changed makefile, and removed the no longer needed cuda convnet translator.
authorYangqing Jia <>
Tue, 12 Nov 2013 22:14:02 +0000 (14:14 -0800)
committerYangqing Jia <>
Tue, 12 Nov 2013 22:14:02 +0000 (14:14 -0800)
python/caffe/pyutil/translator/ [deleted file]
python/caffe/pyutil/translator/ [deleted file]
python/caffe/pyutil/translator/ [deleted file]
python/caffe/pyutil/translator/ [deleted file]
python/caffe/pyutil/translator/ [deleted file]
python/caffe/pyutil/translator/ [deleted file]
python/caffe/pyutil/translator/ [deleted file]
python/caffe/pyutil/translator/ [deleted file]

index 26f462f..4e46a70 100644 (file)
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -61,7 +61,8 @@ NVCC = nvcc $(NVCCFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CUDA_ARCH)
 all: $(NAME) $(STATIC_NAME) test examples pycaffe
-pycaffe: $(STATIC_NAME) python/caffe/pycaffe.cpp
+pycaffe: $(STATIC_NAME) python/caffe/pycaffe.cpp $(PROTO_GEN_PY)
+       protoc --proto_path=src --python_out=python $(PROTO_SRCS)
        $(CXX) -o python/caffe/ -I/usr/include/python2.7 -shared \
                        python/caffe/pycaffe.cpp $(STATIC_NAME) $(CXXFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) \
                        $(WARNING) -lboost_python -lpython2.7
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deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 0375f10..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-"""This module implements a translator model that is able to convert a network
-trained using Alex Krizhevsky's cuda-convnet code to a caffe net. It is
-implemented for debugging reason, and also for easier translation with layers
-trained under cuda-convnet.
-# first of all, import the registerer
-# pylint: disable=W0401
-from caffe.pyutil.translator.registerer import *
-from caffe.pyutil.translator.conversions import *
-# In the lines below, we will import all the translators we implemented.
-import translator_cmrnorm
-import translator_conv
-import translator_fc
-import translator_neuron
-import translator_pool
-import translator_softmax
diff --git a/python/caffe/pyutil/translator/ b/python/caffe/pyutil/translator/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 8c139b0..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-"""registerer is a simple module that allows one to register a custom
-translator for a specific cuda layer.
-from caffe.proto import caffe_pb2
-import logging
-# DATA_TYPENAME is the typename for the data layers at cuda convnet.
-# likewise, cost typename
-# _TRANSLATORS is a dictionary mapping layer names to functions that does the
-# actual translations.
-def register_translator(name, translator):
-  """Registers a translator."""
-  _TRANSLATORS[name] = translator
-def translate_layer(cuda_layer):
-  """Translates a cuda layer to a decaf layer. The function will return
-  False if the input layer is a data layer, in which no decaf layer needs to
-  be inserted.
-  Input:
-    cuda_layer: a cuda layer as a dictionary, produced by the cuda convnet
-      code.
-  Output:
-    caffe_layer: the corresponding caffe layer
-  """
-  layertype = cuda_layer['type']
-  if layertype == DATA_TYPENAME or layertype.startswith(COST_TYPENAME):
-    # if the layer type is data, it is simply a data layer.
-'Ignoring layer %s (type %s)',
-        cuda_layer['name'], cuda_layer['type'])
-    return False
-  elif layertype in _TRANSLATORS:
-'Translating layer %s (type %s)',
-        cuda_layer['name'], cuda_layer['type'])
-    return _TRANSLATORS[layertype](cuda_layer)
-  else:
-    raise TypeError('No registered translator for %s (type %s).' %
-      (cuda_layer['name'], cuda_layer['type']))
-def translate_cuda_network(cuda_layers):
-  """Translates a list of cuda layers to a decaf net.
-  Input:
-    cuda_layers: a list of layers from the cuda convnet training.
-  Output:
-    net_param: the net parameter corresponding to the cuda net.
-  """
-  caffe_net = caffe_pb2.NetParameter()
- = 'CaffeNet'
-  provided_blobs = set()
-  for cuda_layer in cuda_layers:
-    if cuda_layer['type'] == DATA_TYPENAME:
-      logging.error('Ignoring data layer %s' % cuda_layer['name'])
-      continue
-    elif cuda_layer['type'].startswith(COST_TYPENAME):
-      logging.error('Ignoring cost layer %s' % cuda_layer['name'])
-      continue
-    logging.error('Translating layer %s' % cuda_layer['name'])
-    layer_params = translate_layer(cuda_layer)
-    # Now, let's figure out the inputs of the layer
-    if len(cuda_layer['inputs']) != 1:
-      raise ValueError('Layer %s takes more than 1 input (not supported)'
-          % cuda_layer['name'])
-    needs = cuda_layers[cuda_layer['inputs'][0]]['name']
-    if needs not in provided_blobs:
-      caffe_net.input.extend([needs])
-    for layer_param in layer_params:
-      caffe_net.layers.add()
-      caffe_net.layers[-1].layer.CopyFrom(layer_param)
-      caffe_net.layers[-1].bottom.append(needs)
-      caffe_net.layers[-1].top.append(
-      provided_blobs.add(
-      needs =
-  return caffe_net
diff --git a/python/caffe/pyutil/translator/ b/python/caffe/pyutil/translator/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index c21199f..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-"""Translates the cmrnorm layer."""
-from caffe.pyutil.translator import registerer
-from caffe.proto import caffe_pb2
-def translator_cmrnorm(cuda_layer):
-  """Translates the cmrnorm layer.
-  Note: we hard-code the constant in the local response normalization
-  layer to be 1. This may be different from Krizhevsky's NIPS paper but
-  matches the actual cuda convnet code.
-  """
-  output = caffe_pb2.LayerParameter()
- = cuda_layer['name']
-  output.type = 'lrn'
-  output.local_size = cuda_layer['size']
-  output.alpha = cuda_layer['scale'] * cuda_layer['size']
-  output.beta = cuda_layer['pow']
-  return [output]
-registerer.register_translator('cmrnorm', translator_cmrnorm)
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deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index b8a3739..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-"""Translates the convolution and group convolution layers."""
-from caffe.pyutil.translator import registerer
-from caffe.proto import caffe_pb2
-from caffe.pyutil import convert
-import numpy as np
-#pylint: disable=R0914
-def translator_conv(cuda_layer):
-  """Translates the convolution and group convolution layers."""
-  outputs = []
-  output_layer = caffe_pb2.LayerParameter()
-  if not cuda_layer['sharedBiases']:
-    raise ValueError('Unshared bias layers not supported yet.')
-  pad = -cuda_layer['padding'][0]
-  if pad != 0:
-    # add a padding layer first
-    pad_layer = caffe_pb2.LayerParameter()
- = cuda_layer['name'] + 'pad'
-    pad_layer.type = 'padding'
-    pad_layer.pad = pad
-    outputs.append(pad_layer)
- = cuda_layer['name']
-  output_layer.type = 'conv'
-  output_layer.num_output = cuda_layer['filters']
- = cuda_layer['groups'][0]
-  output_layer.kernelsize = cuda_layer['filterSize'][0]
-  output_layer.stride = cuda_layer['stride'][0]
-  # For cuda convnet, the weight is input_channels, ksize, ksize, num_kernels
-  weight = cuda_layer['weights'][0].reshape(
-    cuda_layer['channels'][0] / cuda_layer['groups'][0],
-    cuda_layer['filterSize'][0], cuda_layer['filterSize'][0],
-    cuda_layer['filters'])
-  # However, our weight is organized as num_kernels, input_channels, ksize, ksize
-  out_weight = weight.swapaxes(2,3).swapaxes(1,2).swapaxes(0,1)
-  # The bias is simple.
-  bias = cuda_layer['biases'].flatten()
-  output_layer.blobs.extend(
-    [convert.array_to_blobproto(out_weight),
-     convert.array_to_blobproto(bias.reshape(1, 1, 1, bias.size))])
-  outputs.append(output_layer)
-  return outputs
-registerer.register_translator('conv', translator_conv)
diff --git a/python/caffe/pyutil/translator/ b/python/caffe/pyutil/translator/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index b7a9314..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-"""translator_fc translates a fully connected layer to a decaf
-from caffe.proto import caffe_pb2
-from caffe.pyutil.translator import registerer
-from caffe.pyutil import convert
-import numpy as np
-from operator import mul
-def translator_fc(cuda_layer):
-  """The translator for the fc layer."""
-  output_layer = caffe_pb2.LayerParameter()
- = cuda_layer['name']
-  output_layer.type = 'innerproduct'
-  output_layer.num_output = cuda_layer['outputs']
-  weight = cuda_layer['weights'][0]
-  weight.resize(weight.size / cuda_layer['outputs'], cuda_layer['outputs'])
-  bias = cuda_layer['biases'][0].flatten()
-  output_layer.blobs.extend(
-      [convert.array_to_blobproto(weight.T.reshape((1,1) + weight.T.shape)),
-       convert.array_to_blobproto(bias.reshape(1, 1, 1, bias.size))])
-  return [output_layer]
-registerer.register_translator('fc', translator_fc)
diff --git a/python/caffe/pyutil/translator/ b/python/caffe/pyutil/translator/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 52ee95d..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-"""Translates the neuron layers."""
-from caffe.pyutil.translator import registerer
-from caffe.proto import caffe_pb2
-import logging
-def translator_neuron(cuda_layer):
-  """Translates the neuron layers.
-  Note: not all neuron layers are supported. We only implemented those that
-  are needed for imagenet.
-  """
-  output_layer = caffe_pb2.LayerParameter()
- = cuda_layer['name']
-  neurontype = cuda_layer['neuron']['type']
-  if neurontype == 'relu':
-    output_layer.type = 'relu'
-  elif neurontype == 'dropout':
-    output_layer.type = 'dropout'
-    output_layer.dropout_ratio = cuda_layer['neuron']['params']['d']
-  else:
-    raise NotImplementedError(
-        'Neuron type %s not implemented yet.' % neurontype)
-  return [output_layer]
-registerer.register_translator('neuron', translator_neuron)
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deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index cc62ea0..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-"""Translates the pooling layers."""
-from caffe.pyutil.translator import registerer
-from caffe.proto import caffe_pb2
-import math
-def translator_pool(cuda_layer):
-  """Translates the pooling layers."""
-  output_layer = caffe_pb2.LayerParameter()
- = cuda_layer['name']
-  output_layer.type = 'pool'
-  method = cuda_layer['pool']
-  if method == 'max':
-    output_layer.pool = caffe_pb2.LayerParameter.MAX
-  elif method == 'avg':
-    output_layer.pool = caffe_pb2.LayerParameter.AVE
-  else:
-    raise NotImplementedError('Unrecognized pooling method: %s' % method)
-  if cuda_layer['start'] != 0:
-    raise NotImplementedError('Unsupported layer with a non-zero start.')
-  # Check the outputsX size.
-  output_size = math.ceil(
-    float(cuda_layer['imgSize'] - cuda_layer['sizeX']) /
-    cuda_layer['stride']) + 1
-  if cuda_layer['outputsX'] != output_size:
-    raise NotImplementedError('Unsupported layer with custon output size.')
-  # If all checks passed, we will return our pooling layer
-  output_layer.kernelsize = cuda_layer['sizeX']
-  output_layer.stride = cuda_layer['stride']
-  return [output_layer]
-registerer.register_translator('pool', translator_pool)
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deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 8b495c9..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-"""Translates the softmax layers."""
-from caffe.pyutil.translator import registerer
-from caffe.proto import caffe_pb2
-def translator_softmax(cuda_layer):
-    """Translates the softmax layers."""
-    output_layer = caffe_pb2.LayerParameter()
- = cuda_layer['name']
-    output_layer.type = 'softmax'
-    return [output_layer]
-registerer.register_translator('softmax', translator_softmax)