in vec4 inv;
out vec4 FragColor;
out vec2 out2;
+out vec4 out3;
+out vec4 out4;
+out ivec4 out5;
+out vec3 out6;
+out vec4 out7;
+out vec4 out8;
+out vec4 out9;
void main()
vec4 dx = dFdx(inv);
vec4 arrayMin[int(min(float(array2.length()), float(array3.length())))];
FragColor = vec4(arrayMax.length(), arrayMin.length(), sin(3.14), cos(3.14)); // 3, 2, .00159, -.999
out2 = length(pytho) + normalize(pytho) + dFdx(pytho) + dFdy(pytho) + fwidth(pytho); // 5+3/5, 5+4/5
+ out3 = vec4(exp(3.0), log(10.0), exp2(4.0), log2(256.0)); // 20.08, 2.3, 16, 8
+ out4 = vec4(sqrt(100.0), inversesqrt(100.0), abs(-4.7), abs(10.9)); // 10, .1, 4.7, 10.9
+ out5 = ivec4(abs(-8) + sign(0), abs(17), sign(-12), sign(9)); // 8, 17, -1, 1
+ out6 = vec3(sign(-8.8), sign(18.0), sign(0.0)); // -1.0, 1.0, 0.0
+ out7 = vec4(floor(4.2), ceil(-4.1), trunc(5.9), trunc(-5.9)); // 4, -4, 5, -5
+ out8 = vec4(round(4.4), round(4.6), roundEven(4.5), roundEven(-5.5)); // 4, 5, 4, -6
+ out9 = vec4(roundEven(7.5), roundEven(-4.5), fract(2.345), fract(-2.6)); // 8, -4, .345, 0.4
-//??#include "float.h"
#include "localintermediate.h"
+#include "math.h"
namespace {
- // TODO: Functionality: constant folding: the rest of the ops have to be fleshed out
case EOpExp:
+ newConstArray[i].setDConst(exp(unionArray[i].getDConst()));
+ break;
case EOpLog:
+ newConstArray[i].setDConst(log(unionArray[i].getDConst()));
+ break;
case EOpExp2:
+ {
+ const double inv_log2_e = 0.69314718055994530941723212145818;
+ newConstArray[i].setDConst(exp(unionArray[i].getDConst() * inv_log2_e));
+ break;
+ }
case EOpLog2:
+ {
+ const double log2_e = 1.4426950408889634073599246810019;
+ newConstArray[i].setDConst(log2_e * log(unionArray[i].getDConst()));
+ break;
+ }
case EOpSqrt:
+ newConstArray[i].setDConst(sqrt(unionArray[i].getDConst()));
+ break;
case EOpInverseSqrt:
+ newConstArray[i].setDConst(1.0 / sqrt(unionArray[i].getDConst()));
+ break;
case EOpAbs:
+ if (unionArray[i].getType() == EbtDouble)
+ newConstArray[i].setDConst(abs(unionArray[i].getDConst()));
+ else if (unionArray[i].getType() == EbtInt)
+ newConstArray[i].setIConst(abs(unionArray[i].getIConst()));
+ else
+ newConstArray[i] = unionArray[i];
+ break;
case EOpSign:
- case EOpFloor:
+ #define SIGN(X) (X == 0 ? 0 : (X < 0 ? -1 : 1))
+ if (unionArray[i].getType() == EbtDouble)
+ newConstArray[i].setDConst(SIGN(unionArray[i].getDConst()));
+ else
+ newConstArray[i].setIConst(SIGN(unionArray[i].getIConst()));
+ break;
+ case EOpFloor:
+ newConstArray[i].setDConst(floor(unionArray[i].getDConst()));
+ break;
case EOpTrunc:
+ if (unionArray[i].getDConst() > 0)
+ newConstArray[i].setDConst(floor(unionArray[i].getDConst()));
+ else
+ newConstArray[i].setDConst(ceil(unionArray[i].getDConst()));
+ break;
case EOpRound:
+ newConstArray[i].setDConst(floor(0.5 + unionArray[i].getDConst()));
+ break;
case EOpRoundEven:
+ {
+ double flr = floor(unionArray[i].getDConst());
+ bool even = flr / 2.0 == floor(flr / 2.0);
+ double rounded = even ? ceil(unionArray[i].getDConst() - 0.5) : floor(unionArray[i].getDConst() + 0.5);
+ newConstArray[i].setDConst(rounded);
+ break;
+ }
case EOpCeil:
+ newConstArray[i].setDConst(ceil(unionArray[i].getDConst()));
+ break;
case EOpFract:
+ {
+ double x = unionArray[i].getDConst();
+ newConstArray[i].setDConst(x - floor(x));
+ break;
+ }
+ // TODO: Functionality: constant folding: the rest of the ops have to be fleshed out
case EOpIsNan:
case EOpIsInf: