+ * @brief set up the backlight level to the given level.
+ * @param root the window's screen which will be set.
+ * @param level of the backlight between 0 and 1
+ */
+EAPI void
+ecore_x_randr_screen_backlight_level_set(Ecore_X_Window root,
+ double level)
+ Atom _backlight;
+ XRRScreenResources *resources = NULL;
+ Ecore_X_Randr_Output output;
+ int o;
+ if ((level < 0) || (level > 1))
+ {
+ ERR("Wrong value for the backlight level. It should be between 0 and 1.");
+ return;
+ }
+ /*
+ * To make sure that the _backlight atomic property still exists.
+ */
+ _backlight = XInternAtom(_ecore_x_disp, RANDR_PROPERTY_BACKLIGHT, True);
+ if (_backlight == None)
+ {
+ WRN("Backlight setting is not supported on this server or driver");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* get the ressources */
+ resources = _ecore_x_randr_get_screen_resources(_ecore_x_disp, root);
+ if (!resources) return;
+ for (o = 0; o < resources->noutput; o++)
+ {
+ output = resources->outputs[o];
+ if (ecore_x_randr_output_backlight_level_get(root, output) >= 0)
+ {
+ ecore_x_randr_output_backlight_level_set(root, output, level);
+ }
+ }
+ XRRFreeScreenResources(resources);
+ * @brief get the backlight level of the given output
+ * @param root window which's screen should be queried
+ * @param output from which the backlight level should be retrieved
+ * @return the backlight level
+ */
+EAPI double
+ecore_x_randr_output_backlight_level_get(Ecore_X_Window root,
+ Ecore_X_Randr_Output output)
+ RANDR_CHECK_1_2_RET(-1);
+ Atom actual_type;
+ Atom _backlight;
+ XRRPropertyInfo *info = NULL;
+ double dvalue;
+ int actual_format;
+ long value, max, min;
+ unsigned long nitems;
+ unsigned long bytes_after;
+ unsigned char *prop = NULL;
+ /* set backlight variable if not already done */
+ _backlight = XInternAtom(_ecore_x_disp, RANDR_PROPERTY_BACKLIGHT, True);
+ if (_backlight == None)
+ {
+ ERR("Backlight property is not suppported on this server or driver");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (!_ecore_x_randr_output_validate(root, output))
+ {
+ ERR("Invalid output");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (XRRGetOutputProperty(_ecore_x_disp, output, _backlight,
+ 0, 4, False, False, None,
+ &actual_type, &actual_format,
+ &nitems, &bytes_after, &prop) != Success)
+ {
+ WRN("Backlight not supported on this output");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if ((actual_type != XA_INTEGER) || (nitems != 1) || (actual_format != 32)) return -1;
+ value = *((long *)prop);
+ free (prop);
+ /* I have the current value of the backlight */
+ /* Now retrieve the min and max intensities of the output */
+ info = XRRQueryOutputProperty(_ecore_x_disp, output, _backlight);
+ if (info)
+ {
+ dvalue = -1;
+ if ((info->range) && (info->num_values == 2))
+ {
+ /* finally convert the current value in the interval [0..1] */
+ min = info->values[0];
+ max = info->values[1];
+ dvalue = ((double)(value - min)) / ((double)(max - min));
+ }
+ free(info);
+ return dvalue;
+ }
+ return -1;
+ * @brief set the backlight level of a given output
+ * @param root window which's screen should be queried
+ * @param output that should be set
+ * @param level for which the backlight should be set
+ * @return EINA_TRUE in case of success
+ */
+EAPI Eina_Bool
+ecore_x_randr_output_backlight_level_set(Ecore_X_Window root,
+ Ecore_X_Randr_Output output,
+ double level)
+ Atom _backlight;
+ XRRPropertyInfo *info = NULL;
+ double min, max, tmp;
+ long new;
+ if ((level < 0) || (level > 1))
+ {
+ ERR("Backlight level should be between 0 and 1");
+ return EINA_FALSE;
+ }
+ if (!_ecore_x_randr_output_validate(root, output))
+ {
+ ERR("Wrong output value");
+ return EINA_FALSE;
+ }
+ _backlight = XInternAtom(_ecore_x_disp, RANDR_PROPERTY_BACKLIGHT, True);
+ if (_backlight == None)
+ {
+ WRN("Backlight property is not suppported on this server or driver");
+ return EINA_FALSE;
+ }
+ info = XRRQueryOutputProperty(_ecore_x_disp, output, _backlight);
+ if (info)
+ {
+ if ((info->range) && (info->num_values == 2))
+ {
+ min = info->values[0];
+ max = info->values[1];
+ tmp = (level * (max - min)) + min;
+ new = tmp;
+ if (new > max) new = max;
+ if (new < min) new = min;
+ XRRChangeOutputProperty(_ecore_x_disp, output, _backlight, XA_INTEGER, 32,
+ PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *)&new, 1);
+ XFlush(_ecore_x_disp);
+ }
+ free(info);
+ return EINA_TRUE;
+ }
+ return EINA_FALSE;