+static void
+_e_comp_wl_pname_get(pid_t pid, char* name, int size)
+ if (!name) return;
+ FILE *h;
+ char proc[512], pname[512];
+ size_t len;
+ snprintf(proc, 512,"/proc/%d/cmdline", pid);
+ h = fopen(proc, "r");
+ if (!h) return;
+ len = fread(pname, sizeof(char), 512, h);
+ if (len > 0)
+ {
+ if ('\n' == pname[len - 1])
+ pname[len - 1] = '\0';
+ }
+ fclose(h);
+ strncpy(name, pname, size);
static void
_e_comp_wl_pname_print(pid_t pid)
(unsigned int)res_comp,
(unsigned int)client,
pid, uid, gid);
+ E_Comp *comp;
+ if ((comp = wl_resource_get_user_data(res_comp)))
+ {
+ Eina_List *l;
+ E_Comp_Connected_Client_Info *cinfo;
+ EINA_LIST_FOREACH(comp->connected_clients, l, cinfo)
+ {
+ if (cinfo->pid == pid)
+ break;
+ cinfo = NULL;
+ }
+ if (cinfo)
+ {
+ if (cinfo->name)
+ eina_stringshare_del(cinfo->name);
+ comp->connected_clients = eina_list_remove(comp->connected_clients, cinfo);
+ E_FREE(cinfo);
+ }
+ }
static void
pid, uid, gid);
+ char *name[512];
+ _e_comp_wl_pname_get(pid, name, sizeof(name));
+ E_Comp_Connected_Client_Info *cinfo;
+ cinfo = E_NEW(E_Comp_Connected_Client_Info, 1);
+ if (cinfo)
+ {
+ cinfo->name = eina_stringshare_add(name);
+ cinfo->pid = pid;
+ cinfo->uid = uid;
+ cinfo->gid = gid;
+ comp->connected_clients= eina_list_append(comp->connected_clients, cinfo);
+ }
static void
+static void
+_cb_window_proc_connected_clients_get(const Eldbus_Message *msg)
+ const char *name = NULL, *text = NULL;
+ Eldbus_Message_Iter *array, *ec;
+ Eina_Bool res;
+ res = eldbus_message_error_get(msg, &name, &text);
+ EINA_SAFETY_ON_TRUE_GOTO(res, finish);
+ res = eldbus_message_arguments_get(msg, "a(ss)", &array);
+ printf("--------------------------------------[ connected clients ]-----------------------------------------------------\n");
+ int cnt = 0;
+ while (eldbus_message_iter_get_and_next(array, 'r', &ec))
+ {
+ const char *title;
+ const char *value;
+ res = eldbus_message_iter_arguments_get(ec,
+ "ss",
+ &title,
+ &value);
+ if (!res)
+ {
+ printf("Failed to get connected clients info\n");
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!strcmp(title, "[Connected Clients]"))
+ {
+ printf("\n[%2d] %s\n", ++cnt, value);
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(title, "[E_Client Info]"))
+ {
+ printf(" |----- %s :: %s\n", title, value);
+ }
+ }
+ if ((name) || (text))
+ {
+ printf("errname:%s errmsg:%s\n", name, text);
+ }
+static void
+_e_info_client_proc_connected_clients(int argc, char **argv)
+ if (!_e_info_client_eldbus_message("get_connected_clients", _cb_window_proc_connected_clients_get))
+ {
+ printf("_e_info_client_eldbus_message error");
+ return;
+ }
static struct
const char *option;
"print window infomation",
+ {
+ "connected_clients", NULL,
+ "print connected clients on Enlightenment",
+ _e_info_client_proc_connected_clients
+ },
static void
return reply;
+static void
+_msg_connected_clients_append(Eldbus_Message_Iter *iter)
+ Eldbus_Message_Iter *array_of_ec;
+ E_Client *ec;
+ Evas_Object *o;
+ eldbus_message_iter_arguments_append(iter, "a(ss)", &array_of_ec);
+ Eina_List *l;
+ E_Comp_Connected_Client_Info *cinfo;
+ Eldbus_Message_Iter* struct_of_ec;
+#define __CONNECTED_CLIENTS_ARG_APPEND_TYPE(title, str, x...) ({ \
+ char __temp[128] = {0,}; \
+ snprintf(__temp, sizeof(__temp), str, ##x); \
+ eldbus_message_iter_arguments_append(array_of_ec, "(ss)", &struct_of_ec); \
+ eldbus_message_iter_arguments_append(struct_of_ec, "ss", (title), (__temp)); \
+ eldbus_message_iter_container_close(array_of_ec, struct_of_ec);})
+ EINA_LIST_FOREACH(e_comp->connected_clients, l, cinfo)
+ {
+ __CONNECTED_CLIENTS_ARG_APPEND_TYPE("[Connected Clients]", "name:%20s pid:%3d uid:%3d gid:%3d", cinfo->name ?: "NO_NAME", cinfo->pid, cinfo->uid, cinfo->gid);
+ for (o = evas_object_top_get(e_comp->evas); o; o = evas_object_below_get(o))
+ {
+ Ecore_Window win;
+ uint32_t res_id = 0;
+ pid_t pid = -1;
+ ec = evas_object_data_get(o, "E_Client");
+ if (!ec) continue;
+ if (e_client_util_ignored_get(ec)) continue;
+ win = e_client_util_win_get(ec);
+ if (ec->pixmap)
+ res_id = e_pixmap_res_id_get(ec->pixmap);
+ if (ec->comp_data)
+ {
+ E_Comp_Wl_Client_Data *cdata = (E_Comp_Wl_Client_Data*)ec->comp_data;
+ if (cdata->surface)
+ wl_client_get_credentials(wl_resource_get_client(cdata->surface), &pid, NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ if (cinfo->pid == pid)
+ {
+ __CONNECTED_CLIENTS_ARG_APPEND_TYPE("[E_Client Info]", "win:0x%08x res_id:%5d, name:%20s, geo:(%4d, %4d, %4dx%4d), layer:%5d, visible:%d, argb:%d",
+ win, res_id, e_client_util_name_get(ec) ?: "NO_NAME", ec->x, ec->y, ec->w, ec->h, ec->layer, ec->visible, ec->argb);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ eldbus_message_iter_container_close(iter, array_of_ec);
+static Eldbus_Message *
+_e_info_server_cb_connected_clients_get(const Eldbus_Service_Interface *iface EINA_UNUSED, const Eldbus_Message *msg)
+ Eldbus_Message *reply = eldbus_message_method_return_new(msg);
+ _msg_connected_clients_append(eldbus_message_iter_get(reply));
+ return reply;
static void
_msg_window_prop_client_append(Eldbus_Message_Iter *iter, E_Client *target_ec)
{ "eina_log_levels", ELDBUS_ARGS({"s", "eina log levels"}), NULL, _e_info_server_cb_eina_log_levels, 0 },
{ "eina_log_path", ELDBUS_ARGS({"s", "eina log path"}), NULL, _e_info_server_cb_eina_log_path, 0 },
{ "get_window_prop", ELDBUS_ARGS({"us", "query_mode_value"}), ELDBUS_ARGS({"a(ss)", "array_of_ec"}), _e_info_server_cb_window_prop_get, 0},
+ { "get_connected_clients", NULL, ELDBUS_ARGS({"a(ss)", "array of ec"}), _e_info_server_cb_connected_clients_get, 0 },