--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright(c) 2019 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ */
+using System;
+using Tizen.NUI.BaseComponents;
+using System.ComponentModel;
+using Tizen.NUI.Binding;
+namespace Tizen.NUI.Components
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The ScrollBar class of nui component. It allows users to recognize the direction and the range of lists/content.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <remarks>
+ /// Please note that this class will be replaced with Scrollbar class in the near future.
+ /// </remarks>
+ /// <since_tizen> 6 </since_tizen>
+ public class ScrollBar : Control
+ {
+ /// This will be public opened in tizen_6.0 after ACR done. Before ACR, need to be hidden as inhouse API.
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public static readonly BindableProperty DirectionProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(Direction), typeof(DirectionType), typeof(ScrollBar), DirectionType.Horizontal, propertyChanged: (bindable, oldValue, newValue) =>
+ {
+ var instance = (ScrollBar)bindable;
+ if (newValue != null)
+ {
+ instance.Style.Direction = (DirectionType?)newValue;
+ instance.UpdateValue();
+ }
+ },
+ defaultValueCreator: (bindable) =>
+ {
+ var instance = (ScrollBar)bindable;
+ return instance.Style.Direction;
+ });
+ /// This will be public opened in tizen_6.0 after ACR done. Before ACR, need to be hidden as inhouse API.
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public static readonly BindableProperty MaxValueProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(MaxValue), typeof(int), typeof(ScrollBar), default(int), propertyChanged: (bindable, oldValue, newValue) =>
+ {
+ var instance = (ScrollBar)bindable;
+ if (newValue != null)
+ {
+ if ((int)newValue >= 0)
+ {
+ instance.maxValue = (int)newValue;
+ instance.UpdateValue();
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ defaultValueCreator: (bindable) =>
+ {
+ var instance = (ScrollBar)bindable;
+ return instance.maxValue;
+ });
+ /// This will be public opened in tizen_6.0 after ACR done. Before ACR, need to be hidden as inhouse API.
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public static readonly BindableProperty MinValueProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(MinValue), typeof(int), typeof(ScrollBar), default(int), propertyChanged: (bindable, oldValue, newValue) =>
+ {
+ var instance = (ScrollBar)bindable;
+ if (newValue != null)
+ {
+ if ((int)newValue >= 0)
+ {
+ instance.minValue = (int)newValue;
+ instance.UpdateValue();
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ defaultValueCreator: (bindable) =>
+ {
+ var instance = (ScrollBar)bindable;
+ return instance.minValue;
+ });
+ /// This will be public opened in tizen_6.0 after ACR done. Before ACR, need to be hidden as inhouse API.
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public static readonly BindableProperty CurrentValueProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(CurrentValue), typeof(int), typeof(ScrollBar), default(int), propertyChanged: (bindable, oldValue, newValue) =>
+ {
+ var instance = (ScrollBar)bindable;
+ if (newValue != null)
+ {
+ if ((int)newValue >= 0)
+ {
+ instance.curValue = (int)newValue;
+ instance.UpdateValue();
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ defaultValueCreator: (bindable) =>
+ {
+ var instance = (ScrollBar)bindable;
+ return instance.curValue;
+ });
+ /// This will be public opened in tizen_6.0 after ACR done. Before ACR, need to be hidden as inhouse API.
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public static readonly BindableProperty DurationProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(Duration), typeof(uint), typeof(ScrollBar), default(uint), propertyChanged: (bindable, oldValue, newValue) =>
+ {
+ var instance = (ScrollBar)bindable;
+ if (newValue != null)
+ {
+ instance.Style.Duration = (uint)newValue;
+ if (instance.scrollAniPlayer != null)
+ {
+ instance.scrollAniPlayer.Duration = (int)(uint)newValue;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ defaultValueCreator: (bindable) =>
+ {
+ var instance = (ScrollBar)bindable;
+ return instance.Style.Duration;
+ });
+ private ImageView trackImage;
+ private ImageView thumbImage;
+ private Animation scrollAniPlayer = null;
+ private float thumbImagePosX;
+ private float thumbImagePosY;
+ private bool enableAni = false;
+ private int minValue;
+ private int maxValue;
+ private int curValue;
+ static ScrollBar() { }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The constructor of ScrollBar.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <since_tizen> 6 </since_tizen>
+ public ScrollBar() : base()
+ {
+ Initialize();
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The constructor of ScrollBar with specific style.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="style">style name</param>
+ /// <since_tizen> 8 </since_tizen>
+ public ScrollBar(string style) : base(style)
+ {
+ Initialize();
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The constructor of ScrollBar with specific style.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="scrollBarStyle">The style object to initialize the ScrollBar.</param>
+ /// <since_tizen> 8 </since_tizen>
+ public ScrollBar(ScrollBarStyle scrollBarStyle) : base(scrollBarStyle)
+ {
+ Initialize();
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The direction type of the Scroll.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <since_tizen> 6 </since_tizen>
+ public enum DirectionType
+ {
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The Horizontal type.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <since_tizen> 6 </since_tizen>
+ Horizontal,
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The Vertical type.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <since_tizen> 6 </since_tizen>
+ Vertical
+ }
+ #region public property
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Get style of scrollbar.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <since_tizen> 8 </since_tizen>
+ public new ScrollBarStyle Style => ViewStyle as ScrollBarStyle;
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The property to get/set the direction of the ScrollBar.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <since_tizen> 6 </since_tizen>
+ public DirectionType Direction
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return (DirectionType)GetValue(DirectionProperty);
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ SetValue(DirectionProperty, value);
+ }
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The property to get/set the size of the thumb object.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">Throw when ThumbSize is null.</exception>
+ /// <example>
+ /// <code>
+ /// ScrollBar scroll;
+ /// try
+ /// {
+ /// scroll.ThumbSize = new Size(500, 10, 0);
+ /// }
+ /// catch(InvalidOperationException e)
+ /// {
+ /// Tizen.Log.Error(LogTag, "Failed to set ThumbSize value : " + e.Message);
+ /// }
+ /// </code>
+ /// </example>
+ /// <since_tizen> 6 </since_tizen>
+ public Size ThumbSize
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return Style?.Thumb?.Size;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ if (null != Style?.Thumb)
+ {
+ Style.Thumb.Size = value;
+ RelayoutRequest();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The property to get/set the image URL of the track object.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <since_tizen> 6 </since_tizen>
+ public string TrackImageURL
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return Style?.Track?.ResourceUrl?.All;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ if (null != Style?.Track)
+ {
+ Style.Track.ResourceUrl = value;
+ RelayoutRequest();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The property to get/set the color of the track object.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <since_tizen> 6 </since_tizen>
+ public Color TrackColor
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return Style?.Track?.BackgroundColor?.All;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ if (null != Style?.Track)
+ {
+ Style.Track.BackgroundColor = value;
+ RelayoutRequest();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The property to get/set the color of the thumb object.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <since_tizen> 6 </since_tizen>
+ public Color ThumbColor
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return Style?.Thumb?.BackgroundColor?.All;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ if(null != Style?.Thumb)
+ {
+ Style.Thumb.BackgroundColor = value;
+ RelayoutRequest();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The property to get/set the max value of the ScrollBar.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <since_tizen> 6 </since_tizen>
+ public int MaxValue
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return (int)GetValue(MaxValueProperty);
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ SetValue(MaxValueProperty, value);
+ }
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The property to get/set the min value of the ScrollBar.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <since_tizen> 6 </since_tizen>
+ public int MinValue
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return (int)GetValue(MinValueProperty);
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ SetValue(MinValueProperty, value);
+ }
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The property to get/set the current value of the ScrollBar.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException">Throw when Current value is less than Min value, or greater than Max value.</exception>
+ /// <example>
+ /// <code>
+ /// ScrollBar scroll;
+ /// scroll.MaxValue = 100;
+ /// scroll.MinValue = 0;
+ /// try
+ /// {
+ /// scroll.CurrentValue = 50;
+ /// }
+ /// catch(ArgumentOutOfRangeException e)
+ /// {
+ /// Tizen.Log.Error(LogTag, "Failed to set Current value : " + e.Message);
+ /// }
+ /// </code>
+ /// </example>
+ /// <since_tizen> 6 </since_tizen>
+ public int CurrentValue
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return (int)GetValue(CurrentValueProperty);
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ SetValue(CurrentValueProperty, value);
+ }
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Property to set/get animation duration.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <since_tizen> 6 </since_tizen>
+ public uint Duration
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return (uint)GetValue(DurationProperty);
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ SetValue(DurationProperty, value);
+ }
+ }
+ #endregion
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Method to set current value. The thumb object would move to the corresponding position with animation or not.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="currentValue">The special current value.</param>
+ /// <param name="enableAnimation">Enable move with animation or not, the default value is true.</param>
+ /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException">Throw when current size is less than the min value, or greater than the max value.</exception>
+ /// <example>
+ /// <code>
+ /// ScrollBar scroll;
+ /// scroll.MinValue = 0;
+ /// scroll.MaxValue = 100;
+ /// try
+ /// {
+ /// scroll.SetCurrentValue(50);
+ /// }
+ /// catch(ArgumentOutOfRangeException e)
+ /// {
+ /// Tizen.Log.Error(LogTag, "Failed to set current value : " + e.Message);
+ /// }
+ /// </code>
+ /// </example>
+ /// <since_tizen> 6 </since_tizen>
+ public void SetCurrentValue(int currentValue, bool enableAnimation = true)
+ {
+ if (currentValue < minValue || currentValue > maxValue)
+ {
+ //TNLog.E("Current value is less than the Min value, or greater than the Max value. currentValue = " + currentValue + ";");
+#pragma warning disable CA2208 // Instantiate argument exceptions correctly
+ throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Wrong Current value. It shoud be greater than the Min value, and less than the Max value!");
+#pragma warning restore CA2208 // Instantiate argument exceptions correctly
+ }
+ enableAni = enableAnimation;
+ CurrentValue = currentValue;
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Dispose ScrollBar.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="type">The DisposeTypes value.</param>
+ /// <since_tizen> 6 </since_tizen>
+ protected override void Dispose(DisposeTypes type)
+ {
+ if (disposed)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (type == DisposeTypes.Explicit)
+ {
+ //Called by User
+ //Release your own managed resources here.
+ //You should release all of your own disposable objects here.
+ Utility.Dispose(trackImage);
+ Utility.Dispose(thumbImage);
+ if (scrollAniPlayer != null)
+ {
+ scrollAniPlayer.Stop();
+ scrollAniPlayer.Clear();
+ scrollAniPlayer.Dispose();
+ scrollAniPlayer = null;
+ }
+ }
+ //Release your own unmanaged resources here.
+ //You should not access any managed member here except static instance.
+ //because the execution order of Finalizes is non-deterministic.
+ //Unreference this from if a static instance refer to this.
+ //You must call base.Dispose(type) just before exit.
+ base.Dispose(type);
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Get Scrollbar style.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <returns>The default scrollbar style.</returns>
+ /// <since_tizen> 8 </since_tizen>
+ protected override ViewStyle GetViewStyle()
+ {
+ return new ScrollBarStyle();
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Theme change callback when theme is changed, this callback will be trigger.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="sender">The sender</param>
+ /// <param name="e">The event data</param>
+ /// <since_tizen> 8 </since_tizen>
+ protected override void OnThemeChangedEvent(object sender, StyleManager.ThemeChangeEventArgs e)
+ {
+ ScrollBarStyle tempStyle = StyleManager.Instance.GetViewStyle(style) as ScrollBarStyle;
+ if (tempStyle != null)
+ {
+ Style.CopyFrom(tempStyle);
+ UpdateValue();
+ }
+ }
+ private void Initialize()
+ {
+ this.Focusable = false;
+ trackImage = new ImageView
+ {
+ Focusable = false,
+ WidthResizePolicy = ResizePolicyType.FillToParent,
+ HeightResizePolicy = ResizePolicyType.FillToParent,
+ PositionUsesPivotPoint = true,
+ ParentOrigin = Tizen.NUI.ParentOrigin.CenterLeft,
+ PivotPoint = Tizen.NUI.PivotPoint.CenterLeft
+ };
+ this.Add(trackImage);
+ trackImage.ApplyStyle(Style.Track);
+ thumbImage = new ImageView
+ {
+ Focusable = false,
+ WidthResizePolicy = ResizePolicyType.Fixed,
+ HeightResizePolicy = ResizePolicyType.Fixed,
+ PositionUsesPivotPoint = true,
+ ParentOrigin = Tizen.NUI.ParentOrigin.CenterLeft,
+ PivotPoint = Tizen.NUI.PivotPoint.CenterLeft
+ };
+ this.Add(thumbImage);
+ thumbImage.ApplyStyle(Style.Thumb);
+ scrollAniPlayer = new Animation(334);
+ scrollAniPlayer.DefaultAlphaFunction = new AlphaFunction(AlphaFunction.BuiltinFunctions.Linear);
+ thumbImagePosX = 0;
+ thumbImagePosY = 0;
+ LayoutDirectionChanged += OnLayoutDirectionChanged;
+ }
+ private void OnLayoutDirectionChanged(object sender, LayoutDirectionChangedEventArgs e)
+ {
+ RelayoutRequest();
+ }
+ private void UpdateValue()
+ {
+ if (minValue >= maxValue || curValue < minValue || curValue > maxValue) return;
+ float width = (float)Size2D.Width;
+ float height = (float)Size2D.Height;
+ float thumbW = 0.0f;
+ float thumbH = 0.0f;
+ if (Style.Thumb.Size == null)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ thumbW = Style.Thumb.Size.Width;
+ thumbH = Style.Thumb.Size.Height;
+ }
+ float ratio = (float)(curValue - minValue) / (float)(maxValue - minValue);
+ if (Style.Direction == DirectionType.Horizontal)
+ {
+ if (LayoutDirection == ViewLayoutDirectionType.RTL)
+ {
+ ratio = 1.0f - ratio;
+ }
+ float posX = ratio * (width - thumbW);
+ float posY = (height - thumbH) / 2.0f;
+ thumbImagePosX = posX;
+ if (null != scrollAniPlayer)
+ {
+ scrollAniPlayer.Stop();
+ }
+ if (!enableAni)
+ {
+ thumbImage.Position = new Position(posX, posY, 0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (null != scrollAniPlayer)
+ {
+ scrollAniPlayer.Clear();
+ scrollAniPlayer.AnimateTo(thumbImage, "PositionX", posX);
+ scrollAniPlayer.Play();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ float posX = (width - thumbW) / 2.0f;
+ float posY = ratio * (height - thumbH);
+ thumbImagePosY = posY;
+ if (null != scrollAniPlayer)
+ {
+ scrollAniPlayer.Stop();
+ }
+ if (!enableAni)
+ {
+ thumbImage.Position = new Position(posX, posY, 0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (null != scrollAniPlayer)
+ {
+ scrollAniPlayer.Clear();
+ scrollAniPlayer.AnimateTo(thumbImage, "PositionY", posY);
+ scrollAniPlayer.Play();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (enableAni) enableAni = false;
+ }
+ private DirectionType CurrentDirection()
+ {
+ DirectionType dir = DirectionType.Horizontal;
+ if (null != Style.Direction)
+ {
+ dir = Style.Direction.Value;
+ }
+ return dir;
+ }
+ private int CalculateCurrentValue(float offset, DirectionType dir)
+ {
+ if (dir == DirectionType.Horizontal)
+ {
+ thumbImagePosX += offset;
+ if (thumbImagePosX < 0)
+ {
+ thumbImage.PositionX = 0;
+ curValue = minValue;
+ }
+ else if (thumbImagePosX > Size2D.Width - thumbImage.Size2D.Width)
+ {
+ thumbImage.PositionX = Size2D.Width - thumbImage.Size2D.Width;
+ curValue = maxValue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ thumbImage.PositionX = thumbImagePosX;
+ curValue = (int)((thumbImagePosX / (float)(Size2D.Width - thumbImage.Size2D.Width)) * (float)(maxValue - minValue) + 0.5f);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ thumbImagePosY += offset;
+ if (thumbImagePosY < 0)
+ {
+ thumbImage.PositionY = 0;
+ curValue = minValue;
+ }
+ else if (thumbImagePosY > Size2D.Height - thumbImage.Size2D.Height)
+ {
+ thumbImage.PositionY = Size2D.Height - thumbImage.Size2D.Height;
+ curValue = maxValue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ thumbImage.PositionY = thumbImagePosY;
+ curValue = (int)((thumbImagePosY / (float)(Size2D.Height - thumbImage.Size2D.Height)) * (float)(maxValue - minValue) + 0.5f);
+ }
+ }
+ return curValue;
+ }
+ }
- * Copyright(c) 2019 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
+ * Copyright(c) 2020 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
using System;
-using Tizen.NUI.BaseComponents;
using System.ComponentModel;
+using Tizen.NUI.BaseComponents;
using Tizen.NUI.Binding;
namespace Tizen.NUI.Components
/// <summary>
- /// The ScrollBar class of nui component. It allows users to recognize the direction and the range of lists/content. .
+ /// The Scrollbar is a component that contains track and thumb to indicate the current scrolled position of a scrollable object.
/// </summary>
- /// <since_tizen> 6 </since_tizen>
- public class ScrollBar : Control
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public class Scrollbar : ScrollbarBase
- /// This will be public opened in tizen_6.0 after ACR done. Before ACR, need to be hidden as inhouse API.
+ #region Fields
+ /// <summary>Bindable property of TrackThickness</summary>
- public static readonly BindableProperty DirectionProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(Direction), typeof(DirectionType), typeof(ScrollBar), DirectionType.Horizontal, propertyChanged: (bindable, oldValue, newValue) =>
+ public static readonly BindableProperty TrackThicknessProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(TrackThickness), typeof(float), typeof(Scrollbar), default(float), propertyChanged: (bindable, oldValue, newValue) =>
- var instance = (ScrollBar)bindable;
- if (newValue != null)
- {
- instance.Style.Direction = (DirectionType?)newValue;
- instance.UpdateValue();
- }
+ var instance = ((Scrollbar)bindable);
+ var thickness = (float?)newValue;
+ ((ScrollbarStyle)instance.viewStyle).TrackThickness = thickness;
+ instance.UpdateTrackThickness(thickness ?? 0);
defaultValueCreator: (bindable) =>
- var instance = (ScrollBar)bindable;
- return instance.Style.Direction;
+ return ((ScrollbarStyle)((Scrollbar)bindable).viewStyle)?.TrackThickness ?? 0;
- /// This will be public opened in tizen_6.0 after ACR done. Before ACR, need to be hidden as inhouse API.
+ /// <summary>Bindable property of ThumbThickness</summary>
- public static readonly BindableProperty MaxValueProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(MaxValue), typeof(int), typeof(ScrollBar), default(int), propertyChanged: (bindable, oldValue, newValue) =>
+ public static readonly BindableProperty ThumbThicknessProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(ThumbThickness), typeof(float), typeof(Scrollbar), default(float), propertyChanged: (bindable, oldValue, newValue) =>
- var instance = (ScrollBar)bindable;
- if (newValue != null)
- {
- if ((int)newValue >= 0)
- {
- instance.maxValue = (int)newValue;
- instance.UpdateValue();
- }
- }
+ var instance = ((Scrollbar)bindable);
+ var thickness = (float?)newValue;
+ ((ScrollbarStyle)instance.viewStyle).ThumbThickness = thickness;
+ instance.UpdateThumbThickness(thickness ?? 0);
defaultValueCreator: (bindable) =>
- var instance = (ScrollBar)bindable;
- return instance.maxValue;
+ return ((ScrollbarStyle)((Scrollbar)bindable).viewStyle)?.ThumbThickness ?? 0;
- /// This will be public opened in tizen_6.0 after ACR done. Before ACR, need to be hidden as inhouse API.
+ /// <summary>Bindable property of TrackColor</summary>
- public static readonly BindableProperty MinValueProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(MinValue), typeof(int), typeof(ScrollBar), default(int), propertyChanged: (bindable, oldValue, newValue) =>
+ public static readonly BindableProperty TrackColorProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(TrackColor), typeof(Color), typeof(Scrollbar), null, propertyChanged: (bindable, oldValue, newValue) =>
- var instance = (ScrollBar)bindable;
- if (newValue != null)
- {
- if ((int)newValue >= 0)
- {
- instance.minValue = (int)newValue;
- instance.UpdateValue();
- }
- }
+ var instance = ((Scrollbar)bindable);
+ var color = (Color)newValue;
+ ((ScrollbarStyle)instance.viewStyle).TrackColor = color;
+ instance.UpdateTrackColor(color);
defaultValueCreator: (bindable) =>
- var instance = (ScrollBar)bindable;
- return instance.minValue;
+ return ((ScrollbarStyle)((Scrollbar)bindable).viewStyle)?.TrackColor;
- /// This will be public opened in tizen_6.0 after ACR done. Before ACR, need to be hidden as inhouse API.
+ /// <summary>Bindable property of ThumbColor</summary>
- public static readonly BindableProperty CurrentValueProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(CurrentValue), typeof(int), typeof(ScrollBar), default(int), propertyChanged: (bindable, oldValue, newValue) =>
+ public static readonly BindableProperty ThumbColorProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(ThumbColor), typeof(Color), typeof(Scrollbar), null, propertyChanged: (bindable, oldValue, newValue) =>
- var instance = (ScrollBar)bindable;
- if (newValue != null)
- {
- if ((int)newValue >= 0)
- {
- instance.curValue = (int)newValue;
- instance.UpdateValue();
- }
- }
+ var instance = ((Scrollbar)bindable);
+ var color = (Color)newValue;
+ ((ScrollbarStyle)instance.viewStyle).ThumbColor = color;
+ instance.UpdateThumbColor(color);
defaultValueCreator: (bindable) =>
- var instance = (ScrollBar)bindable;
- return instance.curValue;
+ return ((ScrollbarStyle)((Scrollbar)bindable).viewStyle)?.ThumbColor;
- /// This will be public opened in tizen_6.0 after ACR done. Before ACR, need to be hidden as inhouse API.
+ /// <summary>Bindable property of TrackPadding</summary>
- public static readonly BindableProperty DurationProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(Duration), typeof(uint), typeof(ScrollBar), default(uint), propertyChanged: (bindable, oldValue, newValue) =>
+ public static readonly BindableProperty TrackPaddingProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(TrackPadding), typeof(Extents), typeof(Scrollbar), null, propertyChanged: (bindable, oldValue, newValue) =>
- var instance = (ScrollBar)bindable;
- if (newValue != null)
- {
- instance.Style.Duration = (uint)newValue;
- if (instance.scrollAniPlayer != null)
- {
- instance.scrollAniPlayer.Duration = (int)(uint)newValue;
- }
- }
+ var instance = ((Scrollbar)bindable);
+ var trackPadding = (Extents)newValue;
+ ((ScrollbarStyle)instance.viewStyle).TrackPadding = trackPadding;
+ instance.UpdateTrackPadding(trackPadding);
defaultValueCreator: (bindable) =>
- var instance = (ScrollBar)bindable;
- return instance.Style.Duration;
+ return ((ScrollbarStyle)((Scrollbar)bindable).viewStyle)?.TrackPadding;
- private ImageView trackImage;
- private ImageView thumbImage;
- private Animation scrollAniPlayer = null;
- private float thumbImagePosX;
- private float thumbImagePosY;
- private bool enableAni = false;
- private int minValue;
- private int maxValue;
- private int curValue;
- static ScrollBar() { }
+ private static readonly string TrackVisualName = "Track";
+ private static readonly string ThumbVisualName = "Thumb";
+ private ColorVisual trackVisual;
+ private ColorVisual thumbVisual;
+ private Animation thumbPositionAnimation;
+ private Animation thumbSizeAnimation;
+ private Calculator calculator;
+ #endregion Fields
+ #region Constructors
/// <summary>
- /// The constructor of ScrollBar.
+ /// Create an empty Scrollbar.
/// </summary>
- /// <since_tizen> 6 </since_tizen>
- public ScrollBar() : base()
+ public Scrollbar() : base(new ScrollbarStyle())
- Initialize();
/// <summary>
- /// The constructor of ScrollBar with specific style.
+ /// Create a Scrollbar and initialize with properties.
/// </summary>
- /// <param name="style">style name</param>
- /// <since_tizen> 8 </since_tizen>
- public ScrollBar(string style) : base(style)
+ /// <param name="contentLength">The total length of the content.</param>
+ /// <param name="viewSize">The size of View that contains the content to scroll.</param>
+ /// <param name="currentPosition">The start position of the View in content length. This is the View's top position if the scroller is vertical, otherwise, View's left position.</param>
+ /// <param name="isHorizontal">Whether the direction of scrolling is horizontal or not. It is vertical if the value is false.</param>
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public Scrollbar(float contentLength, Size viewSize, float currentPosition, bool isHorizontal = false) : base(new ScrollbarStyle())
- Initialize();
+ Initialize(contentLength, viewSize, currentPosition, isHorizontal);
/// <summary>
- /// The constructor of ScrollBar with specific style.
+ /// Create an empty Scrollbar with a ScrollbarStyle instance to set style properties.
/// </summary>
- /// <param name="scrollBarStyle">The style object to initialize the ScrollBar.</param>
- /// <since_tizen> 8 </since_tizen>
- public ScrollBar(ScrollBarStyle scrollBarStyle) : base(scrollBarStyle)
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public Scrollbar(ScrollbarStyle style) : base(style)
- Initialize();
/// <summary>
- /// The direction type of the Scroll.
+ /// Static constructor to initialize bindable properties when loading.
/// </summary>
- /// <since_tizen> 6 </since_tizen>
- public enum DirectionType
- {
- /// <summary>
- /// The Horizontal type.
- /// </summary>
- /// <since_tizen> 6 </since_tizen>
- Horizontal,
- /// <summary>
- /// The Vertical type.
- /// </summary>
- /// <since_tizen> 6 </since_tizen>
- Vertical
+ static Scrollbar()
+ {
- #region public property
+ #endregion Constructors
+ #region Properties
/// <summary>
- /// Get style of scrollbar.
+ /// The thickness of the track.
/// </summary>
- /// <since_tizen> 8 </since_tizen>
- public new ScrollBarStyle Style => ViewStyle as ScrollBarStyle;
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public float TrackThickness
+ {
+ get => (float)GetValue(TrackThicknessProperty);
+ set => SetValue(TrackThicknessProperty, value);
+ }
/// <summary>
- /// The property to get/set the direction of the ScrollBar.
+ /// The thickness of the thumb.
/// </summary>
- /// <since_tizen> 6 </since_tizen>
- public DirectionType Direction
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public float ThumbThickness
- get
- {
- return (DirectionType)GetValue(DirectionProperty);
- }
- set
- {
- SetValue(DirectionProperty, value);
- }
+ get => (float)GetValue(ThumbThicknessProperty);
+ set => SetValue(ThumbThicknessProperty, value);
/// <summary>
- /// The property to get/set the size of the thumb object.
+ /// The color of the track part.
/// </summary>
- /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">Throw when ThumbSize is null.</exception>
- /// <example>
- /// <code>
- /// ScrollBar scroll;
- /// try
- /// {
- /// scroll.ThumbSize = new Size(500, 10, 0);
- /// }
- /// catch(InvalidOperationException e)
- /// {
- /// Tizen.Log.Error(LogTag, "Failed to set ThumbSize value : " + e.Message);
- /// }
- /// </code>
- /// </example>
- /// <since_tizen> 6 </since_tizen>
- public Size ThumbSize
- {
- get
- {
- return Style?.Thumb?.Size;
- }
- set
- {
- if (null != Style?.Thumb)
- {
- Style.Thumb.Size = value;
- RelayoutRequest();
- }
- }
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public Color TrackColor
+ {
+ get => (Color)GetValue(TrackColorProperty);
+ set => SetValue(TrackColorProperty, value);
/// <summary>
- /// The property to get/set the image URL of the track object.
+ /// The color of the thumb part.
/// </summary>
- /// <since_tizen> 6 </since_tizen>
- public string TrackImageURL
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public Color ThumbColor
- get
- {
- return Style?.Track?.ResourceUrl?.All;
- }
- set
- {
- if (null != Style?.Track)
- {
- Style.Track.ResourceUrl = value;
- RelayoutRequest();
- }
- }
+ get => (Color)GetValue(ThumbColorProperty);
+ set => SetValue(ThumbColorProperty, value);
/// <summary>
- /// The property to get/set the color of the track object.
+ /// The padding value of the track.
/// </summary>
- /// <since_tizen> 6 </since_tizen>
- public Color TrackColor
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public Extents TrackPadding
+ {
+ get => (Extents)GetValue(TrackPaddingProperty);
+ set => SetValue(TrackPaddingProperty, value);
+ }
+ #endregion Properties
+ #region Methods
+ /// <inheritdoc/>
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public override void Initialize(float contentLength, Size viewSize, float currentPosition, bool isHorizontal = false)
- get
+ if (isHorizontal)
- return Style?.Track?.BackgroundColor?.All;
+ calculator = new HorizontalCalculator(contentLength > 0.0f ? contentLength : 0.0f, viewSize.Width);
- set
+ else
- if (null != Style?.Track)
- {
- Style.Track.BackgroundColor = value;
- RelayoutRequest();
- }
+ calculator = new VerticalCalculator(contentLength > 0.0f ? contentLength : 0.0f, viewSize.Height);
+ Size = viewSize;
+ thumbPositionAnimation?.Stop();
+ thumbPositionAnimation = null;
+ thumbSizeAnimation?.Stop();
+ thumbSizeAnimation = null;
+ CreateTrackVisual();
+ CreateThumbVisual(currentPosition);
+ AddVisual(TrackVisualName, trackVisual);
+ AddVisual(ThumbVisualName, thumbVisual);
- /// <summary>
- /// The property to get/set the color of the thumb object.
- /// </summary>
- /// <since_tizen> 6 </since_tizen>
- public Color ThumbColor
+ /// <inheritdoc/>
+ /// <remarks>Please note that, for now, only alpha functions created with BuiltinFunctions are valid when animating. Otherwise, it will be treated as a linear alpha function. </remarks>
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public override void Update(float contentLength, float position, uint durationMs = 0, AlphaFunction alphaFunction = null)
- get
+ if (calculator == null)
- return Style?.Thumb?.BackgroundColor?.All;
+ return;
- set
+ calculator.Update(contentLength > 0.0f ? contentLength : 0.0f);
+ thumbVisual.Size = calculator.CalculateThumbSize(ThumbThickness, trackVisual.Size);
+ thumbVisual.Position = calculator.CalculateThumbScrollPosition(position, trackVisual.Size, thumbVisual.Position, TrackPadding);
+ thumbVisual.Opacity = calculator.CalculateThumbVisibility() ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
+ if (durationMs == 0)
- if(null != Style?.Thumb)
- {
- Style.Thumb.BackgroundColor = value;
- RelayoutRequest();
- }
+ thumbVisual.UpdateVisual(true);
+ return;
+ // TODO Support non built-in alpha function for visual trainsition in DALi.
+ AlphaFunction.BuiltinFunctions builtinAlphaFunction = alphaFunction?.GetBuiltinFunction() ?? AlphaFunction.BuiltinFunctions.Default;
+ thumbPositionAnimation?.Stop();
+ thumbPositionAnimation = AnimateVisual(thumbVisual, "position", thumbVisual.Position, 0, (int)durationMs, builtinAlphaFunction);
+ thumbPositionAnimation.Play();
+ thumbSizeAnimation?.Stop();
+ thumbSizeAnimation = AnimateVisual(thumbVisual, "size", thumbVisual.Size, 0, (int)durationMs, builtinAlphaFunction);
+ thumbSizeAnimation.Play();
- /// <summary>
- /// The property to get/set the max value of the ScrollBar.
- /// </summary>
- /// <since_tizen> 6 </since_tizen>
- public int MaxValue
+ /// <inheritdoc/>
+ /// <remarks>Please note that, for now, only alpha functions created with BuiltinFunctions are valid when animating. Otherwise, it will be treated as a linear alpha function. </remarks>
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public override void ScrollTo(float position, uint durationMs = 0, AlphaFunction alphaFunction = null)
- get
+ if (thumbVisual == null)
- return (int)GetValue(MaxValueProperty);
+ return;
- set
+ thumbVisual.Position = calculator.CalculateThumbScrollPosition(position, trackVisual.Size, thumbVisual.Position, TrackPadding);
+ if (durationMs == 0)
- SetValue(MaxValueProperty, value);
+ thumbVisual.UpdateVisual(true);
+ return;
+ // TODO Support non built-in alpha function for visual trainsition in DALi.
+ AlphaFunction.BuiltinFunctions builtinAlphaFunction = alphaFunction?.GetBuiltinFunction() ?? AlphaFunction.BuiltinFunctions.Default;
+ thumbPositionAnimation?.Stop();
+ thumbPositionAnimation = AnimateVisual(thumbVisual, "position", thumbVisual.Position, 0, (int)durationMs, builtinAlphaFunction);
+ thumbPositionAnimation.Play();
+ }
+ /// <inheritdoc/>
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ protected override ViewStyle GetViewStyle()
+ {
+ return new ScrollbarStyle();
/// <summary>
- /// The property to get/set the min value of the ScrollBar.
+ /// Create a track visual.
/// </summary>
- /// <since_tizen> 6 </since_tizen>
- public int MinValue
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ protected virtual void CreateTrackVisual()
- get
+ trackVisual = new ColorVisual
- return (int)GetValue(MinValueProperty);
- }
- set
- {
- SetValue(MinValueProperty, value);
- }
+ SuppressUpdateVisual = true,
+ Color = Color.Black,
+ SizePolicy = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute,
+ Origin = calculator.CalculatorTrackAlign(),
+ AnchorPoint = calculator.CalculatorTrackAlign(),
+ Size = calculator.CalculateTrackSize(TrackThickness, TrackPadding),
+ Position = calculator.CalculateTrackPosition(TrackPadding),
+ };
/// <summary>
- /// The property to get/set the current value of the ScrollBar.
+ /// Create a thumb visual.
/// </summary>
- /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException">Throw when Current value is less than Min value, or greater than Max value.</exception>
- /// <example>
- /// <code>
- /// ScrollBar scroll;
- /// scroll.MaxValue = 100;
- /// scroll.MinValue = 0;
- /// try
- /// {
- /// scroll.CurrentValue = 50;
- /// }
- /// catch(ArgumentOutOfRangeException e)
- /// {
- /// Tizen.Log.Error(LogTag, "Failed to set Current value : " + e.Message);
- /// }
- /// </code>
- /// </example>
- /// <since_tizen> 6 </since_tizen>
- public int CurrentValue
- {
- get
- {
- return (int)GetValue(CurrentValueProperty);
- }
- set
- {
- SetValue(CurrentValueProperty, value);
- }
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ protected virtual void CreateThumbVisual(float currentPosition)
+ {
+ Size thumbSize = calculator.CalculateThumbSize(ThumbThickness, trackVisual.Size);
+ thumbVisual = new ColorVisual
+ {
+ SuppressUpdateVisual = true,
+ MixColor = ThumbColor,
+ SizePolicy = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute,
+ Origin = calculator.CalculatorThumbAlign(),
+ AnchorPoint = calculator.CalculatorThumbAlign(),
+ Size = thumbSize,
+ Position = calculator.CalculateThumbPosition(currentPosition, trackVisual.Size, thumbSize, TrackPadding),
+ Opacity = (calculator.CalculateThumbVisibility() ? 1.0f : 0.0f),
+ };
/// <summary>
- /// Property to set/get animation duration.
+ /// Update TrackThickness property of the scrollbar.
/// </summary>
- /// <since_tizen> 6 </since_tizen>
- public uint Duration
+ /// <param name="thickness">The width of the track.</param>
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ protected virtual void UpdateTrackThickness(float thickness)
- get
- {
- return (uint)GetValue(DurationProperty);
- }
- set
+ if (trackVisual == null)
- SetValue(DurationProperty, value);
+ return;
- }
- #endregion
- /// <summary>
- /// Method to set current value. The thumb object would move to the corresponding position with animation or not.
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="currentValue">The special current value.</param>
- /// <param name="enableAnimation">Enable move with animation or not, the default value is true.</param>
- /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException">Throw when current size is less than the min value, or greater than the max value.</exception>
- /// <example>
- /// <code>
- /// ScrollBar scroll;
- /// scroll.MinValue = 0;
- /// scroll.MaxValue = 100;
- /// try
- /// {
- /// scroll.SetCurrentValue(50);
- /// }
- /// catch(ArgumentOutOfRangeException e)
- /// {
- /// Tizen.Log.Error(LogTag, "Failed to set current value : " + e.Message);
- /// }
- /// </code>
- /// </example>
- /// <since_tizen> 6 </since_tizen>
- public void SetCurrentValue(int currentValue, bool enableAnimation = true)
- {
- if (currentValue < minValue || currentValue > maxValue)
- {
- //TNLog.E("Current value is less than the Min value, or greater than the Max value. currentValue = " + currentValue + ";");
-#pragma warning disable CA2208 // Instantiate argument exceptions correctly
- throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Wrong Current value. It shoud be greater than the Min value, and less than the Max value!");
-#pragma warning restore CA2208 // Instantiate argument exceptions correctly
- }
- enableAni = enableAnimation;
- CurrentValue = currentValue;
+ trackVisual.Size = calculator.CalculateTrackSize(thickness, TrackPadding);
+ trackVisual.UpdateVisual(true);
/// <summary>
- /// Dispose ScrollBar.
+ /// Update ThumbThickness property of the scrollbar.
/// </summary>
- /// <param name="type">The DisposeTypes value.</param>
- /// <since_tizen> 6 </since_tizen>
- protected override void Dispose(DisposeTypes type)
+ /// <param name="thickness">The width of the track.</param>
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ protected virtual void UpdateThumbThickness(float thickness)
- if (disposed)
+ if (thumbVisual == null)
- if (type == DisposeTypes.Explicit)
- {
- //Called by User
- //Release your own managed resources here.
- //You should release all of your own disposable objects here.
- Utility.Dispose(trackImage);
- Utility.Dispose(thumbImage);
+ thumbVisual.Size = calculator.CalculateThumbSize(thickness, trackVisual.Size);
+ thumbVisual.UpdateVisual(true);
+ }
- if (scrollAniPlayer != null)
- {
- scrollAniPlayer.Stop();
- scrollAniPlayer.Clear();
- scrollAniPlayer.Dispose();
- scrollAniPlayer = null;
- }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Update TrackColor property of the scrollbar.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="color">The color of the track.</param>
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ protected virtual void UpdateTrackColor(Color color)
+ {
+ if (trackVisual == null)
+ {
+ return;
- //Release your own unmanaged resources here.
- //You should not access any managed member here except static instance.
- //because the execution order of Finalizes is non-deterministic.
- //Unreference this from if a static instance refer to this.
- //You must call base.Dispose(type) just before exit.
- base.Dispose(type);
+ trackVisual.MixColor = color;
+ trackVisual.UpdateVisual(true);
/// <summary>
- /// Get Scrollbar style.
+ /// Update ThumbColor property of the scrollbar.
/// </summary>
- /// <returns>The default scrollbar style.</returns>
- /// <since_tizen> 8 </since_tizen>
- protected override ViewStyle GetViewStyle()
+ /// <param name="color">The color of the thumb.</param>
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ protected virtual void UpdateThumbColor(Color color)
- return new ScrollBarStyle();
+ if (thumbVisual == null)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ thumbVisual.MixColor = color;
+ thumbVisual.UpdateVisual(true);
/// <summary>
- /// Theme change callback when theme is changed, this callback will be trigger.
+ /// Update TrackPadding property of the scrollbar.
/// </summary>
- /// <param name="sender">The sender</param>
- /// <param name="e">The event data</param>
- /// <since_tizen> 8 </since_tizen>
- protected override void OnThemeChangedEvent(object sender, StyleManager.ThemeChangeEventArgs e)
+ /// <param name="trackPadding">The padding of the track.</param>
+ protected virtual void UpdateTrackPadding(Extents trackPadding)
- ScrollBarStyle tempStyle = StyleManager.Instance.GetViewStyle(style) as ScrollBarStyle;
- if (tempStyle != null)
+ if (trackVisual == null || thumbVisual == null)
- Style.CopyFrom(tempStyle);
- UpdateValue();
+ return;
+ trackVisual.Size = calculator.CalculateTrackSize(TrackThickness, trackPadding);
+ trackVisual.Position = calculator.CalculateTrackPosition(trackPadding);
+ thumbVisual.Size = calculator.CalculateThumbSize(ThumbThickness, trackVisual.Size);
+ thumbVisual.Position = calculator.CalculateThumbPaddingPosition(trackVisual.Size, thumbVisual.Size, thumbVisual.Position, trackPadding);
+ trackVisual.UpdateVisual(true);
+ thumbVisual.UpdateVisual(true);
- private void Initialize()
+ #endregion Methods
+ #region Classes
+ private abstract class Calculator
- this.Focusable = false;
+ protected float contentLength;
+ protected float visibleLength;
- trackImage = new ImageView
+ public Calculator(float contentLength, float visibleLength)
- Focusable = false,
- WidthResizePolicy = ResizePolicyType.FillToParent,
- HeightResizePolicy = ResizePolicyType.FillToParent,
- PositionUsesPivotPoint = true,
- ParentOrigin = Tizen.NUI.ParentOrigin.CenterLeft,
- PivotPoint = Tizen.NUI.PivotPoint.CenterLeft
- };
- this.Add(trackImage);
- trackImage.ApplyStyle(Style.Track);
+ this.contentLength = contentLength;
+ this.visibleLength = visibleLength;
+ }
- thumbImage = new ImageView
+ public void Update(float contentLength)
- Focusable = false,
- WidthResizePolicy = ResizePolicyType.Fixed,
- HeightResizePolicy = ResizePolicyType.Fixed,
- PositionUsesPivotPoint = true,
- ParentOrigin = Tizen.NUI.ParentOrigin.CenterLeft,
- PivotPoint = Tizen.NUI.PivotPoint.CenterLeft
- };
- this.Add(thumbImage);
- thumbImage.ApplyStyle(Style.Thumb);
+ this.contentLength = contentLength;
+ }
- scrollAniPlayer = new Animation(334);
- scrollAniPlayer.DefaultAlphaFunction = new AlphaFunction(AlphaFunction.BuiltinFunctions.Linear);
+ public bool CalculateThumbVisibility()
+ {
+ return contentLength > visibleLength;
+ }
- thumbImagePosX = 0;
- thumbImagePosY = 0;
- LayoutDirectionChanged += OnLayoutDirectionChanged;
+ public abstract Visual.AlignType CalculatorTrackAlign();
+ public abstract Visual.AlignType CalculatorThumbAlign();
+ public abstract Size CalculateTrackSize(float thickness, Extents trackPadding);
+ public abstract Vector2 CalculateTrackPosition(Extents trackPadding);
+ public abstract Size CalculateThumbSize(float thickness, Size trackSize);
+ public abstract Vector2 CalculateThumbPosition(float position, Size trackSize, Size thumbSize, Extents trackPadding);
+ public abstract Vector2 CalculateThumbPaddingPosition(Size trackSize, Size thumbSize, Vector2 thumbCurrentPosition, Extents trackPadding);
+ public abstract Vector2 CalculateThumbScrollPosition(float position, Size trackSize, Vector2 thumbCurrentPosition, Extents trackPadding);
- private void OnLayoutDirectionChanged(object sender, LayoutDirectionChangedEventArgs e)
+ private class HorizontalCalculator : Calculator
- RelayoutRequest();
- }
+ public HorizontalCalculator(float contentLength, float visibleLength) : base(contentLength, visibleLength)
+ {
+ }
- private void UpdateValue()
- {
- if (minValue >= maxValue || curValue < minValue || curValue > maxValue) return;
+ public override Visual.AlignType CalculatorTrackAlign()
+ {
+ return Visual.AlignType.BottomCenter;
+ }
- float width = (float)Size2D.Width;
- float height = (float)Size2D.Height;
- float thumbW = 0.0f;
- float thumbH = 0.0f;
- if (Style.Thumb.Size == null)
+ public override Visual.AlignType CalculatorThumbAlign()
- return;
+ return Visual.AlignType.BottomBegin;
- else
+ public override Size CalculateTrackSize(float thickness, Extents trackPadding)
- thumbW = Style.Thumb.Size.Width;
- thumbH = Style.Thumb.Size.Height;
- }
- float ratio = (float)(curValue - minValue) / (float)(maxValue - minValue);
- if (Style.Direction == DirectionType.Horizontal)
- {
- if (LayoutDirection == ViewLayoutDirectionType.RTL)
- {
- ratio = 1.0f - ratio;
- }
- float posX = ratio * (width - thumbW);
- float posY = (height - thumbH) / 2.0f;
- thumbImagePosX = posX;
- if (null != scrollAniPlayer)
- {
- scrollAniPlayer.Stop();
- }
- if (!enableAni)
- {
- thumbImage.Position = new Position(posX, posY, 0);
- }
- else
- {
- if (null != scrollAniPlayer)
- {
- scrollAniPlayer.Clear();
- scrollAniPlayer.AnimateTo(thumbImage, "PositionX", posX);
- scrollAniPlayer.Play();
- }
- }
+ return new Size(visibleLength - trackPadding.Start - trackPadding.End, thickness);
- else
+ public override Vector2 CalculateTrackPosition(Extents trackPadding)
+ {
+ return new Vector2(0, -trackPadding.Bottom);
+ }
+ public override Size CalculateThumbSize(float thickness, Size trackSize)
- float posX = (width - thumbW) / 2.0f;
- float posY = ratio * (height - thumbH);
- thumbImagePosY = posY;
- if (null != scrollAniPlayer)
- {
- scrollAniPlayer.Stop();
- }
- if (!enableAni)
- {
- thumbImage.Position = new Position(posX, posY, 0);
- }
- else
- {
- if (null != scrollAniPlayer)
- {
- scrollAniPlayer.Clear();
- scrollAniPlayer.AnimateTo(thumbImage, "PositionY", posY);
- scrollAniPlayer.Play();
- }
- }
- }
- if (enableAni) enableAni = false;
+ return new Size(trackSize.Width * visibleLength / contentLength, thickness);
+ }
+ public override Vector2 CalculateThumbPosition(float position, Size trackSize, Size thumbSize, Extents trackPadding)
+ {
+ float padding = ((trackSize.Height - thumbSize.Height) / 2.0f) + trackPadding.Bottom;
+ float pos = Math.Min(Math.Max(position, 0.0f), contentLength - visibleLength);
+ return new Vector2(trackPadding.Start + trackSize.Width * pos / contentLength, -padding);
+ }
+ public override Vector2 CalculateThumbPaddingPosition(Size trackSize, Size thumbSize, Vector2 thumbCurrentPosition, Extents trackPadding)
+ {
+ float padding = ((trackSize.Height - thumbSize.Height) / 2.0f) + trackPadding.Bottom;
+ return new Vector2(thumbCurrentPosition.X, -padding);
+ }
+ public override Vector2 CalculateThumbScrollPosition(float position, Size trackSize, Vector2 thumbCurrentPosition, Extents trackPadding)
+ {
+ float pos = Math.Min(Math.Max(position, 0.0f), contentLength - visibleLength);
+ return new Vector2(trackPadding.Start + trackSize.Width * pos / contentLength, thumbCurrentPosition.Y);
+ }
- private DirectionType CurrentDirection()
+ private class VerticalCalculator : Calculator
- DirectionType dir = DirectionType.Horizontal;
- if (null != Style.Direction)
+ public VerticalCalculator(float contentLength, float visibleLength) : base(contentLength, visibleLength)
- dir = Style.Direction.Value;
- return dir;
- }
- private int CalculateCurrentValue(float offset, DirectionType dir)
- {
- if (dir == DirectionType.Horizontal)
- {
- thumbImagePosX += offset;
- if (thumbImagePosX < 0)
- {
- thumbImage.PositionX = 0;
- curValue = minValue;
- }
- else if (thumbImagePosX > Size2D.Width - thumbImage.Size2D.Width)
- {
- thumbImage.PositionX = Size2D.Width - thumbImage.Size2D.Width;
- curValue = maxValue;
- }
- else
- {
- thumbImage.PositionX = thumbImagePosX;
- curValue = (int)((thumbImagePosX / (float)(Size2D.Width - thumbImage.Size2D.Width)) * (float)(maxValue - minValue) + 0.5f);
- }
+ public override Visual.AlignType CalculatorTrackAlign()
+ {
+ return Visual.AlignType.CenterEnd;
- else
+ public override Visual.AlignType CalculatorThumbAlign()
+ {
+ return Visual.AlignType.TopEnd;
+ }
+ public override Size CalculateTrackSize(float thickness, Extents trackPadding)
+ {
+ return new Size(thickness, visibleLength - trackPadding.Top - trackPadding.Bottom);
+ }
+ public override Vector2 CalculateTrackPosition(Extents trackPadding)
+ {
+ return new Vector2(-trackPadding.End, 0);
+ }
+ public override Size CalculateThumbSize(float thickness, Size trackSize)
- thumbImagePosY += offset;
- if (thumbImagePosY < 0)
- {
- thumbImage.PositionY = 0;
- curValue = minValue;
- }
- else if (thumbImagePosY > Size2D.Height - thumbImage.Size2D.Height)
- {
- thumbImage.PositionY = Size2D.Height - thumbImage.Size2D.Height;
- curValue = maxValue;
- }
- else
- {
- thumbImage.PositionY = thumbImagePosY;
- curValue = (int)((thumbImagePosY / (float)(Size2D.Height - thumbImage.Size2D.Height)) * (float)(maxValue - minValue) + 0.5f);
- }
- }
- return curValue;
+ return new Size(thickness, trackSize.Height * visibleLength / contentLength);
+ }
+ public override Vector2 CalculateThumbPosition(float position, Size trackSize, Size thumbSize, Extents trackPadding)
+ {
+ float padding = ((trackSize.Width - thumbSize.Width) / 2.0f) + trackPadding.End;
+ float pos = Math.Min(Math.Max(position, 0.0f), contentLength - visibleLength);
+ return new Vector2(-padding, trackPadding.Top + trackSize.Height * pos / contentLength);
+ }
+ public override Vector2 CalculateThumbPaddingPosition(Size trackSize, Size thumbSize, Vector2 thumbCurrentPosition, Extents trackPadding)
+ {
+ float padding = ((trackSize.Width - thumbSize.Width) / 2.0f) + trackPadding.End;
+ return new Vector2(-padding, thumbCurrentPosition.Y);
+ }
+ public override Vector2 CalculateThumbScrollPosition(float position, Size trackSize, Vector2 thumbPosition, Extents trackPadding)
+ {
+ float pos = Math.Min(Math.Max(position, 0.0f), contentLength - visibleLength);
+ return new Vector2(thumbPosition.X, trackPadding.Top + trackSize.Height * pos / contentLength);
+ }
+ #endregion Classes
--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright(c) 2020 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ */
+using System.ComponentModel;
+namespace Tizen.NUI.Components
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The ScrollbarBase is an abstract class that can be linked to the scrollable objects
+ /// indicating the current scrolled position of the scrollable object.
+ /// This only contains non-graphical functionalities of basic scrollbar.
+ /// </summary>
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public abstract class ScrollbarBase : Control
+ {
+ #region Constructors
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Create an empty ScrollbarBase.
+ /// </summary>
+ public ScrollbarBase() : base()
+ {
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Create an empty Scrollbar with a ControlStyle instance to set style properties.
+ /// </summary>
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public ScrollbarBase(ControlStyle style) : base(style)
+ {
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Static constructor to initialize bindable properties when loading.
+ /// </summary>
+ static ScrollbarBase()
+ {
+ }
+ #endregion Constructors
+ #region Methods
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Update content length and position at once.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="contentLength">The total length of the content.</param>
+ /// <param name="position">The destination position of the View in content length. This is the View's top position if the scroller is vertical, otherwise, View's left position.</param>
+ /// <param name="durationMs">The time it takes to scroll in milliseconds.</param>
+ /// <param name="alphaFunction">The timing function used in animation. It describes the rate of change of the animation parameter over time. (e.g. EaseOut)</param>
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public abstract void Update(float contentLength, float position, uint durationMs = 0, AlphaFunction alphaFunction = null);
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Scroll content to a specific position.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="position">The destination to scroll.</param>
+ /// <param name="durationMs">The time it takes to scroll in milliseconds.</param>
+ /// <param name="alphaFunction">The timing function used in animation. It describes the rate of change of the animation parameter over time. (e.g. EaseOut)</param>
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public abstract void ScrollTo(float position, uint durationMs = 0, AlphaFunction alphaFunction = null);
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Initialize the scroll bar.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="contentLength">The total length of the content.</param>
+ /// <param name="viewSize">The size of the View that contains the content to scroll. The ScrollbarBase will have the same size as the given viewSize.</param>
+ /// <param name="currentPosition">The start position of the View in content length. This is the View's top position if the scroller is vertical, otherwise, View's left position.</param>
+ /// <param name="isHorizontal">Whether the direction of scrolling is horizontal or not. It is vertical if the value is false.</param>
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public abstract void Initialize(float contentLength, Size viewSize, float currentPosition, bool isHorizontal = false);
+ #endregion Methods
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright(c) 2019 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ */
+using System.ComponentModel;
+using Tizen.NUI.BaseComponents;
+using Tizen.NUI.Binding;
+namespace Tizen.NUI.Components
+ /// <summary>
+ /// ScrollBarStyle is a class which saves Scrollbar's ux data.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <remarks>
+ /// Please note that this class will be replaced with ScrollbarStyle class in the near future.
+ /// </remarks>
+ /// <since_tizen> 8 </since_tizen>
+ public class ScrollBarStyle : ControlStyle
+ {
+ static ScrollBarStyle() { }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Creates a new instance of a ScrollBarStyle.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <since_tizen> 8 </since_tizen>
+ public ScrollBarStyle() : base()
+ {
+ InitSubStyle();
+ Direction = ScrollBar.DirectionType.Horizontal;
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Creates a new instance of a ScrollBarStyle with style.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="style">Create ScrollBarStyle by style customized by user.</param>
+ /// <since_tizen> 8 </since_tizen>
+ public ScrollBarStyle(ScrollBarStyle style) : base(style)
+ {
+ if (null == style) return;
+ InitSubStyle();
+ this.CopyFrom(style);
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Get or set track image style.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <since_tizen> 8 </since_tizen>
+ public ImageViewStyle Track { get; set; }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Get or set thumb image style.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <since_tizen> 8 </since_tizen>
+ public ImageViewStyle Thumb { get; set; }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Get or set direction type.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <since_tizen> 8 </since_tizen>
+ public ScrollBar.DirectionType? Direction { get; set; }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Get or set duration.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <since_tizen> 8 </since_tizen>
+ public uint Duration { get; set; }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Style's clone function.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="bindableObject">The style that need to copy.</param>
+ /// <since_tizen> 8 </since_tizen>
+ public override void CopyFrom(BindableObject bindableObject)
+ {
+ base.CopyFrom(bindableObject);
+ ScrollBarStyle scrollBarStyle = bindableObject as ScrollBarStyle;
+ if (null != scrollBarStyle)
+ {
+ if (null != scrollBarStyle.Track)
+ {
+ Track?.CopyFrom(scrollBarStyle.Track);
+ }
+ if (null != scrollBarStyle.Thumb)
+ {
+ Thumb?.CopyFrom(scrollBarStyle.Thumb);
+ }
+ Direction = scrollBarStyle.Direction;
+ Duration = scrollBarStyle.Duration;
+ }
+ }
+ private void InitSubStyle()
+ {
+ Track = new ImageViewStyle()
+ {
+ PositionUsesPivotPoint = true,
+ ParentOrigin = Tizen.NUI.ParentOrigin.CenterLeft,
+ PivotPoint = Tizen.NUI.PivotPoint.CenterLeft,
+ WidthResizePolicy = ResizePolicyType.FillToParent,
+ HeightResizePolicy = ResizePolicyType.FillToParent
+ };
+ Thumb = new ImageViewStyle()
+ {
+ PositionUsesPivotPoint = true,
+ ParentOrigin = Tizen.NUI.ParentOrigin.CenterLeft,
+ PivotPoint = Tizen.NUI.PivotPoint.CenterLeft,
+ WidthResizePolicy = ResizePolicyType.Fixed,
+ HeightResizePolicy = ResizePolicyType.Fixed
+ };
+ }
+ }
* Copyright(c) 2019 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
using System.ComponentModel;
-using Tizen.NUI.BaseComponents;
using Tizen.NUI.Binding;
namespace Tizen.NUI.Components
/// <summary>
- /// ScrollBarStyle is a class which saves Scrollbar's ux data.
+ /// ScrollbarStyle is a class which saves Scrollbar's style data.
/// </summary>
- /// <since_tizen> 8 </since_tizen>
- public class ScrollBarStyle : ControlStyle
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public class ScrollbarStyle : ControlStyle
- static ScrollBarStyle() { }
+ #region Fields
+ /// <summary>Bindable property of TrackThickness</summary>
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public static readonly BindableProperty TrackThicknessProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(TrackThickness), typeof(float?), typeof(ScrollbarStyle), null, propertyChanged: (bindable, oldValue, newValue) =>
+ {
+ ((ScrollbarStyle)bindable).trackThickness = (float?)newValue;
+ },
+ defaultValueCreator: (bindable) =>
+ {
+ return ((ScrollbarStyle)bindable).trackThickness;
+ });
+ /// <summary>Bindable property of ThumbThickness</summary>
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public static readonly BindableProperty ThumbThicknessProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(ThumbThickness), typeof(float?), typeof(ScrollbarStyle), null, propertyChanged: (bindable, oldValue, newValue) =>
+ {
+ ((ScrollbarStyle)bindable).thumbThickness = (float?)newValue;
+ },
+ defaultValueCreator: (bindable) =>
+ {
+ return ((ScrollbarStyle)bindable).thumbThickness;
+ });
+ /// <summary>Bindable property of TrackColor</summary>
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public static readonly BindableProperty TrackColorProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(TrackColor), typeof(Color), typeof(ScrollbarStyle), null, propertyChanged: (bindable, oldValue, newValue) =>
+ {
+ ((ScrollbarStyle)bindable).trackColor = (Color)newValue;
+ },
+ defaultValueCreator: (bindable) =>
+ {
+ return ((ScrollbarStyle)bindable).trackColor;
+ });
+ /// <summary>Bindable property of ThumbColor</summary>
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public static readonly BindableProperty ThumbColorProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(ThumbColor), typeof(Color), typeof(ScrollbarStyle), null, propertyChanged: (bindable, oldValue, newValue) =>
+ {
+ ((ScrollbarStyle)bindable).thumbColor = (Color)newValue;
+ },
+ defaultValueCreator: (bindable) =>
+ {
+ return ((ScrollbarStyle)bindable).thumbColor;
+ });
+ /// <summary>Bindable property of TrackPadding</summary>
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public static readonly BindableProperty TrackPaddingProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(TrackPadding), typeof(Extents), typeof(ScrollbarStyle), null, propertyChanged: (bindable, oldValue, newValue) =>
+ {
+ ((ScrollbarStyle)bindable).trackPadding = (Extents)newValue;
+ },
+ defaultValueCreator: (bindable) =>
+ {
+ return ((ScrollbarStyle)bindable).trackPadding;
+ });
+ private float? trackThickness;
+ private float? thumbThickness;
+ private Color trackColor;
+ private Color thumbColor;
+ private Extents trackPadding;
+ #endregion Fields
+ #region Constructors
/// <summary>
- /// Creates a new instance of a ScrollBarStyle.
+ /// Creates a new instance of a ScrollbarStyle.
/// </summary>
- /// <since_tizen> 8 </since_tizen>
- public ScrollBarStyle() : base()
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public ScrollbarStyle() : base()
- InitSubStyle();
- Direction = ScrollBar.DirectionType.Horizontal;
+ Initialize();
/// <summary>
- /// Creates a new instance of a ScrollBarStyle with style.
+ /// Copy constructor.
/// </summary>
- /// <param name="style">Create ScrollBarStyle by style customized by user.</param>
- /// <since_tizen> 8 </since_tizen>
- public ScrollBarStyle(ScrollBarStyle style) : base(style)
+ /// <param name="style">Create ScrollbarStyle by style customized by user.</param>
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public ScrollbarStyle(ScrollbarStyle style) : base(style)
- if (null == style) return;
- InitSubStyle();
/// <summary>
- /// Get or set track image style.
+ /// Static constructor to initialize bindable properties when loading.
+ /// </summary>
+ static ScrollbarStyle()
+ {
+ }
+ #endregion Constructors
+ #region Properties
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The thickness of the track.
/// </summary>
- /// <since_tizen> 8 </since_tizen>
- public ImageViewStyle Track { get; set; }
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public float? TrackThickness
+ {
+ get => (float?)GetValue(TrackThicknessProperty);
+ set => SetValue(TrackThicknessProperty, value);
+ }
/// <summary>
- /// Get or set thumb image style.
+ /// The thickness of the thumb.
/// </summary>
- /// <since_tizen> 8 </since_tizen>
- public ImageViewStyle Thumb { get; set; }
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public float? ThumbThickness
+ {
+ get => (float?)GetValue(ThumbThicknessProperty);
+ set => SetValue(ThumbThicknessProperty, value);
+ }
/// <summary>
- /// Get or set direction type.
+ /// The color of the track part.
/// </summary>
- /// <since_tizen> 8 </since_tizen>
- public ScrollBar.DirectionType? Direction { get; set; }
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public Color TrackColor
+ {
+ get => (Color)GetValue(TrackColorProperty);
+ set => SetValue(TrackColorProperty, value);
+ }
/// <summary>
- /// Get or set duration.
+ /// The color of the thumb part.
/// </summary>
- /// <since_tizen> 8 </since_tizen>
- public uint Duration { get; set; }
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public Color ThumbColor
+ {
+ get => (Color)GetValue(ThumbColorProperty);
+ set => SetValue(ThumbColorProperty, value);
+ }
/// <summary>
- /// Style's clone function.
+ /// The padding value of the track.
/// </summary>
- /// <param name="bindableObject">The style that need to copy.</param>
- /// <since_tizen> 8 </since_tizen>
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public Extents TrackPadding
+ {
+ get => (Extents)GetValue(TrackPaddingProperty);
+ set => SetValue(TrackPaddingProperty, value);
+ }
+ #endregion Properties
+ #region Methods
+ /// <inheritdoc/>
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
public override void CopyFrom(BindableObject bindableObject)
- ScrollBarStyle scrollBarStyle = bindableObject as ScrollBarStyle;
+ var style = bindableObject as ScrollbarStyle;
- if (null != scrollBarStyle)
+ if (null != style)
- if (null != scrollBarStyle.Track)
- {
- Track?.CopyFrom(scrollBarStyle.Track);
- }
- if (null != scrollBarStyle.Thumb)
- {
- Thumb?.CopyFrom(scrollBarStyle.Thumb);
- }
- Direction = scrollBarStyle.Direction;
- Duration = scrollBarStyle.Duration;
+ TrackThickness = style.TrackThickness;
+ ThumbThickness = style.ThumbThickness;
+ TrackColor = style.TrackColor;
+ ThumbColor = style.ThumbColor;
+ TrackPadding = style.TrackPadding;
- private void InitSubStyle()
+ private void Initialize()
- Track = new ImageViewStyle()
- {
- PositionUsesPivotPoint = true,
- ParentOrigin = Tizen.NUI.ParentOrigin.CenterLeft,
- PivotPoint = Tizen.NUI.PivotPoint.CenterLeft,
- WidthResizePolicy = ResizePolicyType.FillToParent,
- HeightResizePolicy = ResizePolicyType.FillToParent
- };
- Thumb = new ImageViewStyle()
- {
- PositionUsesPivotPoint = true,
- ParentOrigin = Tizen.NUI.ParentOrigin.CenterLeft,
- PivotPoint = Tizen.NUI.PivotPoint.CenterLeft,
- WidthResizePolicy = ResizePolicyType.Fixed,
- HeightResizePolicy = ResizePolicyType.Fixed
- };
+ TrackThickness = 6.0f;
+ ThumbThickness = 6.0f;
+ TrackColor = new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.15f);
+ ThumbColor = new Color(0.6f, 0.6f, 0.6f, 1.0f);
+ TrackPadding = 4;
+ #endregion Methods
--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright(c) 2020 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ */
+using System;
+using System.ComponentModel;
+using Tizen.NUI.BaseComponents;
+using Tizen.NUI.Binding;
+using Tizen.NUI.Components;
+namespace Tizen.NUI.Wearable
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The CircualrScrollbar is a wearable NUI component that can be linked to the scrollable objects
+ /// indicating the current scroll position of the scrollable object.<br />
+ /// </summary>
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public class CircularScrollbar : ScrollbarBase
+ {
+ #region Fields
+ /// <summary>Bindable property of Thickness</summary>
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public static readonly BindableProperty ThicknessProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(Thickness), typeof(float), typeof(CircularScrollbar), default(float), propertyChanged: (bindable, oldValue, newValue) =>
+ {
+ var instance = ((CircularScrollbar)bindable);
+ var thickness = (float?)newValue;
+ ((CircularScrollbarStyle)instance.viewStyle).Thickness = thickness;
+ instance.UpdateVisualThickness(thickness ?? 0);
+ },
+ defaultValueCreator: (bindable) =>
+ {
+ return ((CircularScrollbarStyle)((CircularScrollbar)bindable).viewStyle)?.Thickness ?? 0;
+ });
+ /// <summary>Bindable property of TrackSweepAngle</summary>
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public static readonly BindableProperty TrackSweepAngleProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(TrackSweepAngle), typeof(float), typeof(CircularScrollbar), default(float), propertyChanged: (bindable, oldValue, newValue) =>
+ {
+ var instance = ((CircularScrollbar)bindable);
+ var angle = (float?)newValue;
+ ((CircularScrollbarStyle)instance.viewStyle).TrackSweepAngle = angle;
+ instance.UpdateTrackVisualSweepAngle(angle ?? 0);
+ },
+ defaultValueCreator: (bindable) =>
+ {
+ return ((CircularScrollbarStyle)((CircularScrollbar)bindable).viewStyle)?.TrackSweepAngle ?? 0;
+ });
+ /// <summary>Bindable property of TrackColor</summary>
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public static readonly BindableProperty TrackColorProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(TrackColor), typeof(Color), typeof(CircularScrollbar), null, propertyChanged: (bindable, oldValue, newValue) =>
+ {
+ var instance = ((CircularScrollbar)bindable);
+ var color = (Color)newValue;
+ ((CircularScrollbarStyle)instance.viewStyle).TrackColor = color;
+ instance.UpdateTrackVisualColor(color);
+ },
+ defaultValueCreator: (bindable) =>
+ {
+ return ((CircularScrollbarStyle)((CircularScrollbar)bindable).viewStyle)?.TrackColor;
+ });
+ /// <summary>Bindable property of ThumbColor</summary>
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public static readonly BindableProperty ThumbColorProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(ThumbColor), typeof(Color), typeof(CircularScrollbar), null, propertyChanged: (bindable, oldValue, newValue) =>
+ {
+ var instance = ((CircularScrollbar)bindable);
+ var color = (Color)newValue;
+ ((CircularScrollbarStyle)instance.viewStyle).ThumbColor = color;
+ instance.UpdateThumbVisualColor(color);
+ },
+ defaultValueCreator: (bindable) =>
+ {
+ return ((CircularScrollbarStyle)((CircularScrollbar)bindable).viewStyle)?.ThumbColor;
+ });
+ private ArcVisual trackVisual;
+ private ArcVisual thumbVisual;
+ private float contentLength;
+ private float visibleLength;
+ private float currentPosition;
+ private float directionAlpha;
+ private Animation thumbStartAngleAnimation;
+ private Animation thumbSweepAngleAnimation;
+ #endregion Fields
+ #region Constructors
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Create an empty CircularScrollbar.
+ /// </summary>
+ public CircularScrollbar() : base(new CircularScrollbarStyle())
+ {
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Create a CircularScrollbar and initialize with properties.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="contentLength">The total length of the content.</param>
+ /// <param name="viewSize">The size of View that contains the content to scroll.</param>
+ /// <param name="currentPosition">Scrolled position.</param>
+ /// <param name="isHorizontal">Whether the direction of scrolling is horizontal or not. It is vertical if the value is false.</param>
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public CircularScrollbar(float contentLength, Size viewSize, float currentPosition, bool isHorizontal = false) : base(new CircularScrollbarStyle())
+ {
+ Initialize(contentLength, viewSize, currentPosition, isHorizontal);
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Create an empty CircularScrollbar with a CircularScrollbarStyle instance to set style properties.
+ /// </summary>
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public CircularScrollbar(CircularScrollbarStyle style) : base(style)
+ {
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Static constructor to initialize bindable properties when loading.
+ /// </summary>
+ static CircularScrollbar()
+ {
+ }
+ #endregion Constructors
+ #region Properties
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The thickness of the scrollbar and track.
+ /// </summary>
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public float Thickness
+ {
+ get => (float)GetValue(ThicknessProperty);
+ set => SetValue(ThicknessProperty, value);
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The sweep angle of track area in degrees.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <remarks>
+ /// Values below 6 degrees are treated as 6 degrees.
+ /// Values exceeding 180 degrees are treated as 180 degrees.
+ /// </remarks>
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public float TrackSweepAngle
+ {
+ get => (float)GetValue(TrackSweepAngleProperty);
+ set => SetValue(TrackSweepAngleProperty, value);
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The color of the track part.
+ /// </summary>
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public Color TrackColor
+ {
+ get => (Color)GetValue(TrackColorProperty);
+ set => SetValue(TrackColorProperty, value);
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The color of the thumb part.
+ /// </summary>
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public Color ThumbColor
+ {
+ get => (Color)GetValue(ThumbColorProperty);
+ set => SetValue(ThumbColorProperty, value);
+ }
+ #endregion Properties
+ #region Methods
+ /// <inheritdoc/>
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public override void Initialize(float contentLength, Size viewSize, float currentPosition, bool isHorizontal = false)
+ {
+ this.contentLength = contentLength > 0.0f ? contentLength : 0.0f;
+ this.visibleLength = isHorizontal ? viewSize.Width : viewSize.Height;
+ this.currentPosition = currentPosition;
+ this.directionAlpha = isHorizontal ? 270.0f : 0.0f;
+ Size = viewSize;
+ thumbStartAngleAnimation?.Stop();
+ thumbStartAngleAnimation = null;
+ thumbSweepAngleAnimation?.Stop();
+ thumbSweepAngleAnimation = null;
+ CreateTrackVisual();
+ CreateThumbVisual(currentPosition);
+ AddVisual("Track", trackVisual);
+ AddVisual("Thumb", thumbVisual);
+ }
+ /// <inheritdoc/>
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public override void Update(float contentLength, float position, uint durationMs = 0, AlphaFunction alphaFunction = null)
+ {
+ this.currentPosition = position;
+ this.contentLength = contentLength > 0.0f ? contentLength : 0.0f;
+ if (thumbVisual == null)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ thumbVisual.SweepAngle = CalculateThumbSweepAngle(TrackSweepAngle);
+ thumbVisual.StartAngle = CalculateThumbStartAngle(position, trackVisual.StartAngle, trackVisual.SweepAngle, thumbVisual.SweepAngle);
+ thumbVisual.Opacity = CalculateThumbVisibility() ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
+ if (durationMs == 0)
+ {
+ thumbVisual.UpdateVisual(true);
+ return;
+ }
+ // TODO Support non built-in alpha function for visual trainsition in DALi.
+ AlphaFunction.BuiltinFunctions builtinAlphaFunction = alphaFunction?.GetBuiltinFunction() ?? AlphaFunction.BuiltinFunctions.Default;
+ thumbStartAngleAnimation?.Stop();
+ thumbStartAngleAnimation = AnimateVisual(thumbVisual, "startAngle", thumbVisual.StartAngle, 0, (int)durationMs, builtinAlphaFunction);
+ thumbStartAngleAnimation.Play();
+ thumbSweepAngleAnimation?.Stop();
+ thumbSweepAngleAnimation = AnimateVisual(thumbVisual, "sweepAngle", thumbVisual.SweepAngle, 0, (int)durationMs, builtinAlphaFunction);
+ thumbSweepAngleAnimation.Play();
+ }
+ /// <inheritdoc/>
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public override void ScrollTo(float position, uint durationMs = 0, AlphaFunction alphaFunction = null)
+ {
+ currentPosition = position;
+ if (thumbVisual == null)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ var oldThumbStartAngle = thumbVisual.StartAngle;
+ thumbVisual.StartAngle = CalculateThumbStartAngle(position, trackVisual.StartAngle, trackVisual.SweepAngle, thumbVisual.SweepAngle);
+ if (durationMs == 0)
+ {
+ thumbVisual.UpdateVisual(true);
+ return;
+ }
+ // TODO Support non built-in alpha function for visual trainsition in DALi.
+ AlphaFunction.BuiltinFunctions builtinAlphaFunction = alphaFunction?.GetBuiltinFunction() ?? AlphaFunction.BuiltinFunctions.Default;
+ thumbStartAngleAnimation?.Stop();
+ thumbStartAngleAnimation = AnimateVisual(thumbVisual, "startAngle", thumbVisual.StartAngle, 0, (int)durationMs, builtinAlphaFunction);
+ thumbStartAngleAnimation.Play();
+ }
+ /// <inheritdoc/>
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ protected override ViewStyle GetViewStyle()
+ {
+ return new CircularScrollbarStyle();
+ }
+ private void CreateTrackVisual()
+ {
+ float sweepAngle = CalculateTrackSweepAngle(TrackSweepAngle);
+ trackVisual = new ArcVisual
+ {
+ SuppressUpdateVisual = true,
+ Thickness = this.Thickness,
+ Cap = ArcVisual.CapType.Round,
+ MixColor = TrackColor,
+ Size = new Size(visibleLength - 2, visibleLength - 2),
+ SizePolicy = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute,
+ SweepAngle = sweepAngle,
+ StartAngle = CalculateTrackStartAngle(sweepAngle),
+ };
+ }
+ private void CreateThumbVisual(float position)
+ {
+ float sweepAngle = CalculateThumbSweepAngle(TrackSweepAngle);
+ thumbVisual = new ArcVisual
+ {
+ SuppressUpdateVisual = true,
+ Thickness = trackVisual.Thickness,
+ Cap = ArcVisual.CapType.Round,
+ MixColor = ThumbColor,
+ Size = new Size(visibleLength - 2, visibleLength - 2),
+ SizePolicy = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute,
+ SweepAngle = sweepAngle,
+ StartAngle = CalculateThumbStartAngle(position, trackVisual.StartAngle, trackVisual.SweepAngle, sweepAngle),
+ Opacity = CalculateThumbVisibility() ? 1.0f : 0.0f,
+ };
+ }
+ private float CalculateTrackStartAngle(float currentTrackSweepAngle)
+ {
+ return ((180.0f - currentTrackSweepAngle) / 2.0f) + directionAlpha;
+ }
+ private float CalculateTrackSweepAngle(float inputTrackSweepAngle)
+ {
+ return Math.Min(Math.Max(inputTrackSweepAngle, 3), 180);
+ }
+ private float CalculateThumbStartAngle(float position, float trackStartAngle, float trackSweepAngle, float thumbSweepAngle)
+ {
+ float minAngle = trackStartAngle;
+ float maxAngle = trackStartAngle + trackSweepAngle - thumbSweepAngle;
+ float resultAngle = trackStartAngle + (trackSweepAngle * (position < 0.0f ? 0.0f : position) / contentLength);
+ return Math.Min(Math.Max(resultAngle, minAngle), maxAngle);
+ }
+ private float CalculateThumbSweepAngle(float trackSweepAngle)
+ {
+ return trackSweepAngle * visibleLength / contentLength;
+ }
+ private bool CalculateThumbVisibility()
+ {
+ return contentLength > visibleLength;
+ }
+ private void UpdateVisualThickness(float thickness)
+ {
+ if (trackVisual == null)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ trackVisual.Thickness = thickness;
+ thumbVisual.Thickness = thickness;
+ trackVisual.UpdateVisual(true);
+ thumbVisual.UpdateVisual(true);
+ }
+ private void UpdateTrackVisualSweepAngle(float trackSweepAngle)
+ {
+ if (trackVisual == null || thumbVisual == null)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ trackVisual.SweepAngle = CalculateTrackSweepAngle(trackSweepAngle);
+ trackVisual.StartAngle = CalculateTrackStartAngle(trackVisual.SweepAngle);
+ thumbVisual.SweepAngle = CalculateThumbSweepAngle(TrackSweepAngle);
+ thumbVisual.StartAngle = CalculateThumbStartAngle(currentPosition, trackVisual.StartAngle, trackVisual.SweepAngle, thumbVisual.SweepAngle);
+ trackVisual.UpdateVisual(true);
+ thumbVisual.UpdateVisual(true);
+ }
+ private void UpdateTrackVisualColor(Color trackColor)
+ {
+ if (trackVisual == null)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ trackVisual.MixColor = trackColor;
+ trackVisual.UpdateVisual(true);
+ }
+ private void UpdateThumbVisualColor(Color thumbColor)
+ {
+ if (thumbVisual == null)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ thumbVisual.MixColor = thumbColor;
+ thumbVisual.UpdateVisual(true);
+ }
+ #endregion Methods
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright(c) 2019 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ */
+using System.ComponentModel;
+using Tizen.NUI.Components;
+using Tizen.NUI.Binding;
+namespace Tizen.NUI.Wearable
+ /// <summary>
+ /// CircularScrollbarStyle is a class which saves CircularScrollbar's ux data.
+ /// </summary>
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public class CircularScrollbarStyle : ControlStyle
+ {
+ #region Fields
+ /// <summary>Bindable property of Thickness</summary>
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public static readonly BindableProperty ThicknessProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(Thickness), typeof(float?), typeof(CircularScrollbarStyle), null, propertyChanged: (bindable, oldValue, newValue) =>
+ {
+ ((CircularScrollbarStyle)bindable).thickness = (float?)newValue;
+ },
+ defaultValueCreator: (bindable) =>
+ {
+ return ((CircularScrollbarStyle)bindable).thickness;
+ });
+ /// <summary>Bindable property of TrackSweepAngle</summary>
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public static readonly BindableProperty TrackSweepAngleProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(TrackSweepAngle), typeof(float?), typeof(CircularScrollbarStyle), null, propertyChanged: (bindable, oldValue, newValue) =>
+ {
+ ((CircularScrollbarStyle)bindable).trackSweepAngle = (float?)newValue;
+ },
+ defaultValueCreator: (bindable) =>
+ {
+ return ((CircularScrollbarStyle)bindable).trackSweepAngle;
+ });
+ /// <summary>Bindable property of TrackColor</summary>
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public static readonly BindableProperty TrackColorProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(TrackColor), typeof(Color), typeof(CircularScrollbarStyle), null, propertyChanged: (bindable, oldValue, newValue) =>
+ {
+ ((CircularScrollbarStyle)bindable).trackColor = (Color)newValue;
+ },
+ defaultValueCreator: (bindable) =>
+ {
+ return ((CircularScrollbarStyle)bindable).trackColor;
+ });
+ /// <summary>Bindable property of ThumbColor</summary>
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public static readonly BindableProperty ThumbColorProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(ThumbColor), typeof(Color), typeof(CircularScrollbarStyle), null, propertyChanged: (bindable, oldValue, newValue) =>
+ {
+ ((CircularScrollbarStyle)bindable).thumbColor = (Color)newValue;
+ },
+ defaultValueCreator: (bindable) =>
+ {
+ return ((CircularScrollbarStyle)bindable).thumbColor;
+ });
+ private float? thickness;
+ private float? trackSweepAngle;
+ private Color trackColor;
+ private Color thumbColor;
+ #endregion Fields
+ #region Constructors
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Creates a new instance of a CircularScrollbarStyle.
+ /// </summary>
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public CircularScrollbarStyle() : base()
+ {
+ Initialize();
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Copy constructor.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="style">Create ScrollbarStyle by style customized by user.</param>
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public CircularScrollbarStyle(CircularScrollbarStyle style) : base(style)
+ {
+ this.CopyFrom(style);
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Static constructor to initialize bindable properties when loading.
+ /// </summary>
+ static CircularScrollbarStyle()
+ {
+ }
+ #endregion Constructors
+ #region Properties
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The thickness of the scrollbar and track.
+ /// </summary>
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public float? Thickness
+ {
+ get => (float?)GetValue(ThicknessProperty);
+ set => SetValue(ThicknessProperty, value);
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The sweep angle of track area in degrees.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <remarks>
+ /// Values below 6 degrees are treated as 6 degrees.
+ /// Values exceeding 180 degrees are treated as 180 degrees.
+ /// </remarks>
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public float? TrackSweepAngle
+ {
+ get => (float?)GetValue(TrackSweepAngleProperty);
+ set => SetValue(TrackSweepAngleProperty, value);
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The color of the track part.
+ /// </summary>
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public Color TrackColor
+ {
+ get => (Color)GetValue(TrackColorProperty);
+ set => SetValue(TrackColorProperty, value);
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The color of the thumb part.
+ /// </summary>
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public Color ThumbColor
+ {
+ get => (Color)GetValue(ThumbColorProperty);
+ set => SetValue(ThumbColorProperty, value);
+ }
+ #endregion Properties
+ #region Methods
+ /// <inheritdoc/>
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public override void CopyFrom(BindableObject bindableObject)
+ {
+ base.CopyFrom(bindableObject);
+ var style = bindableObject as CircularScrollbarStyle;
+ if (null != style)
+ {
+ Thickness = style.Thickness;
+ TrackSweepAngle = style.TrackSweepAngle;
+ TrackColor = style.TrackColor;
+ ThumbColor = style.ThumbColor;
+ }
+ }
+ private void Initialize()
+ {
+ Thickness = 10.0f;
+ TrackSweepAngle = 60.0f;
+ TrackColor = new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.15f);
+ ThumbColor = new Color(0.6f, 0.6f, 0.6f, 1.0f);
+ }
+ #endregion Methods
+ }
/// <summary>
/// Renders a animated image (animated GIF).
/// </summary>
- AnimatedImage
+ AnimatedImage,
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Renders an arc.
+ /// </summary>
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ Arc = AnimatedImage + 3,
/// <summary>
/// <since_tizen> 5 </since_tizen>
public static readonly int VisualFittingMode = NDalic.VISUAL_PROPERTY_MIX_COLOR + 2;
/// <summary>
- /// The fitting mode of the visual.
+ /// The corner radius of the visual.
/// </summary>
public static readonly int CornerRadius = NDalic.VISUAL_PROPERTY_MIX_COLOR + 3;
/// <since_tizen> 3 </since_tizen>
public static readonly int Border = NDalic.IMAGE_VISUAL_WRAP_MODE_V + 1;
+ /// <summary>
+ /// This specifies properties of the ArcVisual.
+ /// </summary>
+ internal struct ArcVisualProperty
+ {
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The thickness of the arc.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <remarks>The value is float type.</remarks>
+ /// <remarks>This is mandatory property.</remarks>
+ internal static readonly int Thickness = NDalic.IMAGE_VISUAL_URL;
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The start angle where the arc begins in degrees.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <remarks>The value is float type.</remarks>
+ /// <remarks>The property of optional. The default value is 0.</remarks>
+ internal static readonly int StartAngle = Thickness + 1;
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The sweep angle of the arc in degrees.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <remarks>The value is float type.</remarks>
+ /// <remarks>The property of optional. The default value is 360.</remarks>
+ internal static readonly int SweepAngle = Thickness + 2;
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The cap style of the arc.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <remarks>
+ /// The value is integer type.
+ /// The value 0 means butt, the arc does not extend beyond its two endpoints.
+ /// The value 1 means round, the arc will be extended by a half circle with the center at the end.
+ /// </remarks>
+ /// <remarks>The property of optional. The default value is 0 (butt).</remarks>
+ internal static readonly int Cap = Thickness + 3;
+ }
* limitations under the License.
+using System.ComponentModel;
using Tizen.NUI.BaseComponents;
namespace Tizen.NUI
/// <since_tizen> 5 </since_tizen>
protected VisualFittingModeType? _visualFittingMode = null;
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The corner radius value of the visual.
+ /// </summary>
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ protected float? _cornerRadius = null;
/// <summary>
/// The map for visual.
/// </summary>
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The corner radius of the visual.
+ /// </summary>
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public float CornerRadius
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _cornerRadius ?? (0.0f);
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ _cornerRadius = value;
+ UpdateVisual();
+ }
+ }
internal string Name
- internal void UpdateVisual()
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Suppress UpdateVisual() to update properties to Parent.
+ /// If it is set to true, UpdateVisual() is ignored unless it is called with force.
+ /// </summary>
+ internal bool SuppressUpdateVisual { get; set; } = false;
+ internal void UpdateVisual(bool force = false)
- if (VisualIndex > 0)
+ if (VisualIndex > 0 && (!SuppressUpdateVisual || force))
NUILog.Debug("UpdateVisual()! VisualIndex=" + VisualIndex);
Parent.UpdateVisual(VisualIndex, Name, this);
if (_mixColor != null) { _outputVisualMap.Add(Visual.Property.MixColor, new PropertyValue(_mixColor)); }
if (_opacity != null) { _outputVisualMap.Add(Visual.Property.Opacity, new PropertyValue((float)_opacity)); }
if (_visualFittingMode != null) { _outputVisualMap.Add(Visual.Property.VisualFittingMode, new PropertyValue((int)_visualFittingMode)); }
+ if (_cornerRadius != null) { _outputVisualMap.Add(Visual.Property.CornerRadius, new PropertyValue((int)_cornerRadius)); }
private void ComposingTransformMap()
--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright(c) 2020 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ */
+using System.ComponentModel;
+namespace Tizen.NUI
+ /// <summary>
+ /// A class encapsulating the property map of the arc visual.
+ /// </summary>
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public class ArcVisual : VisualMap
+ {
+ #region Fields
+ private float thickness;
+ private float startAngle;
+ private float sweepAngle;
+ private CapType cap;
+ #endregion Fields
+ #region Constructors
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Constructor.
+ /// </summary>
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public ArcVisual() : base()
+ {
+ }
+ #endregion Constructors
+ #region Enums
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Enumeration for the cap style of the arc line.
+ /// </summary>
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public enum CapType
+ {
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The arc does not extend beyond its two endpoints.
+ /// </summary>
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ Butt,
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The arc will be extended by a half circle with the center at the end.
+ /// </summary>
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ Round,
+ }
+ #endregion Enums
+ #region Properties
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The thickness of the arc.
+ /// </summary>
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public float Thickness
+ {
+ get => thickness;
+ set
+ {
+ thickness = value;
+ UpdateVisual();
+ }
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The start angle where the arc begins in degrees.
+ /// </summary>
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public float StartAngle
+ {
+ get => startAngle;
+ set
+ {
+ startAngle = value;
+ UpdateVisual();
+ }
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The sweep angle of the arc in degrees.
+ /// </summary>
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public float SweepAngle
+ {
+ get => sweepAngle;
+ set
+ {
+ sweepAngle = value;
+ UpdateVisual();
+ }
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The cap style of the arc.
+ /// </summary>
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public CapType Cap
+ {
+ get => cap;
+ set
+ {
+ cap = value;
+ UpdateVisual();
+ }
+ }
+ #endregion Properties
+ #region Methods
+ /// <inheritdoc/>
+ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ protected override void ComposingPropertyMap()
+ {
+ _outputVisualMap = null;
+ base.ComposingPropertyMap();
+ _outputVisualMap.Add(Visual.Property.Type, new PropertyValue((int)Visual.Type.Arc));
+ _outputVisualMap.Add(ArcVisualProperty.Thickness, new PropertyValue(Thickness < 0.0f ? 0.0f : Thickness));
+ _outputVisualMap.Add(ArcVisualProperty.StartAngle, new PropertyValue(StartAngle));
+ _outputVisualMap.Add(ArcVisualProperty.SweepAngle, new PropertyValue(SweepAngle));
+ _outputVisualMap.Add(ArcVisualProperty.Cap, new PropertyValue((int)Cap));
+ }
+ #endregion Methods
+ }
/// <since_tizen> 3 </since_tizen>
protected override void ComposingPropertyMap()
- if (_mixColorForColorVisual != null)
+ Color color = _mixColorForColorVisual ?? _mixColor;
+ if (color != null)
- _outputVisualMap = new PropertyMap();
+ _outputVisualMap = null;
+ base.ComposingPropertyMap();
_outputVisualMap.Add(Visual.Property.Type, new PropertyValue((int)Visual.Type.Color));
- _outputVisualMap.Add(ColorVisualProperty.MixColor, new PropertyValue(_mixColorForColorVisual));
- if (_shader != null) { _outputVisualMap.Add(Visual.Property.Shader, new PropertyValue(_shader)); }
- if (_premultipliedAlpha != null) { _outputVisualMap.Add(Visual.Property.PremultipliedAlpha, new PropertyValue((bool)_premultipliedAlpha)); }
- if (_opacity != null) { _outputVisualMap.Add(Visual.Property.Opacity, new PropertyValue((float)_opacity)); }
- if (_renderIfTransparent != null) { _outputVisualMap.Add(ColorVisualProperty.RenderIfTransparent, new PropertyValue((bool)_renderIfTransparent)); }
- if (_visualFittingMode != null) { _outputVisualMap.Add(Visual.Property.VisualFittingMode, new PropertyValue((int)_visualFittingMode)); }
+ _outputVisualMap.Add(ColorVisualProperty.MixColor, new PropertyValue(color));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _outputVisualMap = new PropertyMap();