[global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(NDalicPINVOKE.Lib, EntryPoint = "CSharp_Dali_TextEditor_Property_INPUT_METHOD_SETTINGS_get")]
public static extern int InputMethodSettingsGet();
+ [global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(NDalicPINVOKE.Lib, EntryPoint = "CSharp_TextEditor_Property_ELLIPSIS_get")]
+ public static extern int EllipsisGet();
+ [global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(NDalicPINVOKE.Lib, EntryPoint = "CSharp_TextEditor_Property_ELLIPSIS_LOCATION_get")]
+ public static extern int EllipsisLocationGet();
[global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(NDalicPINVOKE.Lib, EntryPoint = "CSharp_TextField_Property_ELLIPSIS_get")]
public static extern int EllipsisGet();
+ [global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(NDalicPINVOKE.Lib, EntryPoint = "CSharp_TextField_Property_ELLIPSIS_LOCATION_get")]
+ public static extern int EllipsisLocationGet();
[global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(NDalicPINVOKE.Lib, EntryPoint = "CSharp_Dali_TextField_SelectWholeText")]
public static extern void SelectWholeText(global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef jarg1);
[global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(NDalicPINVOKE.Lib, EntryPoint = "CSharp_TextLabel_Property_ELLIPSIS_get")]
public static extern int EllipsisGet();
+ [global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(NDalicPINVOKE.Lib, EntryPoint = "CSharp_TextLabel_Property_ELLIPSIS_LOCATION_get")]
+ public static extern int EllipsisLocationGet();
[global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(NDalicPINVOKE.Lib, EntryPoint = "CSharp_TextLabel_Property_LINE_COUNT_get")]
public static extern int LineCountGet();
internal static readonly BindableProperty PointSizeProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(PointSize), typeof(float?), typeof(TextEditorStyle), null,
propertyChanged: (bindable, oldValue, newValue) => ((TextEditorStyle)bindable).pointSize = (float?)newValue,
defaultValueCreator: (bindable) => ((TextEditorStyle)bindable).pointSize);
/// <summary> The bindable property of PixelSize. </summary>
internal static readonly BindableProperty PixelSizeProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(PixelSize), typeof(float?), typeof(TextEditorStyle), null,
propertyChanged: (bindable, oldValue, newValue) => ((TextEditorStyle)bindable).fontStyle = (PropertyMap)newValue,
defaultValueCreator: (bindable) => ((TextEditorStyle)bindable).fontStyle);
+ /// This will be public opened in tizen_6.0 after ACR done. Before ACR, need to be hidden as inhouse API.
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public static readonly BindableProperty EllipsisProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(Ellipsis), typeof(bool?), typeof(TextEditorStyle), null, propertyChanged: (bindable, oldValue, newValue) =>
+ {
+ var textEditorStyle = (TextEditorStyle)bindable;
+ textEditorStyle.ellipsis = (bool?)newValue;
+ },
+ defaultValueCreator: (bindable) =>
+ {
+ var textEditorStyle = (TextEditorStyle)bindable;
+ return textEditorStyle.ellipsis;
+ });
private HorizontalAlignment? horizontalAlignment;
private Vector4 secondaryCursorColor;
private bool? enableCursorBlink;
private Color placeholderTextColor;
private Vector4 primaryCursorColor;
private PropertyMap fontStyle;
+ private bool? ellipsis;
static TextEditorStyle() { }
get => (PropertyMap)GetValue(FontStyleProperty);
set => SetValue(FontStyleProperty, value);
+ /// This will be public opened in tizen_6.5 after ACR done. Before ACR, need to be hidden as inhouse API.
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public bool? Ellipsis
+ {
+ get => (bool?)GetValue(EllipsisProperty);
+ set => SetValue(EllipsisProperty, value);
+ }
var textLabelStyle = (TextLabelStyle)bindable;
return textLabelStyle.verticalLineAlignment;
+ /// This will be public opened in tizen_6.5 after ACR done. Before ACR, need to be hidden as inhouse API.
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public static readonly BindableProperty EllipsisLocationProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(EllipsisLocation), typeof(EllipsisLocation?), typeof(TextLabelStyle), null, propertyChanged: (bindable, oldValue, newValue) =>
+ {
+ var textLabelStyle = (TextLabelStyle)bindable;
+ textLabelStyle.ellipsisLocation = (EllipsisLocation?)newValue;
+ },
+ defaultValueCreator: (bindable) =>
+ {
+ var textLabelStyle = (TextLabelStyle)bindable;
+ return textLabelStyle.ellipsisLocation;
+ });
/// This will be public opened in tizen_6.0 after ACR done. Before ACR, need to be hidden as inhouse API.
public static readonly BindableProperty MatchSystemLanguageDirectionProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(MatchSystemLanguageDirection), typeof(bool?), typeof(TextLabelStyle), null, propertyChanged: (bindable, oldValue, newValue) =>
private AutoScrollStopMode? autoScrollStopMode;
private LineWrapMode? lineWrapMode;
private VerticalLineAlignment? verticalLineAlignment;
+ private EllipsisLocation? ellipsisLocation;
private bool? matchSystemLanguageDirection;
private Selector<string> translatableTextSelector;
private Selector<string> fontFamilySelector;
set => SetValue(VerticalLineAlignmentProperty, value);
+ /// This will be public opened in tizen_6.5 after ACR done. Before ACR, need to be hidden as inhouse API.
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public EllipsisLocation? EllipsisLocation
+ {
+ get => (EllipsisLocation?)GetValue(EllipsisLocationProperty);
+ set => SetValue(EllipsisLocationProperty, value);
+ }
/// This will be public opened in tizen_6.0 after ACR done. Before ACR, need to be hidden as inhouse API.
public bool? MatchSystemLanguageDirection
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The Ellipsis property.<br />
+ /// Enable or disable the ellipsis.<br />
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <since_tizen> 6.5 </since_tizen>
+ /// This will be released at Tizen.NET API Level 6.5, so currently this would be used as inhouse API.
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public bool Ellipsis
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return (bool)GetValue(EllipsisProperty);
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ SetValue(EllipsisProperty, value);
+ NotifyPropertyChanged();
+ }
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The ellipsis location of the text.
+ /// The ellipsis location type when the text size over the layout size.<br />
+ /// The ellipsis location: End, Start or Middle.<br />
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <since_tizen> 6.5 </since_tizen>
+ /// This will be released at Tizen.NET API Level 6.5, so currently this would be used as inhouse API.
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public EllipsisLocation EllipsisLocation
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return (EllipsisLocation)GetValue(EllipsisLocationProperty);
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ SetValue(EllipsisLocationProperty, value);
+ NotifyPropertyChanged();
+ }
+ }
/// <summary>
/// The LineWrapMode property.<br />
/// The line wrap mode when the text lines over the layout width.<br />
internal static readonly int EnableGrabHandle = Interop.TextEditor.EnableGrabHandleGet();
internal static readonly int EnableGrabHandlePopup = Interop.TextEditor.EnableGrabHandlePopupGet();
internal static readonly int InputMethodSettings = Interop.TextEditor.InputMethodSettingsGet();
+ internal static readonly int ELLIPSIS = Interop.TextEditor.EllipsisGet();
+ internal static readonly int EllipsisLocation = Interop.TextEditor.EllipsisLocationGet();
internal class InputStyle
Tizen.NUI.Object.GetProperty((System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef)textEditor.SwigCPtr, TextEditor.Property.InputMethodSettings).Get(temp);
return temp;
+ /// This will be public opened in tizen_6.5 after ACR done. Before ACR, need to be hidden as inhouse API.
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public static readonly BindableProperty EllipsisProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(TextEditor.Ellipsis), typeof(bool), typeof(TextEditor), false, propertyChanged: (BindableProperty.BindingPropertyChangedDelegate)((bindable, oldValue, newValue) =>
+ {
+ var textEditor = (TextEditor)bindable;
+ if (newValue != null)
+ {
+ Tizen.NUI.Object.SetProperty((System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef)textEditor.SwigCPtr, TextEditor.Property.ELLIPSIS, new Tizen.NUI.PropertyValue((bool)newValue));
+ }
+ }),
+ defaultValueCreator: (BindableProperty.CreateDefaultValueDelegate)((bindable) =>
+ {
+ var textEditor = (TextEditor)bindable;
+ bool temp = false;
+ Tizen.NUI.Object.GetProperty((System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef)textEditor.SwigCPtr, TextEditor.Property.ELLIPSIS).Get(out temp);
+ return temp;
+ }));
+ /// This will be public opened in tizen_6.5 after ACR done. Before ACR, need to be hidden as inhouse API.
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public static readonly BindableProperty EllipsisLocationProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(EllipsisLocation), typeof(EllipsisLocation), typeof(TextEditor), EllipsisLocation.End, propertyChanged: (BindableProperty.BindingPropertyChangedDelegate)((bindable, oldValue, newValue) =>
+ {
+ var textEditor = (TextEditor)bindable;
+ if (newValue != null)
+ {
+ Tizen.NUI.Object.SetProperty((System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef)textEditor.SwigCPtr, TextEditor.Property.EllipsisLocation, new Tizen.NUI.PropertyValue((int)newValue));
+ }
+ }),
+ defaultValueCreator: (BindableProperty.CreateDefaultValueDelegate)((bindable) =>
+ {
+ var textEditor = (TextEditor)bindable;
+ int temp = 0;
+ Tizen.NUI.Object.GetProperty((System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef)textEditor.SwigCPtr, TextEditor.Property.EllipsisLocation).Get(out temp);
+ return (EllipsisLocation)temp;
+ }));
Tizen.NUI.Object.GetProperty((System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef)textField.SwigCPtr, TextField.Property.ELLIPSIS).Get(out temp);
return temp;
+ /// This will be public opened in tizen_6.5 after ACR done. Before ACR, need to be hidden as inhouse API.
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public static readonly BindableProperty EllipsisLocationProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(EllipsisLocation), typeof(EllipsisLocation), typeof(TextField), EllipsisLocation.End, propertyChanged: (BindableProperty.BindingPropertyChangedDelegate)((bindable, oldValue, newValue) =>
+ {
+ var textField = (TextField)bindable;
+ if (newValue != null)
+ {
+ Tizen.NUI.Object.SetProperty((System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef)textField.SwigCPtr, TextField.Property.EllipsisLocation, new Tizen.NUI.PropertyValue((int)newValue));
+ }
+ }),
+ defaultValueCreator: (BindableProperty.CreateDefaultValueDelegate)((bindable) =>
+ {
+ var textField = (TextField)bindable;
+ int temp = 0;
+ Tizen.NUI.Object.GetProperty((System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef)textField.SwigCPtr, TextField.Property.EllipsisLocation).Get(out temp);
+ return (EllipsisLocation)temp;
+ }));
/// This will be public opened in tizen_5.0 after ACR done. Before ACR, need to be hidden as inhouse API.
public static readonly BindableProperty EnableShiftSelectionProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(TextField.EnableShiftSelection), typeof(bool), typeof(TextField), false, propertyChanged: (BindableProperty.BindingPropertyChangedDelegate)((bindable, oldValue, newValue) =>
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The ellipsis location of the text.
+ /// The ellipsis location type when the text size over the layout size.<br />
+ /// The ellipsis location: End, Start or Middle.<br />
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <since_tizen> 6.5 </since_tizen>
+ /// This will be released at Tizen.NET API Level 6.5, so currently this would be used as inhouse API.
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public EllipsisLocation EllipsisLocation
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return (EllipsisLocation)GetValue(EllipsisLocationProperty);
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ SetValue(EllipsisLocationProperty, value);
+ NotifyPropertyChanged();
+ }
+ }
/// <summary>
/// The AutoScrollLoopDelay property.<br />
/// Do something.<br />
internal static readonly int TextFit = Interop.TextLabel.TextFitGet();
internal static readonly int MinLineSize = Interop.TextLabel.MinLineSizeGet();
internal static readonly int FontSizeScale = Interop.TextLabel.FontSizeScaleGet();
+ internal static readonly int EllipsisLocation = Interop.TextLabel.EllipsisLocationGet();
private void OnShadowColorChanged(float x, float y, float z, float w)
Tizen.NUI.Object.GetProperty((System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef)textLabel.SwigCPtr, TextLabel.Property.ELLIPSIS).Get(out temp);
return temp;
+ /// This will be public opened in tizen_6.5 after ACR done. Before ACR, need to be hidden as inhouse API.
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public static readonly BindableProperty EllipsisLocationProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(EllipsisLocation), typeof(EllipsisLocation), typeof(TextLabel), EllipsisLocation.End, propertyChanged: (BindableProperty.BindingPropertyChangedDelegate)((bindable, oldValue, newValue) =>
+ {
+ var textLabel = (TextLabel)bindable;
+ if (newValue != null)
+ {
+ Tizen.NUI.Object.SetProperty((System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef)textLabel.SwigCPtr, TextLabel.Property.EllipsisLocation, new Tizen.NUI.PropertyValue((int)newValue));
+ }
+ }),
+ defaultValueCreator: (BindableProperty.CreateDefaultValueDelegate)((bindable) =>
+ {
+ var textLabel = (TextLabel)bindable;
+ int temp = 0;
+ Tizen.NUI.Object.GetProperty((System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef)textLabel.SwigCPtr, TextLabel.Property.EllipsisLocation).Get(out temp);
+ return (EllipsisLocation)temp;
+ }));
/// This will be public opened in tizen_5.0 after ACR done. Before ACR, need to be hidden as inhouse API.
public static readonly BindableProperty AutoScrollLoopDelayProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(AutoScrollLoopDelay), typeof(float), typeof(TextLabel), default(float), propertyChanged: (BindableProperty.BindingPropertyChangedDelegate)((bindable, oldValue, newValue) =>
+ /// <summary>
+ /// An enum of ellipsis location.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <since_tizen> 6 </since_tizen>
+ public enum EllipsisLocation
+ {
+ /// <summary>
+ /// ellipsis location at end.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <since_tizen> 6 </since_tizen>
+ End,
+ /// <summary>
+ /// ellipsis location at start.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <since_tizen> 6 </since_tizen>
+ Start,
+ /// <summary>
+ /// ellipsis location in middle.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <since_tizen> 6 </since_tizen>
+ Middle
+ }
/// <summary>
/// Enumeration type for the font's slant.
/// </summary>