### Build Steps
1. Clone submodules:
- cd dldt/inference-engine
+ cd dldt
git submodule init
git submodule update --recursive
For CMake projects, set an environment variable `InferenceEngine_DIR`:
- export InferenceEngine_DIR=/path/to/dldt/inference-engine/build/
+ export InferenceEngine_DIR=/path/to/dldt/build/
Then you can find Inference Engine by `find_package`:
sudo apt-get install -y git cmake libusb-1.0-0-dev
-2. Go to the `inference-engine` directory of the cloned `dldt` repository:
+2. Go to the cloned `dldt` repository:
- cd dldt/inference-engine
+ cd dldt
3. Initialize submodules:
6. While in the container:
- 1. Go to the `inference-engine` directory of the cloned `dldt` repository:
+ 1. Go to the cloned `dldt` repository:
- cd dldt/inference-engine
+ cd dldt
2. Create a build folder:
-DENABLE_GNA=OFF .. && make --jobs=$(nproc --all)
-7. Press "Ctrl"+"D" to exit from Docker\*. You can find the resulting binaries in the `dldt/inference-engine/bin/armv7l/` directory and the OpenCV* installation in the `dldt/inference-engine/temp`.
+7. Press "Ctrl"+"D" to exit from Docker\*. You can find the resulting binaries in the `dldt/bin/armv7l/` directory and the OpenCV* installation in the `dldt/inference-engine/temp`.
>**NOTE**: Native applications that link to cross-compiled Inference Engine library require an extra compilation flag `-march=armv7-a`.
### Build Steps
1. Clone submodules:
- cd dldt/inference-engine
+ cd dldt
git submodule init
git submodule update --recursive