iter = eina_hash_iterator_data_new(node_hash);
- if (!eina_iterator_next(iter, (void**)&upper))
- return NULL;
- else
- return upper;
+ do
+ {
+ if (!eina_iterator_next(iter, (void**)&upper))
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ while (upper->type != NODE_TYPE_NORMAL);
+ return upper;
static Node*
Node *n;
//Case 1 we are having children
- if (T(node).children)
- return eina_list_data_get(T(node).children);
+ //But only enter the children if it does NOT have a redirect manager
+ if (T(node).children && !node->redirect_manager)
+ {
+ return eina_list_data_get(T(node).children);
+ }
//case 2 we are the root and we dont have children, return ourself
if (!T(node).parent)
- return node;
+ {
+ return node;
+ }
//case 3 we are not at the end of the parents list
- n = _parent_item(node, EINA_TRUE);
- if (n)
- return n;
- //case 4 we are at the end of the parents list
n = node;
- Node *parent_next;
+ Node *parent;
+ Eina_List *lnode;
- parent_next = _parent_item(n, EINA_TRUE);
+ parent = T(n).parent;
+ lnode = eina_list_data_find_list(T(parent).children, n);
+ lnode = eina_list_next(lnode);
- if (parent_next)
- return parent_next;
+ if (lnode)
+ {
+ return eina_list_data_get(lnode);
+ }
- n = T(n).parent;
+ n = parent;
//this is then the root again
- return n;
+ return NULL;
static Node*
//this is the root there is no parent
if (!T(node).parent)
- {
- Node *subtree;
- subtree = node;
- //search the most down right item
- while(T(subtree).children)
- {
- subtree = eina_list_last_data_get(T(subtree).children);
- }
- return subtree;
- }
+ return NULL;
n =_parent_item(node, EINA_FALSE);
//case 1 there is a item in the parent previous to node, which has children
stack = eina_list_append(stack, result);
result = deliver(result);
- } while(result && result->type != NODE_TYPE_NORMAL);
- if (result->type != NODE_TYPE_NORMAL)
- abort();
+ } while(result && result->type != NODE_TYPE_NORMAL && !result->redirect_manager);
Node *dir = NULL;
- upper = eina_list_last_data_get(pd->focus_stack);
+ if (!upper)
+ upper = eina_list_last_data_get(pd->focus_stack);
if (!upper)
+static Efl_Ui_Focus_Object*
+_find_normal_node(Node *n)
+ Eina_List *l;
+ Node *n2;
+ if (n->type == NODE_TYPE_NORMAL) return n->focusable;
+ EINA_LIST_FOREACH(T(n).children , l, n2)
+ {
+ Efl_Ui_Focus_Object *r;
+ r = _find_normal_node(n2);
+ if (r) return r;
+ }
+ return NULL;
EOLIAN static void
_efl_ui_focus_manager_focus(Eo *obj, Efl_Ui_Focus_Manager_Data *pd, Efl_Ui_Focus_Object *focus)
+ //if we want to focus the root then just spin to the first normal
+ if (focus == pd->root->focusable)
+ {
+ focus = _find_normal_node(pd->root);
+ }
//check if node is part of this manager object
- node = node_get(pd, focus);
+ node = node_get(obj, pd, focus);
if (!node) return;
F_DBG("Manager: %p focusing object %p %s", obj, focus, efl_class_name_get(focus));
- if (node->type == NODE_TYPE_ONLY_LOGICAL)
+ if (node->type == NODE_TYPE_ONLY_LOGICAL && !node->redirect_manager && pd->root != node)
ERR(" %p is logical, cannot be focused", obj);
efl_ui_focus_manager_redirect_set(obj, NULL);
- //check if this is already the focused object
- old_focus = eina_list_last_data_get(pd->focus_stack);
+ if (node->type == NODE_TYPE_NORMAL)
+ {
+ //check if this is already the focused object
+ old_focus = eina_list_last_data_get(pd->focus_stack);
+ //check if this is already at the top
+ if (old_focus && old_focus->focusable == focus) return;
- //check if this is already at the top
- if (old_focus && old_focus->focusable == focus) return;
+ //remove the object from the list and add it again
+ pd->focus_stack = eina_list_remove(pd->focus_stack, node);
+ pd->focus_stack = eina_list_append(pd->focus_stack, node);
- //remove the object from the list and add it again
- pd->focus_stack = eina_list_remove(pd->focus_stack, node);
- pd->focus_stack = eina_list_append(pd->focus_stack, node);
+ //populate the new change
+ if (old_focus) efl_ui_focus_object_focus_set(old_focus->focusable, EINA_FALSE);
+ efl_ui_focus_object_focus_set(node->focusable, EINA_TRUE);
+ }
+ else if (node->redirect_manager)
+ {
+ Efl_Ui_Focus_Object *root;
- //populate the new change
- if (old_focus) efl_ui_focus_object_focus_set(old_focus->focusable, EINA_FALSE);
- efl_ui_focus_object_focus_set(node->focusable, EINA_TRUE);
+ root = efl_ui_focus_manager_root_get(node->redirect_manager);
+ efl_ui_focus_manager_focus(node->redirect_manager, root);
+ }
//now check if this is also a listener object
if (node->redirect_manager)
- F_DBG("Manager: %p move to %d", obj, direction);
if (pd->redirect)
Efl_Ui_Focus_Object *old_candidate = NULL;
new_candidate = NULL;
n = eina_hash_find(pd->node_hash, &old_candidate);
- if (n)
- new_candidate = _request_move(obj, pd, direction, n);
- if (new_candidate)
+ if (direction == EFL_UI_FOCUS_DIRECTION_NEXT ||
- //redirect does not have smth. but we do have.
- efl_ui_focus_manager_focus(obj, new_candidate);
+ n = T(n).parent;
+ new_candidate = _request_move(obj, pd, direction, n);
+ efl_ui_focus_manager_focus(obj, new_candidate);
- }
+ else
+ {
+ if (n)
+ new_candidate = _request_move(obj, pd, direction, n);
+ if (new_candidate)
+ {
+ //redirect does not have smth. but we do have.
+ efl_ui_focus_manager_focus(obj, new_candidate);
+ }
+ }
+ }
efl_ui_focus_manager_focus(obj, candidate);
- F_DBG("Manager: %p moved to %s %s", obj, DEBUG_TUPLE(candidate));
+ F_DBG("Manager: %p moved to %s %s in direction %d", obj, DEBUG_TUPLE(candidate), direction);
return candidate;
- res->next = _next(n)->focusable;
- res->prev = _prev(n)->focusable;
+ res->next = (tmp = _next(n)) ? tmp->focusable : NULL;
+ res->prev = (tmp = _prev(n)) ? tmp->focusable : NULL;
_focus_log_domain = -1;
+EOLIAN static Efl_Ui_Focus_Object*
+_efl_ui_focus_manager_logical_end(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Focus_Manager_Data *pd)
+ //we need to return the most lower right element
+ Node *child = pd->root;
+ Efl_Ui_Focus_Object *last_normal = NULL;
+ while(T(child).children)
+ {
+ Efl_Ui_Focus_Object *tmp_last_normal;
+ tmp_last_normal = _find_normal_node(child);
+ if (tmp_last_normal)
+ last_normal = tmp_last_normal;
+ child = eina_list_last_data_get(T(child).children);
+ }
+ if (last_normal)
+ return last_normal;
+ else
+ return NULL;
+ return NULL;
#include "efl_ui_focus_manager.eo.c"
\ No newline at end of file