Env.setValue(Loc, *Val);
if (Type->isStructureOrClassType()) {
- for (auto It : llvm::zip(Type->getAsRecordDecl()->fields(), S->inits())) {
+ // Unnamed bitfields are only used for padding and are not appearing in
+ // `InitListExpr`'s inits. However, those fields do appear in RecordDecl's
+ // field list, and we thus need to remove them before mapping inits to
+ // fields to avoid mapping inits to the wrongs fields.
+ std::vector<FieldDecl *> Fields;
+ llvm::copy_if(
+ Type->getAsRecordDecl()->fields(), std::back_inserter(Fields),
+ [](const FieldDecl *Field) { return !Field->isUnnamedBitfield(); });
+ for (auto It : llvm::zip(Fields, S->inits())) {
const FieldDecl *Field = std::get<0>(It);
assert(Field != nullptr);
+TEST(TransferTest, UnnamedBitfieldInitializer) {
+ std::string Code = R"(
+ struct B {};
+ struct A {
+ unsigned a;
+ unsigned : 4;
+ unsigned c;
+ B b;
+ };
+ void target() {
+ A a = {};
+ A test = a;
+ (void)test.c;
+ }
+ )";
+ runDataflow(
+ Code,
+ [](const llvm::StringMap<DataflowAnalysisState<NoopLattice>> &Results,
+ ASTContext &ASTCtx) {
+ // This doesn't need a body because this test was crashing the framework
+ // before handling correctly Unnamed bitfields in `InitListExpr`.
+ });
} // namespace