// OpenCL vector types (e.g. int2, int3, int16, float8, ...).
class VectorType<Type _Ty, int _VecWidth> : Type<_Ty.Name, _Ty.QTName> {
let VecWidth = _VecWidth;
+ let AccessQualifier = "";
// Inherited fields
let IsPointer = _Ty.IsPointer;
let IsConst = _Ty.IsConst;
let IsVolatile = _Ty.IsVolatile;
- let AccessQualifier = _Ty.AccessQualifier;
let AddrSpace = _Ty.AddrSpace;
let AddrSpace = _Ty.AddrSpace;
-// OpenCL image types (e.g. image2d_t, ...)
-class ImageType<Type _Ty, QualType _QTName, string _AccessQualifier> :
- Type<_Ty.Name, _QTName> {
+// OpenCL image types (e.g. image2d).
+class ImageType<Type _Ty, string _AccessQualifier> :
+ Type<_Ty.Name, QualType<_Ty.QTName.Name#_AccessQualifier#"Ty", 0>> {
+ let VecWidth = 0;
let AccessQualifier = _AccessQualifier;
+ // Inherited fields
+ let IsPointer = _Ty.IsPointer;
+ let IsConst = _Ty.IsConst;
+ let IsVolatile = _Ty.IsVolatile;
+ let AddrSpace = _Ty.AddrSpace;
// List of Types.
// OpenCL v1.0/1.2/2.0 s6.1.2: Built-in Vector Data Types.
// Built-in vector data types are created by TableGen's OpenCLBuiltinEmitter.
-// OpenCL v1.2 s6.1.3: Other Built-in Data Types
-// These definitions with a "null" name are "abstract". They should not
-// be used in definitions of Builtin functions.
-def image2d_t : Type<"image2d_t", QualType<"null", 1>>;
-def image3d_t : Type<"image3d_t", QualType<"null", 1>>;
-def image2d_array_t : Type<"image2d_array_t", QualType<"null", 1>>;
-def image1d_t : Type<"image1d_t", QualType<"null", 1>>;
-def image1d_buffer_t : Type<"image1d_buffer_t", QualType<"null", 1>>;
-def image1d_array_t : Type<"image1d_array_t", QualType<"null", 1>>;
-// Unlike the few functions above, the following definitions can be used
-// in definitions of Builtin functions (they have a QualType with a name).
-foreach v = ["RO", "WO", "RW"] in {
- def image2d_#v#_t : ImageType<image2d_t,
- QualType<"OCLImage2d"#v#"Ty">,
- v>;
- def image3d_#v#_t : ImageType<image3d_t,
- QualType<"OCLImage3d"#v#"Ty">,
- v>;
- def image2d_array#v#_t : ImageType<image2d_array_t,
- QualType<"OCLImage2dArray"#v#"Ty">,
- v>;
- def image1d_#v#_t : ImageType<image1d_t,
- QualType<"OCLImage1d"#v#"Ty">,
- v>;
- def image1d_buffer#v#_t : ImageType<image1d_buffer_t,
- QualType<"OCLImage1dBuffer"#v#"Ty">,
- v>;
- def image1d_array#v#_t : ImageType<image1d_array_t,
- QualType<"OCLImage1dArray"#v#"Ty">,
- v>;
+// OpenCL v1.0/1.2/2.0 s6.1.3: Other Built-in Data Types.
+// The image definitions are "abstract". They should not be used without
+// specifying an access qualifier (RO/WO/RW).
+def Image1d : Type<"Image1d", QualType<"OCLImage1d", 1>>;
+def Image2d : Type<"Image2d", QualType<"OCLImage2d", 1>>;
+def Image3d : Type<"Image3d", QualType<"OCLImage3d", 1>>;
+def Image1dArray : Type<"Image1dArray", QualType<"OCLImage1dArray", 1>>;
+def Image1dBuffer : Type<"Image1dBuffer", QualType<"OCLImage1dBuffer", 1>>;
+def Image2dArray : Type<"Image2dArray", QualType<"OCLImage2dArray", 1>>;
+def Image2dDepth : Type<"Image2dDepth", QualType<"OCLImage2dDepth", 1>>;
+def Image2dArrayDepth : Type<"Image2dArrayDepth", QualType<"OCLImage2dArrayDepth", 1>>;
+def Image2dMsaa : Type<"Image2dMsaa", QualType<"OCLImage2dMSAA", 1>>;
+def Image2dArrayMsaa : Type<"Image2dArrayMsaa", QualType<"OCLImage2dArrayMSAA", 1>>;
+def Image2dMsaaDepth : Type<"Image2dMsaaDepth", QualType<"OCLImage2dMSAADepth", 1>>;
+def Image2dArrayMsaaDepth : Type<"Image2dArrayMsaaDepth", QualType<"OCLImage2dArrayMSAADepth", 1>>;
def Sampler : Type<"Sampler", QualType<"OCLSamplerTy">>;
def Event : Type<"Event", QualType<"OCLEventTy">>;
def : Builtin<name, [AIGenTypeNNoScalar, AIGenTypeNNoScalar, AIGenType1]>;
-// OpenCL v1.2 s6.12.14: Built-in Image Read Functions
-def read_imagef : Builtin<"read_imagef",
- [VectorType<Float, 4>, image2d_RO_t, VectorType<Int, 2>]>;
-def write_imagef : Builtin<"write_imagef",
- [Void,
- image2d_WO_t,
- VectorType<Int, 2>,
- VectorType<Float, 4>]>;
+// OpenCL v1.1 s6.11.3, v1.2 s6.12.14, v2.0 s6.13.14: Image Read and Write Functions
+// OpenCL Extension v2.0 s5.1.8 and s6.1.8: Image Read and Write Functions
+// --- Table 22: Image Read Functions with Samplers ---
+foreach imgTy = [Image1d] in {
+ foreach coordTy = [Int, Float] in {
+ def : Builtin<"read_imagef", [VectorType<Float, 4>, ImageType<imgTy, "RO">, Sampler, coordTy]>;
+ def : Builtin<"read_imagei", [VectorType<Int, 4>, ImageType<imgTy, "RO">, Sampler, coordTy]>;
+ def : Builtin<"read_imageui", [VectorType<UInt, 4>, ImageType<imgTy, "RO">, Sampler, coordTy]>;
+ }
+foreach imgTy = [Image2d, Image1dArray] in {
+ foreach coordTy = [Int, Float] in {
+ def : Builtin<"read_imagef", [VectorType<Float, 4>, ImageType<imgTy, "RO">, Sampler, VectorType<coordTy, 2>]>;
+ def : Builtin<"read_imagei", [VectorType<Int, 4>, ImageType<imgTy, "RO">, Sampler, VectorType<coordTy, 2>]>;
+ def : Builtin<"read_imageui", [VectorType<UInt, 4>, ImageType<imgTy, "RO">, Sampler, VectorType<coordTy, 2>]>;
+ }
+foreach imgTy = [Image3d, Image2dArray] in {
+ foreach coordTy = [Int, Float] in {
+ def : Builtin<"read_imagef", [VectorType<Float, 4>, ImageType<imgTy, "RO">, Sampler, VectorType<coordTy, 4>]>;
+ def : Builtin<"read_imagei", [VectorType<Int, 4>, ImageType<imgTy, "RO">, Sampler, VectorType<coordTy, 4>]>;
+ def : Builtin<"read_imageui", [VectorType<UInt, 4>, ImageType<imgTy, "RO">, Sampler, VectorType<coordTy, 4>]>;
+ }
+foreach coordTy = [Int, Float] in {
+ def : Builtin<"read_imagef", [Float, ImageType<Image2dDepth, "RO">, Sampler, VectorType<coordTy, 2>]>;
+ def : Builtin<"read_imagef", [Float, ImageType<Image2dArrayDepth, "RO">, Sampler, VectorType<coordTy, 4>]>;
+// --- Table 23: Sampler-less Read Functions ---
+foreach aQual = ["RO", "RW"] in {
+ foreach imgTy = [Image2d, Image1dArray] in {
+ def : Builtin<"read_imagef", [VectorType<Float, 4>, ImageType<imgTy, aQual>, VectorType<Int, 2>]>;
+ def : Builtin<"read_imagei", [VectorType<Int, 4>, ImageType<imgTy, aQual>, VectorType<Int, 2>]>;
+ def : Builtin<"read_imageui", [VectorType<UInt, 4>, ImageType<imgTy, aQual>, VectorType<Int, 2>]>;
+ }
+ foreach imgTy = [Image3d, Image2dArray] in {
+ def : Builtin<"read_imagef", [VectorType<Float, 4>, ImageType<imgTy, aQual>, VectorType<Int, 4>]>;
+ def : Builtin<"read_imagei", [VectorType<Int, 4>, ImageType<imgTy, aQual>, VectorType<Int, 4>]>;
+ def : Builtin<"read_imageui", [VectorType<UInt, 4>, ImageType<imgTy, aQual>, VectorType<Int, 4>]>;
+ }
+ foreach imgTy = [Image1d, Image1dBuffer] in {
+ def : Builtin<"read_imagef", [VectorType<Float, 4>, ImageType<imgTy, aQual>, Int]>;
+ def : Builtin<"read_imagei", [VectorType<Int, 4>, ImageType<imgTy, aQual>, Int]>;
+ def : Builtin<"read_imageui", [VectorType<UInt, 4>, ImageType<imgTy, aQual>, Int]>;
+ }
+ def : Builtin<"read_imagef", [Float, ImageType<Image2dDepth, aQual>, VectorType<Int, 2>]>;
+ def : Builtin<"read_imagef", [Float, ImageType<Image2dArrayDepth, aQual>, VectorType<Int, 4>]>;
+// --- Table 24: Image Write Functions ---
+foreach aQual = ["WO", "RW"] in {
+ foreach imgTy = [Image2d] in {
+ def : Builtin<"write_imagef", [Void, ImageType<imgTy, aQual>, VectorType<Int, 2>, VectorType<Float, 4>]>;
+ def : Builtin<"write_imagei", [Void, ImageType<imgTy, aQual>, VectorType<Int, 2>, VectorType<Int, 4>]>;
+ def : Builtin<"write_imageui", [Void, ImageType<imgTy, aQual>, VectorType<Int, 2>, VectorType<UInt, 4>]>;
+ }
+ foreach imgTy = [Image2dArray] in {
+ def : Builtin<"write_imagef", [Void, ImageType<imgTy, aQual>, VectorType<Int, 4>, VectorType<Float, 4>]>;
+ def : Builtin<"write_imagei", [Void, ImageType<imgTy, aQual>, VectorType<Int, 4>, VectorType<Int, 4>]>;
+ def : Builtin<"write_imageui", [Void, ImageType<imgTy, aQual>, VectorType<Int, 4>, VectorType<UInt, 4>]>;
+ }
+ foreach imgTy = [Image1d, Image1dBuffer] in {
+ def : Builtin<"write_imagef", [Void, ImageType<imgTy, aQual>, Int, VectorType<Float, 4>]>;
+ def : Builtin<"write_imagei", [Void, ImageType<imgTy, aQual>, Int, VectorType<Int, 4>]>;
+ def : Builtin<"write_imageui", [Void, ImageType<imgTy, aQual>, Int, VectorType<UInt, 4>]>;
+ }
+ foreach imgTy = [Image1dArray] in {
+ def : Builtin<"write_imagef", [Void, ImageType<imgTy, aQual>, VectorType<Int, 2>, VectorType<Float, 4>]>;
+ def : Builtin<"write_imagei", [Void, ImageType<imgTy, aQual>, VectorType<Int, 2>, VectorType<Int, 4>]>;
+ def : Builtin<"write_imageui", [Void, ImageType<imgTy, aQual>, VectorType<Int, 2>, VectorType<UInt, 4>]>;
+ }
+ foreach imgTy = [Image3d] in {
+ def : Builtin<"write_imagef", [Void, ImageType<imgTy, aQual>, VectorType<Int, 4>, VectorType<Float, 4>]>;
+ def : Builtin<"write_imagei", [Void, ImageType<imgTy, aQual>, VectorType<Int, 4>, VectorType<Int, 4>]>;
+ def : Builtin<"write_imageui", [Void, ImageType<imgTy, aQual>, VectorType<Int, 4>, VectorType<UInt, 4>]>;
+ }
+ def : Builtin<"write_imagef", [Void, ImageType<Image2dDepth, aQual>, VectorType<Int, 2>, Float]>;
+ def : Builtin<"write_imagef", [Void, ImageType<Image2dArrayDepth, aQual>, VectorType<Int, 4>, Float]>;
+// OpenCL extension v2.0 s5.1.9: Built-in Image Read Functions
+// --- Table 8 ---
+foreach aQual = ["RO"] in {
+ foreach name = ["read_imageh"] in {
+ foreach coordTy = [Int, Float] in {
+ foreach imgTy = [Image2d, Image1dArray] in {
+ def : Builtin<name, [VectorType<Half, 4>, ImageType<imgTy, aQual>, Sampler, VectorType<coordTy, 2>]>;
+ }
+ foreach imgTy = [Image3d, Image2dArray] in {
+ def : Builtin<name, [VectorType<Half, 4>, ImageType<imgTy, aQual>, Sampler, VectorType<coordTy, 4>]>;
+ }
+ foreach imgTy = [Image1d] in {
+ def : Builtin<name, [VectorType<Half, 4>, ImageType<imgTy, aQual>, Sampler, coordTy]>;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// OpenCL extension v2.0 s5.1.10: Built-in Image Sampler-less Read Functions
+// --- Table 9 ---
+foreach aQual = ["RO", "RW"] in {
+ foreach name = ["read_imageh"] in {
+ foreach imgTy = [Image2d, Image1dArray] in {
+ def : Builtin<name, [VectorType<Half, 4>, ImageType<imgTy, aQual>, VectorType<Int, 2>]>;
+ }
+ foreach imgTy = [Image3d, Image2dArray] in {
+ def : Builtin<name, [VectorType<Half, 4>, ImageType<imgTy, aQual>, VectorType<Int, 4>]>;
+ }
+ foreach imgTy = [Image1d, Image1dBuffer] in {
+ def : Builtin<name, [VectorType<Half, 4>, ImageType<imgTy, aQual>, Int]>;
+ }
+ }
+// OpenCL extension v2.0 s5.1.11: Built-in Image Write Functions
+// --- Table 10 ---
+foreach aQual = ["WO", "RW"] in {
+ foreach name = ["write_imageh"] in {
+ def : Builtin<name, [Void, ImageType<Image2d, aQual>, VectorType<Int, 2>, VectorType<Half, 4>]>;
+ def : Builtin<name, [Void, ImageType<Image2dArray, aQual>, VectorType<Int, 4>, VectorType<Half, 4>]>;
+ def : Builtin<name, [Void, ImageType<Image1d, aQual>, Int, VectorType<Half, 4>]>;
+ def : Builtin<name, [Void, ImageType<Image1dBuffer, aQual>, Int, VectorType<Half, 4>]>;
+ def : Builtin<name, [Void, ImageType<Image1dArray, aQual>, VectorType<Int, 2>, VectorType<Half, 4>]>;
+ def : Builtin<name, [Void, ImageType<Image3d, aQual>, VectorType<Int, 4>, VectorType<Half, 4>]>;
+ }
// OpenCL v2.0 s9.17.3: Additions to section 6.13.1: Work-Item Functions
#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringSet.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include "llvm/TableGen/Error.h"
// Structure definitions.
OS << R"(
+// Image access qualifier.
+enum OpenCLAccessQual : unsigned char {
+ OCLAQ_None,
+ OCLAQ_ReadOnly,
+ OCLAQ_WriteOnly,
+ OCLAQ_ReadWrite
// Represents a return type or argument type.
struct OpenCLTypeStruct {
const bool IsConst;
// 0 if the type is not volatile.
const bool IsVolatile;
+ // Access qualifier.
+ const OpenCLAccessQual AccessQualifier;
// Address space of the pointer (if applicable).
const LangAS AS;
void BuiltinNameEmitter::EmitTypeTable() {
OS << "static const OpenCLTypeStruct TypeTable[] = {\n";
for (const auto &T : TypeMap) {
- OS << " // " << T.second << "\n";
- OS << " {OCLT_" << T.first->getValueAsString("Name") << ", "
+ const char *AccessQual =
+ StringSwitch<const char *>(T.first->getValueAsString("AccessQualifier"))
+ .Case("RO", "OCLAQ_ReadOnly")
+ .Case("WO", "OCLAQ_WriteOnly")
+ .Case("RW", "OCLAQ_ReadWrite")
+ .Default("OCLAQ_None");
+ OS << " // " << T.second << "\n"
+ << " {OCLT_" << T.first->getValueAsString("Name") << ", "
<< T.first->getValueAsInt("VecWidth") << ", "
<< T.first->getValueAsBit("IsPointer") << ", "
<< T.first->getValueAsBit("IsConst") << ", "
<< T.first->getValueAsBit("IsVolatile") << ", "
+ << AccessQual << ", "
<< T.first->getValueAsString("AddrSpace") << "},\n";
OS << "};\n\n";
// Start of switch statement over all types.
OS << "\n switch (Ty.ID) {\n";
+ // Switch cases for image types (Image2d, Image3d, ...)
+ std::vector<Record *> ImageTypes =
+ Records.getAllDerivedDefinitions("ImageType");
+ // Map an image type name to its 3 access-qualified types (RO, WO, RW).
+ std::map<StringRef, SmallVector<Record *, 3>> ImageTypesMap;
+ for (auto *IT : ImageTypes) {
+ auto Entry = ImageTypesMap.find(IT->getValueAsString("Name"));
+ if (Entry == ImageTypesMap.end()) {
+ SmallVector<Record *, 3> ImageList;
+ ImageList.push_back(IT);
+ ImageTypesMap.insert(
+ std::make_pair(IT->getValueAsString("Name"), ImageList));
+ } else {
+ Entry->second.push_back(IT);
+ }
+ }
+ // Emit the cases for the image types. For an image type name, there are 3
+ // corresponding QualTypes ("RO", "WO", "RW"). The "AccessQualifier" field
+ // tells which one is needed. Emit a switch statement that puts the
+ // corresponding QualType into "QT".
+ for (const auto &ITE : ImageTypesMap) {
+ OS << " case OCLT_" << ITE.first.str() << ":\n"
+ << " switch (Ty.AccessQualifier) {\n"
+ << " case OCLAQ_None:\n"
+ << " llvm_unreachable(\"Image without access qualifier\");\n";
+ for (const auto &Image : ITE.second) {
+ OS << StringSwitch<const char *>(
+ Image->getValueAsString("AccessQualifier"))
+ .Case("RO", " case OCLAQ_ReadOnly:\n")
+ .Case("WO", " case OCLAQ_WriteOnly:\n")
+ .Case("RW", " case OCLAQ_ReadWrite:\n")
+ << " QT.push_back(Context."
+ << Image->getValueAsDef("QTName")->getValueAsString("Name") << ");\n"
+ << " break;\n";
+ }
+ OS << " }\n"
+ << " break;\n";
+ }
// Switch cases for generic types.
for (const auto *GenType : Records.getAllDerivedDefinitions("GenericType")) {
OS << " case OCLT_" << GenType->getValueAsString("Name") << ":\n";
StringMap<bool> TypesSeen;
for (const auto *T : Types) {
+ // Check this is not an image type
+ if (ImageTypesMap.find(T->getValueAsString("Name")) != ImageTypesMap.end())
+ continue;
// Check we have not seen this Type
if (TypesSeen.find(T->getValueAsString("Name")) != TypesSeen.end())
// End of switch statement.
- OS << " } // end of switch (Ty.ID)\n\n";
+ OS << " default:\n"
+ << " llvm_unreachable(\"OpenCL builtin type not handled yet\");\n"
+ << " } // end of switch (Ty.ID)\n\n";
// Step 2.
// Add ExtVector types if this was a generic type, as the switch statement