-LEAF_ENTRY InternalExceptionWorker, _TEXT
- pop edx // recover RETADDR
- add esp, eax // release caller's args
- push edx // restore RETADDR
- jmp C_FUNC(JIT_InternalThrow)
-LEAF_END InternalExceptionWorker, _TEXT
-// EAX -> number of caller arg bytes on the stack that we must remove before going
-// to the throw helper, which assumes the stack is clean.
-LEAF_ENTRY ArrayOpStubNullException, _TEXT
- // kFactorReg and kTotalReg could not have been modified, but let's pop
- // them anyway for consistency and to avoid future bugs.
- pop esi
- pop edi
- mov ecx, CORINFO_NullReferenceException_ASM
- jmp C_FUNC(InternalExceptionWorker)
-LEAF_END ArrayOpStubNullException, _TEXT
-// EAX -> number of caller arg bytes on the stack that we must remove before going
-// to the throw helper, which assumes the stack is clean.
-LEAF_ENTRY ArrayOpStubRangeException, _TEXT
- // kFactorReg and kTotalReg could not have been modified, but let's pop
- // them anyway for consistency and to avoid future bugs.
- pop esi
- pop edi
- mov ecx, CORINFO_IndexOutOfRangeException_ASM
- jmp C_FUNC(InternalExceptionWorker)
-LEAF_END ArrayOpStubRangeException, _TEXT
-// EAX -> number of caller arg bytes on the stack that we must remove before going
-// to the throw helper, which assumes the stack is clean.
-LEAF_ENTRY ArrayOpStubTypeMismatchException, _TEXT
- // kFactorReg and kTotalReg could not have been modified, but let's pop
- // them anyway for consistency and to avoid future bugs.
- pop esi
- pop edi
- mov ecx, CORINFO_ArrayTypeMismatchException_ASM
- jmp C_FUNC(InternalExceptionWorker)
-LEAF_END ArrayOpStubTypeMismatchException, _TEXT
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This helper routine enregisters the appropriate arguments and makes the
// actual call.