IDS_CLASSLOAD_NOTINTERFACE "Could not load type '%1' from assembly '%2' because it attempts to implement a class as an interface."
IDS_CLASSLOAD_VALUEINSTANCEFIELD "Could not load the value type '%1' from assembly '%2' because it has an instance field of itself."
+ IDS_CLASSLOAD_BYREFLIKE_STATICFIELD "A value type containing a by-ref instance field, such as Span<T>, cannot be used as the type for a static field."
+ IDS_CLASSLOAD_BYREFLIKE_NOTVALUECLASSFIELD "A value type containing a by-ref instance field, such as Span<T>, cannot be used as the type for a class instance field."
IDS_CLASSLOAD_BAD_NAME "Type name '%1' from assembly '%2' is invalid."
IDS_CLASSLOAD_RANK_TOOLARGE "'%1' from assembly '%2' has too many dimensions."
IDS_CLASSLOAD_BAD_MANAGED_RVA "Managed method '%3' on type '%1' from assembly '%2' is not supported."
// Inherit IsByRefLike characteristic from fields
if (!IsSelfRef(pByValueClass) && pByValueClass->IsByRefLike())
+ if (fIsStatic)
+ {
+ // By-ref-like types cannot be used for static fields
+ }
+ if (!IsValueClass())
+ {
+ // Non-value-classes cannot contain by-ref-like instance fields
+ }
bmtFP->fIsByRefLikeType = true;