static void _e_comp_wl_subsurface_check_below_bg_rectangle(E_Client *ec);
static void _e_comp_wl_subsurface_show(E_Client *ec);
static void _e_comp_wl_subsurface_hide(E_Client *ec);
+static void _e_comp_wl_move_resize_init(void);
static E_Client * _e_comp_wl_client_usable_get(pid_t pid, E_Pixmap *ep);
if ((ec->comp_data->shell.surface) &&
- ec->comp_data->shell.configure(ec->comp_data->shell.surface,
- x, y,
- ec->w, ec->h);
+ e_comp_wl_commit_sync_configure(ec);
+ _e_comp_wl_move_resize_init();
/* add event handlers to catch E events */
E_LIST_HANDLER_APPEND(handlers, E_EVENT_SCREEN_CHANGE, _e_comp_wl_cb_randr_change, NULL);
return NULL;
+// --------------------------------------------------------
+// tizen_move_resize
+// --------------------------------------------------------
+EINTERN Eina_Bool
+e_comp_wl_commit_sync_client_geometry_add(E_Client *ec,
+ E_Client_Demand_Geometry mode,
+ uint32_t serial,
+ int32_t x,
+ int32_t y,
+ int32_t w,
+ int32_t h)
+ E_Client_Pending_Geometry *geo;
+ if (!ec) goto err;
+ if (e_object_is_del(E_OBJECT(ec))) goto err;
+ if (ec->new_client || ec->fullscreen || ec->maximized) goto err;
+ if (mode == E_GEOMETRY_NONE) goto err;
+ geo = E_NEW(E_Client_Pending_Geometry, 1);
+ if (!geo) goto err;
+ geo->serial = serial;
+ geo->mode = mode;
+ if (mode & E_GEOMETRY_POS)
+ {
+ geo->x = x;
+ geo->y = y;
+ }
+ if (mode & E_GEOMETRY_SIZE)
+ {
+ geo->w = w;
+ geo->h = h;
+ }
+ ec->surface_sync.pending_geometry = eina_list_append(ec->surface_sync.pending_geometry, geo);
+ ec->surface_sync.wait_commit = EINA_TRUE;
+ return EINA_TRUE;
+ ELOGF("POSSIZE", "Could not add geometry(new:%d full:%d max:%d)", ec->pixmap, ec, ec->new_client, ec->fullscreen, ec->maximized);
+ return EINA_FALSE;
+EINTERN Eina_Bool
+e_comp_wl_commit_sync_configure(E_Client *ec)
+ Eina_List *l;
+ E_Client_Pending_Geometry *geo;
+ E_Client_Demand_Geometry change = 0;
+ int bw, bh;
+ struct
+ {
+ int x, y, w, h;
+ } config;
+ if (!ec || !ec->frame) goto ret;
+ if (e_object_is_del(E_OBJECT(ec))) goto ret;
+ bw = bh = 0;
+ config.x = ec->x; config.y = ec->y; config.w = ec->w; config.h = ec->h;
+ //if (!e_pixmap_size_get(ec->pixmap, &bw, &bh)) goto err;
+ e_pixmap_size_get(ec->pixmap, &bw, &bh);
+ if (eina_list_count(ec->surface_sync.pending_geometry))
+ {
+ EINA_LIST_FOREACH(ec->surface_sync.pending_geometry, l, geo)
+ {
+ if (geo->serial <= ec->surface_sync.serial)
+ {
+ if (geo->mode & E_GEOMETRY_SIZE)
+ {
+ config.w = geo->w; config.h = geo->h;
+ }
+ if (geo->mode & E_GEOMETRY_POS)
+ {
+ config.x = geo->x; config.y = geo->y;
+ }
+ change |= geo->mode;
+ ec->surface_sync.pending_geometry = eina_list_remove(ec->surface_sync.pending_geometry, geo);
+ E_FREE(geo);
+ }
+ }
+ if (change & E_GEOMETRY_SIZE)
+ {
+ if ((config.w != ec->w) || (config.h != ec->h))
+ {
+ ec->w = config.w;
+ ec->h = config.h;
+ ec->changes.size = EINA_TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (change & E_GEOMETRY_POS)
+ {
+ ec->x = ec->client.x = ec->desk->geom.x + config.x;
+ ec->y = ec->client.y = ec->desk->geom.y + config.y;
+ ec->placed = 1;
+ ec->changes.pos = 1;
+ }
+ if (change)
+ ELOGF("POSSIZE", "Configure pending geometry mode:%d(%d,%d - %dx%d)", ec->pixmap, ec, change, ec->x, ec->y, ec->w, ec->h);
+ }
+ // cw interceptor(move,resize) won't work if wait_commit is TRUE
+ ec->surface_sync.wait_commit = EINA_FALSE;
+ if ((ec->comp_data->shell.surface) &&
+ (ec->comp_data->shell.configure))
+ {
+ ec->comp_data->shell.configure(ec->comp_data->shell.surface,
+ ec->x, ec->y,
+ ec->w, ec->h);
+ }
+ // rollback wait_commit if there are pending requests remained
+ if (eina_list_count(ec->surface_sync.pending_geometry))
+ ec->surface_sync.wait_commit = EINA_TRUE;
+ return EINA_TRUE;
+ ELOGF("POSSIZE", "Could not configure geometry (%d,%d - %dx%d) bw:%d bh:%d", ec->pixmap, ec, ec->x, ec->y, ec->w, ec->h, bw, bh);
+ return EINA_FALSE;
+static void
+_tz_move_resize_iface_cb_destroy(struct wl_client *client EINA_UNUSED,
+ struct wl_resource *res_moveresize)
+ wl_resource_destroy(res_moveresize);
+static void
+_tz_move_resize_iface_cb_set_geometry(struct wl_client *client EINA_UNUSED,
+ struct wl_resource *res_moveresize,
+ struct wl_resource *surface,
+ uint32_t serial,
+ int32_t x,
+ int32_t y,
+ int32_t w,
+ int32_t h)
+ /* to be implemented */
+ E_Client *ec;
+ ec = wl_resource_get_user_data(surface);
+ if (!ec) goto err;
+ if (!e_comp_wl_commit_sync_client_geometry_add(ec, E_GEOMETRY_POS | E_GEOMETRY_SIZE, serial, x, y, w, h)) goto err;
+ return;
+ ELOGF("POSSIZE", "Could not add set_geometry request(serial:%d, %d,%d - %dx%d)", ec->pixmap, ec, serial, x, y, w, h);
+static const struct tizen_move_resize_interface _tz_move_resize_iface =
+ _tz_move_resize_iface_cb_destroy,
+ _tz_move_resize_iface_cb_set_geometry,
+static void
+_tz_moveresize_cb_bind(struct wl_client *client,
+ void *data EINA_UNUSED,
+ uint32_t ver,
+ uint32_t id)
+ struct wl_resource *res_moveresize;
+ res_moveresize = wl_resource_create(client,
+ &tizen_move_resize_interface,
+ ver,
+ id);
+ EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_GOTO(res_moveresize, err);
+ wl_resource_set_implementation(res_moveresize,
+ &_tz_move_resize_iface,
+ NULL);
+ return;
+ ERR("Could not create tizen_move_resize_interface res: %m");
+ wl_client_post_no_memory(client);
+static void
+ if (!e_comp_wl) return;
+ if (!e_comp_wl->wl.disp) return;
+ if (!wl_global_create(e_comp_wl->wl.disp,
+ &tizen_move_resize_interface,
+ 1,
+ _tz_moveresize_cb_bind))
+ {
+ ERR("Could not create tizen_move_resize_interface to wayland globals: %m");
+ }
+ return;