if (waitfor_pid != INVALID_NUB_PROCESS) {
DNBLogThreadedIf(LOG_PROCESS, "Attaching to %s with pid %i...\n",
waitfor_process_name, waitfor_pid);
+ // In some cases, we attempt to attach during the transition from
+ // /usr/lib/dyld to the dyld in the shared cache. If that happens, we may
+ // end up in a state where there is no dyld in the process and from there
+ // the debugging session is doomed.
+ // In an attempt to make this scenario much less likely, we sleep
+ // for an additional `waitfor_interval` number of microseconds before
+ // attaching.
+ ::usleep(waitfor_interval);
waitfor_pid = DNBProcessAttach(waitfor_pid, timeout_abstime,
ctx->GetIgnoredExceptions(), err_str,