- THTensor* self
- name: _th_potrf
+ name: _th_potrf_single
cname: potrf
- Float
_(aten, _cast_Short) \
_(aten, _cat) \
_(aten, _ceil) \
+_(aten, _cholesky_helper) \
_(aten, _convolution) \
_(aten, _convolution_double_backward) \
_(aten, _convolution_nogroup) \
// potrs
extern "C" void dpotrs_(char *uplo, int *n, int *nrhs, double *a, int *lda, double *b, int *ldb, int *info);
extern "C" void spotrs_(char *uplo, int *n, int *nrhs, float *a, int *lda, float *b, int *ldb, int *info);
+// potrf
+extern "C" void dpotrf_(char *uplo, int *n, double *a, int *lda, int *info);
+extern "C" void spotrf_(char *uplo, int *n, float *a, int *lda, int *info);
namespace at {
AT_ERROR("potrs only takes float or double Tensors");
+template<class scalar_t>
+void lapackCholesky(char uplo, int n, scalar_t *a, int lda, int *info) {
+ AT_ERROR("cholesky only takes float or double Tensors");
template<> void lapackGesv<double>(int n, int nrhs, double *a, int lda, int *ipiv, double *b, int ldb, int *info) {
dgesv_(&n, &nrhs, a, &lda, ipiv, b, &ldb, info);
template<> void lapackPotrs<float>(char uplo, int n, int nrhs, float *a, int lda, float *b, int ldb, int *info) {
spotrs_(&uplo, &n, &nrhs, a, &lda, b, &ldb, info);
+template<> void lapackCholesky<double>(char uplo, int n, double *a, int lda, int *info) {
+ dpotrf_(&uplo, &n, a, &lda, info);
+template<> void lapackCholesky<float>(char uplo, int n, float *a, int lda, int *info) {
+ spotrf_(&uplo, &n, a, &lda, info);
// Below of the definitions of the functions operating on a batch that are going to be dispatched
static void apply_gesv(Tensor& b, Tensor& A, std::vector<int64_t>& infos) {
#ifndef USE_LAPACK
AT_ERROR("gesv: LAPACK library not found in compilation");
auto A_data = A.data<scalar_t>();
auto b_data = b.data<scalar_t>();
auto A_mat_stride = matrixStride(A);
auto ipiv = at::empty({n}, b.type().toScalarType(kInt));
+ int info;
for (int64_t i = 0; i < batch_size; i++) {
- int info;
scalar_t* A_working_ptr = &A_data[i * A_mat_stride];
scalar_t* b_working_ptr = &b_data[i * b_mat_stride];
lapackGesv<scalar_t>(n, nrhs, A_working_ptr, n, ipiv.data<int>(), b_working_ptr, n, &info);
std::tuple<Tensor, Tensor> _gesv_helper_cpu(const Tensor& self, const Tensor& A) {
static void apply_inverse(Tensor& self, std::vector<int64_t>& infos) {
#ifndef USE_LAPACK
AT_ERROR("inverse: LAPACK library not found in compilation");
auto self_data = self.data<scalar_t>();
auto self_matrix_stride = matrixStride(self);
Tensor _inverse_helper_cpu(const Tensor& self) {
if (self.dim() == 2) {
return at::_th_getri_single(self);
- inverseCheckInputs(self);
+ squareCheckInputs(self);
return at::_inverse_helper(self);
static void apply_potrs(Tensor& b, Tensor& A, bool upper, std::vector<int64_t>& infos) {
#ifndef USE_LAPACK
AT_ERROR("potrs: LAPACK library not found in compilation");
char uplo = upper ? 'U' : 'L';
auto A_data = A.data<scalar_t>();
Tensor _potrs_helper_cpu(const Tensor& self, const Tensor& A, bool upper) {
return at::_th_potrs_single_out(result, self, A, upper);
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cholesky ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+template<typename scalar_t>
+static void apply_cholesky(Tensor& self, bool upper, std::vector<int64_t>& infos) {
+#ifndef USE_LAPACK
+ AT_ERROR("cholesky: LAPACK library not found in compilation");
+ char uplo = upper ? 'U' : 'L';
+ auto self_data = self.data<scalar_t>();
+ auto self_matrix_stride = matrixStride(self);
+ auto batch_size = batchCount(self);
+ auto n = self.size(-2);
+ int info;
+ for (int64_t i = 0; i < batch_size; i++) {
+ scalar_t* self_working_ptr = &self_data[i * self_matrix_stride];
+ lapackCholesky<scalar_t>(uplo, n, self_working_ptr, n, &info);
+ infos[i] = info;
+ if (info != 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+Tensor _cholesky_helper_cpu(const Tensor& self, bool upper) {
+ std::vector<int64_t> infos(batchCount(self), 0);
+ auto self_working_copy = cloneBatchedColumnMajor(self);
+ AT_DISPATCH_FLOATING_TYPES(self.type(), "cholesky", [&]{
+ apply_cholesky<scalar_t>(self_working_copy, upper, infos);
+ });
+ batchCheckErrors(infos, "cholesky");
+ return self_working_copy;
+Tensor cholesky(const Tensor &self, bool upper) {
+ if (self.size(-1) == 0) {
+ return at::empty_like(self);
+ }
+ if (self.dim() == 2) {
+ return at::_th_potrf_single(self, upper);
+ }
+ squareCheckInputs(self);
+ // TODO: (#14071) Once `triu`, `tril` is implemented for batched tensors,
+ // this can be simplified. Currently, we are zero-ing out values in the
+ // batch of matrices by using a mask and the `where` function.
+ // The simplification with batched `triu` and `tril` would be this:
+ // if (upper) {
+ // return raw_cholesky_output.triu();
+ // } else {
+ // return raw_cholesky_output.tril();
+ // }
+ auto raw_cholesky_output = at::_cholesky_helper(self, upper);
+ int64_t n = self.size(-1);
+ auto indices = at::ones({n, n}, self.options().dtype(at::kByte));
+ indices = upper ? indices.tril(-1).expand_as(self) : indices.triu(1).expand_as(self);
+ return at::where(indices, at::zeros({}, self.options()), raw_cholesky_output);
+Tensor& cholesky_out(Tensor &result, const Tensor &self, bool upper) {
+ if (self.size(-1) == 0) {
+ return result.resize_as_(self);
+ }
+ result.copy_(native::cholesky(self, upper));
+ return result;
}} // namespace at::native
return at::_th_svd(self, some, compute_uv);
-Tensor & cholesky_out(Tensor & result, const Tensor & self, bool upper) {
- return at::_th_potrf_out(result, self, upper);
-Tensor cholesky(const Tensor & self, bool upper) {
- return at::_th_potrf(self, upper);
Tensor & potri_out(Tensor & result, const Tensor & self, bool upper) {
return at::_th_potri_out(result, self, upper);
" but each b matrix is ", self.size(-2), " by ", self.size(-1));
-// Validates input shapes for inverse
-static inline void inverseCheckInputs(const Tensor& self) {
+// Validates input shapes for operations on batches of square matrices (inverse, cholesky)
+static inline void squareCheckInputs(const Tensor& self) {
AT_CHECK(self.size(-1) == self.size(-2),
"A must be batches of square matrices, "
"but they are ", self.size(-1), " by ", self.size(-2), " matrices");
AT_ERROR("potrs only takes float or double Tensors");
+template<class scalar_t>
+void magmaCholeskyBatched(
+ magma_uplo_t uplo, magma_int_t n, scalar_t** dA_array, magma_int_t ldda,
+ magma_int_t* info_array, magma_int_t batchsize, const MAGMAQueue& magma_queue) {
+ AT_ERROR("cholesky only takes float or double Tensors");
void magmaGesvBatched<double>(
magma_int_t n, magma_int_t nrhs, double** dA_array, magma_int_t ldda,
float** dB_array, magma_int_t lddb, magma_int_t& info, magma_int_t batchsize, const MAGMAQueue& magma_queue) {
info = magma_spotrs_batched(uplo, n, nrhs, dA_array, ldda, dB_array, lddb, batchsize, magma_queue.get_queue());
+void magmaCholeskyBatched<double>(
+ magma_uplo_t uplo, magma_int_t n, double** dA_array, magma_int_t ldda,
+ magma_int_t* info_array, magma_int_t batchsize, const MAGMAQueue& magma_queue) {
+ magma_dpotrf_batched(uplo, n, dA_array, ldda, info_array, batchsize, magma_queue.get_queue());
+void magmaCholeskyBatched<float>(
+ magma_uplo_t uplo, magma_int_t n, float** dA_array, magma_int_t ldda,
+ magma_int_t* info_array, magma_int_t batchsize, const MAGMAQueue& magma_queue) {
+ magma_spotrf_batched(uplo, n, dA_array, ldda, info_array, batchsize, magma_queue.get_queue());
#define ALLOCATE_ARRAY(name, type, size, dummy_tensor) \
return self_working_copy;
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cholesky ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+template <typename scalar_t>
+static void apply_cholesky(Tensor& self, bool upper, std::vector<int64_t>& infos) {
+#ifndef USE_MAGMA
+AT_ERROR("cholesky: MAGMA library not found in "
+ "compilation. Please rebuild with MAGMA.");
+ magma_uplo_t uplo = upper ? MagmaUpper : MagmaLower;
+ auto self_data = self.data<scalar_t>();
+ auto self_mat_stride = matrixStride(self);
+ magma_int_t batch_size = magma_int_cast(batchCount(self), "batchCount");
+ magma_int_t n = magma_int_cast(self.size(-2), "self.size(-2)");
+ magma_int_t* info_array;
+ scalar_t** self_array;
+ ALLOCATE_ARRAY(info_array, magma_int_t, batch_size, self);
+ ALLOCATE_ARRAY(self_array, scalar_t*, batch_size, self);
+ // Set up the created arrays
+ for (int64_t i = 0; i < batch_size; i++) {
+ self_array[i] = &self_data[i * self_mat_stride];
+ }
+ MAGMAQueue magma_queue(self.get_device());
+ magmaCholeskyBatched<scalar_t>(
+ uplo, n, self_array, n, info_array,
+ batch_size, magma_queue);
+ for (int64_t i = 0; i < batch_size; i++) {
+ infos[i] = info_array[i];
+ }
+Tensor _cholesky_helper_cuda(const Tensor& self, bool upper) {
+ std::vector<int64_t> infos(batchCount(self), 0);
+ Tensor self_working_copy;
+ if (upper) {
+ self_working_copy = cloneBatchedColumnMajor(self.transpose(-1, -2));
+ } else {
+ self_working_copy = cloneBatchedColumnMajor(self);
+ }
+ AT_DISPATCH_FLOATING_TYPES(self.type(), "cholesky", [&]{
+ apply_cholesky<scalar_t>(self_working_copy, false, infos);
+ });
+ batchCheckErrors(infos, "cholesky");
+ if (upper) {
+ return self_working_copy.transpose(-1, -2);
+ } else {
+ return self_working_copy;
+ }
}} // namespace at::native
- func: cholesky(Tensor self, bool upper=false) -> Tensor
variants: method, function
+- func: _cholesky_helper(Tensor self, bool upper) -> Tensor
+ variants: function
+ dispatch:
+ CPU: _cholesky_helper_cpu
+ CUDA: _cholesky_helper_cuda
- func: potrs_out(Tensor result, Tensor self, Tensor input2, bool upper=true) -> Tensor
- func: potrs(Tensor self, Tensor input2, bool upper=true) -> Tensor
def test_cholesky(self):
- root = torch.tril(torch.rand(S, S)).requires_grad_()
+ def func(root):
+ x = torch.matmul(root, root.transpose(-1, -2)) + 1e-05
+ return torch.cholesky(x, upper)
- def run_test(upper):
- def func(root):
- x = torch.mm(root, root.t())
- return torch.cholesky(x, upper)
+ def run_test(upper, dims):
+ root = torch.rand(*dims)
+ indices = torch.ones(dims[-1], dims[-1], dtype=torch.uint8).tril()
+ indices = indices.expand_as(root)
+ root[indices] = 0
+ root.requires_grad_()
gradcheck(func, [root])
gradgradcheck(func, [root])
- run_test(upper=True)
- run_test(upper=False)
+ for upper, dims in product([True, False], [(3, 3), (4, 3, 2, 2)]):
+ run_test(upper, dims)
+ run_test(upper, dims)
def test_trtrs(self):
def test_potrs_batched_dims(self):
_TestTorchMixin._test_potrs_batched_dims(self, lambda t: t.cuda())
+ @unittest.skipIf(not TEST_MAGMA, "no MAGMA library detected")
+ def test_cholesky(self):
+ _TestTorchMixin._test_cholesky(self, lambda t: t.cuda())
+ @unittest.skipIf(not TEST_MAGMA, "no MAGMA library detected")
+ def test_cholesky_batched(self):
+ _TestTorchMixin._test_cholesky_batched(self, lambda t: t.cuda())
def test_view(self):
_TestTorchMixin._test_view(self, lambda t: t.cuda())
self.assertEqual(x, y)
- @skipIfNoLapack
- def test_cholesky(self):
- x = torch.rand(10, 10) + 1e-1
+ @staticmethod
+ def _test_cholesky(self, cast):
+ x = cast(torch.rand(10, 10) + 1e-1)
A = torch.mm(x, x.t())
# default Case
B = torch.mm(L, L.t())
self.assertEqual(A, B, 1e-14, 'cholesky (lower) did not allow rebuilding the original matrix')
+ @skipIfNoLapack
+ def test_cholesky(self):
+ self._test_cholesky(self, lambda t: t)
+ @staticmethod
+ def _test_cholesky_batched(self, cast):
+ from common_utils import random_symmetric_pd_matrix
+ def cholesky_test_helper(n, batch_dims, cast, upper):
+ A = cast(random_symmetric_pd_matrix(n, *batch_dims))
+ cholesky_exp = torch.stack([m.cholesky(upper=upper) for m in A.reshape(-1, n, n)])
+ cholesky_exp = cholesky_exp.reshape_as(A)
+ print(torch.cholesky(A, upper=upper))
+ print(cholesky_exp)
+ self.assertEqual(cholesky_exp, torch.cholesky(A, upper=upper))
+ for upper, batchsize in product([True, False], [(3,), (3, 4), (2, 3, 4)]):
+ cholesky_test_helper(3, batchsize, cast, upper)
+ @skipIfNoLapack
+ def test_cholesky_batched(self):
+ self._test_cholesky_batched(self, lambda t: t)
def _test_potrs(self, cast):
a = torch.Tensor(((6.80, -2.11, 5.66, 5.97, 8.23),
def _test_potrs_batched(self, cast):
from common_utils import random_symmetric_pd_matrix
- # TODO: This function should be replaced after batch potrf is ready
- def get_cholesky(bmat, upper):
- n = bmat.size(-1)
- cholesky = torch.stack([m.cholesky(upper) for m in bmat.reshape(-1, n, n)])
- return cholesky.reshape_as(bmat)
def potrs_test_helper(A_dims, b_dims, cast, upper):
A = cast(random_symmetric_pd_matrix(*A_dims))
- L = get_cholesky(A, upper)
+ L = torch.cholesky(A, upper)
b = cast(torch.randn(*b_dims))
return A, L, b
A = cast(A).permute(0, 2, 1)
b = cast(b).permute(2, 1, 0)
assert not A.is_contiguous() and not b.is_contiguous(), "contiguous inputs"
- L = get_cholesky(A, upper)
+ L = torch.cholesky(A, upper)
x = torch.potrs(b, L, upper=upper)
self.assertEqual(x, cast(x_exp))
from numpy.linalg import solve
from common_utils import random_symmetric_pd_matrix
- # TODO: This function should be replaced after batch potrf is ready
- def get_cholesky(bmat, upper):
- n = bmat.size(-1)
- cholesky = torch.stack([m.cholesky(upper) for m in bmat.reshape(-1, n, n)])
- return cholesky.reshape_as(bmat)
def run_test(A_dims, b_dims, cast, upper):
A = random_symmetric_pd_matrix(*A_dims)
b = torch.randn(*b_dims)
x_exp = torch.Tensor(solve(A.numpy(), b.numpy()))
A, b = cast(A), cast(b)
- L = get_cholesky(A, upper)
+ L = torch.cholesky(A, upper)
x = torch.potrs(b, L, upper=upper)
self.assertEqual(x, cast(x_exp))
'_indexCopy_', 'max_values', 'min_values', 'argmax', 'argmin',
'_cumsum.*', '_cumprod.*', '_sum.*', '_prod.*',
'_th_.*', '_thnn_.*',
- 'arange.*', 'range.*', '_gesv.*', '_getri.*', '_inverse.*', '_potrs.*',
+ 'arange.*', 'range.*', '_gesv.*', '_getri.*', '_inverse.*',
+ '_potrs.*', '_cholesky.*',
'slice', 'randint(_out)?',
'_local_scalar', '_local_scalar_dense',
'max_pool1d', 'max_pool2d', 'max_pool3d', 'linear', 'to',
Tensor cholesky_backward(Tensor grad, bool upper, Tensor L) {
// cf. Iain Murray (2016); arXiv 1602.07527
if (upper) {
- L = L.t();
- grad = grad.t();
+ grad = grad.transpose(-1, -2);
+ } else {
+ L = L.transpose(-1, -2);
- auto phi = [](const Tensor & A) -> Tensor {
- auto B = A.tril();
- B = B - 0.5 * at::diag(at::diag(B));
+ auto batch_tril = [](const Tensor & A) -> Tensor {
+ int64_t n = A.size(-1);
+ auto indices = at::ones({n, n}, A.options().dtype(at::kByte));
+ indices = indices.triu(1).expand_as(A);
+ return at::where(indices, at::zeros({}, A.options()), A);
+ };
+ auto phi = [&batch_tril](const Tensor & A) -> Tensor {
+ auto B = A.dim() == 2 ? A.tril() : batch_tril(A);
+ B = B - 0.5 * at::diag_embed(B.diagonal(0, -1, -2), 0, -2, -1);
return B;
// make sure not to double-count variation, since
// only half of output matrix is unique
- auto Lbar = grad.tril();
+ auto Lbar = grad.dim() == 2 ? grad.tril() : batch_tril(grad);
- auto P = phi(at::mm(L.t(), Lbar));
+ auto P = phi(at::matmul(L, Lbar));
Tensor S;
- std::tie(S, std::ignore) = at::gesv(P + P.t(), L.t());
- std::tie(S, std::ignore) = at::gesv(S.t(), L.t());
+ std::tie(S, std::ignore) = at::gesv(P + P.transpose(-1, -2), L);
+ std::tie(S, std::ignore) = at::gesv(S.transpose(-1, -2), L);
S = phi(S);
if (upper) {
- S = S.t();
+ S = S.transpose(-1, -2);
return S;
add_docstr(torch.cholesky, r"""
-cholesky(a, upper=False, out=None) -> Tensor
+cholesky(A, upper=False, out=None) -> Tensor
Computes the Cholesky decomposition of a symmetric positive-definite
-matrix :math:`A`.
+matrix :math:`A` or for batches of symmetric positive-definite matrices.
If :attr:`upper` is ``True``, the returned matrix `U` is upper-triangular, and
the decomposition has the form:
A = LL^T
+If :attr:`upper` is ``True``, and :attr:`A` is a batch of symmetric positive-definite
+matrices, then the returned tensor will be composed of upper-triangular Cholesky factors
+of each of the individual matrices. Similarly, when :attr:`upper` is ``False``, the returned
+tensor will be composed of lower-triangular Cholesky factors of each of the individual
- a (Tensor): the input 2-D tensor, a symmetric positive-definite matrix
- upper (bool, optional): flag that indicates whether to return the
+ a (Tensor): the input tensor of size (*, n, n) where `*` is zero or more
+ batch dimensions consisting of symmetric positive-definite matrices.
+ upper (bool, optional): flag that indicates whether to return a
upper or lower triangular matrix. Default: ``False``
out (Tensor, optional): the output matrix
>>> a = torch.randn(3, 3)
- >>> a = torch.mm(a, a.t()) # make symmetric positive definite
+ >>> a = torch.mm(a, a.t()) # make symmetric positive-definite
>>> l = torch.cholesky(a)
>>> a
tensor([[ 2.4112, -0.7486, 1.4551],
tensor([[ 2.4112, -0.7486, 1.4551],
[-0.7486, 1.3544, 0.1294],
[ 1.4551, 0.1294, 1.6724]])
+ >>> a = torch.randn(3, 2, 2)
+ >>> a = torch.matmul(a, a.transpose(-1, -2)) + 1e-03 # make symmetric positive-definite
+ >>> l = torch.cholesky(a)
+ >>> z = torch.matmul(l, l.transpose(-1, -2))
+ >>> torch.max(torch.abs(z - a)) # Max non-zero
+ tensor(2.3842e-07)
from torch.distributions import constraints
from torch.distributions.distribution import Distribution
from torch.distributions.multivariate_normal import (_batch_diag, _batch_mahalanobis, _batch_mv,
- _batch_potrf_lower, _batch_trtrs_lower)
+ _batch_trtrs_lower)
from torch.distributions.utils import _standard_normal, lazy_property
Wt_Dinv = W.transpose(-1, -2) / D.unsqueeze(-2)
K = torch.matmul(Wt_Dinv, W).contiguous()
K.view(-1, m * m)[:, ::m + 1] += 1 # add identity matrix to K
- return _batch_potrf_lower(K)
+ return torch.cholesky(K)
def _batch_lowrank_logdet(W, D, capacitance_tril):
Dinvsqrt_W = self.cov_factor / cov_diag_sqrt_unsqueeze
K = torch.matmul(Dinvsqrt_W, Dinvsqrt_W.transpose(-1, -2)).contiguous()
K.view(-1, n * n)[:, ::n + 1] += 1 # add identity matrix to K
- return cov_diag_sqrt_unsqueeze * _batch_potrf_lower(K)
+ return cov_diag_sqrt_unsqueeze * torch.cholesky(K)
def covariance_matrix(self):
return torch.matmul(bmat, bvec.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1)
-def _batch_potrf_lower(bmat):
- r"""
- Applies a Cholesky decomposition to all matrices in a batch of arbitrary shape.
- """
- n = bmat.size(-1)
- cholesky_ = torch.stack([m.cholesky(upper=False) for m in bmat.reshape(-1, n, n)])
- return cholesky_.reshape(bmat.shape)
def _batch_diag(bmat):
Returns the diagonals of a batch of square matrices.
if precision_matrix is not None:
self.covariance_matrix = torch.inverse(precision_matrix).expand_as(loc_)
- self._unbroadcasted_scale_tril = _batch_potrf_lower(self.covariance_matrix)
+ self._unbroadcasted_scale_tril = torch.cholesky(self.covariance_matrix)
def expand(self, batch_shape, _instance=None):
new = self._get_checked_instance(MultivariateNormal, _instance)