static int usbduxfast_attach_common(struct comedi_device *dev,
struct usbduxfast_private *devpriv)
- int ret;
struct comedi_subdevice *s;
+ int ret;
- /* pointer back to the corresponding comedi device */
devpriv->comedidev = dev;
ret = comedi_alloc_subdevices(dev, 1);
return ret;
- /* private structure is also simply the usb-structure */
dev->private = devpriv;
- /* the first subdevice is the A/D converter */
+ /* Analog Input subdevice */
s = &dev->subdevices[SUBDEV_AD];
- /*
- * the URBs get the comedi subdevice which is responsible for reading
- * this is the subdevice which reads data
- */
dev->read_subdev = s;
- /* the subdevice receives as private structure the usb-structure */
- s->private = NULL;
- /* analog input */
- s->type = COMEDI_SUBD_AI;
- /* readable and ref is to ground */
- s->subdev_flags = SDF_READABLE | SDF_GROUND | SDF_CMD_READ;
- /* 16 channels */
- s->n_chan = 16;
- /* length of the channellist */
- s->len_chanlist = 16;
- /* callback functions */
- s->insn_read = usbduxfast_ai_insn_read;
- s->do_cmdtest = usbduxfast_ai_cmdtest;
- s->do_cmd = usbduxfast_ai_cmd;
- s->cancel = usbduxfast_ai_cancel;
- /* max value from the A/D converter (12bit+1 bit for overflow) */
- s->maxdata = 0x1000;
- /* range table to convert to physical units */
- s->range_table = &range_usbduxfast_ai_range;
- /* finally decide that it's attached */
+ s->type = COMEDI_SUBD_AI;
+ s->subdev_flags = SDF_READABLE | SDF_GROUND | SDF_CMD_READ;
+ s->n_chan = 16;
+ s->len_chanlist = 16;
+ s->insn_read = usbduxfast_ai_insn_read;
+ s->do_cmdtest = usbduxfast_ai_cmdtest;
+ s->do_cmd = usbduxfast_ai_cmd;
+ s->cancel = usbduxfast_ai_cancel;
+ s->maxdata = 0x1000;
+ s->range_table = &range_usbduxfast_ai_range;
devpriv->attached = 1;
- dev_info(dev->class_dev, "successfully attached to usbduxfast.\n");
return 0;