assert = require 'assert'
path = require 'path'
http = require 'http'
+url = require 'url'
describe '<webview> tag', ->
@timeout 10000
it 'emits when favicon urls are received', (done) ->
webview.addEventListener 'page-favicon-updated', (e) ->
assert.equal e.favicons.length, 2
- url =
+ pageUrl =
if process.platform is 'win32'
- assert.equal e.favicons[0], url
+ assert.equal e.favicons[0], pageUrl
webview.src = "file://#{fixtures}/pages/a.html"
document.body.appendChild webview
document.body.appendChild webview
describe 'did-navigate event', ->
- pageUrl = "file://#{fixtures}/pages/webview-will-navigate.html"
+ p = path.join fixtures, 'pages', 'webview-will-navigate.html'
+ p = p.replace /\\/g, '/'
+ pageUrl = url.format protocol: 'file', slashes: true, pathname: p
it 'emits when a url that leads to outside of the page is clicked', (done) ->
webview.addEventListener 'did-navigate', (e) ->
describe 'did-navigate-in-page event', ->
it 'emits when an anchor link is clicked', (done) ->
- pageUrl = "file://#{fixtures}/pages/webview-did-navigate-in-page.html"
+ p = path.join fixtures, 'pages', 'webview-did-navigate-in-page.html'
+ p = p.replace /\\/g, '/'
+ pageUrl = url.format protocol: 'file', slashes: true, pathname: p
webview.addEventListener 'did-navigate-in-page', (e) ->
assert.equal e.url, "#{pageUrl}#test_content"
document.body.appendChild webview
it 'emits when window.location.hash is changed', (done) ->
- pageUrl = "file://#{fixtures}/pages/webview-did-navigate-in-page-with-hash.html"
+ p = path.join fixtures, 'pages', 'webview-did-navigate-in-page-with-hash.html'
+ p = p.replace /\\/g, '/'
+ pageUrl = url.format protocol: 'file', slashes: true, pathname: p
webview.addEventListener 'did-navigate-in-page', (e) ->
assert.equal e.url, "#{pageUrl}#test"