# UTF8 range tests from Inaba Hiroto
+# Not working in EBCDIC as of 12674.
($a = v300.196.172.302.197.172) =~ tr/\x{12c}-\x{130}/\xc0-\xc4/;
print "not " unless $a eq v192.;
print "ok 50\n";
# (i-j, r-s, I-J, R-S), [\x89-\x91] [\xc9-\xd1] has to match them,
# from Karsten Sperling.
+# Not working in EBCDIC as of 12674.
$c = ($a = "\x89\x8a\x8b\x8c\x8d\x8f\x90\x91") =~ tr/\x89-\x91/X/;
print "not " unless $c == 8 and $a eq "XXXXXXXX";
print "ok 58\n";
+# Not working in EBCDIC as of 12674.
$c = ($a = "\xc9\xca\xcb\xcc\xcd\xcf\xd0\xd1") =~ tr/\xc9-\xd1/X/;
print "not " unless $c == 8 and $a eq "XXXXXXXX";
print "ok 59\n";