\qmlsignal QtQuick::Flickable::movementStarted()
This signal is emitted when the view begins moving due to user
- interaction.
+ interaction or a generated flick().
The corresponding handler is \c onMovementStarted.
\qmlsignal QtQuick::Flickable::movementEnded()
This signal is emitted when the view stops moving due to user
- interaction. If a flick was generated, this signal will
+ interaction or a generated flick(). If a flick was active, this signal will
be emitted once the flick stops. If a flick was not
- generated, this signal will be emitted when the
+ active, this signal will be emitted when the
user stops dragging - i.e. a mouse or touch release.
The corresponding handler is \c onMovementEnded.
\qmlmethod QtQuick::Flickable::flick(qreal xVelocity, qreal yVelocity)
Flicks the content with \a xVelocity horizontally and \a yVelocity vertically in pixels/sec.
+ Calling this method will update the corresponding moving and flicking properties and signals,
+ just like a real flick.
void QQuickFlickable::flick(qreal xVelocity, qreal yVelocity)
d->hData.velocity = xVelocity;
d->vData.velocity = yVelocity;
bool flickedX = d->flickX(xVelocity);
bool flickedY = d->flickY(yVelocity);
+ if (flickedX)
+ d->hMoved = true;
+ if (flickedY)
+ d->vMoved = true;
+ movementStarting();
d->flickingStarted(flickedX, flickedY);
--- /dev/null
+import QtQuick 2.0
+Flickable {
+ width: 400; height: 400
+ contentWidth: 400; contentHeight: 1200
+ property string signalString
+ Rectangle {
+ width: 400; height: 400
+ color: "red"
+ }
+ Rectangle {
+ y: 400; width: 400; height: 400
+ color: "yellow"
+ }
+ Rectangle {
+ y: 800; width: 400; height: 400
+ color: "green"
+ }
+ onMovementStarted: signalString += "ms"
+ onMovementEnded: signalString += "me"
+ onFlickStarted: signalString += "fs"
+ onFlickEnded: signalString += "fe"
void stopAtBounds_data();
void nestedMouseAreaUsingTouch();
void pressDelayWithLoader();
+ void movementFromProgrammaticFlick();
void cleanup();
QTest::mouseRelease(window.data(), Qt::LeftButton, 0, QPoint(150, 150));
+// QTBUG-34507
+void tst_qquickflickable::movementFromProgrammaticFlick()
+ QScopedPointer<QQuickView> window(new QQuickView);
+ window->setSource(testFileUrl("movementSignals.qml"));
+ QTRY_COMPARE(window->status(), QQuickView::Ready);
+ QQuickViewTestUtil::centerOnScreen(window.data());
+ QQuickViewTestUtil::moveMouseAway(window.data());
+ window->show();
+ QVERIFY(QTest::qWaitForWindowActive(window.data()));
+ QQuickFlickable *flickable = qobject_cast<QQuickFlickable*>(window->rootObject());
+ QVERIFY(flickable != 0);
+ // verify that the signals for movement and flicking are called in the right order
+ flickable->flick(0, -1000);
+ QTRY_COMPARE(flickable->property("signalString").toString(), QString("msfsfeme"));
#include "tst_qquickflickable.moc"