EAPI extern int ECORE_EVAS_EXTN_CLIENT_DEL; /**< this event is received when a plug has disconnected from an extn socket @since 1.2 */
- * Create a new external ecore evas socket
- *
- * @param svcname The name of the service to be advertised. ensure that it is unique (when combined with @p svcnum) otherwise creation may fail.
- * @param svcnum A number (any value, 0 beig the common default) to differentiate multiple instances of services with the same name.
- * @param svcsys A boolean that if true, specifies to create a system-wide service all users can connect to, otherwise the service is private to the user ide that created the service.
+ * @brief Create a new Ecore_Evas canvas for the new external ecore evas socket
+ *
+ * @param w The width of the canvas, in pixels
+ * @param h The height of the canvas, in pixels
+ * @return A new @c Ecore_Evas instance or @c NULL, on failure
- * This creates an Ecore_evas canvas wrapper and creates
- * socket specified by @p svcname, @p svcnum and @p svcsys. If creation
- * is successful, an Ecore_Evas handle is returned or NULL if creation
+ * This creates a new extn_socket canvas wrapper, with image data array
+ * @b bound to the ARGB format, 8 bits per pixel.
+ *
+ * If creation is successful, an Ecore_Evas handle is returned or NULL if creation
* fails. Also focus, show, hide etc. callbacks
* will also be called if the plug object is shown, or already visible on
* connect, or if it is hidden later, focused or unfocused.
- * The server create ecore buffer canvas.
- * When a client connects, you will get the ECORE_EVAS_EXTN_CLIENT_ADD event
+ * This function has to be flowed by ecore_evas_extn_socket_listen(),
+ * for starting ecore ipc service.
+ *
+ * @code
+ * Eina_Bool res = EINA_FALSE;
+ * Ecore_Evas *ee = ecore_evas_extn_socket_new(1, 1);
+ *
+ * res = ecore_evas_extn_socket_listen("svcname", 1, EINA_FALSE);
+ * if (!res) return;
+ * ecore_evas_resize(ee, 240, 400);
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * or
+ *
+ * @code
+ * Eina_Bool res = EINA_FALSE;
+ * Ecore_Evas *ee = ecore_evas_extn_socket_new(240, 400);
+ *
+ * res = ecore_evas_extn_socket_listen("svcname", 1, EINA_FALSE);
+ * if (!res) return;
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * When a client(plug) connects, you will get the ECORE_EVAS_EXTN_CLIENT_ADD event
* in the ecore event queue, with event_info being the image object pointer
* passed as a void pointer. When a client disconnects you will get the
- * When a server disconnects, the image object will become blank.
* You can set up event handles for these events as follows:
* may have been freed after deleting, but the object may still be around
* awating cleanup and thus still be valid.You can change the size with something like:
- * @code
- * Ecore_Evas *ee = ecore_evas_extn_socket_new("svcname", 1, EINA_FALSE);
- * ecore_evas_resize(ee, 240, 400);
- * @endcode
+ * @see ecore_evas_extn_socket_listen()
+ * @see ecore_evas_extn_plug_new()
+ * @see ecore_evas_extn_plug_object_data_lock()
+ * @see ecore_evas_extn_plug_object_data_unlock()
+ *
+ * @since 1.2
+ */
+EAPI Ecore_Evas *ecore_evas_extn_socket_new(int w, int h);
+ * @brief Create a socket to provide the service for external ecore evas socket.
+ *
+ * @param svcname The name of the service to be advertised. ensure that it is unique (when combined with @p svcnum) otherwise creation may fail.
+ * @param svcnum A number (any value, 0 beig the common default) to differentiate multiple instances of services with the same name.
+ * @param svcsys A boolean that if true, specifies to create a system-wide service all users can connect to, otherwise the service is private to the user ide that created the service.
+ * @return EINA_TRUE if creation is successful, EINA_FALSE if it does not.
+ *
+ * This creates socket specified by @p svcname, @p svcnum and @p svcsys. If creation
+ * is successful, EINA_TRUE is returned or EINA_FALSE if creation
+ * fails.
+ *
+ * @see ecore_evas_extn_socket_new()
* @see ecore_evas_extn_plug_new()
* @see ecore_evas_extn_plug_object_data_lock()
* @see ecore_evas_extn_plug_object_data_unlock()
* @since 1.2
-EAPI Ecore_Evas *ecore_evas_extn_socket_new(const char *svcname, int svcnum, Eina_Bool svcsys);
+EAPI Eina_Bool ecore_evas_extn_socket_listen(Ecore_Evas *ee, const char *svcname, int svcnum, Eina_Bool svcsys);
- * Lock the pixel data so the socket cannot change it
+ * @briefLock the pixel data so the socket cannot change it
* @param obj The image object returned by ecore_evas_extn_plug_new() to lock
EAPI void ecore_evas_extn_plug_object_data_lock(Evas_Object *obj);
- * Unlock the pixel data so the socket can change it again.
+ * @brief Unlock the pixel data so the socket can change it again.
* @param obj The image object returned by ecore_evas_extn_plug_new() to unlock
EAPI void ecore_evas_extn_plug_object_data_unlock(Evas_Object *obj);
- * Create a new external ecore evas plug
+ * @brief Create a new external ecore evas plug
* @param ee_target The Ecore_Evas containing the canvas in which the new image object will live.
- * @param svcname The service name to connect to set up by the socket.
- * @param svcnum The service number to connect to (set up by socket).
- * @param svcsys Booleain to set if the service is a system one or not (set up by socket).
* @return An evas image object that will contain the image output of a socket.
* This creates an image object that will contain the output of another
* plug canvas. You can change the size with something like:
* @code
- * ecore_evas_resize(ecore_evas_object_ecore_evas_get(obj), 240, 400);
+ * Eina_Bool res = EINA_FALSE;
+ * Evas_Object *obj = ecore_evas_extn_plug_new(ee);
+ *
+ * res = ecore_evas_extn_plug_connect("svcname", 1, EINA_FALSE);
+ * if (!res) return;
+ * ecore_evas_resize(ee, 240, 400);
* @endcode
- *
- *
* @see ecore_evas_extn_socket_new()
+ * @see ecore_evas_extn_plug_connect()
+ * @since 1.2
+ */
+EAPI Evas_Object *ecore_evas_extn_plug_new(Ecore_Evas *ee_target);
+ * @brief Connect a external ecore evas plug to service provided by external ecore evas socket
+ *
+ * @param ee_target The Ecore_Evas containing the canvas in which the new image object will live.
+ * @param svcname The service name to connect to set up by the socket.
+ * @param svcnum The service number to connect to (set up by socket).
+ * @param svcsys Booleain to set if the service is a system one or not (set up by socket).
+ * @return EINA_TRUE if creation is successful, EINA_FALSE if it does not.
+ *
+ *
+ * @see ecore_evas_extn_plug_new()
* @since 1.2
-EAPI Evas_Object *ecore_evas_extn_plug_new(Ecore_Evas *ee_target, const char *svcname, int svcnum, Eina_Bool svcsys);
+EAPI Eina_Bool ecore_evas_extn_plug_connect(Evas_Object *obj, const char *svcname, int svcnum, Eina_Bool svcsys);
* @}
EAPI Evas_Object *
-ecore_evas_extn_plug_new(Ecore_Evas *ee_target, const char *svcname, int svcnum, Eina_Bool svcsys)
+ecore_evas_extn_plug_new(Ecore_Evas *ee_target)
Extn *extn;
Ecore_Evas *ee;
int w = 1, h = 1;
+ if (!ee_target) return NULL;
ee = calloc(1, sizeof(Ecore_Evas));
if (!ee) return NULL;
_ecore_evas_extn_plug_image_obj_del, ee);
- extn = calloc(1, sizeof(Extn));
- if (!extn)
- {
- ecore_evas_free(ee);
- return NULL;
- }
- else
- {
- Ecore_Ipc_Type ipctype = ECORE_IPC_LOCAL_USER;
- ecore_ipc_init();
- extn->svc.name = eina_stringshare_add(svcname);
- extn->svc.num = svcnum;
- extn->svc.sys = svcsys;
- if (extn->svc.sys) ipctype = ECORE_IPC_LOCAL_SYSTEM;
- extn->ipc.server = ecore_ipc_server_connect(ipctype, (char *)extn->svc.name,
- extn->svc.num, ee);
- if (!extn->ipc.server)
- {
- eina_stringshare_del(extn->svc.name);
- free(extn);
- ecore_ipc_shutdown();
- ecore_evas_free(ee);
- return NULL;
- }
- ee->engine.buffer.data = extn;
- extn->ipc.handlers = eina_list_append
- (extn->ipc.handlers,
- ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_IPC_EVENT_SERVER_ADD,
- _ipc_server_add, ee));
- extn->ipc.handlers = eina_list_append
- (extn->ipc.handlers,
- ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_IPC_EVENT_SERVER_DEL,
- _ipc_server_del, ee));
- extn->ipc.handlers = eina_list_append
- (extn->ipc.handlers,
- ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_IPC_EVENT_SERVER_DATA,
- _ipc_server_data, ee));
- }
extn_ee_list = eina_list_append(extn_ee_list, ee);
ee_target->sub_ecore_evas = eina_list_append(ee_target->sub_ecore_evas, ee);
+EAPI Eina_Bool
+ecore_evas_extn_plug_connect(Evas_Object *obj, const char *svcname, int svcnum, Eina_Bool svcsys)
+ Extn *extn;
+ Ecore_Evas *ee = NULL;
+ if (!obj) return EINA_FALSE;
+ ee = evas_object_data_get(obj, "Ecore_Evas");
+ extn = calloc(1, sizeof(Extn));
+ if (!extn) return EINA_FALSE;
+ Ecore_Ipc_Type ipctype = ECORE_IPC_LOCAL_USER;
+ ecore_ipc_init();
+ extn->svc.name = eina_stringshare_add(svcname);
+ extn->svc.num = svcnum;
+ extn->svc.sys = svcsys;
+ if (extn->svc.sys) ipctype = ECORE_IPC_LOCAL_SYSTEM;
+ extn->ipc.server = ecore_ipc_server_connect(ipctype, (char *)extn->svc.name,
+ extn->svc.num, ee);
+ if (!extn->ipc.server)
+ {
+ eina_stringshare_del(extn->svc.name);
+ free(extn);
+ ecore_ipc_shutdown();
+ return EINA_FALSE;
+ }
+ ee->engine.buffer.data = extn;
+ extn->ipc.handlers = eina_list_append
+ (extn->ipc.handlers,
+ ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_IPC_EVENT_SERVER_ADD,
+ _ipc_server_add, ee));
+ extn->ipc.handlers = eina_list_append
+ (extn->ipc.handlers,
+ ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_IPC_EVENT_SERVER_DEL,
+ _ipc_server_del, ee));
+ extn->ipc.handlers = eina_list_append
+ (extn->ipc.handlers,
+ ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_IPC_EVENT_SERVER_DATA,
+ _ipc_server_data, ee));
+ return EINA_TRUE;
+ return EINA_FALSE;
EAPI void
ecore_evas_extn_plug_object_data_lock(Evas_Object *obj)
EAPI Ecore_Evas *
-ecore_evas_extn_socket_new(const char *svcname, int svcnum, Eina_Bool svcsys)
+ecore_evas_extn_socket_new(int w, int h)
Extn *extn;
Evas_Engine_Info_Buffer *einfo;
Ecore_Evas *ee;
int rmethod;
- int w = 1, h = 1;
rmethod = evas_render_method_lookup("buffer");
if (!rmethod) return NULL;
evas_key_lock_add(ee->evas, "Num_Lock");
evas_key_lock_add(ee->evas, "Scroll_Lock");
+ extn_ee_list = eina_list_append(extn_ee_list, ee);
+ _ecore_evas_register(ee);
+ return ee;
+ return NULL;
+EAPI Eina_Bool
+ecore_evas_extn_socket_listen(Ecore_Evas *ee, const char *svcname, int svcnum, Eina_Bool svcsys)
+ Extn *extn;
extn = calloc(1, sizeof(Extn));
if (!extn)
- ecore_evas_free(ee);
- return NULL;
+ return EINA_FALSE;
if (extn->file.lock) eina_stringshare_del(extn->file.lock);
- ecore_evas_free(ee);
- return NULL;
+ return EINA_FALSE;
if (extn->svc.sys) ipctype = ECORE_IPC_LOCAL_SYSTEM;
- ecore_evas_free(ee);
- return NULL;
+ return EINA_FALSE;
ee->engine.buffer.data = extn;
extn->ipc.handlers = eina_list_append
_ipc_client_data, ee));
- extn_ee_list = eina_list_append(extn_ee_list, ee);
- _ecore_evas_register(ee);
- return ee;
+ return EINA_TRUE;
- return NULL;
+ return EINA_FALSE;