Added a unique integer identifier to processes. Some systems, like JTAG or other simulators, might always assign the same process ID (pid) to the processes that are being debugged. In order for scripts and the APIs to uniquely identify the processes, there needs to be another ID. Now the SBProcess class has:
uint32_t SBProcess::GetUniqueID();
This integer ID will help to truly uniquely identify a process and help with appropriate caching that can be associated with a SBProcess object.
llvm-svn: 172628
const char *
GetExitDescription ();
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /// Gets the process ID
+ ///
+ /// Returns the process identifier for the process as it is known
+ /// on the system on which the process is running. For unix systems
+ /// this is typically the same as if you called "getpid()" in the
+ /// process.
+ ///
+ /// @return
+ /// Returns LLDB_INVALID_PROCESS_ID if this object does not
+ /// contain a valid process object, or if the process has not
+ /// been launched. Returns a valid process ID if the process is
+ /// valid.
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
GetProcessID ();
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /// Gets the unique ID associated with this process object
+ ///
+ /// Unique IDs start at 1 and increment up with each new process
+ /// instance. Since starting a process on a system might always
+ /// create a process with the same process ID, there needs to be a
+ /// way to tell two process instances apart.
+ ///
+ /// @return
+ /// Returns a non-zero integer ID if this object contains a
+ /// valid process object, zero if this object does not contain
+ /// a valid process object.
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ uint32_t
+ GetUniqueID();
GetAddressByteSize() const;
return GetStaticBroadcasterClass();
/// A notification structure that can be used by clients to listen
/// for changes in a process's lifetime.
GetAddressByteSize () const;
+ uint32_t
+ GetUniqueID() const
+ {
+ return m_process_unique_id;
+ }
/// Check if a plug-in instance can debug the file in \a module.
Predicate<bool> m_private_state_control_wait; /// This Predicate is used to signal that a control operation is complete.
lldb::thread_t m_private_state_thread; // Thread ID for the thread that watches interal state events
ProcessModID m_mod_id; ///< Tracks the state of the process over stops and other alterations.
+ uint32_t m_process_unique_id; ///< Each lldb_private::Process class that is created gets a unique integer ID that increments with each new instance
uint32_t m_thread_index_id; ///< Each thread is created with a 1 based index that won't get re-used.
std::map<uint64_t, uint32_t> m_thread_id_to_index_id_map;
int m_exit_status; ///< The exit status of the process, or -1 if not set.
const char *
GetExitDescription ();
+ %feature("autodoc", "
+ Returns the process ID of the process.
+ ") GetProcessID;
GetProcessID ();
+ %feature("autodoc", "
+ Returns an integer ID that is guaranteed to be unique across all process instances. This is not the process ID, just a unique integer for comparison and caching purposes.
+ ") GetUniqueID;
+ uint32_t
+ GetUniqueID();
GetAddressByteSize() const;
return ret_val;
+ uint32_t ret_val = 0;
+ ProcessSP process_sp(GetSP());
+ if (process_sp)
+ ret_val = process_sp->GetUniqueID();
+ LogSP log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet (LIBLLDB_LOG_API));
+ if (log)
+ log->Printf ("SBProcess(%p)::GetUniqueID () => %" PRIu32, process_sp.get(), ret_val);
+ return ret_val;
SBProcess::GetByteOrder () const
Process::FindPlugin (Target &target, const char *plugin_name, Listener &listener, const FileSpec *crash_file_path)
+ static uint32_t g_process_unique_id = 0;
ProcessSP process_sp;
ProcessCreateInstance create_callback = NULL;
if (plugin_name)
process_sp = create_callback(target, listener, crash_file_path);
if (process_sp)
- if (!process_sp->CanDebug(target, true))
+ if (process_sp->CanDebug(target, true))
+ {
+ process_sp->m_process_unique_id = ++g_process_unique_id;
+ }
+ else
process_sp = create_callback(target, listener, crash_file_path);
if (process_sp)
- if (!process_sp->CanDebug(target, false))
- process_sp.reset();
- else
+ if (process_sp->CanDebug(target, false))
+ {
+ process_sp->m_process_unique_id = ++g_process_unique_id;
+ }
+ else
+ process_sp.reset();
m_private_state_thread (LLDB_INVALID_HOST_THREAD),
m_mod_id (),
+ m_process_unique_id(0),
m_thread_index_id (0),
m_thread_id_to_index_id_map (),
m_exit_status (-1),