* Add /source-charset:utf-8 to force MSVC to compile source as UTF-8.
* Fix the illegal character in siginfo.cpp.
add_compile_options(/wd4960 /wd4961 /wd4603 /wd4627 /wd4838 /wd4456 /wd4457 /wd4458 /wd4459 /wd4091 /we4640)
add_compile_options(/Zi) # enable debugging information
add_compile_options(/ZH:SHA_256) # use SHA256 for generating hashes of compiler processed source files.
+ add_compile_options(/source-charset:utf-8) # Force MSVC to compile source as UTF-8.
// TODO: GetApproxFieldTypeHandleThrowing may throw. This is a potential stress problem for fragile NGen of non-CoreLib
- // assemblies. It won\92t ever throw for CoreCLR with R2R. Figure out if anything needs to be done to deal with the
+ // assemblies. It won't ever throw for CoreCLR with R2R. Figure out if anything needs to be done to deal with the
// exception.
PTR_MethodTable pFieldMT = pFD->GetApproxFieldTypeHandleThrowing().AsMethodTable();
if (!pFieldMT->IsByRefLike())