#include <package_manager.h>
#include <wgt_manifest_handlers/application_manifest_constants.h>
#include <wgt_manifest_handlers/widget_config_parser.h>
+#include <app_manager.h>
+#include <app_common.h>
#include <vector>
const char* kPathSeparator = "/";
const char* kConfigXml = "config.xml";
-const char* kResWgtPath = "res/wgt";
+const char* kWgtPath = "wgt";
const char* kImeCategory = "http://tizen.org/category/ime";
const char* kWearableClockCategory = "http://tizen.org/category/wearable_clock";
-static std::string GetPackageIdByAppId(const std::string& appid) {
- char* pkgid = NULL;
- package_manager_get_package_id_by_app_id(appid.c_str(), &pkgid);
- std::unique_ptr<char, decltype(std::free)*>
- pkgid_ptr {pkgid, std::free};
- if (pkgid != NULL) {
- return std::string(pkgid_ptr.get());
- } else {
- LOGGER(ERROR) << "Failed to get package id";
- return std::string();
- }
-static std::string GetPackageRootPath(const std::string& pkgid) {
- package_info_h pkg_info = NULL;
- if (package_manager_get_package_info(
- pkgid.c_str(), &pkg_info) != PACKAGE_MANAGER_ERROR_NONE) {
- return std::string();
- }
- char* pkg_root_path = NULL;
- package_info_get_root_path(pkg_info, &pkg_root_path);
- std::unique_ptr<char, decltype(std::free)*>
- path_ptr {pkg_root_path, std::free};
- package_info_destroy(pkg_info);
- if (pkg_root_path != NULL) {
- return std::string(path_ptr.get());
- } else {
- LOGGER(ERROR) << "Failed to get package root path";
- return std::string();
- }
-} // namespace
ApplicationData::ApplicationData(const std::string& appid)
: app_id_(appid),
loaded_(false) {
- pkg_id_ = GetPackageIdByAppId(appid);
- if (!pkg_id_.empty())
- application_path_ = GetPackageRootPath(pkg_id_) + kPathSeparator
- + kResWgtPath + kPathSeparator;
+ char* res_path = app_get_resource_path();
+ if (res_path != NULL) {
+ application_path_ = std::string(res_path) + kWgtPath + kPathSeparator;
+ free(res_path);
+ }
ApplicationData::~ApplicationData() {}
return csp_report_info_;
+const std::string ApplicationData::pkg_id() const {
+ if (pkg_id_.empty()) {
+ app_info_h app_info;
+ int ret = app_info_create(app_id_.c_str(), &app_info);
+ if (ret == APP_MANAGER_ERROR_NONE) {
+ char* pkg = NULL;
+ ret = app_info_get_package(app_info, &pkg);
+ if (ret == APP_MANAGER_ERROR_NONE && pkg != NULL) {
+ pkg_id_ = pkg;
+ free(pkg);
+ }
+ app_info_destroy(app_info);
+ }
+ }
+ return pkg_id_;
ApplicationData::AppType ApplicationData::GetAppType() {
if (category_info_list_) {