--- /dev/null
+# Managed code debugger for CoreCLR
+This is the repo for Tizen build of managed code debugger for CoreCLR called `netcoredbg`.
+The debugger sources are located in https://github.sec.samsung.net/i-kulaychuk/coreclr/tree/debugger
+## Build (GBS)
+1. Prepare
+ Prepare GBS environment and add a path to local repository to your `.gbs.conf`.
+ See the guide here http://suprem.sec.samsung.net/confluence/display/SPTDTLC/Profiler+architecture
+2. Build modified `coreclr` and `coreclr-devel` packages
+ Apply the patches from `patches/coreclr` and build CoreCLR from
+ https://review.tizen.org/gerrit/#/admin/projects/platform/upstream/coreclr
+ This step will produce updated `coreclr` and `mscorlib` RPMs for installing on the device/emulator.
+ Also it will generate the `coreclr-devel` package in the local repo which is necessary for building the debugger.
+3. Build the `netcoredbg` package
+ Clone the repo, run `init.sh` script to download debugger sources and build as usual:
+ ```
+ ./init.sh
+ gbs build -A armv7l --include-all --spec netcoredbg.spec
+ ```
+4. Build modified `dotnet-launcher` package
+ Apply the patches from `patches/dotnet-launcher` and build `dotnet-launcher` from
+ https://review.tizen.org/gerrit/#/admin/projects/platform/core/dotnet/launcher
+## Usage
+1. Install packages on the device/emulator
+ Install RPMs from local GBS repo: `coreclr`, `mscorlib`, `dotnet-launcher` and `netcoredbg`.
+ You may also need to remove AOT images:
+ ```
+ sdb shell "find / -name '*.ni.dll' -exec rm {} \;"
+ ```
+ Reboot the device/emulator.
+2. Use modified Visual Studio Tools for Tizen
+ Build `vs-tools-cps` project from
+ https://github.sec.samsung.net/i-kulaychuk/vs-tools-cps/tree/netcoredbg-attach
+ and launch the debug session with F5.