if ((ep->type != EDJE_RP_TYPE_TEXT) ||
+ // TIZEN_ONLY(20150921): Skip calculation for Evas Textblock when text is never set.
+ if (!(ep->typedata.text->text_enabled) && (ep->part->entry_mode == EDJE_ENTRY_EDIT_MODE_NONE) &&
+ (!ep->typedata.text->text) && (!edje_string_get(&chosen_desc->text.text)) &&
+ (chosen_desc && !(chosen_desc->text.id_text_source >= 0)))
+ return;
+ if (!ep->typedata.text->text_enabled) ep->typedata.text->text_enabled = EINA_TRUE;
+ //
if (chosen_desc)
Evas_Coord tw, th, ins_l, ins_r, ins_t, ins_b;
FLOAT_T align_x, align_y; // 16
} cache;
Edje_Part_Description_Spec_Filter filter; // 8
+ // TIZEN_ONLY(20150921): Skip calculation for Evas Textblock when text is never set.
+ Eina_Bool text_enabled : 1;
+ //
}; // 88
// FIXME make text a potiner to struct and alloc at end
// if part type is TEXT move common members textblock +