* Return the width of the UTF16 encoded text
SK_API float sk_paint_measure_utf16_text(sk_paint_t* cpaint, const void* text, size_t length, sk_rect_t* cbounds);
+ * Get the font metrics for the current typeface and type size.
+ */
+SK_API void sk_paint_get_fontmetrics(sk_paint_t* cpaint, sk_fontmetrics_t* cfontmetrics);
float mat[9];
} sk_matrix_t;
+typedef struct {
+ uint32_t fFlags; // Bit field to identify which values are unknown
+ float fTop; // The greatest distance above the baseline for any glyph (will be <= 0)
+ float fAscent; // The recommended distance above the baseline (will be <= 0)
+ float fDescent; // The recommended distance below the baseline (will be >= 0)
+ float fBottom; // The greatest distance below the baseline for any glyph (will be >= 0)
+ float fLeading; // The recommended distance to add between lines of text (will be >= 0)
+ float fAvgCharWidth; // the average character width (>= 0)
+ float fMaxCharWidth; // the max character width (>= 0)
+ float fXMin; // The minimum bounding box x value for all glyphs
+ float fXMax; // The maximum bounding box x value for all glyphs
+ float fXHeight; // The height of an 'x' in px, or 0 if no 'x' in face
+ float fCapHeight; // The cap height (> 0), or 0 if cannot be determined.
+ float fUnderlineThickness; // underline thickness, or 0 if cannot be determined
+ float fUnderlinePosition; // underline position, or 0 if cannot be determined
+} sk_fontmetrics_t;
+// Flags for fFlags member of sk_fontmetrics_t
A sk_canvas_t encapsulates all of the state about drawing into a
destination This includes a reference to the destination itself,
return reinterpret_cast<const SkImageFilter::CropRect*>(p);
+static inline SkPaint::FontMetrics* AsFontMetrics(sk_fontmetrics_t* p) {
+ return reinterpret_cast<SkPaint::FontMetrics*>(p);
+static inline sk_fontmetrics_t* ToFontMetrics(SkPaint::FontMetrics* p) {
+ return reinterpret_cast<sk_fontmetrics_t*>(p);
const struct {
sk_xfermode_mode_t fC;
SkXfermode::Mode fSK;