#include "safepoint-table.h"
#include "scopeinfo.h"
#include "string-stream.h"
+#include "vm-state-inl.h"
#include "allocation-inl.h"
: StackFrameIteratorBase(isolate, false),
- top_frame_type_(StackFrame::NONE) {
+ top_frame_type_(StackFrame::NONE),
+ external_callback_scope_(isolate->external_callback_scope()) {
StackFrame::State state;
StackFrame::Type type;
ThreadLocalTop* top = isolate->thread_local_top();
if (SingletonFor(type) == NULL) return;
frame_ = SingletonFor(type, &state);
+ if (frame_ == NULL) return;
+ Advance();
- if (!done()) Advance();
+ if (frame_ != NULL && !frame_->is_exit() &&
+ external_callback_scope_ != NULL &&
+ external_callback_scope_->scope_address() < frame_->fp()) {
+ // Skip top ExternalCallbackScope if we already advanced to a JS frame
+ // under it. Sampler will anyways take this top external callback.
+ external_callback_scope_ = external_callback_scope_->previous();
+ }
bool SafeStackFrameIterator::IsValidTop(ThreadLocalTop* top) const {
- Address fp = Isolate::c_entry_fp(top);
- if (!IsValidExitFrame(fp)) return false;
+ Address c_entry_fp = Isolate::c_entry_fp(top);
+ if (!IsValidExitFrame(c_entry_fp)) return false;
// There should be at least one JS_ENTRY stack handler.
- return Isolate::handler(top) != NULL;
+ Address handler = Isolate::handler(top);
+ if (handler == NULL) return false;
+ // Check that there are no js frames on top of the native frames.
+ return c_entry_fp < handler;
if (done()) return;
if (frame_->is_java_script()) return;
+ if (frame_->is_exit() && external_callback_scope_) {
+ // Some of the EXIT frames may have ExternalCallbackScope allocated on
+ // top of them. In that case the scope corresponds to the first EXIT
+ // frame beneath it. There may be other EXIT frames on top of the
+ // ExternalCallbackScope, just skip them as we cannot collect any useful
+ // information about them.
+ if (external_callback_scope_->scope_address() < frame_->fp()) {
+ Address* callback_address =
+ external_callback_scope_->callback_address();
+ if (*callback_address != NULL) {
+ frame_->state_.pc_address = callback_address;
+ }
+ external_callback_scope_ = external_callback_scope_->previous();
+ ASSERT(external_callback_scope_ == NULL ||
+ external_callback_scope_->scope_address() > frame_->fp());
+ return;
+ }
+ }
v8::CpuProfiler* cpu_profiler = env->GetIsolate()->GetCpuProfiler();
+static const char* js_native_js_test_source = "function foo(iterations) {\n"
+" var r = 0;\n"
+" for (var i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { r += i; }\n"
+" return r;\n"
+"function bar(iterations) {\n"
+" try { foo(iterations); } catch(e) {}\n"
+"function start(duration) {\n"
+" var start = Date.now();\n"
+" while (Date.now() - start < duration) {\n"
+" try {\n"
+" CallJsFunction(bar, 10 * 1000);\n"
+" } catch(e) {}\n"
+" }\n"
+static void CallJsFunction(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info) {
+ v8::Handle<v8::Function> function = info[0].As<v8::Function>();
+ v8::Handle<v8::Value> argv[] = { info[1] };
+ function->Call(info.This(), ARRAY_SIZE(argv), argv);
+// [Top down]:
+// 58 0 (root) #0 1
+// 2 2 (program) #0 2
+// 56 1 start #16 3
+// 55 0 CallJsFunction #0 4
+// 55 1 bar #16 5
+// 54 54 foo #16 6
+TEST(JsNativeJsSample) {
+ LocalContext env;
+ v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate());
+ v8::Local<v8::FunctionTemplate> func_template = v8::FunctionTemplate::New(
+ CallJsFunction);
+ v8::Local<v8::Function> func = func_template->GetFunction();
+ func->SetName(v8::String::New("CallJsFunction"));
+ env->Global()->Set(v8::String::New("CallJsFunction"), func);
+ v8::Script::Compile(v8::String::New(js_native_js_test_source))->Run();
+ v8::Local<v8::Function> function = v8::Local<v8::Function>::Cast(
+ env->Global()->Get(v8::String::New("start")));
+ int32_t duration_ms = 20;
+ v8::Handle<v8::Value> args[] = { v8::Integer::New(duration_ms) };
+ const v8::CpuProfile* profile =
+ RunProfiler(env, function, args, ARRAY_SIZE(args), 50);
+ const v8::CpuProfileNode* root = profile->GetTopDownRoot();
+ {
+ ScopedVector<v8::Handle<v8::String> > names(3);
+ names[0] = v8::String::New(ProfileGenerator::kGarbageCollectorEntryName);
+ names[1] = v8::String::New(ProfileGenerator::kProgramEntryName);
+ names[2] = v8::String::New("start");
+ CheckChildrenNames(root, names);
+ }
+ const v8::CpuProfileNode* startNode = GetChild(root, "start");
+ CHECK_EQ(1, startNode->GetChildrenCount());
+ const v8::CpuProfileNode* nativeFunctionNode =
+ GetChild(startNode, "CallJsFunction");
+ CHECK_EQ(1, nativeFunctionNode->GetChildrenCount());
+ const v8::CpuProfileNode* barNode = GetChild(nativeFunctionNode, "bar");
+ CHECK_EQ(1, barNode->GetChildrenCount());
+ GetChild(barNode, "foo");
+ v8::CpuProfiler* cpu_profiler = env->GetIsolate()->GetCpuProfiler();
+ cpu_profiler->DeleteAllCpuProfiles();
+static const char* js_native_js_runtime_js_test_source =
+"function foo(iterations) {\n"
+" var r = 0;\n"
+" for (var i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { r += i; }\n"
+" return r;\n"
+"var bound = foo.bind(this);\n"
+"function bar(iterations) {\n"
+" try { bound(iterations); } catch(e) {}\n"
+"function start(duration) {\n"
+" var start = Date.now();\n"
+" while (Date.now() - start < duration) {\n"
+" try {\n"
+" CallJsFunction(bar, 10 * 1000);\n"
+" } catch(e) {}\n"
+" }\n"
+// [Top down]:
+// 57 0 (root) #0 1
+// 55 1 start #16 3
+// 54 0 CallJsFunction #0 4
+// 54 3 bar #16 5
+// 51 51 foo #16 6
+// 2 2 (program) #0 2
+TEST(JsNativeJsRuntimeJsSample) {
+ LocalContext env;
+ v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate());
+ v8::Local<v8::FunctionTemplate> func_template = v8::FunctionTemplate::New(
+ CallJsFunction);
+ v8::Local<v8::Function> func = func_template->GetFunction();
+ func->SetName(v8::String::New("CallJsFunction"));
+ env->Global()->Set(v8::String::New("CallJsFunction"), func);
+ v8::Script::Compile(v8::String::New(js_native_js_runtime_js_test_source))->
+ Run();
+ v8::Local<v8::Function> function = v8::Local<v8::Function>::Cast(
+ env->Global()->Get(v8::String::New("start")));
+ int32_t duration_ms = 20;
+ v8::Handle<v8::Value> args[] = { v8::Integer::New(duration_ms) };
+ const v8::CpuProfile* profile =
+ RunProfiler(env, function, args, ARRAY_SIZE(args), 50);
+ const v8::CpuProfileNode* root = profile->GetTopDownRoot();
+ ScopedVector<v8::Handle<v8::String> > names(3);
+ names[0] = v8::String::New(ProfileGenerator::kGarbageCollectorEntryName);
+ names[1] = v8::String::New(ProfileGenerator::kProgramEntryName);
+ names[2] = v8::String::New("start");
+ CheckChildrenNames(root, names);
+ const v8::CpuProfileNode* startNode = GetChild(root, "start");
+ CHECK_EQ(1, startNode->GetChildrenCount());
+ const v8::CpuProfileNode* nativeFunctionNode =
+ GetChild(startNode, "CallJsFunction");
+ CHECK_EQ(1, nativeFunctionNode->GetChildrenCount());
+ const v8::CpuProfileNode* barNode = GetChild(nativeFunctionNode, "bar");
+ CHECK_EQ(1, barNode->GetChildrenCount());
+ GetChild(barNode, "foo");
+ v8::CpuProfiler* cpu_profiler = env->GetIsolate()->GetCpuProfiler();
+ cpu_profiler->DeleteAllCpuProfiles();
+static void CallJsFunction2(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info) {
+ CallJsFunction(info);
+static const char* js_native1_js_native2_js_test_source =
+"function foo(iterations) {\n"
+" var r = 0;\n"
+" for (var i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { r += i; }\n"
+" return r;\n"
+"function bar(iterations) {\n"
+" CallJsFunction2(foo, iterations);\n"
+"function start(duration) {\n"
+" var start = Date.now();\n"
+" while (Date.now() - start < duration) {\n"
+" try {\n"
+" CallJsFunction1(bar, 10 * 1000);\n"
+" } catch(e) {}\n"
+" }\n"
+// [Top down]:
+// 57 0 (root) #0 1
+// 55 1 start #16 3
+// 54 0 CallJsFunction1 #0 4
+// 54 0 bar #16 5
+// 54 0 CallJsFunction2 #0 6
+// 54 54 foo #16 7
+// 2 2 (program) #0 2
+TEST(JsNative1JsNative2JsSample) {
+ LocalContext env;
+ v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate());
+ v8::Local<v8::FunctionTemplate> func_template = v8::FunctionTemplate::New(
+ CallJsFunction);
+ v8::Local<v8::Function> func1 = func_template->GetFunction();
+ func1->SetName(v8::String::New("CallJsFunction1"));
+ env->Global()->Set(v8::String::New("CallJsFunction1"), func1);
+ v8::Local<v8::Function> func2 = v8::FunctionTemplate::New(
+ CallJsFunction2)->GetFunction();
+ func2->SetName(v8::String::New("CallJsFunction2"));
+ env->Global()->Set(v8::String::New("CallJsFunction2"), func2);
+ v8::Script::Compile(v8::String::New(js_native1_js_native2_js_test_source))->
+ Run();
+ v8::Local<v8::Function> function = v8::Local<v8::Function>::Cast(
+ env->Global()->Get(v8::String::New("start")));
+ int32_t duration_ms = 20;
+ v8::Handle<v8::Value> args[] = { v8::Integer::New(duration_ms) };
+ const v8::CpuProfile* profile =
+ RunProfiler(env, function, args, ARRAY_SIZE(args), 50);
+ const v8::CpuProfileNode* root = profile->GetTopDownRoot();
+ ScopedVector<v8::Handle<v8::String> > names(3);
+ names[0] = v8::String::New(ProfileGenerator::kGarbageCollectorEntryName);
+ names[1] = v8::String::New(ProfileGenerator::kProgramEntryName);
+ names[2] = v8::String::New("start");
+ CheckChildrenNames(root, names);
+ const v8::CpuProfileNode* startNode = GetChild(root, "start");
+ CHECK_EQ(1, startNode->GetChildrenCount());
+ const v8::CpuProfileNode* nativeNode1 =
+ GetChild(startNode, "CallJsFunction1");
+ CHECK_EQ(1, nativeNode1->GetChildrenCount());
+ const v8::CpuProfileNode* barNode = GetChild(nativeNode1, "bar");
+ CHECK_EQ(1, barNode->GetChildrenCount());
+ const v8::CpuProfileNode* nativeNode2 = GetChild(barNode, "CallJsFunction2");
+ CHECK_EQ(1, nativeNode2->GetChildrenCount());
+ GetChild(nativeNode2, "foo");
+ v8::CpuProfiler* cpu_profiler = env->GetIsolate()->GetCpuProfiler();
+ cpu_profiler->DeleteAllCpuProfiles();