#include "cctest.h"
using v8::internal::Address;
+using v8::internal::EmbeddedVector;
using v8::internal::Logger;
namespace i = v8::internal;
+static int GetLogLines(int start_pos, i::Vector<char>* buffer) {
+ return Logger::GetLogLines(start_pos, buffer->start(), buffer->length());
TEST(BeyondWritePosition) {
Logger::StringEvent("aaa", "bbb");
// See Logger::StringEvent.
const char* all_lines = "aaa,\"bbb\"\ncccc,\"dddd\"\n";
const int all_lines_len = strlen(all_lines);
- CHECK_EQ(0, Logger::GetLogLines(all_lines_len, NULL, 1));
- CHECK_EQ(0, Logger::GetLogLines(all_lines_len, NULL, 100));
- CHECK_EQ(0, Logger::GetLogLines(all_lines_len + 1, NULL, 1));
- CHECK_EQ(0, Logger::GetLogLines(all_lines_len + 1, NULL, 100));
- CHECK_EQ(0, Logger::GetLogLines(all_lines_len + 100, NULL, 1));
- CHECK_EQ(0, Logger::GetLogLines(all_lines_len + 100, NULL, 100));
- CHECK_EQ(0, Logger::GetLogLines(10 * 1024 * 1024, NULL, 1));
- CHECK_EQ(0, Logger::GetLogLines(10 * 1024 * 1024, NULL, 100));
+ EmbeddedVector<char, 100> buffer;
+ const int beyond_write_pos = all_lines_len;
+ CHECK_EQ(0, Logger::GetLogLines(beyond_write_pos, buffer.start(), 1));
+ CHECK_EQ(0, GetLogLines(beyond_write_pos, &buffer));
+ CHECK_EQ(0, Logger::GetLogLines(beyond_write_pos + 1, buffer.start(), 1));
+ CHECK_EQ(0, GetLogLines(beyond_write_pos + 1, &buffer));
+ CHECK_EQ(0, Logger::GetLogLines(beyond_write_pos + 100, buffer.start(), 1));
+ CHECK_EQ(0, GetLogLines(beyond_write_pos + 100, &buffer));
+ CHECK_EQ(0, Logger::GetLogLines(10 * 1024 * 1024, buffer.start(), 1));
+ CHECK_EQ(0, GetLogLines(10 * 1024 * 1024, &buffer));
+static void CompileAndRunScript(const char *src) {
+ v8::Script::Compile(v8::String::New(src))->Run();
+namespace v8 {
+namespace internal {
+class LoggerTestHelper : public AllStatic {
+ public:
+ static bool IsSamplerActive() { return Logger::IsProfilerSamplerActive(); }
+} // namespace v8::internal
+} // namespace v8
+using v8::internal::LoggerTestHelper;
+static int CheckThatProfilerWorks(int log_pos) {
+ Logger::ResumeProfiler();
+ CHECK(LoggerTestHelper::IsSamplerActive());
+ // Verify that the current map of compiled functions has been logged.
+ EmbeddedVector<char, 102400> buffer;
+ int map_log_size = GetLogLines(log_pos, &buffer);
+ printf("map_log_size: %d\n", map_log_size);
+ CHECK_GT(map_log_size, 0);
+ CHECK_GT(buffer.length(), map_log_size);
+ log_pos += map_log_size;
+ // Check buffer contents.
+ buffer[map_log_size] = '\0';
+ const char* code_creation = "\ncode-creation,"; // eq. to /^code-creation,/
+ CHECK_NE(NULL, strstr(buffer.start(), code_creation));
+ // Force compiler to generate new code by parametrizing source.
+ EmbeddedVector<char, 100> script_src;
+ i::OS::SNPrintF(script_src,
+ "for (var i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { "
+ "(function(x) { return %d * x; })(i); }",
+ log_pos);
+ // Run code for 100 msecs to get some ticks.
+ const int64_t started_us = i::OS::Ticks();
+ while (i::OS::Ticks() - started_us < 100 * 1000) {
+ CompileAndRunScript(script_src.start());
+ }
+ Logger::PauseProfiler();
+ CHECK(!LoggerTestHelper::IsSamplerActive());
+ // Now we must have compiler and tick records.
+ int log_size = GetLogLines(log_pos, &buffer);
+ printf("log_size: %d\n", log_size);
+ CHECK_GT(log_size, 0);
+ CHECK_GT(buffer.length(), log_size);
+ log_pos += log_size;
+ // Check buffer contents.
+ buffer[log_size] = '\0';
+ const char* tick = "\ntick,";
+ CHECK_NE(NULL, strstr(buffer.start(), code_creation));
+ CHECK_NE(NULL, strstr(buffer.start(), tick));
+ return log_pos;
+TEST(ProfLazyMode) {
+ const bool saved_prof_lazy = i::FLAG_prof_lazy;
+ const bool saved_prof = i::FLAG_prof;
+ const bool saved_prof_auto = i::FLAG_prof_auto;
+ i::FLAG_prof = true;
+ i::FLAG_prof_lazy = true;
+ i::FLAG_prof_auto = false;
+ i::FLAG_logfile = "*";
+ // If tests are being run manually, V8 will be already initialized
+ // by the test below.
+ const bool need_to_set_up_logger = i::V8::HasBeenSetup();
+ v8::HandleScope scope;
+ v8::Handle<v8::Context> env = v8::Context::New();
+ if (need_to_set_up_logger) Logger::Setup();
+ env->Enter();
+ // No sampling should happen prior to resuming profiler.
+ CHECK(!LoggerTestHelper::IsSamplerActive());
+ // Read initial logged data (static libs map).
+ EmbeddedVector<char, 102400> buffer;
+ int log_pos = GetLogLines(0, &buffer);
+ CHECK_GT(log_pos, 0);
+ CHECK_GT(buffer.length(), log_pos);
+ CompileAndRunScript("var a = (function(x) { return x + 1; })(10);");
+ // Nothing must be logged while profiling is suspended.
+ CHECK_EQ(0, GetLogLines(log_pos, &buffer));
+ log_pos = CheckThatProfilerWorks(log_pos);
+ CompileAndRunScript("var a = (function(x) { return x + 1; })(10);");
+ // No new data beyond last retrieved position.
+ CHECK_EQ(0, GetLogLines(log_pos, &buffer));
+ // Check that profiling can be resumed again.
+ CheckThatProfilerWorks(log_pos);
+ env->Exit();
+ Logger::TearDown();
+ i::FLAG_prof_lazy = saved_prof_lazy;
+ i::FLAG_prof = saved_prof;
+ i::FLAG_prof_auto = saved_prof_auto;
static inline bool IsStringEqualTo(const char* r, const char* s) {
return strncmp(r, s, strlen(r)) == 0;
// Test that logging of code create / move / delete events
// is equivalent to traversal of a resulting heap.
TEST(EquivalenceOfLoggingAndTraversal) {
+ // This test needs to be run on a "clean" V8 to ensure that snapshot log
+ // is loaded. This is always true when running using tools/test.py because
+ // it launches a new cctest instance for every test. To be sure that launching
+ // cctest manually also works, please be sure that no tests below
+ // are using V8.
+ //
+ // P.S. No, V8 can't be re-initialized after disposal, see include/v8.h.
+ CHECK(!i::V8::HasBeenSetup());
i::FLAG_logfile = "*";
i::FLAG_log = true;
i::FLAG_log_code = true;
v8::HandleScope scope;
v8::Handle<v8::Value> global_object = v8::Handle<v8::Value>();
- v8::Persistent<v8::Context> env = v8::Context::New(
+ v8::Handle<v8::Context> env = v8::Context::New(
0, v8::Handle<v8::ObjectTemplate>(), global_object);
// Compile and run a function that creates other functions.
- v8::Local<v8::Script> script = v8::Script::Compile(v8::String::New(
+ CompileAndRunScript(
"(function f(obj) {\n"
" obj.test =\n"
" (function a(j) { return function b() { return j; } })(100);\n"
- "})(this);"));
- script->Run();
+ "})(this);");
- i::EmbeddedVector<char, 204800> buffer;
+ EmbeddedVector<char, 204800> buffer;
int log_size;
ParseLogResult ref_result;
// Make sure that no GCs occur prior to LogCompiledFunctions call.
i::AssertNoAllocation no_alloc;
- log_size = Logger::GetLogLines(0, buffer.start(), buffer.length());
+ log_size = GetLogLines(0, &buffer);
CHECK_GT(log_size, 0);
CHECK_GT(buffer.length(), log_size);
- v8::V8::Dispose();
+ Logger::TearDown();
i::FLAG_always_compact = saved_always_compact;