std::uniform_real_distribution<float>(min, max));
+void Tensor::initialize() {
+ if (empty() || !isAllocated())
+ return;
+ unsigned int fan_in, fan_out;
+ /// @fixme: when unit is equal to one, this does not work, we need to rely on
+ /// effective dimension then actual numbers here. For now, some heuristics
+ /// added to infer what would be fan_in/fan_out
+ if (dim.batch() * * dim.height() == 1) {
+ fan_out = fan_in = dim.width();
+ } else if (dim.batch() * == 1) { /// fc layer - 2-D tensor
+ fan_in = dim.height();
+ fan_out = dim.width();
+ } else { /// conv2d filters - 4d tensor, @todo extend this to > 4
+ auto field_size = dim.height() * dim.width();
+ // this also handles below cases.
+ // 1. fan_in = fan_out = 1 as well.
+ // 2. batch == 1, channel == 1 and height == 1, theoretical rank of 1
+ fan_in = * field_size;
+ fan_out = dim.batch() * field_size;
+ }
+ switch (initializer) {
+ case Tensor::Initializer::ZEROS:
+ setZero();
+ break;
+ case Tensor::Initializer::ONES:
+ setValue(1.0f);
+ break;
+ case Tensor::Initializer::LECUN_NORMAL:
+ setRandNormal(0.0f, sqrtFloat(1.0f / fan_in));
+ break;
+ case Tensor::Initializer::XAVIER_NORMAL:
+ setRandNormal(0.0f, sqrtFloat(2.0f / (fan_in + fan_out)));
+ break;
+ case Tensor::Initializer::HE_NORMAL:
+ setRandNormal(0.0f, sqrtFloat(2.0f / (fan_in)));
+ break;
+ case Tensor::Initializer::LECUN_UNIFORM:
+ setRandUniform(-1.0f * sqrtFloat(1.0f / fan_in), sqrtFloat(1.0f / fan_in));
+ break;
+ case Tensor::Initializer::XAVIER_UNIFORM:
+ setRandUniform(-1.0f * sqrtFloat(6.0f / (fan_in + fan_out)),
+ sqrtFloat(6.0 / (fan_in + fan_out)));
+ break;
+ case Tensor::Initializer::HE_UNIFORM:
+ setRandUniform(-1.0f * sqrtFloat(6.0f / (fan_in)),
+ sqrtFloat(6.0 / (fan_in)));
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<float>>>> const &d) {
friend void swap(Tensor &lhs, Tensor &rhs) noexcept {
std::swap(lhs.dim, rhs.dim);
- std::swap(,;
std::swap(lhs.strides, rhs.strides);
std::swap(lhs.is_contiguous, rhs.is_contiguous);
+ std::swap(lhs.initializer, rhs.initializer);
+ std::swap(,;
void standardization_i();
- /**
- * @brief Fill the Tensor elements with zero
- */
- void setZero();
* @brief Apply instantly to the element
void setValue(float value);
+ /**
+ * @brief Fill the Tensor elements with zero
+ */
+ void setZero();
* @brief Set the tensor with random normal distribution
* @param[in] mean mean of the distribution
void setRandUniform(float min = -0.05f, float max = 0.05f);
+ /**
+ * @brief Initialize the memory of the given tensor
+ */
+ void initialize();
+ /**
+ * @brief Initialize the memory of the given tensor
+ * @param init Initiailizer to use for the initialization
+ */
+ void initialize(Initializer init) {
+ initializer = init;
+ initialize();
+ }
* @brief Copy the Tensor
* @param[in] from Tensor to be copied