ALARM_ERROR_CONNECTION_FAIL = TIZEN_ERROR_APPLICATION | 0x07, /**< The alarm service connection failed */
- ALARM_ERROR_NOT_PERMITTED_APP = TIZEN_ERROR_APPLICATION | 0x08, /**< Application is not permitted. (Since 2.4) */
+ ALARM_ERROR_NOT_PERMITTED_APP = TIZEN_ERROR_APPLICATION | 0x08, /**< Application is not permitted. (Since @if MOBILE 2.4 @elseif WEARABLE 3.0 @endif) */
} alarm_error_e;
* @remarks If the application is uninstalled after setting an alarm, the alarm is cancelled automatically.
* If the operation of @a app_control is not specified, #APP_CONTROL_OPERATION_DEFAULT is used for the launch request.
* If the operation of @a app_control is #APP_CONTROL_OPERATION_DEFAULT, the package information is mandatory to explicitly launch the application.
- * Since 2.4, this api does not support exact period and delay for minimizing the wakeups of the device. The system can adjust when the alarm expires.
+ * Since @if MOBILE 2.4 @elseif WEARABLE 3.0 @endif, this api does not support exact period and delay for minimizing the wakeups of the device. The system can adjust when the alarm expires.
* If you want to trigger an alarm exactly, see @see alarm_schedule_once_after_delay()
- * Since 2.4 If @a app_control is specified with service-application, the application is only allowed to run on which has Background Category.
- * Since 2.4 If the appid of @a app_control is not specified, this api is not allowed. In other words, the explicit @a app_control is only allowed.
+ * Since @if MOBILE 2.4 @elseif WEARABLE 3.0 @endif If @a app_control is specified with service-application, the application is only allowed to run on which has Background Category.
+ * Since @if MOBILE 2.4 @elseif WEARABLE 3.0 @endif If the appid of @a app_control is not specified, this api is not allowed. In other words, the explicit @a app_control is only allowed.
* @param[in] app_control The destination app_control to perform a specific task when the alarm is triggered
- * @param[in] delay The amount of time before the first execution (in seconds). Since 2.4, Although this is inexact, the alarm will not fire before this time
- * @param[in] period The amount of time between subsequent alarms (in seconds). Since 2.4, This value does not guarantee the accuracy. The actual interval is calculated by the OS. The minimum value is 600sec
+ * @param[in] delay The amount of time before the first execution (in seconds). Since @if MOBILE 2.4 @elseif WEARABLE 3.0 @endif, Although this is inexact, the alarm will not fire before this time
+ * @param[in] period The amount of time between subsequent alarms (in seconds). Since @if MOBILE 2.4 @elseif WEARABLE 3.0 @endif, This value does not guarantee the accuracy. The actual interval is calculated by the OS. The minimum value is 600sec
* @param[out] alarm_id The alarm ID that uniquely identifies an alarm
* @return @c 0 on success,
* otherwise a negative error value
- * @deprecated Deprecated since 2.4. [Use alarm_schedule_once_at_date() instead]
+ * @deprecated Deprecated since @if MOBILE 2.4 @elseif WEARABLE 3.0 @endif. [Use alarm_schedule_once_at_date() instead]
* @brief Sets an alarm to be triggered at a specific time.
* @details The @a date describes the time of the first occurrence.
* If @a period is bigger than @c 0, the alarm will be scheduled after the @a period time.
* @remarks If the application is uninstalled after setting an alarm, the alarm is cancelled automatically.
* If the operation of @a app_control is not specified, #APP_CONTROL_OPERATION_DEFAULT is used for the launch request.
* If the operation of @a app_control is #APP_CONTROL_OPERATION_DEFAULT, the package information is mandatory to explicitly launch the application.
- * Since 2.4, The @a app_control only supports UI application with this api. If @a app_control is not UI application, #ALARM_ERROR_NOT_PERMITTED_APP returned.
+ * Since @if MOBILE 2.4 @elseif WEARABLE 3.0 @endif, The @a app_control only supports UI application with this api. If @a app_control is not UI application, #ALARM_ERROR_NOT_PERMITTED_APP returned.
* When the alarm is expired, Alarm Manager will turn on LCD to prohibit background jobs.
- * Since 2.4, If the appid of @a app_control is not specified, this api is not allowed. In other words, the explicit @a app_control is only allowed.
+ * Since @if MOBILE 2.4 @elseif WEARABLE 3.0 @endif, If the appid of @a app_control is not specified, this api is not allowed. In other words, the explicit @a app_control is only allowed.
* @param[in] app_control The destination app_control to perform specific work when the alarm is triggered
* @param[in] date The first active alarm time
APP_EVENT_LANGUAGE_CHANGED, /**< The system language changed event */
APP_EVENT_DEVICE_ORIENTATION_CHANGED, /**< The device orientation changed event */
APP_EVENT_REGION_FORMAT_CHANGED, /**< The region format changed event */
- APP_EVENT_SUSPENDED_STATE_CHANGED, /**< The suspended state changed event of the application (since 2.4)
+ APP_EVENT_SUSPENDED_STATE_CHANGED, /**< The suspended state changed event of the application (since @if MOBILE 2.4 @elseif WEARABLE 3.0 @endif)
@see app_event_get_suspended_state */
} app_event_type_e;
* @remarks If the given @a event_info has #APP_SUSPENDED_STATE_WILL_ENTER value,
* the application should not call any asynchronous operations in this callback.
* After the callback returns, process of the application will be changed to suspended
- * state immediately. Thus, asynchronous operations may work incorrectly. (since 2.4)
+ * state immediately. Thus, asynchronous operations may work incorrectly. (since @if MOBILE 2.4 @elseif WEARABLE 3.0 @endif)
typedef void (*app_event_cb)(app_event_info_h event_info, void *user_data);
* @since_tizen @if MOBILE 2.3 @elseif WEARABLE 2.3.1 @endif
typedef enum {
- APP_CONTROL_RESULT_APP_STARTED = 1, /**< Callee application launched actually (Since 2.4) */
+ APP_CONTROL_RESULT_APP_STARTED = 1, /**< Callee application launched actually (Since @if MOBILE 2.4 @elseif WEARABLE 3.0 @endif) */
APP_CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCEEDED = 0, /**< Operation succeeded */
APP_CONTROL_RESULT_FAILED = -1, /**< Operation failed by the callee */
APP_CONTROL_RESULT_CANCELED = -2, /**< Operation canceled by the platform */
* @brief Definition for the app_control operation: Delivers some data to someone else.
* @since_tizen @if MOBILE 2.3 @elseif WEARABLE 2.3.1 @endif
- * @deprecated Deprecated since 2.4. Use #APP_CONTROL_OPERATION_SHARE instead.
+ * @deprecated Deprecated since @if MOBILE 2.4 @elseif WEARABLE 3.0 @endif. Use #APP_CONTROL_OPERATION_SHARE instead.
* @brief Definition for the app_control operation: Delivers text data to someone else.
* @since_tizen @if MOBILE 2.3 @elseif WEARABLE 2.3.1 @endif
- * @deprecated Deprecated since 2.4. Use #APP_CONTROL_OPERATION_SHARE_TEXT instead.
+ * @deprecated Deprecated since @if MOBILE 2.4 @elseif WEARABLE 3.0 @endif. Use #APP_CONTROL_OPERATION_SHARE_TEXT instead.
* Output: It depends on application scenario/configuration.\n
* @since_tizen @if MOBILE 2.3 @elseif WEARABLE 2.3.1 @endif
* @privlevel public
- * @privilege % (Since 2.4)
- * @remarks When you request this operation, you must declare this privilege. (Since 2.4)
+ * @privilege % (Since @if MOBILE 2.4 @elseif WEARABLE 3.0 @endif)
+ * @remarks When you request this operation, you must declare this privilege. (Since @if MOBILE 2.4 @elseif WEARABLE 3.0 @endif)
* @brief Definition for app_control data: Paths of items
* @since_tizen @if MOBILE 2.3 @elseif WEARABLE 2.3.1 @endif
- * @remarks Since Tizen 2.4, if all added paths with this key are under the caller application's data path which can be obtained by calling app_get_data_path() function, those will be shared to the callee application. Framework will grant a temporary permission to the callee application for those files and revoke it when the callee application is terminated. Paths should be regular files. The callee application can just read them.
+ * @remarks Since Tizen @if MOBILE 2.4 @elseif WEARABLE 3.0 @endif, if all added paths with this key are under the caller application's data path which can be obtained by calling app_get_data_path() function, those will be shared to the callee application. Framework will grant a temporary permission to the callee application for those files and revoke it when the callee application is terminated. Paths should be regular files. The callee application can just read them.
* @param[in] result The result code of the launch request
* @param[in] user_data The user data passed from the callback registration function
* @pre When the callee replies to the launch request, this callback will be invoked.
- * @pre Since 2.4, if #APP_CONTROL_RESULT_APP_STARTED event is enabled,
+ * @pre Since @if MOBILE 2.4 @elseif WEARABLE 3.0 @endif, if #APP_CONTROL_RESULT_APP_STARTED event is enabled,
* this callback also will be invoked when the callee app actually launched.
* @see app_control_send_launch_request()
* @see app_control_reply_to_launch_request()
* @brief Sets the URI of the data.
* @since_tizen @if MOBILE 2.3 @elseif WEARABLE 2.3.1 @endif
- * @remarks Since Tizen 2.4, if the parameter 'uri' is started with 'file://' and it is a regular file in this application's data path which can be obtained by calling app_get_data_path() function, it will be shared to the callee application. Framework will grant a temporary permission to the callee application for this file and revoke it when the callee application is terminated. The callee application can just read it.
+ * @remarks Since Tizen @if MOBILE 2.4 @elseif WEARABLE 3.0 @endif, if the parameter 'uri' is started with 'file://' and it is a regular file in this application's data path which can be obtained by calling app_get_data_path() function, it will be shared to the callee application. Framework will grant a temporary permission to the callee application for this file and revoke it when the callee application is terminated. The callee application can just read it.
* @param[in] app_control The app_control handle
* @param[in] uri The URI of the data this app_control is operating on (if the @a uri is @c NULL, it clears the previous value)
* @return @c 0 on success,
* @privlevel public
* @privilege %
* @remarks The function returns #APP_CONTROL_ERROR_LAUNCH_REJECTED if the operation value is #APP_CONTROL_OPERATION_LAUNCH_ON_EVENT which is only for handling the event from the platform or other application, refer to @a Event module.
- * @remarks Since Tizen 2.4, the launch request of the service application over out of packages is restricted by the platform. Also, implicit launch requests are NOT delivered to service applications since 2.4. To launch a service application, an explicit launch request with application ID given by app_control_set_app_id() MUST be sent.
+ * @remarks Since Tizen @if MOBILE 2.4 @elseif WEARABLE 3.0 @endif, the launch request of the service application over out of packages is restricted by the platform. Also, implicit launch requests are NOT delivered to service applications since @if MOBILE 2.4 @elseif WEARABLE 3.0 @endif. To launch a service application, an explicit launch request with application ID given by app_control_set_app_id() MUST be sent.
* @param[in] app_control The app_control handle
* @param[in] callback The callback function to be called when the reply is delivered
* @param[in] user_data The user data to be passed to the callback function
* @brief Sends the terminate request to the application that is launched by app_control. This API is only effective for some applications that are provided by default for handling platform default app_controls. You are not allowed to terminate other general applications using this API.
- * @remarks Since Tizen 2.4, this API can be used to terminate sub-applications which were launched as group mode by caller application.
+ * @remarks Since Tizen @if MOBILE 2.4 @elseif WEARABLE 3.0 @endif, this API can be used to terminate sub-applications which were launched as group mode by caller application.
* Once callee application is being terminated by this API, other applications which were launched by callee application as group mode will be terminated as well.
* @since_tizen @if MOBILE 2.3 @elseif WEARABLE 2.3.1 @endif