fprintf(out, " if (_id < %d)\n", methodList.size());
fprintf(out, " qt_static_metacall(this, _c, _id, _a);\n");
fprintf(out, " _id -= %d;\n }", methodList.size());
+ fprintf(out, " else if (_c == QMetaObject::RegisterMethodArgumentMetaType) {\n");
+ fprintf(out, " if (_id < %d)\n", methodList.size());
+ if (methodsWithAutomaticTypesHelper(methodList).isEmpty())
+ fprintf(out, " *reinterpret_cast<int*>(_a[0]) = -1;\n");
+ else
+ fprintf(out, " qt_static_metacall(this, _c, _id, _a);\n");
+ fprintf(out, " _id -= %d;\n }", methodList.size());
if (cdef->propertyList.size()) {
return automaticPropertyMetaTypes;
+QMap<int, QMultiMap<QByteArray, int> > Generator::methodsWithAutomaticTypesHelper(const QList<FunctionDef> &methodList)
+ QMap<int, QMultiMap<QByteArray, int> > methodsWithAutomaticTypes;
+ for (int i = 0; i < methodList.size(); ++i) {
+ const FunctionDef &f = methodList.at(i);
+ for (int j = 0; j < f.arguments.count(); ++j) {
+ const QByteArray argType = f.arguments.at(j).normalizedType;
+ if (registerableMetaType(argType) && !isBuiltinType(argType))
+ methodsWithAutomaticTypes[i].insert(argType, j);
+ }
+ }
+ return methodsWithAutomaticTypes;
void Generator::generateStaticMetacall()
fprintf(out, "void %s::qt_static_metacall(QObject *_o, QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a)\n{\n",
fprintf(out, " }\n");
fprintf(out, " }");
needElse = true;
+ QMap<int, QMultiMap<QByteArray, int> > methodsWithAutomaticTypes = methodsWithAutomaticTypesHelper(methodList);
+ if (!methodsWithAutomaticTypes.isEmpty()) {
+ fprintf(out, " else if (_c == QMetaObject::RegisterMethodArgumentMetaType) {\n");
+ fprintf(out, " switch (_id) {\n");
+ fprintf(out, " default: *reinterpret_cast<int*>(_a[0]) = -1; break;\n");
+ QMap<int, QMultiMap<QByteArray, int> >::const_iterator it = methodsWithAutomaticTypes.constBegin();
+ const QMap<int, QMultiMap<QByteArray, int> >::const_iterator end = methodsWithAutomaticTypes.constEnd();
+ for ( ; it != end; ++it) {
+ fprintf(out, " case %d:\n", it.key());
+ fprintf(out, " switch (*reinterpret_cast<int*>(_a[1])) {\n");
+ fprintf(out, " default: *reinterpret_cast<int*>(_a[0]) = -1; break;\n");
+ foreach (const QByteArray &key, it->uniqueKeys()) {
+ foreach (int argumentID, it->values(key))
+ fprintf(out, " case %d:\n", argumentID);
+ fprintf(out, " *reinterpret_cast<int*>(_a[0]) = qRegisterMetaType< %s >(); break;\n", key.constData());
+ }
+ fprintf(out, " }\n");
+ fprintf(out, " break;\n");
+ }
+ fprintf(out, " }\n");
+ fprintf(out, " }");
+ isUsed_a = true;
+ }
if (!cdef->signalList.isEmpty()) {
Q_ASSERT(needElse); // if there is signal, there was method.
if (methodList.isEmpty()) {
fprintf(out, " Q_UNUSED(_o);\n");
- if (cdef->constructorList.isEmpty() && automaticPropertyMetaTypes.isEmpty()) {
+ if (cdef->constructorList.isEmpty() && automaticPropertyMetaTypes.isEmpty() && methodsWithAutomaticTypesHelper(methodList).isEmpty()) {
fprintf(out, " Q_UNUSED(_id);\n");
fprintf(out, " Q_UNUSED(_c);\n");
void explicitOverrideControl_data();
void explicitOverrideControl();
void autoPropertyMetaTypeRegistration();
+ void autoMethodArgumentMetaTypeRegistration();
void sigWithUnsignedArg(unsigned foo);
+// Need different types for the invokable method tests because otherwise the registration
+// done in the property test would interfere.
+class CustomQObject2 : public QObject
+ Q_ENUMS(Number)
+ enum Number {
+ Zero,
+ One,
+ Two
+ };
+ explicit CustomQObject2(QObject *parent = 0)
+ : QObject(parent)
+ {
+ }
+typedef CustomQObject2* CustomQObject2Star;
+namespace SomeNamespace2 {
+class NamespacedQObject2 : public QObject
+ explicit NamespacedQObject2(QObject *parent = 0)
+ : QObject(parent)
+ {
+ }
+struct NamespacedNonQObject2 {};
+struct CustomObject3 {};
+struct CustomObject4 {};
+struct CustomObject5 {};
+struct CustomObject6 {};
+struct CustomObject7 {};
+struct CustomObject8 {};
+struct CustomObject9 {};
+struct CustomObject10 {};
+struct CustomObject11 {};
class AutoRegistrationObject : public QObject
return SomeNamespace::NamespacedNonQObject();
+public slots:
+ void objectSlot(QObject*) {}
+ void customObjectSlot(CustomQObject2*) {}
+ void sharedPointerSlot(QSharedPointer<CustomQObject2>) {}
+ void weakPointerSlot(QWeakPointer<CustomQObject2>) {}
+ void trackingPointerSlot(QPointer<CustomQObject2>) {}
+ void listIntSlot(QList<int>) {}
+ void vectorVariantSlot(QVector<QVariant>) {}
+ void listCustomObjectSlot(QList<CustomQObject2*>) {}
+ void vectorListIntSlot(QVector<QList<int> >) {}
+ void vectorListCustomObjectSlot(QVector<QList<CustomQObject2*> >) {}
+ void enumSlot(CustomQObject2::Number) {}
+ void typedefSlot(CustomQObject2Star) {}
+ void namespacedQObjectSlot(SomeNamespace2::NamespacedQObject2*) {}
+ void namespacedNonQObjectSlot(SomeNamespace2::NamespacedNonQObject2) {}
+ void bu1(int, CustomObject3) {}
+ void bu2(CustomObject4, int) {}
+ void bu3(CustomObject5, CustomObject6) {}
+ void bu4(CustomObject7, int, CustomObject8) {}
+ void bu5(int, CustomObject9, CustomObject10) {}
+ void bu6(int, CustomObject11, int) {}
void tst_Moc::autoPropertyMetaTypeRegistration()
QCOMPARE(propertyMetaTypeIds, expectedMetaTypeIds);
+template<typename T>
+struct DefaultConstructor
+ static inline T construct() { return T(); }
+template<typename T>
+struct DefaultConstructor<T*>
+ static inline T* construct() { return 0; }
+void tst_Moc::autoMethodArgumentMetaTypeRegistration()
+ AutoRegistrationObject aro;
+ QVector<int> methodArgMetaTypeIds;
+ const QMetaObject *metaObject = aro.metaObject();
+ int i = metaObject->methodOffset(); // Start after QObject built-in slots;
+#define TYPE_LOOP(TYPE) \
+ { \
+ const QMetaMethod method = metaObject->method(i); \
+ for (int j = 0; j < method.parameterCount(); ++j) \
+ methodArgMetaTypeIds.append(method.parameterType(j)); \
+ QVERIFY(method.invoke(&aro, Q_ARG(TYPE, DefaultConstructor<TYPE>::construct()))); \
+ ++i; \
+ }
+ F(QObject*) \
+ F(CustomQObject2*) \
+ F(QSharedPointer<CustomQObject2>) \
+ F(QWeakPointer<CustomQObject2>) \
+ F(QPointer<CustomQObject2>) \
+ F(QList<int>) \
+ F(QVector<QVariant>) \
+ F(QList<CustomQObject2*>) \
+ F(QVector<QList<int> >) \
+ F(QVector<QList<CustomQObject2*> >) \
+ F(CustomQObject2::Number) \
+ F(CustomQObject2Star) \
+ F(SomeNamespace2::NamespacedQObject2*) \
+ F(SomeNamespace2::NamespacedNonQObject2)
+ // Note: mulit-arg slots are tested below.
+#undef TYPE_LOOP
+ QVector<int> expectedMetaTypeIds = QVector<int>()
+ << QMetaType::QObjectStar
+ << qMetaTypeId<CustomQObject2*>()
+ << qMetaTypeId<QSharedPointer<CustomQObject2> >()
+ << qMetaTypeId<QWeakPointer<CustomQObject2> >()
+ << qMetaTypeId<QPointer<CustomQObject2> >()
+ << qMetaTypeId<QList<int> >()
+ << qMetaTypeId<QVector<QVariant> >()
+ << qMetaTypeId<QList<CustomQObject2*> >()
+ << qMetaTypeId<QVector<QList<int> > >()
+ << qMetaTypeId<QVector<QList<CustomQObject2*> > >()
+ << qMetaTypeId<CustomQObject2::Number>()
+ << qMetaTypeId<CustomQObject2Star>()
+ << qMetaTypeId<SomeNamespace2::NamespacedQObject2*>()
+ << qMetaTypeId<SomeNamespace2::NamespacedNonQObject2>()
+ ;
+ QCOMPARE(methodArgMetaTypeIds, expectedMetaTypeIds);
+ QVector<int> methodMultiArgMetaTypeIds;
+ {
+ const QMetaMethod method = metaObject->method(i);
+ QCOMPARE(method.name(), QByteArray("bu1"));
+ for (int j = 0; j < method.parameterCount(); ++j)
+ methodMultiArgMetaTypeIds.append(method.parameterType(j));
+ QVERIFY(method.invoke(&aro, Q_ARG(int, 42), Q_ARG(CustomObject3, CustomObject3())));
+ ++i;
+ }
+ {
+ const QMetaMethod method = metaObject->method(i);
+ QCOMPARE(method.name(), QByteArray("bu2"));
+ for (int j = 0; j < method.parameterCount(); ++j)
+ methodMultiArgMetaTypeIds.append(method.parameterType(j));
+ QVERIFY(method.invoke(&aro, Q_ARG(CustomObject4, CustomObject4()), Q_ARG(int, 42)));
+ ++i;
+ }
+ {
+ const QMetaMethod method = metaObject->method(i);
+ QCOMPARE(method.name(), QByteArray("bu3"));
+ for (int j = 0; j < method.parameterCount(); ++j)
+ methodMultiArgMetaTypeIds.append(method.parameterType(j));
+ QVERIFY(method.invoke(&aro, Q_ARG(CustomObject5, CustomObject5()), Q_ARG(CustomObject6, CustomObject6())));
+ ++i;
+ }
+ {
+ const QMetaMethod method = metaObject->method(i);
+ QCOMPARE(method.name(), QByteArray("bu4"));
+ for (int j = 0; j < method.parameterCount(); ++j)
+ methodMultiArgMetaTypeIds.append(method.parameterType(j));
+ QVERIFY(method.invoke(&aro, Q_ARG(CustomObject7, CustomObject7()), Q_ARG(int, 42), Q_ARG(CustomObject8, CustomObject8())));
+ ++i;
+ }
+ {
+ const QMetaMethod method = metaObject->method(i);
+ QCOMPARE(method.name(), QByteArray("bu5"));
+ for (int j = 0; j < method.parameterCount(); ++j)
+ methodMultiArgMetaTypeIds.append(method.parameterType(j));
+ QVERIFY(method.invoke(&aro, Q_ARG(int, 42), Q_ARG(CustomObject9, CustomObject9()), Q_ARG(CustomObject10, CustomObject10())));
+ ++i;
+ }
+ {
+ const QMetaMethod method = metaObject->method(i);
+ QCOMPARE(method.name(), QByteArray("bu6"));
+ for (int j = 0; j < method.parameterCount(); ++j)
+ methodMultiArgMetaTypeIds.append(method.parameterType(j));
+ QVERIFY(method.invoke(&aro, Q_ARG(int, 42), Q_ARG(CustomObject11, CustomObject11()), Q_ARG(int, 42)));
+ ++i;
+ }
+ QVector<int> expectedMultiMetaTypeIds = QVector<int>()
+ << QMetaType::Int
+ << qMetaTypeId<CustomObject3>()
+ << qMetaTypeId<CustomObject4>()
+ << QMetaType::Int
+ << qMetaTypeId<CustomObject5>()
+ << qMetaTypeId<CustomObject6>()
+ << qMetaTypeId<CustomObject7>()
+ << QMetaType::Int
+ << qMetaTypeId<CustomObject8>()
+ << QMetaType::Int
+ << qMetaTypeId<CustomObject9>()
+ << qMetaTypeId<CustomObject10>()
+ << QMetaType::Int
+ << qMetaTypeId<CustomObject11>()
+ << QMetaType::Int
+ ;
+ QCOMPARE(methodMultiArgMetaTypeIds, expectedMultiMetaTypeIds);
#include "tst_moc.moc"