- // Lower the switch into an indirect branch using a jump table:
- //
- // 1. Create the constant for the default case
- // 2. Generate a GT_GE condition to compare to the default case
- // 3. Generate a GT_JTRUE to jump.
- // 4. Load the jump table address into a local (presumably the just
- // created constant for GT_SWITCH).
- // 5. Create a new node for the lowered switch, this will both generate
- // the branch table and also will be responsible for the indirect
- // branch.
- JITDUMP("Lowering switch BB%02u: using jump table expansion\n", originalSwitchBB->bbNum);
- GenTree* switchValue = comp->gtNewLclvNode(tempLclNum, tempLclType);
-#ifdef _TARGET_64BIT_
- if (tempLclType != TYP_I_IMPL)
+ // At this point the default case has already been handled and we need to generate a jump
+ // table based switch or a bit test based switch at the end of afterDefaultCondBlock. Both
+ // switch variants need the switch value so create the necessary LclVar node here.
+ GenTree* switchValue = comp->gtNewLclvNode(tempLclNum, tempLclType);
+ LIR::Range& switchBlockRange = LIR::AsRange(afterDefaultCondBlock);
+ tempVarDsc->incRefCnts(blockWeight, comp);
+ switchBlockRange.InsertAtEnd(switchValue);
+ // Try generating a bit test based switch first,
+ // if that's not possible a jump table based switch will be generated.
+ if (!TryLowerSwitchToBitTest(jumpTab, jumpCnt, targetCnt, afterDefaultCondBlock, switchValue))
- // Note that the switch value is unsigned so the cast should be unsigned as well.
- switchValue = comp->gtNewCastNode(TYP_I_IMPL, switchValue, TYP_U_IMPL);
- switchValue->gtFlags |= GTF_UNSIGNED;
- }
+ JITDUMP("Lowering switch BB%02u: using jump table expansion\n", originalSwitchBB->bbNum);
+#ifdef _TARGET_64BIT_
+ if (tempLclType != TYP_I_IMPL)
+ {
+ // SWITCH_TABLE expects the switch value (the index into the jump table) to be TYP_I_IMPL.
+ // Note that the switch value is unsigned so the cast should be unsigned as well.
+ switchValue = comp->gtNewCastNode(TYP_I_IMPL, switchValue, TYP_U_IMPL);
+ switchValue->gtFlags |= GTF_UNSIGNED;
+ switchBlockRange.InsertAtEnd(switchValue);
+ }
- GenTreePtr gtTableSwitch =
- comp->gtNewOperNode(GT_SWITCH_TABLE, TYP_VOID, switchValue, comp->gtNewJmpTableNode());
- /* Increment the lvRefCnt and lvRefCntWtd for temp */
- tempVarDsc->incRefCnts(blockWeight, comp);
- // this block no longer branches to the default block
- afterDefaultCondBlock->bbJumpSwt->removeDefault();
- comp->fgInvalidateSwitchDescMapEntry(afterDefaultCondBlock);
+ GenTree* switchTable = comp->gtNewJmpTableNode();
+ GenTree* switchJump = comp->gtNewOperNode(GT_SWITCH_TABLE, TYP_VOID, switchValue, switchTable);
+ switchBlockRange.InsertAfter(switchValue, switchTable, switchJump);
- LIR::Range& afterDefaultCondBBRange = LIR::AsRange(afterDefaultCondBlock);
- afterDefaultCondBBRange.InsertAtEnd(LIR::SeqTree(comp, gtTableSwitch));
+ // this block no longer branches to the default block
+ afterDefaultCondBlock->bbJumpSwt->removeDefault();
+ }
+ comp->fgInvalidateSwitchDescMapEntry(afterDefaultCondBlock);
GenTree* next = node->gtNext;
return next;
+// TryLowerSwitchToBitTest: Attempts to transform a jump table switch into a bit test.
+// Arguments:
+// jumpTable - The jump table
+// jumpCount - The number of blocks in the jump table
+// targetCount - The number of distinct blocks in the jump table
+// bbSwitch - The switch block
+// switchValue - A LclVar node that provides the switch value
+// Return value:
+// true if the switch has been lowered to a bit test
+// Notes:
+// If the jump table contains less than 32 (64 on 64 bit targets) entries and there
+// are at most 2 distinct jump targets then the jump table can be converted to a word
+// of bits where a 0 bit corresponds to one jump target and a 1 bit corresponds to the
+// other jump target. Instead of the indirect jump a BT-JCC sequnce is used to jump
+// to the appropiate target:
+// mov eax, 245 ; jump table converted to a "bit table"
+// bt eax, ebx ; ebx is supposed to contain the switch value
+// jc target1
+// target0:
+// ...
+// target1:
+// Such code is both shorter and faster (in part due to the removal of a memory load)
+// than the traditional jump table base code. And of course, it also avoids the need
+// to emit the jump table itself that can reach up to 256 bytes (for 64 entries).
+bool Lowering::TryLowerSwitchToBitTest(
+ BasicBlock* jumpTable[], unsigned jumpCount, unsigned targetCount, BasicBlock* bbSwitch, GenTree* switchValue)
+#ifndef _TARGET_XARCH_
+ // Other architectures may use this if they substitute GT_BT with equivalent code.
+ return false;
+ assert(jumpCount >= 2);
+ assert(targetCount >= 2);
+ assert(bbSwitch->bbJumpKind == BBJ_SWITCH);
+ assert(switchValue->OperIs(GT_LCL_VAR));
+ //
+ // Quick check to see if it's worth going through the jump table. The bit test switch supports
+ // up to 2 targets but targetCount also includes the default block so we need to allow 3 targets.
+ // We'll ensure that there are only 2 targets when building the bit table.
+ //
+ if (targetCount > 3)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ //
+ // The number of bits in the bit table is the same as the number of jump table entries. But the
+ // jump table also includes the default target (at the end) so we need to ignore it. The default
+ // has already been handled by a JTRUE(GT(switchValue, jumpCount - 2)) that LowerSwitch generates.
+ //
+ const unsigned bitCount = jumpCount - 1;
+ if (bitCount > (genTypeSize(TYP_I_IMPL) * 8))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ //
+ // Build a bit table where a bit set to 0 corresponds to bbCase0 and a bit set to 1 corresponds to
+ // bbCase1. Simply use the first block in the jump table as bbCase1, later we can invert the bit
+ // table and/or swap the blocks if it's beneficial.
+ //
+ BasicBlock* bbCase0 = nullptr;
+ BasicBlock* bbCase1 = jumpTable[0];
+ size_t bitTable = 1;
+ for (unsigned bitIndex = 1; bitIndex < bitCount; bitIndex++)
+ {
+ if (jumpTable[bitIndex] == bbCase1)
+ {
+ bitTable |= (size_t(1) << bitIndex);
+ }
+ else if (bbCase0 == nullptr)
+ {
+ bbCase0 = jumpTable[bitIndex];
+ }
+ else if (jumpTable[bitIndex] != bbCase0)
+ {
+ // If it's neither bbCase0 nor bbCase1 then it means we have 3 targets. There can't be more
+ // than 3 because of the check at the start of the function.
+ assert(targetCount == 3);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // One of the case blocks has to follow the switch block. This requirement could be avoided
+ // by adding a BBJ_ALWAYS block after the switch block but doing that sometimes negatively
+ // impacts register allocation.
+ //
+ if ((bbSwitch->bbNext != bbCase0) && (bbSwitch->bbNext != bbCase1))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+#ifdef _TARGET_64BIT_
+ //
+ // See if we can avoid a 8 byte immediate on 64 bit targets. If all upper 32 bits are 1
+ // then inverting the bit table will make them 0 so that the table now fits in 32 bits.
+ // Note that this does not change the number of bits in the bit table, it just takes
+ // advantage of the fact that loading a 32 bit immediate into a 64 bit register zero
+ // extends the immediate value to 64 bit.
+ //
+ if (~bitTable <= UINT32_MAX)
+ {
+ bitTable = ~bitTable;
+ std::swap(bbCase0, bbCase1);
+ }
+ //
+ // Rewire the blocks as needed and figure out the condition to use for JCC.
+ //
+ genTreeOps bbSwitchCondition = GT_NONE;
+ bbSwitch->bbJumpKind = BBJ_COND;
+ comp->fgRemoveAllRefPreds(bbCase1, bbSwitch);
+ comp->fgRemoveAllRefPreds(bbCase0, bbSwitch);
+ if (bbSwitch->bbNext == bbCase0)
+ {
+ // GT_LT + GTF_UNSIGNED generates JC so we jump to bbCase1 when the bit is set
+ bbSwitchCondition = GT_LT;
+ bbSwitch->bbJumpDest = bbCase1;
+ comp->fgAddRefPred(bbCase0, bbSwitch);
+ comp->fgAddRefPred(bbCase1, bbSwitch);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert(bbSwitch->bbNext == bbCase1);
+ // GT_GE + GTF_UNSIGNED generates JNC so we jump to bbCase0 when the bit is not set
+ bbSwitchCondition = GT_GE;
+ bbSwitch->bbJumpDest = bbCase0;
+ comp->fgAddRefPred(bbCase0, bbSwitch);
+ comp->fgAddRefPred(bbCase1, bbSwitch);
+ }
+ //
+ // Append BT(bitTable, switchValue) and JCC(condition) to the switch block.
+ //
+ var_types bitTableType = (bitCount <= (genTypeSize(TYP_INT) * 8)) ? TYP_INT : TYP_LONG;
+ GenTree* bitTableIcon = comp->gtNewIconNode(bitTable, bitTableType);
+ GenTree* bitTest = comp->gtNewOperNode(GT_BT, TYP_VOID, bitTableIcon, switchValue);
+ bitTest->gtFlags |= GTF_SET_FLAGS;
+ GenTreeCC* jcc = new (comp, GT_JCC) GenTreeCC(GT_JCC, bbSwitchCondition);
+ jcc->gtFlags |= GTF_UNSIGNED | GTF_USE_FLAGS;
+ LIR::AsRange(bbSwitch).InsertAfter(switchValue, bitTableIcon, bitTest, jcc);
+ return true;
+#endif // _TARGET_XARCH_
// NOTE: this method deliberately does not update the call arg table. It must only
// be used by NewPutArg and LowerArg; these functions are responsible for updating
// the call arg table as necessary.