VALIDATION_ERROR_01112~^~N~^~Unknown~^~vkCmdClearDepthStencilImage~^~For more information refer to Vulkan Spec Section '17.1. Clearing Images Outside A Render Pass Instance' which states 'rangeCount must be greater than 0' (^~implicit
VALIDATION_ERROR_01113~^~N~^~Unknown~^~vkCmdClearDepthStencilImage~^~For more information refer to Vulkan Spec Section '17.1. Clearing Images Outside A Render Pass Instance' which states 'Both of commandBuffer, and image must have been created, allocated, or retrieved from the same VkDevice' (^~implicit
VALIDATION_ERROR_01114~^~Y~^~MissingClearAttachment~^~vkCmdClearAttachments~^~For more information refer to Vulkan Spec Section '17.2. Clearing Images Inside A Render Pass Instance' which states 'If the aspectMask member of any given element of pAttachments contains VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT, the colorAttachment member of those elements must refer to a valid color attachment in the current subpass' (^~
-VALIDATION_ERROR_01115~^~Y~^~Unknown~^~vkCmdClearAttachments~^~For more information refer to Vulkan Spec Section '17.2. Clearing Images Inside A Render Pass Instance' which states 'The rectangular region specified by a given element of pRects must be contained within the render area of the current render pass instance' (^~
-VALIDATION_ERROR_01116~^~Y~^~Unknown~^~vkCmdClearAttachments~^~For more information refer to Vulkan Spec Section '17.2. Clearing Images Inside A Render Pass Instance' which states 'The layers specified by a given element of pRects must be contained within every attachment that pAttachments refers to' (^~
+VALIDATION_ERROR_01115~^~Y~^~CmdClearAttachmentTests~^~vkCmdClearAttachments~^~For more information refer to Vulkan Spec Section '17.2. Clearing Images Inside A Render Pass Instance' which states 'The rectangular region specified by a given element of pRects must be contained within the render area of the current render pass instance' (^~
+VALIDATION_ERROR_01116~^~Y~^~CmdClearAttachmentTests~^~vkCmdClearAttachments~^~For more information refer to Vulkan Spec Section '17.2. Clearing Images Inside A Render Pass Instance' which states 'The layers specified by a given element of pRects must be contained within every attachment that pAttachments refers to' (^~
VALIDATION_ERROR_01117~^~Y~^~None~^~vkCmdClearAttachments~^~For more information refer to Vulkan Spec Section '17.2. Clearing Images Inside A Render Pass Instance' which states 'commandBuffer must be a valid VkCommandBuffer handle' (^~implicit
VALIDATION_ERROR_01118~^~N~^~Unknown~^~vkCmdClearAttachments~^~For more information refer to Vulkan Spec Section '17.2. Clearing Images Inside A Render Pass Instance' which states 'pAttachments must be a pointer to an array of attachmentCount valid VkClearAttachment structures' (^~implicit
VALIDATION_ERROR_01119~^~N~^~Unknown~^~vkCmdClearAttachments~^~For more information refer to Vulkan Spec Section '17.2. Clearing Images Inside A Render Pass Instance' which states 'pRects must be a pointer to an array of rectCount VkClearRect structures' (^~implicit