// font, selection state and clip node.
typedef QPair<QFontEngine *, QPair<QSGClipNode *, QPair<QRgb, int> > > KeyType;
QHash<KeyType, BinaryTreeNode *> map;
+ QList<BinaryTreeNode *> nodes;
for (int i=0; i<m_processedNodes.size(); ++i) {
BinaryTreeNode *node = m_processedNodes.data() + i;
} else {
map.insert(key, node);
+ nodes.append(node);
} else {
parentNode->addImage(node->boundingRect, node->image);
// ...and add clip nodes and glyphs to tree.
- QHash<KeyType, BinaryTreeNode *>::const_iterator it = map.constBegin();
- while (it != map.constEnd()) {
- BinaryTreeNode *node = it.value();
+ foreach (const BinaryTreeNode *node, nodes) {
QSGClipNode *clipNode = node->clipNode;
if (clipNode != 0 && clipNode->parent() == 0 )
: node->color;
parentNode->addGlyphs(node->position, node->glyphRun, color, style, styleColor, clipNode);
- ++it;