Originally committed as revision 14271 to svn://svn.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg/trunk
in--; // To avoid a -1 subtraction in the inner loop
for (x=1; x <= n; x++) {
- float *p1 = tgt + x - 1;
- float *p2 = tgt;
f1 = in[x+1];
for (y=0; y < x - 1; y++)
f1 += in[x-y]*tgt[y];
- *(p1--) = f2 = -f1/f0;
- for (y=x >> 1; y--;) {
- float temp = *p2 + *p1 * f2;
- *(p1--) += *p2 * f2;
- *(p2++) = temp;
+ tgt[x-1] = f2 = -f1/f0;
+ for (y=0; y < x >> 1; y++) {
+ float temp = tgt[y] + tgt[x-y-2]*f2;
+ tgt[x-y-2] += tgt[y]*f2;
+ tgt[y] = temp;
if ((f0 += f1*f2) < 0)
return 0;