return impl->interfaceMap.contains(interfaceID);
+ /// Returns true if the operation *might* have the provided interface. This
+ /// means that either the operation is unregistered, or it was registered with
+ /// the provide interface.
+ template <typename T>
+ bool mightHaveInterface() const {
+ return mightHaveInterface(TypeID::get<T>());
+ }
+ bool mightHaveInterface(TypeID interfaceID) const {
+ return !isRegistered() || hasInterface(interfaceID);
+ }
/// Return the dialect this operation is registered to if the dialect is
/// loaded in the context, or nullptr if the dialect isn't loaded.
Dialect *getDialect() const {
if (llvm::any_of(op.op().getUses(), canInferTypeFromUse))
return success();
+ // Handle the case where the operation has no explicit result types.
+ if (resultTypes.empty()) {
+ // If we don't know the concrete operation, don't attempt any verification.
+ // We can't make assumptions if we don't know the concrete operation.
+ Optional<StringRef> rawOpName =;
+ if (!rawOpName)
+ return success();
+ Optional<RegisteredOperationName> opName =
+ RegisteredOperationName::lookup(*rawOpName, op.getContext());
+ if (!opName)
+ return success();
+ // If no explicit result types were provided, check to see if the operation
+ // expected at least one result. This doesn't cover all cases, but this
+ // should cover many cases in which the user intended to infer the results
+ // of an operation, but it isn't actually possible.
+ bool expectedAtLeastOneResult =
+ !opName->hasTrait<OpTrait::ZeroResult>() &&
+ !opName->hasTrait<OpTrait::VariadicResults>();
+ if (expectedAtLeastOneResult) {
+ return op
+ .emitOpError("must have inferable or constrained result types when "
+ "nested within `pdl.rewrite`")
+ .attachNote()
+ .append("operation is created in a non-inferrable context, but '",
+ *opName, "' does not implement InferTypeOpInterface");
+ }
+ return success();
+ }
// Otherwise, make sure each of the types can be inferred.
for (const auto &it : llvm::enumerate(resultTypes)) {
Operation *resultTypeOp = it.value().getDefiningOp();
// If the operation is within a rewrite body and doesn't have type inference,
// ensure that the result types can be resolved.
- if (isWithinRewrite && !hasTypeInference()) {
+ if (isWithinRewrite && !mightHaveTypeInference()) {
if (failed(verifyResultTypesAreInferrable(*this, types())))
return failure();
bool OperationOp::hasTypeInference() {
- Optional<StringRef> opName = name();
- if (!opName)
- return false;
+ if (Optional<StringRef> rawOpName = name()) {
+ OperationName opName(*rawOpName, getContext());
+ return opName.hasInterface<InferTypeOpInterface>();
+ }
+ return false;
- if (auto rInfo = RegisteredOperationName::lookup(*opName, getContext()))
- return rInfo->hasInterface<InferTypeOpInterface>();
+bool OperationOp::mightHaveTypeInference() {
+ if (Optional<StringRef> rawOpName = name()) {
+ OperationName opName(*rawOpName, getContext());
+ return opName.mightHaveInterface<InferTypeOpInterface>();
+ }
return false;
// expected-error@below {{op must have inferable or constrained result types when nested within `pdl.rewrite`}}
// expected-note@below {{result type #0 was not constrained}}
- %newOp = operation "foo.op" -> (%type : !pdl.type)
+ %newOp = operation "builtin.unrealized_conversion_cast" -> (%type : !pdl.type)
+ }
+// -----
+// Unused operation only necessary to ensure the func dialect is loaded.
+func.func private @unusedOpToLoadFuncDialect()
+pdl.pattern : benefit(1) {
+ %op = operation "foo.op"
+ rewrite %op {
+ // expected-error@below {{op must have inferable or constrained result types when nested within `pdl.rewrite`}}
+ // expected-note@below {{operation is created in a non-inferrable context, but 'func.constant' does not implement InferTypeOpInterface}}
+ %newOp = operation "func.constant"