* For more information, see <a href="../org.tizen.gettingstarted/html/tizen_overview/application_filtering.htm">Application Filtering</a>.
* @remarks Before calling this method, check whether the feature is supported by
* Tizen::System::SystemInfo::GetValue(const Tizen::Base::String&, bool&).
- * @see AppWidgetProvider::OnAppWidgetPopupProviderInitializing()
+ * @see AppWidgetPopupProvider::OnAppWidgetPopupProviderInitializing()
result Construct(const Tizen::Graphics::FloatDimension& size);
* For more information, see <a href="../org.tizen.gettingstarted/html/tizen_overview/application_filtering.htm">Application Filtering</a>.
* @remarks Before calling this method, check whether the feature is supported by
* Tizen::System::SystemInfo::GetValue(const Tizen::Base::String&, bool&).
- * @see AppWidgetProvider::OnAppWidgetPopupProviderInitializing()
+ * @see AppWidgetPopupProvider::OnAppWidgetPopupProviderInitializing()
result Construct(const Tizen::Ui::Layout& layout, const Tizen::Graphics::FloatDimension& size);
* @return @c true if the AppWidget is default, @n
* else @c false
- * @remarks Default AppWidget provider providing AppWidget that represents application. @n
- * Home application can show AppWidget instead of icon and text for applications that includes default AppWidget provider.
+ * @remarks
+ * - Default AppWidget provider providing AppWidget that represents application.
+ * - Home application can show AppWidget instead of icon and text for applications that includes default AppWidget provider.
bool IsDefault(void) const;
* @exception E_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION The Emulator or target device does not support the required feature.
* For more information, see <a href="../org.tizen.gettingstarted/html/tizen_overview/application_filtering.htm">Application Filtering</a>.
- * @remarks - The specific error code can be accessed using the GetLastResult() method.
- * - Before calling this method, check whether the feature is supported by
+ * @remarks
+ * - The specific error code can be accessed using the GetLastResult() method.
+ * - Before calling this method, check whether the feature is supported by
* Tizen::System::SystemInfo::GetValue(const Tizen::Base::String&, bool&).
static AppWidgetProviderManager* GetInstance(void);
* @param[in] text Alternative text for the AppWidget
* @param[in] userInfo User information for the AppWidget provider
* @remarks This method is invoked only in the main thread.
- * @see AppWidgetManager::AddAppWidget()
+ * @see AppWidgetProviderManager::AddAppWidget()
virtual void OnAppWidgetAddRequested(const Tizen::App::AppId& appId, const Tizen::Base::String& providerName, const Tizen::Base::String& text, const Tizen::Base::String& userInfo) = 0;
* @param[in] iconFilePath The icon file path
* @param[in] uriData Uri that will be delivered by IAppControlProviderEventListener::OnAppControlRequestReceived(), when the application is started using a shortcut.
- * @remarks If @c uriData is specified, application should be started by AppControl with http://tizen.org/appcontrol/operation/view operation, when it is launched from the Home application using a shortcut.
- * Or else application should be started by AppControl with default operation (http://tizen.org/appcontrol/operation/main).
+ * @remarks If @c uriData is specified, application should be started by AppControl with %http://tizen.org/appcontrol/operation/view operation, when it is launched from the Home application using a shortcut.
+ * Or else application should be started by AppControl with default operation (%http://tizen.org/appcontrol/operation/main).
* For more information on the AppControl class, see <a href="../org.tizen.native.appprogramming/html/guide/app/app_controls.htm">Application Controls</a>, and <a href="../org.tizen.native.appprogramming/html/guide/app/delivering_launch_arguments.htm">Delivering Launch Arguments</a>.
* @see ShortcutManager::AddShortcut()
* Notifies the user who has @c badgeNumber as badge number with a message. @n
* If the user selects this message, @c launchArguments is delivered to the application. @n
* @c launchArguments is delivered as the value of the http://tizen.org/appcontrol/data/notification key
- * for IAppControlProviderEventListener::OnAppControlRequestReceived().
+ * for Tizen::App::IAppControlProviderEventListener::OnAppControlRequestReceived().
* @since 2.0
* @privlevel public
* Notifies the user about the ongoing activity using a message. @n
* If the user selects the message, @c launchArguments is delivered to the application. @n
- * @c launchArguments is delivered as the value of the http://tizen.org/appcontrol/data/notification key
- * for IAppControlProviderEventListener::OnAppControlRequestReceived().
+ * @c launchArguments is delivered as the value of the %http://tizen.org/appcontrol/data/notification key
+ * for Tizen::App::IAppControlProviderEventListener::OnAppControlRequestReceived().
* @since 2.0
* @privlevel public
* Sets the application message of a notification message. @n
- * @c appMessage is delivered as the value of the http://tizen.org/appcontrol/data/notification key
- * for IAppControlProviderEventListener::OnAppControlRequestReceived().
+ * @c appMessage is delivered as the value of the %http://tizen.org/appcontrol/data/notification key
+ * for Tizen::App::IAppControlProviderEventListener::OnAppControlRequestReceived().
* @since 2.0
* @since 2.1
* @privlevel public
- * @privilege http::tizen.org/privilege/shortcut.install
+ * @privilege %http::tizen.org/privilege/shortcut.install
* @return An error code
* @param[in] appId The application ID
* @param[in] displayName The display name of shortcut
* @param[in] iconPath The icon file path
- * @param[in] uriData Uri that will be delivered by IAppControlProviderEventListener::OnAppControlRequestReceived(), when the application is started using a shortcut.
+ * @param[in] uriData Uri that will be delivered by Tizen::App::IAppControlProviderEventListener::OnAppControlRequestReceived(), when the application is started using a shortcut.
* @param[in] allowDuplication Flag to allow duplicate shortcut
* @exception E_SUCCESS The method is successful.
* - Icon file should be placed in sub directory of 'shared/res' to be used by the Home app.
* For more information on shared directory, see <a href="../org.tizen.native.appprogramming/html/basics_tizen_programming/io_overview.htm">I/O Overview</a>
* and see <a href="../org.tizen.native.appprogramming/html/app_dev_process/manifest_general.htm">General Information</a> for icon file.
- *
* - If @c uriData is specified, application will be started by AppControl with %http://tizen.org/appcontrol/operation/view operation, when it is launched from the Home app using a shortcut.
* Or else application will be started by AppControl with default operation(%http://tizen.org/appcontrol/operation/main).
- * @see IAppControlEventListener::OnAppControlRequestReceived()
+ * @see Tizen::App::IAppControlEventListener::OnAppControlRequestReceived()
* @see IShortcutRequestListener::OnShortcutAddRequested()
* The following example demonstrates how to add shortcut.