* @remarks This callback function is mandatory and must be registered using ime_run().
* IME application should configure its input panel with #ime_context_h structure information.
* The ime_get_main_window() can be used to get the created input panel window.
+ * @a context should not be released.
* @param[in] context_id The input context identification value of an associated text input UI control
* @param[in] context The input context information handle
* @privilege %http://tizen.org/privilege/ime
* @remarks The ime_request_surrounding_text() must be called to invoke this callback function, asynchronously.
+ * @remarks @a text can be used only in the callback. To use outside, make a copy.
* @param[in] context_id The input context identification value of an associated text input UI control
* @param[in] text The UTF-8 string requested
* @brief Called to set the application specific data to deliver to the input panel.
- * @details This API is used by the applications to deliver the specific data to the input panel.
+ * @details This function is used by the applications to deliver the specific data to the input panel.
* The data format MUST be negotiated by both application and input panel.
* @since_tizen @if MOBILE 2.4 @else 3.0 @endif
* @privilege %http://tizen.org/privilege/ime
+ * @remarks @data should not be released.
+ *
* @param[in] data The specific data to be set to the input panel
* @param[in] data_length The length of data, in bytes, to send to the input panel
* @param[in] user_data User data to be passed from the callback registration function
* @privilege %http://tizen.org/privilege/ime
- * @remarks The allocated @a data will be released internally.
+ * @remarks The allocated @a data and @a data_length will be released internally.
* @param[in] user_data User data to be passed from the callback registration function
* @param[out] data Input panel's data to be set to the application
* @privilege %http://tizen.org/privilege/ime
+ * @remarks @a x, @a y, @a w, and @a h should not be released.
+ *
* @param[in] user_data User data to be passed from the callback registration function
* @param[out] x The x position in screen
* @param[out] y The y position in screen
* @remarks if Input panel requests to open the option window, @a type will be #IME_OPTION_WINDOW_TYPE_KEYBOARD.
* And if Settings application requests to open it, @a type will be #IME_OPTION_WINDOW_TYPE_SETTING_APPLICATION.
+ * The @a window should not be released. The @a window can be used until ime_option_window_destroyed_cb() will be called.
* @param[in] window The created window object
* @param[in] type The type of option window
* @privilege %http://tizen.org/privilege/ime
+ * @remarks The @a window should be released using evas_object_del().
+ *
* @param[in] window The window object to destroy
* @param[in] user_data User data to be passed to the callback function
* @return 0 on success, otherwise a negative error value
* @retval #IME_ERROR_NONE No error
+ * @retval #IME_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid parameter
* @retval #IME_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED The application does not have the privilege to call this function
* @retval #IME_ERROR_NOT_RUNNING IME main loop isn't started yet
int ime_get_selected_text(char **text);
- * @brief This API returns the pointer of input panel main window.
+ * @brief Gets the pointer of input panel main window.
* @since_tizen @if MOBILE 2.4 @else 3.0 @endif
* @privilege %http://tizen.org/privilege/ime
* @remarks The specific error code can be obtained using the get_last_result() method if this function returns NULL.
+ * @remarks The returned value should not be released. The returned value is managed by the platform and will be released when terminating this process.
* @return The input panel main window object on success, otherwise NULL
Evas_Object* ime_get_main_window(void);
- * @brief This API updates the input panel window's size information.
+ * @brief Updates the input panel window's size information.
* @since_tizen @if MOBILE 2.4 @else 3.0 @endif
* @return 0 on success, otherwise a negative error value
* @retval #IME_ERROR_NONE No error
+ * @retval #IME_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid parameter
* @retval #IME_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED The application does not have the privilege to call this function
* @retval #IME_ERROR_NOT_RUNNING IME main loop isn't started yet
- * @brief The handle to retrieve unconventional input device specific event data
+ * @brief The handle to retrieve unconventional input device specific event data.
* @since_tizen @if WEARABLE 3.0 @endif
typedef void *ime_input_device_event_h;
- * @brief Enumeration of unconventional input devices
+ * @brief Enumeration of unconventional input devices.
* @since_tizen @if WEARABLE 3.0 @endif
} ime_input_device_type_e;
- * @brief Enumeration of directions for rotary input device's rotation event
+ * @brief Enumeration of directions for rotary input device's rotation event.
* @since_tizen @if WEARABLE 3.0 @endif
* @details This function processes the input event before an associated text input UI control does.
+ * @since_tizen @if WEARABLE 3.0 @endif
+ *
* @remarks @a device_type contains the information what kind of unconventional input device generated the given event,
* and the handle @a device_event is used for obtaining device-specific input device event data.
- *
- * @since_tizen @if WEARABLE 3.0 @endif
+ * @a device_event should not be released.
* @param[in] device_type The unconventional input device type
* @param[in] device_event The handle for device_type specific input device event
* @brief Sets @c process_input_device_event event callback function.
- * @remarks The ime_process_input_device_event_cb() callback function is called when the event
- * is received from unconventional input devices that needs to be handled by IMEs.
- *
* @since_tizen @if WEARABLE 3.0 @endif
* @privlevel public
* @privilege %http://tizen.org/privilege/ime
+ * @remarks The ime_process_input_device_event_cb() callback function is called when the event
+ * is received from unconventional input devices that needs to be handled by IMEs.
+ *
* @param[in] callback_func @c inputmethod_process_input_device_event_cb callback function
* @param[in] user_data User data to be passed to the callback function
* @brief Unsets @c process_input_device_event event callback function.
- * @remarks The ime_process_input_device_event_cb() callback function is called when the event
- * is received from unconventional input devices that needs to be handled by IMEs.
- *
* @since_tizen @if WEARABLE 3.0 @endif
* @privlevel public
* @privilege %http://tizen.org/privilege/ime
+ * @remarks The ime_process_input_device_event_cb() callback function is called when the event
+ * is received from unconventional input devices that needs to be handled by IMEs.
+ *
* @return 0 on success, otherwise a negative error value
* @retval #IME_ERROR_NONE No error
* @retval #IME_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED The application does not have the privilege to call this function
* @brief Gets the direction of the rotary input device event
- * If the device_type parameter of the ime_process_input_device_event_cb function indicates
- * the current input device type is IME_INPUT_DEVICE_TYPE_ROTARY, then the device_event parameter
+ * If the device_type parameter of the ime_process_input_device_event_cb() function indicates
+ * the current input device type is #IME_INPUT_DEVICE_TYPE_ROTARY, then the device_event parameter
* can be used to retrieve rotary device specific parameters, such as direction, as shown in the sample code.
* @since_tizen @if WEARABLE 3.0 @endif
* @}
- * @brief Enumeration for input method optimization hint
+ * @brief Enumeration for input method optimization hint.
* @since_tizen 5.0
* @privilege %http://tizen.org/privilege/ime
+ * @remarks @a list should not be released.
+ *
* @param[in] list candidate list
* @param[in] user_data User data to be passed from the callback registration function
typedef void (*ime_lookup_table_changed_cb)(Eina_List *list, void *user_data);
- * @brief Called when a optimization hint value is set
+ * @brief Called when a optimization hint value is set.
* @since_tizen 5.0
* @privilege %http://tizen.org/privilege/ime
* @param[in] hint The hint value used for optimization
+ * @param[in] user_data User data to be passed from the callback registration function
typedef void (*ime_optimization_hint_set_cb)(ime_optimization_hint_e hint, void *user_data);
- * @brief Sets @c ime_caps_mode_changed_cb event callback function.
+ * @brief Sets @c ime_caps_mode_changed_cb() event callback function.
* @since_tizen 3.0
* @privilege %http://tizen.org/privilege/ime
- * @remarks The ime_caps_mode_changed_cb () callback function is called when an associated text input
+ * @remarks The ime_caps_mode_changed_cb() callback function is called when an associated text input
* UI control sends the change of caps mode.
- * @param[in] callback_func @c ime_caps_mode_changed_cb event callback function
+ * @param[in] callback_func @c ime_caps_mode_changed_cb() event callback function
* @param[in] user_data User data to be passed to the callback function
* @return 0 on success, otherwise a negative error value
int ime_event_set_caps_mode_changed_cb(ime_caps_mode_changed_cb callback_func, void *user_data);
- * @brief Sets @c ime_caps_mode_changed_cb event callback function.
+ * @brief Sets @c ime_candidate_show_cb() event callback function.
* @since_tizen 3.0
* @privilege %http://tizen.org/privilege/ime
- * @remarks The ime_caps_mode_changed_cb () callback function is called when an associated text input
- * UI control sends the change of caps mode.
- *
- * @param[in] callback_func @c ime_caps_mode_changed_cb event callback function
+ * @param[in] callback_func @c ime_candidate_show_cb() event callback function
* @param[in] user_data User data to be passed to the callback function
* @return 0 on success, otherwise a negative error value
int ime_event_set_candidate_hide_cb(ime_candidate_hide_cb callback_func, void *user_data);
- * @brief Sets @c ime_lookup_table_changed_cb event callback function.
+ * @brief Sets @c ime_lookup_table_changed_cb() event callback function.
* @since_tizen 3.0
* @remarks The ime_lookup_table_changed_cb() callback function is called when an associated text input
* UI control sends the change of caps mode.
- * @param[in] callback_func @c ime_lookup_table_changed_cb event callback function
+ * @param[in] callback_func @c ime_lookup_table_changed_cb() event callback function
* @param[in] user_data User data to be passed to the callback function
* @return 0 on success, otherwise a negative error value
int ime_context_get_caps_mode(ime_context_h context, bool *caps_mode);
- * @brief Set keyboard engine.
+ * @brief Sets keyboard engine.
* @since_tizen 3.0
int ime_set_imengine(const char *engine_id);
- * @brief Flush state in Input Method engine.
+ * @brief Flushes state in Input Method engine.
* @since_tizen 3.0
* @retval #IME_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED The application does not have the privilege to call this function
* @retval #IME_ERROR_NOT_RUNNING IME main loop isn't started yet
-int ime_flush_imengine();
+int ime_flush_imengine(void);
- * @brief Reset state in Input Method engine.
+ * @brief Resets state in Input Method engine.
* @since_tizen 3.0
* @retval #IME_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED The application does not have the privilege to call this function
* @retval #IME_ERROR_NOT_RUNNING IME main loop isn't started yet
-int ime_reset_imengine();
+int ime_reset_imengine(void);
- * @brief Send the selected item index in the candidate list.
+ * @brief Sends the selected item index in the candidate list.
* @since_tizen 3.0
int ime_select_candidate(unsigned int index);
- * @brief Send the input context event.
+ * @brief Sends the input context event.
* @since_tizen 3.0
int ime_update_input_context(unsigned int type, unsigned int value);
- * @brief Explicitly request IME to initialize
+ * @brief Requests IME to initialize explicitly.
* @details When using ime_run API, the initialize / prepare / finalize procedures
* are processed automatically inside the IME application loop.
* @retval #IME_ERROR_NONE No error
* @retval #IME_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED The application does not have the privilege to call this function
-int ime_initialize();
+int ime_initialize(void);
- * @brief Request IME to prepare resources such as IME window and socket connection
+ * @brief Requests IME to prepare resources such as IME window and socket connection.
* @details Like ime_initialize() function, this procedure is automatically processed
* when using ime_run() API. Call this function only when ime_run() is not used and
* @retval #IME_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED The application does not have the privilege to call this function
* @retval #IME_ERROR_OPERATION_FAILED Operation failed
-int ime_prepare();
+int ime_prepare(void);
- * @brief Explicitly request IME to finalize
+ * @brief Requests IME to finalize explicitly.
* @since_tizen 4.0
* @retval #IME_ERROR_NONE No error
* @retval #IME_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED The application does not have the privilege to call this function
-int ime_finalize();
+int ime_finalize(void);
- * @brief Set flag whether IME is called from dotnet
+ * @brief Sets flag whether IME is called from dotnet.
* @since_tizen 4.0
int ime_set_dotnet_flag(bool set);
- * @brief Set flag whether creating IME window should be defered until there is a access request
+ * @brief Sets flag whether creating IME window should be defered until there is a access request.
* @since_tizen 5.0
int ime_set_window_creation_defer_flag(bool flag);
- * @brief Sets @c ime_optimization_hint_set_cb event callback function.
+ * @brief Sets @c ime_optimization_hint_set_cb() event callback function.
* @since_tizen 5.0
* @remarks The ime_optimization_hint_set_cb() callback function is called when an optimization hint is set
- * @param[in] callback_func @c ime_optimization_hint_set_cb event callback function
+ * @param[in] callback_func @c ime_optimization_hint_set_cb() event callback function
* @param[in] user_data User data to be passed to the callback function
* @return 0 on success, otherwise a negative error value
* @brief Enumeration for the key masks.
* The key masks indicate which modifier keys is pressed down during the keyboard hit.
- * The special IME_KEY_MASK_RELEASED indicates the key release event.
+ * The special #IME_KEY_MASK_RELEASED indicates the key release event.
* @since_tizen @if MOBILE 2.4 @else 3.0 @endif
typedef enum {
#define IME_PRIVILEGE "http://tizen.org/privilege/ime"
-bool inputmethod_cynara_initialize();
-void inputmethod_cynara_finish();
+bool inputmethod_cynara_initialize(void);
+void inputmethod_cynara_finish(void);
bool check_privilege(const char *uid, const char *privilege);
-#endif /*__PRIVILEGE_CHECKER_H */
+#endif /*__PRIVILEGE_CHECKER_H__ */
-EXPORT_API int ime_flush_imengine()
+EXPORT_API int ime_flush_imengine(void)
ime_error_e retVal = IME_ERROR_NONE;
-EXPORT_API int ime_reset_imengine()
+EXPORT_API int ime_reset_imengine(void)
ime_error_e retVal = IME_ERROR_NONE;
-EXPORT_API int ime_initialize()
+EXPORT_API int ime_initialize(void)
ime_error_e retVal = IME_ERROR_NONE;
return retVal;
-EXPORT_API int ime_prepare()
+EXPORT_API int ime_prepare(void)
ime_error_e retVal = IME_ERROR_NONE;
return retVal;
-EXPORT_API int ime_finalize()
+EXPORT_API int ime_finalize(void)
ime_error_e retVal = IME_ERROR_NONE;
int ret = cynara_initialize(&p_cynara, NULL);
if (p_cynara)