# Enable render nodes
options drm rnodes=1
sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/drm.rules << EOF
# Add permissions to render nodes
SUBSYSTEM=="drm", ACTION=="add", DEVPATH=="/devices/*/renderD*", MODE="020666"
This release demonstrates a spinning textured cube as an example of the\r
vertical slice of XGL functionality running on Ubuntu 14.10 with an Intel\r
-GPU. Included are instructions for\r
-[building all the components](https://github.com/KhronosGroup/GL-Next/tree/master/BUILD.md)\r
-[running the XGL spinning cube demo application](https://github.com/KhronosGroup/GL-Next/tree/master/demos/README.md).\r
+includes directions for building all the components, running the validation tests and running the demo applications.\r
Information on how to enable the API Dump and Validation layers is in\r