--- /dev/null
+#include "vigs_surface.h"
+#include "vigs_id_gen.h"
+#include "vigs_log.h"
+#include "vigs_utils.h"
+#include "vigs_ref.h"
+#include "vigs_backend.h"
+#include "winsys.h"
+#include "vigs_vector.h"
+typedef struct VigsWinsysSWSurface {
+ struct winsys_surface base;
+ struct vigs_ref ref;
+} VigsWinsysSWSurface;
+typedef struct VigsSWSurface
+ struct vigs_surface base;
+ uint8_t *data;
+} VigsSWSurface;
+static void vigs_winsys_sw_surface_acquire(struct winsys_surface *sfc)
+ VigsWinsysSWSurface *vigs_sfc = (VigsWinsysSWSurface *)sfc;
+ vigs_ref_acquire(&vigs_sfc->ref);
+static void vigs_winsys_sw_surface_release(struct winsys_surface *sfc)
+ VigsWinsysSWSurface *vigs_sfc = (VigsWinsysSWSurface *)sfc;
+ vigs_ref_release(&vigs_sfc->ref);
+static void vigs_winsys_sw_surface_destroy(struct vigs_ref *ref)
+ VigsWinsysSWSurface *vigs_sfc = container_of(ref, VigsWinsysSWSurface, ref);
+ vigs_ref_cleanup(&vigs_sfc->ref);
+ g_free(vigs_sfc);
+static void vigs_sw_surface_update(struct vigs_surface *sfc,
+ vigsp_offset vram_offset,
+ uint8_t *data)
+ VigsSWSurface *sw_sfc = (VigsSWSurface *)sfc;
+ VIGS_LOG_TRACE("update surface %d: VRAM offset=%d, addr=%p",
+ sfc->id, vram_offset, data);
+ assert(data && vram_offset >= 0);
+ if (vram_offset == sfc->vram_offset) {
+ return;
+ }
+ memcpy(data, sw_sfc->data, sfc->stride * sfc->height);
+ if (sfc->vram_offset < 0) {
+ g_free(sw_sfc->data);
+ sw_sfc->data = NULL;
+ }
+ sfc->vram_offset = vram_offset;
+ sw_sfc->data = sfc->data = data;
+static void vigs_sw_surface_set_data(struct vigs_surface *sfc,
+ vigsp_offset vram_offset,
+ uint8_t *data)
+ VigsSWSurface *sw_sfc = (VigsSWSurface *)sfc;
+ VIGS_LOG_TRACE("set data of surface %d: VRAM offset=%d, addr=%p",
+ sfc->id, vram_offset, data);
+ assert(data && vram_offset >= 0);
+ if (sfc->vram_offset < 0) {
+ g_free(sw_sfc->data);
+ sw_sfc->data = NULL;
+ }
+ sfc->vram_offset = vram_offset;
+ sw_sfc->data = sfc->data = data;
+static void vigs_sw_surface_read_pixels(struct vigs_surface *sfc,
+ uint32_t x,
+ uint32_t y,
+ uint32_t width,
+ uint32_t height,
+ uint32_t stride,
+ uint8_t *pixels)
+ VigsSWSurface *sw_sfc = (VigsSWSurface *)sfc;
+ const unsigned bpp = vigs_format_bpp(sfc->format);
+ unsigned line;
+ const uint8_t *copy_from;
+ VIGS_LOG_TRACE("read %dx%d region from (%d, %d) of surface %d (stride=%d)",
+ width, height, x, y, sfc->id, stride);
+ if (pixels == sw_sfc->data) {
+ return;
+ }
+ copy_from = sw_sfc->data + y * sfc->stride + x * bpp;
+ for (line = 0; line < height; ++line) {
+ memcpy(pixels, copy_from, width * bpp);
+ pixels += stride;
+ copy_from += sfc->stride;
+ }
+static void vigs_sw_surface_copy(struct vigs_surface *dst,
+ struct vigs_surface *src,
+ const struct vigsp_copy *entries,
+ uint32_t num_entries)
+ VigsSWSurface *sw_dst = (VigsSWSurface *)dst;
+ VigsSWSurface *sw_src = (VigsSWSurface *)src;
+ const unsigned dst_stride = dst->stride;
+ const unsigned src_stride = src->stride;
+ const unsigned bpp = vigs_format_bpp(dst->format);
+ uint8_t *dst_data;
+ const uint8_t *src_data;
+ unsigned i, line;
+ VIGS_LOG_TRACE("copy %d regions of surface %d to surface %d",
+ num_entries, src->id, dst->id);
+ if (dst->format != src->format) {
+ VIGS_LOG_ERROR("Source and destination formats differ");
+ return;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < num_entries; ++i) {
+ /* In case we're copying overlapping regions of the same image */
+ if (entries[i].from.y < entries[i].to.y) {
+ dst_data = sw_dst->data +
+ (entries[i].to.y + entries[i].size.h - 1) * dst_stride +
+ entries[i].to.x * bpp;
+ src_data = sw_src->data +
+ (entries[i].from.y + entries[i].size.h - 1) * src_stride +
+ entries[i].from.x * bpp;
+ for (line = entries[i].size.h; line; --line) {
+ memcpy(dst_data, src_data, entries[i].size.w * bpp);
+ dst_data -= dst_stride;
+ src_data -= src_stride;
+ }
+ } else {
+ dst_data = sw_dst->data + entries[i].to.y * dst_stride +
+ entries[i].to.x * bpp;
+ src_data = sw_src->data + entries[i].from.y * src_stride +
+ entries[i].from.x * bpp;
+ for (line = 0; line < entries[i].size.h; ++line) {
+ memmove(dst_data, src_data, entries[i].size.w * bpp);
+ dst_data += dst_stride;
+ src_data += src_stride;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void vigs_sw_surface_solid_fill(struct vigs_surface *sfc,
+ vigsp_color color,
+ const struct vigsp_rect *entries,
+ uint32_t num_entries)
+ VigsSWSurface *sw_sfc = (VigsSWSurface *)sfc;
+ const unsigned bpp = vigs_format_bpp(sfc->format);
+ const unsigned stride = sfc->stride;
+ uint8_t *first_line, *line_data;
+ unsigned i, entry;
+ VIGS_LOG_TRACE("fill %d regions of surface %d with color 0x%x",
+ num_entries, sfc->id, color);
+ switch (sfc->format) {
+ case vigsp_surface_bgra8888:
+ break;
+ case vigsp_surface_bgrx8888:
+ color |= 0xff << 24;
+ break;
+ default:
+ hw_error("Unknown color format %d\n", sfc->format);
+ break;
+ }
+ for (entry = 0; entry < num_entries; ++entry) {
+ first_line = sw_sfc->data + entries[entry].pos.y * stride;
+ line_data = first_line;
+ i = entries[entry].pos.x;
+ switch (bpp) {
+ case 4:
+ for (; i < (entries[entry].pos.x + entries[entry].size.w); ++i) {
+ ((uint32_t *)line_data)[i] = color;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ for (; i < (entries[entry].pos.x + entries[entry].size.w); ++i) {
+ ((uint16_t *)line_data)[i] = color;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ memset(&line_data[i], color, entries[entry].size.w);
+ break;
+ }
+ line_data += stride;
+ for (i = 1; i < entries[entry].size.h; ++i) {
+ memcpy(&line_data[entries[entry].pos.x * bpp],
+ &first_line[entries[entry].pos.x * bpp],
+ entries[entry].size.w * bpp);
+ line_data += stride;
+ }
+ }
+static void vigs_sw_surface_put_image(struct vigs_surface *sfc,
+ const void *src,
+ uint32_t src_stride,
+ const struct vigsp_rect *rect)
+ VigsSWSurface *sw_sfc = (VigsSWSurface *)sfc;
+ const unsigned bpp = vigs_format_bpp(sfc->format);
+ unsigned line;
+ uint8_t *sfc_data;
+ VIGS_LOG_TRACE("image %dx%d put at (%d, %d) of surface %d",
+ rect->size.w, rect->size.h, rect->pos.x, rect->pos.y, sfc->id);
+ sfc_data = sw_sfc->data + sfc->stride * rect->pos.y + rect->pos.x * bpp;
+ for (line = 0; line < rect->size.h; ++line) {
+ memcpy(sfc_data, src, rect->size.w * bpp);
+ sfc_data += sfc->stride;
+ src += src_stride;
+ }
+static void vigs_sw_surface_destroy(struct vigs_surface *sfc)
+ VigsSWSurface *sw_sfc = (VigsSWSurface *)sfc;
+ VIGS_LOG_TRACE("surface %d destroyed", sfc->id);
+ if (sfc->vram_offset < 0) {
+ g_free(sw_sfc->data);
+ sw_sfc->data = NULL;
+ }
+ vigs_surface_cleanup(&sw_sfc->base);
+ g_free(sw_sfc);
+static VigsWinsysSWSurface *vigs_winsys_sw_surface_create(uint32_t width,
+ uint32_t height)
+ VigsWinsysSWSurface *ws_sfc;
+ ws_sfc = g_new0(VigsWinsysSWSurface, 1);
+ ws_sfc->base.width = width;
+ ws_sfc->base.height = height;
+ ws_sfc->base.acquire = &vigs_winsys_sw_surface_acquire;
+ ws_sfc->base.release = &vigs_winsys_sw_surface_release;
+ vigs_ref_init(&ws_sfc->ref, &vigs_winsys_sw_surface_destroy);
+ return ws_sfc;
+static struct vigs_surface *vigs_sw_backend_create_surface(struct vigs_backend *backend,
+ uint32_t width,
+ uint32_t height,
+ uint32_t stride,
+ vigsp_surface_format format,
+ vigsp_offset vram_offset,
+ uint8_t *data)
+ VigsSWSurface *sw_sfc = NULL;
+ VigsWinsysSWSurface *ws_sfc;
+ sw_sfc = g_new0(VigsSWSurface, 1);
+ sw_sfc->base.update = &vigs_sw_surface_update;
+ sw_sfc->base.set_data = &vigs_sw_surface_set_data;
+ sw_sfc->base.read_pixels = &vigs_sw_surface_read_pixels;
+ sw_sfc->base.copy = &vigs_sw_surface_copy;
+ sw_sfc->base.solid_fill = &vigs_sw_surface_solid_fill;
+ sw_sfc->base.put_image = &vigs_sw_surface_put_image;
+ sw_sfc->base.destroy = &vigs_sw_surface_destroy;
+ ws_sfc = vigs_winsys_sw_surface_create(width, height);
+ vigs_surface_init(&sw_sfc->base,
+ &ws_sfc->base,
+ backend,
+ vigs_id_gen(),
+ stride,
+ format,
+ vram_offset,
+ data);
+ if (vram_offset < 0) {
+ sw_sfc->data = g_malloc(height * stride);
+ } else {
+ sw_sfc->data = sw_sfc->base.data;
+ }
+ assert(sw_sfc->data);
+ ws_sfc->base.release(&ws_sfc->base);
+ VIGS_LOG_TRACE("surface %d created: %dx%d stride=%d, format=%d, offset=%d",
+ sw_sfc->base.id, width, height, stride, format, vram_offset);
+ return &sw_sfc->base;
+static void vigs_sw_backend_destroy(struct vigs_backend *sw_backend)
+ vigs_backend_cleanup(sw_backend);
+ g_free(sw_backend);
+ VIGS_LOG_DEBUG("VIGS software backend destroyed");
+struct vigs_backend *vigs_sw_backend_create(void)
+ struct vigs_backend *sw_backend;
+ sw_backend = g_new0(struct vigs_backend, 1);
+ vigs_backend_init(sw_backend, NULL);
+ sw_backend->destroy = &vigs_sw_backend_destroy;
+ sw_backend->create_surface = &vigs_sw_backend_create_surface;
+ VIGS_LOG_DEBUG("VIGS software backend created");
+ return sw_backend;