--- /dev/null
+'use strict';
+const common = require('../common');
+const assert = require('assert');
+// Here we are testing the HTTP server module's flood prevention mechanism.
+// When writeable.write returns false (ie the underlying send() indicated the
+// native buffer is full), the HTTP server cork()s the readable part of the
+// stream. This means that new requests will not be read (however request which
+// have already been read, but are awaiting processing will still be
+// processed).
+// Normally when the writable stream emits a 'drain' event, the server then
+// uncorks the readable stream, although we arent testing that part here.
+switch (process.argv[2]) {
+ case undefined:
+ return parent();
+ case 'child':
+ return child();
+ default:
+ throw new Error(`Unexpected value: ${process.argv[2]}`);
+function parent() {
+ const http = require('http');
+ const bigResponse = new Buffer(10240).fill('x');
+ var gotTimeout = false;
+ var childClosed = false;
+ var requests = 0;
+ var connections = 0;
+ var backloggedReqs = 0;
+ const server = http.createServer(function(req, res) {
+ requests++;
+ res.setHeader('content-length', bigResponse.length);
+ if (!res.write(bigResponse)) {
+ if (backloggedReqs === 0) {
+ // Once the native buffer fills (ie write() returns false), the flood
+ // prevention should kick in.
+ // This means the stream should emit no more 'data' events. However we
+ // may still be asked to process more requests if they were read before
+ // the flood-prevention mechanism activated.
+ setImmediate(() => {
+ req.socket.on('data', () => common.fail('Unexpected data received'));
+ });
+ }
+ backloggedReqs++;
+ }
+ res.end();
+ });
+ server.on('connection', function(conn) {
+ connections++;
+ });
+ server.listen(common.PORT, function() {
+ const spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
+ const args = [__filename, 'child'];
+ const child = spawn(process.execPath, args, { stdio: 'inherit' });
+ child.on('close', function() {
+ childClosed = true;
+ server.close();
+ });
+ server.setTimeout(common.platformTimeout(200), function(conn) {
+ gotTimeout = true;
+ child.kill();
+ });
+ });
+ process.on('exit', function() {
+ assert(gotTimeout);
+ assert(childClosed);
+ assert.equal(connections, 1);
+ });
+function child() {
+ const net = require('net');
+ const conn = net.connect({ port: common.PORT });
+ var req = 'GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: localhost:' +
+ common.PORT + '\r\nAccept: */*\r\n\r\n';
+ req = new Array(10241).join(req);
+ conn.on('connect', function() {
+ // Terminate child after flooding.
+ setTimeout(function() { conn.destroy(); }, common.platformTimeout(1000));
+ write();
+ });
+ conn.on('drain', write);
+ function write() {
+ while (false !== conn.write(req, 'ascii'));
+ }
+++ /dev/null
-'use strict';
-const common = require('../common');
-const assert = require('assert');
-// Here we are testing the HTTP server module's flood prevention mechanism.
-// When writeable.write returns false (ie the underlying send() indicated the
-// native buffer is full), the HTTP server cork()s the readable part of the
-// stream. This means that new requests will not be read (however request which
-// have already been read, but are awaiting processing will still be
-// processed).
-// Normally when the writable stream emits a 'drain' event, the server then
-// uncorks the readable stream, although we arent testing that part here.
-switch (process.argv[2]) {
- case undefined:
- return parent();
- case 'child':
- return child();
- default:
- throw new Error(`Unexpected value: ${process.argv[2]}`);
-function parent() {
- const http = require('http');
- const bigResponse = new Buffer(10240).fill('x');
- var gotTimeout = false;
- var childClosed = false;
- var requests = 0;
- var connections = 0;
- var backloggedReqs = 0;
- const server = http.createServer(function(req, res) {
- requests++;
- res.setHeader('content-length', bigResponse.length);
- if (!res.write(bigResponse)) {
- if (backloggedReqs === 0) {
- // Once the native buffer fills (ie write() returns false), the flood
- // prevention should kick in.
- // This means the stream should emit no more 'data' events. However we
- // may still be asked to process more requests if they were read before
- // the flood-prevention mechanism activated.
- setImmediate(() => {
- req.socket.on('data', () => common.fail('Unexpected data received'));
- });
- }
- backloggedReqs++;
- }
- res.end();
- });
- server.on('connection', function(conn) {
- connections++;
- });
- server.listen(common.PORT, function() {
- const spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
- const args = [__filename, 'child'];
- const child = spawn(process.execPath, args, { stdio: 'inherit' });
- child.on('close', function() {
- childClosed = true;
- server.close();
- });
- server.setTimeout(common.platformTimeout(200), function(conn) {
- gotTimeout = true;
- child.kill();
- });
- });
- process.on('exit', function() {
- assert(gotTimeout);
- assert(childClosed);
- assert.equal(connections, 1);
- });
-function child() {
- const net = require('net');
- const conn = net.connect({ port: common.PORT });
- var req = 'GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: localhost:' +
- common.PORT + '\r\nAccept: */*\r\n\r\n';
- req = new Array(10241).join(req);
- conn.on('connect', function() {
- // Terminate child after flooding.
- setTimeout(function() { conn.destroy(); }, common.platformTimeout(1000));
- write();
- });
- conn.on('drain', write);
- function write() {
- while (false !== conn.write(req, 'ascii'));
- }