.globl _start
.globl _start_warm
- /*
- * Jump to warm-boot if this is not the first core booting,
- * that is, for mhartid != 0
- */
- csrr a6, CSR_MHARTID
- blt zero, a6, _wait_relocate_copy_done
+ /* Jump to relocation wait loop if we don't get relocation lottery */
+ la a6, _relocate_lottery
+ li a7, 1
+ amoadd.w a6, a7, (a6)
+ bnez a6, _wait_relocate_copy_done
/* Save load address */
la t0, _load_start
blt t2, t0, _relocate_copy_to_upper
ble t1, t2, _relocate_copy_to_lower_loop
+ la t3, _relocate_lottery
+ BRANGE t2, t1, t3, _start_hang
la t3, _boot_status
BRANGE t2, t1, t3, _start_hang
la t3, _relocate
jr t4
ble t3, t0, _relocate_copy_to_upper_loop
+ la t2, _relocate_lottery
+ BRANGE t0, t3, t2, _start_hang
la t2, _boot_status
BRANGE t0, t3, t2, _start_hang
la t2, _relocate
j _start_hang
.align 3