<xsl:transform xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"
- xmlns:e="http://exslt.org/common">
+ xmlns:e="http://exslt.org/common"
+ xmlns:func="http://exslt.org/functions"
+ xmlns:str="http://exslt.org/strings"
+ xmlns:xcb="http://xcb.freedesktop.org"
+ extension-element-prefixes="func str xcb">
<xsl:output method="text" />
<xsl:variable name="ucase" select="'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'" />
<xsl:variable name="lcase" select="'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'" />
+ <xsl:variable name="letters" select="concat($ucase, $lcase)" />
+ <xsl:variable name="digits" select="'0123456789'" />
<xsl:variable name="header" select="/xcb/@header" />
<xsl:variable name="ucase-header"
<xsl:copy-of select="@*" />
<xsl:if test="$ext">
- <constant type="XCBExtension" name="XCB{$ext}Id">
+ <constant type="xcb_extension_t" name="{xcb:xcb-prefix()}_id">
<xsl:attribute name="value">{ "<xsl:value-of select="@extension-xname" />" }</xsl:attribute>
- <function type="const XCBQueryExtensionRep *" name="XCB{$ext}Init">
- <field type="XCBConnection *" name="c" />
- <l>return XCBGetExtensionData(c, &XCB<!--
- --><xsl:value-of select="$ext" />Id);</l>
+ <function type="const xcb_query_extension_reply_t *" name="{xcb:xcb-prefix('init')}">
+ <field type="xcb_connection_t *" name="c" />
+ <l>return xcb_get_extension_data(c, &<!--
+ --><xsl:value-of select="xcb:xcb-prefix()" />_id);</l>
<xsl:apply-templates mode="pass1" />
+ <func:function name="xcb:xcb-prefix">
+ <xsl:param name="name" />
+ <func:result>
+ <xsl:text>xcb</xsl:text>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="/xcb/@extension-name = 'RandR'">
+ <xsl:text>_randr</xsl:text>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="/xcb/@extension-name = 'ScreenSaver'">
+ <xsl:text>_screensaver</xsl:text>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="/xcb/@extension-name = 'XF86Dri'">
+ <xsl:text>_xf86dri</xsl:text>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="/xcb/@extension-name = 'XFixes'">
+ <xsl:text>_xfixes</xsl:text>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="/xcb/@extension-name = 'XvMC'">
+ <xsl:text>_xvmc</xsl:text>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="/xcb/@extension-name">
+ <xsl:text>_</xsl:text>
+ <xsl:call-template name="camelcase-to-underscore">
+ <xsl:with-param name="camelcase" select="/xcb/@extension-name" />
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:if test="$name">
+ <xsl:text>_</xsl:text>
+ <xsl:call-template name="camelcase-to-underscore">
+ <xsl:with-param name="camelcase" select="$name" />
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </func:result>
+ </func:function>
+ <func:function name="xcb:lowercase">
+ <xsl:param name="name" />
+ <func:result>
+ <xsl:call-template name="camelcase-to-underscore">
+ <xsl:with-param name="camelcase" select="$name" />
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </func:result>
+ </func:function>
+ <func:function name="xcb:get-char-void">
+ <xsl:param name="name" />
+ <xsl:variable name="ctype" select="substring-before($name, '_t')" />
+ <func:result>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="$ctype = 'char' or $ctype = 'void' or $ctype = 'float' or $ctype = 'double'">
+ <xsl:value-of select="$ctype" />
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:value-of select="$name" />
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </func:result>
+ </func:function>
+ <func:function name="xcb:remove-void">
+ <xsl:param name="name" />
+ <xsl:variable name="ctype" select="substring-before($name, '_t')" />
+ <func:result>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="$ctype = 'char' or $ctype = 'void' or $ctype = 'float' or $ctype = 'double'">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="$ctype = 'void'">
+ <xsl:text>char</xsl:text>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:value-of select="$ctype" />
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:value-of select="$name" />
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </func:result>
+ </func:function>
+ <!-- split camel case into words and insert underscore -->
+ <xsl:template name="camelcase-to-underscore">
+ <xsl:param name="camelcase"/>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="$camelcase='CHAR2B' or $camelcase='INT64'
+ or $camelcase='FLOAT32' or $camelcase='FLOAT64'
+ or $camelcase='BOOL32' or $camelcase='STRING8'
+ or $camelcase='Family_DECnet'">
+ <xsl:value-of select="translate($camelcase, $ucase, $lcase)"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:for-each select="str:split($camelcase, '')">
+ <xsl:variable name="a" select="."/>
+ <xsl:variable name="b" select="following::*[1]"/>
+ <xsl:variable name="c" select="following::*[2]"/>
+ <xsl:value-of select="translate(., $ucase, $lcase)"/>
+ <xsl:if test="($b and contains($lcase, $a) and contains($ucase, $b))
+ or ($b and contains($digits, $a)
+ and contains($letters, $b))
+ or ($b and contains($letters, $a)
+ and contains($digits, $b))
+ or ($c and contains($ucase, $a)
+ and contains($ucase, $b)
+ and contains($lcase, $c))">
+ <xsl:text>_</xsl:text>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:for-each>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:template>
<!-- Modify names that conflict with C++ keywords by prefixing them with an
underscore. If the name parameter is not specified, it defaults to the
value of the name attribute on the context node. -->
<!-- List of core types, for use in canonical-type-name. -->
<xsl:variable name="core-types-rtf">
- <type name="BOOL" />
- <type name="BYTE" />
- <type name="CARD8" />
- <type name="CARD16" />
- <type name="CARD32" />
- <type name="INT8" />
- <type name="INT16" />
- <type name="INT32" />
- <type name="char" />
- <type name="void" />
- <type name="float" />
- <type name="double" />
- <type name="XID" />
+ <type name="BOOL" newname="uint8" />
+ <type name="BYTE" newname="uint8" />
+ <type name="CARD8" newname="uint8" />
+ <type name="CARD16" newname="uint16" />
+ <type name="CARD32" newname="uint32" />
+ <type name="INT8" newname="int8" />
+ <type name="INT16" newname="int16" />
+ <type name="INT32" newname="int32" />
+ <type name="char" newname="char" />
+ <type name="void" newname="void" />
+ <type name="float" newname="float" />
+ <type name="double" newname="double" />
<xsl:variable name="core-types" select="e:node-set($core-types-rtf)" />
Output the canonical name for a type. This will be
- XCB{extension-containing-Type-if-any}Type, wherever the type is found in
- the search path, or just Type if not found. If the type parameter is not
+ xcb_{extension-containing-type-if-any}_type, wherever the type is found in
+ the search path, or just type if not found. If the type parameter is not
specified, it defaults to the value of the type attribute on the context
<xsl:when test="$is-unqualified and $core-types/type[@name=$type]">
- <xsl:value-of select="$type" />
+ <xsl:value-of select="$core-types/type[@name=$type]/@newname" />
<xsl:variable name="type-definitions"
<xsl:when test="count($type-definitions) = 1">
<xsl:for-each select="$type-definitions">
- <xsl:text>XCB</xsl:text>
- <xsl:value-of select="concat(/xcb/@extension-name,
- $unqualified-type)" />
+ <xsl:value-of select="xcb:xcb-prefix($unqualified-type)" />
<xsl:when test="count($type-definitions) > 1">
context node. -->
<xsl:template name="cookie-type">
<xsl:param name="request" select="." />
- <xsl:text>XCB</xsl:text>
<xsl:when test="$request/reply">
- <xsl:value-of select="concat($ext, $request/@name)" />
+ <xsl:value-of select="xcb:xcb-prefix($request/@name)" />
- <xsl:text>Void</xsl:text>
+ <xsl:text>xcb_void</xsl:text>
- <xsl:text>Cookie</xsl:text>
+ <xsl:text>_cookie_t</xsl:text>
<xsl:template name="request-function">
<xsl:param name="req" />
<xsl:attribute name="name">
- <xsl:text>XCB</xsl:text>
- <xsl:value-of select="$ext" />
- <xsl:value-of select="$req/@name" />
- <xsl:if test="$checked='true' and not($req/reply)">Checked</xsl:if>
- <xsl:if test="$checked='false' and $req/reply">Unchecked</xsl:if>
+ <xsl:value-of select="xcb:xcb-prefix($req/@name)" />
+ <xsl:if test="$checked='true' and not($req/reply)">_checked</xsl:if>
+ <xsl:if test="$checked='false' and $req/reply">_unchecked</xsl:if>
<xsl:attribute name="type">
<xsl:call-template name="cookie-type">
<xsl:with-param name="request" select="$req" />
- <field type="XCBConnection *" name="c" />
+ <field type="xcb_connection_t *" name="c" />
<xsl:apply-templates select="$req/*[not(self::reply)]" mode="param" />
- <do-request ref="XCB{$ext}{$req/@name}Req" opcode="{$req/@opcode}"
+ <do-request ref="{xcb:xcb-prefix($req/@name)}_request_t" opcode="{$req/@opcode}"
<xsl:if test="$req/reply">
<xsl:attribute name="has-reply">true</xsl:attribute>
<xsl:template match="request" mode="pass1">
<xsl:variable name="req" select="." />
<xsl:if test="reply">
- <struct name="XCB{$ext}{@name}Cookie">
+ <struct name="{xcb:xcb-prefix(@name)}_cookie_t">
<field type="unsigned int" name="sequence" />
- <struct name="XCB{$ext}{@name}Req">
- <field type="CARD8" name="major_opcode" no-assign="true" />
+ <struct name="{xcb:xcb-prefix(@name)}_request_t">
+ <field type="uint8_t" name="major_opcode" no-assign="true" />
<xsl:if test="$ext">
- <field type="CARD8" name="minor_opcode" no-assign="true" />
+ <field type="uint8_t" name="minor_opcode" no-assign="true" />
<xsl:apply-templates select="*[not(self::reply)]" mode="field" />
- <field type="CARD16" name="length" no-assign="true" />
+ <field type="uint16_t" name="length" no-assign="true" />
<xsl:call-template name="request-function">
<xsl:with-param name="req" select="$req" />
<xsl:if test="reply">
- <struct name="XCB{$ext}{@name}Rep">
- <field type="BYTE" name="response_type" />
+ <struct name="{xcb:xcb-prefix(@name)}_reply_t">
+ <field type="uint8_t" name="response_type" />
<xsl:apply-templates select="reply/*" mode="field" />
- <field type="CARD16" name="sequence" />
- <field type="CARD32" name="length" />
+ <field type="uint16_t" name="sequence" />
+ <field type="uint32_t" name="length" />
- <iterator-functions ref="XCB{$ext}{@name}" kind="Rep" />
- <function type="XCB{$ext}{@name}Rep *" name="XCB{$ext}{@name}Reply">
- <field type="XCBConnection *" name="c" />
+ <iterator-functions ref="{xcb:xcb-prefix(@name)}" kind="_reply" />
+ <function type="{xcb:xcb-prefix(@name)}_reply_t *" name="{xcb:xcb-prefix(@name)}_reply">
+ <field type="xcb_connection_t *" name="c" />
<field name="cookie">
<xsl:attribute name="type">
<xsl:call-template name="cookie-type" />
- <field type="XCBGenericError **" name="e" />
- <l>return (XCB<xsl:value-of select="concat($ext, @name)" />Rep *)<!--
- --> XCBWaitForReply(c, cookie.sequence, e);</l>
+ <field type="xcb_generic_error_t **" name="e" />
+ <l>return (<xsl:value-of select="xcb:xcb-prefix(@name)" />_reply_t *)<!--
+ --> xcb_wait_for_reply(c, cookie.sequence, e);</l>
<xsl:template match="xidtype" mode="pass1">
- <struct name="XCB{$ext}{@name}">
- <field type="CARD32" name="xid" />
+ <struct name="{xcb:xcb-prefix(@name)}_t">
+ <field type="uint32_t" name="xid" />
- <iterator ref="XCB{$ext}{@name}" />
- <iterator-functions ref="XCB{$ext}{@name}" />
- <function type="XCB{$ext}{@name}" name="XCB{$ext}{@name}New">
- <field type="XCBConnection *" name="c" />
- <l>XCB<xsl:value-of select="concat($ext, @name)" /> ret;</l>
- <l>ret.xid = XCBGenerateID(c);</l>
+ <iterator ref="{xcb:xcb-prefix(@name)}" />
+ <iterator-functions ref="{xcb:xcb-prefix(@name)}" />
+ <function type="{xcb:xcb-prefix(@name)}_t" name="{xcb:xcb-prefix(@name)}_new">
+ <field type="xcb_connection_t *" name="c" />
+ <l><xsl:value-of select="concat(xcb:xcb-prefix(@name), '_t')" /> ret;</l>
+ <l>ret.xid = xcb_generate_id(c);</l>
<l>return ret;</l>
<xsl:template match="struct|union" mode="pass1">
- <struct name="XCB{$ext}{@name}">
+ <struct name="{xcb:xcb-prefix(@name)}_t">
<xsl:if test="self::union">
<xsl:attribute name="kind">union</xsl:attribute>
<xsl:apply-templates select="*" mode="field" />
- <iterator ref="XCB{$ext}{@name}" />
- <iterator-functions ref="XCB{$ext}{@name}" />
+ <iterator ref="{xcb:xcb-prefix(@name)}" />
+ <iterator-functions ref="{xcb:xcb-prefix(@name)}" />
<xsl:template match="event|eventcopy|error|errorcopy" mode="pass1">
<xsl:variable name="suffix">
<xsl:when test="self::event|self::eventcopy">
- <xsl:text>Event</xsl:text>
+ <xsl:text>_event_t</xsl:text>
<xsl:when test="self::error|self::errorcopy">
- <xsl:text>Error</xsl:text>
+ <xsl:text>_error_t</xsl:text>
- <constant type="number" name="XCB{$ext}{@name}" value="{@number}" />
+ <constant type="number" name="{xcb:xcb-prefix(@name)}" value="{@number}" />
<xsl:when test="self::event|self::error">
- <struct name="XCB{$ext}{@name}{$suffix}">
- <field type="BYTE" name="response_type" />
+ <struct name="{xcb:xcb-prefix(@name)}{$suffix}">
+ <field type="uint8_t" name="response_type" />
<xsl:if test="self::error">
- <field type="BYTE" name="error_code" />
+ <field type="uint8_t" name="error_code" />
<xsl:apply-templates select="*" mode="field" />
<xsl:if test="not(self::event and boolean(@no-sequence-number))">
- <field type="CARD16" name="sequence" />
+ <field type="uint16_t" name="sequence" />
<xsl:when test="self::eventcopy|self::errorcopy">
- <typedef newname="XCB{$ext}{@name}{$suffix}">
+ <typedef newname="{xcb:xcb-prefix(@name)}{$suffix}">
<xsl:attribute name="oldname">
<xsl:call-template name="canonical-type-name">
<xsl:with-param name="type" select="@ref" />
<xsl:call-template name="canonical-type-name">
<xsl:with-param name="type" select="@oldname" />
+ <xsl:text>_t</xsl:text>
<xsl:attribute name="newname">
<xsl:call-template name="canonical-type-name">
<xsl:with-param name="type" select="@newname" />
+ <xsl:text>_t</xsl:text>
- <iterator ref="XCB{$ext}{@newname}" />
- <iterator-functions ref="XCB{$ext}{@newname}" />
+ <iterator ref="{xcb:xcb-prefix(@newname)}" />
+ <iterator-functions ref="{xcb:xcb-prefix(@newname)}" />
<xsl:template match="enum" mode="pass1">
- <enum name="XCB{$ext}{@name}">
+ <enum name="{xcb:xcb-prefix(@name)}_t">
<xsl:for-each select="item">
- <item name="XCB{$ext}{../@name}{@name}">
+ <item name="{translate(xcb:xcb-prefix(concat(../@name, concat('_', @name))), $lcase, $ucase)}">
<xsl:copy-of select="*" />
<xsl:attribute name="type">
<xsl:call-template name="canonical-type-name" />
+ <xsl:text>_t</xsl:text>
<xsl:attribute name="name">
<xsl:call-template name="canonical-var-name" />
<xsl:template match="list" mode="field">
<xsl:variable name="type"><!--
- --><xsl:call-template name="canonical-type-name" /><!--
+ --><xsl:call-template name="canonical-type-name" />
+ <xsl:text>_t</xsl:text><!--
<list type="{$type}">
<xsl:attribute name="name">
<xsl:call-template name="canonical-type-name">
<xsl:with-param name="type" select="@value-mask-type" />
+ <xsl:text>_t</xsl:text>
<xsl:attribute name="name">
<xsl:call-template name="canonical-var-name">
- <list type="CARD32">
+ <list type="uint32_t">
<xsl:attribute name="name">
<xsl:call-template name="canonical-var-name">
<xsl:with-param name="name" select="@value-list-name" />
- <function-call name="XCBPopcount">
+ <function-call name="xcb_popcount">
<xsl:call-template name="canonical-var-name">
<xsl:attribute name="type">
<xsl:call-template name="canonical-type-name" />
+ <xsl:text>_t</xsl:text>
<xsl:attribute name="name">
<xsl:call-template name="canonical-var-name" />
<xsl:template match="list" mode="param">
<!-- If no length expression is provided, use a CARD32 localfield. -->
<xsl:if test="not(node())">
- <field type="CARD32" name="{@name}_len" />
+ <field type="uint32_t" name="{@name}_len" />
+ <xsl:variable name="ctype">
+ <xsl:call-template name="canonical-type-name" />
+ </xsl:variable>
<xsl:attribute name="type">
<xsl:text>const </xsl:text>
<xsl:call-template name="canonical-type-name" />
+ <xsl:if test="not($ctype='char') and not($ctype='void')">
+ <xsl:text>_t</xsl:text>
+ </xsl:if>
<xsl:text> *</xsl:text>
<xsl:attribute name="name">
<xsl:call-template name="canonical-type-name">
<xsl:with-param name="type" select="@value-mask-type" />
+ <xsl:text>_t</xsl:text>
<xsl:attribute name="name">
<xsl:call-template name="canonical-var-name">
- <field type="const CARD32 *">
+ <field type="const uint32_t *">
<xsl:attribute name="name">
<xsl:call-template name="canonical-var-name">
<xsl:with-param name="name" select="@value-list-name" />
<xsl:variable name="num-parts" select="(1+count($struct/list))*2" />
- <l>static const XCBProtocolRequest xcb_req = {</l>
+ <l>static const xcb_protocol_request_t xcb_req = {</l>
<l>/* count */ <xsl:value-of select="$num-parts" />,</l>
<l>/* ext */ <xsl:choose>
<xsl:when test="$ext">
- <xsl:text>&XCB</xsl:text>
- <xsl:value-of select="$ext" />
- <xsl:text>Id</xsl:text>
+ <xsl:text>&</xsl:text>
+ <xsl:value-of select="xcb:xcb-prefix()" />
+ <xsl:text>_id</xsl:text>
<l>xcb_parts[<xsl:value-of select="2 + position() * 2"/>].iov_base = (char *) <!--
--><xsl:value-of select="@name" />;</l>
<l>xcb_parts[<xsl:value-of select="2 + position() * 2"/>].iov_len = <!--
- --><xsl:apply-templates mode="output-expression" /><!--
- --><xsl:if test="not(@type = 'void')">
+ --><xsl:apply-templates mode="output-expression" />
+ <xsl:if test="not(@type = 'void_t')">
<xsl:text> * sizeof(</xsl:text>
- <xsl:value-of select="@type" />
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="@type='char_t'">
+ <xsl:text>char</xsl:text>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:value-of select="@type" />
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
<l>xcb_parts[<xsl:value-of select="3 + position() * 2"/>].iov_base = 0;</l>
<l>xcb_parts[<xsl:value-of select="3 + position() * 2"/>].iov_len = -xcb_parts[<xsl:value-of select="2 + position() * 2"/>].iov_len & 3;</l>
- <l>xcb_ret.sequence = XCBSendRequest(c, <!--
+ <l>xcb_ret.sequence = xcb_send_request(c, <!--
<xsl:when test="@checked='true'">XCB_REQUEST_CHECKED</xsl:when>
<xsl:template match="iterator" mode="pass2">
- <struct name="{@ref}Iter">
- <field type="{@ref} *" name="data" />
+ <struct name="{@ref}_iterator_t">
+ <field type="{@ref}_t *" name="data" />
<field type="int" name="rem" />
<field type="int" name="index" />
- <!-- Change a_name_like_this to ANameLikeThis. If the parameter name is not
- given, it defaults to the name attribute of the context node. -->
- <xsl:template name="capitalize">
- <xsl:param name="name" select="string(@name)" />
- <xsl:if test="$name">
- <xsl:value-of select="translate(substring($name,1,1), $lcase, $ucase)" />
- <xsl:choose>
- <xsl:when test="contains($name, '_')">
- <xsl:value-of select="substring(substring-before($name, '_'), 2)" />
- <xsl:call-template name="capitalize">
- <xsl:with-param name="name" select="substring-after($name, '_')" />
- </xsl:call-template>
- </xsl:when>
- <xsl:otherwise>
- <xsl:value-of select="substring($name, 2)" />
- </xsl:otherwise>
- </xsl:choose>
- </xsl:if>
- </xsl:template>
<xsl:template match="iterator-functions" mode="pass2">
<xsl:variable name="ref" select="@ref" />
<xsl:variable name="kind" select="@kind" />
<xsl:variable name="struct"
- select="$pass1/xcb/struct[@name=concat($ref,$kind)]" />
+ select="$pass1/xcb/struct[@name=concat($ref, $kind, '_t')]" />
<xsl:variable name="nextfields-rtf">
<nextfield>R + 1</nextfield>
<xsl:for-each select="$struct/list[not(@fixed)]">
- <xsl:when test="substring(@type, 1, 3) = 'XCB'">
- <nextfield><xsl:value-of select="@type" />End(<!--
- --><xsl:value-of select="$ref" /><!--
- --><xsl:call-template name="capitalize" />Iter(R))</nextfield>
+ <xsl:when test="substring(@type, 1, 3) = 'xcb'">
+ <nextfield><xsl:value-of select="substring(@type, 1, string-length(@type)-2)" />_end(<!--
+ --><xsl:value-of select="$ref" />_<!--
+ --><xsl:value-of select="string(@name)" />_iterator(R))</nextfield>
- <nextfield><xsl:value-of select="$ref" /><!--
- --><xsl:call-template name="capitalize" />End(R)</nextfield>
+ <nextfield><xsl:value-of select="$ref" />_<!--
+ --><xsl:value-of select="string(@name)" />_end(R)</nextfield>
<xsl:variable name="nextfield" select="$nextfields/nextfield[$number]" />
<xsl:variable name="is-first"
select="not(preceding-sibling::list[not(@fixed)])" />
- <xsl:variable name="field-name"><!--
- --><xsl:call-template name="capitalize" /><!--
- --></xsl:variable>
+ <xsl:variable name="field-name" select="@name" />
<xsl:variable name="is-variable"
or document($search-path)/xcb
- /struct[concat('XCB',
- ancestor::xcb/@extension-name,
- @name) = current()/@type]
- /*[self::valueparam or self::list]" />
+ /struct[concat(xcb:xcb-prefix(@name), '_t')
+ = current()/@type]
+ /*[self::valueparam
+ or self::list[.//*[not(self::value
+ or self::op)]]]" />
<xsl:if test="not($is-variable)">
- <function type="{@type} *" name="{$ref}{$field-name}">
- <field type="const {$ref}{$kind} *" name="R" />
+ <function type="{xcb:get-char-void(@type)} *" name="{$ref}_{xcb:lowercase($field-name)}">
+ <field type="const {$ref}{$kind}_t *" name="R" />
<xsl:when test="$is-first">
- <l>return (<xsl:value-of select="@type" /> *) <!--
+ <l>return (<xsl:value-of select="xcb:get-char-void(@type)" /> *) <!--
-->(<xsl:value-of select="$nextfield" />);</l>
- <l>XCBGenericIter prev = <!--
+ <l>xcb_generic_iterator_t prev = <!--
--><xsl:value-of select="$nextfield" />;</l>
- <l>return (<xsl:value-of select="@type" /> *) <!--
+ <l>return (<xsl:value-of select="xcb:get-char-void(@type)" /> *) <!--
-->((char *) prev.data + XCB_TYPE_PAD(<!--
- --><xsl:value-of select="@type" />, prev.index));</l>
+ --><xsl:value-of select="xcb:get-char-void(@type)" />, prev.index));</l>
- <function type="int" name="{$ref}{$field-name}Length">
- <field type="const {$ref}{$kind} *" name="R" />
+ <function type="int" name="{$ref}_{xcb:lowercase($field-name)}_length">
+ <field type="const {$ref}{$kind}_t *" name="R" />
<l>return <xsl:apply-templates mode="output-expression">
<xsl:with-param name="field-prefix" select="'R->'" />
- <xsl:when test="substring(@type, 1, 3) = 'XCB'">
- <function type="{@type}Iter" name="{$ref}{$field-name}Iter">
- <field type="const {$ref}{$kind} *" name="R" />
- <l><xsl:value-of select="@type" />Iter i;</l>
+ <xsl:when test="substring(@type, 1, 3) = 'xcb'">
+ <function type="{substring(@type, 1, string-length(@type)-2)}_iterator_t" name="{$ref}_{xcb:lowercase($field-name)}_iterator">
+ <field type="const {$ref}{$kind}_t *" name="R" />
+ <l><xsl:value-of select="substring(@type, 1, string-length(@type)-2)" />_iterator_t i;</l>
<xsl:when test="$is-first">
<l>i.data = (<xsl:value-of select="@type" /> *) <!--
-->(<xsl:value-of select="$nextfield" />);</l>
- <l>XCBGenericIter prev = <!--
+ <l>xcb_generic_iterator_t prev = <!--
--><xsl:value-of select="$nextfield" />;</l>
<l>i.data = (<xsl:value-of select="@type" /> *) <!--
-->((char *) prev.data + XCB_TYPE_PAD(<!--
<xsl:otherwise><xsl:value-of select="@type" /></xsl:otherwise>
- <function type="XCBGenericIter" name="{$ref}{$field-name}End">
- <field type="const {$ref}{$kind} *" name="R" />
- <l>XCBGenericIter i;</l>
+ <function type="xcb_generic_iterator_t" name="{$ref}_{xcb:lowercase($field-name)}_end">
+ <field type="const {$ref}{$kind}_t *" name="R" />
+ <l>xcb_generic_iterator_t i;</l>
<xsl:when test="$is-first">
- <l>i.data = ((<xsl:value-of select="$cast" /> *) <!--
+ <l>i.data = ((<xsl:value-of select="xcb:remove-void($cast)" /> *) <!--
-->(<xsl:value-of select="$nextfield" />)) + (<!--
--><xsl:apply-templates mode="output-expression">
<xsl:with-param name="field-prefix" select="'R->'" />
- <l>XCBGenericIter child = <!--
+ <l>xcb_generic_iterator_t child = <!--
--><xsl:value-of select="$nextfield" />;</l>
- <l>i.data = ((<xsl:value-of select="$cast" /> *) <!--
+ <l>i.data = ((<xsl:value-of select="xcb:get-char-void($cast)" /> *) <!--
-->child.data) + (<!--
--><xsl:apply-templates mode="output-expression">
<xsl:with-param name="field-prefix" select="'R->'" />
<xsl:if test="not($kind)">
- <function type="void" name="{$ref}Next">
- <field type="{$ref}Iter *" name="i" />
+ <function type="void" name="{$ref}_next">
+ <field type="{$ref}_iterator_t *" name="i" />
<xsl:when test="$struct/list[not(@fixed)]">
- <l><xsl:value-of select="$ref" /> *R = i->data;</l>
- <l>XCBGenericIter child = <!--
+ <l><xsl:value-of select="$ref" />_t *R = i->data;</l>
+ <l>xcb_generic_iterator_t child = <!--
--><xsl:value-of select="$nextfields/nextfield[last()]" />;</l>
- <l>i->data = (<xsl:value-of select="$ref" /> *) child.data;</l>
+ <l>i->data = (<xsl:value-of select="$ref" />_t *) child.data;</l>
<l>i->index = child.index;</l>
- <l>i->index += sizeof(<xsl:value-of select="$ref" />);</l>
+ <l>i->index += sizeof(<xsl:value-of select="$ref" />_t);</l>
- <function type="XCBGenericIter" name="{$ref}End">
- <field type="{$ref}Iter" name="i" />
- <l>XCBGenericIter ret;</l>
+ <function type="xcb_generic_iterator_t" name="{$ref}_end">
+ <field type="{$ref}_iterator_t" name="i" />
+ <l>xcb_generic_iterator_t ret;</l>
<xsl:when test="$struct/list[not(@fixed)]">
<l>while(i.rem > 0)</l>
- <l><xsl:value-of select="$ref" />Next(&i);</l>
+ <l><xsl:value-of select="$ref" />_next(&i);</l>
<l>ret.data = i.data;</l>
<l>ret.rem = i.rem;</l>
<xsl:when test="@type = 'number'">
<xsl:if test="$h">
<xsl:text>#define </xsl:text>
- <xsl:value-of select="@name" />
+ <xsl:value-of select="translate(@name, $lcase, $ucase)" />
<xsl:text> </xsl:text>
<xsl:value-of select="@value" />
<xsl:template match="typedef" mode="output">
<xsl:if test="$h">
<xsl:text>typedef </xsl:text>
- <xsl:value-of select="@oldname" />
+ <xsl:value-of select="xcb:get-char-void(@oldname)" />
<xsl:text> </xsl:text>
<xsl:value-of select="@newname" />
<xsl:variable name="padnum"><xsl:number /></xsl:variable>
<xsl:call-template name="type-and-name">
- <xsl:with-param name="type" select="'CARD8'" />
+ <xsl:with-param name="type" select="'uint8_t'" />
<xsl:with-param name="name">
<xsl:value-of select="$padnum - 1" />
/* FIXME: these names conflict with those defined in Xmd.h. */
#ifndef XMD_H
-typedef uint8_t BYTE;
-typedef uint8_t BOOL;
-typedef uint8_t CARD8;
-typedef uint16_t CARD16;
-typedef uint32_t CARD32;
-typedef int8_t INT8;
-typedef int16_t INT16;
-typedef int32_t INT32;
+typedef uint8_t uint8_t;
+typedef uint8_t uint8_t;
+typedef uint8_t uint8_t;
+typedef uint16_t uint16_t;
+typedef uint32_t uint32_t;
+typedef int8_t int8_t;
+typedef int16_t int16_t;
+typedef int32_t int32_t;
#endif /* XMD_H */
#include <sys/uio.h>
- * @defgroup XCB_Core_Api XCB Core API
+ * @defgroup xcb__core_api_t XCB Core API
* @brief Core API of the XCB library.
* @{
* A structure that contain all data that XCB needs to communicate with an X server.
-typedef struct XCBConnection XCBConnection; /**< Opaque structure containing all data that XCB needs to communicate with an X server. */
+typedef struct xcb_connection_t xcb_connection_t; /**< Opaque structure containing all data that XCB needs to communicate with an X server. */
/* Other types */
void *data; /**< Data of the current iterator */
int rem; /**< remaining elements */
int index; /**< index of the current iterator */
-} XCBGenericIter;
+} xcb_generic_iterator_t;
* @brief Generic reply.
* A generic reply structure.
typedef struct {
- BYTE response_type; /**< Type of the response */
- CARD8 pad0; /**< Padding */
- CARD16 sequence; /**< Sequence number */
- CARD32 length; /**< Length of the response */
-} XCBGenericRep;
+ uint8_t response_type; /**< Type of the response */
+ uint8_t pad0; /**< Padding */
+ uint16_t sequence; /**< Sequence number */
+ uint32_t length; /**< Length of the response */
+} xcb_generic_reply_t;
* @brief Generic event.
* A generic event structure.
typedef struct {
- BYTE response_type; /**< Type of the response */
- CARD8 pad0; /**< Padding */
- CARD16 sequence; /**< Sequence number */
- CARD32 pad[7]; /**< Padding */
- CARD32 full_sequence;
-} XCBGenericEvent;
+ uint8_t response_type; /**< Type of the response */
+ uint8_t pad0; /**< Padding */
+ uint16_t sequence; /**< Sequence number */
+ uint32_t pad[7]; /**< Padding */
+ uint32_t full_sequence;
+} xcb_generic_event_t;
* @brief Generic error.
* A generic error structure.
typedef struct {
- BYTE response_type; /**< Type of the response */
- BYTE error_code; /**< Error code */
- CARD16 sequence; /**< Sequence number */
- CARD32 pad[7]; /**< Padding */
- CARD32 full_sequence;
-} XCBGenericError;
+ uint8_t response_type; /**< Type of the response */
+ uint8_t error_code; /**< Error code */
+ uint16_t sequence; /**< Sequence number */
+ uint32_t pad[7]; /**< Padding */
+ uint32_t full_sequence;
+} xcb_generic_error_t;
* @brief Generic cookie.
typedef struct {
unsigned int sequence; /**< Sequence number */
-} XCBVoidCookie;
+} xcb_void_cookie_t;
/* Include the generated xproto header. */
#include "xproto.h"
-/** XCBNone is the universal null resource or null atom parameter value for many core X requests */
-#define XCBNone 0L
+/** XCB_NONE is the universal null resource or null atom parameter value for many core X requests */
+#define XCB_NONE 0L
-/** XCBCopyFromParent can be used for many CreateWindow parameters */
-#define XCBCopyFromParent 0L
+/** XCB_COPY_FROM_PARENT can be used for many CreateWindow parameters */
-/** XCBCurrentTime can be used in most requests that take an XCBTIMESTAMP */
-#define XCBCurrentTime 0L
+/** XCB_CURRENT_TIME can be used in most requests that take an xcb_timestamp_t */
-/** XCBNoSymbol fills in unused entries in XCBKEYSYM tables */
-#define XCBNoSymbol 0L
+/** XCB_NO_SYMBOL fills in unused entries in xcb_keysym_t tables */
+#define XCB_NO_SYMBOL 0L
/* xcb_auth.c */
* A container for authorization information to be sent to the X server.
-typedef struct XCBAuthInfo {
+typedef struct xcb_auth_info_t {
int namelen; /**< Length of the string name (as returned by strlen). */
char *name; /**< String containing the authentication protocol name, such as "MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1" or "XDM-AUTHORIZATION-1". */
int datalen; /**< Length of the data member. */
char *data; /**< Data interpreted in a protocol-specific manner. */
-} XCBAuthInfo;
+} xcb_auth_info_t;
/* xcb_out.c */
* Forces any buffered output to be written to the server. Blocks
* until the write is complete.
-int XCBFlush(XCBConnection *c);
+int xcb_flush(xcb_connection_t *c);
* @brief Returns the maximum request length field from the connection
* theoretical maximum lengths roughly 256kB without BIG-REQUESTS and
* 16GB with.
-CARD32 XCBGetMaximumRequestLength(XCBConnection *c);
+uint32_t xcb_get_maximum_request_length(xcb_connection_t *c);
/* xcb_in.c */
* the event of an I/O error. Blocks until either an event or error
* arrive, or an I/O error occurs.
-XCBGenericEvent *XCBWaitForEvent(XCBConnection *c);
+xcb_generic_event_t *xcb_wait_for_event(xcb_connection_t *c);
* @brief Returns the next event or error from the server.
* operation. If @p error is @c NULL, terminates the application when an
* I/O error occurs.
-XCBGenericEvent *XCBPollForEvent(XCBConnection *c, int *error);
+xcb_generic_event_t *xcb_poll_for_event(xcb_connection_t *c, int *error);
* @brief Return the error for a request, or NULL if none can ever arrive.
* @param cookie: The request cookie.
* @return The error for the request, or NULL if none can ever arrive.
- * The XCBVoidCookie cookie supplied to this function must have resulted from
+ * The xcb_void_cookie_t cookie supplied to this function must have resulted from
* a call to XCB[RequestName]Checked(). This function will block until one of
* two conditions happens. If an error is received, it will be returned. If
* a reply to a subsequent request has already arrived, no error can arrive
* sequence number will advance beyond that provided in cookie; this is a
* convenience to avoid races in determining whether the sync is needed.
-XCBGenericError *XCBRequestCheck(XCBConnection *c, XCBVoidCookie cookie);
+xcb_generic_error_t *xcb_request_check(xcb_connection_t *c, xcb_void_cookie_t cookie);
/* xcb_ext.c */
- * @typedef typedef struct XCBExtension XCBExtension
+ * @typedef typedef struct xcb_extension_t xcb_extension_t
-typedef struct XCBExtension XCBExtension; /**< Opaque structure used as key for XCBGetExtensionData. */
+typedef struct xcb_extension_t xcb_extension_t; /**< Opaque structure used as key for xcb_get_extension_data_t. */
* @brief Caches reply information from QueryExtension requests.
* @param c: The connection.
* @param ext: The extension data.
- * @return A pointer to the XCBQueryExtensionRep for the extension.
+ * @return A pointer to the xcb_query_extension_reply_t for the extension.
* This function is the primary interface to the "extension cache",
* which caches reply information from QueryExtension
* requests. Invoking this function may cause a call to
- * XCBQueryExtension to retrieve extension information from the
+ * xcb_query_extension_t to retrieve extension information from the
* server, and may block until extension data is received from the
* server.
* The result must not be freed. This storage is managed by the cache
* itself.
-const XCBQueryExtensionRep *XCBGetExtensionData(XCBConnection *c, XCBExtension *ext);
+const xcb_query_extension_reply_t *xcb_get_extension_data(xcb_connection_t *c, xcb_extension_t *ext);
* @brief Prefetch of extension data into the extension cache
* This function allows a "prefetch" of extension data into the
* extension cache. Invoking the function may cause a call to
- * XCBQueryExtension, but will not block waiting for the
- * reply. XCBGetExtensionData will return the prefetched data after
+ * xcb_query_extension_t, but will not block waiting for the
+ * reply. xcb_get_extension_data_t will return the prefetched data after
* possibly blocking while it is retrieved.
-void XCBPrefetchExtensionData(XCBConnection *c, XCBExtension *ext);
+void xcb_prefetch_extension_data(xcb_connection_t *c, xcb_extension_t *ext);
/* xcb_conn.c */
* @brief Access the data returned by the server.
* @param c: The connection.
- * @return A pointer to an XCBSetup structure.
+ * @return A pointer to an xcb_setup_t structure.
- * Accessor for the data returned by the server when the XCBConnection
+ * Accessor for the data returned by the server when the xcb_connection_t
* was initialized. This data includes
* - the server's required format for images,
* - a list of available visuals,
* The result must not be freed.
-const XCBSetup *XCBGetSetup(XCBConnection *c);
+const xcb_setup_t *xcb_get_setup(xcb_connection_t *c);
* @brief Access the file descriptor of the connection.
* @return The file descriptor.
* Accessor for the file descriptor that was passed to the
- * XCBConnectToFD call that returned @p c.
+ * xcb_connect_to_fd_t call that returned @p c.
-int XCBGetFileDescriptor(XCBConnection *c);
+int xcb_get_file_descriptor(xcb_connection_t *c);
* @brief Test whether the connection has shut down due to a fatal error.
* @param c: The connection.
* @return 1 if the connection is in an error state; 0 otherwise.
- * Some errors that occur in the context of an XCBConnection
+ * Some errors that occur in the context of an xcb_connection_t
* are unrecoverable. When such an error occurs, the
* connection is shut down and further operations on the
- * XCBConnection have no effect.
+ * xcb_connection_t have no effect.
* @todo Other functions should document the conditions in
* which they shut down the connection.
-int XCBConnectionHasError(XCBConnection *c);
+int xcb_connection_has_error(xcb_connection_t *c);
* @brief Connects to the X server.
* @param fd: The file descriptor.
* @param auth_info: Authentication data.
- * @return A newly allocated XCBConnection structure.
+ * @return A newly allocated xcb_connection_t structure.
* Connects to an X server, given the open socket @p fd and the
- * XCBAuthInfo @p auth_info. The file descriptor @p fd is
- * bidirectionally connected to an X server. XCBGetTCPFD and
- * XCBGetUnixFD return appropriate file descriptors. If the connection
+ * xcb_auth_info_t @p auth_info. The file descriptor @p fd is
+ * bidirectionally connected to an X server. xcb_get_tcpfd_t and
+ * xcb_get_unix_fd_t return appropriate file descriptors. If the connection
* should be unauthenticated, @p auth_info must be @c
- * NULL. XCBGetAuthInfo returns appropriate authentication data.
+ * NULL. xcb_get_auth_info_t returns appropriate authentication data.
-XCBConnection *XCBConnectToFD(int fd, XCBAuthInfo *auth_info);
+xcb_connection_t *xcb_connect_to_fd(int fd, xcb_auth_info_t *auth_info);
* @brief Closes the connection.
* Closes the file descriptor and frees all memory associated with the
* connection @c c.
-void XCBDisconnect(XCBConnection *c);
+void xcb_disconnect(xcb_connection_t *c);
/* xcb_util.c */
* can be @c NULL. If @p displayname does not contain a screen number,
* it is set to @c 0.
-int XCBParseDisplay(const char *name, char **host, int *display, int *screen);
+int xcb_parse_display(const char *name, char **host, int *display, int *screen);
* @brief Connects to the X server.
* @param displayname: The name of the display.
* @param screenp: A pointer to a preferred screen number.
- * @return A newly allocated XCBConnection structure.
+ * @return A newly allocated xcb_connection_t structure.
* Connects to the X server specified by @p displayname. If @p
* displayname is @c NULL, uses the value of the DISPLAY environment
* int pointed to by @p screenp (if not @c NULL) will be set to that
* screen; otherwise the screen will be set to 0.
-XCBConnection *XCBConnect(const char *displayname, int *screenp);
+xcb_connection_t *xcb_connect(const char *displayname, int *screenp);
* @brief Connects to the X server, using an authorization information.
* @param displayname: The name of the display.
* @param auth: The authorization information.
* @param screenp: A pointer to a preferred screen number.
- * @return A newly allocated XCBConnection structure.
+ * @return A newly allocated xcb_connection_t structure.
* Connects to the X server specified by @p displayname, using the
* authorization @p auth. If a particular screen on that server is
* preferred, the int pointed to by @p screenp (if not @c NULL) will
* be set to that screen; otherwise @p screenp will be set to 0.
-XCBConnection *XCBConnectToDisplayWithAuthInfo(const char *display, XCBAuthInfo *auth, int *screen);
+xcb_connection_t *xcb_connect_to_display_with_auth_info(const char *display, xcb_auth_info_t *auth, int *screen);
addr = (char *) &si->sin_addr;
addrlen = 4;
if (ntohl(si->sin_addr.s_addr) != 0x7f000001)
- family = XCBFamilyInternet;
snprintf(dispbuf, sizeof(dispbuf), "%d", ntohs(si->sin_port) - X_TCP_PORT);
display = dispbuf;
-static int compute_auth(XCBAuthInfo *info, Xauth *authptr, struct sockaddr *sockname)
+static int compute_auth(xcb_auth_info_t *info, Xauth *authptr, struct sockaddr *sockname)
if (authname_match(AUTH_MC1, authptr->name, authptr->name_length)) {
info->datalen = memdup(&info->data, authptr->data, authptr->data_length);
return 0; /* Unknown authorization type */
-int _xcb_get_auth_info(int fd, XCBAuthInfo *info)
+int _xcb_get_auth_info(int fd, xcb_auth_info_t *info)
/* code adapted from Xlib/ConnDis.c, xtrans/Xtranssocket.c,
xtrans/Xtransutils.c */
#include "xcbint.h"
typedef struct {
- CARD8 status;
- CARD8 pad0[5];
- CARD16 length;
-} XCBSetupGeneric;
+ uint8_t status;
+ uint8_t pad0[5];
+ uint16_t length;
+} xcb_setup_generic_t;
static const int error_connection = 1;
return 1;
-static int write_setup(XCBConnection *c, XCBAuthInfo *auth_info)
+static int write_setup(xcb_connection_t *c, xcb_auth_info_t *auth_info)
static const char pad[3];
- XCBSetupRequest out;
+ xcb_setup_request_t out;
struct iovec parts[6];
int count = 0;
int endian = 0x01020304;
out.protocol_minor_version = X_PROTOCOL_REVISION;
out.authorization_protocol_name_len = 0;
out.authorization_protocol_data_len = 0;
- parts[count].iov_len = sizeof(XCBSetupRequest);
+ parts[count].iov_len = sizeof(xcb_setup_request_t);
parts[count++].iov_base = &out;
- parts[count].iov_len = XCB_PAD(sizeof(XCBSetupRequest));
+ parts[count].iov_len = XCB_PAD(sizeof(xcb_setup_request_t));
parts[count++].iov_base = (char *) pad;
return ret;
-static int read_setup(XCBConnection *c)
+static int read_setup(xcb_connection_t *c)
/* Read the server response */
- c->setup = malloc(sizeof(XCBSetupGeneric));
+ c->setup = malloc(sizeof(xcb_setup_generic_t));
return 0;
- if(_xcb_in_read_block(c, c->setup, sizeof(XCBSetupGeneric)) != sizeof(XCBSetupGeneric))
+ if(_xcb_in_read_block(c, c->setup, sizeof(xcb_setup_generic_t)) != sizeof(xcb_setup_generic_t))
return 0;
- void *tmp = realloc(c->setup, c->setup->length * 4 + sizeof(XCBSetupGeneric));
+ void *tmp = realloc(c->setup, c->setup->length * 4 + sizeof(xcb_setup_generic_t));
return 0;
c->setup = tmp;
- if(_xcb_in_read_block(c, (char *) c->setup + sizeof(XCBSetupGeneric), c->setup->length * 4) <= 0)
+ if(_xcb_in_read_block(c, (char *) c->setup + sizeof(xcb_setup_generic_t), c->setup->length * 4) <= 0)
return 0;
/* 0 = failed, 2 = authenticate, 1 = success */
case 0: /* failed */
- XCBSetupFailed *setup = (XCBSetupFailed *) c->setup;
- write(STDERR_FILENO, XCBSetupFailedReason(setup), XCBSetupFailedReasonLength(setup));
+ xcb_setup_failed_t *setup = (xcb_setup_failed_t *) c->setup;
+ write(STDERR_FILENO, xcb_setup_failed_reason(setup), xcb_setup_failed_reason_length(setup));
return 0;
case 2: /* authenticate */
- XCBSetupAuthenticate *setup = (XCBSetupAuthenticate *) c->setup;
- write(STDERR_FILENO, XCBSetupAuthenticateReason(setup), XCBSetupAuthenticateReasonLength(setup));
+ xcb_setup_authenticate_t *setup = (xcb_setup_authenticate_t *) c->setup;
+ write(STDERR_FILENO, xcb_setup_authenticate_reason(setup), xcb_setup_authenticate_reason_length(setup));
return 0;
/* precondition: there must be something for us to write. */
-static int write_vec(XCBConnection *c, struct iovec **vector, int *count)
+static int write_vec(xcb_connection_t *c, struct iovec **vector, int *count)
int n;
/* Public interface */
-const XCBSetup *XCBGetSetup(XCBConnection *c)
+const xcb_setup_t *xcb_get_setup(xcb_connection_t *c)
return 0;
return c->setup;
-int XCBGetFileDescriptor(XCBConnection *c)
+int xcb_get_file_descriptor(xcb_connection_t *c)
return -1;
return c->fd;
-int XCBConnectionHasError(XCBConnection *c)
+int xcb_connection_has_error(xcb_connection_t *c)
/* doesn't need locking because it's read and written atomically. */
return c->has_error;
-XCBConnection *XCBConnectToFD(int fd, XCBAuthInfo *auth_info)
+xcb_connection_t *xcb_connect_to_fd(int fd, xcb_auth_info_t *auth_info)
- XCBConnection* c;
+ xcb_connection_t* c;
- c = calloc(1, sizeof(XCBConnection));
+ c = calloc(1, sizeof(xcb_connection_t));
- return (XCBConnection *) &error_connection;
+ return (xcb_connection_t *) &error_connection;
c->fd = fd;
- XCBDisconnect(c);
- return (XCBConnection *) &error_connection;
+ xcb_disconnect(c);
+ return (xcb_connection_t *) &error_connection;
return c;
-void XCBDisconnect(XCBConnection *c)
+void xcb_disconnect(xcb_connection_t *c)
/* Private interface */
-void _xcb_conn_shutdown(XCBConnection *c)
+void _xcb_conn_shutdown(xcb_connection_t *c)
c->has_error = 1;
-int _xcb_conn_wait(XCBConnection *c, pthread_cond_t *cond, struct iovec **vector, int *count)
+int _xcb_conn_wait(xcb_connection_t *c, pthread_cond_t *cond, struct iovec **vector, int *count)
int ret;
fd_set rfds, wfds;
typedef struct lazyreply {
union {
- XCBQueryExtensionCookie cookie;
- XCBQueryExtensionRep *reply;
+ xcb_query_extension_cookie_t cookie;
+ xcb_query_extension_reply_t *reply;
} value;
} lazyreply;
-static lazyreply *get_index(XCBConnection *c, int index)
+static lazyreply *get_index(xcb_connection_t *c, int index)
if(index > c->ext.extensions_size)
return c->ext.extensions + index - 1;
-static lazyreply *get_lazyreply(XCBConnection *c, XCBExtension *ext)
+static lazyreply *get_lazyreply(xcb_connection_t *c, xcb_extension_t *ext)
static pthread_mutex_t global_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
static int next_global_id;
/* cache miss: query the server */
data->tag = LAZY_COOKIE;
- data->value.cookie = XCBQueryExtension(c, strlen(ext->name), ext->name);
+ data->value.cookie = xcb_query_extension(c, strlen(ext->name), ext->name);
return data;
/* Public interface */
-/* Do not free the returned XCBQueryExtensionRep - on return, it's aliased
+/* Do not free the returned xcb_query_extension_reply_t - on return, it's aliased
* from the cache. */
-const XCBQueryExtensionRep *XCBGetExtensionData(XCBConnection *c, XCBExtension *ext)
+const xcb_query_extension_reply_t *xcb_get_extension_data(xcb_connection_t *c, xcb_extension_t *ext)
lazyreply *data;
if(data && data->tag == LAZY_COOKIE)
data->tag = LAZY_FORCED;
- data->value.reply = XCBQueryExtensionReply(c, data->value.cookie, 0);
+ data->value.reply = xcb_query_extension_reply(c, data->value.cookie, 0);
return data ? data->value.reply : 0;
-void XCBPrefetchExtensionData(XCBConnection *c, XCBExtension *ext)
+void xcb_prefetch_extension_data(xcb_connection_t *c, xcb_extension_t *ext)
/* Private interface */
-int _xcb_ext_init(XCBConnection *c)
+int _xcb_ext_init(xcb_connection_t *c)
if(pthread_mutex_init(&c->ext.lock, 0))
return 0;
return 1;
-void _xcb_ext_destroy(XCBConnection *c)
+void _xcb_ext_destroy(xcb_connection_t *c)
while(c->ext.extensions_size-- > 0)
#include "xcbext.h"
#include "xcbint.h"
-#define XCBError 0
-#define XCBReply 1
+#define XCB_ERROR 0
+#define XCB_REPLY 1
struct event_list {
- XCBGenericEvent *event;
+ xcb_generic_event_t *event;
struct event_list *next;
struct reader_list *next;
} reader_list;
-static void wake_up_next_reader(XCBConnection *c)
+static void wake_up_next_reader(xcb_connection_t *c)
int pthreadret;
assert(pthreadret == 0);
-static int read_packet(XCBConnection *c)
+static int read_packet(xcb_connection_t *c)
- XCBGenericRep genrep;
+ xcb_generic_reply_t genrep;
int length = 32;
void *buf;
pending_reply *pend = 0;
memcpy(&genrep, c->in.queue, sizeof(genrep));
/* Compute 32-bit sequence number of this packet. */
- if((genrep.response_type & 0x7f) != XCBKeymapNotify)
+ if((genrep.response_type & 0x7f) != XCB_KEYMAP_NOTIFY)
unsigned int lastread = c->in.request_read;
c->in.request_read = (lastread & 0xffff0000) | genrep.sequence;
c->in.request_completed = c->in.request_read - 1;
- if(genrep.response_type == XCBError)
+ if(genrep.response_type == XCB_ERROR)
c->in.request_completed = c->in.request_read;
while(c->in.pending_replies &&
- if(genrep.response_type == XCBError || genrep.response_type == XCBReply)
+ if(genrep.response_type == XCB_ERROR || genrep.response_type == XCB_REPLY)
pend = c->in.pending_replies;
if(pend && pend->request != c->in.request_read)
/* For reply packets, check that the entire packet is available. */
- if(genrep.response_type == XCBReply)
+ if(genrep.response_type == XCB_REPLY)
if(pend && pend->workaround == WORKAROUND_GLX_GET_FB_CONFIGS_BUG)
- CARD32 *p = (CARD32 *) c->in.queue;
+ uint32_t *p = (uint32_t *) c->in.queue;
genrep.length = p[2] * p[3] * 2;
length += genrep.length * 4;
- buf = malloc(length + (genrep.response_type == XCBReply ? 0 : sizeof(CARD32)));
+ buf = malloc(length + (genrep.response_type == XCB_REPLY ? 0 : sizeof(uint32_t)));
return 1;
- if(genrep.response_type != XCBReply)
- ((XCBGenericEvent *) buf)->full_sequence = c->in.request_read;
+ if(genrep.response_type != XCB_REPLY)
+ ((xcb_generic_event_t *) buf)->full_sequence = c->in.request_read;
/* reply, or checked error */
- if( genrep.response_type == XCBReply ||
- (genrep.response_type == XCBError && pend && (pend->flags & XCB_REQUEST_CHECKED)))
+ if( genrep.response_type == XCB_REPLY ||
+ (genrep.response_type == XCB_ERROR && pend && (pend->flags & XCB_REQUEST_CHECKED)))
reader_list *reader;
struct reply_list *cur = malloc(sizeof(struct reply_list));
return 1; /* I have something for you... */
-static XCBGenericEvent *get_event(XCBConnection *c)
+static xcb_generic_event_t *get_event(xcb_connection_t *c)
struct event_list *cur = c->in.events;
- XCBGenericEvent *ret;
+ xcb_generic_event_t *ret;
return 0;
ret = cur->event;
return len;
-static int poll_for_reply(XCBConnection *c, unsigned int request, void **reply, XCBGenericError **error)
+static int poll_for_reply(xcb_connection_t *c, unsigned int request, void **reply, xcb_generic_error_t **error)
struct reply_list *head;
- if(((XCBGenericRep *) head->reply)->response_type == XCBError)
+ if(((xcb_generic_reply_t *) head->reply)->response_type == XCB_ERROR)
*error = head->reply;
/* Public interface */
-void *XCBWaitForReply(XCBConnection *c, unsigned int request, XCBGenericError **e)
+void *xcb_wait_for_reply(xcb_connection_t *c, unsigned int request, xcb_generic_error_t **e)
void *ret = 0;
return ret;
-int XCBPollForReply(XCBConnection *c, unsigned int request, void **reply, XCBGenericError **error)
+int xcb_poll_for_reply(xcb_connection_t *c, unsigned int request, void **reply, xcb_generic_error_t **error)
int ret;
return ret;
-XCBGenericEvent *XCBWaitForEvent(XCBConnection *c)
+xcb_generic_event_t *xcb_wait_for_event(xcb_connection_t *c)
- XCBGenericEvent *ret;
+ xcb_generic_event_t *ret;
return 0;
return ret;
-XCBGenericEvent *XCBPollForEvent(XCBConnection *c, int *error)
+xcb_generic_event_t *xcb_poll_for_event(xcb_connection_t *c, int *error)
- XCBGenericEvent *ret = 0;
+ xcb_generic_event_t *ret = 0;
int success;
/* FIXME: follow X meets Z architecture changes. */
*error = -1;
- fprintf(stderr, "XCBPollForEvent: I/O error occured, but no handler provided.\n");
+ fprintf(stderr, "xcb_poll_for_event_t: I/O error occured, but no handler provided.\n");
return 0;
-XCBGenericError *XCBRequestCheck(XCBConnection *c, XCBVoidCookie cookie)
+xcb_generic_error_t *xcb_request_check(xcb_connection_t *c, xcb_void_cookie_t cookie)
/* FIXME: this could hold the lock to avoid syncing unnecessarily, but
- * that would require factoring the locking out of XCBGetInputFocus,
- * XCBGetInputFocusReply, and XCBWaitForReply. */
- XCBGenericError *ret;
+ * that would require factoring the locking out of xcb_get_input_focus_t,
+ * xcb_get_input_focus_reply_t, and xcb_wait_for_reply_t. */
+ xcb_generic_error_t *ret;
void *reply;
return 0;
&& XCB_SEQUENCE_COMPARE(cookie.sequence,>,c->in.request_completed))
- free(XCBGetInputFocusReply(c, XCBGetInputFocus(c), &ret));
+ free(xcb_get_input_focus_reply(c, xcb_get_input_focus(c), &ret));
- reply = XCBWaitForReply(c, cookie.sequence, &ret);
+ reply = xcb_wait_for_reply(c, cookie.sequence, &ret);
return ret;
-int _xcb_in_expect_reply(XCBConnection *c, unsigned int request, enum workarounds workaround, int flags)
+int _xcb_in_expect_reply(xcb_connection_t *c, unsigned int request, enum workarounds workaround, int flags)
pending_reply *pend = malloc(sizeof(pending_reply));
assert(workaround != WORKAROUND_NONE || flags != 0);
return 1;
-int _xcb_in_read(XCBConnection *c)
+int _xcb_in_read(xcb_connection_t *c)
int n = read(c->fd, c->in.queue + c->in.queue_len, sizeof(c->in.queue) - c->in.queue_len);
if(n > 0)
return 0;
-int _xcb_in_read_block(XCBConnection *c, void *buf, int len)
+int _xcb_in_read_block(xcb_connection_t *c, void *buf, int len)
int done = c->in.queue_len;
if(len < done)
return list;
-void _xcb_map_delete(_xcb_map *list, XCBListFreeFunc do_free)
+void _xcb_map_delete(_xcb_map *list, xcb_list_free_func_t do_free)
#include "xcbint.h"
#include "extensions/bigreq.h"
-static int write_block(XCBConnection *c, struct iovec *vector, int count)
+static int write_block(xcb_connection_t *c, struct iovec *vector, int count)
while(count && c->out.queue_len + vector[0].iov_len <= sizeof(c->out.queue))
/* Public interface */
-CARD32 XCBGetMaximumRequestLength(XCBConnection *c)
+uint32_t xcb_get_maximum_request_length(xcb_connection_t *c)
return 0;
- const XCBQueryExtensionRep *ext;
+ const xcb_query_extension_reply_t *ext;
c->out.maximum_request_length = c->setup->maximum_request_length;
- ext = XCBGetExtensionData(c, &XCBBigRequestsId);
+ ext = xcb_get_extension_data(c, &xcb_big_requests_id);
if(ext && ext->present)
- XCBBigRequestsEnableRep *r = XCBBigRequestsEnableReply(c, XCBBigRequestsEnable(c), 0);
+ xcb_big_requests_enable_reply_t *r = xcb_big_requests_enable_reply(c, xcb_big_requests_enable(c), 0);
c->out.maximum_request_length = r->maximum_request_length;
return c->out.maximum_request_length;
-unsigned int XCBSendRequest(XCBConnection *c, int flags, struct iovec *vector, const XCBProtocolRequest *req)
+unsigned int xcb_send_request(xcb_connection_t *c, int flags, struct iovec *vector, const xcb_protocol_request_t *req)
static const union {
struct {
- CARD8 major;
- CARD8 pad;
- CARD16 len;
+ uint8_t major;
+ uint8_t pad;
+ uint16_t len;
} fields;
- CARD32 packet;
+ uint32_t packet;
} sync = { { /* GetInputFocus */ 43, 0, 1 } };
unsigned int request;
- CARD32 prefix[3] = { 0 };
+ uint32_t prefix[3] = { 0 };
int veclen = req->count;
enum workarounds workaround = WORKAROUND_NONE;
static const char pad[3];
int i;
- CARD16 shortlen = 0;
+ uint16_t shortlen = 0;
size_t longlen = 0;
assert(vector[0].iov_len >= 4);
/* set the major opcode, and the minor opcode for extensions */
- const XCBQueryExtensionRep *extension = XCBGetExtensionData(c, req->ext);
+ const xcb_query_extension_reply_t *extension = xcb_get_extension_data(c, req->ext);
if(!(extension && extension->present))
return 0;
- ((CARD8 *) vector[0].iov_base)[0] = extension->major_opcode;
- ((CARD8 *) vector[0].iov_base)[1] = req->opcode;
+ ((uint8_t *) vector[0].iov_base)[0] = extension->major_opcode;
+ ((uint8_t *) vector[0].iov_base)[1] = req->opcode;
- ((CARD8 *) vector[0].iov_base)[0] = req->opcode;
+ ((uint8_t *) vector[0].iov_base)[0] = req->opcode;
/* put together the length field, possibly using BIGREQUESTS */
for(i = 0; i < req->count; ++i)
shortlen = longlen;
longlen = 0;
- else if(longlen > XCBGetMaximumRequestLength(c))
+ else if(longlen > xcb_get_maximum_request_length(c))
return 0; /* server can't take this; maybe need BIGREQUESTS? */
/* set the length field. */
- ((CARD16 *) vector[0].iov_base)[1] = shortlen;
+ ((uint16_t *) vector[0].iov_base)[1] = shortlen;
prefix[2] = ++longlen;
/* XXX: GetFBConfigs won't use BIG-REQUESTS in any sane
* configuration, but that should be handled here anyway. */
if(req->ext && !req->isvoid && !strcmp(req->ext->name, "GLX") &&
- ((req->opcode == 17 && ((CARD32 *) vector[0].iov_base)[1] == 0x10004) ||
+ ((req->opcode == 17 && ((uint32_t *) vector[0].iov_base)[1] == 0x10004) ||
req->opcode == 21))
--vector, ++veclen;
- prefix[1] = ((CARD32 *) vector[1].iov_base)[0];
- vector[1].iov_base = (CARD32 *) vector[1].iov_base + 1;
- vector[1].iov_len -= sizeof(CARD32);
+ prefix[1] = ((uint32_t *) vector[1].iov_base)[0];
+ vector[1].iov_base = (uint32_t *) vector[1].iov_base + 1;
+ vector[1].iov_len -= sizeof(uint32_t);
- vector[0].iov_len = sizeof(CARD32) * (prefix[0] ? 1 : 0 | prefix[2] ? 2 : 0);
+ vector[0].iov_len = sizeof(uint32_t) * (prefix[0] ? 1 : 0 | prefix[2] ? 2 : 0);
vector[0].iov_base = prefix + !prefix[0];
return request;
-int XCBFlush(XCBConnection *c)
+int xcb_flush(xcb_connection_t *c)
int ret;
-int _xcb_out_send(XCBConnection *c, struct iovec **vector, int *count)
+int _xcb_out_send(xcb_connection_t *c, struct iovec **vector, int *count)
int ret = 1;
while(ret && *count)
return ret;
-int _xcb_out_flush_to(XCBConnection *c, unsigned int request)
+int _xcb_out_flush_to(xcb_connection_t *c, unsigned int request)
assert(XCB_SEQUENCE_COMPARE(request, <=, c->out.request));
if(XCB_SEQUENCE_COMPARE(c->out.request_written, >=, request))
static const int error_connection = 1;
-int XCBPopcount(CARD32 mask)
+int xcb_popcount(uint32_t mask)
unsigned long y;
y = (mask >> 1) & 033333333333;
return ((y + (y >> 3)) & 030707070707) % 077;
-int XCBParseDisplay(const char *name, char **host, int *displayp, int *screenp)
+int xcb_parse_display(const char *name, char **host, int *displayp, int *screenp)
int len, display, screen;
char *colon, *dot, *end;
return fd;
-XCBConnection *XCBConnect(const char *displayname, int *screenp)
+xcb_connection_t *xcb_connect(const char *displayname, int *screenp)
int fd, display = 0;
char *host;
- XCBConnection *c;
- XCBAuthInfo auth;
+ xcb_connection_t *c;
+ xcb_auth_info_t auth;
- if(!XCBParseDisplay(displayname, &host, &display, screenp))
- return (XCBConnection *) &error_connection;
+ if(!xcb_parse_display(displayname, &host, &display, screenp))
+ return (xcb_connection_t *) &error_connection;
fd = _xcb_open(host, display);
if(fd == -1)
- return (XCBConnection *) &error_connection;
+ return (xcb_connection_t *) &error_connection;
_xcb_get_auth_info(fd, &auth);
- c = XCBConnectToFD(fd, &auth);
+ c = xcb_connect_to_fd(fd, &auth);
return c;
-XCBConnection *XCBConnectToDisplayWithAuthInfo(const char *displayname, XCBAuthInfo *auth, int *screenp)
+xcb_connection_t *xcb_connect_to_display_with_auth_info(const char *displayname, xcb_auth_info_t *auth, int *screenp)
int fd, display = 0;
char *host;
- if(!XCBParseDisplay(displayname, &host, &display, screenp))
- return (XCBConnection *) &error_connection;
+ if(!xcb_parse_display(displayname, &host, &display, screenp))
+ return (xcb_connection_t *) &error_connection;
fd = _xcb_open(host, display);
if(fd == -1)
- return (XCBConnection *) &error_connection;
+ return (xcb_connection_t *) &error_connection;
- return XCBConnectToFD(fd, auth);
+ return xcb_connect_to_fd(fd, auth);
/* Public interface */
-CARD32 XCBGenerateID(XCBConnection *c)
+uint32_t xcb_generate_id(xcb_connection_t *c)
- CARD32 ret;
+ uint32_t ret;
return -1;
if(c->xid.last == c->xid.max)
- XCBXCMiscGetXIDRangeRep *range;
- range = XCBXCMiscGetXIDRangeReply(c, XCBXCMiscGetXIDRange(c), 0);
+ xcb_xc_misc_get_xid_range_reply_t *range;
+ range = xcb_xc_misc_get_xid_range_reply(c, xcb_xc_misc_get_xid_range(c), 0);
/* Private interface */
-int _xcb_xid_init(XCBConnection *c)
+int _xcb_xid_init(xcb_connection_t *c)
if(pthread_mutex_init(&c->xid.lock, 0))
return 0;
return 1;
-void _xcb_xid_destroy(XCBConnection *c)
+void _xcb_xid_destroy(xcb_connection_t *c)
#include "xcbxlib.h"
#include "xcbint.h"
-unsigned int XCBGetRequestSent(XCBConnection *c)
+unsigned int xcb_get_request_sent(xcb_connection_t *c)
return 0;
return c->out.request;
-pthread_mutex_t *XCBGetIOLock(XCBConnection *c)
+pthread_mutex_t *xcb_get_io_lock(xcb_connection_t *c)
return 0;
/* xcb_ext.c */
-struct XCBExtension {
+struct xcb_extension_t {
const char *name;
int global_id;
typedef struct {
size_t count;
- XCBExtension *ext;
- CARD8 opcode;
- BOOL isvoid;
-} XCBProtocolRequest;
+ xcb_extension_t *ext;
+ uint8_t opcode;
+ uint8_t isvoid;
+} xcb_protocol_request_t;
-enum XCBSendRequestFlags {
+enum xcb_send_request_flags_t {
-unsigned int XCBSendRequest(XCBConnection *c, int flags, struct iovec *vector, const XCBProtocolRequest *request);
+unsigned int xcb_send_request(xcb_connection_t *c, int flags, struct iovec *vector, const xcb_protocol_request_t *request);
/* xcb_in.c */
-void *XCBWaitForReply(XCBConnection *c, unsigned int request, XCBGenericError **e);
-int XCBPollForReply(XCBConnection *c, unsigned int request, void **reply, XCBGenericError **error);
+void *xcb_wait_for_reply(xcb_connection_t *c, unsigned int request, xcb_generic_error_t **e);
+int xcb_poll_for_reply(xcb_connection_t *c, unsigned int request, void **reply, xcb_generic_error_t **error);
/* xcb_xid.c */
-CARD32 XCBGenerateID(XCBConnection *c);
+uint32_t xcb_generate_id(xcb_connection_t *c);
/* xcb_util.c */
-int XCBPopcount(CARD32 mask);
+int xcb_popcount(uint32_t mask);
#ifdef __cplusplus
/* xcb_list.c */
-typedef void (*XCBListFreeFunc)(void *);
+typedef void (*xcb_list_free_func_t)(void *);
typedef struct _xcb_map _xcb_map;
_xcb_map *_xcb_map_new(void);
-void _xcb_map_delete(_xcb_map *q, XCBListFreeFunc do_free);
+void _xcb_map_delete(_xcb_map *q, xcb_list_free_func_t do_free);
int _xcb_map_put(_xcb_map *q, unsigned int key, void *data);
void *_xcb_map_remove(_xcb_map *q, unsigned int key);
unsigned int request_written;
pthread_mutex_t reqlenlock;
- CARD32 maximum_request_length;
+ uint32_t maximum_request_length;
} _xcb_out;
int _xcb_out_init(_xcb_out *out);
void _xcb_out_destroy(_xcb_out *out);
-int _xcb_out_send(XCBConnection *c, struct iovec **vector, int *count);
-int _xcb_out_flush_to(XCBConnection *c, unsigned int request);
+int _xcb_out_send(xcb_connection_t *c, struct iovec **vector, int *count);
+int _xcb_out_flush_to(xcb_connection_t *c, unsigned int request);
/* xcb_in.c */
int _xcb_in_init(_xcb_in *in);
void _xcb_in_destroy(_xcb_in *in);
-int _xcb_in_expect_reply(XCBConnection *c, unsigned int request, enum workarounds workaround, int flags);
+int _xcb_in_expect_reply(xcb_connection_t *c, unsigned int request, enum workarounds workaround, int flags);
-int _xcb_in_read(XCBConnection *c);
-int _xcb_in_read_block(XCBConnection *c, void *buf, int nread);
+int _xcb_in_read(xcb_connection_t *c);
+int _xcb_in_read_block(xcb_connection_t *c, void *buf, int nread);
/* xcb_xid.c */
typedef struct _xcb_xid {
pthread_mutex_t lock;
- CARD32 last;
- CARD32 base;
- CARD32 max;
- CARD32 inc;
+ uint32_t last;
+ uint32_t base;
+ uint32_t max;
+ uint32_t inc;
} _xcb_xid;
-int _xcb_xid_init(XCBConnection *c);
-void _xcb_xid_destroy(XCBConnection *c);
+int _xcb_xid_init(xcb_connection_t *c);
+void _xcb_xid_destroy(xcb_connection_t *c);
/* xcb_ext.c */
int extensions_size;
} _xcb_ext;
-int _xcb_ext_init(XCBConnection *c);
-void _xcb_ext_destroy(XCBConnection *c);
+int _xcb_ext_init(xcb_connection_t *c);
+void _xcb_ext_destroy(xcb_connection_t *c);
/* xcb_conn.c */
-struct XCBConnection {
+struct xcb_connection_t {
int has_error;
/* constant data */
- XCBSetup *setup;
+ xcb_setup_t *setup;
int fd;
/* I/O data */
_xcb_xid xid;
-void _xcb_conn_shutdown(XCBConnection *c);
-int _xcb_conn_wait(XCBConnection *c, pthread_cond_t *cond, struct iovec **vector, int *count);
+void _xcb_conn_shutdown(xcb_connection_t *c);
+int _xcb_conn_wait(xcb_connection_t *c, pthread_cond_t *cond, struct iovec **vector, int *count);
/* xcb_auth.c */
-int _xcb_get_auth_info(int fd, XCBAuthInfo *info);
+int _xcb_get_auth_info(int fd, xcb_auth_info_t *info);
#pragma GCC visibility pop
#include "xcb.h"
/* This function must be called with the IOLock held. */
-unsigned int XCBGetRequestSent(XCBConnection *c);
+unsigned int xcb_get_request_sent(xcb_connection_t *c);
-pthread_mutex_t *XCBGetIOLock(XCBConnection *c);
+pthread_mutex_t *xcb_get_io_lock(xcb_connection_t *c);