-    for (int i = 2; i <= 4; ++i) {
-        QString name = QString("Interface%1").arg(i);
-        QVariant value(name);
-        valueSpy.clear();
-        properties->call(QDBusInterface::UseEventLoop, "Set", "local." + name, QString("prop1"),
-                         value);
-        QVERIFY(valueSpy.isEmpty()); // call mustn't have succeeded
-        properties->call(QDBusInterface::UseEventLoop, "Set", "local." + name, QString("prop2"),
-                         value);
-        QCOMPARE(valueSpy, name);
-        QCOMPARE(QString(slotSpy), QString("void %1::setProp2(const QString&)").arg(name));
-    }
-#if 0
-void tst_QDBusAbstractAdaptor::adaptorIntrospection_data()
-    methodCalls_data();
-void tst_QDBusAbstractAdaptor::adaptorIntrospection()
-    QDBusConnection &con = QDBus::sessionBus();
-    QVERIFY(con.isConnected());
-    QObject obj;
-    con.registerObject("/", &obj);
-    QFETCH(int, nInterfaces);
-    switch (nInterfaces)
-    {
-    case 4:
-        new Interface4(&obj);
-    case 3:
-        new Interface3(&obj);
-    case 2:
-        new Interface2(&obj);
-    case 1:
-        new Interface1(&obj);
-    }
-    QDBusObject dobj = con.findObject(con.baseService(), "/");
-    QVERIFY(dobj.isValid());
-    QString xml = dobj.introspect();
-    QVERIFY(!xml.isEmpty());
-    QStringList interfaces = dobj.interfaces();
-    QCOMPARE(interfaces.count(), nInterfaces + 2);
-    switch (nInterfaces)
-    {
-    case 4: {
-        QVERIFY(interfaces.contains("local.Interface4"));
-        QDBusInterface iface(dobj, "local.Interface4");
-        QCOMPARE(iface.methodData(), Interface4::methodData);
-        QCOMPARE(iface.signalData(), Interface4::signalData);
-        QCOMPARE(iface.propertyData(), Interface4::propertyData);
-    }
-    case 3: {
-        QVERIFY(interfaces.contains("local.Interface3"));
-        QDBusInterface iface(dobj, "local.Interface3");
-        QCOMPARE(iface.methodData(), Interface3::methodData);
-        QCOMPARE(iface.signalData(), Interface3::signalData);
-        QCOMPARE(iface.propertyData(), Interface3::propertyData);
-    }
-    case 2: {
-        QVERIFY(interfaces.contains("local.Interface2"));
-        QDBusInterface iface(dobj, "local.Interface2");
-        QCOMPARE(iface.methodData(), Interface2::methodData);
-        QCOMPARE(iface.signalData(), Interface2::signalData);
-        QCOMPARE(iface.propertyData(), Interface2::propertyData);
-    }
-    case 1: {
-        QVERIFY(interfaces.contains("local.Interface1"));
-        QDBusInterface iface(dobj, "local.Interface1");
-        QCOMPARE(iface.methodData(), Interface1::methodData);
-        QCOMPARE(iface.signalData(), Interface1::signalData);
-        QCOMPARE(iface.propertyData(), Interface1::propertyData);
-    }
-    }
-void tst_QDBusAbstractAdaptor::objectTreeIntrospection()
-    QDBusConnection &con = QDBus::sessionBus();
-    QVERIFY(con.isConnected());
-    {
-        QDBusObject dobj = con.findObject(con.baseService(), "/");
-        QString xml = dobj.introspect();
-        QDBusIntrospection::Object tree =
-            QDBusIntrospection::parseObject(xml);
-        QVERIFY(tree.childObjects.isEmpty());
-    }
-    QObject root;
-    con.registerObject("/", &root);
-    {
-        QDBusObject dobj = con.findObject(con.baseService(), "/");
-        QString xml = dobj.introspect();
-        QDBusIntrospection::Object tree =
-            QDBusIntrospection::parseObject(xml);
-        QVERIFY(tree.childObjects.isEmpty());
-    }
-    QObject p1;
-    con.registerObject("/p1", &p1);
-    {
-        QDBusObject dobj = con.findObject(con.baseService(), "/");
-        QString xml = dobj.introspect();
-        QDBusIntrospection::Object tree =
-            QDBusIntrospection::parseObject(xml);
-        QVERIFY(tree.childObjects.contains("p1"));
-    }
-    con.unregisterObject("/");
-    {
-        QDBusObject dobj = con.findObject(con.baseService(), "/");
-        QString xml = dobj.introspect();
-        QDBusIntrospection::Object tree =
-            QDBusIntrospection::parseObject(xml);
-        QVERIFY(tree.childObjects.contains("p1"));
-    }
-    con.registerObject("/p1/q/r", &root);    
-    {
-        QDBusObject dobj = con.findObject(con.baseService(), "/p1");
-        QString xml = dobj.introspect();
-        QDBusIntrospection::Object tree =
-            QDBusIntrospection::parseObject(xml);
-        QVERIFY(tree.childObjects.contains("q"));
-    }
-    {
-        QDBusObject dobj = con.findObject(con.baseService(), "/p1/q");
-        QString xml = dobj.introspect();
-        QDBusIntrospection::Object tree =
-            QDBusIntrospection::parseObject(xml);
-        QVERIFY(tree.childObjects.contains("r"));
-    }
-    con.unregisterObject("/p1", QDBusConnection::UnregisterTree);
-    {
-        QDBusObject dobj = con.findObject(con.baseService(), "/");
-        QString xml = dobj.introspect();
-        QDBusIntrospection::Object tree =
-            QDBusIntrospection::parseObject(xml);
-        QVERIFY(tree.childObjects.isEmpty());
-    }
-    QObject p2;
-    con.registerObject("/p2", &p2, QDBusConnection::ExportChildObjects);
-    {
-        QDBusObject dobj = con.findObject(con.baseService(), "/");
-        QString xml = dobj.introspect();
-        QDBusIntrospection::Object tree =
-            QDBusIntrospection::parseObject(xml);
-        QVERIFY(!tree.childObjects.contains("p1"));
-        QVERIFY(tree.childObjects.contains("p2"));
-    }
-    QObject q;
-    q.setParent(&p2);
-    {
-        QDBusObject dobj = con.findObject(con.baseService(), "/p2");
-        QString xml = dobj.introspect();
-        QDBusIntrospection::Object tree =
-            QDBusIntrospection::parseObject(xml);
-        QVERIFY(!tree.childObjects.contains("q"));
-    }
-    q.setObjectName("q");
-    {
-        QDBusObject dobj = con.findObject(con.baseService(), "/p2");
-        QString xml = dobj.introspect();
-        QDBusIntrospection::Object tree =
-            QDBusIntrospection::parseObject(xml);
-        QVERIFY(tree.childObjects.contains("q"));
-    }
-    q.setParent(0);
-    {
-        QDBusObject dobj = con.findObject(con.baseService(), "/p2");
-        QString xml = dobj.introspect();
-        QDBusIntrospection::Object tree =
-            QDBusIntrospection::parseObject(xml);
-        QVERIFY(!tree.childObjects.contains("q"));
-    }
-static inline QVariant nest(const QVariant& v)
-    QVariant ret;
-    qVariantSetValue(ret, v);
-    return ret;
-void tst_QDBusAbstractAdaptor::typeMatching_data()
-    QTest::addColumn<QString>("basename");
-    QTest::addColumn<QString>("signature");
-    QTest::addColumn<QVariant>("value");
-    QTest::newRow("bool") << "Bool" << "b" << QVariant(true);
-    QTest::newRow("byte") << "UChar" << "y" << qVariantFromValue(uchar(42));
-    QTest::newRow("short") << "Short" << "n" << qVariantFromValue(short(-43));
-    QTest::newRow("ushort") << "UShort" << "q" << qVariantFromValue(ushort(44));
-    QTest::newRow("int") << "Int" << "i" << QVariant(42);
-    QTest::newRow("uint") << "UInt" << "u" << QVariant(42U);
-    QTest::newRow("qlonglong") << "LongLong" << "x" << QVariant(Q_INT64_C(42));
-    QTest::newRow("qulonglong") << "ULongLong" << "t" << QVariant(Q_UINT64_C(42));
-    QTest::newRow("double") << "Double" << "d" << QVariant(2.5);
-    QTest::newRow("string") << "String" << "s" << QVariant("Hello, World!");
-    QTest::newRow("variant") << "Variant" << "v" << nest(QVariant("Hello again!"));
-    QTest::newRow("list") << "List" << "av" << QVariant(QVariantList()
-                                                        << nest(42)
-                                                        << nest(QString("foo"))
-                                                        << nest(QByteArray("bar"))
-                                                        << nest(nest(QString("baz"))));
-    QTest::newRow("stringlist") << "StringList" << "as" << QVariant(QStringList() << "Hello" << "world");
-    QTest::newRow("bytearray") << "ByteArray" << "ay" << QVariant(QByteArray("foo"));
-    QVariantMap map;
-    map["one"] = nest(1);       // int
-    map["The answer to life, the Universe and everything"] = nest(42u); // uint
-    map["In the beginning..."] = nest(QString("There was nothing")); // string
-    map["but Unix came and said"] = nest(QByteArray("\"Hello, World\"")); // bytearray
-    map["two"] = nest(qVariantFromValue(short(2))); // short
-    QTest::newRow("map") << "Map" << "a{sv}" << QVariant(map);
-void tst_QDBusAbstractAdaptor::typeMatching()
-    QObject obj;
-    new TypesInterface(&obj);
-    QDBusConnection &con = QDBus::sessionBus();
-    con.registerObject("/types", &obj);
-    QFETCH(QString, basename);
-    QFETCH(QString, signature);
-    QFETCH(QVariant, value);
-    QDBusMessage reply;
-    QDBusInterface *iface = con.findInterface(con.baseService(), "/types", "local.TypesInterface");
-    reply = iface->callWithArgs("method" + basename + '.' + signature, QVariantList() << value,
-                                QDBusInterface::UseEventLoop);
-    QCOMPARE(reply.type(), QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage);
-    reply = iface->call(QDBusInterface::UseEventLoop, "retrieve" + basename);
-    QCOMPARE(reply.type(), QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage);
-    QCOMPARE(reply.count(), 1);
-    const QVariant &retval = reply.at(0);
-    QCOMPARE(retval.userType(), value.userType());
-    QVERIFY(compare(retval, value));
-    iface->deleteLater();
-#include "tst_qdbusabstractadaptor.moc"
diff --git a/test/qt/tst_qdbusconnection.cpp b/test/qt/tst_qdbusconnection.cpp
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index a887cd9..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,257 +0,0 @@
-#include <qcoreapplication.h>
-#include <qdebug.h>
-#include <QtTest/QtTest>
-#include <dbus/qdbus.h>
-class MyObject: public QObject
-public slots:
-    void method(const QDBusMessage &msg) { serial = msg.serialNumber(); path = msg.path(); }
-    int serial;
-    QString path;
-    MyObject() : serial(0) { }
-class tst_QDBusConnection: public QObject
-private slots:
-    void addConnection();
-    void connect();
-    void send();
-    void sendAsync();
-    void sendSignal();
-    void registerObject();
-    bool callMethod(const QDBusConnection &conn, const QString &path);
-class QDBusSpy: public QObject
-public slots:
-    void handlePing(const QString &str) { args.clear(); args << str; }
-    void asyncReply(const QDBusMessage &msg) { args << msg; serial = msg.replySerialNumber(); }
-    QList<QVariant> args;
-    int serial;
-void tst_QDBusConnection::sendSignal()
-    QDBusConnection &con = QDBus::sessionBus();
-    QVERIFY(con.isConnected());
-    QDBusMessage msg = QDBusMessage::signal("/org/kde/selftest", "org.kde.selftest",
-            "Ping");
-    msg << QLatin1String("ping");
-    QVERIFY(con.send(msg));
-    QTest::qWait(1000);
-void tst_QDBusConnection::send()
-    QDBusConnection &con = QDBus::sessionBus();
-    QVERIFY(con.isConnected());
-    QDBusMessage msg = QDBusMessage::methodCall("org.freedesktop.DBus",
-            "/org/freedesktop/DBus", "org.freedesktop.DBus", "ListNames");
-    QDBusMessage reply = con.sendWithReply(msg);
-    QCOMPARE(reply.count(), 1);
-    QCOMPARE(reply.at(0).typeName(), "QStringList");
-    QVERIFY(reply.at(0).toStringList().contains(con.baseService()));
-void tst_QDBusConnection::sendAsync()
-    QDBusConnection &con = QDBus::sessionBus();
-    QVERIFY(con.isConnected());
-    QDBusSpy spy;
-    QDBusMessage msg = QDBusMessage::methodCall("org.freedesktop.DBus",
-            "/org/freedesktop/DBus", "org.freedesktop.DBus", "ListNames");
-    int msgId = con.sendWithReplyAsync(msg, &spy, SLOT(asyncReply(QDBusMessage)));
-    QVERIFY(msgId != 0);
-    QTest::qWait(1000);
-    QCOMPARE(spy.args.value(0).typeName(), "QStringList");
-    QVERIFY(spy.args.at(0).toStringList().contains(con.baseService()));
-    QCOMPARE(spy.serial, msgId);
-void tst_QDBusConnection::connect()
-    QDBusSpy spy;
-    QDBusConnection &con = QDBus::sessionBus();
-    con.connect(con.baseService(), "/org/kde/selftest", "org.kde.selftest", "ping", &spy,
-                 SLOT(handlePing(QString)));
-    QDBusMessage msg = QDBusMessage::signal("/org/kde/selftest", "org.kde.selftest",
-            "ping");
-    msg << QLatin1String("ping");
-    QVERIFY(con.send(msg));
-    QTest::qWait(1000);
-    QCOMPARE(spy.args.count(), 1);
-    QCOMPARE(spy.args.at(0).toString(), QString("ping"));
-void tst_QDBusConnection::addConnection()
-    {
-        QDBusConnection con = QDBusConnection::addConnection(
-                QDBusConnection::SessionBus, "bubu");
-        QVERIFY(con.isConnected());
-        QVERIFY(!con.lastError().isValid());
-        QDBusConnection con2("foo");
-        QVERIFY(!con2.isConnected());
-        QVERIFY(!con2.lastError().isValid());
-        con2 = con;
-        QVERIFY(con.isConnected());
-        QVERIFY(con2.isConnected());
-        QVERIFY(!con.lastError().isValid());
-        QVERIFY(!con2.lastError().isValid());
-    }
-    {
-        QDBusConnection con("bubu");
-        QVERIFY(con.isConnected());
-        QVERIFY(!con.lastError().isValid());
-    }
-    QDBusConnection::closeConnection("bubu");
-    {
-        QDBusConnection con("bubu");
-        QVERIFY(!con.isConnected());
-        QVERIFY(!con.lastError().isValid());
-    }
-void tst_QDBusConnection::registerObject()
-    QDBusConnection &con = QDBus::sessionBus();
-    QVERIFY(con.isConnected());
-    // make sure nothing is using our paths:
-    QVERIFY(!callMethod(con, "/"));
-    QVERIFY(!callMethod(con, "/p1"));
-    QVERIFY(!callMethod(con, "/p2"));
-    QVERIFY(!callMethod(con, "/p1/q"));
-    QVERIFY(!callMethod(con, "/p1/q/r"));
-    {
-        // register one object at root:
-        MyObject obj;
-        QVERIFY(con.registerObject("/", &obj, QDBusConnection::ExportSlots));
-        QVERIFY(callMethod(con, "/"));
-        QCOMPARE(obj.path, QString("/"));
-    }
-    // make sure it's gone
-    QVERIFY(!callMethod(con, "/"));
-    {
-        // register one at an element:
-        MyObject obj;
-        QVERIFY(con.registerObject("/p1", &obj, QDBusConnection::ExportSlots));
-        QVERIFY(!callMethod(con, "/"));
-        QVERIFY(callMethod(con, "/p1"));
-        QCOMPARE(obj.path, QString("/p1"));
-        // re-register it somewhere else
-        QVERIFY(con.registerObject("/p2", &obj, QDBusConnection::ExportSlots));
-        QVERIFY(callMethod(con, "/p1"));
-        QCOMPARE(obj.path, QString("/p1"));
-        QVERIFY(callMethod(con, "/p2"));
-        QCOMPARE(obj.path, QString("/p2"));
-    }
-    // make sure it's gone
-    QVERIFY(!callMethod(con, "/p1"));
-    QVERIFY(!callMethod(con, "/p2"));
-    {
-        // register at a deep path
-        MyObject obj;
-        QVERIFY(con.registerObject("/p1/q/r", &obj, QDBusConnection::ExportSlots));
-        QVERIFY(!callMethod(con, "/"));
-        QVERIFY(!callMethod(con, "/p1"));
-        QVERIFY(!callMethod(con, "/p1/q"));
-        QVERIFY(callMethod(con, "/p1/q/r"));
-        QCOMPARE(obj.path, QString("/p1/q/r"));
-    }
-    // make sure it's gone
-    QVERIFY(!callMethod(con, "/p1/q/r"));
-    {
-        MyObject obj;
-        QVERIFY(con.registerObject("/p1/q2", &obj, QDBusConnection::ExportSlots));
-        QVERIFY(callMethod(con, "/p1/q2"));
-        QCOMPARE(obj.path, QString("/p1/q2"));
-        // try unregistering
-        con.unregisterObject("/p1/q2");
-        QVERIFY(!callMethod(con, "/p1/q2"));
-        // register it again
-        QVERIFY(con.registerObject("/p1/q2", &obj, QDBusConnection::ExportSlots));
-        QVERIFY(callMethod(con, "/p1/q2"));
-        QCOMPARE(obj.path, QString("/p1/q2"));
-        // now try removing things around it:
-        con.unregisterObject("/p2");
-        QVERIFY(callMethod(con, "/p1/q2")); // unrelated object shouldn't affect
-        con.unregisterObject("/p1");
-        QVERIFY(callMethod(con, "/p1/q2")); // unregistering just the parent shouldn't affect it
-        con.unregisterObject("/p1/q2/r");
-        QVERIFY(callMethod(con, "/p1/q2")); // unregistering non-existing child shouldn't affect it either
-        con.unregisterObject("/p1/q");
-        QVERIFY(callMethod(con, "/p1/q2")); // unregistering sibling (before) shouldn't affect
-        con.unregisterObject("/p1/r");
-        QVERIFY(callMethod(con, "/p1/q2")); // unregistering sibling (after) shouldn't affect
-        // now remove it:
-        con.unregisterObject("/p1", QDBusConnection::UnregisterTree);
-        QVERIFY(!callMethod(con, "/p1/q2")); // we removed the full tree
-    }
-bool tst_QDBusConnection::callMethod(const QDBusConnection &conn, const QString &path)
-    QDBusMessage msg = QDBusMessage::methodCall(conn.baseService(), path, "local.any", "method");
-    QDBusMessage reply = conn.sendWithReply(msg, QDBusConnection::UseEventLoop);
-    return reply.type() == QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage;
-#include "tst_qdbusconnection.moc"
diff --git a/test/qt/tst_qdbusinterface.cpp b/test/qt/tst_qdbusinterface.cpp
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index a63b8e0..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,295 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*-
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
- *    Author: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@trolltech.com>
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- */
-#include <qcoreapplication.h>
-#include <qmetatype.h>
-#include <QtTest/QtTest>
-#include <dbus/qdbus.h>
-#include <QtCore/qvariant.h>
-#include "common.h"
-#define TEST_INTERFACE_NAME "com.trolltech.QtDBus.MyObject"
-#define TEST_SIGNAL_NAME "somethingHappened"
-class MyObject: public QObject
-    Q_CLASSINFO("D-Bus Interface", "com.trolltech.QtDBus.MyObject")
-    Q_CLASSINFO("D-Bus Introspection", ""
-"  <interface name=\"com.trolltech.QtDBus.MyObject\" >\n"
-"    <property access=\"readwrite\" type=\"i\" name=\"prop1\" />\n"
-"    <signal name=\"somethingHappened\" >\n"
-"      <arg direction=\"out\" type=\"s\" />\n"
-"    </signal>\n"
-"    <method name=\"ping\" >\n"
-"      <arg direction=\"in\" type=\"v\" name=\"ping\" />\n"
-"      <arg direction=\"out\" type=\"v\" name=\"ping\" />\n"
-"    </method>\n"
-"    <method name=\"ping\" >\n"
-"      <arg direction=\"in\" type=\"v\" name=\"ping1\" />\n"
-"      <arg direction=\"in\" type=\"v\" name=\"ping2\" />\n"
-"      <arg direction=\"out\" type=\"v\" name=\"pong1\" />\n"
-"      <arg direction=\"out\" type=\"v\" name=\"pong2\" />\n"
-"    </method>\n"
-"  </interface>\n"
-        "")
-    MyObject()
-    {
-        QObject *subObject = new QObject(this);
-        subObject->setObjectName("subObject");
-    }
-public slots:
-    void ping(const QDBusMessage &msg)
-    {
-        QDBusMessage reply = QDBusMessage::methodReply(msg);
-        reply << static_cast<QList<QVariant> >(msg);
-        if (!msg.connection().send(reply))
-            exit(1);
-    }
-class Spy: public QObject
-    QString received;
-    int count;
-    Spy() : count(0)
-    { }
-public slots:
-    void spySlot(const QString& arg)
-    {
-        received = arg;
-        ++count;
-    }
-// helper function
-void emitSignal(const QString &interface, const QString &name, const QString &arg)
-    QDBusMessage msg = QDBusMessage::signal("/", interface, name);
-    msg << arg;
-    QDBus::sessionBus().send(msg);
-    QTest::qWait(200);
-class tst_QDBusInterface: public QObject
-    MyObject obj;
-private slots:
-    void initTestCase();
-    void call_data();
-    void call();
-    void introspect();
-    void signal();
-void tst_QDBusInterface::initTestCase()
-    QDBusConnection &con = QDBus::sessionBus();
-    QVERIFY(con.isConnected());
-    con.registerObject("/", &obj, QDBusConnection::ExportAdaptors | QDBusConnection::ExportSlots |
-                       QDBusConnection::ExportChildObjects);
-void tst_QDBusInterface::call_data()
-    QTest::addColumn<QString>("method");
-    QTest::addColumn<QVariantList>("input");
-    QTest::addColumn<QVariantList>("output");
-    QVariantList input;
-    QTest::newRow("empty") << "ping" << input << input;
-    input << qVariantFromValue(1);
-    QTest::newRow("int") << "ping" << input << input;
-    QTest::newRow("int-int") << "ping.i" << input << input;
-    QTest::newRow("int-int16") << "ping.n" << input << (QVariantList() << qVariantFromValue(short(1)));
-    // try doing some conversions
-    QVariantList output;
-    output << qVariantFromValue(1U);
-    QTest::newRow("int-uint") << "ping.u" << input << output;
-#if QT_VERSION >= 0x040200
-    output.clear();
-    output << qVariantFromValue(ushort(1));
-    QTest::newRow("int-uint16") << "ping.q" << input << output;
-    QTest::newRow("int-int64") << "ping.x" << input << (QVariantList() << qVariantFromValue(Q_INT64_C(1)));
-    QTest::newRow("int-uint64") << "ping.t" << input << (QVariantList() << qVariantFromValue(Q_UINT64_C(1)));
-    QTest::newRow("int-double") << "ping.d" << input << (QVariantList() << qVariantFromValue(1.0));
-    output.clear();
-    output << QString("1");
-    QTest::newRow("int-string") << "ping.s" << input << output;
-    // try from string now
-    input = output;
-    QTest::newRow("string") << "ping" << input << output;
-    QTest::newRow("string-string") << "ping.s" << input << output;
-    output.clear();
-    output << qVariantFromValue(1);
-    QTest::newRow("string-int") << "ping.i" << input << output;
-#if QT_VERSION >= 0x040200
-    output.clear();
-    output << qVariantFromValue(short(1));
-    QTest::newRow("string-int16") << "ping.n" << input << input;
-    output.clear();
-    output << qVariantFromValue(1U);
-    QTest::newRow("string-uint") << "ping.u" << input << output;
-#if QT_VERSION >= 0x040200
-    output.clear();
-    output << qVariantFromValue(ushort(1));
-    QTest::newRow("string-uint16") << "ping.q" << input << output;
-    QTest::newRow("string-int64") << "ping.x" << input << (QVariantList() << qVariantFromValue(1LL));
-    QTest::newRow("string-uint64") << "ping.t" << input << (QVariantList() << qVariantFromValue(1ULL));
-    QTest::newRow("string-double") << "ping.d" << input << (QVariantList() << qVariantFromValue(1.0));
-    // two args (must be strings!)
-    input.clear();
-    input << QString("Hello") << QString("World");
-    output = input;
-    QTest::newRow("two-strings") << "ping" << input << output;
-    QTest::newRow("two-strings") << "ping.ss" << input << output;
-    // this should drop one of the arguments
-    output.removeLast();
-    QTest::newRow("last-dropped") << "ping.s" << input << output;
-void tst_QDBusInterface::call()
-    QDBusConnection &con = QDBus::sessionBus();
-    QDBusInterface *iface = con.findInterface(con.baseService(), QLatin1String("/"),
-                                              TEST_INTERFACE_NAME);
-    QFETCH(QString, method);
-    QFETCH(QVariantList, input);
-    QFETCH(QVariantList, output);
-    QDBusMessage reply;
-    // try first callWithArgs:
-    reply = iface->callWithArgs(method, input, QDBusInterface::UseEventLoop);
-    QCOMPARE(reply.type(), QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage);
-    if (!output.isEmpty()) {
-        QCOMPARE(reply.count(), output.count());
-        QVERIFY(compare(reply, output));
-    }
-    // try the template methods
-    if (input.isEmpty())
-        reply = iface->call(QDBusInterface::UseEventLoop, method);
-    else if (input.count() == 1)
-        switch (input.at(0).type())
-        {
-        case QVariant::Int:
-            reply = iface->call(QDBusInterface::UseEventLoop, method, input.at(0).toInt());
-            break;
-        case QVariant::UInt:
-            reply = iface->call(QDBusInterface::UseEventLoop, method, input.at(0).toUInt());
-            break;
-        case QVariant::String:
-            reply = iface->call(QDBusInterface::UseEventLoop, method, input.at(0).toString());
-            break;
-        default:
-            QFAIL("Unknown type. Please update the test case");
-            break;
-        }
-    else
-        reply = iface->call(QDBusInterface::UseEventLoop, method, input.at(0).toString(), input.at(1).toString());
-    QCOMPARE(reply.type(), QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage);
-    if (!output.isEmpty()) {
-        QCOMPARE(reply.count(), output.count());
-        QVERIFY(compare(reply, output));
-    }
-void tst_QDBusInterface::introspect()
-    QDBusConnection &con = QDBus::sessionBus();
-    QDBusInterface *iface = con.findInterface(QDBus::sessionBus().baseService(), QLatin1String("/"),
-                                              TEST_INTERFACE_NAME);
-    const QMetaObject *mo = iface->metaObject();
-    qDebug("Improve to a better testcase of QDBusMetaObject");
-    QCOMPARE(mo->methodCount() - mo->methodOffset(), 3);
-    QVERIFY(mo->indexOfSignal(TEST_SIGNAL_NAME "(QString)") != -1);
-    QCOMPARE(mo->propertyCount() - mo->propertyOffset(), 1);
-    QVERIFY(mo->indexOfProperty("prop1") != -1);
-    iface->deleteLater();
-void tst_QDBusInterface::signal()
-    QDBusConnection &con = QDBus::sessionBus();
-    QDBusInterface *iface = con.findInterface(con.baseService(), QLatin1String("/"),
-                                              TEST_INTERFACE_NAME);
-    QString arg = "So long and thanks for all the fish";
-    {
-        Spy spy;
-        spy.connect(iface, SIGNAL(somethingHappened(QString)), SLOT(spySlot(QString)));
-        emitSignal(TEST_INTERFACE_NAME, TEST_SIGNAL_NAME, arg);
-        QCOMPARE(spy.count, 1);
-        QCOMPARE(spy.received, arg);
-    }
-    iface->deleteLater();
-#include "tst_qdbusinterface.moc"
diff --git a/test/qt/tst_qdbusmarshall.cpp b/test/qt/tst_qdbusmarshall.cpp
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 306f7b6..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,342 +0,0 @@
-#include <QtCore/QtCore>
-#include <QtTest/QtTest>
-#include <dbus/qdbus.h>
-#include "common.h"
-#include <limits>
-class tst_QDBusMarshall: public QObject
-public slots:
-    void initTestCase();
-    void cleanupTestCase();
-private slots:
-    void sendBasic_data();
-    void sendBasic();
-    void sendVariant_data();
-    void sendVariant();
-    void sendArrays_data();
-    void sendArrays();
-    void sendArrayOfArrays_data();
-    void sendArrayOfArrays();
-    void sendStringMap_data();
-    void sendStringMap();
-    void sendStringMapOfMap_data();
-    void sendStringMapOfMap();
-    QProcess proc;
-void tst_QDBusMarshall::initTestCase()
-    proc.start("./qpong");
-    QVERIFY(proc.waitForStarted());
-    QTest::qWait(2000);
-void tst_QDBusMarshall::cleanupTestCase()
-    proc.close();
-    proc.kill();
-void tst_QDBusMarshall::sendBasic_data()
-    QTest::addColumn<QVariant>("value");
-    QTest::addColumn<QString>("sig");
-    // basic types:
-    QTest::newRow("bool") << QVariant(false) << "b";
-    QTest::newRow("bool2") << QVariant(true) << "b";
-    QTest::newRow("byte") << qVariantFromValue(uchar(1)) << "y";
-    QTest::newRow("int16") << qVariantFromValue(short(2)) << "n";
-    QTest::newRow("uint16") << qVariantFromValue(ushort(3)) << "q";
-    QTest::newRow("int") << QVariant(1) << "i";
-    QTest::newRow("uint") << QVariant(2U) << "u";
-    QTest::newRow("int64") << QVariant(Q_INT64_C(3)) << "x";
-    QTest::newRow("uint64") << QVariant(Q_UINT64_C(4)) << "t";
-    QTest::newRow("double") << QVariant(42.5) << "d";
-    QTest::newRow("string") << QVariant("ping") << "s";
-    QTest::newRow("emptystring") << QVariant("") << "s";
-    QTest::newRow("nullstring") << QVariant(QString()) << "s";
-void tst_QDBusMarshall::sendVariant_data()
-    sendBasic_data();
-    // add a few more:
-    QVariant nested(1);
-    QTest::newRow("variant") << nested << "v";
-    QVariant nested2;
-    qVariantSetValue(nested2, nested);
-    QTest::newRow("variant-variant") << nested2 << "v";
-void tst_QDBusMarshall::sendArrays_data()
-    QTest::addColumn<QVariant>("value");
-    QTest::addColumn<QString>("sig");
-    // arrays:
-    QStringList strings;
-    QTest::newRow("emptystringlist") << QVariant(strings) << "as";
-    strings << "hello" << "world";
-    QTest::newRow("stringlist") << QVariant(strings) << "as";
-    strings.clear();
-    strings << "" << "" << "";
-    QTest::newRow("list-of-emptystrings") << QVariant(strings) << "as";
-    strings.clear();
-    strings << QString() << QString() << QString() << QString();
-    QTest::newRow("list-of-nullstrings") << QVariant(strings) << "as";
-    QByteArray bytearray;
-    QTest::newRow("nullbytearray") << QVariant(bytearray) << "ay";
-    bytearray = "";             // empty, not null
-    QTest::newRow("emptybytearray") << QVariant(bytearray) << "ay";
-    bytearray = "foo";
-    QTest::newRow("bytearray") << QVariant(bytearray) << "ay";
-    bytearray.clear();
-    for (int i = 0; i < 4096; ++i)
-        bytearray += QByteArray(1024, char(i));
-    QTest::newRow("hugebytearray") << QVariant(bytearray) << "ay";
-    QList<bool> bools; 
-    QTest::newRow("emptyboollist") << qVariantFromValue(bools) << "ab";
-    bools << false << true << false;
-    QTest::newRow("boollist") << qVariantFromValue(bools) << "ab";
-    QList<short> shorts;
-    QTest::newRow("emptyshortlist") << qVariantFromValue(shorts) << "an";
-    shorts << 42 << -43 << 44 << 45 << -32768 << 32767;
-    QTest::newRow("shortlist") << qVariantFromValue(shorts) << "an";
-    QList<ushort> ushorts;
-    QTest::newRow("emptyushortlist") << qVariantFromValue(ushorts) << "aq";
-    ushorts << 12u << 13u << 14u << 15 << 65535;
-    QTest::newRow("ushortlist") << qVariantFromValue(ushorts) << "aq";
-    QList<int> ints;
-    QTest::newRow("emptyintlist") << qVariantFromValue(ints) << "ai";
-    ints << 42 << -43 << 44 << 45 << 2147483647 << -2147483647-1;
-    QTest::newRow("intlist") << qVariantFromValue(ints) << "ai";
-    QList<uint> uints;
-    QTest::newRow("emptyuintlist") << qVariantFromValue(uints) << "au";
-    uints << uint(12) << uint(13) << uint(14) << 4294967295U;
-    QTest::newRow("uintlist") << qVariantFromValue(uints) << "au";
-    QList<qlonglong> llints;
-    QTest::newRow("emptyllintlist") << qVariantFromValue(llints) << "ax";
-    llints << Q_INT64_C(99) << Q_INT64_C(-100)
-           << Q_INT64_C(-9223372036854775807)-1 << Q_INT64_C(9223372036854775807);
-    QTest::newRow("llintlist") << qVariantFromValue(llints) << "ax";
-    QList<qulonglong> ullints;
-    QTest::newRow("emptyullintlist") << qVariantFromValue(ullints) << "at";
-    ullints << Q_UINT64_C(66) << Q_UINT64_C(67)
-            << Q_UINT64_C(18446744073709551615);
-    QTest::newRow("ullintlist") << qVariantFromValue(ullints) << "at";
-    QList<double> doubles;
-    QTest::newRow("emptydoublelist") << qVariantFromValue(doubles) << "ad";
-    doubles << 1.2 << 2.2 << 4.4
-            << -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()
-            << std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()
-            << std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
-    QTest::newRow("doublelist") << qVariantFromValue(doubles) << "ad";
-    QVariantList variants;
-    QTest::newRow("emptyvariantlist") << QVariant(variants) << "av";
-    variants << QString("Hello") << QByteArray("World") << 42 << -43.0 << 44U << Q_INT64_C(-45)
-             << Q_UINT64_C(46) << true << qVariantFromValue(short(-47));
-    for (int i = 0; i < variants.count(); ++i) {
-        QVariant tmp = variants.at(i);
-        qVariantSetValue(variants[i], tmp);
-    }
-    QTest::newRow("variantlist") << QVariant(variants) << "av";
-void tst_QDBusMarshall::sendArrayOfArrays_data()
-    sendArrays_data();
-void tst_QDBusMarshall::sendStringMap_data()
-    sendBasic_data();
-    QVariant nested;
-    qVariantSetValue(nested, QVariant(1));
-    QTest::newRow("variant") << nested << "v";
-    QVariant nested2;
-    qVariantSetValue(nested2, nested);
-    QTest::newRow("variant-variant") << nested2 << "v";
-    sendArrays_data();
-void tst_QDBusMarshall::sendStringMapOfMap_data()
-    sendStringMap_data();
-void tst_QDBusMarshall::sendBasic()
-    QFETCH(QVariant, value);
-    QDBusConnection &con = QDBus::sessionBus();
-    QVERIFY(con.isConnected());
-    QDBusMessage msg = QDBusMessage::methodCall("org.kde.selftest",
-            "/org/kde/selftest", "org.kde.selftest", "ping");
-    msg << value;
-    QDBusMessage reply = con.sendWithReply(msg);
- //   qDebug() << reply;
-    QCOMPARE(reply.count(), msg.count());
-    QTEST(reply.signature(), "sig");
-    for (int i = 0; i < reply.count(); ++i)
-        QVERIFY(compare(reply.at(i), msg.at(i)));
-void tst_QDBusMarshall::sendVariant()
-    QFETCH(QVariant, value);
-    QVariant tmp = value;
-    qVariantSetValue(value, tmp);
-    QDBusConnection &con = QDBus::sessionBus();
-    QVERIFY(con.isConnected());
-    QDBusMessage msg = QDBusMessage::methodCall("org.kde.selftest",
-            "/org/kde/selftest", "org.kde.selftest", "ping");
-    msg << value;
-    QDBusMessage reply = con.sendWithReply(msg);
- //   qDebug() << reply;
-    QCOMPARE(reply.count(), msg.count());
-    QCOMPARE(reply.signature(), QString("v"));
-    for (int i = 0; i < reply.count(); ++i)
-        QVERIFY(compare(reply.at(i), msg.at(i)));
-void tst_QDBusMarshall::sendArrays()
-    QFETCH(QVariant, value);
-    QDBusConnection &con = QDBus::sessionBus();
-    QVERIFY(con.isConnected());
-    QDBusMessage msg = QDBusMessage::methodCall("org.kde.selftest",
-            "/org/kde/selftest", "org.kde.selftest", "ping");
-    msg << value;
-    QDBusMessage reply = con.sendWithReply(msg);
- //   qDebug() << reply;
-    QCOMPARE(reply.count(), msg.count());
-    QTEST(reply.signature(), "sig");
-    for (int i = 0; i < reply.count(); ++i)
-        QVERIFY(compare(reply.at(i), msg.at(i)));
-void tst_QDBusMarshall::sendArrayOfArrays()
-    QFETCH(QVariant, value);
-    QDBusConnection &con = QDBus::sessionBus();
-    QVERIFY(con.isConnected());
-    QDBusMessage msg = QDBusMessage::methodCall("org.kde.selftest",
-            "/org/kde/selftest", "org.kde.selftest", "ping");
-    msg << QVariant(QVariantList() << value << value);
-    QDBusMessage reply = con.sendWithReply(msg);
- //   qDebug() << reply;
-    QCOMPARE(reply.count(), msg.count());
-    QFETCH(QString, sig);
-    QCOMPARE(reply.signature(), "a" + sig);
-    for (int i = 0; i < reply.count(); ++i)
-        QVERIFY(compare(reply.at(i), msg.at(i)));
-void tst_QDBusMarshall::sendStringMap()
-    QFETCH(QVariant, value);
-    QDBusConnection &con = QDBus::sessionBus();
-    QVERIFY(con.isConnected());
-    QDBusMessage msg = QDBusMessage::methodCall("org.kde.selftest",
-            "/org/kde/selftest", "org.kde.selftest", "ping");
-    QVariantMap map;
-    map["foo"] = value;
-    map["bar"] = value;
-    msg << QVariant(map);
-    QDBusMessage reply = con.sendWithReply(msg);
- //   qDebug() << reply;
-    QCOMPARE(reply.count(), msg.count());
-    QFETCH(QString, sig);
-    QCOMPARE(reply.signature(), "a{s" + sig + "}");
-    for (int i = 0; i < reply.count(); ++i)
-        QVERIFY(compare(reply.at(i), msg.at(i)));
-void tst_QDBusMarshall::sendStringMapOfMap()
-    QFETCH(QVariant, value);
-    QDBusConnection &con = QDBus::sessionBus();
-    QVERIFY(con.isConnected());
-    QDBusMessage msg = QDBusMessage::methodCall("org.kde.selftest",
-            "/org/kde/selftest", "org.kde.selftest", "ping");
-    QVariantMap map;
-    map["foo"] = value;
-    map["bar"] = value;
-    QVariantMap map2;
-    map2["foo"] = map;
-    msg << QVariant(map2);
-    QDBusMessage reply = con.sendWithReply(msg);
- //   qDebug() << reply;
-    QCOMPARE(reply.count(), msg.count());
-    QFETCH(QString, sig);
-    QCOMPARE(reply.signature(), "a{sa{s" + sig + "}}");
-    for (int i = 0; i < reply.count(); ++i)
-        QVERIFY(compare(reply.at(i), msg.at(i)));
-#include "tst_qdbusmarshall.moc"
diff --git a/test/qt/tst_qdbusxmlparser.cpp b/test/qt/tst_qdbusxmlparser.cpp
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index bf1ddec..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,578 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*-
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
- *    Author: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@trolltech.com>
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- */
-#include <qcoreapplication.h>
-#include <qmetatype.h>
-#include <QtTest/QtTest>
-#include <dbus/qdbus.h>
-#include "common.h"
-class tst_QDBusXmlParser: public QObject
-    void parsing_common(const QString&);
-private slots:
-    void parsing_data();
-    void parsing();
-    void parsingWithDoctype_data();
-    void parsingWithDoctype();
-    void objectWithContent_data();
-    void objectWithContent();
-    void methods_data();
-    void methods();
-    void signals__data();
-    void signals_();
-    void properties_data();
-    void properties();
-void tst_QDBusXmlParser::parsing_data()
-    QTest::addColumn<QString>("xmlData");
-    QTest::addColumn<int>("interfaceCount");
-    QTest::addColumn<int>("objectCount");
-    QTest::newRow("null") << QString() << 0 << 0;
-    QTest::newRow("empty") << QString("") << 0 << 0;
-    QTest::newRow("junk") << "<junk/>" << 0 << 0;
-    QTest::newRow("interface-inside-junk") << "<junk><interface name=\"iface.iface1\" /></junk>"
-                                           << 0 << 0;
-    QTest::newRow("object-inside-junk") << "<junk><node name=\"obj1\" /></junk>"
-                                        << 0 << 0;
-    QTest::newRow("zero-interfaces") << "<node/>" << 0 << 0;
-    QTest::newRow("one-interface") << "<node><interface name=\"iface.iface1\" /></node>" << 1 << 0;
-    QTest::newRow("two-interfaces") << "<node><interface name=\"iface.iface1\" />"
-                                       "<interface name=\"iface.iface2\"></node>"
-                                    << 2 << 0;        
-    QTest::newRow("one-object") << "<node><node name=\"obj1\"/></node>" << 0 << 1;
-    QTest::newRow("two-objects") << "<node><node name=\"obj1\"/><node name=\"obj2\"></node>" << 0 << 2;
-    QTest::newRow("i1o1") << "<node><interface name=\"iface.iface1\"><node name=\"obj1\"></node>" << 1 << 1;
-void tst_QDBusXmlParser::parsing_common(const QString &xmlData)
-    QDBusIntrospection::ObjectTree obj =
-        QDBusIntrospection::parseObjectTree(xmlData, "local.testing", "/");
-    QFETCH(int, interfaceCount);
-    QFETCH(int, objectCount);
-    QCOMPARE(obj.interfaces.count(), interfaceCount);
-    QCOMPARE(obj.childObjects.count(), objectCount);
-    // also verify the naming
-    int i = 0;
-    foreach (QString name, obj.interfaces)
-        QCOMPARE(name, QString("iface.iface%1").arg(++i));
-    i = 0;
-    foreach (QString name, obj.childObjects)
-        QCOMPARE(name, QString("obj%1").arg(++i));
-void tst_QDBusXmlParser::parsing()
-    QFETCH(QString, xmlData);
-    parsing_common(xmlData);
-void tst_QDBusXmlParser::parsingWithDoctype_data()
-    parsing_data();
-void tst_QDBusXmlParser::parsingWithDoctype()
-    QString docType = "<!DOCTYPE node PUBLIC \"-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Object Introspection 1.0//EN\"\n"
-                      "\"http://www.freedesktop.org/standards/dbus/1.0/introspect.dtd\">\n";
-    QFETCH(QString, xmlData);
-    parsing_common(docType + xmlData);
-void tst_QDBusXmlParser::objectWithContent_data()
-    QTest::addColumn<QString>("xmlData");
-    QTest::addColumn<QString>("probedObject");
-    QTest::addColumn<int>("interfaceCount");
-    QTest::addColumn<int>("objectCount");
-    QTest::newRow("zero") << "<node><node name=\"obj\"/></node>" << "obj" << 0 << 0;
-    QString xmlData = "<node><node name=\"obj\">"
-                      "<interface name=\"iface.iface1\" />"
-                      "</node></node>";
-    QTest::newRow("one-interface") << xmlData << "obj" << 1 << 0;
-    QTest::newRow("one-interface2") << xmlData << "obj2" << 0 << 0;
-    xmlData = "<node><node name=\"obj\">"
-              "<interface name=\"iface.iface1\" />"
-              "<interface name=\"iface.iface2\" />"
-              "</node></node>";
-    QTest::newRow("two-interfaces") << xmlData << "obj" << 2 << 0;
-    QTest::newRow("two-interfaces2") << xmlData << "obj2" << 0 << 0;
-    xmlData = "<node><node name=\"obj\">"
-              "<interface name=\"iface.iface1\" />"
-              "<interface name=\"iface.iface2\" />"
-              "</node><node name=\"obj2\">"
-              "<interface name=\"iface.iface1\" />"
-              "</node></node>";
-    QTest::newRow("two-nodes-two-interfaces") << xmlData << "obj" << 2 << 0;
-    QTest::newRow("two-nodes-one-interface") << xmlData << "obj2" << 1 << 0;
-    xmlData = "<node><node name=\"obj\">"
-              "<node name=\"obj1\" />"
-              "</node></node>";
-    QTest::newRow("one-object") << xmlData << "obj" << 0 << 1;
-    QTest::newRow("one-object2") << xmlData << "obj2" << 0 << 0;
-    xmlData = "<node><node name=\"obj\">"
-              "<node name=\"obj1\" />"
-              "<node name=\"obj2\" />"
-              "</node></node>";
-    QTest::newRow("two-objects") << xmlData << "obj" << 0 << 2;
-    QTest::newRow("two-objects2") << xmlData << "obj2" << 0 << 0;
-    xmlData = "<node><node name=\"obj\">"
-              "<node name=\"obj1\" />"
-              "<node name=\"obj2\" />"
-              "</node><node name=\"obj2\">"
-              "<node name=\"obj1\" />"
-              "</node></node>";
-    QTest::newRow("two-nodes-two-objects") << xmlData << "obj" << 0 << 2;
-    QTest::newRow("two-nodes-one-object") << xmlData << "obj2" << 0 << 1;
-void tst_QDBusXmlParser::objectWithContent()
-    QFETCH(QString, xmlData);
-    QFETCH(QString, probedObject);
-    QDBusIntrospection::ObjectTree tree =
-        QDBusIntrospection::parseObjectTree(xmlData, "local.testing", "/");
-    const ObjectMap &om = tree.childObjectData;
-    if (om.contains(probedObject)) {
-        const QSharedDataPointer<QDBusIntrospection::ObjectTree>& obj = om.value(probedObject);
-        QVERIFY(obj != 0);
-        QFETCH(int, interfaceCount);
-        QFETCH(int, objectCount);
-        QCOMPARE(obj->interfaces.count(), interfaceCount);
-        QCOMPARE(obj->childObjects.count(), objectCount);
-        // verify the object names
-        int i = 0;
-        foreach (QString name, obj->interfaces)
-            QCOMPARE(name, QString("iface.iface%1").arg(++i));
-        i = 0;
-        foreach (QString name, obj->childObjects)
-            QCOMPARE(name, QString("obj%1").arg(++i));
-    }
-void tst_QDBusXmlParser::methods_data()
-    QTest::addColumn<QString>("xmlDataFragment");
-    QTest::addColumn<MethodMap>("methodMap");
-    MethodMap map;
-    QTest::newRow("no-methods") << QString() << map;
-    // one method without arguments
-    QDBusIntrospection::Method method;
-    method.name = "Foo";
-    map << method;
-    QTest::newRow("one-method") << "<method name=\"Foo\"/>" << map;
-    // add another method without arguments
-    method.name = "Bar";
-    map << method;
-    QTest::newRow("two-methods") << "<method name=\"Foo\"/>"
-                                    "<method name=\"Bar\"/>"
-                                 << map;
-    // invert the order of the XML declaration
-    QTest::newRow("two-methods-inverse") << "<method name=\"Bar\"/>"
-                                            "<method name=\"Foo\"/>"
-                                         << map;
-    // add a third, with annotations
-    method.name = "Baz";
-    method.annotations.insert("foo.testing", "nothing to see here");
-    map << method;
-    QTest::newRow("method-with-annotation") <<
-        "<method name=\"Foo\"/>"
-        "<method name=\"Bar\"/>"
-        "<method name=\"Baz\"><annotation name=\"foo.testing\" value=\"nothing to see here\"></method>"
-                                            << map;
-    // arguments
-    map.clear();
-    method.annotations.clear();
-    method.name = "Method";
-    method.inputArgs << arg("s");
-    map << method;
-    QTest::newRow("one-in") <<
-        "<method name=\"Method\">"
-        "<arg type=\"s\" direction=\"in\"/>"
-        "</method>" << map;
-    // two arguments
-    method.inputArgs << arg("v");
-    map.clear();
-    map << method;
-    QTest::newRow("two-in") <<
-        "<method name=\"Method\">"
-        "<arg type=\"s\" direction=\"in\"/>"
-        "<arg type=\"v\" direction=\"in\"/>"
-        "</method>" << map;
-    // one invalid arg
-    QTest::newRow("two-in-one-invalid") <<
-        "<method name=\"Method\">"
-        "<arg type=\"s\" direction=\"in\"/>"
-        "<arg type=\"~\" name=\"invalid\" direction=\"in\"/>" // this line should be ignored
-        "<arg type=\"v\" direction=\"in\"/>"
-        "</method>" << map;
-    // one out argument
-    method.inputArgs.clear();
-    method.outputArgs << arg("s");
-    map.clear();
-    map << method;
-    QTest::newRow("one-out") <<
-        "<method name=\"Method\">"
-        "<arg type=\"s\" direction=\"out\"/>"
-        "</method>" << map;
-    // two in and one out
-    method.inputArgs << arg("s") << arg("v");
-    map.clear();
-    map << method;
-    QTest::newRow("two-in-one-out") <<
-        "<method name=\"Method\">"
-        "<arg type=\"s\" direction=\"in\"/>"
-        "<arg type=\"v\" direction=\"in\"/>"
-        "<arg type=\"s\" direction=\"out\"/>"
-        "</method>" << map;
-    // let's try an arg with name
-    method.outputArgs.clear();
-    method.inputArgs.clear();
-    method.inputArgs << arg("s", "foo");
-    map.clear();
-    map << method;
-    QTest::newRow("one-in-with-name") <<
-        "<method name=\"Method\">"
-        "<arg type=\"s\" name=\"foo\" direction=\"in\"/>"
-        "</method>" << map;
-    // two args with name
-    method.inputArgs << arg("i", "bar");
-    map.clear();
-    map << method;
-    QTest::newRow("two-in-with-name") <<
-        "<method name=\"Method\">"
-        "<arg type=\"s\" name=\"foo\" direction=\"in\"/>"
-        "<arg type=\"i\" name=\"bar\" direction=\"in\"/>"
-        "</method>" << map;
-    // one complex
-    map.clear();
-    method = QDBusIntrospection::Method();
-    // Method1(in STRING arg1, in BYTE arg2, out ARRAY of STRING)
-    method.inputArgs << arg("s", "arg1") << arg("y", "arg2");
-    method.outputArgs << arg("as");
-    method.name = "Method1";
-    map << method;
-    // Method2(in ARRAY of DICT_ENTRY of (STRING,VARIANT) variantMap, in UINT32 index,
-    //         out STRING key, out VARIANT value)
-    // with annotation "foo.equivalent":"QVariantMap"
-    method = QDBusIntrospection::Method();
-    method.inputArgs << arg("a{sv}", "variantMap") << arg("u", "index");
-    method.outputArgs << arg("s", "key") << arg("v", "value");
-    method.annotations.insert("foo.equivalent", "QVariantMap");
-    method.name = "Method2";
-    map << method;
-    QTest::newRow("complex") <<
-        "<method name=\"Method1\">"
-        "<arg name=\"arg1\" type=\"s\" direction=\"in\"/>"
-        "<arg name=\"arg2\" type=\"y\" direction=\"in\"/>"
-        "<arg type=\"as\" direction=\"out\"/>"
-        "</method>"
-        "<method name=\"Method2\">"
-        "<arg name=\"variantMap\" type=\"a{sv}\" direction=\"in\"/>"
-        "<arg name=\"index\" type=\"u\" direction=\"in\"/>"
-        "<arg name=\"key\" type=\"s\" direction=\"out\"/>"
-        "<arg name=\"value\" type=\"v\" direction=\"out\"/>"
-        "<annotation name=\"foo.equivalent\" value=\"QVariantMap\"/>"
-        "</method>" << map;
-void tst_QDBusXmlParser::methods()
-    QString xmlHeader = "<node>"
-                        "<interface name=\"iface.iface1\">",
-            xmlFooter = "</interface>"
-                        "</node>";
-    QFETCH(QString, xmlDataFragment);
-    QDBusIntrospection::Interface iface =
-        QDBusIntrospection::parseInterface(xmlHeader + xmlDataFragment + xmlFooter);
-    QCOMPARE(iface.name, QString("iface.iface1"));
-    QFETCH(MethodMap, methodMap);
-    MethodMap parsedMap = iface.methods;
-    QCOMPARE(methodMap.count(), parsedMap.count());
-    QCOMPARE(methodMap, parsedMap);
-void tst_QDBusXmlParser::signals__data()
-    QTest::addColumn<QString>("xmlDataFragment");
-    QTest::addColumn<SignalMap>("signalMap");
-    SignalMap map;
-    QTest::newRow("no-signals") << QString() << map;
-    // one signal without arguments
-    QDBusIntrospection::Signal signal;
-    signal.name = "Foo";
-    map << signal;
-    QTest::newRow("one-signal") << "<signal name=\"Foo\"/>" << map;
-    // add another signal without arguments
-    signal.name = "Bar";
-    map << signal;
-    QTest::newRow("two-signals") << "<signal name=\"Foo\"/>"
-                                    "<signal name=\"Bar\"/>"
-                                 << map;
-    // invert the order of the XML declaration
-    QTest::newRow("two-signals-inverse") << "<signal name=\"Bar\"/>"
-                                            "<signal name=\"Foo\"/>"
-                                         << map;
-    // add a third, with annotations
-    signal.name = "Baz";
-    signal.annotations.insert("foo.testing", "nothing to see here");
-    map << signal;
-    QTest::newRow("signal-with-annotation") <<
-        "<signal name=\"Foo\"/>"
-        "<signal name=\"Bar\"/>"
-        "<signal name=\"Baz\"><annotation name=\"foo.testing\" value=\"nothing to see here\"></signal>"
-                                            << map;
-    // one out argument
-    map.clear();
-    signal.annotations.clear();
-    signal.outputArgs << arg("s");
-    signal.name = "Signal";
-    map.clear();
-    map << signal;
-    QTest::newRow("one-out") <<
-        "<signal name=\"Signal\">"
-        "<arg type=\"s\" direction=\"out\"/>"
-        "</signal>" << map;
-    // without saying which direction it is
-    QTest::newRow("one-out-no-direction") <<
-        "<signal name=\"Signal\">"
-        "<arg type=\"s\"/>"
-        "</signal>" << map;    
-    // two args with name
-    signal.outputArgs << arg("i", "bar");
-    map.clear();
-    map << signal;
-    QTest::newRow("two-out-with-name") <<
-        "<signal name=\"Signal\">"
-        "<arg type=\"s\" direction=\"out\"/>"
-        "<arg type=\"i\" name=\"bar\"/>"
-        "</signal>" << map;
-    // one complex
-    map.clear();
-    signal = QDBusIntrospection::Signal();
-    // Signal1(out ARRAY of STRING)
-    signal.outputArgs << arg("as");
-    signal.name = "Signal1";
-    map << signal;
-    // Signal2(out STRING key, out VARIANT value)
-    // with annotation "foo.equivalent":"QVariantMap"
-    signal = QDBusIntrospection::Signal();
-    signal.outputArgs << arg("s", "key") << arg("v", "value");
-    signal.annotations.insert("foo.equivalent", "QVariantMap");
-    signal.name = "Signal2";
-    map << signal;
-    QTest::newRow("complex") <<
-        "<signal name=\"Signal1\">"
-        "<arg type=\"as\" direction=\"out\"/>"
-        "</signal>"
-        "<signal name=\"Signal2\">"
-        "<arg name=\"key\" type=\"s\" direction=\"out\"/>"
-        "<arg name=\"value\" type=\"v\" direction=\"out\"/>"
-        "<annotation name=\"foo.equivalent\" value=\"QVariantMap\"/>"
-        "</signal>" << map;
-void tst_QDBusXmlParser::signals_()
-    QString xmlHeader = "<node>"
-                        "<interface name=\"iface.iface1\">",
-            xmlFooter = "</interface>"
-                        "</node>";
-    QFETCH(QString, xmlDataFragment);
-    QDBusIntrospection::Interface iface =
-        QDBusIntrospection::parseInterface(xmlHeader + xmlDataFragment + xmlFooter);
-    QCOMPARE(iface.name, QString("iface.iface1"));
-    QFETCH(SignalMap, signalMap);
-    SignalMap parsedMap = iface.signals_;
-    QCOMPARE(signalMap.count(), parsedMap.count());
-    QCOMPARE(signalMap, parsedMap);
-void tst_QDBusXmlParser::properties_data()
-    QTest::addColumn<QString>("xmlDataFragment");
-    QTest::addColumn<PropertyMap>("propertyMap");
-    PropertyMap map;
-    QTest::newRow("no-signals") << QString() << map;
-    // one readable signal
-    QDBusIntrospection::Property prop;
-    prop.name = "foo";
-    prop.type = "s";
-    prop.access = QDBusIntrospection::Property::Read;
-    map << prop;
-    QTest::newRow("one-readable") << "<property name=\"foo\" type=\"s\" access=\"read\"/>" << map;
-    // one writable signal
-    prop.access = QDBusIntrospection::Property::Write;
-    map.clear();
-    map << prop;
-    QTest::newRow("one-writable") << "<property name=\"foo\" type=\"s\" access=\"write\"/>" << map;
-    // one read- & writable signal
-    prop.access = QDBusIntrospection::Property::ReadWrite;
-    map.clear();
-    map << prop;
-    QTest::newRow("one-read-writable") << "<property name=\"foo\" type=\"s\" access=\"readwrite\"/>"
-                                       << map;
-    // two, mixed properties
-    prop.name = "bar";
-    prop.type = "i";
-    prop.access = QDBusIntrospection::Property::Read;
-    map << prop;
-    QTest::newRow("two") <<
-        "<property name=\"foo\" type=\"s\" access=\"readwrite\"/>"
-        "<property name=\"bar\" type=\"i\" access=\"read\"/>" << map;
-    // invert the order of the declaration
-    QTest::newRow("two") <<
-        "<property name=\"bar\" type=\"i\" access=\"read\"/>"
-        "<property name=\"foo\" type=\"s\" access=\"readwrite\"/>" << map;
-    // add a third with annotations
-    prop.name = "baz";
-    prop.type = "as";
-    prop.access = QDBusIntrospection::Property::Write;
-    prop.annotations.insert("foo.annotation", "Hello, World");
-    prop.annotations.insert("foo.annotation2", "Goodbye, World");
-    map << prop;
-    QTest::newRow("complex") <<
-        "<property name=\"bar\" type=\"i\" access=\"read\"/>"
-        "<property name=\"baz\" type=\"as\" access=\"write\">"
-        "<annotation name=\"foo.annotation\" value=\"Hello, World\" />"
-        "<annotation name=\"foo.annotation2\" value=\"Goodbye, World\" />"
-        "<property name=\"foo\" type=\"s\" access=\"readwrite\"/>" << map;
-    // and now change the order
-    QTest::newRow("complex2") <<
-        "<property name=\"baz\" type=\"as\" access=\"write\">"
-        "<annotation name=\"foo.annotation2\" value=\"Goodbye, World\" />"
-        "<annotation name=\"foo.annotation\" value=\"Hello, World\" />"
-        "<property name=\"bar\" type=\"i\" access=\"read\"/>"
-        "<property name=\"foo\" type=\"s\" access=\"readwrite\"/>" << map;
-void tst_QDBusXmlParser::properties()
-    QString xmlHeader = "<node>"
-                        "<interface name=\"iface.iface1\">",
-            xmlFooter = "</interface>"
-                        "</node>";
-    QFETCH(QString, xmlDataFragment);
-    QDBusIntrospection::Interface iface =
-        QDBusIntrospection::parseInterface(xmlHeader + xmlDataFragment + xmlFooter);
-    QCOMPARE(iface.name, QString("iface.iface1"));
-    QFETCH(PropertyMap, propertyMap);
-    PropertyMap parsedMap = iface.properties;
-    QCOMPARE(propertyMap.count(), parsedMap.count());
-    QCOMPARE(propertyMap, parsedMap);
-#include "tst_qdbusxmlparser.moc"
index 5cd96c5..e653dea 100644 (file)
@@ -1,29 +1,6 @@
-nodist_libdbus_glib_HEADERS = dbus-glib-bindings.h
-libdbus_glibdir = $(includedir)/dbus-1.0/dbus
-dbus-glib-bindings.h: dbus-bus-introspect.xml $(top_builddir)/glib/dbus-binding-tool$(EXEEXT)
-       $(top_builddir)/glib/dbus-binding-tool --mode=glib-client --output=dbus-glib-bindings.h dbus-bus-introspect.xml
-BUILT_SOURCES = dbus-glib-bindings.h dbus-bus-introspect.xml
-dbus-bus-introspect.xml: $(top_builddir)/bus/dbus-daemon$(EXEEXT) dbus-launch$(EXEEXT) dbus-send$(EXEEXT) $(top_builddir)/bus/dbus-daemon$(EXEEXT) Makefile
-       DBUS_TOP_BUILDDIR=$(top_builddir) $(srcdir)/run-with-tmp-session-bus.sh ./dbus-send --print-reply=literal --dest=org.freedesktop.DBus /org/freedesktop/DBus org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable.Introspect > dbus-bus-introspect.xml.tmp && mv dbus-bus-introspect.xml.tmp dbus-bus-introspect.xml
-bin_PROGRAMS=dbus-send dbus-monitor dbus-launch dbus-cleanup-sockets $(GTK_TOOLS)
+bin_PROGRAMS=dbus-send dbus-monitor dbus-launch dbus-cleanup-sockets
 dbus_send_SOURCES=                             \
        dbus-print-message.c                    \
@@ -41,21 +18,11 @@ dbus_launch_SOURCES=                                \
 dbus_cleanup_sockets_SOURCES=                  \
-dbus_viewer_SOURCES=                           \
-       dbus-names-model.c                      \
-       dbus-names-model.h                      \
-       dbus-tree-view.c                        \
-       dbus-tree-view.h                        \
-       dbus-viewer.c
 dbus_send_LDADD= $(top_builddir)/dbus/libdbus-1.la
 dbus_monitor_LDADD= $(top_builddir)/dbus/libdbus-1.la
 dbus_launch_LDADD= $(DBUS_X_LIBS)
-dbus_viewer_LDADD= $(top_builddir)/glib/libdbus-gtool.la $(DBUS_GTK_THREADS_LIBS) $(DBUS_GLIB_TOOL_LIBS)
 man_MANS = dbus-send.1 dbus-monitor.1 dbus-launch.1 dbus-cleanup-sockets.1
 EXTRA_DIST = $(man_MANS) run-with-tmp-session-bus.sh
 CLEANFILES =                           \
-       run-with-tmp-session-bus.conf   \
-       dbus-bus-introspect.xml         \
-       dbus-glib-bindings.h
+       run-with-tmp-session-bus.conf
diff --git a/tools/dbus-names-model.c b/tools/dbus-names-model.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 65faa1b..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,388 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu" -*- */
-/* dbus-names-model.c GtkTreeModel for names on the bus
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc.
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *
- */
-#include "dbus-names-model.h"
-#include <glib/gi18n.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <dbus/dbus-protocol.h>
-typedef struct NamesModel NamesModel;
-typedef struct NamesModelClass NamesModelClass;
-GType names_model_get_type (void);
-struct NamesModel
-  GtkListStore parent;
-  DBusGConnection *connection;
-  DBusGProxy *driver_proxy;
-  DBusGProxyCall *pending_list_names;
-struct NamesModelClass
-  GtkListStoreClass parent;
-#define TYPE_NAMES_MODEL              (names_model_get_type ())
-#define NAMES_MODEL(object)           (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((object), TYPE_NAMES_MODEL, NamesModel))
-#define NAMES_MODEL_CLASS(klass)      (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), TYPE_NAMES_MODEL, NamesModelClass))
-#define IS_NAMES_MODEL(object)        (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((object), TYPE_NAMES_MODEL))
-static void
-have_names_notify (DBusGProxy       *proxy,
-                  DBusGProxyCall   *call,
-                   void             *data)
-  NamesModel *names_model;
-  GError *error;
-  char **names;
-  int i;
-  names_model = NAMES_MODEL (data);
-  g_assert (names_model->pending_list_names == call);
-  g_assert (names_model->driver_proxy);
-  names = NULL;
-  error = NULL;
-  if (!dbus_g_proxy_end_call (names_model->driver_proxy,
-                              names_model->pending_list_names,
-                              &error,
-                             G_TYPE_STRV, &names, G_TYPE_INVALID))
-    {
-      g_assert (names == NULL);
-      g_assert (error != NULL);
-      g_printerr (_("Failed to load names on the bus: %s\n"), error->message);
-      g_error_free (error);
-      return;
-    }
-  i = 0;
-  while (names[i])
-    {
-      GtkTreeIter iter;
-#if 0
-      g_printerr ("%d of %d: %s\n",
-                  i, n_elements, names[i]);
-      gtk_list_store_append (GTK_LIST_STORE (names_model),
-                             &iter);
-      gtk_list_store_set (GTK_LIST_STORE (names_model),
-                          &iter,
-                          MODEL_COLUMN_NAME, names[i],
-                          -1);
-      ++i;
-    }
-  g_strfreev (names);
-static gboolean
-names_model_find_name (NamesModel  *names_model,
-                       const char  *name,
-                       GtkTreeIter *iter_p)
-  GtkTreeIter iter;
-  if (!gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first (GTK_TREE_MODEL (names_model),
-                                      &iter))
-    return FALSE;
-  do
-    {
-      char *s;
-      gtk_tree_model_get (GTK_TREE_MODEL (names_model),
-                          &iter,
-                          MODEL_COLUMN_NAME, &s,
-                          -1);
-      if (s && strcmp (s, name) == 0)
-        {
-          *iter_p = iter;
-          g_free (s);
-          return TRUE;
-        }
-      g_free (s);
-    }
-  while (gtk_tree_model_iter_next (GTK_TREE_MODEL (names_model),
-                                   &iter));
-  return FALSE;
-static void
-name_owner_changed (DBusGProxy *driver_proxy,
-                    const char *name,
-                    const char *old_owner,
-                    const char *new_owner,
-                    void       *data)
-  NamesModel *names_model = NAMES_MODEL (data);
-#if 0
-  g_printerr ("Name '%s' changed owner '%s' -> '%s'\n",
-              name, old_owner, new_owner);
-  if (*new_owner == '\0')
-    {
-      /* this name has vanished */
-      GtkTreeIter iter;
-      if (names_model_find_name (names_model, name, &iter))
-        gtk_list_store_remove (GTK_LIST_STORE (names_model),
-                               &iter);
-    }
-  else if (*old_owner == '\0')
-    {
-      /* this name has been added */
-      GtkTreeIter iter;
-      if (!names_model_find_name (names_model, name, &iter))
-        {
-          gtk_list_store_append (GTK_LIST_STORE (names_model),
-                                 &iter);
-          gtk_list_store_set (GTK_LIST_STORE (names_model),
-                              &iter,
-                              MODEL_COLUMN_NAME, name,
-                              -1);
-        }
-    }
-static void
-names_model_reload (NamesModel *names_model)
-  GtkListStore *list_store;
-  list_store = GTK_LIST_STORE (names_model);
-  if (names_model->pending_list_names)
-    {
-      dbus_g_proxy_cancel_call (names_model->driver_proxy,
-                               names_model->pending_list_names);
-      names_model->pending_list_names = NULL;
-    }
-  gtk_list_store_clear (list_store);
-  if (names_model->connection == NULL)
-    return;
-  names_model->pending_list_names =
-    dbus_g_proxy_begin_call (names_model->driver_proxy,
-                             "ListNames",
-                            have_names_notify, names_model, NULL,
-                             G_TYPE_INVALID);
-static void
-names_model_set_connection (NamesModel      *names_model,
-                            DBusGConnection *connection)
-  g_return_if_fail (IS_NAMES_MODEL (names_model));
-  if (connection == names_model->connection)
-    return;
-  if (names_model->connection)
-    {
-      dbus_g_proxy_disconnect_signal (names_model->driver_proxy,
-                                      "NameOwnerChanged",
-                                      G_CALLBACK (name_owner_changed),
-                                      names_model);
-      g_object_unref (names_model->driver_proxy);
-      names_model->driver_proxy = NULL;
-      dbus_g_connection_unref (names_model->connection);
-      names_model->connection = NULL;
-    }
-  if (connection)
-    {
-      names_model->connection = connection;
-      dbus_g_connection_ref (names_model->connection);
-      names_model->driver_proxy =
-        dbus_g_proxy_new_for_name (names_model->connection,
-                                   DBUS_SERVICE_DBUS,
-                                   DBUS_PATH_DBUS,
-                                   DBUS_INTERFACE_DBUS);
-      g_assert (names_model->driver_proxy);
-      dbus_g_proxy_add_signal (names_model->driver_proxy,
-                               "NameOwnerChanged",
-                               G_TYPE_STRING,
-                               G_TYPE_STRING,
-                               G_TYPE_STRING,
-                              G_TYPE_INVALID);
-      dbus_g_proxy_connect_signal (names_model->driver_proxy,
-                                   "NameOwnerChanged", 
-                                   G_CALLBACK (name_owner_changed),
-                                   names_model,
-                                   NULL);
-    }
-  names_model_reload (names_model);
-G_DEFINE_TYPE(NamesModel, names_model, GTK_TYPE_LIST_STORE)
-/* Properties */
-  PROP_0,
-static void
-names_model_dispose (GObject *object)
-  NamesModel *names_model = NAMES_MODEL (object);
-  names_model_set_connection (names_model, NULL);
-  g_assert (names_model->connection == NULL);
-  g_assert (names_model->driver_proxy == NULL);
-  g_assert (names_model->pending_list_names == NULL);
-  (G_OBJECT_CLASS (names_model_parent_class)->dispose) (object);
-static void
-names_model_finalize (GObject *object)
-  NamesModel *names_model = NAMES_MODEL (object);
-  g_assert (names_model->connection == NULL);
-  g_assert (names_model->driver_proxy == NULL);
-  g_assert (names_model->pending_list_names == NULL);
-  (G_OBJECT_CLASS (names_model_parent_class)->finalize) (object);
-static void
-names_model_set_property (GObject      *object,
-                          guint         prop_id,
-                          const GValue *value,
-                          GParamSpec   *pspec)
-  NamesModel *names_model;
-  names_model = NAMES_MODEL (object);
-  switch (prop_id)
-    {
-      names_model_set_connection (names_model, g_value_get_boxed (value));
-      break;
-    default:
-      G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);
-      break;
-    }
-static void
-names_model_get_property (GObject      *object,
-                          guint         prop_id,
-                          GValue       *value,
-                          GParamSpec   *pspec)
-  NamesModel *names_model;
-  names_model = NAMES_MODEL (object);
-  switch (prop_id)
-    {
-      g_value_set_boxed (value, names_model->connection);
-      break;
-    default:
-      G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);
-      break;
-    }
-static void
-names_model_init (NamesModel *names_model)
-  GtkListStore *list_store;
-  GType types[MODEL_COLUMN_LAST];
-  list_store = GTK_LIST_STORE (names_model);
-  types[0] = G_TYPE_STRING; /* name */
-  gtk_list_store_set_column_types (list_store, MODEL_COLUMN_LAST, types);
-static void
-names_model_class_init (NamesModelClass *names_model_class)
-  GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (names_model_class);
-  gobject_class->finalize = names_model_finalize;
-  gobject_class->dispose = names_model_dispose;
-  gobject_class->set_property = names_model_set_property;
-  gobject_class->get_property = names_model_get_property;
-  g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class,
-                                  PROP_CONNECTION,
-                                  g_param_spec_boxed ("connection",
-                                                       _("Bus connection"),
-                                                       _("Connection to the message bus"),
-                                                       DBUS_TYPE_G_CONNECTION,
-                                                       G_PARAM_READWRITE));
-names_model_new (DBusGConnection *connection)
-  NamesModel *names_model;
-  names_model = g_object_new (TYPE_NAMES_MODEL,
-                              "connection", connection,
-                              NULL);
-  return GTK_TREE_MODEL (names_model);
diff --git a/tools/dbus-names-model.h b/tools/dbus-names-model.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index c2b54fc..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu" -*- */
-/* dbus-names-model.h GtkTreeModel for names on the bus
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc.
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- * 
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- * 
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *
- */
-#include <gtk/gtk.h>
-#include <dbus/dbus-glib.h>
-GtkTreeModel* names_model_new (DBusGConnection *connection);
-#endif /* DBUS_NAMES_MODEL_H */
diff --git a/tools/dbus-tree-view.c b/tools/dbus-tree-view.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 448d770..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,374 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu" -*- */
-/* dbus-tree-view.c GtkTreeView for a D-BUS interface description
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2003 Red Hat, Inc.
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *
- */
-#include <string.h>
-#include <config.h>
-#include "dbus-tree-view.h"
-#include <glib/gi18n.h>
-/* We stuff the node tree into a GtkTreeStore, rather
- * than bothering to write a custom model
- */
-static GtkTreeModel*
-model_new (void)
-  GtkTreeModel *model;
-  GtkTreeStore *store;
-  store = gtk_tree_store_new (MODEL_COLUMN_LAST,
-                              BASE_INFO_TYPE);
-  model = GTK_TREE_MODEL (store);
-  return model;
-static void set_info (GtkTreeModel *model,
-                      GtkTreeIter  *root,
-                      BaseInfo     *info);
-static void
-append_child_list (GtkTreeModel *model,
-                   GtkTreeIter  *parent,
-                   GSList       *children)
-  GSList *tmp;
-  GtkTreeStore *store;
-  store = GTK_TREE_STORE (model);
-  /* parent may be NULL for root */
-  tmp = children;
-  while (tmp != NULL)
-    {
-      GtkTreeIter iter;
-      gtk_tree_store_append (store, &iter, parent);
-      set_info (model, &iter, tmp->data);
-      tmp = tmp->next;
-    }
-static void
-set_info (GtkTreeModel *model,
-          GtkTreeIter  *root,
-          BaseInfo     *info)
-  GtkTreeStore *store;
-  GtkTreeIter child;
-  store = GTK_TREE_STORE (model);
-  /* Remeber that root is NULL for "/" path */
-  /* Clear existing children */
-  while (gtk_tree_model_iter_children (model, &child, root))
-    gtk_tree_store_remove (store, &child);
-  /* Set our new value; we simply discard NodeInfo for "/" at the
-   * moment.
-   */
-  if (root != NULL)
-    {
-      gtk_tree_store_set (store, root,
-                          MODEL_COLUMN_INFO, info,
-                          -1);
-    }
-  /* Fill in new children */
-  switch (base_info_get_type (info))
-    {
-    case INFO_TYPE_NODE:
-      append_child_list (model, root,
-                         node_info_get_interfaces ((NodeInfo*)info));
-      append_child_list (model, root,
-                         node_info_get_nodes ((NodeInfo*)info));
-      break;
-      append_child_list (model, root,
-                         interface_info_get_methods ((InterfaceInfo*)info));
-      append_child_list (model, root,
-                         interface_info_get_signals ((InterfaceInfo*)info));
-      append_child_list (model, root,
-                         interface_info_get_properties ((InterfaceInfo*)info));
-      break;
-      append_child_list (model, root,
-                         method_info_get_args ((MethodInfo*)info));
-      break;
-      append_child_list (model, root,
-                         signal_info_get_args ((SignalInfo*)info));
-      break;
-      /* no children */
-      break;
-    case INFO_TYPE_ARG:
-      /* no children */
-      break;
-    }
-static void
-ensure_tree_node (GtkTreeModel  *model,
-                  const char   **path,
-                  GtkTreeIter   *iter)
-  GtkTreeStore *store;
-  int i;
-  GtkTreeIter child;
-  GtkTreeIter *parent;
-  GtkTreeIter prev;
-  store = GTK_TREE_STORE (model);
-  /* The path[0] == NULL case for path "/" can't happen since no tree
-   * node is created for that
-   */
-  g_assert (path[0] != NULL);
-  parent = NULL;
-  i = 0;
-  while (path[i] != NULL)
-    {
-      gboolean found;
-      found = FALSE;
-      if (gtk_tree_model_iter_children (model, &child, parent))
-        {
-          /* Scan for the right path */
-          do
-            {
-              BaseInfo *info;
-              info = NULL;
-              gtk_tree_model_get (model, &child,
-                                  MODEL_COLUMN_INFO, &info,
-                                  -1);
-              if (info != NULL &&
-                  base_info_get_type (info) == INFO_TYPE_NODE &&
-                  strcmp (base_info_get_name (info), path[i]) == 0)
-                {
-                  /* Found it */
-                  found = TRUE;
-                  break;
-                }
-            }
-          while (gtk_tree_model_iter_next (model, &child));
-        }
-      if (!found)
-        {
-          NodeInfo *node;
-          node = node_info_new (path[i]);
-          gtk_tree_store_append (store, &child, parent);
-          gtk_tree_store_set (store, &child,
-                              MODEL_COLUMN_INFO, node,
-                              -1);
-        }
-      prev = child;
-      parent = &prev;
-      ++i;
-    }
-  g_assert (parent == &prev);
-  *iter = prev;
-static void
-model_update (GtkTreeModel  *model,
-              const char   **path,
-              NodeInfo      *node)
-  if (path[0] == NULL)
-    {
-      /* Setting '/' */
-      set_info (model, NULL, (BaseInfo*) node);
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      GtkTreeIter iter;
-      BaseInfo *old;
-      /* Be sure we have the parent node */
-      ensure_tree_node (model, path, &iter);
-      /* Force the canonical relative path name on the node */
-      old = NULL;
-      gtk_tree_model_get (model, &iter,
-                          MODEL_COLUMN_INFO, &old,
-                          -1);
-      base_info_set_name ((BaseInfo*) node,
-                          base_info_get_name (old));
-      /* Fill in the new children */
-      set_info (model, &iter, (BaseInfo*) node);
-    }
-static void
-info_set_func_text (GtkTreeViewColumn *tree_column,
-                    GtkCellRenderer   *cell,
-                    GtkTreeModel      *model,
-                    GtkTreeIter       *iter,
-                    gpointer           data)
-  BaseInfo *info;
-  GString *str;
-  info = NULL;
-  gtk_tree_model_get (model, iter,
-                      MODEL_COLUMN_INFO, &info,
-                      -1);
-  if (info == NULL)
-    return;
-  str = g_string_new (NULL);
-  switch (base_info_get_type (info))
-    {
-    case INFO_TYPE_NODE:
-      g_string_append (str, "<i>path</i>");
-      break;
-      g_string_append (str, "<i>interface</i>");
-      break;
-      g_string_append (str, "<i>method</i>");
-      break;
-      g_string_append (str, "<i>signal</i>");
-      break;
-      g_string_append (str, "<i>property</i>");
-      g_string_append_printf (str, " <b>%s</b>",
-                              property_info_get_type ((PropertyInfo*)info));
-      break;
-    case INFO_TYPE_ARG:
-      g_string_append_printf (str, "<i>arg</i> %s",
-                              arg_info_get_direction ((ArgInfo*)info) == ARG_IN ?
-                              "in" : "out");
-      g_string_append_printf (str, " <b>%s</b>",
-                              arg_info_get_type ((ArgInfo*)info));
-      break;
-    }
-  g_string_append (str, " ");
-  g_string_append (str, base_info_get_name (info));
-  g_object_set (GTK_CELL_RENDERER (cell),
-                "markup", str->str,
-                NULL);
-  g_string_free (str, TRUE);
-  /* base_info_unref (info); */
-dbus_tree_view_new (void)
-  GtkWidget *treeview;
-  GtkCellRenderer *cell_renderer;
-  GtkTreeViewColumn *column;
-  treeview = gtk_tree_view_new ();
-  column = gtk_tree_view_column_new ();
-  gtk_tree_view_column_set_title (column, _("Name"));
-  cell_renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new ();
-  gtk_tree_view_column_pack_start (column,
-                                   cell_renderer,
-                                   TRUE);
-  gtk_tree_view_column_set_cell_data_func (column, cell_renderer,
-                                           info_set_func_text, NULL, NULL);
-  gtk_tree_view_append_column (GTK_TREE_VIEW (treeview),
-                               column);
-  return treeview;
-dbus_tree_view_update (GtkTreeView *view,
-                       const char **path,
-                       NodeInfo    *node)
-  GtkTreeModel *model;
-  g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_TREE_VIEW (view));
-  model = gtk_tree_view_get_model (view);
-  if (model == NULL)
-    {
-      model = model_new ();
-      model_update (model, path, node);
-      gtk_tree_view_set_model (view, model);
-      g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (model));
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      model_update (model, path, node);
-    }
-dbus_tree_view_clear (GtkTreeView  *view)
-  GtkTreeModel *model;
-  g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_TREE_VIEW (view));
-  model = gtk_tree_view_get_model (view);
-  if (model != NULL)
-    gtk_tree_store_clear (GTK_TREE_STORE (model));
diff --git a/tools/dbus-tree-view.h b/tools/dbus-tree-view.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index e0b82e2..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu" -*- */
-/* dbus-tree-view.h GtkTreeView for a D-BUS interface description
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2003 Red Hat, Inc.
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
- * 
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- * 
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *
- */
-#include <gtk/gtk.h>
-#include <dbus/dbus-glib.h>
-#include <glib/dbus-gidl.h>
-GtkWidget*   dbus_tree_view_new    (void);
-void         dbus_tree_view_update (GtkTreeView  *view,
-                                    const char  **path,
-                                    NodeInfo     *info);
-void         dbus_tree_view_clear  (GtkTreeView  *view);
-#endif /* DBUS_TREE_VIEW_H */