S : String := Pattern;
-- The pattern which is really compiled (when the pattern is case
- -- insensitive, we convert this string to lower-cases
+ -- insensitive, we convert this string to lower-cases).
Map : Mapping := (others => 0);
-- Mapping between characters and columns in the tables
-- The last occurrence of an opening parenthesis, if Glob=False,
-- or the last occurrence of an opening curly brace, if Glob=True.
+ procedure Find_Close_Bracket;
+ -- Go through the pattern to find a closing bracket. Raise an
+ -- exception if none is found.
procedure Raise_Exception_If_No_More_Chars (K : Integer := 0);
- -- If S(J + 1 .. S'Last)'Length < K then call Raise_Exception
+ -- If J + K > S'Last then call Raise_Exception
+ ------------------------
+ -- Find_Close_Bracket --
+ ------------------------
+ procedure Find_Close_Bracket is
+ Possible_Range_Start : Boolean := True;
+ -- Set True everywhere a range character '-' can occur
+ begin
+ loop
+ exit when S (J) = Close_Bracket;
+ Raise_Exception_If_No_More_Chars (1);
+ -- The current character is not a close_bracket, thus it should
+ -- be followed by at least one more char. If not, no close
+ -- bracket is present and the pattern is ill-formed.
+ if S (J) = '-' and then S (J + 1) /= Close_Bracket then
+ if not Possible_Range_Start then
+ Raise_Exception
+ ("No mix of ranges is allowed in "
+ & "regular expression", J);
+ end if;
+ J := J + 1;
+ Raise_Exception_If_No_More_Chars (1);
+ Possible_Range_Start := False;
+ -- Range cannot be followed by '-' character,
+ -- except as last character in the set.
+ else
+ Possible_Range_Start := True;
+ end if;
+ if S (J) = '\' then
+ J := J + 1;
+ Raise_Exception_If_No_More_Chars (1);
+ -- We ignore the next character and need to check we have
+ -- one more available character. This is necessary for
+ -- the erroneous [\] pattern which stands for [\]] or [\\].
+ end if;
+ J := J + 1;
+ end loop;
+ end Find_Close_Bracket;
-- Raise_Exception_If_No_More_Chars --
end if;
end if;
- -- The first character never has a special meaning
+ -- Characters ']' and '-' are meant as literals when first
+ -- in the list. As such, they have no special meaning and
+ -- we pass them.
if S (J) = ']' or else S (J) = '-' then
J := J + 1;
end if;
- -- The set of characters cannot be empty
if S (J) = ']' then
+ -- ??? This message is misleading since the check forbids
+ -- the sets []] and [-] but not the empty set [].
("Set of characters cannot be empty in regular "
& "expression", J);
end if;
- declare
- Possible_Range_Start : Boolean := True;
- -- Set True everywhere a range character '-' can occur
- begin
- loop
- exit when S (J) = Close_Bracket;
- -- The current character should be followed by a
- -- closing bracket.
- Raise_Exception_If_No_More_Chars (1);
- if S (J) = '-'
- and then S (J + 1) /= Close_Bracket
- then
- if not Possible_Range_Start then
- Raise_Exception
- ("No mix of ranges is allowed in "
- & "regular expression", J);
- end if;
- J := J + 1;
- Raise_Exception_If_No_More_Chars;
- -- Range cannot be followed by '-' character,
- -- except as last character in the set.
- Possible_Range_Start := False;
- else
- Possible_Range_Start := True;
- end if;
- if S (J) = '\' then
- J := J + 1;
- Raise_Exception_If_No_More_Chars;
- end if;
- J := J + 1;
- end loop;
- end;
+ Find_Close_Bracket;
-- A closing bracket can end an elmt or term